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Romans 5 Study Guide

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#DeeperLearning TESDA@Study – 25April2020

The Book of 4. How did God set in

favorable light His love for
atonement had been fulfilled. The
work for which He had come to
Romans Chapter 5 us? Rom. 5:6-8. this world had been
NoTE.—"Without strength: . In accomplished."—The Acts of the
Lesson Guide Apostles, page 29.
the Greek the word used here is
frequently applied to those who The believer is fully reconciled to
Justification and are physically sick and feeble the Father. There is now no gulf
(see Matt. 25:39; Luke 10:9; of separation between them, for
Life Instead of Acts 5:15). In Acts 4:9 it is the justified one has benefited by
Condemnation and translated 'impotent,' a not Christ's sacrifice on the cross.
unsuitable description of the
Death condition of a sinner before his C. Death Superseded by
acceptance of the saving grace Life
and power of God. . . . 7. What experience came to
A. Blessings of Justification "In due time. Or, 'at the right the world through the sin of
time,' at the fitting time.' This is Adam? Rom. 5:12.
1. What precious gift comes essentially the same as 'the NoTE.—"Adam could not transmit
to the heart of one who fullness of the time' (Gal. 4:4; to his posterity that which he
accepts Christ as his Saviour? cf. Mark 1:15)."—The Seventh-day did not possess; and there could
Rom. 5:1. Adventist Bible Commentary, on have been no hope for the fallen
NoTE.—"Christ is 'the Prince of Rom. 5:6. race had not God, by the sacrifice
Peace' (Isaiah 9:6), and it is His of His Son, brought immortality
mission to restore to earth and 5. Explain the "much more within their reach. While 'death
heaven the peace that sin has then" that Paul discusses. passed upon all men, for that all
broken. 'Being justified by faith, Rom. 5:9, 10. have sinned,' Christ ‘hath brought
we have peace with God through NoTE.— Christ's death on the life and immortality to light
our Lord Jesus Christ.' Romans cross ensures the believer's through the gospel.’ "—The Great
5:1. Whoever consents to justification. This wipes out his Controversy, page 533.
renounce sin and open his heart past up to the moment he
to the love of Christ, becomes a believes. From that moment, 8. What is the relation
partaker of this heavenly says Paul, "we shall be saved by between sin and law? Rom.
peace."—Thoughts From the His life." Justification does not 5:13, 14.
Mount of Blessing, page 27. abolish the warfare with sin. NoTE.—The expression, "for until
Life is a daily battle. The the law," gives the chief
2. What additional blessing believer fails, he sins. But he characteristic of the period
does the believer receive can thank God that when he between Adam and Moses. The
through Jesus Christ? What sincerely confesses his mistakes, principles of the law were known;
he is credited with the perfect but the Ten Commandments had
two attitudes should
life of Jesus Christ. Thus he is not been written down and
characterize the justified saved moment by moment, day
person? Rom.5:2-4. publicly presented as a legal
by day, and finally eternally document; this period between
saved, because in his daily Adam and Sinai was devoid of
3. What does this hope bring growth in sanctification, he written, codified law.
to us? Rom. 5:5. receives the merit of Christ's The apostle continues, "Sin is not
NoTE.—"When trials and perfect obedience to His imputed when there is no law."
tribulations come to you know Father's will. "Sinned not after the likeness of
that they are sent in order that "Reconciliation means that every Adam's transgression." Adam
you may receive from the Lord barrier between the soul and God sinned against a personally
of glory renewed strength and is removed, and that the sinner revealed commandment. His
increased humility, so that He realizes what the pardoning love descendants up to the time of
may safely bless and support and of God means."—E. G. White, Sinai did not so sin. Adam violated
uphold you. In faith and with Selected Messages, book 1, page a positive, personally delivered
the hope that ‘maketh not 396. command; his children walked
ashamed,’ lay hold of the contrary to an inner consciousness
promises of God."—Ellen G. 6. Give the cause of the of right and wrong, and to
White, My Life Today, page 185. believer's rejoicing in God, external evidence.
and the name of the agent
B. The Supreme who has made this possible. 9. Through whom did God
Manifestation Rom. 5:11. mediate His grace to
of Love NoTE.—"Christ's sacrifice in mankind, and with what
behalf of man was full and results? Rom. 5:15-17.
complete. The condition of the

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#DeeperLearning TESDA@Study – 25April2020

