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Conclusions 327
Plates 1–13 Maps 331
between pp. 74 and 75 Glossary of ornamental patterns 339
Plates 14–25 General glossary 342
between pp. 170 and 171 Abbreviations and bibliography 344
Plates 26–40 Index of sites and monuments 348
between pp. 266 and 267 General index 353
plate 1 Eretria, House of the Mosaics, Nereid panel from detail showing hunter and beasts. Courtesy R. J. A.
threshold. Ecole Suisse d’Archéologie en Grèce, cour- Wilson.
tesy P. Ducrey. plate 23 Piazza Armerina, room 22, Erotes fishing, detail.
plate 2 Pella, House i.1, Lion Hunt, detail of lion’s head. Courtesy R. J. A. Wilson.
Ekdotike Athenon. plate 24 Italica, geometric mosaic with bust of Dionysus.
plate 3 Pella, House i.1, Lion Hunt, detail of hunter. Photo Mario Producciones, courtesy Museo
Ekdotike Athenon. Arqueológico, Seville.
plate 4 Thmuis, Sophilos Mosaic, central panel. After plate 25 Emerita, Cosmological Mosaic, detail of Nubs
Daszewski pl.a, courtesy DAI Cairo. (Cloud) with Wind. DAI Madrid, photo P. Witte.
plate 5 Delos, House of Dionysus, emblema with tiger- plate 26 Pedrosa de la Vega, Villa de la Olmeda, room 4,
rider, detail of tiger. Photo Z. Welch. geometric mosaic. Photo J. Cortes, courtesy J. Cortes, P.
plate 6 Pompeii vi 12,2, House of the Faun, Alexander de Palol.
Mosaic, detail of Darius. Alinari/Art Resource, NY; plate 27 Pedrosa de la Vega, Villa de la Olmeda, room 1,
s0046208. border of panel with Achilles on Skyros, detail. Photo J.
plate 7 Pompeii vi 12,2, House of the Faun, Marine Scene, Cortes, courtesy J. Cortes, P. de Palol.
detail. Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY. plate 28 Pedrosa de la Vega, Villa de la Olmeda, room 1,
plate 8 Pompeii vi 15,14, portrait of woman. Scala/Art Achilles on Skyros, detail with heads of Achilles and
Resource, NY. daughter of Lykomedes. Photo J. Cortes, courtesy J.
plate 9 Praeneste, Sanctuary of Fortuna, crustae-pave- Cortes, P. de Palol.
ment. Courtesy R. J. A. Wilson. plate 29 Shahba-Philippopolis, mosaic of Artemis and
plate 10 Vienne, floral mosaic. Courtesy J. Lancha. Actaeon, detail of border. KMDD.
plate 11 Orbe, mosaic of planetary deities, detail showing plate 30 Antioch, mosaic of Green Carpet, detail. Byzantine
chariot of Sun-god. Courtesy R. J. A. Wilson. Collection, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC.
plate 12 Valence-sur-Baïse (Gers), vine pavement, detail plate 31 Sepphoris, Dionysiac mosaic, detail showing
of band of fruit trees. Photo M.-P. Raynaud, courtesy Drunkenness of Heracles. Photo Zeev Radovan, cour-
C. Balmelle. tesy Z. Weiss.
plate 13 Loupian, Villa, apse e, detail of scroll. Courtesy plate 32 Shavei Zion, church, detail of cross in north aisle.
H. Lavagne. KMDD.
plate 14 Woodchester, Villa, Orpheus and the beasts, plate 33 Madaba, Church of Map, detail of map of Holy
detail of leopard. Crown Copyright NMR ff86/411. Land, showing area around Jericho and river Jordan.
plate 15 Hinton St Mary, central medallion with bust of KMDD.
Christ. Crown Copyright NMR bb71/5364. plate 34 Hagios Taxiarchis, Mosaic of Seasons, panel with
plate 16 Thysdrus, House of the Dionysiac Procession, Winter. Courtesy Z. Welch.
Room a, vegetal designs, detail of scrolls. KMDD. plate 35 Nea Paphos, House of Aion, triclinium,
plate 17 Thuburbo Maius, House of Protomai, trifolium Presentation of infant Dionysus. Courtesy W. A.
sector, rooms xiii–xiv, geometric-floral mosaics. CMT Daszewski, Polish Archaeological Mission, with the
ii.3, nos.279–80, pl.lxii, photo W. Graham, courtesy kind permission of the Director of the Department of
M. Alexander. Antiquities, Cyprus.
plate 18 Carthage, House of the Horses, Mosaic of plate 36 Pompeii vi 8,23, House of the Small Fountain,
Horses, detail of border. KMDD. aedicula-fountain, detail. KMDD.
plate 19 Thamugadi, House of Piscina, mosaic of acan- plate 37 Pompeii vi 17(Ins.Occ.),42, House of the
thus rosettes. Courtesy R. J. A. Wilson. Wedding of Alexander, fountain-nymphaeum, detail of
plate 20 Thamugadi, Ilot 81, mosaic of acanthus scrolls, apse and garden scene. Photo Stanley Jashemski
detail. Courtesy R. J. A. Wilson. 10–24–80, courtesy W. Jashemski (after Jashemski,
plate 21 Piazza Armerina, corridor of Great Hunt (36), Gardens ii, fig.477).
detail showing capture of rhinoceros. Courtesy R. J. A. plate 38 Rome, Basilica of Junius Bassus, opus sectile
Wilson. panel with Hylas and the Nymphs. Soprintendenza
plate 22 Piazza Armerina, corridor of Great Hunt (36), Archeologica di Roma, neg.330323.
List of plates
plate 39 Ostia, Building outside Porta Marina, hall with plate 40 Ostia, Building outside Porta Marina, hall with
opus sectile, detail of frieze with floral scroll. opus sectile, panel with lion attacking stag.
Soprintendenza Archeologica di Ostia. Soprintendenza Archeologica di Ostia.
figure 1 Corinth, Centaur Bath, general view. American figure 21 Morgantina, House of Ganymede, detail
School of Classical Studies at Athens, Corinth showing lower body of Ganymede. Department of Art
Excavations no.75–36–25, photo I. Ioannidou. page 6 and Archaeology, Princeton University. 22
figure 2 Corinth, Centaur Bath, detail of Centaur. Amer- figure 22 Alexandria, Shatby Stag Hunt. DAI Cairo Inst.
ican School of Classical Studies at Athens, Corinth Neg.f17445, photo D. Johannes. 24
Excavations no.75–36–20, photo L. Bartziotou. 6 figure 23 Alexandria, Shatby Stag Hunt, detail of Eros.
figure 3 Olynthos, House of the Comedian, andron DAI Cairo Inst. Neg.f17463, photo D. Johannes. 24
mosaic. After Olynthus 8, pl.17,1. 6 figure 24 Alexandria, Shatby Stag Hunt, detail of
figure 4 Olynthos, Villa of Good Fortune, plan. After D. animal frieze. DAI Cairo Inst. Neg.f17467, photo D.
