Mark Scheme (Results) January 2020: Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Chemistry (4CH1) Paper 2C

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Mark Scheme (Results)

January 2020

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in

Chemistry (4CH1)
Paper 2C
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January 2020
Publications Code 4CH1_2C_msc_20200305
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2020
General Marking Guidance

• All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must

mark the first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the
• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be
rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather than
penalised for omissions.
• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not
according to their perception of where the grade boundaries may
• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme
should be used appropriately.
• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded.
Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the
answer matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be
prepared to award zero marks if the candidate’s response is not
worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.
• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the
principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may
be limited.
• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark
scheme to a candidate’s response, the team leader must be
• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has
replaced it with an alternative response.
Answer Notes Marks
1 (a) potassium ALLOW K 1

(b) (paper) chromatography


(c) (i) sodium chloride ALLOW NaCl 1

(ii) air

(iii) sulfur ALLOW S

Total 5
Answer Notes Marks
2 (a) fractional distillation ACCEPT 1
IGNORE distillation alone

(b) aircraft fuel/jet fuel/paraffin or fuel for lamps/ ALLOW heating oil
ALLOW cooking fuel

(c) (i) butane Spelling must be correct 1

(ii) (Mr = 4 x 12 + 10 x 1 =) 58 1

(d) (i) C7H16 1

(ii) CnH2n + 2 ACCEPT different letters 1

to n / uppercase
Answer Notes Marks
2 (e) (i) alumina / silica ACCEPT aluminium 1
oxide / silicon dioxide /
Al2O3 / SiO2 / zeolite(s) /

(ii) An explanation that links the following two points 2

M1 greater demand for short chain alkanes (than ALLOW short chain
long chain alkanes) alkanes are more useful
(than long chain

ALLOW short chain

alkanes needed for
specific uses e.g. petrol

M2 more long-chain alkanes than are needed / too

great a supply of /surplus of long-chain alkanes

not enough short chain alkanes to meet demands

(f) (C11H24  C5H12) + C2H4 + C4H8 alkenes can be in either 2


M1 C2H4

M2 C4H8 ALLOW 1 mark for

C6H12 / 2C3H6
/ C3H6 + C3H6

ALLOW correct
displayed formulae

Total 11
Answer Notes Marks
3 (a) An explanation that links the following two points 2

M1 electrons are delocalised IGNORE sea of electrons

/free electrons

M2 (electrons) can move/can flow/are mobile REJECT cations/atoms

move for both marks

M2 dep on M1 or mention of
electrons i.e. ‘electrons
move’ scores 1 mark

(b) (i) M1 brown/pink/pink-brown solid formed ACCEPT brown/pink 2

coating/deposit on the

ALLOW red-brown

REJECT orange

REJECT precipitate

M2 bubbles/fizzing/effervescence ALLOW 1 mark if both

observations correct but at
incorrect electrodes

IGNORE gas produced


IGNORE name of gas

(ii) copper ion(s)/Cu2+ gains electrons ACCEPT oxidation state of 1

copper goes down / goes
from +2 to 0

IGNORE references to loss

of oxygen

ALLOW electrons are gained

REJECT copper/Cu gains


(iii) An explanation that links the following two points 2

M1 the (blue) colour is caused by copper


M2 copper ions/Cu2+ are being discharged/ ACCEPT concentration

removed from the solution of copper ions/Cu2+

ALLOW copper ions/Cu2+

form copper
Answer Notes Marks
3 (c) • calculate the mass of water removed ACCEPT alternative 4
• calculate the amount, in moles, of CuSO4 methods which show
• calculate the amount, in moles, of water that the answer is 5
• divide amount of H2O by amount of CuSO4

Example calculation

M1 (12.5 – 8.0) = 4.5 (g)

M2 n(CuSO4) = 8.0 ÷ 159.5 = 0.05(0) (mol)

M3 n(H2O) = 4.5 ÷ 18 = 0.25 (mol)

M4 0.25 ÷ 0.05(0) (= 5)

Total 11
Answer Notes Marks
4 (a) M1 (from) yellow 2

M2 (to) orange ACCEPT red

ALLOW pink

1 mark for two correct

colours in the wrong

(b) A description that makes reference to any four of 4

the following points

M1 he should not rinse flask with sodium hydroxide

solution or he should rinse flask with water

M2 he should use a pipette to measure out the ACCEPT he should use a

sodium hydroxide solution pipette instead of a
measuring cylinder

M3 he should not rinse the burette with water

or he should rinse the burette with sulfuric acid

M4 he should record the initial burette reading

M5 he should place a white tile under the flask ALLOW white paper

M6 he should swirl the flask whilst adding the acid IGNORE stir

M7 he should add the acid dropwise near the


M8 repeat the titration (to obtain an average/

concordant results)
Answer Notes Marks
4 (c) • calculate the amount, in moles, of sodium 3
• calculate the amount, in moles, of sulfuric acid
• calculate the concentration of sulfuric acid

Example calculation

M1 n(NaOH) = 0.0250 × 0.200 or 0.005 (mol)

M2 n(H2SO4) = 0.005 ÷ 2 or 0.0025 (mol) answer to M1 ÷ 2

M3 concn = (0.0025 ÷ 0.0167) = 0.150 (mol/dm3) answer to M2÷0.0167

ALLOW 0.1497 or any

number of sig fig except

Correct answer without

working scores 3

ACCEPT alternative

Total 9
Answer Notes Marks
5 (a) B it relights a glowing splint 1

A is incorrect as this is the test for hydrogen

C is incorrect as oxygen is not an acidic gas
D is incorrect as this is the test for carbon dioxide

