Body Fluids

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Body Fluids


• Body Fluids
• Components of Body Fluids
• Composition of body fluids
• Compartments of Body Fluids
• Different body fluids
❖ Body Fluids Are Also Called Bio
❖ Body Fluids Are
The Liquids Originating From
Inside The Bodies Of Living People
❖ They Include Fluids That
Are Excreted Or Secreted From
The Body As Well As Body Water
❖ A Natural Bodily Fluid Or
Secretion Of Fluid Such As Blood,
Semen, Or Saliva.
❖ Total Body Water, Contained
Principally In Blood Plasma And In
Intracellular And Interstitial Fluids
Is Said To Be Body Fluids.
❖ The dominating content of body fluids is body water

❖ Approximately 60-65% of body water is contained within the

cells (in intracellular fluid) with the other 35-40% of body water
contained outside the cells (in extracellular fluid).

❖ This fluid component outside of the cells includes the fluid

between the cells (interstitial fluid), lymph and blood
❖ It Is A Mixture Of Water, Chemicals Called Electrolyte And
Non Electrolytes And Blood Cells
❖The Body Fluids Have Two Major Components:

▪ The extracellular fluid (fluid outside of the cell)

▪ The intracellular fluid (fluid inside the cell)
❖ Comprises 2/3 Of The Body's Water.
❖ If Your Body Has 60% Water, Icf Is About 40% Of Your Weight.
❖ The Icf Is Primarily A Solution Of Potassium And Organic
Anions, Proteins Etc
❖ The Cell Membranes And Cellular Metabolism Control The
Constituents Of This ICF
❖ It is the remaining 1/3 of your body's water
❖ ECF is about 20% of your weight.
❖ The ECF is primarily a NaCl and NaHCO3 solution.
❖ The ECF is further subdivided into three subcompartments:

▪ Interstitial Fluid (ISF) surrounds the cells, but does not

circulate. It comprises about 3/4 of the ECF
▪ Plasma circulates as the extracellular component of blood. It
makes up about 1/4 of the ECF
▪ Transcellular fluid is a set of fluids that are outside of the
normal compartments. These 1-2 liters of fluid make up the
CSF, Digestive Juices, Mucus, etc.
❖ The body fluids includes:

▪ Electrolytes
▪ Non electrolytes
▪ Water
▪ Plasma
▪ Interstitial Fluid
▪ Transcellular Fluid
▪ Blood
❖ One Can Live Only A Short Time
Without Water

❖ There Is No Known Substitute For It

Among Living Organisms

❖ Water Makes 45% To 75% Of Body


❖ It Is Necessary For Every

Physiological Function

❖ It Is The Medium For All Body Fluids

Including Gastrointestinal Secretions,
Lymph, Blood, Urine And Perspiration
❖ It provides the solvent for
products of digestion and

❖ It cushions the cells of the body

❖ It is essential for the action of the

second component of the body fluid,
electrolyte substances
❖ The body is continually exchanging fluid with the external

❖ Water input into the body occurs by drinking (typically 1500

ml/day), by eating (500 ml/day of our water intake is contained in
food), and by the metabolism of food (400 ml/day).

❖ The metabolically-derived water comes from the oxidation of

food — glucose oxidation

C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O

glucose oxygen water
❖ The Fluid Output From The Body Occurs By Several Routes:

▪ From the lungs (400 ml/day)

▪ From the skin (400 ml/day)

▪ in the faeces (100 ml/day)

▪ in the urine (1500 ml/day)

❖ They are the chemical substances that develop electrical
charges when they are placed in water

❖Fluid balance is linked to electrolyte balance.

❖Electrolytes establish osmotic pressure and are largely

responsible for the movement of fluids

❖ The main electrolytes present in the body are:

✓ Sodium
✓ Potassium
✓ Calcium
✓ Chloride
✓ Bicarbonate
✓ Magnesium
❖ The Electrolytes That Are Positively Charged Are Called
❖ The Electrolytes That Are Negatively Charged Are Called
❖ Following are the major electrolytes of the body fluid and
their role as well

Electrolyte Function Distribution

Sodium (Na+) Essential role in fluid Represents about
and electrolyte 90% of extracellular
balance. cations.
Role in generation of
action potentials. Level in blood
controlled by
aldosterone, ANP,
and ADH.
Electrolyte Function Distribution
Potassium (K+) Establishes resting Most abundant
membrane potential intracellular cation.
and essential in the
repolarisation phase Blood serum level
of action potentials controlled by
in nervous and Aldosterone.
muscle tissue.

