Electromagnetic Field Calculation of Transformer Station 400/110 KV Ernestinovo Using The Cdegs Software
Electromagnetic Field Calculation of Transformer Station 400/110 KV Ernestinovo Using The Cdegs Software
Electromagnetic Field Calculation of Transformer Station 400/110 KV Ernestinovo Using The Cdegs Software
4, 2007, 207–213
This paper presents calculations of the electric and magnetic fields of complex busbars, transformers and transmission
line structures at the transmission power station 400/110 kV Ernestinovo. By constructing and bringing the TS 400/110 kV
Ernestinovo in operation, it was expected that electric and magnetic fields would arise within and outside the fence of the
transformer station. The fundamental sources of low frequency electromagnetic fields in the TS Ernestinovo are the primary
elements of the 400 and 110 kV open substations as well as the connected 400 kV and 110 kV overhead lines. Due to
the complexity of the geometry of the substation elements, it was necessary to apply a three-dimensional approach to the
calculation and analysis of the electromagnetic field. Calculations of electromagnetic fields were conducted for quasi-static
states of electrical values at a power frequency of 50 Hz. The calculated electric and magnetic fields were compared with
permissible levels according to Croatian regulations. The maximum permissible levels for the electric field and magnetic flux
density were found to be exceeded at some locations in the station.
K e y w o r d s: electric field, magnetic field, transformer station, electromagnetic compatibility, moment method, com-
puter program
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Power System Department Osijek, Croatia. E-mail: [email protected]
SIEMENS d.d. Heinzelova 70 A, Zagreb, Croatia. E-mail: [email protected]
pute the potential, electric field and magnetic field at se- be obtained by applying the superposition theorem as
lected points in space. The program can account for the an infinite sum of potentials caused by elementary time
presence of multiple horizontal layers of soil with different
variable charges dq̇ = λ̇ r ′ dl′ on the conductor surface.
electrical characteristics. The conductors and observation The infinite sum is treated as an integral for the elec-
points (ie, the points, where the potential and electro-
tric potential ϕ̇(r) caused by line charge density λ̇ r ′ ,
magnetic fields are computed) can be located in the air which is located at a point given by the position vector r ′
or in any of the earth layers. placed on all thin wire parts (structures), including the
The methodology used in the program is described in original conductors and their images with respect to the
detail in References 6 and 7. A brief summary is presented ground-air discontinuity, is given by the following integral
below. The potential and electromagnetic fields are first equation:
expressed in terms of the components of a vector poten-
tial, which is in turn expressed as a function of the cur-
λ̇ r ′ dl′
λ̇ r ′′ dl′′
1 1
rents flowing in each segment of the conductor network. ϕ̇ = + (2)
4πε |r − r ′ | 4πε |r − r ′′ |
The currents in the conductor segments are determined l′ l′
by the requirement that the voltage drop between pairs
of points in the network be equal to the ZI drop along where:
a path connecting the points, so that in a complex repre-
λ̇ r ′ – phasor of line charge density of the original con-
sentation: ductor [A/m],
Z P2 Z P2
E · dl − ZIdl . (1) λ̇ r ′′ – phasor of line charge density of the mirrored con-
P1 P1 ductor [A/m],
Here, E is the complex vector of electric field intensity, |r − r ′ | – distance between the observation point and
Z is the internal impedance of the conductor and I is the the phasor of line charge density of the original conduc-
phasor of current flowing in it. Points and are normally tor [m],
taken as the mid-points of adjacent segments, and the |r − r ′′ | – distance between the observation point and
integrals are carried out over the shortest path linking the phasor of line charge density of the mirrored conduc-
them. tor [m],
This technique (which is a special application of the ε – permittivity of space in which the field is calculated,
method of moments) fully accounts for mutual interac- ie for air follows ε = ε0 ,
tions (conductive, capacitive, and inductive) between the l′ , l′′ – integration on the original (mirrored) conductor.
conductor segments, and also accounts for the potential Since the line charge density appearing under the in-
drop along the conductors due to their self-impedance. tegral sign is an unknown function, expression (1) has
Application of Equation (1) yields a matrix system to be solved using a numerical method due to the lack
that can be solved for the currents in the network. Once of a more appropriate analytical expression. In this pa-
the currents are known, they can be used to compute the per, the moment method (MOM), which has proven to
potential and the electromagnetic fields. be effective when solving electromagnetic tasks in unlim-
The computation of the fields due to a conductor seg- ited space, was used for solving Equation (1). In order
ment proceeds by integrating the contributions of electric to use the moment method for solving Equation (1), it
dipoles distributed along the axis of the conductor seg- is necessary to perform a discretization of this equation.
