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The process and visualization system SICAM SCC (SICAM

Substation Control Center) is an important component of
power automation solutions. Independent of the utilized
substation, SICAM SCC can be used with both the power
automation system SICAM PAS and with the products of the
SICAM RTU family. SICAM SCC can communicate directly
with bay and protection devices that support the
communications standard IEC 61850,and can be used for
this as a cross-device HMI system. SICAM SCC, based on
SIMATIC WinCC, is scalable for the individual applications,
and supports efficient engineering for energy automation
solutions of power utilities and industry.
[sc_process_visualization SCC, 1, --_--]

Figure 3.1/1 SICAM SCC

Configuration Options
Easily configurable HMI system for system control in power automation:
 SICAM A8000, TM, AK 3
 Devices with communications standard IEC 61850
 Scalable functionality from stand-alone system up to redundant client/server systems, Internet access via Web
 Process visualization with topological coloring.
System Overview
An important component of electrical power distribution and transmission is process visualization and control. In the SICAM
product family, this task is undertaken by SICAM SCC, an HMI system that optimally fulfills the requirements of control and
monitoring of the plants – independent of the utilized Siemens substation technology. SICAM SCC can be used with the
power automation system SICAM PAS and also with the products AK 3, TM, and A8000 series of the SICAM RTU family. SICAM
SCC can communicate directly with bay and protection devices that support the communications standard IECc016061850,
and can be used for this as a cross device HMI system.
Common HMI for SICAM and SIMATIC
As a base system SICAM SCC uses SIMATIC WinCC, one of the world’s leading process visualization systems and
supplements this with the necessary functions for utilization as station operation of the electrical process in high and
medium-voltage systems. The SIMATIC WinCC compatibility allows the use of SICAM SCC as an add-on together with SIMATIC
WinCC on one computer. This results in the possibility of integrated system solution for the visualization and control of the
industrial production process with SIMATIC automation devices (for example S7) and the electrical energy process (for
example, with SICAM PAS).
Functions for Use with SICAM and IEC 61850
SICAM SCC is customized for use in the energy sector and supports the operational crew in optimizing system management.
It allows rapid entry and clear, uncluttered representation of the operating statuses of the system. The specific properties of
the high-voltage and medium-voltage switching devices in the control and monitoring direction (double commands and
indications) are optimally implemented in the alarm lists and the graphical representation of the process.

Logging with Added Value

In the alarm lists, the original time stamps are logged with ms resolution as they occur in the devices. Each
indication is represented with a series of auxiliary information. On the one hand, these provide information about
the update status of the information against the background of a device or communication failure (up to date/not
up to date) or an activated bay or telecontrol blocking. On the other hand, they provide information about the
cause of the status change (spontaneous, command) and, in the case of a command process, about the process
source (local, site, remote). In addition to process indication, command indications are also logged. Hence each
command process is documented completely and in detail, from issue of the command by the operational crew
and the command output right up to feedback from the process after the status change of the controlled switching

Process Visualization Right up to Topological Coloring

IndustrialX controls are used for control and monitoring of the switching devices in the fully graphic process
diagrams (single- line diagrams). These switchgear device objects support 4 different representation forms (IEC,
DIN, SINAUT LSA, SICAM) for circuit breakers and disconnectors. Furthermore, the possibility exists to project-
specifically create defined bitmaps to represent the switchgear devices and to link them with the objects. in
addition to target and spontaneous flashing, the representation of diverse device and communication states (for
example, up to date/not up to date, bay and telecontrol blocking) is also supported for meaningful visualization.
Measured values and switchgear device states that can no longer be updated due to a device or communication
failure or applied bay blocking can be updated from the operator console via SICAM SCC. The switchgear devices
can be controlled directly or with” Select before operate”. The option of topological coloration exists for
representation of the process with single-line diagrams.

