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AtoVproject-User Manual v1.1.2

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AtoVproject Technocity
User Manual

Global Parameters:


The Clock dial allows you to set at which resolution the sequencer is
running. Usual 4th, 8th, 16th and 32th notes have been included but
also some more unusual 12th (triplets), 20th (quintuplets),
24th (sextuplets) or 28th (seven-tuplets ??).

Step number

This Dial allows you to set a number of steps after which the sequencer
will be reset to the 1st step.

If set to 0 no reset will occur and the sequencer will run freely.


The offset allows you to shift the reset point of the sequence from the
midi clock by +/-32 steps allowing you to synchronize your melody in
the most efficient way possible to the rest of the track.

Gate length

Gate length corresponds to the length of the notes played by the

sequencer in % (no kidding). So for example, if it is set to 50% the note
off events will happen midway between two consecutive note on events.
If set to 75%, the note off message will be sent at 3/4 of the space
between two note on.


This Dial sets the amount of swing applied to the sequence. This works
by shifting the pair steps.

So for example, if you set sequencer to the 8th note resolution and the
swing to 33%, odd steps will be played on the beats and pair steps will
be played on the last note of the triplets.

Same thing, if you set the swing at 50% the sequencer will effectively play the odd
notes on the beat and the pair notes on the last 16th.

Furthermore, the swing has been set to also go in negative values. Still at a resolution
of 8th, if set to -33%, pair notes will be played on the second note of the triplets and
if set to -50% pair notes will play the second 16th of this beat.

Root note

Set the middle note of the stage note slider (see note slider
description). Changing it will result in transposing the sequence. This
parameter can be controlled by sending midi notes to the sequencer.

Velocity and Accented Velocity

These set the velocity of non accented and accented stages. They have
been set to go from 0 to 127. And if set to 0 this actually will silence the
corresponding notes.

Also, nothing stops you from having higher velocity on non-accented

notes rather than accented ones, it's entirely up to you!

Reset button

Clicking this button will reset the sequence at the next step. This has
been implemented as a performance tool.

Sequencer running mode

Five run modes have been implemented to the sequencer.

 Up: The sequencer will run from left to right.

 Down: The sequencer will run from right to left.
 Ping-Pong: The sequencer will run from right to left and then
left to right and so on.
 Random-Stage: The sequencer will pick a random stage and
play all its steps then another stage will be randomly selected
and so on.

 Random-Step: The sequencer will play steps randomly. Step

can be also in the middle of a sustained note, in that case the
stage will be silent.

Parameter Button

Clicking on this button allows you to open the parameter pop up menu.
In this menu you’ll be able to change the sequencer behavior regarding
incoming midi, manage preset memories, generate random patterns
and record note directly from your midi keyboard.

Midi in behavior selector

This selector allows you to do what the incoming midi will do.

 Thru: This mode will set the sequencer to let through any
incoming midi notes. This is useful if you want to sequence a
polyphonic instrument, thus, allowing the Technocity to play a bass
line while you play a lead part.
 Transpose: In this mode any incoming midi note will
transpose the sequencer accordingly.
 Gate: In this mode the internal midi clock will not drive the sequencer;
instead you need to send midi note for the sequencer to go from step to step.
The midi notes will also transpose the sequencer. This is useful if you want to
use the groove functions of Ableton Live, for example, or if you want to have
non-linear sequences. It is worth noting that the clock is still active and that
the reset messages will be sent as they would in the two previous modes. This
allows you to have repeating sequences musically related to your track.

 GateSel: This mode is the same as the previous one with the detail that only
one selected note will clock the sequencer. A dial will appear when this mode
is activated allowing you to select the trigger note. This
is useful in case you want to trigger the notes with the
bass drum of a drum machine, for example.

Pattern selection and options

This section allows you to deal with the pattern memory


 Patt n° dial: This dial allows you to select which pattern you want to edit. On
the bottom left of the dial is a little indicator showing of there is a pattern
saved on this slot (yellow) or if it is empty (blue).
 Program dial: This dial allows you to set a program change number that
will be sent when the corresponding pattern is recalled. If set to 0 no program
change will be sent.
 Save & Load buttons: These buttons allow you to save a preset dial or
recall an already stored pattern on the same number (patt n° dial).
 Import & Export buttons: The export button allows you to save in a file on
your hard drive all the current state of the sequencer. The Import button then
allows you to load a State file to the sequencer, then if you wish so you can
save the newly loaded state following the procedure previously descrived

It is worth noting that the memory of the sequencer and the extension are
independent and the memory files should be exported and imported for each device

Furthermore you can import and export the full memory of the
sequencer. By clicking on the Bank Import and Export

Random section (suggested by Chris Sessions)

The random section contains a number of buttons allowing

randomization of each part of the stages.

