Answer Key: Content Exam Booster
Answer Key: Content Exam Booster
Answer Key: Content Exam Booster
Answer Key
LISTENING ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Task 1.
Unit 1. Students’ plans ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Unit 2. Memories ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Unit 3. Shopping ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Task 2.
Unit 4. YouTube .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Unit 5. Arguing with friends ................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Unit 6. Games ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Task 3.
Unit 7. Using the internet ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Unit 8. An introvert’s story .................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Unit 9. A writer’s story ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Task 1.
Unit 1. Students’ plans
Task 1.
Unit 2. Memories
Unit 3. Shopping
Task 2.
Unit 4. YouTube
1 Your own answers cross out are marked in grey) argument to be settled quickly? Do
2 Your own answers 1. If she doesn’t take the time to listen you care if you people think you are
3 Your own answers to what I have to say - the good news right?
- then it just goes right by. 4. When was the last time you argued
4 Your own answers 2. Research shows that good things with a friend? Why?
5 1. F happen almost three times as often 5. Is it important for people to “keep
2. T as bad things. sight of the bigger picture,” or do
3. T 3. That is not as good as pointing out people fight for good reasons? Why?
4. T specific actions. B:
5. T 4. What’s more, and this is the hard 1. Do you like it when people show
6 Your own answers part, you have to be able to listen. you that they are grateful? How do
7 Your own answers 5. Sometimes it’s important to you prefer to be thanked?
8 Your own answers think about how important the 2. Are there any times when you
9 (the sounds which we pronounce disagreement - or fight, if you will - wouldn’t like to be thanked after
are marked in grey) really is. doing something for someone? Such
John, before the show you said 11 Listen to track 11 as?
that while lots of people think it’s 12 (the sounds which we need do 3. How do you feel when you are
important to handle bad news well, not pronounce and therefore need to sharing good news with someone,
most people also handle good news cross out are marked in grey) and they don’t seem to care?
badly. A: 4. What do you think is the most
When we have a /t/or a /d/ sound at 1. How do you usually tell your important thing to do to keep friends?
the end of a word, and a consonant friends that they are doing something 5. Are there any times it’s ok to stop
sounds at the beginning of the next which annoys you? being friends with someone? What
word, we do not pronounce the /t/ 2. If your friends were angry at you, situations can you think of?
and /d/ what would you do to calm them
10 (the sounds which we do not need down?
to pronounce and therefore need to 3. How important is it to you for an
Task 2.
Unit 6. Games
1 Your own answers think about how much of the game is 6. scale out
2 Your own answers playable, and try to maximise it. 7. sketch out (verb) or sketch (noun)
3 1. T Of course, we have our script, our 8. connects on an emotional level
2. T story, what needs to happen in the 9 1. feel right
3. F story - but so many developers just 2. script
4. F throw players into a cutscene when 3. connect on an emotional level
5. F something important happens. 4. the environment
4 Your own answers We want to keep players inside the 5. immersed
game, fully immersed - we don’t want 6. sketch
5 Your own answers them to play the character, we literally 7. scale out
6 We sketch the whole thing onto want them to be the character.
postcards: beginning, middle and end. 10 Your own answers
7 Environment - noun
Some of these things may be mechanics Script - noun
that become part of the plot. Plot - noun
So I worked - and still work, actually Scale out - verb
- with the designers to create the Connect on an emotional level - phrase
layouts of the environments, and Feel right - phrase,
from there it scales out to all off the Sketch (onto) - verb
other departments. Immersed - adjective
Well, for me it’s that everything really 8 1. feel right
needs to feel natural, to feel right. 2. environment
We want the game to connect with 3. script
the player on an emotional level - and 4. plot
more importantly, the team needs to 5. immersed
1 Your own answers However, in modern times the internet name on the page; otherwise there’s
2 1. How technology is affecting our search engine has come to replace a danger of getting some unreliable
modern lives. many of these “traditional” figures. information.
2. How we look for knowledge and Every day, there are over three billion 2. Another possibility is using the end
what society needs to do in terms of searches on Google alone - what’s of the website’s name to help you.
knowing more for the future. more, one in eight of these questions Websites ending in .org or .gov are
31-C are things that have never been asked more reliable than .com. However,
Option A is something that’s before in the history of the world. In keep in mind that those domains can
mentioned in the text (technology) the past, our “wise people” could get be bought, so whatever goes before
but doesn’t answer the question fully. the job done - but with more answers .gov is important too.
Option B is something which is not literally at our fingertips, our ability to 3. There are also a lot of modern tools
mentioned in the text (i.e. Stephen ask questions has also developed. To which tell you how reliable some
doesn’t say this question must be put it simply, better, faster answers websites are. In fact, it’s pretty easy to
answered). are leading us to better questions. So check how reliable a source is.
4 The words which show the main what does this mean? Some people 4. I would be careful trusting links
information in the sentence are might argue that the world is getting found on social media. In my
usually stressed. smarter. In my humble opinion, it only humble opinion, social media are for
5 Your own answers takes a short walk around the city to showing off rather than sharing the
6 2. A realize that this isn’t true - far from information which is really important.
