1. A solid containing 40% soluble material is extracted with a solvent in a single stage. If 90% of the soluble material is to be recovered, the mass fraction of soluble material in the extract is 0.9.
2. The same extraction is carried out across two crosscurrent stages using half the original solvent amount in each stage. The recovery of soluble material is 95%.
3. The ratio of solubility of stearic acid in n-heptane to 97.5% acetic acid is 4.95. 10 extractions of a 10 ml solution with 10 ml portions of n-heptane are needed to reduce the residual stearic acid to less than 0.5%
1. A solid containing 40% soluble material is extracted with a solvent in a single stage. If 90% of the soluble material is to be recovered, the mass fraction of soluble material in the extract is 0.9.
2. The same extraction is carried out across two crosscurrent stages using half the original solvent amount in each stage. The recovery of soluble material is 95%.
3. The ratio of solubility of stearic acid in n-heptane to 97.5% acetic acid is 4.95. 10 extractions of a 10 ml solution with 10 ml portions of n-heptane are needed to reduce the residual stearic acid to less than 0.5%
1. A solid containing 40% soluble material is extracted with a solvent in a single stage. If 90% of the soluble material is to be recovered, the mass fraction of soluble material in the extract is 0.9.
2. The same extraction is carried out across two crosscurrent stages using half the original solvent amount in each stage. The recovery of soluble material is 95%.
3. The ratio of solubility of stearic acid in n-heptane to 97.5% acetic acid is 4.95. 10 extractions of a 10 ml solution with 10 ml portions of n-heptane are needed to reduce the residual stearic acid to less than 0.5%
1. A solid containing 40% soluble material is extracted with a solvent in a single stage. If 90% of the soluble material is to be recovered, the mass fraction of soluble material in the extract is 0.9.
2. The same extraction is carried out across two crosscurrent stages using half the original solvent amount in each stage. The recovery of soluble material is 95%.
3. The ratio of solubility of stearic acid in n-heptane to 97.5% acetic acid is 4.95. 10 extractions of a 10 ml solution with 10 ml portions of n-heptane are needed to reduce the residual stearic acid to less than 0.5%
1. During the obtainment of soluble coffee, the soluble was therefore solids are extracted with water in a solid liquid extraction. 6. In a determination of the solution retention data, the This extraction is performed in a multistage system that mass fraction of the solute in the extract was determined operates counter currently, where 3000 kg/h of roasted to be 0.6. The corresponding underflow analysis showed and ground coffee contains 24% in weight of soluble solids, retention of 0.6 kg solvent per kg of inert solid. The mass while the moisture content is negligible. Five percent of fraction of solute in the underflow is most likely the soluble solids contained in the food appear in the final 7. Barium carbonate is to be made by reacting sodium underflow stream, while the overflow stream contains carbonate and barium sulfide. The quantities fed to the 35% in weight of such solids. From the previous laboratory reaction agitators per 24 hours are 20 Mg of barium sulfide experiments, it was obtained that the amount of solution dissolved in 60 Mg of water, together with the retained by inert solids is 1.6 kg solution per kg inert solids. theoretically necessary amount of sodium carbonate. Calculate the number of stages needed if the global Three thickeners in series are run on a countercurrent efficiency of the system is 75%. decantation system. Overflow from the second thickener 2. Cod liver oil is obtained from crushed livers by extraction goes to the agitators, and overflow from the first thickener with an organic solvent. A sample that contains 0.335 kg of is to contain 10% sodium sulfide. Sludge from all oil per each kg of exhausted liver is fed into a multistage thickeners contains two parts water to one-part barium extractor that operates under countercurrent, where pure carbonate by mass. How much sodium sulfide will remain organic solvent is employed. It is desired to recover 90% of dried barium carbonate precipitate? the oil in the final overflow, with a composition 60% in 8. Aluminum sulfate, Al 2 (SO4)3, is to be produced by the weight of oil. If retention of the solution is 2 kg per each action of sulfuric acid, H2 SO4, ob bauxite