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Continuation of lecture on Shear and Moment on Beams


In sketching the shear and moment diagrams containing a triangular load, this is what you have to
remember; A triangular load can be of two cases, increasing triangle or decreasing triangle load. Take a
look on the figure below. Wo

1st degree curve

Load diagram-
R1 R2

2nd degree curve Note: If a triangular load is

increasing, the shear diagram
zero shear is concave down, but, if the
Shear diagram (Vx-diag) triangular load is decreasing,
L/2 L/2 the shear diag. is concave up.
Both curves are in the 2 nd deg.

3rd degree curve

Note: If shear is decreasing,
the moment diagram is
concave down, but, if shear is
increasing, moment diagram
Moment diagram (Mx-diag)) is concave up. Since, the shear
diag. all throughout the beam
is decreasing, the moment
diag. is all concave down.
Both curves are in the 3 rd deg.

Note: Because of symmetry, the location of zero shear is at the center of the beam at L/2 and again, the
point of zero shear always corresponds to the point of the Maximum Moment.
APPLICATION of SHEAR and MOMENT for Triangular (Uniformly Varying) Load

Illustrative Problem 1: Write the shear and moment equation for the beam loaded with uniformly varying
load. Also sketch the shear and moment diagrams and determine the value of the maximum shear and

Step 1 ) Find the reactions R1 and R2

Resolve Triangular load into Concentrated load

½(270)(6)= 810lb

270 lb/ft


4 ft 2 3 ft

R1 R2

ΣMA = 0 ]
R2 (9) = 810 (4), Therefore, R2 = 360 lb

ΣMC = 0 ]
R1 (9) = 810 (5), Therefore, R1 = 450 lb

Step 2) After determining R1 and R2, proceed for the cutting sections and determine the equations per
segment, there are two segment in the given beam, segment AB and BC. Note: in triangular loads, the
load corresponding to the x distance from pt. A to the cutting section should be expressed as “y”.

Segment AB ½ xy


R1= 450

ΣFv = 0 ] ↑ (positive) VAB = 450 – ½ xy ( Note: To simplify the shear equation, we need to
express ”y” in terms of x, we can do this by using similar
triangles from the given triangular load)

270 lb/ft

6 ft
𝑦 270 270
By similar triangles, = ;y= x or y = 45x
𝑥 6 6

Therefore; VAB = 450 - xy
VAB = 450 - x (45x)
VAB = 450 - x2 (shear equation in terms of x)

1 𝑥
ΣM =0] (clockwise positive) MAB = 450x - xy ( ) but y = 45x
2 3
1 𝑥
Substitute “ y=45x ” MAB = 450x - x (45x) ( )
2 3
15 3
Therefore; MAB = 450 x - x

Segment BC ½ (270)(6) = 810 ΣFv = 0 ]

(x-4) V VBC = 450 – 810 = - 360 lb

4 2 M ΣM = 0 ]
A 6 B
x MBC = 450x – 810 (x-4)

R1 = 450

Step 3) Get the values of the shear and moment at points A, B and C

Segment AB at A, x =0 at B, x = 6 ft

45 2
VAB = 450 - x VA = 450 lb VB = - 360 lb

15 3
MAB = 450 x - x MA = 0 MB = 1080 lb.ft

Segment BC at B, x = 6 at C, x = 9 ft

VBC = 450 – 810 = - 360 lb VB = -360 VC = - 360 lb

MBC = 450x – 810 (x-4) MB = 1080 MC = 0

Step 4) Sketch the shear and moment diagrams by plotting the values

1st degree
270 lb/ft

6 ft 3 ft
R1 = 450 lb R2 = 360 lb

2nd degree

Shear-diagram (Vx-diag) D
After drawing the
x shear diag. locate the
position of zero shear
at pt. D
zero degree

Note: Locating the position of zero shear “x”

In triangular loads, we can no longer use similar triangles to find for “x” because the shear diagram
is no longer in the 1st degree curve or slant line. Hence, what we will do is to go back to the load diagram,
get the shear equation at a distance x then equate the shear equation to zero. Here is how;

From load diagram: Remember (from similar triangles)

𝑦 270
V = ; therefore y =45x
𝑥 6
y= 45x M Get shear equation, ΣFv = 0]
A V = 450 – ½ xy = 450 – ½ x(45x) , equate V=0
45 2
X D 0 = 450 – x, therefore x = 4.47ft

