Copyright © 2003
Copyright © 2003
Revised July 2003
Jeanne Sarson, RN, BScN, MEd & Linda MacDonald, RN, BN, MEd
Exposing crimes of human evil:
Satanism, luceriferinism, rituals and ceremonies
Jeanne Sarson, RN, BScN, MEd & Linda MacDonald, RN, BN, MEd
Is all ritual abuse-torture (RAT) satanic or luceriferin based? From our research our
answer has to be—no, it is not. Is all RAT about human evildoers? Yes, it is! Our
answers reflect the collective wisdom of the women who participated in our “kitchen
table” research project1 plus our insights that evolved from hours, weeks, and years of
caring listening and caring helping.
In our quest to understand the horrendous chaos, ordeals, and suffering we were
witnessing, we have struggled to organize our thinking. This paper presents the outcome
of our struggles to clarify our thinking and our perspective that the RAT
torturer/family/group functions within a loose inter-connected RAT co-culture that
sanctions violence—that sanctions ritual abuse-torture—within the context of
family/group. The targets are the innocent infant, the toddler, the child, the youth, and
the “captive adult.”2
However, as this paper unfolded we have been challenged further. As we visited and re-
visited the women’s stories, digging deeper and deeper under the chaotic horror, we came
face to face with a newer and clearer awareness. We had to ask the questions: By coding
evil-based human actions of RAT under the façade of deviant religious beliefs have the
RAT torturers been able to divert the thinking of society-at-large away from truth and
reality, away from the criminality of their actions? Much like false memory advocates
tried to divert the truth about ritual abuse. Much like Freud theorized away the reality of
incestuous sexualized abuse. Much like Richard Gardner created misogynistic parent
alienation syndrome to explain away a mother’s allegations her children were being
abused by their father and to reinforce his opinion that there is “nothing wrong with
paedophilia, incestuous or not.”3 Much like mental illness labels—personality disorders
Our “kitchen table” research project involved listening to eight women share childhood ordeals of terror
and spousal abuse; spousal enslavement, torture, and sexualized exploitation; and RAT. We also
interviewed a survivor of the holocaust, a Korean War POW, members of the religious community,
spouses, and supportive persons and friends of those who had been victimized. Some interviews were one-
time connections, others were conducted over several weeks or months, and one woman took two years to
speak of her RAT ordeals. Other information comes from ten years of supporting a woman, in her mid-
30’s, who identified being born into a RAT family/group and who remained a captive adult until exiting,
with our support.
We coined the word captive adult to represent the person who is born into a RAT family/group and has
been unable to exit, thus, remains trapped and experiencing on-going RAT victimization.
Gumbel, A. (2003, May 31). Dr Richard A. Gardner Child psychiatrist who developed the theory of
Parental Alienation Syndrome. June 5, 2003 at 1801.
and schizophrenia—frequently replace accepting the truth about the pandemic reality of
relational violence within adult-child relationships and the normal duress responses these
violent ordeals create for the victimized and traumatized person. Much like ignoring the
reality that enforced multiplicity is a tool of the RAT torturer, have the words satan or
lucifer been effective tools used to trigger an inherent social human fear of evilism—a
social evilism anxiety—a collective, religious, and historical belief that evil exists only as
an all powerful supernatural force over which there is no control?
During the writing of this paper we have experienced paradigm shifts. New beliefs
emerged. Until there is an opportunity to do personal interviews with perpetrators of
RAT, we must conclude that satanic or luceriferin themes connected to family/group
ritualisms are used by the RAT torturers as tools of mind-spirit and sexualized torture
camouflaged under the coded term of being a religion. Additionally, just as racism,
genderism (sexism), and homophobia are expressions of hatred, a fundamental “ism”—
childism—the hatred of children—is the only explanation we can give to explain the hate
crimes RAT torturers inflict against the child. Just as misogyny—the hatred of women—
is fundamental to genderism, so to is misopais fundamental to childism. Misopais
meaning the hatred of children which leads to their oppression, a disregard for their
humanness, and the failure to respect their human rights.4 Misopais reflects the
objectification of children for the purposes of satisfying the RAT torturer’s needs and
desires for Protection, Power, and Pleasure and/or Profit.
Childism and misopais are not simply isolated to the RAT family/group; rather, these are
rampant in a world where pedophilia abounds. Pedophilia as in child sex tourism, the
sexualized trafficking and exploitation of children, infant to youth pornography, modern
day child workers and sex slaves for soldiers, objects to be used for political and non-
political sexualized torture, and where the infant is objectified and raped, rationalized as
an act that prevents the risks of developing AIDS.
Childism and misopais can also have a genderism slant, a classism slant. Within the
RAT family/group of some of the women in our research the female child was groomed
to be the on-going victim disguised as the special “chosen one”, whereas, the male child
was both victimized and groomed to become a perpetrator. Comparable to the societies
where the female child is forced to be the sex slave of soldiers and the male child forced
to become the child soldier—the child killer. From this example of a genderism slant to
childism and misopais we move to examine the impact of classism—poverty versus
wealth. Poverty can bring vulnerability, victimization, and re-victimization ordeals to the
child however wealth has the capacity to feed off their poverty. For example, the
pedophilic sex tourist uses wealth to “rent or buy” the body of a poor and hungry child to
violate; the wealthy RAT torturer purchases a poor child to ritually abuse-torture and to
kill for the pleasure and power of the family/group.5
Misopais from the Greek meaning the hatred of children. (An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon (7th
ed.). (2000). Oxford: At the Clarendon Press.)
Wealth and poverty were common themes discussed in connection to RAT victimization by the women
involved in our research project and this specific reference made to the killing of a child was a testimonial
statement made by one of the women.
Out there, in our global communities, there is a war of violence being raged against
children. Violence that reflects the human capacity to commit acts of human evil that is
destructive to the child person who is chosen to be the victim. And, the RAT
torturer/family/group is a contributor to these evil human acts of violence inflicted within
the context of adult-child relationships. Thus, researching and writing this paper has
been evolutionary for us. We share our evolutionary struggles as we share the collective
wisdom of the women who participated in our “kitchen table” research project.
This paper is written about the RAT of female children because we were unable to
connect with male persons who had survived RAT for our research project. We realize
and acknowledge male children are victimized. Additionally, we acknowledge that if a
child grows to know of no other intimate adult-child relationships except for those within
the RAT family/group, the child is at risk of becoming a captive adult or the next
generation of perpetrators if they are unable to exit. Conditioned and programmed by
and with the ways of the RAT family/group, we acknowledge the plight of the captive
adult victim; however, this paper focuses on their childhood victimization and not on
their adulthood victimization simply because the vulnerability of childhood is at the roots
of RAT victimization.
All of the women in our research project report being born into inter-generational RAT
families/groups with RAT victimization beginning when they were infants or before
starting school. It is during these vulnerable stages of childhood that the RAT
torturer/family/group strikes to oppress, subjugate, enslave, exploit, distort, manipulate,
and destroy the child’s relationship with/to them-Self and with/to others, by inflicting
unto them all forms of dehumanizing hideous violence. RAT violence that is driven by
the human evil-based needs and desires of men and women, the RAT torturers—mothers,
fathers, grandparents, uncles, and aunts; counsellors with backgrounds in nursing, social
work, and psychology; transition house counsellors; religious clergy, doctors,
housewives, politicians, professors, and volunteers with community groups; government
employees, persons of “upper” class, persons of “lower” class, neighbours, parent’s
friends … any adult with liked-minded evil-based needs and desires. Needs and desires
for the commission of heinous relationship cruelty, acts of brutality, acts of torture, acts
that terrify and horrify, acts of human evil.
