Proceedings Workshop2
Proceedings Workshop2
Proceedings Workshop2
Edi ted by
Yoshiaki Kikuchi, Alexandre Pinto and José Cerejeira
Chairman of 3 ICTG2016
Prof. A. Gomes Correia
Pr oceedi ngs
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4-7 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
Organized by
University of Minho (UM)
Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG)
International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical
Engineering (ISSMGE)
Sponsored by
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
Organizing Committee:
Yoshiaki Kikuchi
Alexandre Pinto
José Cerejeira
Auditorium Infante Dom Henrique
Avenida Antunes Guimarães, Leça da Palmeira
4 September 2016
Alexandre Pinto
ISBN: 978-972-8692-97-1
Universidade do Minho
Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Azurém, P-4800-058 Guimarães
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.167408
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
The Editors
Yoshiaki Kikuchi
Alexandre Pinto
José Cerejeira
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
Table of contents
Offshore stone columns to improve alluvial soils for caissons quay wall
and landfill foundations
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
1 Introduction
There are about 1000 ports in Japan and most of them are constructed as sea ports, because
Japan is surrounded by sea. There are three major bays such as Tokyo bay, Ise bay, Osaka
bay, and most major ports are located in these bays. Thick soft clay layers cover the surface
of the site for these major ports. And thickness of soft clay layers is more than thirty meters.
In this meaning, port construction engineers have worked to overcome soft soil problems.
Japan is famous as an earthquake country, but Japan is also facing soft soil problems. In
this presentation, geotechnical conditions of Japanese ports are introduced at first, then
geotechnical characteristics of Japanese soft clays are introduced, thirdly ground
improvement methods mainly used in Japan are introduced. Finally some examples
conducted in Japan against soft soils are introduced.
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
1 Introduction
The use of deep vibratory methods for the improvement of the bearing capacity, reduction
of settlement and liquefaction mitigation of weak soils that are unsuitable as foundation for
offshore structures dates back over more than 50 years. During this long period of
application, a lot of experience was gained with this technology and enormous progress was
made pushing forward boundaries and limitations for its application. The continuous
development has been experienced not only regarding design methods and standards, but
also equipment to carry them out in practice.
As a result of permanent technological progress Keller Group has developed the Alpha-S
System that permits offshore vibro replacement stone column construction using the bottom
feed dry method. With this system, stone columns can be installed to large depths, with the
current record being at approx. 50 m, in challenging soil conditions. Keller´s gravel-jet,
sophisticated material feeding system, improves handling, productivity and quality control.
In the last decade, the unique features of vibro replacement performed by Alpha-S System
were used in numerous offshore and port projects in Europe and South America, in order to
facilitate the building process in complicated soil conditions and to improve the level of
safety and efficiency. In this extended abstract selected details of some of those projects
will be presented with objective to explain how vibro replacement can be used as an
integral part of the solution and to solve detailed problems. Based on these practical
examples, the basic framework for the design and execution of vibro replacement will be
2 Alpha-S System
For the installation of longer stone columns, stones or gravel reliably need to be transported
to large depths into the seabed. This can only be achieved using a bottom-feed system. The
complete setup for the stone column operation comprises crane with vibrator string, gravel-
sender and gravel-jet, double-locked chambers and the Alpha-S vibrator.
Alpha-S System has been developed with automatic transport of the gravel to the tip of
vibrator. Keller´s hydraulic gravel-sender and gravel-jet system pumps through a 200 mm
diameter hose to the top of vibrator using high velocity water. A fully automated and
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
All types of structural and geotechnical pathologies including liquefaction were detected.
Soil improvement by offshore vibro replacement was adopted as a part of the global project
solution which permitted to take advantage of the existing dock/berth structure despite
observed damages, and avoid its demolition; consequently new construction activities and
costs were significantly reduced.
Almost all benefits of vibro replacement and Alpha-S System were exploited. Soil
improvement was performed up to 30,0 m below seabed, in order to increase bearing
capacity and shear strength, and to mitigate liquefaction risks of soils formed by very soft
silts and loose silty sands. According to the causes of liquefaction, its mitigation by means
of stone columns was achieved due to the superposition of following positive effects, as has
been stated by several researchers:
1) Soil densification and increase of the in-situ lateral stress (increase in CRR).
