Article Anatomic Variations of The Aortic Arch

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Anatomic variations of the aortic arch depicted

on 444 CT angiographies

Article in European Journal of Anatomy · April 2016


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Sara Yukie Rodriguez-Takeuchi Gloria Patricia Baena Caldas

Fundación Valle Del Lili Universidad del Valle (Colombia)


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ORIGINAL ARTICLE Eur. J. Anat. 20 (2): 137-141 (2016)

Anatomic variations of the aortic arch

depicted on 444 CT angiographies

Gabriel Prada1, Ana M. Granados2, Juan S. Calle1, Sara Y. Rodríguez1,

Gloria P. Baena3
Universidad ICESI, Cali, Colombia, 2Fundación Valle del Lili, Cali, Colombia, 3Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia


With a view to describing the different anatom- The anatomy of the aortic arch (AA) branching is
ic variations of aortic arch branching, their prev- challenging as a result of the multiple variations
alence, the demographic characteristics of the that have been described. The normal or standard
sample, and to propose a new classification for anatomic configuration is described as branches
aortic arch branching patterns, 460 thoracic arising from the AA, from proximal to distal with
computed tomography angiographies (CTA) with respect to the heart, in this order: brachiocephalic
3D reconstruction were reviewed from January trunk (BT), left common carotid artery (LCC) and
2012 to December 2014. A total of 444 subjects left subclavian artery (LS). However, currently
were included in the study. Of those, 153 there is no consensus about the classification and
(34.4%) were male. Anatomic variations were clinical implications of the various anatomic varia-
found in 178 (40.1%) subjects. Prevalence by tions, which, added to the increasing activity in the
type of aortic arch (AA) branching pattern were fields of interventional and surgical procedures in
found as follows: Type 1 or “Normal branching”: the head, neck and upper limbs, sets a clinical
Brachiocephalic trunk (BT), left common carotid context of uncertainty needing research (Adachi,
artery (LCC), left subclavian artery (LS), in this 1928; Bhatia et al., 2005).
order, was 59.9% (266/444 subjects); Type 2 or Anatomic variations of the AA are not uncom-
“Bovine arch”: BT and LCC arising from the AA mon. A prevalence around 20% have been found
in a common trunk, was 27.9% (124/444 sub- in significant subjects’ samples evaluated in vari-
jects); Type 3: LCC originating separately from ous studies (Jakanani and Adair, 2010; Shakeri et
the BT, was 9.9% (44/444 subjects); Type 4, left al., 2013). Karacan et al. (2014) and Ergun et al.
vertebral artery arising from the AA, was 2.2% (2013) published the two largest studies: they ex-
(10/444 subjects). The prevalence of anatomic amined 1000 and 1001 in-vivo patients using CTA
variations was higher in females than in males and found a prevalence of variations of 20.8% and
(42.3% versus 35.9%). This is the largest study 14.7%, respectively. Type 2 branching pattern was
of aortic arch anatomic variations in a South the most frequent in both studies, but its anatomic
American population. These anatomic variants description was different. For Karacan et al.
are not rare and should be addressed before a (2014), it was BT and LCC arising from the AA in a
surgical or interventional procedure that involves common trunk; and for Ergun et al. (2013), LCC
the head, neck, thorax and/or upper limbs. originating separately from the BT. This discrepan-
cy in describing the type 2 AA branching pattern
Key words: Aorta – Aortic arch – Aortic mor- have been seen in other studies as well.
phology – Anatomic variation – Multidetector Thus, in order to clarify this confusion, which
computed tomography could generate erroneous epidemiologic data and
negative clinical impact, as explained by Layton et
al., we describe the type 2 AA branching and sep-
Corresponding author: Gabriel Prada. Universidad ICESI,
Cali, Colombia. Phone: (+1)3127700412.
E-mail: [email protected] Submitted: 21 September, 2015. Accepted: 22 January, 2016.

