34-NanoCarb 110
34-NanoCarb 110
34-NanoCarb 110
Scew Edges
Typical Applications: Procedure:
Grizzly bars, exhaust fans, mixer Remove all damged and fatigued
blades, furnace chutes, scrappers, weld metal with Chamfertrode and
sinter crusher bars, sinter plant fans, clean weld area. Maintain short to
screw conveyers and many other medium arc length and hold a near
equipment from severe abrasion and vertical electrode angle. Deposit
erosion at elevated temperatures. stringer or 1.5 X weave beads. Back
Outstanding Features: whip crater. For high carbon steels,
preheat to 250 - 3000C maintain inter
• High single pass hardness.
pass temperature to 1500C show cool
• Exceptional abrasion & erosion after welding. Smooth and ripple -
resistance. free deposit with micro-fissure stress
• Elevated temperature applications. relieving cracks.
• Ultra - hard coatings with good Recommended Amperages:
Size (mm) I - Range
• Multi - layer deposits achievable. 4.00 130 - 170
• High deposition rate with high
metal recovery. Hardness: 67 - 71 HRc