Eim Session Plan
Eim Session Plan
Eim Session Plan
Learning Outcomes:
At the completion of the module, the trainees must be able to:
1. Install electrical metallic /non-metallic (PVC conduit)
2. Install wire ways and cable tray
3. Install auxiliary terminal cabinet and distribution panel
4. Prepare for cable pulling and installation
A. Introduction:
This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on installing electrical metallic and non-metallic
conduit, wire ways and cable clamp, auxiliary terminal cabinet and distribution frame panel board/safety switch and
used in roughing-in based on the required performance standards. This unit also covers the outcomes required in
preparing for cable pulling and installation, performing wiring and cabling lay-out and notifying completion of work for
single-phase distribution, power, lighting and auxiliary systems.
B. Learning Activities
LO 1. Install electrical metallic /non-metallic (PVC conduit)
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
1.1-1 mechanical Lecture/ Trainers discusses 2hrs.
drawing and electrical discussion mechanical drawing Compare
wiring diagram and electrical wiring answer to
interpretation diagram interpretation Answer self-
check 1.1-1
Read information sheet key 1.1-1
4.1-1 “mechanical
drawing and electrical
wiring diagram
C. Assessment Plan
Written examination
Performance test of the job sheets.
Interview/Oral questioning
D. Teacher’s Reflection
When the session plan was first used, it was observed that peer observation and peer mentoring is a very
effective method because trainees learned faster when learning from those who just discovered the skills is to be
done. The trainee’s discussed their experience as they observe others. In the process they learned from each
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