Chap 2 Process Equipment - 2

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Chapter 2: Process Equipment 


Course Learning Outcome:

1. Compare and contrast between block diagram, PFD and P&ID.

2. Identify main equipments in chemical engineering related industry.
3. Describe the operation of each equipment.
4. Construct PFD and P&ID using an appropriate engineering drawing.



2.1 Introduction to process flow diagram (PFD)

2.2 Introduction to Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)


i. This chapter covers the presentation of the process flow-sheet. The flow-
sheet is the key document in process design. It shows the arrangement of
the equipment selected to carry out the process.

ii. The flow-sheet will be used by the specialist design groups as the basis for
their design and plant layout. It will also be used by operating personnel for
the preparation of operating manuals and operator training. During plant
start-up and subsequent operation, the flow-sheets form a basis for
comparison of operating performance with design.

iii. The flow-sheets are drawn up from material balances made over the
complete process and each individual unit. Energy balances are also made
to determine the energy flows and the service requirements.

iv. The next step in process design after the flow-sheet is the preparation of
Piping and Instrumentation diagrams (abbreviated to P & I diagram) often
also called the Engineering Flow Sheet or Mechanical Flow-Sheet. The P & I
diagrams as the name implies, show the engineering details of the process,
and are based on the process flow-sheet.

v. It is a diagrammatic model of the process which shows the arrangement of

equipment selected to carry out the process including:

 stream connections, names of streams, stream flow rates

 compositions and operating conditions (Temp., Pressure)
 instruments
 optional details of streams (molar compositions, physical data, code no.
of streams, enthalpies of streams, brief description of stream etc)
Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

vi. GOAL: Transmit the most amount of information with the least amount of
effort on the part of the reader!


As the process flow-sheet is the definite document on the process, the presentation
must be clear, comprehensive, accurate and complete. The various types of flow-
sheets are shown below.

1. Block Diagram
2. Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
3. Piping & Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)
Chapter 2: Process Equipment 


a) Block diagram is a diagram of a system, in which the principal parts or

functions are represented by blocks connected by lines that show the
relationships of the blocks. They are heavily used in the engineering world
in hardware design, electronic design, software design, and process flow

b) It is the simplest form of presentation. Each block can represent a single piece
of equipment or a complete stage in the process.

c) To make an analogy to the map making world, a block diagram is similar to a

highway map of an entire nation. The major cities (functions) are listed but
the minor country roads and city streets are not. When troubleshooting, this
high level map is useful in narrowing down and isolating where a problem or
fault is.

d) Block diagrams rely on the principle of the black box where the contents are
hidden from view either to avoid being distracted by the details or because the
details are not known. We know what goes in, we know what goes out, but
we can't see how the box does its work.

e) Process engineer begins the process design with a block flow diagram in which
only the feed and product streams are identified. Such input-output diagrams
are not very detailed and as such are most useful in early stage of process

f) Block diagrams are often drawn using simple graphics programs such as
Microsoft VisioTM or PowerPointTM

g) Pros: conveys what is achieved in a given step, not how it is achieved.

 Particularly useful in initial studies

 Useful for showing simple process
 Useful for representing a process in a simplified form in reports and
 Useful to show inter-relation of streams lines
 Useful in conveying global, not detailed, material balance
Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

 The blocks can be of any shape, but it is usually convenient to use a

mixture of squares and circle, drawn with a template.

h) Drawbacks:

 With complex processes, their use is limited to showing the overall process
 The stream flow-rates and compositions can be shown on the diagram
adjacent to the stream lines, when only a small amount of information is to
be shown, or tabulated separately.

i) In order to prepare clear, easy to understand and unambiguous block flow

diagrams a number of rules should be followed:

 unit operations such as mixers, separators, reactors, distillation columns

and heat exchangers are usually denoted by a simple block or rectangle.

 groups of unit operations may be noted by a single block or rectangle.

 process flow streams flowing into and out of the blocks are represented by
neatly drawn straight lines. These lines should either be horizontal or

 the direction of flow of each of the process flow streams must be clearly
indicated by arrows.

 flow streams should be numbered sequentially in a logical order.

 unit operations (i.e., blocks) should be labeled.

 where possible the diagram should be arranged so that the process

material flows from left to right, with upstream units on the left and
downstream units on the right.

 This figure depict a very small and simplified BFD:

Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

j) Other example :

 Figure 1.1 and 1.2 shows block flow diagram of a steam reforming process
for making hydrogen from methane.
 Major steps are conveyed but no equipment details (Figure 1.1)
 Sometimes the blocks may be process flow diagram symbols.
 Sometimes steps may include equipment if it is particularly important to
the communication (Figure 1.2).

