ATC Guide: VATSIM Europe Division
ATC Guide: VATSIM Europe Division
ATC Guide: VATSIM Europe Division
ATC Guide
1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Getting Started [S] .......................................................................................... 6
1.2 Radar Client [S] ................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Setting Up for an ATC Session [S].............................................................. 6
1.4 When in need of help [S] ............................................................................... 7
2 ATC POSITION OVERVIEW ........................................................................................... 8
2.1 Choosing your ATC position [S] ................................................................... 8
2.1.1 Tower Positions [S]................................................................................... 8
2.1.2 Radar Positions [S] ................................................................................... 9
2.2 List of positions in VATSIM [S] ................................................................... 9
2.3 Visual Ranges [S] ........................................................................................... 10
3 COMMUNICATION ........................................................................................................ 12
3.1 Radio Communication the Basics [S] ....................................................... 12
3.1.1 Radio Technique [S] ............................................................................... 12
3.1.2 Language [S] ............................................................................................ 13
3.1.3 Callsign [S] ................................................................................................ 13
3.1.4 Readback [S] ............................................................................................ 14
3.1.5 Readability [S].......................................................................................... 15
3.1.6 Priority [S+] .............................................................................................. 15
3.2 Phraseology [S]............................................................................................... 15
3.3 Radio Communication - specific................................................................. 16
3.3.1 Take Off [S]............................................................................................... 16
3.3.2 Cruise [S+]................................................................................................ 16
3.3.3 Approach [S] ............................................................................................. 18
3.3.4 Holds [S+] ................................................................................................. 19
3.3.5 Missed Approach [S] .............................................................................. 20
3.3.6 Urgency and Emergencies [C]............................................................. 21
3.4 Correcting Mistakes [S] ................................................................................ 21
3.5 Recap .................................................................................................................. 22
4 CLEARANCE ................................................................................................................. 23
4.1 On the Ground [S] ......................................................................................... 23
4.1.1 Clearance [S] ............................................................................................ 23
4.1.2 Push-back and Start Up [S] ................................................................. 25
4.1.3 Taxi [S] ....................................................................................................... 26
4.2 Airborne [S] .................................................................................................... 27
4.2.1 Take-off and Cruise [S] ......................................................................... 27
4.2.2 Landing and Vacating the Runway [S] ............................................. 27
4.2.3 Ending the Flight [S]............................................................................. 28
4.3 Clearance Limits [S]..................................................................................... 28
4.4 Conditional Clearance [S+] ...................................................................... 29
5 AIRBORNE.................................................................................................................... 31
5.1 In the Air [S].................................................................................................... 31
5.1.1 General [S] .............................................................................................. 31
5.1.2 Vertical Separation [S+]...................................................................... 31
5.1.3 Horizontal Separation [S+] ............................................................... 32
5.2 Departure and SID [S+] ............................................................................. 33
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
6.3.9 Published en-Route and Terminal Chart Hold Patterns [C+] ... 61
6.3.10 Estimated Approach Time (EAT) [C] ................................................. 61
6.3.11 Examples and Recap .............................................................................. 61
6.4 Speed [S+] ..................................................................................................... 63
6.4.1 General Concepts [S+] .......................................................................... 63
6.4.2 So what does this all mean? [S+] ..................................................... 64
6.4.3 Why should I care [S+]......................................................................... 64
6.4.4 Minimum Speed [S+]............................................................................. 65
6.4.5 Speed Restrictions [S+] ........................................................................ 65
6.4.6 Conversions [S+] ................................................................................... 66
6.4.7 Summary [S+] ......................................................................................... 66
7 COORDINATION ........................................................................................................... 68
7.1 Cooperation with other controllers [S]................................................... 68
7.2 Hand-off [S] .................................................................................................... 68
7.2.1 Handoff Recap [S] ................................................................................... 69
7.3 Shift Change [S+] .......................................................................................... 70
7.4 Coordination between different ATC units [S+] ................................... 71
8 THE UNEXPECTED........................................................................................................ 73
8.1 General .............................................................................................................. 73
8.1.1 Missed Approach [SS] ............................................................................ 73
8.1.2 Standard Terms ....................................................................................... 74
8.1.3 Reasons for Go Around .......................................................................... 75
8.1.4 The Procedure........................................................................................... 75
8.1.5 Practical Examples .................................................................................. 76
8.2 Loss of Radar Contact [C+] ........................................................................ 78
8.2.1 Vatsim Limitations and Implications ................................................. 78
8.2.2 How to Handle .......................................................................................... 78
8.2.3 Phraseology ............................................................................................... 80
8.3 Communication Failure [C] ......................................................................... 81
8.3.1 Light Signals.............................................................................................. 81
8.3.2 Procedural Approach .............................................................................. 82
8.3.3 ATC Action ................................................................................................. 82
8.4 Emergencies [C] ............................................................................................. 82
8.4.1 Example of a Distress Message .......................................................... 83
8.4.2 Example of an Urgency Message........................................................ 83
8.4.3 Contingencies ........................................................................................... 83
8.4.4 ATC Action and Reaction ....................................................................... 84
9 VFR FLIGHT ................................................................................................................ 86
9.1 Visual Flight Rules [C] ................................................................................. 86
9.1.1 Basic Radar Service to VFR Traffic [C] ............................................. 86
9.1.2 Visual Meteorological Conditions [C] ................................................ 86
9.1.3 VFR Waypoints [C] .................................................................................. 87
9.1.4 Reporting Points [C].............................................................................. 88
9.1.5 Sector Files[S+] ....................................................................................... 89
9.1.6 ATC VFR instructions and phraseology [C] ..................................... 90
9.1.7 Special Visual Flight Rules [C] ............................................................ 93
9.1.8 Composite Flight Plans [S] ................................................................... 93
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
This is part two of the VATEUD training material. It will focus more on the practical skills
and methods that are used when conducting ATC. To get the more theoretical background,
please read the MANUAL.
Speaking of ATC, there are more similarities than differences between the European
countries, mostly after the creation of the Single European Airspace, but local procedures and
routines are quite common and we would like to stress the importance of reading the local
manuals and guides that most of the vACCs publish on their local Web pages.
There are a lot of examples of phraseology in this guide, but it is impossible to include all
variations. Please refer to the reference section on the left side of the screen for a
comprehensive listing about phrases used in aviation.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
We have placed links to two excellent and highly recommended manuals explaining how to
set up an Observer Session using either ASRC or VRC, these can be accessed here for
ASRC and here for VRC (both are Pdf format)
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
While the exact terminology varies from country to country, there are generally three
different types of ATC.
Control Towers
Approach controllers
Centre controllers
As a new member to VATSIM and depending on the local restrictions in use at your vACC,
Student Controllers will usually start controlling at a Ground or Tower position and then
move up to Approach and Departure positions and from there to Area Control positions and
eventually once the required rating has been achieved will be able to control the Euro Control
Areas if interested.
Clearance Delivery
Ground Control
Local Control (Actual Tower position)
The following provides a general concept of the delegation of responsibilities within the
tower environment.
Clearance Delivery, the position responsible for verifying a flight plan and issuing IFR
Ground, responsible for controlling traffic on the airport “movement” areas, this generally
include taxiways and holding areas and giving traffic information and suggestions (for
example approving push-back) to traffic on aprons.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Tower, responsible for movements on the runways and traffic in the control zone, (CTR)
which surrounds the aerodrome and normally extends around 5 to 10 NM from the
aerodrome and from the ground up to normally, 1500-2000ft. The tower is the position that
clears aircraft for take off or landing and ensures the runways are clear for these aircraft.
As in real life and in dense traffic, at certain large airports more than one of these positions
may be opened, for example S or N for South or North.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Euro Control in VATSIM was created especially to ensure ATC cover over large
geographical areas when no local ATC is on line.
In VATSIM AFIS must log on with a TWR call-sign but the controller information (ATIS)
will state when it is an AFIS
Position Range
DEL/GND 10 to 20 nm
TWR 30 to 50 nm
APP/DEP 100 to 150 nm
CTR 300 to 600 nm
FSS 1500 nm
When a user logs on to network, it is important that the visual range slider be set to the
appropriate range depending on the position being manned, the main reason is to limit the
waste of bandwidth. Bear in mind that a user will receive information packets every few
seconds, so a GND controller having a range of 400nm will also be receiving traffic
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
information in a radius of 400nm from the position being manned this is an absolute waste of
bandwidth and should be avoided at all cost.
Unfortunately some controllers forget to change their facility type when switching to another
ATC position. Setting a correct facility type is important; since it affects the radio range of
the controller. Therefore in some cases a wrong facility type could affect the text
communication between a controller and a pilot.
RANGE is the visual range set by the controller in ASRC/VRC options using the range
slider. There is one exception: visual range for FSS facilities is hard coded to 1500nm (since
this is much more then the slider is allowed to be set to). This range defines from which
distance the controller gets aircraft position reports, so which traffic is shown at the radar
scope and which not. It‟s obvious it should be adjusted to the service the controller is
providing. The best situation is when controller is capable to see the traffic within his sector
plus a small margin. Therefore the visual range should be adjusted to the size and shape of
the sector
(NOTE that the visual range is calculated from the point where the radar scope is
actually centered, unless the .vis command has been used to set a different visibility
If you use VRC as radar client, it is a good practice to configure it for the facility you are
manning and then save the profile with its callsign to make sure that all settings are
appropriate for your position. (i.e.: LEBL_TWR, EGKK_APP, etc.)
There are some situations, when extended range is justified, for example a very large or an
irregular shaped sectors or some special operations.
(NOTE: for irregular shaped sectors, you can use multiple visibility points in order to
have a “radar antenna” at the significant points of your sector, so that it’s not needed to
increase range).
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Control= Somewhere
Listen before you talk It's impossible for two radio stations to transmit on the same
frequency at the same time. If this is done, the radio signal will be blocked and this will
result in a nasty noise on the frequency. Therefore it's important that every station monitors
the frequency for about 5 seconds before transmitting, to make sure there‟s no ongoing radio
traffic. If you hear an ongoing conversation, wait until the conversation is over before you
begin to transmit. Don‟t start your communication if there is a read-back expected on the last
transmission even if there is a short pause.
Think before you talk The radio traffic flow should be as smooth as possible. To achieve
this it's vital to "think first" before transmitting so that a clear, concise and uninterrupted
message can be sent.
Use standard phraseology and syntax (As far as possible)
To prevent misunderstandings and to maintain the radio traffic as effective as possible, stick
to standardized phraseology and skip slang and of course private messages.
Speak out Long messages shall be cut into shorter phrases with a little pause in between.
Normal speaking speed is about 100 words / min but when reading out long messages such
as weather reports and complicated route clearances, decrease the speed to about 60 words /
min. When transmitting, talk with normal voice tone and keep the microphone at a constant
distance from your mouth.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
There are several advantages to using English, the most obvious being that everybody on the
radio channel understands everybody. It is the pilot who chooses which language is used, and
ATC should respond in the same language. However, ATC may suggest changing language
is it is belived that it will ease communication.
(NOTE: the system prevents you to log on using a callsign already in use).
If you for example are flying DLH123, your callsign will be DLH123 (Read Lufthansa one-
two-three). If you are talking to for example Stockholm Control then Stockholm Control will
use "ESOS_CTR" as his/her callsign.
When establishing contact with a station you must first state what station you are addressing
your call to, and then state your own callsign. When the receiving station calls you back,
he/she must first state your callsign and then his/her own callsign. An example of
establishing contact:
XXX123: "Somewhere Control, Exair one-two-three, good evening"
Control: "Exair one-two-three, Somewhere Control, good evening"
When contact is established, the controller may leave out his/her own callsign when
answering or contacting aircraft with which he/she has already established contact.. The
controller may also use abbreviated callsigns if contact is established and there is no risk of
misunderstanding a callsign. Once contact is established, aircraft also may leave out the
controllers‟ callsign when transmitting a request. An example of a descent clearance once
contact is established:
Control: "Exair one-two-three, Descend to flight level one-two- zero."
XXX123: “Descend to flight level one-two-zero, Exair one-two- three"
Callsigns used by airline flights usually consist of the airline's callsign followed by the flight
number (SAS123 being "Scandinavian 123"). General aviation flights, however, normally
use the aircraft's registration as callsign. Example: SE-IBG (Sierra-Echo-India-Bravo-
When checking in to a new controller you have to state your full callsign, (all five letters).
As long as the controller calls the pilot using the full callsign, the pilot should use it as well.
However, the controller often reduces the callsign to the first letter, followed by the two or
three last letters, for example S-BG. If aircraft with similar callsigns, such as SE-IBG and
SE-EBG are on the same frequency, ATC must not reduce the callsign so that confusion may
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
occur. In this case the correct abbreviation would be S-IBG and S-EBG. When ATC has
contacted the pilot using the abbreviated callsign, the pilot may use it as well.
