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National Programme for Capacity Building of Architects for Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBAERM)
1.2 In the last decade India has experienced several destructive earthquakes, which resulted in the
death of large number of people and caused huge losses to property including the Lattur
earthquake of 1993 and the Bhuj earthquake of 2001, which caused extensive damage to lives and
property. In the span of last 15 years, India has experienced six earthquakes of moderate
magnitude. Although moderate, these earthquakes did cause disproportionately high degree of
losses to human life and property, which highlights the vulnerability of the population and
infrastructure to earthquakes. These earthquakes that turned into national disasters exposed the
gross inadequacy of our preparedness measures and the urgent need for putting in place
comprehensive earthquake risk management measures.
2. Initiatives taken by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) for disaster risk reduction:
2.1 Over the past couple of years, the Government of India has brought about a paradigm shift in
the approach to disaster management. The new approach proceeds from the conviction that
development cannot be sustainable unless disaster mitigation is built into the development
process. Another corner stone of the approach is that mitigation has to be multi-disciplinary
spanning across all sectors of development. The new policy also emanates from the belief that
investments in mitigation are much more cost effective than expenditure on relief and rehabilitation.
2.2 The steps being taken by the Government emanate from the approach outlined above. The
approach has been translated into a National Disaster Framework [a roadmap] covering
institutional mechanisms, disaster prevention strategy, early warning system, disaster mitigation,
preparedness and response and human resource development. The expected outputs, areas of
intervention and agencies to be involved at the National, State and district levels have been
identified and listed in the roadmap.
National Programme for Capacity Building of Architects for Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBAERM)
(a) (a) Review and, if necessary, amend building byelaws to incorporate the BIS seismic codes for
construction in the concerned zone. Similarly, it should be ensured that the plans/designs of the
Government construction departments are in accordance with the BIS codes for these zones.
(b) In the municipal areas, make it mandatory for the builders/buyers to submit building plans
prepared by an architect and certified by a structural engineer to get building construction
permission and make the architect and structural engineers who have prepared the building plan
and structural design accountable for adherence to the BIS codes/building bye-laws.
(c) Evaluate the seismic safety of the existing life-line buildings such as hospitals, water supply
towers, fire stations, schools with a capacity of 1000 or more students, main administrative
buildings transportation and communication infrastructure etc. and take effective steps for
(d) Lay down mandates for private builders/developers to carry out retrofitting of all private
hospitals, cinema halls, shopping malls and multi-storied residential and office complexes.
(e) Carry out awareness generation campaigns through mass media, rallies, meetings, audio-visual
shows, distribution of pamphlets, posters covering various aspects of earthquakes, their effects,
Dos and Donts to create awareness among the people about vulnerability to earthquakes.
3.2 Recently the Government has approved a National Programme for Capacity building of Engineers
for earthquake Risk Management. Under the project, 2-5 State Resource Institutes (leading
engineering colleges) in each State/UT will be identified to assist the urban local bodies in the
review and revision of the byelaws to incorporate the BIS codes and also train the municipal
engineers in Earthquake resistant constructions and retrofitting techniques. . These institutions
will conduct training programmes for engineers in the State PWD as well as Engineers working
in the private sector in seismically safe construction, as also provide consultancies/advise to the
State on retrofitting of lifeline buildings. In order to equip the identified State Resource
Institutions/Partner Institutions to discharge their roles, faculty members from the Civil
Engineering Departments of these institutions will be trained in a 6-week capsule course in
earthquake engineering in 11 identified National Resource Institutions.
3.3 A National Core Group for Earthquake Mitigation has been constituted to review and validate
the plans for earthquake mitigation; provide advice to States and other State agencies on various
mitigation aspects and review the progress of action plans. At present the Core Group is working
on the following issues;
● Review and revision of building byelaws of all the States/UTs in order to incorporate
relevant BIS codes for seismically safe construction.
● Drawing up training programme for municipal engineers and architects for ensuring
implementation of byelaws.
● Drafting of model-building bye-laws (for Seismic zones III, IV, and V) covering all the
major features of the BIS codes and non-structural aspects for earthquake safety.
