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Fig 1.1 Rice Seed Sowing

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The era of modernization is viewed in the entire sectors especially in the

agriculture sector. Gone are the days when farmers meant a poor man laboring
hard to meet his needs. In the modern times, farmers are equipped with
agriculture technology that is latest and trouble free. With the entry and
increasing influence of the science in the traditional farming, the agriculture
industry of the nation is celebrating green revolution each moment. The new
technologies have helped in utilizing even the small land into loads of profit
making source. Farmers whether small or big are getting more and more aware
of the fact that technology is very beneficial to them and the future of the
agriculture industry.

Fig 1.1 Rice seed sowing

Majority of farmers in developing countries are poor and they avoid
taking risk in adopting new technology until they are sure about its benefits. In
the time where technology is merging with environmental awareness,
consumers are looking for ways to contribute to the relief of their own carbon

footprints. Pollution is manmade and can be seen in our own daily lives, more
specifically in our own homes.


The agriculture is the backbone of India. And for sustainable growth of

India development of agriculture plays vital role. The India has huge population
and day by day it is growing thus demand of food is also increasing. In
agriculture we saw various machines. Also there traditional methods are there.
Since long ago in India traditional method is used. Also India has huge man
power. This manual planting is popular in villages of India. But for large scale
this method is very troublesome. The farmer has to spend his more time in
planting. But time available is less for him. Thus it requires more man power to
complete the task within stipulated time which is costlier. Also more wastage
happens during manual planting. Hence there is need of developing such a
machine which will help the farmer to reduce his efforts while planting. This
process of using machines is called as mechanization. Along with
mechanization automation also helps to increase the efficacy of the process.

Fig 1.2 Agriculture Land

In agriculture, a field is an area of land, enclosed or otherwise, used for
agricultural purposes such as cultivating crops or as a paddock or other enclosure
for livestock. A field may also be an area left to lie fallow or as arable land. Many
farms have a field border, usually composed of a strip of shrubs and vegetation,
used to provide food and cover necessary for the survival of wildlife. It has been
found that these borders may lead to an increased variety of animals and plants
in the area, but also in some cases a decreased yield of crops.


Fig 1.3 Plant

Over the last century, the global population has quadrupled. In 1915,
there were 1.8 billion people in the world. Today, according to the most recent estimate
by the UN, there are 7.3 billion people and we may reach 9.7 billion by 2050.

This growth, along with rising incomes in developing countries (which cause
dietary changes such as eating more protein and meat) are driving up global food

Food demand is expected to increase anywhere between 59% to 98% by

2050. This will shape agricultural markets in ways we have not seen before.

Farmers worldwide will need to increase crop production, either by increasing

the amount of agricultural land to grow crops or by enhancing productivity on
existing agricultural lands through fertilizer and irrigation and adopting new
methods like precision farming.

However, the ecological and social trade-offs of clearing more land for
agriculture are often high, particularly in the tropics. And right now, crop yields
the amount of crops harvested per unit of land cultivated are growing too slowly to
meet the forecasted demand for food.

Many other factors, from climate change to urbanization to a lack of

investment, will also make it challenging to produce enough food. There
is strong academic consensus that climate change driven water scarcity, rising
global temperatures, and extreme weather will have severe long-term effects on
crop yields. These are expected to impact many major agricultural regions,
especially those close to the Equator. For example, the Brazilian state of Mato
Grosso, one of the most important agricultural regions worldwide, may face
an 18% to 23% reduction in soy and corn output by 2050, due to climate change.
The Midwestern U.S. and Eastern Australia two other globally important
regions may also see a substantial decline in agricultural output due to extreme


The production and productivity of ground nuts, corns, etc., were quite
low, when India became independent in 1947. The production was not sufficient
to feed the Indian population. The country used to import them in large
quantities for fulfilling the needs of our people from many countries.
The reasons of low production and productivity were unavailability of
machines in the cultivation field. In India most of the farming work is done
manually when compared with foreign countries. There were no machines for
sowing the seeds like ground nuts, corns then and it is done by man power only.
The cost spent for man power was more and the speed of the operation was very

less. When small farmers with minimal physical resources or financial assets
attempt to improve their productivity, they have a limited choice.

