Fe Installation Manual PDF
Fe Installation Manual PDF
Fe Installation Manual PDF
This installation manual explains the procedures for installing and setting up the FE Software for the
Fujifilm Digital Minilab FRONTIER Series as well as precautions for its use.
This manual should be kept in a fixed place near the machine so that it can be referred to at any
time a point needs to be clarified.
The following symbols indicating the model and software names are used in this manual.
Symbol Software/Model
The enclosed "END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT" should be read carefully before you use this
1 Outlines.....................................................................................................................................
1.1 Installation Outlines ............................................................................................................ 8
1.2 Installation Workflow........................................................................................................... 9
1.2.1 Installation Preparation ............................................................................................. 9
1.2.2 Before-installation Work ............................................................................................ 9
1.2.3 Installation of Each Device........................................................................................ 10
1.2.4 After-installation Work ............................................................................................... 10
1.3 Installation Methods............................................................................................................ 11
1.3.1 Set-up Conditions for Installation .............................................................................. 11 Scanner (SP) Conditions ........................................................................ 11 DIC Conditions........................................................................................ 11 E-DIC (Second DIC) Conditions ............................................................. 12 FMPCII Conditions ................................................................................. 12
1.3.2 Installation Patterns................................................................................................... 13
FE Installation Procedure [New Installation] Pattern 1 .......................................... 14
FE Installation Procedure [Upgrading] Pattern 2 ................................................... 16
FE Installation Procedure [Installing FE Software
in Earlier-type System] Pattern 3 ........................................................... 18
3.3.13 LIOS User Registration ............................................................................................. 36
3.3.14 Setting IE Page for Receipt Printer ........................................................................... 36
3.4 Installing Windows Basic Software..................................................................................... 37
3.4.1 Installing MSDE2000 database engine SP3a ........................................................... 38
3.4.2 Installing IIS (Internet Information Services) ............................................................. 38
3.4.3 Installing .Net Framework V1.1 ................................................................................. 40
3.5 S2 Software Installation...................................................................................................... 41
3.6 Optional Software Installation............................................................................................. 44
3.6.1 Variety Print Software (S3) Installation ..................................................................... 44
3.6.2 Tone Selection Software (S4) Installation ................................................................. 46
3.6.3 Professional Color Correction Software (S5) Installation .......................................... 47
3.6.4 Frontier Manager II Software (S8) Installation .......................................................... 48
3.6.5 Full Automatic Red-eye Correction Software (S12) Installation ................................ 50
3.7 After-installation Work ........................................................................................................ 52
3.7.1 Driver Software Installation ....................................................................................... 52
3.7.2 Receipt Printer/Barcode Reader Setup..................................................................... 52
3.7.3 Installing the Speaker used for Indicating Order Completion.................................... 52
3.7.4 Custom Data Copy Tool............................................................................................ 52
3.7.5 Media Output Setting ................................................................................................ 52
3.7.6 LIOS Order Processing Settings ............................................................................... 53
3.7.7 PLMaker Setting........................................................................................................ 54
3.7.8 Media Index Setting .................................................................................................. 54
3.7.9 Holiday/Opening Time Setup (0927)......................................................................... 56
3.7.10 Media Input Environment Setup (0136) .................................................................... 59
3.7.11 Writing Service Settings (0137)................................................................................. 59
3.7.12 Photo Copy Configuration (0138).............................................................................. 60
3.7.13 Index Conditions (0227) ............................................................................................ 61
3.7.14 Print Condition Setup ................................................................................................ 61
3.7.15 Equipment Name Set (0124)..................................................................................... 62
3.7.16 Red Eye Correction Setup (0201) (only in case of the Earlier-type System) ............ 62
3.7.17 Billing Environment Setup (0925).............................................................................. 63
3.7.18 Shop Logo Regist/Delete (1020)............................................................................... 63
3.7.19 Remote Desktop Settings (only in use of FMPC in the Earlier-type System) ........... 64
3.7.20 Setting the HELP....................................................................................................... 66
4.4.3 Professional Color Correction Software (S5) Installation .......................................... 77
4.4.4 Frontier Manager II Software (S8) Installation .......................................................... 78
4.4.5 Full Automatic Red-eye Correction Software (S12) Installation ................................ 79
4.5 After-installation Work ........................................................................................................ 81
4.5.1 Remote Desktop Settings (Only when using the FMPCII)........................................ 81
4.5.2 Copying Print Sizes from FRONTIER to FD ............................................................. 84
4.5.3 Media Output Setting ................................................................................................ 86
4.5.4 Scanner Parameter Check/Update (0350)................................................................ 87
4.5.5 Scanner and Carrier Adjustment/Maintenance menus ............................................. 88
4.5.6 Equipment Name Set (0124)..................................................................................... 88
4.5.7 Installation Information Setup (0140) ........................................................................ 88
4.5.8 Shop Logo Regist/Delete (1020)............................................................................... 89
4.5.9 Setting the HELP....................................................................................................... 89
5.6.4 Custom Data Copy Tool............................................................................................ 110
5.6.5 Media Output Setting ................................................................................................ 110
5.6.6 PLMaker Setting........................................................................................................ 111
5.6.7 Media Index Setting .................................................................................................. 111
5.6.8 Media Input Environment Setup (0136) .................................................................... 112
5.6.9 Writing Service Settings (0137)................................................................................. 113
5.6.10 Photo Copy Configuration (0138).............................................................................. 113
5.6.11 Index Conditions (0227) ............................................................................................ 114
5.6.12 Print Condition Setup ................................................................................................ 115
5.6.13 Equipment Name Set (0124)..................................................................................... 115
5.6.14 Shop Logo Regist/Delete (1020)............................................................................... 115
5.6.15 Remote Desktop Settings (only in use of FMPC in the Earlier-type System) ........... 116
5.6.16 Setting the HELP....................................................................................................... 118
6.7 Optional Software Installation............................................................................................. 144
6.7.1 Frontier Manager II Software (S8) Installation .......................................................... 144
6.7.2 Full Automatic Red-eye Correction Software (S12) Installation ................................ 145
6.8 After-installation Work ........................................................................................................ 147
6.8.1 Media Output Setting ................................................................................................ 147
6.8.2 Installation Information Setup (0140) ........................................................................ 148
6.8.3 Print Size Setup (0220) ............................................................................................. 148
6.8.4 1394 Connection Check (0145) (only in use of earlier system (FMPC))................... 149
6.8.5 Copying Print Sizes from FMPC (S9) to FD.............................................................. 149
6.8.6 Setting the HELP....................................................................................................... 150
11 Index........................................................................................................................................... 187
1 Outlines
Chapter 1 Outlines
Chapter 10 Appendix
1.2 Installation Workflow
Before-installation Work
After-installation Work
1.2.3 Installation of Each Device
Before-installation Work
After-installation Work
After the installation of each device is completed, connect each one and perform the settings for the entire
system. Then, perform the operational checks. If all operational checks are OK, installation work is completed.
1.3 Installation Methods
The installation workflow described in Section 1.2 varies depending on the installed operating
systems. In particular, the procedure for installing each device may change significantly depending
on the condition of each device. This section explains how to decide the installation methods for
your current system.
[1] Newly Implemented DIC:
If the BIOS, OS and other settings for the DIC are already completed at time of shipment, “Before-
installation Work” in “1.2.3 Installation of Each Device” may not be required. For other PCs, make sure to
perform “1.2.3”. Installation of S2 (DICII Basic Software) and subsequent procedures are required.
[2] Upgrading C4/C5 in DIC Hardware to S2:
To upgrade C4/C5 in the DIC hardware to S2, the DIC hardware settings need to be initialized by using the
Recovery CD, etc. Start the installation work beginning with the OS installation in the DIC hardware. In
addition, appropriate settings such as OS settings are required before installing S2.
In both cases, the DIC hardware settings need to be in the initial state (clean installation is required) for
installing S2. Also, perform the procedures after “Before-installation Work” in both cases.
No E-DIC in System
The installation procedures for E-DIC (Second DIC) are almost the same as those for DIC described in
“ DIC Conditions”. Perform a clean installation of S7 (E-DIC Connection Software).
Perform a clean installation of S9 (FMPCII Software). The installation procedures are almost the same as
those for DICII/E-DICII. When using the current FMPC (FMPCI) hardware, the hardware setting must be set
to the initial state by using the Recovery CD, etc.
1.3.2 Installation Patterns
As described in Section “1.3.1 Set-up Conditions for Installation”, the procedures for installing DIC/E-DIC/
FMPC are almost the same. But the work before installation varies depending on the conditions. The following
three types of installation patterns are used.
FE Installation Procedure [New Installation] Pattern 1
Installation Conditions
- Device Configuration before Installing FE Software:
None (New installation)
- Device Configuration after Installing FE Software:
DIC II (S2) - DIC II (S7) - SP-3000 (S1) - FMPC II (S9) -
- Optional Software to be Installed:
S3 (S/T), S4, S5 (Pro), S8 and S12
- Device Assignment:
OET orders: CD-R writing is executed by S2.
LIOS orders: Viewing and ordering is executed by S7.
CD-R writing is executed by S2.
- Client of Remote Desktop Connection: S1
- Receipt Printer is connected to DIC II (S2).
(Billing terminal is S2.)
S1 Installation
(S1 is pre-installed on SP-3000)
START : Maintenance Work Executed during Installation
: Maintenance Work to be Executed by Service Start Date
Before-installation Work (One week before installation - the day before installation)
- Set PL-Maker price information using a tool delivered in advance
- Edit the StyleSheet file for the receipt printer
[Tasks done by Recovery CD] [Tasks done by Recovery CD] [Tasks done by Recovery CD]
Preliminary Work for each Device Preliminary Work for each Device Preliminary Work for each Device
* Procurement of PC is required for each country. * Procurement of PC is required for each country. * Because the monitor is not attached to FMPC, use the
Local procurement of a PC is required (in) each country. Local procurement of a PC is required (in) each country. monitor of another PC.
PC Preparations PC Preparations PC Preparations
- Set BIOS. - Set BIOS. - Install one IEEE1394 board.
(Set Hyper-threading for each OS type.) (Set Hyper-threading for each OS type.) - Set BIOS.
- Install OS (WinXP/2000) and set partitions. - Install OS (WinXP/2000) and set partitions. (Set Hyper-threading for each OS type.)
- Perform hard disk settings (format and drive names). - Perform hard disk settings (format and drive names). - Install OS (WinXP) and set partitions.
- Create FRONTIER user name. - Create FRONTIER user name. - Perform hard disk settings (format and drive names).
- Perform OS (XP or 2000) settings. - Perform Windows settings. - Create FRONTIER user name.
(See “Windows Setting” on “3.1.2 Preliminary Work for (See “Windows Setting” on “5.1.2 Preliminary Work - Perform Windows settings.
S2-use Hardware”.) for S7-use Hardware”.) (See “Windows Setting” on “6.1.2 Preliminary Work
- Set the computer name. - Set the computer name. for S9-use Hardware”.)
Network Environment Settings Network Environment Settings - Set the computer name.
- Set the IP address and workgroup. - Set the IP address and workgroup and disable Network Environment Settings
Install Windows basic software. Firewall. - Set the IP address and workgroup and disable
- Install MSDE2000. * Installation of Windows basic software is not Firewall.