● Preparation of model amendments for State Town and Country Planning Act as well as
zoning regulations
3.4. Government of India are of the view however, that training of Engineers will not be sufficient
to by itself, as Architects have a major role to play in construction. It will be necessary, therefore,
that Architects are trained in aspects of seismically safe construction.
4.2 Issues in seismic safety of construction: For ensuring adequate earthquake resistance features in
construction three steps need to be followed. First, there must be appropriate codes and byelaws
to guide architects, and engineering designers. Secondly, the provisions of the codes need to
translate to seismically safe designs and techno-legal regimes are to be put in place for
enforcement of these codes and byelaws. Thirdly, there must be some means of inspection to
ensure that the constructions actually follow the prescribed designs and specifications.
4.3 Importance of architects in ensuring seismic safety in construction: While structural safety is the main
focus of Engineers, the structural configurations chosen by Architects control the overall behaviour
of structures during earthquakes. Ensuring structural and operational safety of the buildings
would require adequate attention to not only the structural design, but also the form and
configuration of the building for lateral loads. According to the great earthquake engineer Late
Henry Degenkolb,- If we have a poor configuration to start with, all the structural expert can
do is to provide a band-aid to improve a poor solution as best as s/he can. Conversely if we
start off with a good configuration and framing system, even a poor engineer cannot harm its
National Programme for Capacity Building of Architects for Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBAERM)
ultimate performance too much. In this context the role of the architects is crucial in the entire
cycle of building constructionconcept, form and configuration, structural design and detailing,
construction and provision of services and non-structural elements.
4.4 In the urban areas, aspiring house-builders usually take the help of architects. The architect
prepares a building plan to suit the site, requirements and budget of the client. The next step
would involve preparation and submission of drawings as per the statutory requirements of the
local urban authority. The architect then prepares working drawings (including detailed structural
designs and drawings by the architects appointed structural engineer) specifications and prepare
estimate of cost and tender documents. The responsibility of the structural engineer/representative
is to ensure that the construction of the building (that is actually executed by various building
contractors (masonry, carpentry, electrical, plumbing etc)) is as per the specifications. Usually a
construction manager/site supervisor who works under the guidance and direction of the
Architect carries out the day-to-day supervision. And finally the Architect submits completion
reports and drawings and assists the client in obtaining the completion/ occupancy certificate
after due inspections by the statutory authority. Thus the architectural aspects of the earthquake
performance of buildings are those features that are decided by the architect, before the engineer
makes his contribution. The overall form and configuration of buildings is an architectural issue
and the architect may select or design non-structural elements without reference to the engineer.
4.5 Thus it can be seen that in most parts of our country, in general, the Architect leads a team of
professionals in the creation of a structure. Most decisions related to functional as well as
structural aspects are taken by the Architect her/himself. Thus, even though the responsibility
of ensuring safety is of the structural engineer, it is the Architect who certifies the structural
stability of the building to the concerned authorities. So it is crucial that the architects be aware
of the building behaviour in earthquakes and of the forces that act on various parts of a building
during an earthquake.
4.6 Present Constraints: Knowledge about Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction in the form
of Codes of Practice and Guidelines is available in the country. The Bureau of Indian Standards
(BIS) has laid down the national standards for construction in seismically vulnerable areas.
However in many States/Cities, these codes have not yet been made a part of the building
byelaws. In many States, building byelaws are non-existent, and even in states where the byelaws
incorporate these codes, due to lack of awareness, education and poor enforcement, these codes
are not being followed. As a result seismically unsafe constructions are still coming up thus
increasing our urban vulnerabilities thus increasing our urban vulnerabilities at an alarming rate.
One of the most important factors contributing to this situation is the lack of education and
training of architects in earthquake engineering principles and designs. In most of the architectural
institutions, seismic design is not taught at the undergraduate level as a compulsory subject.
Rarely a course on earthquake design is taught at the undergraduate level even as an elective.
Although action is being taken for the revision in the curriculum to include seismic design in the
undergraduate curriculum for architects, the large numbers of practicing architects currently
practicing in the country need to be trained in principle of seismically safe construction.