Fig 1.4 Seed sowing by hand

The only resource they can maximize is knowledge in which they are not
poor. To prove the above statement, Mr.Shivraj was invented the first bullock
driven sowing machine in the year 1987 at Madhya Pradesh to improve his
productivity. It was light weight and can perform up to six agricultural
operations. India is a world leader in groundnut farming with 8 million hectare
of cultivated area in the year 2003. Groundnut cultivation has increased from
6.8 million hectare in 1980 to 8 million hectares in the year 2003.
Groundnut is grown mostly in five states namely Andhra Pradesh,
Gujarat, Tamilnadu, Karnataka and Maharashtra and together they account for
about 90 percent of the crops total. The sowing time is the most important non-
monetary input influencing productivity. Delay in sowing by one week result in
considerable yield losses. Results obtained from all India coordinated research
projects revealed that in most parts of the country, sowing should be done
between the first week of June and the last week of July.
Advancement of sowing by a fortnight with pre-sowing irrigation was
found to increase the yield substainly. The government of India appointed a

commission to assess the feasibility of increasing the crop productivity under
prevailing Indian ecological conditions. In order to develop the standard of
living of small farmers we should make the machines with low cost. Then only
small farmers can implement the recent modern machines for farming purposes.
Our proposed multipurpose sowing machine is used to sowing different types of
seed like groundnuts, corns, etc. So in this work an attempt has been made to
provide the multipurpose sowing machine at low cost.


The basic objective of sowing operation is to put the seed and fertilizer in
rows at desired depth and seed to seed spacing, cover the seeds with soil and
provide proper compaction over the seed. The recommended seed to seed
spacing and depth of seed placement vary from crop to crop and for different
agro-climate conditions to achieve optimum yields.


Mechanical factors, which affect seed germination and emergence, are:
 Uniformity of depth of placement of seed.
 Uniformity of distribution of seed along rows.
 Transverse displacement of seed from the row.
 Prevention of loose soil getting under the seed.
 Uniformity of soil cover over the seed.
 Mixing of fertilizer with seed during placement in the furrow.
To achieve the best performance from a seed drill or planter, the above
factors are to be optimized by proper design and selection of the components
required on the machine to suit the needs of the crops. The seed drill or planter
can play an important role in manipulating the physical environment. The
metering system selected for the seed should not damage the seed while in

The existing seed sowing machine is too cost. It is not abundantly
available in India. It has a complex design. Every seed distributor has the
individual seed storage place. Hence, it leads to increase the cost of the
machine. It is not compact in size and weight. Hence, it is difficult to
transportation from
one place to another place.

Fig 1.5 Existing Machine

The existing sowing machine is shown in figure to understand the
pictorial parts of the machines and also the problem associated with them. In the
existing sowing machine every seed distributor needs separate seed storage
place and seed metering mechanism. In this work we have taken this as problem
because it leads to add the weight of the machine, increases cost of the machine,
bulky in size.



International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced

Engineering Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008
Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2013) 151 Design of a Multi-
Purpose Seed Sower Cum Plougher P.Vijay1 , K.V.N.Rakesh2 , B.Varun3
Agro-Technology is the process of applying the technology innovation
occurring in daily life and applying that to the agriculture sector which
improves the efficiency of the crop produced and also to develop a better
mechanical machine to help the agriculture field which reduces the amount and
time of work spent on one crop. Hence in this work of project we decided to
design a better mechanical machine which is available to the farmers at a
cheaper rate and also which can sow and seed the crop at the same time. This
project consists of the better design of the machine which can be used
specifically for rice, wheat crops etc.

