Geopak: Coordinate Measuring Machine Software For Users From Entry-Level To Expert
Geopak: Coordinate Measuring Machine Software For Users From Entry-Level To Expert
Geopak: Coordinate Measuring Machine Software For Users From Entry-Level To Expert
(Figure 1) Movement of Probe
Circle Measurement by Direct Measurement of Tapped Hole Circular Slot Measurement
the Circular Travel Function
Probe Builder
GEOPAK’s Probe Builder visually displays your probe setup
using a complete library of Renishaw part numbers, styli
shapes from spherical, disc, cylindrical and star tips are all
supported. Your stylus list can be modified to show only the
components you have in inventory.
Toolbars and window positions can be customized and stored
Renishaw is the world’s largest supplier of CMM styli and are
to the operator’s preference.
readily available for quick turn-around.
Easy Probe Definition
& Calibration
GEOPAK supports Renishaw MH series (manual) and original
motorized indexing probe the PH10 which can be indexed and
locked in 720 individual positions.
Angle positions are marked showing the operator which
positions have been defined and a graphical window shows it’s
position relative to the CMM Coordinate System.
Auto Probe Calibration can be done within GEOPAK during a
measurement session or saved as an external part-program.
Flexible Reporting
In GEOPAK there is no limit to your reporting capabilities, we
have created a series of templates that are ideal for typical
applications, but if a custom report is needed, our Protocol-
Designer allows the operator to customize the output to any
Part Security & Management
format desired. Included with GEOPAK is a built in module that fully controls
The Protocol Designer can be used to eliminate the need to the machine and the access to your “Parts”. The “Part
transpose the GEOPAK results to a separate spreadsheet, Manager” displays the part list that may be stored locally on
document that your customer may require, e.g. AS9102. the DME computer or via the LAN to a company network
Forms can be created and saved as templates so the data from drive.
GEOPAK auto-fills the report after executing the part program. Within the parts list the operator can attach the setup
When a template is used for output the operator can chose a instruction documents, header information for part
variety of formats such as Adobe PDF®, Microsoft Excel® and traceability and thumbnails for visual reference.
save the results to a server or the local printer. The Part Manager interface has complete control of GEOPAK.
User profiles may be set to limit access to LEARN, EDIT or
REPEAT securing the system.
Our security meets the FDA 21 CFR Part 11 specification for
Electronic Data Storage and Signatures with enhanced logon
security, profiles and audit trails.
Part Manager GEOPAK CNC supports the Mitutoyo QVP video probe by using
VISIONPAK to detect edges and control lighting. Auto Focus
From start to finish GEOPAK is easy to use without having to and various edge detection tools make the CMM a large Non-
be an expert. Simply create a new part and add media such as Contact measuring system.
an image, audio and work instructions to assist the operator
before measurement. The QVP video probe is seamlessly integrated in GEOPAK so
non-contact and contact probe measurements can be executed
in one common coordinate system.
The QVP was designed as a light weight camera for the
Renishaw PH10M Multi-wire probe head and to quickly change
from contact sensor to non-contact using the Auto Changing
Racks designed by Renishaw.
Part Alignment
GEOPAK walks the operator through the part-program process
by using graphical prompts and pictures as a guide. This is
especially handy for Joy-stick alignment or manual machines.
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1-888-MITUTOYO (1-888-648-8869)
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therefore reserve the right to make changes to the corresponding designs. The stated standards, similar technical regulations,
descriptions and illustrations of the products were valid at the time of printing. In addition, the latest applicable version of our Plymouth, Michigan
General Trading Conditions will apply. Only quotations submitted by ourselves may be regarded as definitive. Specifications
are subject to change without notice.
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Mitutoyo products are subject to US Export Administration Regulations (EAR). Re-export or relocation of our products may Birmingham, Alabama
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© 2012 Mitutoyo America Corporation, Aurora IL 3M 0612-03 • Printed in USA, August 2012 Precision is our Profession