Cardiac Nursing
Cardiac Nursing
Cardiac Nursing
separated into 2 pumps:
right heart – pumps blood through the lungs
left heart – pumps blood through the peripheral organs
chambers of the heart
atrium – weak pump and blood reservoir
ventricle – main force that propels blood to pulmonary
and peripheral circulation
Blood Supply
Coronary artery – 1st branch of aorta
• Right Coronary
o SA nodal Branch – supplies SA node
o Right marginal Branch – supplies the
right border of the heart
o AV nodal branch – supplies the AV node
o Posterior interventricular artery –
supplies both ventricles
• Left Coronary
o Circumflex branch – supplies SA node in
40 % of people
o Left marginal – supplies the left ventricle
o Anterior interventricular branch aka Left
anterior descending(LAD)–supplies both
ventricles and interventricular septum
o Lateral branch – terminates in ant
surface of the heart
Coronary sinus – main vein of the heart
Ant interventricular vein or Great Cardiac vein –
main tributary of the coronary sinus
Post interventricular vein or Middle cardiac vein
Small Cardiac vein
Left Posterior ventricular vein
Left Marginal Vein
Oblique vein – remnant of SVC, small unsignificant
Smallest cardiac veins- valveless
Action Potential
Resting Membrane Potentials
-85 to -95 mV – cardiac muscle
-90 to -100 mV – Purkinje fibers
Mitral Valve
Left Ventricle
Aortic valve
Myocardial cell
Intercalated disks
Cell membranes that separates individual cells from
each other
Two Groups of Myocardial Cells
Cells specialized for impulse generation and
• Automatic cells
• Found in SA, AV nodes and Purkinje
system(transitional cells)
Cells specialized for contraction
• Non Automatic Cells
Nodal tissues
SA Node( Sino-atrial, Keith and Flack)
• Primary Pacemaker
• Between SVC and RA
• Vagal and symphatetic innervation
• Sinus Rhythms
AV Node( Atrioventricular , Kent and Tawara)
• At the right atrium
• 3 zones
o AN Zone(atrionodal)
o N Zone (nodal)
o NH zone (nodal –HIS)
1. All-or-None Law - Gap junctions allow all cardiac muscle cells
to be linked electrochemically, so that activation of a small
group of cells spreads like a wave throughout the entire heart.
This is essential for "synchronistic" contraction of the heart as
opposed to skeletal muscle.
Theoretical Mechanism of Pacemaker Potential:
b. atrioventricular node (AV node) - impulses pass from SA via
gap junctions in about 40 ms.; impulses are delayed about 100
ms to allow completion of the contraction of both atria; located
just above tricuspid valve (between right atrium & ventricle)
DECREASES rate of contractions
cardioinhibitory center (medulla)
vagus nerve (cranial X)
INCREASES rate of contractions
cardioacceleratory center (medulla)
lateral horn of spinal cord to preganglionics Tl-T5
postganlionics cervical/thoracic ganglia
A. General Concepts
A. Overview of Heart Sounds
B. Heart Murmurs
b. parasympathetic - ACETYLCHOLINE (ACh)
decreases heart rate
c. vagal tone - parasympathetic inhibition of
inherent rate of SA node, allowing normal HR
d. baroreceptors, pressoreceptors - monitor
changes in blood pressure and allow reflex
activity with the autonomic nervous system
Diagnostic Tests:
1. To assist in diagnosing MI
2. To identify abnormalities
3. To assess inflammation
4. To determine baseline value
5. To monitor serum level of medications
6. To assess the effects of medications
Returns to normal in a day
Not used alone
Muscular and RENAL disease can have elevated
4. Troponin I and T
Troponin I is usually utilized for MI
Elevates within 3-4 hours, peaks in 4-24 hours and
persists for 7 days to 3 weeks!
Normal value for Troponin I is less than 0.6 ng/mL
REMEMBER to AVOID IM injections before obtaining
blood sample!
Early and late diagnosis can be made!