Technological Innovations in ICT for Agriculture and Rural Development

(TIAR),2016 IEEE. Design and fabrication of seed sower M Aprameya
Mechanical Engineering, Easwari Engineering College, Chennai, India This
project encompasses the design and fabrication of a seed sower. The main aim
of this endeavour is to provide the farmer with a device that can be easily used
to plough the soil and plant the seed without any major strain. The working
mechanism comprises of a simple gear mechanism to plant the seeds at equal
distances. The device works without electricity, hence improving its versatile
usage on any geographical location. And it requires no fuel and thus eliminating
any chance of pollution the atmosphere. A genuine attempt has been made to
make this device cheap and simple enough for a layman to use it effectively.

Design and Fabrication of Seed Sowing Machine Thorat Swapnil V1,
Madhu L. Kasturi2, Patil Girish V3, Patil Rajkumar N4 1,3 Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Nanasaheb Mahadik College of Engineering
2P. G Scholar, Mechanical Engg., Government College of Engineering Karad,
India. Sowing machine should be suitable to all farms, all types of corps, robust
construction, also is should be reliable, this is basic requirement of sowing
machine. Thus we made sowing machine which is operated manually but
reduces the efforts of farmers thus increasing the efficiency of planting also
reduces the problem encountered in manual planting. For this machine we can
plant different types and different sizes of seeds also we can vary the space
between two seeds while planting. This also increased the planting efficiency
and accuracy. We made it from raw materials thus it was so cheap and very
usable for small scale farmers. For effective handling of the machine by any
farmer or by any untrained worker we simplified its design. Also its adjusting
and maintenance method also simplified.

Design and Fabrication of Automated Grass Cutting Machine by Using

Solar Energy K.Sravan Kumar Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, NSRIT College of Engineering, Sontyam Visakhapatnam, Andhra
Pradesh. Rapid growth of various high-tech tools and equipments makes our
jobs done comfortable and sophisticated. The project aims at fabricating a grass
cutting machine system which makes the grass cutter based motor running
through solar energy. Power plays a great role wherever man lives and works.
The electricity requirement of the world is increasing at an alarming rate due to
industrial growth, increased and extensive use of electrical gadgets. The best
alternative source is solar energy.


MACHINE V.M. Martin Vimal1, A. Madesh1, S.Karthick1, A.Kannan2 India is
an agricultural country cultivating more number of ground nuts, corns, etc., in

the village sides of the country. The available sowing machines are imported
from foreign countries. The imported machines are not only bulk in size but also
costing around rupees one lakh. In this project an attempt has been made for the
design and fabrication of maintenance free multipurpose sowing machine
exclusively for small farmers at cost not exceeding rupees 6000 per unit. The
different components of above multipurpose sowing machine are modeled using
one of the end parametric modeling software Pro-E creo parametric 2.0. The
modeled components are fabricated and assembled together to form a complete












 Eco friendly
 External energy source not required
 Human effort reduced
 Cost reduced




Solar panels absorb the sunlight as a source of energy to

generate electricity or heat. A photovoltaic (PV) module is a packaged, connect
assembly of typically 6x10 photovoltaic solar cells. Photovoltaic modules
constitute the photovoltaic array of a photovoltaic system that generates and
supplies solar electricity in commercial and residential applications. Each module
is rated by its DC output power under standard test conditions (STC), and
typically ranges from 100 to 365 Watts (W). The efficiency of a module
determines the area of a module given the same rated output – an 8% efficient
230 W module will have twice the area of a 16% efficient 230 W module. There
are a few commercially available solar modules that exceed efficiency of 22%
and reportedly also exceeding 24%. A single solar module can produce only a
limited amount of power; most installations contain multiple modules. A
photovoltaic system typically includes an array of photovoltaic modules,
an inverter, a battery pack for storage, interconnection wiring, and optionally
a solar tracking mechanism.

Fig 4.1 Solar Panel


A photoresistor (or light-dependent resistor, LDR, or photo-conductive

cell) is a light-controlled variable resistor. The resistance of a photoresistor
decreases with increasing incident light intensity; in other words, it
exhibits photoconductivity. A photoresistor can be applied in light-sensitive
detector circuits, and light-activated and dark-activated switching circuits.

