Assesment 5 BSBMGT516

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The key takeaways from the document are that it outlines an assessment for a student to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in facilitating continuous improvement. The assessment contains multiple parts including questions, a project, and observations.

The purpose of the assessment is to evaluate the student's skills and knowledge in facilitating continuous improvement as outlined in the unit BSBMGT516.

The different parts of the assessment include Part A - Questions, Part B - Project, Part D - Observation. Each part is assessed as satisfactory or not satisfactory.

Record of outcome



Candidate name: Karar Husnain Mayo

Unit code and title: BSBMGT516 Facilitate continuous improvement

Assessor name: Dr. Kamal Mahmud

Assessor email: [email protected]

Assessor phone 03 6217 9000


Assessment tasks Satisfactorily


Part A – Questioning

Part B – Project: Facilitating continuous improvements at BizOps Enterprises

Part D – Observation

Declaration: In completing this assessment, I confirm that the candidate has

demonstrated all unit outcomes through consistent and repeated
application of skills and knowledge with competent performance
demonstrated in multiple instances over a period of time.
Evidence collected has been confirmed as:

q Valid q Sufficient q Current q Authentic

Final result:

Result date:

Assessor signature:
 BSB30115 Certificate III in Business
 BSB40215 Certificate IV in Business
 BSB50215 Diploma of Business
 BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership
 BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of Business

Assessment Cover Sheet

Classroom & Simulated Assessments

Unit code: BSBMGT516
Unit Name: Facilitate continuous improvement


Student name:
Student ID: GT04288

Assessment method Assessment Outcome

Part A Questions □Satisfactory □Not Satisfactory □Not Assessed □ Not yet submitted Date:
Part B Project B □Satisfactory □Not Satisfactory □Not Assessed □ Not yet submitted Date:
Part D Observation □Satisfactory □Not Satisfactory □Not Assessed □ Not yet submitted Date:

Assessment outcome □ C □ NYC

NS Further actions
If not Satisfactory record
reassessment details

Declarations Assessor Student

II declare
I haveI addressed
have addressed
the I declare that I have been
the Principles
Principles of Assessment:
of Assessment: Fairness assessed in a fair and flexible
Flexibility Flexibility
Reliability whenValidity manner and I have been advised
conducting when withconducting
this student of my result. I am also aware of
and have provided with this student
appropriate my right to appeal and know and
and have provided appropriate
feedback. understand that I can request a
feedback. copy of my result at any time

Date: Date: Date:

Names: Dr. Kamal
Administrative use only
Assessment Cover Sheet

Did you apply Reasonable Adjustment? Yes □

No □
Reasonable Adjustment:
(If yes – explain how reasonable Adjustment
was applied.)

Did you intervene or need to provide

additional support or explanation to Yes □ No □
the student during assessment?


(If yes – please provide details of what the trigger was and what actions were taken.)

Assessor Feedback and Comments

Assessor Feedback
Facilitate continuous

Student name: Karar Husnain Mayo

Student ID: GT04288
Student declaration:
□ This assessment is my own work
□ I have retained a copy for my records
Student Assessment

RGIT Representative name : Dr. Kamal Mahmud

RGIT Representative declaration: I acknowledge I have received this assessment


RGIT Representative signature:

Assessment due date:

Submission Record Student Copy BSBMGT516

Facilitate continuous improvement
Student name: Karar Husnain Mayo
Student ID: GT04288 Date:
RGIT Representative name: Dr. Kamal Mahmud
GIT Representative signature: Date
Notes to Students:

Student Assessment

You are required to complete each task in the student assessment and return it to your
Trainer/Assessor by the due date.

Please ensure you write your first and last name on the front cover of this assessment.
Please keep this assessment in one piece, and ensure you write your answer in blue or
black pen only – attach any additional work you do for this unit to this assessment.
The date for submitting your completed assessment is specified on the class timetable –
please write the due date on the front page of this assessment.

You are required to:

 Read through and follow all the instructions provided

 Ensure that you tick, sign and date the student declaration
 Make sure that your assessment submission form is also signed and dated by your
 Keep the Submission Record Student Copy receipt for your records

Further information
Before you commence your final assessment tasks, you should review the information
provided by your training organisation about assessment. You should not commence your
final assessment tasks until you have read and understood this information.
Administration, recording and reporting requirements:
Please read all the information before you proceed to complete the assessment tasks. If you
do not understand any part of these instructions please inform your assessor/trainer.

