The Relationship Between Body Weight Body Image Se PDF
The Relationship Between Body Weight Body Image Se PDF
The Relationship Between Body Weight Body Image Se PDF
The relationship between body weight, body image, self esteem and
relationship quality
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1 author:
Melinda Millard
Austin Health
All content following this page was uploaded by Melinda Millard on 04 January 2016.
Melinda Millard
B.App.Sc.(Nursing), Grad.Dip.CritCare, Grad.Dip.B.Sc.(Psyhology)
October 2005
Word count
Table of Contents
Declaration vii
Acknowledgements viii
Abstract x
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.5 Etiology 4
2.1 Participants 24
2.2 Measures 26
2.3 Procedure 29
Chapter 3: Results 30
Homoscedasicity 31
Groups 33
4.5 Mediation 49
4.6 Implications 49
Future Research 52
4.8 Conclusion 54
Chapter 5: References 56
Chapter 6: Appendices 84
and that to the best of my knowledge and belief it does not contain any
I would like to thank the following people who played significant roles in this
Dr. Simon Knowles, for his supervision throughout the bulk of the research.
His expertise, guidance, support, patience, optimism and sense of humour
were truly appreciated.
Dr. Katie Wood, for her expertise and guidance in the initial phase of the
Dr. Nic Kambouropoulos for his assistance with REP and when Simon was
My partner Charlie, for many things, but mostly for his belief in me, which
never wavered and helped me to persevere and strive for success.
My stepson Oliver, for his patience in letting me use the computer in his
room, while he tried to play or sleep.
My Golden Retriever Hamish, the walks helped create the balance required to
get through.
My parents and grandmother, for looking after Amelia every Friday, and
helping with the endless task of housework.
To the authors of some of the reviewed articles, who kindly sent me copies of
their work, when I was unable to access these via the databases.
Finally, I would like to thank the organisations that made collection of data
possible, and of course the many people for their keen participation and
The aim of the current study was to examine the relationships between body
mediate the relationship between body image and relationship quality. The
sample consisted of 214 subjects, 162 were female and 52 were male, ages
This was significantly different for obese and healthy weight individuals, but
not for overweight individuals. Future research using a larger sample size
support the idea obesity is indeed a complex condition that includes important
Chapter 1
reached epidemic proportions throughout the world, affecting virtually all age
Costello, 2003; Waters & Baur, 2003; Zametkin, Zoon, Klein, & Munson,
2004) and socio-economic groups (Variyam, 2002; WHO, 2000). Rather than
often coexisting with malnutrition (WHO, 2000). It has been estimated that
Health and Welfare Health [AIHW] & National Heart Foundation of Australia
estimated the proportion of obese adults has doubled in the past decade, with
Statistics [ABS], 2001; AIHW & NHFA, 2004; Cameron, Welborn, Zimmet,
Dunstan, Owen, Salmon, Dalton, Jolley, & Shaw, 2004). In addition, the
report found obesity is becoming one of the biggest health problems facing
Australia today, with well documented links to high morbidity and mortality
rates (Allison, Fontaine, Manson, Stevens, & VanItallie, 1999; AIHW &
NHFA, 2004; Field et al., 2002; O’Brien & Webble, 2004; Waters & Baur,
industrialised countries (Field et al., 2002; Kortt, Langley, & Cox, 1998;
WHO, 2000). Indirect costs, such as the value of lost productivity and loss of
wages are also rising rapidly (Gorstein & Grosse, 1994; Gortmaker, Must,
Perrien, Sobal, & Dietz, 1993; Rosenberger, Sneh, Phipps, & Gurvitch, 2005).
Gortmaker et al., 1993; Kolotkin, Head, Hamilton, & Tse, 1995; Kolotkin,
1.3 Medical and Psychological Consequences of Obesity
& Brownell, 1995 cited in Wadden, Womble, Stunkard, & Anderson, 2002)
and some types of cancer (Pan, Johnson, Ugnat, Wen, & Mao, 2004). Non-
Visscher & Seidell, 2001), and lowered self-esteem (Johnson, 2002) can also
present in obese people. Obese people are at greater risk of experiencing co-
complications post surgery (Cameron et al., 2004; Doll et al., 2000; Weschler
or pressure sores (Trembley & Bandi, 2003). These are but a few examples
and demonstrate how ensuing longer hospital stays are sometimes inevitable
1.4 Definition of Obesity
Obesity is commonly defined as having excess body fat (Field et al., 2002;
Sobal, 1984), however measuring body fat is difficult (AIHW & NHFA,
2004). Traditionally body mass has been measured by weight alone or weight
adjusted for height (AIHW & NHFA, 2004; Field et al., 2002; Hoyt & Kogan,
2001). In recent years, body mass index (BMI) has become the most
reasonable reflection of overall body fat (Field et al., 2002; Weschler &
divided by the square of their height in metres (AIHW & NHFA, 2004;
Weschler & Leopold, 2003; WHO, 2000). The BMI classification applied by
1.5 Etiology
behavioural patterns (AIHW & NHFA, 2004; WHO, 2000). Put simply, the
nutrition, including foods that are energy-dense, nutrient poor, and which
contain high levels of saturated fats and sugar, when combined with a marked
reduction in physical activity have led to the global rise of obesity (AIHW &
NHFA, 2004; Dixon & Waters, 2003; WHO, 2000). A notable shift towards
less physically demanding jobs, more passive leisure pursuits and the
escalating use of technology at work and home has created a more sedentary
lifestyle (Dixon & Waters, 2003; O’Brien & Webble, 2004; WHO, 2000).
