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Assignment 7

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Name: Toledo, Jojen V.


Year/Section: BSABEN - V Date:04/24/20

Assignment # 7

Answer the following questions.

1. Why is corruption an unwanted activity in a country like the Philippines?

Corruption is prevalent in our country because our leaders are corrupt.
Corruption is a contagious disease that infects us all.

2. What is business ethics? Why is it important?

Ethics is the study of moral obligation involving the distinction between right
and wrong. As a consequence, the study of ethics paved the way for the adaption of
the general rules of conduct in society.

3. Who determines ethical behavior required for entrepreneurs?

The rules about how entrepreneurs ought to behave are referred to as business
ethics. The ethical behavior required of entrepreneurs is determined by the
a. The public;
b. Interest groups (i.e. Philippine Animal Welfare Society)
c. Business organizations; and the individual’s personal morals and values.

4. What factors influence the ethical behavior of firms?

 Situational Context
a. Ethics intensity or issue intensity indicates the degree to which a situation is
recognized to pose ethical challenges.
 The Person
b. Ethical framework is a personal rule or strategy for making ethical decisions.
 Family Influences
c. Sometimes the way a person is nurtured also affects his or her state of mind
towards the community. When a child is brought up in a very hostile way
towards society he or she will find it very difficult to behave positively
ethical in that society.
 Internal environment and the organization

d. Supervisory behavior, peer group norms and behavior, and policy

statements and written rules.

 External environment

e. Government laws and regulations, societal norms and values, and

competitive climate in an industry.

 The norms of the community

f. The rules of a community usually controls how one should behave in a

community in order to fit appropriately within the community.

Ethical and Social Responsibilities of the Entrepreneur

 Reward system

5. What are the ways of encouraging ethical behavior among employees?

 Adaption of a code of ethics
 Institution of rewards and punishments concerning ethical behavior
 Adaption of internal programs for resolving conflicts
 Creation of ethics review committees
 Provision of training in ethics for employees
 Top management support

6. What is the purpose of the codes of ethics?

A code of ethics is a business document outlining professional standards
expected of all company workers and representatives. Although it often addresses
internal conduct, it primarily centers on what is expected of employees when
engaged in customer-centric activities. It establishes standards by which business
representatives are held accountable.

7. Who are the usual members of the ethics review committees?

Members bring with them valuable and extensive experience and
knowledge in research in different fields, and receive appropriate training in
research ethics before commencing their role within the ERC. The broad range of
research expertise of Committee members, together with the ethics training,
ensures that all proposals are thoroughly and fairly reviewed for ethical research

The ERC reviews and advises on research:

fully or partially funded by WHO

managed by WHO
in which WHO is either a partner or collaborator.

8. What ethical issues confront entrepreneurships?

 Between the company and the customers
 Between the company and its personnel and employees
 Between the company and its business associates
 Between the company and the investors and the financial community
9. What is meant by “the consumer’s right to be safe”?
  The right to safety: It is the consumer's right to be safe from products and the
production processes and services that can be detrimental to their health and
 The right to know: a consumer's right to know the correct information about the
goods and services (e.g. food, reference to the expiry date, and other ingredients).
 The right of choice: the right to choose from numerous alternatives for goods and
services with competitive levels of quality and prices.
 The right to be heard: the consumer's right to express his opinion about the
development of goods and services and on the prices and availability.
 The right to education: a right to acquire knowledge, skill and awareness about their
rights and duties through continuing education programs.

Entrepreneurial Personality
10. What responsibilities to employees must entrepreneurs be aware of?
When your small business adds employees, then the business and you as the
owner inherit some responsibilities to those employees according to the mandate of
both the federal government and your state government. These responsibilities exist
on a broad spectrum and include a variety of things, including the payment of those
employees as well as ensuring that their work environment is as safe as possible. If
you neglect these responsibilities, the legal costs could be high, and could include
the loss of your permits and business licenses.

Entrepreneurial Personality
Name: Score:

Year/Section: Date:

Assignment # __

Answer the following questions.

1. Do you think entrepreneurship is not for everyone? Why or why not?

No, being an entrepreneur isn’t for everyone. And that’s OK. Just like any
other job in the world, it may not be a good fit for you. That doesn’t make you
dumb. That doesn’t mean you won’t be successful in whatever other endeavor you

2. Why is the environment considered to be a factor in the success or failure of

3. In the terms of support for entrepreneurship, how may the environment be
4. What does “personality” mean? What does it include?
5. What personal traits are considered important to the entrepreneur?
6. Describe “self-confidence” as a desirable trait of the entrepreneur.
7. What functions are performed by goals?
8. When is a person considered to be a “reasonable risk-taker”?
9. What motivates people to become entrepreneurs?
10. In what way is the entrepreneur different from the manager?

Entrepreneurial Personality

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