Blocking Sets in P G: O. Polverino L. Storme
Blocking Sets in P G: O. Polverino L. Storme
Blocking Sets in P G: O. Polverino L. Storme
(2007) 44:97–113
DOI 10.1007/s10623-007-9068-3
Received: 3 November 2006 / Accepted: 20 March 2007 / Published online: 26 July 2007
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2007
O. Polverino
e-mail: [email protected]
L. Storme
Department of Pure Maths and Computer Algebra, Ghent University, Krijgslaan 281-S22,
9000 Gent, Belgium
e-mail: [email protected]
98 Des. Codes Cryptogr. (2007) 44:97–113
1 Introduction
Let P G(r, q) denote the r -dimensional projective space associated with the (r + 1)
-dimensional vector space G F(q)r +1 over the finite field G F(q) with q elements. Here,
always q = p h , p prime, h ≥ 1. Following [10], a blocking set in P G(r, q), r ≥ 2, is
defined as a point set B intersecting every hyperplane and containing no line. A subspace
S of P G(r, q) meeting a blocking set B just in one point P is said to be tangent to B in
P. Moreover, a point P of B is said to be essential if B \ {P} is not a blocking set, that
is, if a tangent hyperplane to B in P exists. When all points of B are essential, no proper
subset of B is a blocking set and B is called minimal. It is straightforward to see that, if B is
a minimal blocking set in P G(r, q), then B is a blocking set in any projective subspace of
P G(r, q) containing it and the minimality is preserved. Finally, we say that a blocking set B
is h-dimensional if the subspace generated by B has dimension h; in particular, for h = 2,
we say that B is planar.
The terminology on blocking sets is unfortunately not yet standard, so slight variations
of the previous definitions can be found. For example, in [6], a blocking set in P G(r, q) is
defined as a 1-blocking set. Now, we will survey some results useful in what follows.
Baer subplanes and unitals in P G(2, q 2 ), as well as ovoids in P G(3, q), are examples of
extremal minimal blocking sets, in the sense of the following two classical results.
Result 1 (Bruen [9] for r = 2; Beutelspacher [6] for r > 2) The minimal possible size of a
blocking set B in a finite projective space P G(r, q), r ≥ 2, is q + q + 1 and the bound is
attained if and only if q is a square and B is a Baer subplane.
In the case r > 2, improved results have been obtained by Storme and Weiner [18].
Result 2 (Bruen and Thas [10]) Let B be a minimal blocking set in P G(r, q). Then we have
the following results:
• if r = 2, |B| ≤ q q + 1 and equality holds if and only if q is a square and B is a unital;
• if r = 3, |B| ≤ q2 + 1 and equality holds if and only if B is an ovoid;
• if r ≥ 4, |B| < q r +1 + 1.
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of G F(q) (Ball [3], Ball et al. [4]). So far, for n = 2, 3, ovoids of Q(2n, q) are the largest
known examples of minimal blocking sets in P G(2n, q).
An ovoid of H (r, q 2 ) has size q r +1 + 1 if r is even and q r + 1 if r is odd. In [21], it is
proved that H (2r, q 2 ), with r ≥ 2, has no ovoid. An ovoid of H (3, q 2 ) is said to be locally
hermitian with respect to one of its points R if it is the union of q 2 Baer sublines through R.
A partial ovoid of H (r, q 2 ) is a set of points of H (r, q 2 ) meeting every generator of H (r, q 2 )
in at most one point and it is said to be maximal if it is not a subset of a larger partial ovoid.
In this paper, by using the Barlotti–Cofman representation of a projective space of non-
prime order [5], we generalize the cone constructions described in [15,19] and we achieve new
classes and new sizes of minimal blocking sets in P G(r, q n ). Choosing ovoids of P G(3, q),
Q(4, q) and Q(6, q) as base of our cones, we also obtain some large blocking sets (see
Theorems 2, 4, 7–10). In particular, for q an even power of 3, we obtain in P G(4, q) minimal
blocking sets of size q 2 +1 different from ovoids of parabolic quadrics, and minimal blocking
sets of size at least q 2 + 2. Finally, for q a power of 3, we construct maximal partial ovoids
of H (r, q 2 ), 4 ≤ r ≤ 6, of size q 4 + 1, which are the union of Baer sublines through a point.
