Justice As The First Virtue of A Society
Justice As The First Virtue of A Society
Justice As The First Virtue of A Society
nature of the concept ‘Justice’ which applies to the ‘basic structures’ in a ‘modern
Following a just procedure some basic regulative principles have to be arrived at.
main social, political and economic institutions collectively constituting one unified
system of social cooperation. Here, society stands for a democratic state which
identifies its citizens as free and equal rational individuals with diverse philosophical
and religious beliefs and ends but all cooperating among themselves with the view
of enhancing their mutual social advantages from one generation to the next.
social, political institutions of such a state which Rawls technically calls ‘ practice’--
- it stands for any form of activity specified by a system of rules that defines the
structure of the activity. He specified at least three essential features of the idea of
publicly recognized rules and procedures which those cooperating accept as
appropriate to regulate their conduct. 2) The idea of cooperation includes the idea of
fair terms of cooperation. 3) The idea of cooperation also takes into account the idea
Rawls holds that in order to comprehend the meaning of justice one needs to
respect of persons, practices or particular actions because in his view these are
indeed connected but their interconnectedness does not imply that they are identical.
major concern is what should count as the basic principles of ‘domestic justice’ and
what process would facilitate the formulation of such principles. In this context he
It is the central contention of Rawls that the principles of justice essential to
which agreement is not possible within the pluralism of modernity, and that the
concept of justice is not its being true to an antecedent moral order, but its
our public life. In view of Galston, the content of the principles that Rawls refer to in
his theory is provided by the shared beliefs of the democratic community.5 Rawls
insists that principles of justice initially given within a tradition must be weighed
against rival moral theories and in relation to scientific theories of human nature and
society in order to establish what seems ‘most reasonable to us’. In this context,
Terry Hoy points out that while the anti-foundationalist trend in contemporary
philosophical analysis itself has raised problems regarding any possibility of self-
evident a priori principles of justice and also regarding the criteria of what counts for
rational speech and action in case of the plurality of language games and forms of
principle of justice the idea of right rules over the idea of good or end. He argues
that parties in the original position try to increase their conception of good to the
best of their ability but “in attempting to do this they are not bound by prior moral
ties to each other.” Thus, justice as fairness should not be interpreted as a
meaning of the term ‘fairness’ as a demand for impartiality for avoiding bias in our
evaluations and also to take note of interests and concerns of others as well.8
It then appears that, justice has various connotations. Among them, Rawls’s
properly, i.e., to distribute fairly among all its participants certain ‘benefits’ such as
wealth, social prestige, basic rights along with certain ‘burdens’ like duties and
justification of fairness of distribution lies in the fact that such principles are
practice. Hence, for Rawls, a fair practice ensures a just or well-ordered society.
Being well-ordered, conveys three things: “First, …and implied by the idea of a
public conception of justice, it is a society in which everyone accepts and knows that
everyone else accepts the very same political conception of justice (and so the same
Second, … societies basic structure – that is, its main political and social institutions
and the way they hang together as one system of cooperation- is publicly known or
with good reason believed, to satisfy those principles of justice. Third, … citizens
have a normally effective sense of justice, that is, one that enables them to
understand and apply the publicly recognized principles of justice and for the most
part to act accordingly as their position in society, with its duties and obligations
requires.”9 But he argues that fairness is only one of the characteristics of a good-
society. Despite being fair it might lack certain other attributes of a society. Thus, to
equate a just society with an all-inclusive vision of good society would be an over
present in the lives of the citizens, Rawls formulated his “Difference Principle”. It
holds that inequalities are just so long as they result in compensating benefits for
everyone. in respect of offices, positions, rights and duties as specified by the first
principle, that is, the “Principle of Equal Liberty” does not permit any unequal
distribution of prestige and wealth which results from any sort of social
contingencies and natural fortune. Therefore, all inequalities are not unjust as per
Rawlsian version. Only if any inequality cannot produce benefit to all including the
practice and its rules needs to be reassessed . So, one needs to distinguish between
different senses in which the concepts equality and inequality are applied to a theory
of justice. Thus, Rawls claims that following the two principles of justice, any
have the freedom to present their respective claims and calculate their individual
interests and in practical life they exercise this freedom by ‘pressing claims on each
other’ as they demand that these deserve due consideration. And in Rawls’s opinion,
it is these conflicting or competing claims that give rise to the principle of justice.
