Practical Guide To Cable Selection

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A Practical Guide To Cable Selection

Literature Number: SNLA164

A Practical Guide to Cable Selection
National Semiconductor
A Practical Guide To Cable Application Note 916
David Hess
Selection John Goldie
October 1993


This application note provides an overview of the various The two most basic cable categories are flat and round (see
considerations necessary for selecting suitable copper multi- Figure 1 and Figure 2). Both flat and round cables are avail-
conductor or twisted pair cables for use with standard inter- able in multiconductor or twisted pair configurations and
face devices. It is important that a cable is well matched to each with or without shielding. Shielding of various types is
the application; as well as, that the various cable selection also available in both cases. Flat cables have carefully con-
trade-offs are considered for a cost effective system design. trolled conductor spacing making them suitable for mass ter-
Cable types, constructions, and characteristics are covered mination. Round cables are suited for long cable runs or
and then related to the various device requirements. where flexibility and compactness are required.


FIGURE 1. Drawing of Flat Cable, Cross-Section


FIGURE 2. Drawing of Round Cable, Cross-Section

Multiconductor cables are available for basic single-ended, with only one conductor (the shield serving the dual purpose
i.e., unbalanced applications. Twisted pair cables are avail- of signal return path and signal containment). In a similar
able for differential, i.e., balanced applications (Figure 3). sense, a two conductor multiconductor cable, since it is
Note that a coaxial cable, a single insulated conductor with twisted, is equivalent to a single twisted pair cable.
an overall shield; is, in this context, a “multiconductor” cable

KYNAR ® is a registered trademark of Elf Atochem.

Teflon ® is a registered trademark of E.I. Dupont de Nemours Company.