M. Robinson, AJA 38, 1934, fig.1. 7 Johannes. 25
figure 5 Olynthos, Villa of Good Fortune, Dionysiac figure 25 Thmuis, mosaic signed by Sophilos. DAI Cairo
mosaic from andron. After D. M. Robinson, AJA 38, Inst. Neg.f17481, photo D. Johannes. 26
1934, pl.29. 9 figure 26 Rome, mosaic of asarotos oikos, signed by
figure 6 Eretria, House of the Mosaics, anteroom and Heraklitos, detail. Musei Vaticani Archivio Fotografico,
andron. Ecole Suisse d’Archéologie en Grèce, courtesy Neg.n.xxxiv.32.32. 27
P. Ducrey. 10 figure 27 Tibur, Hadrian’s Villa, Doves of Sosos. Archivio
figure 7 Eretria, House of the Mosaics, griffins and Fotografico dei Musei Capitolini, photo A. Idini. 28
Arimasps from andron. Ecole Suisse d’Archéologie en figure 28 Pergamon, Palace v, Altar Room, Parrot
Grèce, courtesy P. Ducrey. 11 Mosaic, detail of garland. Antikensammlung, Staat-
figure 8 Sikyon, floral mosaic. DAI Athens, neg.78/433, liche Museen zu Berlin–Preussischer Kulturbesitz,
photo G. Hellner. 11 7153, courtesy I. Kriseleit. 29
figure 9 Pella, House i.1, Lion Hunt. TAP Service, figure 29 Pergamon, Palace v, mosaic with signature of
Athens. 12 Hephaistion, detail of signature. Antikensammlung,
figure 10 Pella, House i.1, Dionysus on leopard. TAP Staatliche Museen zu Berlin–Preussischer Kulturbesitz,
Service, Athens. 12 6859, courtesy I. Kriseleit. 30
figure 11 Pella, House i.1, Dionysus, detail of head of figure 30 Delos, House iii q, Room e, tessellated panel at
Dionysus. Courtesy A.-M. Guimier-Sorbets. 13 centre of chip-pavement. KMDD. 31
figure 12 Pella, House i.5, Stag Hunt signed by Gnosis. figure 31 Delos, House iii N, room i, tessellated panel at
TAP Service, Athens. 12 centre of chip-pavement. Ecole française d’Athènes,
figure 13 Pella, House i.5, Stag Hunt, detail of border. no.l 1807.20bis. 31
Courtesy A.-M. Guimier-Sorbets. 15 figure 32 Delos, Agora of the Italians, niche 10, geometric
figure 14 Vergina, Palace, room 13, drawing of floral mosaic. Ecole française d’Athènes, no.l 1802.68. 32
mosaic. After M. Andronikos et al., To Anaktoro tes figure 33 Delos, House of Dionysus, emblema with tiger-
Bergines (Athens 1961) pl.16. 15 rider. Ecole française d’Athènes, no.54406. 33
figure 15 Rhodes, Bellerophon and Chimaira. KB’ figure 34 Delos, House of the Dolphins, courtyard. Ecole
Ephoreia Proïstorikon kai Klasikon Arkhaioteton française d’Athènes, no.l 1805.43. 34
Dodekanesou, courtesy I. Papachristodoulou. 16 figure 35 Delos, House of the Dolphins, courtyard, detail
figure 16 Lebena, Asklepieion, irregular mosaic. After showing dolphins in north-west corner. Ecole française
Salzmann, pl.76, courtesy D. Salzmann. 19 d’Athènes, no.l 1805.47. 34
figure 17 Pergamon, chip-mosaic. DAI Istanbul, figure 36 Delos, House of the Dolphins, courtyard, detail
Pergamon-Grabung neg.61.444, photo R. Braun. 20 of border with signature. Ecole française d’Athènes,
figure 18 Selinus, temple a, mortar pavement (signinum) no.l 1805.55. 35
with bull’s head in wreath. KMDD. 21 figure 37 Delos, House of the Masks, plan. After J.
figure 19 Morgantina, House of Ganymede, Ganymede Chamonard, Délos xiv (1933), pl.i. 36
and eagle. Department of Art and Archaeology, figure 38 Delos, House of the Masks, Room e, emblema
Princeton University. 21 with Dionysus. Ecole française d’Athènes, no.5043. 37
figure 20 Morgantina, House of Ganymede, detail figure 39 Delos, House of the Trident, dolphin from peri-
showing head and arm of Ganymede. Department of style. Ecole française d’Athènes, no.l 1805.35. 37
Art and Archaeology, Princeton University. 22 figure 40 Pompeii vi 11,10, House of the Labyrinth, cubic-
List of figures
ulum 42, emblema with Theseus and Minotaur in situ. figure 58 Pompeii vi 8,5, House of the Tragic Poet, mosaic
DAI Berlin Inst. Neg.80.2.285. 40 from entrance with watchdog and cave canem.
figure 41 Pompeii vi 12,2, House of the Faun, Alexander Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali, ICCD, gfn
Mosaic. Alinari/Art Resource, NY; s0045729 25747. 41 78n47246. 60
figure 42 Pompeii vi 12,2, House of the Faun, Alexander figure 59 Ostia iii.9.22, Insula of the Muses, plan.
Mosaic, detail of Alexander. Alinari/Art Resource, NY; Soprintendenza Archeologica di Ostia, Archivio
s0037359 al12050. 42 Fotografico b 1638. 61
figure 43 Pompeii vi 12,2, House of the Faun, Tiger-rider. figure 60 Ostia ii.8.5, House of Apuleius, geometric pave-
Alinari/Art Resource, NY; s0097339 al12049. 44 ment. Soprintendenza Archeologica di Ostia, Archivio
figure 44 Pompeii, ‘Villa of Cicero’, Women at Breakfast Fotografico b 955. 62
(from Synaristosai of Menander) by Dioskourides figure 61 Ostia iii.17.5, Caseggiato of Bacchus and
of Samos. Alinari/Art Resource, NY; s0020119 Ariadne, Dionysus and Ariadne in arabesque design.
ali12195. 45 Soprintendenza Archeologica di Ostia, Archivio
figure 45 Pompeii, ‘Villa of Cicero’, scene from Theo- Fotografico b 990. 63
phoroumene of Menander by Dioskourides of Samos. figure 62 Ostia ii.4.2, Baths of Neptune, central hall with
Alinari/Art Resource, NY; s0020113 ali12057. 46 Neptune mosaic. Soprintendenza Archeologica di
figure 46 Pompeii viii 2,16, Marine scene. Alinari/Art Ostia, Archivio Fotografico b 905. 63
Resource, NY; s0051758 al12198. 48 figure 63 Ostia iv.2.1, Baths of the Lighthouse, marine
figure 47 Praeneste, Nile Mosaic. Alinari/Art Resource, creatures and lighthouse. Soprintendenza Archeo-
NY; s0097334. 50 logica di Ostia, Archivio Fotografico c 768. 64
figure 48 Praeneste, Nile Mosaic, detail of upper section figure 64 Ostia ii.7.4, Square of the Corporations, booth
showing Nile landscape and fauna. Courtesy P. no.21, mosaic with inscription of shippers and busi-
Meyboom, photo P. Jongste. 51 nessmen of Karalis. Soprintendenza Archeologica di
figure 49 Praeneste, Nile Mosaic, detail of central section Ostia, Archivio Fotografico r 6344/1–2. 65
showing inundation of Nile and Egyptian temple with figure 65 Ostia ii.7.4, Square of the Corporations, booth
Nilometer. Courtesy P. Meyboom, photo P. Jongste. 52 no.25. Soprintendenza Archeologica di Ostia, Archivio
figure 50 Herculaneum, Samnite House, signinum pave- Fotografico c 781. 65
ment in tablinum. Soprintendenza Archeologica di figure 66 Ostia ii.8.6, Mithraeum of the Seven Spheres.