that free and rational persons concerned to further their own interests would accept
It is important to note that Rawls has specified that in his theory idea of
‘person’ belongs to a political conception of person. To quote him, “This means that
the conception of the person is not taken from metaphysics or the philosophy of
mind or from psychology; it may have little relation to conceptions of the self
Rawls asserts that such a conception is characterized by two moral powers: the
capacity for a sense of justice and a capacity to have, to revise and rationally to
Again in his theory, Rawls describes the terms ‘free’ and ‘equal’ in a
particular sense. He explains that to say that citizens are ‘equal’ persons means they
possess to the minimum degree the moral capacities that enable them to participate
fully in the cooperative life of society. And citizens are ‘free’ not in the sense of
having freedom of will. Rawls clarifies that the relevant meaning of free persons is
citizens are free in two respects: a) citizens consider themselves as free because the
they are capable of revising and changing conception of good on reasonable and
rational ground and in doing so their legal or political identity is preserved. Another
sources of valid claims which have their own importance apart from being derived
Hence, one could infer that Rawls’s theory of justice puts emphasis upon
with reference to an end such as the idea of good or the glory of God. 16 Now, we
the term. According to Mackie, a right-claim is a kind of right which surely needs
to be distinguished from the kind that exemplifies liberty. But, a liberty and a
related claim- right may go together. Both liberty and right-claim either speaks of
Thus, Mackie says, “To say that someone has a certain right-claim may
…be to say that if he claims (or if someone representing him claims on his behalf)
whatever it is that he has this right to, the system will support his obtaining what he
claims- or ( speaking within the system) to say that he has this right may be to give
him this support, typically by imposing on one or more or indefinitely many others
the duty of fulfilling the claim if it is made.” In other words, it asserts that it is
merit of such claims and the standard means of adjudication is called the two
strike a fair balance i.e., to weigh the appropriateness of all competing right-
claims. However, it seems that Rawls has not used the term legitimate in juridical
that this is feasible only when the good of the members of a well-ordered society is
and coercive political power’ in case political matters are at stake.. Rawls calls this
misinterpret the nature and scope of the motivation assumption. For example, to say
that the parties are mutually disinterested is generally meant that they are self-
well-ordered society does not require to strive for gain or for greater power as
required for their self-protection since it ensures an equal liberty and freedom of
power to create a structure of rights and duties by following certain procedures that
the court will enforce ; powers that provide individuals with facilities for achieving
their aims. For instance, power to make a will. Such powers, according to him are
classified as primary goods like liberties and opportunities. Rawls himself argues,
“…that political and economic power is a primary good I never meant to say ; if at
certain points the text will bear this interpretation, it needs to be corrected.” In
fact, Rawls believes that a scholarly and communal form of life may be secured in a
society following the two principles and any personal or individualistic ambitions
may pose a distraction in the path of achieving such ideal. Thus, Rawls claims that
“…there seems no reason offhand why the ends of people in a well-ordered society
Now let us turn our attention to the idea of ‘primary good’ as presented by
persons seen in the light of the political conception of persons, as citizens who are
fully cooperating members of society and not merely as human beings apart from
any normative conception. These goods are things citizens need as free and equal
persons living a complete life; they are not things it is simply rational to want or
desire or to prefer or even to crave.”22 For Rawls, the list of primary goods include
rights, liberties and opportunities, income and wealth. To this he also adds, “A very
important primary good is a sense of one’s own worth.23 Although Rawls admits
that what count as a primary good indeed depends on general fact about human
needs and abilities and relation of social interdependence, yet, he stressed that the
historical facts.24
incompatible with the version of primary good which appears in the A Restatement.
