Ansi-Ashrae-Iesna - STD 90.1 - 2007 - Final
Ansi-Ashrae-Iesna - STD 90.1 - 2007 - Final
Ansi-Ashrae-Iesna - STD 90.1 - 2007 - Final
Standard 90.1-2007 Final
Determination Quantitative Analysis
M Halverson E Richman
B Liu D Winiarski
May 2011
Standard 90.1-2007 Final
Determination Quantitative Analysis
M Halverson E Richman
B Liu D Winiarski
May 2011
The United States (U.S.) Department of Energy (DOE) conducted a final quantitative analysis to
assess whether buildings constructed according to the requirements of the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI)/American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
(ASHRAE)/Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) Standard 90.1-2007 would
result in energy savings compared with buildings constructed to ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-
2004. The final analysis considered each of the 44 addenda to ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-
2004 that were included in ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007. All 44 addenda processed by
ASHRAE in the creation of Standard 90.1-2007 from Standard 90.1-2004 were reviewed by DOE, and
their combined impact on a suite of 15 building prototype models in 15 ASHRAE climate zones was
considered. Most addenda were deemed to have little quantifiable impact on building efficiency for the
purpose of DOE’s final determination. However, out of the 44 addenda, 9 were preliminarily determined
to have measureable and quantifiable impact.
A suite of 225 computer energy simulations for building prototypes complying with ASHRAE 90.1-
2004 was developed. These prototypes were then modified in accordance with these 9 addenda to create a
second suite of corresponding building simulations reflecting the same buildings compliant with Standard
90.1-2007. The building simulations were conducted using the DOE EnergyPlus building simulation
software. The resulting energy use from the complete suite of 450 simulation runs was then converted to
energy use intensity (EUI, or energy use per unit floor area) metrics (Site EUI, Primary EUI, and energy
cost intensity (ECI)) results for each simulation. For each version of the Standard, these energy use
intensities were then aggregated to a national basis for each prototype using construction-floor-area based
weighting factors developed for each of the 15 U.S. climate zones using commercial construction data.
When compared, the resulting weighted energy use intensities showed that each of the 15 building
prototypes used less energy under Standard 90.1-2007 than under Standard 90.1-2004 on a national basis
when considering site energy, primary energy, or energy cost. The energy use intensities were also
aggregated across building types to a national commercial building basis using the same weighting data.
On a national basis, the final quantitative analysis estimated a floor-space-weighted national average
reduction in new building energy consumption of 3.9 percent for source energy and 4.6 percent when
considering site energy. A 3.9 percent savings in energy cost, based on national average commercial
energy costs for electricity and natural gas, was also estimated. These final results support a positive
determination of energy savings for Standard 90.1-2007.
Acronyms and Abbreviations
AFUE annual fuel utilization efficiency
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ARI Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
BECP Building Energy Codes Program
Btu British thermal units
CAV constant air volume
cfm cubic feet per minute
CBECS Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey
DOE U.S. Department of Energy
ECB energy cost budget
ECI energy cost intensity
EIA Energy Information Administration
EPCA Energy Policy and Conservation Act
EPACT Energy Policy Act (of 1992)
EUI energy use intensity
FCU fan coil unit
ft2 square feet
hp horsepower
h hour(s)
in. wc inches water column
HVAC heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
IESNA Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
kBtu kilo British thermal unit
kW kilowatt(s)
kWh kilowatt hour(s)
LPD lighting power density
PBA principal building activity
PNNL Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PTAC packaged terminal air conditioner
PTHP packaged terminal heat pump
SHGC solar heat gain coefficient
SRI Solar Reflectance Index
SSPC Standing Standards Product Committee
TMY typical meteorological year
U.S. United States
VAV variable air volume
W watt(s)
1.0 Introduction
In support of the United States (U.S.) Department of Energy’s (DOE) determination of energy
savings of American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)/Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA)
Standard 90.1-2007 (ASHRAE 90.1-2007), staff from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s (PNNL)
Building Energy Codes Program (BECP) prepared an assessment of the relative energy use for
commercial buildings designed to meet building design requirements found in ASHRAE 90.1-2007 as
opposed to meeting design requirements found in ASHRAE 90.1-2004.
This document provides an evaluation of the energy savings achieved from use of
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007 over its predecessor, ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard
90.1-2004. The evaluation was carried out using computer simulations of prototype buildings constructed
to both Standard 90.1-2004 and Standard 90.1-2007 across a range of U.S. climates. Each building
prototype used in the simulation analysis was first developed as a computer model in accordance with
design and construction requirements found in Standard 90.1-2004. Changes to the building model,
consistent with addenda published to Standard 90.1-2004 in the development of Standard 90.1-2007, were
made to reflect the building as constructed under the requirements of Standard 90.1-2007. The set of
Standard 90.1-2004 buildings and Standard 90.1-2007 buildings were simulated and energy use statistics
were extracted from each building model in the form of annual energy use by fuel type. The annual
energy use was then converted to energy use intensity (EUI) figures expressed in energy use per square
foot (ft2). Using weighting factors by building type and geographic area developed from 5 years of recent
construction data, these energy use statistics were then aggregated to national levels for each revision of
the Standard 90.1, both by building prototype and weighted across building type. DOE used this data to
assess whether a positive determination can be made for ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007.
2.0 Background
The Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA), as amended by the Energy Policy Act (EPACT) of
1992, requires individual States to adopt commercial building energy standards that meet or exceed the
energy performance of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-1989. When this standard or any later
version of ASHRAE Standard 90.1 is amended, DOE is required to do a determination of energy savings
comparing the amended version and previous version of the standard to determine if the amended version
provides greater energy efficiency than the previous version and would therefore save energy in
commercial buildings. If DOE makes a positive determination of energy savings, individual States have
2 years after publication of such a determination to certify to DOE that they have updated their State
commercial building energy codes to meet or exceed the efficiency of the modified ASHRAE Standard
90.1. EPACT specifies that DOE has 12 months to make this determination from the time the ASHRAE
Standard 90.1 is amended. DOE has determined that amendment, in this context, is the publication of a
revised version of ASHRAE Standard 90.1 incorporated one or more addenda to Standard 90.1.
On December 30, 2008, DOE issued a positive determination of energy savings for Standard 90.1-
2004 that concluded that Standard 90.1-2004 “would achieve greater energy efficiency in buildings
subject to the code, than the 1999 edition (Standard 90.1-1999 or the 1999 edition).” 73 FR 79868.
Consequently, DOE has determined that Standard 90.1-2004 represents the baseline to which Standard
90.1-2007 requirements are compared for the purpose of a determination of energy savings for Standard
On September 3, 2010, DOE issued a preliminary determination that Standard 90.1-2007 would
achieve greater energy efficiency in buildings subject to the code, than the 2004 edition (Standard 90.1-
2004 or the 2004 edition). Accompanying that determination were two PNNL documents detailing the
qualitative 1 and quantitative 2 analyses that fed into the determination. Comments were accepted on the
preliminary determination until October 4, 2010. No comments were received on qualitative or
quantitative reports. The preliminary quantitative (numerical) savings report provided the basis of this
This document provides the quantitative (numerical) savings estimate used for DOE’s final
determination of energy savings for Standard 90.1-2007. The quantitative savings estimate is obtained by
simulating a set of prototypical buildings under the requirements of Standard 90.1-2004, then again under
Standard 90.1-2007, and then comparing the results. Results are weighted by building type and climate
zone to obtain national average estimates.
Halverson, M, B Liu, E Richman, and D Winiarski. May 2010. ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007
Preliminary Qualitative Determination. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. PNNL-19791
Halverson, M, B Liu, E Richman, and D Winiarski. May 2010. ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007
Preliminary Determination Quantitative Analysis. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. PNNL-19789
3.0 Determination Process
DOE typically requests two types of analysis from the BECP in a determination of energy savings for
a revised Standard 90.1. The first is a qualitative analysis that attempts to identify all the changes made to
the baseline version of Standard 90.1 to create the revised standard and categorize the changes as having a
positive, negative, or neutral impact on energy efficiency in Standard 90.1. No attempt is made to
estimate the numerical energy savings either in absolute terms or as a percentage of baseline energy use in
the qualitative analysis. Rather, the qualitative analysis discusses qualitatively the significance of each
addendum in terms of energy consumption in buildings and whether it appears that the addenda will likely
save energy, result in higher energy use, or be largely neutral with regard to energy efficiency. Three
steps are typically undertaken in the qualitative analysis. The first step is to identify all changes made to
Standard 90.1. The second step is to estimate qualitatively the impact of each change on the energy
efficiency of Standard 90.1. The third step is to look at the changes and categorize them into those that
have a clear impact on stringency of requirements in the standard, and of these, those that can or cannot
be incorporated in DOE’s quantitative analysis.
The second type of analysis that BECP performs for DOE is the quantitative analysis of energy
savings on Standard 90.1. This analysis uses the results of the qualitative analysis to identify what
addenda should be incorporated into the building models used for whole building simulation. These
addenda are then reflected as changes in the particular building models to represent compliance with
Standard 90.1-2007.
4.0 Addenda in Standard 90.1-2007
DOE prepared a qualitative assessment of the addenda to Standard 90.1-2007 and published it as a
web document in support of a final assessment of energy savings. 1 The qualitative analysis contains the
complete list of addenda processed by ASHRAE for ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007. A total
of 44 addenda to 90.1-2004 exist. All addenda were applied to ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004 to create
ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007. ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007 incorporates ASHRAE Standard
90.1-2004 and addenda a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, x, y, aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af, ag,
ah, ai, aj, ak, al, am, an, ap, aq, ar, as, at, and av to ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004. The qualitative analysis
lists each addendum and describes how the text of the standard is affected by the change and how that
will likely impact the efficiency of new buildings constructed to the standard in the United States. The
qualitative analysis also identifies what portion of the standard is affected by the change. ASHRAE
Standard 90.1-2004 includes addenda that
• are purely editorial in nature,
• update prescriptive design and construction requirements for the envelope, lighting, and mechanical
sections of the Standard,
• update references to other documents,
• update the performance path option to compliance (the energy cost budget or ECB section of
Standard 90.1), and
• affect informative appendix material provided in Standard 90.1-2004 but are not part of the
construction and design requirements of the Standard.
For the quantitative analysis, DOE incorporated only addenda that modified the prescriptive
requirements of the Standard. In specific circumstances, particularly with regard to requirements for
certain heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment, addenda to Standard 90.1-2007
reflect changes to national manufacturing standards previously developed by DOE or enacted
independently through Federal legislation. Because the energy savings that are attributable to these
national manufacturing standards would accrue no matter what version of Standard 90.1 is considered and
regardless of whether they are reflected in the text of the Standards, DOE has not incorporated these as
changes contributing to energy savings for the purpose of the Determination. Table 4.1 shows all addenda
to Standard 90.1-2004.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007 Determination Qualitative Analysis. 2010.
Table 4.1. Addenda to ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004, Changes Identified
Addenda Section(s) Affected Description of Changes Approval Date
90.1-2004 Standards Board of
Committee Directors
90.1-04a Informative This addendum clarifies how windows should be distributed in the baseline simulation 1/21/06 1/26/06 1/18/06 4/10/06
Appendix G model, clarifies how uninsulated assemblies should be treated in the baseline
simulation model, increases the size range for the use of packaged variable air volume
(VAV) systems in the baseline model, and provides more detail on how service hot-
water systems should be modeled. Many of these changes may affect the ultimate
performance rating of buildings using Appendix G. In addition, a reference was added
to ASHRAE Standard 140 establishing the method of testing of building energy
simulation software.
90.1-04b 6. Heating, Revises Table 6.8.1D and adds a definition for single-package vertical air-conditioner 6/25/05 6/30/05 8/3/05 8/3/05
Ventilating, and Air and single-package vertical heat pump.
90.1-04c 5. Building This addendum revises the definition of building entrance to include vestibules and 6/25/05 6/30/05 8/3/05 8/3/05
Envelope clarifies the requirements and exceptions for vestibules in Section
90.1-04d 12. Normative This addendum updates the references applicable to the building envelope and deletes 6/25/05 6/30/05 8/3/05 8/3/05
90.1-04s 6. Heating, This addendum updates language in the standard based on differences between 1/21/06 1/26/06 1/18/06 4/10/06
Ventilating, and Air Standard 62-1999 and 62.1-2004. The reference has also been updated.
