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Foxboro Evo™

Process Automation System

Window Construction User’s


*B0750AS* *R*


Rev R
September 28, 2017
All rights reserved. No part of this documentation shall be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of the Schneider Electric
Systems USA, Inc. No copyright or patent liability is assumed with
respect to the use of the information contained herein. Although every
precaution has been taken in the preparation of this documentation,
the publisher and the author assume no responsibility for errors or
omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting
from the use of the information contained herein.
The information in this documentation is subject to change without
notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Schneider
Electric Systems USA, Inc. The software described in this
documentation is furnished under a license or nondisclosure
agreement. This software may be used or copied only in accordance
with the terms of these agreements.

© 2006-2017 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved.

Schneider Electric, Invensys, Foxboro, Foxboro Evo, and I/A Series
are trademarks of Schneider Electric SE, its subsidiaries and affiliates.
All other brand names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Safety Information............................................xiii

Before You Begin ..............................................xv

About This Book .................................................................................. xv
Revision Information............................................................................ xv
Workstation Types ............................................................................... xvi
Reference Documents ........................................................................ xvii
Related Wonderware Documentation ............................................. xvii
Documentation Specific to the Foxboro Evo
Control Software............................................................................ xviii

CHAPTER 1: Introduction...................................1
Overview of Managed and Standalone
Control HMI........................................................................................... 1
Control HMI........................................................................................... 2
Widescreen Features............................................................................... 4

CHAPTER 2: Control HMI Window

Components ........................................................7
Window Components Overview ............................................................ 7
Control HMI “Z_” Templates ................................................................ 8
MenuExtension Template ................................................................. 10
FunctionBar Template ...................................................................... 10
Control HMI SmartSymbols .................................................................11
Control Edition SmartSymbols..........................................................11
Faceplate SmartSymbols .................................................................. 13
Modifying SmartSymbols................................................................. 14
QuickFunctions .................................................................................... 14
PreBuilt InTouch Tags.......................................................................... 15
Naming Conventions............................................................................ 16
Control Situational Awareness (CSA) ArchestrA Graphics................. 17

CHAPTER 3: Control HMI Window

Construction ......................................................19
Window Construction Overview.......................................................... 19
ArchestraA Graphic Workflow......................................................... 19
Native InTouch Workflow ................................................................ 20
Create a Basic Window ........................................................................ 21
Constructing a Basic Window .......................................................... 22

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

iv Contents

Planning Window Features................................................................23

Add Window Elements .........................................................................24
Adding ArchestrA Graphics ..............................................................24
Adding Standard Graphic Elements ..................................................26
Advanced Format Options.................................................................27
Adding Control Edition SmartSymbols ............................................32
Adding Faceplate SmartSymbols ......................................................35
Configuring Data Sources.....................................................................37
Preferred Tag Referencing.................................................................38
Specific Tag Referencing ..................................................................38
Generic Tag Referencing ...................................................................38
Multi-Galaxy Tag Referencing..........................................................39
Data Extensions .................................................................................40
Configuring User-Built Data Entry, Ramp, and Toggle Buttons.......41
Configuring Control Edition SmartSymbols .....................................43
Right-Click Menus ............................................................................49
Group Display Faceplate SmartSymbols...........................................54
Widescreen Menu Extensions and Function Bar ..................................58
Window Scripts .....................................................................................59
Common Scripting Configuration .....................................................60
Window Positioning ..........................................................................62
Setting Window Size .........................................................................64
Setting Window Type ........................................................................65
Window Configuration for Multiple Monitors..................................65
16 Pen Trends ....................................................................................67
Adding ActiveX Controls and Wonderware
Historian Client Trends to InTouch Windows ......................................68
Install the Wonderware Historian Client Trend Object .....................69
Adding Wonderware Historian Client Trend
to an InTouch Window ......................................................................72
Configuring the Wonderware Historian Client Trend .......................74
Compiling WindowMaker Windows for Runtime................................89
Compiling Windows with ActiveX Controls ....................................89
Converting Resolution for Windows with
ActiveX Control Scripts ....................................................................89

CHAPTER 4: Control HMI Management ..........91

Configuring Widescreen Features.........................................................91
Configuring Station Styles.................................................................91
How to Assign Styles to Stations ......................................................94
How to Extend Station Style Features...............................................96
Configuring Window Styles ..............................................................97
Application Deployment .......................................................................98
Deployment on Multiple Monitor Layouts .......................................98
Developing on Multiple Engineering Stations......................................99
Restoring Faceplates to the Control HMI ...........................................100
Importing Detail Display Sets .........................................................100

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

Contents v

Enabling Detail Display Sets .......................................................... 102

Compiling New Detail Display Sets............................................... 103
Back Up .......................................................................................... 103
Full Restore..................................................................................... 104
Partial Restoration .......................................................................... 104
Control HMI Backup and Restore...................................................... 105
Control HMI Backup ...................................................................... 105
Custom ArchestrA Graphic Backup ............................................... 106
Restore the Control HMI Package.................................................. 107
Restore the Custom Graphic Package ............................................ 108
Application Merging .......................................................................... 109
Exporting and Importing Windows Between Managed
Control HMI Applications...............................................................113
Language - Internationalization ..........................................................116

CHAPTER 5: ArchestrA Graphics for Control

HMI.................................................................... 117
ArchestrA Graphic Workflow .............................................................117
What to Create .................................................................................117
Why Use ArchestrA Graphics .........................................................118
ArchestrA Graphic Performance .....................................................118
How to Embed ArchestrA Graphics into InTouch Window............119
Create Standard Collections of Graphics Libraries ........................ 120
InTouch Scripting vs ArchestrA Graphic Scripting ........................... 125
Configure Data Sources.................................................................. 125
ArchestrA Graphic Element Styles................................................. 126
ArchestrA Graphic Custom Properties ........................................... 128
InTouch Commands from ArchestrA Graphics.............................. 130
Connecting ArchestrA Scripts to Control HMI Features ................... 131
Configuring User-Built Data Entry, Ramp, and
Toggle Buttons................................................................................ 131
Advanced Formatting Data Quality Features ................................. 132
Select and Assign............................................................................ 133
Show Detail Display Faceplate....................................................... 135
Exit WindowViewer ....................................................................... 135
Restart WindowViewer................................................................... 135
Sound Horn..................................................................................... 136
Momentary Contact ........................................................................ 137
Show Context Menu ....................................................................... 138
Show Window................................................................................. 139
Show Window Relative .................................................................. 140
Show LiveData ............................................................................... 141
Control HMI ArchestrA Script Functions.......................................... 143
IntelliSense ..................................................................................... 144
ControlHMI.AggregateAlarms Functions ...................................... 145
ControlHMI.AlarmDataObject....................................................... 150
ControlHMI.Alarms Functions....................................................... 153

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

vi Contents

ControlHMI.Compare Function ......................................................157

ControlHMI.Format Functions........................................................159
ControlHMI.Threshold Functions ...................................................166
ControlHMI.BitState Functions ......................................................173
ControlHMI.Log Functions.............................................................180
Control HMI Support Graphics .......................................................183
ITCMD ............................................................................................184
MouseClick .....................................................................................186
Fillbar ..............................................................................................187
Value ................................................................................................191
DeviceIndicator ...............................................................................194

CHAPTER 6: Situational Awareness

Graphics Library for Control HMI ..................197
Common Graphic Elements ................................................................197
Common Wizard Options ...................................................................203
Wizard Option Descriptions ............................................................203
Common Custom Properties ...............................................................208
Alarms - CSA_AlarmLight.................................................................218
Element Descriptions.......................................................................218
Wizard Options................................................................................218
Custom Properties ...........................................................................219
Electrical - CSA_HVLV_Switch ........................................................219
Element Descriptions.......................................................................219
Wizard Options................................................................................220
Custom Properties ...........................................................................221
Equipment - CSA_Agitator_Settler ....................................................221
Element Descriptions.......................................................................221
Wizard Options................................................................................224
Custom Properties ...........................................................................226
Equipment - CSA_EquipmentStatus...................................................229
Element Descriptions.......................................................................229
Wizard Options................................................................................229
Equipment - CSA_Feeder ...................................................................230
Element Descriptions.......................................................................230
Wizard Options................................................................................232
Custom Properties ...........................................................................233
Equipment - CSA_HeatExchanger_Fan .............................................235
Element Descriptions.......................................................................235
Wizard Options................................................................................237
Custom Properties ...........................................................................238
Equipment - CSA_LoopBlock ............................................................239
Element Descriptions.......................................................................240
Wizard Options................................................................................241
Custom Properties ...........................................................................241

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

Contents vii

Equipment - CSA_MiscellanousEquipment ...................................... 242

Element Descriptions...................................................................... 243
Wizard Options ............................................................................... 244
Custom Properties........................................................................... 245
Equipment - CSA_MultiStagePump .................................................. 247
Element Descriptions...................................................................... 247
Wizard Options ............................................................................... 249
Custom Properties........................................................................... 250
Equipment - CSA_NumericDataBlock .............................................. 251
Element Descriptions...................................................................... 252
Wizard Options ............................................................................... 252
Custom Properties........................................................................... 253
Equipment - CSA_OutputBar ............................................................ 254
Element Descriptions...................................................................... 254
Wizard Options ............................................................................... 254
Custom Properties........................................................................... 254
Equipment - CSA_ParallelControlValve............................................ 255
Element Descriptions...................................................................... 256
Wizard Options ............................................................................... 258
Custom Properties........................................................................... 259
Equipment - CSA_Pump_Blower_RotaryValve ................................ 260
Element Descriptions...................................................................... 261
Wizard Options ............................................................................... 263
Custom Properties........................................................................... 264
Equipment - CSA_RotatingEquipment.............................................. 266
Element Descriptions...................................................................... 266
Wizard Options ............................................................................... 268
Custom Properties........................................................................... 269
Equipment - CSA_SequenceButton ................................................... 271
Element Descriptions...................................................................... 271
Wizard Options ............................................................................... 272
Custom Properties........................................................................... 272
Equipment - CSA_Tank_Vessel ......................................................... 273
Element Descriptions...................................................................... 274
Wizard Options ............................................................................... 274
Custom Properties........................................................................... 275
Equipment - CSA_Thickner............................................................... 275
Element Descriptions...................................................................... 276
Wizard Options ............................................................................... 276
Custom Properties........................................................................... 276
Equipment - CSA_Valve_And_Damper ............................................ 278
Element Descriptions...................................................................... 278
Wizard Options ............................................................................... 280
Custom Properties........................................................................... 281
Inputs - CSA_NumericalEntry ........................................................... 283
Element Descriptions...................................................................... 283
Wizard Options ............................................................................... 284
Custom Properties........................................................................... 284

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

viii Contents

Inputs - CSA_TextEntry......................................................................285
Element Descriptions.......................................................................285
Wizard Options................................................................................286
Custom Properties ...........................................................................286
Meters - CSA_InvisibleProfileMeter ..................................................286
Element Descriptions.......................................................................287
Wizard Options................................................................................288
Custom Properties ...........................................................................289
Meters - CSA_KPIBar ........................................................................290
Element Descriptions.......................................................................291
Wizard Options................................................................................292
Custom Properties ...........................................................................292
Meters - CSA_Meters .........................................................................293
Element Descriptions.......................................................................293
Wizard Options................................................................................296
Custom Properties ...........................................................................298
Meters - CSA_MultiLevelMeters .......................................................300
Element Descriptions.......................................................................300
Wizard Options................................................................................303
Custom Properties ...........................................................................304
Meters - CSA_RakeHeightMeters ......................................................306
Element Descriptions.......................................................................306
Wizard Options................................................................................307
Custom Properties ...........................................................................307
Meters - CSA_RPMMeters.................................................................307
Element Descriptions.......................................................................308
Wizard Options................................................................................309
Custom Properties ...........................................................................311
Meters - CSA_SmallFlowTracker.......................................................312
Element Descriptions.......................................................................313
Wizard Options................................................................................313
Custom Properties ...........................................................................314
Others - CSA_DirectionArrow ...........................................................315
Element Descriptions.......................................................................315
Wizard Options................................................................................315
Custom Properties ...........................................................................316
Others - CSA_MeterVoting.................................................................316
Element Descriptions.......................................................................317
Wizard Options................................................................................318
Custom Properties ...........................................................................318
Polar Stars ...........................................................................................319
Element Descriptions.......................................................................319
Wizard Options................................................................................321
Custom Properties ...........................................................................322

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

Contents ix

CHAPTER 7: Situational Awareness

Toolkit Library for Control HMI ......................325
Toolkit Valves..................................................................................... 325
Common Valve Elements ............................................................... 326
CSA_Valve_2Port........................................................................... 328
CSA_Valve_2Port_Angle ............................................................... 331
CSA_Valve_3Port........................................................................... 334
CSA_Valve_4Port........................................................................... 339
CSA_Valve_ Mnemonic ................................................................. 342
Toolkit AlarmBorder .......................................................................... 343
CSA Toolkit AB ............................................................................. 343
Toolkit Indicators ............................................................................... 345
CSA_Ind_AbnormalMode.............................................................. 345
CSA_Ind_Arrow............................................................................. 347
CSA_Ind_ComputerMode.............................................................. 350
CSA_Ind_EquipState...................................................................... 351
CSA_Ind_HandSwitch ................................................................... 353
CSA_Ind_LimitIgnore.................................................................... 354
CSA_Ind_PositionBar .................................................................... 357
CSA_Ind_Safety ............................................................................. 360
Toolkit PolarStar................................................................................. 362
CSA_Spoke .................................................................................... 362
Toolkit Text ........................................................................................ 375
CSA_EngUnits ............................................................................... 375
CSA_Label ..................................................................................... 376
CSA_Status_Msg............................................................................ 377
CSA_Value ..................................................................................... 380

APPENDIX A: Control Block-to-Faceplate

SmartSymbols Mapping .................................383
Block to SmartSymbol Mapping........................................................ 383

APPENDIX B: Control Edition

SmartSymbols .................................................387
Configuration for Control Edition SmartSymbols ............................. 387
Control Edition SmartSymbols .......................................................... 388
Real Control Edition SmartSymbols with Alarming Features ....... 392

APPENDIX C: HMI QuickFunctions ...............393

hmiAlarmColor .................................................................................. 394
hmiAlarmPriority ............................................................................... 394
hmiCMDstddisp ................................................................................. 395
hmiExit ............................................................................................... 395

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

x Contents

hmiFilterTagname ...............................................................................395
hmiFormatBool, Int, Real, String........................................................396
hmiFormatInt2Msg .............................................................................400
hmiHorn ..............................................................................................401
hmiMessage( "logFlag", "Message" ) .................................................402
hmiMomentaryContact .......................................................................403
hmiRestart ...........................................................................................403
hmiShow .............................................................................................403
hmiShowLiveData ..............................................................................405
hmiShowLiveDataCB .........................................................................405
hmiShowRelative ................................................................................406

APPENDIX D: “Z” QuickFunctions ................409

“Z” Format Functions .........................................................................409
“Z” Status Functions ...........................................................................409

APPENDIX E: User QuickFunctions ..............413

LoadCustomStyle( ) ............................................................................413
LoadCustomWindowStyle( )...............................................................414

APPENDIX F: HMISymbols.............................415
HMISymbols Overview ......................................................................415
Advantage of Tag Value HMISymbols............................................416
Advantage of Tag Selection HMISymbols......................................416
Configuration for HMISymbols..........................................................416
Adding HMISymbols ......................................................................417
Configuring HMISymbols...............................................................420
Tag Value HMISymbols......................................................................425
_NOSET and _SET HMISymbol Features......................................430
_ALM HMISymbol Features ..........................................................431
Tag Selection HMISymbols ................................................................432

APPENDIX G: Troubleshooting......................435
SmartSymbol Manager .......................................................................435
Modifying Font Size in WindowViewer .............................................435
Fixing ClearType Font Size Change Issue Detections ....................436
Fonts Change Size When Deployed to NAD Client .......................437

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

Contents xi

First-Time Use of Historian Trend

Controls is Taking a Long Time......................................................... 437

APPENDIX H: InFusion View v2.x or

Earlier to FCS InTouch Application v3.0
Migration Changes ..........................................441
Window Migration with Control Edition Smart Symbols.................. 441
Recovering InFusion View v2.x or Earlier Symbols.......................... 442
Migration for InFusion View 2.x or Earlier Group Displays
to FCS InTouch Application v3.0 ...................................................... 442
Functionality Changes .................................................................... 443
Migration for InFusion View 2.x or Earlier Group
Display Windows to FCS InTouch Application v3.0 ..................... 444
Recovering InFusion View v2.x or Earlier Symbols ...................... 445
Replacing InFusion View v2.x or Earlier Symbols ........................ 446
Window Script.................................................................................... 451

Index ................................................................453

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

xii Contents

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

Safety Information

Important Information
Read these instructions carefully and look at the equipment to
become familiar with the device before trying to install, operate, ser-
vice, or maintain it. The following special messages may appear
throughout this manual or on the equipment to warn of potential
hazards or to call attention to information that clarifies or simplifies
a procedure.

The addition of either symbol to a "Danger" or

"Warning" safety label indicates that an electrical
hazard exists which will result in personal injury if
the instructions are not followed.

This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to

potential personal injury hazards. Obey all safety messages
that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.

DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.

WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury.

CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderate injury.

NOTICE is used to address practices not related to physical injury.
Please Note
Electrical equipment should be installed, operated, serviced, and main-
tained only by qualified personnel. No responsibility is assumed by
Schneider Electric for any consequences arising out of the use of this

A qualified person is one who has skills and knowledge related to the con-
struction, installation, and operation of electrical equipment and has
received safety training to recognize and avoid the hazards involved.

Before You Begin

About This Book

This book discusses the features and functionality added to the Wonderware
WindowMaker™ for Foxboro Evo™ Control Software (hereinafter referred to
as the Control Software) for configuring InTouch® windows in the Foxboro
Evo Control HMI (hereinafter referred to as Control HMI).
These include templates for creating windows, Faceplate and Generic
SmartSymbols for inclusion in these windows, run time window management
functionality for managing window invocation and appearance, and

Note This book is intended as a supplement to the “Related Wonderware

Documentation” on page xvii.

Revision Information
The changes made to Revision R of the document are:
Chapter , “Before You Begin”
• Updated “Related Wonderware Documentation” on page xvii
Chapter 1, “Introduction”
• Updated “Overview of Managed and Standalone Control HMI” on page 1
Chapter 3, “Control HMI Window Construction”
• Updated “Window Construction Overview” on page 19
• Updated “Native InTouch Workflow” on page 20
• Updated “Constructing a Basic Window” on page 22
• Updated “Planning Window Features” on page 23
• Updated “Adding ArchestrA Graphics” on page 24
• Updated “Adding Text Objects” on page 26
• Updated “Advanced Format Options” on page 27
Chapter 4, “Control HMI Management”
• Updated “Application Deployment” on page 98
• Updated “Restoring Faceplates to the Control HMI” on page 100

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

xvi Before You Begin

Chapter 5, “ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI”

• Added section “Configuring User-Built Data Entry, Ramp, and Toggle
Buttons” on page 131.
• Added “SetSeverity( )” on page 149
• Added “Mode( )” on page 153
• Added “ControlHMI.AlarmDataObject” on page 150
• Updated “ControlHMI.Alarms Functions” on page 153
• Updated “ControlHMI.Threshold Functions” on page 166
• Added “ControlHMI.Log Functions” on page 180
• Added “Control HMI Support Graphics” on page 183
Chapter 6, “Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI”
• Updated “Wizard Option Descriptions” on page 203
• Updated Table 6-2, “Common Custom Properties,” on page 208
Chapter 7, “Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI”
• Added the chapter

Workstation Types
You need to be aware of the various types of workstations and their definitions
as indicated in the table.

Term Definition
Foxboro Evo workstation Any workstation installed with a Foxboro Evo software component,
including Control Core Services, Control Software, Wonderware
Historian, I/A Series software, FCS or any combination of thereof.
Control Core Services Any Foxboro Evo workstation installed with Control Core Services or
workstation I/A Series software. This workstation is connected to the Mesh
non-Control Core Services Any Foxboro Evo workstation that does not have Control Core
workstation Services or I/A Series software installed. This type of workstation is
not connected to the Mesh network, but can have Control Software
installed on it.
Control Software Any Foxboro Evo workstation installed with Control Software
workstation components, including Control Editors, Control HMI, Wonderware
Historian, or other components installed as part of Control Software.
This workstation may or may not also be a Control Core Services

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

Before You Begin xvii

Reference Documents
Since the Control Software is based on the ArchestrA® architecture and
incorporates several Wonderware® products, much of the documentation
written by Wonderware is relevant. In addition, there are documents that
describe features specific to the Control Software. The documents that can
provide additional information that is beyond the scope of this book are listed
here. These documents can be accessed through the Global Customer Support
Web site at:

Related Wonderware Documentation

These documents can be viewed from Start > Programs > Wonderware >
Books. Some of these documents can also be found at
https://pasupport.schneider-electric.com or corresponding Wonderware
Product CD.
• Application Server Scripting Guide
• Application Server User’s Guide
• Creating and Using ArchestraA Graphics
• Galaxy Database Manager User’s Guide
• Historian Client User's Guide
• InTouch Alarm and Events Guide
• InTouch Application Management and Extension Guide
• InTouch ArchestrA Integration Guide
• InTouch Concepts and Capabilities Guide
• InTouch Data Management Guide
• InTouch Documentation Guide
• InTouch IT ModernApp Guide
• InTouch HMI Documentation Addendum
• InTouch Protocol Guide
• InTouch Scripting and Logic Guide
• InTouch Smart Symbols Guide
• InTouch Supplementary Components User’s Guide
• InTouch Visualization Guide
• InTouch XML Importer User Guide
• InTouch Tag Viewer
• Object Viewer User’s Guide
• Platform Manager User’s Guide

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

xviii Before You Begin

Documentation Specific to the Foxboro Evo

Control Software
During the Control Software component installation, the documents associated
with the software components being installed are also installed. These
documents can be viewed from the Start>All Programs>Foxboro Evo>
Control Software>Documentation menu.
• Control HMI Application User's Guide (B0750AQ)
• Framer and Alarm Management User’s Guide (B0750AR)
• Foxboro Evo Control Software Deployment Guide (B0750BA)
These documents are also available on the Global Customer Support Web site
at https://pasupport.schneider-electric.com.
• Control Processor 270 (CP270) and Field Control Processor 280 (CP280)
Integrated Control Software Concepts (B0700AG)
• Integrated Control Software Concepts (B0193AW) - for CP60 or earlier
control processors.
• Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX)

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R


C H A P T E R 1


This chapter provides an introduction to basic Control HMI concepts.

• Overview of Managed and Standalone Control HMI
• Control HMI
• Widescreen Features

Overview of Managed and Standalone

Control HMI
Control HMI is only supported as a Managed InTouch Application. Standalone
applications from previous releases can be migrated and merged into the
managed Control HMI application.When moving from a Standalone to a
Managed Application, the functionalities remain the same.
There are differences in how the application is maintained and managed as
well as some default application content. This section outlines the differences
between a Managed and a Standalone Control HMI application.

Managed Control HMI Standalone Control HMI

Supports the use of ArchestrA Does not support the use of
Graphics and SA Libraries. ArchestrA Graphics and SA
The managed application is The standalone application is
maintained by opening the $Template maintained by opening the
in Windowmaker, from the application folder in Windowmaker,
ArchestrA IDE Template Toolbox. from the InTouch Application
The managed application is deployed The standalone application is copied
to client stations via the ArchestrA to client workstations via file copy or
IDE Deployment functionality. Network Application Deployment
Create instances of the $Template (NAD).
and deploy them to View Engines
running on each station.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

2 1. Introduction

Managed Control HMI Standalone Control HMI

With Managed WindowMaker you Standalone WindowMaker requires
need not convert the application the application resolution to be the
resolution when opened in different same as the desktop resolution.
resolutions. If you are opening in a Conversion is needed.
different resolution, select No when
asked to convert the application.
To reduce the application size, the The default application contains a
Managed application contains three complete set of 8 faceplates.
sets of Detail Displays. Eight sets of
Faceplates are also available and can
be imported.
Data quality of animations is Data Quality formatting is not native
automatic. to InTouch and requires additional
fill, edge, and font configurations on
every animated object.

Control HMI
The Control HMI is a collection of prebuilt windows and scripts that were
created using Wonderware’s InTouch software. The Control HMI and
Wonderware’s InTouch software provide a means to create windows, which
provide a view into your process control system. It also provides a set of
preconstructed windows that can be used to view the process control system.
The HMI framework of the Control HMI includes prebuilt menus and toolbars
for showing system status or accessing system tools. This framework also
includes panel overlays for viewing trends and alarms, and Detail faceplate
overlays for viewing Foxboro Evo control blocks and compounds. These
menus, overlays, and windows are built using standard InTouch window
elements and scripts.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

1. Introduction 3

Figure 1-1 shows an example of windows in Control HMI.

Figure 1-1. Control HMI in 4:3 Format

Function Bar Window

Figure 1-2. Control HMI in 16:9 Format

You can add custom overlays and windows to the Control HMI using
Wonderware's WindowMaker application. The Control HMI provides pre-built

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

4 1. Introduction

templates, SmartSymbols, and script functions for use in constructing

additional customized process windows and scripts needed to monitor a

Widescreen Features
The Control HMI application supports two monitor aspect ratios and
• Legacy aspect 4:3 monitors with 1280x1024 resolution.
• Wide aspect 16:9 monitors with 1920x1080 resolution.
The Control HMI widescreen features do not appear on Legacy 4:3
workstations. The Control HMI provides the ability to extend and customize a
station and window features that could apply to both Legacy 4:3 and Wide 16:9

Feature Applies to Description

Station Style 4:3 and 16:9 stations Define station type and
features to appear on
widescreen stations.
Station Style features
can be extended.
Menu Extensions 16:9 Stations Customizable menu and
toolbar extension for
widescreen stations.
Function Bar 16:9 Stations Customizable toolbar
that appears on the
bottom of widescreen
Definable Faceplate 16:9 Stations You can enable Auto
Positions Position of faceplates
Define the locations
where faceplates appear.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

1. Introduction 5

Feature Applies to Description

Justify Placement of 4:3 16:9 Stations You can define where
Formatted Windows 4:3 windows appear on
each monitor of a
widescreen station.
Windows appear in the
center of each monitor.
You can change this to
have windows appear
on the left or right side
of each monitor.
Window Styles 4:3 and 16:9 stations Define window format,
16:9 or 4:3. Window
Style features can be

Note All stations and windows have to be assigned to a style. Stations and
windows that are not assigned automatically use the default style. The default
style depends on which version of the application was installed.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

6 1. Introduction

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R


C H A P T E R 2

Control HMI Window


This chapter describes the basic components for constructing user-built

InTouch windows for Control HMI, using the WindowMaker application.

• Window Components Overview
• Control HMI “Z_” Templates
• Control HMI SmartSymbols
• QuickFunctions
• PreBuilt InTouch Tags
• Naming Conventions
• Control Situational Awareness (CSA) ArchestrA Graphics

Window Components Overview

User-built windows can present data from any point in the Control Software
system, including Foxboro Evo data from blocks and compounds. They are
useful for grouping related tags, such as blocks in a compound or certain plant
area. Control HMI queries for the data and provides it to the windows at run-
The WindowMaker application allows you to construct InTouch windows. In
addition to the features described in the “Related Wonderware Documentation”
on page xvii, the features detailed in this book are available to help you
develop windows that take advantage of Control HMI features.

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8 2. Control HMI Window Components

Control HMI provides several types of prebuilt windows such as:

• Templates
• These are the basis for all windows built in the WindowMaker
application. They include scripts to take advantage of HMI features
such as connection to the Access Manager, the display of data quality
for a point, management of windows in multi-monitor configurations,
include windows in Most Recently Used lists, and management of
• The Control HMI “Z_” templates assist in constructing windows by
providing default scripts for quick configuration of these windows.

Note This book refers to windows built from these templates as Process
Graphic windows. They may contain any the WindowMaker application

• Faceplate Windows
• These are non-configurable windows, provided with Control HMI,
which display detailed information for specific Control compounds
and blocks.
• They contain one Faceplate SmartSymbol, a preconfigured
representation of a Control block or compound.
• Framework Windows
• These are the dialog boxes, menus and panels displayed within
Control HMI, including the title bar and toolbars.
• Prebuilt Framework Windows provide useful tools such as the
ScratchPad, Watch Panel, Alarm Panel, and Navigation Panel.
• Standard and customizable Menu Extensions and Function Bar
windows that can be displayed on widescreen systems.
The sections that describe how to create Process Graphic windows is given

Control HMI “Z_” Templates

Control HMI includes two versions of Control HMI Templates. A 1280 and
1920 version are available for creating legacy or widescreen formatted
• Z_TEMPLATES_Full1280 & 1920 includes a blank background.
• Z_TEMPLATES_Grid1280 & 1920 includes a 12 or 18 section faceplate
grid in the window background.
The Control HMI includes templates for creating Custom Menu Extension and
Function Bar windows. These windows can be configured to be displayed on
widescreen stations by using Framer's style and StyleGroup Configurator.
Use these templates to create custom templates. Creating custom templates
with common window property changes and common customized scripting can
make bulk window construction easier and faster.

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2. Control HMI Window Components 9

Note If you do not use a “Z_” template as the basis of a Process Graphic
window, the window may not have the proper scripting to obtain connection to
Foxboro Evo data. As well, the window may not maintain the proper
navigation behavior in Control HMI, or appear in the MRU list when opened.

Figure 2-1 illustrates the size and positioning of a window based on the
Z_TEMPLATES_FullSize template.

Figure 2-1. Z_TEMPLATES_FullSize Template Size

Figure 2-2 illustrates the size and positioning of a window based on the
Z_TEMPLATES_FaceplateGrid template.

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10 2. Control HMI Window Components

Figure 2-2. Z_TEMPLATES_FaceplateGrid Template Size

MenuExtension Template
This window is displayed on the right side of the existing menus and toolbars.

Figure 2-3. MenuExtension Template

FunctionBar Template
This window spans across the entire width of the monitor. It appears just above
the status bar.

Figure 2-4. FunctionBar Template

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2. Control HMI Window Components 11

Control HMI SmartSymbols

Control HMI includes Faceplate, ECB, and Control Edition SmartSymbols in
the WindowMaker software. These SmartSymbols provide information and
interaction with the Foxboro Evo control system. You can place the
SmartSymbols in user-built windows.
• Control Edition SmartSymbols provide a quick representation of a
particular data point. They include runtime data quality indicators for the
data point, text formatting, tag name selection, and the ability to open a
right-click menu.
• Faceplate and ECB Symbols provide a representation for every Control
block and compound supported in I/A Series software V8.2 to V8.8 and
Foxboro Evo Control Core Services software v9.0 or later. These symbols
can be used in Process Graphic windows.

Note Smart Symbols are not usable within ArchestrA Graphics. It is

preferable to use ArchestrA Graphics when using the managed Control HMI

Note The legacy HMISymbols, which were included in previous versions of

InFusion View, are discussed in Appendix F, “HMISymbols”.

Control Edition SmartSymbols

Control Edition SmartSymbols are useful to display the value of a particular
data point, such as a Control block parameter. There are two types:
• Data Entry and Display - Display the value of a parameter as a text display
of a discrete, integer or real value. There are two set of Data symbols,
Settable and NoSet symbols. NoSet symbols do not have all the data entry
objects and configurations. They are smaller than settable symbols. If a
window uses Control Edition SmartSymbols and Data Entry is not needed,
then it is recommended that the NoSet symbols be used.
• Fill Bars - Display the value of a parameter, represented as filled bar
between a set minimum and maximum value. They also include a tooltip
that shows the current value when the mouse moves over the symbol.

Note Equivalent ArchestrA Graphics are provided and need to be used when
creating ArchestrA Graphics for use in the managed Control HMI application.
For information about ArchestrA Graphics, refer to “ControlHMI.Log
Functions” on page 180.

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12 2. Control HMI Window Components

Figure 2-5 illustrates the set of Control Edition SmartSymbols.

Figure 2-5. Control Edition SmartSymbols

Advantage of Control Edition SmartSymbols

By using the Control Edition SmartSymbols to represent a data point in place
of manually configuring basic InTouch objects, you gain the advantages such
• Data Quality Handling - Control Edition SmartSymbols provide an
indication of data quality for each parameter, in the same manner as the
Faceplate windows. For example, the background color of a parameter
which has changed to Out-Of-Service changes to cyan. The behavior and
colors for the data quality indication can be set in the Framer.
• Automatic Decimal Precision for text - the Tag Value HMISymbol
automatically determines the number of decimal places to display for a
given parameter value. For example, a value between 1 and 100 would be
displayed with two decimal places, such as 56.83. The algorithm is
identical to that used in the Faceplate windows.

Note Refer to “Configuring Control Edition SmartSymbols” on page 43

for description of functional changes to automatic decimal positioning.
Refer to “Auto Decimal Precision” on page 30 and “Configuring Control
Edition SmartSymbols” on page 43.

• Left-Click Option - The option to assign the tag name to the Control HMI
Menu Tag Bar by left-clicking the symbol.

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2. Control HMI Window Components 13

• Right-Click Option - The option to open a menu-like window as the result

of a right mouse click over the Symbol. This menu window can contain
the name of the selected tag, as well as provide entries for calling in the
Faceplate Detail window for the point, and so forth.
• Data Entry Option - The option to allow an operator to directly modify the
value of the parameter.

Note Refer to “Configuring Control Edition SmartSymbols” on page 43

for description of functional changes to user input min/max ranges. Refer
to “User Input Analog Animations” on page 32 and “Configuring Control
Edition SmartSymbols” on page 43.

• Alarm State - The “_Alarm” and “_AlmPri” symbols connect to control

processor floating point parameters and have the ability to show their
Alarm State or change color based on the current alarm priority. These
symbols are designed to be used only with control block data.

Default Right-Click Menu

A right-click menu is provided as a default when configuring the property of
Control Edition SmartSymbols. This menu has three menu options:
• Connection Tag Name - Assigns the name of the associated tag to the Tag
Bar. Once assigned to the Tag Bar, the tag can be assigned to a trend
windows, added to the Watch Panel, or be used to call in the Faceplate
Detail window for the associated block.
• Open Faceplate - Opens a faceplate for the assigned Tag.
• Show Tag Source - Opens the Tag Source Toolbar for the assigned Tag.

Faceplate SmartSymbols
Faceplate SmartSymbols provide a current display of the crucial values from
each Control block supported by the Foxboro Evo system. These
SmartSymbols are preconfigured to allow you to simply drag and drop them
into a window in the WindowMaker application, to provide an instant display
for a particular block.

Note Faceplate Smart Symbols are only usable within the InTouch Windows.
They are not usable within ArchestrA Graphics. ArchestrA Graphics and
Faceplates can be placed within the same InTouch window. Verify to build
open spaces in the graphic for future placement of faceplate symbols.

Figure 2-6 illustrates a Faceplate SmartSymbol for a PID compound block,


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14 2. Control HMI Window Components

Figure 2-6. Faceplate SmartSymbol

Modifying SmartSymbols
You can use this functionality in these SmartSymbols to create your own
custom versions. You have to copy and rename the SmartSymbols and modify
the new versions as desired.


Do not modify the original SmartSymbol templates. They will lose all
modifications during each upgrade of Control HMI.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in loss of data.

QuickFunctions are prebuilt routines which enable most functionality with
Control HMI, such as data quality processing, navigation, text formatting.
These functions assist in easing configuration and reducing development time.
A set of QuickFunctions called the HMI scripts is included with Control HMI
to assist with interactions with the Foxboro Evo system. HMI scripts are
available in the WindowMaker application for a range of management tasks
such as:
• managing the display properties of a Process Graphic window

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2. Control HMI Window Components 15

• muting a horn for a preconfigured time-out period

• processing the response to an annunciator key pressed.
• interfacing process control alarms and the alarm navigation system from
within any user-built windows.
The names of the available HMI scripts begin with “hmi” for easy
The HMI scripts are discussed in Appendix C, “HMI QuickFunctions”.

Note Quick Functions are only usable within InTouch windows and
animations. Quick functions are not usable by ArchestrA Graphics. For details
on supported functions and features, refer to “ArchestrA Graphics for Control
HMI” on page 117.

PreBuilt InTouch Tags

Control HMI provides a collection of prebuilt InTouch tags that can be used
when configuring windows and calling HMI scripts.
The names of the available prebuilt InTouch tags begin with “ZHMI-” for easy
All InTouch tags are usable in the ArchestrA graphic animations. For more
information, refer to “Configure Data Sources” on page 125.
Examples of these tags are provided in the table.

Tag Type Tag Name Example Value

Discrete Tags ZHMI-Const-Dsc-True 0
ZHMI-Const-Dsc-False 1
Integer Tags ZHMI-Const-Max-Raw 65000
ZHMI-Const-Min-Raw -65000
ZHMI-Const-Int-00 through 32 1 through 32
Message Tags ZHMI-Const-Msg-FALSE “FALSE”
Real Tags ZHMI-Const-Max-Percent 100.0
ZHMI-Const-Min-Percent 0.0

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16 2. Control HMI Window Components

Tag Type Tag Name Example Value

Other Tags ZHMI-Select-IO-DAS String name of the local
ZHMI-Select-IO-CBP String name of currently
selected tag, i.e. the tag
name in the Tag Bar
ZHMI-App-Flag-Initialize-Done This Flag is set to 1
after all Control HMI
startup scripts have
If the application
requires custom scripts
to execute on startup, a
condition script can be
triggered with this flag
to activate any user-
configured scripts.

Naming Conventions
As discussed in the previous sections, Control HMI components are given the
prefixes, as mentioned in the table, to differentiate them from the standard
components provided in the WindowMaker application:

Control HMI
Component Prefix Description
Window Z_ The basic templates for Control
Templates HMI windows which include useful
pre-made scripts.
ZZ Windows ZZ These are the non-configurable
Faceplate windows. Do not edit
these windows.
ZIA Windows ZIA These are the Framework windows
for Control HMI. Do not edit these
Z Scripts Z These QuickFunctions are used
throughout Control HMI. They are
not meant to be used in custom
NOTE: Many of these
QuickFunctions require external
information to be set properly prior
to they function correctly.

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2. Control HMI Window Components 17

Control HMI
Component Prefix Description
HMI Scripts hmi Pre-made QuickFunctions which
assist with interactions with the
Foxboro Evo system, as discussed
in “QuickFunctions” on page 14.
Prebuilt InTouch ZHMI-Const- and InTouch tags which are used by
Tags ZHMI-Select- InTouch components to access data
points in the Foxboro Evo system.
The value of these tags may be
included in custom scripts and
windows, but no InTouch or Control
HMI component may change the
value of the tags.

The modification of any Control HMI component itself is not recommended,

as this may cause compatibility issues with other Control HMI components.
Also, any changes will be lost when upgrading the application at a later date.
Confirm that you save a component as a new component first, and then edit the
saved file.

Control Situational Awareness (CSA)

ArchestrA Graphics
The managed Control HMI is installed with a collection of ArchestrA Graphics
that are preconfigured with Foxboro Evo Compound Block References.
System Platform is also installed with additional Situational Awareness
graphics that can also be used.
Situational Awareness Graphic are light weight ArchestrA Graphic symbols
that are designed to present easily identifiable and useful information to the
operators so they can quickly identify and predict process upsets.
For detailed explanations of CSA Graphics, refer to Chapter 5, “ArchestrA
Graphics for Control HMI”.

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18 2. Control HMI Window Components

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C H A P T E R 3

Control HMI Window


This chapter describes the procedures for building a Process Graphic window
in the WindowMaker application.

• Window Construction Overview
• Create a Basic Window
• Add Window Elements
• Configuring Data Sources
• Widescreen Menu Extensions and Function Bar
• Window Scripts
• Adding ActiveX Controls and Wonderware Historian Client Trends to
InTouch Windows
• Compiling WindowMaker Windows for Runtime

Window Construction Overview

The basic steps in constructing a window vary when using ArchestrA Graphics
or native InTouch elements. For optimal performance, do not create InTouch
windows by using multiple instances of embedded graphic symbols. When
using ArchestrA Graphics, you need to create a window as a single ArchestrA
Graphic. The single graphic is then embedded into the InTouch window.

ArchestraA Graphic Workflow

The basic steps to construct a window using ArchestaA Graphics are:
• Create a single ArchestrA Graphic that represents the process window.
• Add graphical elements including basic shapes, other ArchestrA Graphics,
and user controls.

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20 3. Control HMI Window Construction

• Configure and save the graphic elements.

• In WindowMaker, open a Control HMI template and save it as a new
• Embed the ArchestrA Graphic into a new window.

Note There is no need to create multiple InTouch Windows for generic

windows that are built as ArchestrA Graphics. Multiple instances of the same
generic ArchestrA Graphic are displayed by using the ArchestrA Graphic
'ShowSymbol' animation or 'ShowGraphic' script function. For more
information, refer to ArchestrA Server Scripting Guide.

Note Do not embed graphics, built as generic reusable windows, into InTouch
windows. The ShowGraphic animation and script functions support the ability
to show the same graphic multiple times with different IO connections.

Native InTouch Workflow

The basic steps for creating an InTouch window using native InTouch elements
• Copying a Control HMI template as the basis for a new window
• Adding window elements, including basic shapes, SmartSymbols, and any
other window element supported by InTouch for data I/O points.
• Configuring the window elements to connect to the appropriate data I/O
• Configuring the window view settings.
• Finalizing the scripts for the window.
When finished, it is recommended that you back up your changes.

Note Data quality and status information concerning updating tags is

displayed through instances of the SmartSymbol templates provided with
Control HMI. When creating user-built SmartSymbols or configuring dynamic
fields in process graphic windows, be aware that the data quality and status
information may need to be considered for display.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 21


Selectable graphic elements that allow an operator to set data values

in the control database should be configured to be disabled until the
remote data value is received within the WindowViewer application.
Failure to do so may result in an operator inadvertently writing a data
value of 0 to the remote tag. This same principle also applies to any
scripting that interacts with data in the Controllers.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or

equipment damage.

Create a Basic Window

For effective usage of HMI features, it is recommended to construct the
Process Graphic windows from one of the provided “Z_TEMPLATES_ Full”
or "Z_TEMPLATES_ Grid" template windows. These templates include
scripts that provide the features such as:
• Adding the Process Graphic window to a Most Recently Used (MRU) list
in the File menu.
• Maintaining the navigational status.
• Streamlining the window show process.
The size of the monitors on all operator workstations has to be considered
while planning your process graphics. Windows built in widescreen format are
not completely visible to the operators using 4:3 monitors on Local and
Remote stations. This can hide the potential critical data. It is recommend to
use only widescreen 1920 windows when all the Local and Remote operator
terminals are using widescreen monitors.

Note Control HMI notifies the operator on 4:3 stations when a widescreen
format window is opened. Window and Station Styles has to be properly
configured in the Framer.

Note The scripts in both templates are identical. Also, regardless of the size
of the window to be created, the Z_TEMPLATES_FullSize template can be
used as the basis for all windows. Windows can be resized as needed in the
WindowMaker application, discussed later in this chapter.

Note You can also copy the template window’s “OnShow” script to other
window types.

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22 3. Control HMI Window Construction

Constructing a Basic Window

Separate procedures are provided, depending on whether or not you want to
include the scripts for interfacing with the previously discussed features in
Control HMI.
To create a basic window in the WindowMaker application from a template
which does not inherit these scripts:
1. In the WindowMaker application, right-click the desired template and
open it:
• Z_TEMPLATES_FullSize for a blank background
• Z_TEMPLATES_FaceplateGrid to include a twelve-section grid in the
window background

Note If you do not use a “Z_” template as the basis of a Process Graphic
window, the window may not have the scripting required to verify it maintains
the proper connection to Foxboro Evo data and other Control HMI features.

2. Make a copy of this template.

a. Click Save As.
b. Rename the template with a unique name.

Note The new window name should not start with “Z” since the Control HMI
windows start with “Z” to easily identify them from custom-built windows.
Do not edit the original template.

Alternatively, you can create a new window in the WindowMaker application

which includes the scripts for interfacing with Control HMI’s features.
To create a new window in the WindowMaker application:
1. In the WindowMaker application, right-click one of the templates and
open it.
2. On the toolbar, click File > New Window.
3. Click Yes to retain the template’s scripts when this message is displayed.

Figure 3-1. Copy Windows Scripts for New Process Graphic Window

4. The Window Properties dialog box appears, as shown.in Figure 3-2.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 23

Figure 3-2. Window Properties Dialog Box

The fields that need to be configured in the dialog box are:

• Name - name of the window. This name must not begin with “Z”.
• Comment - optional. The comment appears only in the Window
Properties dialog box.
• Window Type - select any of them. These three types are discussed in
the InTouch documentation.
• X/Y Location - the position of the upper left-hand corner of the
• Window Width/Height - the window’s width and height in pixels.

Note These fields can be edited in the WindowMaker application at any time.

5. Click OK to close the Window Properties dialog box.

6. Right-click the original template and click Close. Close any other displays
open in the main pane, with the exception of the new display.
The new Process Graphic window is created and its contents appear in the
main pane in the WindowMaker application.

Planning Window Features

Plan these listed additional features for the window, including:
• The Faceplate SmartSymbols that need to appear in the window, and their
positions in the window.
• The data points, such as Control block parameters that need to appear in
each Process Graphic window, represented by Control Edition
SmartSymbols. Also, plan if you want the operator to modify the value of
the tag from the graphic window, if the tag needs to be selectable for
assignment to the Tag Bar, and if a right-click menu needs to be
configured for this tag.
• The ArchestrA Graphic you want to use.

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24 3. Control HMI Window Construction

Add Window Elements

The WindowMaker application provides several types of visual elements to
include in windows, such as:
• Standard graphical elements - including basic rectangles, circles, lines,
and text
• SmartSymbols - including Control Edition, ECB, and Faceplate
• ArchestrA Graphics including Control Situational Awareness (CSA)
ArchestrA Graphics
The prebuilt Control Edition SmartSymbols include these listed features:
• Data quality indicators
• Automatic decimal precision for real values
• Data entry field (optional)
• Right-click menus (optional), such as:
• The “pick-and-assign” feature (discussed in “HMISymbols
Overview” on page 415)
• Identification of configured data points
• Show Faceplate for assigned data points
The Faceplate and ECB SmartSymbols provide detailed information for
control blocks that are deployed to the process control system.
In addition to the basic shapes, objects with advanced features can be added to
any window. These objects are different from the basic shapes and are included
with InTouch Standard Objects. They are:
• ActiveX® Controls
• Factory Symbols

Adding ArchestrA Graphics

For information about Control Situational Awareness graphics, refer to Chapter
5, “ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI”.
To add Archestra Graphics to the InTouch Window:
1. You can either use the ArchestrA Graphic Toolbox View or the Embed
Archestra Graphic button in the Windowmaker toolbar.
• Navigate to View>ArchestrA Graphic Toolbox drop-down menu in
WindowMaker and then drag the graphic from the tree view in the
InTouch Windows.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 25

• Click . The Galaxy Browser dialog box is displayed, as shown

in Figure 3-3..

Figure 3-3. Galaxy Browser Dialog Box

2. Browse and select the desired graphic.

3. Click OK to embed the graphic into the InTouch window.
4. In the InTouch window, select the location to place the graphic.
5. Double-click the graphic. The Edit Symbol Properties dialog box
appears, as shown in Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4. Edit Symbol Properties Dialog Box

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26 3. Control HMI Window Construction

6. Use this dialog to choose Wizard Options and configure Custom

Property values or data sources.

Adding Standard Graphic Elements

You can add any standard WindowMaker graphic element to a window from
the graphic toolbox. For instructions, refer to the InTouch documentation.

Adding Text Objects

When using text objects, be careful of the font types that are used. Some font
types may not be available on all workstations. Text displayed on a workstation
without the specified font type installed will be displayed with a substitute
font, and will not appear as the text was originally built.
The desktop smoothing effects have an impact on the size and appearance of
the text in the InTouch windows. Each workstation, server, and remote station
needs to use the Standard smoothing effect. Do not use the Cleartype
smoothening effect as it smooths the edges and fonts using anti-aliasing, and as
a result the InTouch application displays a smaller size for the font than its
actual size.
To apply smoothing effects to window fonts:
1. Right-click on your Windows desktop, and click Personalize. The
Appearance and Personalization dialog box appears.
2. Click Display located at the bottom left side as shown in Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-5. Display Properties - Effects

3. Click Adjust Clear Type text, located in the top-left as shown in

Figure 3-6.

Figure 3-6. Control Panel Home - Adjust Clear Type Text Option

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 27

4. The ClearType Text Tuner dialog box appears as shown in Figure 3-7.

Figure 3-7. Clear Type Text Tuner Dialog Box

5. Click to clear the Turn on ClearType checkbox and then click Next.
6. After tuning all the monitors, click Finish to close the Appearance and
Personalization dialog box.

Note To fix InTouch windows with resized font issue detections, refer to
“Modifying Font Size in WindowViewer” (Appendix G) on page 435.

Advanced Format Options

Value animations can be configured with advanced formatting options. Both
the InTouch Window and the ArchestrA Graphic toolbox value animations
have a format option to enable the advanced formatting functionalities. The
Text String option is the native format and does not support the Advanced
Formatting functionalities. Advanced Formatting features include:
• Indicators for Bad Quality values
• Indicators for values that exceeds Fixed Field Width settings
• Help to prevent the display of initializing values
• Auto decimal precision
• Formatting options for analog value animations
• Formatting options for analog user input animations
To configure settings for:
• InTouch animations, navigate to Special>Configuration>WindowViewer
pull down menu in WindowMaker and open the WindowViewer
Configuration tool.
• For ArchestrA animations, navigate to Galaxy>Configure>Galaxy Style
Library... drop-down menu in IDE. the Advanced Formatting setting

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28 3. Control HMI Window Construction

options are located in the Format tab of the Configuration Galaxy Style
Library dialog box.
For more information about these changes, refer to the “Related Wonderware
Documentation” on page xvii. Figure 3-8 illustrates the options in the
Advanced Format tab in the WindowViewer Properties dialog box.

Figure 3-8. Advanced Format Settings

Bad Data Quality Indication

You can configure a bad character text that the WindowViewer displays when a
tag connection returns Bad and there is no last known value available. Bad data
quality is automatically indicated through Advanced Format options.
For example:
If a bad analog value is configured using the default InTouch analog
formatting, a value of 0.00 is displayed with no indication that the value is bad.
Using the Advanced Format options on the same bad point will display the
value as *****. The display of bad characters in place of a 0 value allows
operators to quickly identify issue detections.
To configure the bad character text in the WindowMaker:
1. Click Special > Configure > WindowViewer.
The WindowViewer Properties dialog box appears.
2. Click the Advanced Format tab.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 29

3. In the Special Characters to show at Runtime area, enter a character in

the Bad Quality with No Value field, as shown in Figure 3-8.

Note The default text character displayed for the Bad Quality with No Value
field is ‘*’.

In addition, the Bad indicator also appears if a tag is connected to a device that
is no longer in operation or has lost communication.

Configuring Fixed Field Width

Analog animations can be configured with fixed field width. If the displayed
values exceeds the fixed field width, the “Value Too Large” indicator is shown.
To help prevent overruns of field values on to other fields, analog values can be
configured to a fixed character size. The animation will attempt to display the
value within the fixed character size by removing decimal places. The Value
Too Large character will be shown if the value cannot be reformatted to fit
within the fixed number of characters.
To configure the fixed field width for analog values in the WindowMaker:
1. Click Special > Configure > WindowViewer.
The WindowViewer Properties dialog box appears.
2. Click the Advanced Format tab.
3. In the Special Characters to show at Runtime area, enter a character in
the Value too Large for Fixed Field Width field, as shown in Figure 3-8.

Note The default text character displayed for the Value too Large for
Fixed Field Width field is ‘.’.


Value Field Size Value Shown

100.25 7 chars ####### 100.25
100.25 6 chars ###### 100.25
100.25 5 chars ##### 100.3
100.25 4 chars #### 100
100.25 3 chars ### 100
100.25 2 chars ## ..

Note Be aware of the value ranges when using this feature.

Initializing Data
Data points that are initializing have no value until the point is connected. By
default, the InTouch application displays the initializing value as 0. The
Advanced Format options help to prevent the display of any non-values while

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30 3. Control HMI Window Construction

their quality status is Waiting Initializing Data. The values are displayed as
soon as their quality transitions out of the initializing state.
This example displays the different Advanced Formatting states:

Advanced Default
Quality Status Format Value Format Value State
Waiting Initial Data 0.00 Initializing
Bad with No Value ****** 0.00 Bad
(configuration error
Good 125.56 125.56 Good

Note Values that change from a good state to a bad state display their last
known good value. The bad character is displayed only when no last known
value is available.

Auto Decimal Precision

Based on the tag value, Advanced Format options automatically modifies the
decimal precision. You can also define a fixed decimal precision.
To configure the auto decimal precision in the WindowMaker:
1. Click Special > Configure > WindowViewer.
The WindowViewer Properties dialog box appears.
2. Click the Advanced Format tab.
3. In the Real Formatting Decimal Precision area, enter appropriate values
for Default Precision, as shown in Figure 3-8.

Range Decimal Precision Shown Value

Less than 1 4 0.1234
Value in the ones 3 5.234
Values in the tens 2 67.89
Value in the hundreds 1 230.4

Value in the millions 0 1234567

Note The Real Formatting Decimal Precision settings also apply to their
negative equivalents, such as the setting for values less than 1 also applies to
values between -1 and 0.