“It is clear then why self-respect is a primary good. Without it nothing may
seem worth doing or if somethings have value for us, we lack the will to strive for
them. All desire and activity becomes empty and vain, and we sink into apathy and
The two principles that Rawls formulates as the criterion of justice, i.e. of
1) “Each person has the same indefeasible claim to a fully adequate scheme
of equal basic liberties which is compatible with the same scheme of liberties for
they are to be attached to offices and positions open to all under conditions of fair
equality of opportunity; and second they are to be the greatest benefit of the least-
1) Rawls prioritize the first principle over the second and also in the second
principle, fair equality of opportunity is given priority over the difference principle
because he holds that in applying a principle, the prior principles should be fully
satisfied as he explains “… this priority rules out exchanges …. Between the basic
rights and liberties covered by the first principle and the social and economic
advantages regulated by the difference principle. For example, the equal political
liberties cannot be denied to certain groups on the grounds that their having these
liberties may enable them to block policies needed for economic growth and
Theory of Justice has been replaced by the term ‘scheme of equal basic liberties’ in
Restatement by Rawls to clarify that no priority is given to liberty as such. The
reason behind this is perhaps like the traditional liberal thought, Rawls wanted his
special significance. It requires that, “… not merely that public offices and social
position be open in the formal sense, [careers open to talent] but that all should
have a fair chance to attain them. … In all parts of society there are to be roughly
the same prospects of culture and achievement for those similarly motivated and
‘natural fortune’. He says, “…unless there is a distribution that makes both persons
maintains that they are a product of a free bargain among a group of rational, free,
according to their sweet will. The reason for this unanimity is that they have been
interest. Thus, Rawls urges that his theory of justice as fairness should be treated
the theory as it has been purposely used by Rawls to uphold the idea that although
group, yet the issue of justice cannot be settled until it is made public, i.e., “…the
The above observation reveals two facts. First, it entails the idea of
plurality as contract signifies that principles of justice apply to the relations among
several persons or groups. Second, the contractarian idea of the concept of justice
as one of the virtues of an ethical system however leaves aside a discussion about
how individuals are to conduct themselves toward animals and the rest of nature.33
...; instead, its justification is a matter of the mutual support of many considerations
In this context Dworkin says, “Rawls does not suppose that any group ever entered
into a social contract of the sort he describes. He argues only that if a group of
rational men did find themselves in the predicament of the original position, they
First, the contracting parties must recognize themselves to be motivated by
consists in
a) Limiting pursuit of one’s own interest so that his basic liberties are
In his Understanding Rawls, Robert Wolff argues that the only plausible
equilibrium’ is his desire to provide a logical status to man’s conviction in the two
principles of justice. Rawls purposely uses it for constructing the proof for
Secondly, the moral capacities of the contracting members reveal the moral
psychology of individuals who are ignorant about their specific position in the
society, their caste and natural endowments and therefore, cannot to get any sort of
assumption portrays the mental make-up of persons in the original position whose
covered by a veil of ignorance. They are, however, equipped with all general
information which ensures a stable social cooperation and thereby creates the
The idea of the original position helps to understand the moral features of
persons by describing the parties (each of whom is responsible for the fundamental
interests of a free and equal citizen) as fairly situated and as reaching an agreement
particular mental process of at least some and perhaps most human beings.” 39 In his
theory, Rawls himself speaks of a sense of justice in man. He, however, does not
equate this sense with morality in general. He only asserts that sense of justice is as
fundamental to human life as it is man’s capacity to make moral judgements
the commitment to morality. In “Sense of Justice”, Rawls argues, “If men did not do
what justice requires, not only they would regard themselves as bound by the
and they would be without ties of friendship and mutual trust. They would lack
‘indignation’ are not the same as ‘anger’ and ‘annoyance’ as he argues that
“Resentment and indignation are moral feelings. Resentment is our reaction to the
injuries and harms which the wrongs of others inflict upon us, and indignation is our
reaction to the injuries which the wrong of others inflict on others. Both resentment
and indignation require, then an explanation which invokes a moral concept, say the
concept of justice and its associated principle(s) and so makes a reference to a right
sense.In fact, Rawls has tried to explain this sense without taking the help of any
element of morality. He says “…in the life of every society there must be at least
rise to the two principles in Rawls’s theory of justice with the innate categories of
morality common to all human beings as he argues that in order to deny these
principles one has to abandon the power to reason about morality. Hence, it
seems that Rawls actually wanted to bring to light the fact that the two principles