2) Reinforcement of the soil with the stiffer columns of compacted gravel (reduction of
3) Increment of drainage of earthquake-induced excess pore water pressures from the in-
situ soils (reduction of CSR).
In total 95.000 m of stone columns were installed, 52.000 m from the existing berth
structure and 43.000 m from the barge (see Figure 1).
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
Figure 2: Stone columns performed from existing berth structure and from barge – typical
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
The presentation describes several alternatives considered in project of the quay and
reclamation area of the “Recinto y Atraque en el Dique del Este del Puerto de Valencia”,
which led to a solution consisting on building a mooring quay at – 16 Z.H using concrete
caissons, placed over a selected stone prism, 5 meters thick (Figure 3).
With an initial scenario based upon the geological data available two alternatives were
studied. One consisting on dredging up to -28,0 Z.H so that the sand seabed level could be
reached or another one on which the dredging works would be performed just up to -21,0
Z.H and a different solution would be considered to enhance the bearing capacity of the
existing clay layers in the seabed (Figure 3).
The solution found was to execute 1 meter diameter gravel columns (from -31,0 Z.H up to -
21,0 Z.H ) with the objective of replacing 20% of the existing seabed materials, consisting
mostly of clays. The gravel columns, in general have stayed from 1,5 up to 2,0 meters
below the existing sand level at - , ,0 Z.H . Two methods used to perform this task are
mentioned with detail has well as some particular points regarding the off-shore works.
Finally the results of such a solution are presented as a consequence of the continuous
monitoring and observation of the project since the solution was implemented (Figure 3and
Figure 4).
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
It is also described the procedure taken to fill the reclamation area next to the quay wall,
consisting on a area of 330.000,00 m2. As all reclamation area is founded on very soft clay
layer measures had to be taken when filling with sandy/rocky material coming from the
dredging works. Inspections were continuously carried out while filling operations took
place so that materials from the seabed would not mix with the ones coming from dredgers
when repulsed by rainbow system.
Such inspections were carried out both by diver and surveyor teams, contrasting survey
data with the real situation below sea level. Conclusions were taken from data analysis and
afterwards transmitted to dredger that knew from that moment where to repulse the dredged
material on its next dredging/dumping cycle.
ith such rocedure it as ossi le to co er all the soft clay layer of the reclamation area
foundation ith a , ,00 meter sandy/rocky layer. From that on, this situation permitted
that all the reclamation area tasks could be safely carried out since the danger of mixing
existing seabed clays and competent dredged materials brought had been greatly mitigated
by the layer previously created.
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
Neither any significant settlement nor singular phenomena related with any instability on
the reclamation area has been reported until now.
Soft clays and limes are difficult materials to handle with, principally when it comes to
foundation solution in marine works. Solutions may lead to scenarios both costly and
environmentally aggressive. Alternatives are possible but require carefulness and constant
monitoring during and after implementation. However, when taking the necessary measures
and procedures intended results may be achieved. The role of previous geological tests
campaign is central and absolutely critical to the success of any solution.
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
1 Abstract
The objective of this communication is to present the new Container Terminal in La Guaira
Port, more precisely to describe the procedure used in the landfill treatment to improve the
load capacity of the soil. The structure of the pier is composed by a concrete platform
supported by piles with an extension of 693m. Since the area where containers are moved
and parked consists of a hydraulic landfill situated on a seismic zone, it was necessary to
define what kind of treatment would me more suitable to overcome the possibility of a
liquefaction phenomenon. Since the embankment was made with sandy soils the chosen
procedure was vibroflotation.
2 Introduction
The Port of La Guaira is situated in the central coast of Venezuela, north of the capital
Caracas. This infrastructure has a water level protected by a breakwater 1.300m long and
several piers. In operational terms it is characterized by fractional general cargo and
containers movements in the North Quay, with strong operating constraints resulting from
the embankment with only 50m wide.