Analog Value Advanced Format Options

You can use any of several formatting options available in the Analog Value
Animation dialog box to increase flexibility and ease of configuration.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 31

All formatting options use the data quality option with the exception of the
Text String option. The display formatting is based on the formatting option
All formatting options also have the option for fixed field width unless
otherwise stated. Select any of the listed options available in the Formatting
area, as shown in Figure 3-9:
• Text String - appears in the standard InTouch format. This format
option does not use any of the advanced format options and settings or
data quality options.
• Real - displays the value as a real value.
• Fixed Decimal - overrides the global decimal precision settings. This
option does not use the auto decimal precision formatting.
• Integer - displays the value as an integer with no decimal precision.
• Exponential - displays the value in exponential notation.
• Hex - displays the integer value in Hex format. Use the Bit Range
setting to define a specific range of bits to display.
• Binary - displays the integer value in Binary format. Use the Bit
Range setting to define a specific range of bits to display.
All format options, except Text String, enable the Fixed Width check box.
The character length of the text object determines the field width when this box
is selected.

Figure 3-9. Analog Value Animation Dialog Box

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32 3. Control HMI Window Construction

User Input Analog Animations

The Minimum and Maximum range values can be configured with tags or
fixed values. The displayed value of User Input animations also has the same
formatting options as the Analog Value animation, as shown in Figure 3-10.

Figure 3-10. User Input Dialog Box with Advanced Format Options

Note User Input animations also have the Advanced Format options to format
the display of analog values.

Adding Control Edition SmartSymbols

Procedure to add a Control Edition SmartSymbol to a window is explained

Note Control Edition SmartSymbols are discussed in detail in Appendix B,

“Control Edition SmartSymbols” on page 387.

Control Edition SmartSymbols display the value and data quality of a specific
Foxboro Evo or ArchestrA parameter. Control Edition SmartSymbols are
available from the SmartSymbol Wizard in the WindowMaker application, as
shown in Figure 3-11.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 33

Figure 3-11. SmartSymbol Palette for Control Edition SmartSymbols

To add Control Edition SmartSymbols:

1. Begin to configure your Process Graphic window as discussed in the
InTouch Smart Symbols Guide. Conform that the window is open in the
main WindowMaker pane.

2. In the menu bar, click . The cursor changes to the upper left-hand
corner of a SmartSymbol.
3. In the window, click the location on which you want to put the upper left-
hand corner of the Symbol.
The InTouch SmartSymbol dialog box opens.

Note Refer to “HMISymbols Overview” on page 415 if the InTouch

SmartSymbol dialog box does not appear correctly.

4. Select the SmartSymbol you want to include in the window, as shown in

Figure 3-11.
Click the Image Preview tab to view the selected SmartSymbol.
Click the Attribute List tab to view the selected SmartSymbol’s
5. Click OK.

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34 3. Control HMI Window Construction

6. The InTouch SmartSymbol Properties dialog box opens, as shown in

Figure 3-12.

Figure 3-12. SmartSymbols Properties Dialog Box

Proceed to “Configuring Control Edition SmartSymbols” on page 43 to

configure the tagname to be associated with this SmartSymbol.
The Control Edition SmartSymbol appears in the window in the selected

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 35

Adding Faceplate SmartSymbols

Faceplate SmartSymbols for the Control blocks are available from the
SmartSymbol Palette in the WindowMaker application.

Note The SmartSymbol type to use for each block is detailed in Appendix A,
“Control Block-to-Faceplate SmartSymbols Mapping”

To add a Faceplate SmartSymbol to a window:

1. Begin to configure your Process Graphic window. Confirm that the
window is open in the main WindowMaker pane.

2. In the menu bar, click . The cursor changes to the upper left-hand
corner of a SmartSymbol.
3. In the window, click the location on which you want to put the upper left-
hand corner of the Faceplate SmartSymbol.
The SmartSymbol Palette opens.

Note Refer to “HMISymbols Overview” on page 415 if the InTouch

SmartSymbol dialog box does not appear correctly.

Figure 3-13. SmartSymbol Palette for Blocks

4. Under ArchestrA Symbols folder, select the Faceplate directory. This

contains all the Faceplate SmartSymbols available for Control blocks.

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36 3. Control HMI Window Construction

5. Select the Faceplate SmartSymbol for the appropriate block type you want
to include in the window.
Click the Image Preview tab to view the selected SmartSymbol.
Click the Attribute List tab to view the selected SmartSymbol’s
6. To continue configuring the SmartSymbol, proceed to “Configuring
Faceplate Symbols” on page 54 to configure the compound and block
names, and the numbering for the SmartSymbol.
Otherwise, click OK to close the Palette, and click OK to close the
SmartSymbol Properties dialog box which appears.
The SmartSymbol appears in the window in the selected location.
Proceed to “Configuring Faceplate Symbols” on page 54 to configure the
compound and block names, and the numbering for these SmartSymbols.

Configuring Buttons to Invoke Windows

You can configure a button to open an InTouch window. On multi-monitor
configuration, you can specify on which monitor the window needs to appear.
To configure a button to open an InTouch window:
1. Create the button object. See “Add Window Elements” on page 24.
2. Double-click the button. The Animation Links dialog box opens.
The highly recommended Best Practice methods are:

Note Do not use the SHOW or HIDE InTouch animations. Importing this
window into another application or migrating to future application versions
affects the way this button works. These animations may not open or close the
expected window after the window is imported. These animations require
maintenance to fix any window issues detected.

3. Under the Touch Pushbuttons section, click Action. The Action Script
dialog box opens.
4. Click On Left/Key Up condition, and click Quick under the Functions
5. Click “HMIShow” QuickFunction. You have to fill in two arguments:
• “Window as Message” - identifies the name of the window, originally
configured in “Constructing a Basic Window” on page 22, as a quoted
• “Redirection as Integer” - identifies the monitor on which to open the
window, through a redirection tag
a. To set the Redirection argument, double-click the Redirection value to
open the Select Tag dialog box.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 37

b. Select the appropriate redirection tag. Each of these tags begin with
“ZHMI-Const-Redirect-”. Their properties are configured in the
Framer, discussed in Framer and Alarm Management User’s Guide
The redirections tags are listed here, and in “hmiShow” on page 403.
• AsBuilt - this is the tag used for most applications. This opens the
window on the same monitor on which it was drawn, depending on
the properties set up in the Framer.

Multi-monitor configurations may also use the following redirection

• Cursor - This opens the window on the same monitor as the cursor,
depending on the properties set up in the Framer.
• MapWin - In the Configuration object in Framer, monitors are mapped
together as pairs. For example, a pair might be considered two
monitors horizontally adjacent to each other. With this tag, a window
is invoked on the partner for the monitor currently selected.
• Monitor1 - Monitor4 - These tags hardcode the window to open on a
specific monitor.
c. After selecting the redirection tag, click OK.
6. Once the arguments are configured, close the Action Script dialog box
and the Animation Links dialog box.
The button is configured to open the window.

Configuring Data Sources

Window data connections depend primarily on the remote InTouch tags that
are connected to their appropriate data sources. Use the I/A Series Browser to
select connectable tag names from the list of configured compounds and
blocks. For information on using the I/A Series Browser to configure tag
names in the WindowMaker application, refer to Access Manager User’s
Guide (B0750AD).
Remote tag names may also be entered manually when configuring animation
links. The format of a remote tag is:
• Galaxy:IADAS - This identifies the remote tag as a Foxboro Evo tag. The
data source is the Galaxy I/A Series Integrator Object deployed to this
station. The point is automatically connected directly to the local
I/A Series Integrator DIObject deployed on this workstation.
• CMP.BLOCK.PARAM - This is an example of a Foxboro Evo tag
reference. Use a period to separate compound, block, and parameter

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38 3. Control HMI Window Construction

Preferred Tag Referencing

Use the alias reference Galaxy:IADAS when connecting to Foxboro Evo
data. Every workstation client needs to have its own I/A Series Integrator
object. Use the Galaxy:IADAS tag reference to automatically direct the
connection through the locally deployed I/A Series Integrator object. This
automatic connection performs better than the standard
IOSetRemoteReferences function used to redirect tag connections.

Note Use the IADAS alias to automatically connect to a point through the
local DIObject. You can use other references in the place of IADAS. Using
other references requires additional scripting to connect to the point through

Specific Tag Referencing

The tag reference can be configured to use a specific I/A Series Integrator
DIObject by replacing the IADAS reference with the actual name of the object.
This tag referencing is not a preferred method of connecting to Foxboro Evo
data. The window display performance can be affected by the size of a system
if this method is extensively used.
For example, if you configure all data tags with a direct reference to the
AWXP01_IADI integrator object, and deploy the InTouch application to
multiple workstations, all data connections from all workstations would
connect through this integrator object. The performance of the integrator object
decreases as the number of connections from all stations increase.

Generic Tag Referencing

You can use the IOSetRemoteReference (IOSRR) function to redirect tag
references. This function may be slower than using the direct IADAS
reference, but is useful for building generic windows that are not configured to
any specific compound, block, or parameter.
Be careful when using this function as it could affect performance, if IOSRR is
used to redirect the IADAS reference. Windows that use IOSRR to redirect the
IADAS reference to something other than the local DIObject executes the
listed steps prior to connecting to the desired reference:
1. Window Opens
2. IADAS tag references connect
3. IOSRR redirects IADAS
4. IADAS tags are removed
5. New IOSRR tag references are connected

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 39

Use different aliases when using IOSRR to redirect tag connects. Using
IOSRR to replace the MYDAS and OVLDAS in the example will not effect
any points already connected with IADAS.
IOSetRemoteReference is not limited to replace just the DIObject reference. It
can also be used to replace a portion of the tag reference or the entire tag
Galaxy:MYCB.MEAS Replace "MYCB" with "IADAS.CMP.BLK"

An example of using IOSRR to replace MYDAS and OVLDAS:

IOSetRemoteReferences("Galaxy", "", "MYDAS", "AWXP01_IADI.CP123.AIN", 0);
IOSetRemoteReferences("Galaxy", "", "OVLDAS", "AWXP01_IADI.CP456.AIN", 0);

For a detailed explanation on IOSetRemoteReferences, refer to the InTouch

WindowMaker online help.

Multi-Galaxy Tag Referencing

InTouch windows can be configured to show values acquired from another
ArchestrA Galaxy database, or data from a separate instance of The Foxboro
Evo Control Network which contains another Galaxy. Prior to these values can
be viewed, the Multi-Galaxy features has to be configured and enabled. For
instructions on enabling and using the Multi-Galaxy features, refer to the
section “Working with Multiple Galaxies” in the Industrial Application Server
User’s Guide, provided as part of the Wonderware documentation and the
chapter “Setting Up Multiple Galaxy Communications” in Foxboro Evo
Control Software Deployment Guide (B0750BA).
The format for tag references are described in “Configuring Data Sources” on
page 37. To connect to tag references in a remote Galaxy, the tag structure is
similar to the previous structures, but has to follow these rules:
• The Galaxy access name is required.
• The remote Galaxy name has to be inserted prior to the tag reference.
• All information with the exception of the Galaxy access name has to be
encapsulated in quotations (“”).
Local Galaxy Tag References:
• ArchestrA example:
• IA Series example:

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40 3. Control HMI Window Construction

Remote Galaxy Tag References:

• ArchestrA example:
• IA Series example:

Note The term “IADAS” cannot be used in a remote Galaxy tag reference.
The name of a specific I/A Series DI Object, deployed in the remote Galaxy,
has to be used.

Note The InTouch Tag Browser can be set up to browse remote Galaxy
Application Objects. Remember to add the remote Galaxy name and quotes to
the string returned through the browser.

Note The I/A Series Tag Browser plug-in does not support browsing Foxboro
Evo tags in the remote Galaxy database. These has to be entered manually.

Data Extensions
Data connections also support parameter extensions that can provide specific
information from the tag connection. They can also force a tag connection to
work in a specific way. There are two types of parameter extensions that are
supported by the Control HMI.
• The Control Software Access Manager Extensions
• InTouch Tag Extensions

The Control Software Access Manager

The Control Software Access Manager Extensions are the preferred method for
retrieving bit information from Foxboro Evo Data. These extensions will
create one connection to the IASeriesIntegrator Object. The InTouch
equivalent will open multiple connections.
For an entire list and explanation of supported the Control Software Access
Manager Extensions, refer to Access Manager User’s Guide (B0750AD). The
#Bnn extension is a commonly used extension that returns the value of a
specific bit of an integer tag. The bit number nn defines which bit value is
returned. The nn ranges from 00 to 31, the least significant bit to the most
significant bit.
This example returns the unacknowledged alarm state of the block, which is bit
number 31 in the ALMSTA parameter. There is no period between ALMSTA
and #B31. The DIObject recognizes the #B extension and returns the value for
bit 31.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 41

InTouch Tag Extensions

InTouch extensions are listed and explained in the InTouch WindowMaker
online help. You can search for them using the keyword “.dotfield”. You can
identify InTouch tag extension by a period between the tag and the extension.
InTouch will request a value for the tag and then process the extension on the
returned value. InTouch also has a bit extension called tagname.nn. The bit
number nn defines which bit value is returned. The nn ranges from 00 to 31,
the least significant bit to the most significant bit.
This example shows the value of the block's unacknowledged alarm state.
However, InTouch receives the entire 32 bit ALMSTA value from the
DIObject, and extracts the requested bit.
There are 2 InTouch extensions that are widely used throughout the Control
• .Quality - Returns an integer value that represents the data quality of a tag.
A return value of 0 indicates that the tag quality is bad and that it is not
• .#VString - Returns the state of a tag value.
VString states include but are not limited to:
• Initializing Tag - The tag is attempting to connect to data source.
• Value Change Pending - The value change is waiting for acceptance
from the Control Processor.
• Security Reject - The value change is rejected because the current
operator does not have permission to change the value.
• Config - The configured tag reference does not exist.
For entire list of these extensions, refer to “Related Wonderware
Documentation” on page xvii.

Configuring User-Built Data Entry, Ramp, and

Toggle Buttons
The WindowMaker application provides the capability to create selectable
fields on windows and SmartSymbols that can interact with control data
through remote InTouch tags. For example, you can create data entry fields,
“Ramp” buttons where the value of a tag is incremented or decremented by a
fixed percent of full scale, and toggle buttons that interact with the control
When a window is first opened, all tags have an initial data value of 0.00. As
the data is received from the remote tags, the values are updated accordingly
within the WindowViewer application. If buttons that allow you to write new
data values to the remote tags are selected while the tag is still in the

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42 3. Control HMI Window Construction

initializing state, your action will be performed based on a tag value of 0.00.
For example, if you select a ramp button prior to the tag has been updated with
the actual value has been received within the WindowViewer application, the
remote tag will be ramped starting at 0.00, not starting at the actual tag value.
This same condition can occur when selecting data entry fields, performing
toggles, or any other action where the current value of a tag is used or
To help prevent operators from inadvertently setting remote tags to 0.00,
selectable fields need to be disabled until the actual data values have been
received from the controller. Use the tag extensions.Quality and
.#VString to determine when a tag's value has been received within the
WindowViewer application.
Control HMI includes a QuickFunction that can be used to determine when to
enable selectable fields, based on the .Quality and .#VString for a given
tag. The configuration that can be placed on the “Disable” action of settable
parameter fields is:
ZEnableSelection ( Galaxy:IADAS.CBP.Quality,
Galaxy:IADAS.CBP.#Vstring, Qd-Quality )
where CBP is replaced with the COMPOUND.BLOCK.PARAM for the
updating field. The Qd-Quality argument was used in older versions of the
application. Starting with version 3.0, this argument is no longer used.
Therefore, replace this tag with the value 1.
ZEnableSelection( Galaxy:IADAS.CBP.Quality,
Galaxy:IADAS.CBP.#Vstring, 1)

Figure 3-14. Example QuickFunction and Selectable Disabled State

To combine this QuickFunction with other “Disable” commands, check for the
return value of 1 from this QuickFunction call:
<additional disable commands>
AND(ZEnableSelection ( Galaxy:IADAS.CBP.Quality,
Galaxy:IADAS.CBP.#Vstring,1 ) == 1 )
The ZEnableSelection call can be used within any Animation configuration to
determine if the tag's quality indicates the tag value has been received.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 43


Selectable graphic elements that allow an operator to set data values

in the control database should be configured to be disabled until the
remote data value is received within the WindowViewer application.
Failure to do so may result in an operator inadvertently writing a data
value of 0 to the remote tag. This same principle also applies to any
scripting that interacts with data in the Controllers.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or

equipment damage.

The ZEnableSelection QuickFunction is included in all Faceplate and Control

Edition SmartSymbols within Control HMI. Settable parameters are not
selectable until the data value for the tag has been received within the
WindowViewer application.

Configuring Control Edition SmartSymbols

The procedures for configuring Control Edition SmartSymbols differ slightly
depending on which Symbol is used.

Functional Changes
Starting with the FCS v3.0 Control Edition SmartSymbols, the user input value
range is clamped to the configured range property tags. This change applies to
settable Integer and Real SmartSymbols.
For additional information about Control Edition Symbols migrated from
Foxboro Control Software (FCS) v3.0 to v4.x and the Control Software v5.0 or
later, refer to Appendix H, “InFusion View v2.x or Earlier to FCS InTouch
Application v3.0 Migration Changes”.

Configuring Control Edition SmartSymbols

To configure a Control Edition SmartSymbol placed in a window, as discussed
in “Adding Control Edition SmartSymbols” on page 32:
1. If you do not already have the SmartSymbol Properties dialog box open,
right-click the Symbol in the window and click Properties. The
SmartSymbol Properties dialog box is displayed.

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44 3. Control HMI Window Construction

Figure 3-15. SmartSymbol Properties for Control Edition


2. Click Replace to configure the Symbol's connection to an actual

“Compound.Block.Parameter”, “AppObject.Attribute”, or InTouch Tag
name. The steps are slightly different for each type of connection. Confirm
that you follow the steps in the order listed here, as the text Replacement
steps may not have the desired results if the steps are executed out of
For Foxboro® tags, perform these steps:
a. For all the Control Software SmartSymbols, replace all instances of
“CBP” with the Compound.Block.Parameter name.
b. For the Control Software SmartSymbols with alarming, replace all
instances of “CB” with the Compound.Block name.
For Archestra tags, perform these steps:
a. Remove all “IADAS.” references, except for the “$TAG$” reference.
This can be accomplished by replacing all instances of “IADAS.C”
with “C”.
b. Replace all instances of “CBP” with name of the ArchestrA tag name.
c. Change TagType-IA to TagType-A2.

Note The Control Edition SmartSymbols with alarming are not designed to
work with ArchestrA Application Objects.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 45

For InTouch tags, perform these steps:

a. Manually change the string “Galaxy:IADAS.$TAG$.CBP” to
“<intouch tagname>.NAME”, where <intouch tagname>
is the name of the InTouch tag. This needs to be the first string in the
Properties dialog box.
b. Remove the .Vstring reference by replacing
“Galaxy:IADAS.CBP.#Vstring” with “ZHMI-Const-Msg-BLANK”.
c. Remove the .Quality reference by replacing
“Galaxy:IADAS.CBP.Quality” with “ZHMI-Const-Dflt-Quality”.
d. Remove all “Galaxy:IADAS” references. This can be accomplished
by replacing all instances of “Galaxy:IADAS.C” with “C”.
e. Replace all instances of “CBP” with name of the InTouch tagname.
f. Change TagType-IA to TagType-IT.

Note The Control Edition SmartSymbols with alarming are not designed to
work with InTouch tags.

For all tag types, perform these steps:

1. Control Edition SmartSymbols have some additional options which can be
set when the symbol is placed. The table lists the default tag setting for a
Symbol property, and the alternate tag setting that can be used.

Tagnames for Optional

Symbol Setting Description
ZHMI-Symbol-Option- Activate / Deactivate the Right-Click Menu
RClick feature.
ZHMI-App-RClick-Menu Message Tag with the name of the Right-Click
window to be used. The default value is -
To change to a different Right-Click window:
• Do not change the value of this message
• Create a new message tag with the name
of the new right-click window.
• Replace this tag with the new tag.
ZHMI-Symbol-Option- Activate / Deactivate the Left-Click Tag
LClick Selection feature.
ZHMI-Symbol-Option- Activate / Deactivate the ability to modify run
Settable time value of the assigned tag through a data
ZHMI-Symbol-Option- entry.

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46 3. Control HMI Window Construction

Tagnames for Optional

Symbol Setting Description
ZHMI-Const-TagType-IA Flag to indicate which type of tag is assigned:
• Foxboro tag CBP
• ArchestrA Application Object
• InTouch Tag
ZHMI-Const-Max-Percent High Scale Value which can be replaced with
actual tag references if needed
• Foxboro tag- Galaxy:IADAS.<CBP>
• ArchestrA - Galaxy:AppObject.Attribute
• InTouch - TagName
ZHMI-Const-Min-Percent Low Scale Value which can be replaced with
actual tag references if needed
• Foxboro tag- Galaxy:IADAS.<CBP>
• ArchestrA - Galaxy:AppObject.Attribute
• InTouch - TagName
ZHMI-Const-DscStyle-Text For Discrete Symbols, indicate whether the
ZHMI-Const-DscStyle-Val data value needs to be displayed as a text string
or as a value of 0 and 1.
ZHMI-Const-Msg-ON For Discrete Symbols where the data value is
ZHMI-Const-Msg-OFF to be displayed as text, indicate the text that
will be displayed when the value is 0 and 1.
There are a number of ZHMI-Const-Msg- tags
can be used. The default value are “ON” and

2. Click OK to close the SmartSymbol Properties dialog box.

Example SmartSymbol Configuration

All the examples mentioned here will assume the Window name to be
“BOILER_OVR”. It is recommended that for symbols that do not allow data
entry, you use non-settable symbols - those which include “NoSet” in their
names (described in the table on page 390). The samples here use the entire
settable objects.
1. To configure a Foxboro Float parameter, BOILER:DPS3457.OUT with
these properties:
• Allow Right-Click and Left-Click
• No Data Entry
• Show Alarm Priority
• Range 0 - 100%
For this example, use the “Real_AlmPri” SmartSymbol, discussed on
page 392.
a. Replace all CBP references with BOILER.DPS3457.OUT.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 47

b. Replace all CB references with BOILER.DPS3457.

c. Change Settable Option to NotSettable.
The SmartSymbol Properties need to appear as listed in this table:

Template References Instance References

Galaxy:IADAS.CBP.#VString Galaxy:IADAS.BOILER.DPS3457.OUT.#VString
Galaxy:IADAS.CBP.Quality Galaxy:IADAS.BOILER.DPS3457.OUT.Quality
ZHMI-App-Das-Status ZHMI-App-Das-Status
ZHMI-App-DataEntry-Style ZHMI-App-DataEntry-Style
ZHMI-App-RClickMenu ZHMI-App-RClickMenu
ZHMI-Const-Max-Percent ZHMI-Const-Max-Percent
ZHMI-Const-Min-Percent ZHMI-Const-Min-Percent
ZHMI-Const-TagType-IA ZHMI-Const-TagType-IA
ZHMI-Symbol-Option-LClick ZHMI-Symbol-Option-LClick
ZHMI-Symbol-Option-RClick ZHMI-Symbol-Option-RClick
ZHMI-Symbol-Option-Settable ZHMI-Symbol-Option-NotSettable

2. Use actual scale values from the control block. Scale values are used only
when assigning tags to Real Time trends.
To modify the above connection to use the Hi and Lo Scales of the Control
block, change the Min and Max Percent references to the blocks Hi and Lo
scale tags using the Galaxy:IADAS reference as shown in this table:

Template References Instance References

ZHMI-Const-Max-Percent Galaxy:IADAS.BOILER.DPS3457.HSCO1
ZHMI-Const-Min-Percent Galaxy:IADAS.BOILER.DPS3457.LSCO1

3. Configure a Discrete ArchestrA Application Object, Boolean_001.PV

with these properties:
• Allow Data Entry and Left-Click
• No Right-Click Action
• Show Value as Numeric 0 or 1
For this example, use the “Discrete” SmartSymbol, discussed on
page 389:
a. Replace all “IADAS.C” references with “C”.
b. Replace all “CBP” references with “Boolean_001.PV”.
c. Change RClick Option to NoRClick.
d. Change DscStyle-Text to DscStyle-Val.
e. Change TagType-IA to TagType-A2.

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48 3. Control HMI Window Construction

The SmartSymbol Properties need to appear as listed in this table:

Template References Instance References

Galaxy:IADAS.$TAG$.CBP Galaxy:IADAS.$TAG$.Boolean_001.PV
Galaxy:IADAS.CBP Galaxy:Boolean_001.PV
Galaxy:IADAS.CBP.#VString Galaxy:Boolean_001.PV.#VString
Galaxy:IADAS.CBP.Quality Galaxy:Boolean_001.PV.Quality
ZHMI-App-Das-Status ZHMI-App-Das-Status
ZHMI-App-DataEntry-Style ZHMI-App-DataEntry-Style
ZHMI-App-RClickMenu ZHMI-App-RClickMenu
ZHMI-Const-DscStyle-Text ZHMI-Const-DscStyle-Val
ZHMI-Const-Msg-OFF ZHMI-Const-Msg-OFF
ZHMI-Const-Msg-ON ZHMI-Const-Msg-ON
ZHMI-Const-TagType-IA ZHMI-Const-TagType-A2
ZHMI-Symbol-Option-LClick ZHMI-Symbol-Option-LClick
ZHMI-Symbol-Option-RClick ZHMI-Symbol-Option-NoRClick
ZHMI-Symbol-Option- ZHMI-Symbol-Option-NotSettable

4. Configure a Discrete SmartSymbol to show customized “on” and “off”

text, in place of the numeric values “0” and “1”.
To modify the above connection to use custom messages for On and Off
requires two new InTouch tags.
• Create a message tag for On State - This example uses MyMessage-
• Create a message tag for Off State - This example uses MyMessage-
Modify the settings as shown:

Template References Instance References

ZHMI-Const-DscStyle-Text ZHMI-Const-DscStyle-Text

5. Configure an InTouch Memory Integer Tag, MyInteger with default

settings - all actions allowed.
For this example use the Integer SmartSymbol.
a. Replace the string “Galaxy:IADAS.$TAG$.CMP” to
b. Remove the .Vstring reference by replacing
“Galaxy:IADAS.CBP.#Vstring” with “ZHMI-Const-Msg-BLANK”.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 49

c. Remove the .Quality reference by replacing

“Galaxy:IADAS.CBP.Quality” with “ZHMI-Const-Dflt-Quality”.
d. Replace Galaxy:IADAS.CBP with “MyInteger”.
e. Change TagType-IA to TagTypeIT.
The SmartSymbol Properties need to appear as listed in this table:

Template References Instance References

Galaxy:IADAS.$TAG$.CBP MyInteger.Name
Galaxy:IADAS.CBP MyInteger
Galaxy:IADAS.CBP.#VString ZHMI-Const-Msg-BLANK
Galaxy:IADAS.CBP.Quality ZHMI-Const-Dflt-Quality
ZHMI-App-Das-Status ZHMI-App-Das-Status
ZHMI-App-DataEntry-Style ZHMI-App-DataEntry-Style
ZHMI-App-RClickMenu ZHMI-App-RClickMenu
ZHMI-Const-TagType-IA ZHMI-Const-TagType-IT
ZHMI-Symbol-Option-LClick ZHMI-Symbol-Option-LClick
ZHMI-Symbol-Option-RClick ZHMI-Symbol-Option-RClick
ZHMI-Symbol-Option- ZHMI-Symbol-Option-Settable

6. Change the right-click action so that it opens a custom window.

Two things are needed to use custom right-click menus. First, there has to
be a custom menu window and then a message tag is needed with the
name of the menu.
a. Create a custom popup menu, as described in “Right-Click Menus”
on page 49.
b. Create a message Tag with the name of the window - Create
MyRClickMenuName and set it to “MyRClickMenu”.
c. Replace the symbol tag ZHMI-App-RClick-Menu with

Template References Instance References

ZHMI-App-RClick-Menu MyRClickMenuName

Right-Click Menus
The Control Software introduces SmartSymbols that have the option to show a
right-click context menu. Unlike the FoxView™ menus, scripts and windows
have to be created to provide this functionality. Control HMI has one default
right-click menu that supports:
• Tag Name
• Open Faceplate (if FoxboroTag)
• Source (if Foxboro Tag)

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50 3. Control HMI Window Construction

Since the right-click menu is not a true Windows menu, selected fields are not
highlighted as you move the cursor over the menu commands. This
functionality has been added to the Control HMI window that is used as the
right-click menu. The right-click menus use the InTouch function WWCntx32
to highlight menu commands and to auto close the window. The section that
provides details on how to reproduce this functionality in user-built right-click
menus is given here.

InTouch WWCNTX32 Function

The WWCNTX32 function creates hot zones or areas in a window. When the
mouse cursor passes through one of these areas, a message tag will be assigned
a defined value. The message tag is set to “” when the mouse moves out of the
Function: WWCNTX32
Arg1 Window As Message
Arg2 Left As Integer
Arg3 Top As Integer
Arg4 Width As Integer
Arg5 Height As Integer
Arg6 NameOfTag As Message
Arg7 Message As Message

• Window – String name of the window where the hot zone will be added.
• Left, Top, Width and Height – These four arguments define the hot zone
area boundaries.
• NameOfTag – This is the name of the tag to update when the mouse
enters the hot zone. This argument has to be in quotes, as in:
• Message – String value to set the message tag to when the mouse is in the
hot zone.
Hot zones can overlap. The “ZIA_Popup_RClick” window has four defined
hot zones. There is a hot zone for each menu command and one for the entire
window. Each menu command is highlighted when the mouse moves on to
them. The hot zone for the entire window is used to close the window when the
mouse moves off the window.
WWCntx32( winName, 0, 0, 500, 25, "ZHMI-View-Menu-
WinMsg", “Open_01” );
WWCntx32( winName, 0, 26, 500, 25, "ZHMI-View-Menu-
WinMsg", “Open_02” );
WWCntx32( winName, 0, 52, 500, 25, "ZHMI-View-Menu-
WinMsg", “Open_03” );
WWCntx32( winName, 0, 0, 500, 78, "ZHMI-View-Menu-
WinMsg", “Open” );

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 51

Cntx1 starting at 0,0 Width 500, Height 25, Message = “Open_01”

Cntx2 starting at 0,26 Width 500, Height 25, Message = “Open_02”

Cntx3 starting at 0,52 Width 500, Height 25, Message = “Open_02”

Cntx4 starting at 0,0 Width 500, Height 78, Message = “Open”

Hot zones are configured from front to back. When configuring overlapping
zones, the forward zones have to be configured first. The menu window has a
box for each menu command. Each box has a fill color animation that
highlights the box when the message tag is set to “Open_01”, 02, or 03.
Fill Color Discrete
ZHMI-View-Menu-WinMsg == "Open_01"
True False

ZHMI-View-Menu-WinMsg == "Open_02"
True False

ZHMI-View-Menu-WinMsg == "Open_03"
True False

The highly recommended Best Practice methods are:

Note Use the rectangles X, Y, W, and H values when configuring menu

command hot zones. Place the box in the desired position on the menu
window. The InTouch status bar has the values of the rectangle when it is

The last WWCNTX zone is used to close the window automatically when the
mouse moves off the window. This is done with the window’s While Showing
script. Be noted that the menu command messages are OPEN _01, _02, and
_03, and the window message is OPEN. This is done for a reason. When the
mouse is over a menu command zone the message tag will be set to that
menu’s message. The window script checks the first four characters of the
message tag for “OPEN”.

Window Script While Showing 500ms

{ ----- Check to see if mouse is still over menu ----- }

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52 3. Control HMI Window Construction

{ ----- Close window if mouse moves off the menu ----- }

IF StringLeft(ZHMI-View-Menu-WinMsg, 4) <> “Open” THEN
ZHMI-Message-Box-MouseOver = 0;
The highly recommended Best Practice methods are:

Note Create a custom script that runs one time and defines all hot zones for
each window when Control HMI starts.

WWCntx32 uses system resources each time it is call. Placing the WWCntx32
call in the window OnShow script will use additional resources each time the
window is called. InTouch provides a WWCntx32CleanUp but this clears
every hot zone and kills all pull down menus if it is called. The most
appropriate method is to create a Quick Function that is called after Control
HMI initialization is done. Review the ZOnStartupCntx and ZOnStartupCntx2
quick functions.

Right-Click Menu Action Configuration

Custom menus can be built and used in place of the default menu. Custom
objects can also be configured to have a right-click menu. Configure an object
with a right-click menu by adding a right-click action and using the Control
HMI ZSymbolClick QuickFunction.
Function: hmiRightClickMenu
Arg1 Tagname Message
Arg2 RClick Option Integer
Arg3 MenuName Message
Arg4 HiScale Real
Arg5 LoScale Real
Arg6 TagType Integer

• TagName – This is the tag name string such as “CMP.BLK.PARAM” or

“AppObject.Attr”. The Control Edition SmartSymbols use the $TAG$
feature of the DA Server.
• RClickOption – This argument has to equal 1 to use the right-click menu
and could be use as a permission setting
• MenuName – This is the string name of the menu window that opens
when the operator right-clicks the object.
• HiScale and LoScale – These arguments are used to pass scale values to
other Control HMI features. The operator can select the tag that the object
is configured to. These two arguments will also be passed with the
selection so that the tag can be assigned to a trend or watch window with
the proper scaling.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 53

• TagType – This argument is used to identify the connection as an InTouch

memory tag, an ArchestrA application object or Foxboro Tag. There are
three constant tags already created in Control HMI that need to be used:
ZHMI-Const-TagType-IA IA Series C.B.P
ZHMI-Const-TagType-A2 Galaxy AppObj.Attribute
ZHMI-Const-TagType-IT InTouch Memory Tag

This quick function performs three basic tasks:

• Assigns values to a set of Right-Click Memory tags
• Gets the current Mouse Cursor position
• Shows the menu window.
The tag name, scales, and tag type arguments are assigned to tags that are used
by the menu command configurations in the menu window.

Right-Click Menu Tags

A set of tags is set when the hmiRightClickMenu function is called. These tags
can be used by any custom right-click menus.

Table 3-1. InTouch Memory Tags for Right-Click Menus

ZHMI-App-RClick-FullPath Galaxy:DIObj.DAS.CMP.BLK.PARAM
ZHMI-App-RClick-HiScale Hi Scale value
ZHMI-App-RClick-LoScale Lo Scale value
ZHMI-App-RClick-TagType Set to TagType value of the function call

Creating Custom Right-Click Menus

The OnShow script of the menu window uses the assigned values and mouse
cursor location to position and size the window. The most appropriate method
is to copy the existing window to make a new menu window. Open the
“ZIA_PopUp_RClick” window and save it as a new name.
Make the edits as shown:

On Show
{ ----- Change wndw assignment to window name ----- }
wndw = “ZIA_Popup_RClick”; Change this to new window name
Do not remove the { } brackets from the next line of code. This needs to be
done in a separate startup script.

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54 3. Control HMI Window Construction

{ WWCntx32( wndw, 0,0, 500, 78, +"ZHMI-View-Menu-

WinMsg", "Open"); }
The following section is optional and can be modified. This code adjusts the
width of the window to the size of the CBP tag name length. If width
adjustment is not needed, set w to a fixed number.
{ ---- Get length of longest string and adjust width ----- }
sz = StringLen(ZHMI-App-RClick-CBP) ;
w = 93 + ( sz * 6 );
The next set of code adjusts the height of the menu. The last two menu options
are Open Faceplate and Source. These two options are only valid for Foxboro
tags. This code shortens the menu to a single line if the tag is not and Foxboro
{ ----- Foxboro Tags have more options ----- }
IF ZHMI-App-RClick-TagType == 1 THEN h = 76;
ELSE h = 26;
The remainder of the scripts resizes and moves the menu to the correct position
so that the entire window shows on the monitor.

While Showing
This script auto closes the window if the mouse is moved off. Delete this script
if the window is not to auto-close.

On Hide
This script does some internal cleanup. Additional code can be added if
needed. Do not delete the existing code.

Group Display Faceplate SmartSymbols

Group displays are custom windows which have one or more faceplate
SmartSymbol components.

Configuring Faceplate Symbols

Faceplate SmartSymbols use remote references to connect to the parameters of
a control block. You need to configure the name of the compound and the
block reference. These tag references are modified using the SmartSymbol
Properties dialog box.
To configure Faceplate SmartSymbols:
1. If the SmartSymbol Properties dialog box is not open, right-click the
SmartSymbol and click Properties. The SmartSymbol Properties dialog
box is displayed.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 55

Figure 3-16. SmartSymbol Properties Dialog Box

2. Replace the GRP1_CB alias with the COMPOUND.BLOCK name.

a. Click Replace to open the Replace dialog box (Figure 3-17).

Figure 3-17. Replace Dialog Box

b. Enter the alias GRP1_CB in the Find what field.

c. Enter the CMP.BLK reference in the Replace with field.
d. Click Replace All.
e. Close the Replace dialog box.
f. Verify that all GRP1_CB references are replaced by CMP.BLK.
g. Click OK to finish the configuration.
Repeat these steps for every faceplate symbol. Save the window when you
have configured all faceplates symbols.

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56 3. Control HMI Window Construction

Note In previous Faceplate SmartSymbol versions, you were required to

manage and replace position tags 1 through 12. In FCS v3.0 to v4.x and the
Control Software v5.0 or later Faceplate SmartSymbols, you do not need to do
this. Configuration is done after you replace the GRP1_CB with the compound
block reference.

Faceplate SmartSymbol Properties

The Faceplate SmartSymbol has several property tags that you can modify on a
symbol to symbol basis. You can use the properties to change the behavior or
appearance of a symbol.
To modify SmartSymbol properties:
1. Double-click the SmartSymbol to edit it.
The SmartSymbols Properties dialog box appears (Figure 3-12).
2. Scroll to the desired property.
3. Change the tag name that appears in the Instance Reference column.
To add a Close Window button to one of the faceplates, change the properties
as shown in the table:

Tag Name Description

Default ZHMI-Const-Hide-Close Hides the close window button that
appears in top right corner of the
faceplate header.
Replace ZHMI-Const-Show-Close Shows the close window button on
this faceplate.

To change a configured message that appears in one of the faceplates, change

the properties as shown in the table:

Tag Name Description

Default ZHMI-Const-Msg- Displays DISABLE where
DISABLE configured.
Default ZHMI-Const-Msg-ENABLE Displays ENABLE where
Default ZHMI-Const-Msg-ON Displays ON where configured.
Default ZHMI-Const-Msg-OFF Displays OFF where configured.
Replace Use any local or remote Can be used to replace ON with
message tag. TRUE.
Can be used to replace OFF with
ZHMI-Const-Msg-FALSE Any message tag can also be used.

Modify the properties as shown in the table, to help prevent all faceplate
header bottom labels from changing when a faceplate is clicked. A unique

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 57

local integer tag is required for every faceplate if the default functionality is
not desired.

Tag Name Description

Default ZHMI-GRP-0-Label2 This is an integer value that cycles the
display of block description parameters
each time the bottom faceplate header
label is clicked. The label cycles through
the values given here.

Value 1 = CMP.BLK
Value 2 = DESCRP
Value 3 = LOOPID
Value 4 = CMP
Value 5 = BLK
Replace MyFP1-Label2 Replace with a unique integer tag for
each faceplate

If the new tag does not exist, the Tagname Undefined dialog box appears.

Figure 3-18. Tagname Undefined Dialog Box

4. Click OK to create the new tag.

5. Use the Tagname Dictionary dialog box to create a new Memory Integer

Figure 3-19. Tagname Dictionary Dialog Box

6. Click Type and select Memory Integer

7. Set the Initial Value to an integer between 1 and 5
• 1 - Show CMP.BLK
• 2 - Show DESCRP
• 3 - Show LOOPID

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58 3. Control HMI Window Construction

• 4 - Show CMP only

• 5 - Show BLK only
8. Click Save, and then click Close.

Note Another option to override the default behavior is to disable the ability
to cycle the header label by using Framer permissions. The Allow Faceplate
Header Label Change permission can be used to disable this feature in all
group and detail display faceplates.

Widescreen Menu Extensions and Function Bar

Template windows are provided for the Menu Extension and Function Bar
windows. These templates can be used to create custom windows that appear
on widescreen monitors. The templates are built to a specific size and location
required for them to work properly.
The Custom Menu Extension or Function Bar is displayed by performing these
1. Open the Template window.
2. Save the window as a new window.
a. Right-click the window or the window name in the Treeview.
b. Select Save As and enter a new name.
3. Make the required edits and save.
a. Do not resize the windows as they already have the required size.
4. Open the Framer Configurator.
5. Browse to Configuration > Properties > Style.

Figure 3-20. Framer Control Edition Dialog Box

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 59

Each monitor has its own Menu Extension and Function Bar.
6. Select the desired location and enter the new window name to be
7. Save and Exit.
The window's 'OnShow' and 'OnHide' scripts have to be updated while creating
Custom Menu Extensions and Function Bars for monitors two, three and four.
The tag name has to be changed to the appropriate Monitor Tag. The Templates
use the tags for Monitor 1 as shown in the table:

OnShow Scripts
Menu Extension ZHMI-App-WS-MenuExt1-Open = 1;
Function Bar ZHMI-App-WS-FB-Open1 = 1;
OnHide Scripts
Menu Extension ZHMI-App-WS-MenuExt1-Open = 0;
Function Bar ZHMI-App-WS-FB-Open1 = 0;

Change the default Monitor 1 tag name to an appropriate monitor tag name.

Monitor 1
Menu Extension ZHMI-App-WS-MenuExt1-Open
Function Bar ZHMI-App-WS-FB-Open1
Monitor 2
Menu Extension ZHMI-App-WS-MenuExt2-Open
Function Bar ZHMI-App-WS-FB-Open2
Monitor 3
Menu Extension ZHMI-App-WS-MenuExt3-Open
Function Bar ZHMI-App-WS-FB-Open3
Monitor 4
Menu Extension ZHMI-App-WS-MenuExt4-Open
Function Bar ZHMI-App-WS-FB-Open4

Window Scripts
The scripts for the window are preconfigured and only require the setting of
window behavior.
Steps for window script configuration are described here.

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60 3. Control HMI Window Construction

Common Scripting Configuration

The scripts for InTouch windows are edited in the Windows Script dialog box.
To open this dialog box:
1. Right-click the window and click Properties. The Window Properties
dialog box appears.
2. Click Scripts. The Window Script dialog box opens. It includes:
• On Show - run when the display is invoked (Figure 3-21)

Figure 3-21. Window Scripts - OnShow

Note The window scripts will not work properly if the “hmiShow”
QuickFunction is not used to open the window. If InTouch functions such as,
“Show” or “ShowTopLeftAt” are commonly used, then the window scripts on
each window needs to be modified. The window script tag, “WindowName”
needs to be set to the actual name of the window instead of the InTouch Tag.
Change the line located at the top of the Window Script, just on top of USER
Change: WindowName = ZHMI-App-ProcessWin;
To: WindowName = “MyWindowName”;
Where “MyWindowName” includes the quotes and is set to the actual name of
the window.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 61

In the “OnShow” script, you have to set the values as shown in the table:

Parameter Value Description

AddToMRU 1 This discrete value
determines if Control HMI
needs to add the window to
the Most Recently Used
(MRU) list when it is
1 - Adds window to MRU
0 - Does not add window to
UpdateNav 1 This discrete value is used
by Control HMI to
determine if the navigation
tree needs to be updated.
Windows may be assigned
to different Area, Cells and
Units in a navigation tree.
The Control HMI
navigation is structured
around this setup. If a
window from AREA1–
CELL2–UNIT5 opens a
window that belongs to
the navigation tree will
update to this new location.
1 - Update Navigation Tree
0 - Does Not Update
Navigation Tree

The sections that provide optional settings for the window are:
• “Setting the Addition of a Window to MRU List” on page 61
• “Setting the Control HMI Update of Navigation Sets” on page 62
Also, for additional procedures on configuring your scripts, refer to these
• “Configuring Buttons to Invoke Windows (hmiShow)” on page 36
• “Window Positioning” on page 62.

Setting the Addition of a Window to MRU List

A Process Graphic window can optionally be added to the Most Recently Used
(MRU) list in the WindowViewer menu system when the window is opened.
When the variable AddToMRU in the window's “OnShow” script is set to 1, the
window is included in the MRU list. When AddToMRU is set to 0, this window
is not added to the MRU list.

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62 3. Control HMI Window Construction

To add a More Recently Used (MRU) list in the Window Viewer menu system:
1. After “Common Scripting Configuration” on page 60, select the
“OnShow” script from the Condition Type: drop-down menu.
2. Modify the AddToMRU assignment statement variable appropriate value:
• 0 = do not add the window to the MRU list
• 1 = add the window to the MRU list
• AddToMRU = 1;

Setting the Control HMI Update of Navigation

Windows may be assigned to different Area, Cells and Units in the Control
HMI navigation tree. When a window is opened and the window has been
assigned a place in the navigation tree, the currently selected Area, Cell and
Unit can be updated to reflect the position of the window in the navigation tree
The UpdateNav discrete value is used by Control HMI to determine if the
navigation tree needs to be updated. If UpdateNav is set to 1, the navigation
positions are updated and if set to 0, navigation is not updated.
Perform these steps:
1. After “Common Scripting Configuration” on page 60, select the
“OnShow” script from the Condition Type: drop-down menu.
2. Set the UpdateNav variable with appropriate value:
• 0 = do not update the Navigation View to this window’s location.
• 1 = update the Navigation View to this window’s location.
• UpdateNav = 1;

Window Positioning
The position of the window is set during the design phase. It can be set either
by using the Window Properties dialog box or by manually dragging the
window to the desired position if the Title Bar is enabled.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 63

Figure 3-22. Window Properties Dialog Box

Windows will appear in the same location on any monitor of a multi-monitor

system. The X and Y Location settings are automatically used to calculate
relative locations on other monitors.

Setting the Window Position

To set the position for a window.
1. Right-click the desired window and click Properties.
2. The Window Properties dialog box is displayed.

Figure 3-23. Window Properties Dialog Box

3. Configure the X/Y Location fields in the dialog box.

4. Click OK to close the Window Properties dialog box.

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64 3. Control HMI Window Construction

1. Open the Window Properties dialog box and check the Titlebar and
Size Controls check boxes.
2. Click OK.
3. Drag the window’s title bar and sides to position and resize the window to
desired size and location.
4. Return to the Window Properties dialog box to uncheck the Titlebar and
Size Controls check boxes if they are not desired.
5. Click OK to close the Window Properties dialog box.

Setting Window Size

The size of the window is set during the design phase. It can be set using the
Window Property dialog box or can be manually resized to the desired size by
enabling the Size Control Window property and dragging the edges of the
window to the proper size.
To set the size for a window:
1. Right-click the desired window and click Properties.
2. The Window Properties dialog box is displayed.

Figure 3-24. Window Properties Dialog Box - Size

3. Configure the Window Width and Window Height fields in the dialog box
for the size.
4. Click OK to close the Window Properties dialog box.
1. Open the Window Properties dialog box and check Titlebar and
Size Controls check boxes.
2. Click OK.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 65

3. Drag the window’s title bar and sides to position and resize the window to
desired size and location.
4. Return to the Window Properties dialog box to uncheck the Titlebar and
Size Controls check boxes if they are not desired.
5. Click OK to close the Window Properties dialog box.
The window size is set.

Setting Window Type

InTouch has several window types, and each has a different set of behaviors:
• Replace – closes any window it overlaps
• Overlay – opens on top of Replace windows and does not close the
overlapped windows
• Popup – opens on top of Overlay windows and does not close the
overlapped windows
To set the Window Type for a window:
1. Right-click the desired window and click Properties.
The Window Properties dialog box is displayed.

Figure 3-25. Window Properties Dialog Box - Setting Window Type

2. Click one of the Window Type buttons.

3. Click OK to close the Window Properties dialog box.
The window type is set.

Window Configuration for Multiple Monitors

For systems with InTouch software v10.1 and later, Control HMI supports
multi-monitor configurations where each monitor has its own desktop
resolution. This is referred to as independent mode. For a Foxboro Evo Control
station running in independent mode with two monitors, each monitor has its
own resolution setting of 1280x1024. A single application can run in

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66 3. Control HMI Window Construction

independent mode on multiple stations with different monitor layouts, without

having to be recompiled for each different setup.
For systems that support independent mode, there are three settings that are
added to each station's win.ini file to enable InTouch multi-monitor
• MultiScreen = 1 (1 = Enable multi-monitor configuration, 0 = Disable
multi-monitor configuration).
For stations with 4:3 monitors:
• MultiScreenWidth = 1280 (This is the width resolution of each monitor).
• MultiScreenHeight = 1024 (This is the height resolution of each monitor).
For stations with 16:9 monitors:
• MultiScreenWidth = 1920 (This is the width resolution of each monitor).
• MultiScreenHeight = 1080 (This is the height resolution of each monitor).
The deployed application needs to automatically adjust to multi-monitors as
long as these settings are in the win.ini file. For more details, refer to the
appropriate InTouch documentation.

Note For systems with earlier versions of InTouch, Control HMI spans
multiple monitors by expanding its default 1280x1024 resolution to a
resolution which encompasses the additional screens. For example, Control
HMI would enable a dual horizontal layout by expanding its viewable space to
2560x1024 (as 1280 x 2 = 2560). Independent mode is not supported and
applications has to be recompiled to support their specific monitors’ resolution.

Figure 3-26 illustrates the potential monitor layout configurations and example
resolutions which Control HMI would use to display each of them.

Dual Horizontal - HORZ2 Dual Vertical - VERT2

Figure 3-26. Monitor Layout Configurations and Example Resolutions

When planning windows for a multi-monitor layout, use the provided

templates and “OnShow” script to show a window on any monitor. Windows
that do not use the provided template is displayed in a fixed location. The
template “OnShow” script uses the window’s X and Y Locations as offsets to
the monitor's top left X and Y coordinates.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 67

In Dual Horizontal setup, a window with the X and Y Location settings of

0, 58 will be shown at:
• 0, 58 when viewed on the primary monitor
• 1024,58 when viewed on the secondary monitor
If Control HMI’s templates and scripts are not used, the window will be shown
only in the location in which it was built. For example, to open a window on
the second monitor of a Dual Vertical layout without using the window script
template, the X and Y locations of a window will be between the (0, 1025) and
(1280, 2048) coordinates.

Note For more information on multi-monitor configurations, refer to

“Configuring Widescreen Features” on page 91.

Configure Control HMI for Multi-Monitor Layout

For the Control HMI to support multi-monitor layouts, you have to configure
the MonitorLayout settings in the Framer.
For instructions on how to perform this configuration, refer to “Configuration
of Multi-Monitor Layout” in Framer and Alarm Management User’s Guide

16 Pen Trends
Additional scripting is needed when connecting remote tags, including
Foxboro Evo parameter references, to InTouch 16 Pen Trend objects. If remote
tag references are used, the trend loses the appropriate scale information.
Window “OnShow” scripts have to be used to add tags to the trend.

OnShow Configuration for 16 Pen Trends

In the “OnShow” script, create a message variable that will be used for
assigning pen scales. For each pen that needs to be assigned, the message
variable has to be set to the Full Tagname String of the IO Point. The “IADAS”
alias is not allowed and will not be reconciled to the appropriate DIObject.
After that, call the QuickFunction “ptSetPenEx()” to pass the name of the
tagname for each trend pen, as well as the scale values for the pen. For more
information on the ptSetPenEx() call, refer to the InTouch documentation.
The syntax for ptSetPenEx() is:
ptSetPenEx(trendObjName, penNum, tagName, minEU, maxEU,
minPercent, maxPercent, decimal, EU);
The Control HMI Tag ZHMI-Select-IO-DAS can be used in place of a hard
coded DIObject name when setting the Full Tagname to the message variable.
This tag is assigned to the local DIObject name when Control HMI is started.

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68 3. Control HMI Window Construction

For example:


{ ----- for each pen being added do the following --
--- }
{ ----- Pen 1 ----- }
MyTag = “Galaxy:” + ZHMI-Select-IO-DAS + “.”
ptSetPenEx(“PenTrend_6”, 1, MyTag, 0, 200, 0,
1, 3, “press”);
{ ----- Pen 2 ----- }
MyTag = “Galaxy:” + ZHMI-Select-IO-DAS + “.”
ptSetPenEx(“PenTrend_6”, 2, MyTag, 0, 200, 0,
1, 3, “press”);

Adding ActiveX Controls and Wonderware

Historian Client Trends to InTouch Windows
Note This section describes how to use and configure the Wonderware
Historian Client ActiveX Trend Control. The general concepts of working with
the Wonderware Historian Client Trend Control, such as installation, setting
properties and configuring scripts, also apply to many ActiveX controls that
can be used within the WindowMaker application.

The Wonderware Historian Client product includes an ActiveX control that can
be embedded within InTouch windows. This control interfaces with the
Wonderware Historian Server to display historical data. The trend can be
configured to periodically get the latest trend data from the Wonderware
Historian Server, so the trend updates with the most recently stored historical
data. This trend object can only trend tags that have been historized in the
Wonderware Historian Server. It can not trend non-historized tags.
The basic steps in the process of using these trends are:
1. Install the Wonderware Historian Client trend object in the WindowMaker
2. Add the Wonderware Historian Client trend object to a Window in the
WindowMaker application.
3. Configuring the Wonderware Historian Client Trend.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 69

Install the Wonderware Historian Client Trend

From within the WindowMaker application, the Wonderware Historian Client
Trends needs to be available from the Wizards Selection dialog box.
Click on the tool bar to open this dialog box.

Figure 3-27. Wizard Selection Dialog Box

The trends need to appear in the ActiveX Controls section of this dialog box
(not shown in Figure 3-27).
If the trends do not appear, they need to be installed into the InTouch software.
To install them:
1. From WindowMaker's Application Explorer, click Configure >
Wizard/ActiveX Installation.

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70 3. Control HMI Window Construction

Figure 3-28. Open Wizard/ActiveX Installation

This opens the Wizard/ActiveX Installation dialog box.