A photoresistor is made of a high resistance semiconductor. In the dark, a

photoresistor can have a resistance as high as several megohms (MΩ), while in
the light, a photoresistor can have a resistance as low as a few hundred ohms. If
incident light on a photoresistor exceeds a certain frequency, photons absorbed by
the semiconductor give bound electrons enough energy to jump into
the conduction band. The resulting free electrons (and their hole partners) conduct
electricity, thereby lowering resistance. The resistance range and sensitivity of a
photoresistor can substantially differ among dissimilar devices. Moreover,
unique photo resistors may react substantially differently to photons within
certain wavelength bands.

Fig 4.2 Commercial solar panel

A photoelectric device can be either intrinsic or extrinsic. An intrinsic

semiconductor has its own charge carriers and is not an efficient semiconductor,
for example, silicon. In intrinsic devices the only available electrons are in
the valence band, and hence the photon must have enough energy to excite the
electron across the entire band gap. Extrinsic devices have impurities, also
called do pants, added whose ground state energy is closer to the conduction
band; since the electrons do not have as far to jump, lower energy photons (that
is, longer wavelengths and lower frequencies) are sufficient to trigger the
device. If a sample of silicon has some of its atoms replaced by phosphorus
atoms (impurities), there will be extra electrons available for conduction. This is
an example of an extrinsic semiconductor.


In isolated systems away from the grid, batteries are used for storage of
excess solar energy converted into electrical energy. The only exceptions are
isolated sunshine load such as irrigation pumps or drinking water supplies for
storage. In fact for small units with output less than one kilowatt. Batteries
seem to be the only technically and economically available storage means.
Since both the photo voltaic system and batteries are high in capital costs, it is

necessary that the overall system be optimized with respect to available energy
and local demand pattern. To be economically attractive the storage of solar
electricity requires a battery with a particular combination of properties:

1. Low cost
2. Long life
3. High reliability
4. High overall efficiency
5. Low discharge
6. Minimum maintenance
a. Ampere hour efficiency
b. Watt hour efficiency
We use lead acid battery for storing the electrical energy from the solar panel
for lighting the street and so about the lead acid cells are explained below.

Fig 4.3 Battery


Where high values of load current are necessary, the lead acid cell is the
type most commonly used, the electrolyte is a dilute solution of sulfuric acid
(H2SO4). The application of battery power to start the engine in an automobile,
for example the load current to the starter motor is typically 200 to 400 A. One

cell has a nominal output of 2.1 V, but lead-acid cells are often used in a series
combination of three for a 6 V battery and six for a 12 V battery.

The Lead Acid cell type is a secondary cell or storage cell, which can be
recharged. The charge and discharge cycle can be repeated may times to restore
the output voltage, as long as the cell is in good physical condition, however,
heat with excessive charge and discharge currents shortens the useful life to
about 3 to 5 years for an automobile battery. Of the different types of secondary
cells, the lead-acid type has the highest output voltage, which allows fewer cells
for a specified battery.

Figure 4.4 Lead Acid Wet Cell

Automobile batteries are usually shipped dry from the manufacturer. The
electrode is put in at the time of installation, and then the battery is charged to
from the plates. With maintenance-free batteries, little are sealed, except for a
pressure vent, without provision for adding water.


Sulfuric acid is a combination of hydrogen and sulfate ions. When the

cell discharges, lead peroxide from the positive electrode combines with
hydrogen ions to form water and with sulfate ions to form lead sulfate.

Combining lead on the negative plate with sulfate ions also produces the sulfate.
Therefore, the net result of discharge is to produce more water, which dilutes
the electrolyte, and to form lead sulfate on the plates.

As the discharge continues, the sulfate fills the pores of the grids,
retarding circulation of acid in the active material. Lead sulfate is the powder
often seen on the outside terminals of old batteries. When the combination of
weak electrolyte and sulfating on the plate lowers the output of the batter,
charging is necessary.