Human evil
Based on the dehumanizing RAT ordeals described to us by the women in our research
project, we are of the opinion that using historical, cultural, and religious themes
suggestive of all-powerfulness—a satanic or luceriferin theme—was/is a tool some RAT
torturers/family/groups use to enhance their evil-based RAT actions. We consider their
expression of an all-powerful satanic or luceriferin theme to be a tactical part of the
terroristic environment established to maintain totalitarian power and control over the
defenceless child victim(s). We consider the perpetrators of RAT to be intentionally
engaging in criminal acts—in human rights violations—in human evil-based actions.
Human evil meaning the RAT torturer participates in actions that result in consequences
that were/are destructive to the humanness of the chosen victims [italics added].6 Human
evil in individuals and in groups arises from ordinary motivations and psychological
processes—thoughts and feelings, needs and desires, beliefs and values that direct human
actions and practices. When the propensity for evil-based actions is organized into the
functioning of a group, group relationships diffuse moral restraints and responsibilities,
dissent is repressed, and Self-identity is transformed into a group identity. Staub’s (1989)
analysis does, in effect, describe the RAT family/group. Made up of seemingly
“ordinary” persons who participate in actions—RAT—destructive to the humanness of
the infant, toddler, child, and youth victim (and captive adult victim).
Staub also writes that inducing fear by the use of power is the only way perpetrators of
evil acts might be stopped.7 Based on our knowledge, RAT family/groups experience
fear when they believe they are at risk of being exposed. Fear, in our opinion, will cause
some RAT torturers within a family/group to disperse. We do believe these dispersed
RAT perpetrators start afresh in new areas. Common sense and research insights do
suggest, for instance, that a pilot who disperses from his Canadian RAT family/group and
moves to Thailand will begin his methods of RAT perpetration in his new location. So,
to stop RAT family/groups they will have to be held legally accountable for the evil-
based RAT crimes they commit. Public and school-based education that delivers
knowledge about all forms of violence within adult-child relationships is also necessary if
patterns of violence within inter-generational relationships, such as in RAT
family/groups, are to be stopped. Society-at-large must also be accountable for the
ongoingness of RAT because bystanders are part of the problem—directly and indirectly.
Directly when they are the purchasers of child/adult pornography because making
child/adult pornography is a common home-based RAT family/group “business” that is
victimizing to a child or to the child who grows up to be a captive adult. Many of the
women in our research project were forced participants in the making of child/adult
pornography. Child or captive adult pornography is the recording of the person’s
victimization—it remains a recording of the woman’s childhood and/or captive adulthood
victimization and each and every time the women think of their pictures being used,
traded, and/or sold, leaves them feeling re-victimized. Bystanders contribute indirectly
when they say nothing because human “evil thrives when good people do nothing”
(Edmond Burke).
Human evil-based actions of the RAT family/group are destructive to the humanness of
the chosen victims, victims who are defenceless—infants, toddlers, children, youth, and
captive adults. Kelman (1973) defined humanness as being respectful of another’s
identity and community. 8 Identity is to perceive another person as an individual,
independent and distinguishable from others, capable of decision-making that is
Staub, E. (1989). The roots of evil (p. 25). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
Staub, E. (1989). The roots of evil (p. 25-28). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
Kelman, H. C. (1973). Violence without moral restraint: Reflections on the dehumanization of victims
and victimizers. Journal of Social Issues, 29 (4), 48.
reflective of her/his own values, ethics, and goals that are used to guide her/his own life.
Kelman goes on to state, to accord a person community is to perceive her/him—along
with one’s Self—as part of an interconnected network of individuals who care for each
other, who recognize each other’s individuality, and who respect each other’s human
rights. Identity and community together constitute the basis for individual worth; it
implies that the individual has value and is valued by others. No such humanness reality
exists for the chosen RAT victims—a child of any age or for the captive adult. Their
community, their co-culture, is destructive, filled with terror, torture, and horror. Their
identity, Self-worth, and Self-value distorted, harmed, and fractured. The chosen victims
battle, almost silently, for their survival, in a struggle to maintain their humanness.
So, we propose humanness is also about valuing the resilience of the human spirit. In our
work with all the persons participating in our research project, the resiliency of their
human spirits to survive and maintain their humanness was an awesome honour and a
privilege to behold. Resiliency was defined by Gordon (cited in Department of Health
Senior Leadership Team, 2002)9 as “… the ability to thrive, mature, and increase
competency in the face of adverse circumstances … [drawing] upon all of his or her
resources: biological, psychological, and environmental.” So, to this definition of
resiliency we add the resource of spirit. Humanness is also about valuing the resiliency
of human spirit and the potentialities of the persons, of all ages, who have been
Humanness distorted. During our discussions with the women in our research project,
some voiced they did not perceive them-Self as being human. Statements such as, “I only
thought of my-Self as a head without a body” or “I saw my-Self as a thing, an it” were
common. The concept of individual personhood was totally foreign. As was the thought
of having human rights, as was the concept of a caring community because even the
outsiders “didn’t do anything when I tried to tell … I know people had to know what was
happening to me … but nobody asked … it made me feel that I didn’t matter.” So,
humanness is also about the responsibility society-at-large has to create an inclusive
community that is safe and nurturing, that responds to protect the chosen victims of the
RAT torturer/family/group.
Humanness repetitively distorted. Some of the women in our research project spoke of
the multitude of voices they heard in their heads. The multi-voices of the RAT torturers
whose verbal assaults and whose verbal conditioning and torture programming thrashed
and shredded them into pieces, into being “an ‘it’, the walking dead, a robot”.
Humanness destroyed further when the RAT family/group, the victim’s community,
inflicted human evil-based actions that utilized the connotations of an all-powerful
satanic (or luceriferin) theme. Humanness destroyed further when a human satan, a man
role-played satan, a pedophile satan. Humanness destroyed further by a circle of women
and men pedophiles, a pedophilic family/group—a child’s mother, father, or both—
Department of Health Senior Leadership Team. (2002, November 13). Standards for mental health
services in Nova Scotia. Halifax, NS: Author.
engaged in the torture of their seven year old little girl. The RAT family/group called
this gathering a “consumption ceremony—a marriage to satan ceremony”.
Sara is a pseudonym, as are all names of the women referenced in this paper who participated in our
kitchen table research project.
Sankar, Y. (1992). Education, human values and ethics: Imperatives for the information society (p. 95).
Toronto: Canadian Scholar’s Press.