in a series of 3.2 kg of insoluble solids, calculate the number of ideal agitators, with a cascade of continuous thickeners to wash stages required to carry out the desired extraction. the insoluble mud free of aluminum sulfate. Calculations are made assuming that 100 kg of food is Al 2 O3 + 3H2SO4 Al 2(SO4) 3 + 3H2O introduced into the extractor. The reaction agitators are fed with 25 tons bauxite/day, 3. It is desired to recover precipitated chalk from the containing 50% Al 2O3 and the rest insoluble; the causticizing of soda ash. After decanting the liquor from theoretical quantity of aqueous acid containing 60% the precipitators the sludge has the composition 5 per cent H2SO4 ; and the overflow from the second thickener. CaCO3, 0.1 percent NaOH and the balance water. 1000 Assume the reaction is complete. The strong product Mg/day of this sludge is fed to two thickeners where it is solution is to contain 22% Al 2(SO4) 3, and no more than 2% washed with 200 Mg/day of neutral water. The pulp of the Al 2 (SO4) 3 produced is to be lost in the washed mud. removed from the bottom of the thickeners contains 4 kg The last thickener is to be fed with pure wash water. The of water/kg of chalk. The pulp from the last thickener is underflow from each thickener will contain 4 kg liquid / kg taken to a rotary filter and concentrated to 50 per cent insoluble solid, and the concentration of soluble in the solids and the filtrate is returned to the system as wash liquid of the underflow from each thickener may be water. Calculate the net percentage of CaCO 3 in the assumed to be the same as that in the overflow. Calculate product after drying. the number of thickeners required and the amount of 4. Powdered limestone (CaCO 3) containing 10000 ppm wash water required per day. NaOH is to be washed in a two-step continuous counter 9. One hundred kg of a solid containing 40% solute A and current washing system to remove most of the NaOH. Two 60% inert B is treated with solvent C in a single stage single cells and 100000 L of water per 10 MT/day of limestone contact extraction. The extracted solids are then screw feed are used. The slurry discharged and removed from pressed. The pressed solids contain 1.2 kg solution per kg the underflow contains 0.091 MT of water per MT CaCO 3. of inert. Entrainment of solids in the extract may be Assuming complete mixing and washing, calculate the neglected. NaOH content of the washed and dried limestone in ppm. (a) The mass fraction of the solute in the extract if 90% of 5. Ten kg of a solid containing 45% of soluble material were the solute in the feed is to be recovered in a single stage treated with 15 kg of a solvent containing the same solute contact is at 2% concentration in a vessel under constant agitation. After a long time, the solution and the solid were separated by pressing. The solid analyzed 0.8 kg of solvent (b) The percent recovery of the solute if the extraction is 3. The ratio of the solubility of stearic acid per unit volume carried out in two crosscurrent stages if 50% of the solvent of n-heptane to that in 97.5% acetic acid is 4.95. How many amount in problem no. 2 is used in each stage is extractions of a 10 ml solution of stearic acid in 97.5% 10. How many stages and how much water is needed for acetic acid with successive 10 ml portions of n-heptane are the countercurrent extraction of NaOH from a feed needed to reduce the residual stearic acid content of the consisting 80 lb of NaOH, 400 lb water and 100 lb CaCO 3. acetic acid layer to less than 0.5% of its original value? The final extract solution will contain 10% NaOH with the 4. To plan a liquid–liquid extraction we need to know the recovery of 95% NaOH. We shall set the underflow at a solute’s distribution ratio between the two phases. One constant 3 lb solution per lb CaCO 3? approach is to carry out the extraction on a solution 11. A multiple contact extraction is to treat 1.25 tons per containing a known amount of solute. After extracting the hour of dry black ash containing 40% Na 2CO3 and 60% solution, we isolate the organic phase and allow it to insoluble matter with 30 gpm of water. If 5% of the Na 2 CO3 evaporate, leaving behind the solute. In one such remains unextracted, calculate the number of ideal stages experiment, 1.235 g of a solute with a molar mass of 117.3 by absorption factor method. The mass ratio of insoluble g/mol is dissolved in 10.00 mL of water. After extracting matter to solvent in the underflow from the stage