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Research Organization Document Phase I

1. What philosophical foundation are you pursuing? Why?

We are planning to pursue the logical positivism foundation. We believe our topic to be one
that can be verified by measurement and observation rather than perception.

2. What is your topic idea?

Problem: Medical dosimetrist develop diagnosed work-related musculoskeletal disorders

(WRMD) due to poor ergonomics.

Purpose: The purpose of the study is to determine the incidence and variables of
workstation ergonomics that contribute to the increased risk of work-related
musculoskeletal disorders of medical dosimetrists.

3. Find a supporting problem/develop a theory base. These concepts are combined because
both concepts support the idea that you need to determine what’s out there on your
particular topic. What knowledge exists on your topic? Conduct a literature review on
your topic. (Links to an external site.)

The Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (Links to an external site.)

Ergonomic intervention, workplace exercises and musculoskeletal complaints: a comparative

study (Links to an external site.)

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders in ultrasound: can you reduce risk? (Links to an external

Prediction of work-related musculoskeletal discomfort in the meat processing industry using

statistical models. to an
external site.

Ergonomics in the Development and Prevention of Musculoskeletal Injury in Interventional

Radiologists (this article must be purchased to view, I can do that if we think its pertinent.) to an
external site.

Ergonomics concerns and the impact of healthcare information technology (this article must
be purchased to view, I can do that if we think its pertinent.) to an external site.
Musculoskeletal problems in frequent computer and internet users to an external site.
Computer work and musculoskeletal disorders of the neck and upper extremity: A systematic
to an external site.

Individual and work-related risk factors for musculoskeletal pain: a cross-sectional study
among Estonian computer users to an external site. - defines
musculoskeletal disorders to an
external site. - more definition of musculoskeletal disorders to an external site. - OSHA recommendations
for preventing musculoskeletal disorders

Comparisons of Musculoskeletal Disorders among Ten Different Medical Professions in

Taiwan: A Nationwide, Population-Based Study
An analysis of occupational factors related to shoulder discomfort in diagnostic medical
sonographers and vascular technologists

4. What are your supporting questions? Develop some key questions that your reader will
know the answer too after reading your research paper that support your research
question. These questions should require elaboration (a simply stated yes/no answer
question is not permitted). For example:
Supporting Questions:

1. How often do medical dosimetrists experience work related musculoskeletal

2. What work-related musculoskeletal disorders are seen amongst medical dosimetrists?
3. Have they seen physicians for pain/injuries occurring at work? What specific
musculoskeletal disorder have they been diagnosed with?
4. How often do musculoskeletal disorders impact dosimetrists after leaving work?
5. Are there pre-existing conditions that could contribute to musculoskeletal disorders?
6. Is their workstation labeled as ergonomically correct?
7. Have they approached their supervisor for ergonomic changes? How easy is it to
implement ergonomic changes in their daily work environment?
8. What alterations to their work environment have they made to help with the
musculoskeletal disorder they are suffering from? After alterations, was there any
improvement? What additional work environmental changes would they make for
ergonomically purposes?
9. what alterations or adaptations have medical dosimetrists done to create an
individualized ergonomic workspace and do these adaptations require management
10. Since implementing ergonomic alterations or adaptations have medical dosimetrist
musculoskeletal disorders improved?

2. What type of research design are you interested in pursuing with this topic? Some
very basic information on each type (experimental/quantitative or
naturalistic/qualitative) was provided at the end of this week’s lecture. You will get more
into the research design in the coming weeks but you should determine which design
you are going to pursue now.

We plan to survey dosimetrists in the field and compile their responses to look for the
incidence of musculoskeletal disorders, find similarities and differences in
musculoskeletal diagnoses, and determine contributing factors. Qualitative research
seems to be the best for this type of investigation.

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