Check Synchronising Relay: Type CSQ-3
Check Synchronising Relay: Type CSQ-3
Check Synchronising Relay: Type CSQ-3
Type CSQ-3
• Dead-bus functionality
Application scale from 0-360 degrees with zero degree at the 12 o’clock
The CSQ-3 is a microprocessor based synchronising unit. It position. With 36 LEDs the resolution on the reading is 10
can be used in any kind of installation where manual or semi- degrees.
automatic synchronising is required.
If the frequency difference between UGEN and UBUSBAR is higher
Versions than 3Hz, the rotation of the LED circle stops. If it stops with a
Two versions optimised for land or marine applications exist. lit red LED at “TOO SLOW”, the frequency of the UGEN is lower
than UBUSBAR. If it stops with a lit red LED at “TOO FAST”, the
Measuring principle frequency of the UGEN is higher than UBUSBAR.
The unit measures the busbar (UBUSBAR) and generator (UGEN)
voltages and frequencies and compares these, plus compares When the phase angle between UGEN and UBUSBAR is within the
the phase angle relationship. preset Δϕ window, then the yellow LED ”Δϕ OK” will be lit.
If the voltage difference between UGEN and UBUSBAR is outside
Settings the preset ΔU range, one of the two red LEDs will be lit and
The unit is equipped with several user settings, hidden under the SYNC relay cannot be activated. If the voltage on UGEN is
the front foil. This placement gives a high degree of user safety higher than UBUSBAR, LED “UGEN TOO HIGH” will be lit. If the
because no hazardous voltages are present, i.e. the unit can voltage on UGEN is lower than UBUSBAR, LED “UGEN TOO LOW”
be programmed while running without the risk of electric shock will be lit.
or damage to installations.
If both the “UGEN TOO LOW” and “UGEN TOO HIGH” LEDs are
Phase window, Δϕ lit simultaneously, it indicates an overvoltage error at the input.
Here the phase window for synchronisation is chosen. It can
be set both symmetrically and asymmetrically. Normal synchronising
The unit automatically calculates the synchronising
Voltage difference, ΔU parameters to check if there is the required space for the
Here the allowed voltage difference between UGEN and UBUSBAR synchronising signal inside the preset phase window. These
is set. It can be set both symmetrically and asymmetrically. calculations compare the frequency difference with TR and the
Measurement is done relatively to UBUSBAR size of the phase window. When TR is set to ∞, Td can be set
Length of SYNC pulse, TR by the user and is included in the calculations.
Determines the length of the SYNC pulse (SYNC relay If the Δϕ window is set symmetrically, both underfrequency
activating time). This value must be matched to the time synchronising and overfrequency synchronising is possible.
characteristic of the circuit breaker. Under- or overfrequency synchronising
SYNC relay delay, Td When the Δϕ window is set asymmetrically, the following
Determines the time UGEN and UBUSBAR have to be within the functionality is possible:
phase window before the SYNC relay is activated. This
If the Δϕ window is set asymmetrically with a lower
parameter can only be adjusted when TR = ∞ is selected.
positive than negative Δϕ value, only synchronising with
Dead-bus function/offset voltage, TR the generator input at higher frequency than the busbar
The allowed noise level voltage on UBUSBAR can be set to input is possible (positive slip frequency).
determine dead-bus mode. It is measured relatively to UGEN.
If the Δϕ window is set asymmetrically with a higher
Factory settings positive than negative Δϕ value, only synchronising with
All the above mentioned settings are preset from the factory. At the generator input at lower frequency than the busbar
any time these factory defaults can be re-stored. input is possible (negative slip frequency).