Research Reviewer: Finding Answers Through Data Collection

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RESEARCH REVIEWER -get the reaction of -measure & test Continuous Variable

people -See the -Obtained by measurements

Inquiry- questioning relationship of 2 Language in an APA paper is:
-quest/ search -why & how variables Clear
-a life- long process -word or -what & how many Concise
-new knowledge descriptive -numerical Plain
Importance -specific people -applicable to many ___________________________________________
-Aids in constructing an understanding of the world -specific cases people FINDING ANSWERS THROUGH DATA
-generation/transmission of knowledge -interview -summarize & COLLECTION
-develop higher order information literacy & critical quantified 1. Data Collection
thinking skills -survey -process of collecting information regarding variables
Outcome Research Variable that the researchers seek to examine, and to answer
-Knowledge Variables- category which can be measured; can the objective/s of the research
“INQUIRY ULOCKS KNOWLEDGE” change, usually contains at least 2 values -relevance of variables
Research- systematic inquiry Attributes: sub- variables, possible observation, Data–used to measure/describe the behavior of a
2 types: characteristics variable
Basic- new knowledge Characteristics: -prescriptive period or duration Types of Data
Applied- application of new knowledge -has a pattern - primary or secondary
Aims: -dormancy - nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio
-Produce new knowledge Types of Variables: - helps to identify the line of questioning
-Utilize the new knowledge Independent Variable Sources of Data that will be collected:
-Validate existing knowledge -Input variable - primary (respondents) vs. secondary
-Improve the researcher -Probable cause (documentary)
Why do research? -Does not easily change How will the Data be collected:
-To answer a particular problem -Variable controlled by the researcher - data collection methods
-Gap in knowledge, insufficient solution to a problem Dependent Variable - research instruments
-To validate answers that are not yet tested -Outcome variable Inferential Question
-Contradiction exist -It changes - statistical analysis
Sources of Topics -Depends on the other factors - not collected from respondents
-Gap between needs and resources Intermediate Variable Types of Data according to Source
-People, places, objects, & events -Intermediary between the independent variable and a. Primary Data
-Literatures dependent variable in the casual pathway - first-hand information gathered for a specific
-Internet Confounding Variable purpose
Research Design -Extraneous variable whose effects are not of - interview, questionnaire, observation,
Qualitative research Quantitative primary interest to the researcher experimentation
Research -Necessary that it should be controlled b. Secondary Data
-deeper awareness -Empirical -control variables - document analysis
of human behavior -Establish or Qualitative Variable - government and non-government organization
-used in social validate -labels 2. Data Organization
sciences also in relationships Quantitative Variable - verifying the accuracy of data
market -tests or -Quantify or amount, expressed numerically - prevents errors in analysis
-no hypothesis experiments -Values can be arranged accdg. To magnitude - easier to analyze
-observe & Discrete Variable -process of classifying data collected for ease of
interpret -with hypothesis -Consists of actual value obtained by counting presentation (MS Excel Spreadsheet)
Important considerations: Used when: 3. Is there a significant difference in the
-Before encoding, make sure that the data is -Showing many and precise numerical values and burnout level of the respondents when
accurate and complete other specific data in a small space grouped according to profile variables?
-For missing values, leave them blank -Comparing and contrasting data values or Analyze -> Compare means -> independent samples
SPSS (Statistical Packages for Social Sciences) characteristics among related items or items with t-test
a. Data View – numbers several shared characteristics or variables Use t-test when there are two variables ONLY.
b. Variable View – name or label; different -Showing presence or absence of a particular
variables data t-value p-value Decision
b1. Variable Name – based on code guide USL format (no colored table) (probability)
b2. Type of Variable – numeric (numerical); string b2. Figures – any illustrative material presenting SEX -0.950 0.350 Accept Ho
(text) the data TOS -1.721 0.010 Reject Ho
b3. Width – characters inputted (ex. 10 200 = 5; - may include graphs, maps and templates Test variables- IV Grouping variables – DV
carl = 4) - accompanying tabular data P > 0.05 ACCEPT HO
b4. Variable Label – code guide Used when: P < 0.05 REJECT HO
b5. Decimals – how many decimals to be included -Show trend, patterns and relationships across and if reject, compare means:
b6. Variable Values – similar with code guide between data sets when the general pattern is more t-value (positive) 1>2
b7. Measure – type of variable; to check if the important than the exact data values t-value (negative) 2>1
statistical -Summarizing research results Analyze -> compare means -> ANOVA (if there is a
test is appropriate to the study -Presenting visual explanation of events, procedures, significant difference) -> Dependent list (dv) ->
c. Output View – computed geographic, features or physical characteristics factor (iv) -> post hos ->scheffe -> ok
b3. Histogram – graphical representation of the I – 1 group
3. Data Presentation
-data collected will be summarized in preparation for information in a frequency table J – 2nd group
presentation and data analysis a. Horizontal axis-variable being measured in the Q2. What is the level of burnout experienced
-to understand the spreadsheet data set by the respondents?