Students who present copied or plagiarized assessments will be deemed in fault in the act of
academic misconduct, which will lead to disqualification of their submitted work. (Read the
section on Plagiarism, Cheating and Assessment Dishonesty below, and refer to the student

The assessments are intended to be equitable, fair and flexible. All the information, skills and
knowledge being assessed are based on theory, practical and skills demonstrated to your
trainer during classes, and meet the requirements of the unit of competency.

Retaining assessment records

 The RTO will securely retain all completed student assessment items for a period of six
months from the date on which the judgement of competence for the learner was
made. The RTO will also retain sufficient data to be able to reissue an AQF certification
document for a period of 30 years.

Submitting Assessment Tasks

• The learner must submit assessment tasks with the provided cover sheet. Work
submitted without a coversheet will be returned unmarked.
• ALL tasks must be completed in legible English. It is preferable that tasks submitted
for assessment are typed. Where this is not possible, or where room is provided on an
assessment for short answers, the learner must write clearly. Unreadable assessment
tasks will be returned unmarked.
Submitting Assessment Tasks
• The learner must submit assessment tasks with the provided cover sheet. Work
submitted without a coversheet will be returned unmarked.
• ALL tasks must be completed in legible English. It is preferable that tasks submitted
for assessment are typed. Where this is not possible, or where room is provided on an
assessment for short answers, the learner must write clearly. Unreadable assessment
tasks will be returned unmarked.

• The learner must submit assessments on or before the due date specified by the
trainer/assessor, as per training your plan/timetable. Extensions for individual
assessment tasks may be negotiated in specific circumstances according to the
assessor /trainer. However, the learner will need to provide genuine documents as
evidence for extensions of a due date (eg: Extensions due to illness will require a
medical certificate). To arrange an extension, the learner must speak to with their
trainer/assessor prior to the due date. Extensions must be confirmed to the
trainer/assessor in writing.

• Learners are permitted to use dictionaries and to seek support, as required. Unless the
assessment task specifically allows pair work or group activities such as brainstorming,
the learner must submit their own original work and not permitted to copy the work of
other students. Plagiarism is not acceptable.
• If the learner uses external resources/sources for their assessments, they must use the
APA referencing system. If the referencing system is not used, the work will be
deemed in default according to the rules of plagiarism.
• The learner must submit hard copy assessments to their trainer/assessor in the class

Assessment Outcomes
• There are two outcomes on assessment task level: S = Satisfactory and NS = Not
Satisfactory (requires more training and experience).
• The learner must satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks to be deemed
Competent (C) in the unit. Students with a ‘not yet satisfactory’ completion of any
assessment task will be deemed Not Yet Competent (NYC).

• Learners who are deemed unsuccessful to achieve a competency at the first attempt,
will be given a second opportunity for a re-assessment at a mutually agreed time and
date. For further details refer to the RTO Re-Assessment Policy and RTO Course
Progress Policy.
• As this is a competency based program, assessment continues throughout the
program until the learner either achieves competency in the assessment tasks, or a
further training need is identified and needs to be addressed.

Student Access to Records

• Students have the right to access current and accurate records of their participation
and results at any time. Students can request to see their results or attendance
progress by logging in to their student portal in the RTO Student Management System
at any time, or request a copy of records by contacting student administration, and or
their trainer/assessor.
Form: BSBLDR501 Version: 1 Date Created: 1 March 2016
Date Implemented: Responsibility: Academic Head Last Reviewed:

• You may seek clarification about any assessments at any time from the trainer/
assessor. The trainer/assessor will only assist or intervene during an assessment if
there is a risk of injury to the learner or any other class members.

Reasonable Adjustment and Special Learning needs

To meet the needs of all students, adjustments can be made in the training delivery, and how
assessments are conducted. The purpose of these adjustments is to enhance fairness and
flexibility so that the specific needs of a learner can be met. Reasonable adjustment may
consist of

• Providing additional time for participants to practice the assessment tasks;

• Presenting questions orally for participants with literacy issues;
• Asking questions in a relevant practical context;
• Presenting work instructions in diagrammatic or pictorial form instead of words and
sentences; and

Complaints and Appeals

Learners dissatisfied with an assessment outcome may appeal the assessment
decision. In the first instance, learners are encouraged to appeal informally by
contacting their trainer/assessor to discuss the matter. In the event that the learner is
dissatisfied with the outcome of such discussion, they may appeal further to either the
course coordinator and/or Head of Department. If a learner remains dissatisfied, they
may appeal formally and in writing to have their result reviewed. For more information
refer to Assessment Policy and Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedures.

