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Technical Guide to Touch, Fingering and Execution on the Pianoforte by Lindsay Sloper

The Musical Times and Singing Class Circular, Vol. 19, No. 428 (Oct. 1, 1878), p. 554
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I, I878.
our Church composers of the last veneratzon, but not so
and compare it with this frornthe new:- florid as the music for a similar purpose by modern musi-
. ;_$;__ 1 cians. Dr. Roberts has not displa) ed much originality
in this work, but he has succeeded in writing easy and
effective music, which is no mean test of a musician's
Anthenlsfor use in Churches. Second edition enlarged.
Edited by the Rev. Francis Bishop, M.A.
[Novello, Ewer and Co.]
THISbook contains the words of I50 of the most popular
anthems of the present time, and its price brings it within
the reach of any congregation. The want of a book of
this kind has long been felt, but the difficulty of making
a small yet really useful selection has no doubt deterred
many from attempting the task. The editor has, however
shown great discernment in making his selection, and the
These quotations answer our purpose better than would result is a book which contains most of the anthems sung
a score of columns in letter-press, and we are not called in ordinary parish churches.
*lponto add one utord by vzay of showing how much nearer La1zdler. For the Pianoforte.
to the composer, hether he be Beethoven or Haydn, the Blzlette. For the Pianoforte.
nessreditiorstakes us. Composed by Wilhelm Schulthes.
Guide to TotcJz,Fiwzgerzng
ved Exec?tiowt 07t [Novello, Ewer and Co.]
tZle Piassoforte.By Lindsay Sloper. LAshdownand Parry.] HERR SCHULTHES writes gracefully enough to make us
VVEquite agree with the author of this work that a very snrishthat he had submitted for our consideration some
decided line should be drawn between pianoforte " studies " work of more importance than the two now before us.
and pianoforte " exercises," for it is only by a vigorous We have no fault to find nvith them as refined musical
practice of mere finaer-Xrorkthat true mechanism can be sketches, but where there is so little individuality in a
obtained; and to hope to play any of the " studies " of the composition, it is difficult to say anything that has not
great masters, therefore, before the hand has been properly been said thousands of times before. The theme of
trained by " exercises " is manifestly absurd, for it is " LaDndler" is melodious, but not strikingly original. The
beginning at the rrong end. Mr. Sloper truly observes harmonies are appropriate, there is but little modulation
" no one should attempt Moscheles' Chromatic Study (No. and the return to the subject is well managed. "Bluette"
3 of BoolS I.) who has not thoroughly mastered the simple is decidedly the better work of the tvo. The modulation
Chromatic Scale, nor, to take an easier instance, hope, by from G major, through G minor, to B flat, is fresh and
practising Heller's First Study (Op. 46) to attain the even- effective, and the alteration of the theme on its repetition
ness of touch and clearness of articulation svhich only prevents a monotony which is too observable in the first
a steadfast adherence to five-finger e:ercises can give." piece. There is a pleasing coda, too, giving additional
To those xvho believe in the truth of these remarks the interest to a composition svhich can be conscientiously re-
book before us will prove ofthe utmost value. The author commended to lovers of what is termed "drawing-room
modestly says: "I shall be glad and flattered if it meets music."
with the approbation of my professional brethren," and we
can scarcely doubt that his hope will be realised- for The CoJ7zistgYsar. Song. Words by Dean Alford
although pianists do not always agree as to the method of Music by Gabriel Davis. LNovello, Ewer and Co.]
fingering certain passages, the broad principles are suffi- THEcomposer of this song shows that she possesses much
feeling for melody; but here and there we find a crudeness
ciently recoanised, and it is good that pupils, in the absence
of the master, should have so systematic a work to refer about the accompaniments which evidences the want of
to. We are glad to find that Mr. SloPer recommends the earnest study. The breaking of the rhythm, too, seems to
practice of w-hatmay be termed the " harmonic " as well injure the due expression of the words in many places
as the " melodic" minor scale. Both are undoubtedly although there is an obvious desire to take off this effect
colrect; but com1nonplace " instruction books" have so by the introduction of nenvfeatures in the pianoforte part.
long ignored the former that when a pupil meets with a The t.uth is that it is very easy to write part of a soncr
lescending minor scale with the minor sixth and major but very difficult to write a ovhole one, the constructive
seventh he is apt to look upon it as an awkward and power necessary for this latter task being much rarer than
extremely ungainly passage. the majority of young artists believe. There are some
pretty fragments however in " The Coming Year- " but
ThePsalssLzst.A ColIection of Hymns, Tunes, Chants the composer must not let her melody and bass rise in
and Anthems for congregational *vorship,and for domestic octaves from dominant to key-note, as sve find she does
and family use. Edited by Ebenezer Prout, B.A. betureen the first and second bars of the " Allegretto con
[J. Haddon and Co.; Novello, Ewer and Co.] moto."
THISbook is intended for the use of Nonconformists -

and is an important publication. There are no less than FOREIGN NOTES.

594 hymns and tunes; the whole of the Psalms and many
other portions of Scripture are pointed, and appropriate The reperfoire of the Paris Grand-Opera has been a
chants appended; there are several settings of the Te very limited one during the past month, consisting chiefly
Deum, Benedictus, Benedicite, and other hymns of the of alternate performances of " L'Africaine," " Le Pro-
Church; and also Tallis's Preces and Responses, making phete," " Faust," " Le Roi de Lahore," and " Hamlet."
altogether a most complete work for congregational use. The debutof Mdlle. Richard, as Fides in " Le Prophete,"
The book is a reconstruction of a previous, but very is said to have still further advanced the claims to public
much smaller xvork, and Mr. Prout has we understand favour of the gifted young vocalist. The long-delayed first
been obliged to retain a fexv of the original tunes which representation of M. Gounod's new Opera, "Polyeucte,"
doubtless, he would gladly have dispensed svith. Notxvith- was announced to take place on tile 2sth ult., pending
standing these few blemishes, however, the book is a credit certain questions of detail, to be arranged between the com-
to the community for which it is intended, ancl xve trust poser and the director of the Grand-Opera,which may have
its sale nvill be equal to its deserts. still further delayed the actual performance. At the Opera-
Comique M. Lecocq's Operetta, " Le Petit Duc," has
A Morlti1zg, ConZ^n{ezion std Evesliwxg
Servicc,in D. By already reached its tsro hundred and fiftieth performance,
J. V. Roberts, Mus. Doc., Oxon. the average daily receipts being s,ooo francs. Two new
[Novello, Ewer and Co.] works of the prolific composer just mentioned, entitled
THISjSa service of the Cathedral type, and belongs to respectively " Le Camargo" and " Le Grand Frederic,"
the transitional style. It is certainly much in advance of are j ust now in course of preparation. The Bouffes-

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