  Adsorption Hydrogen
Cooler  Shift  Cooler
Steam  Separation
Methane  Furnace 

Figure 1.1
Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

Figure 1.2


a) A Process Flow Diagram – PFD - (or System Flow Diagram - SFD) shows
the relationships between the major components in the system.

b) They are schematic diagrams that show the flow of the product or service as it
moves through the various processing stations or operations.

c) PFD are used in chemical and process engineering. Generally, a Process Flow
Diagram shows only the major equipment and doesn't show details.

d) PFDs are used for visitor information and new employee training.

e) A PFD should include:

 Process Piping
 Major equipment symbols, names and identification numbers
 Control, valves and valves that affect operation of the system
 Interconnection with other systems
 Major bypass and recirculation lines
 System ratings and operational values as minimum, normal and maximum
flow, temperature and pressure
 Composition of fluids

f) Pro: conveys the major processing steps represented by the equipment:

 Useful for conveying the heat and material balances

 Useful for conveying major pieces of equipment
 Useful for conveying processing conditions
 Useful for conveying utilities
 Easy, intuitive and flexible

g) Drawbacks:
Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

 Flow diagrams that are extremely detailed and lengthy may be seen as
confusing, difficult or frustrating to users.
 If a flow diagram is not detailed enough, however, users can also become
confused and frustrated that the flow diagram does not contain sufficient

h) PFD should not include:

 pipe class
 pipe line numbers
 minor bypass lines
 isolation and shutoff valves
 maintenance vents and drains
 relief and safety valve
 code class information
 seismic class information

i) A PFD can be computer generated from process simulators (Aspen Plus,

Aspen HYSYS, Aspen Custom Modeler, etc), CAD packages, or flow chart
software using a library of chemical engineering symbols. Rules and symbols
are available from standardization organizations such as DIN, ISO or ANSI.
Often PFDs are produced on large sheets of paper.

j) PFD Standard Symbols - Equipment

Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

Figure 2.1 Pumps and compressor comes in a variety of designs and shapes
Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

Figure 2.2 PFD Symbols for reactor, vessels, mixers and tanks

Figure 2.3 PFD Symbols for heat transfer equipment

Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

Figure 2.4 PFD Symbols for fluid handling equipment

Figure 2.5 PFD Symbols for solid handling equipment

Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

k) PFD Standard Symbols - Valves

Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

l) Example of PFD:

Figure This PFD show the flow of chemicals and the equipment involved in the
process (Amine treatment)
Chapter 2: Process Equipment 


a) A piping and instrumentation diagram/drawing (P&ID) is a diagram in

the process industry which shows the piping of the process flow together with
the installed equipment and instrumentation.

b) It uses specific symbols to show the connectivity of equipment, sensors, and

valves in a control system. These symbols can represent actuators, sensors,
and controllers and may be apparent in most, if not all, system diagrams.

c) P&IDs provide more detail than a process flow diagram with the exception of
the parameters, i.e. temperature, pressure, and flow values.

d) P&IDs play a significant role in the maintenance and modification of the

process that it describes. It is critical to demonstrate the physical sequence of
equipment and systems, as well as how these systems connect. During the
design stage, the diagram also provides the basis for the development of
system control schemes, allowing for further safety and operational
investigations, such as the hazard and operability study (HAZOP).

e) P&IDs can be created by hand or computer. Common programs, for both PC

and Mac, that create P&IDs include Microsoft Visio (PC)
and OmniGraffle (Mac).

f) A List of P&ID items

 Instrumentation and designations

 Mechanical equipment with names and numbers
 All valves and their identifications
 Process piping, sizes and identification
 Miscellanea – vents, drains, special fittings,sampling lines, reducers,
increasers and swagers
 Permanent start-up and flush lines
 Flow directions
 Interconnections references
 Control inputs and outputs, interlocks
 Interfaces for class changes
 Computer control system input
 Identification of components and subsystems delivered by others

g) A good P&ID should include:

 Instrumentation and designations

 Mechanical equipment with names and numbers
Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

 All valves and their identifications

 Process piping, sizes and identification
 Miscellaneous – vents, drains, special fittings, sampling lines, reducers,
increasers and swagers
 Permanent start-up and flush lines
 Flow directions
 Interconnections references
 Control inputs and outputs, interlocks
 Interfaces for class changes
 Seismic category
 Quality level
 Annunciation inputs
 Computer control system input
 Vendor and contractor interfaces
 Identification of components and subsystems delivered by others
 Intended physical sequence of the equipment
 Equipment rating or capacity

h) A P&ID should not include:

