Tanya - Organizational Leadership and Interprofessional Team Development

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Organizational Leadership

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Heath organizations must understand Patient-Family-Centered Care (PFCC) elements to

assess where they stand against leading edges of healthcare practice. PFCC has changed ways in

which healthcare organizations deliver services by enhancement of staff satisfaction, improved

patients’ outcomes and decreased cost of services (McGovern, 2019). Most of PFCC principles

applied by hospitals tend to endorse common core values; recognizing family members' roles in

patient’s healthcare and helping patients realize their strengths and weaknesses impact on their

healthcare (Clay & Parsh, 2016). The paper analyses impacts of business practices, regulatory

requirements, and reimbursement on Patient-Family-Centered Care and evaluate PFCC elements

of Cedar-Sinai HealthCare center. 

Impacts of Business Practices, Regulatory Requirements, and Reimbursement on

Patient-Family-Centered Care (PFCC)

Business practices

Healthcare business practices comprise of implemented policies and procedures that serve as

guidelines to protect the safety of patients and healthcare providers. Policies and procedures

encompass predictions, requirements and actions to be taken in every operation undertaken

within the organization (Racioppa, 2016). For instance, in operations to prevent infection or

responding to an emergency there are guidelines that ensure staff stays inline and patients are

under control. Moreover, HealthCare organizations have a mission statement that upholds

patients care standards and welfare of employees. Cedar-Sinai healthcare (organization under

research) mission statement address excellent healthcare services and expanding healthcare

knowledge, however, to achieve success cedars- Sinai healthcare must conduct its operation in

an organized and timely manner with the help of its policies and procedures (WALTON, 2016).

Regulatory requirements

Healthcare organizations in the United States must be accredited and certified for them to

offer healthcare services. The joint commission has been tasked with the duty to accredit and

ensure that healthcare organizations meet quality performance standards where PFCC serves as

the benchmark. The commission’s accreditations strengthen community confidence in healthcare

integrity, services, treatment, and patients’ safety, reduce risk, enhance risk management and

ensure that the organization is recognized by insurance covers (Racioppa, 2016). It is not

compulsory that hospitals participate in joint commission, although most of medical insurance

cover such as Medicaid and Medicare request for the accreditation before reimbursements. In

cases where patients develop complications while on hospital care, insurance covers deny

reimbursements if the patient had not been covered before, thus, forcing hospitals to pay out of

their pockets. Therefore, hospitals need to meet the regulatory requirements to ensure that they

stay intact to their budget and offer safe care to patients. 


A patient satisfaction survey is conducted prior to reimbursement. Patients are required to rate

services offered based on communication offered, responsiveness of healthcare providers,

medication, hospital hygiene, hospital environment, and pain management (Racioppa, 2016).

The score is thoroughly analyzed and actions are taken to ensure the hospital comply with

regulations for reimbursement. Managing team uses the score information to ensure that all staff

work towards bettering patients’ experience. Most of the hospitals have adopted the use of a

whiteboard in patient’s room to ensure that patient’s care plan is tracked and effective follow-up

on medication and visitation (Clay & Parsh, 2016). Health providers ensure that patients feel

more comfortable and understand their treatment process to promote PFCC which directly

improves scores for reimbursement. 

PFCC tool (attached)

Organization Description

Cedars-Sinai healthcare is founded under Judaic tradition that inspires science of healing and

devotion to patient care. Cedars-Sinai healthcare is a non-profit independent organization that is

missioned to improve healthcare and expand healthcare knowledge. Among services offered in

cedars- Sinai are urology, endocrinology, neurosurgery, gynecology, nephrology, cancer,

geriatrics, pulmonology and lung surgery, cardiology, orthopedics, gastroenterology ad GI

surgery (Zore, Joshi, Schon, Masson & Chan, 2018). Cedars-Sinai serves a large population in

California with 886 incensed beds, 2800 nurses, 2100 physicians, healthcare professionals and


Strengths and Weaknesses of Cedars-Sinai Healthcare

Domain Strength Weakness

leadership/ operation The healthcare is adequately Patients and family are not

staffed. involved in development of

There are volunteers to offer hospital policies, procedures

directions to patients and and guidelines. It is strictly

family on patients’ rooms and done by the hospital board of

essential hospital facilities that management.

they may require.