Assessor Intervention

• The trainer/assessor will check if the learner is ready for assessment, or defer the
assessment if they have not yet met or demonstrated the competency of the
• Feedback is to be given to the learner at the completion of the assessment.
For the given tasks wherever required, the trainer/assessor will supervise the learner to be
able to demonstrate their competency by an ‘Holistic’ approach assessment, however this
will not interfere with the assessment process (Refer to Reasonable adjustment and
special learning needs). In the event that the assessment activities will impact on their
safety or that of others, the assessment will be stopped immediately.

Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty

 The RTO regards plagiarism and cheating as a serious academic offence. Evidence of
plagiarism and cheating are treated on a case by case basis. Consequences for
students engaging in such practices will include failure of the assessment or unit, or
expulsion from the course they have enrolled. For more information, refer to the RTO
Assessment Policy.

Assessor Feedback

 The trainer/assessor will provide feedback on the assessment that a learner has
submitted. This will identify the learner’s strengths and weakness, or be an overall
comment on the submission. A receipt of the assessment submission shall be given to
the learner who must keep the assessment receipts throughout the completion of the
Student Declaration

I have read and understood the information provided above, and accept that any act of
plagiarism and academic dishonesty will have penalties including, cancellation or suspension
of my enrolment with the RTO. I further declare that:

• All assessment work submitted for this unit competency is my own original work and
plagiarism and collusion has not occurred.
• Assessment work is not copied nor has been submitted for any other unit/course.
• I have taken proper care and effort to ensure my work has not been copied by another
• I have retained a copy of this assessment for my own records in the event I have to
reproduce my work. I am aware that any assessment deemed unsatisfactory will require
me to undergo reassessment which may be different to the assessment originally

Student Name: ………… Karar Husnain Mayo ……………………………………………………..

Student signature: .................................................................................... Date:

Assessment plan
Complete the following form with your assessor.

Training organisation

Learner name: Karar Husnain Mayo

Phone number: 0452367860

Email: [email protected]

Assessor name: Dr. Kamal Mahmud

Unit(s) of competency: BSBMGT516 Facilitate continuous improvement

Assessment parts Part A – Questioning

q Part B – Project: Facilitating continuous improvements at BizOps
q Part D – Observation

Ready for assessment I confirm that the purpose and procedures of this assessment have been
declaration: clearly explained to me. I have been consulted about any special needs I
might have in relation to the assessment process. The criteria to be used
for this assessment have been discussed with me, as have the
consequences and possible outcomes of the assessment.
I have accessed and understand general assessment information as
provided by my training organisation.
I have been given fair notice of the date, time, venue and other
arrangements for this assessment. I have completed a self-assessment of
my performance of the skills and knowledge for this unit and confirm that I
am ready for assessment.

Learner signature:


Final assessment tasks

Part A – Questioning
Purpose You will demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit requirements in your

Instructions to the All questions must be answered satisfactorily for Part A to be completed
candidate satisfactorily.
There is no restriction on the length of the question responses, or time
restriction in completing the assessment.
You must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or other
personnel, but may refer to reference material as needed.

Resources required The question responses section is the only resource required for this
questioning assessment to be completed.

Assessment conditions Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence

gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities
experienced in the management and leadership field of work and include
access to:
• relevant workplace documentation and resources
• case studies and, where possible, real situations
• interaction with others.
Assessors must satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.

Reasonable adjustment If you do not wish to respond to the questions in written form, an interview
may be used as an alternative approach if negotiated with your assessor.

Candidate to complete

Candidate name: Karar Husnain Mayo

Date of assessment:

Assessment I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another
declaration: person’s work, except where clearly noted on documents or work
I declare that no part of this assessment has been written for me by
another person. I understand that plagiarism is a serious offence that may
lead to disciplinary action by my training organisation.

Candidate signature:
Question 1: Describe what a quality system is and its role in maintaining continuous

Answer: Quality management system includes the possibility that enhancing the nature of an
item or service won't just lessen an organization's costs, additionally increment its
profitability and share of the overall industry, and improve consumer loyalty. Quality
management framework utilizes a variety of strategies to get a quality outcome. .
Some quality management processes focus on measuring errors or defects and
taking corrective action: other processes are based on the notion that quality must
be built into the design of the product or service and in the way it comes to life, for
example, as it is manufactured.

Marking: q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory

Question 2: Explain how knowledge management systems can assist an organisation in its
continuous improvement processes.

Answer: Knowledge management systems can be paper-based knowledge formats or

involve layered, intuitive menu systems that gives an opportunity to easily access,
retrieve and store the information. Manager are required to be aware of the ways
the information can be systematically documented to ensure its form enables the
material to be available for the relevant people to action it. It also need to have
sound planning and organizational skills so you can analyse and monitor the
information received in a timely manner, and establish and monitor the various

Marking: q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory

Question 3: What are the benefits of analysing performance measures on a regular basis?