of justice manifest only a general human motivation as the persons formulating the
principles neither make any agreement as regards the said principles specific to a
given practice nor do they adopt any particular strategy. Rather, any concept of
their common affairs. In his article, Terry Hoy argues that Rawls however believes
Rawls specifies that the overlapping concensus which his concept of justice
affirm the political conception start from their own comprehensive view and draw
also reveals another fact of human psychology, that is, the original position infuses
within all rational but self-interested human beings a sense of equality and a sense
of reciprocity --- two axioms that can be deduced from the sense of justice. Each
person recognizes an equal right to information about the rules of justice and it is
therefore the duty of the institutions to interpret the rules equally to all persons of
the society. Again, each practice has the right to consider all participants
possessing equal moral constraints and thereby it enjoins an idea of duty on the
part of a person to abide by a reciprocal relation in the matter of limiting his own
with two principles of justice which assigns their rights and duties of all human
beings. And for Rawls the merit of justice consists in “acting fairly”. It is the
question of deciding how fair is the conformity between a particular act and the
fairness. “The Principle holds that a person is under an obligation to do his part as
advance his interests, provided that this institution is just or fair, that is, satisfies
the two principles of justice. … We are not to gain from the cooperative efforts of
others without doing our fair share.” That is why Rawls argues that “… acting
unfairly is not so much the breaking of any particular rule even if the infraction is
when they should be suspended and more generally acting contrary to the intention
of a practice.” 47
From the above discussion it follows that the concept of right and the
as against the supremacy of any social collectivity. It recognizes that each person has
the freedom, the capacity and the responsibility to form and pursue his or her
conception of determinate ends and to seek happiness each in his or her own way so
essential to provide every individual with certain basic rights and liberties. The most
important among these are right to speech, right to form association, right to choose
one’s occupation, freedom of thought and conscience and other civil and political
rights. The state does not have the right to interfere with the individual rights.
However, Rawls clarifies that the state is also not expected to favor any particular
the role of justice is to assign rights and duties and to determine the division of
Thus, Rawls’s theory of justice echoes the basic tenets of political liberalism
underlying his socio-political thought. In view of Rawls it is the duty of the basic
every citizen along with their burdens and penalties. And it is also acknowledged that
each other out of his concern to maximize his self-interest. But in this regard, Rawls
specifies that “Apart from existing institutions, there is no prior and independent idea
of what we may legitimately expect, or of what we are entitled to, that the basic
structure is designed to fulfill. All claims arise within the background system of fair
social cooperation; they are based on its public rules. …”50 However, Rawls admits
that it is impossible to solicit all their claims. Therefore for a sound adjudication of
right-claims, Rawls claims, the two principles of justice should be referred to.
According to Rawls, If the participants accept the rules of a practice as fair and have
no allegation against it there arises a prima facie duty of the concerned parties to each
other to act in accordance with the rules of the practice when it is required to comply.
restrict their liberty, those who have submitted to these restrictions when required
have the right to a similar acquiescence on the part of those who have benefited from
their submission.”51
Hence, it appears that the rights and duties that Rawls talks about are special
rights and duties conditioned by previous actions voluntarily undertaken. That is, such
rights depend on their being engaged in a common practice and on their conscious
considered unfair if one accepts the benefits but refuses to share in its burdens. He
calls such a duty the ‘duty of fair play’. It “… is not of course, intended to account for
its being wrong for us to commit crimes of violence, but it is intended to account in
part, for the obligation to pay our income tax, to vote and so on.”52 Further, it does not
sanctions the two principles of justice that provides the foundation for all other social-
maintain the contract and to abide by the two principles so long as a different set of
Rawls holds that any political obligation is sufficiently justified if a party accepts
principles of justice. One cannot be simply released from this obligation at his will
for that would imply a denial of the justice of the practice in question. Therefore,
Rawls points out that it could be only justified if a person rejects a practice or
questions the validity of any single rule, but in that case, he should as far as
its benefits. This led Rawls to assert that “… the moral obligation to obey the law
Thus, he says, “ It would be incorrect to say that our duty not to commit
any of the legal offences, specifying crimes of violence, is based on the duty of fair
play, at least entirely. These crimes involves wrongs as such, and with such
offenses, as with the vices of cruelty and greed, our doing them is wrong
voluntarily accepted.”54
On Rawls’ view, although the duty of fair play like other duties of fidelity,
gratitude involves a moral element in it, still it should be distinguished from them.