2 The constructions
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P̄∈ B̄
B = (K \ ) ∪ {X ∈ S : X ∩ K = ∅}
and note that if Q ∈ Y (i.e. T = Q), then |B| = q n−1 (| B̄| − 1) + 1 and B ∩ P G(S ) = {Y };
while if Q ∈ Y , then |B| = q n−1 | B̄| + 1 and |B ∩ P G(S )| = q n−1 + 1.
Proof Let S(r −1)n be an (r − 1)n-dimensional subspace of not contained in and skew to
. Then dim S(r −1)n ,
= r n−1 and, as ∩ = ∅, it turns out that dim( S(r −1)n ,
∩ )
= (r − 1)n, i.e. S(r −1)n ,
∩ is a hyperplane of . This implies that there exists a point
P̄ ∈ B̄ ∩ S(r −1)n ,
∩ and, as a consequence, S(r −1)n ∩ P̄,
= ∅; i.e. the cone K
intersects any (r − 1)n-subspace of defining an (r − 1)-subspace in r . On the other
hand, since Y ∈ B, the hyperplane P G(S ) of r intersects B; so B meets every hyperplane
of r .
Suppose now that B contains a line of r .
If Q = T , then B ∩ P G(S ) = {Y } and a line of r contained in B must be defined by
an n-dimensional subspace Sn of with Sn ∩ = {Y }. From Sn ⊂ B, we get that the line
= Sn ∩ through Q is contained in B̄, a contradiction.
If Q = T , then |B ∩ P G(S )| = q n−1 + 1 and a line contained in B must be defined
by an n-dimensional subspace Sn of such that Sn ∩ = X ∈ S , with X ∩ K = ∅. If
X = Y and is the line Sn ∩ , then we have \ {T } ⊂ B̄, contradicting Property (α). If
X = Y , then Sn = Sn ,
∩ is an n-dimensional subspace of containing Q such that
Sn \ ⊂ B̄. This means that each line of Sn through the point Q and not in is contained
in B̄, a contradiction.
We point out that the notations introduced in this section will be used for the rest of the
paper, even without explicitly recalling them.
2.1 Construction A
Suppose that B̄ is a minimal blocking set of such that T = Q, i.e. suppose that is
a tangent hyperplane of B̄ at the point Q. In this case, B = (K \ ) ∪ {Y } and |B| =
|K \ | + 1 = q n−1 (| B̄| − 1) + 1.
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Let S(r −1)n be a hyperplane of r different from P G(S ). Note that since ∩ = ∅, if
S(r −1)n contains Y , then dim(S(r −1)n ∩ ) = (r − 2)n + 1 and, if S(r −1)n does not contain
Y , then dim( S(r −1)n ,
∩ ) = (r − 1)n.
Lemma 1 Let S(r −1)n be a hyperplane of r different from P G(S ). If S(r −1)n contains Y
and S̄(r −2)n+1 is the subspace S(r −1)n ∩ , then
|B ∩ S(r −1)n | = q n−1 |( B̄ ∩ S̄(r −2)n+1 ) \ {Q}| + 1. (1)
If S(r −1)n does not contain Y and S̄(r −1)n = S(r −1)n ,
∩ , then
|B ∩ S(r −1)n | = | B̄ ∩ S̄(r −1)n |. (2)
Also, equality (2) holds for any hyperplane S̄(r −1)n of not through Q and for each hyper-
plane S(r −1)n of r contained in , S̄(r −1)n
Proof Equality (1) is straightforward; so assume that S(r −1)n does not contain Y . Then
B ∩ S(r −1)n = (K \ ) ∩ S(r −1)n = ( P̄,
∩ S(r −1)n ).