© 1998 National Semiconductor Corporation AN011937


FIGURE 3. Drawing Comparison of Multiconductor Cable and Twisted Pair Cable

It is common and preferable to use a twisted pair cable for aiding the process of individually terminating each conduc-
single-ended applications. Some higher speed or longer dis- tor. A round cable is simpler to manufacture with a shield.
tance single-ended applications provide a separate return Capacitance can be reduced with thicker insulation walls,
conductor for each data and timing circuit, helping to reduce since there are no inherent conductor spacing requirements.
crosstalk. Note that single-ended applications cannot fully Other than the case of simple, flat, strait, unshielded multi-
utilize the special capability of a twisted pair. Multiconductor conductor cables; round cables have less cross-sectional
cable should not be used for differential applications where area for a given number of conductors. More cross-sectional
twisted pairs are essential. area is required for a shield or jacket on a flat cable.
It is important to recognize that a twisted pair serves a funda-
mental electrical purpose. A twisted pair maintains, along its 3.0 CABLE CONSTRUCTION
length, the balance necessary for and thus the common
mode rejection sought in differential applications. The de- Overall Construction
gree of physical symmetry achieved in constructing a twisted
pair of insulated conductors determines how well it is bal-
anced electrically. The double helix configuration of the pair Standard subminiature D-style connectors are designed to
produces symmetrical parasitics for each conductor. Sym- accept conductor sizes ranging typically from 22 AWG down
metrical parasitics assure that induced noise signals are to 26 AWG. Stranded tinned copper is normally used.
equal, or “common”, to both conductors. This is the primary Stranding provides a considerable improvement in flexibility
means of reducing crosstalk between various circuits within and protection from conductor breaks due to repeated flex-
a cable. Flat cables constructed with twisted pairs are also ing, i.e., improved flex life. Tin coating on the strands im-
available to achieve improved crosstalk characteristics. proves environmental resistance by preventing corrosion of
the conductor. The tin coating also makes the conductor
Advantages of Flat Cables more suitable for soldering. Standard connector pins are
By providing a means for mass termination, flat cables are sized to accept the stranded conductor’s increased diameter
relatively inexpensive to terminate. Connectors are available compared to solid conductor diameters.
in configurations with insulation displacement contacts Solid or non-tinned conductors are not recommended for
aligned for flat cable termination. The contacts are simulta- use with some connectors. Some connector pins are
neously pressed through the insulation onto all of the con- crimped onto the end of the conductor where a small section
ductors of a flat cable. The cable conductor to connector of the insulation has been removed. This leaves a short sec-
contact alignment is critical. The two industry standard con- tion of exposed conductor susceptible to corrosion. Given
ductor centerline spacings are 0.050 and 0.025 inches. Con- the minimal space provided within the connector backshell,
trolling this parameter is a primary concern in producing flat the added flexibility of stranded conductor makes the job of
cable and somewhat limits the range of cables’ electrical cramming the terminated conductors into the backshell a lot
characteristics available. easier and more reliable. Conductor stranding also in-
creases the overall cable flexibility, easing installation, and
Advantages of Round Cables making the cable more likely to withstand the related
Round cable flexibility is not limited to a single plane, as in abuses. If there will be even occasional flexing required in
the case of flat cable. For long cable runs, especially in- the cable application, stranded conductors are strongly rec-
stalled in conduit or raceway, flat cable is impractical. The ommended.
flexibility of round cables is the result of having the individual Nominal cost savings are gained by eliminating stranding or
elements, single conductors or twisted pairs, “cabled”; that tin coating, but consideration should be given to the reduc-
is, they are “laid” at a pitch angle relative to the axis of the tion in reliability. Stranding and tin coating have an effect on
cable, forming a helix. The greater the pitch angle the the signal loss of a transmission line, but these effects are in-
greater the degree of flexibility. Color coding is usually pro- significant below frequencies of about 10 MHz. These effects
vided as the means of identifying the individual conductors are essentially immeasurable at the frequencies associated 2
with current TIA data communication standards; furthermore, that EIA-422-A gives recommendations for transmission up
other far more predominant limiting factors arise at data to 1,200 meters (4000 feet) at data rates up to 90 kbps on 24
rates greater than 1 Mbps. AWG cable. Typical data communication applications fall
For typical serial data links, the de-facto standard gauge size within the restrictions imposed by the voltage drop limitations
is 24 AWG. TIA/EIA interface standards’ recommendations of 24 AWG conductor. Special sized connector contacts may
are based on 24 AWG. This is the appropriate size to use be required for larger conductors.
with common subminiature D-style connectors. For smaller Copper conductors come in standard sizes according to the
conductors to be properly captured in crimped contacts, spe- American Wire Gauge (AWG) system. A conductor gauge
cial sized contacts may be required. Overall cable size and size is based on its cross-sectional area, and thus DC resis-
weight reduction can be achieved using 26 AWG or smaller tance. The overall diameter of the conductor depends on
conductors at the expense of increased fragility. Note, there whether it is solid or stranded. Stranding is provided as a
are National Electrical Code restrictions that prevent conduc- means of improving flexibility and flex-life, and the strand
tors smaller than 24 AWG from being used in premises com- bundle is twisted similarly and for the same reasons men-
munication applications. Smaller conductors are recom- tioned above for the overall cable. The basic stranding con-
mended for restricted applications, such as equipment figuration is 7 strands; 6 around 1. For a given gauge size;
cables or where overall cable size must be limited; say for the more strands, the more flexible. Stranded conductors are
wide parallel data links used in short distances, up to 10 or considerably more expensive than solid conductors and the
20 meters. cost increases with greater numbers of finer strands.
Larger conductors cannot provide very much improvement in Stranded conductors utilize standard AWG size strands and
performance. The overwhelming performance limiting factor numbers of strands. Their size is designated by the largest
in serial data communication systems is noise. An attempt to AWG size less than or equal to the sum cross-sectional area
increase data rate and/or distance by increasing conductor of the individual strands. Note, insulation displacement con-
size and thus reducing attenuation, is likely to be offset by nector contacts are specifically designed for either solid or
crosstalk and other noise limitations. Consider, for instance, stranded conductors.

TABLE 1. Conductors Solid Stranded Tinned and Bare from 30 AWG to 20 AWG vs Diameter DCR Weight, etc.