There are education and

guideline posters on walls and

at entrance that offer


information on services

offered, charges and

preventive measures on health

Mission, Vision, Values The organization mission, No weakness

vision and values address

patients and family centered


They are clearly stated and

elaborated on organization

websites and
Advisors Lack strength The hospital has limited

patients participation and

service in advisory committee

Quality Improvement Patients and family are It is only the floor staff and

interviewed during satisfaction regulatory council that attend

surveys to voice their concerns and participate in quality,

and experiences safety and risk meeting

Personnel Employees are motivated to be Patients and family are not

friendly and collaborate with involved in welcoming new

patients and family to enhance staff and interviewing teams.

Environment And Design Hospital environment design It is off patients and family

is welcoming and makes capacity to participate in

patients and family feel at design projects.


Hygiene and friendly

environment is a priority in

the hospital

Visitation is not restricted.

Information /Education Organization web portals It is unclear on the safety of

are secured and can be emails accessed from PF.

accessed by signed up users Patients and families are not

which make it easy for permitted to assist as

patients to reach nurses in case educators or take part as staff.

of emergency.

Patients and families are

allowed to accessed room

resources as part of enhancing

patients experience
Diversity & Disparities During patient's admission, There is language limit in

background information is printed educational materials.

collected to ensure that

services and approaches used

by nurses respect patient's

beliefs and culture.

Information obtained online is

interpreted to ensure no

contradictions and

misunderstanding between the


Patient and staff.

Charting and Nurse offer updated health Patients are not allowed to

Documentation records to patients in every chart in electronic system

visit and patients are allowed

to access their documents in

the electronic system.

Care Support Patients and family are No weaknesses

allowed to raise concerns in

case of dissatisfaction and

misunderstanding in patients’

reports. The response system

is made easy for patients and

family to use and patients are

under 24/7 care of nurses this

can call anytime for

Care Organization culture embraces No weaknesses

respect, honesty,

accountability and

transparency. Patients and

family are entitled to

participate in care planning

and raise concerns on patient’s

health progress and discharge.


Area of Improvement

To realize organizational mission PFCC needs to be effectively addressed. Therefore, the

organization has to intensify on educational materials through increasing language database on

all educational materials so as the patients and family can understand. Thus, diversity and

disparities domains need to be addressed immediately.

Improvement strategy

The strategy to intensify educational materials requires the expansion of language database

that necessitates formation of a multidisciplinary team for implementation. Multidisciplinary

team consists of managers, nurses, physicians, and educators, who will be mandated to address

the urge for additional language and put the plan into action. Also, there is a need for translation

software to support the team in implementing the strategy.

Change theory

In order to adapt and improve in a new system, organization must survey the external

environment and make adjustments based on language diversities. The principles of “open

system” can be incorporated in implementing expansion language database strategy where

multidisciplinary team will evaluate needs for educational materials, their impacts and security

of organization's future.

Financial implications

Implementation of the strategy will be costly thus the organization should prepare a budget

for the project. Multidisciplinary team and software operators will work additional hours which

will require extra payments from normal working schedule. For accuracy and accountability, the

organization will be required to involve a thirds party to oversee the implementation process

which will affect annual expenses for the organization.


Evaluation method

The administration will conduct patient survey on patients that have accessed educational

materials and languages used. Patients’ will be required to offer their opinions on the change and

impacts of the change on PFCC. In order to gather adequate and reliable information, the survey

will be conducted at interval of three weeks for 12 months.

Multidisciplinary Team

Members Roles
Managers Ensure that the implementation does not

exceed the budget and offer resources required.

Nurses Address the need for the change and advice the

organization expectations in the strategy.