 Instrument root valves

 control relays
 manual switches
 primary instrument tubing and valves
 pressure temperature and flow data
 elbow, tees and similar standard fittings
 extensive explanatory notes

i) P&ID Basic symbols

Control valve Fails open

Fails shut Maintains position

Figure 3.1
Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

j) P&ID Standard Symbols – Piping Lines

Line symbols are used to describe connectivity between different units in a

controlled system. The table describes the most common lines.

Figure 3.2

Figure 3.3
Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

k) P&ID Standard Symbols – Valve

Figure 3.4

Figure 3.5
Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

l) This figure depict a detail P&ID:

Figure 3.5 Steam balance in a Large Chemical Plant


i. Chemical Engineering Design: Principles, Practice and Economics of Plant

and Process Design, Gavin Towler, R K Sinnott, Butterworth-
Heinemann, Jan 25, 2012 - Technology & Engineering
ii. Chemical Engineering, Volume 6, R K Sinnott, Butterworth-Heinemann, Jul
1, 2005 -Technology & Engineering
iii. Introduction to Process Engineering and Design By Thakore/bhatt, Tata
McGraw-Hill Education, 2007 - Chemical engineering
iv. Introduction to Process Technology By Charles E. Thomas Cengage
Learning, Feb 1, 2009 -Technology & Engineering
Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

CLO 2: Identify main equipments in chemical engineering related industry.

CLO 3: Describe the operation of each equipment.

2.3 Process equipment in chemical plant such as reactor, distillation column, gas absorption, boiler and etc.


Reactor  A chemical reactor is an equipment unit in  There are two modes of operation in a
chemical process where the chemical chemical reactor which a batch and
transformation/reaction takes place to continuous process.
generate desirable products.  Batch process is an unsteady state
 The configuration and operating conditions are system where the reactant is charged
selected to achieve the objective such as into a vessel and reaction proceed in a
maximising the profit/products and minimising given period of time.
the generation of pollutants  Batch reactor is commonly used for
 Several commonly used reactor: slow reaction process, small volume
production and generation of specialty
 Batch reactor products
 Continuous process is a steady state
system where the reactant is
continuously fed and product is
continuously removed during the
 Continuous process (CSTR, PBR, PFR,
FBR) is used for long production runs
and high volume chemical. It is easier
to scale up, easier to control and the
product is uniform.
 Continuous stirred tank reactor
Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

 Packed bed reactor

 Fluidized bed reactor

Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

Distillation Column  A distillation column is equipment used for  The distillation column works based
separation of two or more mixture into its on principle of difference volatility
individual components. between the components.
 A complex distillation system is achieved when  Vapour and liquid are brought into
dealing with multi-component feed. contact on plates or packing inside
 Reflux ratio is the important key in distillation the column.
process. it is the ratio of the amount of mole  When heat is being introduced into
returned as reflux liquid to the fractionating the column, vapour flows up the
column and the amount of moles of final column into the condenser and liquid
product per unit time. counter currently flows down the
 The more reflux provide better tower separation column into the reboiler.
of highly volatile compound from lower volatile  Part of the condensate from
compound. condenser is returned to the top of
 Several types of distillation column: column to provide liquid flow above
 Vacuum distillation the feed point (reflux).
 Azeotropic distillation  Part of the liquid from the base of the
 Steam distillation column is vaporised in the reboiler
 Batch distillation and returned to provide vapour flow.
 Extractive distillation  Two product streams is obtained
 Freeze distillation referred as distillate and bottom
Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

Separation of a binary mixture

Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

Multicomponent separation
Gas absorption  Absorption process is a gas-liquid mass  The component which is absorbed is
transfer operation in which a component is called solute and in which it is
transferred from gas phase to the liquid. absorbed is called solvent.
 Gas absorption unit has been widely used as a  Solute enters column in a gas
selective removal tool of one or more introduced at the bottom of the
component from a gas mixture by a suitable column while the solvent is fed at the
liquid forming solution of the gases upon top as liquid.
absorption.  Solute is soluble while the carrier gas
 The rate of absorption is determined by the rate is insoluble in the solvent.
of molecular diffusion that largely controls this  The absorbed gas and solvent leave at
interphase mass transfer. the bottom in liquid solution.
 There are two types of operation which are  The unabsorbed carrier gas will leave
physical and chemical absorption. as gas at the top of column.
Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

 Solvent can be regenerated by a

process called desorption.