style of figure well desired (Schwartz & Brownell, 2003). Today the situation
in the modern Western world emphasise thinness (Anshel, 2004; Kim & Kim,
commonplace (Cash, 2004; Grover, Keel, & Mitchell, 2003; Hoyt & Kogan,
worships slimness, the population is getting larger (Parquette & Raine, 2004;
Obesity comes from the Latin obesus, which has two meanings: The less
widely held societal view that obese people are less competent, less attractive,
less desirable, and less disciplined than healthy weight individuals (Cash,
1995; Fowler, 1989; Gortmaker et al., 1993; Grover et al., 2003; Rothblum,
Brand, Miller, & Oetjen 1990; Sargent, & Blanchflower, 1994; Schwartz &
Brownell, 2003; Wadden et al., 2002). Negative stigmatisation has been
occupational facets of the obese individual’s life (Blaine, DiBlasi, & Connor,
2002; Bocchieri, Meana, & Fisher, 2002). Obese people are prejudiced in
marry later, marry less desirable partners, and marry heavier partners (Blaine
et al., 2002; Enzi, 1994; Mendelson, Mendelson, & Andrews, 2000; Sheets &
Rauschenbach, & Frongillo, 2003). These findings are not surprising when
other studies have found obese people are more likely to remain single
throughout life, are perceived to be less sexually active (Trappnell, Meston, &
Gorzalka, 1997) and have fewer dating opportunities (Gortmaker et al., 1993;
Wiederman & Hurst, 1998). In Wiederman and Hurst’s (1998) study, women
who believed they might be ridiculed and stigmatised because of their weight
Barbour, Brand, & Felicio, 1990; Strauss & Pollack, 2003). Fowler (1989)
1.7 Body Image and Body Image Dissatisfaction
The bias against obese people is frequently considered the last form of
the cultural expectations of thinness (Hoyt & Kogan, 2001; Sarwer &
Thompson, 2002). Unable to escape the pressures to achieve the ideal body,
(Hoyt & Kogan, 2001; Kim & Kim, 2001). Dieting has been implicated in
such problematic behaviours as disordered eating (de Zwaan, 2001; Perez &
Joiner, 2002; Rieder & Ruderman, 2001), which may, in part, explain the
upsurge in eating disorders over the past few decades (Becker, Burwell,
Navara, & Gilman, 2003; de Zwaan, 2001; Furnham, Badmin, & Sneade,
2002; Reider & Ruderman, 2001) especially in young girls (Anshel, 2004;
Burrows & Cooper, 2002; Holt & Espelage, 2002; Slade, 1995). In addition,
attempting to emulate the impossible cultural body ideal has seen a significant
Herzog, 1986; Franzoi & Shields, 1984). Whilst there is no one clear
body image can be described as an individual’s own perception of and attitude
about his or her body (Cash, Morrow, Hrabosky, & Perry, 2004; Pruzinsky &
Cash, 2002; Connor, Johnson, & Grogan, 2004). Therefore, having a negative
attitude and perception towards one’s body would imply body image
dissatisfaction. Today, being unhappy with your body shape and weight is the
Huser, 2001; Furnham & Calnan, 1998; Sarwer & Thompson, 2002; Sarwer et
Obese people are receiving the message, predominantly via the media
(Bas, Asci, Karabudak, & Kiziltan, 2004; Dittmar & Howard, 2004;
Sherblom, 2004), that thinness equals attractiveness (Fallon & Rozin, 1985;
Kostanski & Gullone, 1998; Grover et al., 2003). With the exclusion of
Markey, Markey, & Birch, 2004; Schwartz & Brownell, 2003). Obese
other weight groups (Pole, Crowther, & Schell, 2004; Sarwer, Wadden &
Foster, 1998; Wadden et al., 2002). However, Sarwer and Thompson (2002)
found the level of body image dissatisfaction did not worsen as the degree of
obesity increased.
In a study by Sarwer and colleagues (1998), the behaviour of a sample of
women reported being frequently upset when thinking about their bodies,
hiding their obesity with loose clothing, avoided looking at their bodies and
went to great lengths to prevent others, including their partners, from seeing
but has been found to extend across all weight groups (Davison & McCabe,
The link between obesity and body image becomes less apparent when
Metcalfe, Finkenthal, Blew, Sardinha, & Lohman, 2002, cited in Teixeir,
Cox (2003) proposed that with weight loss, perceptions of the ideal body alter
causing a shift toward a thinner standard, and hence resultant body image
dissatisfaction continues. Of course, not all obese people have poor body
Sarwer et al., 2005; Teixeira, Going, Sardinha, & Lohman, 2005), which is an
issue that still remains one of the enigmas confronting theorists of body
understanding of body image and obesity and the related effects, the picture
have been characterised as possessing self worth and self-respect, and indeed
with low self-esteem are thought not to respect themselves, feel inadequate,
low self-esteem can have detrimental effects on psychological well-being as
well as physical health (Gray–Little & Hafdahl, 2000; Rosenberg et al., 1995).