The Note button will set the notes randomly. The notes will be
generated in a given range around the root note. You can adjust
the range of the notes that will be generated using the +/- dial.

Repeat will generate random number of repeat with an


exponential distribution from 8 to 1. Thus, there is more chance to have a lower

number of repetitions than a bigger one.

Slides: Steps will have a 50/50% chance to be slided.

Accent: Steps will have a 50/50% chance to be accented.

Mode: Steps will have 50% chance to be in repeat mode, 25% chance to be
sustained, 15% chance to be in first step mode and 10% chance to be silenced.

On/Off: Steps will have 20% chances to be turned off.

All: This button will trigger all the events described above

Dynamic Random

This section allows you to induce a certain level of randomness

every time a stage is played.

Octave Randomization: The left part of this section is

dedicated to Octave randomization. The Octave Dial allows you to
the probability that an octave shift will happen. The Range Dial
allows you to set the range of the transposition by the
corresponding number of octaves. The Menu allows you to set the direction of the

 +: The notes will be transposed up only

 +/-: The notes will be transposed either up or down
 -: The notes will be transposed down only

Slides: This dial allows you set the probability that slides appears randomly is the
sequence. Also for stages with a slide there will be the same probability that that slide

Modes: This dial allows you set the probability that the mode of the stages will be
randomly selected.

Accents: This dial allows you set the probability that accents appears randomly is
the sequence. Also for accented stages, there will be the same probability that that
accent disappears.

Reset Section (suggested by Chris Sessions)

This section allows you to reset the corresponding parts of the

sequencer independently to their initial values.

NB: The Random buttons are activate on pressing and the Reset
on release. The point in to allow both function to be mapped to
the same macro or dial. In this case the Random button will be
activated turning the dial up and the reset going down.

Record-Notes button

This button allows you to set the notes of the sequencer using incoming
midi. Press the button to start recording. Then enter midi notes to set
the notes of each stage.

The process can be stopped at any moment by clicking on the same button again.


Note slider

Sets the notes of the stage. It has a two-octave range and the center note is
set by the root note dial in the global parameter section.

On the right of the slider you can transposes the stage note by -2, -1, 0, +1
or +2 octaves.

Repetition number (1)

Sets how many steps one stage contains.

1 Mode Switch (2)

2 11
The stages can be played 4 ways:

 °°° all the steps of the stage will be played.

 °__ Only the first step of the stage will be played.
 °-- The stage play a sustained note using the note on of the first step and the
note off of the last one.
 ___ The stage will be silent.

On/Off button (1)

 Sets the stage to be ignored.


2 3Slide button (2)

The last step of the previous stage will overlap with the first note of the stage creating
a legato effect. If the instrument played by this sequencer is polyphonic then 2 notes
will be played at the same time.

Accent button (3)

Allows the stage to produce a note with either the non-accented velocity or accented
velocity set in the global parameter section.


This extra device allows you to add up 8 more stages to your sequencer. The clock
and all the other global parameters are coming from the master device, thus the
extension will not be functional without the master device.

The Import and export buttons on the right side of the device allows you to load and
save sets of patterns for the extension part. As well as load and save state files. You
can only add one extension.

Last word
I hope you will have a great time using this device. Please pay us a little visit on our

I want my devices to be as good as possible so really don't hesitate contacting me if

you find any bug or if you have any suggestions!

Please send an email at [email protected] I'll read every email and try to
answer them as fast as possible.

I also have a donation page if you feel like supporting me. There is no obligation, for
now everything will be for free but pre-release beta version of my devices will be
available to my donators.

Special thanks to all donators and beta testers

 Chris  Paul Mac Soundcloud
Sessions www.chrissessions.com
 James Levine
 Jonathan J. Froehlich
 Justin Knauer Soundcloud
 Robert Imbrisic
 Aurélien Relave
 Jay Cheng Souncloud1 Soundcloud2

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