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Table of Content
1.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................5
3.2 Volunteering.......................................................................................................................11
4.0 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................14
Reference list............................................................................................................................15
List of Tables
1.0 Introduction
The assignment is concerning personal development and skill audit. In order to conduct the
entire assignment, firstly I am going to audit as well as evaluate my key skills as well as
attributes. For doing the evaluation and the skill audit, I needed to make the explanation
regarding why study skills are so much important in recent context. Furthermore, I also need
to evaluate the basic need to skill audit in order to evaluate the performance of my entire
team that are working comprehensively in order to raise some specific amount of money for
the well being of different individuals. In addition to that, in the report, I am also going to
describe a specific situation through using Gibbs reflective model. Furthermore, I will also
conduct personal development planning and research through the help of discussing different
areas of personal development in the entire assignment.
2.0 Audit and evaluation of Key skills
Skill audit can be illustrated as the process that are currently being used for identifying some
specific skill gaps of an individual, a process or even an organisation. The overall outcome of
a skill audit is quite crucial from the perspective of identifying different areas of training
needs. A range of different skills that has been demonstrated as well as developed in the
formative course includes communication skill, teamwork skill, power point presentation
skills IT skills, problem-solving skill, self-awareness skill and flexibility skill (Hasan and
Dutta, 2017). The entire skill audit will be conducted from the perspective of two major skills
and two minor skills. The major skills are decision-making skill and teamwork skills. On the
other hand, the minor skills that will be evaluated in the skill audit are problem solving skill
as well as communication skills. Skill audit from the perspective of thee skills have been
represented below:
At the time of conducing the power point presentation, my entire team and other team
members has faced several difficult situations, as they were not able to take some valuable
decision-making regarding how to convince people in an effective manner so that they can
help efficiently towards raising funds. However, I have suggested making some campaigns
and some other effective works in order to attract people regarding taking direct part at the
fundraising program, as the entire program has been formed for the wellbeing of an entire
society. This decision-making was quite effective, as people were able to know about the
basic purpose of our plan and start donating (Lyu, 2018). Therefore, I can easily describe that
my personal decision-making skill is up to the mark. The evidential decision-theory has been
helpful in the perspective of taking the decision that has helped me during the project
execution time. I will rate my overall ability regarding decision-making skill as 8 out of 10,
as I know that most of the decisions that are being taken by me in order to solve different
types of problems are actually up to the mark.
While conducting the fundraising activity, I have come to know the basic fact that my team
working related skills as well as attributes were not up to the efficient mark. As an instance, I
failed several times towards listening towards the perception of other individual team workers
at the time of taking some effective decisions regarding the process of conducting the entire
fundraising activity. However, after I started listening towards the brief perceptions of my
team members, I was able to make some greater level of communication with them.
Therefore, I still think that my overall team work related skills alongside with attributes are
needed to be enhanced by several different extensions (Cameron and Scally, 2017). In
addition to that, I was able to gather some effective as well as efficient knowledge regarding
the process of enhancing teamwork and team building through the help of Belbin team
building model. The specific theory has helped me unequivocally towards letting know about
some of the process of team building. I can rate my team working skill as 5 out of 10, as I
know that I need to improve upon my teamwork skill.
some identifiable situations (Åstrand and Sandell, 2019). We as a team had faced enormous
amount of problems at the time of raising a level of fund for conducting some charity related
works in current situation. As, we were not able towards generating as much funds as we
have primarily expected. Therefore, we were unable towards fulfilling the actual objective
and need of creating the entire project team at the first point.
My problem solving skills were not up to the mark as per as my personal consideration, as I
was unable to make up some strategic solutions that will further be helpful towards
comforting different individuals so that they can contribute even a small amount of money
towards the funds (Shen et al., 2018). Therefore, my problem solving skills were not
adequate. Out 10, I can give only 4 to myself as of problem solving skill as it needs further
development. General Problem Solver or GPS theory can be radically helpful from the
perspective of enhancing overall problem solving skill set.
I think that my overall communication related skills as well as attributes are quite effective as
well as efficient, as I was able to convey my personal consideration regarding completing
some specific tasks within due deadline. Therefore, I think that my personal communication
related skills as well as attributes as quite effective in current situations (Ramia et al., 2016). I
personally think that the proper usage of cognitive behavioural theory has been quite helpful
towards enhancing my overall communication skills and attributes. As I think that, I am able
to make some effective as well as efficient communication process with some of my team
members, I can give 7 out of 10 towards my overall communication skills as processes.
2.5 Gibb’s model of reflection
Gibbs model of reflection can be illustrated as the adequate process of encouraging different
individuals regarding the process of making systematic thinking during some specific
activity, situation, event or even some other instances. In the fund raising activity, several
different events happened (Chang, 2017). One particular situation that we all faced as a team
was at the time when we were conveying people regarding the basic need of charity. Gibbs
reflective model upon the specific activity has been illustrated below.
Description- At the time of taking effective as well as efficient help from several different
individuals for the purpose of raising some amount of money for conducting a fund raising
activity, initially we faced a bunch of different problems as well as roadblocks. As an
instance, people we not opted to provide money in our fund raising activity as they thought
that their money would be wasted in such aspect. However, after convening tem for a specific
time period, they were able to understand and start making some donations.
Feelings- Initially, we all get a bit of depressed, as non-one was actually listening towards
our perception and the need of making some fund raising activity. Moreover, it has been
observed that some of our team members were not able to concentrate upon their primary
works, as our overall tasks within specific time limit (Lawrie et al., 2019). However, the
confidence level grows after seeing that people are encouraged towards donating a specific
amount of money.