esteem and body image to be consistently high (Befort et al., 2001; Davison &
McCabe, 2005; Furnham et al., 2002; Henriques & Calhoun, 1999; Kim &
Kim, 2001; Mirza, Davis, & Yanovski, 2005; Secord & Jourard, 1953;
Thompson & Thompson, 1986). This implies that those who report low body
were more likely to develop negative body image, rather than poor body
image being the cause of low self-esteem. Matz et al. (2002) found self-
suggests evaluations of physical self and overall self are linked. In support of
this inference, numerous other studies have concluded body image is perhaps
frequently termed body esteem (Franzoi & Herzog, 1986; Lerner &
Gauvin, & Steiger, 2002; Mendelson et al., 2000; Pilner, Chiken, & Fleet,
1990; Secord & Jourard, 1953). This is a possible explanation why obese
self, and for self-esteem (Henriques & Calhoun, 1999; Mendelson,
Self-esteem and body image have both been crucially linked to the
McCabe, 2005; Masheb & Grilo, 2002; Wadden et al., 2002). More
Keppel & Crowe, 2000). As obese individuals are prone to low self-esteem
and low body image these findings strongly suggest depression is a significant
risk factor for this population. Despite this evidence there are very few
themselves, and this confidence would permeate other areas of life, including
poorer relationship quality than other weight groups (Macias, Leal, Lopez-
Inherently, human beings are social creatures who require interpersonal
relationships for personal growth and development (Lang & Fingerman, 2004;
Robles & Kiecolt-Glaser, 2003). The role of the marital (partner) relationship
overall well-being (Lang, & Fingerman, 2004; Katz & Joiner, 2002, Sobal,
al. (1992, 2003), because of the social support and intimacy this relationship
lower risk of death than people who are unmarried. Wickrama and Lorenz
Research has shown marriages where at least one partner is obese are
unhappier unions (Sobal et al., 2003). This suggests that obesity can negate
individuals have about their feelings, behaviours and attitudes towards his or
her relationship (Hendrick, 1988; Lang & Fingerman, 2004). A good quality
defining what is being investigated. More specifically, global relationship
relationship quality and body image are offering new and interesting insights.
will gain weight in the first few years after the wedding (Anderson, 2004;
Bove, Sobal, & Rauschenbach, 2003; Jeffrey & Rick, 2002; Sobal et al.,
work, found weight gain after the wedding was only prevalent for men and
and facilitated eating among people (Sobal et al., 2003; Jeffrey & Rick, 2002).
obese than those who are unmarried (Kahn, Williamson, & Stevens, 1991;
Lipowicz et al., 2002; Sobal & Rauschenbach, 2003; Sobal et al., 1992, 2003).
likely to be satisfied with their marriages, while obese men tended to have
marital concerns. Stuart and Jacobson’s (1987) study, found a link between
married women. The authors implied women turned to food for comfort to
help with satisfying emotional needs not present in the relationship and to
problems. These observations are not unfounded (Becker et al., 2003; Makeri,
Cummings, & Lees, 1997; de Zwann, 2001). Although binge eating was first
Qualitative research by Faricy (1991) also sheds light on the effect obesity
obese partners reported that obesity put his or her relationship under pressure.
A theme to emerge highlighted that the excessive weight of one partner was a
source of conflict, frequently resulting in emotional and sexual distancing
with the potential outcome being marital discord and poorer relationship
Theriault, & Annis, 2004; Doherty & Harkaway, 1990; Rand, Kowalske, &
Kuldau, 1984: Rand, Kuldau, & Robbins, 1982). Though this information is
relationship quality might entail and more specifically, whether body image is
a contributing factor.
BMI was measured its effect on the association was not reported.
inconsistent findings. A link between low body image and perceived poor
Brownell, Whisman, and Wilfley, (1998). However, this study had several
sample was a clinical population of women who were attending a weight loss
to clinical groups, such as poor self-esteem (Fennell, 1997; Guillon, Crocq, &
with caution.
these circumstances is more socially acceptable compared to obesity,
(Wadden et al., 2002). It is also possible that obesity is not seen as a true
condition, or if so, one that does not require support. Therefore, offering
support may not be done willingly, nor with much enthusiasm or sincerity.
1977; Dubovski, Haddenjorst, & Murphy, 1985; Hafner, 1991; Leon, Eckert,
Teed, & Buchwald, 1979; Neill, Marshall, & Yale, 1978; Rand et al., 1984;
Rand et al., 1982; Stunkard, Stinnett, & Smoller, 1986). Among these studies,
improved sexual life, after experiencing significant weight loss post gastric
improved after surgery albeit for a short period tending to return to the pre-
surgical concerns. Reasons for these findings were akin to Ganley’s (1986)
is postulated that marked weight loss instigates role changes such as increased
relationship, subsequently leading to marital conflict and discord. These
findings suggest that marital stability and marital satisfaction are indeed two
worried about being left by their partner, weight loss helped improve
to be more assertive about what they wanted from a relationship and able to
with validity and reliability issues (Bergman, Eklund, & Magnusson; 1991).