To improve the port performance the national state-owned company that manages the Port
– Bolipuertos – signed a contract with the Portuguese company Teixeira Duarte in EPC
mode (Engineering – Procurement – Construction). The contract established under the
Portugal –Venezuela Agreement included:
1. Execution of a pier;
2. Container Park (rehabilitation and area conquered to the sea);
3. Port equi ment (STS’s and RTG’s);
4. Administrative buildings;
5. Complete formation in all port operations, from the vessel arrival to the
shipment of goods (intern or extern exportation);
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
The chosen solution to carry out the treatment of the landfill was vibroflotation, given the
existing conditions and materials (in the materialization of the landfill were used 1.1
million m3 of sand). Thus, after the execution of part of the landfill several tests were
performed since it was necessary to determine the characteristics and depths of treatment,
including the mesh, the up speed of the equipment and the treatment time per level. It is
important to refer that SPT and CPTU tests were performed as well as particle size analysis
and plate bearing tests. These were made prior and during the treatment in order to control
the improvement process of vibroflotation.
This treatment led to an average increase in relative density. It is important to refer that
were introduced 8650m3 of additional material (sand and stone aggregates).
In the i roflotation ere used three cranes ith four “needles” in continuous ork
24h/24h, 6 days a week.
3 Conclusion
The need for landfill treatment depends both on the type of use and the risk of liquefaction.
The choice of the treatment (replacement soils, preload deep vibration, dynamic
compaction, drain installation or rigid structures) will have to take into account several
1. Nature of soil to be treated;
2. Desired improvement;
3. Deadline of achieving the results;
4. Cost/Benefit analysis of the each kind of treatment;
5. Local conditions for execution.
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
1 Introduction
The Jetty was built in the natural gas processing plant of Angola LNG in Soyo, province of
Zaire do Norte, in Angola. It is located at Diogo Cão Bay, in the end of Congo River, one
of the largest rivers in the world, which limits the border between Angola and the
Democratic Republic of Congo, 500 km north of Luanda.
Located inside the MOSD - Marine Operations Support Dock complex to support marine
operations related with gas transportation, it was built 294m long and 8.1m wide,
perpendicular to the existing quay. It has capacity for the mooring of several vessels,
namely large Svitzer tugboats.
Teixeira Duarte, Engenharia e Construções S.A., was the company responsible for this
project in E P C scheme. As this was a job of an urgent nature it was necessary to develop a
construction method that would simultaneously comply with the tender base project and
with the required execution period of 18 months.
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
3 Constructive Solution
The geotechnical details noticed by the initial and complementary surveys and the poor
accessibilities, inherent to the worksite, imposed the development and detailed definition of
the whole constructive process of the job, long before the starting of its execution.
The adopted constructive solution consisted in the use of a 50m long and 8m wide
provisory metal jetty, which gave support to the final jetty construction in reinforced
concrete. The provisory jetty allowed the creation of several work fronts, always with a
privileged connection to the land, thus facilitating the simultaneous performance of all fixed
jetty execution stages (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Jetty under construction. Stg.1 - Pile driving. Stg.2 - Temporary jetty movement. Stg.3
- Precast assembly. Stg.4 – Cantilever system. Stg.5 – Fenders assembly with a tower crane on
4 Final Considerations
The genesis of the construction and the available resources were closely linked to the
constructive solutions developed during the project stage and later on, during its execution.
Always resorting to trial runs and tests carried out on site.
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
The idea of a temporary metal jetty combined with a reinforced concrete precast modular
cantilevered system allowed the work execution above the tide level, as well as to achieve
the required efficiency rates, always working on unquestionable safety and quality levels
(Figure 4).
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
1 Abstract
During the 1970s and the early 1980s, several ship repair yards sprang up in the
Mediterranean area (Spain, France, Italy and Malta) and in the Arabian Gulf (Bahrain,
Saudi Arabia, Iran and Dubai), chiefly to take advantage of their location at the end of
shi s’ return journey ith allast from all routes assing the main source of the orld oil
supply. Similar initiatives were implemented in Latin America (Ecuador, Venezuela and
Brazil) and in Africa.
Portuguese engineering1 played a major role in carrying out preliminary studies, designs
and the supervision of the construction of the largest shipyards undertaken in the world at
that time, notably: Lisnave at Margueira, in Almada and Setenave at Mitrena, in Setúbal,
both in Portugal; Astilleros Españoles in Cadiz, Spain; ASRY, the Arab Shipbuilding and
Repair Yard, in Bahrain; and JSRY, the Jeddah Shipbuilding and Repair Yard in Saudi
A shipyard built from scratch is undoubtedly a venture in which marine works are
preponderant and may account for 65% of the total cost, thereby justifying the need for
sound experience in the design of these works in order to achieve their better adaptation to
natural – generally extremely adverse – conditions. A shipyard generally requires all types
of marine works (protection and sheltering works, dredging and fills, drydocks, quays,
jetties and dolphins) and complex geotechnica
l works (soil treatment and consolidation, cofferdams and lowering the water table).