AWG Stranding Diameter Weight D. C. Resistance @20˚C

Tin Coated Bare or Silver Plated
inches mm lbs./kft. kg/km ohms/kft. ohms/km ohms/kft. ohms/km
40 solid 0.0031 0.079 0.0291 0.0433 1158 3799 1080 3540
38 solid 0.0040 0.102 0.0484 0.0720 696 2283 648 2130
36 solid 0.0050 0.127 0.0757 0.113 445 1461 415 1360
34 solid 0.0063 0.160 0.120 0.179 281 920 261 857
32 solid 0.0080 0.203 0.194 0.289 174 571 162 532
32 7/40 0.010 0.254 0.21 0.31 176 577 164 539
30 solid 0.0100 0.254 0.30 0.45 113 371 104 340
30 7/38 0.012 0.305 0.35 0.52 106 348 92.6 303
28 solid 0.0126 0.320 0.48 0.72 70.8 232 65.3 214
28 7/36 0.015 0.381 0.55 0.82 67.5 221 59.3 194
26 solid 0.0159 0.404 0.77 1.14 44.5 146 41.0 135
26 7/34 0.019 0.483 0.87 1.29 42.5 139 37.3 122
24 solid 0.0201 0.511 1.22 1.82 27.2 89.2 25.7 84.2
24 7/32 0.024 0.610 1.38 2.05 25.7 84.2 23.1 75.9
22 solid 0.0253 0.643 1.94 2.89 16.7 54.8 16.2 53.2
22 7/30 0.031 0.787 2.19 3.26 16.6 54.4 14.8 48.6
20 solid 0.0320 0.813 3.10 4.61 10.5 34.4 10.1 33.2
20 7/28 0.038 0.965 3.49 5.19 10.3 33.8 9.33 30.6

The conductor, or individual strands in the case of stranded achieve improved soldering and corrosion resistance without
conductors, can be coated or “bare”. Tin is the most common the higher resistance penalty, and nickel used for high heat
coating. Diffusion of the tin coating into the surface of the resistance with the higher resistance penalty; are used only
copper causes the DC resistance to be somewhat higher in special applications.
than bare conductors, but this is a concern mainly at fre-
quencies above 10 MHz. Tinning, although providing for su- INSULATIONS
perior soldering, mainly provides substantial corrosion resis- In addition to providing basic insulating properties, the plas-
tance over bare copper. The very short section of exposed tics used to coat the conductors have various signal altering
conductor, even inside a connector body, between the end of characteristics. The two properties of insulating plastics that
insulation and, say a crimped on contact pin, can be a point affect transmission are the dielectric constant and the dissi-
of failure in a cable assembly. Other coatings, silver used to

pation factor. The dielectric constant is a function of the ve- available in Teflon ® , is substituted to achieve low smoke and
locity at which energy travels through the dielectric (another flame producing characteristics to meet special National
name for insulation). The dissipation factor is a function of Electrical Code (NFPA) requirements. The dielectric proper-
the rate at which energy is absorbed by the dielectric. Re- ties of FEP are slightly superior to polyolefins.
ducing either of these factors results in better signal trans-
mission performance. SHIELDS
The plastic most commonly used for conductor insulation is One problem that arises with long distances is a transmis-
polyvinylchloride (PVC). Its dielectric properties are good sion line’s susceptibility to interfering signals.
but, generally not good enough for any data communication Electro-magnetic interference (EMI) is basically unavoidable
application more demanding than basic low speed ( < 100 and a long transmission line is very susceptible. Long wires
kbps), short distance ( < 50 m) links. PVC is normally used for make good antennas.
power, control, instrumentation, and audio cables; applica- Most of the serial interface standards do not require shield-
tions that operate at relatively low frequencies. High perfor- ing, although provisions are made for shields within the stan-
mance serial data cables normally use a polyolefin insula- dard connectors and recommendations for grounding. The
tion; either polyethylene or polypropylene, because their standards basically avoid the subject of shielding as one
dielectric properties are far superior to PVC. Even though a which is outside of their scopes. On the other hand, the pri-
data signal may be operating at a fairly low data rate the sig- mary caution given in the distance and data rate guidelines
nal may be made up of pulses with fast rise times. The rise is that outside interference is not taken into consideration.
time of the pulse determines the frequency range covered by Shielding can greatly reduce or eliminate the possibility that
the signal. Typical data signals have power spectrums well the system will fail after you have followed all the other
into the 1 MHz to 10 MHz range. The polyolefins’ dielectric guidelines. Regardless of the effects interference may have
constants and dissipation factors are low compared to PVC’s directly on the serial interface, shielded cable may be re-
and, unlike PVC, remain low well into the microwave region quired due to the overall system’s susceptibility or emissions
of the spectrum. passed through the enclosure via an interface port. Shielding
There is no great disadvantage to using polyolefins com- should be considered for all but very short low speed data
pared to PVC. The cost, at most, is only marginally higher. circuits; above 10 meters or 100 kbps.
Some cable design precautions must be taken to meet flam- Shields are additional conductors added to cables and are
mability regulations. Polyolefins are far more flammable than designed to isolate electro-magnetic fields surrounding con-
PVC, but this can be overcome with a flame retardant outer ductors or pairs within the shield from those outside of the
cable jacket. As will be seen later, polyolefin insulation is es- shield. Shields may be placed over individual conductors,
sential for good performance with shielded cables. twisted pairs, or may be placed over the entire bundle of
The only exception to the choice of polyolefin insulation is cable elements or in both locations. Multiple shields within a
the case of plenum cables used in premises wiring applica- cable may be electrically isolated from each other with addi-
tions. Fluorinated ethylene/propylene copolymer (FEP), tional insulating layers.

