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6.5 Persistent Mode and Persistent Switch

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5 Persistent Mode and Persistent Switch

• For many application field uniformity and stability over the time is required. This can be
achieved by proper coil construction and putting the coil in persistent mode.
• In persistent mode, the current of desired value is set into the superconducting solenoid
and external current source is disconnected. In this process, the electric power to
maintain the current is saved and the coil is kept in a constant field.
• For this purpose, the closed circuit of superconducting solenoid must be completely
made up of superconducting wire. Again if you want to change the current, the circuit
needs to be opened this can be achieved with the help of a persistent switch.


+ -

• The switch consists of a special wire with superconducting filament with a matrix made
from a resistive material such as cupro-nickel. The normal state resistance of the switch
is typically of the order of 10 to 50 .
• The switch is usually wound into a non-inductive coil and a small heater is fixed. The
whole assembly is filled with a thermal insulating resin. The heater is to warm the
superconductor superconductor of the switch above its transition temperature without
excessive heat passing into helium path.
• The switch can be opened or closed in a few seconds. During energizing the coil, the
switch is opened, so the current only passes through the solenoid and current source.
Once the required current is set up by sweeping the current the switch can be closed by
switching off the heater and the current source can be switched off.
6.6 Superconducting Magnet in Magnetic Resonance
• Like electrons the nucleons (protons and neutrons) exhibit magnetic moment due to the
spin of the nucleons. The magnetic moment due to nuclear spin quantum number I can be
written as,
𝜇 = 𝛾ℏ𝐼 ----- (1)
• Where is the gyromagnetic ration and is Planck’s constant. For proton = 2.075 x 108
T-1 s-1 . If I = ½, the corresponding magnetic spin quantum number mI is -1/2 and +1/2.
• Let a magnetic field B=Bo ẑ is applied externally, there are two levels of spin quantum
• The magnetic energy associated with magnetic moment is
U = -µ . B = - I . B ----(2)
• The magnetic energy associated with two spins mI = +1/2 and mI = -1/2 are,
U1 = -(1/2) B, U2 = ½ B ----- (3)
• The antiparallel spin has higher potential energy. The energy difference between two levels
is ∆U = B ---- (4)
• When a radio frequency signal of angular frequency ω is applied on the maerial, the energy
associated with radio frequency is , ∆E = ω -- (5)
• If ∆E is equal to ∆U the radio frequency signal would be absorbed by the material and it
leads to transition between above two sublevels.
• Thus when ω reaches ωo the resonance, the absorption peak is
observed. The phenomenon is called Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance (NMR).
• The magnetic moment and its direction in a nucleus depend up
on its surrounding atoms and crystal structure. Thus noting
down the resonance frequency the atomic and molecular
structure are solved.

• So at resonance frequency, ωo ωo = Bo or ωo = Bo -- (6)

• If the magnetic field is large, the resolution of resonance frequency would be more. Once
can easily differentiate between difference resonance peak. Such high magnetic field can
be achieved only with the help of superconducting magnet.
• Such techniques is used in medical application such as magnetic resonance imaging.
Here the resonance frequency is noted at different locations. The ωo value depend on
concentration of protons or hydrogen nucleus and its surroundings. From that data with
appropriate computer simulation once can obtain internal image of the body.
• The technique has an advantage over the x-ray technique. Since x-ray has strong
ionization effect, repeated use of x-ray is harmful to human.
6.7 Magnet for Energy Transformation
• Very great efforts are being put into controlled nuclear fusion, ie. fusion of 4 hydrogen
nuclei to a helium nucleus. Fusion reaction release enormous amount of energy. In
hydrogen bomb, uncontrolled fusion reaction takes place.
• Since hydrogen available on Earth in virtually unlimited quantities, this thermonuclear
process could be future energy source.
• In order to set up a fusion process that will yield excess energy, it is necessary to heat
hydrogen gas to a few tens of millions of degrees. This hot plasma naturally cannot be
enclosed in a material vessel. However, they are charged particles, their path can be
deflected in a magnetic field. The magnetic fields required are so high that it can be
generated only using superconducting magnet.
• The magnetic bottle is a simple construction method, here the magnetic field at the ends
are increasing. This is achieved by adding supplementary coil at the end. Since the field
of the magnetic bottle increases towards the end of the coil, the electrons are repelled
from the ends, their motion is braked and reversed towards the center of the coil.
• Unfortunately such simple geometry does not does not yield a stable enclosing effect. It
is true that we can hold a charged particles back from the ends of the coil due to
increased field strength. However this field configuration is not stable towards sideways
• Another potential use in energy conversion using magnetic field in large volume is
magneto-hydrodynamic generator. Here gas is heated by burning a fuel or by means of
high temperature reactor and forced through a jet.
• This jet of hot gas containing a concentration of ions and electrons which depend on its
temperature now passes through a volume in which high magnetic field is maintained.
This cause the ions and electrons to be deflected and creates a potential difference
between collecting electrodes which is completely analogous to the Hall voltage.
• If the separation between the collector electrodes is 0.1m and the velocity of the ions is
400 m/s then a voltage of 200V is created for a field of 5T.
• The electric power, that can be tapped depends on the volume and density of the gas
• Calculations have shown that a field of 5T over 6 m length and 1 m diameter can deliver a
load of 40 MW. They have the advantage of very rapid startup. Because of compact size
they can find application in aerospace.
6.8 Magnet for Magnetic Separation
• Separation of magnetic materials from non-magnetic materials or even the separation of
materials based on their degree of magnetism is possible with the help of superconducting
• For example, the separation of iron ore is a process that could be made more efficient
with the use of superconducting magnet.
• Desalination of sea water also can be done with the help of superconducting magnet.

6.9 Motors and Generators

• In principle high power motors can be developed using superconducting magnets.

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