The launch of a venture of this kind, and other port infrastructures, is thus always a great
challenge to the creativity of the designer in his quest for construction solutions that not
only meet demanding operational, environmental and safety requirements but also optimize
construction costs and periods.
The Eurocode 7 (EC7) classifies geotechnical structures into three groups according to their
complexity, experience, geotechnical information and the risk of damage. In turn, the
Portuguese legislation on the development of public works projects (ordinance 701-H/2008
of 29 July) classifies port works in four categories (I to IV) according to the degree of
difficulty of design and the complexity of the project. Dry docks and locks belong to the
Initially in the form of PROFABRIL and then PROMAN since the 1980s
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
The conception, design and contracting of the most important port infrastructures requires
special care from all stakeholders and some cases, based on the long and diverse experience
of the author, will be described in the presentation.
The next phase of the basic design, in which the works and equipment are defined
quantitatively and qualitatively, also offers the opportunity to assess and benchmark
findings of the previous phase, refining the functional requirements of the project and
adaptation to local physical conditions. For this purpose, it is essential to completely
characterize local conditions (topographical, geological and geotechnical surveys, etc.) in
the study and design phases. If the works and equipment are well conceived and designed,
the costs of the following stages will be more strictly controlled.
While in the initial study and design phase, costs are still relatively small, they significantly
increase in the construction phase, when shortcomings in localization, conception and
design are always difficult and sometimes impossible to overcome in terms of cost and
All too often, the responsible entities reduce the initial investments (in studies and designs),
despite being comparatively small, though admittedly time-consuming. This can create
major difficulties and setbacks in the later stages, or even compromise the viability of the
The above applies to works of any nature. In the specific case of port facilities, it gains
special relevance, since the always expensive works are usually located in areas where
conditions are very complex and require research, specialized studies and design by
experienced personnel and, of course, time. Often they are located in estuaries of rivers
where the geotechnical conditions are not very favourable for the deployment of heavy
structures and the creation of large areas subjected to the high loads and tight deformability
requirements required of modern port facilities. The structural design of works is
particularly difficult due to the need for special structures and adequate soil treatment
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
3 Contracting Procedure
One of two forms of contract is usually adopted:
- A traditional design and construction contract involve a three-party arrangement
between the Owner, the Engineer and the Contractor. The Owner enters into an
agreement with the Engineer to prepare the design of the works and another
with the Contractor to carry out the construction of the works according to the
design produced by the Engineer and approved by the Owner. The Owner thus
warrants the sufficiency of the design and assumes any liability for defects
before the Contractor. The Owner may find it convenient to engage an
independent professional adviser to check the design produced by the Engineer.
The Contractor is then responsible for defective construction and workmanship,
but is free from any liability for design defects. The Engineer, while responsible
for design, does not assume any liability for defective construction. The Owner
enters also into an agreement with the Engineer or another independent
professional to supervise the construction of the works.
- In a design and build contract the Owner enters into a single agreement with the
Contractor who will perform both the design and construction. The Contractor´s
o jecti e is to satisfy the O ner’s road roject o jecti es and requirements
rather than to adhere rigidly to the Engineer´s design plans and specifications.
As well as being responsible for faulty workmanship in construction, the
Contractor is also liable for any deficiencies in the design. The design and build
Contractor may be composed of a joint venture of a contractor and an engineer,
or the former engages the latter as sub-consultant. Either way, the Owner is
looking to the Contractor for the full package of design and construction.
To highlight the advantages and disadvantages of these two procedures, the contracting and
construction of several shipyards and port facilities projects will be described in the
4 Final Remarks
While in the pre implementation phase of an important port infrastructure, comprising the
initial studies and designs, the costs are relatively small, they increase significantly in the
construction phase. To reduce initial investment, despite being comparatively small,
although admittedly time consuming, can create major difficulties and setbacks in the later
stages, or even compromise the viability of the project. An efficient pre implementation
phase is fundamental for the success of the project in either a traditional and construction
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
Design and build contracts without such pre implementation phase, especially those which
do not the operation of facilities by the Contractor, can involve high risks of failure, either
in terms of quality, to the extent that cost reduction may reduce the useful life of the
infrastructure, thus compromising the viability of the project, or in terms required to satisfy
the Owner´s project objectives.