When a station takes the initiative to call another station, regardless of whether the stations
have established contact or not, it is mandatory to begin the transmission saying the station
callsign so all others in the frequency know who is transmitting. This does not apply to the
controller since all stations recognize the controller and it will be pretty obvious who is
directing the traffic. An example where XXX123 takes the initiative and requests descent:
XXX123: "Exair one-two-three, request descent"
CTR: "Exair one-two-three, descend to flight level one-two-zero"
XXX123 “Descend to flight level one-two-zero, Exair one-two-three”
Below is another example, where the controller takes the initiative and issues a clearance for
XXX123 to turn left direct TROSA VOR. Note that the controller leaves out his/her callsign:
Control: "Exair one-two-three turn left direct TROSA"
XXX123: "Left direct TROSA, Exair one-two-three"
Arrival: "Exair one-two-three, turn left heading three-six-zero, descend to altitude two-
thousand-five-hundred feet on QNH niner-niner-eight"
XXX123: "left three-six-zero, descend to two-thousand-five-hundred feet, QNH niner-
niner-eight, Exair one-two-three"
Tower: "Exair one-two-three, wind two-six-zero degrees at one-two knots, runway two-
six, cleared to land"
XXX123: "runway two-six, cleared to land, Exair one-two-three"
Note: that when a pilot reads back a message, the pilot should end the transmission by stating
his/her callsign.
Remark: “Roger” means “I have received and understood your message”, and thus is
only used to acknowledge messages, or parts of messages, which do not require a read
back. “Roger” does NOT mean either “yes” or “no”. When a positive or negative reply
is required, the phrases “affirm” and “negative” should be used.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Note: 5 by 5 does not mean 5 out of 5. The First value indicates the signal strength, the
second value is the signal clarity.
It is a bit like learning a new language and this can only be done by practice. Many persons
are afraid of talking on the radio. It can be hard to get all words right in the beginning, but
you should remember that it is often better to say something, even though it isn‟t perfectly
correct, than saying nothing at all. Practice and studying radio phraseology will give you
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
You can find various phraseology links under References sub menu on the left side of the
One example is the handover from TWR to DEP. One method of preventing “level offs”
because of long hand over times is to issue the following clearance before departure:
TWR: “Exair 131, when airborne contact departure on 126.65. Runway 19 Right,
cleare for take off, winds 170 at 21 knots.”
Below are some other examples of take off clearance that can be used.
TWR: “Exair 131, when airborne fly runway heading and climb to 5000 ft. Runway 21,
winds 190 at 15 knots, cleared for take off.”
“Right turn out” must always be specified if a right turn is to be performed after take-off,
because left turn is standard procedure. This is not required, however, if the aircraft is on a
SID which begins with a right turn, since the right turn is implied in the clearance for the
TWR: “Exair 131, Runway 08, right turn out, cleared for take off.”
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
During the cruise phase of flight, the pilots should check the ATIS broadcast for their
destination airport if it is available. By doing this they will get such information as current
weather and runway in use so they can start planning for their arrival. Pilots should report the
current ATIS designation to the controller handling the arrival traffic.
If no ATIS is available this kind of information can be forward to the pilots from the
controller directly.
CTR: “Exair 131, are you ready to copy MET REPORT for Somewhere airport?”
XXX131: “Affirmative go ahead, Exair 131”
CTR: “Met report for Somewhere, Winds 210 degrees at 9 knots, visibility 5 kilometers
in light rain, scattered clouds at 2000 ft and overcast at 4000 ft, Temperatures 15,
dewpoint 14, QNH 998. Expect ILS approach for runway 17”
XXX131: “QNH 998, transition level 55, runway 17, Exair 131”
CTR: “Exair131”
Note the mandatory data in the read back of this example: altimeter setting, Transition Level
and runway in use.
Most major airports have pre-defined arrival routes (STAR), which are used to reduce
workload for the controller handling the final stage of the flight by channelling arriving IFR
The clearance to fly these routes should be given well before the aircraft reaches the first
waypoint of the STAR. The inbound clearance is normally given by the lass ACC controller
before the flight is transferred to the APP controller. However, this varies between different
countries and airports.
CTR: “Exair 131, cleared to Somewhere via Rasmu 3 Echo arrival runway 17”
XXX131: “Rasmu 3 Echo runway 17, Exair 131”
When it is time to leave cruise altitude and start descent it is important to remember the
It is the pilot‟s responsibility to request descend in order to meet aircraft performances and
any altitude restriction on the STAR or approach
XXX131: “Exair 131, request descent”
CTR: “Exair 131, descend to flight level 100”
XXX131: “Descend to flight level 100, Exair 131”
If there is no conflicting aircraft in the way, the ATC on duty can issue the following descend
clearance to an aircraft before the pilot has requested descent:
CTR: “Exair 131, when ready, descend to flight level 100”
XXX131: “When ready descend to flight level 100, Exair 131”
This means that the pilot can maintain the current altitude and start the descent whenever he
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Now an example when the aircraft is cleared below the transition Level (TL) for the first
time. QNH should always be read out when this is done:
APP: “Exair 131, descend to 2500 ft on QNH 998, Transition level 55”
XXX131: “Descend to 2500 ft on QNH 998, Transition level 55”, Exair 131”
Let us now see some examples of the instructions given by ATC for these 5 different
(1) An aircraft (XXX950) is approaching an airport without ATIS and STARs. The pilot has
received inbound clearance from ACC "via LAPSI runway 19"
XXX950: “Approach, Exair 950 FL 150”
APP: “Exair 950, Approach, radar contact. Descend to 2500 ft on QNH 998, transition
level 55”
XXX950: “Descend to 2500 ft on QNH 998, transition 55, Exair 950”
APP: “Exair 950, intention radar vectoring for ILS approach to runway 19. MET
Report, Wind 210 degrees 9 knots, visibility 5 kilometers in light rain, clouds scattered
2000 ft overcast 4000 ft, Temperature 15 dewpoint 14”
The Controller omits QNH and Transition Level in the met report as is has just been
given to the pilot
XXX950: “Roger runway 19, Exair 950”
APP: “Exair 950, turn right heading 030 degrees”
XXX950: “Right heading 030, Exair 950”
APP: “Exair 950, turn right heading 160, cleared ILS approach runway 19, report
XXX950: “Right heading 160, Cleared for ILS approach runway 19, WILCO, Exair
XXX950: “Exair 950 established ILS rwy 19”
Note: WILCO = WILL COMPLY. (This is one of the few cases where you can use this
(2) An aircraft (XXX112) is approaching Somewhere, an airport with ATIS and STARs. The
last waypoint in the STAR (Clearance Limit) that XXX112 is cleared to is Tebby VOR
APP: “ExAir 112, after Tebby turn right heading 050 and descend to 2500ft Vectors for
ILS approach runway 26”
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
XXX112: “After Tebby descend to 2500 ft and turn right heading 050, vectors for rwy
26, ExAir 112 ”
APP: “ExAir112, Turn left heading 290, cleared ILS approach runway 26, report
XXX112: “Turn left heading 290, cleared ILS approach rwy 26, wilco, ExAir112 ”
(3) An aircraft (XXX131) is approaching airport Somewhere on XYZ 3 ECHO arrival. The
airport has ATIS and the STARs will guide the aircraft all the way in to final approach
course. So if the traffic situation is light and no ATC vectors are needed for separation it can
expect to follow the arrival route all the way in to the localizer.
Exair131: "somewhere control, ExAir131 flight level 100"
APP: "ExAir131, radar contact. Descent to 2500 ft on QNH998, cleared ILS approach
runway 17"
ExAir131 "Descent to 2500 ft on QNH998, cleared ILS approach runway 17, Exair
(4) An aircraft (PA28 D-IAM) is approaching somewhere airport. It is a student pilot and he
requests to perform the full procedure ILS approach for runway 21.
D-IAME: “Somewhere Tower, Delta-India-Alpha-Mike-Echo, maintaining 5000 ft,
request the full procedure ILS”
TWR: “Delta-Mike-Echo, radar contact. Descend to 3300 ft on QNH 1013, cleared for
the ILS app runway 21 via ABC VOR, report localizer established”
D-IAM: “3300 ft on QNH 1013 and cleared ILS approach runway 21 via ABC VOR,
wilco Delta-Mike-Echo.”
TWR: “Delta-Mike-Echo, Met Report “somewhere” CAVOK, Wind 230 degrees at 4
knots, QNH 1000, Temperature 15 degrees, dew point 8 degrees, No Significant
(5) A visual approach is basically a pilot's request approach. This means that the pilot will
take the shortest and most convenient way to the runway. A visual approach is permitted
(ATC approval is required) whenever there is visual contact to the destination airport.
X4321 Is inbound ABC VOR with runway 07 in use at “somewhere” Airport
X4321 “Exair4321:”Somewhere Approach, ExAir4321 request visual approach runway
APP: “Exair4321 roger, report runway in sight"
X4321: “Wilco, Exair4321”
X4321: “Exair 4321 runway in sight”
APP: “Exair 4321, cleared visual approach runway 07, final”
X4321: “Cleared visual approach runway 07 wilco, Exair 4321”
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
APP: “Exair4321, due to traffic congestion, join DEF holding flight level 150 as
published ”
X4321: “join DEF holding flight level 150, ExAir4321”
APP: “ExAir 4321 expect further clearance in 5 minutes”
X4321: “Roger, ExAir 4321”
If the pilot is not familiar with the holding pattern, the following phraseology is used:
XXX4321: “ExAir 4321 request detailed holding instructions”
APP: “ExAir 4321 hold at DEF, inbound track 272, left hand pattern, expected
approach time 21”
XXX4321: “Hold at DEF, inbound track 272, left hand pattern, ExAir 4321.”
Note: ATC should always give the pilot information about how long he will be flying the
holding or what time he can expect further clearance, also called EAT for Expected
Approach Time.
Note: If an aircraft cannot follow a standard hold pattern and needs to make more than one
360 degrees turn, the aircraft should be instructed to orbit (left) or (right).
Some examples of phraseology to use when putting aircrafts back on course after holdings:
APP: “ExAir 4321, exit DEF holding on course and descend to FL 090 ”
X4321: “Exit DEF holding on course and descend to FL 090, ExAir4321”
APP: “ExAir 112, leave DEF on on heading 170”
X112: “Leaving DEF on heading 170, ExAir 112”
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
XXX123: “PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN”. Somewhere control, ExAir123 need to
return to the field immediately. Have a sick passenger that need medical attention”
CTR: “ExAir 123, distress call is confirmed, turn right heading 070 Vectoring ILS
runway 36 Left”
XXX123: “Right turn heading 070, runway 36 Left, ExAir123”
XXX123: “ MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY,” Somewhere control, ExAir 123 needs
to return to field immediately. Fire in left engine”
CTR: “ExAir 123 your emergency is confirmed. tunr right heading 070.Vectoring ILS
approach runway 36 Left”
XXX123: “Right to heading 070, runway 36 Left, ExAir 123”
CTR: “Exair 123 when able report fuel and souls onboard and recycle transponder to
XXX123: “2 tons of fuel and 78 souls onboard, transponder 7700, ExAir 123”
CTR: “Ex Air 123, roger”
The example below shows a situation where the pilot in XXX123 does not copy the name of
the VOR (SCHIPHOL, SPL) that he is cleared to and ATC thereofore spells out the
identification code of the (VOR)
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
3.5 Recap
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Before a pilot departs on a flight, he/she has to make a number of Pre Flight preparations
based on, amongst others, information about current weather, departure routes, arrival routes,
waypoints en-route, cruising levels, weight and balance and aircraft conditions etc. When the
pilot has received all information needed, he/she will create a flightplan (mandatory for IFR
flights, but only required in some cases for VFR flights) either from scratch or from a pre
stored flightplan. When the flightplan is complete it will be sent to the ATC and be processed
into a flightstrip and distributed to suitable ATC facilities. The flightstrip will contain data
such as departure and arrival aerodromes, requested cruise level, route, type of aircraft,
cruising speed, if the flight is to be flown under VFR or IFR regulations, alternate arrival
aerodrome and special remarks. This flightstrip makes the substratum for the controller‟s
actions. This means that it is vital that the flightplan and flightstrip is updated by ATC if any
changes should occur during the flight.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
NOTE1: A SID normally includes the published initial altitude and climb constrains as
such this information is not usually necessary. However it is often included in the
NOTE2: mainly in the USA the clearance also includes the departure frequency, as
such a 6th element in the clearance would be:
This is also referred to as CRAFT: C (learance): cleared to destination, R(oute): via SID
dep A(ltitude): climb initially 5000' F(req): after dep contact xxx.xx T(ransponder): squawk
At many smaller airports, where the ATC clearance is transmitted to the pilot by TWR or
AFIS, the controller or AFIS officer must obtain the clearance by calling the ACC or APP
unit, when the pilot requests start-up. Therefore, at these airports, TWR/AFIS will not be
able to transmit the clearance to the pilot on the initial call. Depending on how long time it
takes to retrieve the clearance, it will be issued before or during taxi. Naturally, it must be
given before take-off.
If you have the time, it might be good to write down the clearance on a piece of paper before
you feel that you can give a clearance fluently.
An alias sentence is very valuable in order to issue ATC clearances
If the pilot calls you before you have been able to make all necessary preparations to give the
clearance, you can ask the pilot to wait. It is however important to stress that any call from a
pilot should be acknowledged as soon as possible, even though you can‟t give the clearance
straight away. In those instances you can often give some information, such as the QNH and
active runway.
XXX131 “Somewhere Clearance delivery, Exair 131, Boeing 737, Stand 36 with
information Echo. Request start-up and clearance to Someplace.”
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
DEL “Exair 131, Start-up approved, QNH 993. Stand by for clearance.