Conditioning and
12. Normative
90.1-04t 6. Heating, This addendum changes Table 6.8.1F to add an additional requirement of combustion 1/21/06 1/26/06 1/18/06 4/10/06
Ventilating, and Air efficiency to the current requirement of thermal efficiency for boilers, which will
Conditioning and increase minimum efficiency. The reference in Section 12 has also been changed to
12. Normative reflect the change in the table.
90.1-04u Informative This addendum provides guidance for complying with the intent of the baseline 1/21/06 1/26/06 1/18/06 4/10/06
Appendix G building design for HVAC systems 5, 6, 7, and 8, which shall be modeled as floor-by-
floor HVAC systems.
90.1-04v 6. Heating, This addendum modifies the provisions of Section to allow for demand control 1/21/06 1/26/06 1/18/06 5/10/06
Ventilating, and Air ventilation.
90.1-04x 12. Normative This addendum updates the normative references in Section 12 and Informative 1/21/06 1/26/06 1/18/06 4/10/06
References and Appendix G for ATM-02 to ATM-04.
Appendix G
Table 4.1. contd
Addenda Section(s) Affected Description of Changes Approval Date
90.1-2004 Standards Board of
Committee Directors
90.1-04y 5. Envelope, This addendum adds a reference and method of test for deriving Solar Reflectance 6/24/06 6/29/06 6/18/06 3/3/07
12. Normative Index (SRI) (American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Test Method E,
References, and 1980) for high albedo roofs. The changes in the standard were in both Section 5 and
Informative Informative Appendix G.
Appendix G
90.1-04aa 9. Lighting This addendum modifies Section 9.1 to clarify some lighting requirements. 6/24/06 6/29/06 6/18/06 3/3/07
90.1-04ab 11. Energy Cost This addendum corrects the referenced section in Tables 11.3.1 and G3.1; Heating, 6/24/06 6/29/06 6/18/06 3/3/07
Budget Method and Ventilating, and Air Conditioning to Sections 9.1.3, 9.1.4, and 9.2.
Appendix G
90.1-04ac 3. Definitions and This addendum modifies the fan power limitation requirements in Section 6.5.3. 1/27/07 3/2/07 1/18/07 3/27/07
6. Heating,
Ventilating, and Air
90.1-04ad 5. Building This addendum changes the exception to Section to add a requirement that the 2/5/05 2/10/05 2/3/05 3/14/05
Envelope values for solar reflectance and thermal emittance be determined by a laboratory
90.1-04as 5. Building This addendum modifies the opaque assembly requirements in Tables 5.5-1 through 5/18/07 6/4/07 6/4/07 12/18/07
Envelope 5.5-8.
90.1-04at 5. Building This addendum modifies the fenestration requirements in Tables 5.5-1 through 5.5-8. 5/18/07 6/4/07 6/4/07 12/18/07
90. 1-04av 5. Building This addendum adds an exception to Section to allow credit for overhangs 1/27/07 3/2/07 1/18/07 3/3/07
Envelope composed of open louvers toward compliance with the maximum SHGC
5.0 Simulation Methodology
The purpose of the final quantitative analysis is to provide DOE with an evaluation of the relative
energy efficiency of the two versions of ASHRAE Standard 90.1 when taken as a whole. To the degree
that it can be considered representative of all commercial building construction, the final analysis
provides an estimate of the energy impact of the change in standards on commercial building energy
efficiency. The quantitative comparison of energy codes was based on whole building energy simulation
of buildings built to either the ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004 or 90.1-2007. It is not feasible to simulate
all possible permutations of building design, nor are the data available to weigh correctly each possible
permutation in each possible U.S. climate as a fraction of the national building construction mix. Hence,
the quantitative analysis focuses on the use of prototype buildings that reflect typical construction
For the purpose of the final determination, DOE used a set of 15 building commercial building
prototypes based on DOE’s published commercial reference building simulation models 1 developed by
DOE in support of the DOE Building Technologies Program Net Zero Energy Commercial Building
Initiative. 2,3 The prototypes are implemented as building models for use with the EnergyPlus 4 whole-
building energy simulation software. In addition, for the simulation work, each prototype building is
assumed to be potentially situated in 1 of 15 climate zones, each corresponding to the 15 U.S. climate
zones used in the Standard 90.1-2004 and Standard 90.1-2007 versions. For each climate zone, a most-
representative location and corresponding typical meteorological year (TMY) weather file is identified,5
which results in 225 climate/prototype combinations.
The individual building models for each climate are then modified as needed to correctly reflect the
prescriptive requirements for Standard 90.1-2004 as required for each climate zone. DOE received input
from the ASHRAE Standard 90.1 Simulation Working Group in support of this effort, resulting in some
modifications to the DOE published commercial reference building models. In addition, for each of these
Standard 90.1-2004 compliant building models, a second, corresponding building with the same basic
design and use patterns, but which reflected the prescriptive requirements for Standard 90.1-2007, was
developed. This latter process was completed by review of each addenda; first establishing whether that
addenda would impact a given building prototype (based on the assumptions and descriptions of the
benchmark building components) and in which climates.
Each of the 450 resulting building models was then simulated using EnergyPlus, and the resulting
energy use was extracted by fuel type and by end use. The energy use data were then aggregated by fuel
type and, using the floor space for each prototype, were converted to EUI metrics for each fuel by
building prototype by climate and standard level.
Also referred to in previous literature as DOE’s Commercial Benchmark Building Models
2. U.S. Department of Energy–Office of Public Affairs. DOE to Pursue Zero-Net Energy Commercial Buildings: National
Renewable Energy Laboratory Announces Support for Clean Tech Open. August 5, 2008. Available at
3. U.S. Department of Energy–Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. Net-Zero Energy Commercial Building
Initiative: Commercial Building Benchmark Models. (Last accessed March 31, 2010.)
4. U.S. Department of Energy–Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. EnergyPlus Energy Simulation Software
V3.0. Available at <>
5. Wilcox, S. and W. Marion. Users Manual for TMY3 Data Sets. 2008. National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Golden,
CO. Report No. NREL/TP-581-43156 Rev. Available at <>
DOE developed estimates of the new construction floor space that correspond to each
prototype/climate zone combination. It then used this data to develop the relative fraction of new
construction floor space represented by building prototype and within the 15 climate zones. Using the
EUI statistics from each building simulation and the corresponding relative fraction of new construction
floor space, DOE developed floor-space-weighted national EUI statistics by fuel type for each building
type and standard level. DOE then added these fuel-specific EUI estimates to obtain national site energy
EUI by building type and standard level. DOE also applied national average fuel prices data and national
average primary energy fuel conversion rates data to the fuel-specific EUI data to obtain estimates of
national primary energy EUI and national energy cost intensity (ECI), again by building type and by
Standard 90.1 level. DOE examined the national results by building prototype to determine which
building types would show a reduction in energy use under Standard 90.1-2007.
Finally, DOE used the relative floor space data for each of the building types nationally to weight the
EUI and ECI statistics by building type to arrive at national site EUI, primary energy EUI, and ECI values
for buildings constructed under both versions of Standard 90.1. This quantitative assessment of the
change in EUI/ECI by building type and nationally was used to support DOE’s final determination of
energy savings for Standard 90.1-2007
The approach taken is not comprehensive to all buildings. The analysis assesses the relative energy
impact of the standard by simulation of prototypical examples of buildings of various types reflected in
the overall building population. It is recognized that there will be specific requirements of the standard
that will not be amenable to simulation within the scope of this analysis. For most of these specific
requirements, any differences in requirements will suggest an obvious stringency change between the
standards, and this has been explored in the qualitative analysis done in parallel to this quantitative
6.0 Building Types and Model Prototypes
Fifteen DOE prototype buildings (Table 6.1) were used in the DOE final quantitative analysis. A 16th
DOE prototype or reference building model, supermarket, was not used for the final quantitative analysis
because an extant benchmark was not available at the start of the Determination process. Each DOE
reference building model building is defined as characteristic of a certain class of buildings, mostly
corresponding to a classification scheme established in the 2003 DOE/Energy Information Administration
(EIA) Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS). 1 CBECS categorizes commercial
buildings using variables principal building activity (PBA) and PBAplus for more specific activities,
separating the commercial sector into 29 PBA categories and 51 further subcategories. DOE relied
heavily on these classifications in determining the buildings to be represented by the set of reference
building models. By mapping CBECS observations to each prototype, DOE also used the CBECS
building characteristics data to develop reference buildings that could best typify the building stock
represented by each. Multi-family housing buildings are not included in CBECS but are covered by
Standard 90.1 if over three stories high. Consequently, DOE developed a mid-rise apartment building to
add to the original reference building prototypes identified through the review of CBECS. The
characteristics of the mid-rise multi-family were developed from data in a separate study by PNNL. 2
In the case of office buildings, one of the largest PBA categories in terms of square footage of stock,
DOE determined that the wide variation in building design and equipment use made determining a
“typical” office design difficult. Consequently, DOE developed three sizes and form factors characteristic
of small, medium, and large office buildings to reflect the wide variation of office building design.
1. U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2003 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey–Overview of
Commercial Buildings Characteristics. (Last accessed March 31, 2010.)
2. Gowri, K., M. A. Halverson, and E. E. Richman. Analysis of Energy Saving Impacts of ASHRAE 90.1-2004 for New York.
2007. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: Richland, WA. Report No. PNNL-16770.
To keep the building set manageable, the basic form factor and equipment selection for each
reference building was developed to be most typical of construction on a national basis. It is thus
characteristic of a specific construction. Regional variation in form factor, size, or design differences such
as equipment selection are not represented in the group of reference buildings.
As stated, the original basis of the building models used in the final quantitative analysis is the new
construction set of reference building models posted by DOE that are believed to represent typical new
building architectural program and design, and use ASHRAE 90.1-2004 as the basis for many
construction specifics. Each of these DOE benchmark buildings was subsequently vetted through the
ASHRAE Standard 90.1 subcommittee to clarify further construction and operation assumptions by
building type and to confirm that the building models accurately reflect the requirements of Standard
90.1-2004. Because this review process resulted in some modification of assumptions from the original
DOE reference building models, this revised second set of 15 prototypes actually used in the final
quantitative analysis is referred to as the ASHRAE reference buildings (or the prototypes). ASHRAE’s
Standard 90.1 Standing Standards Product Committee (SSPC) is working with DOE to use this set of
ASHRAE reference buildings to establish the energy benefits of ongoing addenda being considered for
subsequent versions of Standard 90.1. DOE has posted both ASHRAE 90.1-2004 and ASHRAE 90.1-
2007 compliant versions of these 15 reference buildings on the DOE website for the as background
information for DOE’s final determination at The 90.1 SSPC reviews have
already resulted in changes to some of the original DOE-developed reference buildings, and it is
anticipated that further updates will result in a single set of reference building models.
The 15 building-type categories used in the final quantitative analysis together reflect approximately
80 percent of the total square footage of commercial construction, including multi-family buildings
greater than three stories, covered under ASHRAE Standard 90.1.
7.0 Inclusion of Addenda by Building Type
In the qualitative analysis, DOE identified nine specific addenda that would have a measurable impact
using the simulation methodology and would be modeled. DOE examined each of the 44 addenda to 90.1-
2004 and specifically identified which of the ASHRAE reference building models would be affected by
the addenda and modified to reflect inclusion of the addenda for the final quantitative analysis. Where an
addendum was believed to have no readily discernable energy impact, this was also identified. For certain
addenda, DOE determined that while the addenda may have an impact on commercial building energy
use, the analysis methodology could not readily capture that impact, usually because the energy using
building feature impacted was not represented in any of the reference building models.
In addition, an underlying theme in the final quantitative analysis was that the quantitative analysis
reflects real changes to building code requirements that would be expected to be either required by States,
or whose impact on energy use be reflected in revised State building codes (since EPCA requirements for
State building codes do not explicitly require adoption of 90.1 or specific addenda but rather that overall
updated building code efficiency be equivalent to that of the last version of Standard 90.1 for which DOE
issued a positive determination). This theme results in special treatment of addenda in two key areas;
ventilation requirements and equipment efficiency changes.