-presentation of data may be in the form of text, b. Vertical axis - frequency 15-24 Low Level
tables, graphs, and charts Bar Graph – separated bars 25-34 Moderate Level
-present it in an appropriate way Histogram – not separated bars 35-45 High Level
Modes of Presentation: b4. Frequency Polygon – line graph Based on the questionnaire used
a. Qualitative Data representation of the information in a frequency If the computed median is greater than median =
-textual (recommended) table HIGH
-themes; all paragraphs a. Vertical – frequency Is equal = Moderate Is Less than = Low
b. Quantitative Data b. Horizontal – variable measured
Median Description
-tabular is the most common (depends on the b5. Circle Graph – pie graph; divided into fractions
research question; the textual interpretation is - fractional parts have different colors and a key BurnOut Level 30.50 Moderate
located under the table) explains the color Q4. Is the burnout level of the respondents
-1 question = 1 table - b6. Picture Graph – uses pictures/symbols to show significantly different from the average
graphical data buronout level of college teachers?
b1. Table – a presentation of data in rows and - one picture often stands more than one variable One-sample t test - comparing means of one sample
columns; it has a stub column and column headings ___________________________________________ Test variables- DV
-inside the table are the statistical data P value never equal to 0.00
SPSS T is positive respondents has a higher mean than the
Ex. Table 1. Profile 1. Transform -> Recode into Different variables
Total (right-aligned) average
For example: Age to Age Range T is negative respondents has a lower mean
2. Analyze -> Descriptive Statistics -> Frequencies Margin of significance 5%
-> Statistics -> Central Tendency
Q5. Is there a significant relationship between Independent T-Test Variable Name – full
the burnout level of the respondents and their -when the variable have 2 categories only Variable Value
profile variables? -ex. Grouped according to sex (M & F) -1 M
Pearson R – both variables should be scaled Paired T-Test -2 F
(interval/ratio) -2 sets of data from different Measure – nominal, ordinal, scale (interval ratio)
Age – burn out score -pre-test and post-test FORMULATING THE RESULTS OF THE
Chi square – both variables should be categorical TEST OF RELATIONSHIP/ASSOCIATION
(nominal or ordinal) Pearson R – scaled
Quantitative Data Analysis
Sex- burn out level Chi Square – categorical
In quantitative data analysis you are
Perfect correlation T-test : T value ANOVA : F value
expected to turn raw numbers into meaningful data
(comparing age to age) = 1 P value (applicable to all; sig 2)
through the application of rational and critical
Positive correlation = positive value (directly Phi Value = 0.782
proportional) Decision: Reject Ho, Accept Ha
Before you analyze your data, you should
Negative correlation = negative value (inversely) Strength of association is 78.2%
Steps: Analyze -> crosstabs -> chi square test High
Quantitative data analysis with the
application of statistical software consists of the
Column = DV a. Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Mode)
following stages:
Chi-square = How dependent the variables are to Analyze – Descriptive Statistics – Frequencies –
1. Preparing and checking the data. Input of data
one another; it assumes no dependency Variables – Statistics
into computer.
Phi and Cramer’s V = test of strength of association, b. Chi Square
2. Selecting the most appropriate tables and
similar with correlation coefficient, Analyze – Descriptive Statistics – Crosstabs –Row
diagrams to use according to your research
binomial(dichotomous variables) phi and cramer’s v are (IV) – Column (DV) – Statistics – Chi Square – Phi
similar and Cramer’s V
3. Selecting the most appropriate statistics to
if the cramer is 0 – no association c. One Sample T-Test
describe your data.
if c = 0.2 = weak association Analyze – Compare Means – One Sample – Test
4. Selecting the most appropriate statistics to
between 0.2 to 0.3 = moderate Variables and test value
examine relationships and trends in your data.
greater than 0.3 = strong
Use the following tables as your guide in choosing
Cross tabulation = contingency table d. Independent Samples T-Test
the appropriate statistical test for your research.
Test of difference Analyze – Compare Means – Independent Sample –
No difference = no relationship Test Variable (IV) – Grouping Variable (DV)
Greater amount of Phi = greater reliability e. One Way ANOVA DISCUSSING THE RESULTS OF THE
Cramer if not binomial Analyze – Compare Means – One Way ANOVA – STUDY
Statistical Tools used in SPSS Dependent List (DV) – Factor (IV) Writing the Discussion
- Pearson R For further tests: After presenting the results of your study,
- Chi Square Post hoc – Scheffe you have to discuss what do these results mean?