Nonetheless, it was often speculated that weight loss alone contributed to the
relationship quality such as improved self-esteem and body image were not
1.11 Self Esteem and Relationship Quality
accepted and understood by their partners are likely to have positive self-
quantitative and qualitative studies, in the general population (Culp & Beach,
from these findings has indicated individuals who have poor self-esteem
required a high level of approval from their partner. Similar results were
relationship length was longer (de Hart, Pelham, & Murray, 2004). However,
this study did not use a psychometrically tested scale to test relationship
Despite its intuitive logic, much less is known about the association
especially since rising divorce rates in the Western world, and indeed
indictor of divorce (Gottman, 1991; Pittman, 1993; Rogers & Amato, 1997;
Walsh, Jacob, & Simons, 1995). These results taken together strongly suggest
that perhaps self-esteem is consequential for both body image and relationship
the psychological and psychosocial aspects related to obesity, these areas have
therefore remain to be fully understood. In general, this area of research is
reasonable assumption that these constructs would relate. With the increasing
effects associated with this complex condition for both the individual and
1.13 Aims and Hypotheses
Extending previous research, the aim of the proposed study was to examine
to better understand the effects body weight, in particular obesity, has on these
mediating role in the association between body image and relationship quality.
It was hypothesised that obese individuals will report poorer body image,
than healthy weight individuals but report higher in these constructs than the
obese weight group. Finally it was hypothesised that self-esteem will mediate
Chapter 2
2.1 Participants
The sample consisted of 214 subjects, 162 of whom were female and 52
= 35.68 years, SD = 12.52 years), and 155 participants the online version of
392 participants, however 178 cases were excluded from the current study.
The reasons for this were that missing data was greater than 30% for one or
have affected the participant’s self-esteem were also excluded. These were
Participants were recruited from a number of sources. First year
individual who met the criteria. The link to an online version of the survey
was placed on various websites and internet groups, and a free advertisement
18 years or over and in a monogamous relationship for more than six months.
were employed full time, 17.3% part-time, 4.2% casual, 7.5% engaged in
home duties, 13.0% were students, 6.1% were self employed and the
Most participants were in a married/defacto relationship 75.3%, while
19.6% were seriously dating, and the remaining 5.1% were engaged and
The vast majority of participants reported to they kept track of their weight
(68.7%) and the weight measurement given was deemed accurate (86%).
Body mass index (BMI) scores ranged from 19.57 to 60.49 (M = 29.04, SD =
24.9), 53 were overweight (BMI 25-29.9), and 85 were obese (BMI ≥ 30).
(62.1%). Fifty-two percent of the sample assessed what they ate, with most
stating this was for a healthier lifestyle (31.3%). Over half of the sample
(52.3%) had partaken in a weight management program in the past for the
2.2 Measures
relationship status, and height and weight were also included. An informed
Appendix A for a full copy of the questionnaire and informed consent form.
Participants BMI (kg/m2) was calculated using self reported weight and
height values. These were classified into three weight groups; a BMI between
18.5 and 24.9 is considered within the healthy weight range, a BMI between
(WHO, 2000; Weschler & Leopold, 2003). Research indicates that self
reported height and weight is highly correlated with measured height and
weight (Mendelson, Mendelson, & Andrews, 2000; Stevens, Keil, Waid, &
The Contour Drawing Rating Scale (CDRS) (Thompson & Gray, 1995)
rated their current body size and their ideal body size according to a set of
nine male and female figures graduating from small, anorexic body size, to
large, obese body size. The difference between the current and ideal ratings
preference for a larger body size and a positive score indicates respondents’
preference for a smaller body size. A high score represents greater body
image dissatisfaction. Scores of zero and above were used in this study’s
reported by Thompson and Gray (1995), was r = .78 and highly significant p
< .0005. Also, good construct validity was reported by Thompson and Gray
The Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale (RSE) (Rosenberg, 1965) was used to
assess the participant’s self-esteem. The RSE reflects a global sense of self-
worth. The scale comprises a 10-item inventory, five positively worded and
These items are measured using a 4-point Likert scale ranging from strongly
disagree (1) to strongly agree (4). After reverse coding the five negatively
worded items, items are keyed in a positive direction where scores can range
from 10-40 with a high score representing high global self-esteem. Rosenberg
inventory measured using a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from (5) high
satisfaction to (1) low satisfaction. Items are keyed in a positive direction
with scores ranging from 7–35 with a high score indicating high general
relationship scale, it can tap into the several dimensions of relationship quality
alpha coefficient reported by Hendrick (1988) was .86. The RAS has also
2.3 Procedure
All participants completed either the paper version or the online version of
internet groups that were linked to obesity and other related issues.
for participation.