observes, “while justice does not require of anyone that he sacrifices his interests
in that general position and procedure whereby the principles of justice are
the context of engaging in a practice, the duty of fair play will often cross his
interests in the sense that he will be required to forgo particular advantages which
peculiarities of his circumstances might permit him to take. …It is simply the
Moreover, Rawls holds that the acceptance of the duty of fair play by
aspirations and interests of others to be realized by their joint activity which entails
a criterion for recognizing another as person with similar interests, capacities and
feelings as oneself. Here Rawls shares in The Kantian moral formula of respect for
person for he argues that otherwise they would not recognize one another as
equally self-interested human beings and thereby to refrain from treating each
other as a means of satisfying their own interests is definitely a moral duty of each
person. Rawls points out that such recognition consists in an act of responding to
the other person in certain ways which entails certain prima-facie duties. But
acknowledging these duties in some degree, for Rawls is neither matter of choice,
Rawls further points out that “there is no ‘moral value’ in the satisfaction of
a claim incompatible with duty of fair play. Such a claim violates the conditions of
Thus, on Rawls’ account, duty of fair play admits acts of omission, i.e. of
certain acts which parties of a practice ought not to do. In this context, Rawls
it answers to wants and interests in the fullest and most effective manner. For if
any of these conflict with justice, they should not be counted, as their satisfaction
is no reason at all for having a practice. It would be irrelevant to say, even if true,
practice one must toss out the satisfaction of interests the claims of which are
when pressed by another, has no grounds for complaint when it is denied; whereas
From the afore-said observations, one could justifiably infer the following
First, the theory that Rawls propounds is not based on rights but on justice
as Rawls holds that the two principles of justice are more fundamental than any
Second, the two principles of justice are absolute and unchangeable within
enjoined by the two principles are also absolute and inviolable. But any other right
for any and every just society, yet he specifically mentions that those two
Rawls thinks that such a constitutional framework provides its citizens
constitution is the foundation of the social and political structure, the highest order
liberty. He holds that any liberty can be explained by a reference to three items.
These are- the agents who are free, the limitation which they are free from and what
constraints may range from duties and prohibitions defined by law to the coercive
liberties, no person is favored over another. This proves that in a democracy every
citizen is ought to enjoy an equal right to these liberties. He further holds that
freedom of the person and civil liberties ought not to be sacrificed to political
Thus, it may be said that Rawls seems to confine his discussion about
certain system of public rules defining rights and duties. Therefore, liberty of
be that individuals have this basic liberty when they are free to pursue their moral,
system requiring them to engage or not to engage in any particular form of moral
or religious practice and when other men have a legal duty not to interfere. Hence,
it seeks to assert the idea that it is not enough to permit individuals to do or not to
do something but it is equally important and necessary also that government and
other person must have a legal duty not to obstruct. Thus, he says, “A basic liberty
covered by the first principle can be limited only for the sake of liberty itself….”61
Rawls admits that in addition to the principles for basic structure of society, a
theory of justice demands certain other principles also without which, he believes
that a conception of justice would remain incomplete. So, Rawls accepts another
three sets of principles namely, i) principles for individuals, followed by the ii)
principles for the law of nations and finally iii) the priority rules for ‘assigning
Rawls however argues that the principles for institutions or the two
that the obligations on the part of individuals presuppose principles for social
forms. They feel obliged to those principles as these have been presupposed by
them prior to their sense of obligation. Therefore, it is called the duty to support
just institutions. This, in Rawls’s view reveals the social nature of justice.
obligation arise if and only if the institutional rules and laws satisfy two conditions:
first, if the institution is just or fair and second, individuals enjoy voluntarily the
Obligations are conditional in nature while duties are not. Rawls observes, “…it is
…Obligatory ties presuppose just institutions or ones reasonably just in view of the
justify that ‘justice as fairness’ as a sort of a social contract theory should be free
from the vice of attempting to coerce the citizens consent or win their tacit
of an obligation that they are owed to definite individuals particularly those who
are cooperating together to maintain the required social arrangement, Rawls cites
the example of the political act of holding public office in a constitutional regime.
