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2506 PDF
The effects of protein and fat on glycemic responses have not been studied systematically. Therefore, our aim was to
determine the dose-response effects of protein and fat on the glycemic response elicited by 50 g glucose in humans and
whether subjects’ fasting plasma insulin (FPI) and diet influenced the results. Nondiabetic humans, 10 with FPI $40
pmol/L and 10 with FPI .40 pmol/L, were studied on 18 occasions after 10 14-h overnight fasts. Subjects consumed 50 g
glucose dissolved in 250 mL water plus 0, 5, 10, or 30 g fat and/or 0, 5, 10, or 30 g protein. Each level of fat was tested with
each level of protein. Dietary intake was measured using a 3-d food record. Gram per gram, protein reduced glucose
responses ;2 times more than fat (P , 0.001) with no significant fat 3 protein interaction (P ¼ 0.051). The effect of protein
on glycemic responses was related to waist circumference (WC) (r ¼ 20.56, P ¼ 0.011) and intake of dietary fiber (r ¼
20.60, P ¼ 0.005) but was unrelated to FPI or other nutrient intakes. The effect of fat on glycemic responses was related
to FPI (r ¼ 0.49, P ¼ 0.029) but was unrelated to WC or diet. We conclude that, across the range of 0–30 g, protein and fat
reduced glycemic responses independently from each other in a linear, dose-dependent fashion, with protein having
;3-times the effect of fat. A large protein effect was associated with high WC and high dietary-fiber intake, whereas a
large fat effect was associated with low FPI. These conclusions may not apply to solid meals. Further studies are needed
to determine the mechanisms for these effects. J. Nutr. 136: 2506–2511, 2006.
However, the effects of fat and protein on postprandial re-
It is generally accepted that adding fat and protein to carbohy- sponses have not been studied systematically and their effects
drate reduces glycemic responses by delaying gastric emptying in mixed meals cannot be predicted reliably. Normal meals
and stimulating insulin secretion (1,2). These effects have a contain both fat and protein, but it is not known if there is an
number of possible implications for human nutrition, such as interaction between their effects. Also, there is evidence that fat
supporting the role of high protein or high fat diets in the and protein may not have the same effects in all situations. For
management of diabetes (3,4) or being a source of criticism for example, studies in normal humans suggest that the dose re-
the application of the glycemic index to mixed meals (1,5). sponse is not linear (6–8); thus, adding more fat and/or protein
to a carbohydrate meal that already contains some may have
little or no effect. The glucose-lowering effects of fat and protein
are attenuated or absent in subjects with diabetes (9,10), sug-
Supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada (NSERC). E.M. was supported by an Industrial Research Scholarship
gesting that the same may occur in insulin-resistant subjects
from NSERC and Glycaemic Index Testing, Inc. without diabetes. A high-fat diet potentiates the effect of oral
T.M.S.W. is President and part-owner of Glycaemic Index Testing, Inc., a glucose on gastric inhibitory polypeptide secretion (11) and
corporation that provides laboratory services and educational and promotional influences gastrointestinal transit (12,13), suggesting that the
activities related to the glycemic index, and President and part-owner of
acute glucose-lowering effects of fat may be influenced by
Glycemic Index Laboratories, Inc., a corporation that does contract research.
T.M.S.W. is the coauthor of a range of books on glycemic index under the habitual fat intake.
general title of The Glucose Revolution: Authoritative Guide to the Glycemic Thus, the aims of this pilot, dose-finding study were to
Index, published by Marlowe & Co, NY; and is also author of a scientific book determine the dose-response effects of 0–30 g protein and
entitled The Glycaemic Index: A Physiological Classification of Dietary fat, alone and in combination, on the glycemic response elic-
Carbohydrate, published by CABI, UK. The other authors declare no conflicts
of interest.
ited by 50 g glucose in nondiabetic humans and to see whether
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: thomas.wolever@ the effects were influenced by subjects’ insulin sensitivity and
utoronto.ca. diet.
2506 0022-3166/06 $8.00 ª 2006 American Society for Nutrition.
Manuscript received 1 May 2006. Initial review completed 2 June 2006. Revision accepted 26 July 2006.