Chapter 3
The data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences
ensure there were no errors in the data file. There were very few missing
values in the data set, and these were in a random pattern, so after recoding
consistency and Cronbach’s alpha for each scale was body image α = .74,
3.2.1 Detecting Outliers
part of the target sample, all cases were retained for analysis.
negatively skewed, all of which seem to reflect the underlying clinical nature
of these measures. Given that skewness rather than outliers were causing the
3.3 Data Analysis
positive correlation between BMI and body image. Therefore, people with a
high BMI are more likely to report greater body image dissatisfaction than
individuals with lower BMI. BMI also had weak negative correlations with
there was a negative moderate correlation between body image and self-
esteem and a weak negative correlation between body image and relationship
poorer self-esteem and relationship quality than individuals who are more
Table 1
Variables. (N = 214)
Variable 1 2 3 4
Note. *p < .05; **p < .01 *** p < .001, (2-tailed); Cronbach’s alpha values are italicised
across the diagonal
In order to test for differences between body weight groups in body image,
entered after categorisation into the following three weight groups healthy
weight (BMI 18.5 – 24.9), overweight (BMI range 25 - 29.9) and obese (BMI
range > 30). Body image, self-esteem and relationship quality were entered as
Further to the preliminary data analysis, the data for MANOVA was
other, and the sample size was greater than 30 in each cell, which, according
to Pallant (2001) is sufficient. With the use of p<0.001, criterion for
was not too diverse, and not likely to make a substantive difference, the case
body image measure only, while self-esteem, relationship quality and BMI
Pillai’s Trace statistic was interpreted, as it is the most robust, given there
were some assumption violation (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001). An alpha level
of .05 was used for all multivariate tests. While MANOVA is robust to
assumption violation when sample sizes are equal, caution should be taken
with the interpretation of this study’s results, as sample sizes were unequal.
The means and standard deviations for BMI, body image, self-esteem, and
relationship quality measures for each weight group are presented in Table 2.
Table 2
Means and Standard Deviations of Body Mass Index, Body Image, Self-
Esteem and Relationship Quality for Healthy, Overweight and Obese Weight
Groups. (N = 214)
Body Mass Index 22.19 (1.58) 27.06 (1.53) 36.24 (6.49) 28.98 (7.51)
Body Image 2.29 (2.04) 4.15 (1.89) 5.54 (2.55) 4.04 (2.63)
Relationship Quality 28.11 (5.62) 27.32 (6.03) 24.75 (7.30) 26.58 (6.58)
Note. Body Mass Index (kg/m2); Body Image (scale 0-12); Self-Esteem (scale 10-40);
Relationship Quality (scale 5-35).
quality for healthy, overweight and obese weight groups, (F (6, 420) = 12.50,
p < .001; Pillai’s Trace = .30, partial η2 = .15). The main effects revealed
significant differences in body image (F (2, 211) = 42.98, p < .05, partial η2
= .0.29), self-esteem (F (2, 211) = 6.82, p < .05, partial η2 = .06) and
relationship quality (F (2, 211) = 5.91, p < .05, partial η2 = .53) of the
Difference (HSD) to correct for type I error (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001).
expected overweight individuals were found to have poorer body image than
healthy weight groups but reported greater body image satisfaction than obese
3.4 Mediation Analysis
semi partial correlation (Sr2), standard (β) and unstandardised beta (B)
Table 3
(N = 214)
B SE B β Sr2
Regression 1
Regression 2
Regression 3
Body image significantly predicts self-esteem, and alone significantly
predicts relationship quality. However, when body image and self-esteem are
-.45*** .55***
Body Image Relationship
-.03 (ns)a Quality
body image are more likely to report higher self-esteem and therefore perceive
Chapter 4
This present study provides important insights about obesity and related
constructs. The investigation was unique and has contributed to the literature,
healthy weight individuals, which had not been tested previously. The general
aims of this research were to extend on previous research but also to take
account for some of the limitations in past literature. This included the
the selection of individuals whose relationship were greater than six months in
or had a medical condition. By accounting for these, the study addressed the
overweight and healthy weight individuals. In addition, that overweight
quality compared to healthy weight individuals, but have higher body image
the hypothesis that obese individuals will report greater body image
weight individuals but higher body image than the obese weight group. This
Wadden & Foster, 1998; Wadden et al., 2002). Furthermore, the results
groups, were dissatisfied with their body. This finding simply highlights the
One possible explanation for this phenomenon is perhaps the media’s
influence. There is no doubt the media is a pervasive and powerful tool, that
and well desired. The persistent reminder of the ideal body has also created
individuals are getting the message that not only is their body shape and
then, that this negative attitude and bias has infiltrated the psyche of obese
eating habits, as just over half of all the respondents reported assessing what
they ate. This implies that being unhappy with one’s body can influence
particular behaviours. These results lend support to the assertion that dieting
behaviour can alter in the pursuit of the thin ideal. Given that dieting
these assumptions are indeed true, the issue of disordered eating may well be
prevalent in both genders. This adds another dimension to this already
To put this into context though, none of these participants reported having a
current eating disorder as those who did were excluded. However, this
eating. The community is only just starting to acquire knowledge about this
(AIHW & NHFA, 2004; WHO, 2000). One possible explanation why obese
rife today. Exercise and sport generally requires a level of fitness and
confounds the already difficult situation of weight loss. Nonetheless,
understanding why some behaviours are altered and others are not as a
On the other hand, it could be asserted that the assessment of eating may
(Wadden & Phelan, 2002). This lends support to the notion that eating is
further establish the dynamics of eating in this population and whether this
society that there is a broad acknowledgment of the obesity problem with little
real effort to rectify the situation. In terms of this sample, this is surprising as
with a lower incidence of obesity. This implies that the obesity problem is a
relevant, the role of cognitions and affect should also be considered in terms
become increasingly aware they are unable to realistically emulate current
societal standards and expectations of the ideal body, they find comfort in
food. The media frenzy surrounding body image may have indeed produced a
population of emotional eaters. So, the shift in body weight comprises a much
greater issue than the failure to eat less and exercise more. Cash et al. (2004),
media literacy in terms of body image and body acceptance, may help to
This information uniformly highlights the extent of the body image issues
and the subsequent debate in our society today. The problem for the obese
prevalent in individuals whose BMI was higher was supported by the results.