TABLE 2. Insulation Types vs Qualitative Performance Characteristics Electricals, etc.

Specific Dielectric Dissipation Volume Dielectric Temp-

Insulation Type Gravity Constant Factor Resistivity Strength Flammability erature
ohm-cm Volts/Mil Range ˚C
PVC (Standard) 1.25–1.38 4–6 0.06–0.10 1011 800–900 Good −20 to 80
PVC (Premium) 1.38 3–5 0.080–0.085 1012 800–900 Good −55 to 105
Polyethylene 0.92 2.27 0.0002 > 1016 1200 Poor −60 to 80
Polypropylene 0.90 2.24 0.0003 > 1016 850 Poor −60 to 80
Cellular 0.50 1.5 0.0002 — 500 Poor −60 to 80
Retardant 1.30 2.5 0.0015 > 1016 1000 Fair −60 to 80
FEP (or TFE) 2.15 2.1 0.0007 > 1018 1200 Excellent −70 to 200
(or 260)
Cellular FEP 1.2 1.4 0.0007 — 500 Good −70 to 200

Typical cables use three basic kinds of shields; a tape shield, shield. Special shields are used for special applications such
a braided or served wire shield, or a double shield consisting as corrugated rigid metal tapes used in telecommunications
of a tape plus braided or served wires (see Figure 4 and Fig- cables, solid tubes used on CATV cables, or woven or ex-
ure 5). The tape shield always includes an uninsulated panded metal screens used for flat cables.
“drain” wire in contact with the aluminum, used to terminate The ideal shield is a seamless metallic tube as with the alu-
the shield. The double shield includes a braided or served minum tubing utilized by the CATV industry on semi-rigid co-
layer of wires in contact with the conductive side of a tape 4
axial cable trunk lines; the emphasis is on “semi-rigid”. To fashion, in opposite directions, around the cable. Served
achieve flexibility a shield is made up of braided or served shields consist of a single layer of strands laid in a single di-
layers of fine wires or helical wrapped tapes. rection around the cable. Served shields are very flexible
Braided shields are made up of groups of fine; 34, 36, or 38 and are used in applications such as microphone or mouse
AWG, depending on the overall cable size; usually tinned, cables. The small gaps in single layer served shields make
copper strands; groups of these strands are woven May-pole them unsuitable for high frequencies ( > 10 MHz).