Figure 3-29. Wizard/ActiveX Installation Dialog Box

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 71

2. Select the ActiveX Control Installation tab to view the Installed and
Available ActiveX Controls. The list of “Installed ActiveX controls” is the
list of ActiveX Controls installed in the WindowMaker application. The
list of “Available ActiveX controls” is a list of ActiveX Controls that have
been installed in the workstation but not into the WindowMaker
The aaHistClientTrend Control is the full Wonderware Historian Client
Trend Control. No additional controls need to be installed. The other
aaHistClient controls are small pieces of the entire control and are not
3. To install aaHistClientTrend Control, select aaHistClientTrend Control
and click Install.

Figure 3-30. Wizard/ActiveX Installation Dialog Box - Select

aaHistClentTrend Control

The top list needs to appear as shown in Figure 3-30, once the control is

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72 3. Control HMI Window Construction

Figure 3-31. Wizard/ActiveX Installation Dialog Box -

aaHistClentTrend Control Installed

4. Click Close to close the dialog box.

Adding Wonderware Historian Client Trend

to an InTouch Window
To add a Wonderware Historian Client Trend to an InTouch window:
1. Click on the tool bar to open this dialog box.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 73

Figure 3-32. Wizard Selection Dialog Box

2. Double-click “aaHistClientTrend” in the dialog box.

3. Place the “aaHistClientTrend” object in your window. This object will be
displayed as shown Figure 3-33.

aaHistClientTrend Object

Figure 3-33. aaHistClientTrend Object in Window

4. Drag and resize this control to the desired size.

Note The Tag Picker, Tag List and Toolbars may appear in the trend but they
can be turned off, if desired.

Note On occasion, after ActiveX controls have been added to an InTouch

application, the WindowMaker application will have a longer start-up time
than usual. To restore the proper start-up time, remove or rename the file
“D:\InFusion-View\itocx.cfg” in the Control HMI directory.

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74 3. Control HMI Window Construction

Configuring the Wonderware Historian Client

The aaHistClientTrend is the full Wonderware Historian Client Trend Control
which has the features like:

Toolbars and Menus Trend Area

Server and Tag Browser Tag List

Figure 3-34. aaHistClientTrend

The trend object allows you to specify the tags to be trended at runtime in the
WindowViewer application using the embedded Tag Picker dialog boxes.
However, in order to preconfigure the trend with the names of the tags to trend,
WindowMaker scripting is required. This book describes the standard scripting
to preconfigure tags for the trend. However, entire documentation of scripting
interface for the Wonderware Historian Client trend object can be found in the
Wonderware Historian Client online help.
To access the Wonderware Historian Client online help, on a workstation
where the Wonderware Historian Client software has been installed, click
Start > Programs > Wonderware > Wonderware Historian Client > Help.
In the help dialog box click Help - Contents > aaHistClientTrend Control >
Using aaHistClientTrend in an Application.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 75

Figure 3-35. Using aaHistClientTrend in an Application Help Topic

The instructions that detail how to preconfigure the Wonderware Historian

Client trend with the desired tags are:
1. Add the aaHistClientTrend Control to a window within the WindowMaker
2. Determine the name of the Control within the WindowMaker application.
To do this:
a. Double-click the original Control.
The name is listed in the Control Tag of the Properties dialog box
(Figure 3-36); in this example, the name aaHistClientTrend2. The
name HAS TO be unique to your application and can be renamed at
this time.

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76 3. Control HMI Window Construction

Figure 3-36. aaHistClientTrend Properties

b. Rename the trend object to a desired unique name - “HeaterTrend1”.

Figure 3-37. New Name - HeaterTrend

3. The Properties tab allows InTouch Tags to be assigned to each exposed

property of the trend control. Properties can only be controlled through the
use of InTouch tags assigned to a property. In this example, the property
“AllowContextMenu” will be assigned the value of the InTouch Tag
“MenuPermission”. When the value the tag “MenuPermission” changes,
the context menu within the Trend Control in the WindowViewer
application is enabled or disabled.
This is only an example of how to use InTouch tags to control the
properties of a trend object. Each application will decide which properties
need to be controlled dynamically.
To assign an InTouch tag to a Trend Control property:
a. Click the Properties tab and resize the column to view the Associated
Tag column.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 77

Figure 3-38. HeaterTrend1 Properties

b. Add an InTouch Discrete Tag to AllowContextMenu. This allows

scripts to control this setting. Verify that the “assignment” arrow is
pointing to the left (see Figure 3-39), indicating that the property will
be driven by the value of the InTouch tag.

Figure 3-39. HeaterTrend1 Properties - MenuPermission

4. The Events tab allows InTouch QuickFunctions to be assigned to certain

events. When the event occurs, the QuickFunction is executed. There are
no required Event scripts for the Trend Control.

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78 3. Control HMI Window Construction

Figure 3-40. HeaterTrend1 Properties - Events

5. The actual scripting commands need to be configured. The scripting

commands are placed in the OnShow window script for the window with
the Trend Control. The scripting commands are used to:
• Specify the Wonderware Historian Server
• Add a Tag to be trended
• Set properties for the Trend Control
Whenever a command to an ActiveX Control is made the Syntax is: “#”
followed by the ControlName and method or property to set:
#ControlName.Method( args )
Add any custom scripts to the end of the Window's “OnShow” script or to
a button on the window. An example of a window's “OnShow” script is
given here.

{ ============ USER DEFINED SETTINGS ============== }
{ ================================================= }
{ USER} AddToMRU = 1;
{ USER} UpdateNav = 0;
{ ----- Connect IO to DAS }
CALL ZWindowScript30( "OnShowAt", WindowName, AddToMRU,

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 79

{====== Enter Custom Scripts Below =====================}

{ +++++ Add Custom Scripts here ++++++ }

a. To add a server, perform these steps.
The first step is connecting to a server. Use the AddServer Method to
do this. Add to the end of the Window's “OnShow” script. Assuming
that the Wonderware Historian Server is “AWXP01”, the script line
will be:
#HeaterTrend1.AddServer(“AWXP01”, “sa”, “ArchestrA”,
1 )
METHOD - AddServer The AddServer method adds a server to the list.
Syntax Result=
Parameters serverName - The name of the server.
loginName - A valid user name for the server. If no
login name is provided, integrated security is used.
password - A valid password for the server.
bPersistPassword - If set to True, the password is
retained for the next time a connection is
attempted. The password is only retained for a
single application; the persisted password is not
available to all applications.
Return Value Returns True if the server can be added; otherwise
returns False.

The ServerName, UserName, and Password can also be assigned to

InTouch Tags. This is the preferred method of specifying these parameters,
because changes to these values can be easily controlled through tags.
Framer has settings to change Wonderware Historian Servers, user names,
and passwords for each station. To start Framer from the WindowMaker
application, click Special > Framer > Open.
To access the Wonderware Historian Server properties from within
Framer, click Properties > Configuration > InSQL.
Then configure the ServerName, UserName, and Password, as shown in
Figure 3-41.

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80 3. Control HMI Window Construction

Figure 3-41. Framer - Configuration Properties

To take advantage of these Framer settings within the WindowMaker

window, use these InTouch tags as argument to the AddServer method:
b. After that, add Tags to the trend. Use the AddTag method.
#HeaterTrend1.AddAnyTag (ZHMI-App-Hist-Server,
METHOD - The AddAnyTag method adds the specified tag to
AddAnyTag the trend.
Syntax Result=
serverName, tagName);
Parameters serverName - The name of the server.
tagName - Name of the Tag. This is the
Compound.Block.Parameter name.
Return Value Returns True if the tag can be added; otherwise
returns False.

c. The appearance of the trend can also be changed with scripting. For
instance, to show only the trend with no Tag Picker, Tag List or
toolbars, the script appears like this:
#HeaterTrend1.TagPickerVisible = 0;
#HeaterTrend1.GridVisible = 0;
#HeaterTrend1.ToolBar = 0;
#HeaterTrend1.TimeBar = 0;
d. The trend’s time-out settings also need to be set when using
Wonderware Historian Client Trends. The default time-out for queries

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 81

is two minutes. The WindowViewer application collects data from the

server every cycle. If the server is busy or it disconnects, the
WindowViewer application will try to reestablish communications
with the server for two minutes prior to timing out. All other window
updates and actions will be suspended until the two minutes time-out
• Connection is the connection time-out in seconds between 1 and 600.
• Query is the query time-out in seconds between 1 and 600.


Once the WindowViewer application opens a window with a

Wonderware Historian Client Trend Control, the application will cease
all action when communications is lost with the Wonderware Historian
Server, even if the trend control is not currently open on a window.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury.

Framer has settings to change trend time-out values for each station. To
start Framer from the WindowMaker application, click Special >Framer
To access the Wonderware Historian Server properties from within
Framer, click Properties >Configuration>InSQL.

Figure 3-42. Framer - InSQL LoginTimeout Property

To take advantage of these Wonderware Historian Server time-out

properties within the WindowMaker window, use the following InTouch
tags to set the trend properties. The trends properties can be set with a
script or by assigning the InTouch Tags to the Associated Tag column
using the Control's Property dialog box.

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82 3. Control HMI Window Construction

To set these properties by an InTouch script, use the following as a

#HeaterTrend1.QueryTimeout = ZHMI-App-Hist-
#HeaterTrend1.LoginTimeout = ZHMI-App-Hist-
To set these properties by using the Control's Property dialog box, set the
LoginTimeout property as shown in Figure 3-43 and Figure 3-44.

Figure 3-43. Wonderware Historian Client Trend - LoginTimeout

Control Property

Figure 3-44. Wonderware Historian Client Trend - QueryTimeout

Control Property

e. The ActiveX Trend Control does not have the server auto-reconnect
feature that is available in the Wonderware Historian Client software.

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 83

If the Wonderware Historian Server connection is lost, Wonderware

Historian Client software will log in to the server automatically when
the connection is restored. Even though the Control does not have this
feature, this feature can be simulated using the “While Showing”
script of the InTouch window, as exemplified here.
While Showing - Every 5000 msec
{ Replace “MyInSQL” with the name of your Wonderware Historian
Server node }
IF NOT %MyServer.LoggedOn THEN

Note Be aware of these:

1) Set the “While Showing” time to the desired length of time between status
2) Confirm that you replace “MyInSQL” with the name of the Wonderware
Historian Server node.
3) If there is more than one Wonderware Historian Server, the code following
the DIM statement has to be copied for each server with “MyInSQL” replaced
with each additional server name.

f. The following is an example of the configuration performed in this

• From the WindowMaker application, right-click on the window with
the Trend Control and open the Window Script dialog box, shown in
Figure 3-45.

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84 3. Control HMI Window Construction

Figure 3-45. Window Script Dialog Box

• At the end of the “OnShow” script, add the server to the Trend by
adding the AddServer command.
• Click on the toolbar. This opens the ActiveX Control
browser. This dialog box shows all Controls being used by the

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 85

Figure 3-46. ActiveX Control Browser

• Select the HeaterTrend1 Control in the Control Name field (the

left-hand side column in Figure 3-47). All of the available
properties for the control appear in the Method/Property field
(the right-hand side column).

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86 3. Control HMI Window Construction

Figure 3-47. ActiveX Control Browser - Select HeaterTrend1

• Select the fourth item in the “Method/Property” column -

“AddServer(“String”,“String”,“String”,“Boolean”)” - and click
OK. The following will be added to the script:
#HeaterTrend1.AddServer( “String”,
“String”, “String”, “Boolean”)
• Modify the line as previously discussed:
#HeaterTrend1.AddServer( “Server”,
“UserName”, “Password”, 1);
• Repeat the first two sub-substeps above (“Click ” and
“Select the HeaterTrend1 Control”) for each property and method
to be used. This includes the AddAnyTag trend pen assignment
The end results need to be something like:
{Add Server }
Password, 1);

{ Add Tags }

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 87

{ Change Appearance }
#HeaterTrend1.TagPickerVisible = 0;
#HeaterTrend1.GridVisible = 0;
#HeaterTrend1.ToolBar = 0;
#HeaterTrend1.TimeBar = 0;

{ Set Timeout Values }

#HeaterTrend1.QueryTimeout = ZHMI-App-Hist-
#HeaterTrend1.LoginTimeout = ZHMI-App-Hist-
• To configure the “While Showing” script to auto reconnect to
disconnected servers, switch the “Condition Type” of the
Window Script dialog box from “OnShow” to “While
Showing”, as shown in Figure 3-48 and as described after the

Figure 3-48. Window Scripts - Select Condition Type - While Showing

When configuring the “While Showing” script to auto reconnect to

disconnected servers, set the “While Showing” timer to desired value. In
this case, set it to every 5 seconds.
Add the Check Server Status code to the “While Showing” script by
repeating the steps above (“Click ” and “Select the HeaterTrend1
Control”) for each property and method to be used, as shown in

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88 3. Control HMI Window Construction

Figure 3-49. Example code for the “While Showing” script is provided

Figure 3-49. Window Scripts - Server Status and Login Code

While Showing - Every 5000 msec


{Check status of InSQL Server 1}

IF NOT %MyServer.LoggedOn THEN

{Check status of InSQL Server 2}

IF NOT %MyServer.LoggedOn THEN

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3. Control HMI Window Construction 89

Compiling WindowMaker Windows for Runtime

Every window is compiled prior to it is displayed in the WindowViewer
application. This application automatically compiles windows when it is
started or restarted.There are several conditions where windows will be
compiled when the WindowViewer application is restarted.
• Creating or editing a window
• Importing windows
• NAD Notification of window updates
• Changing resolution or color settings to support single or multi monitors

Compiling Windows with ActiveX Controls

Several message boxes may appear when windows, with ActiveX Controls, are
compiled. If the control properties are connected to InTouch tags, as is the case
with several Control HMI windows, those properties are initially reported as
invalid. These messages are normal and can be ignored when the window is
compiled. Open the windows that had system messages once the window has
been compiled and verify that the control is functioning as expected and there
are no more system messages.
Messages may appear as shown in Figure 3-50.

Figure 3-50. Wonderware Alarm Viewer Control

Converting Resolution for Windows with

ActiveX Control Scripts
Try to avoid the following script condition when creating ActiveX control
scripts in window or button action scripts. The WindowMaker application
requires that the control, being referenced s “#MyTrend”, be on a window that
is currently open. There is no issue detected when the control is on the same
window as the script making the reference call. However, an issue detection
occurs when a window or action script makes a reference call to an ActiveX
control on another window.
When converting windows, the WindowMaker application only has one
window open at a time, so when it comes across a reference call to an ActiveX
control on a different window, it does not see the referenced control and deletes
the script.

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90 3. Control HMI Window Construction

To help prevent this issue detection, create a Quick Function when calls to
controls on different windows are needed. Quick Functions are not compiled
and will not be deleted when the window is compiled.
Messages may appear as shown in Figure 3-51.

Figure 3-51. Wonderware Message

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R


C H A P T E R 4

Control HMI Management

This chapter describes the procedures for propagating the changes made in the
WindowMaker application to the Control HMI environment.

• Configuring Widescreen Features
• Application Deployment
• Developing on Multiple Engineering Stations
• Restoring Faceplates to the Control HMI
• Restoring Faceplates to the Control HMI
• Back Up
• Application Merging
• Language - Internationalization

Configuring Widescreen Features

Configuring Station Styles

Station Style includes many settings that affect the runtime appearance of the
Control HMI when viewed on a station with 16:9 monitors. Station Style also
defines which stations are widescreen and which stations are not.

Monitor Ratio This is the only setting used by both 4:3 and 16:9
stations. This is the primary setting to enable or
disable widescreen features.
Always Center Panels This option forces all the Control Software Panel
windows to appear in the center area of the monitor.
Disabling this option shows panels in the same area
as 4:3 style windows.

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92 4. Control HMI Management

Menu Extension Name Name of the Menu Extension window that
appears next to the existing menu and toolbars.
You can create custom windows and use Framer
to assign them to each monitor.
Function Bar Name Name of the Function Bar window that appears
across the monitor. It is located just above the
status bar. You can create custom windows and
use Framer to assign them to each monitor.
Function Bar Enable Enable or disable the appearance of the Function
Legacy Justification By Default, the 4:3 windows appear in the center
area of each monitor. You can use these settings
to change where the 4:3 windows appear. There
are three options available; <Left>, <Right>, or

Enable Auto Position Auto position uses the Legacy Justification setting of
each monitor to automatically place Detail Display
faceplates outside the area where the 4:3 windows
FP Set 1-8 Grid You can disable Auto Placement and configure
Locations where each faceplate needs to appear. Each monitor
can be divided into 18 grid locations, 6 across the
area and 3 towards the down.
Monitor Ratio for The Monitor Ratio Station Style setting for each
Remote Desktop or workstation enables or disables all widescreen
Terminal Services features. Station style settings do not function like a
typical Framer workstation settings. Workstation
settings apply to where the application is running.
Station style settings apply to where the application
is being viewed.

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4. Control HMI Management 93

Terminal Server Client station with 4:3 monitors remoting into a Terminal
Server with 16:9.

WS1 Server1
4:3 Monitor 16:9 Monitor

WS1 has to be configured as LegacyAspect 4:3 format.

Terminal Server Client station with 16:9 monitors remoting into a Terminal
Server with 4:3.

WS1 Server1
16:9 Monitor 4:3 Monitor

WS1 has to be configured as WideAspect 16:9 format.

Note In this example, a 4:3 monitor can also be used because it fits within the
size of the 16:9 monitor.

Note While using remote desktop to connect to a client workstation, the

resolution of the remote desktop connection has to be the same as the
resolution of the workstation. The Remote Desktop connection effectively
takes over the console of the local workstation. This type of remote connection
acts as a local workstation login and it has to use the local workstation settings.

Remote Desktop from a 4:3 workstation into a 16:9 workstation:

4:3 Monitor 16:9 Monitor

In this example, the Console is running in 16:9 format and widescreen features
are displayed. This is not recommended as the widescreen windows overlap
existing windows on the 4:3 monitors.

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94 4. Control HMI Management

Remote Desktop from a 16:9 workstation into a 4:3 workstation:

16:9 Monitor 4:3 Monitor

This example works as the 4:3 resolution is smaller than the 16:9 resolution.
It is recommended to login with the correct resolution as InTouch recompiles
windows when they are opened and viewed in the wrong resolution.

How to Assign Styles to Stations

The Framer Configuration tool provides a set of pre-configured station styles.

Default The Default value depends on which application

version was installed
The Default value for the 1280 application is Legacy
4:3 format
The Default value for the 1920 application is Wide
16:9 format
WideAspect Wide 16:9 Format
LegacyAspect Legacy 4:3 Format

You have to configure stations that do not match the default style.This means
that you only need to configure stations with 4:3 monitors, if you install the
1920 application.
1. Open Framer.
2. Browse Workstations > StyleGroups.

Figure 4-1. Configuration Explorer

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4. Control HMI Management 95

3. Right-click StyleGroups and select New.

4. Select the Style to be configured (example, LegacyAspect).

Figure 4-2. Browse Workstation

5. Select the empty workstation spaces under the LegacyAspect column to

assign stations with this style.
6. Select the name of the Foxboro Evo workstation and click OK.
a. Alternatively you can type the computer name of non-Control Core
Services workstation.

Figure 4-3. Framer Control Edition - Assign Styles

7. Save and Exit.

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96 4. Control HMI Management

How to Extend Station Style Features

The Control HMI includes the LoadCustomStyle( ) quick function. You can
modify this function to extend the station style features. The function is
executed after the Station Styles are loaded.
Why Extend Station Styles:
This function gives you a connection into Station Styles. You can define your
own style names and connect customized features to each style. For example,
you create two styles for stations that belong to plant area 1 and plant area 2.
You then modify this function to execute tasks that are unique to each area.
LoadCustomStyle( )
IF ZHMI-App-GroupName-Styles == "PlantArea1" THEN
< Define a set of tags >
< execute a command>
< show a set of faceplates >
< etc…>
IF ZHMI-App-GroupName-Styles == "PlantArea2" THEN
< Define a set of tags >
< execute a command>
< show a set of faceplates >
< etc…>
The script can also be used to trigger actions on specific station style settings.
For example, you can trigger different actions if the station has widescreen or
legacy monitors.
LoadCustomStyle( )
IF ZHMI-App-WS-StationStyle == 1 THEN { 16:9 WIDE ASPECT}
< Define a set of tags >
< execute a command>
< show a set of faceplates >
< etc…>
< Define a set of tags >
< execute a command>
< show a set of faceplates >
< etc…>

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4. Control HMI Management 97

What happens when you migrate to a newer version of the Control Software:
The Control Software do not modify the above script. You can migrate this
script from application to application without losing any custom

Configuring Window Styles

The Control HMI includes the LoadCustomWindowStyle( ) quick function.
You can modify this function to extend window style features. The function is
executed after each window is opened.
Why Extend Window Styles:
This function gives you a connection into a window style. You can define your
own style names and connect customized features to each style. For example,
you create two styles for windows that belong to plant area 1 and plant area 2.
You then modify this function to execute tasks that are unique to each window
LoadCustomWindowStyle( )
IF ZHMI-App-Wndw-Layout == "PlantArea1" THEN
< Define a set of tags >
< execute a command>
< show a set of faceplates >
< etc…>
IF ZHMI-App-Wndw-Layout == "PlantArea2" THEN
< define a set of tags >
< execute a command>
< show a set of faceplates >
< etc…>
The script can also be modified to perform different actions for different
operators. For example, you can trigger different actions if the station has
either widescreen or legacy monitors.
LoadCustomStyle( )
IF ZHMI-App-WS-StationStyle == 1 THEN { 16:9 WIDE ASPECT}
IF $Operator == "FCSEng1" THEN <Show Detail Displays for this area>
IF $Operator == "FCSOpr1" THEN <Show window with contact list>
IF $Operator == "FCSEng1" THEN <Show Detail Displays for this area>
IF $Operator == "FCSOpr1" THEN <Show window with contact list>

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98 4. Control HMI Management

What happens when you migrate to a newer version of the Control Software:
The Control Software do not modify the above script. You can migrate this
script from application to application without losing any custom

Application Deployment
The ArchestrA development environment is used to manage and maintain
deployed instances of the Control HMI application to client workstations. The
Control HMI install process creates an instance of a View Engine and the
Control HMI application for each workstation.
• <StationID>_Plat
• <StationID>_AppV
• <StationID>_HMI
When the Control HMI $template is modified and checked in, the deployed
instances are marked for redeployment in the ArchestrA Deployment tree
view. Changes can then be deployed to each client workstation. Client
workstation operators may be required to restart their local application once an
update is received. This will cause the application to compile new changes to
the application.

Note The entire application may recompile after receiving minor edits. To
help prevent the entire application from recompiling, users need to first test all
edits using the WindowMaker Runtime fast switch. This will open a local
runtime copy of the application and compile all the edits.

Note Do not log off or reboot the workstation when deploying the managed
Control HMI Application, until the application file transfer is done.
Deploying the managed Control HMI application works differently than the
standard ArchestrA objects. The deployment quickly reports that deployment
is done. However, there is a file transfer that has to finish prior to it is fully
deployed. This file transfer can take several minutes depending on the system
and network performance. Any interruption to the file transfer will stop the
deployment and require a re-deployment of the Control HMI application. The
instance icon in IDE will show a clean deployment icon when the file transfer
is completed.

Deployment on Multiple Monitor Layouts

Control HMI is installed as a single monitor application. Some systems have
workstations with a mix of multi-monitor and single monitor configurations, as
discussed in “Window Configuration for Multiple Monitors” on page 65.

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4. Control HMI Management 99

Multiple Monitor Layouts on FCS or Control

HMI Systems
For systems with FCS 3.x and later or Control HMI 5.x and later, applications
do not need to be recompiled prior to being deployed to a client with a different
monitor layout than the master station. There are no special NAD setup
requirements for multi-monitor configurations other than enabling the multi-
screen mode on multi-monitor workstations (independent mode). Workstations
that support multiple monitors need to have the “MultiScreen” setting in the
station's win.ini file set to 1 as discussed in “Window Configuration for
Multiple Monitors” on page 65.

Developing on Multiple Engineering Stations

Be aware of issue detections which may arise when developing on multiple
workstations. When developing large systems, it is necessary to have multiple
people working on the Master application at the same time. InTouch software
only allows one person to edit an application at a time.
To have multiple people working on an application, each person will require
their own copy of the application which will then be merged into the Master
application. For details on merging, refer to “Application Merging” on
page 109.
Follow these tips when developing on multiple stations:
• Maintain only one Master application on a Master Workstation
• To help prevent confusion, it is recommended that you need to assign
a single person to be in control of this Master application.
• This individual needs to control all merges into the Master
• Verify that each work copy of the application is responsible for a specific
set of displays.
• This will help to prevent two separate applications making different
changes to the same display.
• Keep a record of which displays are ready to be merged into the
Master application.
• Sometimes, it is necessary to modify an existing script in one or more of
the work copies of the application.
• Keep a record of changes made to any script and any new scripts.
• Do not ever replace an existing Master script when merging.
• Rename the script being imported and merge the changes manually.
• Keep all work copies of the application up to date with the Master
• Periodically merge all work copies into the Master.
• When the Master has all merges, back up and redistribute the

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100 4. Control HMI Management

Restoring Faceplates to the Control HMI

To improve application management and deployment performance, the
managed Control HMI application contains only three sets of Detail Displays.
This section provides instructions on adding additional Detail Display sets into
the managed Control HMI application.

Importing Detail Display Sets

Perform these steps to initiate the Import process:
1. Locate the five zipped faceplate applications that are installed on the GR
Node. They are labelled FP4.zip through FP8.zip and are located in:
2. Each zip file contains a full set of Detail Displays. Unzip each set of Detail
Displays that will be restored. Unzip the files to a known location so they
can be easily found when importing.
3. Open the ArchestrA IDE and open the $ControlHMI_vx template in
WindowMaker. The template is located in the Template Toolbox in the
Control HMI subfolder.
4. In the WindowMaker, click File > Import.
5. Browse to the unzipped FP files. Click OK to open the Import dialog box.
The Application Data Import Options dialog box is displayed.

Figure 4-4. Managed Control HMI - Application Data Import Options

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4. Control HMI Management 101

6. Select the Use Existing Tags check box and then click Select next to the
Windows check box. The Windows to Import dialog box containing a
list of all Detail Displays is displayed.

Figure 4-5. Managed Control HMI - Windows To Import

7. Click Select All and then click OK. The Application Data Import
Options dialog box is displayed.

Verify that
this is

Verify that
this is
Figure 4-6. Managed Control HMI - Application Data Import Options

8. Click Import.
9. Repeat steps 1 through 8 for each set of Detail Displays that will be added
to the application.
Proceed to the Enabling Detail Display Sets step when all sets are imported.

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102 4. Control HMI Management

Enabling Detail Display Sets

There is a Framer setting that has to be updated to enable the new sets of added
Detail Displays. Perform these steps:
1. Open Framer from WindowMaker by selecting Special >Framer >Open.
The Framer Control Edition dialog box is displayed.

Figure 4-7. Managed Control HMI - Framer Control Edition

2. In the left pane, under Properties, select Configuration. The list of

properties is displayed in the right pane.

Figure 4-8. Managed Control HMI - Changing FaceplateWindows


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4. Control HMI Management 103

3. Scroll down the property list and select the FaceplateWindows property.
4. Set the Default value to the new number of Detail Displays available.
5. Save the change and exit the Framer.

Compiling New Detail Display Sets

The new windows need to be compiled before they are deployed to client
To compile New Detail Display sets:
1. From WindowMaker, click the Runtime fast switch button located on the
right side of the WindowMaker toolbar. This will open the template
application in WindowViewer and begin the compile process.
2. Exit WindowViewer after all windows are compiled and the Control HMI
initial Displays are visible.
3. Exit the WindowMaker and check in the changes to the Application.

Back Up
It is highly recommended that you make backups of your changes prior to and
after any major edit, merge or upgrade.

Note Prior to making a backup, you have to exit the WindowMaker and
WindowViewer applications.

Two methods are available for creating backups. It can be useful to use both
methods when backing up changes, as each has its own advantages and
• Copy through Compressed Zip.
Compressed Zip files are smaller and easy to manage. They can easily be
copied from one station to the next. Individual files cannot be imported
into WindowMaker and would require the compressed files to be
uncompressed to a different location.
Using Window Explorer:
a. Find the Application folder – D:\InFusion-View
b. Right-click on the folder name and click Send To > Compressed
(Zipped) Folder. This will create a zip file of the entire application.
c. Store this Zip file in a safe off-platform location.
• Copy the Application Folder.
These files can take up a significant amount of hard drive space. However,
they can be easily imported into WindowMaker when doing partial
Using Window Explorer:
a. Find the Application folder – D:\InFusion-View
b. Right-click on the folder name and click Copy.

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104 4. Control HMI Management

c. Right-click on the D:\ drive and click Paste.

d. Rename the copied folder.
When backing up a Control HMI, the size of the application directory can be
reduced by removing these listed files:
• All files ending in *.*bk. When editing windows and scripts,
WindowMaker makes a backup of the file being edited. This backup is
given a “bk” suffix. These files can be deleted.
• All files ending in *.wvw. These files are the compiled versions of the
WindowMaker .win files. The .wvw files are only used by the
WindowViewer application. Be aware that the WindowViewer application
will need to recompile all the windows if this application is later opened in
this application.
Removing these files need to be done only on an InTouch Application that is
being archived. Do not remove the compiled files on a working InTouch
application, as the entire InTouch application will need to be recompiled when
switching to Runtime mode. Recompiling the InTouch application can take
over an hour.

Full Restore
A restore operation will restore the last saved backup of the application.
1. Close the WindowViewer and WindowMaker applications.
2. Rename the old Control HMI.
3. Verify that a local copy of the backup Zip file exists.
4. Open Window Explorer and rename or delete the current (Bad) application
5. Use Window Explorer to locate the backup Zip file.
6. Unzip the file to the D:\ drive.

Partial Restoration
You can restore individual windows and scripts using the Import process
described in the Control HMI, perform these steps:
1. Close the WindowViewer application.
2. Verify that a backup Application Folder exists.
3. Open the main application in WindowMaker and close all windows.
4. Delete the windows that are being restored.
5. Click Import on the File menu.
6. Find and select the backup application folder. Click OK.
7. Select the windows and scripts to be imported.
8. Check that “Use Existing Tags” is checked (on the bottom).

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4. Control HMI Management 105

9. It is a most appropriate method to rename any duplicate scripts that are

found during the import and manually merge them after.
a. Open the Rename script.
b. Select All and copy (Ctrl+C) the text of this script.
c. Open the old script to be restored.
d. Select All and delete the contents of this script.
e. Paste (Ctrl+V) the copied script text in place of the deleted script.
All placeholder tags on imported SmartSymbols have to be converted to local
tags. Refer to Step 7 in the following section.

Control HMI Backup and Restore

You have to use the standard ArchestrA workflows to do periodic backups of
the managed application and custom ArchestrA Graphics.

Control HMI Backup

Perform these steps to make a backup of the managed application:
1. Open the ArchestrA IDE.

Note Make sure the WindowMaker is not open.

Figure 4-9. Template Toolbox

2. Open the Template Toolbox, expand the Control HMI folder, and then
select $ControlHMI_vx.

Figure 4-10. Selecting Export Command

3. Right-click the selection and click Export > Object(s)... from the context
4. Select a folder to store the backup package and rename the file, as needed.

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106 4. Control HMI Management

5. Click OK.

Note The original installed template is also stored on the GR Node. It is

located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Invensys\InFusion\View\Support\...

Custom ArchestrA Graphic Backup

It is recommended that you place all the custom graphics in a separate Graphic
Toolset for easier identification and maintenance.
To back up custom ArchestrA Graphic:
1. Open the ArchestrA IDE.

Figure 4-11. Graphic Toolbox

2. Open the Graphic Toolbox. Expand and select the folder where the
custom graphics are stored.
If the custom graphics are not stored in a separate folder, expand all the
folders and select each graphic separately.

Figure 4-12. Selecting Export Command

3. Right-click the selection and click Export > Object(s)... from the context
4. Select a folder to store the backup package and rename the file, as needed.
5. Click OK.

Note The original installed Control Situational Awareness (CSA) Graphic

package is also stored on the GR Node. It is located at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Invensys\InFusion\View\Support\...

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4. Control HMI Management 107

Restore the Control HMI Package

To restore a backed up Control HMI package:
1. Open the ArchestrA IDE.

Note Verify that the WindowMaker is not open.

2. Open the Template Toolbox, expand the Control HMI folder, and then
rename $ControlHMI_vx.

Figure 4-13. Selecting Import Command

3. Select Galaxy > Import > Object(s)... and browse to the folder where the
backup packages are stored.
4. Select the package and click Open to import. The Import Preferences
dialog is displayed.

Figure 4-14. Import Preferences Dialog Box

5. Click OK.
Importing the stored package does not replace the existing applications running
on the client stations.

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108 4. Control HMI Management

To replace the applications on the client workstation:

1. In the ArchestrA IDE Deployment view, select the <StationID>_HMI

2. Undeploy and delete the <StationID>_HMI object.

3. Open the Template Toolbox, expand the Control HMI folder, and then
select the restored template.

Figure 4-15. Creating a New Instance

4. Right-click the selection and click New > Instance from the context
5. In the Deployment view, rename the instance to <StationID>_HMI.

6. Move the renamed instance from the Unassigned folder to the station's
AppV engine.

Restore the Custom Graphic Package

To restore a backed up custom graphic package:
1. Open the ArchestrA IDE.

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4. Control HMI Management 109

Note Verify that the WindowMaker is not open.

Figure 4-16. Selecting Import Command

2. Select Galaxy > Import > Object(s)... and browse to the folder where the
backup packages are stored.
3. Select the package and click Open to import. The Import Preferences
dialog is displayed.

Figure 4-17. Import Preferences Dialog Box

4. Click Overwrite and then click OK to import.

Application Merging
To speed development of an application, it may be necessary to develop
windows and scripts on multiple workstations. These applications have to be
merged in to one Master application. Remember to back up both the working
and master copies of an application prior to merging.

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110 4. Control HMI Management

Note The recommended best practice for multiple developers developing a

managed application is to have a single developer managing the Control HMI
template. All other developers need to create ArchestrA graphics for each
InTouch window. With this scenario, users only need to execute steps 2 and 6
to merge changes.

Do not ever modify export or import control HMI windows and scripts. The
names of these windows and scripts start with “Z” or "hmi" for easy
When combining applications, only the objects that have been modified need
to be merged.

Note In this section, the original application version on the main workstation
will be referred to as the Master or Destination application. Any copied
application that is being merged into the Master will be referred to as the
For instructions on upgrading Control HMI to a new release, refer to the
Foxboro Evo Control Software Installation Guide (B0750RA).

To make the merging simpler:

1. Make backup copies of the Master and Source applications.
Refer to “Control HMI Backup” on page 105 if you are working with
managed applications.
2. Export ArchestrA Graphic from the Source Galaxy.
Refer to “Exporting and Importing Windows Between Managed Control
HMI Applications” on page 113.
3. Export Windows from the Source application.
Refer to “Exporting and Importing Windows Between Managed Control
HMI Applications” on page 113.
4. Merge the Source application into the Master application. Supported
scenarios include:
• Standalone Control HMI → Standalone Control HMI
• Standalone Control HMI → Managed Control HMI
• Managed Control HMI → Managed Control HMI
5. Merge the Tag Database.
If a window is imported with tags that do not exist, InTouch software
places a placeholder prefix on the tag. This placeholder disables the tag
until a new tag is created and the placeholder is removed. Merging the tag
databases prior to importing windows will help eliminate most of the need
to manually create and update these tags. The two exceptions to this are
that windows that use window controls such as listboxes will receive
placeholders on all local assigned tags. This is discussed in Steps 6 and 7.
Merge the database as follows:
a. Dump the Source tag database.

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4. Control HMI Management 111

• For standalone applications, open InTouch's Application

Manager, find and select the Source application. Click DBDump
on the File menu and create a DB.csv file.
• For managed applications, open the IDE and right-click the
Source application template. Select DBDump to create and save
the DB.CSV file.

Note In both cases, verify that DB.csv file is saved in a location that can be
easily found. This DB.csv file will be required later.

b. Using Notepad, open and edit the first line of the DB.csv file.
Change: MODE=ASK
This will help to prevent existing tags from being overwritten during
the merge process.
c. Save and close the DB.csv file.
d. Upload the Source tag database into the Master application.
• For standalone applications, using InTouch's Application
Manager, find and select the Master application. Click DBLoad
on the File menu. Find and select the modified DB.csv file and
click OK to start the database merge.
• For managed applications, open the IDE and right-click the
Master application template. Click DBLoad and select the
modified DB.csv file. Click OK to start the database merge.
You have completed merging the database.
6. Import ArchestrA Graphic Libraries from the Source Galaxy.
Refer to “Exporting and Importing Windows Between Managed Control
HMI Applications” on page 113.
7. Open the Master application and import scripts and windows from the
Source application.
Prior to importing, be aware of these:
• When windows with ActiveX controls are imported, the ActiveX
controls may receive a new name. This will cause some
configurations and scripts that reference the controls not to function.
Prior to importing, it is crucial to know which windows use ActiveX
controls and the names of the ActiveX controls. After importing these
windows, it is crucial to restore the original names.
Perform these steps:
a. Open the Master application in the WindowMaker and close all the
b. On the File menu, click Import.

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112 4. Control HMI Management

c. Find and select the Source’s application directory. The Application

Data Import Options dialog box is displayed.

Click to select

Verify that
this is
Figure 4-18. Application Data Import Options Dialog Box

d. Select the modified custom QuickScripts to be imported. Click Select

to choose the scripts to be imported. DO NOT import all the scripts
from the Source application, as this would include the standard
Control HMI scripts.

Note It is crucial to verify that the QuickScripts are up-to-date in the Master
application prior to importing any windows or SmartSymbols. If windows or
SmartSymbols containing references to QuickScripts are imported and the
QuickScript is not found in the Master application, the animation link in the
imported window or SmartSymbol will be deleted.

e. Select the Use Existing Tags (Conserve Placeholders) check box.

f. Click Import.

Note Modified scripts can only be imported by renaming the imported script
to a new name. Edits to scripts then need to be manually applied to the master

g. After that, select the modified custom windows to be imported. Click

Select to choose the Windows to be imported. DO NOT import all the
windows from the Source application, as this would include the
standard Control HMI windows.
h. Select the Use Existing Tags (Conserve Placeholders) check box.
i. Click Import.

Note Do not replace any existing files. The most appropriate method is to
Rename each file, and then compare the existing file to the renamed file for

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4. Control HMI Management 113

conflicts. Then delete unwanted windows and rename imported windows as

needed. Merge the two files manually, if needed.

You have finished importing all the custom windows and scripts.
8. To clean up the ActiveX controls:
a. Open each imported window with ActiveX controls.
b. Select each ActiveX control and double-click. The Properties dialog
box is displayed.
c. Restore the name to its original value.
d. Click OK.
The application upgrade and merge procedures are done.

Exporting and Importing Windows Between

Managed Control HMI Applications
Managed application windows may contain instances of ArchestrA Graphics.
These windows cannot be imported into standalone applications and has to be
exported prior to they can be imported into other managed applications.
Moving InTouch windows from one galaxy to another requires that all the
associated Custom ArchestrA Graphics be exported from the source Galaxy
and imported into the destination Galaxy.

Exporting ArchestrA Graphics

If the managed applications to be merged reside in two different Galaxies, you
have to export all the custom graphics that are used in the InTouch windows.
To export ArchestraA Graphics:
1. Open the ArchestrA IDE.
2. Open the Graphic Toolbox.
3. Browse and select all the custom graphics.
4. Right-click the selection and click Export > Object(s)... from the context
5. Select a folder to store the graphics.
This needs to be the same folder where the InTouch Windows will be
6. Click Save.

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114 4. Control HMI Management

Exporting InTouch Windows

If two managed applications are being merged, you have to open the source
managed application and export the InTouch windows.
To export InTouch Windows:
1. Open the ArchestrA IDE.
2. Open the Template Toolbox.
3. Browse, select, and double-click the Control HMI template that contains
the InTouch windows to be exported. The template is opened in the
4. In WindowMaker, select File > Export Window...
5. Select a folder to store the InTouch Windows.
This needs to be the same folder to which the custom ArchestrA Graphics
were exported.
6. Click OK. The Windows to Export dialog box is displayed.
7. Select the windows to be exported and click OK.

Importing ArchestrA Graphics

If the managed applications reside in two different Galaxies, you have to
import the custom graphics package that was exported from the source Galaxy.
To import ArchestrA Graphics:
1. Open the ArchestrA IDE.
2. On the Galaxy menu, select Import > Object(s)...
3. Browse to the folder that contains the export package.

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4. Control HMI Management 115

4. Select the package and click Open. The Import Preferences dialog box is

Figure 4-19. Import Preferences Dialog Box

5. Select the appropriate import options and click OK.

Importing InTouch Windows

If two manage applications are being merged, you can only import windows
that were previously exported from the Source application.
1. Open the ArchestrA IDE.
2. Open the Template Toolbox.
3. Browse, select, and double-click the Control HMI template to which the
windows are being imported. The template is opened in the
4. In the WindowMaker, select File > Import...
5. Select the folder that contains the exported InTouch windows and click
OK. The Application Data Import Options dialog box is displayed.
6. Follow the procedure to import scripts and windows using the
WindowMaker software.
For information about the import procedure, refer to Foxboro Evo Control
Software Installation Guide (B0750RA).

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116 4. Control HMI Management

Language - Internationalization
To set up Control HMI for multi-language support, refer to “Switching a
Language at Run Time” in the InTouch®HMI Application Management and
Extension Guide.
Control HMI also has some message fields that are dynamically generated.
These messages can also be setup to support multilanguages. To localize these
messages, refer to the section “Messages” in Framer and Alarm Management
User’s Guide (B0750AR).

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R


C H A P T E R 5

ArchestrA Graphics for

Control HMI

The managed Control HMI application supports the use of ArchestrA Graphics
in InTouch windows.

• ArchestrA Graphic Workflow
• InTouch Scripting vs ArchestrA Graphic Scripting
• Connecting ArchestrA Scripts to Control HMI Features
• Control HMI ArchestrA Script Functions
• ControlHMI.Log Functions

ArchestrA Graphic Workflow

ArchestrA Graphics are individual graphic symbols that are created and edited
individually in the ArchestrA IDE. These graphic symbols can be built and
configured as a entire process operator interface. The ArchestrA graphic
symbols are then placed within an InTouch window by using the
WindowMaker tool.

Note When multiple users edit the managed Control HMI, it is recommended
that a single developer be responsible for WindowMaker editing, i.e. creating
WindowMaker windows and placing ArchestrA graphics within the windows.
Other users can create, update, and test ArchestrA Graphics independently.

What to Create
It is expected that the users will create libraries of small symbols, which can be
used to build larger and more complex graphics. The Control HMI Software
and System Platform is installed with a prebuilt set of graphic libraries, which
can be used as is, or duplicated and modified to meet the user's needs.
It is also expected that the users will create larger graphics that can be used as
an entire process graphic. These larger windows need to be embedded into
InTouch Window templates, to improve the performance and resource usage.

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118 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

The users need to also create their generic windows and small overlays as
ArchestrA Graphics. These graphics need not be embedded into InTouch
Windows. The users need to create Show Graphic actions in their base graphics
to show the smaller overlays and pop ups. For detailed instructions on using
the ShowGraphic scripts and animations, refer to Creating and Using
ArchestrA Graphic User's Guide and Application Server Scripting Guide.

Why Use ArchestrA Graphics

ArchestrA Graphics are easier to configure and maintain as compared to
InTouch objects and Smart Symbols. ArchestrA Graphics are also true linked
libraries. If any graphic is modified, all instances of that graphic are
automatically updated. The user need not update the instances manually.

ArchestrA Graphic Performance

With today's workstations, it is very easy to build incredibly large and complex
graphics. The larger the graphics the slower they are and the more resources
that are required to drive them. To decide how big an ArchestrA graphic need
to be and to judge the performance of the graphic, ArchestrA Graphic editor
provides a useful tool called Graphic Performance Index tool. This tool
calculates a performance index ranging from 0 (worst) to 5 (best) and is
located in the Graphic Editor under Graphic > Graphics Performance Index
(the shortcut key is Ctrl+P).

Figure 5-1. Graphic Performance Index

For most excellent performance of the ArchestrA graphics, follow these basic

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 119

• Use graphic symbols from the Situation Awareness Library or Control

Graphic folders.
• Avoid using graphics from the ArchestrA Graphic Library folders as these
objects are often built with complex graphic properties which may have an
adverse impact on performance.
• Keep the graphic performance index as close to 5 as possible.
Do not build a graphic with a performance index below 4. Graphics with
performance indexes below 4 have slow call up times and impact the
system resources and CPU load.
• Avoid the use of gradient and transparent colors.
Be careful not to use a large number of small gradient objects as this will
affect the time it takes to render a graphic. Gradients on small objects are
not visible to users and add no benefit.
• Avoid creating a large number of custom properties as this may affect load
and connection time.
Add only those properties that are necessary for the graphic. KPI variables
and calculations need to be done in application objects and not within the
• Avoid using scripts that are constantly running.
For example, if a script runs every 50ms while the graphic is shown, it
consumes system resources and CPU. Such graphics may have a high
impact on the system if many instances of the symbol are used in a single
• Avoid assembling multiple ArchestrA Graphics in an InTouch window.
Instead create a single ArchestrA Graphic that can be used in the InTouch
window. This window no longer needs to be edited from within the
WindowMaker. You can modify the ArchestrA Graphic and the InTouch
window is automatically updated.

How to Embed ArchestrA Graphics into InTouch

To embed an ArchestrA graphic into an InTouch window, proceed as follows:
1. Create and completely configure your ArchestrA Graphic that contains the
content to be shown in the window.
2. From InTouch WindowMaker, create a new window.

3. On the toolbar, click (Embed ArchestrA Graphic button) and browse

through the available ArchestrA Graphics.
4. Select the graphic and click OK.
5. Place the graphic instance in the InTouch window.

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120 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

Create Standard Collections of Graphics

The Control Situational Awareness (CSA) graphic libraries consist of many
wizard options and this may cause confusion and error detections when the
display builders are creating Window graphics. For example, a user may have
10 standard meter symbols that are used throughout the graphics. Every time a
display builder instances the CSA_Meter graphics, the correct wizard options
for each instance has to be selected.
One possible way to minimize the confusion and also improve consistency and
time required to build multiple graphics is to create a standard collection of
graphics. In the example above, we can create a MeterSet where the display
builder only needs to choose the required style of the meter. All the wizard
options are already set and the user just needs to connect the meter to the
compound blocks.
Symbol Wizards is a very complex and useful tool for creating graphic
collections. The section that describes a very basic example of how to create a
graphic collection by using the Symbol Wizards is given here:

Create a Standard Meter Collection

Suppose there are five meters that are used through the graphics and each
meter has different options.
Proceed as follows to create a standard meter collection:
1. Open the ArchestrA IDE.

Figure 5-2. Graphic Toolbox

2. Under Graphic Toolbox, create a new Symbol with the name MeterSet.

Figure 5-3. Editing the Symbol

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 121

3. Open the symbol, MeterSet, to edit.

4. Embed an instance of the CSA_Meters graphic.

Figure 5-4. Properties Tab

5. In the Properties Tab, under Graphic, rename Name to Style1.

Figure 5-5. Wizard Options

6. Under Wizard Options, set up all the wizard options required for Style1.
For this example, assume Type as Flow and turn on AlarmBorder.
7. Create four more copies of the meter graphic and rename them from Style2
through Style5.

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122 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

8. Change the wizard options for each copy.

For this example, change Type to Temperature, Pressure, Target, and
9. To facilitate the display builder in selecting the required style, ArchestrA
Graphic Editor provides a tool called the Symbol Wizards. To use the tool,
click . An Options pane is displayed in the lower-left area of the
Graphic Editor.

a. In the Options pane, right-click and select New > Choice Group.
b. Rename the new choice group to MeterStyles.

c. Right-click MeterStyles and select New > Choice from the context
d. Rename the new choice to Style1.

e. Perform steps c and d to create Style2 through Style5.

10. Click the Layers tab to assign each meter object to the appropriate layer.

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 123

The layers are already created for each of the choices. You can add or
remove layers. For this example, assume the default layers.

11. Under Layers, expand MeterStylesStyle1 (be noted that there are three
folders - Custom Properties, Graphic Elements, and Named Scripts).
12. From the Elements view, drag the Style1 object to the Graphic Elements
folder of MeterStylesStyle1.
13. Perform steps 11 and 12 for each Meter Object. Assign each of them to the
appropriate layer.

14. Select all the objects and click (Align Centers button) to center align
all the graphics and then save.

Use a Standard Meter Collection

The display builders can now use the MeterSet to create the graphics. They can
choose the required style and configure the tags, without having to configure
the different wizard options for each instance.

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124 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

Proceed as follows to create a graphic using the standard meter collection:

1. Create a new symbol and open it.

2. Add an instance of the Standards > MeterSet graphic.

3. Use the MeterStyles wizard option to configure which meter to use.

For this example, select Style2.

4. Configure the custom properties.

A new instance of the graphic is created.

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 125

InTouch Scripting vs ArchestrA Graphic

ArchestrA Graphics provide advanced animations and scripting capabilities
compared to InTouch animations and scripts. Some of the InTouch features
such as displaying InTouch Windows and calling InTouch Quick Functions are
not available in ArchestrA Graphic animations or scripts. The Control HMI has
provided some additional functions to replace the missing functions. Refer to
Control HMI ArchestrA Script Functions. For details on ArchestrA Graphic
Script, refer to Application Server Scripting Guide (Script.pdf).

Configure Data Sources

ArchestrA Graphics can be configured to many types of Data Sources:
• Remote IO references such as Foxboro Evo Compound Blocks or
ArchestrA App Objects
• ArchestrA Graphic custom properties and attributes
• Attributes of graphic elements
• InTouch Tags
Remote References can be browsed by double clicking on any expression to
open the Galaxy Browser Dialog box. Use the Attribute or I/A Series browser
tabs to browse for Compound Block or ArchestrA App Object references. For
information on using the I/A Series browser, refer to Access Manager User's
Guide (B0750AD).
You can also enter remote references manually while configuring custom
properties, scripts, or animations. The format is:
• ArchestrA App Object: AppObject.Attribute
• Foxboro Evo Reference: IADAS.CMP.BLOCK.PARAM
• IADAS - This identifies the remote tag as a Foxboro Evo system tag.
The data source is the I/A Series Integrator Object deployed to this
station. The reference is automatically connected directly to the local
I/A Series Integrator DIObject deployed on this workstation.
• CMP.BLOCK.PARAM - This is an example of a Foxboro Evo tag
reference. Use a period to separate compound, block, and parameter

Note IADAS is an actual object that is created during installation. ArchestrA

Graphic animations require this DI Object instance to exist in the Deployment
Unassigned Folder. Verify that this undeployed object exists if IADAS
references appear as invalid.

ArchestrA Graphic custom properties and attributes can also be found by

double clicking on any expression to open the Galaxy browser. Use the
Element browser tab to see all the elements and properties in the graphic. The
format is:
• Graphic Property or Attribute: ElementName.Property

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126 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

Note The naming for graphic elements and Application Object attributes is
the same. Naming conventions need to be used when naming graphic elements
and symbols to help prevent conflicts with application object naming. If a
graphic element reference has the same name as an application object attribute,
the expression will automatically refer to the graphic element.

InTouch Tags can be browsed by using the InTouch Tag browser tab of the
Galaxy browser. To manually type in InTouch tag, the format is:
• InTouch Tag (without dashes) InTouch:Tagname
ArchestrA Scripts and expressions do not directly support InTouch tags that
contain dashes such ZHMI-Const-Real-Max. ArchestrA scripting considers the
tag as a subtraction calculation ZHMI - Const - Real - Max. To connect to
InTouch tags with dashes, use the format as given here:
• InTouch Tags (with dashes) Attribute("InTouch:ZHMI-Const-

Note The Galaxy browser does not automatically add Attribute(" ") around
tags that contain dashes.

ArchestrA Graphic Element Styles

The ArchestrA Graphics can use a powerful feature called Element Styles.
Styles can be assigned to graphic elements as well as used dynamically to
change the appearance of graphic elements. ArchestrA IDE contains a large set
of predefined styles which can be used or modified to meet company

Static Style
All Engineering unit text fields can be assigned the Engineering_Units
Element Style. This style is defined as follows:
Font Arial 8pt
Font Color Gray (179)
Fill Color Transparent
Line Color Transparent

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 127

The style of all graphical elements that use the Engineering_Units style can
be changed. Proceed as follows:
1. Open the ArchestrA IDE Configure Galaxy Style Library dialog box by
clicking Galaxy > Configure > Galaxy Style Library.

Figure 5-6. Configure Galaxy Style Library Dialog Box

2. In the Element Styles tab, scroll to the Engineering_Units style.

3. Change the style settings and click OK. All the graphical elements will be
updated automatically.

Element Style Animation

The Element Style animation can be used to change the element to a number of
different styles based on a value.
For example:

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128 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

Change the object style based on the CRIT and UNACK state of a Control

Figure 5-7. Element Style Animation

For detailed instructions, refer to Creating and Managing ArchestrA Graphics

User's Guide (AAGraphic.pdf).

ArchestrA Graphic Custom Properties

ArchestrA Graphics typically have a set of custom properties that are
connected to values and displayed graphically. These properties can be
modified and connected in a variety of ways. For detailed instructions, refer to
Creating and Managing ArchestrA Graphics User's Guide (AAGraphic.pdf).
Select a graphic and press Ctrl-M to access the Edit Custom Properties dialog

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 129

Figure 5-8. Edit Custom Properties Dialog Box

Custom properties can be Boolean, Analog, String, or Time data types and can
be connected to static values, reference values, and/or expressions. String and
Time data types can be defined as static or reference values.