Pompei, neg.2652. 54 Soprintendenza Archeologica di Ostia, Archivio
figure 51 Pompeii, Villa of the Mysteries, room 47, Fotografico r 6344/3. 66
crustae-pavement. KMDD. 54 figure 67 Ostia iii.9.1, House of the Dioscuri, marine
figure 52 Pompeii vi 12,2, House of the Faun, crustae- scene, drawing of whole. Soprintendenza Archeologica
pavement in ala. DAI Rome 1934.1847. 55 di Ostia, Archivio Fotografico b 1028. 67
figure 53 Pompeii i 9,1, House of the beautiful figure 68 Tibur, Hadrian’s Villa, Hospitalia, black-and-
Impluvium, atrium, pavement of mixed techniques. white mosaics in cubiculum. Ministero per i Beni
Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali, ICCD Culturali e Ambientali, ICCD e34.982. 67
77n34939. 56 figure 69 Tibur, Hadrian’s Villa, Hospitalia, black-and-
figure 54 Lucus Feroniae, Villa of Volusii Saturnini, room white mosaics in cubiculum. Ministero per i Beni
18, late Republican polychrome geometric mosaic. DAI Culturali e Ambientali, ICCD e34.984. 68
Rome 83.142. 57 figure 70 Tibur, Hadrian’s Villa, emblema with centaurs
figure 55 Lucus Feroniae, Villa of Volusii Saturnini, room fighting wild beasts. Antikensammlung, Staatliche
13, early Imperial black-and-white geometric mosaic. Museen zu Berlin–Preussischer Kulturbesitz,
DAI Rome 83.139. 58 Neg.Nr.Ant 7062, courtesy I. Kriseleit. 69
figure 56 Lucus Feroniae, Villa of Volusii Saturnini, room figure 71 Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Mosaic of Athletes,
8, early Imperial black-and-white geometric mosaic. reconstruction. Musei Vaticani, Archivio Fotografico
DAI Rome 83.158. 58 Neg.n.xxxv.4.59/1. 70
figure 57 Pompeii i 10,4, House of the Menander, caldar- figure 72 Desenzano, Villa, plan with mosaics in situ.
ium mosaic. After A. Maiuri, La casa del Menandro e il After G. Ghislanzoni, La villa romana di Desenzano
suo tesoro di argenteria (Rome 1933) fig.69. 59 (Milan 1962). 70
List of figures
figure 73 Desenzano, Villa, vestibule (f), fishing Erotes, figure 91 Corinium, Barton Farm Villa, Orpheus and the
detail. Courtesy R. J. A. Wilson. 71 Beasts. Crown Copyright NMR bb71/4006. 92
figure 74 Glanum, House of the Capricorn (iv), signinum figure 92 Woodchester, villa, Orpheus and the Beasts.
pavement with mosaic panel at centre. Photo A. Chêné, Crown Copyright NMR bb73/6863. 93
Centre Camille Jullian, no.133561, CNRS Aix-en- figure 93 Woodchester, villa, Orpheus and the Beasts,
Provence. 74 detail of stag. Crown Copyright NMR bb73/6876. 94
figure 75 Ouzouër-sur-Trézée, multiple decor mosaic, figure 94 Hinton St Mary, general view. Crown Copyright
drawing. After RecGaule ii.3, pl.lxix no.467. 75 NMR bb96/7520. 95
figure 76 Ouzouër-sur-Trézée, mosaic with head of figure 95 Hinton St Mary, detail, panel with hound pur-
Ocean. After B. Gitton, ‘Visite des mosaïques gallo- suing deer. Crown Copyright NMR cc71/612. 96
romaines de Pont-Chevron à Ouzouër-sur-Trézée’, figure 96 Low Ham, scenes of Dido and Aeneas. Somerset
CMGR i, 117–123, fig.1. 75 County Museums Service, Taunton. 97
figure 77 Vienne, multiple decor mosaic with central figure 97 Lullingstone, villa, mosaic showing Europa and
panel showing Drunkenness of Hercules; drawing of the Bull, and Bellerophon and the Seasons. © English
original state. After InvGaule i 174. 77 Heritage Photo Library. 98
figure 78 Saint-Romain-en-Gal, mosaic with floral motifs figure 98 Isurium Brigantum (Aldborough), mosaic of
in hexagons. After RecGaule iii.2, no.396, pl.clvi, Wolf and Twins. Leeds Museums and Galleries (City
drawing R. Prudhomme, courtesy J. Lancha. 78 Museum). 99
figure 79 Saint-Romain-en-Gal, Rustic Calendar, general figure 99 Rudston, Venus mosaic. Hull City Museums,
view. After InvGaule i 246. 80 Art Gallery and Archives. 100
figure 80 Saint-Romain-en-Gal, Rustic Calendar, detail figure 100 Kerkouane, Punic pavement of mortar and
showing baker at bread oven. Musée des Antiquités aggregate decorated with tesserae, including ‘sign of
nationales, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, MAN 83116 Tanit’. KMDD. 102
88en6544. 81 figure 101 Carthage, rue Astarte, Punic pavements of opus
figure 81 Vienne, Sainte-Colombe, Lycurgus and the vine, figlinum and tessellated threshold. Courtesy F. Chelbi,
reconstruction drawing. Drawing R. Prudhomme, Institut National du Patrimoine, Tunis. 102
courtesy J. Lancha. 82 figure 102 Carthage, rue Astarte, Punic pavements, detail
figure 82 Orbe, Mosaic of the Planetary Deities. Photo of tessellated threshold. Courtesy F. Chelbi, Institut
Hine, Allschwil (CH), courtesy Mme C. M. Castella. 82 National du Patrimoine, Tunis. 103
figure 83 Cologne, mosaic of Dionysus. Rheinisches figure 103 Carthage, Floral Style design with busts of
Bildarchiv, no.58276. 83 Muses. Courtesy Trustees of the British Museum
figure 84 Nennig, villa, amphitheatre mosaic. Photo Th. (no.103346). 104
Zühmer, courtesy Rheinisches Landesmuseum, Trier, figure 104 Acholla, Baths of Trajan, drawing of frigidar-
no.e 1908. 84 ium. After G. Ch. Picard, ‘Les mosaïques d’Acholla’,
figure 85 Trier, Mysteries mosaic from Kornmarkt. Etudes d’Archéologie classique 2, 1959, pls.xii, xiii, cour-
Rheinisches Landesmuseum, Trier, no.ra-51.2. 85 tesy G. Ch. Picard. 105
figure 86 Valence-sur-Baïse (Gers), vine pavement. Photo figure 105 Acholla, Baths of Trajan, frigidarium, detail of
M.-P. Raynaud, courtesy C. Balmelle. 87 central section. KMDD. 106
figure 87 Fishbourne, geometric mosaic in room n12. figure 106 Acholla, House of the Triumph of Neptune,
Fishbourne Roman Palace/Sussex Archaeological cubiculum xxxii. Courtesy S. Gozlan. 107
Society, courtesy D. Rudkin. 89 figure 107 Thysdrus, House of the Dionysiac Procession,
figure 88 Verulamium, geometric mosaic, no.7. The plan. After L. Foucher, La Maison de la Procession Dio-
Verulamium Museum. 89 nysiaque à El Jem (Paris 1963) pl.iii. © PUF, 1963. 108
figure 89 Verulamium, mosaic of Ocean, no.8. The figure 108 Thysdrus, House of the Dionysiac Procession,
Verulamium Museum. 90 detail of triclinium. KMDD. 109
figure 90 Fishbourne, room n7, mosaic with Cupid. figure 109 Thysdrus, House of the Dionysiac Procession,
Fishbourne Roman Palace/Sussex Archaeological room a, vegetal designs with bust of personification of
Society, courtesy D. Rudkin. 90 the year. KMDD. 110
List of figures
figure 110 Thuburbo Maius, House with Domestic Quar- figure 131 Sabratha, Basilica of Justinian, nave, with
ters, rooms xiii and xiv, geometric mosaics. CMT ii.3, design of vine scrolls. DAI Rome 61.2139. 128
no.314, photo W. Graham, courtesy M. Alexander. 110 figure 132 Tyndaris, Baths, crustae-pavement, framing
figure 111 Thuburbo Maius, House of Bound Animals, black-and-white mosaic panel with triskeles. Courtesy
cubiculum ix, geometric mosaic. CMT ii.1, no.78, D. von Boeselager. 131
photo W. Graham, courtesy M. Alexander. 111 figure 133 Lilybaeum, Floral Style mosaic with busts of
figure 112 Thuburbo Maius, House of Protomai, Room the Seasons. Museo Archeologico Regionale di
ix, mosaic of animal protomai. CMT ii.3, no.263a, Palermo, no.17583, courtesy Dott.ssa C. Di Stefano. 132
photo W. Graham, courtesy M. Alexander. 111 figure 134 Piazza Armerina, villa, plan. Adapted from
figure 113 Thysdrus, House of the Months, Calendar Filosofiana Ill.iii, Flaccovio Editore, 1982. 132
mosaic. DAI Rome 64.292. 112 figure 135 Piazza Armerina, corridor of Great Hunt (36).