FIGURE 4. Braid, Serve, Tape Shielding


FIGURE 5. Individual Pair Shields

Tapes are a thin foil, usually aluminum, laminated to one or lene. Tapes come in various thicknesses. The aluminum can
both sides of a plastic film, usually polyester or polypropy- be 1⁄3 to 2 mils thick. The plastic film, typically polyester or

polypropylene, can be 1⁄5 to 2 mils thick. Thicknesses are se- Jackets
lected by trading off flexibility with shielding effectiveness The most common cable jacket material is PVC, which has
and signal attenuation in cases where the shield provides good environmental resistance and can be compounded to
signal return path. Effective overlap of the tape is important have good cold temperature flexibility and meet a range of
for reliable performance. Uninsulated drain wires are nor- flammability requirements.
mally of the same construction as the cable’s conductors,
but must be tinned to permit direct contact with the alumi- Flammability Requirements
num. Equipment cables are generally required to meet some level
A simple model for shielding effectiveness is the shield’s DC of vertical flames test. The National Electrical Code (NEC)
resistance. A shield is equally effective in both directions, in sets standards for the flammability ratings of cables to be in-
and out, and its effectiveness is proportional to its surface stalled in buildings. Cables must pass the vertical cable tray
transfer impedance (which equals shield DCR at 0 Hz). Sur- flame test to be suitable for general purpose locations. This
face transfer impedance is the frequency dependent voltage/ is the same test generally required for industrial environ-
current ratio derived from a current driven on one side of the ments. Two special locations are identified by the NEC; riser
shield resulting in an induced voltage on the other side of the and plenum, each having respectively greater degrees of
shield (see Figure 6). A detailed explanation of the surface flammability requirements. Plenum cable can be used in ple-
transfer impedance model is outside of the scope of this ap- nums, risers or general purpose locations, riser cable can
plication note. only be used in risers and general purpose locations, and
Braids and serves have much lower resistances than tape general purpose cables are restricted from risers and ple-
shields. A typical double shield has about 1⁄5 the resistance of nums. In the case of plenum cables, Polyvinylidene Fluoride
a tape shield, so it will be about 5 times more effective than (PVDF) copolymer, available as Kynar ® , jackets may be
a tape shield over the same distance. Another way of looking used for their low smoke and flame producing characteris-
at it; a double shield extends the effectiveness of the tape tics.
shield to about 5 times the distance. A tape shield is effective
for short cables. A double shield should be used on short dis- 4.0 CABLE CHARACTERISTICS
tances in very noisy environments. A double shield should be
used in any extended distance application, over 100 meters. Resistance
Braids are a trade-off between flexibility and ideal tubular A DC resistance requirement is the best way to assure that
conductors. The lower resistance of the braid results in good the wire is indeed the size it should be. It also has a specific
shielding effectiveness, but only up to a point. The small relationship to the TIA standards. Some requirements in-
holes between the crossovers of the braid strands, become clude maximum voltage drop for the signals. The cable ter-
large at some frequency. Braids are specified by percent mination load resistance and the total cable loop resistance
coverage as a means of determining the size of the holes. determine the maximum permissible cable length for given
Closing up the holes, say by specifying 95% coverage, will length for a given voltage drop limitation.
be effective; two layers of braid can be specified for still
greater effectiveness, but all at the expense of flexibility. Capacitance
A stated cable capacitance can be one of a number of pos-
sible capacitance values that can be measured on any given
cable. Depending on how the cable is actually terminated to
the generator, these various capacitance values may need
to be considered. The different termination possibilities de-
rive from, for instance, unbalanced vs balanced operation.
Normally the mutual capacitance of a pair is provided in
cable specifications. Mutual capacitance provides a mea-
sure of the capacitance that the generators will “see” when
terminated to the cable. Another specification, sometimes
given, is the capacitance of one wire to all the other wires
and shield connected together.
Shielded cables must use insulation with good dielectric
properties (i.e., low dielectric constant) to assure that cable
capacitances are kept low when a shield is added to the
cable. The proximity of two conductors in a cable and the di-
electric constant of the insulation between the conductors
FIGURE 6. Comparison Graph of Transfer determine the capacitance measured between the conduc-
Impedances, Tape Shield vs Braid Shield tors. The addition of a shield around the two conductors in-