7.1 Ventilation
The final quantitative analysis assumed the same base ventilation level for buildings constructed to
Standard 90.1-2004 and Standard 90.1-2007. Neither edition of Standard 90.1 specifies minimum or
maximum ventilation rates for commercial building construction. ASHRAE has a separate ventilation
standard for commercial construction, ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1, “Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor
Air Quality.” This ventilation standard is cited only in a few specific requirement exceptions within the
mechanical sections of either ASHRAE 90.1-2004 or ASHRAE 90.1-2007, with each edition referencing
a different version of Standard 62.1. ASHRAE 90.1-2004 lists ASHRAE 62.1-1999 in its table of
references, and ASHRAE 90.1-2007 lists ASHRAE 62.1-2004 in its table of references. The most recent
version of ASHRAE Standard 62.1 is now Standard 62.1-2007. 1
Ventilation rates can have significant impact on the energy use of commercial buildings. States and
local jurisdictions typically specify the ventilation requirements for buildings within their respective
building codes and set these requirements independent of the energy code requirements. Because of the
limited and oblique references to ventilation requirements (through exceptions to actual requirements)
within either edition of ASHRAE 90.1, the requirements that States certify that their energy codes meet or
exceed the latest version of ASHRAE 90.1 will in general not require modification of State ventilation
code requirements. DOE recognizes that in many cases, State ventilation requirements can be traced back
to requirements found in one or another version of ASHRAE Standard 62.1. For the quantitative analysis,
DOE assumed ventilation rate for the simulation prototypes based on the requirements of ASHRAE 62.1-
2004. DOE also performed a sensitivity analysis which calculated the quantitative impacts assuming a
ventilation rate based on ASHRAE Standard 62.1-1999.
1. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. ASHRAE Standard: Ventilation for
Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. 2002. ASHRAE: Atlanta, GA. ANSI/ASHRAE Addendum 62o to ANSI/ASHRAE
Standard 62-2001. Available at
7.2 Equipment Efficiency and Mandatory Federal Efficiency
Both Standard 90.1-2004 and Standard 90.1-2007 contain specific tables of HVAC and service water
heating equipment efficiency requirements. Most, but not all, of the equipment classes shown in these
Standard 90.1 tables have minimum Federal efficiency standards applied to them. The overlap between
Federal efficiency standards and the requirements shown in ASHRAE 90.1 as a model code result in
specific complications for an analysis used to inform a DOE determination of energy savings. In some
instances, a revised version of Standard 90.1 will adopt an existing Federal efficiency standard into its
tabulated efficiency requirement, typically with the same effective date as provided by the Federal
standard. Since that mandated equipment efficiency will be enforced as a manufacturing standard
regardless of whether it is represented in Standard 90.1, the inclusion of the requirement in the ASHRAE
standard has no real energy impact. DOE’s quantitative analysis methodology includes any equipment
efficiency improvements mandated by Federal equipment efficiency standards, either established by DOE
or by legislation but not initiated by addenda to ASHRAE 90.1-2004 in the ASHRAE 90.1-2004 baseline.
This prevents inclusion in the quantitative analysis energy savings that would occur in new building
construction (due to these mandated equipment efficiency improvements) regardless of the use of
Standard 90.1-2004 or Standard 90.1-2007 as the basis for State building codes and prevents an incorrect
biasing of the quantitative analysis toward positive energy savings from federally mandated equipment
efficiency improvements. Not including credit for these addenda in the quantitative analysis is consistent
with the approach used in previous DOE determinations.
Historically, Standard 90.1 has provided for improved efficiency in mechanical equipment with
primarily commercial applications, using effective dates that occur after the standard is published,
typically 2 or 3 years after publication. It has done so primarily to give manufacturers time to make
available higher efficiency equipment on the market for those States adopting the revised Standard 90.1
efficiency levels. For most of this commercial HVAC and service water heating equipment, revisions to
ASHRAE also serve as a trigger for DOE to revise minimum manufacturing efficiency standards for this
equipment. Revised minimum manufacturing standards set by DOE for this equipment are generally
subject to a provision that they be no less efficient than those shown in the most recent version of
ASHRAE 90.1; however, manufacturing standards generally will not be in effect for between 2 to 4 years
after they are in effect in the ASHRAE standard. (42 U.S.C. 6291 et seq., as amended; EPCA)
For this reason, the publication of commercial equipment efficiency improvements in a revised
Standard 90.1 results in improved efficiency in commercial buildings, particularly for States and
jurisdictions that adopt Standard 90.1 efficiency requirements prior to these requirements being adopted
as Federal manufacturing standards. In addition, because it serves as a trigger for a broader DOE
rulemaking on Federal manufacturing standards, the publication in Standard 90.1 will eventually have an
impact on efficiency of commercial buildings in all U.S. jurisdictions. However, a concern for the final
determination is how to treat an addendum to Standard 90.1, which results in an increase in commercial
equipment efficiency in the far future. In the case of Standard 90.1-2007, ASHRAE set the effective date
of certain of these revised efficiency levels as far out as 2020, 13 years from the original publication date
of Standard 90.1-2007. Because Standard 90.1 is currently revised in a 3-year cycle, DOE preliminarily
determined that it would only include the effect of equipment efficiency changes in the Standard 90.1-
2007 whose effective date in Standard 90.1 is within 3 years of the date of the publication of the revised
standard. Efficiency improvements with effective dates greater than 3 years after publication will be
considered in DOE’s determinations about forthcoming editions of Standard 90.1. In the particular
instance for the Standard 90.1-2007 Determination, Addenda 90.1-2004an establishes revised efficiency
requirements for certain steam boilers for 2020. None of the ASHRAE reference building models used
steam boilers, but even if they had, the impact of this efficiency improvement would not have been
analyzed in the quantitative analysis according to this principle.
Table 7.1 identifies each of the Standard 90.1-2004 addenda and indicates which of the ASHRAE
reference building buildings were modified to capture the impact of the addenda. Addenda judged to have
no significant impact on the quantitative analysis are identified as no impact. Addendum with potential
impact, but not addressed in the quantitative analysis, are also identified in the column titled “Savings
Will Not be Captured.” In some cases, where an addendum may impact the ECB compliance path in
Standard 90.1, it is shown as having no impact on the quantitative analysis, but also that any savings will
not be captured.
Table 7.1. Addenda Included in Quantitative Analysis and Affected Building Models
Addendum Section Description
be Captured
Large Office
Small Office
Stand Alone
Large Hotel
Small Hotel
No Impact
90.1-04a Appendix G Clarifies window distribution, X X
treatment of un-insulated
assemblies, increases size range for
use of packaged VAV systems, and
provides more detail on hot water
system modeling. Also adds
reference to ASHRAE Standard 140.
90.1-04b 6. HVAC Revises Table 6.8.1D and adds a X
definition for single-package vertical
air-conditioner and single-package
vertical heat pump.
90.1-04c 5. Envelope Revises the definition of building X X X X X X X X X X X X
entrance to include vestibules and
Outpatient Health
Secondary School
be Captured
Large Office
Small Office
Large Hotel
Small Hotel
No Impact
90.1-04g 6. HVAC Amends minimum efficiency levels X
of air-cooled air conditioners and
heat pumps
> 65,000 Btu/h in Tables 6.8.1A and
6.8.1B to be consistent with Federal
minimum standards.
90.1-04h 6. HVAC Revises the exceptions to Sections X and by removing
data processing centers from
having specific exceptions on
temperature and humidification
dead bands.
90.1-04i 9. Lighting Adds language to Section 9.1.4(b) X
allowing flexibility in assigning
wattage to luminaires with multi-
level ballasts where other luminaire
components would restrict lamp
90.1-04j 9. Lighting This addendum to Section X
allows additional flexibility in
complying with the controls
requirements by allowing
additional combinations of
commonly available control
90.1-04k Normative Adds U-factors for R-19 insulation X X
Appendix A. in screw down roofs.
Rated R-Value
of Insulation
and Assembly
U-, C-, and F-
Table 7.1. contd
Addendum Section Description
Outpatient Health
Secondary School
Strip Mall Retail
Primary School
Medium Office
be Captured
Large Office
Small Office
Stand Alone
Large Hotel
Small Hotel
No Impact
90.1-04l 12. Normative This addendum updates the X
References reference to ASHRAE Standard
90.1-04m 9. Lighting This addendum revises the exception X
to Section to provide an option
for compliance that exempts
commonly used furniture mounted
track lighting if it incorporates
automatic shutoff.
Primary School
Medium Office
Large Office
Savings Will
Small Office
Stand Alone
Large Hotel
Small Hotel
No Impact
Strip Mall
Not be
90.1-04s 6.HVAC and Updates language in the standard X
12. Normative based on differences between
References Standard 62-1999 and 62.1-2004.
The reference has also been updated.
90.1-04t 6. HVAC and Changes Table 6.8.1F to add an X
12. Normative additional requirement of
References combustion efficiency to the current
requirement of thermal efficiency
for boilers, which will increase
minimum efficiency. The reference
in Section 12 has also been changed
to reflect the change in the table.
be Captured
Large Office
Small Office
Stand Alone
Large Hotel
Small Hotel
No Impact
90.1-04ab 11 Energy Changes references to lighting X
Cost Budget sections and subsections to match
Method and current standard.
Appendix G
90.1-04ac 6. HVAC and Modifies the fan power limitation X X X X X X X X X X X
3. Definitions requirements in Section 6.5.3.
90.1-04ad 5. Envelope Changes the exception to Section X to add a requirement that
values for solar reflectance and
Secondary School
Strip Mall Retail
Primary School
Medium Office
be Captured
Large Office
Small Office
Stand Alone
Large Hotel
Small Hotel
No Impact
90.1-04aj 5. Envelope Modifies the exception to Section X by adding the ASTM Test
Method E 1980—Standard Practice
for Calculating SRI of Horizontal
and Low Sloped Opaque Surfaces.
90.1-04ak 6. HVAC Changes Table 6.2.1G to add X
requirements for cooling towers to
be tested to CTI test procedures
and to update the corresponding
references in Section 6.2.1.
Outpatient Health
Secondary School
Strip Mall Retail
Primary School
Medium Office
be Captured
Large Office
Small Office
Stand Alone
Large Hotel
Small Hotel
No Impact
90.1-04ao 6. HVAC Adds a footnote for increasing unit X
heater efficiency requirements
(requiring intermittent ignition
devices, power venting, or flue
dampers) to comply with Federal
90.1-04ap 9. Lighting Clarifies the intent of a “sales area” X
space in Table 9.6.1.
90.1-04aq 12. Updates references for CTI ATC- X X
Normative 105 and STD-201.
The discussion of envelope requirements for the outer wall of the vestibules and the adjoining wall
between vestibule and interior building zone is more explicit than the language of Standard 90.1-2004,
but this impact was not considered in the quantitative analysis as the impact was believed to be relatively
minor. More significant are the treatment of the climate zones and building types for which vestibules
would be required. Addendum 90.1-04c modified the section exceptions such that vestibules
would be required in many more buildings. In particular, Standard 90.1-2004 had an exception to
vestibule requirements for buildings less than four stories high. This exception was modified such that it
would apply only to buildings in climate zones 3 and 4 and then only when the building size was less than
10,000 ft2. An additional exception was provided for all very small buildings (less than 1,000 ft2) in all
climate zones.
This impact of this addenda to Standard 90.1-2004 was modeled by first identifying which of the
building prototypes would be affected, and if so, in which climates. For this analysis, building types not
affected by the vestibule requirement were given the same defined level of infiltration calculated for each
building in the 90.1-2004 baseline. Baseline infiltration was developed based on wind-driven models for
exterior wall infiltration and an assumed air leakage rate of 1.8 cfm/ft2 of exterior envelope area at 0.30
in. wc (inches water column) pressure difference across the envelope. 1 In general, buildings considered
not affected by the Addenda 90.1-04c were tall buildings four stories or greater. Table 8.2 shows the
vestibule requirements for each prototype in each climate zone for Standard 90.1-2004.
The primary energy benefit of vestibules is to reduce infiltration in buildings during door openings.
Infiltration rate for an open door was calculated for each building using a simplified method that takes
into account design wind speed, door area, and building height to a neutral pressure plan (used to estimate
the stack effect driven air pressure on the door) of one half the building height and a multiplication
coefficient that is a function of door opening frequency.