[dw_flexible station unit, 1, en_US]

Figure 3.1/2 Process Visualization with SICAM SCC

Substation Automation Technology Functions in common


Additional functions are supported when using with SICAM PAS: If, for example, maintenance work or tests must be
carried out for the process area of a bay unit, and if any status changes are not to be taken into consideration in the
substation automation technology \ processing of the SICAM PAS and not logged in HMI, this can be easily activated
via the bay blocking function. If the status changes are to continue being processed within the substation but the
information transmission to superordinate control centers is to be suppressed, this can be attained by means of the
telecontrol blocking function.

Normally, substations are controlled by the super ordinated control centers, while switching commands are to be
rejected by the station’s internal HMI; the switching authority is assigned to the super ordinated control center. The
switching authority can be obtained if control must be effected from the HMI for operational reasons. If the substation
is connected to several control centers, the switching authority can also be assigned channel specifically.
Furthermore, different switching authorities can be used for different voltage levels.

Reduced Engineering Expenditure

The data exchange with the connected substation often comprises several thousand indications, measured values
and commands. The project engineering of this information is considerably simplified in SICAM SCC via wizards. The
required description of process data is made available electronically by the configuration tools (SICAM PAS UI
configuration, SICAM TOOLBOX II) of the substation automation technology and is easily imported by SCC wizards.
Redundant data input is avoided. SCD files can be imported for directly connected IEC 61850 devices.


SICAM SCC works on the SIMATIC WinCC Platform

The WinCC basic software is the core component of a modular system via which you can compile a flexible,
customized SCADA solution via options and add-ons. The basic software alone already represents a powerful,
universally applicable process visualization system that has all the features of sophisticated HMI software.

Runtime Software

All HMI functions on board, this is how the runtime component of the basic software presents itself. Starting with user
management that satisfies all requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), via a user interface with a
multitude of configurable controls and functions right up to the powerful signaling and archiving system on the basis
of the integrated MS SQL Server. Reporting and logging system as well as integrated systems control functions as
well as integrated systems control function round off the list.

Configuring Software

The engineering component WinCC CS has a range of editors that leave nothing to be desired with respect to their
efficiency and user-friendliness. Libraries and wizards simplify and accelerate the creation of projects and
considerably reduce the occurrence of defects. As software for the most complex HMI tasks, WinCC is also suitable
for handling larger projects and bulk data.


The basic system is scalable in all respects via WinCC options. Even the basic system is scalable with respect to the
quantity structure via a graduated licensing model, in doing so the selected quantity of process tags can be
subsequently increased at any time. WinCC/server offers the option of establishing WinCC as a client-server
application. WinCC/redundancy makes this solution a highly available system. With WinCC/CAS, the process value
archiving system is extended into an independent, high-performance archive server. WinCC/Web Navigator allows
operation and observation via the Web with almost identical functionality as a WinCC client, but with unbeatable


In addition to WinCC client, WinCC server can be used under VMware ESXi and engineering stations under VMware
workstation or VMware Player. In this way, complex client/server structures and also stand-alone systems can be
configured with virtual environments.


SIMATIC WinCC has always stood for the greatest possible level of openness and integration capability because it
consistently uses standard technologies and software tools. From the operating systems and the utilized basic
technologies right up to communication mechanisms and the possibility of integrating scripts, WinCC focuses on
standards in all fields and dispenses with proprietary solutions.

SIMATIC WinCC – Basic Functionality

Runtime components of the WinCC basic software

• Integrated user management
• User interface
• Message management system
• Archiving system
• Reporting and logging system
• Systems control functions (Basic Process Control)

Integrated user management

With WinCC user administrator, access rights of the

users for project engineering and runtime are assigned
and controlled. At any time, even during runtime, the
administrator can create up to 128 user groups each
with up to 128 individual user settings and assign
them access rights to WinCC functions. In total, up to
999 different authorizations are possible. From WinCC
management and protects from unauthorized
Version 7.0, SIMATIC Logon is a component of the
manipulation of data.
WinCC basic software. User management with SIMATIC
Logon integrates into the security system and user [sc_SIMATIC Logon, 1, --_--]

management of Windows and hence also covers Figure 3.1/4 SIMATIC Logon Service in WinCC Basic System
extended safety requirements in accordance with FDA. from
SIMATIC Logon supports system-wide user

