About ITC
The company has initiated an e-Choupal effort that places computers with
Internet access in rural farming villages; the e-Choupals serve as both a
social gathering place for exchange of information (choupal means
gathering place in Hindi) and an e-commerce hub.
Challenges in Technology
Application Architecture
To make the model self-sustaining it has been provided that farmers may
order seed, fertilizer, and other products such as consumer goods from ITC
or its partners, at prices lower than those available from village traders. To
save on logistics/transportation cost, sanchalak normally forwards these
orders collectively to the nearest ITC processing centre or representative.
Farmers can buy seeds, fertilizer, and some consumer goods at the
ITC processing center, when they bring in their grain.
Weather forecast
Sanchalaks earn bonus point by placing a single order hence lowering
ITC’s logistic costs.
Offers soil testing services
Supports through educating farmers on ways to improve crop
quality, scientific farm practices & risk management
Engaging banks to offer farmers access to credit, insurance, and
other services
Services related to micro-credit, health and education
Some creative sanchalaks also offer electronic links between the farmers
and their families to the world around. Some track futures prices on the
Chicago Board of Trade as well as local mandi prices for comparison. The
village children may use the computers for schoolwork, games, and to
obtain and print out their academic test results. The result is a significant
step toward rural development. Further, a growth in rural incomes will also
unleash the latent demand for industrial goods so necessary for the
continued growth of the Indian economy. This will create another virtuous
cycle propelling the economy into a higher growth trajectory.