There was a weak significant negative relationship between BMI and self-
individuals would experience lower self-esteem compared to the other weight
groups was supported. This is in line with previous research (Manus &
Killeen, 1995; Wardle, Waller, & Fox, 2002). Post hoc comparisons
however, revealed the link between body weight and self-esteem was
significantly different between the obese and healthy weight groups but not
for the overweight groups. Therefore, trend results ought to be treated with
weight groups.
Unlike all previous studies though (e.g. , Kim & Kim, 2001; Manus &
Killeen, 1995), these findings offer further insight into the area of obesity and
evidence clearly demonstrates that the effects of obesity are far greater
relationship. In this study, the relationship between these variables was low,
esteem and body image. It could therefore be speculated that body image may
indeed play a greater role in the association between self-esteem and body
and body image (Davison & McCabe, 2005; Furnham et al., 2002; Henriques
& Calhoun, 1999; Kim & Kim, 2001; Mirza, Davis, & Yanovski, 2005).
Consequently then, these results are not surprising. With this in mind, as
obese individuals are susceptible to low body image they are consequently
more likely to report poorer self-esteem. However, this study is unique in that
few previous studies have observed this link in an obese population. These
depression. Obese individuals are prone to poor self-esteem and low body
image and it would seem they are thus at greater risk of depression. As the
imply that this problem may not be restricted to clinical samples of females
self-esteem than obese people. In that they generate a sense of self through
many additional avenues, other than their body. This suggests that healthy
weight people have fewer tendencies to be preoccupied with their bodies and
are able to make a clear distinction between the physical self and overall self.
implications for more global evaluations of the self, and for self-esteem. It is
external pressure becomes all encompassing and be the only means of self-
variable. Therefore, for each weight group, but particularly the obese and
suggests that not all obese people have poor self-esteem. This offers a
possible explanation why traditional weight loss programs are successful for
some individuals and not others, such that individuals with increased self-
esteem had greater success with weight loss than those with low self-esteem
4.4 Body Weight and Relationship Quality
Similar results were demonstrated between the variables body weight and
The findings support the hypothesis that individuals with a greater BMI would
interpreting this trend, as this difference was only significant for the obese and
healthy weight groups. Again, studies in the future should endeavour to use a
findings are consistent with previous research (Sobal et al., 1995; Stuart &
Jacobson, 1987) and provide support to Sobal and colleagues (1995, 2003),
The results showed some variance in relationship quality for the obese
weight group, highlighting that not all obese individuals perceive poor
is not an issue. However, this statistic does lend some support to the assertion
that obesity may play a stabilising role in a relationship (Becker et al., 2003;
However, as Ganley (1986) pointed out, the stabilising role of obesity may
help to disguise other problems in the relationship. So, the relationship may
well be of poorer quality anyway. This is, however only speculation and
Of particular interest to the current study was to ascertain the role of self-
esteem on the relationship between body image and relationship quality. The
This implies that body image affects the level of self-esteem, which in turn
analysis finds strong support for the interpretation that self-esteem does play a
larger and pivotal role in the association between body image and relationship
quality. The idea that increasing self-esteem can reduce the effect of body
link in specific populations where body image can be an issue, such as breast
4.6 Implications
Obesity is simply not just a physical problem, but a complex one that
through means of dieting and exercise (AIHW & NHFA, 2004; WHO, 2000).
This requires individuals to donate a considerable amount of time and effort,
which may be partly responsible for poor compliance and weight cycling
are important in losing weight, such programs that focus exclusively on these
incorporate methods that counteract poor self-esteem and body image in the
treatment of obesity for both adults and children (Johnson, 2002; O’Dea,
people with the necessary tools, will assist individuals to develop and
maintain healthier lifestyles, which may well alter the course of obesity.
The results of this present investigation have far reaching implications, not
simply for obese individuals but for the wider community. Overall these
demonstrates that it may not be sufficient to focus on the general aspects of a
relationship counselling.
These findings also have implications for the medical profession. General
holistic care and that an intact psychological status assists in enhanced well-
may also help in forming and executing preventative strategies earlier in its
subsequently can be more problematic as the child grows into an adult (WHO,
4.7 Further Limitations of the Present Study and Directions for Future
One limitation of the current study, not unlike many studies in this field,
was that the sample consisted mainly of Caucasian participants. This issue
culture and ethnicity. Understanding the broader nature of body weight, body
terms of such personal issues as weight and to a lesser extent, height. While
muscular build, such as a body builder, the BMI method would overestimate
body fat when the increased weight is actually due to muscle and not fat.
accurate measures of body fat rather than body weight per se, such as
Another limitation of the study was in relation to the scale used to measure
body image dissatisfaction. It appears since the CDRS was first developed,
the population may indeed have increased in size because the largest body
picture does not accurately represent current obese body sizes. Further studies
replicating the current design, using an updated version of the body size
While this study offered new insights into the area of obesity particularly
from the partners themselves. An important goal for future research will be to
partners will undoubtedly add to the value of understanding the role body
A final limitation of the study, was majority of respondent’s relationships
experience and intimacy, plus gender differences may contribute to the overall
4.8 Conclusion
obesity. This study sought to examine whether there was a difference in body
image, self-esteem and relationship quality between the three weight groups.