Answer: The performance measures can lead to a set of “best practices” and “lessons
learned” that can be used internally to improve the organization’s management
practices and program activities. It also enables to improve the organization’s ability
to manage, planand measure performance through the development and use of
performance indicators and evaluation frameworks.

Marking: q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory

Question 4: Provide a brief description of the Six Sigma continuous improvement model.

Answer: Six Sigma is a set of techniques and tools used for process improvement. It helps
to improve the quality of the output of a process by identifying and removing the
causes of defects and minimizing variability in manufacturing and business
processes. It uses a set of quality management methods,mainly empirical, statistical
methods, and creates a special infrastructure of people within the organization who
are experts in these methods. Each Six Sigma project carried out within an
organization follows a defined sequence of steps and has specific value targets, for
customer satisfaction and increase profits.
Marking: q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory

Question 5: Explain why it is essential that an organisation captures information on continuous

improvement processes and incorporates them into its knowledge management

Answer: Continuous improvement is an ongoing cycle of review and evaluation of your

processes and procedures in your organization. Having a continuous improvement
policy helps you to refine the way you do things to make it as effective and efficient
as possible.
Knowledge management system (KMS) can mirror paper-based knowledge formats
or involve layered, intuitive menu systems that allow information to be easily
accessed, retrieved and stored.

Marking: q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory

Question 6: Explain the importance of analytical and lateral thinking when planning for
organisational improvements.

Answer: Lateral thinking involves the indirect creative approach that uses reasoning as a
prime method of problem solving. Analytical problem solves learn from past actions
and past problem-solving methods. An analytical thinker will generally want to know
from where something derived before they can know where it is they want to be.

Marking: q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory

Question 7: When considering areas that have been identified for further improvement, explain
how continuous improvement systems relate to other systems in an organisation.

Answer: The most important part of implementing improvements or improvements is to

ensure that everyone understands changes, why it is introduced and what they are
doing in practice. Must be accompanied by documentation support; for example,
new standard operating procedures must be developed; new policies may need to
be developed; implementation procedures must be developed and disseminated.
Improvements may include minor changes, such as the need to log in as soon as
work arrives, and large-scale improvements such as organizational restructure to
increase production and reduce costs. When determining improvements, systems
and processes, products, or services must clearly identify improvements and clarify
to all stakeholders, regardless of the size of the improvements. For example, a
mobile copier can be discussed at a meeting to improve the operator's health and
safety simple changes, and follow the e-mail and notification on the dashboard.

Marking: q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory

Assessor to complete
Feedback: All questions must be satisfactorily answered by the candidate as per the
marking guide in the Trainer’s and assessor’s guide. The questioning
assessment has been confirmed:

q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory

Please include recommendations for future training/action in cases where

the candidate has not satisfactorily achieved all criteria:

Declaration: I declare that this questioning assessment has been conducted as per the
training organisation’s assessment procedures and the instructions
provided for this assessment task and that I have provided appropriate
feedback to the candidate.

Assessor name: Dr. Kamal Mahmud

Assessor signature:

Date marked:
Part B – Project: Facilitating continuous improvements at
BizOps Enterprises
Purpose You will demonstrate your skills and knowledge by completing a scenario-
based project.

Task overview and You receive an email from Sayo Yoshida, Managing Director: Human
context Resources.
Subject: Continuous improvement project
The BizOps Enterprises vision, mission and values statement highlights the
crux of what our business about. We have set some challenging goals and
objectives in the business plan for the next five years and now it is time to
implement some improvements to help us achieve these outcomes.
One of the goals in the business plan is to focus on having the right people
in the organisation. One identified strategy for supporting this goal is to
‘provide the financial, physical, human and time resources to support an
annual professional development program for all BizOps employees’.
Senior managers have discussed how this could be achieved and have
decided that it is would be best managed through a continuous process
improvement (CPI).
As the Human Resources Manager, you are the most suitable person to
manage this because you are already managing professional development
for the organisation.
Please refer to the ‘Instructions to the candidate’ section that follows for a
list of tasks that senior managers wish you to complete for this project.
Sayo Yoshida
Managing Director: Human Resources