P̄∈ B̄
From a t-dimensional blocking set, we obtain via Construction A blocking sets generating
projective spaces of dimension at most t, as we prove in the following proposition.
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is , we have B
= r .
Now, we describe some three-dimensional minimal blocking sets that can be obtained via
Construction A.
Example 1 Some families of minimal three-dimensional blocking sets of P G(3, q) of size
2q + 1, 3q + 1 (q > 2), 4q + 1 (q > 2, q even), 3q − 1 (q > 2) and kq + 1 (q > 2, q even,
and 2 ≤ k ≤ q − 1) are constructed in [20] and are presented in [15, Sect. 3] as blocking
sets of type B̄1 , B̄2 , B̄3 , B̄4 and B̄5 , respectively. Choosing such blocking sets as base of the
cone K , by Theorem 1, we can construct minimal three-dimensional blocking sets B1 , B2 ,
B3 , B4 and B5 of P G(3, q n ), for any n ≥ 2, of size 2q n + 1, 3q n + 1 (q > 2), 4q n + 1
(q > 2, q even), 3q n − 2q n−1 + 1 (q > 2) and kq n + 1 (q > 2, q even, and 2 ≤ k ≤ q − 1),
respectively. It is not difficult to verify that none of such blocking sets is a blocking set of
type B̄1 , B̄2 , B̄3 , B̄4 , or B̄5 in P G(3, q n ).
Example 2 In [12], Heim constructed minimal blocking sets in P G(d, q) (q = p h ), not
contained in a hyperplane, of size (d − 1)q − (d − 3)q/ p + 1, if h > 2, and of size
(d − 1)q − (d − 3)(q + 1)/2 + d − 1, if q = p is an odd prime. Applying Construction A to
such blocking sets, we construct r -dimensional minimal blocking sets in P G(r, q n ) (q = p h ),
for any n ≥ 2 and r such that max{2, d−1
n +1} ≤ r ≤ d, of size (d −1)q −(d −3)q / p +1,
n n
We say that a blocking set B obtained via Construction A is an ovoidal blocking set of type
A if the base Ō of the corresponding cone is an ovoid either of P G(3, q) or of Q(4, q) or of
Q(6, q), and we write B = B Ō .
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Ovoidal blocking sets of type A have a special structure as we show in the following
104 Des. Codes Cryptogr. (2007) 44:97–113
hermitian ovoid of H (3, q 2 ) with respect to the point Y corresponding to the symplectic
spread of P G(3, q) associated, via the inverse of the Plücker map, to the ovoid Ō, and any
locally hermitian ovoid of H (3, q 2 ) associated with a symplectic spread of P G(3, q) can be
obtained in this way (see [2,14] for more details). So we have proved the following theorem.
Proof In the above construction, let Ō be a non-classical ovoid of Q(4, q). Since | Ō| =
q 2 + 1, the blocking set B Ō has size q 3 + 1 and, by Proposition 4, it is the union of q 2 chords
(Baer sublines contained in H (4, q 2 )) through Y . Let R and S be two distinct points of B Ō
and suppose that the line π RS of 4 through R and S is a generator of H (4, q 2 ). Since B Ō is
a union of chords of H (4, q 2 ) through Y , the line π RS does not contain Y and hence π RS is a
plane of contained in the quadratic cone K intersecting in a line of S . Let R , S be the
points of Ō such that R ∈ , R
and S ∈ , S
. Since the line of joining R and S is
contained in K, the plane π = , R, S
is contained in K and hence the line joining R and
S in is contained in Q(4, q), a contradiction. Hence, two points of B Ō are not contained
in a generator of H (4, q 2 ), i.e. B Ō is a partial ovoid of H (4, q 2 ).