- Install IIS. necessary. 1394 Driver Settings
- Install .Net Framework. - Preinstall 1394 Driver using 1394 Driver Disk.
- Install 1394 driver for connecting the printer/
* Enable 1394 LAN connection.
* Connect SP-3000 via Net connection.
S2 Installation (See 3.5 on page 41) S7 Installation (See 5.4 on page 101) S9 Installation (See 6.6 on page 141)
Installation of new S2. S2 is started up automatically. Install new S7. Reinstall S9 using the backup FD.
Optional Software Installation (See 3.6 on page 44) Optional Software Installation (See 5.5 on page 103) Optional Software Installation (See 6.7 on page 144)
Installation of S3 (S/T), S4 (or S5), S8 and S12. Install S3 (S/T), S4 (or S5), S8 and S12. Install S8 and S12.
* For S8, select “S8&Billing&PL-Maker”. * For S8, select “S8&Billing&PL-Maker”. * For S8, select “S8&Billing&PL-Maker”.
* Each software package can be installed consecutively * Each software package can be installed consecutively * Each software package can be installed consecutively
without restarting the system. without restarting the system. without restarting the system.
After-installation Work (See 3.7 on page 52) After-installation Work (See 5.6 on page 110) After-installation Work (See 6.8 on page 147)
Receipt Printer Installation Settings by Using Tools Maintenance Menu Settings
- Install EPSON driver attached to S8 CD-ROM. - Only when using S7, perform settings for PC to which - Set installation information (Menu 0140) (Delivery/
- Perform settings for the driver, bar-code, IE and StyleSheet. the CD-R writer is connected by using Device Startup Date).
* Batch file for setting IE is supplied. Assignment Tool (OET). - Register print sizes (Menu 0220).
Install a speaker for notification of sorting of S8. (Fixed to S2) Maintenance Menu Settings Settings by Using Tools
Settings by Using Tools - Equipment Name Set (0124) - Copy print size settings from S9 to FD by using Print
- Only when using S7, perform settings for PC to which the - Set media input environment (Menu 0136). Size Copy Tool.
CD-R writer is connected by using Device Assignment - Set index conditions (Menu 0227)(Shop Logo). - Only when using S7, perform settings for PC to which
Tool (OET and LIOS). - Shop Logo Regist/Delete (Menu 1020) the CD-R writer is connected by using Device
- Set PLMaker product information (by using tools). - Perform print condition setup. (Equivalent to the Assignment Tool (OET).
- Set Media Index (by using tools) current system) * When all settings are completed, remove the monitor.
Maintenance Menu Settings
- Equipment Name Set (Menu 0124)
- Set billing environment (Menu 0925).
- Set holiday/opening time (Menu 0927).
- Set media input environment (Menu 0136).
- Set CD-R writing output information (Menu 0137).
- Set photo copy environment (Menu 0138).
- Set index conditions (Menu 0227).
- Shop Logo Regist/Delete (Menu 1020)
- Perform print condition setup. (Equivalent to the current
Application Environment Settings (See 9.1 on page 155) Application Environment Settings (See 9.3 on page 167) Application Environment Settings (See 9.4 on page 169)
Settings by Using Tools Maintenance Menu Settings Maintenance Menu Settings
- Copy the print size settings (from FD to S2) by using Print - Set server operation environment (Menu 0922). - Set server operation environment (Menu 0922).
Size Copy Tool. Settings by Using Tools - Create backup FD for FMPC/printer processor.
- Edit user button settings by using Custom Button Setting - Copy the print size settings (from FD to S7) by using - Set timer for printer/processor (Menu 0121).
Tools. Print Size Copy Tool. - Perform maintenance work for the printer/processor.
Maintenance Menu Settings - Edit user button settings by using Custom Button (Equivalent to the current system)
- Perform settings for system operation (Menu 0921). Setting Tools.
* Click the [Initialization] button.
FE Installation Procedure [Upgrading] Pattern 2
Installation Conditions
- Device Configuration before Installing FE Software:
DIC (C4/C5 V5.0/5.5) - SP-3000 (A1V1.7) - LP1500 (V7.0)
- Device Configuration after Installing FE Software:
DICII (S2) - DICII (S7) - SP-3000 (S1) - FMPCII (S9) - LP1500 (V7.7)
- Optional Software to be Installed:
S3 (S/T), S4, S5 (Pro), S8 and S12
- Device Assignment:
OET orders: CD-R writing is executed by S2.
LIOS orders: Viewing and ordering is executed by S7. CD-R writing is
executed by S2.
- Remote Desktop Connection Client: S1
- Receipt Printer is connected to DICII (S2).
(Billing terminal is S2.)
START : Maintenance Work Executed during Installation
: Maintenance Work to be Executed by Service Start Date
Before-installation Work (One week before installation - the day before installation)
- Set PL-Maker price information using a tool delivered in advance
- Edit the StyleSheet file for the receipt printer
[Tasks done by Recovery CD] [Tasks done by Recovery CD] [Tasks done by Recovery CD]
Preliminary Work for each Device Preliminary Work for each Device Preliminary Work for each Device
- Copy custom data from C5 to FD by using a tool. * Procurement of PC is required for each country. * Because the monitor is not attached to FMPC, use the
- 512MB or larger amount of memory need to be installed in PC Preparations monitor of another PC.
PC. If necessary, install additional memory. - Set BIOS. PC Preparations
PC Preparations (Set Hyper-threading for each OS type.) - Install one IEEE1394 board.
- Set BIOS. - Install OS (WinXP/2000) and set partitions. - Set BIOS.
(Set Hyper-threading for each OS type.) - Perform hard disk settings (format and drive names). (Set Hyper-threading for each OS type.)
- Install OS (WinXP/2000) and set partitions. - Create FRONTIER user name. - Install OS (WinXP) and set partitions.
- Perform hard disk settings (format and drive names). - Perform Windows settings. - Perform hard disk settings (format and drive names).
- Create FRONTIER user name. (See “Windows Setting” on “5.1.2 Preliminary Work - Create FRONTIER user name.
- Perform Windows settings. for S7-use Hardware”.) - Perform Windows settings.
(See “Windows Setting” on “3.1.2 Preliminary Work for - Set the computer name. (See “Windows Setting” on “6.1.2 Preliminary Work
S2-use Hardware”.) Network Environment Settings for S9-use Hardware”.)
- Set the computer name. - Set the IP address and workgroup and disable - Set the computer name.
Network Environment Settings Firewall. Network Environment Settings
- Set the IP address and workgroup and disable Firewall. * Installation of Windows basic software is not - Set the IP address and workgroup and disable Firewall.
Install Windows basic software. necessary. 1394 Driver Settings
- Install MSDE2000. - Preinstall 1394 Driver using 1394 Driver Disk.
- Install IIS. - Install 1394 driver for connecting the printer/processor.
- Install .Net Framework. * Enable 1394 LAN connection.
* Connect SP-3000 via Net connection.
S2 Installation (See 3.5 on page 41) S7 Installation (See 5.4 on page 101) S9 Installation (See 6.6 on page 141)
Installation of new S2. S2 is started up automatically. Install new S7. Reinstall S9 using the backup FD.
Optional Software Installation (See 3.6 on page 44) Optional Software Installation (See 5.5 on page 103) Optional Software Installation (See 6.7 on page 144)
Install S3 (S/T), S4 (or S5), S8 and S12. Install S3 (S/T), S4 (or S5), S8 and S12. Install S8 and S12.
* For S8, select “S8&Billing&PL-Maker”. * For S8, select “S8&Billing&PL-Maker”. * For S8, select “S8&Billing&PL-Maker”.
* Each software package can be installed consecutively * Each software package can be installed consecutively * Each software package can be installed consecutively
without restarting the system. without restarting the system. without restarting the system.
After-installation Work (See 3.7 on page 52) After-installation Work (See 5.6 on page 110) After-installation Work (See 6.8 on page 147)
Receipt Printer Installation Settings by Using Tools Settings by Using Tools
- Install EPSON driver attached to S8 CD-ROM. - Copy custom data from FD to S7 by using a tool. - Only when using S7, perform settings for PC to which
- Perform settings for the driver, barcode, IE and StyleSheet. - Only when using S7, perform settings for PC to which the CD-R writer is connected by using Device
* Batch file for setting IE is supplied. the CD-R writer is connected by using Device Assignment Tool (OET).
Install a speaker for notification of sorting of S8. (Fixed to S2) Assignment Tool (OET). Maintenance Menu Settings
Settings by Using Tools Maintenance Menu Settings - Set installation information (Menu 0140) (Delivery/
- Custom Data Copy Tool - Equipment Name Set (0124) Startup Date).
- Only when using S7, perform settings for PC to which the CD-R writer - Set media input environment (Menu 0136). * When all settings are completed, remove the monitor.
is connected by using Device Assignment Tool (OET and LIOS). - Set index conditions (Menu 0227)(Shop Logo).
- Set PL-Maker product information (by using tools). - Shop Logo Regist/Delete (Menu 1020)
- Set Media Index (by using tools) - Perform print condition setup. (Equivalent to the
Maintenance Menu Settings current system)
- Equipment Name Set (Menu 0124)
- Set billing environment (Menu 0925).
- Set holiday/opening time (Menu 0927).
- Set media input environment (Menu 0136).
- Set CD-R writing output information (Menu 0137).
- Set photo copy environment (Menu 0138).
- Set index conditions (Menu 0227).
- Shop Logo Regist/Delete (Menu 1020)
- Perform print condition setup. (Equivalent to the current system)
Application Environment Settings (See 9.1 on page 155) Application Environment Settings (See 9.3 on page 167) Application Environment Settings (See 9.4 on page 169)
Settings by Using Tools Maintenance Menu Settings Maintenance Menu Settings
- Copy the print size settings (from FD to S2) by using Print - Set server operation environment (Menu 0922). - Set server operation environment (Menu 0922).
Size Copy Tool. Settings by Using Tools - Turn ON the rack auto cleaning function.
- Edit user button settings by using Custom Button Setting - Copy the print size settings (from FD to S7) by using - Create backup FD for FMPC/printer processor.
Tools. Print Size Copy Tool. - Set timer for printer/processor (Menu 0121).
Maintenance Menu Settings - Edit user button settings by using Custom Button - Perform maintenance work for the printer/processor.
- Perform settings for system operation (Menu 0921). Setting Tools. (Equivalent to the current system)
* Click the [Initialization] button. Settings by Using Tools
- Copy the print size settings (from FD to S9) by using
Print Size Copy Tool.
FE Installation Procedure [Installing FE Software in Earlier-type System] Pattern 3
Installation Conditions
- Device Configuration before Installing FE Software:
DIC (C4/C5V5.0) - SP1500/2000 (A1 V7.7) - FMPC (D20) - LP1500/2000 (V7.7)
- Device Configuration after Installing FE Software:
DICII (S2) - SP1500/2000 (A1+S2C) - FMPCII (S9) - LP1500/2000 (V7.7)
- Optional Software to be Installed:
S3 (S/T), S4, S5 (Pro), S8 and S12
- Client of Remote Desktop Connection: S2
- Receipt Printer is connected to DICII (S2).
(Billing terminal is S2.)