Figure 5-9. Static Mode String Value Property

Figure 5-10. Reference Mode String Value Property

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130 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

Default values of Custom Properties can also be expressions. Combinations of

static and/or reference values can be used to calculate the value of a custom
property. When using expressions in string properties, be careful to set the
default to reference mode.
Static: "Tank" + IADAS.CMP.BLK.LOOPID will return:
Ref: "Tank " + IADAS.CMP.BLK.LOOPID will return:
"Tank Myloop"

Custom properties can be used to connect to InTouch Tags.

Ref: InTouch:InTouchTagname

ArchestrA Graphics require special syntax when connecting to InTouch tags

that contain dashes ("-"). Most Control HMI InTouch tags contain dashes and
require this special syntax when used in ArchestrA Graphics properties or
Ref: Attribute("InTouch:ZHMI-Const-Int-Min")
Script: MyProperty = Attribute("InTouch:ZHMI-Const-Int-Min");

InTouch Commands from ArchestrA Graphics

The Managed Control HMI provides a designated InTouch tag that can be used
from ArchestrA Graphic scripts to call Control HMI features in InTouch. This
string tag is monitored by InTouch scripts which will process the command
string. See “Connecting ArchestrA Scripts to Control HMI Features” on
page 131 for the list of supported commands.
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "Command Arguments";
Name of the command being called.
Data Type
Additional Information
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "exit";
Name of the arguments being passed into the command.
Data Type
Additional Information
Optional depending on the COMMAND being called.

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 131

InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "SetPick MYCMP.AIN.MEAS 100 0";
The command and the list of arguments has to be formatted as a string.
Each argument has to be separated by a space.

Connecting ArchestrA Scripts to Control HMI

Users may want to migrate their InTouch Windows and SmartSymbols to
ArchestrA Graphics. Many animations may call Control HMI Quick Functions
and Features which are not accessible from ArchestrA Graphic scripting. This
section describes how to call or reproduce the Control HMI features and the
most commonly used Control HMI Quick Functions from ArchestrA Graphic
scripting and animations.

Configuring User-Built Data Entry, Ramp, and

Toggle Buttons
ArchestrA scripts have the ability to create selectable fields in Graphic
symbols that can interact with control data through remote IO references or
Custom properties. For example, you can create data entry fields, "Ramp"
buttons that increment or decrement a value by a percent of its scale, or a
toggle button that interacts with the control data.


Selectable graphic elements that allow an operator to set data values

in the control database should be configured to be disabled until the
remote data value is received within the WindowViewer application.
Failure to do so may result in an operator inadvertently writing a data
value of 0 to the remote tag. This same principle also applies to any
scripting that interacts with data in the Controllers.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury, data loss,

and equipment damage.

When a Graphic is first opened, all real data types such as Floats and Doubles
are initializing and have no value. The uninitialized data is represented as Not a
Number (NaN). Initializing Boolean or Integer references will have a value of
0. If these initializing values are used to calculate and write a new value to a
controller, unexpected Field Device behavior could potentially result in an
unplanned or uncontrolled event.

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132 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

To help prevent operators from inadvertently setting unexpected control

values, selectable fields need to be disabled until the actual data values have
been received from the controller. Use the Disable animation to disable the
action until all references, used to calculate the value, are Good. One example
for disabling the action is to create a Boolean custom property and use the
IsGood() function to check all values. The Boolean value could then be used to
Enable or Disable the action. In this example, all references used to calculate
the set point need to be good before the action script is enabled

Custom Property: EnableAction

Property Type: Boolean
Expression: IsGood(SPT) AND IsGood(Min)
AND IsGood(Max)

Animation: Disable - 0False

Expression: EnableAction

Animation: Action
Script: SPT=SPT+((Max - Min) *0.05);

This issue is not limited to Action scripts and buttons. ArchestrA Graphic may
also contain symbol level scripts such as, On Show, While Showing or
individual Named scripts. There is no Disable animation for symbol scripts. In
these cases, the quality of the references needs to be checked before calculating
and writing the value to the controller. Here is an example:

Custom Property: EnableAction

Property Type: Boolean
Expression: IsGood(SPT) AND IsGood(Min)
AND IsGood(Max)

Symbol Script: NamedScript - On Data Change

Script: If EnableAvtion Then
SPT=SPT+((Max - Min) *0.05);

Advanced Formatting Data Quality Features

For controlling the appearance of objects in different quality states, use
ArchestrA Graphic Data Status Objects on all ArchestrA Graphics and
configured elements. For more information, refer to Wonderware Book:
Creating and Managing ArchestrA Graphics User's Guide (AAGraphics.pdf).

Note Text characters of an ArchestrA Graphic will appear as "#" when the
quality of the IO Reference is not connected and returns as Bad with no
returned value.
The default Framer and InTouch configurations settings for InTouch
animations do not apply to ArchestrA Graphics. Bad characters will appear as

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 133

Select and Assign

Selects a configure tag and place the tag reference in the Control HMI Tag Bar.
This tag can be assigned afterwards to other Control HMI features such as
Watch Panels and Scratch Pad Trends.
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "SetPick <Tagname> <Hi> <Lo>
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "SetPick <TagName> <Lo> <Hi>
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "SetPick <TagName> <Lo> <Hi>”;
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "SetPick <TagName>”;

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134 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

Name of the tag being selected.
Data Type
Additional Information
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "SetPick " +
Hi & Lo
Scale value for the selected tag.
Data Type
Additional Information
Default range is 0 - 100 percent.
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "SetPick MYCMP.AIN.MEAS 100 0";
Identifies the type of tag being selected.
Data Type
Additional Information
Default value of 1.
Valid Range
Tag Reference Type Integer
Foxboro Control Block 1
ArchestrA Application Object 2
InTouch Memory Tag 3

InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = “SetPick Float_001.PV 100 0 2”;
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = “SetPick InTouch:MyInt 100 0 3”;

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 135

Show Detail Display Faceplate

Send a command to InTouch to open a Detail Display faceplate for a specified
Compound Block.
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "stddisp <CMP.BLK> <TYPE>";
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "stddisp <CMP.BLK>";
Name of the compound block to be displayed.
Data Type
Additional Information
Syntax is CMP name or CMP.BLK name separated by a period (".").
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "stddisp MYCMP";
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "stddisp MYCMP.AIN_001";
Name of the faceplate type to open.
Data Type
Additional Information
Valid Range
Name of any type of supported control block.
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "stddisp MYCMP CMP";
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "stddisp MYCMP.AIN_001 AIN";

Exit WindowViewer
Send a command to InTouch to close WindowViewer.
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "exit";

Restart WindowViewer
Send a command to InTouch to restart WindowViewer.
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "restart";

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136 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

Sound Horn
Send a command to InTouch to turn off all the workstation horns, or
mutes/unmutes the horns. This includes the annunciator horns, the GCIO
horns, and the workstation horns. This does not affect the external horn, if it is
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "horn <Action> <Scope>";
Type of action to perform.
Data Type
Additional Information
Valid Range
Action Description
Silence Silence horns until new horn activates
Mute Mute horns until unmuted
Unmute Unmute horns

InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = “horn Silence”;
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = “horn Mute”;
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = “horn Unmute”;
Identifies whether the action is performed on the local workstation or
Common Alarm Group.
Data Type
Additional Information
Default value is LOCAL.
Valid Range
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "horn Silence CAG";
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "horn Mute LOCAL";

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 137

Momentary Contact
Sets a tag to a specific value for a period of time and returns the value back to
the original value after the time period expires.
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "momentary <Tagname> <Duration>
Name of the tag to set.
Data Type
Additional Information
Time (in seconds) between SET and RESET.
Data Type
Additional Information
Value to which the tag is set. When the timer expires, the tag will be set to
the opposite value.
Data Type
Additional Information

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138 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

Show Context Menu

Opens a context menu window below the location where the user clicks the
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showcontext <tagname> <hi> <lo>
<type> <menuname>";
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showcontext <tagname> <hi> <lo>
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showcontext <tagname> <hi> <lo>";
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showcontext <tagname> <lo> <hi>";
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showcontext <tagname>";
Name of the tag to select.
Data Type
Additional Information
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showcontext MYCMP.AIN.PNT";
Hi & Lo
Scale value for the selected tag.
Data Type
Additional Information
Default range is 0 - 100 percent.
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showcontext MYCMP.AIN.PNT 100 0";
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showcontext MYCMP.AIN.PNT 0 100";
Identifies the type of tag being selected.
Data Type
Additional Information
Default value of 1.

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 139

Valid Range
Tag Reference Type Integer
Foxboro Control Block 1
ArchestrA Application Object 2
InTouch Memory Tag 3

InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showcontext MYCMP.AIN.PNT 100 0 1";
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showcontext Float_001.PV 100 0 2"
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showcontext InTouch:MyInt 100 0 3"
Name of the InTouch window to open when the mouse is clicked. Use this
argument if not using the default context menu that is provided by the
Control HMI.
Data Type
Additional Information
Default value is ZIA_Popup_RClick.
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showcontext MYCMP.AIN.PNT 100 0

Show Window
Opens an InTouch window on a designated monitor.
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showwin <WindowName> <Redirect>";
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showwin <WindowName>";
Name of the InTouch window to open.
Data Type
Additional Information
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showwin MyWindow";
Integer value that identifies the monitor to open the window on.

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140 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

Data Type
Additional Information
Default is 0 (As Built).
Valid Range
0 - 4, 10
Monitor Location Integer
As Built (no redirection) 0
Monitor 1 1
Monitor 2 2
Monitor 3 3
Monitor 4 4
Cursor Location 10

Show a window on the same monitor as the Mouse cursor
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showwin MyWindow 10";

Show Window Relative

Opens an InTouch window at a location relative to the mouse click. The
location is relative to the center of the button that was pressed.
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showRelative <window> <location>
<offsetx> <offsety>";
Name of the InTouch window to open.
Data Type
Additional Information
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showRelative MyWindow BC 0 0";
Position to show the window, relative to the object that was clicked.
Data Type
Additional Information

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 141

The format of the string is based on a 3x3 Grid. The center is the clicked
Valid Range


CL Button CR


offsetx & offsety

Adjust the position of the window by a number of pixels.
Data Type
Additional Information
Valid Range
Negative or positive integer
• Negative integers will move the window up and left away from the
• Positive numbers will move the window down and right away from
the center.
• Vertical offset is ignored when the vertical location is center (CL, CC,
or CR).
• Horizontal offset is ignored when the horizontal location is center
(UC, CC, or BC).
Move the window completely below the button that is 30 pixels tall.
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showRelative MyWindow BC 0 15";
Show a window to the left of a button that is 100 pixels wide.
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showRelative MyWindow CL -25

Show LiveData
Opens the Live Data Viewer for a Compound Strategy.
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showLive <Cmp> <Strategy>";

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142 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

Name of the control compound to show.
Data Type
Additional Information
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showLive CMP_001 Strat_001";
Name of the compound strategy to show.
Data Type
Additional Information
InTouch:ZHMI_COMMAND = "showLive CMP_001 Strat_001";
The common Control HMI quick function replacements are listed in the table
Table 5-1. Common Control HMI Quick Function Replacements

Function Name Remarks

hmiAlarmColor( ) This functionality can easily be replaced by using Native
ArchestrA Animations such as:
• Element Styles Animation
• Alarm Border Animation
• ArchestrA Fill Style Animation (Truth Table)
For more information, refer to Wonderware Book: Creating and
Managing ArchestrA Graphics User's Guide (AAGraphics.pdf).
hmiAlarmPriority( ) The ControlHMI.Alarms.Severity script function is provided
to reproduce this functionality in ArchestrA Graphics. For
detailed information, see “Control HMI ArchestrA Script
Functions” on page 143.
hmiCompareBitPattern( ) The ControlHMI.Compare.BitPattern function is provided to
reproduce this functionality in ArchestrA Graphics. For detailed
information, see “Control HMI ArchestrA Script Functions” on
page 143.
hmiFormatBool( ) This functionality can easily be replaced by using Native
ArchestrA Animations such as:
• Value Display Animation
For more information, refer to Wonderware Book: Creating and
Managing ArchestrA Graphics User's Guide (AAGraphics.pdf).

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 143

Table 5-1. Common Control HMI Quick Function Replacements (Continued)

Function Name Remarks

hmiFormatInt( ) This functionality can easily be replaced by using Native
ArchestrA Animations such as:
• Value Display Animation
For more information, refer to Wonderware Book: Creating and
Managing ArchestrA Graphics User's Guide (AAGraphics.pdf).
hmiFormatInt2Hex( ) The ControlHMI.Convert.Int2Hex function is provided to
reproduce this functionality in ArchestrA Graphics. For detailed
information, see “Control HMI ArchestrA Script Functions” on
page 143.
hmiFormatInt2Msg( ) The ControlHMI.Convert.Int2Msg function is provided to
reproduce this functionality in ArchestrA Graphics. For detailed
information, see “Control HMI ArchestrA Script Functions” on
page 143.
hmiFormatReal( ) This functionality can easily be replaced by using Native
ArchestrA Animations such as:
• Value Display Animation
For more information, refer to Wonderware Book: Creating and
Managing ArchestrA Graphics User's Guide (AAGraphics.pdf).
hmiFormatString( ) This functionality can easily be replaced by using Native
ArchestrA Animations such as:
• Value Display Animation
For more information, refer to Wonderware Book: Creating and
Managing ArchestrA Graphics User's Guide (AAGraphics.pdf).
hmiStatusColor( ) This functionality can easily be replaced by using the Quality
Status Object and Quality Style settings. For more information,
refer to Wonderware Book: Creating and Managing ArchestrA
Graphics User's Guide (AAGraphics.pdf).
hmiStatusInd( ) This functionality can easily be replaced by using the Quality
Status Object icon to indicate the quality status. For more
information, refer to Wonderware Book: Creating and
Managing ArchestrA Graphics User's Guide (AAGraphics.pdf).
zEnableSelection( ) This functionality is built into ArchestrA Graphic animations.
User-editable fields are automatically disabled until the
associated tag(s) have a good connection.

Control HMI ArchestrA Script Functions

The Control HMI provides a set of script functions for additional
functionalities that are not provided by ArchestrA Scripting. These functions
also provide ArchestrA functionality such as Alarm Aggregation that is not
native to Foxboro Evo Controls.

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144 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

The ArchestrA Graphic Editor supports IntelliSense as you type scripts and
expressions. A list of matching functions appear as you type. Double-click an
item in the list to finish your text.
1. Type C and choose functions that start with C:

2. Select Control HMI and type a period (“.”). A list of function types appear.

3. Select the appropriate function type (for example, Alarms) and type a
period (“.”). A list of Alarm functions appear.

4. Select a function and type a “(“. A list of required arguments appear.

Some functions support multiple sets of arguments. Click the arrow to

browse through the supported syntax.

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 145

ControlHMI.AggregateAlarms Functions
The Aggregate Alarm functions are used to propagate the most urgent alarm
state of multiple Foxboro Control Blocks in to a single set of values. These
functions can be used to drive Alarm Border animations. Use these functions if
you are creating your own alarm aggregation object. Otherwise use the Control
Alarm Aggregation Graphic that is already configured for up to eight alarm
sources. For description about this graphic, see “ControlHMI.Log Functions”
on page 180.

InAlarm( )
Checks each alarm data object and returns true if any of the alarms are active.
Alarm Aggregation
InAlarm = ControlHMI.AggregateAlarms.InAlarm(AlarmDataObj,
Return Value
A collection of alarm information from a control block.
Data Type
See ControlHMI.AlarmDataObject
Option to show inhibit state of alarms when no alarms are active in the
control block.
Data Type
Additional Information
InAlarm = ControlHMI.AggregateAlarms.InAlarm(AlarmData,

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146 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

Mode( )
Checks each alarm data object and returns state of the most urgent alarm.
Alarm Aggregation
Mode = ControlHMI.AggregateAlarms.Mode(AlarmDataObj,
Return Value
Integer 0 - 3
Alarm Mode Integer
No Alarms 0
Alarms Enabled 1
Alarms Disabled 2
Alarms Silenced 3

A collection of alarm information from a control block.
Data Type
See ControlHMI.AlarmDataObject
Option to show inhibit state of alarms when no alarms are active in the
control block.
Data Type
Additional Information
ShowInhibState has to be set to true in order to see Alarms Disabled
Mode = ControlHMI.AggregateAlarms.Mode(AlarmData,

Severity( )
Checks each alarm data object and returns the severity level of the most urgent
alarm. The returned severity values are based on settings that are configured in

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 147

Framer. The graphic settings for CRIT to severity mapping are found in Framer
under Properties>Graphics>ArchestrA Graphic AlarmBorders.
• SeverityValueForCrit1
• SeverityValueForCrit2
• SeverityValueForCrit3
• SeverityValueForCrit4
• SeverityValueForCrit5
Alarm Aggregation
Severity =
Return Value
Integer 0-4
Return values for default Framer values are:
Alarm CRIT Severity
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 3
5 4

A collection of alarm information from a control block.
Data Type
See ControlHMI.AlarmDataObject
Option to show inhibit state of alarms when no alarms are active in the
control block.
Data Type
Additional Information

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148 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

ShowInhibState has to be set to true in order to see Alarms Disabled
Severity =
ControlHMI.AggregateAlarms.Severity(AlarmData, true);
Alarms that return to a normal state and are still unacknowledged are set to the
lowest severity. The severity has to be set to properly to show the alarm border

Unack( )
Checks each alarm data object and returns the unacknowledged state of the
most urgent alarm.
Alarm Aggregation
Unack = ControlHMI.AggregateAlarms.Unack(AlarmDataObj,
Return Value
A collection of alarm information from a control block.
Data Type
See ControlHMI.AlarmDataObject
Option to show inhibit state of alarms when no alarms are active in the
control block.
Data Type
Additional Information
Unack = ControlHMI.AggregateAlarms.Unack(AlarmData,

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 149

This function returns the unacknowledged alarm state but the Alarm Border
animation uses the acknowledged state of alarms. Confirm that you use the
opposite value when using Alarm Borders.
Ack = NOT ControlHMI.AggregateAlarms.Unack(AlarmData,

SetSeverity( )
This function is used to assign the five control block alarm priorities to
ArchestrA's four severity values.
Alarm Aggregation
ControlHMI.AggregateAlarms.SetSeverity( Crit1, Crit2, Crit3, Crit4,
Crit5 );
Return Value
Severity value for Control Block Priority 1.
Data Type
Severity value for Control Block Priority 2.
Data Type
Severity value for Control Block Priority 3.
Data Type
Severity value for Control Block Priority 4.
Data Type
Severity value for Control Block Priority 5

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150 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

Data Type
When the ControlHMI application starts, this function is called to set severity
values. According to priority, mapping values that are configured in Framer
under Properties >Graphics >ArchestrA Graphic AlarmBorders.

Alarm Data Objects compares multiple blocks to determine which block alarm
is the most urgent. One Alarm Data Object is needed for each block to be
compared. The Alarm Data Object contains all of the alarm information to
calculate the severity of the block's alarm when configured properly. Create an
array of Alarm Data Objects where the size of the array needs to match the
number of blocks to be compared.
For optimum performance, consolidate the number of IO connections. Use the
ALMSTA parameter in place of CRIT, PRTYPE, and UNACK parameters as
shown here:
Alarm Aggregation
Dim AlarmData[2] as ControlHMI.AlarmDataObject;

AlarmData[1] = new ControlHMI.AlarmDataObject;

AlarmData[2] = new ControlHMI.AlarmDataObject;

AlarmData[1].CRIT =(IADAS.CMP1.BLK.ALMSTA & 0x000000E0

)shr 5;
AlarmData[1].UNACK = IADAS.CMP1.BLK.ALMSTA & 0x40000000
)shr 30;

AlarmData[2].CRIT = IADAS.CMP2.BLK.ALMSTA & 0x000000E0

)shr 5;
AlarmData[2].PRTYPE = IADAS.CMP2.BLK.ALMSTA & 0x0000001F);
0x40000000 )shr 30;

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 151

Control block CRIT parameter value.
Data Type
Range 0 - 5
Additional Information
AlarmData[1].CRIT = IADAS.CMP1.BLK.ALMSTA & 0x000000E0
)shr 5;
Control block INHOPT parameter value.
Data Type
Range 0 - 3
Additional Information
Control block INHSTA parameter value.
Data Type
16 bit Integer
Additional Information
The #HB is needed to get the upper 16 bits of the INHSTA parameter. This
is needed because ArchestrA does not support Packed Long data types that
Control Core Service uses for status parameters.
Control block PRTYPE parameter value.
Data Type
Additional Information

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152 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

AlarmData[1].PRTYPE = IADAS.CMP1.ALMSTA & 0x0000001F);
Control block UNACK parameter value.
Data Type
Additional Information
0x40000000 )shr 30;

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 153

ControlHMI.Alarms Functions
The Alarms functions are used to map control block alarm states to Alarm
Border Mode and Severity properties.

Mode( )
Calculate the Alarm Border mode using the alarm state of a control block.
Alarm Border
Mode = ControlHMI.Alarms.Mode( PRTYPE ,INHSTA, INHOPT );
Return Value
Integer 1 - 3
Alarm Mode Integer
Alarms Enabled 1
Alarms Disabled 2
Alarms Silenced 3

Control block PRTYPE parameter value.
Data Type
Additional Information
Mode = ControlHMI.Alarms.Mode( IADAS.CMP1.BLK.PRTYPE,
Control block INHSTA parameter value.
Data Type
16 bit Integer
Additional Information
The #HB is needed to get the upper 16 bits of the INHSTA parameter. This
is needed because ArchestrA does not support Packed Long data types that
Foxboro Evo uses for status parameters.
Mode = ControlHMI.Alarms.Mode( IADAS.CMP1.BLK.PRTYPE,

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154 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

Control block INHOPT parameter value.
Data Type
Range 0-3
Additional Information
Mode = ControlHMI.Alarms.Mode( IADAS.CMP1.BLK.PRTYPE,

Severity( )
Calculate the Alarm Border Severity using the alarm state of a control block.
The returned severity value is based on settings that are configured in Framer.
The graphic settings for CRIT to Severity mapping are found in Framer under
Properties>Graphics>ArchestrA Graphic AlarmBorders.
• SeverityValueForCrit1
• SeverityValueForCrit2
• SeverityValueForCrit3
• SeverityValueForCrit4
• SeverityValueForCrit5
Alarm Border
Mode = ControlHMI.Alarms.Severity( CRIT , UNACK );
Return Value
Integer 0-4
Return values for default Framer values are:I
Alarm CRIT Severity
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 3
5 4

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 155

Control block CRIT parameter value.
Data Type
Range 0 - 5
Additional Information
Severity = ControlHMI.Alarms.Severity

Control block UNACK parameter value.
Data Type
Additional Information
Severity = ControlHMI.Alarms.Severity
Alarm BorderExample
Proceed as follows when configuring an Alarm Border animation.

Note Use custom properties when configuring ArchestrA Graphics as this

leads to more flexibility when using instances of the graphic.

1. Create five custom properties to be connected to the control block

parameters required for calculating alarm states.
Property Datatype Value Expression
0x000000E0)shr 5

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156 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

Figure 5-11. Edit Custom Properties Dialog Box

2. Create a rectangle and add an Alarm Border Animation to it.

a. Select Use Customized Alarm-Urgency References, as shown in
Figure 5-12.
Property Value Expression
InAlarm AlrmCRIT > 0
Acked NOT AlarmUNACK
Mode ControlHMI.Alarms.Mode(AlrmPRTYPE ,
Severity ControlHMI.Alarms.Severity(AlrmCRIT ,

Figure 5-12. Customized Alarm-Urgency References

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 157

ControlHMI.Compare Function
The Compare function returns the result of comparing two values. ArchestrA
and InTouch do not support unsigned integers. When connecting to 32-bit
block parameters such as ALMSTA, PAKCIN or BLKSTA, bit 31 is
disregarded. If the value uses Bit 31, use the #HB and #LB syntax.
The #HB and #LB are DI Object extension which splits the 32-bit integer value
into 16-bit values for high bits and low bits. The Script function combines the
two integer values back into a single 32-bit value and returns the proper results.

BitPattern( )
Compare the bits of an integer against a pattern of bits and return the results.
Results = ControlHMI.Compare.BitPattern( CV , Pattern,
Method );
Results = ControlHMI.Compare.BitPattern( CV#HB, CV#LB ,
Pattern, Method );
Results = ControlHMI.Compare.BitPattern( CV ,
Pattern:Mask, Method );
Results = ControlHMI.Compare.BitPattern( CV#HB, CV#LB ,
Pattern:Mask, Method );
Return Value
The integer value used to compare against a pattern.
Data Type
Additional Information
Check if bit 30 of the ALMSTA parameter is set
Results = ControlHMI.Compare.BitPattern
( IADAS.CB.ALMSTA, "40000000:40000000", "ALL" );
Results = ControlHMI.Compare.BitPattern
"40000000:40000000", "ALL" );
Returns 1 if bit 30 is true.
Returns 0 if bit 30 is false.

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158 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

The pattern of bits that the CV value is compared against.
Data Type
Additional Information
Valid Range
The pattern that the CV bits are compared to.
The pattern can be in several formats.:
• 32 character binary string of 1’s, 0’s, and X’s. Use “X” to mask out
bits to ignore during the comparison. For example,
“xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1100” will only compare the four
lowest bits “1100” to the four lowest bits of the primary value.
• 8 byte Hexadecimal string can also be used. “FFFFFFAA” will
compare all bits of “FFFFFFAA” to all of the CV bits.
• 8 byte Hex and Mask. “FFFFFFAA:0000000F” will compare the four
lowest bits of “FFFFFFAA” to the four lowest bits of CV.
Check if bit 30 of the ALMSTA parameter is set
Results = ControlHMI.Compare.BitPattern
( IADAS.CB.ALMSTA, "x1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"ALL" );
Results = ControlHMI.Compare.BitPattern
( IADAS.CB.ALMSTA, "40000000:40000000", "ALL" );
Determines how CV is compared against the pattern.
Data Type
Additional Information
Valid Range
"ANY", "ALL", "NONE", "VAL,Hi,Lo"
Method Description
ANY Return 1 if ANY of the unmasked bits in CV matches
ANY of the unmasked bits in the pattern.
ALL Return 1 if ALL of the unmasked bits in CV matches ALL
of the unmasked bits in the pattern.
NONE Return 1 if NONE of the unmasked bits in CV matches
any of the unmasked bits in the pattern.
VAL,Hi,Lo Returns the integer value of the specified range of bytes.

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 159

ControlHMI.Compare.BitPattern (IADAS.CB.PATTRN,
"55555555", "ANY")
Returns 1 if ANY bits in PATTRN matches any of the Bits in 0x55555555.
ControlHMI.Compare.BitPattern (IADAS.CB.PATTRN,
"55555555", "ALL")
Returns 1 if ALL of the bits in PATTRN matches all of the bits in
ControlHMI.Compare.BitPattern (IADAS.CB.PATTRN,
"55555555", "NONE")
Returns 1 if NONE of the bits in PATTRN match any of the bits in
ControlHMI.Compare.BitPattern (IADAS.CB.PATTRN,
"55555555:0000FFFF", "ANY")
This call just compares the lower 16 bits of PATTRN and returns 1 if ANY
of them matches any of the lower 16 bits in 0x55555555.
ControlHMI.Compare.BitPattern (IADAS.CB.PATTRN, "",
This call just compares the lower 4 bits of PATTRN and returns their value
as an integer.

ControlHMI.Format Functions
The Format function takes a value and changes its appearance.

Int2Hex( )
Converts an integer value into an 8 character hexadecimal string. Be aware that
ArchestrA and InTouch do not support unsigned integers. When connecting to
32-bit block parameters such as ALMSTA, PAKCIN or BLKSTA, bit 31 is
disregarded. If the value uses Bit 31, use the #HB and #LB syntax.
The #HB and #LB are DI Object extension which splits the 32 bit integer value
into 16 bit values for high bits and low bits. The Script function combines the
two integer values back into a single 32-bit value and returns the proper results.
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Hex( CV );
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Hex( CV#HB, CV#LB );
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Hex( CV , HiByte, LoByte);
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Hex( CV#HB, CV#LB , HiByte,
Return Value

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The integer value to be converted.
Data Type
Additional Information
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Hex
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Hex
Returns an 8 character string that represents the hexadecimal value of the
CV integer.
HiByte & LoByte
Range of bytes in the CV value to return as a hexadecimal string.
Data Type
Additional Information
Default range is 1 - 8.
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Hex
Returns a single string character that represents the hexadecimal value of
the lowest 4 bits of the CV integer.
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Hex( 2779096485 )
Returns the string "A5A5A5A5".
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Hex( 255,255 )
Returns the string "000F000F".
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Hex( 2779096485, 2 , 3 )
Returns the string "5A".
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Hex( 255, 255, 4 , 6 )
Returns the string "0F0".

Int2Bin( )
Converts an integer value into a 32-character binary string. ArchestrA and
InTouch do not support unsigned integers. When connecting to 32-bit block

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 161

parameters such as ALMSTA, PAKCIN or BLKSTA, bit 31 is disregarded. If

the value uses Bit 31, use the #HB and #LB syntax.
The #HB and #LB are DI Object extension which splits the 32-bit integer value
into 16-bit values for high bits and low bits. The Script function combines the
two integer values back into a single 32-bit value and returns the proper results.
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Bin( CV );
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Bin( CV#HB, CV#LB );
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Bin( CV , HiBit, LoBit);
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Bin( CV#HB, CV#LB , HiBit,
Return Value
The integer value to be converted.
Data Type
Additional Information
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Bin(
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Bin(
Returns a 32 character string that represents the binary value of the CV
HiBit & LoBit
Range of bits in the CV value to return as a binary string.
Data Type
Additional Information
Default range is 1 - 32.
String =
ControlHMI.Format.Int2Bin(IADAS.CMP.BLK.PATTRN, 1, 4);

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162 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

Returns the 4 least significant bits of the CV value as a 4 character string.

String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Bin( 2779096485 )
Returns the string "10100101101001011010010110100101".
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Bin( 255,255 )
Returns the string "00000000000011110000000000001111".
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Bin( 2779096485, 5 , 12 )
Returns the string "01011010".
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Bin( 255, 255, 13 , 24 )
Returns the string "000011110000".

Int2Msg( )
Returns a string message based on an integer value.
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Msg( CV , MSG );
Return Value
The integer value to be converted.
Data Type
Additional Information
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Msg
( IADAS.CMP.BLK.STAIND, "1-Off,2-On,3-Stopping,
List of values and the corresponding string messages to return for each
Data Type
Additional Information
Comma separated list of values and messages.

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 163

String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Msg
( IADAS.CMP.BLK.STAIND, "1-Off,2-On,3-Stopping,
String = ControlHMI.Format.Int2Msg( IADAS.CMP.BLK.STAIND,
Returns “Starting” when STAIND = 4.
Returns "" when STAIND = 5.

Precision( )
Returns a formatted string such as "#.##", where the decimal position is based
on the current value and the InTouch WindowMaker Advanced Formatting
configuration settings. The formatted string can be used on analog value
displays to automatically adjust the decimal position.
String = ControlHMI.Format.Precision( CV );
Return Value
The integer value to be converted.
Data Type
Additional Information
String = ControlHMI.Format.Precision
Use the Precision function to change the Text Format property of an Analog
Value Display animation.
1. Create a Custom property “PV” and connect it to the control block value.

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164 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

a. Right-click in an open space of the Grid Editor.

Figure 5-13. Grid Editor - Context Menu

b. Select Custom Properties. The Edit Custom Properties dialog box

is displayed.

Figure 5-14. Edit Custom Properties Dialog Box

c. Click the icon to add a new property.

d. Type the name “PV”.
e. Set the Data Type to “Double”.
f. Enter the IO reference in the Expression Or Reference field.

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 165

2. Configure a text element ("Text1"), with an Analog Value Display


Figure 5-15. Edit Animations Dialog Box

3. Create a Named Data Changed script for the graphic.

a. Right-click in an open space of the Grid Editor.

Figure 5-16. Grid Editor - Context Menu

b. Select Scripts. The Edit Scripts dialog box is displayed.

Figure 5-17. Edit Scripts Dialog Box

c. Click the icon to add a Named Script.

d. Type a name (for example: “DC_PV”).

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166 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

e. Enter “PV” in the Expression text box.

f. Set the Trigger to “DataChange”.
g. Enter the script as follows:
Text1.TextFormat = ControlHMI.Format.Precision(PV);
h. Click OK.
The named script will execute each time the PV change is greater than the
Deadband. When it executes, the Precision function will be called to set Text
Format property of the Text1 element.

ControlHMI.Threshold Functions
The Threshold functions provide the ability to configure Truth Table
functionality in animations which do not support Truth Table animations.
Currently, animations like Visibility or Value Display cannot be configured to
show multiple values or states based on different conditions. Use the Threshold
functions in the animation expressions to display different values, based on
different conditions listed in a table in the animations.
These functions compare a value against a list of conditions, or truth table.
When a match is found, the associated value is returned. If no match is found,
the first return value in the truth table is returned. The functions have two main
arguments, the value and the truth table.

Note If an error detection occurs during the function call, a default value is
returned and both the trace and detected error message is written to the log file.
Graphic developers need to review all SMC logs prior to deploying new
graphics to operator workstations.

Current Value
The current value (CV), is compared against values in the lookup table and can
be any of these value types:
• Boolean
• Real
• Integer
• String
• Int#HB,Int#LB (support of DI Object extensions for packed IA Data
Truth Table
The table argument is a multi-line string. Each line in the string represents a
single row, or condition, in the truth table. Rows need to have three arguments,
each comma separated. The first argument is the value to compare with the
current value. The second argument is how the values are compared. The last
argument is the return value if the comparison is true. An example of a truth
table string is given here:

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 167

Custom Property Data Type Expression Value

Table1 String 1 , < , BAD
1 , == , CLOSED
2 , == , OPENED
3 , == , CLOSING
4 , == , OPENING
4 , > , MISMATCH

Using this table, the function is executed as follows:

• Is CV less than 1 - if yes, stop and return “BAD”
• Is CV equal to 1 - if yes, stop and return “CLOSED”
• Is CV equal to 2 - if yes, stop and return “OPENED”
• Is CV equal to 3 - if yes, stop and return “CLOSING”
• Is CV equal to 4 - if yes, stop and return “OPENING”
• Is CV greater than 5 - if yes, stop and return “MISMATCH”
• If no match is found return first value “BAD”.

Note To add multiple lines to a custom property string expression, hold the
'CTRL' key down and press enter. Alternatively you can copy and paste a
multiline text string from Notepad.

The truth table supports many different types of compare operations depending
on what type of values are being compared.
Return Values

Data Type Compare Operations

Numeric != <> notequal
== equals
< lt
> gt
<= lte
>= gte
Strings != <> notequal
== equals
like contains
not like not contains

There are several threshold script functions which return different values.
These functions are described in the sections given here:
• Boolean
• Integer
• Double

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168 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

• String

This function compares the current value against the truth table and returns a
true or false. The table will accept True, False or the numeric equivalent.
Numbers such as 0 and 1 directly convert to false and true. Any value that does
not convert to a boolean causes a system message in the SMC.
Boolean = ControlHMI.Threshold.Boolean( CV, Table );
Boolean = ControlHMI.Threshold.Boolean( CV#HB, CV#LB
,Table );
Return Value
The value that will be compared against values in the truth table. If the
#HB and #LB arguments are used, the values are merged back into a
single integer value prior to the comparison is made.
The truth table string that the current value is compared to. The string has
to be formatted as described in “ControlHMI.Threshold Functions” on
page 166. A boolean truth table may look like the table as follows.

Custom Property Data Type Expression Value

Table1 String 1 , <= , false
2 , <= , true
3 , <= , false
4 , <= , true
4 , >= , false

Animation Example
Using the table above.
ControlHMI.Threshold.Boolean(IADAS.C.B.P, Table1)
Scripting Example
Data Change

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 169

dim table1 as string;
dim results as boolean;

table1 = "1,<=,false" + System.Environment.NewLine;

table1 = table1 + "2,<=,true" +
table1 = table1 + "3,<=,false" +
table1 = table1 + "4,<=,true" +
table1 = table1 + "4,>=,false" ;

results = ControlHMI.Threshold.Boolean(IADAS.C.B.P,

This function compares the current value against the truth table and returns an
integer. The table accepts any numerical value. Real values are rounded to the
closest integer value. Any value that does not convert to an integer causes a
system message in the SMC.
Integer = ControlHMI.Threshold.Integer( CV, Table );
integer = ControlHMI.Threshold.Integer( CV#HB, CV#LB
,Table );
Return Value
The value that will be compared against values in the truth table. If the
#HB and #LB arguments are used, the values are merged back into a
single integer value prior to the comparison is made.
The truth table string that the current value is compared to. The string has
to be formatted as described in “ControlHMI.Threshold Functions” on
page 166. An Integer truth table may look like the table as follows.

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170 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

Custom Property Data Type Expression Value

Table1 Integer 1 , <= , 1
2 , <= , 3
3 , <= , 5
4 , <= , 7
4 , >= , 9

Animation Example
Using the table above.
Value Display (Integer)
ControlHMI.Threshold.Integer(IADAS.C.B.P, Table1)
Scripting Example
Data Change
dim table1 as string;
dim results as Integer;

table1 = "1,<=,1" + System.Environment.NewLine;

table1 = table1 + "2,<=,3" + System.Environment.NewLine;
table1 = table1 + "3,<=,5" + System.Environment.NewLine;
table1 = table1 + "4,<=,7" + System.Environment.NewLine;
table1 = table1 + "4,>=,9" ;

results = ControlHMI.Threshold.Integer(IADAS.C.B.P,

This function compares the current value against the truth table and a double.
The table accepts all numerical values. Any value that does not convert to a
real value causes a system message in the SMC.
Double = ControlHMI.Threshold.Double( CV, Table );

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 171

Double = ControlHMI.Threshold.Double( CV#HB, CV#LB ,Table

Return Value
The value that will be compared against values in the truth table. If the
#HB and #LB arguments are used, the values are merged back into a
single integer value prior to the comparison is made.
The truth table string that the current value is compared to. The string has
to be formatted as described in “ControlHMI.Threshold Functions” on
page 166. A double truth table may look like the table as follows.

Custom Property Data Type Expression Value

Table1 String 1 , <= , 1.1
2 , <= , 3.3
3 , <= , 5.5
4 , <= , 7.7
4 , >= , 9.9

Animation Example
Using the table above.
Value Display (Real)
ControlHMI.Threshold.Double(IADAS.C.B.P, Table1)
Scripting Example
Data Change
dim table1 as string;
dim results as double;

table1 = "1,<=,1.1" + System.Environment.NewLine;

table1 = table1 + "2,<=,3.3" + System.Environment.NewLine;
table1 = table1 + "3,<=,5.5" + System.Environment.NewLine;
table1 = table1 + "4,<=,7.7" + System.Environment.NewLine;
table1 = table1 + "4,>=,9.9" ;

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172 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

results = ControlHMI.Threshold.Double(IADAS.C.B.P,

This function compares the current value against the truth table and returns a
string. The table accepts numerical or string values. No SMC system messages
are generated for return type String.
String = ControlHMI.Threshold.String( CV, Table );
String = ControlHMI.Threshold.String( CV#HB, CV#LB ,Table
Return Value
The value that will be compared against values in the truth table. If the
#HB and #LB arguments are used, the values are merged back into a
single integer value prior to the comparison is made.
The truth table string that the current value is compared to. The string has
to be formatted as described in “ControlHMI.Threshold Functions” on
page 166. A string truth table may look like the table as follows.

Custom Property Data Type Expression Value

Table1 String 1 , EQUALS , pass
2 , LIKE , pass
3 , CONTIANS , fail
4 , NOTEQUAL , fail
4 , EQUAL , fail

Note The string return values in the table do not require quotes. If quotes are
added to the last argument, they will appear in the returned value.

Animation Example
Using the table above.
ControlHMI.Threshold.String(IADAS.C.B.P, Table1)

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 173

Scripting Example
Data Change
dim table1 as string;
dim results as string;

table1 = "1,<=,pass" + System.Environment.NewLine;

table1 = table1 + "2,<=,pass" +
table1 = table1 + "3,<=,fail" +
table1 = table1 + "4,<=,fail" +
table1 = table1 + "4,>=,fail" ;

results = ControlHMI.Threshold.String(IADAS.C.B.P,

ControlHMI.BitState Functions
BitState functions provide support for driving animations based on the bit
patterns in process values.
These functions compare the bit values of a "current value" against bit patterns
listed in a scripted truth table. When a match is found, the associated value is
returned. If no match is found, the first return value in the truth table is
returned. The functions have two main arguments, the current value and the
truth table.

Note If an error detection occurs during the function call, a default value is
returned and both the trace message and error detection message is written to
the log file. Graphic developers need to review all SMC logs prior to deploying
new graphics to operator workstations.

Current Value
The current value (CV) is compared against values in the lookup table and can
be any of these value types:
• Boolean
• Real
• Integer
• Int#HB,Int#LB ( support of DI Object extensions for packed IA Data
types )

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174 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

Note The function BitState is meant to operate on individual bits of a value,

as such real values like float and double are rounded to an integer value by
truncation. For example the values 1.1, 1.5 and 1.9 are rounded to 1.

Truth Table
The table argument is a multi-line string. Each line in the string represents a
single row, or condition, in the truth table. Rows need to have three arguments,
each comma separated. The first argument is the pattern to compare with the
current value bits. The second argument is how the values are compared (the
operator). The last argument is the return value if the comparison is true.
An example of a BitState truth table string is given here.

Custom Data
Property Type Expression Value
Table1 String FFFFFFAA, NONE, No Match
0000FFFF , ALL, All Match
FFFFFFAA:0000000F , ALL, Low Match
0000FFFF , ANY, Some Match
1xxx1xxx1xxx1xxx1xxx1xxx1xxx1xxx , Any, 4th
Bits Match

Note The pattern argument in this table supports the same patterns allowed in
the ControlHMI.Compare.BitPattern function described in “BitPattern( )” on
page 157.

Using this table above, function is executed as follows:

• If No bits in CV match FFFFFFAA- stop and return “No Match”
• If all the bits in CV match 0000FFFF- stop and return “All Match”
• If the lowest 4 bits in CV match 1010- stop and return “Low Match”
• If any upper bits are 0 or any lower bits are 1 - stop and return “Some
• If the every 4th bit is true- stop and return “4th Bits Match”
• If no match is found return first value “No Match”

Note To add multiple lines to a custom property string expression, hold the
'CTRL' key down and press enter. Alternatively you can copy and paste a
multiline text string from Notepad.

The truth table supports only three compare operations, ANY, ALL or NONE.
Return Values
There are several BitState script functions which return different values. These
functions are described in the sections given here:
• Boolean
• Integer

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 175

• Double
• String

This function compares the current value against the truth table and returns a
true or false. The table will accept True, False or the numeric equivalent.
Numbers such as 0 and 1 directly convert to false and true. Any value that does
not convert to a boolean causes a system message in the SMC.
Boolean = ControlHMI.BitState.Boolean( CV, Table );
Boolean = ControlHMI.BitState.Boolean( CV#HB, CV#LB ,Table
Return Value
The value that will be compared against values in the truth table. If the
#HB and #LB arguments are used, the values are merged back into a
single integer value prior to the comparison is made.
The truth table string that the current value is compared to. The string has
to be formatted as described in “ControlHMI.BitState Functions” on
page 173. A boolean truth table may look like the table as follows.

Property Data Type Expression Value
Table1 Integer 0000FFFF , ANY, true
0000FFFF , ALL, false
0000FFFF:00000000, NONE , false

Animation Example
Using the table above.
Value Display
ControlHMI.BitState.Boolean(IADAS.C.B.P, Table1)
Scripting Example
Data Change

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176 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

dim table1 as string;
dim results as boolean;

table1 = "05050505:0000FFFF, ANY, true" +

table1 = table1 + "A8076543, ALL, true" +
table1 = table1 + "12345678, NONE, false";

results = ControlHMI.BitState.Boolean(IADAS.C.B.P,

This function compares the current value against the truth table and returns an
integer. The table accepts any numerical value. Real values are rounded to the
closest integer value. Any value that does not convert to an integer causes a
system message in the SMC.
Integer = ControlHMI.BitState.Integer( CV, Table );
integer = ControlHMI.BitState.Integer( CV#HB, CV#LB ,Table
Return Value
The value that will be compared against values in the truth table. If the
#HB and #LB arguments are used, the values are merged back into a
single integer value prior to the comparison is made
The truth table string that the current value is compared to. The string has
to be formatted as described in “ControlHMI.BitState Functions” on
page 173. An Integer truth table may look like the table as follows.

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 177

Custom Property Data Type Expression Value

Table1 Integer 0000FFFF, ANY, 1
0000FFFF , ALL, 2
0000FFFF:00000000, NONE , 3

Animation Example
Using the table above.
Value Display
ControlHMI.BitState.Integer(IADAS.C.B.P, Table1)
Scripting Example
Data Change
dim table1 as string;
dim results as Integer;

table1 = "0000FFFF,ANY,1" + System.Environment.NewLine;

table1 = table1 + "0000FFFF:FFFFFFFF,ALL,2" +
table1 = table1 + "00000000,NONE,3";

results = ControlHMI.BitState.Integer(IADAS.C.B.P,

This function compares the current value against the truth table and a double.
The table accepts all numerical values. Any value that does not convert to a
real value causes a system message in the SMC.
Double = ControlHMI.BitState.Double( CV, Table );
Double = ControlHMI.BitState.Double( CV#HB, CV#LB ,Table );
Return Value

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178 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

The value that will be compared against values in the truth table. If the
#HB and #LB arguments are used, the values are merged back into a
single integer value prior to the comparison is made.
The truth table string that the current value is compared to. The string has
to be formatted as described in “ControlHMI.BitState Functions” on
page 173. A double truth table may look like the table as follows.

Custom Property Data Type Expression Value

Table1 String 0000FFFF, ANY, 1.1
1234FFEE , ALL, 2.2
0000FFFF:00000000, NONE , 3.3

Animation Example
Using the table above.
Value Display
ControlHMI.BitState.Double(IADAS.C.B.P, Table1)
Scripting Example
Data Change
dim table1 as string;
dim results as double;

table1 = "0000FFFF,ANY,1.1" +
table1 = table1 + "12345678,ALL,3.3" +
table1 = table1 + "0000FFFF:00000000,NONE,5.5";

results = ControlHMI.BitState.Double(IADAS.C.B.P, table1);

This function compares the current value against the truth table and returns a
string. The table accepts numerical or string values. No SMC system messages
are generated for return type String.

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 179

String = ControlHMI.BitState.String( CV, Table );
String = ControlHMI.BitState.String( CV#HB, CV#LB ,Table );
Return Value
The value that will be compared against values in the truth table. If the
#HB and #LB arguments are used, the values are merged back into a
single integer value prior to the comparison is made.
The truth table string that the current value is compared to. The string has
to be formatted as described in “ControlHMI.BitState Functions” on
page 173. A string truth table may look like the table as follows.

Custom Property Data Type Expression Value

Table1 String 0000FFFF, ANY, Some Matcha
1234FFEE , ALL, All Match
0000FFFF:00000000, NONE , No Match
a. The string return values in the table do not require quotes. If quotes are added to the
last argument, they will appear in the returned value.

Animation Example
Using the table above.
Value Display
ControlHMI.BitState.String(IADAS.C.B.P, Table1)
Scripting Example
Data Change
dim table1 as string;
dim results as string;

table1 = "0000FFFF,ANY, Some Match" +


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180 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

table1 = table1 + "12345678,ALL, All Match" +

table1 = table1 + "0000FFFF:00000000,NONE, No Match";

results = ControlHMI.BitState.String(IADAS.C.B.P, table1);

ControlHMI.Log Functions
The Log functions help you to write different level messages to the System
Management Console (SMC) Logger. There are functions available to create
log messages using the standard log level flags as well as a function to create
messages using a custom flag that uniquely identify the message in SMC.

Note Excessive logging to SMC can impact performance. When using these
functions to troubleshoot scripting issues, it is best to remove or comment out
the log messages when the issue is resolved.

Custom( )
This function creates a log message in the SMC Logger using a custom log
ControlHMI.Log.Custom( CustomType , Message );
Return Value

This is the flag label to help create the log message.

Data Type
Additional Information
This is the message to be logged in SMC.
Data Type
Additional Information

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 181

ControlHMI.Log.Custom( "MyFlag", "MyMessage");
This example creates the message "MyMessage" in the SMC Logger and sets
the message flag to "MyFlag". Custom messages are Info level messages and
appear as black text on a white background.

Error( )
This function creates a log message in the SMC Logger, using the error log flag
and format.
ControlHMI.Log.Error( Message );
Return Value
This is the message to be logged in SMC.
Data Type
Additional Information
ControlHMI.Log.Error( "My Error Message" );
This example creates the message My Error Message in the SMC Logger and
sets the message flag to Error. Error messages appear in the SMC as white text
on a red background.

Trace( )
This function creates a log message in the SMC Logger using the Trace log
flag and format.
ControlHMI.Log.Trace( Message );
Return Value

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This is the message to be logged in SMC.
Data Type
Additional Information
ControlHMI.Log.Trace( "My Trace Message" );
This example creates the message “My Trace Message” in the SMC Logger
and sets the message flag to Trace. Trace messages appear in SMC as black
text on a white background.

Warning( )
This function creates a log message in the SMC Logger using the Warning log
flag and format.
ControlHMI.Log.Warning( Message );
Return Value
This is the message to be logged in SMC.
Data Type
Additional Information

ControlHMI.Log.Warning("My Warning Message");
This example creates the message “My Warning Message” in the SMC Logger
and sets the message flag to Warning. Warning messages appear in the SMC as
black text on a yellow background.

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 183

Control HMI Support Graphics

The Control HMI is installed with a set of custom ArchestrA Graphics to help
minimize work when creating custom graphics. This section describes each of
these support graphics and how to use them.
Control HMI graphics are located in the ArchestrA IDE Graphic Toolbox in
the folders as listed here:
• GalaxyName > Control > Support
• GalaxyName > Control > Situational Awareness Library > Support

This graphic symbol monitors the alarms of up to eight control blocks and
displays the state of the most urgent Control Block Alarm. It is used to add
Alarm Borders to any custom Graphic symbol. Add this functionality to a
graphic by adding an instance of this symbol to the custom graphic and
resizing it to the desired size.
This symbol helps you to minimize scripting needed to create custom
ArchestrA Graphics with alarm borders. The alarm border state is calculated
by using the Framer>Properties>Graphic>Crit to Severity configurations to
determine the severity of the most urgent alarm. It then displays the
appropriate Alarm Border Element style that is configured in ArcestrA IDE>
Galaxy>Configure>Galaxy Style Library.
This object is transparent in the graphic editor. At runtime, this object will
display different alarm styles when an alarm is detected.

Figure 5-18. Alarm Border Styles

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184 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

Wizard Options
Choose the number of control blocks to monitor for alarm states. The
Alarm Border supports up to eight control blocks.
The value is used to Show or Hide the Alarm Severity icon.
• True (Default) - Show the Alarm Severity icon.
• False - Hide the Alarm Severity icon.
This value is not supported by Foxboro control blocks and alarms. It is
available as a standard part of the Alarm Border animations and can be
used by custom functionalities.
• False (Default) - Do not show the AlarmBorder as shelved
• True - Shows the Alarm Border as shelved.
Control Block ALMSTA parameter of each alarm source. The custom
property expression extracts the CRIT value that is stored in the ALMSTA
Control Block ALMSTA parameter of each alarm source. The custom
property expression extracts the UNACK value that is stored in the
ALMSTA parameter.
Control Block INHOPTparameter of each alarm source.
Control Block INHSTA parameter of each alarm source.
Control Block ALMSTA parameter of each alarm source. The custom
property expression extracts the PRTYPE value that is stored in the
ALMSTA parameter.
Select if you want the alarm borders to display the blocks inhibit state
when there are no active alarms.

Minimizes scripting required to access Control HMI InTouch features and

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 185

This object is transparent.

Embed the InTouch Command graphic and use the Command property to send
commands to the Control HMI.
Wizard Options
Use this property to send commands to InTouch. Refer to “Connecting
ArchestrA Scripts to Control HMI Features” on page 131 for a list of
supported commands.
1. Instantiate the InTouch Command graphic into a custom graphic symbol.
This will create a graphical element called ITCMD1. Scripts and action
can now use the Command property to call supported Control HMI
InTouch features and functions.

Figure 5-19. Graphical Element - ITCMD1

2. Create a button that opens a Detail Display.

Figure 5-20. Adding Action Animation

a. Create a rectangle or a button element.

b. Add an Action animation to the element.
c. Set the action to the command as follows:

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186 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

ITCMD1.Command = “stddisp CMP.BLOCK AIN”

Minimizes scripting required to access the Select and Assign and Show
Context Menu features.
This object is transparent.
Wizard Options
Choose the type of click options to be enabled.
Choice Description
Both Select & Assign and Context Menu clicks are enabled.
SelectAssign Enables the left click action only. This action selects the
configured IO reference and displays it in the Control
HMI Tag Bar. This IO reference can later be assigned to
the Watch Panel or trend windows.
ContextMenu Enables the right click action only. This action opens
the Control HMI context menu just below the mouse
click location. The default InTouch window name can
be replaced with a custom window name.

Name of the InTouch window to open when the user right clicks the
object. The default InTouch window is "ZIA_Popup_RClick".
ValueMax & ValueMin
Scale values for the selected tag.
String name of the tag to be selected.
Sets the type of tag that is being selected.