Peak infiltration rates were first defined per unit door area for each prototype based on design day
wind speeds of 15 mph, building height for each affected prototype, and average annual outdoor
temperature, and defined based on study data for different building types. In addition, reduction in peak
infiltration rates using vestibules were derived for buildings with vestibules and automatic doors based on
an ASHRAE research project study as a function of door opening frequency. 2 Door opening frequency
was estimated for a “peak period” and an off-peak period for each building prototype. The hours defined
by peak door opening frequency were based on the building occupancy schedule and identification of
hours where occupancy (as a proxy for door use) was significantly high compared to the low unoccupied
period for each particular building type.
Appendix A provides details of the modeling strategy for infiltration rates, door opening schedule
development, and calculated peak and off-peak door infiltration rates by prototype.
1. Gowri, K., D. W. Winiarski, and R. E. Jarnagin. Infiltration Modeling Guidelines for Commercial Building Energy
Analysis. 2009. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: Richland, WA. Report No. PNNL-18898.
2. Yuill, G. K. Impact of High Use Automatic Doors on Infiltration.1996. ASHRAE: Atlanta, GA. Project 763-TRP.
Table 8.2. ASHRAE 90.1-2004 Vestibule Requirement for All Prototypes in Each Zone*
Building Prototype Zone
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Large Office No (a) No (a) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Medium Office (b),(e) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Hospital No (a) No (a) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Warehouse (b),(e) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Mid-Rise Apartment (e) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Small Office (b),(e) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Strip Mall (b) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Stand-Alone Retail (b) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Primary School (b),(e) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Secondary School (b),(e) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Small Hotel (e) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Large Hotel No (a) No (a) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Outpatient Health Care (b) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Fast-Food Restaurant (b),(e) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Sit-Down Restaurant (b) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
*The vestibule requirement exceptions in 90.1-2004 are shown in parentheses (see Appendix A for the description of exceptions).
Table 8.3. ASHRAE 90.1-2007 Vestibule Requirement for All Prototypes in Each Zone*
Building Prototype Zone
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Large Office No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Medium Office No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hospital No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Warehouse No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mid-Rise Apartment No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Small Office No (d) No (d) No (e) No (e) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Strip Mall No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Stand-Alone Retail No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Primary School No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Secondary School No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Small Hotel No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Large Hotel No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Outpatient Health Care No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fast-Food Restaurant No (d) No (d) No (e) No (e) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sit-Down Restaurant No (d) No (d) No (e) No (e) Yes Yes Yes Yes
*The vestibule requirement exceptions in 90.1-2007 are shown in parentheses (see Appendix A for the description of exceptions).
incorporated to indicate when rooms are unoccupied (considered off-hour) and thus control certain
HVAC functions, including thermostat set point.
To model the effect of Addendum 90.1-04q on hotels and motels, the occupied guestroom heating and
cooling thermostat set points were modified from a constant 70°F indoor set point condition to a set point
schedule that went to 66°F for heating and 74°F for cooling from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. This
assumption was based on a similar analysis done for the DOE Advanced Energy Design Guide for
Highway Lodging, with the basis discussed in the technical support document for that project.3
Addendum 90.1-04v modified the provisions of Section by extending the requirement for
demand controlled ventilation by setting a minimum size threshold for the spaces so that it would apply
only to spaces larger than 500 ft2 but lowering the design occupancy density threshold from 100 persons
per 1,000 ft2 to 40 persons per 1,000 ft2 (100 m2) of floor area.
The impact of this addendum was analyzed by first identifying buildings prototypes with spaces that
would be considered high occupancy. High occupancy spaces were identified for three prototypes:
primary school, secondary school, and large hotel.
For the primary and secondary schools, a demand controlled ventilation controller was implemented
in the EnergyPlus model for the cafeteria space by modifying the minimum outdoor air schedule from a
fixed minimum outdoor air to a controller-based outdoor air schedule with a minimum outdoor air level
per square foot of floor area and an additional minimum ventilation rate per occupant. The outdoor air
required by the space is the sum of the ventilation per square foot and the additional ventilation rate per
occupant. For the secondary school, the auditorium space already fell under the demand controlled
ventilation requirements in Standard 90.1-2004 and is modeled as demand controlled ventilation in both
versions of Standard 90.1 using a similar strategy.
For the hotel, demand controlled ventilation controller was implemented in the following zones of the
large hotel building: café-first floor, sixth-floor banquet room, and sixth-floor dining room. Each of the
controllers are implemented by modifying the minimum outdoor air schedule in the Standard 90.1-2004
versions from a fixed minimum outdoor air to a controller based outdoor air schedule with a minimum
outdoor air level per square foot of floor area and an additional minimum ventilation rate per occupant.
3. Jiang, W., R. E. Jarnagin, K. Gowri, M. McBride, and B. Liu. Technical Support Document: The Development of the
Advanced Energy Design Guide for Highway Lodging Buildings. 2008. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: Richland,
WA. Report No. PNNL-17875.
8.4 Addendum 90.1-04ac – Fan Power Requirements
Addendum 90.1-04ac is a significant update to the treatment of maximum fan power allowances in
Standard 90.1-2004. ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004 specifies maximum fan power allowances for fans
systems with total fan power exceeding 5 hp (3.73 kilowatts [kW]) in Section 6.5.3. Addendum 90.1-04ac
strengthens stringency in fan power limitations for simple systems. It also expands the coverage for many
complex systems to properly address complex exhaust fan systems associated with hospitals and
laboratories, spaces for which it was possible to claim exemption in 90.1-2004 because the coverage of
fans for these systems was not explicit and could be considered as exempt due to the overlap between fan
system design and health and safety impacts for these type of buildings.
Addendum 90.1-04ac changes the fan power allowance structure to be based on a continuous curve
for allowed horsepower as a function of design fan air volume (the Standard 90.1-2004 requirement had a
step function in the allowed motor horsepower curve based on system air flow volume), but also
providing two distinct compliance path options. The first path is similar to Standard 90.1-2004 in that it
defines total allowable fan system nameplate motor horsepower based on system design air volume (with
different curves provided for constant volume and variable volume systems). The second path defines the
allowable fan system fan brake horsepower as a function of design fan volume and specific pressure drop
adjustments for key system components. The latter path allows for higher fan power to be provided for,
but only where it is actually needed due to the presence of specific system components such as fully
ducted return and exhaust systems, high efficiency particulate filtration, air cleaners, and heat recovery
devices. Because these components are widely used in hospitals and laboratories, this second path can be
considered as providing a path that eliminates a need to exempt these applications.
The EnergyPlus program simulates fan power by considering three inputs: the design pressure drop
through the fan, total fan efficiency, and the motor efficiency. For modeling of systems in accordance
with a version of Standard 90.1 where the maximum fan power has been specified, the approach was to
calculate a corresponding design pressure drop for each air system using the following equation:
cfm = supply fan airflow as determined by EnergyPlus sizing runs,
fan efficiency = 65 percent, based on assumptions used by the ASHRAE Standard 90.1
Committee while developing fan power requirements for the Standard,
brake horsepower = allowed brake horsepower.
Once the brake horsepower is established for a fan system, the nameplate horsepower is calculated
using a 10 percent over sizing factor (i.e., nameplate horsepower = brake horsepower × 1.1, as allowed
under Standard 90.1). The nameplate motor horsepower is used in the calculation of the fan motor
For comparing Standard 90.1-2004 and Standard 90.1-2007 versions, a rule set was established for
determining fan system brake horsepower based on fan system type and system air volume and the fan
efficiency. This rule set is shown in Table 8.4 and is based on the following assumptions.
• Systems of less than or equal to five nameplate hp are not regulated by Section, Fan Power
Limitation, in either version of Standard 90.1.
• Fan mechanical efficiency for the purpose of the calculations is set to 65 percent.
• Total static pressure assumption for constant volume fan systems less than 7,437 cfm is at 2.5 in. wc
based on Small Retail Building Advanced Energy Design Guide Assumptions; 4 7,437 cfm at 2.5 in.
wc total static pressure requires 4.5 brake hp or greater than 5 nameplate motor hp once motor
efficiencies and safety factors have been accounted for.
• For constant air volume (CAV) fan systems, assume that if system air volume is greater than 7,437
cfm, the fan power limitation applies.
• For VAV system, assume that if the design air volume is greater than 4,648 cfm, the fan power
limitation applies. This is based on an assumption of 4 in. wc static pressure for small variable air
volume systems.
• Unit heater total static pressure is equal to 0.2 in. wc and motor efficiency is assumed equal to 82.5
percent, based on review of manufacturers’ catalog data. This is applied to all sizes of unit heater.
• The packaged terminal air conditioner (PTAC), packaged terminal heat pump (PTHP), and fan coil
units (FCU) are assumed to have total static pressure of 1.33 in. wc based with fan motor efficiency
set to 0.8 in. wc. This reflects total fan power for this equipment and is based on fan power
assumptions used in Standard 90.1-2007, Informative Appendix G, Performance Rating Method, for
modeling of fan systems for these types of equipment.
Table 8.4. Rules for Establishing Fan Power in Quantitative Analysis Simulations
Fan Power Limitation Rule for 90.1-2004
System CFM Range TSP Fan Efficiency
in. wc
CAV < 7,437 2.50 0.65
VAV < 4,648 4.00 0.65
CAV ≥ 7,437 & < 20,000 4.46 0.65
CAV ≥ 20,000 4.09 0.65
VAV ≥ 4,648 & < 20,000 6.32 0.65
VAV ≥ 20,000 5.58 0.65
Unit Heater All 0.2 0.65
PTAC, PTHP, or FCUs All 1.33 0.65
CAV < 7,437 2.50 0.65
VAV < 4,648 4.00 0.65
CAV ≥ 7,437 4.09 0.65
VAV ≥ 4,648 5.58 0.65
Unit Heater All 0.2 0.65
PTAC, PTHP, or FCUs All 1.33 0.65
4. Liu, B., R. E. Jarnagin, D. W. Winiarski, W. Jiang, M. F. McBride, and C. Crall. Technical Support Document: The
Development of the Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Retail Buildings. 2006. Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory: Richland, WA. Report No. PNNL-16031.
The last required input, motor efficiency, is taken directly from Table 10.8 of Standard 90.1- 2004
and reflects minimum Federal efficiency standards, based on motor nameplate size and assuming
enclosed motors operating at 1,800 rpm.
Addendum 90.1-04ai modifies the additional lighting power requirements for retail display lighting
found in Standard 90.1-2004, Section 9.6.2. Specifically, the addendum modifies the allowances provided
for retail spaces by using four categories of retail merchandise in place of two, more general, merchandise
categories found in Standard 90.1-2004. The new categorization is more precise in the description of
merchandise in each category and provides new additional lighting power levels. In addition, it removes
an additional lighting power allowance for spaces used with video display terminals. Standard 90.1-2004
and Standard 90.1-2007 both have additional lighting power allowances for decorative lighting, but these
were not changed between the two versions of the Standard.
The building models used for the final quantitative analysis are specific building designs, in most
cases with specific spaces defined within the prototype and with different lighting schedules for each
space in accordance with its expected use. DOE chose to use the space-by-space method to establish the
overall lighting power within these prototypes. In the case of one prototype, the strip mall retail building,
DOE also included lighting power to reflect the typical values for additional lighting power allowances
that would be allowed as display lighting under Standard 90.1-2004 and Standard 90.1-2007 based on the
incorporation of Addendum 90.1-04ai and assuming the same display type and applicable display area in
the strip mall prototype. For certain building prototypes where space type distinctions were not deemed as
important or significant, the building area LPD numbers were used (e.g., office buildings).
The building area LPDs are identical for both Standard 90.1 versions. The base space-by-space LPDs
tabulated by space type are also identical in both Standards. The additional lighting power for decorative
lighting was not changed between standards and is not explicitly assumed in any building prototype. The
additional lighting power for retail display lighting was modified to reflect the use of the four specific
merchandise categories in ASHRAE 90.1-2007 from that calculated using the two general merchandise
categories in Standard 90.1-2004. DOE collected limited information on display areas in a small sample
of retail buildings and estimated that, for the strip mall prototype, approximately 13 percent of the entire
building area might qualify for the display lighting power allowances. DOE assumed that the additional
lighting power allowance for that display area was reduced from an average of 2.75 watts (W)/ft2 (based
on an average of the two additional lighting power display categories in Standard 90.1-2004) to 2.15
W/ft2 (based on an average of the middle two additional lighting power display categories in Standard
90.1-2007). This assumption resulted in a 4.6 percent reduction in whole building LPD for this prototype.