SP-3000 (S1)
Option: A2, S1, S3, S5, S8, S12 SP1500/2000 (A1+S2Client)
After-installation Work
- Installation information Setup (Menu 0140)
START : Maintenance Work Required during Installation
: Maintenance Work to be Executed by Service Start Date
Before-installation Work (One week before installation - the day before installation)
- Set PL-Maker price information using a tool delivered in advance
- Edit the StyleSheet file for the receipt printer
S2 Installation (See 3.5 on page 41) S9 Installation (See 6.6 on page 141)
Install new S2. S2 is started up automatically. Reinstall S9 using the backup FD.
Optional Software Installation (See 3.6 on page 44) Optional Software Installation (See 6.7 on page 144)
Install S3 (S/T), S4 (or S5), S8 and S12. Install S8 and S12.
* For S8, select “S8&Billing&PL-Maker”. * For S8, select “S8&Billing&PL-Maker”.
* Each software package can be installed consecutively * Each software package can be installed consecutively
without restarting the system. without restarting the system.
After-installation Work (See 3.7 on page 52) After-installation Work (See 6.8 on page 147)
Receipt Printer Installation Maintenance Menu Settings
- Install EPSON driver attached to S8 CD-ROM. - Set installation information (Menu 0140) (Delivery/
- Perform settings for the driver, barcode, IE and StyleSheet. Startup Date).
* Batch file for setting IE is supplied. - Make sure that 1394 connection is enabled at the SP
Install a speaker for notification of sorting of S8. (Fixed to S2) side. (Menu 0145).
Settings by Using Tools * Billing and CD-R writing are to be performed on S2.
- Copy custom data from FD to S2 by using Tools. * When all settings are completed, remove the monitor
- Set PL-Maker product information (by using tools). switcher device from the system.
- Set Media Index (by using tools)
Maintenance Menu Settings
- Equipment Name Set (Menu 0124)
- Set billing environment (Menu 0925).
- Set holiday/opening time (Menu 0927).
- Set media input environment (Menu 0136).
- Set CD-R writing output information (Menu 0137).
- Set photo copy environment (Menu 0138).
- Set index conditions (Menu 0227).
- Perform print condition setup. (Equivalent to the current system)
- Perform settings for conventional red-eye correction
function (Menu 0201).
- Shop Logo Regist/Delete (Menu 1020)
Remote Desktop Settings
Application Environment Settings (See 9.1 on page 155) Application Environment Settings (See 9.4 on page 169)
Settings by Using Tools Maintenance Menu Settings
- Activate the existing system installation tool after pre- - Set server operation environment (Menu 0922).
operational checks (A1). - Turn ON the rack auto cleaning function.
- Copy the print size settings (from FD to S2) by using Print - Create backup FD for FMPC/printer processor.
Size Copy Tool. - Set timer for printer/processor (Menu 0121).
- Edit user button settings by using Custom Button Setting - Perform maintenance work for the printer/processor.
Tools. (Equivalent to the current system)
Maintenance Menu Settings Settings by Using Tools
- Perform settings for system operation (Menu 0921). - Copy print size settings from FD to S9 by using Print
* Click the [Initialization] button. Size Copy Tool.
2 Installation Preparations for S1/S2/S7/S9
This chapter explains the required tasks before starting the installation. It is recommended that
these tasks are performed 1 week before the installation, because creating the price list may
take time.
By using the print Size Copy Tool, you can make the backup of the parameters for print sizes set on
the device, and can copy the parameters it to each device via the FD.
Copy the print size data used in the FRONTIER (SP) to the FD.
2.1.1 Copying Print Size Copy Tool 3 Execute “Tool” -> “PrintSize Tool” -> “Print
(PrintsizeSnc.exe) to FD SizeTool.bat” in the CD drive by selecting [Start]
-> “Run”.
Perform this operation on the general PC.
The above PC is used as an example.
The above PC is used as an example.
The above PC is used as an example.
6 Remove the CD from the CD drive. 2.1.2 Copying Print Sizes from FRONTIER
to FD
Execute “PrintsizeSnc.exe”.
4 In the “Select Mode” dialog box, click the [Read
Reg] button.
Do not remove the FD until the copying of print
sizes is completed.
2.2 Billing Data Preparation
2.2.1 Copying the Default Billing Data 4 The following three files are created in the
[PLInit] folder on the Desktop.
Copy the default billing data to the Desktop on the
- PLInit.exe
- DNA.mdb
- PrintsizeSnc.bin
1 Insert the Pre-setting Tool CD into the CD drive
of the PC.
The above PC is used as an example.
10 Remove the CD from the CD drive. 2.2.2 Registering the Price List in the
Server Database
The above PC is used as an example.
3 DICII (S2) Installation
3.1.2 Preliminary Work for S2-use Hardware
Before installing DICII Basic Software, the following preliminary work for DICII hardware is required.
Default gateway
DNS primary address
Subnet mask
Do not install the “NetBEUI” protocol.
To use the services registered in C5 (Data Writing) on S2, the backup FD must be created on C4/C5 by using
the Custom Data Copy Tool. (See “10.2 Custom Data Copy Tool”.)
3.2 BIOS Setting and User Registration
3.2.1 Hyper-threading Setup 2 Enter ‘FRONTIER’ and then click the [Next]
The following procedures are examples. They may
vary depending on the PC.
5 Click the “Create a password”. 8 Click the [User Account] button.
3.3 Windows Settings
3.3.1 Settings Completed with Batch 3.3.2 Disabling Windows XP Style (only
File in Windows XP)
For the items marked with the description (This Set the following item manually by performing Step
setting is done by executing the batch file.), all 1 to 5.
required settings are performed in the one action of
executing the batch file. Insert Basic Software CD-
ROM into the CD-ROM drive and execute the 1 Right-click on any part of Desktop and the select
“BeforeConfig.bat” file in the “N:\Tools\OSAutoConfig”
folder by selecting [Start] -> “Run” on the Desktop.
(Ex: “N:” drive.) After executing a batch file, restart the 2 In the “Theme” tab in the “Display Properties”
screen, select “Windows Classic” for “Theme”
system and perform the settings for other items.
and then click the [OK] button.
Select. Click.
4 On the “Services” screen, double-click 3.3.3 [Date and Time Settings] Regional
“Themes”. and Language Settings
Make sure that the time is correctly adjusted.
3.3.5 Disabling User Assistant Function 3.3.7 Disabling Error Reporting (only in
Windows XP)
(This setting is done by executing the batch file.)
(This setting is done by executing the batch file.)
1 Select [Start] -> “Control Panel” -> “Accessibility
Options” and then remove all check marks [✓] (to
disable all user assistant functions).
1 Open “Control Panel”.
2 Double-click “System”.
Dialog Box
4 Select “Disable error reporting”, remove the 3.3.8 Auto-hide Setting for Task Bar
check mark [✓] from “But notify me...” and then
click the [OK] button. (Windows XP: The setting is done by executing
Select. the batch file.)
(Windows 2000: Set manually by executing the
following Steps.)
3.3.9 “Visual Notification” to ON in Dr. 3.3.10 Disabling Windows Firewall (only
Watson Dialog Box in Windows XP)
(This setting is done by executing the batch file.) (This setting is done by executing the batch file.)
2 Enter “drwtsn32” and click the [OK] button. 2 Double-click “Windows Firewall”.
Select. Click.
3.3.11 Disabling Security Center (only in 3.3.12 Time Zone Setting (for each
Windows XP) country)
(This setting is done by executing the batch file.) Set the Time Zone and Date & Time appropriate for
the installation location manually.
1 Select [Start] -> “Run”. Enter ‘Services.msc’ and
[Time Zone]
then click the [OK] button.
Enter “Services.msc”.
Select. Click.
3.3.13 LIOS User Registration 4 Set all margins (Left, Right, Top and Bottom) to
(This setting is done by executing the batch file.)
Set to “0”.
(This setting is done by executing the batch file.)
S2, S7 or S9.
(See “2.9 Receipt Printer Setting” in “Frontier
Manager II (S8)” Installation Manual.)
3.4 Installing Windows Basic Software
Make sure to perform the installation in the following order. Check if the
following installation is properly done after “3.5 S2 Software Installation”.
3.4.1 Installing MSDE2000 database 3.4.2 Installing IIS (Internet Information
engine SP3a Services)
Select. Click.
1 In the S2 installation menu, select “IIS Install”.
Select. Click.
2 The “Add/Remove Programs” dialog box
appears. Select “Add/Remove Windows
Make sure to select the [No] button. Do not
restart the system here.
3 On the “Windows Components Wizard” screen, 4 Perform installation by following the instructions
add the check mark [✓] to “Internet Information displayed on screen.
Services (IIS)” and click the [Next] button.
If the message prompting you to insert the
Windows 2000/XP CD, set it to the CD drive,
then select “\I386” folder of the CD drive. When
the completion message (Step 5) appears,
replace the Windows 2000/XP CD with the S2
[Windows 2000]
[Windows XP]
3.4.3 Installing .Net Framework V1.1 5 Select [Start] -> “Settings” -> “Control Panel” ->
“Administrative Tools” (on the Windows XP,
1 In the S2 installation menu, select “Microsoft .Net select [Start] -> “Control Panel”. Make sure that
the “Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
Framework V1.1”.
Configuration” and “Microsoft .NET Framework
1.1 Wizards” shortcut icons are displayed.
Select. Click.
Installing of the S2 software is not performed
here. (See “3.5 S2 Software Installation”.)
Select. Click.
7 Shut down the PC by selecting [Start] -> “Shut
Down” on the Desktop, then restart it.
3.5 S2 Software Installation
IMPORTANT Before the installation, disconnect the DICII (S2) from the LAN. If the installation is done
while the DICII is connected to the LAN, an error may occur.
1 Insert the S2 installer CD into the CD-ROM 3 When the program installation menu appears,
drive. select “S2 Software”.
Select. Click.
(CD-ROM Drive)\EZ171\Setup.exe
6 When installation is completed, the completion (The following is the example of Windows 2000.)
message appears. Remove the CD.
(2) On the Desktop, select [Start] -> “Settings” ->
“Control Panel”.
(5) Select “Internet Information Services” -> “fe- (8) Check if the “.asmx” appears in the
frontend (Computer Name)” -> “Default Web “Application Mapping” list, then click the
Site” -> “WFLIOSOrderSOAP”. [Cancel] button.
(In case of Windows XP, select “Internet Administrative Tools must be closed.
Service Manager” -> “fe-forntend (Computer
Name)” -> “Default Web Site” -> If the “.asmx” appears, proceed to “3.6
“WFLIOSOrderSOAP”). Optional Software Installation”.
If the “.asmx” does not appear, proceed to
Step (9). Administrative Tools must be closed
before performing Step (9).
Right-click. Select.
3.6 Optional Software Installation
To install the optional software, the Basic Software must be installed beforehand. (See “3.4 Installing
Windows Basic Software” and “3.5 S2 Software Installation”.)
This section assumes that the several optional software programs will be installed at one time. When installing
software individually, use the following procedures.
1. Insert the installer CD into the CD drive if the system is started up.
If the system is shut down, insert the installer CD into the CD drive just after starting up the system.
