Cummins Case Study by Application of Six Sigma
Cummins Case Study by Application of Six Sigma
Cummins Case Study by Application of Six Sigma
When Cummins Inc. took a leap of faith nearly six years ago in labeling Six Sigma as the process
improvement methodology for the company, top leadership meant the entire company, not just the
engineering departments and the shop floors where their renowned diesel engines are produced. At
Cummins, the scope of Six Sigma extends well beyond typical manufacturing operations—it branches
from the legal department to manufacturing to human resources and even to the treasury department,
where innovative employees are saving the company millions of dollars by conducting Six Sigma
projects to reduce earnings volatility and to lower interest rate expenses.
• Cummins Inc., a leading Established in 1919, Cummins is a global power leader that designs, manufactures, sells, and services
manufacturer of diesel diesel engines and related technology. Cummins serves its customers through a network of 550
engines, utilizes Six Sigma company-owned and independent distributor facilities and 5,000 dealer locations in more than 160
in virtually every facet of its countries and territories. The company enjoyed its most profitable year in 2005, earning $550 million
worldwide operations, on sales of nearly $10 billion, due in part to its far-reaching Six Sigma initiative.
saving nearly $1 billion in
six years. To date, Cummins has:
• Employees in Cummins’
treasury department, a • More than 5,000 Six Sigma projects completed, resulting in nearly $1 billion in savings,
nontraditional area for Six • 3,700 employees who have taken Six Sigma training,
Sigma, have embraced Six • 500 Black Belts, and
Sigma, using it to make a • 65 Master Black Belts.
recommendation to
optimize the company’s Can Six Sigma Improve Treasury Processes?
ratio of fixed- to floating-
rate debt. The treasury department at Cummins’ Columbus, Indiana, headquarters is divided into two segments:
• A Green Belt project cash management and capital markets. Within the capital markets group, three employees serve two
employing the DMAIC primary functions: corporate finance and risk management, which include managing the interest rates
process resulted in an on the company’s debt.
interest rate swap that
saves Cummins $1 million Until recently, virtually 100% of Cummins’ debt was at a fixed interest rate rather than a floating rate.
annually through a long- Historically, floating-rate debt is less expensive than fixed, so a change to the company’s financial strat-
term risk reduction strategy. egy by shifting some of the debt to a floating rate provided a potential opportunity to minimize
earnings volatility.
This analysis determined the optimal fixed- to floating-rate ratio
for Cummins by creating an efficient frontier curve as shown in 10.0% 3m forward curve (orange lines)
Figure 3. “On this curve, you minimize the average volatility and
your interest rate expense when you are roughly between a 30%
to 40% floating rate. This is how we were able to determine the 8.0%
right percentage for Cummins,” explains Moore.
trolling or sustaining the gains that were achieved. Moore says
that he was able to put a control plan in place by looking back at 5.0%
LIBOR EBIT The efficient frontier demonstrates that combining fixed and floating
1,000 600
Financial year end debt can reduce interest expense volatility as well as cost.
500 • The fixed-floating “efficient frontier” is a graphical representation of
the tradeoff between the interest expense and volatility of a mixed
0 0
portfolio of fixed- and floating-rate debt.
• A portfolio of 100% fixed-rate debt has the highest cost, while a portfolio
Observations of 100% floating-rate debt has the lowest cost and highest volatility.
• Cummins’ earnings before interest (EBIT) versus interest rates: • However, the relationship is not straight-line, as overall volatility is
• EBIT and average one-year London Interbank Offer Rate (LIBOR) reduced by combining two instruments that are not perfectly correlated.
have shown a positive correlation over the past business cycle. • The tradeoff between fixed and floating is therefore one of interest
• 1992–2003: r2 = 0.84 cost versus interest expense certainty.
0% 0% Minimum risk:
6.7% 40% 40% floating
(20)% (50)% 50%
(40)% 6.5%
(60)% 60%
(80)% *based on lognormal changes 6.3% 70%
(100)% (150)% 6.1% Higher 80%
cost 90%
5.7% Higher risk
Observations 100% Floating
• Cummins’ change in EBIT versus change in interest rates: 5.5%
4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20%
• LIBOR levels have been very low compared with the historical trends Average volatility
since 1992.
• Correlation between annual percentage change in interest rates and EBIT: Rates since 1968: U.S. 3m T-Bills vs. 10-year bonds.
• 1992–2003: r2 = 0.48 Assumes 10% of portfolio is refinanced every year.
Once the project received approval from the Cummins’ board of Craig S. Moore is manager of the capital markets group in
directors in spring 2005, financial market conditions were such Cummins’ treasury department. A certified treasury professional,
that a brief hold was placed on the execution of the interest rate Moore earned his MBA from DePaul University. Moore is a Six
swap until the market shifted back to a desired point. Ultimately Sigma Green Belt and has participated in 11 Six Sigma projects
the rate swap was completed in late 2005, shifting approximately at Cummins in his two years with the company.
30% of Cummins debt to a floating rate of interest.
About the Author
According to Moore, the company will save an average of more
than $1 million per year until the debt instrument’s maturity date. Janet Jacobsen is a freelance writer specializing in quality and
He calculates this savings based on the average interest rate in the compliance topics. A graduate of Drake University, she resides
last 15 years versus the Cummins’ interest rate for this transaction. in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.