Now suppose, by way of contradiction, that the partial ovoid B Ō is not maximal. This
means that there exists a point P ∈ H (4, q 2 ) \ B Ō such that B Ō ∪ {P} is a partial ovoid of
H (4, q 2 ). Then the tangent hyperplane to H (4, q 2 ) at the point P does not contain any point
of the blocking set B Ō , a contradiction.
Finally, let Ō be an ovoid of Q(6, q). By Ball and Govaerts [4], Ō is a six-dimensional
minimal blocking set of P G(6, q) of size q 3 +1, hence, by choosing Ō as base of the cone K ,
we obtain a family of minimal blocking sets of size q n+2 + 1 of P G(r, q n ), with 3 ≤ r ≤ 6
if n ≥ 3, and of P G(r, q 2 ), with 4 ≤ r ≤ 6, generating the whole space. Since the known
families of ovoids of Q(6, q) are the Thas–Kantor ovoids with q = 3h and h ≥ 1, and
the Ree–Tits ovoids with q = 32h+1 , h > 0 (see for instance [13,21]), we obtain with our
construction two non-isomorphic families of ovoidal blocking sets of type A in characteristic
3. Also in this case, by Lemma 1 and by Ball and Govaerts [4], a secant hyperplane meets
B Ō in 1 mod p points. Hence, we have
In some cases the ovoidal blocking sets of P G(r, q 2 ) obtained from ovoids of Q(6, q)
can be embedded in a hermitian variety of P G(r, q 2 ).
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2.3 Construction B
Suppose that Q ∈ Y , let Z be the unique element of S such that Q ∈ Z and let ∩ Y = {T }.
In this case, the size of B is given by
|B| = q n−1 (| B̄| − 1) + q n−1 + 1 = q n−1 | B̄| + 1
also B ∩ P G(S ) is contained in the line Y, Z
of P G(S ) and |B ∩ P G(S )| = q n−1 + 1.
The intersection numbers of B with respect to the hyperplanes can be determined as in
Construction A.
Recall that if S(r −1)n is a hyperplane of r other than P G(S ) containing Y , then
dim(S(r −1)n ∩ ) = (r − 2)n + 1. Whereas if S(r −1)n is a hyperplane of r not containing
Y , then dim( S(r −1)n ,
∩ ) = (r − 1)n.
Lemma 2 Let S(r −1)n be a hyperplane of r other than P G(S ). If S(r −1)n contains Y and
S̄(r −2)n+1 denotes the ((r − 2)n + 1)-dimensional subspace through T obtained intersecting
S(r −1)n and , then
|B ∩ S(r −1)n | = q n−1 | S̄(r −2)n+1 ∩ B̄| + 1. (3)
If S(r −1)n does not contain Y and S̄(r −1)n = S(r −1)n ,
∩ , then
|B ∩ S(r −1)n | = | B̄ ∩ S̄(r −1)n |. (4)
Also, equality (4) holds for any hyperplane S̄(r −1)n of not through T and for each of the
q n−1 hyperplanes S(r −1)n of r contained in , S̄(r −1)n
Proof Let S(r −1)n be a hyperplane of r , other than P G(S ), containing Y and let S̄(r −2)n+1 =
S(r −1)n ∩ . Then we have
B ∩ S(r −1)n = ((K \) ∩ S(r −1)n ) ∪ {X ∈ S : X ∩ K ∩ S(r −1)n = ∅}.
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(K \) ∩ S(r −1)n = ( P̄,
\ )
P̄∈( B̄∩ S̄(r−2)n+1 )\{Q}
and |{X ∈ S : X ∩ K ∩ S(r −1)n = ∅}| = 1 if Q ∈ S̄(r −2)n+1 and q n−1 + 1 otherwise, we get
equality (3). If S(r −1)n is a hyperplane of r not containing Y , with the same arguments of
Lemma 1, we obtain the result.
Remark 2 Note that if S(r −1)n is a hyperplane of r passing through a point of B ∩ P G(S )
different from Y , then Q ∈ S̄(r −1)n = S(r −1)n ,
∩ .