2. Shut down the system through “Post-operational”.
3. Start up the system.
4. In the “Starting Installation” dialog box, click the [Yes] button to start the installation.
5. Remove the installer CD from the CD drive.
6. Click the [Yes] button to restart the system.
3 Installation is started up. 7 Click the [Yes] button to restart the system.
3.6.2 Tone Selection Software (S4) 4 Registering information is written into the
Installation registry.
(CD-ROM Drive)\EZ171\Setup.exe
click the [Yes] button.
When the “Setup Complete (A-100)” dialog box,
remove the S4 installer CD from the CD drive of
3.6.3 Professional Color Correction 3 Installation is started up.
Software (S5) Installation
(CD-ROM Drive)\EZ171\Setup.exe
7 Click the [Yes] button to restart the system. 3.6.4 Frontier Manager II Software (S8)
4 Registering information is written into registry. ■ When the billing is not performed on the
S2, select “S8 Software” on the “Program
Installation Menu” screen.
4 Registering information is written into the 3.6.5 Full Automatic Red-eye Correction
registry. Software (S12) Installation
[Applicable Software]
Optional S12 Software is available for S1, S2, S7
and S9.
For S1, S2 and S7, optional S3 Software must be
installed in advance.
Environment settings are done.
(CD-ROM Drive)\EZ171\Setup.exe
In the “Starting Installation (A-010)” dialog box,
3 Installation is started up. 6 When the “Setup Complete (A-100)” dialog box,
remove the S12 installer CD from the CD drive of
3.7 After-installation Work
Install the driver software for receipt printer. (See (See 10.2.)
“Frontier Manager (S8) Instruction Manual
[Condition Setup and Maintenance]”).
3.7.5 Media Output Setting
3 Execute the following file to set up the PC for 3.7.6 LIOS Order Processing Settings
media output.
Perform this procedure only when the system
includes E-DICII (S7).
This checkbox is effective only when S8 is
installed, but displayed even when S8 is not
Select [(99) Special Operations] -> [(9941) Explorer].
5 In the “Manual Image-Processing PC” edit box, 3.7.7 PLMaker Setting
enter the name of the PC for manual image
processing (normally “FE-C-FRONTEND”, the Set up the PLMaker product information. (See
computer name for E-DICII).
“Frontier Manager (S8) Instruction Manual
6 In the “CD-R Write PC” edit box, enter the name [Condition Setup and Maintenance]”.)
of the PC for media output (normally “FE-C-
FRONTEND”, the computer name for E-DICII).
3.7.8 Media Index Setting
7 Click the [OK] button.
Set up the small and large index for digital service
(for orders from KIOSK, NET and Order Entry
[OES]). Select the service, then add check mark to
“Small Index” or “Large Index” one by one.
4 Select the service name in the left-hand list box,
then add the check mark [✓] to “Small Index” and
“Large Index”. (Selecting of any or both of
indexes is available.)
3.7.9 Holiday/Opening Time Setup (0927)
“Setup and Maintenance” -> [(09) Order Control and Maintenance] -> [(0927) Holiday/Opening Time Setup]
Set up the holidays and working days and times.
2 3 4
7 8
1 Perform the holiday and opening time settings referring the following table.
No. Item Description
2 Opening Set up the opening time of the day.
Range: 1:00 A.M to 12:59 P.M
4 List Lists up the selected holidays with the holiday name and its date.
No. Item Description
7 [Add] Button Adds the holiday and its date.
The button is active only when the holiday is selected in the list.
(See “3.2.7 Holiday/Opening Time Setup (0927)” in the “Frontier
Manager II (S8) Installation Manual”.)
3.7.10 Media Input Environment Setup 3.7.11 Writing Service Settings (0137)
Set up the items required for the CD-R writing
Perform media drive settings for importing image service.
1 Select [(01) System Operation Setup and Check]
IMPORTANT -> [(0137) Writing Service Output Settings].
Before this setting, confirm the drive letter of each
media drive by using the Explorer.
3.7.12 Photo Copy Configuration (0138) 2 Select the scanner source name (logical device
name) in the [TWAIN Source] list.
Before this setting, install the TWAIN driver in the
PC and connect the scanner to the PC.
“Setup and Maintenance” -> [(01) System
Operation Setup and Check] -> [(0138) Photo Copy
Configuration] 3 Click the [OK] button.
3.7.13 Index Conditions (0227) <Index for Media>
Select the condition of the index printing and large
index printing.
3.7.15 Equipment Name Set (0124) 3.7.16 Red Eye Correction Setup (0201)
(only in case of the Earlier-type
[Selection] System)
“Setup and Maintenance” -> [(01) System
Operation Setup and Check] -> [(0124) Equipment [Selection]
Name Set] “Setup and Maintenance” -> [(02) Print Condition
Setup and Check] -> [(0201) Red Eye Correction
[Procedure] Setup]
Set up the device name to be used in the system
and its identifier when creating an order. [Procedure]
When using the FRONTIER 330/340E/350/370 as
1 Set up the following items. printer, set up the red-eye correction items. (See
“Full Automatic Red-Eye Correction Software
- Device Name: Unique Device Name for Instruction Manual”.)
Imaging Controller
- Order Identifier: Unique lower-case alphabet
(This is added to the order No.)
3.7.17 Billing Environment Setup (0925)
“Setup and Maintenance” -> [(09) Order Control and Maintenance] -> [(0925) Billing Environment Setup]
Set up the items for performing the billing. (See “Frontier Manger Instruction Manual [Condition Setup]”)
1 Select the [(10) Register/Delete] -> [(1020) Shop Logo Regist/Delete] button.
2 Setup the shop logo. For settings, see the “S2 Instruction Manual (Condition Setup and Maintenance)”.
Note that the same shop logo must be set up for S2 and S7.
3.7.19 Remote Desktop Settings (only in 3 In the “License Agreement” screen, select
use of FMPC in the Earlier-type “I accept...” and then click the [Next] button.
When using S2 on the Windows XP, it is not
necessary to install the following Remote Desktop
Client. In this case, start the operation from
“Remote Desktop Setting” shown on page 65.
Select. Click the [Next] button.
(1) User Name: Enter ‘FRONTIER’.
Open the “Driver” -> “RemoteDesktop” folder in
(2) Organization: Leave this box blank.
the S2 installer disk and then double-click the
(3) Install this application for: Select “Only for me”.
“msrdpcli” icon.
Enter ‘FRONTIER’. Leave this box blank.
6 Installation is started. 3 The following dialog box appears. Copy
‘FRONTIER’ in the “User name” box and paste it
in the “Password” box.
Paste it.
5 The following dialog box appears. Click the 3.7.20 Setting the HELP
[Save] button to overwrite the file.
Install the HELP manuals which are displayed by
clicking the [Help] button at the upper right-hand
side of the screen.
2 The “Installation menu” screen appears. 5 Upon completion of installation, remove the
manual CD from the CD drive.
3 Select “Manuals”, then click the [Start
installation] button. When the manual is reinstalled, the following
dialog appears in this step. In this case, click the
Select [Manuals].
[Yes to All] button.
8 In the “Restarting Windows” dialog box, click the 3 On the “Setup Start” screen, click the [Next]
[Yes] button. button.
6 On the “Ready to Install the Program” screen, 9 Control returns to the “Installation menu” screen.
click the [Install] button.
4 SP (S1) Installation
■ Conditions
Set the computer name, IP address, etc. according to the system environment. If acceptable, set the following
4.2 Windows Settings
4.2.1 [Date and Time Settings] Regional 4.2.3 “Rollup 35” Installation Procedure
and Language Settings
Run the patch program using the “OS SP4 +
In “Regional and Language Options”, set the date Rollup35” CD.
setting to “dddd, MMMM, dd, yyyy” and time setting
to “24-hour format”. The “OS SP4 + Rollup35” CD includes the Windows
2000 Service Pack 4 (hereafter “SP4”), several Hotfix
IMPORTANT files, and Rollup35 correction program.
Make sure that the time is correctly adjusted.
When the SP3000 Main Control Unit (hereafter “S1
PC”) uses the Windows 2000 SP4, only the Rollup35
is installed in the Main Control Unit.
4.2.2 Time Zone Setting (for each When the S1 PC uses the Windows 2000 SP2, all
country) Hotfix files (with SP4) are installed in the Main Control
Set the Time Zone and Date & Time appropriate for This procedure should be done before the S1
the installation location manually. software installation or upgrading (See 4.3).
[Time Zone]
1 Start up the Main Control Unit(S1 PC) while
pressing [CTRL] key.
4 The Hotfix files are copied into the S1 PC. 7 When the Installation is completed, the
completion message appears. Press any key to
stop the program.
4.3 S1 Software Installation (Upgrading from A1 to S1)
IMPORTANT Make sure that the FRONTIER system software [A1] version is 1.7 or 1.8.
IMPORTANT Before starting the S1 installation, disconnect the S1 (SP) from the LAN.
1 Display FRONTIER system [A1] main menu and 2 Turn off SP-3000 after inserting the S1
click [Setup and Maintenance], then open the installation CD in CD drive. Next, turn on SP-
“Installation Information Setup [0140]” after 3000.
entering the password ‘7777’.
[1] When the output device (FRONTIER) is 3 The installer is started automatically and the
directly connected through SP-3000, make following dialog box is displayed. Select [Yes] to
sure that the devices are connected, then start upgrade processing.
check that the output device model
connected is chosen.
Create the backup FD of an output device The Windows installer (DOS screen) may be
(FRONTIER) (“Data Backup [0122]”) before installed before the installation is started.
performing the above procedure [2]. When
moving from the system without FMPC to the
one with FMPCII (S9), create the backup FD at
the time of S9 installation.
4 Installation is started. 7 Remove the CD and then click the [OK] button.
Operation returns to the Desktop screen.
4.4 Optional Software Installation
To install the optional software, the Basic Software must be installed beforehand (See “4.3 S1 Software
Installation (Upgrading from A1 to S1)”).
This section assumes that the several optional software programs will be installed at one time. When installing
software individually, use the following procedures.
1. Insert the installer CD into the CD drive if the system is started up.
If the system is shut down, insert the installer CD into the CD drive just after starting up the system.
2. Shut down the system through “Post-operational”.
3. Start up the system.
4. In the “Starting Installation” dialog box, click the [Yes] button to start the installation.
5. Remove the installer CD from the CD drive.
6. Click the [Yes] button to restart the system.
4.4.1 Variety Print Software (S3) 2 In the “Starting Installation (A-010)” dialog box,
Installation click the [Yes] button.
(CD-ROM Drive)\EZ171\Setup.exe
4 Registering information is written into the 4.4.2 Tone Selection Software (S4)
registry. Installation
(CD-ROM Drive)\EZ171\Setup.exe
4 Registering information is written into the 4.4.3 Professional Color Correction
registry. Software (S5) Installation
(CD-ROM Drive)\EZ171\Setup.exe
4 Registering information is written into the 4.4.4 Frontier Manager II Software (S8)
registry. Installation
6 When the “Setup Complete (A-100)” dialog box, 3 Installation is started up.
remove the S5 installer CD from the CD drive of
4 Registering information is written into the 4.4.5 Full Automatic Red-eye Correction
registry. Software (S12) Installation
[Applicable Software]
Optional S12 Software is available for S1, S2, S7
and S9.