Tag Reference Type Integer

Foxboro Control Block 1
ArchestrA Application Object 2
InTouch Memory Tag 3


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Instantiate this graphic into a custom graphic and reshape it to the desired
size. Use the wizard options to choose the desired functionality and
configure the graphic properties.
To connect to a Foxboro IO Reference:
MenuName ZIA_Popup_RClick
ValueTagType 1

To connect to an ArchestrA Reference:

MenuName ZIA_Popup_RClick
ValueMax AppObject.PV.Max
ValueMin AppObject.PV.Min
ValueTagname IADAS.$Tag$.AppObject.PV
ValueTagType 2

To connect to an InTouch Reference:

MenuName ZIA_Popup_RClick
ValueMax 100
ValueMin 0
ValueTagname IADAS.$Tag$.InTouch:MyTagName
ValueTagType 3

Displays a process value in relationship to its minimum and maximum range,
where minimum range is the bottom or left side of a fillbar element.

Figure 5-21. Fillbar Image

Use this graphic in place of the Control HMI Vertical and Horizontal Fillbar
Smart Symbols. This graphic has many additional features that the Smart
Symbol does not have.

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188 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

Wizard Options
Choose the direction in which the element is filled.
Choice Description
Vertical Fill is from Bottom (minimum) to Top (maximum)

Horizontal Fill is from Left (minimum) to Right (maximum).

Display tick marks on the fillbar.
Enable MouseClick actions on the fillbar.
- ClickOptions
Choose the type of MouseClick options to be enabled.
Enables the display of alarms when an alarm state is detected.
- AlarmStyle
Choose how alarms are displayed on the fillbar.
Choice Description

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 189

ElementStyle The control block alarm state

changes the fill and edge color of
the element. The Element Style
alarming only supports one control
block alarm source.

AlarmBorder The most urgent alarm state of all

connected control blocks is dis-
played around the fillbar graphics
as an alarm border. The Alarm Bor-
der alarming supports up to eight
control blocks.
Choosing Alarm Border enables a
choice to select the number of
Alarm Sources.

The appearance of the Element and Alarm Border styles are configured in:
Galaxy > Configure > Galaxy Style Library.

Figure 5-22. Alarm Border Styles Example

- AlarmSource
Choose the number of control blocks to monitor for alarm states. The
Alarm Border supports up to eight control blocks.
Process value used to show the fill level.
PvMax & PvMin
Scale value for the process value.
Name of the InTouch window to open when the user right clicks on the

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190 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

String name of the tag to be selected.

Sets the type of tag that is being selected.

Tag Reference Type Integer

Foxboro Control Block 1
ArchestrA Application Object 2
InTouch Memory Tag 3

This value is used to show or hide the Alarm Severity icon.
• True (Default) - Displays the Alarm Severity icon.
• False - Hides the Alarm Severity icon.
This value is not supported by Foxboro control blocks and alarms. It is
available as a standard part of Alarm Border animations and can be used
by custom functionalities.
• True (Default) - Displays the Alarm Severity icon.
• False - Hides the Alarm Severity icon.
Control Block ALMSTA parameter of each alarm source. The custom
property expression extracts the CRIT value that is stored in the ALMSTA
Control Block ALMSTA parameter of each alarm source. The custom
property expression extracts the UNACK value that is stored in the
ALMSTA parameter.
Control Block INHOPT parameter of each alarm source.
Control Block INHSTA parameter of each alarm source.
Control Block ALMSTA parameter of each alarm source. The custom
property expression extracts the PRTYPE value that is stored in the
ALMSTA parameter.
Select if you want the alarm borders to display the blocks inhibit state
when there are no active alarms.

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 191

Process Value display graphic. Use this graphic in place of the Control HMI
value Smart Symbols. This graphic has many additional features that the Smart
Symbols do not have.

Figure 5-23. Value Image

Wizard Options
Choose the type of data to display.
Choice Description
Discrete Displays a Boolean value.
The DiscreteFormat choice is enabled when this option
is set.
Integer Displays an Integer value.
Real Displays a Real value.
The RealFormat choice is enabled when this option is set.

Choose how the Boolean value is displayed.
Choice Description
Numeric The Boolean value is displayed as 0 or 1.
Message The Boolean value is displayed as configurable string
messages such as “ON” or “OFF”.

Choose how an Analog value is displayed.
Choice Description
FixedDecimal Displays the analog value with a configurable fixed set
of decimal positions, such as:
• #.##
• #.###
AutoDecimal The decimal location of the analog value is
automatically calculated. This option uses the InTouch
WindowViewer Advanced Formatting configurations
to determine the decimal location.

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192 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

Choose if the process value is settable. A pencil icon is displayed next to
the value graphic when the graphic is settable.

Enable click actions on the value graphic.
- ClickOptions
Choose the type of MouseClick options to be enabled.
Enables the display of alarms when an alarm state is detected.
- AlarmStyle
Choose how alarms are displayed on the fillbar.
Choice Description
ElementStyle The control block alarm state changes
the fill and edge color of the element.
The Element Style alarming only
supports one control block alarm

AlarmBorder The most urgent alarm state of all

connected control blocks is displayed
around the value graphics as an alarm
border. The Alarm Border alarming
supports up to eight control blocks.
Choosing Alarm Border enables a
choice to select the number of Alarm

- AlarmSource
Choose the number control blocks used to calculate the alarm border state.
Process value used to show the fill level.
PvMax & PvMin
Scale value for the process value.

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 193

Name of the InTouch window to open when the user right clicks on the
String name of the tag to be selected.
Sets the type of tag that is being selected.

Tag Reference Type Integer

Foxboro Control Block 1
ArchestrA Application Object 2
InTouch Memory Tag 3

This value is used to Show or Hide the Alarm Severity icon.
• True (Default) - Displays the Alarm Severity icon.
• False - Hides the Alarm Severity icon.
This value is not supported by Foxboro control blocks and alarms. It is
available as a standard part of the Alarm Border animations and can be
used by custom functionalities.
• True (Default) - Show the Alarm Severity icon.
• False - Hide the Alarm Severity icon.
Control Block ALMSTA parameter of each alarm source. The custom
property expression extracts the CRIT value that is stored in the ALMSTA
Control Block ALMSTA parameter of each alarm source. The custom
property expression extracts the UNACK value that is stored in the
ALMSTA parameter.
Control Block INHOPT parameter of each alarm source.
Control Block INHSTA parameter of each alarm source.
Control Block ALMSTA parameter of each alarm source. The custom
property expression extracts the PRTYPE value that is stored in the
ALMSTA parameter.

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194 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

Select if you want the alarm borders to display the blocks inhibit state
when there are no active alarms.

Use this graphic symbol to show the condition of the device providing the
displayed value. This indicator shows the condition state of the device when it
is connected to the AppObject.DeviceTag.HighestSeverity attribute.

Figure 5-24. Static Device Indicator

Runtime Device Indicators

Runtime Image Condition State
Device Failure Detected

Function Check


Out of Specification

By default, Normal state is not shown.
Use the ShowNormalState property
to enable it.

Wizard Options
Connect this property to the highest severity attribute of the Device object.
The tag name has to appear in the format as follows:

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5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI 195

Use this property to toggle the display of all the device condition
indicators. When connected to a runtime setting, operators can use this
setting to de-clutter a process display.
Use this property to toggle the display of the normal state indicator. By
default, the normal state is disabled.
For information about how to configure condition monitoring for
FOUNDATION fieldbus devices, refer to Implementing FOUNDATION
fieldbus in the Foxboro Evo Process Automation System (B0750DA).
For information about how to configure condition monitoring for HART
Devices Connected to FBMs, refer to Using HART® Instrumentation with the
Foxboro Evo Process Automation System (B0750CM).

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196 5. ArchestrA Graphics for Control HMI

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C H A P T E R 6

Situational Awareness
Graphics Library for Control

The Control HMI is installed with a set of graphics that are designed for
Situational Awareness. This section explains the elements and features of these
graphics. Control HMI CSA Graphics are located in the ArchestrA IDE
Graphic Toolbox at
GalaxyName > Control > Situational Awareness Library

Common Graphic Elements

This section describes the graphical components that are common to most of
the CSA graphic symbols. To explain the elements, all the features have been
enabled. The images do not show the basic default state.

Figure 6-1. Common Graphical Components

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198 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Table 6-1. Element Descriptions

Element Description
A1 Alarm Border
Displays the state of the most urgent alarm configured on
this object. The optional border and priority icons are
turned off by default.
Wizard Options:
• SymbolMode Advanced
• AlarmBorder True
• AlarmSource One - Eight

A2 Hi Hi Alarm Limit Indicator

This optional indicator appears on the fillbar so operators
can compare the current process value in relationship to
the limit.
Wizard Options:
• SymbolMode Advanced
• AlarmLimitIndicators True
• AlarmHiHiIndicator True
A3 Hi Alarm Limit Indicator
This optional indicator appears on the fillbar so operators
can compare the current process value in relationship to
the limit.
Wizard Options:
• SymbolMode Advanced
• AlarmLimitIndicators True
• AlarmHiIndicator True
A4 Lo Alarm Limit Indicator
This optional indicator appears on the fillbar so operators
can compare the current process value in relationship to
the limit.
Wizard Options:
• SymbolMode Advanced
• AlarmLimitIndicators True
• AlarmLoIndicator True
A5 Lo Lo Alarm Limit Indicator
This optional indicator appears on the fillbar so operators
can compare the current process value in relationship to
the limit.
Wizard Options:
• SymbolMode Advanced
• AlarmLimitIndicators True
• AlarmLoLoIndicator True

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 199

Table 6-1. Element Descriptions (Continued)

Element Description
E1 Status Indicators
These optional indicators show the operating status of
equipment. The setting of Status Level option will
determine the number of available indicators.

Passive Basic

Active Basic

traveling to Advanced
traveling to Advanced

Interlocked All

Out of
Service All

Wizard Options:
• SymbolMode Advanced
• EquipmentStatusIndicator True
• EquipmentStatusLevel Basic

E2 Mode Indicators
Shows the operating mode of the equipment or controller.
This option is only available when the associated
equipment or controller is enabled.
• M Manual
• A Automatic
• C Cascade
Wizard Options:
• SymbolMode Advanced
• ControlModeIndicator True
• MotorType Variable
• SpeedController True
• SpeedControllerMode True

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200 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Table 6-1. Element Descriptions (Continued)

Element Description
E3 Controller Output Fillbar
At Minimum This optional element displays the controller output value
in relationship to minimum and maximum scale values.
Wizard Options:
In Between
• MotorType Variable
Maximum • SymbolMode Advanced
• SpeedController True

E4 Connection Points
These optional elements are only displayed in the Graphic
Editor. They are used with the Connector line elements.
Connector elements automatically snap to the closest
connection point when enabled.
I1 Full Range Indicators
These indicators appear when operating range is
configured and the current process value is not within the
set operating range. The fillbar will be forced to full range
so that the process value is visible.
Wizard Options:
• SymbolMode Advanced
• FullRangeIndicator True

I2 Rate of Change Indicators

These optional indicators appear when a change of the
associated value exceeds the ROC percentage. They
indicate that a change has occurred and in which direction
PV ROC the value has changed.
Wizard Options (PV ROC):
• SymbolMode Advanced
• ROCIndicator True
Amps ROC
Wizard Options (Amps ROC):
• MotorType Variable
• SymbolMode Advanced
• AmpsPV True
• AmpsROCIndicator True

I3 Tracker Indicator
This optional indicator displays a value set by the
operator. Operators can use this setting to track the
behavior of the process value in relationship to the
tracked value.
Wizard Options:
• SymbolMode Advanced
• Tracker True

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 201

Table 6-1. Element Descriptions (Continued)

Element Description
I4 Optimal Range
This optional gray area highlights the area where a
process value is expected to be in order to achieve optimal
Wizard Options:
• SymbolMode Advanced
• OptimalRange True

I5 Set Point Indicator

This optional indicator is shown on the fillbar so
operators can compare the current process value in
relationship to the desired set point value.
Wizard Options:
• SymbolMode Advanced
• SetPoint True

I6 Commanded Value Indicator

This optional indicator appears on a fillbar and shows the
relationship between a process value and its commanded
value. Not all graphics support a commanded value. The
commanded value may be associated with different
process variables such as PV, ControllerOP, and
SpeedControllerPV. This option is only available when
the associate process value is enabled.
Wizard Options:
• MotorType Variable
• SymbolMode Advanced
• SpeedController True
• SpeedControllerCMDValue True

L1 Descriptive Label
This option text label shows the name of the equipment
that this graphic represents. This label can be a static text
Label string or connected to a dynamic reference value or
Wizard Options:
• Label True

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202 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Table 6-1. Element Descriptions (Continued)

Element Description
L2 Engineering Unit Labels
These optional labels display the engineering units of a
value. These labels can be static text strings or connected
EU to a dynamic reference values or expressions. The
engineering unit's options become available when the
property's numerical display setting is true.
Wizard Options (PV):
• PVNumericalDisplay True
• EngUnits True

Wizard Options (Amps or SpeedCtl):

• MotorType Variable
• SymbolMode Advanced
• AmpsPV True
• AmpsEngUnits True

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

This optional indicator appears in the graphic to display
any abnormal quality state. There are several icons that
represent the different quality states.
Wizard Options:
• QualityStatusIndicator True
Refer to the ArchestrA Galaxy Style Library
configuration in the IDE for settings of quality states:
Galaxy > Configure > Galaxy Style Library
(Quality Style Tab)
V1 Numerical Values
These optional fields are the numeric display of the
66.00 process values. The numerical display options become
available when the process value type is enabled.
The PV process value is generally enabled. Other process
values such as Amps or Speed Controller have to be
Wizard Options (PV):
• PVNumericalDisplay True
Wizard Options (Amps, SpeedCtl):
• MotorType Variable
• SymbolMode Advanced
• AmpsPV True
• SpeedControllerNumericalDisplay True

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 203

Common Wizard Options

This section describes the generic wizard options that are available in CSA
Graphic symbols.

Wizard Option Descriptions

Enables the Alarm Border when an alarm state is detected.
• AlarmSources
Choose the number of control blocks to monitor for alarm states. The
Alarm Border supports up to eight control blocks.

Enables the display of alarm limit indicators on the meter level.
• UseBlockAlarmOption
When true, the availability of the alarm limit indicators is controlled by
the block alarm option values in the control block. The alarm limit wizard
options are not used.
• AlarmHiHiLimitIndicator
Enables the display of the Hi Hi Alarm Limit Indicator.
• AlarmHiLimitIndicator
Enables the display of the Hi Alarm Limit Indicator.
• AlarmLoLimitIndicator
Enables the display of the Lo Alarm Limit Indicator.
• AlarmLoLoLimitIndicator
Enables the display of the Lo Lo Alarm Limit Indicator.

Enables the display of graphical elements that represent the amperage of a
piece of equipment.
• AmpsEngUnits
Enables the display of the amperage values Engineering Unit Labels.
• AmpsEngUnitsType
Choose how amperage engineering units label is assigned its value.
StaticText The label is a static string that is assigned by
using the symbols Substitute Strings function.
CustomPropertyLabel The label is connected to a string reference or

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204 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

• AmpsROCIndicator
Enables the display of the amperages Rate of Change Indicators.

Enables the display of connection point elements.

Enables the display of the equipment Mode Indicators.

Turns on a small triangle indicator that identifies this graphic as a
differential meter.

Enables the display of the Direction Of Travel indicator as a rectangular
graphic element located between the valve head and body. At run time, the
symbol's internal logic determines the apparent direction of travel of the
valve based on the available input values. The Direction Of Travel
indicator shows either a left or right facing arrow for a valve closing or
opening, respectively. The arrow is not shown when there is no valve

When true, the graphic represents a discrete valve.

Enables the display of the equipment Mode Indicators.

Enables the display of the equipment Status Indicators.
• EquipmentStatusLevel
Choose the number of equipment status states that can be shown.

Options States
Basic • Active
• Passive
Advanced • Active
• Passive
• Transitioning Active
• Transitioning Passive

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All • Active
• Passive
• Transitioning Active
• Transitioning Passive
• Interlocked
• Out of Service

Enables the display of the process value Full Range Indicators.

Enables the appearance of the graphics Descriptive Label. It also enables
the LabelType wizard option.
• LabelType
Choose how the descriptive label is assigned its value.
StaticText The label is a static string that is assigned by
using the symbols Substitute Strings function.
CustomPropertyLabel The label is connected to a string reference or

Set the line thickness of graphic elements in the symbol.

Enables a graphic element that can be used as a process value connector
between multiple graphics. There are four dots that travel with process
value (PV, PVHistorical1-3). These dots have X and Y coordinates that
can be used to connect a polyline Point Animation.

The meter connector PvX and PvY properties are used in the above
example to connect each meter with the points of a polyline. There are

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206 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

four sets of coordinate properties that can be used to show the history of
the line:
• PvX, PvY
• PvHistorical1X, PvHistorical1Y
• PvHistorical2X, PvHistorical2Y
• PvHistorical3X, PvHistorical3Y
The PvHistoricalReceived properties can be used to control the visibility
of historical lines when the retrieved property is true.

Show the object as a static graphic icon.

Choose the type of motor driving a piece of equipment. Choices will vary
depending on the type of graphic. This option may affect other advanced
symbol mode wizard options available in the graphics. Refer to specific
graphic details.

Normalized Shape
The range of polar star spokes is auto calculated using the set points of all
the configured spokes.

Note Normalized Shape need not be used when the set point is 0 as this will
cause the calculated range to be “0 to 0”.

Enables the display of a shaded area on a meter level that represents the
Optimal Range in which the level needs to operate.

Works with the PositionIndicator wizard option to use body fill to
represent the valve's percentage open position. When TRUE, the body fills
based on the value of the PV custom property. When FALSE, the body
fills based on the value of the SP custom property. In addition, the logic
controlling the DirectionOfTravel indicator uses PV if this option is

Enables the dynamic fill of the valve body based on the percentage (0-
100%) valve open position. TRUE enables dynamic fill. FALSE causes
the body to fill with the same style as the HEAD. When
PositionFeedbackAvailable is TRUE, the value of the PV
custom property determines body fill. Otherwise, the value of SP is used.
This wizard option is available only when the Body wizard option is set to

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Enables the display of the process values Numerical Values.
• EngUnits
Enables the display of the process values Engineering Unit Labels.
• EngUnitsType
Choose how engineering units label is assigned its value.
StaticText The label is a static string that is assigned by
using the symbols Substitute Strings function.
CustomPropertyLabel The label is connected to a string reference or

Enables the display of the Quality Status Indicator.

Enables the display of the process value Rate of Change Indicators.

Enables the display of the Safety System Icon which indicates the type of
safety system and its trip state.

Enables the display of the Set Point Indicator.

Enables the display of graphical elements that represent a variable speed
• SpeedControllerMode
Enables the display of a variable speed controller equipment Mode
• SpeedControllerCmdValue
Enables the display of a variable speed controller Commanded Value
• SpeedControllerNumericalDisplay
Enables the display of the speed controller Numerical Values.

Show the graphic symbols Basic or Advanced Wizard Options.


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208 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Turns on the clock timer symbol that shows the time between periodic
process value updates.

Enables the display of the Tracker Indicator.

Choose the type of equipment that a graphic symbol represents. Choices
will vary depending on the type of graphic.

Common Custom Properties

This section describes the generic Custom properties that are available in CSA
Graphic symbols. The property names listed may be available in different
graphics with slight variations of the name. Not all variations of the same
property are listed.
• Some equipment symbols may allow up to five individual equipment
objects to be shown. This graphic will have Equip1ModeAuto -
Equip5ModeAuto in place of the EquipModeAuto property.
• Polar stars have up to eight PV properties. Spoke1PV -Spoke8PV.

Table 6-2. Common Custom Properties

Custom Property Data Type Description

• Active Boolean When true, each property
indicates the operational state of
• Interlocked
a piece of equipment.
• OutOfService
• Passive
• TransitioningActive
• TransitioningPassive
• AlarmCBCRIT Integer Control Block ALMSTA
0-5 parameter of each alarm source.
The custom property expression
extracts the CRIT value that is
stored in the ALMSTA
• AlarmCBUNACK Boolean Control Block ALMSTA
parameter of each alarm source.
The custom property expression
extracts the UNACK value that
is stored in the ALMSTA

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Table 6-2. Common Custom Properties (Continued)

Custom Property Data Type Description

• AlarmCBINHOPT Integer Control Block INHOPT values
0-3 used to determine the Alarm
Border Mode of the most urgent
• 0, 2 = Silenced when
• 1, 3 = Disabled when
• AlarmCBIHSTA Integer Control Block INHSTA values
32-bits used to determine the inhibit
state of the most urgent alarm.
• AlarmCBPRTYPE Integer Control Block ALMSTA
parameter of each alarm
source.The custom property
expression extracts the
PRTYPE value that is stored in
the ALMSTA parameter.
• AlarmHHAOption Integer These properties are used in
place of the alarm limit wizard
• AlarmMALOption
options. These properties
control the visibility of the
alarm limit indicators with
alarm options that are
configured in the control
• AlarmHiHiLimit Analog Values in which the measured
value goes into an alarm state.
• AlarmHiLimit
These properties control the
• AlarmLoLimit position of the alarm limit
• AlarmLoLoLimit
• AlarmIndicatorVisible Boolean Shows or hides the Alarm
Border icon when in an alarm
• AlarmMostUrgentShelved Boolean This value is not supported by
Foxboro control blocks and
alarms. It is available as a
standard part of the Alarm
Border animations and can be
used by custom functionalities.
• AmpsPV Analog The measured amperage value
of a piece of equipment.
• AmpsPVEngUnits String Specifies the engineering units
of the amperage value.
• AmpsPVEngUnitsVisible Boolean Shows or hides the amperage
engineering unit label.

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Table 6-2. Common Custom Properties (Continued)

Custom Property Data Type Description

• AmpsPVMin Analog Minimum and maximum range
of the measured amperage
• AmpsPVMax
• AmpsPVROCPercentMax Analog The percent of change needed
to trigger the Rate of Change
• AmpsPVVisible Boolean Shows or hides the numerical
display of the measured
amperage value.
• CmdClose Boolean Indicates that the equipment
was commanded to Close or
• CmdOpen
• ControllerOP Analog The current controller output
• ControllerOPAvailable Boolean Indicates if the process value of
the controller output is
available. When true, the
process value is shown
otherwise the controller
commanded value is shown.
• ControllerOPCmd Analog The commanded control output
• ControllerOPCmdVisible Boolean Shows or hides the Commanded
Value Indicator on the
controller output fillbar.
• ControllerOPMin Analog Minimum and maximum range
of the controller output value.
• ControllerOPMax
• ControllerOPModeAuto Boolean When true, each property
indicates the mode in which the
• ControllerOPModeManual
controller is running.
• ControllerOPModeCascade
• ControllerOPModeNormal String Identifies the normal operating
modes of the controller ( "A",
"M" or "C"). If multiple modes
are normal, place a comma
between each mode (ex:
• ControllerOPVisible Boolean Shows or hides the numerical
display of the controller output
• Deadband Analog Unique to Valve and Damper.
When a change in the process
value exceeds this deadband
value, it indicates if the valve is
opening or closing.

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Table 6-2. Common Custom Properties (Continued)

Custom Property Data Type Description

• DirectionBackward Boolean When True, points the symbol
arrow in appropriate direction
• DirectionForward
to indicate the position of the
• EngUnits String Process values units of
• EngUnitsVisible Boolean Shows or hides the numerical
display of the process value
engineering units.
• EquipModeAuto Boolean When true, each property
indicates the mode in which the
• EquipModeManual
equipment is running.
• EquipModeCascade
• EquipModeNormal String Identifies the normal operating
modes for a piece of equipment
( "A", "M" or "C"). If multiple
modes are normal, place a
comma between each mode (ex:
• EquipStateActive Boolean When true, each property
indicates the operational state of
• EquipStateInterlocked
a piece of equipment.
• EquipStateOutofService
• EquipStatePassive
• EquipStateTransitioningActive
• EquipStateTransitioningPassive
• EquipState Boolean When true, the equipment is
shown in an active state.
• EquipStateActual Analog This is a numerical value of the
current state of the equipment.
This value is set by the graphic
when the state changes.
• 0 - Passive
• 1 - Active
• 2 - Transition to Active
• 3 - Transition to Passive
• 4 - Interlocked
• 5 - Out Of Service
• -1 - Unknown

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Table 6-2. Common Custom Properties (Continued)

Custom Property Data Type Description

• KPI Analog Key Performance Indicator.
The measurement value of a
Key Performance Indicator
usually normalized for dollars
lost or gained.
• KPITarget Analog This is the central point of a
KPI bar that identifies the point
where there are no losses or
• Label String This property is available when
the LabelType wizard option
is set to CustomPropertyLabel.
It can be connected to a
reference or expression.
• LabelVisible Boolean This property is available when
the Label wizard option is
true. It can be used to hide or
show the label at runtime.
• LeftActive Boolean Unique to the handswitch
graphic. When true, it points the
arrow to the Left.
• LimitSwitchClose Boolean When true these indicate the
valve has reached its fully open
• LimitSwitchOpen
or closed position.
• LimitSwitchHiActive Boolean Shows or hides the switch limit
• LimitSwitchLoActive
• Max Analog Process value range limits.
• Min
• MessageVisible Boolean Enables the display of the
Message Indicator on the
CSA_SequenceButton graphic.
• Meter1AgreeOnVoting Boolean Shows if meters used in a multi
meter voting scenario agree
• Meter2AgreeOnVoting
with the shown value or not.
• Meter3AgreeOnVoting
• OP Analog Control output value.

• OPMax Analog Control output range limits.

• OPMin
• Phase String Short description of the Phase
that a batch sequence is in.
• PhaseStep String Short description of the Step
that a batch sequence is in.
• PV Analog The process value.

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Table 6-2. Common Custom Properties (Continued)

Custom Property Data Type Description

• PVCmd Analog The commanded process value.
• PVCmdVisible Boolean Shows or hides the display of a
Commanded Value Indicator for
the process value.
• PVDeadband

• PVDirection Boolean Used to show the direction or

steady state of the motor shaft
in a settler graphic.
• 0 = stationary
• 1 = counterclockwise
• 2 = clockwise
• PVHistorical1Recieved Boolean Used with Meter connectors.
This property notifies the
graphic that the process value
has changed and the previous
value is now store.
• PVHistorical1X Integer When the process value
changes, the previous X, Y
• PVHistorical1Y
coordinate of the Meter
connector is stored here.
• PVHistorical2Recieved Boolean Used with Meter connectors.
This property notifies the
graphic that the Historical 1
value has changed and the
previous value is now stored.
• PVHistorical2X Integer When the Historical 1 value
changes, the previous Historical
• PVHistorical2Y
1 X,Y coordinates are stored
• PVHistorical3Recieved Boolean Used with Meter connectors.
This property notifies the
graphic that the Historical 2
value has changed and the
previous value is now stored.
• PVHistorical3X Integer When the Historical 2 value
changes, the previous Historical
• PVHistorical3Y
2 X,Y coordinates are stored
• PVX Integer Used with Meter Connectors.
These are the X,Y coordinates
of the meter connector that
represents the current process

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Table 6-2. Common Custom Properties (Continued)

Custom Property Data Type Description

• PVMin Analog Minimum and maximum range
values of a process value.
• PVMax
• PVOperatingPercent Analog Used when
is True. The
PVOperatingPercent can be
used to scale a meter graphic so
the process value is easier to see
when the actual range is large.
The meter scale will
automatically revert to full scale
when the process value exceeds
the auto scale range.
• PVRangeFullScaleAccumulated Analog Use these values to set
Max minimum and maximum scale
values of a stack meter.
• PVRangeFullScaleAccumulated
• PVRangeFullScaleMax Analog Use these values to set
minimum and maximum scale
• PVRangeFullScaleMin
values of a meter.
• PVRangeOperatingAutoScale Boolean Used with PVOperatingPercent
to auto scale a meter graphic so
the process value is easier to see
when the actual range is large.
• PVRangeOperatingMax Analog Used when
• PVRangeOperatingMin
is False. These values can be
used to set the scale values of a
meter graphic so the process
value is easier to see when the
actual range is large.
The meter scale will
automatically revert to full scale
when the process value exceeds
the modified scale range.
• PVRangeOptimalMax Analog Sets the Min and Max Limits of
the optimal range of process
• PVRangeOptimalMin
values shown on a symbol
meter. The optimal process
value range appears as a shaded
area on a symbol meter.

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Table 6-2. Common Custom Properties (Continued)

Custom Property Data Type Description

• PVRangeOptimalVisible Boolean Enables the display of a shaded
optimal process value range on
a symbol meter. When True,
set values to the
PVRangeOptimalMin and
PVRangeOptimalMax custom
• PVVisible Boolean Shows or hides the display of
the current process value.
• Range Analog This is the absolute range value
of Key Performance Indicators.
The scale of the KPI bar is
Target +- Range
• ROCPercentMax Analog The percent of change needed
for the ROC indicator to show
the changed direction.
• SafetyTripped Boolean Indicates the state of the safety
system. When true, the safety
system has been triggered and
the safety indicator shows the
triggered state.
• SafetyType Boolean Sets the type of safety system.
When True, the indicator is set
to 'S' which is a Safety
Instrumented System.
When False, the indicator is set
to 'B' which is a Burner
Management System.
• SafetyVisible Boolean Shows or hides the indicator
that identifies this graphic as
being related to safety.
• SequenceDescription String A text string that describes the
current sequence when the
wizard option is set to
• ShowInhibState Boolean Enables the display of alarm
inhibit states when there are no
active alarms.
• SP Analog The process value set point.

• SPVisible Boolean Shows or hides the numerical

value of the setpoint.
• SpeedCtlPV Analog The process value of a variable
speed controller.

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216 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Table 6-2. Common Custom Properties (Continued)

Custom Property Data Type Description

• SpeedCtlPVAvailable Boolean Indicates if the process value of
a variable speed controller is
available or not. When True, the
variable speed controller meter
and numerical value show the
process value. When False, the
variable speed controller meter
and numerical value show the
commanded value.
• SpeedCtlPVCmd Analog The commanded process value
for a variable speed controller.
• SpeedCtlPVCmdVisible Boolean Shows or hides the display of a
Commanded Value Indicator on
a variable speed controller
• SpeedCtlPVMin Analog Sets the minimum and
maximum limits of a variable
• SpeedCtlPVMax
speed motor controller's process
• SpeedCtlModeAuto Boolean When true, each property
indicates the mode in which the
• SpeedCtlModeManual
speed controller is running.
• SpeedCtlModeCascade
• SpeedCtlModeNormal String Identifies the normal operating
modes of the speed controller (
"A", "M" or "C"). If multiple
modes are normal, place a
comma between each mode (ex:
• SpeedCtlPVVisible Boolean Shows or hides the numerical
value of the speed controller.
• SpokeVarianceLimitHi Analog The plus and minus range from
which the process value can be
away from the set point value.
The spoke color is changed to
black when the process value is
outside this range.
• TimerInterval Seconds Indicates the period in seconds
between each measurement of a
process value by the embedded
clock timer symbol.
• Tolerance Percent Percent tolerance (1-100) in
Normalized mode to verify that
SpokeMin and SpokeMax
values are not equal when the
setpoint is zero.

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Table 6-2. Common Custom Properties (Continued)

Custom Property Data Type Description

• Tracker Analog Tracker is an operator settable
value that places a reference
line on the PV Fill Bar.
Operators can visually compare
changes to PV in reference to
the tracked value.
• TrackerVisible Boolean Shows or hides the Tracker
• ValveHandswitchVisible Boolean Shows or hides the Handswitch
icon to indicate the valve can be
controlled by a hand switch.
• ValveStateOutOfService Boolean When true, the valve is shown
in an Out Of Service State.
• ValveModeAuto Boolean When true, each property
indicates the mode in which the
• ValveModeManual
valve is running.
• ValveModeCascade

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218 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Alarms - CSA_AlarmLight
This graphic symbol is a label which is connected to one or more alarms. When
an alarm is detected, it shows the state of the most urgent alarm that is active.

Element Descriptions
This section lists all the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard options
that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this graphic.

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

L1 Descriptive Label

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.

LabelType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

AlarmSources One - Eight

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Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30
AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE


ShowInhibState FALSE

Electrical - CSA_HVLV_Switch
The HV/LV Switch (Bus Switch) is used to indicate electrical bus switch
positions. All states, from controllable, indication only, and mnemonic are

Element Descriptions
This section lists all the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard options
that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this graphic.

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220 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

E1 Switch Element
This shape can be displayed horizontally or vertically. It
also has three different types of display:
IndicationOnly Mnemonic OperationViaDCS

E2 Connection Points - see “Connection Points” on page 200

L1 Descriptive Label

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

S1 Equipment Mode Indicators

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Type IndicatorOnly, Mnemonic, Operation
through DCS
Orientation Vertical, Horizontal

LineWeight Thin, Medium, Thick

ConnectionPoints True, False

Label True, False

• LabelType
- LabelType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

EquipmentModeIndicator True, False

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 221

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x0000001F )
AlarmCBUNACK (1-8) AlrmCB.ALMSTA &
0x40000000 )shr 30
AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE

EquipModeAuto IADAS.PvCB.MA

EquipModeCascade FALSE

EquipModeManual NOT IADAS.PvCB.MA

EquipModeNormal < Empty >


LabelVisible TRUE


ShowInhibState FALSE

Equipment - CSA_Agitator_Settler
This graphic symbol represents an agitator or settler equipment. All visual
elements shown below are optional with the exception of the fillbar and
agitator/settler indicator.

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

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222 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

graphic. To explain the elements, all the features have been enabled. The
images do not show the basic default state.

Figure 6-2. Agitator

Figure 6-3. Settler

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

A2 Hi Hi Alarm Limit Indicators and Hi Alarm Limit

A3 Lo Lo Alarm Limit Indicators and Lo Alarm Limit

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 223

E1 Agitator Element
Passive This optional shape indicates the symbol represents an
agitator. It also shows the operating state of the agitator.
Wizard Options:
• Type Agitator

E2 Speed Controller Output Fillbar

E3 PV Fillbar Element
This non-optional element is visible and displays the
process value in relationship to the minimum and
maximum scale values.
Wizard Options:
• None - Always visible

E4 Settler Element
This optional shape indicates the symbol represents a
settler. This shape also shows the state of the settler motor
shaft. States include:
• 0= Stationary
• 1= Counterclockwise rotation
• 2= Clockwise rotation
Wizard Options:
• Type Settler
I1 Full Range Indicators

I2 Process value Rate of Change Indicators.

I3 Tracker Indicator

I4 Optimal Range

I5 Set Point Indicator

I6 Amperage Rate of Change Indicators

I7 Speed Controller Commanded Value Indicator

L1 Descriptive Label

L2 Process value Engineering Unit Labels

L3 Amperage Engineering Unit Labels

L4 Speed Controller Engineering Unit Labels

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

S1 Equipment Status Indicators

S2 Equipment Mode Indicators

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S3 Speed Controller Mode Indicators

V1 Process Numerical Values

V2 Amperage Numerical Values

V3 Speed Controller Numerical Values

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.

MotorType Fixed, Variable

• Advanced- AmpsPV
• Advanced- SpeedController
Label True, False
- LabelType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

PvNumericDisplay False, True

• EngUnits
- EngUnits False, True
• EngUnitsType
- EngUnitsType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

SymbolMode Basic, Advanced

• ControlModeIndicator
• SpeedController
• AmpsPV
• EquipmentStatusIndicator
• AlarmLimitIndicators
• MeterConnector
• OptimalRange
• Tracker
• SetPoint
• ROCIndicator
• FullRangeIndicator
• AlarmBorder

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ControlModeIndicator False, True

SpeedController False, True

• SpeedControllerMode
• SpeedControllerCmdValue
• SpeedControllerNumericalDisplay
- SpeedControllerMode False, True

- SpeedControllerCMDValue False, True

- SpeedController False, True

AmpsPV (VariableMotor) False, True
• AmpsEngUnits
• AmpsROCIndicator
- AmpsEngUnits False, True
• AmpsEngUnitsType
- AmpsEngUnitsType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

- AmpsROCIndicator False, True

EquipmentStatusIndicator False, True

• EquipmentStatusLevel
- EquipmentStatusLevel Basic, Advanced, All

AlarmLimitIndicators False, True

• UseBlockAlarmOption
• AlarmHiHiLimitIndicator
• AlarmHiLimitIndicator
• AlarmLoLimitIndicator
• AlarmLoLoLimitIndicator
- UseBlockALarmOption False, True

- AlarmHiHiLimitIndicator False, True

- AlarmHiLimitIndicator False, True

- AlarmLoLimitIndicator False, True

- AlarmLoLoLimitIndicator False, True

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MeterConnector False, True

OptimalRange False, True

Tracker False, True

SetPoint False, True

ROCIndicator False, True

FullRangeIndicator False, True

AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30




AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE




Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 227

AmpsPVEngUnits IADAS.AmpsCB.EO1

AmpsPVEngUnitsVisible TRUE

AmpsPVROCPercentMax 0

AmpsPVVisible TRUE


EngUnitsVisible TRUE

EquipModeAuto IADAS.EquipCB.MA

EquipModeCascade FALSE

EquipModeManual NOT IADAS.EquipCB.MA

EquipModeNormal < Empty >

EquipState IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 2

EquipStateActive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 2

EquipStateInterlocked FALSE

EquipStateOutOfService FALSE

EquipStatePassive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 1

EquipStateTransitioningActive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 4

EquipStateTransitioningPassive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 3


LabelVisible TRUE


PVDirection 0

PVHistorical1Received FALSE (Do not modify)

Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical1X 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical1Y 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical2Received FALSE (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical2X 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical2Y 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical3Received FALSE (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector

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228 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

PVHistorical3X 0 (Do not modify)

Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical3Y 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVOperatingPercent 0

PVRangeFullScaleMax IADAS.PvCB.HSCI1

PVRangeFullScaleMin IADAS.PvCB.LSCI1

PVRangeOperatingAutoScale FALSE

PVRangeOperatingMax 100

PVRangeOperatingMin 0

PVRangeOptimalMax 100

PVRangeOptimalMin 0

PVRangeOptimalVisible TRUE

PVVisible TRUE

PVX 0 (Do not modify)

Use for MeterConnector
PVY 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
ROCPercentMax 0

ShowInhibState FALSE


SpeedCtlModeAuto IADAS.SpeedCB.MA
SpeedCtlModeCascade IADAS.SpeedCB.MA
SpeedCtlModeManual NOT IADAS.SpeedCB.MA



SpeedCtlPVAvailable TRUE

SpeedCtlPVCmd 0

SpeedCtlPVCmdVisible TRUE



SpeedCtlPVVisible TRUE

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 229

SPVisible TRUE

Tracker 0

TrackerVisible TRUE

Equipment - CSA_EquipmentStatus
The Equipment Status indicator can be used to show the operational state of a
piece of equipment such as whether it is open or shut, or starting or stopping.

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

E1 Equipment Status Indicators

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
EquipmentStatusLevel Basic, Advanced, All

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

Active IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 2

EquipStateActual 0

Interlocked FALSE

OutOfService FALSE

Passive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 1

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

230 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

TransitioningActive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 4

TransitioningPassive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 3

Equipment - CSA_Feeder
This graphic shows the status of different types of feeder equipment.

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

E1 Amps PV Fillbar Element

Shows the amperage process value.
Wizard Options:
• AmpsPV True

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 231

E2 Equipment Type Element

This symbol has graphic representations of different types
of equipment.

Wizard Options:
• Type • Conveyor Belt
• Screen
• Screw
• Vibrating Screen
E3 Controller Output Fillbar

I1 Safety Equipment State Indicator

Indicates that this equipment is part of a safety system. It
shows the type of safety system as well as its trip state.

Safety Instrumented System

Safety Instrumented System Tripped

Burner Management System

Burner Management System Tripped

Wizard Options:
• SymbolMode Advanced
• SafetySystemIndicator True
I2 Controller Commanded Value Indicator

L1 Descriptive Label

L2 Controller Engineering Unit Labels

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

S1 Equipment Mode Indicators

S2 Controller Mode Indicators

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232 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

S3 Equipment State Indicators

V1 Controller Numerical Values

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Type Conveyor Belt, Screen, Screw,
Vibrating Screen
• Orientation
- Orientation Left, Right
(Screen Types)
MotorType Fixed, Variable
• Advanced- ControllerOP
EquipmentStatusIndicator False, True
• EquipmentStatusLevel
• NumberOfEquipments
- EquipmentStatusLevel Basic, Advanced, All

- NumberOfEquipments One, Two, Three, Four, Five

Label True, False

• LabelType
- LabelType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

AmpsPV False, True

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

SymbolMode Basic, Advanced

• ControlModeIndicator
• ControllerOP
• SafetySystemIndicator
• AlarmBorder
ControlModeIndicator False, True

ControllerOp False, True

• ControllerOpMode
• ControllerOpCmdValue
• ControllerOpNumericalDisplay

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 233

- ControllerOPMode False, True

- ControllerOPCMDValue False, True

- ControllerOp False, True

SafetySystemIndicator False, True

AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE


0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x40000000 )shr 30

AmpsPVMax 20

AmpsPVMin 4

AmpsPVVisible True


ControllerOPAvailable True

ControllerOPCmd 0

ControllerOPCmdVisible True

ControllerOPMax IADAS.PvCB.HSCO1

ControllerOPMin IADAS.PvCB.LSCO1

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234 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

ControllerOPModeAuto IADAS.PvCB.MA
ControllerOPModeCascade IADAS.PvCB.MA
ControllerOPModeManual NOT IADAS.PvCB.MA


ControllerOPVisible True

EquipModeAuto (1-5) IADAS.EquipCB.MA

EquipModeCascade (1-5) False

EquipModeManual (1-5) Not IADAS.EquipCB.MA

EquipModeNormal (1-5)

EquipStateActive (1-5) IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 2

EquipStateInterlocked (1-5) False

EquipStateOutOfService (1-5) False

EquipStatePassive (1-5) IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 1

EquipStateTransitioningActive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 4
EquipStateTransitioningPassive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 3

LabelVisible True

SafetyTripped False

SafetyType False

SafetyVisible True

ShowInhibState False

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 235

Equipment - CSA_HeatExchanger_Fan
This graphic shows the status of different types of heat exchanging equipment.

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

E1 Amps PV Fillbar Element

Shows the amperage process value.
Wizard Options:
• AmpsPV True

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236 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

E2 Equipment Type Element

This symbol has graphic representations of different types
of equipment.

Heat Exchanger


Wizard Options:
• Type • HeatExchanger
• Fan
E3 Controller Output Fillbar

E4 Connection Points - see “Connection Points” on page 200

I1 Safety Equipment State Indicator

Indicates that this equipment is part of a safety system. It
shows the type of safety system as well as its trip state.

Safety Instrumented System

Safety Instrumented System Tripped

Burner Management System

Burner Management System Tripped

Wizard Options:
• SymbolMode Advanced
• SafetySystemIndicator True
I2 Controller Commanded Value Indicator

L1 Descriptive Label

L2 Controller Engineering Unit Labels

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

S1 Equipment Mode Indicators

S2 Controller Mode Indicators

S3 Equipment State Indicators

V1 Controller Numerical Values

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 237

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Type HeatExchanger, Fan

MotorType Fixed, Variable

• Advanced- ControllerOP
ConnectionPoints True, False

EquipmentStatusIndicator False, True

• EquipmentStatusLevel
• NumberOfEquipments
- EquipmentStatusLevel Basic, Advanced, All

- NumberOfEquipments One, Two, Three, Four, Five

Label True, False

• LabelType
- LabelType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

AmpsPV False, True

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

SymbolMode Basic, Advanced

• ControlModeIndicator
• ControllerOP
• SafetySystemIndicator
• AlarmBorder
ControlModeIndicator False, True

ControllerOp False, True

• ControllerOpMode
• ControllerOpCmdValue
• ControllerOpNumericalDisplay
- ControllerOPMode False, True

- ControllerOPCmdValue False, True

- ControllerOp False, True


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238 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

SafetySystemIndicator False, True

AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE


0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30

AmpsPVMax 20

AmpsPVMin 4

AmpsPVVisible True


ControllerOPAvailable True

ControllerOPCmd 0

ControllerOPCmdVisible True

ControllerOPMax IADAS.PvCB.HSCO1

ControllerOPMin IADAS.PvCB.LSCO1

ControllerOPModeAuto IADAS.PvCB.MA
ControllerOPModeCascade IADAS.PvCB.MA
ControllerOPModeManual NOT IADAS.PvCB.MA


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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 239

ControllerOPVisible True

EquipModeAuto (1-5) IADAS.EquipCB.MA

EquipModeCascade (1-5) False

EquipModeManual (1-5) Not IADAS.EquipCB.MA

EquipModeNormal (1-5)

EquipStateActive (1-5) IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 2

EquipStateInterlocked (1-5) False

EquipStateOutOfService (1-5) False

EquipStatePassive (1-5) IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 1

EquipStateTransitioningActive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 4
EquipStateTransitioningPassive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 3

LabelVisible True

SafetyTripped False

SafetyType False

SafetyVisible True

ShowInhibState False

Equipment - CSA_LoopBlock
The Loop Block graphic can be used as an alternative view of a meter graphic.
This is typically used on level 3 or level 4 windows.

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240 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

E1 Controller Output Fillbar

I2 Controller Commanded Value Indicator

L1 Descriptive Label
The location where the label is shown is also used for
displaying the set point value. The set point value is shown
when the SPVisible property is true. When true, the Label
is hidden.
L2 Controller Engineering Unit Labels

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

S1 Controller Mode Indicators

S2 Controller Mode Indicators

V1 Set Point Numerical Values

The location where the set point value is shown is also
used for displaying the descriptive label. The set point
value is shown when the SPVisible property is true. When
true, the Label is hidden.
V2 Controller Numerical Values

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 241

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Label True, False
• LabelType
- LabelType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

EngUnits True, False

• EngUnitsType
- EngUnitsType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

SymbolMode Basic, Advanced

• ControlModeIndicator
• AlarmBorder
- ControlModeIndicator False, True

- AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE


0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30

ControllerOPMax IADAS.PvCB.HSCO1

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242 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

ControllerOPMin IADAS.PvCB.LSCO1


EngUnitsVisible True

EquipModeAuto IADAS.PvCB.MA

EquipModeCascade FALSE

EquipModeManual NOT IADAS.PvCB.MA

EquipModeNormal < Empty >


LabelVisible TRUE


PVVisible True

ShowInhibState False


SPVisible False

Equipment - CSA_MiscellanousEquipment
The miscellaneous equipment graphic is a placeholder for all miscellaneous
equipment that does not have a dedicated graphic.

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 243

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

E1 Amps PV Fillbar Element

Shows the amperage process value.
Wizard Options:
• AmpsPV True
E2 Controller Output Fillbar

E3 Connection Points - see “Connection Points” on page 200

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244 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

I1 Safety Equipment State Indicator

Indicates that this equipment is part of a safety system. It
shows the type of safety system as well as its trip state.

Safety Instrumented System

Safety Instrumented System Tripped

Burner Management System

Burner Management System Tripped

Wizard Options:
• SymbolMode Advanced
• SafetySystemIndicator True
I2 Controller Commanded Value Indicator

L1 Descriptive Label

L2 Controller Engineering Unit Labels

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

S1 Single Equipment Status Indicators

S2 Individual Equipment Mode Indicators

S3 Controller Mode Indicators

V1 Controller Numerical Values

Wizard Options
This section lists available Wizard Options, Choices, and related wizard
options associated with the choice.
MotorType Fixed, Variable
• Advanced- ControllerOP
NumberOfEquipments One, Two, Three, Four, Five

ConnectionPoints True, False

EquipmentStatusLevel Basic, Advanced, All

Label True, False

• LabelType

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 245

- LabelType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

AmpsPV False, True

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

SymbolMode Basic, Advanced

• ControlModeIndicator
• ControllerOP
• SafetySystemIndicator
• AlarmBorder
ControlModeIndicator False, True

ControllerOp False, True

• ControllerOpMode
• ControllerOpCmdValue
• ControllerOpNumericalDisplay
- ControllerOPMode False, True

- ControllerOPCMDValue False, True

- ControllerOp False, True

SafetySystemIndicator False, True

AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE


0x000000E0 )shr 5


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246 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI


0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30

AmpsPVMax 20

AmpsPVMin 4

AmpsPVVisible True


ControllerOPAvailable True

ControllerOPCmd 0

ControllerOPCmdVisible True

ControllerOPMax IADAS.PvCB.HSCO1

ControllerOPMin IADAS.PvCB.LSCO1

ControllerOPModeAuto IADAS.PvCB.MA
ControllerOPModeCascade IADAS.PvCB.MA
ControllerOPModeManual NOT IADAS.PvCB.MA


EquipModeAuto (1-5) IADAS.EquipCB.MA

EquipModeCascade (1-5) False

EquipModeManual (1-5) Not IADAS.EquipCB.MA

EquipModeNormal (1-5)

EquipStateActive (1-5) IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 2

EquipStateInterlocked (1-5) False

EquipStateOutOfService (1-5) False

EquipStatePassive (1-5) IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 1

EquipStateTransitioningActive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 4
EquipStateTransitioningPassive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 3

LabelVisible TRUE

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 247

SafetyTripped False

SafetyType False

SafetyVisible True

ShowInhibState FALSE

Equipment - CSA_MultiStagePump
The multi-stage pump can be used to replace complex graphics where multiple
pumps are needed.

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

Figure 6-4. Two Stage Pump

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248 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Figure 6-5. Three Stage Pump

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

E1 Pump Element
Shows the overall Passive or Active state of the pumps.
This object also has a wizard option to change the left or
right orientation.



E2 Amps PV Fillbar Element

Shows the amperage process value.
Wizard Options:
• AmpsPV True
E3 Controller Output Fillbar

E4 Connection Points - see “Connection Points” on page 200

I1 Controller Commanded Value Indicator

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 249

L1 Descriptive Label

L2 Controller Engineering Unit Labels

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

S1 Multiple Pump Status Indicators

S2 Multiple Pump Mode Indicators

S3 Controller Mode Indicators

V1 Controller Numerical Values

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
MotorType Fixed, Variable
• Advanced- ControllerOP
ConnectionPoints True, False

NumberOfStages Two, Three

EquipmentStatusLevel Basic, Advanced, All

Label True, False

• LabelType
- LabelType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

AmpsPV False, True

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

SymbolMode Basic, Advanced

• ControlModeIndicator
• ControllerOP
• SafetySystemIndicator
• AlarmBorder
ControlModeIndicator False, True

ControllerOp False, True

• ControllerOpMode
• ControllerOpCmdValue
• ControllerOpNumericalDisplay

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250 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

- ControllerOPMode False, True

- ControllerOPCMDValue False, True

- ControllerOp False, True

AlarmBorder False, True
• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE


0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30

AmpsPVMax 20

AmpsPVMin 4

AmpsPVVisible True


ControllerOPAvailable True

ControllerOPCmd 0

ControllerOPCmdVisible True

ControllerOPMax IADAS.PvCB.HSCO1

ControllerOPMin IADAS.PvCB.LSCO1

ControllerOPModeAuto IADAS.PvCB.MA

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 251

ControllerOPModeCascade IADAS.PvCB.MA
ControllerOPModeManual NOT IADAS.PvCB.MA


EquipModeAuto (1-3) IADAS.EquipCB.MA

EquipModeCascade (1-3) False

EquipModeManual (1-3) Not IADAS.EquipCB.MA

EquipModeNormal (1-3)

EquipStateActive (1-3) IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 2

EquipStateInterlocked (1-3) False

EquipStateOutOfService (1-3) False

EquipStatePassive (1-3) IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 1

EquipStateTransitioningActive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 4
EquipStateTransitioningPassive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 3

LabelVisible TRUE

ShowInhibState FALSE

Equipment - CSA_NumericDataBlock
This graphic provides data to the operators. It is typically used in level 3 or
level 4 graphics as an alternative to the standard meter graphic.

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252 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

L1 Descriptive Label

L2 Process Value Engineering Unit Labels

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

S1 Equipment Status Indicators (Out of Service only)

V1 Process Numerical Values

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Label True, False
• LabelType
- LabelType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

EngUnits True, False

• EngUnitsType
- EngUnitsType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 253

AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE


0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30

EngUnitsVisible TRUE

EquipStateOutOfService FALSE


LabelVisible TRUE


ShowInhibState FALSE

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254 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Equipment - CSA_OutputBar
The ouput fillbar graphic is used to show the current position of the output.

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

E1 Output Fillbar
This fill bar is used to show the output process value.
Q1 Quality Status Indicator

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Orientation Horizontal, Vertical

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

0x000000E0 )shr 5

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 255




0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30
AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE




ShowInhibState FALSE

Equipment - CSA_ParallelControlValve
This object is used for split range valves. They are often combined in situations
where there are two valves and where both often need to be opened

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256 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 257

E1 Valve Actuator Element

Uses the limit switch states to show the state of the valve.

Close Limit Switch Active

No Limit Switches

Open Limit Switch Active

E2 First Level Valve Fillbar Element

Specifies the current first level process value on the valve
control meter bar.
E3 Second Level Valve Fillbar Element
Specifies the current second level process value on the
embedded second level fill bar symbol of control valve and
level meter symbols.
E4 Connection Points - see “Connection Points” on page 200

I1 Set Point Indicator for process valve 1.

