Information Communication Technology Appraisal
Information Communication Technology Appraisal
Information Communication Technology Appraisal
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- An attempt has been done in this study to school encounters to work rehearses; to help make
assess the status and challenges of information monetary suitability for tomorrow's laborers, add to radical
communication technology (ICT) for the enhancement changes in school; to reinforce instructing and to give
of quality education in Ethiopian secondary schools. chances to an association between the school and the world
The study examined the availability and status of ICT (Ajayi, 2009). There are various advantages gotten from the
infrastructures, electricity, characterizing the levels of utilization of ICT instruments in improving quality training,
challenges of ICT, skills, and capability as well as the for example, the capacity for the student to pick when to
perception of teachers and principals towards ICT. The learn regardless of the topographical area without stress
descriptive survey design using a mixed research (Birhanu Moges, 2013). Furthermore, ICT likewise
methodology was used. A total of 375 samples were empowers students to find and investigate new
randomly and purposely selected from teachers, developments from specialists around the world (Birhanu
principals, and students in four schools of north-Wollo Moges, 2013). Thirdly, the presence of ICT into the
district in the Amhara region. A self-designed training framework will empower the conveyance of
questionnaire prepared for secondary schools and ICT educators to understudies, checking of student progress and
was used to collect the data for the study. Data collected evaluation should be possible opportune (Birhanu Moges,
for the study were analyzed using descriptive statistics 2013). (Olurunsola, 2007) expressed that through ICT,
such as percentage scores and frequency counts. As the instructive necessities have been met; it changes the
finding showed, the unavailability of ICT devices, requirements of training just as the potential procedures.
inconsistent technology usage by teachers and staff
because of lack of computer, poor internet connection As indicated by Oduma, 2014), ICT increment student
and lack of ICT skills make ICT infertile in enhancing inspiration and commitment, encourage the securing of
the quality of education. Moreover, the result of the essential aptitudes, encourages e-learning, encourages
study indicated that several other factors pull back the instructor re-preparing, holding and up-dating of least
implementation of ICT at the schools. Therefore, it is scholarly standard and arrangement of virtual library
recommended that the responsible principals should administrations. Additionally, (Anthony O., 2012) likewise
increase the budget for ICT infrastructures in schools portrayed extra advantages of ICT are worldwide access to
and ICT skills should be a mandatory skill for teachers. information, instant sharing of understanding and best
Policymakers should adopt a hybrid ICT integration practice, self-guided, incitements of experiential picking
model that takes into account comprehensive factors up, opening windows for new reasoning, an environment of
tailored to both technological and pedagogical aspects development, demonstrate and owing innovation.
are recommended. Observing at the advantage of schooling in population-
building and the populace blast in the secondary schools
Keywords:- Amhara region, Challenges, ICT, Quality of now a day, the usage of ICT in the teaching-learning
education. progression becomes vital (Ajayi, 2009). Instructing and
learning have gone past the educator remaining before a
I. INTRODUCTION gathering of understudies and dispersing data to them
without the understudies' satisfactory cooperation. The
A. Overview of ICT as a tool for quality education creator depicted that with the guide of ICT, instructors can
Ozoji in Jimoh (2007) characterized ICT as the take understudies past conventional cutoff points, guarantee
controlling and treating of information (images, texts, their satisfactory interest in the educating and learning
instruction, graphs) for use employing electronic and process and make essential conditions to test and
specialized gadgets, for example, PCs, cameras, and phone. investigate Ajayi, 2008).