(e) Victimized by animalization15—“At times I was fed like an animal16 … I felt
like a dog and worried that I would have animal babies,”17 and
(f) In relational/family/group situations that caused them feelings of not being in
control of their own actions, feeling them-Self to be totally determined by the
RAT torturer, and feeling without emotion, dead, and/or mechanized18—“You
just did … I felt like a robot … the walking dead.”19
Secondly, by manipulating the emotions and mind-spirit beliefs of the victimized child,
the child is forced into thinking, perceiving, and feeling they are owned and possessed by
the all-powerfulness of satan and/or evil, thus, trapping the child victim into evilism
anxiety, fear, and terror.21 Evilism fears for example were expressed as: “I believe and
worry I have evil pieces inside of me; I believe and am terrified that if I let go I will
become evil and do evil things; I believe that some form of evilness will seep out of me
and then I will be uncontrollably evil.22 This mind-spirit torture is a blackmailing tactic
of the RAT torturer that effectively tricked the victimized child into being terrorized of
her-Self! The RAT torturer, in effect, turned the victimized child against her-Self. Self-
hatred, Self-loathing, and Self-destructiveness are common responses suffered by the
child victim in response to such manipulative and dehumanization ordeals.
And thirdly, by using tactics that manipulate themes of all-powerfulness and evilness the
RAT torturer increases the likelihood that the victimized child would never tell because
they were terrorized into believing and feeling they were evil. Brazenly, believing they
are unstoppable, the RAT family/group continues to satisfy their needs and desires for
Animalization is a word Jeanne coined to reflect the reality how some women described being physically
and mentally tortured—compared to an animal, fed like an animal, housed in a barn like an animal.
Sankar, Y. (1992). Education, human values and ethics: Imperatives for the information society (p. 70).
Toronto: Canadian Scholar’s Press.
Evilism anxiety, evilism fear, and evilism terror are phrases we coined to describe the reality of the
women’s voiced concerns, emotions, and beliefs.
These statements are a reflective collage from the women we have worked with or interviewed.
evil-based violent pedophilic pleasures and entertainment, and/or to satisfy their greed for
profit by forcing the child victim into the “sex” and pornography trade.
There is no justification for the dehumanizing violence RAT torturers inflict. Throughout
this paper we share the woman’s RAT ordeals so we can all hear their truths and bare
witness to the horrific ordeals they endured and to their suffering. To better understand
the RAT ordeals they endured we offer the following definitions:
1. Brutalized meaning they were treated with savage merciless cruelty that was
inflicted without moral restraint. 23
2. Terrorized24 meaning they endured the RAT torturer’s deliberate attempts to
create terror—an intense paralysing fear, or dread of it—through symbolic and
actual actions—that involved the use or threat of abnormal and/or life-threatening
acts for the purpose of influencing the chosen victim to do as was demanded of
3. Torture meaning they endured deliberate, systematic, or wanton inflictions of
severe physical, sexualized, and/or mind-spirit pain and suffering, and other forms
of cruel, inhuman or degrading actions that were inflicted unto them by one or
more persons acting alone or with others, 25 and
4. Horrification goes beyond terror. Based on our experiences as carers supporting
and bearing witness to experiential memories of others, horrification includes not
only emotional terror, it means the women, as child victims, were exposed to—
seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, feeling, and experiencing ordeals of violent
horror inflicted without moral restraint. Ordeals so heinous as to be without
verbal language, as to be beyond description, that gives rise to speechlessness,26
voicelessness, stuttering, shuttering, shivering, tremors, and seizure-like
responses—seizures, we suggest, that could be compounded by the release of
experiential body memories of electric shock torture and/or over-drugging.
Receiving a telephone call from one of the RAT family/group members stating it was
“time to come home” translated into the information that “rituals and ceremonies” were
being organized and it was time to “get ready.” This was the process—the telephone call
Barber, K. (Ed.). (1998). The Canadian Oxford dictionary (p. 181). Toronto: Oxford University Press;
The Reader’s Digest Association. (1964). The Reader’s Digest Great Encyclopaedic Dictionary (p. 119).
Montreal: Oxford University Press.
Hanle, D. J. (1989). Terrorism T.H.E. newest face of warfare (p. 104). Washington: Pergamon-
United Nations. (1985). Outlawing an ancient evil: Torture. New York: Author; International Council
of Nurses. Position Statement on Nurses and Torture, adopted in Seoul, May 1989; World Medical
Association Declaration Guidelines for Medical Doctors Concerning Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or
Degrading Treatment or Punishment in relation to detention and imprisonment. Adopted by the 29th World
Medical Assembly, Tokyo, Japan, October 1975.
Schmemann, S. (2000, April 23). To Vietnam and back. And back. And back. The New York Times, 1,
5. During our research project we interviewed a holocaust survivor and he too expressed speechlessness,
unable to verbalize some of the atrocities of his victimization. Much like some of the women who could
only tell so much, unable to tread into the horrors of their RAT ordeals.
and the conditioning message—that triggered a conditioned and dissociate state—to the
captive adult that “prepared” her to be victimized at the violent family/group gatherings.
For the child victim who lives at home with her RAT perpetrator(s) a conditioned “it is
time” statement can suffice in preparing her for the violent pedophilic “ritual and
ceremonies.” The use of coded language or words that hide truth and/or minimizes
reality is not unique to just RAT family/groups. In Stony Mountain prison a hand signal
reveals an inmates gang affiliation.27 Members of an alleged international pedophile
network, The Brotherhood, used the coded language of attending a “Teddy Bear’s Picnic”
to hide the pedophilic purposes of their annual meeting.28 Women connected to the
Hell’s Angels biker gang are coded: “old ladies” signal the property of one Angel;
“mama” denotes everyone’s sexual property.29 Using coded language is also common
practice within society-at-large. For example, society-at-large minimizes pedophilic
child abuse when referring to the perpetrators as “diddlers”.
Depending on the idiosyncrasies of the RAT family/group, the following are other
examples of how evil-based actions are transformed and normalized using coded
language. A male pedophile, the leader of the moment, becomes “satan”, “high priest”,
or “the bishop” and violent pedophilic family/group gatherings are spoken of as a “rituals
and ceremonies”. The “chosen one” is a term used to manipulate the child (or captive
adult) victim into believing they are special and hold a position of privilege within the
RAT family/group. In reality, listening to the women in our research project, the term
chosen one implied chosen for victimization; chosen for the moment—to slap, to kick,
and/or to rape; chosen for a specific pedophilic torture gathering. Using the term the
chosen one, we suggest, is a mind-spirit distortion tactic RAT torturers used to normalize
the chosen victims on-going victimization.
Influencing and distorting the child victim’s perceptions occurs when violent pedophilic
RAT family/group gatherings are transformed into celebratory gatherings using the coded
term “rituals and ceremonies”. Reality and truth is reshaped, atrocities normalized. By
defining evil-based violent family/group acts as rituals and ceremonies the RAT torturer
teaches the child terms that, if heard by outsiders, are appropriate to society-at-large.
This prevents negative consequences,30 such as, exposure of the RAT family/group.
Developing a coded language is purposeful for the RAT family/group in other ways.
Coded language and vocabulary conveys meaning that is passed on to the next generation
of RAT family/groups; and coded language helps to hold the co-culture in place.
No author. (2003, March 3). Stony Mountain Prison, Healing Alternatives to gangs. The Star
Press Assoc. (2003, May 8). Britons arrested in paedophile raids,1271,-2650376,00.html
Lavigne, Y. (1997). Hell’s Angels (pp. 114-115). Secaucus, NJ: Carol Publishing Group.
Scully, D. (1990). Understanding sexual violence: A study of convicted rapists (p. 97). London:
HarperCollins Academic.