The overall strengths of this study was the large community sample of males
and females, the specific criteria for categorisation of weight groups, strict
loss program and who reported a current eating disorder to name a few. These
In summary, the results of the present study found support for the
esteem and poorer relationship quality worsened. The prediction these trends
would be different for each weight groups were not supported and future
complex nature of obesity and that this condition is not merely a physical
problem, or one that can be fixed by altering behaviour alone, but that it
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Chapter 6
Appendix A
The Relationships between Body Weight, Body Image, Self Esteem and Relationship Quality.
This project is part of an Honours degree in Psychology at Swinburne University. The project aims to examine the
relationships between body weight, body image, self-esteem and relationship quality. We hope that the results of
this study will help to better understand these relationships, and the possible impact that different body weights
can have on body image, self-esteem and relationship quality.
We are seeking male and female participants, aged 18 years and over, who have been in a relationship and living
together for more than 6 months. If you volunteer to participate, you will be asked to complete some
questionnaires, which will take about 30 minutes. The questionnaires include questions about your age, gender,
level of education, height, weight, and relationship status, as well as questions about how you feel about yourself
and your body. You will also be asked to rate your body image, and to answer some questions about your current
No identifying information is needed and your responses will be treated with the strictest confidence. The results
of this project may be used in scientific journals or at conference presentations. In this case, only group data will
be analysed and presented and no individual person’s data will be able to be identified.
Your involvement in the study is voluntary and you are free to withdraw at any stage without prejudice. If you
decide to participate, please try and answer all questions. If you are a student from Swinburne University, please
return your completed questionnaire in the allocated box on the 7th Floor of the BA Building (Hawthorn) or the
questionnaire return box Level 1 (Lilydale). If you are not a Swinburne University student, please return your
completed questionnaire in the reply paid envelope provided. The return of the questionnaire will be taken as your
informed consent to participate.
The research conforms to the principles set out in the Swinburne University Policy on Research Ethics and the
NHMRC guidelines in the National Statement on Ethical Conduct on Research with Humans. Please consider the
purposes and time commitment of this study before you decide whether or not to participate. Please retain this
information for your own records. We do not anticipate any risk or negative effect to arise due to your
participation in the study. However, in the event of you having concerns about certain issues raised by the current
research, you can contact the Swinburne Psychology Centre on
+61 3 9214 8653 (Hawthorn), or if a Swinburne student the Swinburne Counselling Services at either Hawthorn
(+61 3 9214 8025) or Lilydale (+61 3 9215 7101).
If you have any queries or concerns about this study please contact, Melinda at [email protected]
or Simon Knowles (Senior Investigator) on +61 3 9214 8206. Melinda can also be contacted if you would like a
summary report of the major findings.
If you have any queries or concerns, which Simon Knowles the senior investigator was unable to satisfy, contact:
The Chair, SBS Research Ethics Committee, School of Behavioural Sciences,
Mail H24, PO Box 218, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, 3122.
If you have a complaint about the way you were treated during this study, please write to:
The Chair, Human Research Ethics Committee,
Swinburne University of Technology,
P O Box 218, Hawthorn, 3122.
Thank you for your time and interest in this study.
8. What is your highest level of education? (please circle one option only)
No formal education 1
Completed Primary School 2
Some Secondary School 3
Completed Secondary School 4
TAFE/Diploma/Apprenticeship/Trade 5
Some University undergraduate study 6
Completed University undergraduate degree 7
Some University postgraduate study 8
Completed University postgraduate degree 9
9. What is your main employment status? i.e. what do you spend most hours doing per week (please circle
one option only)
Full-time employment 1
Part-time employment 2
Casual employment 3
Unemployed 4
Self-employed 5
Part-time student 6
Full-time student 7
Pensioner (old age/disability) 8
Home duties 9
Retired 10
11. What is your income category? (please circle one option only)
Below $20,000 1
$20,001 – less than $30,000 2
$30,001 – less than $40,000 3
$40,001 – less than $50,000 4
$50,001 – less than $60,000 5
$60,001 – less than $70,000 6
$70,001 – less than $80,000 7
$80,001 – less than $90,000 8
Over $90,001 9
12. What is your height? _______________________ (please state the units of measurement you are
using, e.g., cm or feet/inches)
13. Please indicate on the scale below how accurate this measure is? (please circle one option only)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Not Accurate Unsure Very Accurate
14. Do you keep track of your weight? (please circle)
1. Yes 2. No
15. How often do you weigh yourself? (please circle one option only)
More than once a day 1
Once a day 2
Once a week 3
Three times per week 4
Twice a week 5
Once a fortnight 6
Once a month 7
Once every two months 8
Once every six months 9
Once a year 10
Never 11
Other (please specify) ______________________ 12
16. What is your weight? _______________________ (please state the units of measurement you are
using, e.g., kgs or stones/pounds)
17. Please indicate on the scale below how accurate this measure is? (please circle one option only)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Not Accurate Unsure Very Accurate