XXX131 “Start-up approved, QNH 993, Exair 131.
A rule of thumb is that you shouldn‟t read the clearance to the pilot if he hasn‟t asked for it.
If he only asks for push-back, that‟s what you should give him initially. The actual clearance
would then follow in a separate transmission. If you have asked the pilot to wait until you
have reviewed his flightplan and made necessary preparations to give him the clearance, you
should ask him if he is ready to copy the clearance before you read it to him. In other words,
avoid issuing the clearance unless you are certain that the pilot is ready to copy.
DEL "Exair 131, (are you) ready to copy clearance?"
XXX131 "Ready to copy / Go ahead, Exair 131"
DEL "Exair 131, clearance to Someplace via VORING 2 Golf departure, 5000 ft,
Squawk 7351”
XXX131 "Clearance to Someplace via VORING 2 Golf departure, 5000 ft, Squawking
7351, Exair 131”
DEL “Exair 131, read back correct, Contact Ground on 121.95 for pushback”
XXX131 “Ground on 121.95, Exair 131, Bye”
The pilot should read back all elements in the clearance to confirm that he has copied them
right. As controller it is hence very important to listen to the read back actively. If the read
back is correct, this should be acknowledged and if not, the mistakes should be corrected. If
for example the squawk is read back wrongly, you don‟t have to read the whole clearance
one more time. It is enough to correct only the parts that were misunderstood.
Sometimes ATC may have to delay the start up approval due to congestion on the ground or
due to saturation in the area.
GND “ExAir123, Expect Start Up at 15.15Z”
GND “ExAir123 Expect Departure time at 15.15Z Start Up At your discretion"
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
The taxi-ways are many and varied and their structure is complex, especially at bigger
airports. Taxi-ways are often one-way only in order to avoid situations with two aircraft
converging nose to nose – aircraft have no reverse gear. The ultimate embarrassment for a
Ground controller occurs when two aircraft taxi on the same taxiway but head on. In these
hopefully rare cases the rule of thumb is that each aircraft on the ground should turn to the
right to allow sufficient space between the aircraft, prior to continue with taxiing Taxi-ways
can be one-way in one direction (say south) when one runway-configuration is in use, and
one-way the other way (say north) when another runway-configuration is in use. It is good to
have a chart over the published standard taxi-way routes at hand when you are controlling a
bigger airport. All Taxiways that you want an aircraft to follow to the Runway or to a gate
should be specified by the controller.
If traffic is dense and many planes are taxiing to and from the gates and runway, you have to
think one step ahead. You might have given instructions to pilots to hold at certain
intersections to let other aircraft pass, or instruct pilots to follow preceding traffic to maintain
a safe and smooth flow.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
The instruction “line up in sequence” means that when the aircraft in front of XXX131 has
begun his take-off roll down the runway, XXX131 can line up and wait behind him with no
further ATC instructions
TWR: “Exair 131, you are no 2 for departure”
XXX1465: “Tower, Exair 1465 is ready for departure”
Next follows the take-off clearance. The runway designation always has to be included in the
take off clearance. Also include the present wind if it is significantly different from the wind
reported in the ATIS or previously given to the pilot.
TWR: “Exair 131, rwy 19 Right cleared for take off; wind 210 degrees 8 knots.”
XXX131: “Rwy 19 Right, cleared for take off, Exair 131”
Reminder: Wind direction and speed is weather information from the ATC and is not
required to read back. (QNH is the exception) As QNH is required information for
procedures (TA/TL) it‟s a directive and not an information. That said, QNH, being a
directive, needs the read back. All other information which does not imply directives (as
weather information or ANY other information) do not need read back.
Remember that speed is the best way of separating aircraft on final, but that speed
restrictions usually are waived when the aircraft passes over the outer marker, as specified in
the AIP for the airport.
If the phrase “Callsign only” is included in handover, it means that the pilot should check in
to the new controller with his callsign only. No need to make any position report to ATC.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Note: If there is no big changes in wind speed or direction this information only have to be
told by the controller one time and therefore be left out the in the last “cleared to land” phrase
in this example.
The word “vacated” is used when we mean that an aircraft has left the runway or “vacated
runway”. The word "clear" or "cleared" should never be used in this context in order to avoid
XXX4321: “At the gate, request closing Flight Plan and leave frequency”
TWR: “Roger, thanks for Flying to "Somewhere" Have a nice evening. Goodbye”
Clearance Limit is the point to which an aircraft has been cleared by a particular ATC.
The aircraft is at any time allowed to proceed to that particular point, but not past it.
The Clearance Limit differs, depending on the ATC Position issuing the clearance.
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ExAir123, cleared for take off on SORGA1C sid, winds 220 at 20
In the above example the Clearance Limit is the prescribed Max Altitude relevant to the SID
being flown and the Limit (in event of a communication failure) is SORGA, the aircraft will
climb to and mantain this altitude until cleared to climb further and will need to enter a hold
over SORGA is no further instructions are given.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
seen by both the controller and pilot. Conditional clearances will normally relate to one
movement only and, in the case of landing traffic, this will be the first aircraft on approach.
Sometimes ATC may consider it necessary for an aircraft to take-off without any delay.
Therefore, when given the instruction. ”cleared for immediate take-off”, the pilot is expected
to act as follows:
At the holding point: Taxi immediately on to the runway and commence the take off
roll without stopping the aircraft.
If already lined up on the runway: to take off without delay.
Exair123, Cleared for immediate take-off Runway 26 Left
Or due to unexpected traffic, or a departing traffic taking longer to take off than anticipated,
it is sometimes necessary to cancel the take off clearance or quickly free the runway for
landing traffic.
Exair123, Take-off immediately or vacate the runwayOrExair123, Take-off
immediately or hold at the holding point
Sometimes ATC may need to cancel a take-off clearance even after the pilot has started the
take-off roll. In these cases ATC will need to repeat the instructions and ensure the pilot
Exair123, Hold position, cancel take-off. I say again, cancel take-off, acknowledge.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Have a clear strategy what you want the pilot to do. Order and contra orders leads to
confusion and frustration.
Consider what implications your instructions have. It's not a good idea to give a pilot
clearance to land if you at the moment before gave another pilot instruction to line up
on the same runway.
Talk clearly and not too fast. It may sound “cool” talking fast but it often leads to
misunderstanding which makes it slower.
Use standard phraseology. This reduces the risk of misunderstanding and confusion.
Listen to the read back carefully as it was the first time the instruction was given.
Mistakes happen easily.
Act immediately if you have a situation with a potential conflict. Don't wait until the
conflict is imminent – then it‟s usually too late.
Don't take on more than you can manage. Take a position which you feel you manage
and ask for help if you need it.
Since VATSIM is a radar environment, radar separation may be used in general. A rule of
thumb for separartion minima is; 1000ft and 5nm. There are of course several exceptions to
this rule of thumb, but you‟ll manage most situations just fine with it alone.
You are allowed to climb or descend an aircraft to a level previously occupied by another
aircraft provided that vertical separation is maintained. This is done by observing the
transponder echo in mode C. You should check with your local vACC for more information
regarding vertical separation in the FIR(s) you will be working in. There are three easy
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
guidelines for maintaining the vertical separation as listed below. There are many ways of
achieving the same thing, but some ways interfere more with the flight then others.
Use level change rather than turns to maintain vertical separation en route.
Use vertical speed adjustments for descending and climbing aircraft that
have conflicting paths en route.
Use turns and speed (IAS) to maintain separation in the approach stage of
the flights.
This is a typical situation: Two aircraft (AC1 and AC2) are flying on two different but
intersecting airways using the same flight level. As a controller you have to consider all
flights crossing an intersection point at the same flight level as a possible separation conflict.
If you do not do anything then after about 3 to 5 minutes there two aircraft will be
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
converging at the same altitude.Hence ATC needs to take action.If either of the Aircraft is
flying at a FL which is incorrect then the first course of action would be to instruct the
aircraft at the wrong altitude to climb or descend as wished by the pilot to the correct FL
thereby ensuring the correct minimum vertical separation.If both Aircraft however are on a
correct, FL then a very often used instruction is to turn one or both of the conflicting aircraft
by 15 to 25 degrees away form each other.
Once the potential conflict situation has passed the aircraft should be turned back to follow
the previously cleared route.
TWR IB123, Standard Departure Route Cancelled, after take off, climb to FL110 direct
IB123, Copy Direct to ABC VOR and FL110 once airborne.
In addition to the SID or route clearance issued by DEL, clearances issued by TWR/DEP
may specify any or all of the following
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Before an outbound aircraft is transferred to area control any local conflicts must have been
resolved or co-ordination effected.
Pilots of all aircraft flying instrument departures are required, on first contact, to inform
DEP, APP or CTR as appropriate of their call-sign, SID designator (if appropriate, again this
is dependant on the rules in force in certain FIR's), current or passing level and their cleared
level. If the SID involves a stepped climb profile then the initial altitude/flight level to which
the aircraft is climbing will be given.
A named waypoint appears on aviation charts with a known latitude and longitude.
Such waypoints over land often have an associated radio beacon so that pilots can
more easily check where they are. Useful named waypoints are always on one or
more airways.
A geographic waypoint is a temporary position used in a flight plan, usually in an
area where there are no named waypoints, e.g. most oceans in the southern
hemisphere. Air traffic control requires that geographic waypoints have latitudes and
longitudes which are a whole number of degrees.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Special routes known as ocean tracks are used across some oceans, mainly in the northern
hemisphere to increase traffic capacity on busy routes. Unlike ordinary airways which
change infrequently, ocean tracks change twice a day, so as to take advantage of any
favourable winds. Flights going with the jet stream may be an hour shorter than those going
against it. Ocean tracks often start and finish perhaps a hundred miles offshore at named
waypoints to which a number of airways connect. Tracks across northern oceans are suitable
for east-west or west-east flights, which constitute the bulk of the traffic in these areas.
Airway(s) from origin to destination. Most flights over land fall into this category.
Airway(s) from origin to an ocean edge, then an ocean track, then airway(s) from
ocean edge to destination. Most flights over northern oceans fall into this category.
Airway(s) from origin to an ocean edge, then a free-flight area across an ocean, then
airway(s) from ocean edge to destination. Most flights over southern oceans fall into
this category
Free-flight area from origin to destination. This is a relatively uncommon situation for
commercial flights.
Even in a free-flight area, air traffic control still requires a position report about once an hour.
Flight planning systems organise this by inserting geographic waypoints at suitable intervals.
For a jet aircraft these intervals are 10 degrees of longitude for east-bound or west-bound
flights and 5 degrees of latitude for north-bound or south-bound flights. In free-flight areas
commercial aircraft normally follow a least-time-track so as to use as little time and fuel as
possible. A great circle route would have the shortest ground distance, but is unlikely to have
the shortest air-distance, due to the effect of head or tail winds. A flight planning system may
have to do quite a lot of analysis in order to determine a good free-flight route.
Aircraft routing types used in flight planning are: Airway, Navaid and Direct. A route may be
composed of segments of different routing type. For example, a route from Chicago to Rome
may include Airway routing over the U.S. and Europe, but Direct routing over the Atlantic
Airway routing occurs along pre-defined pathways called Airways. Airways can be thought
of as three-dimensional highways for aircraft. In most land areas of the world, aircraft are
required to fly airways between the departure and destination airports. The rules governing
airway routing cover altitude, airspeed, and requirements for entering and leaving the airway
Most airways are eight nautical miles wide, and the airway flight levels keep aircraft
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
separated by at least 1000 vertical feet from aircraft on the flight level above and below.
Airways usually intersect at Navaids, which designate the allowed points for changing from
one airway to another. The airway structure is divided into high and low altitudes.
As by definition an airway is a control area or portion thereof established in the form of a
corridor. Airways normally lead from one navigation aid to another, so from a VOR station
to another VOR, but also NDB stations are included in the airway system, as well as five
letter code Intersections.
Two airways intersecting each other mark a so-called intersection. Airways may be suitable
for both directions, called two-way airways, but there are also airways only suitable for one
direction. These airways are called one way airways.
Airway Names Every airway has its own name, which normally consists of one or more
letters and one or more numbers. Often when calling an airway the phonetic alphabet is not
used, instead "colored" designations are used. A - Amber, B - Blue, G -Green, W - White,
R - Red and V - Victor are the most common names for airways. The prefix U means, that
the airway is only suitable for the upper airspace.
The same route may be followed by airways in different airspace (lower of upper/higher).
The difference usually is the U in their designator for the upper/high airways.
Navaid routing occurs between Navaids which are not always connected by airways. Navaid
routing is typically only allowed in the continental U.S. If a flight plan specifies Navaid
routing between two Navaids which are connected via an airway, the rules for that particular
airway must be followed as if the aircraft was flying Airway routing between those two
Navaids. Allowable altitudes are covered in Flight Levels.
Direct routing occurs when one or both of the route segment endpoints are at a
latitude/longitude which is not located at an airway. Some flight planning organizations
specify that checkpoints generated for a Direct route be a limited distance apart, or limited by
time to fly between the checkpoints (i.e., Direct checkpoints could be farther apart for a fast
aircraft than for a slow one).
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Before the enroute charts were available for the simulation community, it was usual to follow
the “semi-circular” rule for flight levels. This rule said to use EVEN flight levels for
westbound flights and ODD flight levels for eastbound flights. This rule is partially used in
the USA but should not be used in Europe as long as enroute charts are available.