Besides coded language, physical symbols31 were/are also used to define and maintain
the evil actions of the RAT co-culture. For instance, one woman, as a child victim, was
taught that black candles were symbolic of satan’s blood. Three black candles placed in a
symbolic triangle formation around her, kept her captive, unable to move, terrorized,
waiting for satan to appear with the demand that she “suck satan’s lollipop” [penis].32
Similarly, when she was a child, another woman was taught triangular shapes were
“silencing traps”. “I was taught to see or create triangles everywhere … at the peaks of
houses, the cross members of a gate, the letter “A”, and even in the palms of your hand
… taking a finger tip and placing it in the middle of the triangle on the palm of my other
hand meant I was making a dot within the triangle … this was a signal to go silent … to
disconnect or dissociate my-Self from the event that was causing me distress.”33
There were symbolic circles for everything. “We had soul circles, dedication circles,
satan circles, mother circles, father circles, chanting circles, hatred circles, circle of
darkness and the opposite … the circle of light … inner and outer circles, fire circles …
lots of circles … there was just so much … so much all the time”34 Upside down crosses,
circles, shapes, blood lines, numbers, colours, smells, altars, and markings, for instance,
all symbolisms—tools, weapons, instruments—that were intentionally used by the RAT
family/group for the infliction of over-whelming terror unto the chosen victim. Tools
that held the chosen victim’s mind captive, distorted, in chaos. Tools used to commit
physical and pedophilic torture and horror. Tools that exerted totalitarian power and
control aimed at silencing the child (captive adult) victim. All the women in our research
project who identified surviving ordeals of RAT voiced that physical symbolisms were
constantly used by the RAT family/groups.
Attending rituals and ceremonies was a term used by all the women in our research
project who spoke of enduring RAT ordeals. How would an outsider know the words
“attending family rituals and ceremonies” meant the women, as children, were being
subjected to pedophilic RAT family/group terror, torture, and horror? And, for the
captive adult, how would an outsider know when she spoke of attending family/group
ritual and ceremonial gatherings it meant she was making reference to her on-going RAT
Daft, R. (1995). Organization theory & design (5th ed.) (pp. 333-338). New York: West Publishing;
White, L. A. (1975). The concept of cultural systems: A key to understanding tribes and nations (p. 4-5).
New York: Columbia University Press.
victimization? Using the coded language of rituals and ceremonies was/is one of the
manipulative tools the RAT torturer used/uses to cloak their human evil acts of
pedophilic (and/or captive adult) brutality, terror, torture, and horror.
And, references made, by the women in our research project, to satanic or luceriferin
“religious” books and bibles focussed on how these reinforced the all-powerfulness
theme of the adult RAT torturer. Using their insights, satanic or luceriferin “religious”
books and bibles were but manipulative tools that lent support to the brutality of the
human evil acts committed during the violent pedophilic RAT family/group gatherings.
Tools that reinforced the terror required to maintain totalitarian power and control; tools
to secure the on-going silence of the child victim; tools that added “religious” ritual
drama to violent pedophilic RAT family/group gatherings. We must conclude that
satanic or luceriferin books and themes are used by RAT torturers/family/groups as tools
of mind-spirit and sexualized torture, human evil actions that are camouflaged with the
coded term—religious beliefs.
Although euphemisms can help the victimized person distance the horror of RAT, in our
opinion, there needs to be another solution. We cannot continue to support RAT torturers
by using the coded language that hides the human right crimes they commit. For this
reason, during the remainder of this paper, we will replace coded terms such as rituals
and ceremonies with the terms violent family/group gatherings and/or ordeals wherever
ease of discussion permits. We can think of no justification for using the coded language
of the RAT family/groups other than when necessary for clarifying the discussion. Using
their coded language and their euphemisms lends a perceptual sense of normalcy to the
human evil actions of the RAT family/group.
Human values govern and direct adult’s lives, children’s lives; values set out markers of
what is right or wrong; values are central to one’s belief system, determine principles,
perceptions, ethics, and integrity; values influence attitudes, and needs and desires which
drive motivations. Values make the moral map used to guide decision-making, thus,
one’s actions. Values justify actions and actions become habitualized when practiced
repetitively.35 Values organize practices within a culture—ethnic, organizational, family,
or group. Values within a culture determine, for instance, how power is exercised, how
gender is role-modelled, how standards for truth telling and reality are set, how group
cohesiveness is established, and how symbolism—stories, traditions, myths, and other
forms of ritualisms are exercised. Ritualisms often involve planned group gatherings with
a purpose, generally with a leader and an audience. Ritualisms normalize and reinforce
group values, beliefs, and practices; strengthen group bonding, set relationships and
establish the norm. 36 When speaking of cultural norms and its moral map in this
Sankar, Y. (1992). Education, human values and ethics: Imperatives for the information society.
Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Daft, R. (1995). Organization theory & design (5th ed.) (pp. 333-338). New York: West Publishing.
generalized goodness mono-fashion, it is assumed there is respect for the fundamental
human rights and the dignity and worth of the human person.37
However, from listening to the women in our research project, we suggest the RAT
torturer/family/groups, within the RAT co-culture, set immoral maps—pluralistic maps—
manipulative maps—evil-based maps. Such an insight is taken from one woman’s
Immoral maps, as just shared, guide yet hides, the RAT torturer’s evil-based actions.
Immoral maps that are filled with evil-based values, devoid of integrity and ethics, for
how can there be integrity and ethics in evil human actions that are devoid of respect for
the fundamental human rights, the dignity and worth of the human persons they
dehumanize? This father’s immoral map contained a manipulative map that was filled
with abilities to lie and to deceive, filled with falseness, hypocrisy, pretense, and trickery.
This father’s immoral map also contained a pluralistic map that accommodated the many
roles he played—from loved community man, to violent spouse, to pedophilic RAT
torturer, to membership in an evil-based organized RAT group of about twelve men and
women RAT pedophiles.
United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Department of Canadian Heritage. (1991).
Convention on the Rights of the Child. Hull, Quebec: Human Rights Directorate.
Crider, A. B. , Goethals, G. R. , Kavanaugh, R. D. , & Solomon, P. R. (1983). Psychology (470-471).
Dallas: Scott, Foresman.
and/or from which there was no escape! And/or terrorized to remain silent for fear of
being killed—“…some people showed me a red line … of blood? … on the snow. I was
told not to cross the line. I was told if I crossed the line I would be hurt like the baby on
the table.”40
RAT family/group gatherings can directly instill and role model an immoral map of RAT
family/group values such as caring about others is wrong. For example, “I was told that I
was not allowed to care about others … caring was not allowed in the family.”41 Such an
immoral map directly normalized sexualized violence within adult-child relationships,
was verbalized to the child victim as love, and rationalized to the child as being for their
own good. For instance,
Internalizing such co-cultural and relational family/group norms is also taught via
indirect association using RAT family/group media—pornography. For instance,
Depending on the idiosyncrasies of the family/group norms, pedophilic RAT can begin
with the newborn infant. Society-at-large must not dismiss the reality newborn infants
can be victims of sexualized torture44 or of RAT. Evidence of pedophilic infant
victimization is both a historical and present day reality, confirmed in documents and in
videos confiscated by police that showed the pedophilic brutalization of infants who still
had their umbilical cords attached.45 Nor can we dismiss that some babies do remember
Hope and Sara
Adam, B. A. (2003, May 27). Child porn collector awaits sentencing. The Star Phoenix; Bradley, K.