Materials and Methods protein) to reduce postprandial glucose in each subject was defined as the
slope of the regression line of RGR on dose of fat (or protein). The
Healthy men and nonpregnant, nonlactating women aged 18–60 y, regression equations were based on 16 points in each subject (4 3 4
recruited from the University of Toronto campus, were screened by levels of fat and protein). It was considered valid to pool the data in this
having their height, weight, waist circumference (WC),3 blood pressure, way because there was no significant fat 3 protein or FPI 3 fat 3 protein
fasting plasma insulin (FPI) and glucose, serum total and HDL cho- interaction and no significant evidence of a nonlinear dose-response
lesterol and triglycerides measured (14,15); and LDL cholesterol cal- relation. Correlations between these slopes and other variables were
culated (16). Exclusion criteria were: history of diabetes; use of diuretics, determined by simple and multiple linear regression analysis (Lotus 123
corticosteroids or b-blockers; BMI . 30 kg/m2; fasting glucose $7.0 97 Edition, Lotus Development). Differences were considered signifi-
mmol/L; or triglycerides $ 10.0 mmol/L. Ten (10) hyperinsulinemic cant if 2-tailed P , 0.05. The significance of differences between
(hyper[I]) subjects and 10 controls completed the study. We classified individual means was assessed using Tukey’s test to control for multiple
subjects by FPI, because in nondiabetic subjects, FPI is related to insulin comparisons.
sensitivity as measured by the euglycemic, hyper[I] clamp (17) or the
minimal model (18). Hyper[I] was defined as FPI . 40 pmol/L, rep-
resenting ;75th percentile of FPI in healthy volunteers in our hands
(14,19). The protocol was approved by the University of Toronto Re- Results
search Ethics Board, and all subjects gave their informed consent to
FPI (Fig. 3) or HOMA. Fat and protein slopes were not related to
percent body fat.
Fat slope was not related to dietary fat intake. Protein slope,
Figure 1 Blood glucose responses after 50 g oral glucose plus 0, 5, 10, or 30 g expressed as DRGR/g, was significantly related to dietary fiber
fat and 0, 5, 10, or 30 g protein in nondiabetic humans with FPI # 40 pmol/L intake, whether expressed in g (r ¼ 20.67, P ¼ 0.0014) or g/kJ
(control) and FPI . 40 pmol/L (hyper[I]). Values are means 6 SEM, n ¼ 10. Error
(Fig. 4). In a multiple regression model, 75% of the variation in
bars not shown if they are smaller than the symbol or overlap other bars or
symbols. protein slope was explained by fiber (F, g/kJ) and WC (cm) as
follows: DRGR/g protein ¼ 1.59 2 0.34 3 F 2 0.028 3 WC.
The effects of F and WC were independent and significant (both
AUC, RGR, and PR after 30 g protein were significantly less P , 0.0001).
than after 0, 5, and 10 g (Fig. 2). Dose of fat was linearly
correlated with RGR (r ¼ 20.33, P ¼ 0.0025) and the nonlinear
(quadratic) model was not a significantly better fit (P ¼ 0.56).
Similarly, dose of protein was correlated with RGR (r ¼ 20.70,
P , 0.0001) and the quadratic model was not significantly better TABLE 3 Results of ANOVA for AUC, RGR, and PR values
(P ¼ 0.94). Mean changes in glycemic response per g protein in whole blood glucose in nondiabetic humans
were 2–3 times greater than those per g fat (P , 0.001; Fig. 2). (n ¼ 10 controls and n ¼ 10 hyper[I]) who
There were no significant differences in AUC, RGR, or PR consumed test meals consisting of 50 g glucose
between control or hyper[I] subjects (Table 3). Although there plus different levels of fat and protein.
were significant fat 3 subject and protein 3 subject interactions,
the group 3 fat, group 3 protein, and group 3 fat 3 protein
interactions were not significant, indicating that differences P values
Main effects
between subjects were not explained by their classification into
Fat 0.029 0.017 0.0018
control and hyper[I] groups.
Protein ,0.001 ,0.001 ,0.001
The ability of fat or protein to reduce glycemic responses is
Group1 0.53 0.93 0.39
termed fat slope or protein slope, respectively. Fat and protein
Subjects2 ,0.001 , 0.001 ,0.001
slopes in all 20 subjects were not related to each other whether
expressed as RGR (r ¼ 20.11, P ¼ 0.65) or AUC (r ¼ 20.23, Interactions
P ¼ 0.33). Fat slope was related to FPI but not WC, whether Fat 3 protein 0.71 0.51 0.11
expressed in relative (DRGR/g fat, Fig. 3) or absolute terms Fat 3 group 0.78 0.71 0.74
(DAUC/g vs. FPI, r ¼ 0.52, P ¼ 0.018; DAUC/g vs. WC, r ¼ 0.27, Protein 3 group 0.80 0.92 0.72
P ¼ 0.25). The correlations between HOMA and DRGR/g fat Fat 3 protein 3 group 0.11 0.34 0.11
(r ¼ 0.44, P ¼ 0.051) and between HOMA and DAUC/g fat (r ¼ Fat 3 subjects 0.001 0.010 ,0.001
0.48, P ¼ 0.034) were weaker than those for FPI. Protein slope Protein 3 subjects ,0.001 ,0.001 ,0.001
was related to WC when expressed as DRGR/g (Fig. 3) but not as 1
Control group vs. hyper[I] group.
DAUC/g (r ¼ 20.30, P ¼ 0.19); protein slope was not related to 2
Individual subjects vs. each other, n ¼ 20.