DOE believes that this result is likely a conservative estimate of the energy savings from this additional
lighting power change. See Appendix B for details on the development of additional lighting power for
the strip mall prototype under both versions of Standard 90.1.
The use of the space-by-space lighting method is a deviation from previous ASHRAE Standard 90.1
Determinations, where less detailed building models were used in the quantitative analysis. However,
since the base LPD values for either space-by-space or building area path did not change between
Standard 90.1-2004 and Standard 90.1-2007 and the change in the additional lighting power allowance
due to Addendum ai was small and considered for only one building type, the choice of compliance path
was deemed not to affect significantly the determination of energy savings.
For each building type, Table 8.5 shows the lighting compliance path used for the quantitative
analysis and the average LPD used in the building models. Once selected, the same compliance path was
used for LPD assumptions in both Standard 90.1 editions being compared. For each building prototype,
the ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004 and 90.1-2007 building area LPDs are shown for comparison alongside
the values used in the quantitative analysis.
The final space-by-space calculations used in the quantitative analysis yield LPDs that differ from the
LPDs determined from the building area compliance paths. For all building models other than restaurants
and the mid-rise apartment, the LPDs used are between 7 percent lower to 8 percent higher than LPD
from the building area compliance path. The LPDs modeled for the two restaurant prototypes are 16 to
18 percent higher than the LPD from the building area compliance path in either standard, a direct result
of the relative ratio of kitchen to dining areas used in these prototypes compared with that assumed in the
development of the ASHRAE 90.1 building area LPD values. All else being equal, the higher LPD
assumptions result in a somewhat greater cooling load and lower heating load in these prototypes.
The building average LPD modeled for the mid-rise apartment prototype is 43 percent lower than the
tabulated building area LPD value shown in both versions of Standard 90.1. However, the lighting section
in both versions states that lighting in living units (i.e., apartments within multi-family housing) is not
within the scope of Standard 90.1, implying that the building area method value should be applied only to
common space within multi-family buildings and would not be suitable for the modeling of building
lighting power. To generate the LPD for the mid-rise apartment building, DOE used the space-by-space
LPD allowances in Standard 90.1. The mid-rise apartment prototype consists of two defined space types:
office-enclosed and corridors; and the individual apartment units. Standard 90.1 has space-by-space LPDs
for the office and corridor spaces. DOE assumed a value of 0.36 W/ft2 for the LPD inside the apartments
based on the lighting power assumptions found in the DOE Residential Building America Research
Benchmark 5.
Addenda 90.1-04an improved the thermal efficiency requirements for most classes of commercial
boilers. It did not address boilers with less than 300,000 Btu/h input capacity, which are covered as
residential products. As the changes for gas boilers were to be effective in the ASHRAE Standard on
March 2, 2010, within 3 years of the publication date of Standard 90.1-2007, DOE included the change in
efficiency in the quantitative analysis. In the case of boilers with less than 300,000 Btu/h capacity, the
efficiency requirement is actually expressed in terms of annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE), but
which has been approximated as thermal efficiency for the EnergyPlus simulations. As this efficiency did
not change between Standard versions, this was considered to be a reasonable approximation assumption
for the quantitative analysis. For boilers with greater than 2,500 kilo British thermal units per hour
(kBtu/h) capacity, the requirement in ASHRAE is expressed in terms of combustion efficiency; DOE
converted this to a thermal efficiency by assuming a 0.007 percent difference between combustion and
thermal efficiency for boilers in this size range. Table 8.6 shows the boiler assumptions used for
commercial boilers in three size categories.
The following building models use commercial gas-fired hot water boilers for space heating: large
office, hotel, hospital, secondary school, outpatient health care, and primary school. None of the
5. NREL (2005). Building America Research Benchmark Definition. Updated December 29, 2004. Golden, CO: National
Renewable Energy Laboratory.
6. U.S. Department of Energy–Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. Energy Conservation Program for Certain
Industrial Equipment: Test Procedures and Energy Conservation Standards for Commercial Heating, Air-Conditioning,
and Water Heating Equipment Final Rule Technical Support Document. September 14, 2009. Washington, D.C.
prototypes used steam or oil-fired boilers. For each of these building models in each climate simulated,
the buildings boilers were first sized using the design day sizing analysis, and the efficiency of boilers
determined for both the 2004 and 2007 standards based on the following table. Where multiple boilers
exist in a prototype, the total heating capacity was first calculated using the EnergyPlus design day sizing
run and was divided by the number of boilers prior to establishing the thermal efficiency of each boiler.
Addendum 90.1-04ar reduced the fan motor size threshold in this section from 15 hp to 10 hp,
increasing the number of VAV fan systems that would have to meet one or another of the three prescribed
options. This addendum was incorporated into the simulation routines by first calculating a total fan air
volume for any VAV system based on the design day sizing, then calculating a brake horsepower
requirement for that fan system using the methodology discussed previously under discussion of
Addendum 90.1-04ac, and then using the required motor efficiency to calculate a motor input power in
watts. Motor input power thresholds of 7,378 W (equivalent to 9.9 hp of electrical power input) were
deemed equivalent to 15 hp or less name plate horsepower given nominal motor sizes available in this
size range (7.5, 10, 15, 20 hp). Motor input power thresholds of 5,626 W (equivalent to 7.54 hp of
electrical power input) were deemed equivalent to 10 hp or less name plate horsepower given nominal
motor sizes available. If the motor input power was less than 7,378 W in Standard 90.1-2004 or less than
5,626 W in Standard 90.1-2007, VAV fan system part load curve A was used in the EnergyPlus
simulation, effectively representing a VAV fan controlled using outlet dampers only. For motor input
power greater than these thresholds, VAV fan system part load curve B was used in the EnergyPlus
simulation, representative of a fan system curve complying with Option C of Section
EnergyPlus uses a fourth order polynomial curve which gives the fraction of full load power (PLF) of
the supply fan as a function of flow fraction (FF), which is the air mass flow rate divided by the
maximum air mass flow rate (design maximum). The curve is of the form:
PLF = C1 + C2 × FF + C3 × FF2+ C4 × FF3 +C5 x FF4
Table 8.7 shows the coefficients C1 through C5 for both VAV fan performance curve A and fan
performance curve B.
While the implementation to capture the impact of Addendum 90.1-04ar was made in the simulation
modeling scripts, none of the prototypes appeared to have VAV fan systems below 15 hp, in either the
Standard 90.1-2004 or Standard 90.1-2007 simulations. Given this, none of the prototypes is actually
impacted numerically by this addendum, although it is incorporated in the quantitative analysis
to 40 percent. U-factor requirements for the 40 to 50 percent WWR bin are reduced compared to the 30 to
40 percent WWR bin. This reduction in U-factor for the highest WWR bin was originally developed by
the Standard 90.1 committee using an energy tradeoff approach and was designed to provide roughly
equal envelope energy impact for both 30 to 40 percent and 40 to 50 percent WWR bins.
SHGC requirements in Standard 90.1-2004 are also provided by WWR bin in general showing a
reduction in allowed SHGC for higher WWR bins for nonresidential and residential space types. SHGC
requirements do not exist for semi-heated space types. In addition, Standard 90.1-2004 provides different,
generally higher SHGC allowances for north-facing fenestration.
Standard 90.1-2004 also provides maximum U-factor and minimum SHGC requirements for skylights
as a function of fraction of roof area that is glazed (up to a maximum of 5 percent).
Regardless of the version of Standard 90.1, window requirements in the Standard are defined by bulk
properties of U-factor and SHGC. EnergyPlus, however, requires that the thermal/optical properties be
defined for the window assembly layer by layer.
To analyze these changes, DOE first established a method for selecting an actual window option,
comprised of framing and selected glazing options that would as close as possible meet both the
maximum U-factor and SHGC allowed for a particular combination of U-factor/SHGC requirement in
either version of Standard 90.1. Hypothetical combinations of glazing layers were derived using
WINDOW5 7 calculations to produce a match to the specified U-factor and SHGC outlined in Appendix B
of Standard 90.1-2004. Glazing materials were collected into a single window object, and window frames
7. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. WINDOW 5.2 Software Tool. 2009. Available at
are neglected to reduce complexity in the EnergyPlus models and make the simulations run faster. The
window performance was modeled as for the entire glazed area. U-factor and SHGC values were treated
as whole-assembly values. A total of 587 different combinations of U-factor, SHGC, and VLT were
created using material component data and constructions developed for use with the WINDOWS5
software tool. This was termed the theoretical window library. For the Standard 90.1 simulations, for each
combination of U-factor and SHGC provided for in either Standard 90.1-2004 or Standard 90.1-2007, a
corresponding window construction and component materials was developed and included in a separate
partial-idf file for inclusion in the EnergyPlus building input descriptions. With this method, EnergyPlus
window descriptions essentially meeting Standard 90.1 fenestration requirements but reflecting windows
with real window materials and glazing properties were developed and used in the quantitative analysis.
9.0 Simulation of Prototypes and Extraction of Results
Simulation of all 450 prototype/climate zones combinations was done using EnergyPlus. Each
prototype is first simulated using a set of design-day runs based on ASHRAE design-day conditions.
Certain specific data related to sizing of systems and equipment and necessary for determining the impact
of addenda were extracted from the design day runs. Necessary updates to the input decks for each
prototype type were made to correctly reflect the addenda, and an annual run was then performed for each
of the prototype in each climate and at each standard level. Annual energy use for each annual simulation
by fuel type (natural gas or electricity) was extracted for each simulation both by end use and at the whole
building level. Data for each building prototype in each climate zone was extracted from the EnergyPlus
simulations results using PERL scripting tools and the data incorporated into special purpose spreadsheets
to weight to nationwide results. The energy use data was converted to EUI data by dividing by the
building area for each prototype. This EUI data was then weighted using weighting factors discussed in
the next section to provide nationally representative results.
10.0 Development of Weighting Factors
For this weighting, weighting factors were developed based on 5 years of construction data purchased
by DOE from McGraw Hill’s FW DODGE dataset. Development of the weighting factors is discussed in
a DOE/PNNL report. 1 This report details weighting factors for 16 building prototypes, including a high
rise apartment commercial reference building prototype planned by ASHRAE but not developed or
available for use with the 90.1-2007 Determination. Weights for this building model were eliminated and
the subsequent building weights rescaled to add to 100 percent for the development of relative weightings
factors for use in the Determination. Rescaling was done based on the national sample weights for the
high rise apartment building and for the other building prototypes reported in the cited paper, thus
preserving the relative climate weights for any specific prototype. Table 10.1 shows the resulting rescaled
weighting factors by climate and by building prototype used for each prototype in the Determination.
1. Jarnagin, R. E. and G. K. Bandyopadhyay. Weighting Factors for the Commercial Building Prototypes Used in the
Development of ANSI/ASHRAE/IENSA Standard 90.1-2010. 2010. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: Richland,
WA. Report No. PNNL-19116.