NoTE.—Our generic, vital life for it has no such function. It can second coming, but should be
union with Adam brought give no power to overcome sin, is applied to the newness of life
condemnation to the human not able to impart spiritual life referred to in verses 2 and 4.
race in his one sin; but the gift and vitality. God's intention in
of God through Jesus Christ giving the law to reveal the
"superabounded" (King James character of sin the more clearly,
Version, "abounded"), so that results in His causing His grace to
justification is given despite the abound superabundantly.
many sins of each sinner who
believes. Death personified 12. What inference and reply
began to reign from the moment does the apostle put before
of Adam's sin; each believer the believers?
begins to live the eternal life the Rom. 6:1, 2.
moment be accepts Christ. NoTE.—The sixth chapter
John 3:15; 5:21. "The gift of continues the effects of
righteousness" is the gift that is justification. Paul asks if the
righteousness itself. inference is to be drawn that the
believer should continue in sin
10. What comparison of because to do so would cause
verse 12 does the apostle divine grace to abound more and
now begin to complete? more exceedingly. He vehemently
Rom. 5:18, 19. rejects the idea. He asks, "How
NoTE.—In verse 12 the apostle can we"— he emphasizes the
speaks of the entrance of sin pronoun—"who have been
and death through one man; justified, and have peace in our
now, (verse 18) he begins to hearts (Rom. 5:1), continue in a
complete that thought with life of sin as we once did?" The
"therefore," etc. He sets forth Christian life is to be a
the "one act of righteousness," a progressively victorious one in
reference to Christ's death on daily sanctification, and not a
the cross which brought the perpetual sinning in an
permanent result of unsanctified life.
justification made free to all
who will accept it. 13. What does the apostle
Verse 19 tells us, literally, that by say about death and
one man's sin many were resurrection? Rom.
classified as sinners, for the 6:3-7.
reason given in verse 12. The NOTE.—Baptism is a figure of the
contrast is that by reason of death of the believer to sin.
Christ's "obedience" many shall be Then, having been buried with
declared righteous. Christ (here referring to our
But while the first classification having died with Him), we also
was generic, the second is rise with Him in newness of life.
individual. All men are naturally, Christ was raised by "the glory of
vitally, one with Adam, but only the Father" (meaning the exercise
the believer is morally and of His divine, glorious power), so
spiritually one with Christ. that we might begin to walk in a
new kind of life.
D. Abounding Grace
11. How is the triumph of 14. If we have become dead
grace expressed? Rom. 5:20, to sin, to whom should we be
21. alive? Rom. 6:8-11.
NoTE.—The apostle's argument is NoTE.—The intent of Paul's
that the law was codified and statement is, that as Christ's
presented on Sinai that men resurrection followed His
might know sin to be the wicked crucifixion, so the believer's
thing it really is. The law was not daily growth in sanctification
given to prevent a falling away will naturally follow his
from God, for that had already justification.
taken place; but it makes plain The expression, "we shall also
the character of sin, it reveals it live," is not primarily speaking of
for what it is. Neither was the law a physical resurrection at the
given to effect salvation from sin,

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#DeeperLearning TESDA@Study – 25April2020

Reflection Points

Two words form the keynote of the chapter— MUCH MORE.

If you have the glory, the patience, or the Christian experience spoken of in this, or any other chapter, know that
God has them in store, and is willing to give much more, for he "is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that
we ask or think."

Works are the outgrowth of faith. "It is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." We
give ourselves into the hands of Christ. He comes and takes up His abode with us. We are as clay in the hands of
the potter; but it is Christ who does all the good works, and to Him belongs all the glory.

"We have peace with God." What is peace? It is not a feeling, but a fact. Many think that they must experience a
"certain feeling" which they will know is the "peace of God." But they have never had the peace of God, and
therefore cannot know what kind of feeling it ought to be. Satan might give a certain happy feeling, and if the
Christian had only the feeling to go by, he would be deceived. The Lord does not deal in feelings, but in facts.
Peace is the opposite of war, strife, and emulation. We are either at peace with God or else at war. If at war, it is
because we are carrying on rebellion.
How do men fight God? By following sinful practices. Any one knowingly indulging in one sinful practice is warring
against God. God is a God of peace. Christ left his peace with his followers. "Let the peace of God rule in your
hearts." Between God and his dear Son in heaven there is a "counsel of peace." They counsel for the peace of man.
There is only one condition on which man can have that peace—unconditional surrender, surrender all to God, and
then there is peace in the heart, no matter what the feeling may be.
"Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them." "O that thou hadst hearkened to my
commandments! then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea." What rich
comfort in these words! Jesus Christ is "the same, yesterday, and to-day, and forever." So his peace is likened to
the continual flowing of the river, and the never-ceasing roll of the ocean wave; therefore it matters not what the
feeling is, for if all sins have been confessed, God is faithful and just to forgive them; and we are at peace with
him. The condition of peace is the condition of being justified by faith.

"We glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience." Some say that tribulation worketh
impatience. This is not true. If a man is not justified by faith, tribulation will develop the impatience that is in
him. How is it, then, that tribulation worketh patience? Let these texts answer: "Casting all your care upon him;
for he careth for you." 1 Pet. 5:7. "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee." Ps.55:22. "Come unto
me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matt. 11:28. He takes the heavy loads away.
What is that burden? Anything that worries or vexes us. It matters not whether it be a small thing—a little trial—or
a great one. Cast it on the Lord. We rejoice in tribulation because we have Christ with us, and we cast all the
burden on him. He is able to bear them. He has already borne them for all the world, so we cannot add to his
How do we get rid of the burdens? Give them to Christ, and then say, "He has them." And he has them whether you
feel any different or not. Then you will experience the truth of the words, "I will give you rest." It is rest even
though the physical pain still racks the body. For Christ bears that tribulation, and you are lifted up above all pain.
How did the martyrs go to the rack and the stake with songs of joy on their lips? Was that mere bravado? No,
Christ bore their burden, and in him they had peace!

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