(Ofodu, 2007) likewise allude to ICT as electronic or
mechanized gadgets, helped by human and intelligent Instructors as a key in of the teaching should have
materials that can be utilized for a wide scope of instructing innovative education including 1) application of technology
and learning just as for individual use. These days, the spot in Instruction, 2) basic computer operations and concepts 3)
of ICTs in instruction and the world, can't be undermined. personal and professional use of technology
Data and correspondence innovation has the possibilities to (Aktaruzzaman, 2011). (Nwosu and Ugbomo, 2012),
quicken, advance, and extend expertise; to persuade and portrayed that ICT significantly encourage the obtaining of
draw in understudies in figuring out how to help relate information, offering nations extraordinary chances to
NB. 1) Using computers for common day to day tasks indicates Microsoft office applications, internet browsing, and online
education, using an LCD projector in a class, using ICT machines (printers, scanners, copiers).2) Using Computers for educational
purposes indicates:- Preparing a teaching material, teaching in the classroom using ICT tools, for educational video tutorials, for
research. 3) Using the internet for social media indicates:- For face-book, Telegram, Imo, Whatsup, Viber.
2 Working with spreadsheet applications 7/40 17.5 10/40 25 12/40 30 11/40 27.5
(example: Microsoft Excel)
3 Working with databases tools 7/40 17.5 5/40 12.5 8/40 20 20/40 50
(Example: Microsoft Access)
4 Ability of using electronic mail 12/40 30 2/40 5 10/40 25 16/40 40
5 Searching data using search engines 16/40 40 9/40 22.5 4/40 10 11/40 27.5
(example: Google, yahoo)
6 Using online teaching and learning 5/40 12.5 1/40 2.5 10/40 10 24/40 60
7 Uploading and downloading different 15/40 37.5 6/40 15 6/40 15 13/40 32.5
8 Using educational e-libraries 5/40 12.5 9/40 22.5 7/40 17.5 19/40 47.5
9 Working with PowerPoint (presentation 7/40 17.5 5/40 12.5 11/40 27.5 17/40 42.5
10 Skills to use LCD projector for teaching 3/40 7.5 4/40 10 10/40 25 23/40
11 Abilities to operate printers and related 10/40 25 8/40 20 7/40 17.5 15/40
Table 2:- Competency of teachers on ICT
B. Discussion The study evaluates the status of the schools using the
The student-to-computer ratio recommended by the above indicators and criteria. Kobo secondary schools have
U.S. Department of Education is 3:1, according to (Lucinda a total of 3225 students and 160 computers. Therefore, the
Gray, 2010). According to the president's committee of student to computer ratio is 20:1 more than six times the
advisors on science and technology, 4 to 5 students per recommended ratio. But badly the school has only 40
computer is the ratio that many experts consider to instructional computers and the other 120 computers are
representing a reasonable level for the effective use of used for E-learning and are not used for day to day
computers within the schools. The degree of participation instructions. Therefore, the ratio of students to instructional
in the use of ICT in education for a given country could be computers becomes 80:1, which is 26.6 times of the
affected by several factors like cost of facilities, recommended ratio.
infrastructure, literacy level, availability of human
resources, cultural attitudes and ignorance (Diana Kessy, The result showed that even if 42% of the total
2006). One of the major challenges facing developing respondents of Kobo secondary school teachers that have
countries is to make technology an essential part of the the skill, only 21% of them are using computers for
culture of the people, (Abdulkafi Albirini, 2006). The educational purposes and this means that the remaining
reverence with which technology is held in technologically 79% are using computers for none educational purpose. But
developed countries may be in contradiction to the 93% of them are using the internet for accessing social
perceptions of cultures that are relationship-oriented. media only from all populations using their cell phone.
Indicators of ICT in education are computer & internet
access, ICT usage of teacher & student in school, the
infrastructure of ICT use in education and competency of
students ICT skills (Song, K.-S, 2013).
In summary, progression through these stages of ICT capacity building training should tie to and within
integrating process would take a significant amount of time the context of classroom objectives and activities.
and requires a holistic view and solution due to the reason
that it requires more than just purchasing cutting edge ICT School-based training of teachers should be delivered in
tools and equipping teachers' handful skill training. peer to peer mode rather than a convention training
lecturing mode.
The following lesson should be taken into account Teachers should learn how to use the ICT tools more
when training teachers' ICT capacity building training in effectively when they see the technologies not as
the process of ICT integration. These are: generic and decontextualized tools but as tools for