Type of Approach
Runway to which the approach will be made
Runway for landing if different
QNH should only be passed to the pilot by ATC (normally APP) once the Pilot has been
instructed to descend below the Transition Level
The initial assigned level to arriving IFR aircraft should normally not be below the
appropriate minimum sector altitude or, if this is not known, the highest minimum sector
altitude. If a pilot is flying at, or has requested, a lower level then a reminder of the highest
sector altitude should be issued.
At aerodromes where radar procedures are in force CTR will negotiate with APP a cleared
level for arriving IFR flights and then subsequently transfer control and communications
simultaneously when clear of other CTR traffic. Radar procedures are assumed to be in force
at all aerodromes in VATSIM. At busy airports, when holding procedures are in effect,
coordination and transfer of control will be effected in accordance with local agreements.
CTR will clear arriving aircraft to the holding facility if the flight is remaining within its
airspace and will give instructions to hold if necessary unless prior agreement has been
reached between CTR and APP that the aircraft will not be required to hold in which case the
aircraft may be placed on a radar heading towards the initial approach area by CTR.
APP may issue any instructions to an aircraft released to it by CTR, however such aircraft
should not be instructed to climb above, or stop descending above the level at the holding
facility agreed with CTR without prior coordination with CTR.
If an arriving aircraft makes its first call to APP not having been handed over from a CTR
unit (can happen in VATSIM that no CTR controller is on line in the FIR) the following
information shall be passed as soon as practicable
Runway in use
Current meteorological information, which should include the surface wind direction
and current visibility
Aerodrome QNH
Even if visual reference to the ground is established before completion of the approach
procedure, pilots will normally complete the whole procedure. At the pilot's request however,
the flight may be cleared to break off the instrument procedure and carry out a visual
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
To expedite traffic at any time, an IFR flight may be authorized to execute a visual approach
if the pilot reports that he has the airfield or preceding traffic in sight and can maintain
visual reference to the surface.
Standard Separation shall be effected between such aircraft and other IFR and/or SVFR
aircraft notwithstanding that the flight is now operating by visual reference to the surface.
Where radar vectoring is in use, then the ATC shall vector the aircraft in such a way to
achieve the minimum overall delay to arriving flights. On occasions this may necessitate
altering the arrival order of inbound aircraft.
1. Arrival: where the pilot navigates to the Initial Approach Fix (IAF)
2. Initial Approach: the phase of flight after the IAF, where the pilot commences the
navigation of the aircraft to the Final Approach Fix (FAF), a position aligned with the
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
runway, from where a safe controlled descent back towards the airport can be
3. Intermediate Approach segment: an additional phase in more complex approaches
that may be required to navigate to the FAF. This segment begins at the Intermediate
Fix (IF)
4. Final Approach: between 4 and 12 nm‟s (Generally 10 miles final) of straight flight
descending at a set rate (usually an angle of between 2.5 and 6 degrees).
5. Missed Approach: an optional phase; should the required visual reference for landing
or landing clearance not have been obtained at the end of the final approach, this
allows the pilot to climb the aircraft to a safe level and navigate to a position to hold
and from where another approach can be commenced.
ATC may replace some or all (with the exception of the FAF) of these phases of the
approach with radar vectors to the final approach, to allow traffic levels to be increased over
those of which a fully procedural approach is capable. It is very common for ATC to vector
aircraft to the final approach aid, e.g. the ILS, which is then used for the final approach.If
Traffic allows it or indeed if it becomes necessary then ATC can issue specific constraints on
the approaching traffic:
ExAir123 Make Short Approach Runway 12
ExAir123 Make Long Approach Runway 07
ExAir123 Extend Downwind Leg Runway 10 due to traffic on final
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
MLS - Microwave Landing System The Microwave Landing System (MLS) is an all-
weather, precision landing system originally intended to replace or supplement the
Instrument Landing System (ILS). MLS has a number of operational advantages, including a
wide selection of channels to avoid interference with other nearby airports, excellent
performance in all weather, and a small "footprint" at the airports.
Although some MLS systems became operational in the 1990s, the widespread deployment
initially envisioned by its designers never came to be. GPS-based systems, notably WAAS,
allowed the same level of positioning detail with no equipment needed at the airport.
GPS/WAAS dramatically lowers the cost of implementing precision landing approaches, and
since its introduction most existing MLS systems in North America have been turned off.
MLS continues to be of some interest in Europe, where concerns over the availability of GPS
continue to be an issue. A widespread installation in England is currently underway, which
included installing MLS receivers on most British Airways aircraft, but the continued
deployment of the system is in doubt.
PAR - Precision Approach Radar (Military) is a type of radar guidance system designed
to provide lateral and vertical guidance to a pilot for landing up to the missed approach point.
Controllers monitoring the PAR displays observe each aircraft's position and issue
instructions to the pilot that keep the aircraft on course. It is similar to an Instrument Landing
System (ILS) but requires control instructions. Precision Approach Radars are heavily used
by Military Air Traffic Control Facilities. Most of these facilities use the FPN-63 Precision
Approach Radar. This Radar can provide precision guidance to a distance of 20 miles in
normal mode and 15 miles in MTI mode.
GPS (with vertical navigation via WAAS or EGNOS) The Global Positioning System,
usually called GPS, is the only fully-functional satellite navigation system. A constellation of
more than two dozen GPS satellites broadcasts precise timing signals by radio to GPS
receivers, allowing them to accurately determine their location (longitude, latitude, and
altitude) in any weather, day or night, anywhere on Earth. The European Geostationary
Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) is a satellite navigation system under development by
the European Space Agency, the European Commission and EUROCONTROL. It is
intended to supplement the GPS systems by reporting on the reliability and accuracy of the
signals. According to specifications, horizontal position accuracy should be better than 7
meter. In practice, the horizontal position accuracy is at the meter level. It will consist of
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
three geostationary satellites and a network of ground stations and was intended to be
operational in June 2005, but due to delays the date has been pushed back to the first quarter
of 2006. It is planned as a precursor to the Galileo positioning system. A similar service is
provided in America by the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) system
LAAS - Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) for Global Satellite Navigation
Systems (GNSS) is an all-weather landing system based on real-time differential correction
of the GPS signal. Local reference receivers send data to a central location at the airport. This
data is used to formulate a correction message, which is then transmitted to users via a VHF
data link. A receiver on an aircraft uses this information to correct GPS signals, which then
provides a standard ILS-style display to use while flying a precision approach.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
runway or airport is not visible by the time the plane reaches the Missed Approach Point
(MAP) then the approach has to be aborted and another attempt made from the beginning
When performing a non-precision approach, the pilot shall be given a position report together
with handoff to Tower.
ExAir123, you are 15 miles from touchdown, a bit right of extended centerline. Contact
Tower on….
ExAir123, you are 10 miles from touchdown, about half a mile east of extended
centerline, contact Tower on ………
1. The pilot will maneuver the shortest path to the base or downwind leg, as appropriate,
considering existing weather conditions. There is no restriction from passing over the
airport or other runways.
2. Circling maneuvers may be made while VFR or IFR traffic is in progress at the
airport. Standard left turns or specific instruction from the controller for
maneuverings must be considered when circling to land.
3. At airports without a control tower, it may be desirable to fly over the airport to
observe wind and turn indicators and other traffic which may be on the runway or
flying in the vicinity of the airport.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
ExAir123 Cleared for ARC Approach Runway 36 maintain 15 DME, ABC VOR report
The visual approach is the shortest and most efficient approach considering fuel consumption
and time
A full procedure approach is something which can come in quite handy for Center
Controllers being responsible for multiple fields on their own, which due to traffic
concentration in a particular field are unable to give accurate vectors at secondary fields.
Example: CTR controller for Madrid has traffic inbound also in Malaga
ExAir123 Cleared inbound LEMG runway 13 full procedure Approach report on final.
An Aerodrome Traffic Circuit is a standard path followed by aircraft when taking off or
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
At an airport, the pattern also known as a circuit is a conventional standard path for
coordinating air traffic. It differs from so-called "straight in approaches" and "direct climb
outs" in that aircraft using a traffic pattern remain in close proximity to the airport. Patterns
are usually employed at small general aviation airfields and military airbases. Most large
airports avoid the system, unless there is GA activity as well as commercial flights. However,
a pattern of sorts is used at airports in some cases, such as when an aircraft is required to go
The use of a pattern at airfields is for air safety. Rather than have aircraft flying around the
field in a haphazard fashion, by using a pattern pilots will know from where to expect other
air traffic, and be able to see it and avoid it. GA pilots flying under VFR will not be separated
by air traffic control, and so the pattern is a vital way to keep things in order.
The section extending from the runway ahead is called the climb out or upwind leg.
The first short side is called the crosswind leg.
The long side parallel to the runway but flown in the opposite direction is called the
downwind leg.
The short side ahead of the runway is called the base leg.
The section from the end of base leg to the start of the runway is called the final
approach or finals.
The area of the airfield adjacent to the runway but opposite the circuit is known as the
dead side.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
While many airfields operate a completely standard pattern, in other cases it will be modified
according to need. For example, military airfields often dispense with the crosswind and base
legs, but rather fly these as circular arcs directly joining the upwind and downwind sections.
An aircraft taking off will usually be expected to follow the circuit in use, and one arriving at
the field to land will be expected to join the circuit in an orderly fashion before landing. This
is often accomplished using an overhead join or by entering the downwind leg at a 45 degree
angle abeam midfield traffic permitting. Aircraft are expected to join and leave the circuit in
an orderly and safe manner. Sometimes this will be at the discretion of the pilot, while at
other times the pilot will be directed by air traffic control.
OY-DH Join Downwind for runway 15, winds 140 at 10kts, number 1 for landing
There is also a procedure known as an orbit which is where an aircraft flies a 360 loop either
clockwise or anticlockwise. This is usually for separation with other circuit traffic, and can
be the result of a controller‟s instruction, else the pilot will report:
OY-DH making 1 left-hand orbit, will advise complete
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
An ILS consists of two independent sub-systems, one providing lateral (course line)
guidance, and the other vertical (glide slope) guidance to aircraft approaching a
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Normally approaching aircraft will be flying at an altitude which places them at an altitude
between 3000 feet and 4000 feet to pick up the glide-slope. At times it is possible that due to
temporary restrictions an aircraft may be coming in higher than normal in these cases the
approach clearance needs to include the advise to the pilot that he can follow the glide or not
to follow the glide as the case may be.
ExAir123, turn left heading 090, cleared ILS runway 12 Descend on the glide.
ExAir123, turn left heading 090, cleared ILS runway 12, maintain 3000 feet until 5 nm
from the runway.
Modern localizer antennas are highly directional. However, usage of older, less directional
antennas allows a runway to have a non-precision approach called a localizer back course.
This lets aircraft land using the signal transmitted from the back of the localizer array. This
signal is reverse sensing so a pilot would have to fly opposite the needle indication. Highly
directional antennas do not provide a sufficient signal to support a back-course. Back-course
approaches are commonly associated with Category I systems at smaller airports, that do not
have an ILS on both ends of the primary runway.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
marker beacons tell the pilot that he has reached an important place along the approach path.
For instance, it might tell the pilot that the plane's landing gear should be lowered.
The outer marker should be located 7.2 km (3.9 NM) from the threshold except that,
where this distance is not practicable, the outer marker may be located between 6.5
and 11.1 km (3.5 and 6 NM) from the threshold. The modulation is two dashes per
second of a 400 Hz tone, the indicator is blue. The purpose of this beacon is to
provide height, distance and equipment functioning checks to aircraft on intermediate
and final approach.
The middle marker should be located so as to indicate, in low visibility conditions,
that visual contact with the runway is imminent, Ideally at a distance of 1050m from
the threshold. It is modulated with a 1300 Hz tone as alternate dots and dashes.
The inner marker, when installed, shall be located so as to indicate in low visibility
conditions the imminence of arrival at the runway threshold. This is typically the
position of an aircraft on the ILS as it reaches Category II minima. The modulation is
3000 Hz dots at 6 per second.
Approach CAT I: Operation down to minima of 200 ft. decision height (DH) and
runway visual range (RVR) 550 Meters. with a high probability of success. (When
RVR is not available, 800 meters ground visibility is substituted.)
Approach CAT II: Operation down to minima 100 ft. decision height (DH) and
runway visual range (RVR) 300 Meters.
Approach CAT III: Operation down to minima prescribed in the carrier‟s operating
specifications in the operator‟s operations manual from a DH of 50ft and RVR of 100
Meters to as low as 0 ft DH and 0 Meters RVR
As you can see Category one (CAT I) is the less accurate, and CAT III is the most accurate.
Meaning that the PIC can fly the approach to lower limits (decision heights) on a CAT III
ILS than on a CAT I ILS.
In turn all depends on the actual Runway in use, not all runways are equal, some may offer a
higher CAT level than others, we therefore also speak about Precision Runways.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
There are more factors which can change the limit such as:
Pilot Qualification
Aircraft Classification
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Let us consider the above diagram: bearing in mind that a VOR has 360 different Radials or
if you want 360 compass degrees, where 360 degrees (note that 000 does not exist) indicates
North, 90 degrees East, 180 degrees South and 270 degrees West.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Now that we have established the most basic components dealing with direction or lateral
navigation we will look at a few things you as ATC need to bear in mind when controlling.