(2003, May 27). The collector. More than ever, kids are abused to satisfy the twisted needs of collectors
worldwide. Toronto Sun; Child Pornography and Pedophilia Hearings before the Permanent
Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Sensate, Ninety-
eighth Congress second session Part 1, November 29-30/84. Testimony of William Dworin, Los Angeles
Police Department; and Lt. William G. Thorne, Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office, Hackensack, NJ.
Smith, G. (2003, January 18). Child-pornography users abusers, psychologist says. The Globe and
Mail; Dimanno, R. (2003, January 17). Baby with umbilical clamp victim. The Star; Tendler, S. (2002, December 18). 1,200 arrested in British paedophile raids.; Dolan, C. (2002, November). “In the name of God …” Press Conference,
birth.46 Some will remember not only their birth but also their instant torture and terror
ordeals. Several women participating in our research project believe, have memories,
have feelings and intuitive knowing, that they endured pedophilic newborn/infant
sexualized RAT. When older, some witnessed sexualized violence against infants. For
example, “I remember seeing the adults’ tape the infant’s eyes shut before the infant was
forced to suck the man’s penis.”47 Infant sexualized objectification and victimization has
ancient roots. For example, “In Imperial Rome [male] infants were castrated by having
their testicles squeezed; the boys were later employed in brothels.”48
Normalizing RAT family/group actions occurs through practices that reinforce group
bonding. Drawing on the knowledge gained from research into fraternity gang rapes,
older men used sexualized aggression to display masculinity and to induce younger men
into masculine power roles.49 Similarities of which are reported within RAT
family/groups. Young male children were initiated into male sexualized aggression and
misogyny when, as one woman described, “My father taught my little brothers how to
rape me … the family/groups would put us boy and girl children in the centre of the
circle and make us do sexualized stuff to each other… they’d laugh at us … humiliate
us.” All the women spoke about experiencing gang rapes during family/group
gatherings. Gang rapes of the chosen child victim could also occur at any time when
there was a gathering of perpetrators, during sexualized exploitation ordeals, or during
the making of pornography.
This double bind of scapegoating and blaming-the-victim are similarities that are coded
into violent RAT family/groups gatherings. Vulnerable children, in our research, female
children, were unable to retaliate, served as the surrogate object—“I felt like a thing … an
object”—unto which the family/group, the male, expressed his pedophilic aggression and
violence. It must be noted adult women perpetrators were also part of this sexualized
aggressive arrangement thus the impact of childism and misopais becomes even more
evident. Unanimity within the family/group was assured when the child victim was
selected as the “chosen one”—the perfect victim—scapegoated to be the “willing”
Washington, DC; CNN. (2001, February 13) Internet child porn gang jailed.; The
Canadian Press. (1996, December 11). Porn includes kids in diapers. Scientist charged after police raid
Defence Department. The Chronicle-Herald.
Chamberlain, D. (1988). Babies remember birth. New York: Ballantine Books.
Howitt, D. (1995). Paedophiles and sexual offences against children (p. 233). Toronto: John Wiley.
Sanday, P. R. (1997). Fraternity gang rape sex, brotherhood, and privilege on campus. New York:
New York University Press.
victim. Blame-the-victim was inflicted because she “never did good enough” … she
could never win as demonstrated in the following RAT ordeal that a woman described
enduring when she was a seven-year-old child.
Sanday, P. R. (1997). Fraternity gang rape sex, brotherhood, and privilege on campus. New York:
New York University Press.
RAT torturers use many tactics to force family/group bonding. Family/group bonding is
reinforced each time the child is forced to declare pledges of loyalty to the RAT
family/group, just as the new pledges are forced to declare loyalty to the university
fraternity. Loyalty pledges designed into a song and repetitively chanted can reinforce
group identity and loyalty to the RAT family/group. One woman in our research project
spoke of being taught such as song from the time she was a toddler. Not only did the
song chanted reinforce her group identity and loyalty to the RAT family/group it was a
tool to enforce dissociation and also worked to normalize and habitualize suicidality:
Death story
I will never tell on my family
I love my family
My family is me
We are one
To tell is to die a horrible death
I can never escape this—my destiny
I am one with my family destiny
Whatever will be, will be (go to sleep)52
In listening to the women who participated in our research project, the RAT torturer has
at their disposal a seemingly endless number of manipulative tactics and techniques, an
affinity for pedophilic “creative” excessive brutality, human evil acts of terror, torture,
and horror that they use to tear the baby’s or the preschooler’s purity and innocence into
shreds, all for the RAT family/group’s protection, power, pleasure, and/or profit—in the
making and selling pornography for example. The age of initiation and the age of being
let out of RAT family/group gatherings can vary. For some, RAT victimization may
begin in infancy, for others:
That night … the night my father raped me … when I was six … is vividly
clear. But, how old I was when the group rituals started is not as clear. I
sometimes think these may have started earlier, between the ages of four
to six. I was about 13 when the ritualized torture stopped.53
Creative excessive brutality was terrifyingly normal, it was routine within RAT
family/groups. Pure pleasure derived in tormenting the child, the destructive release of
violent power that ran riot on the defenceless child, and the unregulated expression of
pedophilic torture, all components of creative excessive brutality that is, in our opinion,
rooted in the positional power and value of adults over the infant, toddler, child, or youth.
An adultness omnipotence that grew out of childism and misopais and bloomed when
attached to evil based themes practiced at violent RAT family/group gatherings described
as rituals and ceremonies directed by adult persons in the role of an omnipotent satan, for
Wolfgang (1997) in chapter 20 of his book—Violent excess54—discussed the
institualization of brutality within the death camps of the holocaust. Human cruelty and
brutality take on social meaning when brutal violence is normalized within a social
group. Brutality becomes a binding norm that calls for conformity of values that support
and habitualize the brutal practices of the group. Brutal violence is constructed terror that
is a means of repression and discipline because of the readiness of the perpetrator to
exercise their power via the infliction of brutality. When brutality becomes routine,
habitualized, normalized behaviour, the victim is fair game—an object to blame, a
helpless prey to humiliate, dehumanize, torture, or threaten to kill at will. Divisions of
labour occur when brutality is the norm. Specialization skills and positions develop;
special sites are established to house brutal excesses, for example, in Dachau, prisoners
were placed in “dog cells”55 with only enough room to lie cowered on the floor. Before
they were brought something to eat they were forced to beg, barking like a dog. In
central killing sites prisoners were deprived of food and subjected to violent orgies of
flogging, clubbing, and humiliations. Prisoners were hung up, hung upside down by their
feet. Torturers experimented with how much the victim could withstand. When excesses
were staged, directed at an audience, it spread terror to the victims; prestige, respect, and
power to peers and superiors.
How much could the victim withstand? This is the creativity of brutality! Creative
excessive brutality was a reality we heard and heard and heard as we listened to the
women participants in our research project. Terror was the norm—“when I was little I
was afraid to go to sleep because I was terrified my family would kill me and eat me.”56
There were “sitters who wrapped me up with bandages like a mummy leaving me unable
to move and a high priest and satan to whom I was to be obedient, of whom I feared for
my life”57; and “I had a trainer who taught me to dissociate and fragment.”58 The women
in our research spoke of being hung, of being put in cages, forced to act and eat like a
dog, forced to live in a barn and eat out of the animal trough, whipped, cut, burned,
beaten without mercy, gang raped, and penetrated with everything and anything, for
example. The “little room in the basement”, barns, cabins, cottages, church basements,
family houses, boats, warehouses, hotels, were some of the special sites where brutal
excesses happened. There is little difference between the creative brutality of RAT
victimization of the child and the prisoners of the holocaust, except many of the RAT
torturers are the mothers and the fathers, the grandparents, aunts, uncles, the very people
who are supposed to care and love the child. This is, in our opinion, the worse brutality
of all!