Physicians Offer background information on the different

population addresses and the impacts of

expanding language database.

Nurses educators Offer guidelines and training to staff on

languages added and approaches on how to

utilize them conveniently.

Team diversity

Team diversity is essential to ensure that the strategy will be founded ion diverse opinions on

the appropriate languages that serve the organization the best. A diverse team will combine all

strategies and address all concerns before putting the plan into action.

Leadership theory

Transformational leadership is the most appropriate in developing team culture for strategy

implementation. It ensures that team efforts and opinions are recognized and apprehended rather

than relying on the leaders to make all decisions (Nawaz & Khan, 2016). Transformational

leadership, in this case, will enhance team diversity and ensure that patients and family concerns

are addressed and staff needs are considered.  

Strategy implementation

Implementation process will consist of three phases that will be in cooperated in an open

system. The first phase will involve input processing where team members will analyze

weaknesses in language database and evaluate merits and demerits of the strategy. After the

second phase, transformation process will be initiated. During transformational phase, the team

will conduct interviews and create a plan that will involve all multidisciplinary members

enrolling in their new roles. The third phase, output process, will entail the presentation of the

developed plan to the administration and upgrading of current language database to ensure it

accommodates the recommended language. Lastly, the strategy effectiveness will be evaluated

and a survey conducted to analyze its impacts during the feedback stage.


Audience Method Outcomes

Administration Emails and memos Address the purpose of the

change and benefits

Managers and Educators Meetings Offer opinions and ideas’ on

the new changes and get

updated on the strategy to

offers answers to other staffs

Staff Employee forums Remain updated and ensure

the changes impact positively

to patients centered care.


Tools for the ream

Team assessment will be conducted using Kersley Temperament Sorter Tool to identify team

members’ personalities. Kersley Temperament tool helps individuals to focus on personal

behavior rather than feeling and thinking (Purwaningsih, Widodo, Harini, Kusumaningrum,

Putrianti & Muanifah, 2018). No judgments involved, one can easily realize who they are and

what part they contribute to organization goals. The assessment process will ensure that team

members identify their conflicting factors and address appropriately in an open mind to offer the

best in strategy implementation. In addition, the process will endure that team members exploit

their potential.


From the above, hospitals need to embrace the new leadership and management approaches to

better the quality of services offered and enhance patients and family participation in patients’

healthcare. Hospitals that have cultivated PFCC in their culture not only improve patients and

families satisfaction ratings but also improve patient outcomes, decrease patient emergency visits

and lower utilization of healthcare resources.



Clay, A. M., & Parsh, B. (2016). Patient-and family-centered care: It’s not just for pediatrics

anymore. AMA journal of ethics, 18(1), 40-44..

McGovern, C. (2019). The Associations Between Patient-and Family-Centered Outpatient

Pediatric Care and Other Quality Indicators: A Review of the Literature From 2005-

2016 (Doctoral dissertation).

Nawaz, Z. A. K. D. A., & Khan_ PhD, I. (2016). Leadership theories and styles: A literature

review. Leadership, 16(1), 1-7.

Purwaningsih, I., Widodo, S., Harini, E., Kusumaningrum, B., Putrianti, G., & Muanifah, M.

(2018). Adaptation Measuring Instrument Keyrsey Temperament Sorter. In Proceedings of

the 1st International Conference on Science and Technology for an Internet of Things.

European Alliance for Innovation (EAI).

Racioppa, M. J. (2016). Designing for a culture of patient and family centered care in a

community healthcare facility (Doctoral dissertation, Utica College).

WALTON, M. K. (2016). Exploring Ethical Issues Related to Person-and Family-Centered

Care. Ethical Competence in Nursing Practice: Competencies, Skills, Decision-Making, 139.

Zore, T., Joshi, N., Schon, S., Masson, P., & Chan, J. (2018). Reproductive surgery availability

on fertility clinic websites. Fertility and Sterility, 109(3), e57.

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