If we once again refer to the above diagram, keep in mind that the radials of a VOR (all 360
of them) extend from the VOR. Therefore if you instruct an aircraft to leave VOR ABC on
Radial 360, Direct to VOR XYZ, the aircraft will point its nose to heading 360 and will be
flying the inbound leg towards VOR XYZ on Radial 180, but on a Bearing of 360.
When issuing Left or Right turn instructions to an aircraft, keep the turn radius in mind, as
the heading the aircraft ends up on after leveling out, may very well be the heading you
instructed but on a different track altogether. Therefore add the expected variance to the head
The higher the speed at which an aircraft is flying, the larger turn radius is needed to come to
the heading instructed by ATC.
For instance an Aircraft is flying a heading of 190 but you want it to be at a specific point,
showing a heading or track of 130 at a particular moment in time. Instead of instructing the
aircraft to turn Left hdg 130, add another 5 to 10 degrees that you want the aircraft to turn, in
this instance to intercept your desired points, instruct the aircraft to Turn Left Hdg 120.
The above example depends on a number or factors, such as speed of aircraft or speed and
direction of wind. As you become more experienced you will automatically get into the habit
issuing these corrective-heading instructions.
Most of your active vectors will be when you as ATC have traffic inbound to a field that
either requires ATC vectors for the approach due to not being able to follow a STAR or who
need to be vectored away from conflicting traffic or vectored for the sake of maintaining or
increasing separation on approach or final.
A good Controller will always explain to the pilot the reason for the vector instructions being
issued. For instance a pilot is following a published STAR and ATC decides to deviate from
this STAR
ExAir123 Turn Right heading 120 expect vectors for approach runway 05L
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
When instructing an aircraft to climb or descend to a Flight Level below FL100, omit the
initial “0” from the FL.
Remember to ensure that the aircraft are at a correct Altitude when nearing the Final
Approach Fix (a good rule of thumb is 3000FT at 10 miles from the Runway.
Remember that aircraft fly slower and use more fuel at low altitudes than at higher altitudes;
it is therefore pointless getting an aircraft down to 5000ft or 3000ft with 50 or 60 miles to go
until on final.
Try to avoid the Descend/maintain/descend again/maintain etc situation and instead aim for a
continuous and fluid movement where the aircraft at all times is gently descending, if needed
advice the Pilot the Rate of Descend he should follow.
Another advice that ATC can give to a pilot which helps the pilot to choose a good rate of
descent is to advice the pilot of the remaining track-miles to thouchdown
ExAir123 expect 45nm to touchdown, when ready decent to 4500ft, QNH 1020
An instruction could be conditional on the aircraft having to pass a given FL or Altitude over
a Fix or Navaid.
ExAir123 Climb To Reach FL150 at GED VOR
This would instruct the pilot to climb towards FL150 and reach this level at GED
It could also be an advice to the pilot to expect further action after having passed a navaid
ExAir123 After Passing GED VOR Descend to 5000 feet
But it can also be that ATC needs specific action to be taken at a given time.
ExAir123 Expect Further Climb At 20.15Z
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
If you have instructed a pilot to “expedite” climb or have issued a conditional minimum
climb per minute for what ever reason, and the pilot is unable to maintain this rate of climb
after a time, then the pilot will continue climb to what ever Level he has been cleared to at
his Best Rate of Climb
ExAir123 Climb to FL280 maintain 3000 feet per minute until passing FL250
App ExAir123, passing FL220 unable to maintain 3000 FPM
ExAir123, Continue Climb to FL280 at best rate of climb
Usually followed by
ExAir123 Continue Climb to FL240
If ATC needs urgent action from a pilot then the word immediately is used
ExAir123 Descend FL230 immediately
Explanation: FL330 at 2500 fpm aircraft needs 13 minutes at average 8 miles per minute
So 13x8=104nm, next add 5 to 10 miles for the deceleration and approach segments and the
aircraft should commence descend approximately 115 miles out.
Method B = An aircraft looses 300ft each nm on a 3 degree glide, so from FL330 the aircraft
will descend at 33000 divided by 300, equals 110nm, again add between 5 and 10 nm for
deceleration and approach and again the descend should start 115 to 120 nm miles out
Another aircraft is cruising at FL310 and you want it to be at FL250 in 40nms. 40 divided 8=
5 minutes. The Difference in FL is FL60 or for ease 6000ft, divide 6000 by 5 minutes and the
aircraft should be instructed to descend with a minimum rate of descend of 1200fpm.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
If you have 2 or more aircraft following the same track with identical destination but
maintaining different FL on cruise and you want them to descend. Never instruct the trailing
aircraft, even if at a higher level to descend before the Leading aircraft.
If you are unsure when to instruct a pilot to descend, you can issue a “descend at Pilot
Discretion” This means that the pilot may opt to descend immediately or may opt to maintain
current FL until the pilot decides to commence descend.
Avoid asking the Pilot to report altitude as you can clearly see that on your radar, unless it
looks like the aircraft is not where is supposed to be.
It can also be used to assist pilots in circumventing adverse weather areas by vectoring them
around these areas.
ExAir123 Re Cleared direct to HAM
ExAir123 from present position proceed direct Ham
Directs or Re-Routes will usually be given by the Center Controller and the rule is that the
direct clearance limit has to be within ones own FIR. For example if you are controlling
Barcelona Control you cannot give a direct to Zurich, but only to the border of your own
In the event however that Marseille Control is on line then you could coordinate between you
an acceptable direct route and offer this to the pilot.
Departure, Good Afternoon ExAir123 with you passing 2000feet on the LOPIK1F
ExAir123, Good afternoon Turn Left Heading 170 direct LOPIK, then climb FL190
In the above example Departure has re-routed the aircraft direct to LOPIK intersection
instead of having to follow the prescribed SID.
Another type of re-routing occurs when a pilot decides to divert to an alternative airport due
to adverse weather condition or fuel shortage.
6.3 Holdings
6.3.1 Holding Concept [S+]
In aviation, a holding (or hold) is an area of airspace used to delay aircraft already in flight.
Because fixed-wing aircraft cannot stop in midair, they fly in circles, which keep them near
their destination airport until it is their turn to land.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
A holding for IFR aircraft is usually located over a radio beacon such as a NDB or a VOR,
this is called the holding fix. Aircraft will fly towards the beacon, and enter a a fixed
racetrack pattern over the beacon. A standard holding pattern uses right-hand turns and take;
Depending on FL flown; approximately 4 to 5 minutes to complete (one minute for each 180
degree turn, and two one-minute to one and a half minute straight ahead sections) .
Deviations from this pattern are common, if long delays are expected longer legs (usually
two or three minutes) may be used or aircraft with distance measuring equipment may be
assigned holds with legs defined in nautical miles rather than minutes. Less frequent turns are
more comfortable for passengers and crew.
A holding for VFR aircraft is usually a (smaller) racetrack pattern flown over something
easily recognizable on the ground (such as a bridge, highway intersection or lake).
In our VATSIM environment we often have to do with pilots who have little or no
knowledge on how to fly or follow a Holding Pattern or who my have some idea but do not
have the charts.
The positive side of things however is that most of our traffic has sophisticated FMS on
board which in most cases should be able to fly the hold.
Although of more importance to pilots, ATC must be familiar with all Hold related concepts,
especially as you will be issuing the hold instructions. Let us therefore look at the
components of a hold in more detail.
Remember that you can have more than 1 aircraft holding at the same fix, this is called
“Stacking” where the 1st aircraft is holding at the lowest FL and so forth. As aircraft are
cleared out of holds, they are cleared from the Lowest FL. This means that all aircraft in the
hold are then sequenced down to a lower FL and a new aircraft about to enter the hold will
enter at the highest flight level.
Once you as ATC want to clear the aircraft out of the hold you just instruct the aircraft to fly
a new heading or to a new fix.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Maximum holding speeds are established in order to keep aircraft within the protected
holding area during their one-minute inbound and outbound legs.
As a rule of thumb the Speed to be flown depends on the altitude or flight level the aircraft is
at within the hold as follows :
Having entered the holding pattern, on the second and subsequent arrivals over the fix, the
pilot would execute a right turn to fly an outbound track that positions the aircraft most
appropriately for the turn onto the inbound track. When holding at a VOR, the pilot should
begin the turn to the outbound leg at the time of station passage as indicated on the TO–
FROM indicator.
The pilot would then continue outbound for one minute if at or below FL140, or one and a
half minutes if above FL140 and then turn right to realign the aircraft on the inbound track. A
Complete hold should take:
These times do not take any wind into consideration as such the pilot should make due
allowance in both heading and timing to compensate the wind effect.
After the initial circuit of the pattern, timing should begin abeam the fix or on attaining the
outbound heading, whichever occurs later. The pilot should increase or decrease outbound
times, in recognition of winds, to effect 1 or 1 1/2 minutes (appropriate to altitude) inbound
to the fix.
Pilots are to advise ATC immediately if airspeeds in excess of those specified above become
necessary for any reason, including turbulence, or if unable to accomplish any part of the
holding procedure. After such higher speed is no longer necessary, the aircraft should be
operated at or below the specified airspeeds, and ATC notified.
After departing a holding fix, pilots should resume normal speed subject to other
requirements, such as speed limitations in the vicinity of controlled airports, specific ATC
requests, etc
At all times ATC needs to bear in mind the Minimum Holding Altitude (MHA) which is the
lowest altitude prescribed for a holding pattern that assures navigational signal coverage,
communications and meets obstacle clearance requirements.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
During entry and holding, pilots manually flying the aircraft are expected to make all turns to
achieve an average bank angle of at least 25˚ or a rate of turn of 3˚ per second, whichever
requires the lesser bank. Unless the ATC clearance contains instructions to the contrary, or a
non-standard holding pattern is published at the holding fix, pilots are expected to make all
turns to the right after initial entry into the holding pattern.
Occasionally, a pilot may reach a clearance limit before obtaining further clearance from
ATC. In this event, where a holding pattern is published at the clearance limit, the pilot has
to hold as published. Where no holding pattern is published, the pilot has to hold in a
standard pattern on the inbound track to such clearance limit and request further clearance.
If for any reason a pilot is unable to conform to these procedures, ATC should be advised as
early as possible.
Standard Hold A hold where all turns are made to the right
Non Standard Hold A hold where all turns are made to the left
Holding Course The course flown on the inbound leg to the holding fix.
Inbound Leg The standard 1 or 1.5 minute leg to the holding fix as Published
Holding Fix This can be a VOR, a VORDME, an Intersection or an NDB
Outbound Turn A standard rate, 180 degrees turn which is begun at the holding Fix.
Also called the “Fix End”
Abeam The position opposite the holding fix, where the outbound Begins.
Outbound Leg This leg is defined by the inbound leg, pilots should adjust the
outbound leg so that the inbound turn, the other standard 180 degrees turn is
completed just as the holding course is intercepted.
Holding Side The side of the course where the hold is accomplished.
Non Holding Side The side of the course where you do not want the pilot to be
(a) The fix end and outbound end turns are to the left; and/or
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
(b) The planned time along the inbound track is other than the standard
one-minute or one-and-a-half minute leg appropriate for the altitude
A direct entry is exactly what it sounds like the aircraft flies directly to the holding fix, and
immediately begins the first turn outbound.
In a parallel entry, the aircraft flies to the holding fix, parallels the inbound course for one
minute outbound, and then turns back, flies directly to the fix, and proceeds in the hold from
In a teardrop (or offset) entry, the aircraft flies to the holding fix, turns into the protected
area, flies for one minute, and then turns back inbound, proceeds to the fix and continues
from there
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
The pilot is expected to enter a holding pattern according to the aircraft‟s heading in relation
to the three sectors shown bellow, recognizing a zone of flexibility of five degrees on either
side of the sector boundaries. For holding on VOR intersections, entries are limited to the
radials or DME arcs forming the fix as appropriate.
When crossing the fix to enter a holding pattern, the appropriate ATC unit shall be advised.
ATC may also request that the pilot report “established in the hold”. The pilot is to report
“established” when crossing the fix after having completed the entry procedure.
DME holding is subject to the same entry and holding procedures previously described
except that distances, in NM are used in lieu of time values.
In describing the direction from the fix on which to hold and the limits of a DME holding
pattern, an ATC clearance will specify the DME distance from the navigation aid at which
the inbound and outbound legs are to be terminated. The end of each leg is determined by the
DME indications.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
For example: An aircraft cleared to the 270˚ RADIAL 10 mile DME FIX, to HOLD
BETWEEN 10 AND 15 miles, will hold inbound on the 270˚ radial, commence turn to the
outbound leg when the DME indicates 10 NM and commence turn to inbound leg when the
DME indicates 15 NM.
At most high traffic density areas, holding patterns are depicted on IFR terminal area and en-
route charts. When pilots are cleared to hold at a fix where a holding pattern is published, or
if clearance beyond the fix has not yet been received, pilots are to hold according to the
depicted pattern using normal entry procedures and timing in the hold ATC will use the
following phraseology when clearing an aircraft holding at a fix that has a published holding
Note: If you at any time need to slow an aircraft down due to congestion and either are
unsure if the pilot understands how to enter and maintain a hold or if the aircraft is no where
near a published primary or secondary hold position. Then you can order the aircraft to make
a 360-degree left or right turn, or an “Orbit”.
