Voyagour Outward Bound School Summer Internship: Thomas Cook
Voyagour Outward Bound School Summer Internship: Thomas Cook
Voyagour Outward Bound School Summer Internship: Thomas Cook
Voyagour Outward
Bound School
Summer Internship
Voyageur Outward
Bound School
Changing Lives Through
Challenge and Discovery
STAFF When I arrived at VOBS I meet seven other new staff and we went out on
new staff travel together. Our trainer took us out into the woods for ten days
to instruct us on how Outward Bound runs their programs. We explored the
Boundary Waters Canoe Wilderness Area and learned curriculum specific to
this course area.
ASO AND (The next phase of my internship included All Staff Orientation
and about 2 weeks of training. ASO was a week of conference
style "learning labs" at times we would be with all 150 VOBS
employees and other times we would be in small break session.
Once we finished ASO new staff had a few weeks of training to
get familiarized with course areas and program polices for rock
climbing, ropse course, and white water sites.
Students started to arrive at the beginning of June and work started
to pick up. I started the summer running support for trips in order to
gain an under standing of the flow of home base and how courses
are run. Task included help groups with gear and meal preparation.
Transition instructing, helping instructors supervise students when
they get back to base. I also helped with evacuation of students
from the field when students got sick. Support work gave a wide
view of what goes on at base and how the program runs.
Toward the end of June I was promoted to assistant instructor and got
sent out on my first course. The course I worked was a 28 day Intercept
course, the program is designed for teens that struggle at home with
behavior issues. Much of the curriculum is designed to teach conflict
resolution and communication tools that will be transferable to
situations at home. The course ended with me facilitating a family
conference were I used restorative justice practices to help the students
and families repair harm that had been done at home and in their
Major Learning
and Reflections
Be tough yet gentle,
humble yet bold,
swayed always by
Through this sections I will highlight Through this Internship I will learn the
beauty and truth
the learning outcomes I set for ins and outs of Outward Bound and how -Bob Pieh
myself at the beginning of the course this company runs and operates.
and describe how I either hit it or could (History, Philosophy, Mission, Values,
have gotten more out of that Student Learning Outcomes, etc) I have
experience. learned a lot about Outward Bound over
this summer. -I created this learning
Through this internship I will learn new outcome in order for me to dig deeper
facilitation styles and techniques that into who Outward Bound is and what
can be implemented in a Higher they do. The hope has been for me to
Education Outdoor Recreation setting. I explore if this is a right future focus for
picked up a lot of new lessons from me. Through course work and
working here at Outward Bound. I have lesson planing I had to learn a lot about
specifically thought of implementing Outward Bound history and the
many of the lessons here into working philosophy that guides its practice. The
with the wilderness as wellness work that is done here really resonates
program at Western. One example with me and fits well with my own
using water shed moments a lesson I educational beliefs and philosophies. I
thought here and bring it back to have only worked one type of course
Western. Another example would be with the Intercept Program and though
using the lessons on conflict resolution it was a hard course I would love to
and communication tools with the staff come back and work more. I would also
of students I will be supervising when I like to learn more about the other
get back. programs Outward Bound offers.
Particularly with their Pathfinder
This internship will give me experience courses. The program is designed for
in group management and student young adults in transition that need help
support, examples include conflict with finding direction in life. I feel like
resolution, group processing, one-on- this is a course I could be really good at
one meetings with students, family facilitating and would love the
conferences. I held the opportunity to opportunity to develop lesson plans for
hold a lot of one-on-one meetings with that course.
students while out on course in the
field. One major learning from this has
been coaching student through conflict
or through setting goals. I got a lot of
practice with giving students positive
and constructive feedback in order to
help them grow and pull the most
learning out of their experience.
I had the opportunity to reflect on my own personal
values through staff training and while on course. I
18. So I had the opportunity use life span
development model to explain student behavior. I
also used challenge and support theory to help
support growth through my course. I also help
design my course to fit the overall mision of
Outward Bound.
through the most challenging experience of many of
their lives. I spent much of my time mentoring and
coaching them through their learning on course. I
mediated conflict and supported our group through
some of their most challenging times. I helped students
set SMART goals in support of thir individual learning.
This among much more are examples of how I have
grown and helped other grow in this copetence.
I view myself through many lenses, professionally I am
an educator. As an educator I am both a student affairs
practitioner and an outdoor educator. I feel like this
opportunity has given me the chance to grow as an
outdoor educator. Working with Base Camp Cullowhee
through my graduate assistantship next semester I will
be able to bring what I have learned at Outward Bound
and help grow that program. Along with that I have
gotten to work with a very different age group of
students and see how life pan development models
relate to student growth before they reach the Higher
Education setting. Ultimaty this all helps me grow under
the umbrella of education and improve my practice.
Winning Others Over
This became an important tool for me
to use on course. In moments I had to
channel my WOO in effort to build
rapport with my students> I started
calling this making deposits into the
rapport bank. This is because iI would
often have to cash in the rapport I had
been building with students and sit
them down to have hard conversations
that they hated me for in the moment. I
felt that the lessons I had to teach these
students were very important for their
success in life and often WOO was the
only reson they would listen to me.
My internship i not directly related to higher
education so I will be talking about the
importance of University Outdoor Rec programs
in generally before ting in my internship. I
believe that Outdoor Recreation give people the
space to escape and get away from their normal
every day lives. It is a step-back were people get
escape their stressers. It also provides people
with new ways to challenge themselves and do
things they never thought were possible for
them. It is a health and sustainable form of
recreation that people can gain a lot of self
knowledge from This was a large part of what I
would do everyday in my internship is try and
show them the unique moment they had to
disconnect from how they were at home and be
the person they wanted to be.
Would I consider this work when I graduate?
Yes! Yes I would. I have loved this job and the
community that is a part of it more then I
thought I would coming into it. My goal is to
end up working in a University Outdoor
Recreation program. However, I believe VOBS
is a nice side journey that I can learn a lot from
and gain some valuable experiences. The nine
months I have to finish grade school is a long
time and a lot could change between now and
then But i feel very strongly on returning. They
have even offered me a year round instructing
position. Summers spent in Minnesota and the
rest of the year spent in Texas. Who know
what the future might hold but I am excited!