Table 10.1. Relative Construction Volume Weights for 15 ASHRAE Building Prototypes by Climate Zone
Large Office 0.112 0.067 0.358 0.313 0.128 0.489 0.000 0.169 1.243 0.133 0.486 0.000 0.146 0.012 0.000 3.655
Medium Office 0.142 0.321 0.893 0.786 0.149 0.841 0.040 0.215 1.307 0.376 1.164 0.038 0.328 0.036 0.008 6.643
Small Office 0.092 0.318 1.169 0.522 0.085 1.057 0.052 0.135 1.028 0.353 1.010 0.033 0.265 0.036 0.005 6.160
Standalone Retail 0.246 0.556 2.439 1.373 0.210 2.621 0.131 0.471 2.796 0.870 3.767 0.100 1.042 0.119 0.015 16.757
Strip Mall 0.151 0.278 1.088 0.687 0.114 1.121 0.025 0.117 1.108 0.221 1.123 0.018 0.168 0.008 0.001 6.228
Primary School 0.070 0.180 1.025 0.490 0.052 1.037 0.033 0.103 0.983 0.246 1.011 0.041 0.185 0.026 0.004 5.486
Secondary School 0.176 0.252 1.673 0.900 0.120 2.080 0.069 0.266 2.211 0.481 2.506 0.094 0.456 0.083 0.014 11.382
Hospital 0.044 0.105 0.526 0.299 0.043 0.514 0.024 0.116 0.676 0.240 0.892 0.026 0.243 0.037 0.001 3.788
Outpatient 0.041 0.147 0.623 0.302 0.067 0.638 0.026 0.199 0.898 0.239 1.163 0.037 0.376 0.043 0.002 4.801
Health Care
Restaurant 0.010 0.027 0.116 0.052 0.006 0.122 0.006 0.011 0.140 0.034 0.157 0.004 0.034 0.004 0.000 0.725
Fast-Food 0.009 0.022 0.101 0.069 0.008 0.112 0.006 0.016 0.098 0.028 0.141 0.003 0.028 0.004 0.000 0.644
Large Hotel 0.119 0.137 0.682 0.871 0.116 0.698 0.041 0.135 1.053 0.219 1.010 0.063 0.249 0.042 0.004 5.439
Small Hotel/Motel 0.011 0.033 0.316 0.125 0.024 0.294 0.022 0.043 0.346 0.098 0.400 0.034 0.117 0.023 0.004 1.890
Non-Refrigerated 0.384 0.638 2.846 2.525 0.169 3.259 0.075 0.478 2.687 0.756 3.932 0.054 0.512 0.047 0.002 18.362
Mid-Rise Apartment 0.282 0.103 1.201 0.947 0.286 0.906 0.024 0.407 1.861 0.350 1.232 0.062 0.344 0.036 0.000 8.042
Totals 1.890 3.185 15.055 10.260 1.578 15.789 0.574 2.881 18.433 4.645 19.995 0.608 4.492 0.554 0.061 100.00
11.0 Results
Table 11.1 and Table 11.2 show the national EUI by building type for the 15 building prototypes
analyzed and on an aggregated national basis for the 2004 and 2007 editions, respectively, based on the
weighting factors discussed previously. For each edition of Standard 90.1, the national building floor area
weight used to calculate the national impact on building EUI or building ECI is presented. The national
average electricity and gas building EUI is presented separately for each building prototype analyzed,
electricity being the predominant energy usage in all prototypes. National-average site EUIs range from
over 500 Btu/ft2 annually for the fast-food prototype to approximately 28 Btu/ft2 annually for the non-
refrigerated warehouse type.
Table 11.1. Estimated Energy Use Intensity by Building Type – 2004 Edition
Building Building Building Whole Building EUI Data for Building Population
Type Prototype Type Floor kBtu/ft2-yr
Area Weight Electric Gas Site Source ECI
% EUI EUI EUI EUI $/ft2-yr
Office Small Office 6.16 35.6 3.6 39.2 117.8 $1.11
Medium Office 6.64 42.1 4.2 46.3 139.2 $1.31
Large Office 3.65 34.4 5.7 40.1 116.2 $1.09
Retail Stand-Alone Retail 16.76 56.1 15.0 71.1 195.7 $1.84
Strip Mall 6.23 55.2 20.1 75.2 198.3 $1.86
Education Primary School 5.49 47.9 23.5 71.4 178.9 $1.68
Secondary School 11.38 43.7 19.5 63.1 160.9 $1.51
Healthcare Outpatient Health 4.80 106.7 54.7 161.4 400.8 $3.76
Hospital 3.79 96.3 57.6 153.9 370.9 $3.48
Lodging Small Hotel 1.89 48.3 26.1 74.3 182.8 $1.71
Large Hotel 5.44 68.5 84.4 152.9 311.0 $2.91
Warehouse Non-Refrigerated 18.36 14.5 10.7 25.2 58.1 $0.54
Food Fast-Food 0.64 226.5 326.1 552.6 1080.0 $10.10
Service Restaurant
Sit-Down 0.72 179.3 202.1 381.4 794.0 $7.43
Apartment Mid-Rise 8.04 32.5 10.1 42.7 115.1 $1.08
National 100 48.1 24.2 72.3 180.3 $1.69
Table 11.2. Estimated Energy Use Intensity by Building Type – 2007 Edition
Building Building Building Whole Building EUI Data for Building Population
Type Prototype Type Floor kBtu/ft2-yr
Area Weight Electric Gas Site Source ECI
% $/ft2-yr
Office Small Office 6.16 35.3 3.3 38.6 116.6 $1.10
Medium Office 6.64 40.2 4.3 44.5 133.2 $1.25
Large Office 3.65 34.3 4.6 38.9 114.7 $1.08
Retail Stand-Alone Retail 16.76 51.4 13.3 64.7 178.9 $1.68
Strip Mall 6.23 52.3 16.9 69.2 185.8 $1.74
Education Primary School 5.49 46.7 19.9 66.6 171.1 $1.61
Secondary School 11.38 42.5 16.6 59.1 154.2 $1.45
Healthcare Outpatient Health 4.80 102.1 52.8 154.9 384.3 $3.60
Hospital 3.79 95.8 56.2 152.0 367.7 $3.45
Lodging Small Hotel 1.89 46.5 24.7 71.2 175.7 $1.65
Large Hotel 5.44 69.1 79.1 148.2 307.3 $2.88
Warehouse Non-Refrigerated 18.36 14.5 10.6 25.2 58.0 $0.54
Food Fast-Food 0.64 222.1 319.5 541.6 1058.7 $9.90
Service Restaurant
Sit-Down 0.72 177.5 200.0 377.6 785.9 $7.35
Apartment Mid-Rise 8.04 31.8 9.0 40.8 111.7 $1.05
National 100 46.5 22.5 69.0 173.3 $1.63
DOE’s prototypes reflect the use of two fuel types, electricity and natural gas. Using the weighting
factors, DOE was able to establish an estimate of the relative reduction in building energy use, as
determined by a calculated reduction in weighted average site EUI for each building prototype. Site
energy refers to the energy consumed at the building site. In a corresponding fashion, DOE was also able
to calculate a reduction in terms of weighted average primary EUI and in terms of weighted average
energy cost intensity (ECI) in $/sq. ft. of building floorspace. Primary energy as used here refers to the
energy required to generate and deliver energy to the site. To estimate primary energy, all electrical
energy use intensities were first converted to primary energy using a factor of 10,918 Btus primary energy
per kWh (based on the 2010 estimated values reported in Table 2 of the EIA 2010 Annual Energy
Outlook, release date December 2009, available at
The conversion factor of 10,918 was calculated from Table 2 by summing the commercial electricity
value of 4.62 quads with the electricity losses value of 10.17 quads and then dividing that sum by the
commercial value. ((4.62 + 10.17) / 4.62 = 3.2) This yields an electricity ratio of 3.2 for converting how
much primary (source) electricity is required per unit of site required electricity. This ratio of 3.2 is then
multiplied by 3,412 Btu per kWh, producing a value of 10,918 Btus primary energy per kWh of site
energy. Natural Gas EUIs in the prototypes were converted to primary energy using a factor of 1.090
Btus primary energy per Btu of site natural gas use (based on the 2010 national energy use estimated
shown in Table 2 of the AEO 2010). This natural gas source energy conversion factor was calculated by
dividing the natural gas subtotal of 23.15 quads (sum of all natural gas usage, including usage for natural
gas field production, leases, plant fuel, and pipeline (compression) supply) by the delivered natural gas
total of 21.23 quads (sum of four primary energy sectors (residential, commercial, industrial, and
To estimate the reduction in energy cost index, DOE relied on national average commercial building
energy prices of $0.1027 / kWh of electricity and $10.06 per 1000 cubic feet ($0.9796/therm) of natural
gas, based on EIA statistics for 2010 (the last complete year of data available in Table 5.3 Average Retail
Price of Electricity to Ultimate Consumers: Total by End-Use Sector for the commercial sector –
available from EIA at and for 2009 (the last
complete year of data available from the EIA Natural Gas Annual Summary for the commercial sector
available at DOE recognizes that actual
fuel costs will vary somewhat by building type within a region, and will in fact vary more across regions.
Nevertheless, DOE believes that the use of simple national average figures illustrates whether there will
be energy cost savings sufficient for the purposes of the DOE determination.
Resulting EUI statistics by fuel type and site or primary energy are shown in Table 11.1 and
Table 11.2 for Standard 90.1-2004 and Standard 90.1-2007, respectively, and using ASHRAE Standard
62.1-2004 ventilation assumptions for both sets of buildings. In terms of energy expenditures per square
foot per year, ECI statistics are provided as well in these tables.
Table 11.3 presents the estimated percent energy savings (based on change in EUI) between the 2004
and 2007 editions. Considering those differences that can be reasonably quantified, the 2007 edition will
increase the energy efficiency of commercial buildings. The values shown in Table 11.3 represent percent
energy savings; thus, negative numbers represent increased energy use. Overall, the quantitative analysis
projects a decrease in gas EUI for all building types except medium office. This decrease in gas EUI
represents the majority of the national site energy savings from the 2007 edition. There is a decrease in
electrical EUI for all building prototypes except for large hotel.
Table 11.3. Estimated Percent Energy Savings with 2007 Edition – by Building Type
Building Building Prototype Building Type Savings in Whole Building EUI
Type Floor Area %
Weight Electric Gas Site Source ECI
Office Small Office 6.16 0.8 9.0 1.5 1.0 1.0
Medium Office 6.64 4.6 -2.3 3.9 4.3 4.4
Large Office 3.65 0.3 18.0 2.8 1.3 1.3
Retail Stand-Alone Retail 16.76 8.3 11.2 9.0 8.6 8.6
Strip Mall 6.23 5.2 15.6 8.0 6.3 6.3
Education Primary School 5.49 2.5 15.4 6.8 4.4 4.3
Secondary School 11.38 2.6 14.8 6.3 4.2 4.2
Healthcare Outpatient Health Care 4.80 4.2 3.4 4.0 4.1 4.1
Hospital 3.79 0.6 2.3 1.2 0.9 0.9
Lodging Small Hotel 1.89 3.6 5.2 4.2 3.9 3.9
Large Hotel 5.44 -1.0 6.3 3.0 1.2 1.2
Warehouse Non-Refrigerated 18.36 0.0 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.2
Food Fast Food Restaurant 0.64 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Service Sit-Down Restaurant 0.72 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Apartment Mid-Rise Apartment 8.04 2.1 11.5 4.3 3.0 3.0
National 100 3.4 6.9 4.6 3.9 3.9
11.1 Ventilation Assumption Sensitivity
Sensitivity to ventilation rate assumption was modeled by using ASHRAE Standard 62.1-1999
ventilation rates for both Standard 90.1-2004 and Standard 90.1-2007. For most building types, Standard
62.1-1999 had similar or somewhat higher ventilation levels than Standard 62.1-2004. Table 11.4,
Table 11.5, and Table 11.6 show similar EUI data as discussed previously, but under the assumption that
ventilation levels were at the Standard 62.1-1999 levels. Under this ventilation assumption, national
savings were estimated at 4.4 percent primary energy, 5.6 percent site energy. The calculated change in
the ECI was 4.5 percent.
Table 11.4. Estimated Energy Use Intensity by Building Type – 2004 Edition (62.1-1999 Vent.)