I2 Tracker Indicator

I3 Hand Switch Indicator

Identifies if valve 1 or 2 can be controlled by a hand
I4 Valve 1 and 2 Commanded Value Indicator

L1 Descriptive Label

L2 Valve 1 and 2 process value Engineering Unit Labels

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

S1 Equipment Status Indicators (Out of Service only)

S2 Valve Control Mode Indicators

V1 First valve Numerical Values

V2 Second valve Numerical Values

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258 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Discrete True, False
• Advanced- Valve1CmdValue
• Advanced-
• Advanced- Valve1Tracker
Orientation Horizontal, Vertical

ConnectionPoints True, False

Label True, False

• LabelType
- LabelType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

SymbolMode Basic, Advanced

• Valve1CmdValue
• Valve1NumericalDisplay
• Valve1Tracker
• Valve1HandswitchIndicator
• Valve2CmdValue
• Valve2NumericalDisplay
• Valve2HandswitchIndicator
• ControlModeIndicator
• AlarmBorder
- Valve1CmdValue False, True

- Valve1NumericalDisplay False, True

- Valve1Tracker False, True

- Valve1Handswitch False, True

- Valve2CmdValue False, True

- Valve2NumericalDisplay False, True

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 259

- Valve2Handswitch False, True

- ControlModeIndicator False, True

- AlarmBorder False, True

- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE


0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30

LabelVisible True

LimitSwitchClose False

LimitSwitchOpen False


PV1Cmd 0

PV1CmdVisible True

PV1Deadband 0.1



PV1Visible True


PV2Cmd 0

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260 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

PV2CmdVisible True



PV2Visible True


Tracker 0.0

TrackerVisible True

ShowInhibState False

Valve1HandswitchVisible True

Valve1StateOutOfService False

Valve2HandswitchVisible True

Valve3StateOutOfService False

ValveModeAuto IADAS.EquipCB.MA

ValveModeCascade False

ValveModeManual Not IADAS.EquipCB.MA


Equipment - CSA_Pump_Blower_RotaryValve
This graphic shows the status of pumps, blowers, and rotary valves.

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 261

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

E1 Amps PV Fillbar Element

Shows the amperage process value.
Wizard Options:
• AmpsPV True

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262 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

E2 Equipment Type Element

This symbol has graphic representations of different types
of equipment.



Rotary Valve

Wizard Options:
Type • Pump
• Blower
• RotaryValve
E3 Controller Output Fillbar

E4 Connection Points - see “Connection Points” on page 200

I1 Controller Commanded Value Indicator

I2 Safety Equipment State Indicator

Indicates that this equipment is part of a safety system. It
shows the type of safety system as well as its trip state.

Safety Instrumented System

Safety Instrumented System Tripped

Burner Management System

Burner Management System Tripped

Wizard Options:
• SymbolMode Advanced
• SafetySystemIndicator True
L1 Descriptive Label

L2 Controller Engineering Unit Labels

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 263

S1 Equipment Status Indicators

S2 Controller Mode Indicators

S3 Equipment Mode Indicators

V1 Controller Numerical Values

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Type Pump, Blower, RotaryValve

Orientation Right, Left

MotorType Fixed, Variable

• Advanced- ControllerOP
ConnectionPoints True, False

EquipmentStatusIndicator False, True

• EquipmentStatusLevel
• NumberOfEquipments
- EquipmentStatusLevel Basic, Advanced, All

- NumberOfEquipments One, Two, Three, Four, Five

Label True, False

• LabelType
- LabelType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

AmpsPV False, True

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

SymbolMode Basic, Advanced

• ControlModeIndicator
• ControllerOP
• SafetySystemIndicator
• AlarmBorder
ControlModeIndicator False, True

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264 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

ControllerOp False, True

• ControllerOpMode
• ControllerOpCmdValue
• ControllerOpNumericalDisplay
- ControllerOPMode False, True

- ControllerOPCMDValue False, True

- ControllerOp False, True

SafetySystemIndicator False, True

AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE


0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30

AmpsPVMax 20

AmpsPVMin 4

AmpsPVVisible True


ControllerOPAvailable True

ControllerOPCmd 0

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 265

ControllerOPCmdVisible True

ControllerOPMax IADAS.PvCB.HSCO1

ControllerOPMin IADAS.PvCB.LSCO1

ControllerOPModeAuto IADAS.PvCB.MA
ControllerOPModeCascade IADAS.PvCB.MA
ControllerOPModeManual NOT IADAS.PvCB.MA


ControllerOPVisible True

EquipModeAuto (1-5) IADAS.EquipCB.MA

EquipModeCascade (1-5) False

EquipModeManual (1-5) Not IADAS.EquipCB.MA

EquipModeNormal (1-5)

EquipStateActive (1-5) IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 2

EquipStateInterlocked (1-5) False

EquipStateOutOfService (1-5) False

EquipStatePassive (1-5) IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 1

EquipStateTransitioningActive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 4
EquipStateTransitioningPassive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 3

LabelVisible TRUE

SafetyTripped False

SafetyType False

SafetyVisible True

ShowInhibState FALSE

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266 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Equipment - CSA_RotatingEquipment
This graphic shows the status of other types of rotating equipment such as
compressor and turbines.

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

E1 Amps PV Fillbar Element

Shows the amperage process value.
Wizard Options:
• AmpsPV True

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 267

E2 Equipment Type Element

This symbol has graphic representations of different types
of equipment.



Wizard Options:
Type • Compressor
• Turbine
E3 Controller Output Fillbar

E4 Connection Points - see “Connection Points” on page 200

I1 Controller Commanded Value Indicator

I2 Safety Equipment State Indicator

Indicates that this equipment is part of a safety system. It
shows the type of safety system as well as its trip state.

Safety Instrumented System

Safety Instrumented System Tripped

Burner Management System

Burner Management System Tripped

Wizard Options:
• SymbolMode Advanced
• SafetySystemIndicator True
L1 Descriptive Label

L2 Controller Engineering Unit Labels

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

S1 Equipment Status Indicators

S2 Controller Mode Indicators

S3 Equipment Mode Indicators

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268 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

V1 Controller Numerical Values

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Type Turbine, Compressor

Orientation Right, Left

MotorType Fixed, Variable

• Advanced- ControllerOP
ConnectionPoints True, False

EquipmentStatusIndicator False, True

• EquipmentStatusLevel
• NumberOfEquipments
- EquipmentStatusLevel Basic, Advanced, All

- NumberOfEquipments One, Two, Three, Four, Five

Label True, False

• LabelType
- LabelType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

AmpsPV False, True

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

SymbolMode Basic, Advanced

• ControlModeIndicator
• ControllerOP
• SafetySystemIndicator
• AlarmBorder
ControlModeIndicator False, True

ControllerOp False, True

• ControllerOpMode
• ControllerOpCmdValue
• ControllerOpNumericalDisplay

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 269

- ControllerOPMode False, True

- ControllerOPCMDValue False, True

- ControllerOp False, True

SafetySystemIndicator False, True

AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE


0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30

AmpsPVMax 20

AmpsPVMin 4

AmpsPVVisible True


ControllerOPAvailable True

ControllerOPCmd 0

ControllerOPCmdVisible True

ControllerOPMax IADAS.PvCB.HSCO1

ControllerOPMin IADAS.PvCB.LSCO1

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270 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

ControllerOPModeAuto IADAS.PvCB.MA
ControllerOPModeCascade IADAS.PvCB.MA
ControllerOPModeManual NOT IADAS.PvCB.MA


ControllerOPVisible True

EquipModeAuto (1-5) IADAS.EquipCB.MA

EquipModeCascade (1-5) False

EquipModeManual (1-5) Not IADAS.EquipCB.MA

EquipModeNormal (1-5)

EquipStateActive (1-5) IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 2

EquipStateInterlocked (1-5) False

EquipStateOutOfService (1-5) False

EquipStatePassive (1-5) IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 1

EquipStateTransitioningActive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 4
EquipStateTransitioningPassive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 3

LabelVisible TRUE

SafetyTripped False

SafetyType False

SafetyVisible True

ShowInhibState FALSE

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 271

Equipment - CSA_SequenceButton
The Sequence Button can be used to show the running state of a batch

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

I1 Message Indicator
Can be used to indicate there is an issue or message about
the sequence step.
L1 Descriptive Label

L2 Sequence Description
Can be used to provide the operator a short description of
the sequence.
L3 Phase Label
Can be used to show the phase that the sequence is in.
L4 Step Label
Can be used to show the step that the sequence is in.
Q1 Quality Status Indicator

S1 Equipment Status Indicators

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272 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Label True, False
• LabelType
- LabelType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

Sequence Description True, False

• SequenceDescriptionType
- SequenceDescriptionType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

Phase True, False

• PhaseType
- PhaseType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

PhaseStep True, False

• PhaseStepType
- PhaseStepType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

Message False, True

EquipmentStatusIndicator False, True

• EquipmentStatusLevel
- EquipmentStatusLevel Basic, Advanced, All

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE


0x000000E0 )shr 5

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 273



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30
EquipStateActive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 2

EquipStateInterlocked False

EquipStateOutOfService False

EquipStatePassive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 1

EquipStateTransitioningActive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 4

EquipStateTransitioningPassive IADAS.EquipCB.STAIND == 3


LabelVisible TRUE

MessageVisible False




ShowInhibState FALSE

Equipment - CSA_Tank_Vessel
Graphical views of typical tank and vessel objects. This graphic can be used as
a container of meters and KPI bars. This object also supports an alarm border

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274 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

E1 Tank and Vessel Elements

There are several tank and vessel shapes that can be

L1 Descriptive Label

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Type Vessel, Tank, Accumulator

Size Small, Medium, Large

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 275

Label True, False

• LabelType
- LabelType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE


0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30

LabelVisible TRUE

ShowInhibState FALSE

Equipment - CSA_Thickner
Graphical view of a thickner objects. This graphic can be used as a container of
meters and KPI bars. This object also supports an alarm border animation.

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276 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

E1 Thickner Element
Graphical representation of a Thickner process object.
L1 Descriptive Label

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Label True, False
• LabelType
- LabelType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 277


0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30

LabelVisible TRUE

ShowInhibState FALSE

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278 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Equipment - CSA_Valve_And_Damper
This graphic shows the status of discrete or analog valve and damper
equipment. This symbol can also be used as a static mnemonic graphic. Analog
valves will show the open percentage in a fillbar whereas discrete valves will
show open or closed state.

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

Figure 6-6. CSA_Valve_And_Damper - Discrete

Figure 6-7. CSA_Valve_And_Damper - Analog

Figure 6-8. CSA_Valve_And_Damper - Mnemonic

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 279

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

E1 Valve Body Element

Indicates if the valve is discrete or analog. The short
discrete valve symbol shows if the valve is in open or
closed state. The longer valve body is used for analog
valves and shows the open or closed percentage.


Wizard Options
Body • Discrete
• Analog
E2 Actuator Element
This symbol indicates the valve's actuator type.


Motor Operated

Wizard Options:
Actuator • Control
• Damper
E3 Controller Output Fillbar

E4 Connection Points - see “Connection Points” on page 200

I1 Controller Commanded Value Indicator

I2 Set Point Indicator

I3 Tracker Indicator

L1 Descriptive Label

L2 Controller Engineering Unit Labels

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

S1 Equipment Status Indicators (Out of Service only)

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280 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

S2 Direction of Travel
Indicates if the valve is opening or closing.



S3 Equipment Mode Indicators

V1 Controller Numerical Values

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Orientation Horizontal, Vertical

Mnemonic False, True

Body Discrete, Analog

PositionIndicator True, False

PositionFeedbackAvailable True, False

Actuator MOV, Control, Damper

LimitSwitches None, Dual, OpenLimitSwitch,

Label True, False
• LabelType
- LabelType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

ConnectionPoints True, False

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 281

SymbolMode Basic, Advanced

• DirectionOfTravel
• ControllerModeIndicator
• ValvePositionPVNumericalDisplay
• ValvePositionPVTracker
• ValvePositionPVSetpoint
• ValvePositionPVController
• EquipmentStatusIndicator
• AlarmBorder
- DirectionOfTravel False, True

- ControlModeIndicator False, True

- ValvePositionPV False, True

- ValvePositionPVTracker False, True

- ValvePositionPVSetpoint False, True

- ValvePositionPV False, True

- ValvePositionCommanded False, True
- EquipmentStatus False, True
- AlarmBorder False, True
• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE


0x000000E0 )shr 5


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282 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI


0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30
CmdClose IADAS.EquipCB.DSRIND == 0

CmdOpen IADAS.EquipCB.DSRIND == 1

Deadband 0.01

DirectionOfTravel None

EngUnits %

EngUnitsVisible True


LabelVisible TRUE

LimitSwitchClosed IADAS.EquipCB.DEVLM1

LimitSwitchOpen IADAS.EquipCB.DEVLM2



PVCMDVisible True




SPVisible True

Tracker 0

TrackerVisible True

ValveModeAuto IADAS.EquipCB.MA


ValveModeManual Not IADAS.EquipCB.MA


ShowInhibState FALSE

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 283

Inputs - CSA_NumericalEntry
The Numerical Entry graphic can be used when an operator needs to input
numerical values. This graphic can also be used to display numerical values
that are not settable. There is no alarming on this graphic.

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

Figure 6-9. CSA_NumericalEntry: With Value Outline

Figure 6-10. CSA_NumericalEntry: Without Outline

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

E1 Read/Write Outline
This shadow rectangle indicates that this is an editable
E2 ReadOnly Outline
This rectangle indicates that this is not an editable value.

L1 Descriptive Label

L2 Process value Engineering Unit Labels

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284 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

V1 Process Numerical Values

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Type Input, Output
• AlarmBorder
Label True, False
• LabelType
- LableType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

EngUnits True, False

• EngUnitsType
- EngUnitsType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

Outline True, False

AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One- Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30
AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 285


EngUnitsVisible TRUE


LabelVisible TRUE




ShowInhibState FALSE

Inputs - CSA_TextEntry
The Text Entry graphic can be used when an operator needs to input string
values. This graphic can also be used to display string values that are not
settable. There is no alarming on this graphic.

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

Figure 6-11. CSA_TextEntry: With Value Outline

Figure 6-12. CSA_TextEntry: Without Outline

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286 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

E1 Read/Write Outline
This shadow rectangle indicates that this is an editable
E2 ReadOnly Outline
This rectangle indicates that this is not an editable value.

L1 Descriptive Label

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

V1 Process String Value

String display of the process value.

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Type Input, Output

Label True, False

• LabelType
- LableType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

Outline True, False

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults


LabelVisible TRUE


Meters - CSA_InvisibleProfileMeter
The purpose of this object is to facilitate the creation of profile graphics. Meter
connector objects are used to link the PVs from a series of Invisible Profile
meters in order to create a profile.

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 287

Element Descriptions
This section lists all the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard options
that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this graphic.
To explain the elements, all the features have been enabled. The images do not
show the basic default state.

Figure 6-13. Meters - CSA_InvisibleProfileMeter: Vertical

Figure 6-14. Meters - CSA_InvisibleProfileMeter: Horizontal

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

A2 Hi Hi Alarm Limit Indicators and Hi Alarm Limit

A3 Lo Lo Alarm Limit Indicators and Lo Alarm Limit
I1 Full Range Indicators

I2 Tracker Indicator

I3 Meter Connector
These connector dots travel with the process value and can
be used to connect points of a polyline between multiple
meters. There are 4 points - PV, PVHistorical 1-3. PV is
the current value and the last three values are stored in the
historical properties.

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288 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

I4 Set Point Indicator

I5 Optimal Range

L1 Descriptive Label

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Orientation Vertical, Horizontal

Label False, True

• LabelType
- LabelType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

AlarmLimitIndicators True, False

• UseBlockAlrmOption
• AlarmHiHiLimitIndicator
• AlarmHiLimitIndicator
• AlarmLoLimitIndicator
• AlarmLoLoLimitIndicator
- UseBlockAlarmOption False, True

- AlarmHiHiLimitIndicator True, False

- AlarmHiLimitIndicator True, False

- AlarmLoLimitIndicator True, False

- AlarmLoLoLimitIndicator True, False

MeterConnector False, True

OptimalRange False, True

Tracker False, True

SetPoint False, True

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 289

FullRangeIndicator False, True

AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30




AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE




LabelVisible TRUE


PVHistorical1Received FALSE (Do not modify)

Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical1X 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical1Y 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical2Received FALSE (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector

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290 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

PVHistorical2X 0 (Do not modify)

Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical2Y 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical3Received FALSE (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical3X 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical3Y 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVOperatingPercent 0

PVRangeFullScaleMax IADAS.PvCB.HSCI1

PVRangeFullScaleMin IADAS.PvCB.LSCI1

PVRangeOperatingAutoScale FALSE

PVRangeOperatingMax 100

PVRangeOperatingMin 0

PVRangeOptimalMax 100

PVRangeOptimalMin 0

PVRangeOptimalVisible TRUE

PVX 0 (Do not modify)

Use for MeterConnector
PVY 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
ShowInhibState FALSE


SPVisible TRUE

Tracker 0

TrackerVisible TRUE

Meters - CSA_KPIBar
The KPI bar is typically used to display dollars gained or lost. Gains are
displayed as a fillbar above the central target value. Losses are displayed as a
fillbar below the target value.

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 291

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

Figure 6-15. CSA_KPIBar: Horizontal

Figure 6-16. CSA_KPIBar: Vertical

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

E1 Lost Fillbar
This fill bar is used to show losses in relationship to the
central target KPI value.
E2 Gain Fillbar
This fill bar is used to show gains in relationship to the
central target KPI value.
I1 Set Point Indicator
The targeted KPI reference is the center point of the fill
bars that shows gains or losses.
I2 Tracker Indicator

L1 Descriptive Label

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

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292 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Orientation Horizontal, Vertical

Label True, False

• LabelType
- LabelType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

Tracker False, True

AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30
AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE


KPITarget 0.0


LabelVisible TRUE

Range 0.0

ShowInhibState FALSE

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 293

Tracker 0.0

TrackerVisible TRUE

Meters - CSA_Meters
Meters can be used to show both graphical and numeric presentation of
information. Meters show the process value with respect to setpoint, scales,
and alarm limits. Additional information such as a numeric presentation of the
process values and labels can be configured to be shown or hidden at runtime.

Element Descriptions
This section lists all the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard options
that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this graphic.
To explain the elements, all the features have been enabled. The images do not
show the basic default state.

Figure 6-17. Meters - CSA_Meters: Vertical

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294 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Figure 6-18. Meters - CSA_Meters: Horizontal

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

A2 Hi Hi Alarm Limit Indicators and Hi Alarm Limit

A3 Lo Lo Alarm Limit Indicators and Lo Alarm Limit
E1 Meter Element
This symbol has graphic representations of different types
of meters.

Wizard Options:
Type • Flow
• Temperature
• Pressure
• Target
• Analyzer
• Miscellaneous
• Deviation
• Level

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 295

E2 Controller Output Fillbar

I1 Full Range Indicators

I2 Differential Indicator
This small triangle is static and signifies that this meter is a
differential meter.
Wizard Options:
DifferentialMeter True
I3 Process value Rate of Change Indicators

I4 Tracker Indicator

I5 Set Point Indicator

I6 Process Value Indicators

The current process value can be displayed in multiple
ways. When it is not shown as a fillbar, the current value is
indicated with these symbols.
Wizard Options:
Type • Flow
• Pressure
• Target
• Analyzer
I7 Optimal Range

I8 Controller Output Commanded Value Indicator

I9 Period Timer Indicator

This indicator can be shown on analyzer graphics that do
not continuously update. The indicator gradually fills in
during the wait period between updates. When filled in, the
indicator indicates that the analyzer is getting a new value.
Wizard Options:
• Type Analyzer
• SymbolMode Advanced
• Timer True
L1 Descriptive Label

L2 Process value Engineering Unit Labels

L3 Controller Output Engineering Unit Labels

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

V1 Process Numerical Values

V2 Controller Output Numerical Values

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296 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Type Flow, Temperature, Pressure, Target
Analyzer, Miscellaneous, Deviation
• Timer (Analyzer)
• Setpoint (Not on Deviation)
Orientation Vertical, Horizontal

Differential False, True

Label True, False

• LabelType
- LabelType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

PvNumericDisplay True, False

• EngUnits
- EngUnits True, False
• EngUnitsType
- EngUnitsType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

SymbolMode Basic, Advanced

• AlarmLimitIndicators
• MeterConnector
• OptimalRange
• Tracker
• SetPoint
• ROCIndicator
• FullRangeIndicator
• ControllerOp
• AlarmBorder

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 297

AlarmLimitIndicators False, True

• UseBlockAlarmOption
• AlarmHiHiLimitIndicator
• AlarmHiLimitIndicator
• AlarmLoLimitIndicator
• AlarmLoLoLimitIndicator
- UseBlockAlarmOption False, True

- AlarmHiHiLimitIndicator False, True

- AlarmHiLimitIndicator False, True

- AlarmLoLimitIndicator False, True

- AlarmLoLoLimitIndicator False, True

MeterConnector False, True

OptimalRange False, True

Tracker False, True

SetPoint False, True

ROCIndicator False, True

FullRangeIndicator False, True

ControllerOP False, True

• ControllerOPMode
• ControllerOPCmdValue
• ControllerOPNumericalDisplay
- ControllerOPMode False, True

- ControllerOPCMDValue False, True

- ControllerOPNumerical False, True

Timer (Analyzer) False, True

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298 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30




AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE



ControllerOPModeAuto IADAS.PvCB.MA
ControllerOPModeCascade IADAS.PvCB.MA
ControllerOPModeManual NOT IADAS.PvCB.MA



ControllerOPAvailable TRUE

ControllerOPCmd 0

ControllerOPCmdVisible TRUE

ControllerOPMax IADAS.PvCB.HSCO1

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 299

ControllerOPMin IADAS.PvCB.LSCO1

ControllerOPVisible TRUE


EngUnitsVisible TRUE


LabelVisible TRUE


PVHistorical1Received FALSE (Do not modify)

Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical1X 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical1Y 0 (Do not modify)
Use for Meter Connector
PVHistorical2Received FALSE (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical2X 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical2Y 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical3Received FALSE (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical3X 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical3Y 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVOperatingPercent 0

PVRangeFullScaleMax IADAS.PvCB.HSCI1

PVRangeFullScaleMin IADAS.PvCB.LSCI1

PVRangeOperatingAutoScale FALSE

PVRangeOperatingMax 100

PVRangeOperatingMin 0

PVRangeOptimalMax 100

PVRangeOptimalMin 0

PVRangeOptimalVisible TRUE

PVVisible TRUE

PVX 0 (Do not modify)

Use for MeterConnector

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300 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

PVY 0 (Do not modify)

Use for MeterConnector
ROCPercentMax 0

ShowInhibState FALSE


SPVisible TRUE

Timer Interval 0 (seconds)

Tracker 0

TrackerVisible TRUE

Meters - CSA_MultiLevelMeters
Meters can be used to show two side-by-side fill levels for comparison or can
be used to show the accumulated level of up to three process values.

Element Descriptions
This section lists all the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard options
that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this graphic.
To explain the elements, all the features have been enabled. The images do not
show the basic default state.

Figure 6-19. CSA_MultiLevelMeters: Two Adjacent Levels

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 301

Figure 6-20. CSA_MultiLevelMeters: Stack Level

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302 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

A2 Hi Hi Alarm Limit Indicators and Hi Alarm Limit

Indicators for process value 1 on an adjacent multi-level
A3 Lo Lo Alarm Limit Indicators and Lo Alarm Limit
Indicators for process value 1 on an adjacent multi-level
A4 Hi Alarm Limit Indicators and Lo Alarm Limit Indicators
for process value 1 on a stack meter.
A5 Hi Alarm Limit Indicators and Lo Alarm Limit Indicators
for process value 2 on a stack meter.
A6 Hi Alarm Limit Indicators and Lo Alarm Limit Indicators
for process value 3 on a stack meter.
E1 (Adjacent) Process Value 1 Fillbar
This graphic element displays the process value 1 in
relationship to scale, set point, and Alarm Limits.
Wizard Options:
• Type TwoAdjacentLevel
E2 (Adjacent) Process Value 2 Fillbar
This graphic element displays the process value 2 in
relationship process value 1.
Wizard Options:
• Type TwoAdjacentLevel
E3 (Stacked) Process Value 1 Fillbar
This graphic element displays the process value 1. This fill
bar is stacked on top of process value 2.
Wizard Options:
• Type TwoAdjacentLevel
E4 (Stacked) Process Value 2 Fillbar
This graphic element displays the process value 2. This fill
bar is stacked on top of process value 3 or at the bottom of
the stack when Number of Meters is set to "Two".
Wizard Options:
• Type TwoAdjacentLevel
E5 (Stacked) Process Value 3 Fillbar
This graphic element displays the process value 3. This fill
bar is at the bottom of the stack.
Wizard Options:
• Type TwoAdjacentLevel
• NumberOfMeters Three
I1 Tracker Indicator

I2 Set Point Indicator

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 303

L1 Descriptive Label

L2 (Adjacent) Process value 1 Engineering Unit Labels

L3 (Adjacent) Process value 2 Engineering Unit Labels

L4 (Stacked) Process value 1 Engineering Unit Labels

L5 (Stacked) Process value 2 Engineering Unit Labels

L6 (Stacked) Process value 3 Engineering Unit Labels

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

V1 (Adjacent) Process value 1 Numerical Values

V2 (Adjacent) Process value 2 Numerical Values

V3 (Stacked) Process value 1 Numerical Values

V4 (Stacked) Process value 2 Numerical Values

V5 (Stacked) Process value 3 Numerical Values

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Type TwoAdjacentLevel, StackLevel
• NumberOfMeters (StackLevel)
• Setpoint (Adjacent)
• Tracker (Adjacent)
• AlarmHiHILimit (Adjacent)
• AlarmLoLoLimit (Adjacent)
NumberOfMeters Three, Two

Orientation Vertical, Horizontal

Label True, False

• LabelType
- LabelType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

PvNumericDisplay True, False

• EngUnits
- EngUnits True, False
• EngUnitsType

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304 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

- EngUnitsType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

SymbolMode Basic, Advanced

• AlarmLimitIndicators
• Tracker
• SetPoint
• AlarmBorder
AlarmLimitIndicators False, True
• UseBlockAlarmOption
• AlarmHiHiLimitIndicator
• AlarmHiLimitIndicator
• AlarmLoLimitIndicator
• AlarmLoLoLimitIndicator
- UseBlockAlarmOption False, True (Adjacent)

- AlarmHiHiLimitIndicator False, True (Adjacent)

- AlarmHiLimitIndicator False, True

- AlarmLoLimitIndicator False, True

- AlarmLoLoLimitIndicator False, True (Adjacent)

Tracker False, True (Adjacent)

SetPoint False, True (Adjacent)

AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

0x000000E0 )shr 5

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 305



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30



AlarmHiLimit (1-3) IADAS.PvCB<1-3>.MEASHL

AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE

AlarmLoLimit (1-3) IADAS.PvCB<1-3>.MEASLL


EngUnits (1-3) IADAS.PvCB<1-3>.EI1

EngUnitsVisible TRUE


LabelVisible TRUE

PV (1-3) IADAS.PvCB<1-3>.MEAS

PV1Available True
Use this property to set the style
of the main adjacent fill bar.
When False, the right fill bar has
the darker shade.
PVRangeFullScaleAccumalted 100
PVRangeFullScaleAccumalted 0
PVRangeFullScaleMax IADAS.PvCB1.HSCI1
PVRangeFullScaleMin IADAS.PvCB1.LSCI1
ShowInhibState FALSE


SPVisible TRUE

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306 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Tracker 0

TrackerVisible TRUE

Note Use the alarm limit indicators on stack bars sparingly. These indicators
move with the process values and will overlap one another making it difficult
to identify which limits belongs to which process value.

Meters - CSA_RakeHeightMeters
The Rake Height Meter is an extension of the standard a Rake/Agitator object.
It is a basic meter that allows the operator to record the rake height.

Element Descriptions
This section lists all the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard options
that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this graphic.

Figure 6-21. CSA_RakeHeightMeters: Vertical

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

I1 Process Value Indicator

This small triangle shows the current position of the
process value in relationship to the Hi and Lo alarm limits.
I2 Hi Limit Switch Indicator
This small triangle appears when the Hi Limit Switch is
I3 Lo Limit Switch Indicator
This small triangle appears when the Lo Limit Switch is
Q1 Quality Status Indicator

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 307

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
QualityStatusIndicator True, False

AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30

AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgenShelved FALSE


LimitSwitchHiActive FALSE

LimitSwitchLoActive FALSE


ShowInhibState FALSE

Meters - CSA_RPMMeters
The RPM meter shows the process value in relationship to the set point using a
speed odometer style meter.

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308 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Element Descriptions
This section lists all the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard options
that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this graphic.
To explain the elements, all the features have been enabled. The images do not
show the basic default state.

Figure 6-22. CSA_RPMMeters: Vertical

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

A2 Lo Lo Alarm Limit Indicators and Lo Alarm Limit

A3 Hi Hi Alarm Limit Indicators and Hi Alarm Limit
E1 Meter Element
This symbol is in a shape of a dial to show RPM deviation
from set point.

E2 Controller Output Fillbar

I1 Process Value Indicator

This dial indicator shows the measured process value.

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 309

I2 Set Point Indicator

I3 Optimal Range

I4 Tracker Indicator

I5 Full Range Indicators

I6 Controller Output Commanded Value Indicator

L1 Descriptive Label

L2 Process value Engineering Unit Labels

L3 Controller Output Engineering Unit Labels

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

V1 Process Numerical Values

V2 Controller Output Numerical Values

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Label True, False
• LabelType
- LabelType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

PvNumericDisplay False, True

• EngUnits
- EngUnits False, True
• EngUnitsType
- EngUnitsType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

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310 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

SymbolMode Basic, Advanced

• AlarmLimitIndicators
• OptimalRange
• Tracker
• SetPoint
• FullRangeIndicator
• ControllerOp
• AlarmBorder
AlarmLimitIndicators False, True
• UseBlockAlarmOption
• AlarmHiHiLimitIndicator
• AlarmHiLimitIndicator
• AlarmLoLimitIndicator
• AlarmLoLoLimitIndicator
- UseBlockAlarmOption False, True

- AlarmHiHiLimitIndicator False, True

- AlarmHiLimitIndicator False, True

- AlarmLoLimitIndicator False, True

- AlarmLoLoLimitIndicator False, True

OptimalRange False, True

Tracker False, True

SetPoint False, True

FullRangeIndicator False, True

ControllerOP False, True

• ControllerOPMode
• ControllerOPCmdValue
• ControllerOPNumericalDisplay
- ControllerOPMode False, True

- ControllerOPCMDValue False, True

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 311

- ControllerOPNumerical False, True

AlarmBorder False, True
• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30




AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE



ControllerOPModeAuto IADAS.PvCB.MA
ControllerOPModeCascade IADAS.PvCB.MA
ControllerOPModeManual NOT IADAS.PvCB.MA



ControllerOPAvailable TRUE

ControllerOPCmd 0

ControllerOPCmdVisible TRUE

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312 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

ControllerOPMax IADAS.PvCB.HSCO1

ControllerOPMin IADAS.PvCB.LSCO1

ControllerOPVisible TRUE


EngUnitsVisible TRUE


LabelVisible TRUE


PVOperatingPercent 0

PVRangeFullScaleMax IADAS.PvCB.HSCI1

PVRangeFullScaleMin IADAS.PvCB.LSCI1

PVRangeOperatingAutoScale FALSE

PVRangeOperatingMax 100

PVRangeOperatingMin 0

PVRangeOptimalMax 100

PVRangeOptimalMin 0

PVRangeOptimalVisible TRUE

PVVisible TRUE

ShowInhibState FALSE


SPVisible TRUE

Tracker 0

TrackerVisible TRUE

Meters - CSA_SmallFlowTracker
The small flow tracker is designed to provide information on a flow that is
crucial to a process but does not operate on any set points or alarms and
therefore may be represented in a more visually efficient manner as compared
to the existing Flow Meter object.

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 313

Element Descriptions
This section lists all the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard options
that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this graphic.

Figure 6-23. CSA_SmallFlowTracker: Vertical

Figure 6-24. CSA_SmallFlowTracker: Horizontal

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

E1 Meter Element
Flow meter representation.

I1 Process Value Indicator

This indicator shows the measured process value.

I2 Tracker Indicator

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Orientation Vertical, Horizontal

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

MeterConnector False, True

Tracker True, False

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314 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30
AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE


PVHistorical1Received FALSE (Do not modify)

Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical1X 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical1Y 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical2Received FALSE (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical2X 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical2Y 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical3Received FALSE (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical3X 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVHistorical3Y 0 (Do not modify)
Use for MeterConnector
PVRangeFullScaleMax IADAS.PvCB.HSCI1

PVRangeFullScaleMin IADAS.PvCB.LSCI1

PVX 0 (Do not modify)

Use for MeterConnector

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 315

PVY 0 (Do not modify)

Use for MeterConnector
ShowInhibState FALSE

Tracker 0

TrackerVisible TRUE

Others - CSA_DirectionArrow
The direction arrow is used to present the direction of a piece of equipment
(such as conveyor belt).

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

E1 Direction Element
This graphic element shows the direction in which the
equipment is running.
L1 Descriptive Label

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Label True, False
• LabelType
- LabelType CustomPropertyLabel, StaticText

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

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316 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30
AlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

AlarmMostUrgentShelved FALSE

DirectionBackwards FALSE

DirectionForward FALSE


LabelVisible TRUE

ShowInhibState FALSE

Others - CSA_MeterVoting
The Meter Voting graphic can be used to show whether the multiple meters
involved in voting agree or not.

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 317

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

Figure 6-25. CSA_MeterVoting: Voting Indicators

Figure 6-26. CSA_MeterVoting: Meters 1 and 2 Agree on Value

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318 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Alarm Border

E1 Meter Voting State

This graphic element shows the vote from each meter
(Agree or Disagree).



Q1 Quality Status Indicator

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
Orientation Horizontal, Vertical

NoOfMeters Two, Three

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

AlarmBorder False, True

• AlarmSources
- AlarmSources One - Eight

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

0x000000E0 )shr 5



0x0000001F )
0x40000000 )shr 30
Meter1AgreeOnVoting FALSE

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 319

Meter2AgreeOnVoting FALSE

Meter3AgreeOnVoting FALSE

Polar Stars
The polar stars use the ability of humans to quickly recognize shapes. Each
spoke is dedicated to one measured parameter and all parameters are
normalized such that a regular shape is created. Whenever one of the
parameters strays from its set point, the shape of the object will be disfigured
and the operator will be able to quickly see the abnormal parameter.
The values that are configured on the spokes are also crucial. The deformation
of the shape will depend on the specific range and set point of values on each
spoke. Spokes needs to be configured such that similar indications would be
grouped together and a regular shape object is created when values are normal.
To enhance the capability of the operator to observe a deviation from normal, a
dotted triangle will represent normal conditions.

Element Descriptions
This section lists all of the elements in this graphic symbol and the wizard
options that enable them. This section also describes elements unique to this

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320 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Figure 6-27. Polar Stars - Normalized Shapes

Figure 6-28. Polar Stars - Abnormal Condition

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 321

Indicator Element Description - How to Enable

A1 Spoke Alarm Limit Indicators
When enable, these indicators are shown on each spoke to
identify the process value position when an alarm is
A2 Alarm Border
Users need not enable the Alarm Indicator option and each
spoke only supports one Block Alarm Source. Use
separate CSA_AlarmBorder graphics if multiple block
alarms need to be aggregated into a single spoke.
E1 Process Value Spoke
Each configured process value is shown on separate
E2 Set Point Shape
This shape is created by mapping the set point of each
measured value on each spoke of the polar star. This
reference line is used to easily identify when the measured
value moves away from the setpoint.
E3 Measured Value Shape
This shape is created by mapping the Measured Value on
each of the polar star spokes. This line can be compared
against the shape and set point reference line to identify
abnormal conditions.
L1 Spoke Descriptive Label

Q1 Quality Status Indicator

Wizard Options
This section lists available wizard options, choices, and related wizard options
associated with the choice.
NormalizedShape True, False
• SpokeAlarmLimitIndicators(1-8)
Label True, False
• LabelType
- LableType StaticText, CustomPropertyLabel

QualityStatusIndicator True, False

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322 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

SpokeAlarmLimit False, True

Indicators (1-8)
• SpokeUseBlockAlarmOption
• SpokeAlarmHiHiLimitIndicator
• SpokeAlarmHiLimitIndicator
• SpokeAlarmLoLimitIndicator
• SpokeAlarmLoLoLimitIndicator
- SpokeUseBlockALarm False, True
Option (1-8)
- SpokeAlarmHiHiLimit False, True
Indicator (1-8)
- SpokeAlarmHiLimit False, True
Indicator (1-8)
- SpokeAlarmLoLimit False, True
Indicator (1-8)
- SpokeAlarmLoLoLimit False, True
Indicator (1-8)
SpokeAlarmBorder (1-8) False, True

Custom Properties
This section lists all the custom properties and their default settings.

Custom Property Defaults

SpokeAlarmCRIT (1-8) IADAS.PvCB.CRIT (1-8)

SpokeAlarmINHOPT (1-8) IADAS.PvCB.INHOPT (1-8)


SpokeAlarmPRTYPE (1-8) IADAS.PvCB.PRTYPE (1-8)

SpokeAlarmUNACK (1-8) IADAS.PvCB.UNACK (1-8)

SpokeAlarmHHAOption (1-8) IADAS.PvCB.HHAOPT (1-8)

SpokeAlarmMALOption (1-8) IADAS.PvCB.MALOPT (1-8)

SpokeAlarmHiHiLimit (1-8) IADAS.PvCB.HHALIM (1-8)

SpokeAlarmHiLimit (1-8) IADAS.PvCB.MEASHL (1-8)

SpokeAlarmIndicatorVisible TRUE

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6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI 323

SpokeAlarmLoLimit (1-8) IADAS.PvCB.MEASLL (1-8)

SpokeAlarmLoLoLimit (1- IADAS.PvCB.LLALIM (1-8)

SpokePV (1-8) IADAS.PvCB.MEAS (1-8)

SpokePVRangeFullScaleMax IADAS.PvCB.HSCI1 (1-8)

SpokePVRangeFullScaleMin IADAS.PvCB.LSCI1 (1-8)
SpokeSP (1-8) IADAS.PvCB.SPT (1-8)

SpokeVarianceLimitHi (1- 0
SpokeAlarmMostUrgentShelve FALSE

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324 6. Situational Awareness Graphics Library for Control HMI

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R


C H A P T E R 7

Situational Awareness Toolkit

Library for Control HMI

Control Software includes a set of ArchestrA Graphic symbols in the form of a

toolkit. The toolkit symbols are individual components that can be used to
create and customize Graphic symbols. The toolkit symbols have been
designed using Situational Awareness guidelines.
The standard CSA and SA Graphics introduced in CS6.0 have various options
and configurations. They have fixed locations and layouts of indicators and
labels. To reduce the complexity and improve the flexibility of CSA Graphics,
Control Software provides a set of simplified Toolkit symbols.
Toolkit symbols are Graphic symbols that have been separated into their basic
individual components, indicators, and labels. Each component only has
options and settings that affect the appearance and animation of the
For example, the Wonderware System Platform has provided a set of SA
Valves. Control Software has broken these valves down to their base
components and created a set of Toolkits symbols. The Toolkit Graphics are
located in the ArchestrA IDE Graphic Toolbox at: GalaxyName >Control>
Situational Awareness Toolkits.

Toolkit Valves
The toolkit provides a set of five valve Graphics. Each Graphic has a set of
common options that controls the appearance of the symbol. They also have an
option that defines how the valve is configured. The appearance options
• Orientation
• Actuator Type
• Body Type
• Failsafe Type
• Connector Points
• Quality Icon
• Source Side (3 and 4 port valves only)

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326 7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI

The Valve Configuration option allows you to select if the valve is controlled
by a GDEV Block, VLV Block or by Contacts.
• ValveSource

Common Valve Elements

This section describes the graphical components common to the CSA Valve
Toolkit Graphics.

Figure 7-1. Common Valve Components

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7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI 327

Table 7-1. Element Descriptions

Element Description
#1 Actuator Type
Select the appearance of the Actuator. WizardOptions

• Solenoid
• Digital
• Rotary
• ElectricHydraulic
• Diaphragm
• Spring
• Manual

#2 Body Type
Choose the appearance of the Valve Body. WizardOptions
• General
• Globe
• Diaphragm
• Ball
• Butterfly
• Needle

#3 Connection Point
Choose to show or hide connection points.

#4 Source Side Port

Shows the port's source as Active by default. This option
is only available of 3 and 4 port valves.

#5 Failsafe Indicator
Show the state the device goes to when it goes to a
failsafe condition.
• Fail to Open
• Fail to Close

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328 7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI

Table 7-1. Element Descriptions

Element Description
#6 Quality Icon
This optional indicator appears in the center of the valve
body and displays any abnormal quality states. There are
several icons that represent the different quality states.

Refer to the ArchestrA Galaxy Style Library

configuration in the IDE for the settings of quality states:
Galaxy>Configure >Galaxy Style Library (Quality
Style Tab)

This 2 Port Valve symbol has several options that change the appearance of the
valve. The symbol also has option that defines the configuration and its
runtime appearance for various valve states.

Appearance Options
The appearance options for this 2 Port Valve include these common elements:
• Actuator Types
• Body Types
• Connector Points
• Failsafe
• Quality Icon
There is also an option for the valve's orientation – Up, Down, Left or

Figure 7-2. CSA_Valve_2Port Orientation

Runtime Appearance and Configuration

The Valve's Actuator and Body can be configured to display various device
states. The 2 Port Valve has three configuration options. The ValveStateSource
option is used to select how the symbol is configured:

• GDEV Provides GDEV Control Block connections.

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7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI 329

• VLV Provides VLV Control Block connections.

• Contacts Provides Boolean connections for each valve state.

The valve actuator is animated to display the valve's desired state, Active
or Passive.

Figure 7-3. Desired States

The valve’s body is animated to display the valve’s actual state. There are
four states:
• Passive
• Active
• Transitioning
• Mismatch

Figure 7-4. Active Valve States

Custom Properties
Depending on which configuration options are chosen, different configurable
properties are available:

Wizard Option ValveStateSource. GDEV

Property Type Description


This Boolean value controls the

appearance of the Valve Actuator.

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This integer value controls the
appearance of the Valve Body.

Wizard Option ValveStateSource. VLV

Property Type Description


This Boolean value is used when the

control block is in Auto Mode. This
value controls the appearance of the
Valve Actuator.

This Boolean value is used when the

control block is in Manual Mode.
This value controls the appearance of
the Valve Actuator.

This Boolean value is used to

determine if the control block is in
Auto or Manual Mode.

This Boolean value is used to display

the valve's actual state.
• 0-Passive
• 1-Active

When True, this Boolean value

overrides the valve's current
appearance and displays it in a
mismatch state.

Wizard Option ValveStateSource. Contacts

Property Type Description

ValveState_Active Boolean False

Use this Boolean value to display the

valve’s actual state.
• 0-Passive
• 1-Active

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ValveState_Desired Boolean False

Use this Boolean value to display the

valve’s desired state.
• 0-Passive
• 1-Active
ValveState_Mismatch Boolean False

Use this Boolean value to display the

valve’s mismatch state.
• 0-Passive
• 1-Active

This 2 Port Valve symbol has several options that change the appearance
of the valve. The symbol options define how the symbol is configured and
its runtime appearance for various valve states.

Appearance Options
The appearance options for this 2 Port Valve include these common elements:
• Actuator Types
• Body Types
• Connector Points
• Failsafe
• Quality Icon
There are two options for the valve's orientation. There is the valve orientation,
Up, Down, Left or Right as well as the valve's body orientation.

Figure 7-5. CSA_Valve_2Port_Angle Valve Orientation

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Figure 7-6. CSA_Valve_2Port_Angle Body Orientation

Runtime Appearance and Configuration

The Valve's Actuator and Body can be configured to display various device
states. The 2 Port Valves have three configuration options. The
ValveStateSource option is used to select how the symbol is configured:

• GDEV Provides GDEV Control Block connections.

• VLV Provides VLV Control Block connections.

• Contacts Provides Boolean connections for each valve state.

The valve actuator is animated to display the valve's desired state, Active or

Figure 7-7. Desired States

The valve's body is animated to display the valve's actual state. There are four
• Passive
• Active
• Transitioning
• Mismatch

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Figure 7-8. Actual Valve States

Custom Properties
Depending on which configuration options are chosen, different configurable
properties are available:

Wizard Option ValveStateSource. GDEV

Property Type Description


This Boolean value controls the

appearance of the Valve Actuator.
This integer value controls the
appearance of the Valve Body

Wizard Option ValveStateSource. VLV

Property Type Description


This Boolean value is used when the

control block is in Auto Mode. This
value controls the appearance of the
Valve Actuator.

This Boolean value is used when the

control block is in Manual Mode.
This value controls the appearance of
the Valve Actuator.

This Boolean value is used to

determine if the control block is in
Auto or Manual Mode.

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This Boolean value is used to display

the valve's actual state.
• 0-Passive
• 1-Active

When True, this Boolean value

overrides the valve's current
appearance and displays it in a
mismatch state.

Wizard Option ValveStateSource. Contacts

Property Type Description

ValveState_Active Boolean False

Use this Boolean value to display the

valve’s actual state.
• 0-Passive
• 1-Active
ValveState_Desired Boolean False

Use this Boolean value to display the

valve’s desired state.
• 0-Passive
• 1-Active
ValveState_Mismatch Boolean False

Use this Boolean value to display the

valve’s mismatch state.
• 0-Passive
• 1-Active

The 3 Port Valve symbol has several options that change the appearance of the
valve. The symbol also has options that define how the symbol is configured
and its runtime appearance for various valve states.

Appearance Options
The appearance options for 3 Port Valve includes these common elements:
• Actuator Types

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• Body Types
• Connector Points
• Failsafe
• Quality Icon
This symbol also has an option to set the orientation of the valve. After the
orientation option is set, you can use the Source Side Port option to identify
which of the visible ports is the source side port.

Figure 7-9. CSA_Valve_3Port Valve Orientation

Figure 7-10. CSA_Valve_3Port Valve Source Side Port

Runtime Appearance and Configuration

The valve has two configuration options:
• GDEV Provides GDEV Control Block connections.

• Contacts Provides Boolean connections for each valve state.

When the Valve State Source is set to Contacts, two sets of properties are
provided for the non-source side ports. If a valve symbol is in the Up
orientation and the left port is designated as the source side, properties for the
right and bottom ports are available.
When the Valve State Source is set to GDEV, the valve's non-source side ports
are always in opposite states. When one port is active, the other port is passive.
Use the ActiveStatePort wizard option to choose which of the available ports
are Active when the GDEV block state is Active.

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Figure 7-11. CSA_Valve_3Port Available Active Port Options

At runtime, the designated Active Port is active when the GDEV Block is in
state 2 (Active). The opposite port is active when the GDEV block is in state 1

Figure 7-12. CSA_Valve_3Port Active Port Runtime

The valve actuator is animated to display the valve's desired state, Active or

Figure 7-13. Desired States

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Each of the valve ports can be animated to display the state of each port. There
are four states:
• Passive
• Active
• Transitioning
• Mismatch
In Contact mode, the appearance of the non-source side ports can be controlled
separately through port properties. The Source Side port is displayed as active
by default.

Figure 7-14. Contact Mode Valve States

In GDEV mode, the appearance of the non-source side ports is displayed in

opposite states when the GDEV block is Active or Passive. When configuring,
use the ActiveStateOption to choose which port reflects the actual state of the
GDEV block. When Transitioning or mismatched, the state is shown in both

Figure 7-15. GDEV Mode Valve States

Custom Properties
Depending on which configuration options are chosen, different configurable
properties are available:

Wizard Option ValveStateSource. GDEV

Property Type Description


This Boolean value controls the

appearance of the Valve Actuator.

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This integer value controls the
appearance of the Valve Body

Wizard Option ValveStateSource. Contacts

Property Type Description

DesiredStateCmd Boolean False

Use this Boolean value to display the

valve’s desired state.
• 0-Passive
• 1-Active
FailsafeState Boolean False

Use this Boolean value to

dynamically display the valve’s
failsafe state.
• 0-Fail to Passive
• 1-Fail to Active
PortBtm_Active Boolean False
PortLeft_Active Use these Boolean values to display
PortRgt_Active the port’s actual state.
• 0-Passive
• 1-Active
PortBtm_Traveling Boolean False
PortLeft_Traveling Use these Boolean values to display
PortRgt_Traveling the port as traveling. This value
overrides the Active Value.
• 0-Normal State
• 1-Traveling
PortBtm_Mismatch Boolean False
PortLeft_Mismatch Use these Boolean values to display
PortRgt_Mismatch the port in mismatch state. This value
overrides both Traveling and Active
• 0-Normal State
• 1-Mismatch

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The 4 Port Valve symbol has several options that change the appearance of the
valve. This valve has a static or dynamic source side port configuration and has
one configuration option for displaying the valve port status. The appearance
of each port is controlled by a separate set of port properties.

Appearance Options
The appearance options for this 4 Port Valve includes these common elements:
• Actuator Types
• Body Types
• Connector Points
• Failsafe
• Quality Icon
• Source Side Mode
This symbol also has an option to set the orientation of the valve. Once the
orientation option is set, the Source Side Port option can be used to identify
which of the visible ports is the source side port. The 4 Port valve also has a
source side option which is dynamic. At runtime the source side port can be
changed. For example, during a backwash operation, the normal output port is
now the source side port.

Figure 7-16. CSA_4Port Valve Orientation

Figure 7-17. CSA_Valve_4Port Valve Source Side Port

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Runtime Appearance and Configuration

This valve symbol can only be configured through Boolean properties for each
port. The set of properties available for each port includes:
• Active
• Traveling
• Mismatch
• IsSource (Only when SourceSideMode is Dynamic)
The symbol has two additional properties for displaying the Desired and
Failsafe states. The valve actuator is animated to show the valve's desired state,
Active or Passive.

Figure 7-18. Desired States

Each of the valves ports can be animated to display the state of each port.
There are four states:
• Passive
• Active
• Transitioning
• Mismatch
The appearance of the non-source side ports can be controlled separately
through port properties. The Source Side port is displayed as Active, by

Figure 7-19. Contact Mode Valve States

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Custom Properties
Depending on which configuration options are chosen, different configurable
properties are available:

Wizard Option ValveStateSource. Contacts

Property Type Description

DesiredStateCmd Boolean False

Use this Boolean value to display the

valve’s desired state.
• 0-Passive
• 1-Active
FailsafeState Boolean False

Use this Boolean value to

dynamically display the valve’s
failsafe state.
• 0-Fail to Passive
• 1-Fail to Active
PortBtm_Active Boolean False
PortLeft_Active Use these Boolean values to display
PortRgt_Active the port’s actual state.
• 0-Passive
• 1-Active
PortBtm_Traveling Boolean False
PortLeft_Traveling Use these Boolean values to display
PortRgt_Traveling the port as traveling. This value
overrides the Active Value.
• 0-Normal State
• 1-Traveling
PortBtm_Mismatch Boolean False
PortLeft_Mismatch Use these Boolean values to display
PortRgt_Mismatch the port in mismatch state. This value
overrides both Traveling and Active
• 0-Normal State
• 1-Mismatch

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PortBtm_IsSource Boolean False

PortLeft_IsSource Use these Boolean values to display
PortRgt_IsSource the port As the Source Side port.

When true, the port is displayed as

Active, by default. This value
overrides Active, Traveling, and
Mismatch values.

CSA_Valve_ Mnemonic
The Mnemonic Valve symbol has several options that change the appearance
of the valve. There are no configuration options or runtime connections.

Appearance Options
The appearance options for this 2 Port Valve includes these common elements:
• Orientation
• Body Types
• Body Orientation (2 way angled)
• Connector Points
This symbol also has a ValveType option that allows you to select different
types of vale symbols:

Figure 7-20. CSA_Valve_Mnemonic Types

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Toolkit AlarmBorder
The toolkit contains an Alarm Border symbol that has been optimized for
performance. This symbol behaves the same as the CSA_AlarmBorder except
that it only has three properties and IO connections per Control Block.

CSA Toolkit AB
This Graphic symbol monitors the alarms of up to eight Control Blocks, and
displays the state of the most urgent Control Block alarm. It is used to add
Alarm Borders to any custom Graphic symbol. Add this functionality to a
Graphic by adding an instance of this symbol to the custom Graphic and
resizing it to the desired size.
The CSA_Toolkit_AB symbol has the same runtime appearance as the
CSA_AlarmBorder symbol.

Figure 7-21. CSA Tookit AB

Adding an Alarm Border to a Custom Graphic:

1. Open the Custom Graphic in the ArchestrA Graphic Editor.
2. Select Embed Graphic… from the Edit drop-down menu.
3. Browse to Control >Situational Awareness Toolkits>AlarmBorder and
then click CSA_Toolkit_AB.
4. Place the embedded instance on the graphic.

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5. Position and resize the Alarm Border around the custom symbol.

6. Set Wizard Options and configure connections.

Wizard Options
Number of Blocks
Choose the number of control blocks to be monitored. The Alarm Border
supports up to eight control blocks.

Custom Properties
This value is used to Show or Hide the Alarm Severity Icon.
• True (Default) Show the Alarm Severity Icon.
• False Hide the Alarm Severity Icon.

This value is not supported by Foxboro Control Blocks and Alarms. It is
made available as a standard part of Alarm Border animations and could
be used by custom functionality.
• False (Default) Do not show the Alarm Border as

• True Shows the Alarm Border as Shelved.

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Control Block ALMSTA value for the enabled Alarm Sources.

Control Block INHOPT value for the enabled Alarm Sources.

Control Block INHSTA value for the enabled Alarm Sources.

Choose if alarm borders display the blocks inhibit state when there are no
active alarms.
• False (Default) Only shows Active Alarm that are

• True Show inhibited alarms even if there are

no active Alarms.

Toolkit Indicators
This toolkit toolset contains a set of individual indicators that can be added and
configured to any custom Graphic symbol. The indicators are similar to Wizard
Option indicators found in the standard CSA Graphic symbols. The indicator
symbols only have options and settings that affect the appearance and
configuration of the indicator.

This Graphic symbol is used to show when the configured object is running in
an abnormal state. This symbol uses the Manual, Auto, Local, and Remote
values to determine the actual state. It then compares the actual state to
configured Normal States. If the current state is not listed, the symbol displays
the current state.
Supported States:

• M Object is in Manual state when MA property is

• A Object is in Auto state when MA property is True
and LR is False.
• C Object is in Cascade state when both MA and LR
properties are True.

