Project 2. Kiosk Proposal

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Holy Spirit Kiosk Proposal, Cronin 1

Life in the Holy Spirit: Kiosk Proposal

Maddie Cronin

Franciscan University of Steubenville

COM 381: Writing for Interactive Media

Holy Spirit Kiosk Proposal, Cronin 2

Design Objectives:

The purpose of this exhibit is to educate and also inspire

Catholics and Christians of other denominations on the third

person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. This kiosk is part of an

exhibit on the Holy Spirit, which stems from other exhibits on

God the Father and Jesus, the Son. This is all in one Catholic

interactive museum.

The target audience is for Catholic or Christian young

adults and adults. It is mainly targeted toward a young adult

audience between age 18-35 because there is a need among the

young people of the Church to learn about the Holy Spirit, and

his role in our lives. The secondary audience is for teenagers.

Teens can come together with their youth groups or with friends.

Although there is a primary and secondary target audience, the

Holy Spirit is for everyone and anyone can learn from this


Creative Treatment:

The opening to the exhibit is a doorway that is in the shape

of an open book, which is the Bible. The first room that you will

enter into is all about the Holy Spirit’s presence in the Bible

all the way from creation in Genesis, throughout the Old

Testament and then Jesus foreshadowing the Holy Spirit in the New

Testament. This room is a giant timeline. It will be like a semi-

circle where you can walk around and interact with the screens on
Holy Spirit Kiosk Proposal, Cronin 3

the wall. The wall will look like an art gallery. Each image will

depict a story or person from the Bible. If you tap on the image,

it will turn over and reveal information on the role of the Holy

Spirit in that particular story or person. In the center on the

room, there is a kiosk of an interactive Bible. As you open to a

page, the text will turn red whenever there is a reference to, or

something that describes an attribute of the Holy Spirit.

At the chronological end of the interactive gallery wall,

there are images of the crucifixion and then the resurrection.

There is a doorway and a staircase that you can see next, this

leads to the next room of the exhibit. As you go up the

staircase, you will see different pictures of the Apostles and

other followers of Jesus that were in the upper room during


The upper room that you are in is where you will learn about

Pentecost and be able to experience it in an interactive way. In

the upper room, you are immersed into a 4D experience. It begins,

with a rush of a mighty wind. (Acts 2:2) They will hear what it

might have sounded like, feel the heat from the tongues of fire.

The tongues that you will hear, will become English, as we can

hear it in our native language. Next you will hear from a 4D

projection of Peter, and his address to the crowd. (Acts 2:14-42)

After leaving the upper room, you will enter through a

doorway that has a projection of flowing water. The water

Holy Spirit Kiosk Proposal, Cronin 4

signifies the sacrament of Baptism. In Baptism, we are made

temples of the Holy Spirit. He dwells inside of us, and so this

room focuses on the application of life in the Holy Spirit. On

the wall of the room, it is similar to the first room, where you

can click on something to view more information. For example,

there is a picture of the Vatican in Rome, and the information is

about how the Holy Spirit keeps the Church alive. There are

pictures of different symbols of the Holy Spirit such as a dove,

water, fire, etc. that you can click on.

In the center of the room there is an interactive kiosk

table. This touch screen table will display a quiz that 6 people

can gather around at once. This is not like a test of knowledge,

but it helps with the application of what was learned. The

questions are opinion based, and some answers are typed out with

the digital keyboard.

At the end of the quiz, you have to option to take a free

picture. A camera comes up and takes the picture on a timer when

you press go. The picture is printed, and you will receive your

picture of you in the upper room with a tongue of fire above your

head. It is a great reminder of the fact that the Holy Spirit is

always alive and with us!

Holy Spirit Kiosk Proposal, Cronin 5

Frame Visuals On Screen Text Audio Actions

S01- You walk
Interactive into the
Timeline room.
Gallery On the curved
wall before you
there are
digital images
from left to There is a
right set up line that
chronologically connects each
from the Bible. of the images
Starting on the together.
left you see There are
pictures of the titles of the
creation story, images either
Noah, Abraham, beneath or
Jacob, and it above the
continues on image
with stories
and key people
from the Bible.

You see the Description: Audio: You tap

back of the This is David. This is on an
frame with a Even though he David. image of
description was the Even King
youngest of though he David and
his family, was the it flips
David was youngest over
chosen to be of his
anointed as family,
King. In 1 David was
Samuel 16, the chosen to Click on
Spirit of the be audio,
Lord came anointed for it to
mightily upon as King. be read
him from that In 1 aloud
day forward. Samuel 16,
The Holy the Spirit
Spirit lived of the
within and Lord
Holy Spirit Kiosk Proposal, Cronin 6

animated came...
David’s life.