National Programme for Capacity Building of Architects for Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBAERM)
4.7 Need for the project: The government is now emphasizing the inclusion of earthquake engineering
elements in the undergraduate engineering and architectural courses. However, this will only
address the new entrants to the college of architecture. Training of currently practising architects
in seismically safe design and construction is necessary, since seismically safe construction can
be ensured by both engineers and architects working together.
4.8 Practising architects need to be trained to ensure that all new constructions are earthquake-
resistant to keep from increasing the vulnerability and thus the risk associated with the built
environment. Such training would interalia, educate the architects on the architectural aspects
that determine the earthquake resistance of buildings and also the problems and nature of
earthquake effect on buildings, earthquake resistant designs and construction of buildings, as
also in the vulnerability assessment of existing buildings and retrofitting etc. Ultimately, there is
a need to move towards a certification system whereby architects can practise only after they
have undergone a course in seismically safe construction. Necessary arrangements for this
purpose are required to be made.
4.9 Any programme for earthquake mitigation will have to take care of these aspects and it is
envisaged that improvement in architectural designs; changes of configuration and methods
employed in construction, would go a long way towards effectively reducing our vulnerability
to earthquakes.
5. Goal:
1.1 The overall goal of the programme is sustainable earthquake risk reduction in the country.
6. Coverage:
6.1 All the States and Union Territories of the country of the country will be covered under the
7. Time duration:
7.1 The duration of the project will be of three years - from June 2004 to May 2007.
(ii) Capacity building of the Colleges of Architecture at the National and State levels for
ensuring effective training of practicing architects in earthquake safety.
(iii) Development of Resource Materials/ training modules for sensitization/ training of architects
(iv) Putting in place a system of training and subsequently of certification for practicing
National Programme for Capacity Building of Architects for Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBAERM)
9.2 Council of Architecture (COA): The Council of Architecture (COA) has been constituted by the
Government of India under the provisions of the Architects Act, 1972. The Act provides for
registration of Architects, standards of education, recognized qualifications and standards of
practice to be complied with by the practicing architects. The Council of Architecture is charged
with the responsibility to regulate the education and practice of profession throughout India
besides maintaining the register of architects. For this purpose, the Government of India has
framed Rules and Council of Architecture has framed Regulations as provided for in the
Architects Act, with the approval of Government of India. Any person desirous of carrying on
the profession of Architect must register himself /herself with Council of Architecture. For the
purpose of registration, one must possess the requisite qualification as appended to the Architects
Act, after having undergone the education in accordance with the Council of Architecture
(Minimum Standards of Architectural Education) Regulations, 1983. The registration with Council
of Architecture entitles a person to practice the profession of architecture, provided he holds a
Certificate of Registration with up-to-date renewals. The Council of Architecture, plays a major
role in maintaining the standards and ethical practices of the profession of architecture, and
hence is important. At present there are 33,000 registered architects out of which 26,000 hold
valid registration.
National Programme for Capacity Building of Architects for Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBAERM)
In case of existing practising architects, they will be required to complete the above mentioned
one week module in a staggered system within a time frame of one month and submit the certificate
to CoA. A system will be devised in consultation with CoA to make it mandatory.
1.2 There are 110 Schools of Architects across the country inclusing Schools or Architecture situated
in the campuses where Engineering Courses are also offered. It is proposed that all above 110
Colleges offering courses in architectures will be designated for training practising architects.
1.3 The first step would be to train the faculties of State Resource Institutes in seismically safe
designs. Faculties from these State Resource Institutes will be trained in 10 identified National
Resource Institutes. The list of the National Resource Institutes will be finalized in consultation
with IIA/ CoA and with approval of National Core Group for Earthquake Mitigation.
1.4 For training of architects in the States/UTs, a two-fold approach will be adopted. Two faculty
members from each institute will be trained in a two-week course at the designated National
Resource Institute. The services of these Institutes will then be utilized for training of practicing
architects in States/UTs.
1.5 MHA will provide financial support for sensitization of architects. IIA will take up sensitization
of architects in earthquake resistant feature in different chapters as and when the meeting of
these chapters is held. The Ministry will assist in organizing resource persons for sensitizing the
architects of these chapters, as well as ensure the participation of the State Government in such
training programmes.
(ii) Development and preparation of one-week special training module/materials for training of
trainers (ToT) from these Institutes.
