EE 453 Power System Analysis Spring 2020: Rakparibo@ahesi -
EE 453 Power System Analysis Spring 2020: Rakparibo@ahesi -
EE 453 Power System Analysis Spring 2020: Rakparibo@ahesi -
Spring 2020
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is a study of advanced topics in electric power distribution
systems planning and operation. In this course, students will learn how to analyze flows on power
networks and their applications to real systems. It provides students with a working knowledge of
power system problems and computer techniques used to solve some of these problems. It also
provides a technical treatment of the general problem of power system stability and its relevance.
They will learn how to strategically bring together power technology to make energy available to
industry by considering need, environment and sustainability.
Required of EE and elective for ME students, Prerequisite: Introduction to Electrical Machines and
Power Electronics
1. Power Systems Analysis by Arthur, R. B. 2nd Edition
2. Power System Analysis and Design, 5 th Edition by J. Duncan Glover, Mulukutla S. Sarma
and Thomas J. Overbye
1. John Grainger, William Stevenson Jr., Power System Analysis, McGraw--‐Hill, 1994;
2. Leonard L. Grigsby, Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution, CRC
Press, 2012;
3. Olle Ingemar Elgerd, Patrick D. van der Puije, Electric Power Engineering, 2 Ed., Springer,
4. Pieter Schavemaker, Electrical Power System Essentials, Wiley, 2008.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: After successful completion of this course, Students will be able to:
1. Understand and able to form network equations for electric power system networks and
obtain the Ybus matrix equations.
2. Analysis balanced three phase power systems and convert from three phase to per phase
equivalent circuits
3. Understand the power system generation, transmission and distribution
4. Analysis power flow problems using direct iteration, Gauss Seidel and New-Raphson
5. understand how the power system will operate in different configurations and when there
are changes to the system like capacitor switching (transient), a large motor starting
6. Design future power systems to deliver increasing amounts of electrical energy in a safe,
clean, and economical manner.
7. Understand zones of protection of power systems and design protection and control for
power systems
8. Perform transient stability analysis for power system networks
SN Component Percentage
1 Independent work and Quizzes 20
2 Homework/Assignments & Lab Exercises 10
3 Mid semester 15
4 Final Project 15
5 Final Exam 40
Network equations, and per unit system, power transformers, transmission line parameters and
modeling (including induction and complex power transmission), steady state and transient
operation, transformer modeling, generator modeling (machine view point and circuit viewpoint),
network matrices, power flow Analysis (including solution by Newton-Raphson and Gauss
iteration), faults (symmetrical and unsymmetrical), system protection, power System controls,
transient stability, power distribution. Economic operation of power systems.
Labs: Transmission Line Modeling, transmission line with different load conditions, load flow
analysis, Computer aid design and analysis of power flows using power world simulator and Matlab
1. Leadership and teamwork: Students will work on some projects in teams and will learn
to collaborate with others to create a viable product.
2. Curiosity and Skill: Students will be expected to explore a few new technologies beyond
what is taught in class, in order to accomplish some projects.
3. Technological Competence: Students will acquire specialist knowledge in electronic
circuit analysis and design.
4. Communication: An Ashesi student is an excellent communicator in a variety of forms.
This course requires students to document their designs and communicate their findings to
others. It is a form of technical communication.
Below is the tentative schedule for the course. Note that ordering is subject to change to allow for
a possible field trip and availability of lab equipment.