Instructions to the You will need to access the following BizOps Enterprises documents,
candidate policies and procedures:
• Vision, mission and values
• Company business plan
• Continuous improvement procedures
• Organisational charts
• Sustainability environmental policy
• Professional development policy
See the ‘Resources required’ section for how to access these.
Complete the following tasks to facilitate this continuous improvement
process. Each task should be completed in a separate document.
1. Access and read the vision, mission and values statement and the
company business plan. Using the information from these documents,
prepare a two-page information document that can be used across the
organisation to promote what this continuous process improvement
(CPI) project is attempting to achieve. The document should address
the following:
• Encourage staff to exercise initiative and participate in the
decision-making processes of this CPI project as it is clearly
targeting all employees.
• Explain what CPI means and why this method is appropriate for
achieving the company business plan. You may need to refer to
and use extracts from the continuous improvement procedures.
2. Using the continuous improvement procedures as a framework,
prepare a detailed implementation plan for this CPI project.
• Address all dot-points under each of the major headings (Define,
Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control).
• Establish a project team that includes managers from across the
organisation and a representation of team leaders. The project
team will report to Sayo Yoshida. You may need to refer to the
organisational charts.
• Identify the tools that will be used at each stage of the project and
what information they will contribute towards the objectives of
each stage.
• Address sustainability requirements. In particular, senior
managers are keen to see that a majority of professional
development programs that emerge from this project are
conducted via e-learning. This would also reduce the amount of
travel that staff undertake in attending professional development
programs. You may need to access the sustainability
environmental policy and the professional development policy.
• Address the relevant legislative requirements that may exist. As
this project is about human resources, ensure that it addresses
equal opportunity guidelines.
• Outline how mentoring, coaching and other support will be used to
enable people across the organisation to participate effectively in
this CPI project.
• Provide a framework for capturing and communicating information
on the progress, outcomes, insights and experiences from the CPI
project. This framework should outline what information is to be
captured and how it is to be presented.
• Develop key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be used to
measure the achievements of the CPI project. For each KPI,
provide an outline and samples of the records to be collected and
explain how these support the measurement of the KPIs that have
been set.
The final documents you submit for assessment will be assessed using the
project criteria provided.
All project criteria outlined must be covered satisfactorily for Part B to be
completed satisfactorily.
You must complete the project unassisted by the assessor or other
personnel, but may refer to reference material as needed.

Resources required The following materials are required for this project to be completed:
• Computer/office equipment
• BizOps Enterprises documents, policies and procedures (these can be
accessed by the following web links):
- vision-mission-values.pdf
- company-business-plan.pdf
- continuous-improvement-procedures.pdf
- organisational-charts.pdf
- sustainability-environmental-policy.pdf
- professional-development-policy.pdf

Assessment conditions Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence

gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities
experienced in the management and leadership field of work and include
access to:
• relevant workplace documentation and resources
• case studies and, where possible, real situations
• interaction with others.
Assessors must satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.

Reasonable adjustment If you are unable to undertake the project assessment as designed, a
further scenario/project may be used as an alternative approach if
negotiated with your assessor.
CPI And Biz Ops Business Plan

What is CPI?

A process is a set of steps to accomplish a defined purpose or produce a defined product or service.
Continuous process improvement is the set of on-going systems engineering and management activities
used to select, tailor, implement, and assess the different processes used to achieve an organization's
business goals. Continuous improvement is recognized as a component of modern quality management. A
broader definition is that of the Institute of Quality Assurance who defined "continuous improvement as a
gradual never-ending change which is: ' focused on increasing the effectiveness and/or efficiency of an
organisation to fulfil its policy and objectives. It is not limited to quality initiatives. Improvement in business
strategy, business results, and customer, employee and supplier relationships can be subject to continual
improvement. Put simply, it means ‘getting better all the time’.

A procedure of an arrangement of ventures to fulfil a characterized reason or deliver a characterized item

or administration. Constant process change is the arrangement of on-going frameworks designing and
administration exercises used to choose, tailor, actualize, and survey the procedures used to accomplish
an association's business objectives. Constant change is perceived as a segment of present day quality
administration. A more extensive definition is that of the Institute of Quality Assurance who characterized
"persistent change as a progressive ceaseless change which seems to be: 'concentrated on expanding the
viability as well as productivity of an association to satisfy its approach and targets. It is not constrained to
quality activities. Change in business methodology, business results, and client, representative and
provider connections can be liable to ceaseless change. Put just, it signifies 'showing signs of improvement

Why CPI is appropriate for achieving the company business plan?

Constant procedural change is a law based way to deal with business change. Instead of forcing
arrangements on the general population who utilize forms, it utilizes their help and skill to enhance them.
With preparing and direction, the representatives figure out how to consider potential zones of change and,
if the proper structure is there, transform the enhancements into a reality. Before you can have persistently
enhancing forms you should execute this framework.