(iii) Training of faculty from 110 Institutes in two-week special training module at National Resource
Institutes- (about 10 in number) which will be selected in consultation with IIA/ CoA and with
the approval of the National Core Group for Earthquake Mitigation. The programme envisages
training of 250 faculty members from these 110 institutes at Nationa Resource Institutes.
(iv) Development and printing of training modules by National Resource Institutes for training of
(v) These Institutions will undertake one-week training programme for 10,000 architects.
(vi) Support will be given to National Resource Institutes for library and laboratory development
National Programme for Capacity Building of Architects for Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBAERM)
(vii) 110 Institutions involved in the programme will be supported for development of library
(viii) Creation of a framework/system in consultation with CoA/IIA for mandating that practising
architects will need to undergo the capsule course within a specified time frame.
(ix) Necessary arrangement with IIA an other Associations of Architects will be tied up in consultation
with Council of Architects for undertaking sensitization of architects through out the country
● Conduct of training programmes for 250 faculty members from State Resource Institutes in
two weeks special module in seismically safe construction in a time span of one year.
● Development and printing of course curriculum and training materials/ module for
14.1 National level arrangements: At the national level the Ministry of Home Affairs will be the Nodal
agency for execution of the project. The project implementation will be overseen by a Steering
Committee (SC) consisting of the members of the Core Group on Earthquake Mitigation and
representatives of CoA and IIA, and representatives of various resource institutes across the
country, under the chairmanship of the Joint Secretary, NDM. The SC will meet quarterly to
review the progress of the programme.
14.2 State level arrangements: In each State/UT, a Steering Committee will be formed out of nominees
of Council of Architecture, selected members of resource institutes in the State and specialists in
the subject matter under the chairmanship of the State Relief Commissioner/ Secretary Disaster
Management to review the progress of the programme at the State level. The Steering Committee
at the State level will meet quarterly to review the progress of the programme.
National Programme for Capacity Building of Architects for Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBAERM)
the institutional, administrative, techno-legal system for earthquake vulnerability reduction. The
State Government would provide support for the successful implementation of the programme.
16.2 It is proposed to provide funds to the National Resource Institutes and the State Governments
for carrying out activities under the programme as grant-in-aid from the non-plan budget. At
present, grants-in-aid to ATIs are given for faculty support from the plan scheme. Since should
appropriately be funded from non-plan funds because it will result in capacity building and not
creation of assets, it is proposed that the expenditure may be borne from non-plan funds
allocated to this Ministry. Necessary funds may be provided at RE stage from the overall non-
plan budget of the Ministry.
17. Approval
17.1 Approval of the Home Secretary is solicited for taking up the National Programme for Capacity
Building for of Architects for Earthquake Risk Reduction (NPCBAERM) over a period of three
years at the cost of Rs. 4.51 crore.
National Programme for Capacity Building of Architects for Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBAERM)
Activity Remarks Numbers Modules in Duration Unit Cost Cost Implications
which they
will be trained
National level Participants will be faculty Four workshops N.A 1-2 days per 2.5 lakhs 10.00 lakhs
consultations/ members from National and will be held with workshop
workshops to launch State level colleges of in the project 2004-05: 5 lakhs
and publicize the Architecture and engineering period 2005-06: 2.5 lakhs
programme/ finalize colleges offering courses in
the modalities of architecture, relief 2006-07: 2.5 lakhs
programme commissioners, directors of
implementation/ and Technical Education from
holding various States/ UTs etc.
