Pressure Reducing Valve Kit: Hyundai/Kia A4CF1, A4CF2
Pressure Reducing Valve Kit: Hyundai/Kia A4CF1, A4CF2
Pressure Reducing Valve Kit: Hyundai/Kia A4CF1, A4CF2
Part No. R
• Sleeve
• Valve Valve
• Spring
• Retaining Clip Lower Valve
Tool Kit
Tool Kit
Part No.
• Reamers (2)
NOTE: Keep OE setting of the adjuster plug to d.
Examine the bore after cleaning for
• Reamer Jig maintain OE solenoid feed pressure. Turning the surface finish, debris and burrs. Flashing
• Guide Pin adjusting nut clockwise will reduce the gap setting,
lowering solenoid pressure. Turning the adjusting and burrs on the exit side of land and in
NOTE: Sonnax “F-Tool” kits designed to nut counter-clockwise will increase the gap setting, bores must be carefully removed. A small
service a specific bore require the VB-FIX, increasing solenoid feed pressure piece of Scotch-Brite™ material attached
a self-aligning valve body reaming fixture.
More information and instructions can be
to a wire and powered with a drill motor
1. Disassembly is ideal for the task. Scotch-Brite™ is a
found online at
a. Remove and discard OE pressue reducing very abrasive material and all residual
valve and spring. debris must be cleaned to ensure particles
b. Keep the OE retaining clip and adjustable do not migrate or remain imbedded into
end plug for reuse. the surface. Post cleaning involves several
progressive steps with solvent on a lint-
2. Bore Preparation free rag.
a. Clean the bore thoroughly in a solvent
• Turning the reamer backward will dull it
b. Generously lubricate the bore and reamer prematurely.
with cutting fluid (i.e. Mobilmet S-122, • Pushing on the reamer will result in poor
Lubegard® Bio-Tap, Tap Magic™, etc.). surface finish and inadequate and sporadic
For best results, provide a continuous material removal.
flow of water-soluble cutting fluid (i.e. • Never use a crescent wrench, ratchet or
Mobilmet S-122) during the reaming pliers to turn the reamer.
process. • A dull reamer will cut a smaller hole. Reamers
can be sharpened, but should only be done
c. The reamers should be turned using a low by a professional tool sharpener. Actual life
RPM, high-torque air drill regulated to a of a Sonnax reamer before resharpening or
maximum of 200 RPM. replacing averages 50-70 bores.
3. Bore Reaming
Use the associated “F-Tool” F-84741-TL10 kit and VB-FIX reaming fixture as illustrated below to ream the bore.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This tool kit F-84741-TL10 contains two reamers. It is important to ream with F-84741-RM10 first
and F-84741-RM11 second. Do NOT loosen clamp or wing nuts until after the second reaming.
5. Final Testing
Lower Valve Body
A vacuum test at the port indicated holds 18 in-Hg or more.
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