On charge, the external D.C. source reverses the current in the battery.
The reversed direction of ions flows in the electrolyte result in a reversal of the
chemical reactions. Now the lead sulfates on the positive plate reactive with the
water and sulfate ions to produce lead peroxide and sulfuric acid. This action
re-forms the positive plates and makes the electrolyte stronger by adding
sulfuric acid.


Fig 4.5 Chemical Reactions in Batteries

At the same time, charging enables the lead sulfate on the negative plate to
react with hydrogen ions, this also forms sulfuric acid while reforming lead on

the negative plate to react with hydrogen, this also forms current can restore the
cell to full output, with lead peroxide on the positive plates, spongy lead on the
negative plate, and the required concentration of sulfuring acid in the electrolyte.
The chemical equation for the lead-acid cell is


Pb + Pbo2 + 2 H2So4 2PbSo4 + 2 H2O


On discharge, the Pb and Pbo2 combine with the So4 ions at the left side
of the equation to form lead sulfate (PbSo4) and water (H2O) at the right side of
the equation.

One battery consists of 6 cells, each have an output voltage of 2.1V,

which are connected in series to get a voltage of 12 V and the same 12V battery
is connected in series to get a 24 V battery. They are placed in the water proof
iron casing box.


Always use extreme caution when handling batteries and electrolyte.

Wear gloves, goggles and old clothes. “Battery acid” will burn skin and eyes
and destroy cotton and wool clothing.

The quickest way of ruin lead-acid batteries is to discharge them deeply

and leave them stand “dead” for an extended change in the positive plates of the
battery. They change from lead oxide when charge out lead sulfate when
discharged. If they remain in the lead sulfate state for few days, some part of
the plate does not return to lead oxide when the battery is recharged. If the
battery remains discharge longer, a greater amount of the positive plate will
remain lead sulfate. The parts of the plates that become ‘sulfate’ no longer store

energy. Batteries that are deeply discharged, then charged partially on a regular
basis can fail in less than one year.

Check your batteries on a regular basis to be sure they are getting

charged. Use a hydrometer to check the specific gravity of your lead acid
batteries. If batteries are cycled very deeply and then recharged quickly, the
specific gravity reading will be lower than it should because the electrolyte at
the top of the battery may not have mixed with the ‘charged’ electrolyte.

Check the electrolyte level in the wet-cell batteries at the least four times
a year and top each cell of with distilled water. So not add water to discharged
batteries. Electrolyte is absorbed when batteries are much discharged. If you
add water at this time, and then recharge the battery, electrolyte will over flow
and make a mesh.

Keep the top of your batteries clean and check that cables are tight. Do
not tighten or remove cables while charging or discharging. Any spark around
batteries can cause a hydrogen explosion inside, and ruin one of the cells, and
you. On charge, with reverse current through the electrolyte, the chemical action
is reversed. Then the Pb ions from the lead sulfate on the right side of the
equation re-form the lead and lead peroxide electrodes. Also the So4 ions
combine with H2 ions from the water to produce more sulfuric acid at the left
side of the equation.

mounted in double and triple sets on a tractor, one in the front and one at each
side, thus able to cut up to 20 foot (6 metre) swaths.
In rough cutting conditions, the blades attached to the disks are swiveled
to absorb blows from obstructions. Mostly these are rear-mounted units and in
some countries are called scrub cutters. Self-powered mowers of this type are
used for rougher grass in gardening and other land maintenance.


Reel mowers, also called cylinder mowers (familiar as the hand-pushed

or self-powered cylinder lawn mower), have a horizontally rotating cylindrical
reel composed of helical blades, each of which in turn runs past a horizontal
cutter-bar, producing a continuous scissor action.

The bar is held at an adjustable level just above the ground and the reel
runs at a speed dependent on the forward movement speed of the machine,
driven by wheels running on the ground (or in self-powered applications by a
motor). The cut grass may be gathered in a collection bin.

