Summative Assignment and Rubric
Summative Assignment and Rubric
Summative Assignment and Rubric
The Mission: Throughout our reading of Hamlet, we’ve been exploring the
way that gender affects the opportunities and choices available to
characters. For this essay, your prompt is to choose one character and
make an argument about (1) how their gender shapes the choices available
to them in the text and (2) how they either challenge or fail to challenge the
expectations of their gender.
Possible characters:
Note: this is not an exhaustive list! If you’d like to choose a different
character, just check in with me first.
Minimum of 750 words
Must choose one character from the text to focus on
Must have a clear thesis that fully responds to the prompt
Must include at least 5 quotes from the text to support the thesis
Must cite either the Lois Tyson article or another source on feminist
literary criticism
Essay Rubric