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
1 Introduction
The north breakwater of Nazaré harbor, Portugal, was subject to rehabilitation works to
reconstruct the structure’s rotation head and art of the trunk, hich ere se erely
damaged during the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 winter storms (Santos Ferreira et al, 2015).
It as assumed for the reha ilitation design that the structure’s deterioration was due to the
wave action on the breakwater blocks, 40 ton tetrapods and 5-12 ton rock blocks, and to
their consequent breaking and, or removal from the rotation head.
The original design, from 1980, considered that the maximum possible wave that could
occur in the breakwater area was 7m based on the theoretical transformation of the wave
towards the coast; there is evidence that, during the referred storms, the wave attacking the
breakwater reached 9m high.
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3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
Figure 10: a) Ri er and coast efore the har or’s construction; ) Design solution; c) Final
layout, with the new river estuary; d) Geotechnical cross section along the new estuary of the river,
perpendicular to the shoreline.
Several studies of sediment transport along the coast were carried out, and the conclusion
was that the onshore transport would not have a significant influence on the sediment
deposition on the harbor and its entrance.
Ne ertheless, during the har or’s construction, it ecame clear that the sediment carried y
the river would deposit in the harbor entrance and navigation canal, due to the wider flow
section and to the reduction of velocities, and so the decision to change the river estuary.
To support the design, a dense boring survey was carried out. It showed that the formations
in the harbor area are, from down up, sandstones and clays, sandy or sandy mud layers,
clays, sands and superficial deposits. From the interior to the seashore, the depth of the
sandstone and clay top increases, as well as the thickness of the sandy muds. Beach sand
was found only in a small area, as the survey was not extended to the beach itself. Figure 1d
shows the geotechnical cross section 4, along the new estuary of the river, perpendicular to
the shoreline.
As a consequence, the final layout adopted is presented in Figure 1c. The north breakwater
roundhead was protected with two layers of 40 ton tetrapods taking into account the
significant wave of 7m defined as stated above.
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
de Groot, M.B., et al. (2006, 132(4)). Physics of Liquefaction Phenomena around Marine
Structures. J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng., pp. 227-243.
Santos Ferreira, A., Cabral, M., & Santos, C. (2015). The rehabilitation of north breakwater
of Nazaré harbor, Portugal. 8th International Conference on Asia and Pacific
Coasts, APAC 2015 (pp. 755–762). Chennai, India: Procedia Engineering 116.
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
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3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
Figure 11: The coastal geoscience mapping and several applications in maritime environments: (a) to (c) Example
of possible outputs in terms of the current status of the maritime structure (geomaterials/blocks characterisation or
degradation/deterioration level evaluation (images adapted from Pires et al. 2016); (d) Holistic conceptual model
proposal and the coastal geoengineering outlook.
Chaminé H.I., Teixeira J., Freitas L., Pires A., Silva R.S., Pinho T., Monteiro R., Costa A.L., Abreu
T., Trigo J.F., Afonso M.J. & Carvalho J.M. (2016). From engineering geosciences mapping
towards sustainable urban planning. European Geologist, Journal of the European Federation of
Geologists, 41:16-25.
CIRIA, CUR & CETMEF (2007). The rock manual: the use of rock in hydraulic engineering. 2nd
Edition, C683, CIRIA - Centre for Civil Engineering Research, London, UK, 1200 p.
Pires A. & Chaminé H.I. (2007). Geotechnical mapping evaluation of rock groynes in Espinho area
(NW Portugal). In: Proceedings of the 11th ISRM – International Society for Rock Mechanics,
Lisbon. Taylor & Francis Group, p. 307-310.
Pires A., Chaminé H.I., Piqueiro F. & Rocha F. (2014). Coastal geo-engineering techniques for the
assessment of rock armour structures. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 32 (2): 155-178.
Pires A., Chaminé H.I., Piqueiro F., Pérez-Alberti A. & Rocha F. (2016). Combining coastal
geoscience mapping and photogrammetric surveying in maritime environments (Northwestern
Iberian Peninsula): focus on methodology. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75:196 (17 p).