18. In your view, what is your ideal weight (i.e., the weight that you would like to be)?
_______________________ (please state the units of measurement you are using, e.g., kgs or
If yes to q20, please describe these factors (e.g., thyroid problem, pregnancy, diabetes, hormonal
irregularities such as Cushing’s disease
21. Are you actively assessing what you eat (e.g. nutritional, calorie and fat intake, portion size? (please
1. Yes 2. No
22. Have you ever participated in any of the following weight management programs? (please
circle the most applicable option)
No 1
Weight Watchers 2
Gut Busters 3
Lite and Easy 4
Regular dieting (not healthy eating) 5
Exercise geared to lose weight 6
Sure Slim 7
Jenny Craig 8
Multiple programs 9
Other (please describe) ________________________ 10
23. Are you currently participating in any of the following weight management programs?
(please circle the most applicable option)
No 1
Weight Watchers 2
Gut Busters 3
Lite and Easy 4
Regular dieting (not healthy eating) 5
Exercise geared to lose weight 6
Sure Slim 7
Jenny Craig 8
Multiple programs 9
Other (please describe) ________________________ 10
24. Why did you get involved with a weight management program? (please circle the most applicable
Not Applicable 1
Healthier Lifestyle 2
Lose weight 3
Gain weight 4
Ongoing weight Management 5
Preparation for an event e.g. wedding, surgery 6
Instructed by health professional 7
Alter Eating Habits/Behaviour 8
Other (please specify)______________________________9
25. How long have you been or are still involved with a weight management program? (please circle the
most appropriate option)
Never 1
Less than one week 2
One week 3
A fortnight 4
A month 5
Two to three months 6
Three to four months 7
Four to five months 8
Five to six months 9
Six months to one year 10
Greater than one year (please specify length of time)__________________11
26. If you answered ‘greater than a year’ to q25, why this length of time? (please circle the most
appropriate option)
Not Applicable 1
Healthier Lifestyle 2
Lose weight 3
Gain weight 4
Ongoing weight Management 5
Preparation for an event e.g. wedding, surgery 6
Instructed by health professional 7
Alter Eating Habits/Behaviour 8
Other (please specify)___________________________________________9
27. Do you feel you have been successful at the weight management program? (please circle one option
only - circle N/A if this question does not apply to you) N/A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Not Successful Unsure Very Successful
28. Have you ever been diagnosed with an eating disorder? (please circle)
1. Yes 2. No
If yes to q28, what type of eating disorder? (e.g., Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, etc.)
Who made this diagnosis? (e.g., GP, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, self etc.)______________________
29. Do you feel you may have an undiagnosed eating disorder? (please circle)
1. Yes 2. No
If yes to q29, what type of eating disorder? (e.g., Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, etc.)
30. If you answered yes to questions 28 or 29, is this a current problem? (please circle)
1. Yes 2. No
31. What is your current relationship status? (please circle one option only)
Single, never married 1
Casually dating (I date other people as well) 2
Seriously dating (I do not date other people) 3
Engaged, but not living together 4
Married/DeFacto and living with your partner 5
Married/DeFacto and living apart (not separated or divorced) 6
Married/DeFacto and living apart (separated) 7
Divorced 8
Widowed 9
Other (please specify)____________________________________10
32. If you are currently in a relationship, what is the length of this relationship?
________ years ________months
33. How do you think your partner perceives your current body shape? (please circle one option only)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Extremely Negative Neutral Extremely Positive
34. Does your partner support your current body shape? (please circle one option only)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Not at all Moderately Very Much
35. Do you think your current body shape adversely affects your relationship? (please circle one option
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Not at all Moderately Extremely
36. If you are dieting, does your partner support your dieting behaviours? (please circle one option only)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Not at all Moderately Extremely
37. Does your partner ask you to diet for other than medical reasons? (please circle one option only)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Never Sometimes Very Often
38. Does your partner diet for other than medical reasons? (please circle one option only)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Never Sometimes Very Often
Draw a mark below the drawing, which most accurately depicts your current body size. You may place the
mark anywhere below the drawings, including between figures. Now place a mark on the line below the set
of opposite sex figures that depict what you think is the average figure.
Draw a mark below the drawing, which most accurately depicts your ideal body size (the size you would
like to be). You may place the mark anywhere below the drawings, including between figures. Next draw a
mark below the drawing of the opposite sex figure which you believe is the ideal body size (again you may
place the mark between figures).
Please answer the questions below which ask you how you generally felt about yourself over the last few
months. Please circle the number which best describes that way you feel.
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Agree
1 2 3 4 5
Not at all Slightly Moderately Considerably Extremely
1 2 3 4 5
Not at all Slightly Moderately Considerably Extremely
1 2 3 4 5
Much worse Not as good About the same Better Much better
1 2 3 4 5
Never Seldom Sometimes Often Very often
1 2 3 4 5
Not at all A little Moderate Considerable Very much
1 2 3 4 5
Not at all A little Average Quite a bit Very much
1 2 3 4 5
Hardly any Less than average About average More than average A great many