figure 114 La Chebba, Neptune and the Seasons. After Drawing after Gentili, Villa Erculia fig.5. 134
InvTun 86. 112 figure 136 Piazza Armerina, Circus Races (3). Drawing
figure 115 Althiburus, Hunting Scenes. Institut National after Gentili, Villa Erculia fig.3. 135
du Patrimoine (Tunisie), courtesy M. Ennaïfer. 113 figure 137 Piazza Armerina, Small Hunt (30). Fototeca
figure 116 Althiburus, Hunting Scenes, detail. Institut Unione no.52285. 135
National du Patrimoine (Tunisie), courtesy M. figure 138 Piazza Armerina, vestibule to baths (21), family
Ennaïfer. 114 and attendants entering baths. Fototeca Unione. 136
figure 117 Neapolis, House of the Nymphs, Chryses figure 139 Piazza Armerina, triconch (57). Drawing after
before Agamemnon. Courtesy R. J. A. Wilson. 115 Gentili, Villa Erculia fig.12. 137
figure 118 Smirat, Amphitheatre Mosaic. KMDD. 117 figure 140 Piazza Armerina, triconch, apse with wounded
figure 119 Carthage, House of the Horses, Mosaic of giants. Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali,
Horses. KMDD. 118 ICCD, gfn f10272. 138
figure 120 Carthage, House of the Horses, Mosaic of figure 141 Piazza Armerina, portico of peristyle (19d).
Horses, panel of horse accompanied by fowling equip- Fototeca Unione fu 3958, courtesy G. Benedettini. 139
ment. KMDD. 118 figure 142 Piazza Armerina, corridor of the Great Hunt
figure 121 Caesarea (Cherchel), Agricultural Labours. (36), detail showing animal cage loaded on ox-cart.
KMDD. 119 Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali, ICCD, gfn
figure 122 Carthage, Mosaic of Dominus Julius. DAI f10290. 140
Rome 61.532. 120 figure 143 Piazza Armerina, corridor of the Great Hunt
figure 123 Zliten, villa, amphitheatre mosaic, frieze with (36), detail showing capture of rhinoceros and bison.
gladiator scenes. DAI Rome 61.1891. 121 Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali, ICCD, gfn
figure 124 Zliten, villa, amphitheatre mosaic, frieze with f10278. 140
gladiator scenes. DAI Rome 61.1892. 121 figure 144 Piazza Armerina, semi-circular portico (40b),
figure 125 Zliten, villa, mosaic of Volutes. DAI Rome Erotes fishing. Drawing after Gentili, Villa Erculia fig.6.
61.1880. 122 141
figure 126 Silin, villa, mosaic of Aion and the Seasons. figure 145 Piazza Armerina, Hunting Children (43a),
After O. Al Mahjub, CMGR iii, unnumbered 123 detail. Courtesy R. J. A. Wilson. 141
figure 127 Silin, Villa, scene with bull tossing victims. After figure 146 Piazza Armerina, triconch (57), victims of Herc-
O. Al Mahjub, CMGR iii, unnumbered colour plate. 124 ules, detail of Bistonian Horseman and Bull. Ministero
figure 128 Thamugadi, House west of baths of Philadel- per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali, ICCD, gfn f10266. 142
phi, Floral mosaic. Centre Camille Jullian, no.108758, figure 147 Tellaro, villa, Hunting Scenes, detail with
CNRS Aix-en-Provence. 125 tigress attacking fallen hunter. Soprintendenza ai Beni
figure 129 Thamugadi, Ilot 81, mosaic of acanthus scrolls, Culturali e Ambientali, Siracusa, by authorisation of
central panel with marine Venus. Courtesy S. Germain. the Assessorato dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali e P.I.
126 della Regione Sicilia, courtesy G. Voza. 142
figure 130 Sabratha, Basilica of Justinian, aisle, with figure 148 Emporiae, Neapolis, signinum pavement with
designs of pine-trees and palmettes. KMDD. 128 Greek inscription Hedykoitos. KMDD. 145
List of figures
figure 149 Emporiae, House 1, black-and-white mosaic. figure 166 Antioch, Atrium House, triclinium, Judgement
KMDD. 145 of Paris. Musée du Louvre, photo M. Chuzeville. 163
figure 150 Emporiae, emblema with Sacrifice of Iphigeneia. figure 167 Antioch, House of Drinking Contest, triclin-
DAI Madrid r 312–84–12, photo P. Witte. 146 ium, central panel showing drinking contest of
figure 151 Marbella, villa, plan of preserved section. Drawing Dionysus and Heracles. Department of Art and
by A. García y Bellido, after CMEsp iii, fig.22. 146 Archaeology, Princeton University, neg.5273. 164
figure 152 Italica, House of Neptune, mosaic of Neptune figure 168 Drawing of chevrons in rainbow style.
and pygmies. KMDD. 147 Computer-assisted drawing by Tanya Kane. 164
figure 153 Emerita, House of the Mithraeum, figure 169 Antioch, Constantinian Villa, Room i, general
Cosmological Mosaic. Drawing after Uwe Städtler in A. view in situ. Department of Art and Archaeology,
Alföldi, Aion in Mérida and Aphrodisias (Mainz am Princeton University, pa 2280. 165
Rhein 1979), Beilage. 148 figure 170 Antioch, Constantinian Villa, detail showing
figure 154 Emerita, Cosmological Mosaic, detail of top. hunting scene between two Seasons. Department of
DAI Madrid r 105–78–15, photo P. Witte. 149 Art and Archaeology, Princeton University, pa 2320.
figure 155 Emerita, Cosmological Mosaic, detail of left 165
side. DAI Madrid r 23–75–12, photo P. Witte. 149 figure 171 Shahba-Philippopolis, mosaic of Artemis and
figure 156 Italica, House of the Planetarium, mosaic with Actaeon. Courtesy J. Balty. 167
busts of the planetary deities. KMDD. 151 figure 172 Shahba-Philippopolis, mosaic of marine
figure 157a Conimbriga, House of the Fountains, view of Aphrodite. Courtesy J. Balty. 167
rooms around small peristyle. Instituto Português de figure 173 Shahba-Philippopolis, mosaic of Tethys.