(CD-ROM Drive)\EZ171\Setup.exe
3 Installation is started up. 6 When the “Setup Complete (A-100)” dialog box,
remove the S12 installer CD from the CD drive of
the DICII.
4.5 After-installation Work
4.5.1 Remote Desktop Settings (Only 4 Enter the following information and then click the
when using the FMPCII) [Next] button.
6 Installation is started.
7 When installation is completed, the following [Remote Desktop Setting]
dialog box appears. Click the [Finish] button.
Perform the settings for switching the screen
between S1 and FMPCII.
Paste it.
4 Check [✓] the “Save my password” checkbox 6 Operation returns to the following dialog box.
and then click the [Save As] button. Click the [Cancel] button and then restart the
4.5.2 Copying Print Sizes from 4 The print size copy Tool (PrintsizeSnc.exe) is
FRONTIER to FD copied to the FD.
Insert the blank FD into the FD drive.
Copying Print Sizes from FRONTIER to FD 4 In the “Select Mode” dialog box, click the [Read
Reg] button.
Execute “PrintsizeSnc.exe”.
4.5.3 Media Output Setting 5 In the “CD-R Write PC” edit box, enter the name
of the PC for media output.
Perform this procedure only when the system
includes E-DICII (S7). 6 Add the check mark [✓] to the [Screen Control
Setting] checkbox, so that WFA is used as Home
When using the E-DICII (S7), the setting for media
output is required. NOTE:
Set up the PC for media output by following the This checkbox is effective only when S8 is
procedure below. installed, but displayed even when S8 is not
4.5.4 Scanner Parameter Check/Update [Selection]
(0350) “Setup and Maintenance” -> [(03) Scanner
Adjustment/Maintenance] -> [(0350) Scanner
This menu check parameter saved in the EEPROM Parameter Check/Update]
of the CTB23, CLE23, CCD23 circuit boards and
the HD of the main control unit, then displays the
result by “OK” or “NG”.
[Storage] button:
Saves the parameters from the circuit board
into the HD when the system software (A1) is
newly installed.
[Reading] button:
Reads the parameters saved in the HD and ● Storage
writes them into the new circuit board when Each button becomes effective when the system
the circuit board has been replaced. software (A1) is newly installed.
4.5.5 Scanner and Carrier Adjustment/ 4.5.7 Installation Information Setup
Maintenance menus (0140)
Perform the “Scanner Adjustment/Maintenance” 1 Select the [(01) System Operation Setup and
and “Carrier Adjustment/Maintenance” menus. Check] -> [(0140) Installation Information Setup]
4.5.8 Shop Logo Regist/Delete (1020) 4.5.9 Setting the HELP
1 Select the [(10) Register/Delete] -> [(1020) Shop See “3.7.20 Setting the HELP” on page 66.
Logo Regist/Delete] button.
5 E-DICII (S7) Installation
5.1.2 Preliminary Work for S7-use Hardware
Before installing S7 (E-DICII Basic Software), the following preliminary work for E-DICII hardware is
BIOS Hyper-threading OFF (See 5.2.1) Hyper-threading ON (See 5.2.1)
OS Windows2000 SP4 Windows XP Pro. SP2
HDD FD: “A:” drive
CD-ROM: “N:” drive
Total Disk Space: (“C:” and “D:” drives)
40GB: (10GB, 30GB)
80GB: (20GB, 60GB)
160GB: (20GB, 140GB)
“C:” and “D:” drives: NTFS Format
User Registration Register the following data. (See 5.2.2)
Password: FRONTIER
Group: Administrators
Windows Settings No. [Shaded items can be installed in the one action of executing the batch file.]
[1] - Disabling Windows XP Style (See 5.3.2)
[2] [Date and Time Settings] In “Regional and Language Options”, set the date setting
to “dddd, MMMM, dd, yyyy” and time setting to “24-hour format”. (See 5.3.3)
[3] System Error Setting (See 5.3.4)
[4] -
[5] Disabling User Assistant Function (See 5.3.5)
[6] Hide Setting of Screen Keyboard Dialog Box (See 5.3.6)
[7] - Disabling Error Reporting (See 5.3.7)
[8] Auto-hide Setting for Task Bar (See 3.3.8) Auto-hide Setting for Task Bar (See 5.3.8)
[9] “Visual Notification” to ON in Dr. Watson Dialog Box (See 5.3.9)
[10] - Disabling Windows Firewall (See 5.3.10)
[11] - Disabling Security Center (See 5.3.11)
[12] -
[13] Time Zone Setting for each country (See 5.3.12)
[14] -
[15] LIOS User Registration (See 5.3.13)
[16] Setting IE page for Receipt Printer (See 5.3.14)
Application Installing Remote Desktop Application -
Computer Name FE-C-FRONTEND
IP Address
Default gateway
DNS primary address
Subnet mask
5.2 BIOS Setting and User Registration
5.2.1 Hyper-threading Setup 2 Enter ‘FRONTIER’ and then click the [Next]
The following procedures are examples. They may
vary depending on the PC.
5 Click the “Create a password”. 8 Click the [User Account] button.
5.3 Windows Settings
5.3.1 Settings Completed with Batch 5.3.2 Disabling Windows XP Style (only
File in Windows XP)
For the items marked with the description (This Set the following item manually by performing Step
setting is done by executing the batch file.), all 1 to 5.
required settings are performed in the one action of
executing the batch file. Insert Basic Software CD-
ROM into the CD-ROM drive and execute the 1 Right-click on any part of Desktop and the select
“BeforeConfig.bat” file in the “N:\Tools\OSAutoConfig”
folder by selecting [Start] -> “Run” on the Desktop.
(Ex: “N:” drive.) After executing a batch file, restart the 2 In the “Theme” tab in the “Display Properties”
screen, select “Windows Classic” for “Theme”
system and perform the settings for other items.
and then click the [OK] button.
Select. Click.
4 On the “Services” screen, double-click 5.3.3 [Date and Time Settings] Regional
“Themes”. and Language Settings
Make sure that the time is correctly adjusted.
5.3.5 Disabling User Assistant Function 5.3.7 Disabling Error Reporting (only in
Windows XP)
(This setting is done by executing the batch file.)
(This setting is done by executing the batch file.)
1 Select [Start] -> “Control Panel” -> “Accessibility
Options” and then remove all check marks [✓] (to
disable all user assistant functions).
1 Open “Control Panel”.
2 Double-click “System”.
Dialog Box
4 Select “Disable error reporting”, remove the 5.3.8 Auto-hide Setting for Task Bar
check mark [✓] from “But notify me...” and then
click the [OK] button. (Windows XP: The setting is done by executing
Select. the batch file.)
(Windows 2000: Set manually by executing the
following Steps.)
5.3.9 “Visual Notification” to ON in Dr. 5.3.10 Disabling Windows Firewall (only
Watson Dialog Box in Windows XP)
(This setting is done by executing the batch file.) (This setting is done by executing the batch file.)
2 Enter “drwtsn32” and click the [OK] button. 2 Double-click “Windows Firewall”.
Select. Click.
5.3.11 Disabling Security Center (only in 5.3.12 Time Zone Setting (for each
Windows XP) country)
(This setting is done by executing the batch file.) Set the Time Zone and Date & Time appropriate for
the installation location manually.
1 Select [Start] -> “Run”. Enter ‘Services.msc’ and
[Time Zone]
then click the [OK] button.
Enter “Services.msc”.
Select. Click.
5.3.13 LIOS User Registration 4 Set all margins (Left, Right, Top and Bottom) to
(This setting is done by executing the batch file.)
Set to “0”.
(This setting is done by executing the batch file.)
S2, S7 or S9.
(See "2.9 Receipt Printer Setting" in “Frontier
Manager II (S8)” Installation Manual.)
5.4 S7 Software Installation
IMPORTANT Before the installation, disconnect the E-DICII (S7) from the LAN. If the installation is done
while the E-DICII (S7) is connected the LAN, an error may occur.
1 Insert the S7 installer CD into the CD-ROM 3 In the “Starting Installation” dialog box, click the
drive. [Yes] button.
(CD-ROM Drive)\EZ171\Setup.exe
5 When installation is completed, the completion
message appears. Remove the CD.
5.5 Optional Software Installation
To install the optional software, the Basic Software must be installed beforehand (See “5.4 S7 Software
This section assumes that the several optional software programs will be installed at one time. When installing
software individually, use the following procedures.
1. Insert the installer CD into the CD drive if the system is started up.
If the system is shut down, insert the installer CD into the CD drive just after starting up the system.
2. Shut down the system through “Post-operational”.
3. Start up the system.
4. In the “Starting Installation” dialog box, click the [Yes] button to start the installation.
5. Remove the installer CD from the CD drive.
6. Click the [Yes] button to restart the system.
3 Installation is started up. 7 Click the [Yes] button to restart the system.
5.5.2 Tone Selection Software (S4) 4 Registering information is written into the
Installation registry.
(CD-ROM Drive)\EZ171\Setup.exe
click the [Yes] button.
When the “Setup Complete (A-100)” dialog box,
remove the S4 installer CD from the CD drive of
5.5.3 Professional Color Correction 3 Installation is started up.
Software (S5) Installation
(CD-ROM Drive)\EZ171\Setup.exe
7 Click the [Yes] button to restart the system. 5.5.4 Frontier Manager II Software (S8)
4 Registering information is written into registry. 5.5.5 Full Automatic Red-eye Correction
Software (S12) Installation
[Applicable Software]
Optional S12 Software is available for S1, S2, S7
and S9.
For S1, S2 and S7, optional S3 Software must be
installed in advance.
(CD-ROM Drive)\EZ171\Setup.exe
7 Click the [Yes] button to restart the system. 2 In the “Starting Installation (A-010)” dialog box,
click the [Yes] button.
After removing the CD, click the [Yes] button Click the [Yes] button.
to restart the system.
3 Installation is started up. 6 When the “Setup Complete (A-100)” dialog box,
remove the S12 installer CD from the CD drive of
5.6 After-installation Work
Install the driver software for receipt printer. (See (See 10.2.)
“Frontier Manager (S8) Instruction Manual
[Condition Setup and Maintenance]”).
5.6.5 Media Output Setting
5.6.2 Receipt Printer/Barcode Reader Set up the PC for media output by using the
Setup procedure below.
Set up the following items. (See “2.9 Receipt Printer 1 Insert the S2 installer CD into the CD drive.
Setting” in the “Frontier Manager II (S8) Installation
3 Execute the following file to set up the PC for 5.6.6 PLMaker Setting
media output.
Set up the PLMaker product information. (See
“Frontier Manager (S8) Instruction Manual
This checkbox is effective only when S8 is
installed, but displayed even when S8 is not
4 Select the service name in the left-hand list box, 5.6.8 Media Input Environment Setup
then add the check mark [✓] to “Small Index” and (0136)
“Large Index”. (Selecting of any or both of
indexes is available.)
When performing the input from media on the
E-DICII, perform media drive settings for importing
image data.
Before this setting, confirm the drive letter of each
media drive by using the Explorer.
5.6.9 Writing Service Settings (0137) 5.6.10 Photo Copy Configuration (0138)
When performing the CD-R writing on the E-DICII, When performing the photo copy on the E-DICII,
set up the items required for the CD-R writing set up the items required for photo copy printing/
service. writing.