ments. The contribution of an individual dipole to the This is performed through the discretization of an un-
electromagnetic fields is evaluated with the help of a gen- known distribution of field source, ie, line charge density
eralized Sommerfeld integral that accounts for the pres- λ̇ r ′ by using a combination of appropriate number of N
ence of a multi-layered soil. linearly independent fundamental functions. Thereupon,
the discretization of conductor length on N segments and
A. Calculation of the electric field the discretization of observation points will be conducted.
First, it is necessary to divide the conductors into seg-
While calculating the conservative electric field, only ments of finite lengths ∆l (j = 1, N ), which can be a
conductors that are at known potentials are taken into line or ring depending on the desired accuracy. Then it
consideration. Furthermore, as the charges are located is necessary to approximate the unknown distribution of
at the surface of the conductors, it is necessary to dis- field source with the appropriate number of fundamental
tribute the charges appropriately on the conductor sur- functions λj in the form of the following expression:
face, which is later easily associated with the appropriate
mathematical tool and with the field equation. The con- N
ductor surface was modelled with a thin one-dimensional λ̇ = a′j λ′j that is λ̇ = a′′j λ′′j (3)
wire grid. The effect of permittivity discontinuity (ε ) on j=1 j=1
the ground-air interface, ie, the effect of ground on the
electric conductor potential was taken into consideration where:
by using the mirror technique. The phasor of the elec- λ′j – fundamental function on segment j of the original
tric potential ϕ̇(r) located at some point in space can conductor,
Journal of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING VOL. 58, NO. 4, 2007 209
λ′′j – fundamental function on segment j of the mirrored Since each of the three components of the electric field
conductor. have a different sum and phase shift, the following can be
A constant on the segment was chosen, and a′j = 1 is applied:
on the observed segment, whereas it is zero on other seg- Ex (t) =Ex,max sin(ωt + ϕx )
ments. The same goes for a′′j . Taking into consideration Ey (t) =Ey,max sin(ωt + ϕy ) (7)
that the constant on the segment has been chosen as the Ez (t) =Ez,max sin(ωt + ϕz ) .
fundamental function and that great accuracy is required,
the number of segments per conductor has been increased where ω = 2πf and in our case f = 50 Hz. The absolute
so that the longest segment length does not exceed the value of the electric field intensity vector is defined by the
length of 1 m. Based on the above discussion, expression following expression
(1) can be written as: q
E(t) = Ex2 (t) + Ey2 (t) + Ez2 (t) (8)
1 X a′j λ′j r ′ dl′
ϕ̇ r = + whereas the RMS value of the absolute value of electric
4πε j=1 |r − r ′ |
∆l′j field intensity is defined by the following expression:
1 X a′′j λ′′j r ′′ dl′′
1 q 2
. (4) E= √ 2
Ex,max + Ey,max 2
+ Ez,max . (9)
4πε j=1 |r − r ′′ | 2
1 X a′′j λ′′j r r − r ′′ dl′′
. (6)
4πε j=1 |r − r ′′ |3
Fig. 2. Spatial distribution of electric field intensity inside TS Er- Fig. 3. Profile presentation of electric field
The electromagnetic field is determined at points lo- field. Consequently, the field of the balanced voltage sys-
cated at the nodes of a rectangular grid with equal mesh tem has been calculated since the unbalanced states (fail-
size at a height of 2 m above the ground, which lies in ures, switching operation, . . . ) are of short-term duration
the x- y plane, ie, parallel to the plane separating ground so that permanent system unbalance at these voltage lev-
from air. The space between two consecutive observation els can be disregarded.
points in the x and y directions is 2 m for observation
points that are in areas where the RMS value of the elec- C. Electric field intensity inside TS 400/110 kV
tromagnetic field is low and 1 m in areas where the RMS Ernestinovo
value is high.
The spatial distribution of the electric field inside TS
Ernestinovo is presented in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. All calcu-
3 CALCULATION OF THE ELECTRIC FIELD lations have been conducted for the surface located 2 m
IN TRANSFORMER STATION 400/110 KV above the ground, since this is the highest field where
people could stay.
A graphical model of TS Ernestinovo used for the cal- The computed electric field much exceeds the permis-
culation of electric field is shown in Fig. 1, as modelled in sible limit inside the transformer station. The white line
the HIFREQ module of the CDEGS software [9]. While in Fig. 1 shows the maximum allowed field intensity of
calculating the conservative electric field, the phase volt- 5000 (V/m).
ages of a three-phase balanced system was imposed on
The greatest values occur under the 400 kV busbars
the conductors.