is 1:2. with 5.00 mL of toluene, 0.889 g of the solute is recovered 12. A mineral containing 20% elemental sulfur is to be in the organic phase. How many extractions will we need leached with hot gas oil in which sulfur is soluble to the to recover 99.9% of the solute? extent of 10 parts in 100 parts of oil by weight. The oil is 5. The distribution equilibrium for A between an extract recycled over the over the batch of ground mineral until solvent S and a raffinate solvent B is given Y=2X where no farther dissolution of sulfur takes place. On drainage, Y=mass of A per unit mass of S, X=mass of A per unit mass the solid minerals retain the solution to the extent of one- of B. The extract and raffinate solvents are immiscible with tenth the weight of not dissolved solid (sulfur and gangue). each other at all concentrations of A. From these data, No preferential absorption takes place. Calculate the calculate the amount of extract solvent needed per 100 kg equilibrium compositions and quantities of the solid and solution containing 30% A in B in 95% of A is to be removed liquid phases if 50 kg of oil is used for leaching 100 kg of for each of the following arrangements: fresh mineral. (a) Single stage contact (b) Three-stage batch contact, one third of the solvent will be used in each contact LIQUID-LIQUID EXTRACTION (c) Three-stage countercurrent operation 1. Carbon disulfide is used to extract iodine from its 6. (a) The solubility of iodine per unit volume is 200 times saturated aqueous solution. The distribution of iodine greater in ether than in water at a particular temperature. between carbon disulfide and water at equilibrium may be If an aqueous solution of iodine, 30 ml in volume and expresses as containing 2 mg of iodine is shaken with 30 ml of ether and K = Y*/X = 588.2 the ether is allowed to separate, what quantity of iodine where: Y* = g iodine / L of carbon disulfide remains in the water layer? (b) What quantity of iodine X = g iodine /L of water remains in the water layer if only 3 ml of ether is used? (c) Calculate the concentration of iodine in the aqueous phase How much iodine is left in the water layer if the extraction when 1 L of a saturated solution at 200C containing 0.3 g of in (b) is followed by a second extraction, again using 3 ml iodine per 1 L of water is stirred with 50 ml of carbon of ether? (d) Which method is more efficient, a single large disulfide. Repeat for two ideal extractions using 25 ml of washing or repeated small washing? solvent each time. 2. A solution that contains a valuable material M in water 7. In order to extract acetic acid from dilute aqueous is recovered from the solution using solvent S. If 9 kg is solution with isopropyl ether, the two immiscible phases used per kg of solution and the distribution equilibrium is are passed counter currently through a packed column 3 X/Z = 3, where X = kg M per kg water and Z = kg M per kg m in length and 75 mm in diameter. S. Calculate the % M that will remain in the solution after It is found that, if 0.5 kg/m2 s of the pure ether is used to solvent extraction using extract 0.25 kg/m2s of 4.0 percent acid by mass, then the (a) single batch equilibrium stage ether phase leaves the column with a concentration of 1.0 (b) two successive batch equilibrium stage using fresh percent acid by mass. solvent for each step The equilibrium relationship is given by: (kg acid/kg isopropyl ether) = 0.3 (kg acid/kg water). Calculate: (a) The log mean driving force (b) The number of overall transfer units based on the raffinate phase (c) The overall extraction coefficient based on the raffinate phase 8. 30 kg benzoic acid in 100 L of water is extracted with 35 liters of toluene. If a 3-stage counter current extraction Calculate the product flow rate ES and the composition system is used, calculate the weight of solute that will YOUT. remain in the raffinate. The distribution coefficient, K is 4. 