troduces two very significant “parasitic” capacitances; those
A very effective means of closing the holes and lowering the between each conductor and the shield. The conductor to
resistance is to use the combination of tape and braid. The shield capacitances combine with the conductor to conduc-
double shield achieves low resistance through the additional tor capacitance to significantly increase the overall capaci-
cross-sectional area of the braid. The tape is overlapped to tance of the pair.
provide as near to a true tubular performance as possible. 6
Impedance, Velocity of Propagation, Attenuation, Rise Since there is more attenuation at higher frequencies than at
Time Degradation lower frequencies, signal pulses are dispersed as they travel
These four parameters have a less direct bearing on data down the cable. This property is measured as rise time deg-
communications applications. Sometimes they are specified, radation. Rise time degradation is roughly proportional to
but after the basic cable dimensions are given, these param- cable length. System designers are constantly balancing rise
eters essentially depend on the Capacitance and DC Resis- time effects. On one hand, fast rise times produce more
tance. crosstalk, that will, if great enough, result in errors. On the
other hand, slow rise times that get further degraded will
The various lumped circuit element parameters; capaci-
cause receiver errors.
tance, inductance, resistance, and conductance of a trans-
mission line, are all interrelated in a single parameter known
as the characteristic impedance of a transmission line. This
is the impedance that if used to terminate a transmission Lowering capacitance improves the performance of cables
line, no signal will be reflected back to the source. If there is used for both unbalanced and balanced transmission.
a mismatch, the bigger it is, the bigger the reflections will be. Unbalanced transmission is limited by near-end-crosstalk.
Impedance matched conditions are sought for all system de- The unbalanced lines interfere with each other primarily
signs, particularly at high data rates, because the reflections through capacitive coupling between the lines. Lowering any
affect the performance of the generators and prevent some capacitance parameter of a multi-conductor or twisted pair
of the signal from ever reaching the receiver. The generator cable will result in proportionally lowering all of the various
and cable termination load of EIA-422-A and EIA-485 are capacitances within the cable. In the case of unbalanced
specified in such a way as to closely match the impedance of lines, coupling capacitance, and therefore crosstalk, is low-
typical “low capacitance” cables having about 12 to 16 pF/ft ered proportionally. The mutual capacitance of a paired
mutual capacitance. cable used for unbalanced transmission does not directly in-
Velocity of propagation, the speed at which a signal (an elec- dicate the coupling capacitance between lines, but compar-
tromagnetic wave) will travel along a cable (a transmission ing the mutual capacitance of two cables is generally a good
line) is dependent on the properties of the insulation. The di- indication of their relative crosstalk performance.
electric constant of a plastic is actually the inverse of the Balanced transmission is primarily limited by rise time degra-
square root of the velocity of propagation; the speed that dation. The primary cable capacitance of concern, in this
electromagnetic radiation will travel through a dielectric com- case, is the shunt capacitance across the signal generator’s
pared to the speed of light in a vacuum. The velocity of two output terminals. Keeping everything else equal, lower-
propagation is normally expressed as a fraction of the speed ing capacitance results in a decrease in attenuation vs fre-
of light. The actual velocity of propagation is complicated quency proportional to the square root of the capacitance re-
somewhat by the fact that the signal normally travels through duction. In the general domain of data rate and distance for
a combination of air and plastic, but the result is to make it a current applications, the resulting change in rise time degra-
little faster than the theoretic speed derived from the insula- dation is nearly proportional to the square of the change in
tion dielectric constant alone. The velocity of propagation de- attenuation vs frequency. This gives a relation, similar to the
termines the impedance relative to the capacitance. unbalanced case, where a comparison of the mutual capaci-
The impedance and resistance determine the attenuation vs tance of two cables is generally a good indication of their re-
frequency. This parameter is normally expressed in spective proportional rise time performances.
dB/1000 ft at a given frequency. This is a measure of the
amount of signal loss that occurs from the cable. More signal
is lost at higher frequencies than at low frequencies. Re-
member that the rise time of the pulse, not the data rate, de-
termines the frequency range covered by the signal.