- One-Way ANOVA f. Pearson R/Kendall’s Tau-b/Spearman The purpose of discussion:
Profile Variables – MODE Analyze – Correlate – Bivariate – Input Variables To interpret and describe the significance of
TEST OF DIFFERENCE g. Age to Age Range your results in light of what is already known about
-T-test Transform – Recode into Different Variables – Name your research problem
-ANOVA (shortcut) – Label (full) – Old and New Values – To explain any new understanding or
One-Sample T-test Range (15-20) – Value (1) – Add insights that emerged as a result of your study.
- comparing one set of data to standard value Data View – numeric Content of Discussion:
a. Test Variable Variable View – codes 1. Explanation of results
b. Test Value – Standard value Variable Name – shortcut 2. References to previous research
3. Deductions Two independent samples t-test words, it is the non-parametric version of ANOVA
4. Hypothesis An independent samples t-test is used when and a generalized form of the Mann-Whitney test
Elements to include: you want to compare the means of a normally method since it permits two or more groups
1. Major findings of the study distributed interval dependent variable for two Paired t-test
2. Explain the meaning of the findings and why the independent groups.  A paired (samples) t-test is used when you
findings are important Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test have two related observations (i.e., two observations
3. Relate the findings to those of similar studies The Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test is a non- per subject) and you want to see if the means on
4. Consider alternate explanations of findings parametric analog to the independent samples t-test these two normally distributed interval variables
5. State clinical relevance of findings and can be used when you do not assume that the differ from one another
6. Acknowledge study's limitations dependent variable is a normally distributed interval One-way repeated measures ANOVA
7. Make suggestions for further research (in variable (you only assume that the variable is at You would perform a one-way repeated
Recommendations) least ordinal measures analysis of variance if you had one
Things to avoid: Chi-square test categorical independent variable and a normally
1. Over-interpretation of the results A chi-square test is used when you want to distributed interval dependent variable that was
2. Unwarranted speculation see if there is a relationship between two categorical repeated at least twice for each subject.  This is the
3. Inflating the importance of the findings variables.  In SPSS, the chisq option is used on equivalent of the paired samples t-test, but allows
4. Tangential issues the statistics subcommand of for two or more levels of the categorical variable.
5. The "Bully Pulpit" the crosstabs command to obtain the test statistic This tests whether the mean of the dependent
6. Conclusions that are not supported by the data and its associated p-value.  variable differs by the categorical variable. 
___________________________________________ Fisher’s exact test Factorial ANOVA
WHAT STATISTICAL ANALYSIS SHOULD I The Fisher’s exact test is used when you A factorial ANOVA has two or more
USE? STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USING want to conduct a chi-square test but one or more of categorical independent variables (either with or
SPSS your cells has an expected frequency of five or less.  without the interactions) and a single normally
One sample t-test Remember that the chi-square test assumes that distributed interval dependent variable. 
A one sample t-test allows us to test each cell has an expected frequency of five or more, Correlation
whether a sample mean (of a normally distributed but the Fisher’s exact test has no such assumption A correlation is useful when you want to see
interval variable) significantly differs from a and can be used regardless of how small the the relationship between two (or more) normally
hypothesized value expected frequency is. In SPSS unless you have the distributed interval variables.  
