CH2DC - Unit 3, Activity 2 - Camps Worksheet: Dachau Concentration Camp, New Denver Internment Camp, Near Cranbrook

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Megan Reyes

1CH2DC - Unit 3, Activity 2 - Camps Worksheet

Dachau Concentration Camp, New Denver Internment

German-occupied Poland Camp, near Cranbrook,
British Columbia
Who was held in this Jewish, Polish, Russians, and other Japanese Canadian citizens
camp? people who were captured. They were kept in the camp. Some
also had people who were citizens that were thought to
politically against the Nazis and help the enemies were sent to
whoever thought were criminals these camps also.
from Hitler. People who were
disabled or used birth control were
considered criminals and sent to
the camp.
Who was responsible for The Nazis ( Germans) were The Canadian government
putting them there? responsible for putting them there. were responsible for putting
them there.
Why were they there? Hitler wanted to destroy the Jewish The reasons why they were
(The ‘public’ reasons race. He used Genocide. The Nazis because Canadian government
and the real reasons) believed that Jews were better than thought that Japanese citizens
Germans and that the Germans were actually trying to help
were more worthy and powerful. Japan in the war by spying on
them or fighting inside of
Canada. Another reason
would be racism. Canadian
government was trying to
keep out Asian immigrants out
from the country. They made
head taxes, and white women
couldn't work for the Asian,
and there was a rule they
could not become lawyers and
What were conditions The conditions in the camp were Inside the camp they were
like in the camp? brutal. They had to work, and allowed to have schools and
were starved. They were also clubs. The food quality was
crowded due to the amount of horrible, the camp was
people. When they could no longer crowded, and people died
work they killed. from the diseases that were
spread around the camp.
Megan Reyes
Did people die here? Yes, people did die there. They Only a few people died in the
Were they killed in this were sprayed with toxic gas and camp from diseases that were
camp? later their bodies were burnt . Or spread around.
they would die of starvation or a
disease that would spread around
the camp.
What happened to the More than 5 million died at the The inmates were released
inmates of this camp in camp. The Nazis were focused on from the camp. Young
1945? continuing to killing the Jews. In Japanese Canadian men
1945, when the time of freedom joined the war in 1945 to help
came around, the guards who were fight. When the inmates were
in charge destroyed every piece of released everything they owed
evidence there was. were no longer there and
some of them were not
allowed to go back to British
Do you think that this Yes, I do believe that this is a I do not think it was fair for
camp was an example of crime against humanity because the Canadian government to
a “crime against the Nazis did not have real reasons treat Japanese Canadians due
humanity? Why or why why many people should have to the fact of racism. They had
not? suffered and died. They had no no facts or real evidence
right of taking anyone, starving proving that they were against
them, over working. and killed Canada. Canadian
them. Germany did not have any government never had the
right putting their citizens and right to sell their homes, cars,
other countries citizens into harm. or send the children and
I believe that the Nazis were trying moms to the camps, and make
to play the role of God and those the men work. The Canadian
camps should have been stopped government I believe also
earlier. acted like the Nazis because
they treated the Japanese
Canadian citizens likes the
Jews by controlling them and
forcing them out of their

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