R1 = 450 lb

Get the value of the Moment at point D by substituting x=4.47 ft to the equation of moment at segment
AB because it is the segment where the zero shear had occurred
15 3
MAB = 450x – x
MD = 450 (4.47) - (4.47)3
Therefore, MD = 1341.64 lb.ft (This is automatically the Maximum Moment, remember that
maximum moment occurs always at zero shear points)
Hence, we can draw completely the moment diagram after getting the value of the moment at zero shear

1st degree
270 lb/ft

6 ft 3 ft
R1 = 450 lb R2 = 360 lb

2nd degree

Shear-diagram (Vx-diag) D (lb)

After drawing the
x shear diag. locate the
position of zero shear
at pt. D
zero degree
1341.6 3 deg

3rd deg 1080

1st deg

Moment-diagram (Mx-diag) A D B (lb.ft)


1. Since the triangular load in segment AB is on the 1st degree, the corresponding shear should be
on the 2nd degree curve and the moment is on the 3rd degree curve.
2. The triangular load is increasing in segment AB, therefore the shear diagram should be concave
down, 2nd degree at that segment.
3. The shear diagram is decreasing in segment AB, therefore the moment diagram is concave
down, 3rd degree on that segment.
4. There is no load between segment BC, therefore shear diagram is a horizontal line, zero degree
on that segment while moment is a slant line, 1st degree.
5. Hence, in drawing the load, shear and moment diagrams, it follows an order of a curve, adding
one degree in every diagram.
Illustrative Problem 2) Write the shear and moment equations for the cantilever beam carrying the
uniformly varying load and concentrated load shown. Also sketch the shear and moment diagrams.

Step 1) Determine the reactions

Note: Cantilever beam is a beam which is free (no
support) at one end and has a fixed or restrained
support at the other end. The fixed or restrained
support always carries vertical reaction (R or V) and a
moment (M). In this example, the given cantilever is
free at A and fixed/restrained at D.

To find for the reaction R or V, use ΣFv =0 ] ↑ assumed positive

V - ½ (60)(6) – 200 = 0
V = 380 lb (upward)

To find for the moment support M, use ΣMD =0 ] assumed positive

MD – ½ (60)(6)(6) – 200 (2) = 0

MD = 1480 lb.ft (clockwise)

Step 2) Determine the shear and moment equations per segment. Note that there are three (3)
segments in the beam, AB, BC and CD segments.

Segment AB
ΣFv = 0] ↑
VAB = - xy ; but “y” from sim. Triangles
𝑦 60
= ; y = 10x
𝑥 6
VAB = - x (10x)
VAB = - 5x2
ΣM = 0]
1 𝑥
MAB = - xy ( )
2 3
1 𝑥
MAB = - x (10x) ( )
2 3
5 3
MAB = - x
Segment BC

ΣFv = 0] ↑ VBC = - (60)(6)
VBC = -180

ΣM = 0] MBC = - (60)(6)(x-4)
MBC = - 180 (x-4)
Segment CD

ΣFv = 0] ↑
VCD = - (60) (6) – 200
VCD = - 380
ΣM = 0]
MCD = - (60) (6)(x-4) – 200 (x-8)
MCD = -180 (x-4) – 200 (x-8)

Step 3) Find the values of the shear and moment at points A, B, C and D

Segment AB at A, x = 0 at B, x = 6 ft

VAB = - 5x2 VA = 0 VB = -180 lb

5 3
MAB = - x MA = 0 MB = - 360 lb.ft

Segment BC at B, x = 6 at C, x = 8 ft

VBC = -180 VB = -180 VC = -180 lb

MBC = - 180 (x-4) MB = - 360 MC = -720 lb.ft

Segment CD at C, x = 8 at D, x = 10 ft

VCD = - 380 VC = - 380 VD = -380 lb

MCD = -180 (x-4) – 200 (x-8) MC = 720 MD = -1480 lb.ft
Step 4) Plot the values and sketch the shear and moment diagrams

1. In segment AB, load diagram is 1st
degree, hence shear is 2nd degree and
moment is 3rd degree.
2. In both segment BC and CD there is no
load either rectangular or triangular, hence
the shear is on zero degree and moment is
1st degree.
3. The given triangular load in segment AB
is increasing, hence the shear is concave
down on that segment.
4. The shear on segment AB is decreasing,
hence the moment 3rd degree curve is
concave down
5. No point of zero shear between
segment AD because in Cantilever beams,
maximum moment usually occur at the
fixed end

Exercises No. 3) Write the shear and moment equations for the following beams and sketch the shear
and moment diagrams.

Let WO = 60 lb/ft
L = 9 ft



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