Anatomic variations of the aortic arch

arate it from other different anatomic patterns. ed as congenital anomalies, which included the
Type 2 AA branching, also named “Bovine arch”, is following examples: the left AA, the aberrant right
seen when both BT and LCC arise from the AA in subclavian artery, the double AA, the cervical AA
a common trunk, and not that in which the LCC and the interrupted AA (Flowchart 1). The clinical
originates separately from the BT (Layton et al., record of subjects that presented anatomic varia-
2006). In order to simplify the classification, we tions of the AA was used in order to specify docu-
proposed a new one: Type 1 or “Normal branch- mented diagnosis, classifying them into two
ing”: BT, LCC, LS, in this order; Type 2 or “Bovine groups: those with diagnosis of acquired aorta pa-
arch”: BT and LCC arising from the AA in a com- thologies, and those without.
mon trunk; Type 3: LCC originating separately
from the BT; Type 4: left vertebral artery originat- Image technique: angiographic computed
ing separately from the AA. tomography
All the CTA were indicated by a medical special-
Spiral and multidetector-row computed tomogra-
ist, and were performed on a 64 channel multide-
phy angiography (CTA) with 3D reconstruction is
tector computed tomography (MDCT) with angi-
accepted as a non-invasive diagnostic procedure
ography system, with 100 ml of intravenous con-
to assess anatomical variations of AA prior to sur-
trast at a speed of 5 cc per second for each pa-
gery or interventional procedures. The CTA offers
tient, using Smartprep as the contrast detection
a wide outlook of vessels and the spatial relation-
method. Image 3D reconstruction was made on a
ship of adjacent organ. The purpose of this study
radiology workstation with computers equipped
is to describe the different anatomic variations of
with Syngo software (Advanced Syngo version
aortic arch branching, their prevalence, the demo-
V3A with VRT reconstructions).
graphic characteristics of the sample, and to pro-
pose a new classification for AA branching pat-
Image interpretation
terns. Examinations were conducted by a sixth-year
medical student and a radiologist with more of 10
MATERIALS AND METHODS years of experience in CTA. Variations were cate-
gorized according to the proposed classification for
aortic arch branching patterns: Type 1: BT, LCC,
The Institutional Ethics Committee approved this
LS, in this order. Type 2 or “Bovine arch”: BT and
study. The radiology information system (PACS) of
LCC arising from the AA in a common trunk. Type
a reference hospital was used to review all thorac-
3: LCC originating separately from the BT. Type 4:
ic CTA with 3D reconstruction from January 2012
left vertebral artery originating separately from the
to December 2014. We excluded subjects with an
unclear image evaluation, vascular malformations
of the AA, vascular injuries of the AA, those born
Statistical analyses
out of Colombia and those younger than 18 years Frequencies and percentages were calculated
old. Vascular malformations of the AA were intend- using Excel®.


This study was performed on 444 subjects; 153

(34.4%) were males and 291 (65.6%) were fe-
males, with a mean age of 57 years (18-96 years).
Categorization of anatomic variations was made
according to proposed classification for aortic arch
branching patterns. The prevalence of overall ana-
tomic variations (intended as type 2, 3 and 4 AA
branching patterns) was 40.1% (178/444 subjects).
Prevalence for each type of branching pattern
were found as follows: Type 1 or “Normal”: 59.9%
(266/444 subjects); Type 2 or “Bovine arch”:
27.9% (124/444 subjects); Type 3: 9.9% (44/444
subjects); Type 4: 2.2% (10/444 subjects) (Table

Flowchart 1. Subjects’ selection according to inclusion and exclusion

criteria, and its posterior categorization according to the proposed
classification for aortic arch branching patterns. CTA, Computed to-
mography angiography. AA, aortic arch. BT, brachiocephalic trunk.
LCC, left common carotid artery. LS, left subclavian artery.

G. Prada et al.

Table 1. Demographic characteristics and diagnosis of subjects by type of aortic arch branching pattern.

Type 1
Group Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Total
Characteristic (Normal)
Types 2, 3, 4 (N=124) (N=44) (N=10) (N=444)
Mean age (range) –
57 (18-96) 57 (18-96) 57 (20-91) 57 (18-96) 59 (18-72) 57 (18-96)

Male sex - no. (%) 98 (36.8) 55 (30.9) 38 (30.6) 11 (25.0) 6 (60.0) 153 (34.4)

Female sex - no. (%) 168 (63.2) 123 (69.1) 86 (69.4) 33 (75.0) 4 (40.0) 291 (65.6)

Diagnosis- no. (%)**

1 - 25 (14.0) 18 (14.5) 5 (11.4) 2 (20.0) 25 (5.6)
2 - 152 (85.4) 105 (84.7) 39 (88.6) 8 (80.0) 152 (34.2)

3 - 1 (0.6) 1 (0.8) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 267 (60.2)

*Variations group is intended as the total of subjects that presented anatomic variations, regardless of what type. It was obtain by the sum of the sub-
jects with the following types of branching patterns: Type 2, 3 and 4. **The specification of diagnosis was made only in subjects with anatomic varia-
tions. 1, aorta pathologies (Aortic aneurysm, Aortic dissection, Coarctation of the aorta, Aortic ingurgitation, Aortic stenosis). 2, others no related to the
aorta and its branches (Hypertension, diabetes, hypothyroidism, etc.). 3, No data found.