Frame Visuals On Screen Text Audio Actions

From the
outside of
the kiosk,
it looks
like a
Bible, but
a lot

Some pages Bible passage: You open

will have For through the Bible
the same the Spirit, by to a
pictures faith, we wait random
that are for the hope page
displayed of
on the righteousness.
wall, to For in Christ
show you Jesus…
its proper Galatians 5:5
place in

Frame Visuals Audio Actions

S03- You see that You enter the
Pentecost you are in the There are bits of room and take a
Presentat upper room, chatter of the Apostles seat
ion you can see
that the
Apostles and A sound and a mighty You feel the
some women are wind go through the wind
there. room

This is a Audio Voice reads Acts

video 2: “When the day of
Pentecost had come,
they were all
Holy Spirit Kiosk Proposal, Cronin 7

Tongues of And there appeared to
fire appear them as tongues of Your seat gets
over their fire” hotter

You can see All of the people are

that each of speaking to each other
them is very in other languages. You
filled with cannot understand. Then
the Spirit, You begin to hear
they are Spanish, and English.
praising God They say: “what does
and seem like this mean?” and “they
they are are filled with new
drunk, but it wine”
is the Spirit.

Peter comes Your chair

forward and Peter: “Men of Judea moves around to
speaks, as if and all who dwell in see Peter in
it is to the Jerusalem, let this be front of you.
audience known to you, and give
ear to my words…” (Acts

Peter: “save yourself

from this crooked
Audio: And those who
received his word were
baptized and there were
added that day about
three thousand souls.
And they held
steadfastly to the
apostles’ teaching and
fellowship, to the
Fades to breaking of the bread End- exit into
Blackout and the prayers. the next room
through the
doorway that is
projected with
water flowing
Holy Spirit Kiosk Proposal, Cronin 8

Frame Visuals On Screen Audio Actions

S04- You enter
Application Similar to into the
of Life in scene 1 there room
the Spirit is a screen
before you
with digital
images. This
time, there
is more of a
variety and
they are
moving around
almost like a
slideshow. You click
Example on a photo;
photos- it turns
people in around and
community, there is a
the Vatican, description
Pope Francis, Description on how the
your school, for a Holy Spirit
the sacrament picture of dwells
of a person: within each
Confirmation. The Holy of these
Spirit is things
within you Audio:
because The Holy Click for
through Spirit is Audio
your within you
Baptism, because
you are through
made a your
temple of Baptism,
the Spirit! you are
This means made a
we have the temple of Click again
Screen goes ability to the
back to live in Spirit!
normal true peace, This means
joy and we have…
Holy Spirit Kiosk Proposal, Cronin 9


Frame Visuals On Screen Audio Actions

S05- Fade In:
Interactive Home screen
Kiosk Quiz Slideshow Click to
of images Start
relating to
the Holy Enter your
Spirit name

Question Question 1:
appears What is
your Questions
favorite can be read
symbol for aloud Insert an
the Holy through the answer with
Spirit? kiosk the digital
speaker keyboard
Question 2
Question 3

Text: Would
you like to
take a Answer yes
photo to or no
Front Tap when
Camera ready to
screen is take the
on. 5,4,3,2,1 Camera snap photo
Photo is
shown Click to

Photo is
Back to printed
Holy Spirit Kiosk Proposal, Cronin 10

Home Screen

Production and Marketing Plan:

The production of this exhibit, on Life in the Holy Spirit,

from start to finish I think can take one year. First, the ideas

and plans need to be drafted out and then the design needs to be

planned out. The design will continue to develop as the project

comes along. Then we will plan how we will build all of this and

what we will use to do that. The building and execution of design

will take some time next. Finally, we will make final touches on

the exhibit and make sure everything is installed.

Marketing this exhibit should be fairly easy, as it will be

a part of a museum that is already opened. We will market the

exhibit at the museum through posters, flyers and on the

internet. We will also market through the local newspaper,

television and radio. People will be excited about this exhibit,

and it will spread fast through word of mouth and the internet.

Proposed Budget:

The budget of this exhibit is between $10,000-20,000. Until

we figure out the resources that we will use for this exhibit,

the budget is not completely final.


The Holy Bible, Revised Standard Version: Second Catholic Edition

Holy Spirit Kiosk Proposal, Cronin 11

Catechism of the Catholic Church

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