Corollary 2 The affine points of B are essential points if and only if B̄ satisfies Condition
(∗) with respect to the point T .
In the next proposition, we prove that if B̄ does not span the whole space , then it is
possible to embed B̄ in in such a way that all affine points of B are essential points.
a hyperplane of n through Q not containing the point T . By Lemma 2, the intersection num-
bers of B with respect to the hyperplanes of r through X , not containing Y , are determined
by the intersection numbers of B̄ with respect to the hyperplanes of , different from ,
containing n−1
X . Indeed, if S
(r −1)n contains X and does not contain Y , then S̄(r −1)n contains
n−1 . Conversely, if n−1 is a hyperplane of n passing through Q and not containing T ,
then the intersection numbers of B̄ with respect to the hyperplanes of , different from ,
containing n−1 , determine the intersection numbers of B with respect to the hyperplanes
of r (not containing Y ) through the unique element X of S \ {Y } contained in n−1 ,
Hence, we have:
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Proposition 8
(•) If there exists a hyperplane r −2 = S(r −1)n−1 of P G(S ) through Y , but not containing
Z , such that dim r−2 ≥ t − n, then Y is an essential point of B. In particular, if t ≤ n
and t−1 ⊆ n , then Y is an essential point of B.
(••) If there exists a hyperplane r −2 = S(r −1)n−1 of P G(S ) through Y , not containing Z ,
such that dim r−2 = t − n − 1 and such that r−2 is contained in a (t − n)-dimensional
subspace t−n of t , not contained in , and disjoint from B̄, then Y is an essential point
of B.
(•) Let r −2 = S(r −1)n−1 be the hyperplane of P G(S ) such that dim r−2 = s ≥ t − n
and let r −1 = S(r −1)n be a hyperplane of r , different from P G(S ), containing r −2 .
By Lemma 2, since B̄ ⊂ t and since S(r −1)n ∩ t ∩ = r−2 , we have |r −1 ∩ B| =
q n−1 |S r−1 ∩ B̄| + 1, where S r−1 = S(r −1)n ∩ t and s ≤ dim S r−1 ≤ s + 1. If for
all r −1 different from P G(S ) containing r −2 , the dimension of S r−1 is s + 1, then
|t \ | = q t = q n · q s+1 , and hence s = t − n − 1, a contradiction. Then there exists
a hyperplane ¯ r −1 = S̄(r −1)n of r containing r −2 such that dim( S̄(r −1)n ∩ t ) = s,
i.e. S̄(r −1)n ∩ t = r−2 and hence S r−1 ∩ B̄ = ∅. This means that ¯ r −1 is a tangent
hyperplane to B at the point Y .
If t ≤ n and t−1 ⊆ n , it is possible to find a hyperplane r −2 of P G(S ) through Y ,
but not containing Z , such that dim r−2 ≥ 0 ≥ t − n. So the preceding arguments show
that Y is an essential point of B.
(••) In this case, the hyperplane r −1 of r obtained joining r −2 and t−n is a tangent
hyperplane to B at the point Y .
If B is a minimal blocking set of r contained in B, by Corollary 1, Propositions 7 and
8, we get
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Proposition 9
(1) If t ≤ (r − 2)n + 1 and n ∩ t−1 = {Q}, then each point X ∈ B ∩ P G(S ), different
from Y , is an essential point of B. Hence, |B | = q n−1 | B̄| + ε, where ε = 0 or 1.
(2) If (r − 2)n + 1 < t ≤ (r − 1)n and dim(n ∩ t−1 ) = t − (r − 2)n − 1, then the
number of essential points of B on P G(S ), different from Y , is at least q (r −1)n−t . Hence,
|B | ≥ q n−1 (| B̄| − 1) + q (r −1)n−t + ε, where ε = 0 or 1.