(14000 V/m), the connection conductors between 400 kV
The 760 elements were entered into the computer busbars and power transformers and on the 110 kV side of
model for the substation, along with each busbar, con- the substation under the 110 kV breakers and re-closers.
nection of voltage and current transformers, re-closers,
The calculated electric field for an eight-hour exposure
connectors with surge arresters, power transformers and
time for working personnel is colour coded and incorpo-
transmission lines.
rated into the drawing of the transformer station shown
The phase voltages of the conductors in the part of the in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5.
substation operated at 400 kV are:
The calculated electric field around the fence of the
transformer station is separated into four areas. In area I,
ϕA = 231214 ej0 V; ϕB = 231214 ej240 V; the field is less than 2000 (V/m), areas III and IV have
ϕC = 231214ej120 V. less than 1000 (V/m). The maximum is in the area II
under the 400 kV transmission lines (2000- 4000 V/m ),
which is greater than the limit (2000 V/m for 24-hours
The phase voltages of the conductors in the part of the
exposure time for humans).
substation operated at 110 kV are:
Namely, loads are random incidents and unbalance are maximums occurring during exploitation and that were
unpredictable. Only severe seasonal and daily load vari- used for substation dimensioning, are specified. The prob-
ations can be predicted. Unbalance occurring at the 400 ability of such load occurrences is very low (and their du-
and 110 kV level can be disregarded so that the trans- ration is very short) since they represent emergency states
mission lines, power transformers and other parts of the that are not our primary concern. We are primarily in-
substation are considered to be loaded by a balanced sys- terested in stationary states. The loading currents should
tem of phase currents. be based both on the expected values of transmission line
and power transformer current ratings and power flow cal-
culation. Basic technical data for the transmission lines
and power transformers are selected for a temperature of
20 ◦C:
Loads for 110 kV transmission lines, in all cases Al/Fe
240/40 mm 2 and Iterm = 735 A, according to the data
from schematic R. Končar plan E02–400:
TL Ernest-Dakovo(1) , TL Ernest-Dakovo(2)
TL Ernest-Našice , TL Ernest-Osijek 1/1
TL Ernest-Osijek 1/2 , TL Ernest-Osijek 4
TL Ernest-Osijek 2/1 , TL Ernest-Osijek 2/2
TL Ernest-Vukovar , TL Ernest-Vinkovci
Fig. 9. Area where the magnetic flux density exceeds the permis-
sible level of 100 µT
Figure 8 presents profiles of magnetic filed density High values of electromagnetic field can cause deleteri-
in µT. There were 140 profiles used for calculation of ous effects on humans exposed to them, so there is a need
magnetic field density on every 1 m of distance. and obligation according to Croatian law to calculate and
The permissible level for the magnetic field intensity measure these fields. This paper presents a mathematical
(B) in the transformer station is 100 µT for working per- model and calculations of electric field intensity (E) and
Journal of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING VOL. 58, NO. 4, 2007 213
magnetic field density (B) in a high voltage power trans- [7] DAWALIBI, F. P.—SELBY, A. : Electromagnetic Fields of
former station TS 400/110 kV Ernestinovo. Simulations Energized Conductors, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
8 No. 3 (July 1993), 1275–1284.
were performed using CDEGS software for an observation
[8] DAWALIBI, F. P.—DONOSO, F. : Integrated Analysis Soft-
plane at 2 m above the ground. The results are presented
ware for Grounding, EMF, and EMI, IEEE Computer Applica-
in 3D and 2D plots for the spatial distribution of electric tions in Power 6 No. 2 (April 1993), 19–24.
field (E) and magnetic flux density (B) in the station. [9] CDEGS User manual, SES technologies, Montreal, 2005.
Several areas in the substation were over the permissi-
ble values for the electric field intensity, especially under Received 12 December 2006
the 400 kV lines, busbars and around the power trans-
formers. For the magnetic field density, the situation is Srete Nikolovski DSc El Eng (1954) (M’1995, SM’2005)
not as bad, since only a small region under the 400 and was born in Belgrade on October 1, 1954. He obtained his BSc
110 kV busbars that connect power transformers exceed degree (1978) and MSc degree (1989), in electrical engineer-
the maximum allowed levels. ing from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of
Belgrade and his PhD degree from the Faculty of Electrical
and Computing Engineering, University of Zagreb, Croatia in
1993. Currently he is a Full Professor in the Power System
The authors would like to thank Mr. Simon Fortin Department within the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, J.J.
from SES Technologies Ltd. Canada for his service and Strossmayer University in Osijek, Croatia. His main interests
constructive comments on the manuscript. are power system modelling, simulation and reliability. He has
published over 70 technical papers. He is a Senior Member of
IEEE Reliability Society, PES Society, EMC Society and a
References member of the Croatian National Committee of CIGRE.
Predrag Marić was born in Osijek on 11 December 1979.
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tion and analysis of transient phenomena in power systems
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[6] SELBY, A.—DAWALIBI, F. P. : Determination of Current Zagreb, Croatia in 2004. His major fields of interest include
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9 No. 2 (April 1994), 1069–1078. in Siemens dd. Croatia.