Building Building Building Whole Building EUI Data for Building Population
Type Prototype Type Floor kBtu/ft2-yr
Area Weight Electric Gas Site Source ECI
% $/ft2-yr
Office Small Office 6.16 35.7 3.8 39.5 118.4 $1.11
Medium Office 6.64 42.1 4.7 46.8 139.9 $1.32
Large Office 3.65 34.4 6.2 40.6 116.8 $1.10
Retail Stand-Alone Retail 16.76 56.4 19.7 76.1 201.9 $1.90
Strip Mall 6.23 55.6 24.6 80.2 204.5 $1.92
Education Primary School 5.49 48.7 27.0 75.7 185.2 $1.74
Secondary School 11.38 45.7 25.4 71.0 173.8 $1.63
Healthcare Outpatient Health Care 4.80 107.1 56.4 163.6 404.2 $3.79
Hospital 3.79 97.6 56.7 154.3 374.1 $3.51
Lodging Small Hotel 1.89 48.9 29.2 78.1 188.3 $1.77
Large Hotel 5.44 69.9 94.8 164.7 326.9 $3.06
Warehouse Non-Refrigerated 18.36 14.5 10.7 25.2 58.1 $0.54
Food Fast-Food Restaurant 0.64 220.2 337.9 558.1 1072.6 $10.02
Service Sit-Down Restaurant 0.72 180.2 217.8 398.0 813.8 $7.61
Apartment Mid-Rise Apartment 8.04 32.5 10.2 42.7 115.1 $1.08
National 100 48.6 27.1 75.7 185.0 $1.74
Table 11.5. Estimated Energy Use Intensity by Building Type – 2007 Edition (62.1-1999 Vent)
Building Building Building Whole Building EUI Data for Building Population
Type Prototype Type Floor kBtu/ft2-yr
Area Weight Electric Gas Site Source ECI
% $/ft2-yr
Office Small Office 6.16 35.4 3.5 38.9 117.1 $1.10
Medium Office 6.64 40.2 4.8 45.0 133.9 $1.26
Large Office 3.65 34.3 5.1 39.4 115.2 $1.08
Retail Stand-Alone Retail 16.76 51.7 18.0 69.7 185.0 $1.74
Strip Mall 6.23 52.7 21.3 74.0 191.7 $1.80
Education Primary School 5.49 47.3 20.8 68.1 173.9 $1.63
Secondary School 11.38 44.6 19.7 64.3 164.2 $1.54
Healthcare Outpatient Health Care 4.80 102.6 54.6 157.2 387.8 $3.64
Hospital 3.79 97.2 55.4 152.6 371.4 $3.48
Lodging Small Hotel 1.89 46.3 27.4 73.7 178.0 $1.67
Large Hotel 5.44 70.0 82.5 152.5 313.9 $2.94
Warehouse Non-Refrigerated 18.36 14.5 10.6 25.1 58.0 $0.54
Food Fast-Food Restaurant 0.64 215.7 332.0 547.7 1052.0 $9.83
Service Sit-Down Restaurant 0.72 178.4 216.0 394.4 806.1 $7.54
Apartment Mid-Rise Apartment 8.04 31.9 9.0 40.9 111.7 $1.05
National 100 46.9 24.6 71.5 176.9 $1.66
Table 11.6. Estimated Percent Energy Savings with 2007 Edition – by Building Type (62.1-1999 Vent)
Building Building Prototype Building Savings in Whole Building EUI
Type Type Floor %
Area Weight Electric Gas EUI Site EUI Source ECI
Office Small Office 6.16 0.8 8.9 1.6 1.1 1.1
Medium Office 6.64 4.6 -2.7 3.8 4.3 4.3
Large Office 3.65 0.4 16.8 2.9 1.3 1.3
Retail Stand-Alone Retail 16.76 8.3 8.9 8.5 8.4 8.4
Strip Mall 6.23 5.2 13.3 7.7 6.3 6.2
Education Primary School 5.49 2.9 22.9 10.0 6.1 6.0
Secondary School 11.38 2.4 22.3 9.5 5.5 5.5
Healthcare Outpatient Health Care 4.80 4.2 3.2 3.9 4.1 4.1
Hospital 3.79 0.4 2.3 1.1 0.7 0.7
Lodging Small Hotel 1.89 5.3 6.3 5.7 5.5 5.5
Large Hotel 5.44 -0.1 12.9 7.4 4.0 3.9
Warehouse Non-Refrigerated 18.36 0.0 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.2
Food Fast Food Restaurant 0.64 2.0 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.9
Service Sit-Down Restaurant 0.72 1.0 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.0
Apartment Mid-Rise Apartment 8.04 2.1 11.5 4.3 3.0 3.0
National 100 3.5 9.3 5.6 4.4 4.4
Appendix A
A.1 Introduction
The purpose of this study is to develop a modeling strategy to capture the energy saving impacts from
Addendum c to 90.1-2004 and Addendum q to 90.1-2007. These addenda require vestibules in buildings
in certain climate zones to reduce the infiltration through the building entrance doors.
Building entrance door infiltration can be an important factor to estimate an overall infiltration value
of a whole building when door-opening frequency is high. When doors are used infrequently, door
infiltration can be estimated based on air leakage through cracks between door and frame. Many
commercial buildings, such as restaurants, strip-malls, retail stores, supermarkets, offices, and hospitals,
are likely to have high door-opening frequency at certain time periods of day. Vestibules or revolving
doors are often considered to reduce the air leakage when doors are used frequently. This appendix
presents a proposed method to estimate door-infiltration rate with and without vestibules for the purpose
of the estimating the impact of addendum to 90.1-2004. The estimated values for the prototype models are
presented. The values are also used as EnergyPlus inputs to estimate end-use energy reduction for each
prototype by installing vestibules. Vestibules. A door that separates conditioned space from the exterior shall be protected with
an enclosed vestibule, with all doors opening into and out of the vestibule equipped with self-closing
devices. Vestibules shall be designed so that in passing through the vestibule it is not necessary for the
interior and exterior doors to open at the same time. Interior and exterior doors shall have a minimum
distance between them of not less than 7 ft when in the closed position.
Exceptions to
a. Doors in buildings in climate zones 1 and 2.
b. Doors in buildings less than four stories above grade.
c. Doors not intended to be used as a building entrance door, such as mechanical or electrical
equipment rooms.
d. Doors opening directly from dwelling unit.
e. Doors that open directly from a space less than 3000 ft2 in area.
f. Doors in building entrances with revolving doors.
g. Doors used primarily to facilitate vehicular movement or material handling and adjacent
personnel doors. Vestibules. A door that separates conditioned space from the exterior shall be protected with
an enclosed vestibule, with all doors opening into and out of the vestibule equipped with self-closing
devices. Vestibules shall be designed so that in passing through the vestibule it is not necessary for the
interior and exterior doors to open at the same time. Interior and exterior doors shall have a minimum
distance between them of not less than 7 ft when in the closed position. The exterior envelope of
conditioned vestibules shall comply with the requirements for a conditioned space. The interior and
exterior envelope of unconditioned vestibules shall comply with the requirements for a semiheated space.
a. Building entrances with revolving doors.
b. Doors not intended to be used as a building entrance.
c. Doors opening directly from dwelling unit.
d. Building entrances in buildings located in climate zone 1 or 2.
e. Building entrances in buildings located in climate zone 3 or 4 that are less than four stories above
grade and less than 10,000 ft2 in area.
f. Building entrances in buildings located in climate zone 5, 6, 7, or 8 that are less than 1,000 ft2 in
g. Doors that open directly from a space that is less than 3000 ft2 in area and is separate from the
building entrance.
In Table A.2 and Table A.3, all the prototypes in each climate zone are identified for the vestibule
requirement for each version of Standard 90.1. From Tables A.2 and A.3, we can identify that large
office, large hotel, high-rise apartment and hospital prototypes require vestibules in 90.1-2004 and in
90.1-2007 except in zones 1 and 2. Therefore, these buildings are assumed to have no savings by
vestibule requirements in this study.
Table A.1. Prototype Model Characteristics to Determine Vestibule Requirements
Gross Floor Number of Floor Footprint Entrance Zone Building
Building Prototype
Area (ft2) stories Area (ft2) Area* (ft2) Height (ft2)
Large Office 498,600 12 38,400 3,373 156
Medium Office 54,000 3 17,876 2,232 39
Hospital 241,410 5 40,250 15,875 78
Warehouse 49,500 1 49,500 2,550 28
Mid-rise Apartment 33,700 4 8,436 836 40
Small Office 5,500 1 5,500 1,221 10
Strip Mall 22,500 1 22,500 3,750/1,875 17
Stand-alone Retail 24,695 1 24,695 17,227 20
Primary School 73,960 1 73,960 1,840 13
Secondary School 210,900 2 128,242 2,260 26
Small Hotel 43,200 4 10,800 1,755 38
Large Hotel 122,130 6 21,300 14,081 71
Outpatient Health Care 40,950 3 13,650 1096 30
Fast Food Restaurant 2,500 1 2,500 1,250 10
Sit-down Restaurant 5,500 1 5,500 4,002 10
* Entrance zone area is a space where the entrance doors are located.
Table A.2. ASHRAE 90.1 - 2004 Vestibule Requirement for All Prototypes in Each Zone
Building Prototype Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8
Large Office No (a) No (a) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Medium Office (b),(e) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Hospital No (a) No (a) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Warehouse (b),(e) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Mid-rise Apartment (e) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Small Office (b),(e) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Strip Mall (b) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Stand-alone Retail (b) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Primary School (b),(e) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Secondary School (b),(e) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Small Hotel (e) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Large Hotel No (a) No (a) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Outpatient Health Care (b) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Fast Food Restaurant (b),(e) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Sit-down Restaurant (b) No (a) No (a) No No No No No No
Note: The vestibule requirement exceptions are shown in parenthesis.
Table A.3. ASHRAE 90.1 - 2007 Vestibule Requirement for All Prototypes in Each Zone (Addendum ‘c’
to 90.1-2004)
Building Prototype Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8
Large Office No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Medium Office No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hospital No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Warehouse No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mid-rise Apartment No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Small Office No (d) No (d) No (e) No (e) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Strip Mall No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Stand-alone Retail No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Primary School No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Secondary School No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Small Hotel No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Large Hotel No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
High-rise Apartment No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Outpatient Health Care No (d) No (d) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fast Food Restaurant No (d) No (d) No (e) No (e) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sit-down Restaurant No (d) No (d) No (e) No (e) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Note: The vestibule requirement exceptions are shown in parenthesis
Following the method introduced in the ASHRAE handbook [1], the infiltration rate through the
automatic door can be determined by
where Q is airflow rate (cfm), CA is air flow coefficient (cfm/ft2-(in. of water)0.5), A is area of the door
opening (ft2), and Rp is pressure factor (in. of water 0.5).
The air flow coefficient CA with and without vestibules, as shown in Figure A.1, can be expressed as
a function of the door-opening frequency (i.e., the number of people using a door per hour). Note that
Figure A.1 was developed by ASHRAE research project RP-763 [6] to simplify the airflow calculation
through automatic doors with the following assumptions: (a) the wind velocity on the design day is
assumed to be at 15 mph; (b) the neutral pressure plane is assumed to be at the mid-height of the building;
and (c) the draft coefficient in the building is 0.9. Assumption (b) is conservative since the neutral
pressure would be lower than mid-point if the door is open.
Doors with vestibules
Doors without vestibules
Doors with vestibules
Airflow Coefficient
0 100 200 300 400 500
The pressure factor Rp, which is a design value and represents the pressure difference across the door,
can be obtained using Figure A.2. This value remains the same regarding the presence of vestibules.
80 °F
60 °F
40 °F
20 °F
0 °F
Pressure factor (Rp)
-20 °F
0.6 - 40 °F
0 100 200 300 400 500
A.5 Estimation of Door-Opening Frequency
Estimating reasonable values of door-opening frequency for different types of buildings is
significantly important to calculate the airflow rate through doors. Door-opening frequency can be
determined by field observations, but it is a costly and time-consuming work. It can also be determined by
estimating occupancy information in buildings. In the analysis, occupancy field data was used for some
prototype buildings if the data is available in the literature. Otherwise the number of occupancy in each
prototype building is estimated to determine the door-opening frequency. The detailed method to estimate
the number of occupancy for each prototype is described in the following.
The number of occupancy (workers) for small office, medium office, and warehouse is estimated
based on the occupancy survey data collected from Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey
(CBECS) by Energy Information Administration (EIA) [2]. From the 2003 CBECS data, the numbers of
workers for small office, medium office, and warehouse are determined to be 9, 105, and 5, respectively.