Aids maintenance of
fluid volume in cells.

Helps regulate pH.

Electrolyte Function Distribution
Calcium (Ca2+) Roles in blood Most abundant
clotting, mineral in the body
neurotransmitter due to bone content.
maintenance of Principally
muscle tone, and extracellular.
excitability of
nervous and muscle Blood level
tissue. controlled chiefly by
hormone (PTH).
Electrolyte Function Distribution
Bicarbonate (HCO3-) Major buffer of H+ in Second most
plasma. prevalent anions in
extracellular fluid.
Helps maintain
correct balance of A small amount
anions and cations in found in intracellular
ECF and ICF. fluid.

Blood level
controlled by
kidneys which can
both form and
excrete bicarbonate.
❖ All Known Higher Lifeforms Require A Subtle And Complex
Electrolyte Balance Between The Intracellular And
Extracellular Environment

❖ The Maintenance Of Precise Osmotic Gradients Of Electrolytes Is


❖ Such Gradients Affect And Regulate The Hydration Of The Body As

Well As Blood Ph, As Well As Nerve And Muscle

❖ Various Mechanisms Exist In Living Species That Keep The

Concentrations Of Different Electrolytes Under Tight Control
❖ They Are The Chemical Compounds That Remain Bound
Together When Dissolved In A Solution And Are Bad

❖ The Chemical End Products Of Carbohydrates, Protein And

Fat Metabolism Namely : Glucose, Amino Acids And Fatty

❖ They Provides Continuous Supply Of Non-electrolytes

❖ Blood Plasma Is The Straw-colored/Pale-
yellow Liquid Component Of Blood

❖ It Normally Holds The Blood Cells In Whole Blood In


❖ It Makes Up About 55% Of Total Blood Volume

❖ It Is Mostly Water (93% By Volume), And Contains

Dissolved Proteins (Albumins, Globulins,
And Fibrinogen), Glucose, Clotting Factors, Electrolytes ,
Hormones And Carbon Dioxide

❖ Plasma Also Serves As The Protein Reserve Of The Human

❖ Interstitial Fluid (Or Tissue Fluid) Is A Solution That Bathes
And Surrounds The Cells

❖ The Interstitial Fluid Is Found In The Interstitial Spaces, Also

Known As The Tissue Spaces.

❖ On Average, A Person Has About 11 Liters Of Interstitial

Fluid, Providing The Cells Of The Body With Nutrients And A
Means Of Waste Removal.

❖ Interstitial Fluid Consists Of A Water Solvent Containing

Sugars, Salts, Fatty Acids, Amino Acids, Coenzymes,
Hormones, Neurotransmitters, As Well As Waste Products
From The Cells.
❖ A Body Fluid That Is Not Inside Cells But Is Separated From
Plasma And Interstitial Fluid By Cellular Barriers.

❖ It Is About 2.5% Of The Total Body Fluid

❖ Examples Of This Fluid Are Cerebrospinal Fluid, And Ocular

Fluid, Joint Fluid, Digestive Juices And Bladder Urine
❖ Blood is a specialized bodily
fluid in animals that delivers necessary
substances such as nutrients
and oxygen to the cells and transports
metabolic waste products away from
those same cells.

❖ One microliter of blood contains 4.7 to

6.1 million (male), 4.2 to 5.4 million
(female) ,erythrocytes 4,000–
11,000 leukocytes and 200,000–
500,000 thrombocytes

❖ Blood is circulated around the body

through blood vessels by the pumping
action of the heart
❖ The Fluids Mentioned Before Combinely Forms The Body Fluids

❖ These Fluids And Their Quantities Varies From Human To Human

❖ Balanced Levels Of These Fluids Are Beneficial For Health, While

Disbalance Can Result In Any Pathology Or Disease.

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