Earth Day Unit

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Earth Day Dancing 

Context Statement:​ ​This 30 minutes lesson is for a class of Exceptional Learners on Earth Day. The class 
loves to dance. There is a 1:1 ratio of students to teacher aids. Using an Earth Day song, we will create dance 
moves mimicking the actions mentioned in the song.  

Standards (from  Goals:  

Proposed Revision -  I can react to music with body movement. 
Strikethrough VDOE   
Standards:   I can express myself with body movement. 
2. 11 The student will   
identify relationships  I can interpret activities as dance movements.  
between music and   
other fields of   
knowledge.   Wound forward: 
  I can explain how we can use music to celebrate Earth Day. 
2.17 The student will   
respond to music with  I can move my feet to the beat of the music.  
A. Use locomotor  I can collaborate with others to design dance moves relating to a song.  
movements of 
B. Perform 
dances and 
other musical 

Materials:  Process: 
- Song recording:  1. Students enter classroom with teacher aids and sit in first row of chairs beside their aid.  
MGdVZHU  2. Students take a minute to “get their wiggles out” — shaking their bodies 
from The Blue Brain  and dancing around to get out some energy and refocus.  
Teacher  3. Students sing “Hello Song” together.  
  4. Teacher begins discussion on Earth Day! Big points: 
or an instrument to  a. Earth Day is April 22! 
play the song on  b. What does Earth Day mean to us? 
  c. Why should we take care of our planet?  
- projector or white  d. Why do we celebrate Earth Day? 
board  e. What are the three Rs?  
  5. Teacher sings Earth Day song, playing on ukulele. Lyrics are projected on 
  whiteboard behind teacher, in view of students. Teacher sways and 
verbally encourages students to move to the beat. 
a. Lyrics: 
It’s Earth Day!  
We need to be green and keep our world clean 
We only have one earth, we must intervene. 
It’s so simple, what we can do, 
To help our planet stay green and blue. 
Turn off the lights when we leave the room, 
Grow a garden and watch it bloom, 
Put the trash in the bin,  
So it will not be stuck on fish’s fin. 
It’s Earth Day! 
If we just  
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle,  
Tomorrow will be better! 
It’s earth and it’s the only one we have! 
Happy Earth Day! 
6. Working collaboratively, teacher asks students and aids what dance moves 
to use for each line 1-5. Try to connect the dance move to the movement — 
for example, “It’s Earth Day” could be holding arms out in a circle to signify 
the earth.  
7. Teacher plays lines 1 - 5, students add chosen dance moves, aids support 
by prompting dance moves.  
8. Repeat with lines 6-10. 
9. Repeat with lines 11-15. 
10. Perform entire song, start to finish, with aid support. 

Final Assessment  

Goal/Quality  0  1  2  3 

Body movements  Student does  Student reacts when  Student moves to  Student moves to the 
not react when  music is played.  the beat OR  beat AND performs 
music is  performs assigned  assigned dance moves.  
dance moves. 
Self-expression  Student does  Student suggests  Student suggests  Student suggests dance 
not suggest  dance move.   dance move that is  moves that are relevant 
dance moves.   relevant to the line it  to the line it will be 
will be performed  performed with.  

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