The average door-opening frequency for stand-alone retail stores is obtained directly from the field
observation data collected by Yuill [6]. The total number of 52 data sets was collected in different
locations. The average door-opening frequency is then calculated to be 153 (people/hour). Note that this
value is used for the number of people in the store during peak hours. The strip mall prototype is assumed
to have the same number of people (Nretail) per entrance zone area (Aretail). The entrance zone area of the
stand-alone retail prototype (Aretail) is 17,227 ft2 (see Table 1). Then the area occupied per person (Oretail)
for the retail prototype is determined as
In the strip mall prototype, there are two different sizes of stores: two stores with 3,750 ft2 and eight
stores with 1,875 ft2. Then the number of occupancy of the strip mall prototype (Nstrip) for each zone size
can be estimated as
The total number of occupancy in schools consists of the number of staffs including teachers and the
number of students. The number of staffs for primary school and secondary school are estimated to be 64
and 115, respectively, from the CBECS data [2]. Then the number of students is estimated based on the
national averages of teacher-to-staff ratio (Rt2sf) and student-to-teacher ratio (Rs2t):
where the national average of teacher-to-staff ratio is 0.512 in 2005 [3] and the national average of
student-to-teacher ratio is 15.7 in 2005 [4]. The total number of occupancy is the sum of the number of
students and staffs. Finally the total number of occupancy can be estimated to be 580 for the primary
school prototype and 1,041 for the secondary school prototype.
The number of customers for fast-food and sit-down restaurant prototype buildings is determined
according the field study conducted by Claar et al. [5]. The average daily number of customers was
reported as 898 for a fast-food restaurant and 284 for a sit-down restaurant. It is assumed that a half of
customers for a fast-food restaurant use drive-through. If we assume that the customers evenly visit
during 5 hours of peak time, the number of customers can be estimated as 90 (= 898/2/5) for the fast-food
restaurant model and 57 (=284/5) for the sit-down restaurant model.
The average door-opening frequency for outpatient health care is directly obtained from the field
observation data collected by Yuill [6]. The total number of 16 data sets was collected in different
locations. The average door-opening frequency is calculated to be 123 (people/hour). This value is used
for the peak hour door-opening frequency.
For small hotel, mid-rise apartment, and high-rise apartment prototypes, the number of rooms/units is
used to estimate the number of occupancy. In the small hotel prototype, 77 rooms are available for
customers. According to the 2007 Lodging Industry Profile report [7], the average occupancy rate was
63.3 percent for the lodging industry in 2006 and there is usually one person in a business room and two
persons in a leisure room. Based on this information, it is assumed that 65 percent of the guest rooms are
occupied and 1.5 people stay in each rented room. From the CBECS data [2], the average number of
workers in small hotels is given by 15. Then the total number of occupancy in the hotel prototype can be
determined as 90 (≈77 X 0.65 X 1.5 + 15). There are 23 apartment units available for residence in the
mid-rise apartment prototype. It is been assumed that an average of two people live in each apartment.
Then the total numbers of residence are estimated to be 46 (=23 X 2) for the mid-rise apartment.
The estimated values of the number of occupancy and door-opening frequency are listed in Table A.4.
The door-opening frequency for peak-hour is assumed to be equal to the number of occupancy in a
building. The values for off-peak-hour are estimated by one tenth of the values for peak-hour.
Table A.4. Door-Opening Frequency Estimation
In Table A.5, the door-opening schedule for each prototype is estimated based on the occupancy
schedule in the benchmark building models. Note that the cells highlighted in yellow indicate the off-peak
hours while the cells highlighted in green indicate the peak hours. For the restaurants, the fractions values
of the peak hour door-opening frequency are used and presented in Table A.5.
Table A.5. Door-Opening Schedule
10- 11a- 10- 11-
12-6a 6-7a 7-8a 8-9a 9-10a 12-1p 1-2p 2-3p 3-4p 4-5p 5-6p 6-7p 7-8p 8-9p 9-10p
11a 12p 11p 12a
Week Day
Small Office
Week Day
Medium Office
Week Day
Strip mall All
Week Day
Primary school
Secondary Week Day
Week Day 0.144 0.462 0.462 0.462 0.258 0.558 0.829 0.74 0.462 0.258 0.363 0.558 0.829 0.829 0.829 0.558 0.363 0.258
Fast food
Weekend 0.144 0.558 0.558 0.462 0.258 0.462 0.558 0.558 0.462 0.363 0.363 0.363 0.74 0.915 0.74 0.65 0.558 0.363
Week Day 0.144 0.462 0.462 0.462 0.258 0.558 0.829 0.74 0.462 0.258 0.363 0.558 0.829 0.829 0.829 0.558 0.363 0.258
Weekend 0.144 0.558 0.558 0.462 0.258 0.462 0.558 0.558 0.462 0.363 0.363 0.363 0.74 0.915 0.74 0.65 0.558 0.363
A.7 References
1. 2009 ASHRAE Handbook – Fundamentals, “Commercial and Institutional Air Leakage”, pp. 16.25-
2. Energy Information Administration, 2003 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey,
3. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education
Statistics 2007, Table 78: Staff employed in public elementary and secondary school systems, by type
of assignment and state or jurisdiction: Fall 2005. Accessed at:
4. U.S. student to teacher ratios for Fall 2005 - U.S. Department of Education, National Center for
Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics 2007, Table 63: Teachers, enrollment, and
pupil/teacher ratios in public elementary and secondary schools, by state or jurisdiction: Fall 2005.
Accessed at
5. Claar, C.N., Mazzucchi, R.P. and Heidell, J.A., 1985, “The Project on Restaurant Energy
Performance – End-use Monitoring and Analsysis,” PNL-5462, Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory, Richland, WA
6. Yuill, G.K., 1996, “Impact of High Use Automatic Doors on Infiltration”, Project 763-TRP,
ASHRAE, Atlanta, GA
7. American Hotel & Lodging Association, 2007, “The 2007 Lodging Industry Profile”, Washington,
D.C., Accessed on December 14, 2009 at
Appendix B
B.1 Introduction
The purpose of this study is to develop a modeling strategy to capture the energy saving impacts from
addendum ai to 90.1-2004. This addendum modifies the allowed additional lighting power for display
lighting found in ASHRAE 90.1-2004.
The ASHRAE strip mall reference building prototype is assumed to have 10 stores: 2 larger stores
and 8 smaller stores. These stores and the subsequent total store area were grouped using the Standard
90.1-2004 additional lighting power allowance based on the type of merchandise sold as shown in Table
B-1. It is important to note that the additional lighting power allowed in Standard 90.1-2004 was confined
to the area of the specific display, not the retail area; however, DOE believes that this distinction was
often missed in practice due to the difficult in defining the display area (for instance, the display area can
be on the wall of the building, can include counter top area, etc). For this analysis it is assumed that the
overall floor area allocated to the additional lighting power was the same under both Standard 90.1
The relative fraction of stores with these allowed additional lighting power densities reflects the
assumptions used in the original DOE commercial reference building prototypes.
Within the building groupings, the fraction of building floor area devoted to each space type and the
corresponding base LPD by space type is developed under Standard 90.1-2004 and is shown in Table B.2.
In addition, the base lighting power density for the building groups using the space-by-space LPDs, but
without any additional lighting power allowance, is calculated and shown. Finally, the additional lighting
power density allowed for each the building groups is shown, and the resulting building weighted average
LPD including the additional lighting power allowances is calculated based on 25 percent of the floor area
in each group utilizing the allowed additional lighting power.
Table B.2. Calculation of Lighting Power Densities for Building Groups in Strip Mall- Standard 90.1-
90.1-2004 - updated to match space by space values and to try to match current ASHRAE prototype inputs
LGstore 2: 1.28
SMstore 5: 1.28
SMstore 6: 1.28 SMstore 2: 1.70
90.1 score card SMstore 7: 1.28 SMstore 3: 1.70 LGstore 1: 2.23,
LPD (w/ft²) store types SMstore 8: 1.28 SMstore 4: 1.70 SMstore 1: 2.23
LPD Type for parm file LPD type 3 LPD type 2 LPD type 1
General Lighting General + Accent General + Accent
Space Description Allocation 90.1 Space type No Accent Lighting Accent at 1.6 w/ft² Accent at 3.9 w/ft²
Merchandising sales area 70% Sales Area 1.50 1.05 0.714 1.50 1.05 1.50 1.05
Active storage 20% Active Storage 0.80 0.16 0.80 0.16 0.80 0.16
Office 5% Office 1.00 0.05 1.260 1.00 0.05 1.00 0.05
Other spaces 1 5% see note 2 0.80 0.04 0.708 0.80 0.04 0.80 0.04
1.30 -0.286 % of area 1.30 % of area 1.30
normal valuable
Additional lighting-display 25% 0 0 merchandise 25% 1.6 0.4 merchandise 25% 3.9 0.975
1.3 w/ft² 1.7 w/ft² w/ft² 2.28
Once the Standard 90.1-2004 lighting levels were developed, they were modified to reflect addendum
90.1-2004 ai using the following assumptions:
• For buildings in which no accent lighting was provided in Standard 90.1-2004, no accent lighting was
assumed in Standard 90.1-2007.
• For buildings in which the first tier of additional display lighting power (1.6 W/ft2 of specific display
area) was assumed in Standard 90.1-2004, the merchandise was assumed to be best represented by
retail area type 2 in Standard 90.1-2007 (e.g., sporting goods, small electronics). This provides for
1.7 W/ft2 additional lighting power over the assumed 25 percent of floor area for display of these
• For buildings in which the second tier of additional display lighting power (3.9 W/ft2) was assumed in
Standard 90.1-2004, the merchandise was assumed to be best represented by retail area type 3 in
Standard 90.1-2007 (e.g., clothing, furniture, cosmetics, and artwork). This provides for 2.6 W/ft2
additional lighting power over the assumed 25 percent of floor area for display of these products.
Note that for buildings in the second group, these assumptions result in an increase in allowed
additional lighting power. However, for buildings in the third group, a lower additional lighting power
allowance is assumed for Standard 90.1-2007. The additional lighting power allowance of 3.9 W/ft2 of
specific display area in Standard 90.1-2004 is described in that Standard as intended for “valuable
merchandise, such as jewelry, fine apparel and accessories, china and silver, art, and similar items where
detailed display and examination of merchandise is important.” In practice, however, the use of the term
“valuable” in the description allows for a broader spectrum of merchandise to be considered, and in
particular apparel and accessories may make up the bulk of actual retail area considered for use in this
The corresponding Standard 90.1-2007 retail area category for clothing, furniture, cosmetics, and
artwork was chosen to represent the merchandise that would make up the bulk of the floor area that could
be categorized with an additional lighting power allowance of 3.9 W/ft2 in Standard 90.1-2004. The
highest allowed additional lighting power in Standard 90.1-2007 (retail area category 4) is explicitly
reserved to display of jewelry, crystal, and china, and none of the floor space in the strip mall was mapped
to this category.
Table B.3 shows the development of the lighting power density under Standard 90.1-2007 additional
lighting power assumptions. The different additional lighting power assumptions are shown highlighted in
yellow for comparison with Table B.1.
The overall whole building lighting power for the strip mall reference prototype is then calculated
using the assumed floor area percentages devoted to each of the original building type/additional lighting
power groupings as shown in Table B.1. The resulting LPD for buildings by store type is 1.645 W/ft2
under Standard 90.1-2004 and 1.568 W/ft2 under Standard 90.1-2007.
Table B.3. Calculation of Lighting Power Densities for Building Groups in Strip Mall- Standard 90.1-
2007 (Addendum ai)
90.1-2007 - updated for changes to 4 retail space types for display lighting
LGstore 2: 1.28
SMstore 5: 1.28
SMstore 6: 1.28 SMstore 2: 1.70
90.1 score card SMstore 7: 1.28 SMstore 3: 1.70 LGstore 1: 2.23,
LPD (w/ft²) store types SMstore 8: 1.28 SMstore 4: 1.70 SMstore 1: 2.23
LPD Type for parm file LPD type 3 LPD type 2 LPD type 1
General Lighting General + Accent General + Accent
Space Description Allocation 90.1 Space type No Accent Lighting Accent at 1.6 w/ft² Accent at 3.9 w/ft²
Merchandising sales area 70% Sales Area 1.5 1.05 1.5 1.05 1.5 1.05
Active storage 20% Active Storage 0.8 0.16 0.8 0.16 0.8 0.16
Other spaces 1 5% see note 2 0.8 0.04 0.8 0.04 0.8 0.04
1.3 % of area 1.3 % of area 1.3
Retail area
Retail area type 3 (for
type 2 (for sporting
Additional lighting-display 25% 0 0 electronics) 25% 1.7 0.425 goods) 25% 2.6 0.65
1.3 w/ft² 1.73 w/ft² w/ft² 1.95