Being brutalized within the context of their most intimate adult-child relationships creates
an agony that is beyond description. Torment that renders the child victim feeling
absolutely helpless; all they can do is scream in their heads, to cry is to bring pleasure to
Wolfgang, S. (1997). The order of terror: The concentration camp (W. Templer, Trans.) (pp. 223-234).
NJ: Princeton University Press.
Wolfgang, S. (1997). The order of terror: The concentration camp (W. Templer, Trans.) (p. 226). NJ:
Princeton University Press.
the RAT torturers. Silence becomes the child victim’s code of behaviour—“I promised
my-Self I would never cry again.” Unable to avoid the blows, the electric shocks, for if
the child victim moved their RAT torturer might know no bounds. Immobilized, fastened
down physically, psychologically, and spiritually, drugged, incapable of escaping, with
no one to help, the sexualized torture organized into brutal pedophilic RAT family/groups
gatherings renders the child victim “a nothing”, an “it”. Objectified, trapped in a brutal
reality that she is to perceive as normal, in an identity that is supposed to make her very
special as the “chosen one”. Unable to speak for no one is listening, rendered speechless
by the torture and the horror she removes her-Self to the ceiling, deeper, deeper into the
crack in the ceiling, deeper into her-Self, squeezed into her big toe. Further away—out of
the room. Even further—torn into pieces so each piece can hold a little of the horror.
The RAT torturer’s sovereignty over her life and death intensifies their protection, their
power, and their pleasures. Powers and pleasures that they maximized with the
omnipotent roles of playing satan or high priest—positions that reinforced male
dominance. Positions that employ creative excessive brutality within the context of a co-
culture of the RAT family/group are actions of human evildoers.
Tools for reinforcing acts of human evil: satan, lucifer, rituals and ceremonies
We repeat: human evil means the RAT torturer participates in actions [emphasis added]
that result in consequences that were/are destructive to the humanness of the chosen
victims.59 The human evil actions RAT family/groups inflict are terror, torture, and
horror unto the chosen child victim. Four themes of how satan or lucifer, rituals and
ceremonies were/are used as tools to intensify the destructiveness of their human evil
actions are:
1. Enforced dualism: A tool for mind-spirit torture.
2. Rituals and ceremonies: Coded language for violent family/group pedophilia.
3. Male domination: Positions of power—father, satan, high priest, or bishop; and
4. Marketing pedophilic crimes: Using satanic or luceriferin programming.
Staub, E. (1989). The roots of evil (p. 2). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
For the specific RAT family/groups that used satanic or luciferin all-powerfulness
themes, they also actively pursued involvement in mainstream christian church groups
and activities “so we looked like good outsider families.”63 This manipulative and
dualistic “religious” involvement is the reason we use the compound terms christian-
satanic and christian-luceriferin when referring to these specific RAT families/groups.
Clearly, being involved in outsider community activities such as a church was a
manipulative cover for these specific RAT parents—another intentional deceptive tactic.
These specific women spoke of how difficult it was on their minds to develop and
maintain dualistic thinking. Forced into dualistic christian-satanic or christian-luceriferin
thinking was an everyday childhood struggle as suggested by the following vignettes:
A common theme repeatedly stated by the women in our research project.
These paragraphs are a composite of several of the women, participants in our kitchen table research
project, who were forced to develop dualistic thinking regarding “religious” belief systems.
thinking—forcing the child to keep insider and outsider worlds separated. This was one
method of mind-spirit torture that added to the child victim’s dehumanization and that
she expressed fearing “going crazy or losing my mind.”
I was forced to drink wine until I was very drunk … as they watched the
adults would laugh … I can still hear their tone … I felt so humiliated …
At some formal rituals and ceremonies chickens were often used as animal
sacrifices … their heads were cut off … I watched with horror … I was
terrified they would cut off my head … they smeared blood over Margaret
and I … then they gave us enemas … and … collected the feces in
containers … then the adults forced me to choose … either I smeared it on
Margaret … or … I’d be forced to eat the feces … I would always choose
to smear the feces on Margaret … but then … I knew … Margaret would
be forced to eat the feces … it was horrific … I was left feeling I had
Sara, Hope
Leach, M. (Ed.) & Fried, J. (Associate Ed.). (1984). Funk & Wagnall’s standard dictionary of folklore,
mythology, and legend (pp. 946-949). San Francisco: Harper.
Petrovski, L. (1998, January). The silent link. Trends Magazine, 6-11; Butler, C. & Lagoni, L. (1995,
July/August). Animal, child, or partner abuse: What if you suspect the worst? Perspectives. 36-42.
harmed Margaret … I felt so guilty … so ashamed … so humiliated … so
terrified … there was no way I could win ….
When they used snakes at ceremonial rituals it’s my impression the women
acted the worst because they liked to use the snakes for such grotesque
sexualized acts … as well … I feel they seemed to enjoy the torturing.
Although we are focussing on the power, position, and the roles of the adult male RAT
torturer, all the women in our research project that reported ordeals of RAT, stated
women had also victimized them. Several of the women victimized reported the
existence of violent female-led groups, with a dominant female role of “high priestess”
that were or had connections and/or had to report to the dominant male-led RAT
family/group. And, one woman reported that although her father was not a RAT torturer,
he was the dominant figurehead in the family, inflicting brutal child torture. As well, he
“sold” her to pedophiles. She reported that her RAT ordeals originated within her
mother’s family/group. All mothers were not RAT torturers; however, their male
partners dominated them. The women in our research project described these mothers in
various ways. As being fixated on meeting the needs of their husbands, as being absent,
as victims as spousal violence, and as being aware but dismissive of the inter-
generational pedophilic violence—“We … the kids … talked among ourselves saying …
‘Grampie is a dirty old man’ … the adults would say ‘he just loves you’ … I believe other
adults knew … they played a part in the code of silence.”70
In this section, because our research project involved only women speaking about their
childhood victimization, all references made to a child victim refers to a female child.