Fig: No: 4.16 Reel Mowers

This type of mower is used to produce consistently short and even grass on
bowling greens, lawns, parks and sports grounds. When pulled by a tractor (or
formerly by a horse), these mowers are often ganged into sets of three, five or
more, to form a gang mower.
A well-designed reel mower can cut quite tangled and thick tall grass, but
this type works best on fairly short, upright vegetation, as taller vegetation tends
to be rolled flat rather than cut.


Flail mowers have a number of small blades on the end of chains attached
to a horizontal axis. The cutting is carried out by the ax-like heads striking the
grass at speed.
These types are used on rough ground, where the blades may frequently
be fouled by other objects, or on tougher vegetation than grass, such as brush
(scrub). Due to the length of the chains and the higher weight of the blades, they
are better at cutting thick brush than other mowers, because of the relatively
high inertia of the blades.
In some types the cut material may be gathered in a collection bin. As a
boom mower (see above), a flail mower may be used in an upright position for
trimming the sides of hedges, when it is often called a hedge-cutter.

Fig No: 4.17 Flail Mowers

A rotary cutter is a tool generally used by quilters to cut fabric. It consists
of a handle with a circular blade that rotates, thus the tool's name.

Rotary cutter blades are very sharp, can be re-sharpened, and are
available in different sizes: usually smaller blades are used to cut small curves,
while larger blades are used to cut to straight lines and broad curves. Several
layers of fabric can be cut simultaneously with a sharp (fresh) blade, making it
easier to cut out patchwork pieces of the same shape and size than with scissors.
Quilters use rotary cutters with specially designed templates and rulers made of
approximately 1/8-inch thick clear or colour-tinted plastic.
The first rotary cutter was introduced by the Olfa company in 1979 for
garment making; however, it was quickly adopted by quilters. Prior to the
invention of the rotary cutter, quilters traced handmade templates of the
necessary shapes onto the wrong side of fabric and added 1/4-inch seam
allowances all around. Templates were often handmade of (cereal box type)
cardboard and the pencil wore down the edges with repeated tracings, rendering
them inaccurate; new templates would be made several times until all the
patchwork pieces were cut.
Pieces were usually cut one at a time with dressmaking scissors, which
were often heavy and had long blades that were designed for cutting large
pieces for garments but were cumbersome to use for cutting small pieces for
The rotary cutter gained almost immediate widespread use among
quilters after its introduction and, along with the accompanying development of
strip techniques, revolutionized quilting. Today there are many companies
making rotary cutters. Cutters come in a variety of handle types and some
include specialty blades to cut curved or zigzagged lines. Most have retractable
blades that can be locked to prevent injury.


A DC motor is any of a class of electrical machines that converts direct

current electrical power into mechanical power. The most common types rely

on the forces produced by magnetic fields. Nearly all types of DC motors have
some internal mechanism, either electromechanical or electronic; to periodically
change the direction of current flow in part of the motor. Most types produce
rotary motion; a linear motor directly produces force and motion in a straight

Fig 4.18 DC Motor

DC motors were the first type widely used, since they could be powered
from existing direct-current lighting power distribution systems. A DC motor’s
speed can be controlled over a wide range, using either a variable supply
voltage or by changing the strength of current in its field windings. Small DC
motors are used in tools, toys, and appliances. The universal motor can operate
on direct current but is a lightweight motor used for portable power tools and
appliances. Larger DC motors are used in propulsion of electric vehicles,
elevator and hoists, or in drives for steel rolling mills. The advent of power

electronics has made replacement of DC motors with AC motors possible in
many applications.
4.6.1 Electromagnetic motors
A coil of wire with a current running through it generates an
electromagnetic field aligned with the center of the coil. The direction and
magnitude of the magnetic field produced by the coil can be changed with the
direction and magnitude of the current flowing through it.
A simple DC motor has a stationary set of magnets in the stator and an
armature with one or more windings of insulated wire wrapped around a soft
iron core that concentrates the magnetic field. The windings usually have
multiple turns around the core, and in large motors there can be several parallel
current paths. The ends of the wire winding are connected to a commutator.
The commutator allows each armature coil to be energized in turn and
connects the rotating coils with the external power supply through brushes.
(Brushless DC motors have electronics that switch the DC current to each coil
on and off and have no brushes)