Museus, Arquivo Nacional de Fotografia. 152 Courtesy J. Balty. 167
figure 157b Conimbriga, House of the Fountains, triclin- figure 174 Shahba-Philippopolis, allegorical mosaic of
ium, mosaic 10. Instituto Português de Museus, Aion. Courtesy J. Balty. 168
Arquivo Nacional de Fotografia. 153 figure 175 Apamea, building under cathedral, mosaic
figure 158 Complutum, House of Bacchus, plan of from corridor with panel of dancing maidservants
mosaics. After D. Fernández-Galiano, Complutum i (with label Therapenides) greeting the return of
(1984), fig.56b. 154 Odysseus. ACL Brussels, courtesy J. Balty. 169
figure 159 Complutum, House of Bacchus, corridor with figure 176 Apamea, building under cathedral, frieze with
servants offering drinks. Courtesy D. Fernández- Judgement of Nereids. Drawing after J. Ch. Balty, ‘Une
Galiano. 155 version orientale méconnue du mythe de Cassiopée’,
figure 160 Pedrosa de la Vega, Villa de la Olmeda, room 1, in L. Kahil, C. Augé eds., Mythologie gréco-romaine,
Hunting Scene. Photo J. Cortes, courtesy J. Cortes, P. de mythologies périphériques (Paris 1981), 95–106, fig.2. 170
Palol. 156 figure 177 Apamea, building under cathedral, frieze with
figure 161 Pedrosa de la Vega, Villa de la Olmeda, room 1, Judgement of Nereids, detail showing Kassiopeia.
Achilles on Skyros. Photo J. Cortes, courtesy J. Cortes, Courtesy J. Balty. 170
P. de Palol. 157 figure 178 Mariamin, mosaic of Musicians. Courtesy Prof.
figure 162 Carranque, villa, basin with head of Ocean. Dr Sultan Muhesen, Directeur Général des Antiquités
KMDD. 157 et des Musées, Damascus. 171
figure 163 Emerita, mosaic of Dionysus and Ariadne, with figure 179 Mariamin, mosaic of Musicians, detail
signature of workshop of Anniponus. M.N.A.R. showing dancer with castanets. Courtesy J. Balty. 172
Archivo Fotográfico, courtesy J. M. Alvarez Martinez figure 180 Mariamin, mosaic of Musicians, detail
and A. Velázquez Jiménez. 158 showing flautist. Courtesy J. Balty. 172
figure 164 Antioch, Atrium House, triclinium. figure 181 Palmyra, House of Kassiopeia, reconstruction.
Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton Drawing after H. Stern, Les mosaïques des Maisons
University, neg.644. 161 d’Achille et de Cassiopée à Palmyre (Paris 1977), fig.2. 173
figure 165 Antioch, Atrium House, triclinium, Drinking figure 182 Edessa, Family Portrait mosaic. Drawing after J.
Contest of Dionysus and Heracles. Department of Art Segal, Edessa, ‘The Blessed City’ (Oxford 1970), pl.1,
and Archaeology, Princeton University, neg.1159. 162 Courtesy of Thames and Hudson. 173
List of figures
figure 183 Edessa, Funerary Couch mosaic. Drawing after J. mosaic. Courtesy of Gideon Foerster and the Institute of
Segal, Edessa, ‘The Blessed City’ (Oxford 1970), pl.2, Archaeology, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and
Courtesy of Thames and Hudson. 174 by permission of the Israel Exploration Society. 188
figure 184 Edessa, Mosaic of Barsimya with portrait of figure 201 Sepphoris, general view of triclinium with
Abgar. Courtesy Prof. Dr H. J. W. Drijvers. 174 Dionysiac mosaic. Photo Zeev Radovan, courtesy Z.
figure 185 Bishapur, palace of Sapor, panel with Dionysiac Weiss. 189
heads. After R. Ghirshman, Bîchâpour ii, Les Mosaïques figure 202 Hammath Tiberias, synagogue, general view.
Sassanides (Paris 1956), pl.ix.1. 175 After M. Dothan, Hammath Tiberias (Jerusalem 1983),
figure 186 Bishapur, palace of Sapor, Harpist. After R. pl.26, courtesy of Israel Exploration Society. 190
Ghirshman, Bîchâpour ii, Les Mosaïques Sassanides figure 203 Beth Alpha, synagogue, panel with signs of
(Paris 1956), pl.v.2. 175 zodiac. After E. Sukenik, The Ancient Synagogue of Beth
figure 187 Bishapur, palace of Sapor, Woman with Alpha (Jerusalem, 1932), pl.x. 191
garland. After R. Ghirshman, Bîchâpour ii, Les figure 204 ‘En-Gedi, synagogue, panel with Hebrew and
Mosaïques Sassanides (Paris 1956), pl.vii.1. 176 Aramaic inscriptions. Israel Antiquities Authority
figure 188 Antioch, Qaousiye church, north aisle. no.223780, courtesy S. Durocher. 192
Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton figure 205 Ma‘on-Nirim, synagogue, pavement of nave with
University, 2190. 177 vine scrolls. Drawing after M. Avi-Yonah, ‘The Mosaic
figure 189 Antioch, mosaic with bust of Ananeosis at centre Pavement’, in Rabinowitz Bulletin 3, 1960, fig.13. 193
of geometric carpet-pattern. Department of Art and figure 206 Shavei Zion, church, pavement of nave.
Archaeology, Princeton University, 2967. 178 KMDD. 194
figure 190 Antioch, mosaic of Striding Lion. Department figure 207 et-Tabgha, Church of Multiplication, Nilotic
of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University, panel from left transept. After A. M. Schneider, The
2948. 179 Church of the Multiplication of the loaves and fishes at
figure 191 Antioch (Daphne), House of the Phoenix, Tabgha on the Lake of Gennesaret and its mosaics
Phoenix mosaic in situ. Department of Art and (London 1937), pl.a. 195
Archaeology, Princeton University, 1803. 179 figure 208 Ma‘ale Adummim, refectory, ornamental
figure 192 Antioch (Daphne), Phoenix mosaic, after res- mosaic. Drawing after Y. Magen, in Y. Tsafrir ed.,
toration. Musée du Louvre, photo M. Chuzeville. 180 Ancient Churches Revealed (Jerusalem 1993), p.182, cour-
figure 193 Antioch (Seleucia), Quatrefoil church (so-called tesy of Israel Exploration Society and Y. Magen. 196
Martyrion), animal carpet. Department of Art and figure 209 Gerasa, Church of SS. Cosmas and Damianos,
Archaeology, Princeton University, 4621. 181 panel showing Georgia wife of Theodoros as donor.
figure 194 Antioch, Yakto complex, Megalopsychia Archive Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, courtesy M.
mosaic. Drawing after J. Lassus, in G. Elderkin ed., Piccirillo. 197
Antioch-on-the-Orontes i (Princeton 1934), 118 fig.2. 182 figure 210 Nebo, Church of SS. Lot and Procopius, view
figure 195 Antioch, Yakto complex, Megalopsychia mosaic, of nave. Archive Studium Biblicum Franciscanum,
detail of topographical border. Department of Art and courtesy M. Piccirillo. 198
Archaeology, Princeton University, neg.x–11. 182 figure 211 Nebo, Church of SS. Lot and Procopius, detail
figure 196 Apamea, Triclinos building, mosaic of Hunt. of vine scrolls. Archive Studium Biblicum
ACL Brussels, courtesy J. Balty. 183 Franciscanum, courtesy M. Piccirillo. 198
figure 197 Apamea, Triclinos building, mosaic of Hunt, figure 212 Madaba, Church of Apostles, mosaic with bust
detail. ACL Brussels neg.13781 b, courtesy J. Balty. 184 of Thalassa and signature of Salamanios. Archive
figure 198 Sarrîn, Dionysiac panel from mythological Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, courtesy M.