Gas absorption unit

Compressors  A compressor is a mechanical device that  The working fluid enters a
increases the pressure of a gas by reducing compressor at low pressure, moving
its volume. into a set of rotation blades, from
 There are two fundamentally different classes o which it exits at high velocity, a
compressor. The most common is a rotary-type result of the shaft work input to the
compressor (either axial flow or fluid.
radial/cetrifudgal flow), in which the internal  The fluid then passes through a
processes are essentially the opposite of the diffuser section, in which it is
two processes occuring inside a turbine. decelerated in amanner that results
in a pressure increase. The fluid hen
exits the compressor at high

Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

Pumps  Mechanical device using suction or pressure to

raise or move liquids, compress gases, or force
air into inflatable objects such as tires. The
symbols for pumps may closely resemble those
for compressors.

Heat exchanger  Device used to transfer heat energy between  Heat exchangers transfer heat energy
two process flows. through conductive and convective
 Heat exchangers are devices built for heat transfer.
efficient heat transfer from one fluid to another  Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers :
and are widely used in engineering processes. o The most common type of heat
 Some examples are intercoolers, pre-heaters, exchanger in oil refineries and
boilers and condensers in power plants. other large chemical process.
 One common example of heat exchanger is the o Suited for high pressure
radiator in a car, in which a hot engine-cooling application.
fluid transfers heat to air flowing through the o Consists of a shell (a large
Tubular heat exchanger
radiator. pressure vessel) with a bundle
 Other types of heat exchanger: of tubes inside it.
i. Shell and Tube heat exchanger o Two fluids flow through the heat
ii. Plate heat exchanger exchanger with different
iii. Air-Finned Cross-Flow exchanger starting temperatures.
iv. Finned Double Pipe Exchanger o One flow through the tube side
Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

v. Double Pipe Exchanger and the other flows outside the

tubes but inside the shell.
o Heat is transferred from one
fluid to the other through the
tube walls, either from tube side
to shell side or vice versa.
o To transfer heat efficiently, a
large heat transfer area should
be used – leading to the use of
many tubes – efficient way to
conserve energy.

Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

Boiler  A boiler is a closed vessel in which water or  Fire Tube Boilers

other fluid is heated. The heated or vaporized o A small volume of water partially
fluid which exits the boiler will be used in fills a boiler barrel to
many processes or heating applications. accommodate the steam.
 The source of heat of a boiler: o Water will be circulated for
o Wood heating purpose or converted to
o Coal steam for process used.
o Oil o The heat source inside a furnace
o Natural gas or firebox has to be kept
 Boilers can be classified into the following permanently surrounded by the
Steam Boiler configurations: water – this is to maintain the
i. Fire-tube boiler temperature of heating surface
ii. Water-tube boiler just below boiling point.
iii. Pot Boiler o Every set of tubes that the flue
gas travels though, before it
makes turn, is considered a
o Three-pass boiler will have three
sets of tubes with the stack outlet
located on the rear of the boiler.
o 4-pass will have four sets and the
stack outlet at the front.
Chapter 2: Process Equipment 

Tank  Used to store process fluids of various types, 

under different process conditions.
 They come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and
are used for static storage, processing, mixing,
and transport of both raw materials and
finished chemical products.
Chapter 2: Process Equipment 


i. Fundamental of Thermodynamics, Sixth Edition, By Sonntag, Borgnakke and Van Wylen, John Wiley and Sons,
ii. Chemical Engineering Design
iii. Chemical Engineering Design: Principles, practice and economics of plant and process design, Second Edition,
Gavin Towler and RK Sinnott, Elsevier, 2013.
iv. Introduction to Process Engineering and Design, SB Thakore and BI Bhatt, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2007.
v. Chemical Rector Theory: An Introduction, KG Denbigh and Turner JCR, Cambridge University Press.
vi. Chemical Reactor Design, Optimization and Scale Up, Second Edition, E Bruce Nauman, Joh Wiley & Sons Inc,
vii. Principle of Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design: New tools for industrial chemical reactor operations, Second
Edition, Uzi Mann, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2009.
viii. Absorption and Stripping, P Chattapadhyay, Asian Books Private Limited, 2007.

Content Updated by:

Nurul'Uyun binti Ahmad, Sharifah Hanis Yasmin Bt Sayid Abdullah
UiTM Dungun, Terengganu

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