One sample median test SPSS Exact Test Module, you can only perform a ___________________________________________
A one sample median test allows us to test Fisher’s exact test on a 2×2 table, and these results PARTS OF A RESEARCH PAPER
whether a sample median differs significantly from a are presented by default.  Please see the results INTRODUCTION
hypothesized value from the chi squared example above. -Identifying Inquiry & statement of the problem
Binomial test One-way ANOVA APA style (American Psychological Association)
A one sample binomial test allows us to test A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is General Format:
whether the proportion of successes on a two-level used when you have a categorical independent -Your essay should:
categorical dependent variable significantly differs variable (with two or more categories) and a -Be typed & double spaced be printed on standard-
from a hypothesized value normally distributed interval dependent variable and size paper (8.5” x 11”)
Chi-square goodness of fit you wish to test for differences in the means of the -Use 1” margin on all sides
A chi-square goodness of fit test allows us to dependent variable broken down by the levels of the -Use 10-12 font times new roman or a similar font
test whether the observed proportions for a independent variable -Include a page header (title) in the upper- left hand
categorical variable differ from hypothesized Kruskal Wallis Test of every page and a page number in the upper right
proportions.  The Kruskal Wallis test is used when you hand side of every page
have one independent variable with two or more
levels and an ordinal dependent variable. In other
USL Format: Regular Variables: independent & dependent -Laws & constitutions
-8.5 x 11 (short) variable -Book
-Arial 11 (font) Mediating variable: explains the relationship bet. -Grey lit
-Single space IV and DV -School records
-Paragraph justified Moderating Variable: influences the strength of Citing literature
-Headers the relationship of IV and DV -Tabulate sources
1 .All caps, left aligned, bold Types of Hypothesis: -guide that makes ease of formulating synthesis
2. Title case, left aligned, bold Correlation- relationship in the behaviors, patterns -creates a list of references
3. Indented, bold bet. Two variables without implied causality Synthesizing related lit
4. Indented, bold, italic Effect- deals with behavioral patterns but causality -Comparing findings, variables, methods & objectives
-Margins is implied -Combining authors
-Left- 1.5 Difference- explicitly estate THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
-Right, top, bottom- 1 Behavioral indicators- degree of the relationship -Underpinning theory
-Header- logo bet. & among the variables -2 paragraphs:
-Footer- title (italic), page no. Deriving the hypothesis 1. theory
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Inductive: can derive hypothesis 2. Why is it related to your study?
-Research Gap Deductive: can create hypothesis Thematic discussion
-Why do you need to fill the gap? Variable Typologies: -variable
-How will you fill the gap? Manifest variable: readily measured; observable, -factor
APA Stylistics: basics needs only one question to answer -data
-POV Latent Variable- cannot be readily measured in RESEARCH PARADIGM/SIMULACRUM
-use active voice than passive voice single question -conceptual framework
Leedy & Omrod (2013), it is a logical supposition, a -What has been published by other researchers Simulacrum- quantitative
reasonable guess, an educated conjuncture -Systematic, explicit & reproducible method for METHODS
-can be the claims, assumptions, intelligent, identifying, evaluating & synthesizing the existing RESEARCH DESIGN
tentative guesses body of completed & recorded work Qualitative- expressed in words
Alternative hypothesis- Ha: No presumed -Guide the researcher through a directed exploration Non- Probability Sampling Techniques
relationship Purpose: Convenience
Null Hypothesis: Ho: there is a presumed -Provide an overview -The researcher conducts a study at his convenient
relationship -Assesses the evidence of that topic time, preferred place or venue. He specifies the
Characteristics of usable Hypothesis: -Summary, a synthesis or an analysis of the main place & time where to gather data
-It should be conceptually clear assertions of existing literature Quota
-Understood by the readers Characteristics: -The researcher limits the no. of his samples based
-Should be operationally defined -Recent on the required no. of the subject under
-It should be capable of being tested -Written in the last 10 years investigation
-Open for validation -Information swiftly changes -Specified no. of respondents
-Can be tested through data analyses -Relevant Purposive - Lays criteria or rule
-It should have empirical reference Functions: Snowball -Chosen through referral of other
-For contradictory results of previous researchers -Identify knowledge gaps member of the sample
-Be able to refute -Provides justification of the proposed project Modal instance
-It must be specific -Defines boundaries of their study -Selected based on the typical elements, most
-With specificity Sources of RRL frequent observation or modal cases
-Deals with differences, effects or relationships -Articles published already Quantitative- expressed numerically
Probability Sampling Techniques Registration
Discrete- finite value, exact -uses important documents such as the number of
Continuous- infinite, decimals households, birth & death rates that can be found in
Simple Random both private & government offices
-draw lots, using printed tables of random numbers Experimental
or using numbers generated by computers -used to find cause- effect relationship
Systematic Secondary
-when units are obtained by drawing every nth -Journal & article, newspapers, tables, unpublished
elements of the population or publish
-divided into groups based on the homogeneity of to ETHICAL CONSIDERATION
avoid the possibility of drawing samples whose
members came from stratum
Cluster Sampling
-area sampling
-useful in selecting the sample when heterogeneous
groups occupy the same blocks
-divide the population area into sections/ clusters &
randomly select a few of those sections & finally
choose all members from the selected sections
Multi Stage
-conducting a nationwide survey or any survey
involving a large population
Mixed Method
-combining & integrating & analyzing both qualitative
& quantitative design in study
-When & where
2 classifications of data:
Direct or interview method
-face to face talk
-one soliciting information, the other supplying data
Indirect or questionnaire method
-by mail or hand carry
-structured (yes or no) unstructured (opinionated)
-obtained data pertaining to the behavior of an
individual or a group at the time of occurrence of a
given situation

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