He points out that it is this act that entails obligation to fulfil the ‘duties’ of office
which actually determine the content of the obligation. By the term ‘duty’, Rawls
however does not refer to moral duties in Kantian sense of the term. According to
Rawls, although one might have a moral reason for discharging his duties, still he
But Rawls at the same time feels that “…it seems appropriate to distinguish
since we are born into them and they regulate the full scope of our activity and
those that apply to us because we have freely done certain things as a rational way
of advancing our ends. Thus, we have a natural duty to comply with the
obligated to his fellow citizens for seeking their trust and confidence and for
that the person’s activity calls for the same moral obligation which likewise
bounds a person joining a game to play by the rules and thereby to prove himself a
good sport. According to Rawls such obligation is the product of the Principle of
Fairness. And since, this principle is concerned with the justice of institutions or
practices, therefore one could infer that by moral requirement Rawls’ identifies
public morality.
In the first place, Rawls argues that citizens in general are free from a
political obligation since it is not clearly specified what politically binding action
holds for average citizens, that is, those who do not hold any public office.
a constitutive convention. In this respect it is on a par with legal rules and statutes,
and rules of games. It is not absolute in Rawls’s opinion for he points out that
the phenomenon of promise-keeping can be sufficiently explained only with the
have many natural duties to perform. But Rawls says that these are neither
accounted for nor dictated by any single principle like the Principle of Fairness or
whatsoever. “Thus, we have a natural duty not to be cruel and a duty to help
another whether or not we have committed ourselves to these actions.”
Among positive duties are the duty of mutual aid and the duty of mutual respect as
they involve doing something good to another human being. Whereas duty not to
harm another and duty not to cause unnecessary suffering are instances of negative
duty as they require abstinence from doing something that is considered a wrong.
duties. 67
voluntary acts. In fact, the reason why Rawls calls these duties natural is that he
believes that whether or not we have committed ourselves to such acts, they are
Thirdly, the content of duties are not defined by the rules of any socio-
political arrangement.
Finally, duties are natural and not institutional as they are owed not only to
persons in general.
a fundamental natural duty is the duty of justice. This duty requires us to support
and comply with just institutions that exist and apply to us. Thus, Rawls claims
that “…the principles that hold for individuals may be identified as those that
would be acknowledged in the original position.”68 Rawls thus holds that the duty
beings, i.e. beings with a sense of justice and a conception of good. Similarly,
Rawls tells us that the duty towards mutual aid affects quality of everyday life as
writes, “The primary value of it does not lie in the help one receives but the value
is measured by our sense of confidence and trust in other men’s good intentions
without which a sense of human being’s own worth would be made impossible.” 69
Now, Rawls asserts that his justice as the principle of fairness entails both
obligations as well as natural duties. According to him, men are born in a society
Rawls says, each is bound to these institutions independent of his voluntary acts. In
other words, natural duty of man consists in supporting just institutions. In Rawls’s
view, “Principle of natural duty also helps one to justify the concept of obligation
which is dictated by the rules of the just institutions.” Hence, it may be stated
that in Rawlsian framework, complying with a just practice comprises one’s duty
In connection with the concept of duty and obligation, Rawls draws our
acts of benevolence, mercy and self-sacrifice. “He feels that these are indeed
morally good actions but he holds that they are neither a duty nor an obligation.”71
However, when it is pointed out by a critic that it is a natural duty to bring about a
great good, Rawls argues that it is indeed a natural duty if it could be done
relatively with ease but it is not absolute as one is released from this duty when it
costs him too much. Hence, Rawls clearly specifies that such acts are not required
by ‘Justice As Fairness.