Lipid profile measures the serum cholesterol,
triglycerides and lipoprotein levels
Cholesterol= 200 mg/dL
Triglycerides- 40- 150 mg/dL
LDH- 130 mg/dL
HDL- 30-70- mg/dL
NPO post midnight (usually 12 hours)
A. Deflection Waves of ECG
1. P wave - initial wave, demonstrates the depolarization from
SA Node through both ATRIA; the ATRIA contract about 0.1 s after
start of P Wave
2. QRS complex - next series of deflections, demonstrates the
depolarization of AV node through both ventricles; the ventricles
contract throughout the period of the QRS complex, with a short
delay after the end of atrial contraction; repolarization of atria also
Holter Monitoring
continuously over a period of
24 hours
Instruct the client to resume
normal activities and maintain a
diary of activities and any
symptoms that may develop
Stress Test
A non-invasive test that studies the heart during activity and
detects and evaluates CAD
Exercise test, pharmacologic test and emotional test
Treadmill testing is the most commonly used stress test
Used to determine CAD, Chest pain causes, drug effects
and dysrhythmias in exercise
Pre-test: consent may be required, adequate rest , eat a light
meal or fast for 4 hours and avoid smoking, alcohol and
Post-test: instruct client to notify the physician if any chest
pain, dizziness or shortness of breath . Instruct client to
avoid taking a hot shower for 10-12 hours after the test
Pharmacological stress test
Use of dipyridamole
Maximally dilates coronary artery
Side-effect: flushing of face
Pre-test: 4 hours fasting, avoid alcohol, caffeine
Post test: report symptoms of chest pain
Cardiac Catheterization
Insertion of a catheter into the heart and surrounding vessels
Determines the structure and performance of the heart
valves and surrounding vessels
Used to diagnose CAD, assess coronary atery patency and
determine extent of atherosclerosis
Pretest: Ensure Consent, assess for allergy to seafood and
iodine, NPO, document weight and height, baseline VS,
blood tests and document the peripheral pulses
Pretest: Fast for 8-12 hours, teachings, medications to allay
Intra-test: inform patient of a fluttery feeling as the catheter
passes through the heart; inform the patient that a feeling of
warmth and metallic taste may occur when dye is
Post-test: Monitor VS and cardiac rhythm
Monitor peripheral pulses, color and warmth and sensation
of the extremity distal to insertion site
Maintain sandbag to the insertion site if required to maintain
Monitor for bleeding and hematoma formation
Measuring CVP
1. Position the client supine with bed elevated at 45 degrees
2. Position the zero point of the CVP line at the level of the right
atrium. Usually this is at the MAL, 4th ICS
3. Instruct the client to be relaxed and avoid coughing and straining.
Answer client questions. Provide information about
procedures and medications
Angina Pectoris
Clinical Syndromes:
The typical angina that occurs during exertion, relieved by rest
and drugs and the severity does not change
2. Unstable angina
Occurs unpredictably during exertion and emotion, severity
increases with time and pain may not be relieved by rest and
3. Variant angina, Prinzmetal angina
results from coronary artery VASOSPASMS, may occur at rest
Chest pain- ANGINA
The most characteristic symptom
PAIN is described as mild to severe retrosternal pain,
squeezing, tightness or burning sensation
Radiates to the jaw and left arm
Precipitated by Exercise, Eating heavy meals, Emotions like
excitement and anxiety and Extremes of temperature
Relieved by REST and Nitroglycerin
Nausea and vomiting
Cold clammy skin
Sense of apprehension and doom
Dizziness and syncope
ECG may show normal tracing if patient is pain-free. Ischemic
changes may show ST depression and T wave inversion
Cardiac catheterization
Provides the MOST DEFINITIVE source of diagnosis by
showing the presence of the atherosclerotic lesions
Promote myocardial perfusion
Instruct patient to maintain bed rest
Administer O2 @ 3 lpm
Advise to avoid valsalva maneuvers
Provide laxatives or high fiber diet to lessen constipation
Encourage to avoid increased physical activities
Assist in possible treatment modalities
o PTCA- percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
To compress the plaque against the vessel wall,
increasing the arterial lumen
o CABG- coronary artery bypass graft
To improve the blood flow to the myocardial tissue
Provide information to family members to minimize anxiety and
promote family cooperation
Assist client to identify risk factors that can be modified
Refer patient to proper agencies
Myocardial Infarction
terminal stage of coronary art dse resulting from permanent
mal-occlussion, necrosis and scarring
types of MI:
1. Transmural
most dangerous form of MI characterized by occlussion of right
and left coronary art.