mosaic, detail showing Silenus and nurse. Courtesy J. Piccirillo. 200
Balty. 185 figure 213 Madaba, Hall of Hippolytus, eastern section
figure 199 Deir el-‘Adas, church of St George, panel from showing scenes of Phaedra and Hippolytus (below),
nave with camel-driver. Photo Donceel, courtesy P. Aphrodite and Adonis (above). Archive Studium
Donceel-Voûte. 185 Biblicum Franciscanum, courtesy M. Piccirillo. 201
figure 200 Masada, Western Palace, Oecus 456, Herodian figure 214 Madaba, Hall of Hippolytus, city personifi-
List of figures
cations outside border. Archive Studium Biblicum Theophoroumene. K’ Ephoreia Proïstorikon kai
Franciscanum, courtesy M. Piccirillo. 201 Klasikon Arkhaioteton, Mytilene, no.71176, courtesy A.
figure 215 Madaba, Church of Map, map of Holy Land. Arkhontidou-Argyre. 218
Archive Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, courtesy M. figure 231 Sparta, portrait of Alkibiades. Photo N. Kontos,
Piccirillo. 202 for TAP Service, Athens, courtesy Th. Spyropoulos, E’
figure 216 Madaba, Church of Map, detail showing Ephoreia Proïstorikon kai Klasikon Arkhaioteton. 218
Jerusalem. KMDD. 203 figure 232 Nikopolis, Basilica a, north transept, panel
figure 217 Kastron Mefaa, Church of St Stephen, view of with inscription of Dometios. Ephoreia Byzantinon
nave and aisles. Archive Studium Biblicum Arkhaioteton, Ioannina. 220
Franciscanum, courtesy M. Piccirillo. 204 figure 233 Argos, Villa of the Falconer, mosaic of Months,
figure 218 Kastron Mefaa, Church of St Stephen, panel panels showing January to June. After G. Åkerström-
from intercolumniation showing vignette of Kastron Hougen, The Calendar and Hunting Mosaics of the Villa
Mefaa. Archive Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, of the Falconer at Argos (Stockholm 1974), pl.i, courtesy
courtesy M. Piccirillo. 205 G. Åkerström-Hougen. 221
figure 219 Ma‘in, Acropolis Church, scene originally figure 234 Argos, Villa of the Falconer, drawing of room
showing lion and ox but with iconoclastic restorations. with stibadium and Dionysiac mosaic. Drawing O.
Archive Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, courtesy M. Söndergard, courtesy G. Åkerström-Hougen. 221
Piccirillo. 205 figure 235 Pergamon, Peristyle House 2, room 9, drawing
figure 220 Khirbet el-Mafjar, Palace, view of hall. Israel of reconstructed mosaic. DAI Istanbul, Pergamon-
Antiquities Authority, courtesy S. Durocher. 206 Grabung 87/10–3. 224
figure 221 Khirbet el-Mafjar, Palace, apse of dı̄wãn. Israel figure 236 Pergamon, Building z, mosaic of Silenus with
Antiquities Authority, no.33571, courtesy S. Durocher. child Dionysus. DAI Istanbul, Pergamon-Grabung
207 91/80–6, photo E. Steiner. 224
figure 222 Corinth, Anaploga Villa, mosaic in situ. figure 237 Pergamon, Building z, mosaic of masks. DAI
American School of Classical Studies, Corinth excava- Istanbul, Pergamon-Grabung 90/228–2, photo E.
tions no.62–45–1. 210 Steiner. 225
figure 223 Isthmia, Baths, great hall, black-and-white figure 238 Ephesos, Terrace House 2, Dwelling ii, south
mosaic. Isthmia Excavations, courtesy T. Gregory. 211 wing, mosaic of Nereid and Triton. Courtesy W. Jobst,
figure 224 Olympia, Kladeos Baths, restored plan showing Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. 226
mosaics in situ. After H. Schleif, IV Bericht über die figure 239 Nea Paphos, House of Dionysus, general view
Ausgrabungen in Olympia (Berlin 1944), pl.22. 212 of triclinium. With the kind permission of the Director
figure 225 Corinth, Roman Villa, drawing showing of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus. 227
mosaics in situ. After T. L. Shear, Corinth v, The Roman figure 240 Nea Paphos, House of Dionysus, west portico
Villa (Cambridge, Mass. 1930), pl.i. 213 of peristyle, panel showing Dionysus and Ikarios. With
figure 226 Thessalonica, mosaic of Dionysus and the kind permission of the Director of the Department
Ariadne. IT’ Ephoreia Proïstorikon kai Klasikon of Antiquities, Cyprus. 228
Arkhaioteton, courtesy E. Trakosopoulou. 215 figure 241 Nea Paphos, House of Dionysus, peristyle,
figure 227 Kos, House of Silenus Mosaic, panel with glad- friezes with hunting scenes of arena. With the kind per-
iators. KMDD. 216 mission of the Director of the Department of
figure 228 Mytilene, House of Menander, triclinium, Antiquities, Cyprus. 229
panel with bust of Menander. K’ Ephoreia Proïstorikon figure 242 Nea Paphos, House of Aion, triclinium, general
kai Klasikon Arkhaioteton, Mytilene, courtesy A. view of mosaics. Drawing by S. Medeksza, courtesy W.
Arkhontidou-Argyre. 217 A. Daszewski. 231
figure 229 Mytilene, House of Menander, panel with figure 243 Nea Paphos, House of Aion, triclinium,
Synaristosai. K’ Ephoreia Proïstorikon kai Klasikon Judgement of the Nereids, detail showing crowning of
Arkhaioteton, Mytilene, no.71178, courtesy A. Kassiopeia. With the kind permission of the Director of
Arkhontidou-Argyre. 218 the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus. 231
figure 230 Mytilene, House of Menander, panel with figure 244 Constantinople, Great Palace, mosaics from
List of figures
peristyle, detail of border. St Andrews University figure 261 Caesarea (Cherchel), fountain basin with
Library, ms 36966a, courtesy Dr Norman Reid. 232 Ulysses and the Sirens. KMDD. 247
figure 245 Constantinople, Great Palace, mosaics from figure 262 Salamis, Cyprus, Gymnasium Baths, detail of
peristyle, detail of north-west portico. St Andrews wall mosaic showing the river-god Eurotas. With the
University Library, ms 36966a, courtesy Dr Norman kind permission of the Director of the Department of
Reid. 233 Antiquities, Cyprus. 247
figure 246 Constantinople, Great Palace, mosaics from figure 263 Rome, Mausoleum of Constantia, ambulatory
peristyle, detail of north-west portico. St Andrews vault, panel with Erotes and birds. DAI Rome 57.1253. 248
University Library, Walker Trust Album, Baxter Papers, figure 264 Rome, Mausoleum of Constantia, ambulatory
courtesy Dr Norman Reid. 233 vault, panel with strewn branches. DAI Rome 57.1247. 249
figure 247 Constantinople, Great Palace, mosaics from figure 265 Rome, Necropolis under St Peter’s, Tomb m
peristyle, detail of boy with geese. St Andrews University (Mausoleum of Julii), mosaic of vault, with Christ as
Library, ms 36966a, courtesy Dr Norman Reid. 234 Sun-god. Archivio Fotografico, Fabbrica di San Pietro,
figure 248 Constantinople, Great Palace, mosaics from neg.3507, courtesy Dr A. M. Pergolizzi. 250
peristyle, detail of man feeding mule. St Andrews figure 266 Ephesos, Terrace House 2, Dwelling ii, mosaic
University Library, Walker Trust Album, Baxter Papers, of vault, vines enclosing busts of Dionysus and
courtesy Dr Norman Reid. 234 Ariadne. Courtesy W. Jobst, Österreichische Akademie
figure 249 Formiae, ‘Villa of Cicero’, nymphaeum, der Wissenschaften. 251
drawing of vault. After C. Giuliani, M. Guaitoli, figure 267 Centcelles, Mausoleum, general view of dome.