(1) Let t ≤ (r − 2)n + 1. In this case, we may assume that n ∩ t−1 = {Q}. Let X ∈
B ∩ P G(S ) be different from Y and let n−1
X = X,
∩n (recall that n = ∩ Y, Z
dim n−1 , t−1
≤ (r − 1)n − 1
X ,
and T ∈ n−1 t−1
. Hence, there exists a hyperplane (r −1)n−1 of not containing
T and containing n−1 X ,
. Now, if P ∈ \ ( ∪ t ), then the space joining
(r −1)n−1 and P is a hyperplane of , different from , tangent to B̄ at the point Q,
and containing the subspace n−1 X , thus, by Proposition 7, X is an essential point of B.
Hence, since T ∈ t , all points of B \ {Y } are essential points, i.e. |B | = q n−1 | B̄| + ε,
where ε = 0 or 1.
(2) Now, let t > (r −2)n +1, let dim(n ∩t−1 ) = t −(r −2)n −1, put s = t −(r −2)n −1
and s = n ∩ t−1 . If n−1 is a hyperplane of n not containing T and containing s ,
then n−1 , t−1
is a hyperplane of not containing T and containing n−1 . Now, as
in the previous case, since t ≤ (r − 1)n, there exists a hyperplane of , different from ,
tangent to B̄ at Q and containing n−1 . Hence, by Proposition 7, the number of essential
points of B on P G(S ) \ {Y } is at least the number of hyperplanes of n containing s ,
but not containing T . Hence, |B | ≥ q n−1 (| B̄| − 1) + q (r −1)n−t + ε, where ε = 0 or 1.
Proposition 10 Suppose that there exists a hyperplane ¯ t−1 , different from t−1 , of t
tangent to B̄ at the point Q and let ¯ t−2 = ∩ ¯ t−1 . Then the following results hold.
(1 ) If t ≤ (r − 2)n + 2 and n ∩ ¯ t−2 = {Q}, then each point X ∈ B ∩ P G(S ), different
from Y , is an essential point of B. Hence, |B | = q n−1 | B̄| + ε, where ε = 0 or 1.
(2 ) If (r − 2)n + 2 < t ≤ (r − 1)n and dim(n ∩ ¯ t−2 ) = t − (r − 2)n − 2, then the
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Proof Let t = B̄
, t ≤ (r − 1)n + 1, and let t−1 = t ∩ . Also, let P1 , P2 , . . . , Pt be t
points of t−1 such that t−1 = P1 , P2 , . . . , Pt
and let X i be the element of S containing
Pi , for i = 1, . . . , t. Then S ∗ = Y, X 1 , X 2 , . . . , X t
is an S -subspace of of dimension
nl − 1, where l ≤ min{t + 1, r }. Let Snl = t , S ∗
and note that Snl ∩ = S ∗ , i.e. Snl
defines an l-dimensional subspace, say l , of r . Also, since K ⊂ Snl , the blocking set B
is contained in l , i.e. dim B
≤ l ≤ min{r, t + 1}.
In the next theorem, we determine the minimal blocking sets that can be obtained via
Construction B.
Proof Let B̄ be a minimal t-dimensional blocking set, and let r and n be two integers, r, n ≥ 2,
such that max{2, nt +1} ≤ r ≤ t +1. Let r be the r -dimensional projective space of order q n
obtained via the Barlotti–Cofman construction described in Sect. 2. Let Y, Z , X 1 , . . . , X r −2
be r elements of S such that = Y, Z , X 1 , . . . , X r −2
, let T , Q, P j ( j = 1, . . . , r − 2) be
r points of such that T ∈ Y , Q ∈ Z , and P j ∈ X j for j = 1, . . . , r − 2, and let be a
hyperplane of Y not containing T . Also, let be an ((r − 1)n + 1)-dimensional subspace
of disjoint from , containing T , Q, P1 , . . . , Pr −2 .