“Setup and Maintenance” -> [(01) System
Operation Setup and Check] -> [(0138) Photo Copy
Select [(01) System Operation Setup and Check] ->
[(0137) Writing Service Output Settings]. Set up the flatbed scanner information for photo
copy service (Printing from Print).
1 Select the model name of the connected 5.6.11 Index Conditions (0227)
scanner in the [Device Name] list.
“Setup and Maintenance” -> [(02) Print Condition
Setup and Check] -> [(0227) Index Conditions]
Select the condition of the index printing and large
index printing.
<Index for Media> 5.6.13 Equipment Name Set (0124)
Set up the device name to be used in the system
and its identifier when creating an order.
- Order Identifier: Unique lower-case alphabet
Click the [▼] button in the box to be changed and
(This is added to the order No.)
select the logo.
5.6.15 Remote Desktop Settings (only in 3 In the “License Agreement” screen, select
use of FMPC in the Earlier-type “I accept...” and then click the [Next] button.
When using S2 on the Windows XP, it is not
necessary to install the following Remote Desktop
Client. In this case, start the operation from
“Remote Desktop Setting” shown on page 117.
Select. Click the [Next] button.
(1) User Name: Enter ‘FRONTIER’.
Open the “Driver” -> “RemoteDesktop” folder in
(2) Organization: Leave this box blank.
the S7 installer disk and then double-click the
(3) Install this application for: Select “Only for me”.
“msrdpcli” icon.
Enter ‘FRONTIER’. Leave this box blank.
6 Installation is started. 3 The following dialog box appears. Copy
‘FRONTIER’ in the “User name” box and paste it
in the “Password” box.
Paste it.
5 The following dialog box appears. Click the 5.6.16 Setting the HELP
[Save] button to overwrite the file.
See “3.7.20 Setting the HELP” on page 66.
6 FMPCII (S9) Installation
6.1.2 Preliminary Work for S9-use Hardware
Before installing S9 (FMPCII Basic Software), the following preliminary work for FMPCII hardware is required.
6.2 Setting IEEE1394 Driver
■ Precautions for Setting IEEE1394 Driver 2) Lift up the board stopper while pressing the
[1] Log in to the system using an Administrator Board Stopper
[2] Be sure to connect the IEEE1394 interface
cable and turn ON the power. Otherwise
installation cannot be executed.
[3] This driver disk is only for FMPCII (hereafter
described as “FMP Controller”) and not
applicable to other devices.
[4] When the FMP Controller, conventional SP and
LP1500/LP2000 are connected, connect the
IEEE1394 interface cable between LP1500/
LP2000 and FMP Controller to the upper side of
the IEEE1394 board and connect the IEEE1394
interface cable between the conventional SP 3) Remove one of the boards from the slot.
and FMP Controller to the lower side of the
IEEE1394 board.
Upper Cover
1) While pressing the two buttons on each side,
open the upper cover slowly.
Upper Cover
2 When both the FMP Controller and driver disk 5 While restarting Windows, when other devices
are not installed, the “Found New Hardware are connected, “Found New Hardware Wizard”
Wizard” dialog box appears after Windows starts appears. Click the [Next] button.
up. Here, click the [Cancel] button (Note1) to
cancel device driver installation. Two kinds of the
“Found New Hardware Wizard” dialog boxes may
appear depending on the device connection
status. If this occurs, click the [Cancel] button for
both dialog boxes.
4 When device driver settings are completed, the 1) Select [START] -> “Control Panel” and click
following dialog box appears. Remove the driver “Network Connection”.
disk from the CD-ROM and then click the [OK]
button. Windows is restarted.
2) Right-click on “1394 Connection” to display 6.2.2 When Connecting FMP Controller,
the “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties” SP-3000 and LP1500/LP2000
3 Insert the drive disk into the CD-ROM drive. In 6 The “Completing the Found New Hardware
the displayed dialog box, click the [OK] button to Wizard” dialog box appears. Click the [Finish]
perform device driver settings. button. Installation of the printer/processor driver
is now completed.
9 Select [Start] -> “Control Panel”. Click “Network
and Internet Connections”. In the displayed
5 While restarting Windows, when other devices dialog box, right-click the “1394 Connection” icon
are connected, “Found New Hardware Wizard” and then select “Disable”.
appears. Click the [Next] button.
Right-click. Select.
6.2.3 When Connecting FMP Controller to 3 Insert the drive disk into the CD-ROM drive. In
SP1500/2000 and LP1500/LP2000 the displayed dialog box, click the [OK] button to
perform device driver settings.
6 The “Completing the Found New Hardware 6.2.4 When Connecting FMP Controller to
Wizard” dialog box appears. Click the [Finish] SP1500/2000 and LP5000 Series
button. Installation of the printer/processor driver
is now completed.
1 Shut down the system, then connect the SP and
LP to the FMP Controller.
Select [Start] -> “Control Panel”. Click “Network
and Internet Connections”. In the displayed
dialog box, right-click the “1394 Connection” icon 2 When both the FMP Controller and driver disk
are not installed, the “Found New Hardware
and then select “Disable”.
Wizard” dialog box appears after Windows starts
up. At this time, click the [Cancel] button (Note1)
to cancel device driver installation. Two kinds of
the “Found New Hardware Wizard” dialog boxes
may appear depending on the device connection
status. If this occurs, click the [Cancel] button for
all dialog boxes.
Right-click. Select.
3 Insert the drive disk into the CD-ROM drive. In 6 The “Completing the Found New Hardware
the displayed dialog box, click the [OK] button to Wizard” dialog box appears. Click the [Finish]
perform device driver settings. button. Installation of the printer/processor driver
is now completed.
2) Right-click on “1394 Connection 2” to display
the “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties”
5 While restarting Windows, when other devices screen.
are connected, “Found New Hardware Wizard”
appears. Click the [Next] button.
3) Change the setting from “Obtain an IP 9 Select [Start] -> “Control Panel”, then click the
address automatically” to “Use the following “Network Connections”.
IP address”, and then enter the following IP
address and a subnet mask values. IMPORTANT
Check the settings are done as follows:
IP address 1394 Connection on SP: Disabled
Subnet mask 1394 Connection on LP: Enabled
Right-click. Select.
6.2.5 DICII, FMPCII and LP5000 Series (no SP) Configuration
Perform the same procedures as “6.2.1 When Connecting FMP Controller, SP-3000, LP-5500/LP-5700/LP-
If an error occurs after clicking the [OK] button in the procedure (6.2.1)-[Step2], (6.2.2)-[Step2], (6.2.3)-[Step2]
or (6.2.4)-[Step2], an error message appears. If this occurs, click the [OK] button in the error dialog box. After
Windows is restarted, continue the installation procedures after [Step2].
6.4 BIOS Setting and User Registration
The following procedures are examples. They way Register the following user name and password.
vary depending on the PC.
If [Hyper-threading] is changed to “On”, the
Windows must be installed again.
3 Select “Computer administrator”, then click the 6 Enter ‘FRONTIER’ both in the “Type a new
[Create Account] button. password” and “Type the new password again...”,
then click the [Create Password] button.
9 Click “Change the way users log on or off”.
6.5 Windows Settings
Select. Click.
4 On the “Services” screen, double-click 6.5.3 [Date and Time Settings] Regional
“Themes”. and Language Settings
Make sure that the time is correctly adjusted.
6.5.5 Disabling User Assistant Function 6.5.7 Disabling Error Reporting
(This setting is done by executing the batch file.) (This setting is done by executing the batch file.)
1 Select [Start] -> “Control Panel” -> “Accessibility 1 Open “Control Panel”.
Options” and then remove all check marks [✓] (to
disable all user assistant functions). 2 Double-click “System”.
4 Select “Disable error reporting”, remove the 6.5.8 Auto-hide Setting for Task Bar
check mark [✓] from “But notify me...” and then
click the [OK] button. (The setting is done by executing the batch file.)
6.5.9 “Visual Notification” to ON in Dr. 6.5.10 Disabling Windows Firewall
Watson Dialog Box
(This setting is done by executing the batch file.)
(This setting is done by executing the batch file.)
1 Open “Control Panel”.
1 Select [Start] -> “Run”.
2 Double-click “Windows Firewall”.
2 Enter “drwtsn32” and click the [OK] button.
Select. Click.
6.5.11 Disabling Security Center 6.5.12 Inhibition of IE Dialog Display (for
Web maintenance display)
(This setting is done by executing the batch file.)
(This setting is done by executing the batch file.)
1 Select [Start] -> “Run”. Enter ‘Services.msc’ and
then click the [OK] button. 1 Open “Control Panel”.
Enter “Services.msc”.
2 Double-click “Internet Options”.
Select. Click.
4 Select “Enable” for “Miscellaneous” -> “Submit 6.5.14 Remote Desktop Setting
nonencrypted form data”.
(This setting is done by executing the batch file.)
Set the Time Zone and Date & Time appropriate for 2 In the “System Properties” dialog box, click the
the installation location manually. “Remote” tab.
[Time Zone]
6.5.15 Setting IE Page for Receipt Printer 4 Set all margins (Left, Right, Top and Bottom) to
(This setting is done by executing the batch file.)
Before this Setting, connect the receipt printer to
S2, S7 or S9.
(See “2.9 Receipt Printer Setting” in “Frontier
Manager II (S8)” Installation Manual.)
Set to “0”.
6.6 S9 Software Installation
(*1) In case of a system using the SP-3000, DICII and FMPCII, all programs are newly installed.
(*2) In case of a system using the SP-3000 and DICII, only FMPCII program is added to the existing
When the current FMPCI is upgraded to FMPCII, the printer/processor backup FD must be created before
When the S9 installer is started up, the dialog box for selecting [New Installation] or [Re-installation] appears.
Select [Reinstallation].
2) Backup FD
The printer/processor backup FD are used.
Make sure this backup FDs is available. (If the printer/processor backup FD is not used, each parameter
needs to be set again.)
- Printer/Processor Backup FD
Note that the backup FD for “LP1500SC/LP2000SC” and that for “LP-5500/LP-5700/LP-5900” are
different. Make sure to use the appropriate backup FD.
1 When the PC for S9 is started up, insert the S9 3 The printer/processor selection dialog box
installer CD into the CD-ROM drive. When the appears. Select the appropriate printer/
auto-run function of CD is effective, the installer processor.
is started up. Select the appropriate printer.
If the auto-run function of CD is not available,
execute the following file by selecting [Start] ->
(CD-ROM Drive)\EZ171\Setup.exe
2 When the S9 installer starts up, select “Re- 4 In the “C-045” dialog box, click the [OK] button.
installation”. And in the dialog box for starting
installation, select “Yes”.
Select. Click.
6 In the “C-060” dialog box, click the [No] button. 10 Click the [OK] button.
Click. Click.
6.7 Optional Software Installation
This section assumes that the several optional software programs will be installed at one time. When installing
software individually, use the following procedures.
1. Insert the installer CD into the CD drive if the system is started up.
If the system is shut down, insert the installer CD into the CD drive just after starting up the system.