Pérez-Alberti A., Pires A., Freitas L. & Chaminé H.I. (2013). Shoreline change mapping along the
coast of Galicia (NW Spain). Maritime Engineering – Proceedings of the Institution of Civil
Engineers, 166(3):125-144.
Santos-Ferreira A., Silva A.P. & Dias E. (2014). Harbour geotechnics: the case of the Portuguese
small harbours. In: Proceedings of the Application of Nanotechnology in Pavements, Geological
Disasters, and Foundation Settlement Control Technology, GSP 244, ASCE, p. 78-85.
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4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
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3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
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Figure 1: The topography around the Port of Sakai, west Japan (left) and the velocity waveforms
for the fault-normal component recorded around the port during the 2000 Tottori-ken Seibu
earthquake (MJ7.3).
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
In the case of a high seismic resistant quay wall, only a slight restoration work is allowable
after the L2 earthquake. The performance of seismic-resistant quay walls of gravity type for
the L2 ground motion is most typically evaluated with a two-dimensional effective-stress
finite element analysis. In the performance verification of port facilities, the decrease of
effective stress in the ground due to the excess pore water pressure is not negligible in cases
of L2 earthquakes. The decrease of effective stress leads to a change in the stress-strain
relation and the damping characteristics of the soil. To evaluate the residual deformation of
a quay wall, it is necessary to employ a nonlinear constitutive model for stress-strain
relation of soil.
Ports and Harbours Bureau, Ministry o Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
(2009). Technical standards and commentaries for port and harbour facilities in
Japan. The Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute of Japan.
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
1 Introduction
During the last two decades, the Port Authority of A Coruña has developed an enormous
work of design and construction to expand its facilities and develop a new basin. This port
is located in the north coast of Spain, exposed to the harshest design conditions,
Hs[m]=15.1 and Tp[yr]=140.
The new outer harbour of A Coruña is the result of an exhaustive multidisciplinary project
in order to solve the problems existing in the current port of A Coruña, which can be
summarized as depletion of space, with no capacity of enlargement and the physical and
environmental risks associated with the handling and storage of certain dry and liquid
bulks, exacerbated by the proximity to the city.
The works were awarded to the joint venture composed of DRAGADOS, SATO, COPASA
and FPS, and began on March 11, 2005 with a term of 78 months, so its completion was
originally planned for September 11, 2011. Finally and after the granting of an extension
due to the delays caused by two storms (Becky and Quirin in November 2010 and February
2011), the works were completed on 28 December 2011. The Port sheltering was completed
during the years 2013 and 2014 by the Port Authority of A Coruña, developing the design
of the secondary breakwater of the port. The works are under construction, with the
completion planned in 2016.
The work is completed with a spur breakwater of 390 m length, which will on its inner side
also serve as moorings for oil tankers and a sloping breakwater 215 m long. The new port
design is completed by a dock for solid bulk cargo, 900 m long and 22 m depth.
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
The new port is operating since summer 2012 and has reached a movement of more than
700,000 t in 2015.
Since that date various works are still taking place, emphasizing the ratings and the
construction of warehouses by contractors:
Secondary Breakwater: 1,300 m long, this breakwater in slope protected on the outside by
a monolayer of cubipods 25t on trunk and 30t in jog and a double layer of 45t cubipods at
the head breakwater.
Gallery for pipes: it consists of a structure of reinforced concrete spandrel on two parallel
alignments of pillars that emerge from a foundation based on way of the breakwater, in
order to protect connecting pipelines from the berths of liquid bulks along the breakwater of
new installations.
In the specific case of the breakwater, it is worth stressing the movements detected after
strong storms of waves that occurred during January and February 2014, reaching record
seats and movements of up to 18 cm.
The studies conducted on this issue indicate that the observed movements of the crown wall
are only explained by the high expected deformability of a breakwater's body of these
magnitudes, although it cannot be ruled out that it has been slightly influenced by any
eventual reduction of a coefficient of global security in situations of rough weather or a
possible migration of fines.
In order to refine the preliminary results obtained, a campaign has been designed with the
aim of characterizing the real geotechnical parameters of the breakwater and the loads
produced by incident waves and overrides on structures located at the coronation of the
same; by monitoring the behavior of the reactions of the breakwater about actions that will
be submitted in real working conditions, which will constitute an essay to scale 1:1.