User interface
With the WinCC standards, individually configured user interfaces can be created for any application purpose. They
make use of a comprehensive selection of configurable standard objects. With online language change, projects that
are created in multiple languages can be switched over online during runtime at any time. Windows elements such
as menus and toolbars can be integrated into the user interface of the runtime application. With a maximum
resolution of 10,000 x 10,000 pixels for the individual process diagrams, a convenient zoom function gains particular
importance. The zoom factor can be increased or decreased smoothly with a scrolling mouse. The panning function
allows the overlay of a navigation cross in a zoomed image. The representation of tiers and objects can be made
dependent on the current zoom factor by means of decluttering. Hence it is, for example, possible to only overlay
details above a specific zoom factor.

Message management system

SIMATIC WinCC not only records process indications and local events, it also stores them in circular archives and
then makes them available either filtered or sorted as required. Indications can result by derivation from individual
bits, as a result of an indication telegram directly from the automation system or as a result of analog alarms in the
case of limit violations. Individual acknowledgment processes and views, a freely definable indication structure and
also parameterizable archiving and logging of indications are other features. In WinCC alarm control, the display
can be individually adapted to the indications. Comprehensive selection options, for example, via a user-specific
filter matrix, guarantees the best overview. It is also possible to display indications that have already been stored.
The represented indications can be exported or printed out as reports at the press of a button. System-specific
functions can be realized via freely configurable toolbar functions.

A search function is offered in the alarm editor from WinCC V7.0 SP 1. The filter options in the alarm system have
been supplemented with process value blocks with “equals” and “contains” in the case of text values.

[sc_WinCC_AlarmControl, 1, --_--]

Figure 3.1/5 Report Display via WinCC Alarm Control

Integrated statistic functions allow the harmonic test of hit lists (average and summarized report and
acknowledgment times).

[sc_WinCC_HitList, 1, --_--]

Figure 3.1/6 Report Display with Report Hit List

Hiding indications can also take place automatically (alarm hiding). Depending on the current station status (for
example, operation, cleaning, maintenance), less relevant indications can be hidden from display.

Archiving system

Historic values or value progressions are stored in process value archives. In addition to process values, WinCC also
archives indications and user data. The archiving takes place in circular archives in the integrated MS SQL server
database with high performance, that is. up to 10 000 measured values and 100 indications per second. The memory
requirement is very low due to effective, lossless compression. In the WinCC base system, 512 archive variables can
already be configured. In the final extension, power packs allow extension to up to 120 000 variables. Central,
optionally redundant long-term archiving can be realized with a central archive server with the OPTION
WinCC/CentralArchiveServer. In TrendControl (Figure 3.1/7) current values (online trends), historic process values and
setpoint curves can be represented in the same curve display. It is also possible to display measured values that have
already been stored. Here, individual scaling of the time line and the range of values is possible (for example,
percentile standardization). The time and value lines of the indi- vidual curves can be moved online by movement of
the mouse. This function can be used for, for example, batch comparisons.

[sc_Online TrendControl, 1, --_--]

Figure 3.1/7 Online TrendControl

Integrated statistic functions allow the harmonic test of minimum, maximum, average, standard deviation and
integral calculation at the press of a button. Logarithmic representation of curve progressions is also possible. The
process values displayed by selection can be printed out as a report at the press of a button or exported in a CSV file.
In addition, system-specific functions can be realized via the freely-definable toolbar functions.

Reporting and logging system

WinCC has an integrated log system, via which data from WinCC or other applications can be brought to paper. In
configurable layouts, it prints data recorded in runtime relating to different types of log, from reporting sequence and
system report and operation logs right up to user reports. The reports can also be stored as a file and displayed via a
preview on the screen. Wincc logs can also contain data from the database and third party data in CSV format as a
table or curve.

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