And, to discuss male domination and male roles within the RAT family/group we use the
pronoun “he”. As the women in our research project discussed the positional power of
men within the RAT family/group the repeating reality of male domination was made
visible and was expressed is various ways, such as:
(a) He instilled misogynistic values and rules that taught the female child that
men/boys were more important than women/girls and/or only men held the
powerful positions within the RAT family/group. For instance, “my father
was served his food first, as were my brothers;”71 “I was taught that men were
better than women;”72 and “men were masters and women were servers …
only the men could be the high priest,”73and “my father… grandfather… was
the leader of the group.”74
(b) He instilled misopais-based values and beliefs that “men valued virgin infants,
toddlers, and children—virgin orally and anally … the family had rules and
customs … of having children assessed … a man, the assessor, stood me
naked on the chair … checked me all-over … my assessment was recorded in
a book by a coded name or number … I think this information was used for
persons who wanted to purchase child slaves,”75 and “I was valued for my
small bones and the color of my hair.”76
(c) He used his male position, power, and role to exert totalitarian power and
control over the child victim, terrifying and manipulating her into perceiving
that he was all-powerful, omnipotent, and omnipresent, possessing of the
supernatural power to know her every thought and action—“they seemed to
know everything that I was doing and would tell me that I was not to ask
questions … not to ask why … I’d be beaten when I was caught thinking77 …
you were not supposed to think … you just did.”78
(d) He used his positional male power to exploit his daughter for pleasure and for
profit. “After the age of reason—age seven in the family—I was forced into …
the child prostitution business and paid $2.00 each time I worked as a child
prostitute. When I got home with my $2.00 I had to give my father a blow job,
pay him $2.00 or he threatened to starve my siblings. What choice did I
have?”79 “I can still see my-Self as a little girl sitting on the counter of my
father’s store … he rented me out to the men and women … he took me on the
plane to Toronto to be exploited.”80
(e) He, as RAT torturer, inflicted mind-spirit tortures—mind control
conditioning—that distorted the child’s beliefs and perceptions about evil.
Sara, Hope
Carrie, Hope, Sara, Kate, Phoenix
Sara, Hope
For example, one woman believed she was satan’s daughter and that “666”
was branded on her forehead, hidden away under her long bangs. Why?
Because, as a child, she reported, “my father forced to look in the mirror and
to say I saw 666 branded on my forehead. When you’re told repeatedly that
666 is there, you come to believe it is true.”81
(f) He, as leader of the RAT family/group, manipulated the child’s thinking so
she would believe she was special “I was the chosen one,”82 or “as the chosen
one I was presented to the bishop.”83 This manipulative tactic gave father’s
positional power within the RAT family/group of his like-minded peers as he
presented his chosen one to be used as the victim at the violent pedophilic
family/group gatherings—“my father took me to the rituals and ceremonies”.
(g) He manipulated child-rearing themes such as “be a good girl” as well as the
concepts of respect, obedience, submission, and compliance of adult-parental
positional power to terrify and coerce her to do as she was told or else…, so
“during ceremonies I be a good girl for satan my father.”84
(h) He, in the role of an all-powerful satan, for example, organized and indulged
in violent pedophilic RAT family/group acts designed to consume the child
victim’s mind-spirit—to keep her the perfect victim. Consumption coded into
a “marriage to satan ceremony”. Basically, from listening to the woman’s
description, marriage to satan is a ritual drama-set for violent family/group
pedophilic gatherings that manipulated the child victim into believing the oral
raping is a marriage to satan and the semen which entered her body would
consume her forever. “Satan is inside of me forever … I am one with satan …
I be satan’s daughter, satan is my father.”85
(i) He (and others) orchestrated their needs and desires for necrophilism86 into
RAT family/group evil human acts and gatherings. Besides drugged-induced
necrophilism—“I was drugged until I was paralysed so I couldn’t move
during gang rapes,”87 women in our research project repeatedly told of
knowing that killings occurred—some real, some sham, some animal, some
human.88 When actual human killings were believed to have occurred—fetal
(enforced abortions), infant, child, youth, or adult—some spoke of the
dehumanizing horror of being forced into group cannibalism, activities led by
a father, a grandfather, or the male leader of the RAT family/group.
(j) And, a final example, he, and other RAT adults—male and female—
orchestrated horrific acts of RAT during violent family/group gatherings using
drama, trickery, deceptions, and supernatural connotations. Ritual drama
reinforced totalitarian power and control over the child victim when he played
the role of an all-powerful satan or high priest. We assume drama heightened
Hope and Sara
RAT family/groups in our research project attached a morbid death theme to many, if not all, of their
actions, beliefs, and practices.
Sara, Hope, Carrie, and Kate
pleasures and provided entertainment. Costumes included robes, face
painting, and/or masks; props such as candles, altars, goblets of “blood”,
incense, darkness, blinding lights, and fire and smoke created dramatic
deceptions that makes it difficult for the child victim to coherently tell of her
victimization. For some it did. At times, “All I could see was their hoods …
no faces.”89 For other child victims—“I couldn’t make out who they were in
their robes… but I knew it was my mother by her smell,”90 or “sometimes
group members wore masks but their voices were always identifiable.”91
Under the influence of enforced drugging he amplified the child victim’s
disorientation, confusion, chaos, terror, and horror further by sounds, noise,
rhythmic chanting, and/or hypnotic beats like those produced by the
metronome—“I could hear a tick-tock in the background.”92 And, by
transporting the child victim “in the trunk of a car”93 to an out-of-the-way
beach cabin for example, or into the woods, or to a barn, “they took me across
a big field to an old barn,”94 he, they, held the child victim captive,
Some of the women in our research project spoke of the suffering they endured when
they were transported, trafficked, and sexually exploited to outsiders which was an off-
street, in-home business of the RAT family/group. However, it is also necessary to
realize transporting, trafficking, and sexualized exploitation of the child or captive adult
victim also occurred each and every time the RAT torturer took them to a violent
family/group gathering to be victimized.
For some of the women in our research project, the sexualized exploitation was confined
to a specific local group. Others reported extensive sexualized exploitation ordeals, of
being transported within their home province and exploited to different violent RAT
family/groups; or being sold to the sex-tourists, “my father sold me to a German Greek
Jewish man who visited every summer… and after the age of reason, age seven in the
family, I was forced into working for the family, which meant being forced into child
prostitution and child pornography.”95 Some told of family coming from the United
States to take part in the violent RAT family/group gatherings.96 Some reported being
transported, trafficked, and sexually exploited to possibly non-RAT groups and of being
transported, trafficked, and sexually exploited from Newfoundland to British Columbia—
into the cities of St. John’s, Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver, for example.97
Sexualized exploitation to outsiders could also begin in toddler-hood, “I think I was
under two years old … I can still recall my father’s words as he rented me out to them,
‘Bring her back when you’re done’!”98
And, from our listening, it is necessary to ask the question: Was the child victim who
endured RAT more desirable to outsiders because of their RAT conditioning and
programming? Was the knowledge that a child had been subjected to brutal
dehumanizing RAT family/group conditioning and programming useful to other
pedophilic and adult torturers because it pre-conditioned the victim to withstand the
horrors the perpetrators wanted to inflict? Did outsider pedophiles/groups use a child
victims exposure to satanic or luceriferin domination and ritualisms to heighten the
pleasures of their pedophilic violence? We suggest it was/is a possibility. Because such
knowledge was useful, we suggest, as a tool for the pedophilic outsider. Useful to exert
the terror required to maintain absolute compliance and to silence of the child victim
during pedophilic victimization ordeals. Listen to one woman tell of such a childhood
On the roof of the big building in Toronto was a group of thirteen: nine
men and four children—three girls and a boy. I was about eight years old.
We were doing a ceremony for satan ... satan the father. We were making
a pledge of allegiance ... like in the army ... but to satan. We make the
pledge with the finger and by sucking the monsters [the penises] ... to
make an offering to satan we made a little cut on my fingertip and on the
man’s fingertip then sucked on the blood together to be one with satan.
We chanted ... “baba we are here, baba we are here” ... held hands and
moved around in a circle ... one way then the other way ... moving our feet
in a special way ... whatever way the man said. We had to do this just
right until the big loud noise comes ... the big loud bangs is when satan
comes ... a big loud noise over and over again ... not a muscle in your
body moved.