Adding the indicator to a Custom Graphic:

1. Open the Custom Graphic in the ArchestrA Graphic Editor.

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2. Select Embed Graphic… from the Edit drop-down menu.

3. Navigate to Control>Situational Awareness Toolkits>Indicators and
select CSA_Ind_AbnormalMode.
4. Place the embedded instance on the Graphic.

5. Position the indicator to the desired location.

6. Set Wizard Options and configure connections.

Wizard Options
Choose if Cascade mode is supported or not.
• False (Default) Cascade mode not supported.

• True Cascade mode is supported.

Custom Properties
This value is used to determine if the object is in Auto or Manual mode. In
most cases this property is connected to the MA parameter of a block.
• False (Default) Object is in Manual mode.
• True Object is in Auto mode.

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This value is used to determine if the object is in Cascade Mode. The
object is in Cascade mode when both MA and LR are True.

• False (Default) Object is in MA state.

• True Object is in Cascade state if MA is also


This is a list of modes that are considered normal for this object. This is a
string value and should contain M, A, or C. If multiple modes are
considered to be normal, then separate each normal mode with a comma.
For example, C,A indicates that Cascade or Auto modes are normal states.
In this case only M is displayed when the object is in manual.

Note This indicator can also be used as an Actual mode indicator by

setting the Normal Mode value to empty. In this case all modes are

This value is intended to be used as a way for a runtime operator to
declutter a process window. This property can be connected to an operator
button that turns these indicators on and off.
• True (Default) Show the indicator if it is enabled.
• False Hides the indicator.

This Graphic symbol is an enhanced version of the ROC indicator found is SA
and CSA Situational Awareness Graphic Libraries. This indicator is shown
when a value changes. It indicates the direction that the value changed. Several
improvements have been made to this indicator:
• The indicator will now fade over time if there are no value changes that
trigger the Arrow indicator.
• There are two modes of operations that change the way the Arrow
indicator is triggered.
• RateOfChange – Is intended to show when a change in value exceeds
a configured tolerance limit.
• Directional - Is intended to show the direction a value is changing.

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Indicator Appearance:

Adding the indicator to a Custom Graphic:

1. Open the Custom Graphic in the ArchestrA Graphic Editor.
2. Select Embed Graphic… from the Edit drop-down menu.
3. Browse to Control>Situational Awareness Toolkits >Indicators and then
click CSA_Ind_Arrow.
4. Place the embedded instance on the Graphic.

5. Position the indicator to the desired location.

6. Set Wizard Options and configure connections.

Wizard Options
Choose how the indicator is shown:
• Horizontal (default)
• Vertical

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Choose how the indicator triggered.
• RateOfChange (default)
• Directional

Custom Properties
The values of some properties are pre-assigned to typical Foxboro Control
Block Parameters. These values can be modified to any value or
This is the amount of time, in seconds, that the value has to remain steady
before the indicator starts to fade. The default time is 600 seconds or 10

This is the process analog value that is monitored for change. The default
connection value is IADAS.CB.MEAS.

This is the process value's maximum value range. It is used to calculate
percentage that the value has changed. The default connection value is

This is the process value's minimum value range. It is used to calculate
percentage that the value has changed. The default connection value is

The tolerance is the percentage amount the value has to change to trigger
the indicator. The Mode of this indicator determines how the tolerance
value is used. The default value is 0.
• RateOfChange - The tolerance is how far the value can change
from the last update, without triggering the indicator. If the
tolerance is 5% and the current value is increasing by 1% per
update, the indicator will not be triggered. The indicator is only
triggered if the value has changed by 5% or more, in 1 update.
• Directional - The tolerance is how far the value can change
(over time) from the last stored value, before triggering the
indicator. When the symbol is initialized, the current value is
stored. The indicator is triggered if the difference between the

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350 7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI

current and stored values is greater than the tolerance. When

triggered, the new current value is stored.
This value is intended to be used as a way for a runtime operator to
declutter a process window. This property can be connected to an operator
button that turns these indicators on and off.
• True (Default) Shows the indicator if it is enabled.

• False Hides the indicator.

This Graphic symbol is a static symbol that is used to indicate that the object is
Computer controlled.
Adding the indicator to a Custom Graphic:
1. Open the Custom Graphic in the ArchestrA Graphic Editor.
2. Select Embed Graphic… from the Edit drop-down menu.
3. Navigate to Control>Situational Awareness Toolkits>Indicators and then
click CSA_Ind_ComputerMode.
4. Place the embedded instance on the Graphic.

5. Position the indicator to the desired location.

6. Set Wizard Options and configure connections.

Wizard Options
There are no Wizard Options for this indicator.

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Custom Properties
This value is intended to be used as a way for a runtime operator to
declutter a process window. This property can be connected to an operator
button that turns these indicators on and off.
• True (Default) Show the indicator if it is enabled.
• False Hides the indicator.

This Graphic symbol shows states in which the equipment is currently running.
There is a property for each supported state. When the property value is True,
that indicator is shown. Multiple values can be True. Each state is shown by
Supported States by order of priority:

The equipment is disabled.

The equipment is in interlocked


The equipment is in Hold state.

(Optional) The equipment is in

Auto Mode.

(Optional) The equipment is in

Manual Mode.

Adding the indicator to a Custom Graphic:

1. Open the Custom Graphic in the ArchestrA Graphic Editor.
2. Select Embed Graphic… from the Edit drop-down menu.
3. Navigate to Control>Situational Awareness Toolkits>Indicators and then
click CSA_Ind_EquipState.
4. Place the embedded instance on the Graphic.

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352 7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI

5. Position the indicator to the desired location.

6. Set Wizard Options and Configure connections

Wizard Options
Choose if Manual/Auto modes are supported or not.
• False(Default) Manual and Auto modes are not shown.
• True Manual and Auto modes are shown.

Custom Properties
The values of these properties are pre-assigned to typical Foxboro Control
Block Parameters. These values can be modified to any Boolean value or
This value is used to determine if the equipment is in Auto or Manual
mode. This is a Boolean value. The default connection value is
• True Show Auto Mode Indicator.

• False Show Manual Mode Indicator.

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This value is used to determine if the equipment is in a disabled state. This
is a Boolean value. The default connection value is IADAS.CB.DISABL.
• True Show the Disable Indicator.

• False Hide the Disable Indicator.

This value is used to determine if the equipment is in a hold state. This is a
Boolean value. The default connection value is IADAS.CB.HLD.
• True Show the Hold Indicator.

• False Hide the Hold Indicator.

This value is used to determine if the equipment is in a interlock state.
This is a Boolean value. The default connection value is
• True Show the Interlock Indicator.

• False Hide the Interlock Indicator.

This value is intended to be used as a way for a runtime operator to
declutter a process window. This property can be connected to an operator
button that turns these indicators on and off.
• True (Default) Show the indicator if it is enabled.
• False Hides the indicator.

This Graphic symbol is a static symbol that can be used to indicate that the
object is controlled through a manual hand switch.
Adding the indicator to a Custom Graphic:
1. Open the Custom Graphic in the ArchestrA Graphic Editor.
2. Select Embed Graphic… from the Edit drop-down menu.
3. Navigate to Control>Situational Awareness Toolkits >Indicators and then
click CSA_Ind_HandSwitch.
4. Place the embedded instance on the Graphic.

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354 7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI

5. Position the indicator to the desired location.

6. Set Wizard Options and configure connections.

Wizard Options
There are no wizard options for this indicator.

Custom Properties
This value is intended to be used as a way for a runtime operator to
declutter a process window. This property can be connected to an operator
button that turns these indicators on and off.
• True (Default) Show the indicator if it is enabled.
• False Hides the indicator.

This Graphic symbol shows when one or more equipment limit switch is being
ignored. It is designed to work with a GDEV Control Block or Boolean
connections. In GDEV mode, the indicator is visible if either IGNLM1 or
IGNLM2 is True. In Contact Mode, it is connected to up to four contacts. The
indicator becomes visible if any of the contacts are True.
Adding the indicator to a Custom Graphic:
1. Open the Custom Graphic in the ArchestrA Graphic Editor.
2. Select Embed Graphic… from the Edit drop-down menu.
3. Navigate to Control>Situational Awareness Toolkits>Indicators and
select CSA_Ind_LimitIgnore.

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4. Place the embedded instance on the Graphic.

5. Position the indicator to the desired location.


6. Set Wizard Options and configure connections.

Wizard Options
To configure the indicators you can either select GDEV Control Block or
Other Contacts values.
• GDEV(Default) Connects to a GDEV Control Block.
• Other_Contacts Connects to individual contact values.

This option is available when the ValveStateSource option is set to Other
Contacts.Select Limit values the indicator is connected to.

• One Connect to 1 Boolean contact value.

• Two Connect to 2 Boolean contact values.

• Three Connect to 3 Boolean contact values.

• Four Connect to 4 Boolean contact values.

Custom Properties
Some of these property values are pre-assigned to typical Foxboro Control
Block Parameters. These values can be modified to any Boolean value or

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356 7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI


This value is used to determine if Limit switch 1 is being ignored. This is a
Boolean value. The default connection value is IADAS.CB.IGNLM1.
• True Switch 1 is ignored and the indicator is
• False Switch 1 is not ignored.


This value is used to determine if Limit switch 2 is being ignored. This is a
Boolean value. The default connection value is IADAS.CB.IGNLM2.
• True Switch 2 is ignored and the indicator is
• False Switch 2 is not ignored.

Limit1 (Other Contacts Mode)

This value is used to determine if limit switch 1 is ignored.
• False (Default) Limit is not ignored.
• True The limit is ignored and the indicator is

Limit2 (Other Contacts Mode)

This value is used to determine if limit switch 2 is ignored.
• False (Default) Limit is not ignored.
• True The limit is ignored and the indicator is

Limit3 (Other Contacts Mode)

This value is used to determine if limit switch 3 is ignored.
• False (Default) Limit is not ignored.
• True The limit is ignored and the indicator is

Limit4 (Other Contacts Mode)

This value is used to determine if limit switch 4 is ignored.
• False (Default) Limit is not ignored.

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• True The limit is ignored and the indicator is


This value is intended to be used as a way for a runtime operator to
declutter a process window. This property can be connected to an operator
button that turns these indicators on and off.
• True (Default) Show the indicator if it is enabled.
• False Hides the indicator.

This Graphic symbol is used to show an analog value as a fill bar and could be
used to graphically represent the positioner value of a control valve. This
indicator has options to show a set point and command value indicator as well
as appearance options for Orientation and Command indicator location

Current Value Fill Bar

Set Point Indicator

Command Value Indicator

Figure 7-22. Indicator Components

Adding the indicator to a Custom Graphic:

1. Open the Custom Graphic in the ArchestrA Graphic Editor.
2. Select Embed Graphic… from the Edit drop-down menu.
3. Navigate to Control>Situational Awareness Toolkits >Indicators and click
4. Place the embedded instance on the Graphic.

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358 7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI

5. Position the indicator to the desired location.

6. Set Wizard Options and configure connections.

Wizard Options
Choose how the indicator is shown:
• Horizontal (default)
• Vertical.

Choose if the indicator shows the Set Point indicator.
• False (Default) Set Point is not shown.
• True Set Point is shown.

Choose if the indicator shows the Command Value indicator. Enabling the
command indicator turns on the CommandPosition option to choose the
location of the command indicator..
• False (Default) Command Value is not shown.
• True Command Value is shown.


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7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI 359

This option is available when the CommandValue indicator option is True.

The options available depends on the Orientation.
Orientation is set to Horizontal:
• Bottom (Default) Show Command Value below the Fill

• Top Show Command Value above the Fill


Orientation is set to Vertical:

• Left (Default) Show Command Value to the Fill bar.

• Right Show Command Value to the Fill bar.

Custom Properties
The values of some properties are pre-assigned to typical Foxboro Control
Block Parameters. These values can be modified to any value or expression.
This is the process analog value shown in the fillbar. The default
connection value is IADAS.CB.MEAS.

This is the Command Value indicator value. The value determines the
position of the Command Value indicator along the fillbar. The default
value is 0.0.

This value is intended to be used as a way for a runtime operator to
declutter a process window. This property can be connected to an operator
button that turns these indicators on and off.
• True (Default) Show the Command indicator if it is

• False Hides the Command Value indicator.

This is the indicator's maximum value range. It is used as the maximum
fillbar value as well as the maximum position of the Set Point and
Command Value indicators. The default connection value is

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360 7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI

This is the indicator's minimum value range. It is used as the minimum
fillbar value as well as the minimum position of the Set Point and
Command Value indicators. The default connection value is

This value is intended to be used as a way for a runtime operator to
declutter a process window. This property can be connected to an operator
button that turns these indicators on and off.
• True (Default) Show the Position Bar indicator.

• False Hides the entire Position Bar indicator.

This is the Set Point indicator value. The value determines the position of
the Set Point indicator along the fillbar. The default connection value is

This value is intended to be used as a way for a runtime operator to
declutter a process window. This property can be connected to an operator
button that turns these indicators on and off.
• True (Default) Shows the Set Point indicator if it is

• False Hides the Set Point indicator.

The Safety Indicator can be added to a graphic to identify safety components.

Figure 7-23. Indicator Appearance

Adding the indicator to a Custom Graphic:

1. Open the Custom Graphic in the ArchestrA Graphic Editor.

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7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI 361

2. Select Embed Graphic… from the Edit drop-down menu.

3. Browse to Control>Situational Awareness Toolkits>Indicators and then
click CSA_Ind_Safety.
4. Place the embedded instance on the Graphic.

5. Position the indicator to the desired location.

6. Set Wizard Options and configure connections.

Wizard Options
Choose how the indicator is shown:
• SafetyInstrumentedSystem(Default) Show ‘S’ indicator.

• BoilerManagement Show ‘B’ indicator.

Custom Properties
The values of some properties are pre-assigned to typical Foxboro Control
Block Parameters. These values can be modified to any Boolean value or
This value is the current activated state of the safety system. The default
connection value is IADAS.CB.CIN.
• False (Default) The indicator shows the safety
system as inactive.

• True The indicator shows the safety

system active.

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362 7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI

This value is intended to be used as a way for a runtime operator to
declutter a process window. This property can be connected to an operator
button that turns these indicators on and off.

• True (Default) Shows the indicator if it is enabled.

• False Hides the indicator.

Toolkit PolarStar
The toolkit contains a Polar Star spoke that can be used to create custom Polar
Star Indicators.

The CSA_Spoke Graphic represents one spoke in a Polar Star symbol. It can
be used to create a custom polar star symbol and has several features:

Figure 7-24. Indicator Features

Indicator Features:
• Alarm Border and Icon to indicate when there is an alarm.
• Optimal Range Field that indicates where a process value should be for
best performance.
• Tickmarks to assist the operator and indicate where the process value is
in relationship to the process value scale.
• Alarm Limit Icons to assist the operator and indicate where the process
value is in relationship to alarm values.

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7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI 363

• Label to identify the spoke.

• Quality Icon to indicate any quality related issues.

Adding the Spoke to a Custom Graphic:

Refer to “Creating a Polar Star” on page 369 for details on using the
CSA_Spoke symbol.

Wizard Options
Choose what type of label to show at the end of the spoke.
• None No Label

• Static (Default) Static text. Modify this text in the

Graphic Editor.

• Value Dynamic text. At runtime, the text

shows a connected value.

Choose to show or hide the spoke tick marks.
• True (Default) Spoke tickmarks are shown.

• False Spoke tickmarks are not shown.

Choose to show or hide the Quality Status icon when the quality of
connected values is not good. Configured elements still shows other
quality relate states such as fill, line, and text colors.
• False (Default) The Quality Style icon is not shown
when quality is not good.

• True The Quality Style icon is shown when

quality is not good.

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364 7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI

Choose to enable or disable the Alarm Border for this spoke. When
enabled, the alarm border and severity icon is displayed at the end of the
spoke when there is an active alarm condition.
• False (Default) The alarm border and severity icon is

• True The alarm border and severity icon is


Choose to enable or disable the optimal range field indicator.
• False (Default) Optimal range is not enabled.
• True Optimal range is enabled.

Choose if alarm limit indicator is shown on the spoke. Enabling this
option turns on UseBlockAlarmOption wizard option.
• False (Default) Alarm limits are not shown.
• True Alarm limits are shown.

This option identifies if the appearance of the alarm indicators are
connected to the configured Alarm Options in the Control Block. Turn this
option off to provide individual wizard options for each alarm type.
• True (Default) Alarm limits are connected to Control
Block alarm options.

• False Truns on individual options for each

alarm type.

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7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI 365

Enables the High-High alarm limit indicator. This wizard option is
available when Alarm Limits are enabled, and the Use Block Alarm
Option is set to False.
• False (Default) High-High alarm limit indicator is not

• True High-High alarm limit indicator is


Enables the High alarm limit indicator. This wizard option is available
when Alarm Limits are enabled, and the Use Block Alarm Option is set to
• False (Default) High alarm limit indicator is not

• True High alarm limit indicator is enabled.

Lo Limit
Enables the Low alarm limit indicator. This wizard option is available
when Alarm Limits are enabled, and the Use Block Alarm Option is set to
• False (Default) Low alarm limit indicator is not

• True Low alarm limit indicator is enabled.

Enables the Low-Low alarm limit indicator. This wizard option is
available when Alarm Limits are enabled, and the Use Block Alarm
Option is set to False.
• False (Default) Low-Low alarm limit indicator is not

• True Low-Low alarm limit indicator is


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366 7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI

Custom Properties
The values of some properties are pre-assigned to typical Foxboro Control
Block Parameter. These values can be modified to any value or expression.

Connect this to the Control Block ALMSTA value. This value is available
when the Alarm Borders is enabled. The default connection value is

Connect this to the Control Block INHOPT value. This value is available
when the Alarm Borders is enabled. The default connection value is

Connect this to the high bits of the Control Block INHSTA value. This
value is available when the Alarm Borders is enabled. The default
connection value is IADAS.CB.INHSTA#HB.

Connect this to the alarm high limit value. This value is available when the
Alarm Limit indicators are enabled. The default connection value is

Connect this to the alarm high-high limit value. This value is available
when the Alarm Limit indicators are enabled. The default connection

Connect this to the alarm low limit value. This value is available when the
Alarm Limit indicators are enabled. The default connection value is

Connect this to the alarm low-low limit value. This value is available
when the Alarm Limit indicators are enabled. The default connection

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7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI 367

Connect this to the Control Block HiHi/LoLo alarm option. This value is
available when the Use Block Alarm Option is enabled. The default
connection value is IADAS.CB.HHAOPT.

Connect this to the Control Block Hi/Lo alarm option. This value is
available when the Use Block Alarm Option is enabled. The default
connection value is IADAS.CB.MALOPT.

This value is not supported by Foxboro Control Blocks and Alarms. It is
made available as a standard part of Alarm Border animations and could
be used by custom functionality.
• False (Default) Does not show the Alarm Border as

• True Shows the Alarm Border as Shelved.

Choose if alarm borders show the blocks inhibit state when there are no
active alarms.
• False (Default) Only show Active Alarm that are

• True Shows Inhibited Active Alarms if there

are no active alarms.

This is the process analog value that is connected to this spoke. The
default connection value is IADAS.CB.MEAS.

These are calculated X and Y coordinate of the current value on the spoke.
They are used to connect points of a polyline. Polar stars have two poly
lines that are connected to each spoke. One line represents the current
value and the other line represents the set point value.

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368 7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI

This is the spoke's maximum range value. It defines the upper value of the
current and set point value range. The default connection value is

This is the spoke's minimum range value. It defines the lower value of the
current and set point value range. The default connection value is

This is used to connect the spoke label to a dynamic value. The default
connection value is IADAS.CB.LOOPID.

This is the maximum value of the optimal range field. The default value of
this field is a calculation. It can be replaced with any fixed or dynamic
value. The default value is Setpoint + 5% of scale.

This is the minimum value of the optimal range field. The default value of
this field is a calculation. It can be replaced with any fixed or dynamic
value. The default value is Setpoint - 5% of scale.

This value is intended to be used as a way for a runtime operator to
declutter a process window. This property can be connected to an operator
button that turns these indicators on and off.
• True (Default) Shows the alarm border’s alarm
severity icon.

• False Hides the alarm border’s alarm severity


This value is intended to be used as a way for a runtime operator to
declutter a process window. This property can be connected to an operator
button that turns these indicators on and off.
• True (Default) Shows the spoke label.

• False Hides the spoke label.

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7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI 369

This value is intended to be used as a way for a runtime operator to
declutter a process window. This property can be connected to an operator
button that turns these indicators on and off.
• True (Default) Shows enabled alarm limit indicators.

• False Hides enabled alarm limit indicators.

This value is intended to be used as a way for a runtime operator to
declutter a process window. This property can be connected to an operator
button that turns these indicators on and off.
• True (Default) Shows the optimal range field.

• False Hides the optimal range field.

This value is intended to be used as a way for a runtime operator to
declutter a process window. This property can be connected to an operator
button that turns these indicators on and off.
• True (Default) Shows the spoke tickmarks.

• False Hides the spoke tickmarks.

This is the set point analog value that is connected to this spoke. The
default connection value is IADAS.CB.SPT.

These are calculated X and Y coordinate of the set point value on the
spoke. They are used to connect points of a polyline. Polar stars have two
poly lines that are connected to each spoke. One line represents the current
value and the other line represents the set point value.

Creating a Polar Star

The CSA_Spoke Graphic symbol provides the ability to create custom polar
star indicators. A basic polar star consists of three main components that draws
a picture of the process:
• Spokes for each key value to be displayed

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370 7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI

• The current value line connected to each spoke

• The set point or target value line connected to each spoke

Figure 7-25. Main Components of a Basic Polar Star

To create a custom polar star:

1. Open the Custom Graphic in the ArchestrA Graphic Editor.
2. Select Embed Graphic… from the Edit drop-down menu.
3. Navigate to Control>Situational Awareness Toolkits>PolarStar and
select CSA_Spoke.
4. Place Spoke 1 on the Graphic and configure it.
5. Before adding Spoke 2, set the spokes Relative Origin value to the bottom
of the spoke. This helps in duplicating and rotating each additional spoke
a. Select the Spoke and expand the Appearance section in the Graphic's
Property pane.
b. Select the Relative Original property. This shows a green arrow icon
in the center of the spoke symbol. This is the Relative Anchor.
c. Move the Relative anchor to a position below spoke by selecting and
dragging the icon or setting the value in the Property box.

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7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI 371

d. The spokes are rotated around the Relative anchor. Test the anchor
location by creating several copies of spoke and rotating each by
selecting the rotation Handle and moving the mouse until the spoke is
in the desired location.

6. Once you set the desired anchor point, create copies of the spoke. Create
one for each key value to be shown.
a. Rotate each spoke until the spoke is in the desired location. A simple
way to set the location of each spoke to equal distances is to divide
360 by the number of spokes.Select each spoke and modify the angle
appearance property that is just above Relative Origin. For a 10 spoke
polar star the base angle is 36.

Spoke angles: 0, 36, 72, 108, 144, 180, 216, 252, 288, and 324.
b. Configure each spoke.
7. Add the Current Value Line:
a. Create the current key value line by creating a polyline. The polyline
should have a point for each spoke plus one additional point that
closes the circle by return to the first spoke. A three spoke polar star
needs a line that has four points.

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372 7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI

b. Add a Point animation to the Current Value line:

• Double-click the Polyline to open the Edits Animation dialog
• Add an animation by clicking on the '+' button next to
Animations and select Point from the menu.
• The Point Animation dialog box displays X and Y property for
each point in the polyline. Connect each point to the CV_X and
CV_Y property of each spoke. Start and end with the first spoke
in the symbol.

Figure 7-26. Point Animation Dialog Box

8. Add the Set Point Target line:

a. Make a copy of the configured Current Value Line
b. Change the appearance of the line so it is easy to identify which line is
the current value, and which line is the set point
c. Substitute CV_X, CV_Y with SP_X, SP_Y:

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7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI 373

• Select the Setpoint line and press Ctrl-E to open the

Substitute Reference dialog box.
• Expand Find & Replace at the bottom of the dialog box.
• Search for CV_ and replace with SP_ and click Replace
• Click OK.

Figure 7-27. Substitute Reference Dialog Box

9. Save the symbol. The example images show a custom 10 spoke polar star.

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374 7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI

Figure 7-28. Graphic Editor Appearance

Figure 7-29. Runtime Appearance

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7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI 375

Toolkit Text
This toolkit toolset contains a set of individual text label graphic symbols that
are common to many of the CSA Graphic symbols.

This Graphic symbol is used to display a static or dynamic engineering unit
label.It uses the Engineering_Units Element Style.
Adding the indicator to a Custom Graphic:
1. Open the Custom Graphic in the ArchestrA Graphic Editor.
2. Select Embed Graphic… from the Edit drop-down menu.
3. Navigate to Control>Situational Awareness Toolkits>Text and select
4. Place the embedded instance on the Graphic.

5. Position the indicator to the desired location.

6. Set Wizard Options and configure connections.

Wizard Options
Select the type of text label for the symbol from these options:

• Static (Default) Static text.

Modify the text in the Graphic
• CustomProperty Dynamic text.
At runtime, the text displays the
connected value.

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376 7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI

Custom Properties
The values of some properties are pre-assigned to typical Foxboro Control
Block Parameters. These values can be modified to any value or expression.
This is used to connect the text label to a dynamic value. The default
connection value is IADAS.CB.EI1.

This value is intended to be used as a way for a runtime operator to
declutter a process window. This property can be connected to an operator
button that turns these indicators on and off.
• True (Default) Shows the Engineering Units text.

• False Hides the Engineering Units text.

This Graphic symbol represents a static or dynamic label. It uses the Tagname
Element Style.
Adding the indicator to a Custom Graphic:
1. Open the Custom Graphic in the ArchestrA Graphic Editor.
2. Select Embed Graphic… from the Edit drop-down menu
3. Navigate to Control>Situational Awareness>Toolkits>Text and then click
4. Place the embedded instance on the Graphic.

5. Position the indicator to the desired location.

6. Set Wizard Options and configure connections.

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7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI 377

Wizard Options
Choose what type of text label this symbol is.
• Static (Default) Static text. Modify this text in the
Graphic Editor.

• Custom Property Dynamic text. At runtime, the text

shows the connected value.

Custom Properties
The values of some properties are pre-assigned to typical Foxboro Control
Block Parameters. These values can be modified to any value or expression.
This is used to connect the text label to a dynamic value. The default
connection value is IADAS.$Tag$.CB.

This value is intended to be used as a way for a runtime operator to
declutter a process window. This property can be connected to an operator
button that turns these indicators on and off.
• True (Default) Shows the label text.

• False Hides the label text.

This Graphic symbol displays a message that is based on an integer value. It's
base function is for GDEV Control Blocks but has many different applications.
The GDEV Control Block has a status index value of 1-12. Each index
represents a different status message. For example:
• Index 1 indicates "Closed"
• Index 2 indicates "Open"
• Index 3 indicates "Opening"
• Index 4 indicates "Closing"
• etc...
This symbol can be directly connected to a GDEV Block or it can be connected
to a custom index value with custom messages. The GDEV messages can use
the Control Block's configured messages or they can be customized.
Adding the indicator to a Custom Graphic:
1. Open the Custom Graphic in the ArchestrA Graphic Editor.
2. Select Embed Graphic… from the Edit drop-down menu

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378 7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI

3. Navigate to Control>Situational Awareness Toolkits>Text and click

4. Place the embedded instance on the Graphic.

5. Position the indicator to the desired location.

6. Set Wizard Options and configure connections.

Wizard Options
Choose how status messages appear.
• GDEV_Custom Shows a custom message based on the
(Default) value of the GDEV STAIND

• GDEV_STATUS Connects to the GDEV STATUS string


• Custom Shows a custom message based on the

value of any integer value.

Choose how the text messages need to be aligned.
• Centered (Default) The message text is center justified
• Left The message text is left justified.

• Right The message text is right justified.

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7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI 379

Custom Properties
The values of some properties are pre-assigned to typical Foxboro Control
Block Parameters. These values can be modified to any value or expression.
This integer property is available when the GDEV_Custom option is
chosen. This is used to connect to the GDEV Control Block Status index
value. The value has a range of 1-12. The default connection value is

This string property is available when the GDEV_STATUS option is
chosen. This is used to connect to the GDEV Control Block Status string
value and uses the STAIND parameter as a string update trigger. The
default connection value is IADAS.CB.STATUS#FT.STAIND.

This integer property is available when the Custom option is chosen. This
is index number value that determines which custom message to show. It
can be connected to any integer values.

This string property is available when the GDEV_Custom or Custom
option is chosen. This is a comma separated list of messages. When the
index number changes, the symbol shows the related indexed message
from this string. For example:
• StatusMessage = "Passive,Active,Opening,Closing,Mismatch"
• This can be broken into five separate messages:
• When StatusIndex is 1, the first message is shown, "Passive"
• When StatusIndex is 3, the third message is shown, "Opening"
• When the index value is out of range (-1, 0, 6 and so on) the value of
the UnknownMessage property is shown.

This string property is available when the Type wizard option is set to
GDEV_Custom, or Custom. This message is shown when the index

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380 7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI

number is out of range of the number of status messages. For example, if

there are four messages and the index number is 0 or less, or greater than
4, the UnknownMessage is shown.

This value is intended to be used as a way for a runtime operator to
declutter a process window. This property can be connected to an operator
button that turns these indicators on and off.
• True (Default) Shows the status text.

• False Hides the status text.

This Graphic symbol displays a value. It supports Boolean, Integer, Real, and
String Values. There are some additional formatting options for real and
integer values location.
• This symbol can show analog value using configured auto formatting
styles. Auto formatting is configured in the ArchestrA IDE under Galaxy
> Configure > Style Library menu option. The auto format styles are
located on the Format Styles tab.

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7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI 381

Figure 7-30. Configure Galaxy Style Library-Format Styles

• Analog values can be displayed using a text format string. For example, a
format string of $#.## would show analog values as dollars and cents. A
value of 1.54 would be shown as $1.54.
• Analog values can be limited to a fixed width. The value is shown as best
fit until there is no other option. Decimal place values are first rounded up
or removed. If there is option to fit the value then the Value too Large for
Fixed Field character is shown. This is also configured in the Format
Adding the indicator to a Custom Graphic:
1. Open the Custom Graphic in the ArchestrA Graphic Editor.
2. Select Embed Graphic… from the Edit drop-down menu.
3. Browse to Control>Situational Awareness Toolkits>Text and then click
4. Place the embedded instance on the Graphic.

5. Position the indicator to the desired location.

6. Set Wizard Options and configure connections.

Wizard Options
Choose datatype format to show the value.
• Real (Default) Uses formatting styles.

• Integer Uses formatting styles.

• Boolean Uses formatting styles.

• String Uses formatting styles.

• RealFormatString Uses formatting styles.

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382 7. Situational Awareness Toolkit Library for Control HMI

For Real or Integer Format types, choose if the value is limited to a fixed
number of characters. Change the number of characters by editing the
Symbol text ### (Ctrl-L). The default size is 3 characters.
• False (Default) Show value no matter the number of

• True Limit the value's appearance to the

same number of characters in the

Custom Properties
Connect this property to any Real value. This value is available when the
Real or RealFormatString option is selected.
Connect this property to any Integer value. This value is available when
the Integer option is selected.
Connect this property to any Boolean value. This value is available when
the Boolean option is selected.
Connect this property to any String value. This value is available when the
String option is selected.
This string property is available when the Boolean option is selected. This
string value is shown when the current value is false.
This value is intended to be used as a way for a runtime operator to
declutter a process window. This property can be connected to an operator
button that turns these indicators on and off.
• True (Default) Show the value symbol.

• False Hides the value symbol.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R



Control Block-to-Faceplate
SmartSymbols Mapping

This appendix details the Faceplate SmartSymbols to use to represent each

Control block in the Control HMI. These SmartSymbols are included in the
ArchestrA Symbols/Faceplate package, available through WindowMaker.

Note For more information on these blocks, refer to Integrated Control Block
Descriptions (B0193AX).

• Block to SmartSymbol Mapping

Block to SmartSymbol Mapping

For each Control block, use the appropriate Faceplate SmartSymbol detailed

Control Block Faceplate SmartSymbol


Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

384 A. Control Block-to-Faceplate SmartSymbols Mapping

Control Block (Continued) Faceplate SmartSymbol (Continued)

ECB9, ECB12, ECB14, ECB23, E100CMN
ECB34, ECB36, ECB52
ECB48, ECB48R, ECB49,
ECB50, ECB51
ECB110 ECB110
ECB200 ECB200
ECB201 ECB201
ECB202 ECB202
ECB210 ECB210

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A. Control Block-to-Faceplate SmartSymbols Mapping 385

Control Block (Continued) Faceplate SmartSymbol (Continued)


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386 A. Control Block-to-Faceplate SmartSymbols Mapping

Control Block (Continued) Faceplate SmartSymbol (Continued)


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Control Edition

This appendix discusses the various Control Edition SmartSymbols for use in
Process Graphic windows. Their configuration is discussed in “Adding Control
Edition SmartSymbols” on page 32.

• Configuration for Control Edition SmartSymbols
• Control Edition SmartSymbols

Configuration for Control Edition

You have to configure these tags (if present) for each Symbol:

Tag Description
CBP the Compound Block Parameter,
Application Object Attribute or InTouch
Tag source of the value to be displayed
CB the Compound Block source of the
value to be displayed

When these are configured correctly, all Control Edition SmartSymbols show
the Data Quality status of their data point as color. This color is set in the
Framer, discussed in Framer and Alarm Management User’s Guide
All other tags may be set optionally. Use the Select Tag browser to choose tags
for each field.

Note Standard WindowMaker features inform you if you added a local

InTouch tag which does not exist. The Tagname Undefined dialog box opens
and identifies the undefined tag. You have to rename to the correct tag or create
a new one.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

388 B. Control Edition SmartSymbols

Control Edition SmartSymbols

Control Edition SmartSymbols can display the value of a parameter from a
Control block, an ArchestrA Application Object or an InTouch tag. Figure B-1
displays the list of Control Edition SmartSymbols available in WindowMaker.

Figure B-1. Control Edition SmartSymbols

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

B. Control Edition SmartSymbols 389

The Control Edition SmartSymbols that are available is given here:

Tag Value HMISymbol Description

Fill_Horzontal Displays a real value between a set
minimum and maximum, as a
horizontal bar which fills to the right
as the value increases. Value can also
be viewed via a tooltip. Additional
options include:
• Right-Click Menu Option
• Right-Click Menu Name
• Left-Click Select Tag Option
• Tag Source IA, ArchestrA,
Fill_Horzontal_Ticks Displays a horizontal overlay of ticks
for to enable viewers to determine the
current percentage full quickly. It is
intended for use with Fill_Horzontal.
Fill_Vertical Displays a real value between a set
minimum and maximum, as a vertical
bar which fills upwards as the value
increases. Value can also be view via
a tooltip. Additional options include:
• Right-Click Menu Option
• Right-Click Menu Name
• Left-Click Select Tag Option
• Tag Source IA, ArchestrA,
Fill_Vertical_Ticks Displays a vertical overlay of ticks for
to enable viewers to determine the
current percentage full quickly. It is
intended for use with Fill_Vertical.
Discrete Displays a text field for a discrete
value. Additional options include:
• Right-Click Menu Option
• Right-Click Menu Name
• Left-Click Select Tag Option
• Settable Tag Option
• Tag Source IA, ArchestrA,
• Value or Text value display
• True and False Test messages

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

390 B. Control Edition SmartSymbols

Tag Value HMISymbol Description

Discrete_NoSet Displays a text field for a discrete
value with no data entry. Additional
options include:
• Right-Click Menu Option
• Right-Click Menu Name
• Left-Click Select Tag Option
• Tag Source IA, ArchestrA,
• Value or Text value display
• True and False Test messages
This symbol has less objects and
configurations than the Discrete
Integer Displays a text field for an integer
value. Additional options include:
• Right-Click Menu Option
• Right-Click Menu Name
• Left-Click Select Tag Option
• Settable Tag Option
• Tag Source IA, ArchestrA,
Integer_NoSet Displays a text field for a integer
value with no data entry. Additional
options include:
• Right-Click Menu Option
• Right-Click Menu Name
• Left-Click Select Tag Option
• Tag Source IA, ArchestrA,
This symbol has less objects and
configurations than the integer
Real Displays a text field for a real value.
Additional options include:
• Right-Click Menu Option
• Right-Click Menu Name
• Left-Click Select Tag Option
• Settable Tag Option
• Tag Source IA, ArchestrA,

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

B. Control Edition SmartSymbols 391

Tag Value HMISymbol Description

Real_NoSet Displays a text field for a real value
with no data entry. Additional
Options include:
• Right-Click Menu Option
• Right-Click Menu Name
• Left-Click Select Tag Option
• Tag Source IA, ArchestrA,
This symbol has less objects and
configurations than the Real symbol.
Real_Alarm Displays a text field for a real value.
The fill color will change to red if
there is an active alarm in the block.
The Edge will also flash if the alarm
is unacknowledged. Additional
options include:
• Right-Click Menu Option
• Right-Click Menu Name
• Left-Click Select Tag Option
• Settable Tag Option
• Tag Source IA, ArchestrA,
Real_NoSet_Alarm Displays a text field for a real value.
The fill color will change to red if
there is an active alarm in the block.
The Edge will also flash if the alarm
is unacknowledged. Additional
options include:
• Right-Click Menu Option
• Right-Click Menu Name
• Left-Click Select Tag Option
• Tag Source IA, ArchestrA,
This symbol has less objects and
configurations than the Real_Alarm

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

392 B. Control Edition SmartSymbols

Tag Value HMISymbol Description

Real_AlmPri Displays a text field for a real value.
The fill color will change to the
assign priority color if there is an
active alarm in the block. Additional
options include:
• Right-Click Menu Option
• Right-Click Menu Name
• Left-Click Select Tag Option
• Settable Tag Option
• Tag Source Foxboro, ArchestrA,
Alarm Priority Colors are assigned
with Framer.
Real_AlmPri Displays a text field for a real value.
The fill color will change to the
assign priority color if there is an
active alarm in the block. Additional
options include:
• Right-Click Menu Option
• Right-Click Menu Name
• Left-Click Select Tag Option
• Settable Tag Option
• Tag Source Foxboro, ArchestrA,
Alarm Priority Colors are assigned
with Framer.
This symbol has less objects and
configurations than the Real_Alarm

Real Control Edition SmartSymbols with

Alarming Features
There are two types of Real Control Edition SmartSymbols that have alarming.
These symbols are designed to work with Foxboro Evo Compound Blocks
There are three additional properties that need to be replaced in addition to the
standard replacement of CBP.
• Galaxy:IADAS.CB.ALMSTA#B30 Unack State
• Galaxy:IADAS.CB.CRIT Alarm Crit Level
• Galaxy:IADAS.CB.PRTYPE Alarm type
Replace all instances of CB with COMPOUND.BLOCK.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R



HMI QuickFunctions

This appendix discusses the HMI QuickFunctions provided to ease window

development and configuration. The names of the available HMI
QuickFunctions begin with “hmi” for easy identification.

Note Do not edit the scripts whose names begin with “Z” or “hmi”.
Do not use the scripts whose names begin with “Z”.

• hmiAlarmColor
• hmiAlarmPriority
• hmiCMDstddisp
• hmiExit
• hmiFilterTagname
• hmiFormatBool, Int, Real, String
• hmiFormatInt2Hex
• hmiFormatInt2Msg
• hmiHorn
• hmiMessage( "logFlag", "Message" )
• hmiMomentaryContact
• hmiRestart
• hmiShow
• hmiShowInitialWindows
• hmiShowLiveData
• hmiShowLiveDataCB
• hmiShowRelative

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

394 C. HMI QuickFunctions

This HMI QuickFunction determines the appropriate color for which to apply
to an alarm of a certain priority, and returns the color in the form of a preset
Results = CALL hmiAlarmColor ( almPriority );
Results = CALL hmiAlarmColor (

Name Type Example Value/Description

Input Value Integer Foxboro Control alarm priority (1-5) or
InTouch Alarm Priority (1-999).
This function uses either priority type
depending on the AlarmPriority Mode set
in Framer.

The returned value is an integer between 1-9: The value returned is mapped to
the ColorPriority settings also set in Framer. Then, these numeric values can be
mapped to specific colors in any Analog Color Animation.
These color integers and Foxboro Control -to-InTouch alarm mappings are set
in the AlarmPanel setting from the Framer, as discussed in “Alarm Panels” in
Framer and Alarm Management User’s Guide (B0750AR).

This QuickFunction returns a Control or InTouch Priority integer based on
I/A Series Priority and Priority Mode settings in Framer.
Results = CALL hmiAlarmPriority ( almPriority );
Results = CALL hmiAlarmPriority (

Name Type Example Value/Description

Input Value Integer Foxboro Control alarm priority (1-5) or
InTouch Alarm Priority (1-999).

The returned value depends on the Priority Mode configured in Framer:

• 0 = returns a Foxboro Control Priority Integer (1-5)
• 1 = returns an InTouch Priority Integer (1-999).

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

C. HMI QuickFunctions 395

Foxboro Evo to InTouch alarm mapping is discussed in “Planning Additional

Alarm Priority Mapping” in Framer and Alarm Management User’s Guide

This QuickFunction opens a Faceplate window for the specified Control block.
CALL hmiCMDstddisp( cbname, cbtype );
CALL hmiCMDstddisp(“UC01_LEAD.SINE”, “PID”);

Name Type Example Value/Description

cbName Message Name of the block to be opened, i.e.
cbType Message The name of the type of block, i.e. “PID”.
This argument is optional. Use a null
message string, i.e. “”, if the block type is
not known. Control HMI will determine
the block type dynamically.

This HMI QuickFunction exits the Control HMI. It has no arguments.
CALL hmiExit( );

This QuickFunction provides a way to easily parse a Tagname string into
words separated by “.”s and “:”s. This function can return the number of words
in a string or retrieve a specific word from the string.
CALL hmiFilterTagname( tag, filter, word );
CALL hmiFilterTagname(
“Galaxy:AppObjName.Attribute”, 1 , 0 );
Returns “AppObjName.Attribute”

CALL hmiFilterTagname(

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

396 C. HMI QuickFunctions

, 2 , 0 );

CALL hmiFilterTagname(
"Galaxy:AppObjName.Attribute”, 3 , 3 );
Returns “Attribute”

CALL hmiFilterTagname(
, 4 , 0 );
Returns “6”
The tag does not have to be a full tag string. It could be any “.” Or “:” separated
string. Such as:

Name Type Example Value/Description

Tag Message Quoted string to be parsed
Filter Integer Filter operation to perform
1-4 1 - Removes “Galaxy:” from Tag string
2 - Removes “Galaxy:DaServerName”
from the Tag string
3 - Returns a specific word from the Tag
4 - Return the number of word in the Tag
string as a string
Word Integer This argument is used with Filter option 3.
This is the number of the specific word to

hmiFormatBool, Int, Real, String

InTouch 10.2 provides Advanced Format features for Analog tags. You can use
this animation to configure integer and real values. The hmiFormatReal and Int
functions are still available to support the import of windows from legacy
This QuickFunction returns a string representation of your Tag value and
formats it automatically based on value, Quality and status. The Format
Functions use a common set of arguments. The String Function uses less
arguments and the Bool Function has 3 extra arguments.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

C. HMI QuickFunctions 397

In each of the hmiFormatxxx functions, there are 2 inputs, CV and RV. Use the
CV argument while the RV argument is an optional argument. The RV
argument is primarily used in the Faceplates when using the ramp buttons. The
RV and Switch arguments need to be set to 0 if they are not used.
• Real values are formatted to also include Decimal placement based on the
• If value is between 1 and -1 then 4 decimal places are shown: 0.0123
• If value is between 10000 and -10000 then 2 decimal places are used:
• If the value is larger then no decimal places are used: 1000678
• Bool values can be shown as 0 or 1, or by passed in messages such as
“On” or “Off”
• If the tag is initializing, no value is shown.
• If the tag is not found, the a field of “*” will be shown.
CALL hmiFormatReal ( CV, RV, Quality, VString,
DASStatus, FieldWidth, Switch, StatusFlag );
CALL hmiFormatInt ( CV, RV, Quality, VString,
DASStatus, FieldWidth, Switch, StatusFlag );
CALL hmiFormatString ( CV, Quality, VString,
DASStatus, FieldWidth, StatusFlag );
CALL hmiFormatBool ( CV, RV, Quality, VString,
DASStatus, FieldWidth, Switch, StatusFlag,
OutputType, OnMessage, OffMessage );
CALL hmiFormatReal ( Galaxy:IADAS.CMP.BLK.MEAS ,
0 , Galaxy:IADAS.CMP.BLK.MEAS.Quality ,
Galaxy:IADAS.CMP.BLK.MEAS.#VString ,
ZHMI-App-Das-Status , 6 , 0 ,
Qd-WindowTag );

CALL hmiFormatBool ( Galaxy:IADAS.CMP.BLK.MEAS ,

0 , Galaxy:IADAS.CMP.BLK.MEAS.Quality ,
Galaxy:IADAS.CMP.BLK.MEAS.#VString ,
ZHMI-App-Das-Status , 6 , 0 ,
Qd-WindowTag ,
ZHMI-Const-DscStyle-Text ,
ZHMI-Const-Msg-TRUE ,
ZHMI-Const-Msg-FALSE );
The On and OffMessage arguments, in the example above, could have been
quoted strings “TRUE” and “FALSE”. It is a better practice to use message

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

398 C. HMI QuickFunctions

tags in place of hard coded strings. If a future change is required, it is easier to

update the message tags than it is to search every window and object that uses
the messages to be changed.

Name Type Example Value/Description

CV a Actual Value from IO - Used if Switch is
RV a Optional value - Used if the switch is True.
Set this and switch to 0 if there is no
optional value
Quality Integer Quality (OPC) of the Actual Value
Vstring Message InTouch Vstring of the value - if
“Initializing”, no data is returned.
DasStatus Integer The status of the local DA Server - Use
“ZHMI-App-Das-Status” for this value.
FieldWidth Integer If the value is not shown, indicates how
many asterisks (“*”) needs to be shown. A
value of 6 would show “******” when the
value is Bad.
Switch Discrete The switch that is used to determine which
of the two inputs are used. CV if 0 or RV
if 1. This argument could be an expression
such as: MyTag <= LowLimit. When
MyTag is greater than LowLimit, the CV
value is shown. Otherwise, RV is shown.
StatusFlag Discrete This value needs to be set to 1. Changes to
the FCS v3.0 to v4.x and the Control
Software v5.0 or later application and to
InTouch 10.2 have removed the need for a
Qd quality tag.
OutputType Discrete Bool Function Only - Switch to determine
how the value is to be shown:
0 - Show value as 0 or 1
1 - Show value as a message. Uses
OnMessage if True or OffMessage if false
OnMessage Message Bool Function Only - Message to show if
OutputType is True and Value is True.
OffMessage Message Bool Function Only - Message to show if
OutputType is True and Value is False.
a. The CV and RV tag type is based on which hmiFormat function is used, Discrete, Mes-
sage, Int, or Real.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

C. HMI QuickFunctions 399

This QuickFunction converts an 32 bit integer or a part of the integer into a
Hex String.
CALL hmiFormatInt2Hex ( CV, RV, Quality, VString,
DASStatus, FieldWidth, Switch, StatusFlag , LByte
, HByte );
CALL hmiFormatInt2Hex (
ZHMI-App-Das-Status , 6 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1);
The example above converts the low four bits of an integer to a Hex String. If
the LByte is set to 1 and HByte set to 8, the function returns the whole Integer
as a Hex String.

Name Type Example Value/Description

CV a Actual Value from IO - Used if Switch is
RV a Optional value - Used if the switch is True.
Set this and switch to 0 if there is no
optional value
Quality Integer Quality (OPC) of the Actual Value
Vstring Message InTouch Vstring of the value - if
“Initializing”, no data is returned.
DasStatus Integer The status of the local DA Server - Use
“ZHMI-App-Das-Status” for this value.
FieldWidth Integer If the value is not shown, indicates how
many asterisks (“*”) needs to be shown. A
value of 6 would show “******” when the
value is Bad.
Switch Discrete The switch that is used to determine which
of the two inputs are used. CV if 0 or RV
if 1. This argument could be an expression
such as: MyTag <= LowLimit. When
MyTag is greater than LowLimit, the CV
value is shown. Otherwise, RV is shown.
StatusFlag Discrete This value needs to be set to 1. Changes to
the FCS v3.0 to v4.x and the Control
Software v5.0 or later application and to
InTouch 10.2 have removed the need for a
Qd quality tag.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

400 C. HMI QuickFunctions

Name Type Example Value/Description

LByte Int 1-8 This argument tells the function which
group of 4 bits to start with.
A value of 1 = bit 00, 2 = bit 04, 3= bit 08
… 8 = bit 28
HByte Int 1-8 This argument tells the function which
group of 4 bits to end with.
A value of 1 = bit 03, 2 = bit 07, 3= bit 11
… 8 = bit 31
a. The CV and RV tag type is based on which hmiFormat function is used, Discrete, Mes-
sage, Int, or Real.

This QuickFunction provides a way to show multiple messages based on an
integer value.
Typically, this would be done with multiple text objects with visibility
connected to the integer value on each object, such as MyInt == 1, MyInt ==2,
MyInt ==3, and so forth.
This Function reads the value and gets the corresponding value from the
provided string of messages.
CALL hmiFormatInt2Msg ( CV, RV, Quality, VString,
DASStatus, FieldWidth, Switch, StatusFlag ,
MessageArray );
CALL hmiFormatReal ( Galaxy:IADAS.CMP.BLK.STATUS
, 0 ,
ZHMI-App-Das-Status , 6 , 0 , 1 ,
where MyStatusMessageTag = “0- ,1-ON,2-OFF,3-Running,4-
When the example executes:
• If the CV value = 0, nothing is displayed.
• If the CV value = 1, “ON” is displayed.
• If the CV value is not listed such as 7, then nothing is shown.
The MessageArray argument, in the example above, could have been a quoted
string, “0- ,1-On,2-Off”. It is a better practice to use message tags in place of
hard coded strings. If a future change is required, it is easier to update the
message tags than it is to search every window and object that uses the
messages to be changed.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

C. HMI QuickFunctions 401


Name Type Example Value/Description

CV Integer Actual Value from IO - Used if Switch is
RV Integer Optional value - Used if the switch is True.
Set this and switch to 0 if there is no
optional value
Quality Integer Quality (OPC) of the Actual Value
Vstring Message InTouch Vstring of the value - if
“Initializing”, no data is returned.
DasStatus Integer The status of the local DA Server - Use
“ZHMI-App-Das-Status” for this value.
FieldWidth Integer If the value is not shown, indicates how
many asterisks (“*”) needs to be shown. A
value of 6 would show “******” when the
value is Bad.
Switch Discrete The switch that is used to determine which
of the two inputs are used. CV if 0 or RV
if 1. This argument could be an expression
such as: MyTag <= LowLimit. When
MyTag is greater than LowLimit, the CV
value is shown. Otherwise, RV is shown.
StatusFlag Discrete This value needs to be set to 1. Changes to
the FCS v3.0 to v4.x and the Control
Software v5.0 or later application and to
InTouch 10.2 have removed the need for a
Qd quality tag.
MessageArray Message This is a comma separated string of
messages. It does not have to be in order.
Format “IntValue1-Message1, IntValue2-
Example: “0- ,1-ON,2-OFF,3-

This HMI QuickFunction turns all the workstation horns off, or mutes/unmutes
the horns. This includes the annunciator horns, the GCIO horns, and the
workstation horns. This does not affect the external horn, if it is sounding.
CALL hmiHorn( action , scope );
CALL hmiHorn( “Silence” , “CAG” );

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

402 C. HMI QuickFunctions


Name Type Example Value/Description

Action Message “Silence”
This is the type of action to perform.
There are 3 valid actions:
• “Silence” - will Silence the horns
• “Mute” - will mute the horns
• “Unmute” - will unmute the horns

Scope Integer Identifies whether a Mute or Unmute

action is to be performed on the local
workstation or a Common Alarm Group
(CAG). Use one of two strings:
• “CAG”

The scope of the action only applies to Mute and Unmute actions. Use “CAG”
to apply the action to all workstations within the common alarm group.
Otherwise, any quoted string will be ignored and the action will be applied to
only the local workstation.

hmiMessage( "logFlag", "Message" )

This HMI QuickFunction sends a formatted log message to the System
Monitor (SMC). The Control HMI creates a new Control Software View
Component with standard log flags. This function can be used in custom
scripts and actions. It can also use custom flag names to enhance the ability of
isolating and troubleshooting the script. The format of the call is:
hmiMessage( "LogFlag" , "Message");
Log Flag:
Specifies the format of the message. The options available are:
• "Error”: Message appears asError Format
• "Warning": Message appears as Warning Format
• "Info": Message appears as Black and White
• "Trace”: Message appears as Black and White
• "Custom": Message appears as Black and White
The message string to appear in SMC.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

C. HMI QuickFunctions 403

This HMI QuickFunction sets a boolean parameter for a period of time and
then automatically resets the value after the specified length of time has
CALL hmiMomentaryContact ( tag , time, initValue );
CALL hmiMomentaryContact (
"Galaxy:IADAS.CMP.BLOCK.PARAM" , 3.0, 1 );

Name Type Example Value/Description

Tag Message Tag name of the momentary contact
Time Real Length of time between the set and reset,
in seconds.
Initial Tag Value Discrete Initial value to which the tag will be set.
When the time specified expires, the tag
will be set to the opposite value. For
example, if initValue is 1, the tag will
be set to 1 initially, and then when the
timer expires, the tag will be reset to 0.