2. Shut down the system through “Post-operational”.
3. Start up the system.
4. In the “Starting Installation” dialog box, click the [Yes] button to start the installation.
5. Remove the installer CD from the CD drive.
6. Click the [Yes] button to restart the system.
5 Environment settings are done. 6.7.2 Full Automatic Red-eye Correction
Software (S12) Installation
[Applicable Software]
Optional S12 Software is available for S1, S2, S7
and S9.
6 When the “Setup Complete (A-100)” dialog box, When the auto-run function of CD is available,
remove the S8 installer CD from the CD drive of the installer is started up.
DICII. If the auto-run function of CD is not available,
execute the following file by selecting [Start] ->
7 Click the [Yes] button to restart the system. “Run”.
(CD-ROM Drive)\EZ171\Setup.exe
3 Installation is started up. 6 When the “Setup Complete (A-100)” dialog box,
remove the S12 installer CD from the CD drive of
6.8 After-installation Work
This checkbox is effective only when S8 is
installed, but displayed even when S8 is not
6.8.2 Installation Information Setup 6.8.3 Print Size Setup (0220)
Set up the print size.
In the case of a new installation, perform the setting
for connecting to the printer/processor. Select [(02) Print Condition Setup and Check] ->
In the case of reinstallation or version upgrading, [(0220) Print Size Setup], then setup the desired
this setting is not required. print size.
6.8.4 1394 Connection Check (0145) 6.8.5 Copying Print Sizes from FMPC
(only in use of earlier system (S9) to FD
Copying Print Size Copy Tool (PrintsizeSnc.exe)
Perform this setting before connecting to the to FD
existing system.
Perform this operation on S9 PC.
When FMPCII is connected to a conventional SP
(FRONTIER 350/370), perform the setting for 1394 1 Insert the S9 CD into the CD drive of the FMPCII
connection by following the procedure below.
5 Remove the FD from the FD drive. 6.8.6 Setting the HELP
7 S2 (Client) Installation for Earlier-type FRONTIER
This section explains how to install S2-A1 Connection Software for SP1500/2000, SLP-800SC and
S2-A1 Connection Software needs to be installed 3 The following dialog box appears. Enter the
only when any of the following system software name of the DICII and FMPCII and then click the
versions are used. [Next] button.
Available Versions
Model System Software Version
SP1500/2000 Ver.7.6/Ver.7.7
SLP-800SC Ver.4.0
SLP-1000SE Ver.4.0
Before installing the software, disconnect the
SP1500/SP2000/SLP-800SC/SLP-1000SE from
the LAN. If the installation is done while the
Make sure to enter the name of the DICII.
SP1500/SP2000/SLP-800SC/SLP-1000SE is
It is necessary to enter the name of the FMPCII
connected to the LAN, an error may occur.
only when it is connected. If it is not used, leave
the [FMPCII] box blank.
Insert the S2 installer CD into the CD-ROM drive
of the conventional FRONTIER and then restart
the system.
4 When installation is completed, the completion
message appears. Remove the CD and then
click the [OK] button. In the case of SP1500/
2000, the system is restarted. In the case of
SLP-800SC/SLP-1000SE, the system is shut
7.2 After-installation Work
4 Click [Option].
8 Connections and Start-up
Connect the SP (S1), DICII (S2), E-DICII (S7) and FMPCII (S9) by using the LAN cables with HUB
as shown in the following figure.
Scanner (SP-3000)
■ System Software ■ System Software
FRONTIER System Basic Frontier Manager Printer Controller II
Software (S1) Software (S9)
LAN Cable
LAN Cable
IEEE 1394
■ System Software ■ System Software
Imaging Controller System Imaging Controller System
Basic Software (S7) Basic Software (S2)
8.2 Starting Up the System
1 Make sure that the printer (LP) is started up. • The DICII (S2) main menu screen appears.
9 Application Environment Settings
Before starting the works, make sure all devices (PCs) are connected via LAN.
9.1 S2 Settings
9.1.1 Setup and Maintenance 3 In the confirmation message, click the [Initial]
Perform the following settings on the “Setup and
Maintenance” menu.
4 Perform the other settings on this screen.
5 9
10 11 14
2 Order Image File Retention Period Set up the period for storing the order image file.
Range: 0 to 99
This value must be within the [Complete Order Retention
Setup] (1).
3 Product Info Retention Period Set up the period for storing the product information.
Range: 0 to 99
4 Print Size Setup Displays the “Print Size Setup” screen, where you can select the
print sizes and those used in the FRONTER, and then relate
No. Item Description
5 Inspection Setting Switches the inspection work in the system between [Auto] and
[Manual]. If Auto is selected, the operations from inspection to
defining of the quantity of products are performed automatically.
6 Billing Setting Selects if the billing is performed or not. If [Yes] is selected, the
system enters into the waiting for billing status after the process is
No. Item Description
10 Price Setup-Read Obtain the product/price information from the data base files. The
file selection dialog box appears.
Default Directory: Desktop
11 Price Setup-Write Write the product/price information to the data base files. The
folder selection dialog box appears.
Default Directory: Desktop
No. Item Description
14 [Notice Application Setting] Button Displays the “Notice Application Setting” screen.
SP1500/2000 or SLP800/1000) connected to
9.1.2 Setting by Using Tools
the DICII.
-Changing between the Earlier-type SP-FMPCII
(1) Copying Print Size from FD to S2
and the Earlier-type SP-No FMPCII.
3) After adding the media output service to the
Copy the print size settings from FD to S2 and then
system including the Earlier-type SP.
perform the required settings by using the
4) After changing the print sizes on the “Print Size
installation tool by following the procedure below.
Setup” screen.
Every time this tool is run, check if the main
menu screen is displayed on the S2.
3 Insert the S2 installer CD into the CD drive of S2.
The procedures in this section must be performed
after the “Pre-operational Check” is completed in
5 The scanner selection dialog box appears. 9 The media output setting screen appears.
10 On the media output setting screen, perform the following settings.
(1) Select the service in the service list. (2) The setting items for the selected service appear.
■ Procedures for SLP800/1000 3 In the scanner computer name dialog box, enter
the computer name, then click the [OK] button.
1 Perform the Steps 1- 5 in the Procedures for Enter the computer name.
4 The media output setting screen appears. NOTE1:
If the following error message appears, cancel
the settings. Open the order information screen,
then main menu screen, and then repeat Steps 4
- 9. If problems persist, the S2 (Client) may not
be installed correctly. Reinstall it. (See “7 S2
(Client) Installation for Earlier-type FRONTIER”.)
If the following error message appears, cancel
the settings. Perform the “Pre-operational
Check” and then repeat Steps 4 - 9. If problems
persist, check if the print sizes are registered
correctly, then try it again.
(1) Select the service in the service name list. (2) The setting items for the selected service appear.
■ Procedures for SP-3000 5 The scanner selection dialog box appears.
Every time this tool is run, check if the main
menu screen is displayed on the S2. 6 Select “SP3000/Without SP”, then click the [OK]
4 Run
exe] by selecting [Start] -> “Run”. Click.
9.2 S1 Settings
1 On the S1, make a shift-start (Continue to press 1 Restart the system. When the main menu is
just after Desktop screen appears until the displayed, click the [Setup and Maintenance]
hourglass cursor changes to the arrow cursor). button.
Insert the FD created in “2.1.1 Copying Print
Size Copy Tool (PrintsizeSnc.exe) to FD” and
then execute [PrintsizeSnc.exe] in FD, then click
the [Write Reg] button.
3 Select [(09) Order Control and Maintenance] ->
[(0922) Server Operation Environment Setup].
9.3 S7 Settings
(1) Copying Print Size from FD to S7 Perform the following settings on the “Setup and
Maintenance” menu.
Copy the print size settings from A1 to S7 and then,
using the installation tools, perform the required - Server Operation Environment Setup (0922)
settings by following the procedure below.
(1) Server Operation Environment Setup
1 On the S7, make a shift-start (Continue to press (0922)
just after Desktop screen appears until the
hourglass cursor changes to the arrow cursor). Perform the Server/DICII operation environment
setup menu (0922). Set up the server (DICII)
Insert the FD created in “2.1.1 Copying Print
Size Copy Tool (PrintsizeSnc.exe) to FD” and environment. Perform this setting after DICII is
then execute “PrintsizeSnc.exe” in FD, then click started up and the main menu screen appears.
the [Write Reg] button.
1 Restart the system. When the main menu is
displayed, click the [Setup and Maintenance]
3 Select [(09) Order Control and Maintenance] ->
[(0922) Server Operation Environment Setup].
9.4 S9 Settings
9.4.1 Setup and Maintenance 4 In the “Start-up Mode” column, select “Start
connection to the Imaging Controller” and then
Perform the following settings on the “Setup and enter the computer name of the DICII (FE-
FRONTEND) in the “Computer Name” box.
Maintenance” menu.
(4) Set Timer for Printer/Processor (0121) (6) Other Maintenance Work
Set up the timer for printer/processor. (See “FMPC Perform other maintenance work. (See “FMPC
Installation/Service/Parts List Manual”.) Installation/Service/Parts List Manual”.)
9.5 Setting on the Earlier-type FRONTIER
Perform the following setting on the earlier-type FRONTIER on the “[41I] DI Manager Administrative
Settings” screen.
1 On this menu on the A1, enter ‘FMPCPD’ for “Logical Device Name”.
Device Name
Do not change the items other than “Logical Device Name”.
9.6 Environment Settings for S1/S2/S7/S9
Perform the following environment settings for each device (A1, S2, S7 and S9).
Subject Contents Device Menu
System Setting media DICII (S2), [0136] Media Input Environment Setup
Connection drive E-DICII (S7)
Subject Contents Device Menu
System Adjusting the SP (S1) [0321] Focus Position Adjustment
Connection focus position
List 2 : Items for Lab policy (Default settings may be changed if necessary)
Subject Contents Device Menu
Lab policy Setting the SP (S1), [0124] Equipment Name Set
setting equipment DICII (S2),
name E-DICII (S7),
(Displayed FMPCII (S9)
device name
in message)
Subject Contents Device Menu
Lab policy Setting for DICII (S2) [0921] System Operation Setting Setup
setting billing
([Yes] : refer
List 3)
Subject Contents Device Menu
Lab policy Print out DICII (S2) [0924] Scheduling Mode Setting
setting Scheduling
Mode Setting
(for FMPCII)
Setting print SP (S1), “Print Size Copy Tool” or/and [0220] Print Size Setup
size DICII (S2),
Subject Contents Device Menu
Lab policy Monitor SP (S1), [0222] Monitor Adjustment
setting Adjustment DICII (S2),
Subject Contents Device Menu
Lab policy Image SP (S1) [0300] Image Scanning Method
setting Scanning
Registration of SP (S1), “One-click Customization Tool” and [1023] Custom Button Regist/Save
user buttons DICII (S2),
List 3 : Items for billing (If “Setting for billing” is “Yes”, these settings are necessary.)
10 Appendix
By using the Data Set Tool, you can make the backup of the customized settings on the device (S1,
S2, S7 and S9), and can copy it to each device via the FD.
Make sure to perform the following "10.1.1" and "10.1.2" on the same PC.
1 Insert a blank FD into the FD (A:) drive. 10.1.1 Saving Data onto FD
2 Insert Basic Software (S1/S2/S7/S9) CD into the (Perform this operation also in S2/S7/S9.)
CD-ROM drive.