Fig 4.19 Working principle of a brushed electric motor

The total amount of current sent to the coil, the coil’s size and what it’s
wrapped around dictate the strength of the electromagnetic field created. The
sequence of turning a particular coil on or off dictates what direction the
effective electromagnetic fields are pointed. By turning on and off coils in
sequence a rotating magnetic field can be created. These rotating magnetic
fields interact with the magnetic fields of the magnets (permanent or
electromagnets) in the stationary part of the motor (stator) to create a force on
the armature which causes it to rotate.
In some DC motor designs the stator fields use electromagnets to create
their magnetic fields which allow greater control over the motor. At high power
levels, DC motors are almost always cooled using forced air. Different number
of stator and armature fields as well as how they are connected provides
different inherent speed/torque regulation characteristics. The speed of a DC
motor can be controlled by changing the voltage applied to the armature.

Fig 4.20 cross sectional view of DC motor

The introduction of variable resistance in the armature circuit or field
circuit allowed speed control. Modern DC motors are often controlled by power
electronics systems which adjust the voltage by “chopping” the DC current into
on and off cycles which have an effective lower voltage.
Since the series-wound DC motor develops its highest torque at low
speed, it is often used in traction applications such as electric locomotives, and
trams. The DC motor was the mainstay of electric traction drives on both
electric and diesel-electric locomotives, street-cars/trams and diesel electric
drilling rigs for many years.

Fig 4.21 Armature of DC Motor

The introduction of DC motors and an electrical grid system to run

machinery starting in the 1870s started a new second Industrial Revolution. DC
motors can operate directly from rechargeable batteries, providing the motive
power for the first electric vehicles and today’s hybrid cars and electric cars as
well as driving a host of cordless tools.
Today DC motors are still found in applications as small as toys and disk
drives, or in large sizes to operate steel rolling mills and paper machines. Large
DC motors with separately excited fields were generally used with winder

drives for mine hoists, for high torque as well as smooth speed control using
thyristor drives. These are now replaced with large AC motors with variable
frequency drives.
If external power is applied to a DC motor it acts as a DC generator, a
dynamo. This feature is used to slow down and recharge batteries on hybrid car
and electric cars or to return electricity back to the electric grid used on a street
car or electric powered train line when they slow down.
This process is called regenerative braking on hybrid and electric cars. In
diesel electric locomotives they also use their DC motors as generators to slow
down but dissipate the energy in resistor stacks. Newer designs are adding large
battery packs to recapture some of this energy.



Fig 5.1 Solar operated Grass Cutter

 Solar grass cutter, it has solar panel mounted on top of model in a

particular arrangement such that angle of inclination is 45 degree hence it
can be receive high intensity solar radiation easily.
 Solar panel converts solar energy into electrical energy. This electrical
energy is stored in the battery. The motor is connected to the battery
through connecting wires. The cutting blades tap the power from dc motor
and which in turn actuates the blades and hence rotating blades cut the
 The principle behind our project is that the electrical energy is converted
into mechanical energy which is utilized to grazing.

 The grass cutter is made to run over the grasses to be cut. The cutter
attached to the motor on the rod tends to rotate on the motor power




 The cutting process can be done quickly and easily

 Any type of plants can be cut with the help of this agri cutter

 The agric utter is free of pollution and low vibration


 It is used in agricultural field for cutting purpose.

 It also used for many crop cutting purpose.



There is a great scope of grass cutter machine. In our country as well as

other countries has also, it is used in various fields for cutting the agriculture
products. The grass cutter is a simple yet necessary equipment to meet the ever
growing needs of farm industries. In this modern era automation and quick
operation of process are essential in all industrial sectors.
This report details with design and fabrication of grass cutter and is
attached with part drawing. The project carried out by us made an impressing
task in the simplifying the mechanism and to have more efficiency. It is very
useful in removing grass without using electrical energy convert to mechanical


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