Note The boolean parameter that is being toggled has to already be on scan
prior to the momentary contact function can be called. Refer to the Known
Issue and Workarounds section of the Release Notes.
The easiest way to place the tag on scan is to configure the color of the
momentary contact button to the boolean parameter.
Animations: Fill Color Discrete -> Galaxy:IADAS.CMP.BLOCK.PARAM

This HMI QuickFunction exits and restarts the Control HMI. It has no
CALL hmiRestart( );

This HMI QuickFunction opens a Window. It also includes an argument for
multi-monitor systems to redirect the window to a specific monitor when

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

404 C. HMI QuickFunctions

CALL hmiShow( windowName, redirect );

CALL hmiShow( “MyWindow” ,
ZHMI-Const-Redirect-AsBuilt );

Name Type Example Value/Description

WindowName Message Name of the window to open. This can be a
message tag or a quoted string of the
window name.
Redirect Integer Specify which monitor to open the window
on. “AsBuilt” is the standard tag to use for
single monitor configurations.

In multi-monitor configurations,
Redirection is used to redirect where a
window is to be opened. There are several
predefined tags that needs to be used in
this argument:
• ZHMI-Const-Redirect-AsBuilt - Used
to open a window where it was drawn.
This needs to be the only tag used on
single monitor configurations.
• ZHMI-Const-Redirect-Cursor - This
tag is used to open the window on the
monitor where the mouse cursor is
currently located.
If this function is called with the
mouse cursor on Monitor 2, the
window will be opened on Monitor 2.
• ZHMI-Const-Redirect-MapWin - This
tag causes the window to open in a
mapped partner monitor. In the
Configuration settings in Framer,
monitors are mapped together as pairs.
For example, a pair might be
considered two monitors horizontally
adjacent to each other. With this tag, a
window is invoked on the partner for
the monitor currently selected.
• ZHMI-Const-Redirect-Monitor1
through Monitor4 - This causes the
window to open on a specific monitor.

For instructions on configuring this function, refer to “Configuring Buttons to

Invoke Windows (hmiShow)” on page 36.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

C. HMI QuickFunctions 405

This HMI QuickFunction shows all the initial configured windows for all
CALL hmiShowInitialWindows( );
Initial windows are configured in the Framer, as discussed in Framer and
Alarm Management User’s Guide (B0750AR).

This HMI QuickFunction starts the Control Software IDE LiveData View for a
specified Compound Strategy.
CALL hmiShowLiveData( CompoundName, StrategyName );
CALL hmiShowLiveData( “TANKFARM” , “Strategy_001” );

Name Type Example Value/Description

CompoundName Message Name of Compound which contains the
In the example above, it is
StrategyName Message Name of the Strategy for which to view
live data.
In the example above, it is “Strategy_001”.

This HMI QuickFunction starts the Control Software IDE LiveData View for a
specified Compound Block.
CALL hmiShowLiveDataCB( CompoundName, BlockName );
CALL hmiShowLiveDataCB( “TANKFARM” , “Block_001” );

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

406 C. HMI QuickFunctions


Name Type Example Value/Description

CompoundName Message Name of Compound which contains the
In the example above, it is
BlockName Message Name of the block for which to view live
In the example above, it is “Block_001”.

This HMI QuickFunction opens a window relative to the object pressed. The
hmiShowRelative is similar to the -L argument of FoxView's OV and
OV_CONN commands. The format of the call is:
CALL hmiShowRelative( "Window" , "Relative Location",
Location X, Location Y, Offset X, Offset Y);
The parameters used in this call are described as follows:
The Window is the name of the window to be opened.
Relative locations:
The Relative Location specifies the position of the window being opened,
relative to the originating location.

<L>eft <C>enter <R>ight

<U>pper UL UC UR
<C>enter CL CC CR
(pressed object)
<B>elow BL BC BR

hmiShow Relative "OVL", "LR"

Note The overlay that is being opened can appear off screen or overlap with
the Title and Menu bar windows. This command automatically forces the
overlay to appear within the viewing area.

Location X and Location Y:

The button location is required so that the relative window can be displayed
relative to the location. InTouch does not identify the pressed item, however it
identifies where the last object was clicked on. Use InTouch tags $ObjHor and
$ObjVer to specify Location X and Location Y.
hmiShow Relative "OVL", "LR", $ObjHor, $ObjVer
Offset X and Offset Y:

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

C. HMI QuickFunctions 407

The position of the overlay is based on the center of the pressed object. Setting
an overlay at lower-right of the pressed object overlaps with the pressed
object's lower right area.
hmiShow Relative "OVL", "LR" $ObjHor, $ObjVer

Pressed Object


An Offset is provided to adjust the window’s vertical and horizontal position.

The pressed object is assumed to be 100x30 pixels in size. The center location
is 50,15. The overlay position can be adjusted to move the button.

hmiShow Relative "OVL", "LR" hmiShow Relative "OVL", "LR"

,X,Y, -15, 50 ,X,Y, 15, 50

Pressed Pressed
Object OVL


hmiShow Relative "OVL", "LR" , hmiShow Relative "OVL", "LR"

X,Y, 15, -50 ,X,Y, -13, -48

Object OVL


Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

408 C. HMI QuickFunctions

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R



“Z” QuickFunctions

This appendix discusses several common “Z” QuickFunctions provided to ease

window development and configuration. The names of these QuickFunctions
begin with “Z” for easy identification.
It is not recommended that the “Z” QuickFunctions be used in custom
windows. The Control Software SmartSymbols use these “Z” QuickFunctions.
These descriptions are provided since, on occasion, their animations are copied
to other objects.

Note Do not edit the scripts whose names begin with “Z” or “hmi”.
Do not use the scripts whose names begin with “Z”.

• “Z” Format Functions
• “Z” Status Functions

“Z” Format Functions

There are several “Z” Format-type QuickFunctions that are used by the
Control Software SmartSymbols:
• ZFormatBool
• ZFormatInt
• ZFormatReal
• ZFormatString
These function have the same arguments and functionality as the HMI
QuickFunctions described in Appendix C, “HMI QuickFunctions”.

“Z” Status Functions

The Control Software SmartSymbols use two “Z” Status-type QuickFunctions
- “ZStatusInd” and “ZStatusColor” described below.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

410 D. “Z” QuickFunctions

This “Z” QuickFunction returns a string icon to represent a tag’s quality and
status. The default string return value can be configured in Framer.

Results = CALL ZStatusInd ( Quality, DASStatus,
Vstring, StatusFlag );
Results = Call ZStatusInd (
ZHMI-App-Das-Status ,
Galaxy:IADAS.CMP.BLOCK.PARAM.#VString , 1 );

Example default return values:

• $ = Security
• * = Out of Service (OOS)
• ^ = Hi limited

Name Type Example Value/Description

Quality Integer Quality (OPC) of the Actual Value
DasStatus Integer The status of the local DA Server - Use
“ZHMI-App-Das-Status” for this value.
Vstring Message InTouch Vstring of the value - if
“Initializing”, no data is returned.
StatusFlag Discrete This value needs to be set to 1. Changes to
the FCS v3.0 to v4.x and the Control
Software v5.0 or later application and to
InTouch 10.2 have removed the need for a
Qd quality tag.

This “Z” QuickFunction returns an integer number which is used subsequently
in an InTouch Fill or Edge color animation. The integer value of 0-9 will
determine which color to make the object. The default animation colors are
configured from Framer.
The default InTouch animation colors are configuration as:
• 0 = Gray
• 1 = Light Red
• 2 = Blue

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

D. “Z” QuickFunctions 411

• 3 = Green
• 4= Yellow
• 5 = Orange
• 6 = Red
• 7 = Gray
• 8 = White
• 9 = Cyan

Results = CALL ZStatusColor ( Quality, DASStatus,
Vstring, StatusFlag );
Results = CALL ZStatusColor (
ZHMI-App-Das-Status ,
Galaxy:IADAS.CMP.BLOCK.PARAM.#VString , 1 );

Example default return values:

• RETURN = 8 (WHITE) IF Tag Status is “Write Secured”
• RETURN = 9 (CYAN) IF Tag Status is “Out of Service”
• RETURN = 2 (BLUE) IF Tag Status is ANY limit state


Name Type Example Value/Description

Quality Integer Quality (OPC) of the Actual Value
DasStatus Integer The status of the local DA Server - Use
“ZHMI-App-Das-Status” for this value.
Vstring Message InTouch Vstring of the value - if
“Initializing”, no data is returned.
StatusFlag Discrete This value needs to be set to 1. Changes to
the FCS v3.0 to v4.x and the Control
Software v5.0 or later application and to
InTouch 10.2 have removed the need for a
Qd quality tag.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

412 D. “Z” QuickFunctions

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R



User QuickFunctions

This appendix discusses the User QuickFunctions that provide users the ability
to customize and extend Control HMI features.

Note These functions can be modified and need to be included when

migrating the application to future releases.

• LoadCustomStyle( )
• LoadCustomWindowStyle( )

LoadCustomStyle( )
This quick function provides a way to add custom scripts and features to the
station styles. A station style is configured in Framer and is related to the type
of monitors used on the stations.
This script is called after the Framer configured style features are loaded.
Engineers can modify this script without losing edits during a future migration.
This script will never be modified in future releases of the Control Software. If
you have modified this script, you need to import the modified script when the
application is merged into a future release.
To extend a station style, the code that is to be executed is added for a given
configured style.
If Widescreen Then
<do something>;
<do something else>;
For more information on LoadCustomStyle( ) QuickFunction, refer to section
“Configuring Station Styles” on page 91.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

414 E. User QuickFunctions

LoadCustomWindowStyle( )
This QuickFunction gives an engineer a way to add custom scripts and features
to window Styles. This script is called after each window is opened, as it does
nothing to a window. Engineers can modify this script without losing edits
during a future migration. This script will never be modified by the Control
To extend a station style, the code that is to be executed is added for a given
configured style.
If Widescreen Then
<do something>;
<do something else>;
For more information on LoadCustomWindowStyle( ) QuickFunction, refer to
“Configuring Station Styles” on page 91.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R




This appendix discusses the legacy HMISymbols - both the Tag Value and Tag
Selection types - for use in Process Graphic windows.

• HMISymbols Overview
• Configuration for HMISymbols
• Tag Value HMISymbols
• Tag Selection HMISymbols

HMISymbols Overview
HMI Symbols are a legacy set of Control Edition SmartSymbols which were
shipped with previous versions of the Control Software, and are still available
in later versions. As with Control Edition SmartSymbols, they provide a quick
representation of a particular data point. They include data quality indicators,
text formatting and an easy implementation of the “pick-and-assign” features
of Control HMI.
• An example of “pick-and-assign” is as follows: When a point is selected in
the window, the tag name is copied and shown in the Tag bar. From here,
operators can assign the point to Trends and Watch windows. If the tag is a
Foxboro tag, you can also view Block Detail Overlays and Source
information for the selected block.
HMISymbols are useful to display the value of a particular data point, such as a
Control block parameter. There are two types:
• ArchestrA HMISymbols (Tag Value Symbol) - Display the value of a
parameter, represented as filled bar between a set minimum and maximum
value, or as a text display of a discrete, integer or real value. They include
a short text label for the value. Certain Tag Value HMISymbols allow you
to set the value of associated parameter.
• InTouch HMISymbols (Tag Selection Symbol) - Designed to be hidden
under a Tag Value HMISymbol. When the Tag Value HMISymbol
overhead is selected, the Tag Selection HMISymbol displays the name of
its associated Compound.Block.Parameter in the Tag Bar in Control HMI.
Separate HMISymbols are available for discrete, integer and real
parameter values.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

416 F. HMISymbols

Advantage of Tag Value HMISymbols

By using Tag Value HMISymbols to represent a data point, you gain the
advantages listed here:
• Data Quality Handling - Tag Value HMISymbols provide an indication of
data quality for each parameter, in the same manner as the Faceplate
windows. For example, the background color of a parameter which has
changed to Out-Of-Service changes to cyan. The behavior and colors for
the data quality indication can be set in the Framer.
• Automatic Decimal Precision for text - the Tag Value HMISymbol
automatically determines the number of decimal places to display for a
given parameter value. For example, a value between 1 and 100 would be
displayed with two decimal places, such as 56.83. The algorithm is
identical to that used in the Faceplate windows.

Advantage of Tag Selection HMISymbols

The Tag Selection HMISymbol provides a quick method to copy a tag name
into the Tag Bar in Control HMI. Once a tag is displayed in the Tag Bar, you
can perform other tasks with this tag as given here:
• assign the tag and its High/Low limits to a real-time trend for a Faceplate
• assign the tag to the Control HMI’s Watch panel (View -> Watch Panel) to
display key parameters in an easy-to-view spreadsheet
• in addition, if the tag is a Foxboro tag:
• open the Faceplate window for the block associated with this tag
• obtain the source information for this tag from the Source bar
There are alternative methods to adding tag names to the Tag Bar, including:
• selecting a parameter within a Faceplate SmartSymbol/Popup
• typing in a tag manually.

Configuration for HMISymbols

You have to configure the tags (if present), as given in the table, for each Tag
Value and Tag Selection HMISymbol:

Tag Description
Compound.Block.Parameter the source of the value to be displayed
STATUS set this value to 1
HISCALE the maximum value for the point (high
LOSCALE the minimum value for the point (low

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

F. HMISymbols 417

When these are configured correctly, all HMISymbols show the Data Quality
status of their data point as color. This color is set in the Framer, discussed in
Framer and Alarm Management User’s Guide (B0750AR).
All other tags may be set optionally. Use the Select Tag browser to choose tags
for each field.

Note Standard WindowMaker features inform you if you have added a local
InTouch tag which does not exist. The Tagname Undefined dialog box opens
and identifies the undefined tag. You have to rename to the correct tag or create
a new one.

Adding HMISymbols
Both types of HMISymbols - ArchestrA HMISymbols (Tag Value
HMISymbols) and InTouch HMISymbols (Tag Selection HMISymbols) - are
added to a window with the same procedure.
Tag Value HMISymbols display the value and data quality of a specific
Foxboro Evo parameter. Tag Value HMISymbols are available from the
ArchestrA Symbols\HMISymbols Palette in WindowMaker’s Symbol
Manager, as shown in Figure F-1.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

418 F. HMISymbols

Figure F-1. SmartSymbol Palette for Tag Value HMISymbols

When a Tag Selection HMISymbol is selected in a Process Graphic window

(under a Tag Value HMISymbol), it displays its associated tag name in the
Control HMI’s Tag Bar (see "Figure 1-1. Control HMI in 4:3 Format" on page
Tag Selection HMISymbols are available from the InTouch Symbols\
HMISymbols Palette in WindowMaker’s Symbol Manager, as shown in
Figure F-2.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

F. HMISymbols 419

Figure F-2. SmartSymbol Palette for Tag Selection HMISymbol

To add either type of HMISymbol:

1. Begin to configure your Process Graphic window as discussed in the
InTouch documentation. Verify that the window is open in the main
WindowMaker pane.

2. In the menu bar, click . The cursor changes to the upper left-hand
corner of a SmartSymbol.
3. In the window, click the location on which you want to put the upper left-
hand corner of the HMISymbol.
The SmartSymbol Palette opens.
4. Select the SmartSymbol you want to include in the window.
The Tag Value HMISymbols are under the directory in the ArchestrA
Symbols\HMISymbols folder, as shown in Figure F-1.
The Tag Selection HMISymbols are under the HMISymbols directory in
the InTouch Symbols folder, as shown in Figure F-2.
Click the Image Preview tab to view the selected SmartSymbol.
Click the Attribute List tab to view the selected SmartSymbol’s

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

420 F. HMISymbols

5. Click OK.
6. The SmartSymbol Properties dialog box opens, as shown in Figure F-3.

Figure F-3. SmartSymbols Properties Dialog Box

For Tag Value HMISymbols, proceed to “Configuring Tag Value

HMISymbols” on page 421 to configure the compound and block names,
and the numbering for this SmartSymbol.
Otherwise, click OK to close the dialog box.
For Tag Selection HMISymbols, no configuration is necessary. Click OK
to close this dialog box.
The SmartSymbol appears as a small rectangle in the window.
Proceed to “Configuring Tag Selection HMISymbols” on page 422 to
configure the compound and block names for this Tag Selection
The HMISymbol appears in the window in the selected location.

Configuring HMISymbols
The procedures for configuring HMISymbols differ depending on the type -
Tag Value or Tag Selection.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

F. HMISymbols 421

Configuring Tag Value HMISymbols

As discussed in “Adding HMISymbols” on page 417, to configure a Tag Value
HMISymbol placed in a window:
1. If you do not already have the SmartSymbol Properties dialog box open,
right-click the HMISymbol in the window and click Properties. The
dialog box opens, as shown here.

Figure F-4. SmartSymbol Properties for HMISymbols

2. For Foxboro tags, click Replace to globally replace all instances of the
“CBP” string with the actual “Compound.Block.Parameter” tag.
For ArchestrA tags, replace IADAS.CBP with the name of the ArchestrA
object and attribute.
3. Some of the SmartSymbols, indicated in “Tag Value HMISymbols” on
page 425 include a user-configured label, which you may set as follows:
a. Check the Show Text Strings check box.
b. Replace {label} with the text to appear adjacent to the tag data. If you
do not want any text to appear, replace the string with a blank.
This label is adjacent to the displayed value. Be mindful that the label
string length does not exceed the amount of space available.adjacent to the
displayed value. If the string is too long, it may overrun the data value.
4. Click OK to close the SmartSymbol Properties dialog box.
The Tag Value HMISymbol is edited.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

422 F. HMISymbols

Configuring Tag Selection HMISymbols

To configure a Tag Selection HMISymbol placed in a window, as discussed in
“Adding HMISymbols” on page 417, perform these steps.
1. Break the HMISymbol into its component pieces by the standard InTouch
methods of breaking objects. For example, select the HMISymbol and
press Shift and F3 together.
You are ready to link the rectangle to its associated data point and set the
“pick-and-assign” feature variables.
2. Double-click the rectangle to display the animation links, shown in
Figure F-5.

Figure F-5. Animation Links for Rectangle

3. Click Action under the Touch Pushbuttons section. The InTouch Action
Script window appears, as shown in Figure F-6.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

F. HMISymbols 423

Figure F-6. Example Compound.Block.Parameter Values

4. In the On Left/Key Up script, set the four variables shown in Figure F-6.
• DATATYPE [Do Not Edit] - a string message that identifies the InTouch
Data Type.
• CBP [Required] - change the <cbp> reference to the
Compound.Block.Parameter name for the data point, and surround the
name with quotes. The format is: “Compound.Block.Parameter”. If
the tag is not a Foxboro tag, replace <cbp> with the entire tagname,
including access name, i.e. “Galaxy:tagname”.
• HISCALE and LOSCALE [Required] - the actual upper and lower limits of
the data point. These can be replaced with absolute values or remote
connections such as:
• absolute values of 0 and 100

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

424 F. HMISymbols

• remote I/O value tags, such as Galaxy:IADAS.Cmp.Blk.HSCI1

and Galaxy:IADAS.Cmp.Blk.LSCI1, which will cause the
script at runtime to request values from these tags
Example High and Low values are shown in Figure F-7.

ZHMI-Select-IO-HScale - Example Absolute Value
ZHMI-Select-IO-LScale - Example Tag

Figure F-7. Example HScale/LScale Parameters

5. When finished, click OK, and then click OK to close all dialog boxes.
6. Perform “Adding HMISymbols” on page 417 to move the Tag Selection
HMISymbol’s associated Tag Value HMISymbol over it.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

F. HMISymbols 425

Once configured, add the associated Tag Value HMISymbol on top of this
rectangle. For example, a HMISymbols with ticks, such as
FillBar_Horz_Ticks, may be placed over an open HMISymbol, as shown in
Figure F-8.

Color indicates Data Quality.


Border color indicates Data Quality.

Bar indicates tag value.

Overlapping Fillbar_Horz
When Fillbar_Horz_Ticks overlaps Fillbar_Horz,
it appears as shown here.
Be noted that you have to configure the same Data Qua
separately for each HMISymbol.

Figure F-8. Overlapping Tag Value HMISymbols

This is discussed in “Adding HMISymbols” on page 417.

Tag Value HMISymbols

Tag Value HMISymbols display the value of a parameter from a Foxboro Evo
block or an ArchestrA Application Object. Figure F-9 displays the list of Tag
Value HMISymbols available in WindowMaker.

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426 F. HMISymbols

Figure F-9. Tag Value HMISymbols

Typically, the HMISymbols with ticks, such as FillBar_Horz_Ticks, placed

over the open HMISymbols, as shown in Figure F-8 on page 425.

The Tag Value HMISymbols that are available is given here:

Tag Value HMISymbol Description

FillBar_Horz Displays a real value between a set
minimum and maximum, as a
horizontal bar which fills to the right
as the value increases.
FillBar_Horz_Ticks Displays a horizontal overlay of ticks
for to enable viewers to determine the
current percentage full quickly. It is
intended for use with FillBar_Horz.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

F. HMISymbols 427

Tag Value HMISymbol Description

Fillbar_Vert Displays a real value between a set
minimum and maximum, as a vertical
bar which fills upwards as the value
Fillbar_Vert_Ticks Displays a vertical overlay of ticks for
to enable viewers to determine the
current percentage full quickly. It is
intended for use with FillBar_Vert.
IO_Dsc_NOSET Displays a label and text field for a
non-settable discrete value. The text
label indicates the parameter name, or
another useful identifier for the value.
In addition to the basic tags in
“Configuration for HMISymbols” on
page 416, you have to configure:
• Label - text adjoining the field,
not to exceed 6 characters
Also, refer to “_NOSET and _SET
HMISymbol Features” on page 430.
IO_Dsc_SET Displays a label and text field for a
settable discrete value. The text label
indicates the parameter name, or
another useful identifier for the value.
In addition to the basic tags in
“Configuration for HMISymbols” on
page 416, you have to configure:
• Label - text adjoining the field,
not to exceed 6 characters
Also, refer to “_NOSET and _SET
HMISymbol Features” on page 430.
IO_Int_NOSET Displays a label and text field for a
non-settable integer value. The text
label indicates the parameter name, or
another useful identifier for the value.
In addition to the basic tags in
“Configuration for HMISymbols” on
page 416, you have to configure:
• Label - text adjoining the field,
not to exceed 6 characters
Also, refer to “_NOSET and _SET
HMISymbol Features” on page 430.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

428 F. HMISymbols

Tag Value HMISymbol Description

IO_Int_SET Displays a label and text field for a
settable integer value. The text label
indicates the parameter name, or
another useful identifier for the value.
In addition to the basic tags in
“Configuration for HMISymbols” on
page 416, you have to configure:
• Label - text adjoining the field
Also, refer to “_NOSET and _SET
HMISymbol Features” on page 430.
IO_Real_NOSET Displays a label and text field for a
non-settable real value. The text label
indicates the parameter name, or
another useful identifier for the value.
In addition to the basic tags in
“Configuration for HMISymbols” on
page 416, you have to configure:
• Label - text adjoining the field
Also, refer to “_NOSET and _SET
HMISymbol Features” on page 430.
IO_Real_NOSET_ALM_Edge Displays a label and text field for a
non-settable real value. The text label
indicates the parameter name, or
another useful identifier for the value.
The edge color of the value field will
change color and flash when the
block is in alarm.
In addition to the basic tags in
“Configuration for HMISymbols” on
page 416, you have to configure:
• CB needs to be replaced with the
Compound Block Name on
Remote Tags with just CB in the
tag string. Refer to “_ALM
HMISymbol Features” on
page 431.
• Label - text adjoining the field
Also, refer to “_NOSET and _SET
HMISymbol Features” on page 430.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

F. HMISymbols 429

Tag Value HMISymbol Description

IO_Real_NOSET_ALM_Fill Displays a label and text field for a
non-settable real value. The text label
indicates the parameter name, or
another useful identifier for the value.
The fill color of the Value field will
change color and flash when the
block is in alarm.
In addition to the basic tags in
“Configuration for HMISymbols” on
page 416, you have to configure:
• CB needs to be replaced with the
Compound Block Name on
Remote Tags with just CB in the
tag string. Refer to “_ALM
HMISymbol Features” on
page 431.
• Label - text adjoining the field
Also, refer to “_NOSET and _SET
HMISymbol Features” on page 430.
IO_Real_SET Displays a label and text field for a
settable real value. The text label
indicates the parameter name, or
another useful identifier for the value.
In addition to the basic tags in
“Configuration for HMISymbols” on
page 416, you have to configure:
• Label - text adjoining the field
Also, refer to “_NOSET and _SET
HMISymbol Features” on page 430.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

430 F. HMISymbols

Tag Value HMISymbol Description

IO_Real_SET_ALM_Edge Displays a label and text field for a
settable real value. The text label
indicates the parameter name, or
another useful identifier for the value.
The edge color of the value field will
change color and flash when the
block is in alarm.
In addition to the basic tags in
“Configuration for HMISymbols” on
page 416, you have to configure as
listed here:
• CB needs to be replaced with the
Compound Block Name on
Remote Tags with just CB in the
tag string. Refer to “_ALM
HMISymbol Features” on
page 431.
• Label - text adjoining the field
Also, refer to “_NOSET and _SET
HMISymbol Features” on page 430.
IO_Real_SET_ALM_Fill Displays a label and text field for a
settable real value. The text label
indicates the parameter name, or
another useful identifier for the value.
The fill color of the Value field will
change color and flash when the
block is in alarm.
In addition to the basic tags in
“Configuration for HMISymbols” on
page 416, you must configure the
• CB needs to be replaced with the
Compound Block Name on
Remote Tags with just CB in the
tag string. Refer to “_ALM
HMISymbol Features” on
page 431.
• Label - text adjoining the field
Also, refer to “_NOSET and _SET
HMISymbol Features” on page 430.

_NOSET and _SET HMISymbol Features

HMISymbols with “*_SET” in their name include a settable text or numeric
field, which displays the tag value. You can directly enter a new value in this
field for these HIMSymbols.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

F. HMISymbols 431

HMISymbols with “*_NOSET” are identical to their “*_SET” counterparts,

with the exception that the value field cannot be edited.
HMISymbols with “*_SET” and “*_NOSET” include the features as follows:
• Their fill color indicates Quality Status when the status is not normal.
• The right-most indicator in the value field also indicates Quality Status.
See Figure F-9.
• A settable label field is provided for easy identification.

Each “*_SET” and “*_NOSET” HMISymbol has unique features, as well. For
example, the IO_Dsc_SET HMISymbol includes:
• Configurable text or numeric display of the tag value.
You may assign one of these tags to this field:
• ZHMI-Const-DscStyle-Text
• ZHMI-Const-DscStyle-Value
• Configurable True and False text messages.
You may set messages for both of the following states:
• ZHMI-Const-Msg-ON
• ZHMI-Const-Msg-OFF
• The fill color shows the tag value when data quality is normal, such as:
• ON - White
• OFF - Grey
To configure the “_NOSET” and “_SET” HMISymbols, confirm that you
perform these, as listed here, in the HMISymbol’s script:
• For Foxboro Evo data I/O points, substitute the “CBP” tag string with the
Compound.Block.Parameter of the value to be displayed.
• For ArchestrA AppObject data, substitute “IADAS.CBP” tag strings with
the AppObject.Attribute of the value to be displayed.
• Change the Status Flag Tag to the Qd-WindowName tag.
• (Discrete only) Set the numeric or text display.
• (Discrete only) If you set the display for text, set the text messages
• Replace the ID {Label}.

_ALM HMISymbol Features

HMISymbols with the “real” data type and include “_ALM_Fil” or
“_ALM_Edge” in their names are designed specifically for Foxboro Evo data
points. These symbols also include alarm status of the connected
Compound.Block. Depending on which one is selected, either the Fill or Edge
Color of the Text field will show the status.
• Substitute the “CBP” tag string with the Compound.Block.Parameter of
the value to be displayed.

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432 F. HMISymbols

• Substitute the “CB” tag string with the Compound.Block of the value to be
• Change the Status Flag tag to the Qd-WindowName tag.
• Replace the ID {Label}.

Tag Selection HMISymbols

Tag Selection HMISymbols are used to connect the assigned tag to the HMI’s
“select-and-assign” features. When one of these HMISymbol is selected, its
assigned tag is copied to the Tag Bar. From there, the tag can be used to open a
Faceplate window, get a source tag name, or assign it to the Watch Panel.
The Tag Selection HMISymbols are identical except for their DATATYPE.
Figure F-10 displays the list of Tag Selection HMISymbols available in

Figure F-10. Tag Selection HMISymbols

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

F. HMISymbols 433

The Tag Value HMISymbols that are available is given here:

Tag Value HMISymbol Description

Dsc_IO_Select Displays the source for a discrete
value in the Tag Bar
Int_IO_Select Displays the source for an integer
value in the Tag Bar.
Real_IO_Select Displays the source for a real value in
the Tag Bar.

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434 F. HMISymbols

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R




This appendix discusses some common known issue detections and their

• SmartSymbol Manager
• Modifying Font Size in WindowViewer
• First-Time Use of Historian Trend Controls is Taking a Long Time

SmartSymbol Manager
Sometimes the SmartSymbol Manager may not display any symbol or the
window may not display one of its three views. Run the FixSymbolBrowser
batch file to reset the SmartSymbol Manager Window settings.
To reset the SmartSymbol Manager settings:
1. Close WindowViewer and WindowMaker.
2. Open Windows Explorer.
3. Browse to C:\Program Files\Invensys\InFusion\View\Tools.
4. Double-click FixSymbolBrowser.bat.
5. Restart WindowMaker.

Modifying Font Size in WindowViewer

You may have to modify the font size displayed in the WindowViewer. The
desktop smoothing effects will affect the size and appearance of window text.
Use the Standard Smoothing Effect on all workstations, servers and remote
stations. The Cleartype Smoothing Effect smoothes the edges of fonts using
anti-aliasing. In the InTouch application, you can use the font with a smaller
font size than the original.
For details on how to set Desktop Font Smoothing effects to Standard, refer to
“Adding Text Objects” on page 26.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

436 G. Troubleshooting

Fixing ClearType Font Size Change Issue

You need to recompile the windows with standard font smoothing to restore
the font sizes that appear in the windows.
To restore the font size, proceed as follows:
1. Confirm that the Desktop Font Smoothing effects are set to Standard.

Note For details on how to set Desktop Font Smoothing effects to

Standard, refer to “Adding Text Objects” on page 26.

2. Force windows to recompile using one of these options:

• If only a few windows have font issues detected, proceed as follows:
a. Close WindowViewer.
b. Open the window in WindowMaker.
c. Right-click the window and open Window Properties.
The Window Properties dialog box appears.
d. Close the Window Properties dialog box.
e. Right-click the window and save it.
f. Open WindowViewer when all windows are saved.

• To recompile all windows, proceed as follows:

a. Close WindowMaker and WindowViewer applications.
b. Open Windows Explorer and browse to the Control HMI folder.
Typically, the path is D:\InFusion-View.
c. Search the application folder for files with the extension .wvw. You
can use wildcard characters such as asterisk. For example, *.wvw
limits search results to only those files that have an extension .wvw.
d. Select all files with .wvw wxtension and delete them.
e. Restart the WindowViewer application to compile windows.
The WindowViewer application restarts and recompiles all windows.

Note Recompiling all windows may take 10-20 minutes. The SMC
logger may also display AlarmViewerControl system messages. These
messages are normal. The reported missing values are applied from
Framer settings at run time.

Note If a text field has the font size detected issue and you have saved the
window in WindowMaker with this detected issue, you can resolve this only by
manually selecting and resizing the font in WindowMaker.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

G. Troubleshooting 437

Fonts Change Size When Deployed to NAD Client

When using text objects, be careful of which font types are used. Some font
types may not be available on all workstations. If you install any third-party
application on a workstation, it may install fonts that may or may not be
available on other workstations. Text objects created with fonts that do not
exist on all workstation will appear with the workstation’s default system font

First-Time Use of Historian Trend

Controls is Taking a Long Time
The first-time use of the Historian Trend ActiveX Control or any window
containing it is taking a long time. WindowMaker is frozen when this control
works for the first time on your workstation.
This is common on workstations in a network with no Internet access. The
ActiveX control cannot validate publisher certificates through the Internet, and
times out.

Solution 1
Disable an Internet Explorer Security Option
This is a global solution that applies to all applications that validate publisher
certificates over the Internet.
To disable the Internet Explorer security option, proceed as follows:
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Click Tools > Internet Options.
The Internet Options dialog box appears.
3. Click the Advanced tab.
4. Scroll down to the Security settings, as shown.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

438 G. Troubleshooting

Figure G-1. Internet Options Dialog Box

5. Uncheck the Check for publisher's certificate revocation check box.

6. Click OK.

Solution 2
Modify WindowViewer Configuration File
This is applicable to specific applications only and need not be used as a global
To modify the WindowViewer configuration file, proceed as follows:
1. Open Windows Explorer and browse to the InTouch installation folder
D:\Program Files\Wonderware\InTouch.
2. Open the wm.exe.config file in Notepad.
The content of the file appears as follows:
<requiredRuntime version="v2.0.50727" safemode="true"/>

3. Add this line to the <runtime> section:

<generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>
4. Add the <runtime> section if it does not exist.
<generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>
5. Save the modified wm.exe.config file.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

G. Troubleshooting 439

The content of the modified file appears as follows:

<requiredRuntime version="v2.0.50727" safemode="true"/>
<generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

440 G. Troubleshooting

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R



InFusion View v2.x or Earlier

to FCS InTouch Application
v3.0 Migration Changes

This appendix discusses the migration changes which has to be taken into
consideration when migrating InFusion View 2.x or earlier to FCS InTouch
Application v3.0 or later.

• Window Migration with Control Edition Smart Symbols
• Recovering InFusion View v2.x or Earlier Symbols
• Migration for InFusion View 2.x or Earlier Group Displays to FCS
InTouch Application v3.0
• Window Script

Window Migration with Control Edition Smart

You can import InFusion View 2.x or earlier windows using the standard
migration process. All instances of Control Edition Smart Symbols
automatically migrate to the new symbols with the exception of four settable
Integer and Real symbols.
• Integer
• Real
• Real_Alarm
• Real_AlmPri
These four symbols will migrate to a current version which can be configured
to limit user input values. The default range value is unlimited to match the
legacy functionality. The tags used for User Input minimum and maximum
range need to be changed to enable limited ranges.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

442 H. InFusion View v2.x or Earlier to FCS InTouch Application v3.0 Migration

To set the user input range, proceed as follows:

1. Double-click a SmartSymbol to open the SmartSymbol Properties
dialog box.
2. Replace ZHMI-Const-Max-Int (Integer) or ZHMI-Const-Max-Real (Real)
with the desired tag or remote Compound.Block High Scale parameter
3. Replace ZHMI-Const-Min-Int (Integer) or ZHMI-Const-Min-Real (Real)
with the desired tag or remote Compound.Block Low Scale parameter
4. Close the SmartSymbol Properties dialog box to save changes.

Note It is not necessary to reconfigure HMI Control Edition symbols on

windows migrated from legacy applications. These symbols can be updated
when there is time and opportunity. The User Inputs continue to function as
they did in the legacy system.

Recovering InFusion View v2.x or Earlier

It is recommended to use the FCS InTouch Application v3.0 or later settable
Control Edition SmartSymbols when building or updating windows. Users
may have requirements to use the original InFusion View v2.x or earlier
symbols. These previous InFusion View symbols are not visible to the user.
Users can regain access to the previous InFusion View symbols by adding the
hidden legacy symbol folder.
To activate the InFusion View 2.x or earlier symbols in FCS InTouch
Application 3.0 or later, proceed as follows:
1. Open the SmartSymbol Manager dialog box. Click Special >
SmartSymbols > Manage SmartSymbols.
2. Right-click ArchestrA Symbols and click Add Folder.
3. Rename the new folder to Legacy.
4. Select the ArchestrA Symbols Folder and re-select the Legacy folder to
see the legacy symbols within it.

Migration for InFusion View 2.x or Earlier Group

Displays to FCS InTouch Application v3.0
InFusion View 2.x group display windows migrated to FCS InTouch
Application 3.0 or later will retain their original faceplate symbols and
functionality. Migration is a manual process and is not mandatory.
This section needs to be carefully read to understand all functional and
configuration changes made to group display faceplates prior to beginning the
legacy faceplate migrating process.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

H. InFusion View v2.x or Earlier to FCS InTouch Application v3.0 Migration Changes

• Functionality Changes
• Migration for InFusion View 2.x or Earlier Group Display Windows to
FCS InTouch Application v3.0
• Recovering InFusion View v2.x or Earlier Symbols
• Replacing InFusion View v2.x or Earlier Symbols

Functionality Changes
When migrating InFusion View 2.x or earlier to FCS InTouch Application v3.0
or later, be aware that the redesigned Faceplate SmartSymbols in FCS InTouch
Application v3.0 or later have introduced new functionality and some changes
to existing functionality.

Note Functionality changes only apply to windows built with the new
Faceplate SmartSymbols, not the migrated group display windows.

• Single Field Selection

LEGACY FACEPLATE: You can select a run time value field on all group
display faceplates in the window. Each faceplate will show its own set of
action buttons for the selected field.
CHANGE: Selecting a run time value field on any group display faceplate
deselects previous selections made on other faceplates. The action buttons
appear on the faceplate that was selected last. This functionality change
does not affect legacy faceplate symbol selections.
• Header Bottom Label Scrolling
LEGACY FACEPLATE: You can click on the bottom label in the header
area of the faceplate to rotate this header label through a set of block
description values. These values include LOOPID, DESCRP, CMP, BLK,
and CMP.BLK. Clicking on one faceplate header does not affect other
faceplate headers.
CHANGE: Clicking on the bottom label of the header changes the text
that appears on all group display faceplate headers.

Note The FCS v3.0 or later functionality is the default behavior that you
can override. For more information, refer to “Faceplate SmartSymbol
Properties” on page 56.

• Group Display Faceplate Trends

LEGACY FACEPLATE: Clicking on the group display faceplate trend
button opens an empty trend window in a specific location. This location
is not determined by the physical location of the faceplate in the window.
The configured position (1-12) determines where the faceplate opens.
CHANGE: Clicking on the group display faceplate trend button opens a
configured trend window on top of the selected faceplate. The name of the
compound block is also displayed in the title bar of the trend window.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

444 H. InFusion View v2.x or Earlier to FCS InTouch Application v3.0 Migration

Note Moving and restoring the location of a faceplate trend will not
return the trend to the faceplate where it initially opened. The trend is
returned to one of the 12 predefined faceplate locations. The location is
determined by the order in which the faceplate was opened. The trend title
bar includes the name of the compound block for identifying which
faceplate opened it.

• Managing 12 Faceplate Limitation

LEGACY FACEPLATE: The legacy runtime application shows only 12
group display faceplates at a time. This is a detected issue when a system
has more than one monitor and shows multiple windows at the same time.
Opening a window that uses the same faceplate location as another
window, which is currently open, will cause the open window to close.
Display builders needed to carefully configure windows so that multiple
group display windows could be viewed at the same time.
CHANGE: There is no longer a 12 faceplate limit. Multi monitor systems
now show multiple windows built with the new faceplate symbols.

Note Showing a legacy group display window, with faceplate position

conflicts, will continue to close all conflicting windows. This functionality
will remain until the window is manually migrated. Windows with legacy
group display faceplates will not conflict and close any window that is
built with the new faceplate symbols.

Migration for InFusion View 2.x or Earlier Group

Display Windows to FCS InTouch Application
Users will import InFusion View 2.x or earlier windows using the normal
migration process. FCS InTouch Application v3.0 or later has no automatic
process for migrating legacy faceplate symbols to the newer symbols. This is a
manual process and was decided to not force users to migrate their windows.
Legacy group display faceplates are not migrated as Smart Symbols. The
faceplate object retains all legacy symbol functionality and can be converted
back into a Smart Symbol if desired. Refer to “Recovering InFusion View v2.x
or Earlier Symbols” on page 445.

Note It is important that the links to the InFusion View v2.x or earlier
faceplate symbols have been broken. This allows the FCS InTouch Application
v3.0 or later faceplate symbols to be used without losing any functionality of
InFusion View v2.x or earlier faceplate symbol currently being used in

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

H. InFusion View v2.x or Earlier to FCS InTouch Application v3.0 Migration Changes

Recovering InFusion View v2.x or Earlier

It is best to replace InFusion View v2.x or earlier symbols with FCS InTouch
Application v3.0 or later faceplate versions. It is not mandatory to replace
these InFusion View v2.x or earlier symbols. All windows built with InFusion
View v2.x or earlier symbols continue to function normally. It is also not
mandatory to replace all InFusion View v2.x or earlier symbols at the same
time. You can combine the symbols for FCS InTouch Application v3.0 or later
and InFusion View v2.x or earlier symbols on the same window or in separate
windows appearing at the same time. Refer to “Replacing InFusion View v2.x
or Earlier Symbols” on page 446. Review the current User and Release notes
to determine which faceplate block types include fixes for reported issue
detections. These faceplates needs to be replaced.
There have been changes to the standard migration process used in past
releases. When migrating InFusion View v2.x or earlier faceplate symbols into
FCS InTouch Application v3.0 or later, the links to the InFusion View v2.x or
earlier faceplate symbols are broken. This break allows the InFusion View v2.x
or earlier faceplates to function without forcing you to perform a manual
upgrade of all symbols. (This does not apply to symbols created in the FCS
InTouch Application v3.0 or later.)
If it is necessary to make modifications to the legacy symbol configuration, it
is possible to recover the original symbol.
To recover an InFusion View v2.x or earlier symbol, proceed as follows:
1. Double-click the faceplate object.
The Recover Symbol dialog box appears (Figure H-1).

Figure H-1. Recover Symbol Dialog Box

2. Click OK.
The Symbol Manager dialog box appears (Figure H-2).

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

446 H. InFusion View v2.x or Earlier to FCS InTouch Application v3.0 Migration

Figure H-2. InTouch SmartSymbol - Management Mode

3. Rename the symbol as follows:

a. Create a custom folder to store legacy symbols.

Note Do not use the legacy symbol name as it may conflict with the new
symbol names.

b. Right-click on ArchestrA Symbols in the left side tree view.

c. Select New Folder.
d. Rename the folder.
e. Drag and drop all restored legacy symbols to this folder.
f. Click Close.
4. Double-click the symbol to open the Symbol Properties dialog box
(Figure 3-16).

Replacing InFusion View v2.x or Earlier Symbols

Replacing InFusion View v2.x or earlier faceplate symbols (instead of
importing them) is a time consuming manual process. Therefore, InFusion
View v2.x or earlier faceplates continue to function when imported without
performing any manual upgrade steps. Windows will function with mixtures of
both InFusion View v2.x or earlier and current faceplate symbols. This allows
the migration process to occur in stages as time and opportunity allows.
To replace InFusion View v2.x or earlier faceplates, proceed to the sections as
1. Recognizing and Recording InFusion View v2.x or Earlier Faceplate
2. Replacing the Faceplate Object.
3. Updating the OnShow Script.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

H. InFusion View v2.x or Earlier to FCS InTouch Application v3.0 Migration Changes

Recognizing and Recording InFusion View v2.x

or Earlier Faceplate Information
You need to replace all InFusion View v2.x or earlier faceplates on a window.
When replacing InFusion View v2.x or earlier symbols, confirm that you
replace the faceplate object with the correct faceplate symbol and configure it
to the correct compound block.
Collect these faceplate information:
• Identify Legacy Faceplate Symbols
• Assigned Compound and Block
• Faceplate Position
• Block Type
The different methods to collect the required data are:
Start WindowViewer and open the window to be updated. The faceplate
objects display the name of the configured compound block and the block type.
All faceplate symbols have a block type indicator in the header, located
towards the right. An '*' will appear next to the block type if the symbol is not
up-to-date and needs to be replaced with the current FCS InTouch Application
faceplate version.
Legacy PIDX*
Latest PIDX
If CMP.BLK and type are known, proceed to “Replacing the Faceplate Object”
on page 449.
From WindowViewer:
• Select the top label of the faceplate (Figure H-3).
The CMP.BLK is copied to the menu tag bar.

Note You can copy this value and paste it in the Replace dialog box when
you configure the new faceplate symbol.

Alternatively, click the bottom label of the faceplate (Figure H-3) to

browse through the block information until CMP.BLK appears.

Block Type
Top Label
Bottom Label

Figure H-3. Faceplate Header

If you cannot start WindowViewer, you can also collect information from the
window using WindowMaker. You need to know which faceplate is in which
faceplate position. You can collect the compound and the block name from the
windows OnShow script. The OnShow script contains configured compound
block names of twelve faceplate positions.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

448 H. InFusion View v2.x or Earlier to FCS InTouch Application v3.0 Migration

From WindowMaker:
1. Right-click on a window name on the left side of the windows list.
2. Click Window Script on the menu to open the Window Script dialog box.


{USER} AddToMRU = 1;
{USER} UpdateNav = 0;
{USER} CB1 = "MY.PID1";
{USER} CB2 = "MY.PID2";
{USER} CB3 = "MY.PIDA1";
{USER} CB4 = "MY.PIDA2";
{USER} CB5 = "MY.PIDX1";
{USER} CB6 = "MY.PIDX2";
{USER} CB7 = "MY.PIDE1";
{USER} CB8 = "MY.PIDE2";
{USER} CB10 = "MY.PIDXE1";

From On Show Compound Block Assignments:

1. Record the information from all 12 locations.

Tip Select all and copy/paste into Notepad. You can use Notepad to
copy/paste the correct CMP.BLK values in the Replace dialog box while
configuring the new faceplate.

2. Click Cancel (right side) to close the dialog box without saving.
The window’s OnShow script does not identify which faceplate symbol is
assigned to CB1 through CB12. This information can only be collected by
examining the configured tags on each symbol.
From WindowMaker:
1. Select the faceplate cell to be replaced.
2. Press Ctrl-E or click Substitute Tag on the Special menu to open the Tag
Replacement dialog box.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

H. InFusion View v2.x or Earlier to FCS InTouch Application v3.0 Migration Changes

Figure H-4. Substitute Tag Dialog Box

3. The tag reference "GRP7_CB", indicates that this is Faceplate position 7.

4. Compare this to the OnShow script information
{USER} CB7 = "MY.PIDE1";
Faceplate 7 is configured to MY.PIDE1.

Replacing the Faceplate Object

To replace a faceplate object, delete it and add a new faceplate SmartSymbol.
Follow the same instructions as building a new window. For detailed
information on building a new window, refer to “Configuring Faceplate
Symbols” on page 54.
The steps that provide an example procedure for replacing the InFusion View
v2.x or earlier faceplate used in Figure H-4 are:
1. Select and delete the legacy faceplate object.
2. Add a new SmartSymbol to the window.
3. Select the PID Faceplate SmartSymbol.
4. Click Replace.
5. Replace GRP1_CB with MY.PIDE1.
6. Click Replace All.
7. Exit to finish.

Note Repeat these steps to replace each of the window’s legacy faceplate
symbols. Proceed to “Updating the OnShow Script” on page 449 after the
symbols have been replaced.

Updating the OnShow Script

Modify the OnShow script only after you have updated all the legacy faceplate
objects with the latest faceplate SmartSymbol. You need to delete the CB
assignments and group location scripts.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

450 H. InFusion View v2.x or Earlier to FCS InTouch Application v3.0 Migration

From WindowMaker:
1. Right-click a window name on the Windows list.
2. Click Window Script on the menu to open the Window Script dialog
{============ USER DEFINED SETTINGS ==============}
{USER} AddToMRU = 1;
{USER} UpdateNav = 0;
{USER} CB1 = "MY.PID1";
{USER} CB2 = "MY.PID2";
{USER} CB3 = "MY.PIDA1";
{USER} CB4 = "MY.PIDA2";
{USER} CB5 = "MY.PIDX1";
{USER} CB6 = "MY.PIDX2";
{USER} CB7 = "MY.PIDE1";
{USER} CB8 = "MY.PIDE2";
{USER} CB10 = "MY.PIDXE1";
{======== END User Edits===========================}
{ ----- Connect IO to DAS}
CALL ZWindowScriptEx( "OnShowAt", WindowName, AddToMRU,
{ ----- For each faceplate location, check to see if a
window is currently opened that contains a faceplate in the
same location. If so, close that window before setting up
the tags for the new configuration information.}
CALL ZGroupLocation ("OnShow", WindowName, 1, CB1, ZHMI-
CALL ZGroupLocation ("OnShow", WindowName, 2, CB2, ZHMI-
CALL ZGroupLocation ("OnShow", WindowName, 3, CB3, ZHMI-
CALL ZGroupLocation ("OnShow", WindowName, 4, CB4, ZHMI-
CALL ZGroupLocation ("OnShow", WindowName, 5, CB5, ZHMI-
CALL ZGroupLocation ("OnShow", WindowName, 6, CB6, ZHMI-
CALL ZGroupLocation ("OnShow", WindowName, 7, CB7, ZHMI-
CALL ZGroupLocation ("OnShow", WindowName, 8, CB8, ZHMI-
CALL ZGroupLocation ("OnShow", WindowName, 9, CB9, ZHMI-
CALL ZGroupLocation ("OnShow", WindowName, 10, CB10, ZHMI-
CALL ZGroupLocation ("OnShow", WindowName, 11, CB11, ZHMI-
CALL ZGroupLocation ("OnShow", WindowName, 12, CB12, ZHMI-
{====== Enter Custom Scripts Below=================}
3. Delete All {User} CB Assignments
The faceplates are now directly configured to the compound block. These
assignments are no longer required.
4. Delete All CALL ZGroupLocation calls
The ZGroupLocation Script is no longer required for this window. It is
used to verify that only 12 legacy faceplate objects are shown at any given
time. The FCS InTouch Application faceplate symbols do not have this

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

H. InFusion View v2.x or Earlier to FCS InTouch Application v3.0 Migration Changes

restriction. You can remove these scripts to help improve performance.

The script needs to appear now as follows:
{========== USER DEFINED SETTINGS ============}
{USER} AddToMRU = 1;
{USER} UpdateNav = 0;
{----- Connect IO to DAS}
CALL ZWindowScriptEx("OnShowAt", WindowName, AddToMRU, UpdateNav);
{====== Enter Custom Scripts Below ===========}

5. Replace ‘CALL ZWindowScriptEx’ with ‘CALL ZWindowScript30’.

The ZWindowScriptEx function makes a call to IOSetRemoteReferences
to connect to I/A Data points and starts quality data delay timers. These
functions are not needed. The FCS InTouch Application version of this
function maintains the MRU list and Navigation Panels. The modified
section of the script need to appear now as follows:
{============ USER DEFINED SETTINGS ==============}
{USER} AddToMRU = 1;
{USER} UpdateNav = 0;
{----- Connect IO to DAS}
CALL ZWindowScript30("OnShowAt", WindowName, AddToMRU,
{====== Enter Custom Scripts Below=================}
6. Close the Window Script dialog box and save the window.

Note Migrated windows continue to have the legacy functionality and

restrictions unless the OnShow script and all faceplate symbols have been

Window Script
Window Scripting has been modified starting in the FCS InTouch Application
v3.0, differing from its previous functionality. Existing windows do not need to
be re-configured, as the previous scripting mechanism will continue to work.
Windows created in FCS InTouch Application v3.0 or later can use the
scripting mechanism described in this book, or can continue to use the
InFusion View v2.x or earlier windows scripting. For instructions for using the
InFusion View v2.x or earlier scripting mechanism (accessible through the
Global Customer Support Web site (https://pasupport.schneider-electric.com),
refer to Revision B of this book (B0750AS).
FCS InTouch Application window templates are shipped with updated window
scripts. To continue creating FCS InTouch Application windows using the
InFusion View v2.x or earlier-style window scripts, import the template
windows from your InFusion View v2.x or earlier application.

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

452 H. InFusion View v2.x or Earlier to FCS InTouch Application v3.0 Migration

Window Construction User’s Guide – B0750AS Rev R

Symbols prebuilt Control Edition SmartSymbols 24
"Z" QuickFunctions 409 fixed field width
configure 29
A Foxboro Evo Control HMI
add Managed 1
text objects 26 Standalone 1
Control Edition SmartSymbols 32 G
HMISymbols 417 generic tag referencing 38
standard graphic elements 26
Advanced Format options 27 H
analog value advanced format options 30 Historian Trend ActiveX Control
Auto Decimal Precision 30 troubleshooting 437
HMI QuickFunctions 393
B HMISymbols
bad data quality indication 28 configuration 416
basic window features 430
create 21
C independent mode 65, 99
Check for publisher's certificate revocation 438 Internet Explorer security option
configure disable 437
fixed field width 29 InTouch tag extensions 41
Control Edition SmartSymbols 11, 388 InTouch tags 15
configuration 387
Control HMI 2 M
ArchestrA Graphics 117 mapping
full restore 104 block to SmartSymbol 383
merging 109 Mode Indicators 199
partial restore 104 modify
Situational Awareness Graphics Library 197 WindowViewer configuration file 438
creating a basic window 21 modifying SmartSymbols 14
MRU list 21
D multi-language support 116
data extensions 40 Multiple Monitor Layouts 98
Detail Displays 100
Compiling 103 P
Enabling 102 Pick-And-Assign 415, 422
Importing 100 prebuilt Control Edition SmartSymbols
development on multiple engineering features 24
workstations 99 prebuilt InTouch tags 15
disable prebuilt windows 8
Internet Explorer security option 437 faceplate windows 8
Framework windows 8
F templates 8
Faceplate ECBs 11 preferred tag referencing 38
Faceplates 100

B0750AS – Rev J Index

QuickFunctions 14

Revision information xv

Scripts 59
SmartSymbol Manager 435
SmartSymbols 11
Faceplate SmartSymbols 11
modify 14
specific tag referencing 38

Tag Selection HMISymbols 432
Tag Value HMISymbols 425
templates 8
text objects
add 26
troubleshooting 435
Historian Trend ActiveX Control 437

User Input Analog Animations 32
user-built windows 7

modify font size 435
WindowViewer configuration file
modify 438

Z_Templates 8

Index B0750AS – Rev J

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Foxborough, MA 02035-2037
United States of America

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