RömMitt 79, 1972, fig.10 p.212. 237 DAI Madrid neg.r.57–77–10, photo P. Witte. 252
figure 250 Formiae, ‘Villa of Cicero’, nymphaeum, detail figure 268 Centcelles, Mausoleum, detail of hunting
of vault. Courtesy F. Sear, neg.14.12. 238 frieze. DAI Madrid neg.r.56–76–12, photo P. Witte. 253
figure 251 Rome, Via degli Annibaldi, nymphaeum, eleva- figure 269 Pompeii vi 12,2, House of the Faun, tablinum,
tion drawing. After Sear fig.9, courtesy Amanda sectile pavement with pattern of lozenges forming per-
Claridge. 238 spective cubes. DAI Rome 82.3838. 255
figure 252 Rome, Via degli Annibaldi, nymphaeum, detail. figure 270 Pompeii i 7,11, House of the Ephebe, triclinium,
Courtesy F. Sear, neg.63.20. 239 sectile pavement. Ministero per i Beni Culturali e
figure 253 Rome, Columbarium of Pomponius Hylas, Ambientali, ICCD, neg.gfn 80n57503. 256
mosaic plaque. Fototeca Unione, fu 5007, courtesy G. figure 271 Carthage, House of the Greek Charioteers,
Benedettini. 239 bedding of amphora fragments for sectile pavement,
figure 254 Rome, Palatine Hill, structures beneath the Horti showing lay-out of design. Courtesy J. Humphrey. 257
Farnesiani, wall mosaic frieze. Soprintendenza Archeo- figure 272 Drawing showing fabrication process of sec-
logica di Roma, AFS 6x6 27594, photo E. Monti. 240 tions of sectile pavements in various forms, illustrating
figure 255 Rome, Domus Aurea, nymphaeum (room 13), positions of support/bedding elements on reverse:
vault mosaic, central octagon with Ulysses and based on examples from Hadrian’s Villa. Drawing L.
Cyclops. DAI Rome 70.2074. 241 Fabiani, after Guidobaldi, Villa Adriana, fig.4, courtesy
figure 256 Pompeii vi 8,23, House of the Small Fountain, F. Guidobaldi. 258
aedicula-fountain. Photo Stanley Jashemski 1–28–78, figure 273 Drawing showing fabrication process of sectile
courtesy W. Jashemski. 242 pavement with simple square-in-square design. After
figure 257 Pompeii ix 7,?, Columned Fountain. DAI Guidobaldi, Pavimenti fig.5, courtesy F. Guidobaldi. 259
Rome 73.406. 243 figure 274 Sample patterns of opus sectile based on square
figure 258 Pompeii ix 7,?, Columned Fountain, detail. module. After Guidobaldi, Pavimenti fig.8, courtesy F.
Courtesy F. Sear, neg.38.38. 244 Guidobaldi. 260
figure 259 Herculaneum v.6, House of Neptune and figure 275 Ostia iii.6.1, House of the Nymphaeum, sectile
Amphitrite, courtyard with nymphaeum. Alinari/Art pavement, central section. Soprintendenza Archeo-
Resource, NY: s0097321 al43126. 245 logica di Ostia, Archivio Fotografico b 1068. 260
figure 260 Pompeii vi 7,23, House of Apollo, nymphaeum, figure 276 Rome, Domus Aurea (or Domus Transitoria),
wall panel with Achilles on Skyros. DAI Rome 56.463. 246 aula porticata, reconstruction drawing of sectile pave-
List of figures
ment. After MosAntIt Palatium fig.26, courtesy Istituto showing painted and incised guidelines on nucleus.
Poligrafico dello Stato. 260 Courtesy Prof. C. Robotti. 284
figure 277 Tibur, Hadrian’s Villa, Valley of Tempe, sectile figure 293 Stabiae, Villa Arianna, black-and-white mosaic,
pavement of alabaster lozenges. After Guidobaldi, Villa detail of guidelines. Courtesy Prof. C. Robotti. 285
Adriana no.164, pl.lxiv, courtesy Istituto Poligrafico figure 294 Utica, House of the Cascade, room xxvi,
dello Stato. 261 guidelines for maeander painted on setting-bed of
figure 278 Ostia i.14.5, House of Amor and Psyche, sectile mosaic. CMT i.1, no.36, courtesy M. Alexander. 285
pavement, central section. Soprintendenza Archeo- figure 295 Carthage, House of the Horses, Mosaic of
logica di Ostia, Archivio Fotografico b 1071. 262 Horses, detail of border with head of boy. KMDD. 286
figure 279 Rome, Palatine, nymphaeum of Domus figure 296 Thuburbo Maius, House of the Bound
Transitoria, fragments of Erotes from decoration in Animals, triclinium xviii, composite photograph.
incrustation technique. DAI Rome 64.941. 263 CMT ii.1, no.83a and b, pl.xl, photo W. Graham, cour-
figure 280 Pompeii vii 4,31/51, House of the Coloured tesy M. Alexander. 287
Capitals, Dionysiac frieze in incrustation technique. figure 297 Delos, House b, Room f, drawing of geometric
DAI Rome 64.1827. 264 mosaic. Ecole française d’Athènes, no.6807. 292
figure 281 Ostia, Building outside Porta Marina, hall with figure 298 Selection of black-and-white patterns from Rome
opus sectile, reconstruction drawing. After Ostia 6, and Ostia. After Décor 117a, 117f, 159a, 159e, 160a, 160f. 293
pl.lxxxviii. 265 figure 299 Ostia ii.8.5, House of Apuleius, shield of trian-
figure 282 Kenchreai, glass opus sectile panel with harbour gles with Gorgoneion superimposed on earlier sectile
scene. American School of Classical Studies at Athens. pavement. Soprintendenza Archeologica di Ostia,
267 Archivio Fotografico b 982. 293
figure 283 Kenchreai, glass opus sectile panel with Plato. figure 300 Variants on pattern of adjacent octagons
American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 268 forming squares. After Décor 163a, 163b, 164d, 164b,
figure 284 Mascula, geometric mosaic with signature of 164c, 166b, 167d, 167c, 166e, 166c. 294–5
workshop of Iunior. Centre Camille Jullian, CNRS Aix- figure 301 Selection of Floral Style patterns from Africa
en-Provence. 272 Proconsularis. After Décor 246i, 240e, 242d, 242c, 231c,
figure 285 Thebes, mosaic with inscription containing 151g. 296
signatures of Demetrios and Epiphanes. Courtesy P. figure 302 Selection of looped patterns from late antiq-
Assimakopoulou-Atzaka. 277 uity. After Décor 149g, 246f, 235a, 244d, 244e, 235c. 297
figure 286 Sidi bou Ali, Enfidaville (Africa Proconsularis), figure 303 Mola di Gaeta, emblema with Theseus and
repaired mosaic signed by Sabinianus, ‘without a Minotaur. DAI Rome 71.354. 301
painter’. After L. Foucher, Karthago 9, 1958, pl.2a. 277 figure 304 Chieti, emblema with Theseus and Minotaur.
figure 287 Ostia, fragmentary grave stele showing mosai- DAI Rome 71.353. 302
cists preparing tesserae. DAI Rome 80.3238. 281 figure 305 Pompeii v 2,1, House of the Silver Wedding,
figure 288 Diagram of mosaic foundations. Computer- cubiculum z. Ministero per i Beni Culturali e
assisted drawing by Tanya Kane. 282 Ambientali, ICCD 79n49738. 306
figure 289 Francolise, Villa San Rocco, threshold mosaic of figure 306 Delos, House of the Trident, plan. After J.