Fig. 1. Aortic arch anatomic varia-

tions according to the proposed
classification for aortic arch
branching patterns. Red arrows
show the aortic arch and its
branches, and the main character-
istic of each type of branching
pattern. (A) Type 1 or “Normal
branching” aortic arch (AA)
branching pattern: brachioce-
phalic trunk (BT), left common
carotid artery (LCC) and left sub-
clavian artery (LS). (B) Type 2 or
“Bovine arch”: BT and LCC arising
from the AA in a common trunk.
(C) Type 3: LCC originating sepa-
rately from the BT. (D) Type 4: left
vertebral artery originating sepa-

1, Fig. 1). The prevalence of overall anatomic vari- branching pattern was found as follows: Type 2:
ations was higher among females compared to 14.5% (18/124 cases); Type 3: 11.4% (5/44 cas-
males, 42.3% versus 35.9% (123/291 versus es); Type 4: 20% (2/10 cases). There was no as-
55/153 cases). Also, for Type 2: 29.6% versus sessment of diagnosis of aortic pathologies for
24.8% (86/291 versus 38/153 cases), and for Type subjects with type 1, or “Normal” AA branching
3: 11.3% versus 7.2% (33/291 versus 11/153 cas- pattern.
es). Type 4 was the only group with a higher pro-
portion of anatomic variants among males com- DISCUSSION
pared with females, 3.9% versus 1.4% (6/153 ver-
sus 4/291 cases). Prevalence of diagnosis of aorta The anatomical variations are present since birth,
pathologies among subjects with anatomic varia- and are taken as benign, but they may represent a
tions was 14% (25/178 cases), and by type of challenge on the performance of surgical and radi-

Anatomic variations of the aortic arch

ologist-interventionist procedures, raising the prob- gorization. The less common variation, type 4, pre-
ability of mistakes, adverse effects and even fatal sented a prevalence of 2.2%, which is lower com-
outcomes. There are cases of perioperative ische- pared to the worldwide reference series given by
mia by an incorrect shunt placement due to ana- Jakanani and Adair (2010), Ergun et al. (2013) and
tomic variations of the aortic arch during carotid Karacan et al. (2014), that reported a prevalence
endarterectomy (Koch, 2006; Burzotta, 2015). of 6.0%, 5.1% and 4.1%, respectively (Layton et
Hence, the importance of being aware of them and al., 2006).
to perform proper assessments of anatomical fea- Another notable finding is that women showed a
tures of the aortic arch before surgical and inter- higher prevalence of overall anatomic variations
ventional procedures involving the head, neck, compared to men (42.3% versus 35.9%), a dispari-
thorax and/or upper limbs. ty not seen in other reports, since most of the find-
The first reports of AA anatomic variations were ings showed similar proportion between both sex-
made in small post-mortem series, and also includ- es.
ed cases of congenital anomalies (Thompson, Regarding the relationship between AA anatomic
1893; Williams, 1935; McDonald, 1940; Harley, variations and the presence of related pathologies,
1959; Liechty, 1957; Nizankowski, 1975). Then, it was found that 14.2% of subjects with variants
with the appearance of new diagnostic images had diagnosis of aorta pathologies. Although, as it
tools, there was possible to enlarge the knowledge was already explained, the anatomic variations by
with bigger series in several regions of the world definition do not have pathological implications, a
(Grande, 1995; Natsis et al., 2009). However, in diagnosis of a pathology of the aorta makes an
such areas like South America, the literature re- individual more likely to undergo an invasive pro-
mains quite behind, and there are not many own or cedure involving the aortic arch, its branches and
local studies. This issue has forced the South surrounding structures, which could result in a
American health care professionals to adopt find- mayor risk of complications and adverse effects if
ings of studies from other continents to their daily its particular anatomy is not known. This is the
practice, a fact that sometimes turns to be not so point to be reached: it is not only about presenting
positive or suitable. This study evaluated 444 in the information, but also about demonstrating why
vivo subjects in a reference hospital of Cali, Co- it is so important to know it and spread it.
lombia; a sample that because of its demographic
features can be extrapolated to the South Ameri- Conclusions
can population. As far as the authors know, this is the largest
The proportion of anatomic variations of the AA study of aortic arch anatomic variations in a South
is certainly significant given the data of the largest American population. Anatomic variations of the
worldwide reference series made by Ergun et al. aortic arch are not rare and should be addressed
(2013), who found a prevalence of 26% from a before a surgical or interventional procedure that
sample of 1001 subjects, and by Karacan et al. involves the head, neck, thorax and/or upper
(2014), who found a prevalence of 21% from a limbs.
sample of 1000 subjects. However, in this study The prevalence of aortic arch anatomic variations
the prevalence of AA variations was 40.1%, which is higher in the Colombian population compared
is quite higher. This difference could be explained with other regions worldwide, especially in fe-
by the fact that in South America this sort of stud- males, the “Bovine arch” being the most frequent
ies had not been conducted before, and, as seen variation. The proposed classification for aortic
in other general characteristics, the population in arch branching patterns sets a simple and useful
this region of the planet displays some precise par- categorization for the anatomic variations of the
ticularities. aortic arch, and clarifies the description of each
The most frequent anatomic variant, the type 2 or type of branching pattern.
“Bovine arch”, showed a prevalence of 27.9%,
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G. Prada et al.

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