Continuous Process Improvement in the front office may be the end of ventures in a request survey and
passage prepare where it can be resolved that a number of these means moderated the procedure without
including genuine esteem. Why did these additional means exist? Upon examination, the appropriate
response is commonly observed to be obscure or what is called "office legends." Once members see that
change is conceivable, the conduit frequently opens for additionally adjusts of examination and change;
however change must be grasped by upper administration.

In the same way that compound interest accelerates the rate of growth of an investment by adding interest
on top of the interest, the positive effect of continual and uninterrupted positive change on an organization
can be enormous.
In our project, the business has two objectives. One of them is having the ideal individuals in the
association, and the other one is to give the money related, physical, human and time assets to help and
yearly expert advancement program for all BizOps workers. By Continuous change systems, it will help the
business to accomplish these objectives in five years.

Strategies to Encourage Staff

How to encourage staff to exercise initiative and participate in the decision- making processes of this CPI
project as it is clearly targeting all employees.

To urge all the staff to take an interest in, the organization can utilize a few techniques, for instance,
increment their pay rates, give employees more chances to pick and offer the more advancement open
doors. On other hand, conceptualizing is additionally a helpful strategy to empower representatives. It
enables every member to express their suppositions in a non-undermining condition. Directors can utilize
conceptualizing to join a gathering with differing thoughts and needs and distinguish frameworks and
prepared that would bolster persistent change.

Besides, mind maps are also an optional useful tool for documenting a team’s approach to a problem or
process. The other methods are fishbone- cause and effect diagram, consensus, and stepladder

CPI Implementation Plan


The change of opportunity in this venture is having the correct individuals in the association. The other one
is to give the money related, physical and human and time assets to help and yearly expert advancement
program for all BizOps workers. A venture group will be required which incorporate senior administrator,
human asset chief and related territory mentor. The change opportunity in this venture is having the correct
individuals in the association. The other one is to give the budgetary, physical, human and time assets to
help and yearly expert improvement program for all BizOps representatives. A venture group will be
required which incorporate senior director, human asset chief and related territory trainer.

In this stage, whole investigation will be utilized. Right away we have to know the present capacity of our
present representatives. On the other hand if we need to have the correct individuals in the association, we
have to figure out what we require, for instance, the capacities of our representatives. To be appropriate for
the business, our representatives must have high expert information in their related working territories.
Other than that, they ought to be straightforward and willing to enhance themselves. Along these lines, the
senior administrator and human asset supervisor should work out a few tests for every one of the
representatives to test whether they are proficient or not. On the other hand that some of those workers fall
flat the test, the association will choose to give a further preparing to fill the hole or simply change another
more appropriate representative.

At this stage, initially we have to distinguish measures for assessing the achievement, and start building up
an information gathering strategy to quantify handles execution. In our venture, the association need to
gauge the rate of accomplishing objectives effectively and to what extent it will take and how much the
association will cost.

We can make a chart to help organisation to measure.


What are the goals? Right people in right position

To achieve the goals, how much it will cost? 1 million

How much we have achieved? 20%

Who will be in charge? manager

What kind of help the organisation can provide? Senior manager and human resource manager.


In our project, the business has two goals. One of them is having the right people in the organisation, and
the other one is to provide the financial, physical, human and time resources to support and annual
professional development program for all BizOps employees. For the first goal, our first problem is some of
our employees are not professional enough. They do not have enough professional acknowledge. The
reason is some of them join in our team for 2o years already, and our system has been updated and IT has
improved. For the second goal, we do not have enough the financial, physical, human and time resources.

In this stage, we will use Root cause analysis as our tool.

Cause How to solve it

Our system has been updated Give employees training to use new system and
test them regularly.

IT has improved Hire more professional employees and give

training as well.


After we identified our problem in the organisation, we need to solve them. And we also need to develop a
change management strategy to assist the organisation through solution implementation.
In this stage, the tool we will choose is Cost-benefit analysis.

Problem How to solve it Cost Benefit

Some of our employees Give some of them a -The salary for trainer. -All the position will
are not the right one in training -Time cost have right people to be
the right position. in charge.
-Company goal

Dismiss a part of those -More professional -All the position will

employees which ability people hired will pay have right people to be
are far away from our higher salary in charge.
requirement. And recruit -Time cost -Company goal
at the same time achieved.
-Dismiss compensation
-Materials cost


In this stage, firstly we need to understand the importance of planning and executing against the plan, and
determine the strategy to ensure achievement of the targeted results.

We already set the goals and we also need to control the whole process for our plan. We will need Project
planning as our tool.