ATC should always include the EAT to the pilot in order for the pilot to compute his revised
arrival time and above all to ascertain the remaining flight time endurance (Fuel onboard)
Exair123 "cleared to (fix), hold (direction), as published, EAT (time)"
Exair123 "cleared to (fix), hold (direction), as published, No Delay Expected”
If for what ever reasons the EAT changes then ATC should advise the pilot accordingly
The aircraft would fly the Inbound Leg on Radial 222 of the holding Fix.
The aircraft would be doing Left Hand standard turns
The aircraft would fly the outbound Leg on an approximate heading of 222
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
The aircraft would maintain FL100 in the hold, unless told differently
The aircraft would maintain the published Speed Restrictions
The aircraft would continue holding unless told differently, until the pre advised Zulu
time, at which time the PIC in absence of further clearance may proceed as per Radio
Communication Failure.
Exair123, enter hold at FL80, inbound track 328, right turns, expect further clearance
at 05 Zulu.
The aircraft would fly the Inbound Leg on Radial 148 of the Fix
The aircraft would be doing Right Hand standard turns
The aircraft would fly the outbound Leg on an approximate heading of 148
The aircraft would maintain FL80 in the hold, unless told differently
The aircraft would maintain the published Speed Restrictions
The aircraft would continue holding unless told differently, until the pre advised Zulu
time, at which time the PIC in absence of further clearance may proceed as per Radio
Communication Failure.
Exair123 hold at QDM 115 RK ndb, right hand turns, further clearance at 15 Zulu
Exair123 cleared to the 130 RADIAL 5 mile DME SPL, to HOLD BETWEEN 5 AND
10 miles.
The aircraft will hold inbound on the SPL (Schiphol, EHAM) 130˚ radial.
The aircraft will commence the turn to the outbound leg when the DME indicates 5
NM and commence the turn to inbound leg when the DME indicates 10NM.
If a pilot cannot fly a hold, then instruct him to orbit over a navigation-aid or to do 360‟s
away from the standard holding points.
Do not forger that an aircraft does not have unlimited fuel and react promptly on any pilot
advises relating to fuel status.
Holding Patterns can be added with a bit of work to the standard sector files in use, usually
entering them under the Low or High Airway section as required.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
TAS: True Airspeed, This is the speed the aircraft is moving through the air, it is usually
estimated prior to the flight and calculated during the flight in order to arrive at the required
data for flight planning purposes. This is in turn used along with the winds data to arrive at
the Ground Speed. KTAS is "knots true airspeed"
IAS: Indicated Airspeed, This is the speed shown on the flight instruments based on the
dynamic pressure sensed by the Pitot System. The density of the air affects the airspeed
indication during climb and descends. During climb the airspeed indicator shows a lower
speed than the aircraft is actually moving through the air. Vice-versa during decent. IAS is
used at lower flight levels (usually below FL280 and in certain FIRls FL250) KIAS is "knots
indicated airspeed"
KCAS is "knots calibrated airspeed", or indicated airspeed corrected for position error. When
flying at sea level under Standard Atmosphere conditions (15°C, 1013,25 hPa, 0% humidity,
1225 gr/cubic meter Density) calibrated airspeed is the same as equivalent airspeed and true
airspeed (TAS). If there is no wind it also the same as ground speed (GS). Under any other
conditions, CAS will differ from the aircraft's TAS and GS. Most aircraft have an inherent
difference between (theoretical) calibrated airspeed (CAS) and the airspeed actually shown
on the instruments (indicated airspeed or IAS). This position error is mainly due to errors in
sensing static pressure. It is usually not possible to find locations for the static ports which
accurately sense static pressure at all speeds and angles of attack.
GS: Ground Speed, The actual speed the aircraft is covering (moving) over the ground. It is
the sum of the aircraft's true airspeed and the current wind and weather conditions; a
headwind subtracts from the ground speed, while a tailwind adds to it. Winds at other angles
to the heading will have components of either headwind or tailwind as well as a cross track
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
MACH: The ratio of true airspeed to the speed of sound, which varies with altitude and is
used at high Flight Levels, (usually above FL280 and in certain FIR's FL250)
In average you can say that at high Flight Levels 0.01 Mach is the same as 6 knots TAS, for
instance Mach 0.80 at FL290 will be the same TAS as Mach 0.83 at FL370. This is because
the speed of sound is less at FL370 than at FL290.
Therefore if you try to compare the speed of aircraft flying at different Flight Levels, the
same Mach number will mean that the higher aircraft is actually moving slower.
To get at an equivalent add 0.01 mach for every 2500ft separating the two aircraft.
IAS read outs are more pronounced, for instance an aircraft flying at 280 IAS at FL370, will
have a TAS of 460 knots, and another aircraft flying at 280 IAS at FL270, will have a TAS
of 417 knots.
If you want to compare IAS you should calculate 7 knots or 2% for every 1000ft separating
the aircraft. In addition over FL250 15 knots of TAS more or less equals 10 knots IAS.
The Conclusion here is that of two aircraft flying at the same Mach number but at different
Flight Levels the higher aircraft will be flying slower. In comparison aircraft using the same
IAS will be faster the higher they are.
As a rule of thumb you can say that the average TAS of Jet aircraft at High Flight Levels is 8
nautical miles per Minute.
To descend and at the same time reduce speed can be difficult, especially for turbo jets.
Therefore, it is essential to inform the pilot, which of the two instructions has priority. The
idea is to give one instruction only and let the pilot execute this before one before executing
the next.
ExAir123 Reduce to speed 230 knots, then descend FL70”.
Instead of
ExAir123 Reduce to speed 230 knots, and descend FL70”.
Or the opposite
ExAir123 Descend to 5000 feet on QNH 1015 then reduce to speed 210 knots”.
Instead of
ExAir123 Descend to 5000 feet on QNH 1015 and reduce to speed 210 knots”.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Remember that there is often a standard speed restriction of 250 knots below FL100. This
means that the pilot sometimes has to level out at FL100 to reduce speed before continuing
descent. You can temporarily remove the speed restriction with the phrase
ExAir123 Descend to FL80, No Speed Restrictions
ExAir123 Climb to FL80, Free Speed
ExAir123 Descend to FL70, High Speed Approved
These waivers can be used at the discretion of ATC to allow a better traffic flow or use of the
airspace, always as long as the traffic situation permits it and the safety of air traffic is not
compromised. This is especially handy when dealing with new and inexperienced pilots who
have difficulty in controlling their speed whilst descending.
Apart from the specific aircraft's speed restrictions; there are rule of thumb speed restrictions
common for all aircraft. By following these, one does not need to study the specific aircraft's
Aircraft at FL280 – FL100: Do not give a speed restriction below 250 knots or
corresponding Mach number.
Aircraft below FL100: Turbo jet: not slower than 210 knots, except when within 20 nm
from the runway, in that case do not restrict them slower than 170 knots. Turbo prop: not
slower than 200 knots, except when within 20 nm from the runway in that case do not restrict
them slower than 150 knots.
Departing traffic (if speed restrictions apply) Turbo jet: not slower than 230 knots. Turbo
prop: not slower than 150 knots. Helicopter: not slower than 60 knots
In other words there is no point in instructing a pilot flying a B747 to speed down to 130
KIAS with flaps up 35 miles from the runway due to separation, as this instruction will
hopefully be ignored. But if acted on then two things will happen for sure:
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Up to about 15 nm from touchdown instructed speeds should not be less than 210 KIAS.
Between 15 NM and about 4 NM from touchdown speed control shall only be applied if
absolutely required due to wake turbulence or to maintain separation on the approach and
should never be lower than 160 KIAS Speed control must not be applied to aircraft on final
approach after having passed a point 4 nm before touchdown.
ExAir123 are you able to maintain 170 KIAS until the outer marker?
Affirm, ExAir123
ExAir123, roger, please maintain 170 KIAS until the outer marker.
Separation between aircraft flying at the same altitude or FL may be achieved by assigning
speed restrictions provided that both aircraft are assigned a speed value which maintains or
increases the separation between the aircraft.
Speed control can be achieved by instructing a pilot to:
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Coordination before hand-off is needed when an aircraft has diverted from its planned route
or isn‟t able to follow standard procedure. Coordination is not needed if the aircraft follows
standard procedure. Should any uncertainty arise, coordination should be initiated and
cleared before transfer of control
If a controller cannot accept any more aircraft into his sector, he should communicate this to
other controllers by any means possible, usually could be due to over saturation. Other
controllers should instruct traffic under their control to hold as published and not let any
aircraft enter that sector until advised to the contrary.
Provided that an aircraft is being transferred from one controller to another in accordance
with Standard Operating Procedure then the handoff is simply accomplished by using the
automated handoff facility built into ASRC and VRC (F4 function) or by using the Right
Click Mouse hand-off to button if using VRC. In order to be able to use this facility it is
essential that all aircraft which are in the air and under Control from ATC are "tracked" by
the controller initiating the handoff.
The controller accepting a handoff is responsible for the aircraft from the moment the aircraft
enters into its area of responsibility. The acceptance of the handover is an indication to the
previous controller that the aircraft may enter into the area of responsibility of the receiving
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
When the receiving controller has accepted the aircraft, no further adjustments to the flight
by the delivering controller are allowed. The aircraft should be issued instructions to change
radio frequency before entering the next controller‟s Area of Responsibility.
Where a Standard Operating Procedure does not exist, or an aircraft has to be transferred
other than in accordance with the SOP then individual Controller to Controller co-ordination
must take place. This can be via ATC channel, via Private Chat or by direct voice
communication using intercom or by other means (Teamspeak, Skype).
When handing off an aircraft outside of SOP it is important to let the receiving controller
know about instructions you have given to an aircraft. At the same time it may be necessary
to tell the pilot to report such instructions to the next controller. Although an area of control
goes all the way to the Boundary, it‟s polite to hand-over a good 10 to 20 miles from the
actual Boundary, regargless of sector, be it TMA, FIR or VACC. under all circumstances you
need to ensure that a full hand-over has been completed at least 5 miles from the respective
Hand Over Fix.
Members using VRC and making use of the Flight Strip function should tranfer the
appropriate flight strip to the accepting position a few minutes prior to the aircraft being
handed over.
Radar and non radar handover: A number of VACC‟s in Europe operate under the procedure
that Ground and Tower positions are non-radar hence these positions do not ”track” any
aircraft. In practice this would mean that Approach does not hand-over the aircraft to Tower
but rather simply Drop Track whilst instructing the Aircraft to contact Tower.
Tower in turn would not Start Track but keep the aircraft untracked.
Similarly Ground and Tower would not track any aircraft as such departing aircraft are not
handed over to Approach or Departure, but simply appear once airborne.
Handles all Traffic on the Ground and hands over to Tower either at the Holding point or
Prior to any aircraft crossing a runway. Ground will receive landing aircraft from Tower after
vacating the active runway.
Runway crossings can also be done by coordination between TWR and GND without
actually handing off the aircraft to TWR.
Handles all traffic on runways or the extensions thereof. Departing traffic should in general
contact Departure or Approach depending who is on line as soon as airborne or before
passing 2000ft and under all circumstances within 10 miles from the runway. Arriving
Aircraft should be passed to Tower by Approach once the landing aircraft is established on
Final or when intercepting the localizer depending on the agreement made between Tower
and Approach as the case may be.
Tower can also instruct traffic to contact GND prior to having vacated the runway after
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Usually handles all inbound traffic within 30 to 50 miles from the airfield up-to FL120, once
an aircraft is established on final it is passed to Tower, as a rule of thumb this is usually
around 10 miles from the runway. There are airports where the FAF is closer to the runway
and hence the handover to TWR will only take place at 6 to 8 miles from the runway.
Handles all departing and crossing traffic within the area of control in general up-to FL120,
some exceptions exist whereby Departure remains in control up to FL190 but this is an
exception to the rule. Departure receives departing aircraft from tower once airborne, at or
close to 2000ft and within 10 miles from the Runway. Departure in turn hands-off to Centre
(also known in certain VACC's as "Control" or "Radar" at the appropriate point.
Handles all airborne traffic except that under the control of Tower, Departure or Apprpach in
the FIR. co-ordinates with adjacent ATC facilities and passes aircraft over to Approach when
entering the appropriate area.
Centre usually also handles all departing and arriving aircraft to any other airfiled in the FIR
which is not controlled at any given time, this can include the issuing of Clearances, Push
and Start-Up as well as Taxi and Take of Clearances or Landing Clearances.
Centre finally co-ordinates with Euro Control if no other appropriate ATC is on line.
1. Controller about to take over will have logged on in advance as an OBS and will have
opened a Chat Box, or coordinated via Teamspeak or other means eith the active
controller, set the com radios to the correct frequency and also have joined on the
voice frequency.
2. The Controller about to take over will call up the ATIS information of the Active
Controller and copy this information or if needed update the information.
3. The Active Controller will inform the new controller about all relevant aircraft
movement under the relevant area of responsibility and any other important
information (who is on Voice, who on Text, who is awaiting clearance etc)
4. The existing Controller will advise all Aircraft under control by Text and/or Voice as
required that a Shift Change is in progress and will shortly be completed.