While on the top of the building the men made us children practice
walking ... walking close to the edge of the roof ... looking way down ... I
saw lots of cars going by. We were told if we didn’t suck on the men’s
monsters in the right way ... be good ... do good sucking ... we would have
to jump off the building. The men tell us, “You’re going to squish”. I
would think about jumping ... to get away ... but wouldn’t do it ... then get
mad at me because I didn’t jump.99
“Satan on the roof” illustrates how the pedophilic perpetrators used the RAT family pre-
conditioning and pre-programming to control, terrorize, and distort their infliction of
hideous pedophilic crimes onto the child victims. This ordeal illustrates the use of pre-
conditioned and pre-programmed myth, supernatural connotations, drama, and trickery—
the supposed need for repetitive chanting and moving in a circle, the symbolic cutting
and blood pledge, and doing the sucking “in the right way”—enforced oral rape—as the
prerequisites to the appearance of a satan. A fictional satan that came when the big bang
came. Should it not be considered that the big bang was a coded term that related to the
orgasmic climax of the pedophilic perpetrator? We can only surmise that these
perpetrators had been made fully aware of the children’s previous conditioned and
programmed susceptibilities.
Action for the Rights of Children (ARC). (2001, April). Action for the Rights of Children Resource
Pack Critical Issues Abuse and Exploitation, p. 10. Author.
Lochhead, C. (2003, February 26). San Francisco entry point for child sex slaves. Chronicle
Washington Bureau.
The legacy: The next generation
The person who struggles to exit and to speak of the crimes embedded in RAT
family/groups could be considered a whistle-blower. Whistle blowing occurs when a
person discloses illegal, immoral, or illegitimate practices. In the corporate world,
whistle-blowers take risks of being fired, of being ostracized by coworkers, or having
their work sabotaged.102 Death threats happen.103 Persons getting out and who tell on
RAT family/groups are, in effect, whistle-blowers who experience similar grave risks.
For instance, one woman reported how she had been sexually assaulted late one night in
her work place by two assailants—by a police woman known to her as a perpetrator and
by a man whom she did not know. Additionally, the assailants took videos of the
sexualized assault threatening to expose these videos if she kept talking. Although the
perpetrators could not expose these videos without exposing themselves the statement
that they would caused the emotional triggering of fear, shame, and Self-hatred, caused a
fear of loosing her income thus being driven into poverty and having no way out except
for suicide—a conditioned taught-since-childhood response. The intention of the
perpetrators is very clear—a dead victim cannot speak! In reality, not only is the exiting
person a threat to the individual RAT torturer, the family/group, but they threaten the
regional, national, international, and transnational co-culture that is associated with the
globalize network of hugely profitable sexualized crimes against children and captive
Closed groups, criminal evil-based groups such as RAT family/groups, exert a great deal
of pressure, including the risk of violence, towards a person who tries to exit. Shunning
and name-calling, being identified as a traitor, are tactics used in an attempt to
emotionally trigger the person exiting back into the family/group. The RAT torturer
knows the power and the risk applying emotional triggering presents for the person
exiting. For instance:
The feelings of being at risk can last for years if the person exiting is left with the chronic
emotional residue of terror and/or a sense of evilism that is supernaturally based versus
Daft, R. (1995). Organization theory & design (5th ed.) (p. 349). New York: West Publishing.
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based in the reality that RAT evilism is about human evil actions. For example, to violate
the secrecy code—to tell on the family/group—can trigger this emotional residue many
years later. In the following vignette one of the women who participated in our research
project explains her response to telling—by talking to us—even though she exited the
family over thirty years previously:
It ought not to be a surprise that children suffer RAT victimization within the context of
family/group relationships. Within families, parents, followed by siblings and extended
family members, are the most likely perpetrators of physical and sexual assaults and
homicides against the infant, child, and youth as reported to the Canadian police in
2000.106 Given the reality the family is the frequent single site for all types of violent
acts, from slaps to abuse, from torture to RAT, to murder, society-at-large ought not
deny, discard, dismiss, nor minimize the horrors being spoken by the persons who flee
the violence of RAT family/groups. Society-at-large ought not to marginalize persons
who have survived the ordeals of RAT. Ordeals that have been normalized—torture,
terror, horror, animal killings, forced then aborted impregnations, and yes, killings. Some
women stated that torture injuries and deaths were disguised as “accidents”. Were/are
deaths by “accidents” possible? A review in Ontario of all deaths of children under the
age of two suggested as many as 10% of the deaths prior to 1995 may have been due to
homicide.107 Are “disappearances” possible? Thousands of children go missing every
year in Canada—categorized as kidnapped, parental abductions, runaways, unknowns,
accidents, and wandered off/lost.108
We heard of RAT family/group stories that told of members, child victims, wandering off
and disappearing into the woods and never found. Is it not reasonable to consider some
disappearances are runaways fleeing from the violent human evil actions of the RAT
family/group co-culture? As the story a young woman in Washington, DC, told us about
a male traveller she had met in Europe. He told her he was a survivor of RAT. He kept
moving, traveling, believing, knowing, he could not be located by his RAT family/group.
And, what of the kidnapped and murdered poor children?
I’m faced with having to think of Hesus … a dark skinned little boy … I
don’t know how he came to be taken into the family ceremonies … this is
so difficult … Hesus was hurt very badly and thrown into the basement.
Carrie and Phoenix
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics. (2002). Family violence in Canada: A statistical profile 2002
(pp. 34-38). Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics. (2002). Family violence in Canada: A statistical profile 2002 (p.
38). Ottawa: Statistics Canada.
Me and the other kids tried to help him by putting his socks on him … but
… he was beyond help.109
So, the persons who have exited and who are speaking or who are attempting to speak,
their whistle-blowing can benefit society-at-large by increasing our understanding about
violent human evil actions of the RAT co-cultural family/groups. They can increase our
knowledge of how to hold perpetrators of RAT accountable. They are essential in
helping develop ways to improve the safety and well-being of children who have been
victimized by RAT; they can help us to develop caring communities, and they can help us
identify the violent risks children face from all forms of pedophilic violence. With the
increased safety of children comes a reduction in victimization, which decreases the
amount of monies (taxes) required to promote healing. Laws would more appropriately
address all forms of relational violence, including the evil-based actions of the RAT
torturer. By decreasing the silence surrounding the RAT torturer’s crimes all
relationships within society benefit because we become increasingly ethical and
respectful of upholding human rights.
The perpetrators do know the acts of human evil embedded in RAT family/group
gatherings are crimes, of that we have no doubt. As evidenced by the actions of some of
the RAT parents and siblings of the women we interviewed or worked with. Some
women reported receiving telephone calls from parents who made statements such as,
“Just forget what happened in the past and come back home”, or the mother who, when
confronted, neither denied nor admitted her pedophilic violence, or the mother who stated
she was no longer sexually interested in her adult child, or the mother who made excuses
for her-Self by saying, “Your father made me do what I did to you.” Then there were
male siblings who confessed, saying they were sorry for what happened and for the
violence they inflicted, who later retracted their admission of guilt and who did or tried to
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know what they do is a crime—
“Don’t tell … but if you do … no one will ever believe you anyway!”
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