consultations for
finalization of the
training module
Support to Indian Support will be given to IIA A total of 4000 One day One-day Rs 55,000/- per
22.00 lakhs
Institute of for the sensitization of architects will be orientation orientation
Architects, Council architects under their sensitized through programme programme X 40 2004-05: 5 lakhs
of Architects and continuing education 40 orientation programmes=
other associaiations programme of the Indian programme 22.00 lakhs[cost 2005-06: 17 lakhs
for sensitization of Institute [IIA] on the role of of hiring of 2006-07: nil
architects through architects towards seismically resource
Continuing safe-built environment persons
Education including their
Programme[CEP] travel Rs
40,000/-, cost of
including CDs,
materials, etc Rs
National Programme for Capacity Building of Architects for Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBAERM)
Activity Remarks Numbers Modules in Duration Unit Cost Cost Implications
which they
will be trained
National Level TOT A total of 250 faculty 250 (will be trained One-weeks One week #Training cost 103.25 lakhs
at the National members from 110 institutes in 10 batches over special module @ Rs 6 Lakhs for
Resource Institutes offering courses in a period of one each module 2004-05: 103.25 lakhs
for faculty members architecture will be trained at year) (6X10)=60.00 2005-06: nil
of selected Colleges the National Resource lakhs) (including
of Architecture and Institute as Training of t r a i n i n g 2006-07: nil
Engineering Trainers materials,
Colleges offering resource persons,
Architecture course field visit, hiring
from all States/UTs lecture hall,
office expenses
# misc. expenses
10% overhead of
Rs.60.00 lakhs
=Rs. 6.00 lakhs
#lodging and
boarding @ Rs
350 per day.
(Rs.250 for
boarding and
l o d g i n g
including tea
and breakfast
and dinner and
Rs.100 for two
coffee/ tea
breaks and lunch
to be provided
during training
by the Resource
lakhs# Travel
expenses @Rs.
10,000 per
National Programme for Capacity Building of Architects for Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBAERM)
Activity Remarks Numbers Modules in Duration Unit Cost Cost Implications
which they
will be trained
Development and Development course material N.A N.A N.A T r a i n i n g 2004-05: 24 lakhs
printing of model for 1 week module for ToT materials for 2005-06: nil
Special Training and practising architects by a State Resource 2006-07: nil
Curricula, training team of experts nominated by Institutes for
materials and training the National Resource training of 10,000
guide book by the Institutes in consultation with architects) @ 200
National Resource COA and IIA x 12000 copies =
Institutes to be used Rs 24.00 lakhs
for the TOTs and to
be sent to 110 State
Resource Institutes
Library and Equipment for the purpose of 10 N.A N.A Rs.5 lakhs to 50.00 lakhs
Equipment support to demonstration to be provided each Institute 2004-05: 50 lakhs
National Resource to National Resource Institutes, 2005-06: nil
Institutes besides library support 2006-07: nil
Training of practising Training will be imparted to 10,000 One-week To be (Rs.100 for two 70.00 lakhs
architects by the practicing architects in a one- module conducted in coffee/ tea 2004-05: 15 lakhs
faculty members of week module one week or breaks and lunch 2005-06: 27.5 lakhs
State Resource undertaken to be provided 2006-07: 27.5lakhs
Institutes who have over a during training
received training at period of by the Resource
National Resource one month Institutes
Institutes (100X7X10,000)
L o d g i n g /
Boarding cost
will have be
picked up by the
participants thus
not budgeted
under the
National Programme for Capacity Building of Architects for Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBAERM)
Activity Remarks Numbers Modules in Duration Unit Cost Cost Implications
which they
will be trained
Support to 110 Support will be given to the A total of 250 One week One week Rs 25,000/- per 68.75 lakhs
Institutes for 110 Institutes for conducting batches will be held module module m o d u l e 2004-0: 18.75 lakhs
conducting 1 week training modules across all States/ (25,000X250)=Rs 2005-06: 25 lakhs
module UTs to train 10,000 62.50 lakhs 2006-07: 25 lakhs
practicing architects
(40 architects per Misc. expenses
batch) overheads @10%
of 100.00 lakhs=
6.25 lakhs
Library and Elementary equipments for the A total of 110 N.A N.A Rs.0.75 lakhs 82.50 lakhs
equipment support to purpose of demonstration, institutions will be 2004-05: 12.5 lakhs
State Resource besides library support supported 2005-06: 35 lakhs
Institutes 2006-07: 35 lakhs
Support to COA Support will be provided to N.A N.A N.A A lump sum 10.00 Lakhs
system for mandatory COA for creation of a country- amount of Rs. 2004-05: 2 lakhs
registration of wide system for compulsory 10.00 lakhs will 2005-06: 8 lakhs
Practicing architects certification whereby be provided to 2006-07: nil
practicing architects can CoA/IIA
practice only after they have
passed the certification
Evaluation of the Evaluation to be carried out N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 10.00 lakhs
Programme during the last quarter of two 2004-05: nil
years period to assess the 2005-06: nil
impact of the programme 2006-07: 10 lakhs
2004-2005 235.5
2005-2006 115.00
2006-2007 100.00
Total 450. 5
National Programme for Capacity Building of Architects for Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBAERM)
1 Building Safety from Natural Hazards: an Introduction
Earthquake. 1
Fire safety in buildings.