2. Subendocardial
critical period of MI: 24-48 hours - arrythmias, PVC (lidocaine
as ordered)
a. Pain: sharp, excruciating visceral pain
substernal: radiates to back, arms, shoulder, axilla, jaw and
abdominal ms
not usually received by rest
b. Dyspnea
c. Hyperthermia
d. Mild restlessness or apprehension
e. Initial inc in bld pressure
f. Occasional findings:
Rales or crackles upon auscultation
Pericardial friction rub
Split S1 and S2
Atrial gallop (S4)
Dx procedures
1. Cardiac enzymes
Lactic dehydrogenase
2. Troponin test: inc
3. ECG tracing reveals:
ST segment elevation
Widening of QRS complex
Arrythmia in MI: PVCs
4. Serum uric acid and cholesterol: inc
5. CBC: inc in WBC count
Nursing Management:
1. Administer meds as ordered
a. Narcotic analgesic: morphine sulfate - induce vasodilation, reduce
levels of anxiety
side effect: resp depression: antidote - Naloxone
Naloxone toxicity: - tremor
2. Administer O2 inhalation as ordered
3. Enforce complete bedrest
a. Bedside commode
dec myocardial O2 demand
4. Instruct client to avoid vasalva manuever
5. semi-fowler's pos'n
6. General liquid -> soft diet
7. Avoid foods rich in caffeine, sodium and saturated fats
8. Monitor VS, I and O
9. Administer meds as ordered:
a. Vasodilators
isosorbide dinitrate
b. Anti-arrhythmic agents
c. Beta blockers
d. ACE-inhibitors
captopril, enalopril
e. Thrombolytic/fibrinolytic agents
TPAF (tissue plasminogen activating factor): monitor bleeding
f. Anticoagulants
heparin and coumadin simultaneously: late effect of coumadin -
3 days
heparin: monitor PTT (partial thromboplastin time)
heparin antidote: protamine sulfate
coumadine antidote: vit K
g. Antiplatelet
anti thrombotic property
10. Assist in surgical procedure
coronary art by pass
11. Provide client health teaching concerning:
a. Avoidance of precipitating factors
b. Dietary restrictions
c. Prevention of Complications
arrhythmia: PVCs
shock: cardiogenic - oliguria as late sign
congestive heart failure
Dressler's Syndrome: post MI syndrome - resistance to
pharmacologocal agents: administer 450,000 units of
streptokinase as ordered
d. Instruct client re resumption of ADL
sexual intercourse: 3-6 weeks post carrdiac rehab
sex before meals
assume a non wt-bearing position
importance of follow-up care
Dx procedures
1. Chestx-ray:cardiomegaly
2. Angiography, echocardiography: site and extent of mal occlusion
3. ABG: pCO2 inc, pO2 dec -> resp acidosis, hypoxemia
4. PAP (pulmonary art pressure), pulmonary capillary wedge
pressure (PCWP): inc
Swan Ganz catheterization: done at bedside
tracheostomy: bedside, done in O.R if pt has laryngeal or
thyroid cancer
Right sided HF
Predisposing factors
1. Tricuspid v stenosis 4. Pulm valve stenosis
2. Pulm edema 5. left sided heart failure
B. S/S
1. Jugular vein distention 6. Jaundice
2. Pitting edema 7. Pruritus
3. Ascites 8. Anorexia, gen body malaise
4. Wt gain 9. Esophageal varices
5. Hepatosplenomegaly
Dx procedure
1. Chest x-ray: cardiomegaly
2. Echocardiogram: enlarged heart chamber
3. Central venous pressure: measures right atrium pressure
- N = 4-10 cm of H2O
- if CVP is dec -> hypovolemia -> fluid challenge
- if CVP is inc -> hypervolemia
- trendelenberg pos'n: CVP catheter insertion
Nursing Mgt
1. Administer meds as ordered
A. Cardiac glycoside (Digoxin - lanoxin): monitor heart rate before
admin > 60
digitalis toxicity: digibind (antidote)
B. Bronchodilator
aminophylline (theophylline)
toxicity: tachycardia, tremors
C. Narcotic analgesic
morphine sulfate
D. Loop diuretics
Lasix (furosemide): 6 hrs max effect, onset 15 mins
E. Vasodilators
F. Anti arrhythmic agents
2. Restrict fluids
3. VS, I and O, breath sounds
4. Weigh pt daily, assess for pitting edema
5. Measure abdominal girth -> notify physician
6. O2 inhalation: 3-4 liters/min via nasal cannula - high inflow
7. High Fowler's position
8. Bloodless phlebotomy: rotating tournique - 3 tournique rotated
clockwise every 15 mins to dec venous return
9. Health teaching
A. Dietary modification: low Na, saturated fats, caffeine
B. Prevent complications
Cor pulmonale
C. Follow-up care