The final objective of the research will allow to model the real conditions of work of
breakwater, to predict its behaviour, to assess real safety coefficients of the current
breakwater and its evolution to the useful lifelong of the structure.
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
4 Acknowledgements
It is only fair to add that EPTISA and ICEACSA companies have collaborated with APAC,
both in design and control of execution of the works at Punta Langosteira.
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
1 Introduction
The study of the stability of submerged clayey mass is one of the concerns of marine
geotechnical engineering.
The case study analyzed in this ork resents the ru ture of the ier’s latform of “Porto de
Leixões”, –Dock 2, North Pier Wall - verified in 1975 over 300m. The main purpose of
this study is to analyze its causes according with the results of the boreholes and
laboratorial and in situ tests carried out, as well as, the different methodologies and
resources used in the first study (1989) and in the work currently developed.
2 Developed Work
Some natural sedimentary deposits present enough deformation to, in case of unfavorable
inclination of the rigid inferior support, suffered displacements due to the existence of yield
stresses in the contact of the firm rock stratum. In the analysis developed in 1989, it was
studied the cinematic method (ex: Bisho Method), hich de ends, mainly, of the slo e’s
geometry and the materials delimited by the slip curve chosen. However, this method is not
sensible to decompression situations of the backfill (Figure 13). In fact, these methods
could conduct to incorrect e aluations of the slo e’s safety since the existence of an
inclined surface of the rock stratum is rather unfavora le to the slo e’s sta ility and this
situation isn’t detected y the cinematic methods (Figure 14). Thus, the Bisho ’s method
was used, in the first place, to quantify sliding safety for a circular sliding curve and the
Non eiller’s method as used to determine an ar itrary sliding cur e.
António Campos e Matos. Email:
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
The finite element method was also studied to obtain a good approximation of real stress
field following a certain surface. In this case, the chosen curves did not correspond
necessarily to minimum safety coefficient. In fact, according with the slip curve defined
ith the Bisho ’s method, the coefficient factor as calculated a lying the finite elements
method. The values obtained presented significant differences and were influenced by the
firm stratum dip.
The main purpose of the work currently developed is compare the results obtained of the
slo e’s sta ility, considering the use of commercial software – Slide and Plaxis. The Slide
software is based on the cinematic method and, although determine expeditiously the
minimum safety factor (and the respective failure surface) applying different methods (ex.
Bishop, Janbu, Spencer, etc.), does not take into to account the elastic-plastic
displacements. By the other side, the software Plaxis calculates the safety factor applying
the phi-c reduction method and depends, besides the strength parameters, of the
deformability parameters. In fact, this method reduces the strength parameters (cohesion
and friction angle), and the safety factor ( Msf) is determined considering the relation
between the tan ' input and tan ’reduced, hich is equal to the relation et een c’ input and c’
The value and the slip curve obtained should be compared with results presented by the
Slide software. Throughout the study, two sections (one is representative of the accident
that occurred in 1975 - S5 - and the other present a different geometry and different
strength parameters - S3) were defined in order to determine the minimum safety
coefficient (Figure 15). Thus, the minimum value of the undrained shear strength that could
lead to the rupture (equal to 24kPa) and a relation between the safety factor and the
undrained shear strength was also established.
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
Section S3 Section S5
Figure 15: Geometric differences between the sections S3 an S5
The results obtained in the software Plaxis and Slide are presented in the followings
SFPlaxis=1.784 SFPlaxis=1.545
96.00 kN/m2
SFSlide=1.684 SFSlide=1.207
Section S3 Section S5
Figure 16: Slip curve defined by Plaxis and Slide
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
Muro Cais Norte – Doca nº 2 – Reconhecimento Geotécnico – Proc: 010/171/89
Matos A. C. e Quintanilha J.E. (1993) A landslide case damaging a quay wall pile structure.
ISSMFE:International Symposium on Limit State Design in Geotechnical Engineering –
Copenhagen, Dennmark.
Bishop W. (1955). The use of the circle in the stability analysis of slopes. Géotechnique.
Nonveiller, E (1965). The stability analysis of slopes with a slip surface of general shape.
Comptes rendus du 6e congrès internationale. Tome 2. Montreal
3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
4 September 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal
Author index