3. A it. In fact, the growth in our ability 5. So, choosing the best information
4. B to ask questions has also caused a is a combination of a lot of different
5. C proliferation in the number of answers factors. To put it simply / in short, be
9 Hello everyone. My name is we can see - but the anonymity of sensible when reading something
Stephen Drake, and I’m a researcher the internet has allowed anyone online - and never trust anything you
who focuses on how technology is to give their opinion. And, to be an find suspicious or hard to believe.
affecting our modern lives, compared expert, all they have to do is add some 13 Your own answers
to what came before. And, today, smart sounding words. In short, if we 14 Your own answers
I’m going to ask - and hopefully want to make sure that our access to
answer - a question that many of information is making us smarter - and
you have never even thought of not dumbing us down
asking before: How do we look for - we need to make sure that we’re
knowledge? What does our society getting our info from the right places.
need to do, in terms of knowing more Otherwise, we might only be part of
for the future? the problem.
Well, needing to know something isn’t 10 Shows contrast with a previous
a new idea - in fact, people have been statement: however / in fact /
asking questions for as long as we’ve otherwise.
had language. Adds additional information: what’s
They’ve asked their wise women, their more.
tribal chiefs, their priests, their rabbis, Gives the speaker’s opinion: in my
their librarians, and in the past this humble opinion.
has been enough for everyone. People Summarises to put it simply / in
were able to get the answers they short.
needed - whether the answer was 12 Below are some example of how
spiritual or based in facts which they these sentences can be completed.
could look up from someone around 1. One way to know your information
them. is reliable is if the author writes their
1 Your own answers 8 Hello everyone, my name is Lynette O’Brian and I’d like to start today off with
2 1. Why does Lynette mention the a story. A few weeks ago, I was attending a football match - two local teams, so
sports stadium? nothing spectacular - and I found myself hiding in the toilet. And, I don’t know
2. What did Lynette say about the if you’ve ever been to a local football match - if you have, you know what I’m
area around the stadium? getting at - they’re not exactly the most… comfortable places to be. I was there
3. What does Lynette think is unfair? because, quite honestly, there were just too many people around for me to feel
4. What has Lynette been working comfortable. See, I’m an introvert.
on recently?
5. What does Lynette think about
how extroverts work? And, to be honest, I wasn’t even there for the football match. I was working as
5 1. A part of a local organization dedicated to cleaning up our city, and these games
2. B had a horrible reputation for leaving the neighborhood around the stadium
3. C looking like a landfill. It was important work - it is still important work. Yet I had
4. B to hide because I didn’t want the people with me to think that I was weak, or
5. C that I didn’t care about what we were doing. I didn’t want them to think I was
slacking. And, even with my breaks, I was one of the most productive - but I
6 Your own answers found that I was so wiped out. You know, my friends, they would go watch the
7 Your own answers game or go out afterward. I couldn’t. I was too drained.
And it seems that lots of forms of getting involved with your community, of
helping out, of even going to school and studying are geared toward extroverts,
people who can communicate with anyone at any time - people who want
to communicate with people at any time, who get energy from it. But it
seems unfair that we’re also neglecting almost half of the world’s population,
depending on what study you read - the half that finds social activity exhausting.
We make them burn out.
The good news is that the community involvement that works - the stuff
that gets results - is very often in the background. It’s administrative work,
like organizing people or events, or setting up dates, or writing letters and
paperwork, etc. For the last few years, I’ve been looking into more of these
ways of contributing to the area without taking everything out of myself. So
what helps?
Well, for starters, incorporating more tasks like crafts or working with your
hands during meetings helps slow things down. This is good because the
extroverts very much like to act - slowing down makes them think about what
they’re doing, and coaxes the introverts into feeling comfortable to participate.
Moreover, while they aren’t as good in open settings, introverts are often very
good at convincing people to do more for the community in private, one-to-one
settings where they feel more comfortable.
So, in short, if you want to help your community, don’t feel like you have to be
outgoing all the time - or that you even have to be outgoing at all. All of us can
help, just how we are.
9 Have a reputation for something - verb phrase, means to be famous for 10 Your own answers
something. 11 1. has a reputation for
Slacking - verb, has a slightly negative connotation, means to work with less 2. slacking, neglecting
effort and more slowly that usually. 3. find myself
Wiped out - adjective, informal, means extremely tired. 4. exhausting, wiped out
Geared toward - verb form, means designed so that it is suitable for a 5. geared toward
particular purpose, situation or a group of people. 6. burnt out
Find myself - verb, means to find yourself in a particular situation, especially 12 Your own answers
when you did not intend to. 13 Your own answers
Burn out - verb, means to feel tired by working too much.
Exhausting - adjective, means making you feel extremely tired.
Neglecting - verb, means to not give enough care or attention to people or
thing that are your responsibility.
Unit 9.