tablinum. Photo M. A. Cotton, courtesy G. Métraux. 283 Chamonard, Délos 8, Le quartier du théâtre (Paris 1922),
figure 290 Francolise, Villa San Rocco, threshold mosaic pl.xiii. 307
of tablinum, detail showing laying-out lines and guide- figure 307 Pompeii vi 11,8–10, House of the Labyrinth,
lines scored on nucleus. Photo J. B. Ward Perkins, cour- plan of section around colonnaded oecus (Rooms
tesy G. Métraux. 283 39–46). After Strocka, CdelLab fig.45, courtesy Prof.
figure 291 Francolise, Villa San Rocco, threshold mosaic V. M. Strocka. 308
of tablinum, diagram showing construction of laying- figure 308 Pompeii vii 2,44–46, House of the Bear, plan.
out lines. Drawing G. Métraux, after M. Cotton, G. After Ehrhardt, Cdell’Orso fig.47, courtesy Prof. V. M.
Métraux, The San Rocco Villa at Francolise (British Strocka. 309
School at Rome 1985) fig.13, courtesy G. Métraux. 284 figure 309 Acholla, House of the Triumph of Neptune,
figure 292 Stabiae, Villa Arianna, black-and-white mosaic plan. Drawing R. Prudhomme, courtesy S. Gozlan. 311
List of figures
figure 310 Antioch, House of the Buffet Supper, mosaic figure 315 Pompeii vii 16(Ins.Occ.), 12–16, House of
from dining-room showing food laid out for banquet. Umbricius Scaurus, garum jar from atrium. Courtesy
Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton R. Curtis. 319
University, neg.3263. 312 figure 316 Emerita, mosaic with charioteer Marcianus.
figure 311 Antioch, House of the Evil Eye, mosaic from Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, Mérida, Archivo
entrance. Department of Art and Archaeology, Fotográfico, courtesy J. M. Alvarez Martínez and A.
Princeton University, neg.5556. 312 Velázquez Jiménez. 320
figure 312 Kephallonia, mosaic from entrance to house. figure 317 Ivailovgrad, villa, portrait of man with two
KMDD. 313 children. DAI Rome 86.149, 151. 321
figure 313 Ostia i.19.3, Hall of the Measurers, scene of the figure 318 Kissufim, church, portraits of Lady Silthous
measurement of grain. Soprintendenza Archeologica and another female donor. After Y. Tsafrir ed., Ancient
di Ostia, Archivio Fotografico b 881. 314 Churches Revealed (Jerusalem 1993), p.280, courtesy of
figure 314 Antioch, House of the Boat of Psyches, mosaic Israel Exploration Society. 325
from triclinium. Department of Art and Archaeology,
Princeton University, neg.1534. 315
WHEN, IN the mid-1960s, I first became interested in look at the whole course of the development of the art
late Roman mosaics as a topic for a doctoral thesis, it was form. The difficulties mentioned above have been
an eccentric choice. In the English-speaking world sufficient to discourage scholars perhaps more prudent
Roman Art was little studied in those days, and it seemed than I from so rash an undertaking. But the result has
incredible that the humble genre of mosaic pavements been that students of the ancient world have no easy
could be accorded the same sort of scholarly attention as access to an important expression of ancient culture;
was given, for example, to Greek vase-painting. Indeed mosaics remain little known outside a circle of specialists,
the existence of the later centuries of the Roman Empire particularly in the English-speaking world. This is the gap
was itself barely recognised as a part of the discipline of that I set myself to fill, rashly or otherwise, more years ago
Classics; the ensuing thesis was in fact submitted for the than I now care to remember. I completed work on the
degree of D.Phil. at Oxford to the Faculty of Modern text in 1996; in a few instances, it has been possible to take
History, the material being deemed a couple of centuries account of publications that came to my attention since
too late to qualify as Ancient History. It would have then.
seemed even more incredible then that thirty years later In the process I have incurred debts to those scholars
the annual Bulletin of an international Society devoted to who have shown hospitality in welcoming me to excava-
the study of ancient mosaics (AIEMA) would exceed in tions and museums, who have answered questions, dis-
size the Année Philologique of those days. cussed problems, and given me copies of their
While this increase in interest can only be gratifying to publications, as well as to a great many other individuals,
those who have devoted themselves to this aspect of sometimes anonymous, who have afforded much needed
ancient art and artisanship, it is equally clear that to write assistance in the course of my travels. I am especially
a book about mosaics now is a very different task from grateful to all those, from more than twenty countries,
what it was then. The mass of material and the pace of its who have furnished photographs or have granted me per-
publication – in both senses – impose ever greater chal- mission to publish them. It is impossible to acknowledge
lenges on the scholar. The questions that are asked of the here by name all who have assisted me in these many
material are new and more complex. It is probably pre- ways. The institutions and individuals that supplied the
sumptuous for any one person to pretend that she can illustrations used in this book are given in the list of illus-
control all the publications dealing with the Graeco- trations, and I take this opportunity to express my thanks
Roman world in its full geographical and chronological to all of them once again for their co-operation and help-
breadth. I have tried as best I could to see for myself the fulness. While it is invidious to single out individuals
mosaics about which I have written, and to visit both from among very many who have helped me in so many
museums and excavations old and new in most regions of ways, I would wish to acknowledge especially the assis-
the Roman Empire; inevitably there are gaps, and there tance and encouragement given by Janine Balty,
have been many occasions when I have arrived at sites, Demetrios Michaelides, Roger Wilson and the late
only to find the mosaics covered over, or the museum Margaret Alexander over many years. Without these
closed. On the other hand, not a few of the mosaics that I friends and colleagues this book would not have been
did once see have now suffered irreparable decay or have written, and without their help it would have more
disappeared for ever. imperfections than it has.
But presumption may be thought at times to be I have benefited over a number of years from the expe-
justifiable. Despite the interest in mosaics, which has led rience of teaching a graduate course on mosaics, and in
to so many individual publications or regional corpora, the process I have learnt a great deal. I am grateful to
there has been a dearth of syntheses which attempt to those students whose questions caused me to rethink and
clarify some of my most dearly held prejudices. To these generous publication grants from the Millard Meiss
students and former students who have worked as Publication Fund, the Dr M. Aylwin Cotton Foundation,
research assistants I owe a more specific debt: Michael and the Arts Research Board of McMaster University. I
Garmaise, John Tamm, Alexis Young, Guy Chamberland, am also grateful to the staff of the Ashmolean Library for
Zographia Welch, and Bridget Day, for their assistance in much help over the years. Pauline Hire of Cambridge
the genesis of this book. Thanks are also due to David University Press has shown patience and wisdom and
Meadows for his computing and graphics skills, and to provided constant encouragement over the protracted
Tanya Kane for preparing two drawings. gestation of this book; to her, to Caroline Bundy, and the
No book like this can now be written without the rest of the editorial staff at Cambridge University Press,
support of those institutions whose munificence alone my warmest thanks.
permits scholarly research to be undertaken and pub- Above all, I owe the completion of this book to my
lished, especially under the increasing constraints that husband, William Slater. It is a cliché to say that the work
beset academic life. I acknowledge with much gratitude could not have been completed without his help; in the
the support of the Social Sciences and Humanities particular circumstances of the final months of work on
Research Council of Canada during the long period that it it, it is the simple truth.
has taken to write this book. It would not have been pos- Ancaster, Ontario
sible to provide the essential colour illustrations but for November 1997