Since nt + 1 ≤ r ≤ t + 1, there exists a t-dimensional subspace t of not contained
in , such that Q, P j ∈ t ∩ = t−1 for j = 1, . . . , r − 2, and such that T ∈ t . This
means that the smallest S -subspace containing t−1 is . Embed B̄ in t in such a way
that B̄ ∩ = {Q} and let K = P̄∈ B̄ P̄,
. Since K
= , t
and since the smallest
S -subspace containing K
∩ = , t−1
is , we have B
= r . By construction,
T ∈ t , hence all the affine points of B are essential points, so if B is the minimal blocking
set contained in B, we have that B
= B
If t ≤ (r − 2)n + 1, we can choose t−1 in such a way that t−1 ∩ n = {Q} and hence, by
Proposition 9 case (1), |B | = q n−1 | B̄| + ε (ε = 0, 1). Also, if t ≤ n, then ε = 1 (Proposition
8). If t > n and there exists a hyperplane r −2 of P G(S ) through Y , not containing Z , for
which dim r−2 ≥ t − n, then Y is an essential point of B (Proposition 8 (•)). If t > n and
for all hyperplanes r −2 of P G(S ) through Y , not containing Z , dim r−2 = t − n − 1, we
can embed B̄ in t in such a way that there exists a hyperplane r −2 = S(r −1)n−1 of P G(S )
through Y , not containing Z , such that dim r−2 = t − n − 1 and r−2 is contained in a
110 Des. Codes Cryptogr. (2007) 44:97–113
(t − n)-dimensional subspace t−n of t , not contained in , disjoint from B̄. So, by case
(••) of Proposition 8, |B | = q n−1 | B̄| + 1. This ends the discussion of case (a).
If (r − 2)n + 1 < t ≤ (r − 1)n, we can choose t−1 in such a way that dim(t−1 ∩ n ) =
t −[(r −2)n +1] and hence, by case (2) of Proposition 9, |B | ≥ q n−1 (| B̄|−1)+q (r −1)n−t +ε
(ε = 0, 1). This treats case (c).
Now, suppose that there exists in t a tangent hyperplane ¯ t−1 to B̄ at the point Q different
from t−1 , and let ¯ t−2 = ¯ t−1 ∩ t−1 . In this case, if t ≤ (r − 2)n + 2, we can choose t−1
in such a way that ¯ t−2 ∩ n = {Q}, so by case (1) of Proposition 10, |B | = q n−1 | B̄| + ε
(ε = 0, 1), leading to case (b). While, if (r − 2)n + 2 < t ≤ (r − 1)n, we can choose t−1 in
such a way that dim(¯ t−2 ∩ n ) = t − [(r − 2)n + 2] and hence by case (2) of Proposition
10, |B | ≥ q n−1 (| B̄| − 1) + q (r −1)n−t+1 + ε (ε = 0, 1). This concludes the proof of case
We say that a blocking set B obtained via Construction B is an ovoidal blocking set of type
B if the base Ō of the corresponding cone is an ovoid either of P G(3, q) or of Q(4, q) or of
Q(6, q), and we write B = B Ō .
and hence |Sn ∩ B Ō | = q n−1 |Sn ∩ Ō| + 1. Since Y ∩ t = ∅, then |Sn ∩ t | ≤ 1 and so
|Sn ∩ B Ō | = 1 or q n−1 + 1. If n = 2 and |S2 ∩ B Ō | = q + 1, then S2 ∩ B Ō is a Baer subline
in the projective space r (see proof of Proposition 4). Finally, B Ō ∩ P G(S ) = B Ō ∩ Y, Z
and |B Ō ∩ Y, Z
| = q n−1 + 1. Also, if n = 2, B Ō ∩ Y, Z
is the set of lines of S intersecting
the line , Q
, i.e. B Ō ∩ Y, Z
is a Baer subline of r ∼ = P G(r, q 2 ).
Let Ō be an ovoid of P G(3, q). By Theorem 7, choosing Ō as base of the cone K , we can
construct minimal blocking sets B Ō in P G(3, q n ) and P G(4, q n ), of size q n+1 + q n−1 + 1,
generating the whole space. By Lemma 2, it is easy to verify that a secant hyperplane meets
B Ō either in q + 1 or in q n−1 + 1 or in 2q n−1 + 1 or in q n + q n−1 + 1 points. Hence, the
following holds true.