5. The Controller about to take over will then disconnect and reconnect again with the
correct call sign. But instead of using for example EDDM_APP will come back as
6. Immediately upon the New Controller having gained overall contact, he will notify
the existing controller by opening a chat box or using Teamspeak or any other means
and typing/saying “I am Ready”
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
7. The existing Controller will at this stage signal that he is surrendering control by
clearly stating on voice “You Have Control”
8. Immediately after this the Off-going Controller will disconnect but reconnect as soon
as possible as Observer and rejoin the voice channel
9. The off-going controller will stay on line as Observer for a few minutes ensuring that
the new controller has full control and that no conflicts or omissions are taking place.
The above steps from 1 to 9 should not take more than 2 to 3 minutes and will ensure a
seamless and efficient way of ensuring continued control to all aircraft under control.
The above scenario is the ideal way, but it is rather complicated and a much simpler method
is generally used:
Inform the next controller about the current situation via Teamspeak or other means.
Co-ordinate when the next controller is ready to take over.
Go offline so that the new controller can login as an active controller.
Logon again as observer if necessary.
Pertinent data on all overflying traffic which will enter or pass adjacent to the Aerodrome
Traffic Zone
The anticipated delay to departing IFR flights together with the reason for the delay
Missed approaches when re-routing is entailed, in order that the subsequent action may be
Transfer of Control/Communications
APP has responsibility for ALL flights (within its area of responsibility) which are NOT
operating by visual reference to the surface i.e. any flight which is flying by reference to
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Control of IFR flights may be transferred by APP to TWR control in the following
APP may instruct IFR flights to establish communications with TWR control (for the
purpose of obtaining landing clearance and essential aerodrome information) when the
aircraft has become number one to approach and, for following aircraft, when they are
established on approach and have been provided with the appropriate separation. Until such
aircraft are flying by visual reference to the surface the responsibility for separation between
them will remain with APP; TWR shall not issue any instructions or advice which would
reduce the separation established by APP.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
8.1 General
You are manning a position and all has been going smooth since you came on line. Aircraft
are following their routes, filing their flight plans, departing and arriving as directed and you
wonder if anything ever gets interesting. Well it does as there are a few not so usual
situations that can occur from time to time, especially at the Practical Tests all members have
to take and pass for the Controller ratings.
We thought it may be interesting and beneficial to cover a number of these situations, in
effect members are urged to simulate these on line as part of local VACC training, getting
together with a few friendly pilots who are willing to participate. Some of the situations
described below can occur in VATSIM others at least at the present time are impossible to
recreate, however we hope you enjoy learning a bit about them all.
Missed Approach procedures differ from airport to airport and the procedure to be flown can
be found on the respective approach plates. In general in VATSIM, ATC usually tends to
give all aircraft the same command on a Missed Approach being something similar to:
Whilst one could argue that there really is nothing wrong with this approach to things, as it
would allow the pilot to climb on the runway heading giving him or her the time to read the
published procedure, the fact is that it is not really correct as there are specific Missed
Approach procedures in use at various fields, which call for different instructions.
The Fly Runway heading in VATSIM is being used generally for a number of reasons
Easy to remember.
Gives the ATC flexibility in deciding if the approach will be a left or a right had turn
Easy for pilots.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Let us look at the standard phrases and terms that exist in respect to missed approaches, there
are more than one may think.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
In other words:
An aircraft shall be instructed by ATC to carry out a missed approach in any of the
following cases:
The pilot arrives at DH and is still in the clouds and does not have any visual
The pilot has not received Landing Clearance at the DH In this situation actually the
pilot HAS to go around except if the pilot decides that going around would bring the
aircraft into a more dangerous situation than landing (for example if low on fuel)
The pilot deems that to continue the approach would endanger the aircraft.
A common mistake, which again and again is heard by ATC from different countries
instructing an aircraft executing a missed approach, is the following command:
This is wrong; there is no need to tell the pilot to climb! The pilot is already climbing as per
the prescribed Missed Approach Procedures.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
As you can imagine we do not want an aircraft circling at 3000ft over LO for too long,
especially if there is more traffic inbound the field. So, prior to the aircraft arriving at LO,
you could instruct the aircraft to leave LO on heading 110 for a left hand procedural
approach back to runway 27.
EX123, inbound LO
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Twr “somewhere” Exair123 leave LO on Heading 110, maintain 3000ft vectors for
LOC runway 27
From there onwards it is only a matter of vectoring to bring the aircraft back to the LOC as
Different Fields use different procedures and these procedures again are different depending
on the type of aircraft involved in the process. The main thing to bear in mind is that the
missed approach procedure does involve a prescribed hold unless ATC instructs the pilot
For the pilot to disconnect but keep a pre agreed kind of voice communication open,
for example team speak or Skype
For the pilot to change his Squawk from C mode to Standby mode, as ATC you will
lose all the vital data. Depending on radar mode used you may see an "x".
For you as ATC to turn off the monitor, the problem here would be that all traffic in
your area is blanked out.
In practice (if this situation should occur) then the most likely scenario will be the pilots
continuing on line but in Standby mode.
Assuming however that a non radar or radar loss occurs then you as ATC will have to reply
mainly on the pilot being able to maintain non-radar separation minima: which is the
minimum (visual) separation to be maintained by approaching aircraft following a published
procedure approach.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
As ATC you will need to “talk” the aircraft in and the pilots need to be able to navigate using
VOR, DME, NDB and ILS frequencies and radials.
This is a clear example of team coordination between ATC and a Pilot as ATC will rely
solely on the position updates received from the pilot based on which ATC issues further
lateral or vertical instructions and commands.
The example below follows a theoretical approach to rwy 04L at EKCH but the procedures
and hints are similar where ever you control.
Let is assume we are using runway 04L for arrival and the aircraft is coming in initially via
the SVD VOR the pilot has just turned to heading 210 and you have cleared him to descend
and maintain FL80 when he “disappears”
The following tools then become available.
SVD vor
KAS vor
KOR vor
RK ndb
And finally the ILS frequency for 04L
Initially we want the pilot to tune into SVD and KAS VOR, you know at what FL the pilot is
on and being under FL100 the pilot should be respecting speed restrictions.
In any case reiterate these restrictions to the pilot.
Next instruct the pilot to fly the outbound radial 210 from SVD and report when at 20nm
from SVD, once he reports at that point you can descend him to FL60. You next reporting
point will be when he is still on the outbound radial 210 from SVD but intercepting the
outbound radial 300 from KAS (abeam the KAS VOR).
This will mean he is more or less 2 miles north/east of VLL, once he reports in, instruct the
pilot to turn left heading 175.
If the pilot follows this to the letter he will be flying direct over EKRK, if the weather is clear
instruct the pilot to report over EKRK. More often however the pilot should be instructed to
report abeam the RK NDB. Once reported at EKRK or RK NDB as the case may be, descend
the pilot to altitude 4500ft on the local QNH and instruct pilot to report at 15nm KAS on
radial 75 and/or to report at 20nm KOR on radial 255.
The moment he report in at either of these, turn him left base to heading 130, clear him to
2500feet, issue further speed restrictions setting him up for approach and then wait a minute
or so until you clear further to heading 070 for ILS approach to 04L.
All this time; you have cleared all other traffic away from the possible conflict zone and
relied on the pilots to issue visual contacts or TCAS alerts when necessary.
Easy! But wait! The above scenario assumes that the Winds are CALM, without drift, so
once the wind factor comes into the equation, things will change and you need to compensate
for this.
The trick is that the pilot needs to be able to triangulate where he is in relation to 2 VOR‟s,
possibly combined with an NDB. Based on his progress reports you should be able to
“picture” where he is and ensure other traffic is not overly inconvenienced.
As at some point you need to check your progress, ask the pilot to reconnect or Squawk C
mode again or in the event you turned off your monitor power it up.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
The target area in which you want him to appear is within the Green lines, as these puts him
more or less in a safe approach position towards the runway, and in this case you have done
If he appears within the Red area then he is at an incorrect angle to intercept the ILS properly
and should make a missed approach.
If he is in the Blue area then either the pilot needs to take a refreshment course into reading
his instruments or ATC has been overly cautious and maintained far too much separation
with preceding aircraft.
8.2.3 Phraseology
APP Somewhere, ExAir123 lost radar contact, do you copy on voice?
ExAir123, Approach affirmative
APP Somewhere, ExAir123 report speed, heading and FL
ExAir123 speed 310, heading 180, FL120
APP Somewhere, ExAir123, depart SVD on R-210, descend FL80, speed 250kias
ExAir123, copy SVD on R-210, FL80 and speed 250kias
APP Somewhere, ExAir123 report DME 20 SVD VOR on R-210
ExAir 123, reporting at D20 SVD on 210
APP Somewhere, ExAir123 descend FL60, maintain present heading report abeam
ExAir123 copy FL60, hdg 210 will report abeam KAS
ExAir123 reporting abeam KAS
APP Somewhere, ExAir123 copy, turn left heading 175 for vectors ILS APP runway
04L, report over EKRK or RK NDB
ExAir123, left hdg 175 for 04L will report over EKRK or RK NDB ExAir123 reporting
over EKRK, (or RK NDB) FL60
APP Somewhere, ExAir123 descend to 4500ft on QNH 1013 report D15 KAS on radial
ExAir123 Wilco.
ExAir123 at D15 on R-075 KAS
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
APP Somewhere, ExAir123 turn left for base hdg 130 descend to 2500ft, reduce speed
to 190kias
ExAir123, 2500ft, 190kias on base leg
APP Somewhere, ExAir123 turn left hdg 070 cleared ILS app 04L please log back on
SB now or Squawk C mode now
ExAir123 copy.
We should not ever use these procedures unless approved as part of a Practical test or upon
request from a pilot wanting to test his flying skills making use of his IFR instruments or on
request of an ATC wanting to gain more “spatial” knowledge.
Having trained this kind of situation ATC hopefully have learned how to anticipate in their
mind where an aircraft is in relation to other aircraft and in relation to the Airport and active
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
and Green
Red-red-green Nearing restricted
sequence airspace
Blinking Runway
vehicles, planes, and pedestrians immediately clear landing area in use
(a) Distress is a situation where safety is being threatened by grave and imminent danger and
requires immediate assistance. The spoken word for distress is MAYDAY and is pronounced
3 times.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
(b) Urgency is a situation where the safety of an aircraft or other vehicle or of some person
on board or within sight is threatened, but does not require immediate assistance. The spoken
word for urgency is PAN- PAN, and is pronounced 3 times..
The first transmission of the distress call and message by an aircraft should be on the air-to-
ground frequency in use at the time. If the aircraft is unable to establish communication on
the frequency in use, the distress call and message should be repeated on the general calling
and distress frequency 121.500 MHz, or any other frequency available, in an effort to
establish communications with any ground or other aircraft station.
The distress call shall have absolute priority over all other transmissions. All stations hearing
it shall immediately cease any transmission which may interfere with it and shall listen on the
frequency used for the distress call.
8.4.3 Contingencies
(a) The following general procedures are intended as guidance only. Although all possible
contingencies cannot be covered, they provide for cases of inability to maintain assigned
level due to:
(i) Weather;
(ii) Aircraft performance; and
(iii) Pressurization failure.
The pilot‟s judgment shall determine the sequence of actions to be taken, taking into account
specific circumstances, and ATC shall render all possible assistance.
(b) If an aircraft is unable to continue flight in accordance with its ATC clearance, a revised
clearance shall, whenever possible, be obtained prior to initiating any action, using a distress
or urgency signal if appropriate. If prior clearance cannot be obtained, an ATC clearance
shall be obtained at the earliest possible time. The pilot should take the following actions
until a revised ATC clearance is received:
(i) Establish communications with and alert nearby aircraft by broadcasting, at
suitable intervals: flight identification, flight level, aircraft position, (including the
ATS route designator or the track code) and intentions on the frequency in use.
(ii) Initiate such action as necessary to ensure safety. If the pilot determines that there
is another aircraft at or near the same flight level, which might conflict, the pilot is
expected to adjust the path of the aircraft, as necessary, to avoid conflict.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
This is the most serious of the 3 codes, as it signals that the aircraft is either in distress or in
an unsafe condition requiring urgent action from both ATC as pilot.
ExAir123, Mayday received, when able Advise Nature of Emergency, Pax and Fuel on
board and Intentions.
Remember that the pilot has a lot to do in trying to control an unresponsive aircraft and he
may not be in a position to give you an immediate answer, don‟t get upset or press for a
Assist the pilot as best as you can, ensure that ALL traffic in the area is well clear of the code
7700 aircraft both horizontally and laterally. If it looks like the code 7700 is approaching an
airfield in order to attempt a landing, ensure the approach to and the runway is free of
conflicting traffic.
If you have other inbound IFR or VFR traffic, vector them around and away from the Code
7700 aircraft.
A 7700 code takes precedence over ALL other traffic, ATC need to give this code 7700 its
utmost time and attention without forgetting all other traffic under its area of control.
If you encounter a 7700 on route requesting deviation to a nearest airfield which happens to
lie outside of your FIR, advise pilot that nearest airfield is ABC at XX nautical miles in the
ABC FIR. Or nearest local Field is XYZ at YY nautical miles, let the pilot choose which one
he wants.
If he chooses the one outside of your FIR, co-ordinate the hand over with the appropriate
ATC and hand the flight over in normal manner.