Cyclone effects: High winds, storm surge, and cyclone safety
aspects in buildings.
2 Elementary Seismology:
Earthquake occurrence in the world, plate tectonics, faults, 1
earthquake hazard maps of India & and the States.
Causes of earthquake, seismic waves; magnitude, intensity,
epicenter and energy release, characteristics of strong
earthquake ground motions.
Seismological Instruments: Seismograph, Accelerograph,
Seismoscope/Multi SAR.
3 Introduction to Theory of Vibrations:
Single degree undamped & damped systems, resonance, 2
response to earthquakes, elastic response, concepts of response
Flexibility of long & short period structures; concepts of
response spectrum.
4 Site Planning, Building Forms and Architectural Design
Concepts for Earthquake Resistance:
Historical experiences
Site Selection 3 6
Site Development
Building forms:- Horizontal & vertical eccentricities, mass and
stiffness distribution, soft storey etc.
Seismic effects related to building configuration.
Plan & vertical irregularities, redundancy & setbacks.
Special Aspects:- Torsion, appendages, staircases, adjacency,
Contemporary international approaches
National Programme for Capacity Building of Architects for Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBAERM)
5 Performance of Ground & Buildings in Past Earthquakes: 1 2
Earthquake Effects:- On ground, soil rupture, liquefaction,
Behaviors of various types of buildings, structures, power
plants, switch yards, equipments, lifelines and collapse patterns
Behaviour of Non Structural Elements like services, fixtures,
Social & Economic Consequences of earthquakes
Lab simulation of models.
National Programme for Capacity Building of Architects for Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBAERM)
8 Construction Quality Control:
ð Sequence of Construction: Good supervision practices, 1
Critical check points and certification at certain stages,
reporting, maintenance of records, testing.
9 Vulnerability Assessment & Seismic Strengthening of
Seismic vulnerability evaluation of existing buildings. 4
Weakness in existing buildings, aging, weathering
development of cracks
Concepts in repair, restoration & seismic strengthening,
materials & equipments for restoration of masonry &
concrete structures.
Methodologies for seismic retrofitting.
10 Techno-legal & Techno-financial Aspects in Building Projects. 1
Building Bye-laws.
Cost Benefit Studies
11 Architectural Design Projects:
Design development by the participants in consultation with
Structural Engineer
Load Bearing 2 storey school/hospital in seismic Zone V.
5 Storied R.C. framed building with soft ground storey at Delhi, To be integrated with
founded on soft non-liquefiable soil. 4, 7 (a) & 7(b)
12 Teaching Methodology: 7
Preparation of design brief for earthquake resistant construction
in architectural design studios.
Preparation of lecture materials
Teaching aids: different approaches.
Conduct of lab experiments
Sourcing information, availability of reference material and
institutional network.
Evaluation of Architectural design
TOTAL 29 13
National Programme for Capacity Building of Architects for Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBAERM)
National Programme for Capacity Building of Architects for Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBAERM)
5 Performance of Ground & Buildings in Past Earthquakes: 1 2
Earthquake Effects:- On ground, soil rupture, liquefaction,
Behaviors of various types of buildings, structures, power
plants, switch yards, equipments, lifelines and collapse patterns
Behaviour of Non Structural Elements like services, fixtures,
Social & Economic Consequences of earthquakes
Lab simulation of models.
National Programme for Capacity Building of Architects for Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBAERM)
8 Construction Quality Control:
ð Sequence of Construction: Good supervision practices, 1
Critical check points and certification at certain stages,
reporting, maintenance of records, testing.
TOTAL 24 13
* Note: The studio hours to be used as practical sessions either with the help of sketch books or
computers depending upon the availability.