Firstly, we need to prepare a checklist for the whole plan to know which stage are we currently in and what
difficulties are we facing with. Furthermore, we also need to know, what else help do we need. After that,
each department need to fill in and submit the check list to senior manager every week. If more help will be
need, the organisation need to give feedback as soon as possible. And the cost should keep controlled.


BizOps recognises that acting in a responsible and sustainable manner creates newopportunities and
improves social and environmental returns. Which committed to: maintaining high standards of ethical and
legal business behaviours at all times and developing improvement targets against key sustainability

In our project, senior managers are keen to see that a majority of professional development programs that
emerge from this project are conducted via e-learning. This would also reduce the amount of travel that
staff undertake in attending professional development programs. It would be sustainable for employee get
improved by e-learning.
Relevant legislative requirements

Discrimination can refer to different forms of diversity including but not limiting to: gender; sexual
orientation; ethnicity or nationality; religion or beliefs; age; disability; medical history; marital status.

The following laws operate at a federal level and the Australian Human Rights Commission has statutory
responsibilities under them:

 Age Discrimination Act 2004---- Discrimination on the basis of age – protects both younger and older
 Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986---- Discrimination on the basis of race, colour, sex,
religion, political opinion, national extraction, social origin, age, medical record, criminal record, marital
or relationship status, impairment, mental, intellectual or psychiatric disability, physical disability,
nationality, sexual orientation, and trade union activity.
 Disability Discrimination Act 1992---- Discrimination on the basis of physical, intellectual, psychiatric,
sensory, neurological or learning disability, physical disfigurement, disorder, illness or disease that
affects thought processes, perception of reality, emotions or judgement, or results in disturbed
behaviour, and presence in body of organisms causing or capable of causing disease or illness (eg,
HIV virus)
 Racial Discrimination Act 1975---- Discrimination on the basis of race, colour, descent or national or
ethnic origin and in some circumstances, immigrant status.
 Sex Discrimination Act 1984---- Discrimination on the basis of sex, marital or relationship status,
pregnancy or potential pregnancy, breastfeeding, family responsibilities, sexual orientation, gender
identity, and intersex status.
Coaching and capturing

Coaching helps an employee get the best performance out of themselves – the potential for which was
already there. There are two types of coaches: an internal coach or a professional external coach.

In our project, we can set group meeting to share experiences and raise questions, so group members can
solve problems together and give feedback. Meanwhile, ask some professional coacher to give them some
training online or face to face. Mentoring programs have a longer time horizon than coaching and
concentrate more on career development, leadership development, and knowledge transfer versus
individual skill develop mentor immediate performance improvement.

Capturing and communicating information

Input Activities
`Money `Time `Staff Tasks undertaken to
`Staff trained
produce outcomes:
`Facility `Equipment `Infrastructure
Set group meetings; constructed `Legal
submit feedback and framework revised
conclusion each week;
have tests and tutors to
check progresses
Set KPI to measure CPI

 Actual cost (AC) project KPI: It indicates how much money you have spent on a project as to date.

 Plannedhour of workvs actual situation: Overseeing this project metric indicates how many working
hours were planned for the project processes compared to the actual time spent. You can apply this
metric to different time periods and compare multiple project phases. If the actual amount of hours
spent highly exceeds the scheduled time, it’s time to re-estimate the time scheduled for the project.

 Schedule Performance Index (SPI): This project management KPI will tell you whether you’re ahead
or behind the planned project schedule.

Percentageof Tasks Completed: To get a really quick overview of your project’s performance,
create a KPI indicating the percentage of completed tasks
Candidate to complete

Candidate name: Karar Husnain Mayo

Project submitted: I have produced and provided the following:

q A two-page information document about the CPI project
q A detailed implementation plan for the CPI project

Assessment I declare that no part of this project assessment has been completed from
declaration: another person’s work, except where clearly noted on documents or work
I declare that no part of this project assessment has been produced for me
by another person. I understand that plagiarism is a serious offence that
may lead to disciplinary action by my training organisation.

Candidate signature:

Assessor to complete

The project meets the following requirements:

P1 Developed strategies to ensure that team members were actively encouraged

and supported to participate in decision-making processes, assume
responsibility and exercise initiative as appropriate

P2 Identified and extracted relevant information from a range of complex texts

P3 Located, interpreted and analysed workplace documentation to gather

information relating to continuous improvement

P4 Ensured the vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions are

appropriate for the context and target audience

P5 Developed complex texts related to continuous improvement processes

according to organisational requirements

P6 Used analytical and lateral thinking to review current practices and develop
ideas for improvement

P7 Established systems to ensure that the organisation’s continuous improvement

processes are communicated to stakeholders

P8 Facilitated effective contributions to and communications about continuous

improvement processes and outcomes

P9 Reflected on the ways in which digital systems and tools are used, or could be
used, to achieve work goals

P10 Ensured that change and improvement processes meet sustainability


P11 Developed strategies to enable compliance with legislative requirements and

achievement of the organisation’s goals.