Theorem 8 There exist in P G(3, q n ) and in P G(4, q n ) for any q and for any n ≥ 2, minimal
blocking sets of size q n+1 + q n−1 + 1 generating the whole space, with intersection numbers
with respect to the hyperplanes in the set {1, q + 1, q n−1 + 1, 2q n−1 + 1, q n + q n−1 + 1}. In
particular, if n = 2 such blocking sets are the union of q 2 + 1 Baer sublines through a point.
Des. Codes Cryptogr. (2007) 44:97–113 111
Finally, let Ō be an ovoid of Q(6, q), q = p h . By Ball and Govaerts [4], Ō is a minimal
blocking set of P G(6, q) of size q 3 + 1 which spans the six-dimensional space, and hence,
by Theorem 7, choosing Ō as base of the cone K , we can construct the following minimal
blocking sets generating the whole space:
(a) B = B Ō of size q n+2 + q n−1 + 1 in P G(r, q n ) for 4 ≤ r ≤ 7, if n ≥ 3, in P G(3, q n )
if n ≥ 5, and in P G(r, q n ) for 5 ≤ r ≤ 7, if n = 2 (case (a)).
(b) B of size at least q n+2 + q 2n−6 + ε(ε = 0 or 1) in P G(3, q n ) if n = 3 or 4, and B of
size at least q 4 + 1 + ε (ε = 0 or 1) in P G(4, q 2 ) (case (c)).
(c) B of size q 4 + q + ε (ε = 0 or 1) in P G(4, q 2 ), and B of size q 6 + q 3 + ε (ε = 0
or 1) in P G(3, q 4 ) if there exist at least two tangent hyperplanes to Ō at the point Q
(case (b)).
(d) B of size at least q 5 + q + ε (ε = 0 or 1) in P G(3, q 3 ) if there exist at least two tangent
hyperplanes to Ō at the point Q (case (d)).
Since the known examples of ovoids of Q(6, q) are the Thas–Kantor ovoids, with q = 3h
and h ≥ 1, and the Ree–Tits ovoids, with q = 32h+1 , h > 0, the above constructions pro-
duce examples of minimal blocking sets in P G(r, q n ), 3 ≤ r ≤ 7, in projective spaces with
q = 3h and q = 32h+1 , h ≥ 1. In particular, if we rewrite case (a) for n = 2, we obtain the
following theorem.
Theorem 10 In P G(r, q), for 5 ≤ r ≤ 7, q = 32e , e ≥ 1, there exist minimal blocking sets
of size q 2 + q + 1 generating the whole space, and which are the union of Baer sublines
through a point.
Theorem 11 In P G(4, q), q = 32e , e ≥ 1, there exist minimal blocking sets of size at least
q 2 + 2.
Proof By (6) above, it suffices to prove that it is possible to apply Construction B to an ovoid
Ō of Q(6, q ), q = 3e , h ≥ 1, in such a way that Y is an essential point of B Ō . Since Ō is a
minimal blocking set of P G(6, q ) = Q(6, q )
, there exist four-dimensional subspaces of
P G(6, q ) disjoint from Ō.
Let q = q 2 and consider the Barlotti–Cofman representation 4 = 4 ( , , S ) of
P G(4, q) in = P G(8, q ).
112 Des. Codes Cryptogr. (2007) 44:97–113
Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Research Project of MIUR (Italian Office for University
and Research) “Strutture geometriche, combinatoria e loro applicazioni”, by the Mathematics Department of
the Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and by the Research group GNSAGA of INDAM. The third
author thanks the Fund for Scientific Research-Flanders, Belgium, for a research grant. Part of this research
was done when the third author was visiting the Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and the Università
degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”. He wishes to thank the colleagues at these universities for their hospitality.
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