If possible, keep the pilot advised of the actions taken. Inform other traffic of the situation in
order to prevent the transfer of traffic to the frequency used for the distress communication.
Assist the aircraft in emergency by the following action with respect to voice
Impose silence on stations interfering with the distress communication. Address such
instruction to "all stations" or to a particular station, according to circumstances.
Madrid Tower, To All Stations, stop transmitting, mayday in progress.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
When distress communication has ended or when silence is no longer required on the
frequency used for distress communication, transmit a message to "all stations" indicating
that normal operations can be continued.
Madrid Tower, To All Stations, distress traffic ended
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Safety alerts
Traffic advisories
Limited radar vectoring, when requested by the pilot and ATC workload is low.
Sequencing at locations where procedures have been established for this purpose
and/or when covered by a letter of agreement
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Class B Class C, D, E
Class F & G
Visibility 5 km 3 km
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
communications with ATC, those waypoints used in conjunction with VFR reporting points
shall be referred to by the Visual Reporting Point name.
To explain the concept we use as an example the VFR charts for EHBK (Maastricht
Airport) in The Netherlands.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
As you can see on the chart for Maastricht there are 3 Compulsory Reporting Points,
BRAVO, MIKE and UNIFORM. Each of these points also designates the beginning or the
end of the VFR departure or arrival routes.
The VFR routes are useable for VFR traffic regardless if arriving or departing and regardless
of which runway is in use. If you look at the BRAVO route you will see that a pilot would
have to report over BRAVO and proceed to the next compulsory reporting point which is
GOLF via a non compulsory reporting point called SIERRA, or vice versa. This route clearly
follows a river, in this case the Juliana Canal.
GOLF and ROMEO are the two exit or entry points into the Traffic Circuit which can only
be accessed at the discretion of ATC. In practice if ATC is unable to provide a direct entry
into the pattern then the VFR traffic would have been asked to circle at one of the four visual
holding points, which as you can see are next to HOTEL, INDIA PAPA and SIERRA.
The VFR routes and reporting points can either be added to the regular sector file as part of
the SID/STAR section and Fixes section or a stand alone dedicated VFR sector file can be
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Pilot: PH-2GY, PA31, General Aviation Apron VFR to Rotterdam via MIKE, request
GND: PH-2GY, taxi to holding position runway 21 via, W and W1, QNH 1017
Pilot: PH-2GY, taxiing to runway 03 via W and W1, QNH 1017
The Pilot in the above example clearly stated his intention to fly VFR to Rotterdam via
MIKE. The pilot could also have stated VFR to Rotterdam, or VFR via MIKE all three are
possible, but stating the destination as well as the VFR departure route is the most complete
Pilot: PH-2GY, ready for departure
GND: PH-2GY, contact Tower on 135.450
Pilot: PH-2GY, contacting Tower on 135.450
TWR: PH-2GY, leave control zone via GOLF right turn approved, wind 175 degrees 11
knots, cleared for takeoff runway 21
Pilot: PH-2GY, leaving control zone via GOLF, right turn approved, cleared for takeoff
runway 21
The clearance tells the pilot that he can take off, enter the right hand traffic pattern and leave
the control zone over GOLF as Compulsory Reporting Point from where he would continue
following the MIKE departure route.
At this point the pilot would leave the frequency but could ask for VFR advisory service in
which case the pilot would normally be asked to switch frequency to a radar controller. Or
the pilot would continue on his own route to Rotterdam.
Half way to Rotterdam however the pilot decides to turn around and return to Maastricht.
The aircraft is approaching the aerodrome from the South and the pilot will need to report his
intentions before arriving over the compulsory reporting point UNIFORM.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
The pilot now knows he can enter the Control Zone and approach the aerodrome via the
UNIFORM arrival route, and will need to report over ROMEO next. However further ATC
clearance is required before the pilot can enter the actual traffic circuit after ROMEO.
As you see the Pilot needs the clearance by ATC before entering the traffic pattern after
ROMEO. In the event no such clearance is received then the pilot should enter the circling
pattern as indicated on the charts or as instructed to by ATC.
For the rest the approach and landing clearances are similar to those used when dealing with
As TWR controller in VATSIM you most likely will have a mix of VFR and IFR traffic at
the same time, most VFR traffic will be slow and most IFR traffic will be heavy or fast,
below find a number of traffic situations and the required action needed to make the flow and
sequencing of VFR and IFR be as smooth as possible.
The IFR traffic is being vectored and sequenced by Approach and as Tower your influence in
this process is non existent. If you have VFR traffic under your control you will need to slot
them into the landing pattern the one and only influence you as TOWER has over Approach
is to request that the IFR inbound traffic be separated more than usual to allow the VFR
plane to be slotted in between.
Here are a few examples; again we will use PH-2GY the PA13 for approach to rwy 03 in
MaastrichtKL123 a B737 on his way in on the ILS for rwy 03. together with Orbit
The most common and easiest way to increase separation is to issue an Orbit or 360 degree
instruction. This automatically increases the separation between the traffic.
TWR: PH-2GY make a right three sixty
Note the differences bellow:
TWR PH-2GY Orbit over POINT
This results in a continuous circling until ATC instructs to the contrary.
TWR PH-2GY Fly 360° over POINT
This results in one complete 360 degree circle after which the pilot will resume his original
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
TWR: PH-2GY, caution wake turbulence from Boeing 737 on short final
In the event one full circle should not suffice to ensure sufficient separation between the
various aircraft in the pattern or on final ATC can instruct the VFR traffic to continue
orbiting until cleared for the approach.
Short Approach
If the IFR traffic is further than 8 miles distant from the field then ATC can ask a VFR pilot
if he can follow a short approach. This in essence means that the VFR aircraft will shorten
his final approach to less than 1nm and land before the IFR traffic.
ATC would then provide the pilot of the IFR flight with the required traffic information
Extended Approach
In the event that a pilot cannot execute a short final approach or if there is other traffic on
short final, ATC can instruct the VFR traffic to extend the downwind leg thereby ensuring
that the traffic is sequenced and sufficient separation exist between the different approaching
aircraft. Remember as ATC, if you are sequencing a light propeller type aircraft in after a
medium or heavy jet that wake turbulence will most probably be a factor.
Pilot in Command
Another manner to deal with the situation is to pass the entire process to the pilots. In essence
ATC advises the VFR pilot to follow and maintain visual separation with the IFR traffic
TWR: PH-2GY, Number two, follow Boeing 737 on 5 miles final, caution wake
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Bear in mind that it is good practice to advise the IFR flight crew of the existence of the VFR
traffic in the area.
TWR: KL123, PA13 on downwind runway 03 at your 3 o’clock, report traffic in sight
The pilot in turn has the responsibility to inform ATC of having the preceding traffic in sight
and indeed also report if he does not have traffic in sight, in which case the responsibility for
separation returns to ATC.
An example of a use for special visual flight rules would be ground fog or mist obscuring the
ground visibility at a controlled airport while visual meteorological conditions exist above, or
at to fly visually at night in control zones in countries that do not allow VFR night flights.
The type of flight plan which a pilot intends to file and fly forms part of the flight plan in
VATSIM you can identify these by looking at the Target or by looking at the flight plan.
VATSIM only allows for I, V and S. in real life there are two other types the so called
composites being Y and Z as outlined bellow.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
TWR: PH-2GY; winds 240 at 11, runway 22R, depart runway heading cleared for take
TWR: PH-2GY; winds 240 at 11, runway 22R, straight out departure runway heading
cleared for take off
TWR: PH-2GY; winds 240 at 11, runway 22R, 45 degree left/right Departure cleared
for take off
Similarly during Approach, instead of having the pilot report at the normal VFR reporting
points, the pilot will most probably be flying direct to the airport; therefore ATC would limit
the instructions to the basic.
TWR: PH-2GY; report filed in sight
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
From time to time as an on line VATSIM ATC Controller you will get traffic which falls into
one of the categories below. It is surprising sometime to see how people panic or make things
much more difficult than needed when dealing with “non standard” traffic. We hope the
following sections will make you feel more comfortable when confronted with this type of
traffic in the future.
10.1.2 General
As a general rule the main concern of ATC when dealing with military traffic is to know the
intentions of this traffic and to ensure that the standard separation between traffic is
maintained at all times. All aircraft shall be coordinated before handoff if not laid down
otherwise in local procedures all aircraft shall be routed and leveled according to ATC
In general Military traffic is restricted from over flying the main airfields or TMA areas
between certain Flight Levels and they have to adhere to speed restrictions, regardless if
there is ATC on-line or not in the area.
Avoid the Schiphol TMA area (1500 ft - FL95) even when no ATC present, VFR flights
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
below 1500 ft are permitted, yet these have to remain at least 10 nm distance from SPL
Avoid civil CTR area's (GND-3000 ft) of the following airports EHAM, EHGG, EHRD &
All VFR flights should be in contact with ATC Amsterdam Radar (EHAA) or Dutch Mil
(EHMC) if present.
Minimum altitude above land 1200 ft AGL for jet aircraft (VFR/IFR)
Minimum altitude above land 1000 ft AGL for transport aircraft (VFR/IFR)
Minimum altitude above land 500 ft AGL for helicopters (VFR/IFR)
Minimum altitude above sea 100 ft AGL all aircraft (min 1nm outside coastline)
Intercepts or escorts of other aircraft are NOT allowed, unless permission is given by ATC
and the aircraft involved.
As you can see the clearer the ground rules are the less the chance of misunderstanding and
the more enjoyment for all concerned participating in the event or operation both from the
pilot‟s view as from the ATCO‟s view.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Coordination within the formation is made on the ATC frequency. Furthermore the formation
leader will squawk “C” mode and be assigned a transponder code, the rest of the formation
will be squawking Stand-By Mode.
Formations can be split either by a issuing speed constraints or instructions, lateral or vertical
split instructions. The most common is the Vertical Split as the different aircraft are given a
different Flight Level instruction.
As ATC you start by contacting the formation leader to advise them about the imminent split:
TIGER1 prepare for Vertical Split
The formation leader would now communicate via text or on the squadron channel with the
rest of the formation and prepare accordingly.
The next ATC command is to instruct the target to either climb or descent. In the event the
aircraft being instructed to climb or descent is not the formation leader then ATC needs to
assign a correct Squawk to this aircraft which needs to squawk “C” mode.
TIGER2, Descend to FL120, Squawk 1234 and IDENT
The target now lights up on your scope and you issue it with an in-flight IFR Clearance.
NATO2, Cleared to EHVL, Proceed direct XXX, maintain FL 120
To split a formation using Speed corrections or Lateral instructions is also possible although
this is used less frequently than a vertical split. However when used would follow the same
principle as the above examples. The heading change given to the aircraft being targeted for a
lateral split should be 30 degrees or more.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
10.1.8 Phraseology
The callsigns are the most obvious difference as they follow no set alfa-numerical sequence
and one can expect to see callsigns which range from the rather obvious NATO1 or RAF10
to the unorthodox HOTDOG1, DODGER2, COBRA3, etc
As Approach/Tower Controller there are two things which differ when dealing with inbound
military traffic.
Persons on board is asked at military aerodromes, to all aircraft even civilian traffic, with the
exception of fighter aircraft which have 1 or 2 persons on board by default.
Tower, “COBRA3, request persons on board”
The need to remind the pilot to perform a landing gear down check
Tower, COBRA3, Check Gear
Further Codes and phraseology can be found at:
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
10.2.4 Pattern
At controlled aerodromes specific operating procedures apply to helicopter traffic. Bear in
mind that aircraft and helicopters do not mix well in the traffic pattern. The following
generally applies for Helicopters.
Where possible, helicopter circuit traffic will be separated from the aeroplane traffic
pattern by the use of contra-direction circuits, outside of and parallel to the flight strip
of the runway in use, and at a lower altitude than other traffic, but not below 500FT
above the aerodrome elevation.
When separated circuit patterns are not practicable, helicopters may utilize the same
traffic pattern direction as other traffic, and will normally operate inside and at a
lower altitude than the traffic, but not below 500FT above the aerodrome elevation.
ATC Manual by VATSIM European Devision
Shanwick Oceanic, and Sondrestrom. Most of the airspace in these FIRs is high seas
airspace, wherein the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Council has
determined that all rules regarding flight and operation of aircraft apply without exception.
However, responsibility for enforcement of these rules rests with the state of registry of the
aircraft or the state of the operator. Flight rules are contained in Annex 2 to the Convention
on International Civil Aviation, and procedural aspects are covered in ICAO Doc 7030,
"NAT Regional Supplementary Procedures." The majority of the airspace is controlled
airspace. Instrument flight rules (IFR) apply to all flights at or above flight level (FL) 60 or
2000 feet above ground level (AGL), whichever is higher. These airspaces include:
The New York Oceanic, Gander Oceanic, Shanwick Oceanic, Santa Maria Oceanic
The Bodo Oceanic FIR when operating more than 100 nautical miles (NM) seaward
from the shoreline above FL 195
Sondrestrom FIR when operating outside the shoreline of Greenland
Reykjavik FIR when operating in the oceanic sector, or in the domestic sector at or
above FL 200
The Shannon Oceanic Transition Area (SOTA)
Shanwick Oceanic manages the airspace over the Eastern Atlantic between 30°W and
landfall with the UK and Ireland, and from 45N to 61N.
For in depth information on the various procedures please visit the following links:
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