P12 Developed effective mentoring and coaching processes to ensure that

individuals and teams are able to implement and support the organisation’s
continuous improvement processes

P13 Ensured that insights and experiences from business activities are captured and
accessible through knowledge management systems

P14 Developed strategies to ensure that systems and processes are used to monitor
operational progress and to identify ways in which planning and operations
could be improved

P15 Adjusted and communicated strategies to stakeholders according to

organisational procedures

P16 Established processes to ensure that team members are informed of outcomes
of continuous improvement efforts

P17 Ensured processes include recording of work team performance to assist in

identifying further opportunities for improvement

P18 Monitored adherence to organisational policies, procedures and protocols and

considered own role in terms of its contribution to broader goals of the work

P19 Considered areas identified for further improvement when undertaking future

Feedback: All project criteria must be satisfactorily demonstrated by the candidate.

The project assessment has been confirmed:

q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory

Please include recommendations for future training in cases where the

candidate has not satisfactorily achieved all criteria:

Declaration: I declare that this project assessment has been conducted as per the
training organisation’s assessment procedures and the instructions
provided for this assessment task and that I have provided appropriate
feedback to the candidate.

Assessor name: Dr. Kamal Mahmud

Assessor signature:

Date marked:
Part D – Observation
Purpose The candidate’s work performance will be documented while being
observed by an assessor. This may be in a workplace or work placement.

Instructions to the The following observation checklist is used to judge and record
assessor observations of the candidate. Record your observations of the candidate’s
performance directly onto the checklist. You may record your observations
during and/or after the observation.
The observation checklist has a series of items related to the unit of
competency that form the evidence criteria. Instructions on how to make an
overall judgment of the satisfactory performance of the candidate are
provided within the checklist.
The checklist allows you to record that you have had the opportunity to
observe the candidate applying these skills and knowledge. All items on the
checklist must be observed in order to record a satisfactory performance.
You need to meet the following conditions:
• The necessary materials and resources must be provided to the
candidate, and any concerns or questions the candidate has must be
clarified or answered before the observation commences.
• The period of observation should be over a work period sufficient to
observe all the skills outlined in the checklist provided and to ensure
that the candidate’s performance is captured in full. This must be
negotiated and agreed to by workplace colleagues to minimise
interruptions to the everyday activities and functions of the workplace
environment, as well as to the observation being undertaken.
• The candidate must complete the observation task unassisted by the
observer or other personnel.

Resources required The following materials are required for this observation to be undertaken:
• A workplace or work placement
• Relevant workplace documentation and resources
• A person or people with whom to interact and collaborate

Assessment conditions Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence

gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities
experienced in the management and leadership field of work and include
access to:
• relevant workplace documentation and resources
• case studies and, where possible, real situations
• interaction with others.
Assessors must satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.

Reasonable adjustment If the candidate is unable to undertake the observation with an assessor,
the candidate may consider undertaking Part E – Third-party report as an
alternative approach.
Assessor to complete

Candidate name:


Observation task The candidate should demonstrate skills in leading and managing
undertaken: continuous improvement systems and processes, including monitoring and
adjusting performance strategies, and managing opportunities for further

Assessment context: Outline the specific details of the environment and context for this
candidate. This may include specific location, equipment selected/used,
specific product/service demonstrated or specific customer/client


During the observation, the candidate was observed consistently performing the
following tasks:

O1 Listening and comprehending information from a variety of spoken exchanges

with clients, co-workers and other stakeholders

O2 Identifying and using appropriate conventions and protocols when

communicating with colleagues and external stakeholders

O3 Presenting information to a range of audiences using appropriate structure and


O4 Confirming understanding through questioning and active listening

O5 Collaborating with others to achieve joint outcomes, playing an active role in

facilitating effective group interaction and influencing direction
Duration of

Feedback: All observation criteria must be satisfactorily demonstrated by the

candidate. The observation assessment has been confirmed:

q Satisfactory q Unsatisfactory

Please include recommendations for future training in cases where the

candidate has not satisfactorily achieved all criteria:

Declaration: I declare that this observation assessment has been conducted as per the
training organisation’s assessment procedures and the instructions
provided for this assessment task and that I have provided appropriate
feedback to the candidate.

Assessor name: Dr. Kamal Mahmud

Assessor signature:

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