So, it appears that Rawls believes that “…a principle taken in isolation does
not express universal statement to establish sufficiently how one could act when
conditions of the antecedent are fulfilled. When we say something is our duty we
bear in our mind two phrases ; “other things equal” and “all things considered”
which means we have surveyed each relevant feature which are identified and
facie duty based on judgement by taking into account only certain principles and
In the last analysis, it may be said that Rawlsian theory of justice however
It is argued that Rawls cannot define the moral basis for justice as fairness
Neal, Rawls’ theory of justice involves an unresolved tension between political and
metaphysical implications. 73
thinks that Rawlsian theory contains a few difficulties which need fresh
investigation. These may be discussed as follows : First, Sen repudiates the theory
right and it is not directly focused on the actual societies that would ultimately
emerge. The nature of the society that would result from any given set of
does not resolve this issue if the theory of justice sought has to have any kind of
Rawls requires that people’s behaviour complies entirely with the demands of
plural and sometimes conflicting general concerns that bear on our understanding
of justice. They need not differ in the convenient way – convenient for choice, that
is-that only one such set of principles really incorporates impartiality and fairness,
while the others do not. Many of them share features of being unbiased and
dispassionate, …”76
Sen is however skeptical whether the plurality of reasons for justice would
really allow one unique set of principles of justice. In this context he points out that
Rawls in one of his later writings himself recognized the fact that “The content of
single one. There are many liberalisms and related views and therefore many forms
issue of moral and political objectivity, Rawls argues that, “To say that a political
conviction is objective is to say that there are reasons specified by a reasonable and
“Indeed, we do not hear much from Rawls about how those who could be seem as
‘unreasonable persons’ come to terms with ideas of justice and how they would be
difficulty Rawls seems to justify his theory by holding that “The best worked out
political conception cannot overcome these limits; nor are they defects, as they lie
rely on judgement as to what considerations are more or less significant and when
in practice close the list of reasons. Even when judgement is unanimous we may
not be able to articulate our reasons any further … whether… a conception serves
its purpose can only be decided by how well it identifies the more relevant
considerations and helps us to balance them in the more important particular cases,
especially those involved in the constitutional essentials and the basic questions of
Fourthly, in one of his articles, Amartya Sen argues that although the
framework of political and social analysis initiated by John Rawls has had a
needed. He points out that it is not sufficient to address the case of social justice as
the relation applying primarily within nations or even as the relation between
affiliation cut across borders and it must not be confused with international
calls this Global equity. According to Sen, this idea expresses range of multiple
identities accessible to individuals like doctors, educators and social workers who
work without frontiers and socio-political belief. Thus, Sen insists that Global
equity is not the same as international equity. He explains that the former involves
practical reason at the global level and also has far-reaching implications on the
code common to different communities and values across not merely within our
boundaries. 81
Fifthly, Sen admits that the ‘contractarian method of reasoning’ employed by
Rawls actually helped him to condemn the ‘Utilitarian tradition’ in determining the
principle of justice. Yet, Sen claims that Rawls should have explored other
approaches as well that are neither contractarian nor utilitarian. In this regard, he
Smith. In fact, Sen is confident that Smithian line of reasoning can take note of
certain issues which Rawls’s social contract’ approach fail to accommodate. Such
as, taking note of voices beyond membership of the contractarian group; allowing
Finally, Amartya Sen’s idea of justice seeks to throw light upon a major
use of the social contract approach by virtue of which the pursuit of justice is a
concern for the members of a given society and it is not a global issue. In this
context, Sen argues that the functioning of a country’s basic institutions and the
major policies adopted surely have huge impact on the rest of the world beyond a
geographical border. Moreover, he feels that “… the factual presumptions that lie
behind particular ethical and political judgements can be reviewed with the help of
sensitive questioning could yield a better assessment of the facts and values
regarding cases of injustice by widening the class of questions which are generally
University Press,2001, p. 6
2. Ibid, p.84
5. Galston, William, A., Liberal Purposes : Goods, Virtues and Diversity in the
11. Ibid, p. 54
14. Ibid, pp. 18-19
16. Rawls, “Justice as Fairness” in Rawls: Collected Papers ed. Samuel Freeman,
O.U.P, 1991, p. 57
17. Mackie, J, L, Ethics : Inventing Right and Wrong, Penguin books Ltd, 1977,
p. 173
27. Ibid, p. 47
29. Ibid, p. 45
30. Ibid, pp.43-44
32. Ibid, p. 15
33. Ibid, p. 15
35. Dworkin, Ronald, “ Justice and Rights”, Taking Rights Seriously, Universal
42. Ibid, p. 71
45. Rawls, J, Political Liberalism, New York, Columbia University Press, 1993,
p. 147
46. See A Theory of Justice, p.301
51. Rawls has taken this point from H.L.A Hart, “Are There Any Natural Rights?”
55. Ibid, p. 61
62. Ibid, p. 96
63. Ibid, p.302
68. Ibid, p. 99
76. Ibid, p. 57
77. Rawls, The Law of Peoples, Harvard University Press, 1999, pp.137-141
80. See A Restatement, p.134