Evaluation- It can be evaluated that the fundraising program was moderately successful, as
our fund raising team could collect a specific amount of money in an effective manner.
Analysis- We have learned from the entire situation that we need to work about the process
of making different individuals known about the process and purpose of different fundraising
activity in an effective manner.
Conclusion- We needed to enhance our public speaking skill as well as negotiation skill to
further extension for generating funds in future context (Shen et al., 2019).
Action plan- In order to build up public speaking skills, we further need to conduct some
specific tasks. As an instance, we need to take some online and offline courses in order to
enhance these basic skills.
3.0 Personal Development Research & Planning
A personal development plan can be described as the exact framework that can be used
equivocally in order to identifying some specific areas that are needed to be enhanced in
future context for the purpose of having self development. Personal strengths as well as
weaknesses can easily be discovered through the proper help of personal development
planning as well as research in an adequate manner (Jackson et al., 2020). In addition to that,
capitalise upon existing skills as well as capabilities are also possible through the help of
conducting personal development research as well as planning. Self reflection can easily be
illustrated as one of the basic part of an entire personal development planning and research.
3.2 Volunteering
Action plan for the development process of the skill
Skill that has to be Action taken Measuring action Time Frame
Communication In order to improve My past capability of In order to enhance
skills my overall making effective my communication
communication skill, communication with skill, I think that total
I am willing to wards a specific individual of 3 months time is
making more alongside with my needed.
effective as well as recent capability of
efficient making
communication communication with
process with my some the same
peers and other team individual can be
members. illustrated as the
measuring action for
my personal
communication skill.
information about developing creative
area to be worked skills can be
out measured by
analysing the extent
By discussing the to which I can solve
gathered information the issues of my
with other team project.
Human beings are considered to be creative innately especially in the field of problem-
solving. Based on the research works of Hisham et al. (2018), it can be stated that creativity
is the ability of a person to discover or identify new particulars from existing subjects.
However, Utami et al. (2018) contradicted that sometimes, creation of new solutions can
result in drastic situations. For instance, in fund raising event, better creative thinking skills
can help me to analyse better promotional techniques other than poster advertisement for
making people aware of the requirement of the funds. I have planned to gather a wide range
of knowledge and discuss the same with my professor enhancing my creative skills. This
would be measured with the feedback in the next project. Furthermore, I feel that
enhancement of creative thinking skills would aid to be more effective during my project
work in University as well. Henceforth, I can say that by developing creative thinking skills, I
can assist my teammates as well as acquire opportunity to explore in different research fields.
Effective time managing skills enables an individual to acquire high quantity results within a
limited period of time. In my opinion, strong time managing skills aids an individual with
ample time for other activities and fosters learning opportunities. In contrary to this,
individuals who are unable to manage their time often face depression and anxiety issues due
to lack of capability to accomplish personal goals (Lavrynenko et al., 2018). In this respect, I
feel that I need to develop my time managing skills so that I can plan the best methods for the
fundraising event and can achieve the same within the established time limits. For this, I have
planned to prioritise my work with established deadlines. With this procedure, I feel that I
would be able to manage the time. In addition to this, the progress of the development of my
time managing skills can be examined from the results of meeting deadlines. I have further
planned to achieve the goal of enhancing time managing skills within a period of 7 months,
which would be beneficial for me in my next project.
4.0 Conclusion
From the entire assignment, it can easily conclude the act that I need to improve my personal
skills as well as attributes in order to be coped up with the entire professional requirements of
recent times. Moreover, I can also conclude that my personal strengths are needed to be
enhanced further in order to cope with the changes that are needed to be made in the process
of being recruited as a professional in any of the multinational organisation. In addition to
that, I can also conclude that my overall IT related skills as well as attributes are needed to be
improved in order to get professional development in recent times.
Reference list
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Bennett-Levy, J. and Finlay-Jones, A., 2018. The role of personal practice in therapist skill
development: a model to guide therapists, educators, supervisors and researchers. Cognitive
Behaviour Therapy, 47(3), pp.185-205.
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appraising graduate destination data. In 3rd International Enhancement in Higher Education
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Page h
Annotated CV Nina S
Location- London
Email address- ninasontea27
Phone no- 0748392
Educational qualification
2009- High School Mihai Eminescu City Falesti
2009-2010- Secretarial and Computer course. In the course, I was able to learn about the practical usage
2019-present- From Bloomsbury Institute for conducting Business and Management profile.
Work experience
The work experience table include past as well as present c
2010-2014- Worked as an Assistant Manager in Paradise Restaurant, Republic of
In the organisation, I was associated with making different types of foods
Moreover, I also had the duty of organising ceremonies alongside with serving m
Furthermore, consumer service also fells under my working responsibility
2015-2017- Worked in Cafe Concerto restaurant in the job role of assistant mana
I had been provided with the job role of attending different guests and serving th
I also had the responsibility of welcoming different consumers and letting them i
I had been provided with the duty of making a warm welcome to the consumers
I also serve different dishes towards the consumers
Needed to have extensive amount of knowledge regarding different listed menus
Ensure timely delivery of different products and services towards the consumers
Answering the queries of different gusts in a helpful and polite manner
Making effective relationship with the consumers
Asking consumers to provide review regarding different products and services
Setting and preparing tables for different guests
Receiving the food and beverage orders from the consumers
I had been provided with the award of best consumer service executive
Had been awarded as the star performer of the month several times
Fluent in Romanian, English and Russian
and expectations during visit
I also had the responsibility of welcoming different consumers and letting them informed about any spec
Achievements that has been gathered from responsib
I had been provided with the award of best consumer service executive
Had been awarded as the star performer of the month several times