3 Select “Setup and Maintenance” -> [(99) Special 1 On the SP of the FRONTIER for data saving,
select “Setup and Maintenance” -> [(99) Special
Operations] -> [(9941) Explorer].
Operations] -> [(9941) Explorer].
3 Check [✓] the checkbox(es) for the customized 10.1.2 Copying Data to System
item(s) to be saved onto FD.
(Perform this operation also in S2/S7/S9.)
4 Click the [FD-> System] button and then follow
the displayed messages.
10.2 Custom Data Copy Tool
By using the Custom Data Copy Tool, you can make the backup of the settings for digitizing services
customized on the DIC (C4/C5 version 5 or later), and can copy it to DICII (S2/S7) via the FD.
1 Insert a blank FD into the FD (A:) drive. 10.2.1 Saving Data onto FD
10.2.2 Copying Data to System 3 Click the [FD->System] button.
Insert the FD, then execute
[CustomizeSetTool.exe] in the floppy disk. 5 When data copying is completed, the following
dialog box appears.
10.3 Restrictions
10.4 Anti-virus Software Settings
The settings for anti-virus vary depending on the software. This section explains the general
settings for folders and the format types of files to be scanned in the software.
Perform the following settings when the anti-virus software is installed on the PC where S1, S2, S7,
or S9 software is installed.
Add the following file extensions to the extension list for “Real-time Scanning”.
11 Index
E ———Remote Desktop Settings (only in use of
E-DIC (Second DIC) Conditions.............................. 12 FMPC in the Earlier-type System) ............. 116
E-DICII (S7) Installation ........................................... 90 ———S7 Software Installation .............................. 101
———After-installation Work ................................. 110 ———Setting IE Page for Receipt Printer ........... 100
———Auto-hide Setting for Task Bar .................... 97 ———Settings Completed with Batch File ............ 94
———BIOS Setting and User Registration ........... 92 ———Shop Logo Regist/Delete (1020) ............... 115
———Custom Data Copy Tool ............................. 110 ———System Error Setting ..................................... 95
———[Date and Time Settings] Regional ———Time Zone Setting (for each country) ......... 99
and Language Settings ................................. 95 ———Tone Selection Software (S4)
———Disabling Error Reporting Installation ..................................................... 105
(only in Windows XP) .................................... 96 ———User Registration ........................................... 92
———Disabling Security Center ———Variety Print Software (S3) Installation .... 103
(only in Windows XP) .................................... 99 ———“Visual Notification” to ON
———Disabling User Assistant Function .............. 96 in Dr. Watson Dialog Box .............................. 98
———Disabling Windows Firewall ———Windows Settings .......................................... 94
(only in Windows XP) .................................... 98 ———Writing Service Settings (0137) ................. 113
———Disabling Windows XP Style E-DICII (S7) Installation Outlines............................ 90
(only in Windows XP) .................................... 94 ———Installation Procedure ................................... 90
———Driver Software Installation ........................ 110 Environment Settings for S1/S2/S7/S9 ................ 172
———Equipment Name Set (124) ....................... 115 Error Message.......................................................... 129
———Frontier Manager II Software (S8)
Installation ..................................................... 107 F
———Full Automatic Red-eye Correction FE Installation Procedure [Installing FE Software
Software (S12) Installation.......................... 108 in Earlier-type System] Pattern 3 ..................... 18
———Hide Setting of Screen Keyboard FE Installation Procedure [New Installation]
Dialog Box ....................................................... 96 Pattern 1 .............................................................. 14
———Hyper-threading Setup.................................. 92 FE Installation Procedure [Upgrading]
———Index Conditions (0227) ............................. 114 Pattern 2 .............................................................. 16
———Installing Remote Desktop Client .............. 116 FE System Connection Diagram ........................... 153
———Installing the Speaker used FMPCII Conditions .................................................... 12
for Indicating Order Completion ................. 110 FMPCII (S9) Installation ......................................... 119
———LIOS User Registration ............................... 100 ———1394 Connection Check
———Media Index Setting .................................... 111 (only in use of earlier system (FMPC)) ..... 149
———Media Input Environment Setup (0136) ... 112 ———After-installation Work ................................. 147
———Media Output Setting .................................. 110 ———Auto-hide Setting for Task Bar .................. 136
———Optional Software Installation .................... 103 ———BIOS Setting and User Registration ......... 130
———Photo Copy Configuration (0138) ............. 113 ———Copying Print Sizes
———PLMaker Setting .......................................... 111 from FMPC (S9) to FD ................................ 149
———Preliminary Work for S7-use Hardware ..... 91 ———[Date and Time Settings] Regional
———Print Condition Setup .................................. 115 and Language Settings ............................... 134
———Professional Color Correction ———Disabling Error Reporting ........................... 135
Software (S5) Installation ............................ 106 ———Disabling Security Center ........................... 138
———Receipt Printer/Barcode Reader Setup.... 110 ———Disabling User Assistant Function ............ 135
———Remote Desktop Setting ............................ 117 ———Disabling Windows Firewall ....................... 137
———Disabling Windows XP Style...................... 133
———Frontier Manager II Software (S8) ———Copying Print Size Copy Tool
Installation ..................................................... 144 (PrintsizeSnc.exe) to FD ............................... 20
———Full Automatic Red-eye Correction ———Copying Print Sizes
Software (S12) Installation.......................... 145 from FRONTIER to FD .................................. 21
———Hide Setting of Screen Keyboard ———Copying the Default Billing Data ................. 23
Dialog Box .................................................... 135 ———Print Size Setting Preparations ................... 20
———Hyper-threading Setup................................ 130 ———Registering the Price List
———Inhibition of IE Dialog Display in the Server Database.................................. 24
(for Web maintenance display) .................. 138 Installation Workflow ................................................... 9
———Installation Information Setup (0140) ....... 148 Installing .Net Framework V1.1 ............................... 40
———Media Output Setting .................................. 147 Installing IIS (Internet Information Services) ......... 38
———Optional Software Installation .................... 144 Installing MSDE2000 database engine SP3a ....... 38
———Precautions for Setting Installing Remote Desktop Client ............................ 64
IEEE1394 Driver ........................................... 121 Installing Windows Basic Software ......................... 37
———Preliminary Work for S9-use Hardware ... 120 Items essential to installation ................................. 172
———Remote Desktop Setting ............................ 139 Items for billing ......................................................... 180
———S9 Software Installation .............................. 141 Items for Lab policy ................................................. 174
———Setting IE Page for Receipt Printer ........... 140
———Setting IEEE1394 Driver ............................ 121 O
———Settings Completed with Batch File .......... 133 Outlines ......................................................................... 8
———System Error Setting ................................... 134
———Time Zone Setting (for each country) ....... 139 P
———User Registration ......................................... 130 Print Size Setting Preparations ............................... 20
———“Visual Notification” to ON
in Dr. Watson Dialog Box ............................ 137 R
———When Connecting FMP Controller Remote Desktop Setting .......................................... 65
to SP1500/2000 and LP1500/LP2000 ...... 125 Remote Desktop Settings (only in use of
———When Connecting FMP Controller FMPC in the Earlier-type System) ................... 64
to SP1500/2000 and LP5000 Series ......... 126 Restrictions ............................................................... 185
———When Connecting FMP Controller,
SP-3000 and LP1500/LP2000 ................... 123 S
———When Connecting FMP Controller, S1 Settings ............................................................... 165
SP-3000, LP-5500/LP-5700/LP-5900 ....... 121 ———Copying Print Size from FD to S1 ............. 165
———Windows Settings ........................................ 133 ———Customizing Service Button
FMPCII (S9) Installation Outlines ......................... 119 and Function Key Button ............................. 165
———Installation Procedure ................................. 119 ———Server Operation Environment
Setup (0922) ................................................. 165
I ———Setting by Using Tools ................................ 165
Installation Methods .................................................. 11 S2 (Client) Installation
Installation of Each Device ....................................... 10 for Earlier-type FRONTIER ............................. 151
Installation Outlines ..................................................... 8 ———After-installation Work ................................. 152
Installation Patterns ................................................... 13 ———Installation Information Setup .................... 152
Installation Preparation ............................................... 9 S2 (Client) Installation Procedure ......................... 151
Installation Preparations for S1/S2/S7/S9 ............. 20 S2 Settings ............................................................... 155
———Billing Data Preparation ................................ 23
———Activating Existing System Installation ———[Date and Time Settings] Regional
(in case of Earlier-type System) ................. 160 and Language Settings ................................. 71
———Copying Print Size from FD to S2 ............. 160 ———Equipment Name Set (0124) ....................... 88
———Customizing Service Button ———Frontier Manager II Software (S8)
and Function Key Button ............................. 164 Installation ....................................................... 78
———Equipment Name Set (0124) .............. 62, 115 ———Full Automatic Red-eye Correction
———Index Conditions (0227) ...................... 61, 114 Software (S12) Installation............................ 79
———LIOS Order Processing Settings ................. 53 ———Installation Information Setup (0140) ......... 88
———Setting by Using Tools ................................ 160 ———Media Output Setting .................................... 86
———Setup and Maintenance.............................. 155 ———Optional Software Installation ...................... 75
———System Operation Setting Setup (0129) .. 155 ———Professional Color Correction
S2 Software Installation ............................................ 41 Software (S5) Installation .............................. 77
S7 Settings ............................................................... 167 ———Remote Desktop Setting .............................. 82
———Copying Print Size from FD to S7 ............. 167 ———Remote Desktop Settings
———Customizing Service Button (Only when using the FMPCII) .................... 81
and Function Key Button ............................. 167 ———“Rollup 35” Installation Procedure .............. 71
———Server Operation ———S1 Software Installation
Environment Setup (0922) .......................... 167 (Upgrading from A1 to S1) ............................ 73
———Setting by Using Tools ................................ 167 ———Scanner and Carrier Adjustment/
———Setup and Maintenance.............................. 167 Maintenance menus ...................................... 88
S9 Settings ............................................................... 169 ———Scanner Parameter Check/
———1394 Connection Check (0145) ................ 149 Update (0350) ................................................. 87
———Copying Print Size from FD to S9 ............. 170 ———Shop Logo Regist/Delete (1020) ................. 89
———Creating Backup FD ———Time Zone Setting (for each country) ......... 71
for FMPC/Printer/Processor ....................... 169 ———Tone Selection Software (S4)
———Other Maintenance Work ........................... 170 Installation ....................................................... 76
———Rack Auto Cleaning to ON (0625) ............ 169 ———Variety Print Software (S3) Installation ...... 75
———Server Operation ———Windows Settings .......................................... 71
Environment Setup (0922) .......................... 169 SP (S1) Installation Outlines .................................... 70
———Set Timer for Printer/Processor (0121) .... 170 ———Installation Procedure ................................... 70
———Setup and Maintenance.............................. 169 ———Preliminary Work
Scanner (SP) Conditions .......................................... 11 for S1-use Hardware (SP-3000) .................. 70
Setting the HELP ....................................................... 66 Starting Up the System ........................................... 154
Set-up Conditions for Installation ............................ 11
SP (S1) Installation.................................................... 70 W
———After-installation Work ................................... 81 Windows Settings .................................30, 71, 94, 133
———Copying Print Sizes
from FRONTIER to FD ................................. 84
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