TABLE 3. Applications

Multiconductor Number of Shielding Transmission

Application or Twisted Conductors AWG Requirements Characteristics
Pair or Pairs Specified Specified
EIA/TIA-232-E Multiconductor 3 to 25 none none required 2500 pF max total
Section 2 specified provisions included shunt capacitance
TIA/EIA-422-B Twisted Pair not specified none none specified none specified,
specified 90–150Ω impedance
guidelines recommended,
use 24 guidelines use
100Ω impedance,
66% max. voltage
TIA/EIA-423-B Multiconductor not specified none none specified none specified,
(Twisted Pair specified guidelines use
Better) guidelines 100Ω impedance,
use 24 66% max.voltage drop

TABLE 3. Applications (Continued)
Multiconductor Number of Shielding Transmission
Application or Twisted Conductors AWG Requirements Characteristics
Pair or Pairs Specified Specified
EIA-485 Twisted Pair not specified none none specified none specified, similar
specified to TIA/EIA-422-B,
guidelines use120Ω
EIA/TIA-562 Multiconductor not specified none none specified none specified
TIA/EIA-612 Twisted Pair not specified none shield required 110Ω impedance
HSSI (companion spec specified 28 4.5 dB max. total
TIA/EIA-613 recommended attenuation @50 MHz
requires 25) 79 ns max. total delay
2.0 ns/m max. total
X3T9.2 SCSI I Multiconductor 50 conductor (flat) 28 AWG required for 100Ω impedance
or Twisted Pair 25 pair (round) external
X3T9.2 SCSI II Twisted Pair “A” Cable: 25 28 or 30 required for 90–132Ω nominal
“B, P, Q” AWG external impedance
Cables: 34“L” (122Ω typical),
Cable: 55 0.095 dB/m max.
@ 5 MHz
0.20 ns/m max. skew
X3T9.2 SCSI III Twisted Pair “P or Q” Cables: 34 30 minimum required for 122 (84)Ω nom.
external impedance differential
0.095 dB/m max.
attenuation @5 MHz
5.4 ns/m max. delay
0.15 ns/m max. skew
X3T9.3 IPI (ISO Multiconductor 50 conductor (flat) 26 or 28 required for round 120Ω impedance
9318) flat or Twisted 25 pair (round) AWG 0.095 dB/m max.
Pair round attenuation @5 MHz
5.4 ns/m max. delay
0.49 ns/m max. skew
X3T9.3 HIPPI Twisted Pair 25 28 AWG two shields 108Ω impedance
required 0.28 dB/m max.
attenuation @50
MHz0.13 ns/m max.

6.0 SUMMARY characteristics, which can be expressed in several ways, but

The range of cable types and basic options available for data are interrelated and dependent upon a few simple param-
communications applications is limited, making the basic eters. A cable’s electrical characteristics determine its suit-
cable design selection reasonably easy. The scope of the ability for use with particular interface components.
basic selection criteria is covered by the choices, flat or
round, multiconductor or twisted pairs, and shielded or Author Biography:
non-shielded. Basic attributes of the application; distance, David Hess, V.P. Technology, Berk-Tek, Inc., 132 White Oak
environment, and flexibility requirements determine the ba- Road, New Holland, Pennsylvania 17757, has worked for 17
sic cable type selected. Cable construction details, conduc- years in product engineering and product development in the
tor size, stranding and coating, insulation type, shield op- fields of copper and optical fiber data communication cables,
tions, and jacket types are determined by more specific participates in various data communications standards com-
application considerations; connector type, signal speeds, mittees in TIA/EIA and ANSI X3T9, holds a B.S. degree in
emissions and susceptibility, work and abuse, flammability, Mathematics from Pennsylvania State University and is a
life expectancy and cost. Every cable has inherent electrical member of IEEE. 8
A Practical Guide to Cable Selection


1. Life support devices or systems are devices or sys- 2. A critical component in any component of a life support
tems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into device or system whose failure to perform can be rea-
the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whose fail- sonably expected to cause the failure of the life support
ure to perform when properly used in accordance device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.
with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can
be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury
to the user.

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mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.
TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and
applications using TI components. To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide
adequate design and operating safeguards.
TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right, copyright, mask work right,
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Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all
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TI products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications (such as life support) where a failure of the TI product would reasonably
be expected to cause severe personal injury or death, unless officers of the parties have executed an agreement specifically governing
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TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments unless the TI products are
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TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in automotive applications or environments unless the specific TI products are
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Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:
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Amplifiers Computers and Peripherals
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Copyright © 2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated

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