12. An aqueous solution containing 1.5 kmol X / m 3 is fed 9. A liquid mixture of acetaldehyde and toluene contains 8 at 36 ml/s to the top of the column of height 1.60 m and lb of acetaldehyde and 90 lb of toluene. Part of the cross sectional area of 0.0045 m 2 and it leaves at the acetaldehyde in this solution is to be extracted using pure bottom with 1.4 kmol / m3. An organic solvent containing water as the extracting agent. The extraction is to be 0.006 kmol X / m3 flows counter to the aqueous phase at 9 performed in two stages, using 25 lb of fresh water for ml/s. The equilibrium relationship is given by: C X organic = each stage. The raffinate layer from the first stage is 0.3 CX aqueous. Calculate: treated by fresh water in the second stage. The extraction (a) The log mean concentration difference for the transfer. takes place at 170C and the equilibrium equation Y=2.2X (b) the overall volumetric transfer coefficient based on the may be employed. Assuming toluene and water is organic phase. immiscible, what would be the weight percent of (c) the height of transfer unit. acetaldehyde in a mixture of the extracts from both stage if each of the extraction were theoretically perfect? DISTILLATION 10. To plan a liquid–liquid extraction we need to know the 1. Determine the mass percentage of carbon tetrachloride solute’s distribution ratio between the two phases. One (P0 = 114.5 torr) in the vapor phase at equilibrium in a 1:1 approach is to carry out the extraction on a solution mole ideal solution with trichloromethane (P 0 = 199.1 torr) containing a known amount of solute. After extracting the at 25 0C. solution, we isolate the organic phase and allow it to 2. A 537 kg solution of 50% wt heptane and 50% wt octane evaporate, leaving behind the solute. In one such is batch-distilled until only 4.74 lbmols remain in the still. experiment, 1.235 g of a solute with a molar mass of 117.3 Assuming α=2.0, what will be the octane concentration of g/mol is dissolved in 10.00 mL of water. After extracting the residue by weight? with 5.00 mL of toluene, 0.889 g of the solute is recovered 3. Determine the relative volatility of n-butane/n-pentane in the organic phase. How many extractions will we need mixture at 300C and 1 atm abs . to recover 99.9% of the solute? 4. One hundred mols of 15% by mole n-butane/n-pentane 11. A feed (F) containing a solute is contacted with a mixture is distilled until the residual liquid contains 45.5 solvent (S) in an ideal stage shown in the diagram below. mols. Using the value of the relative volatility obtained in Only the soluble transfers into the solvent. The flow rates problem no. 3, find the average concentration of the of all the streams are shown on a solute free basis and distillate in mol% butane. indicated by the subscript S. The compositions of the 5. A mixture of 60 mole % A and 40 mol % B is subject to streams are expressed on a mole ratio basis. The extract flash distillation at a separator pressure of 1 atm. The leaving the contactor is divided into two equal parts, one relative volatility of A with respect to B is constant 3. What part is collected as the product and the other stream is fraction of the feed must be vaporized to have the recycled to join the solvent. The equilibrium relationship is composition of the vapor leaving the separator be 75 mol Y*=2X. % A? 6. A liquid mixture containing 55% benzene and 45% toluene by weight is fed to a fractionating column at a rate of 1000 kg/h. The concentration of benzene in the distillate and the bottoms are 92% and 6% by weight, respectively. (a) If the reflux ratio is 2, determine the amount of vapor in the top section of the column. (b) What percentage of toluene from the feed goes to the bottoms product? (c) If the relative volatility between benzene and toluene is assumed to be constant at α = 3, what is the minimum number of stages required to achieve the desired separation? 7. It is desired to produce an overhead product containing 80 mol% benzene from a feed mixture of 68 mol% benzene and 32 mol% toluene. If the mixture is subjected to equilibrium distillation at 1 atm, what is the fraction of the liquid that is vaporized? 8. Calculate the composition of the vapor in equilibrium with a liquid mixture of benzene, toluene, and water at 83.2 0C and absolute pressure of 1 atm. Assume that Dalton’s law applies to the benzene and toluene and that these compounds are insoluble in water. 9. A vessel contains a liquid mixture of 50% benzene and 50% toluene by weight at 1000 C. Calculate the average molecular weight of the vapor in contact with the solution. 10. A mixture containing 60 mol% benzene and 40 mol% toluene is fed to a distillation column at its dew point in order to be separated into a liquid distillate and a liquid bottoms product of 95 mol% and 5 mol% benzene, respectively. The distillation is operated at a pressure P where the relative volatility can be assumed at a value of 2.48. If the McCabe-Thiele assumptions can be applied for the system, determine the reflux ratio for the infinite number of stages.