(b) An explanation that links the following two points 2

M1 provides an alternative pathway OWTTE

M2 with a lower activation energy OWTTE ACCEPT more collisions

with energy greater
than the activation

ALLOW lowers the

energy needed to start
the reaction
Answer Notes Marks
5 (c) (i) • find energy needed to break bonds 3
• find energy released when bonds form
• correct subtraction to find ΔH

Example calculation

M1 (4 x 463) + (2 x 143) OR 2138 (kJ) ACCEPT (2 x 143)/286

for M1
M2 (4 x 463) + 498 OR 2350 (kJ) and 498 for M2

IGNORE any signs in M1

and M2

M3 — 212 (kJ) OR M1 – M2 correctly evaluated — 212 with or without

working scores 3

(+) 212 with or without

working scores 2

(ii) 2

Energy 2H2O2

2H2O + O2

M1 horizontal line to show products in correct Mark CQ on sign in (i)

position and correctly labelled

M2 vertical line in correct position and labelled ΔH ACCEPT double headed

arrow or arrow pointing
from reactants level to
products level

REJECT arrow pointing

from products level to
reactants level

IGNORE any attempts at

including activation energy

Total 8
Answer Notes Marks
6 (a) (i) M1 300 (oC) ACCEPT any 2
temperature or range
250 to 350 inclusive.

ACCEPT any correct

alternative unit and

M2 60 to 70 (atm) ACCEPT any pressure or

range 60 to 70 inclusive

ACCEPT any correct

alternative unit and
(ii) All bonds including bond
between O and H must
be shown.

(b) (i) C2H5OH + 3O2  2CO2 + 3H2O 2

M1 all formulae correct ALLOW C2H6O for


M2 balancing of correct formulae ACCEPT multiples and


IGNORE state symbols

even if incorrect

M2 dep on M1

(ii) prevents blood from carrying oxygen/ reduces the ALLOW references to 1
capacity of blood to carry oxygen OWTTE combining with
haemoglobin in red
blood cells or forming
Answer Notes Marks
6 (c) ethyl ethanoate ALLOW ethyl acetate 1

(d) (i) condensation (polymerisation) 1

(ii) ACCEPT 3

+ 2H2O

M1 correct ester link for M1 and M2

M2 rest of polymer structure correct with extension


M3 2H2O If brackets and n

present equation must
be fully balanced with n
in front of each reactant
and 2nH2O for full
marks, otherwise max 2

If dimer is drawn with

OH at one end and
COOH at the other a
mark can be awarded
for H2O without the 2 as
this equation is then
balanced, so M1 and M3
can be awarded.

Total 11
Answer Notes Marks
7 (a) (i) calcium + water  calcium hydroxide + hydrogen ACCEPT fully correct 1
balanced chemical equation.
Ca + 2H2O  Ca(OH)2 + H2

IGNORE state symbols even

if incorrect

(ii) Any two from 2

M1 effervescence/fizzing/bubbles IGNORE gas given off

M2 calcium/metal/solid disappears/becomes ALLOW calcium/metal

smaller OWTTE /solid dissolves

M3 test tube/beaker feels warm/hot ALLOW heat produced

/temperature increases

(b) (i) A description that makes reference to the 5

following five points

M1 dissolve each of the solids in water/make a ALLOW M1 and M2 if just

solution of each of the solids one of the solids is dissolved
in water and then the other
solid is added to it.

M2 mix/add (the two solutions together) M2 dep on M1 or on

reference to the solutions
being mixed

M3 filter (the mixture) If implication is that filtering

is to obtain crystals from the
solution no M3

M4 wash the precipitate/solid/barium sulfate

/salt/residue (with water)

M5 suitable method of drying the solid e.g. dry in a (warm)

oven/dry between filter

ALLOW leave to dry

REJECT hot oven or direct

heating (with Bunsen burner)

If evaporation of solution to
form crystals do not award
M4 but allow M5 for suitable
drying method
(ii) Ba2+(aq) + SO42-(aq)  BaSO4(s) If formulae incorrect or full 2
equation given (even if
M1 all formulae correct incorrect) M2 can still be
awarded for correct state
M2 state symbols correct symbols. If NaCl in equation
must be (aq).

Answer Notes Marks
7 (c) (i) C decomposition 1

A is incorrect as it is not an addition reaction

B is incorrect as oxygen is not a reactant
D is incorrect as nothing is neutralised here

(ii) • calculate the amount, in moles, of 4

magnesium nitrate
• use the equation to find the total amount, in
moles, of gas produced
• multiply this amount by 24
• answer given to two significant figures

Example calculation

M1 n(magnesium nitrate) = 7.7 ÷ 148 or 0.052 (mol)

M2 n(gas) = 5 x 0.052 ÷ 2 or 0.13 (mol)

5 x answer to M1 ÷2

M3 Total volume of gas = 0.13 x 24 or 3.12 answer to M2 x 24

M4 3.1(dm3) answer to M3 to 2 sig


Allow any number of sig

fig for M1, M2 and M3

3.1 without working

scores 4

3.12 without working

scores 3

Total 15
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