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E16 IVT,CVT 1-29
E18 PLCC 1-35
E31 33 & 132 KV XLPE UG CABLE


VOL-II (TS) - -General-E1 Page 1/14


1.4 Limit of contract.....................................................................................................................................4

2. GENERAL PARTICULARS OF SYSTEM ................................................................ 5

System description .......................................................................................................................................5

Substation description:.................................................................................................................................5

Layout arrangement ....................................................................................................................................5

Meteorological data......................................................................................................................................5

Soil data ........................................................................................................................................................6

Completeness and accuracy of information .................................................................................................6

3. DRAWINGS ATTACHED WITH TENDER DOCUMENT ......................................... 6

4. GUARANTEES TECHNICAL PARTICULARS ........................................................ 6

5. COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICATION ................................................................... 6

6. TEST AND MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT .............................................................. 7

7. SPARES................................................................................................................... 7

7.1 General ...................................................................................................................................................7

7.2 Mandatory spares...................................................................................................................................7

7.3 Optional spares ( shall not be considered for evaluation purpose). ......................................................7

8.0 TRAINING ............................................................................................................ 8

8.1 Hardware maintenance ..........................................................................................................................8

8.2 Operator familiarisation ........................................................................................................................8

8.3 Software management ............................................................................................................................8

II.A) Installation and commissioning techniques ........................................................................................9

II.B) Proposals for training and manning ...................................................................................................9

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9.0 ERECTION AT SITE AND ACCOMMODATION............................................... 10

10.0 SITE CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIES .................................................................. 10

11.0 SUPERVISION AND CHECKING OF WORK ON SITE .................................... 10


13.0 COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATIONS ............................................................. 11

14.0 MAINTENANCE AND CLEARING OF SITE ..................................................... 12

15.0 INSURANCE ..................................................................................................... 12

15.1 General..........................................................................................................................................12

15.2 Workmen's Compensation Insurance ..........................................................................................12

15.3 Comprehensive auto mobile insurance .........................................................................................12

15.4 Comprehensive General Liability Insurance ...............................................................................13


17.0 WORK AND SAFETY REGULATIONS ............................................................ 13

18.0 FOREIGN PERSONNEL ................................................................................... 15

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1.1 Responsibility of the Contractor
The Contractor shall also be responsible for the complete design and engineering, overall co-ordination
with internal and external agencies, project management, training of Employer’s manpower, loading,
unloading, storage at site, inventory management at site during construction, dismantling, re-erection of
installations as per Engg Incharge advice, handling, moving to final destination, obtaining statutory
authority’s clearance for successful erection, and testing and commissioning of the substation.
1.2 Specific exclusions:
The following items of work are specifically excluded from the Contractors scope of work unless
otherwise specifically brought out..
I. Substation site selection
II. Land acquisition
1.3 Interfacial point for line termination at substation
The line Contractor shall terminate the transmission line along with insulator hardware and other
essential fittings at the substation gantry. The substation Contractor shall provide necessary anchoring
plates in co-ordination with the transmission line contractor. The substation Contractor shall be
responsible for providing the necessary electrical interconnection from the line conductor to the

1.4 Limit of contract

The scope of work shall also include all work incidental for successful operation and commissioning and
handing over of works whether specifically mentioned or not. In general works are to be carried out by
the Contractor in accordance with stipulations in Conditions of Contract.
1.5 Quantity variation
The Employer reserves the right to order and delete such works which may be necessary for him within
the quantity variation option laid down in the conditions of the contract. This shall include but not be
limited to: the manufacture, supply, testing, and delivery to site, erection and commissioning as may be
required in accordance with the Conditions of Contract at the prices stated in the Schedules.
The Employer shall be at liberty to order from the Contractor such quantities of the apparatus at any
time before the expiration of the maintenance period of the scope of work, provided that such quantities
do not exceed the limitation of the Contract Value as defined in the Conditions of Contract. Each
separate order for Work at the Option of the Employer shall constitute a section for the purpose of
payment and taking over.
The Employer shall also be at liberty to delete from the Contractor such quantities of the apparatus at
any time before commencement of supply of works under the detailed scope of work.
1.6 Supply of non specified equipment/service during execution of contract.
The Employer may require the Contractor to supply and install a number of items such as testing and
measuring instruments, vehicles, repairing of existing equipment, removal and refurbishment of
plant/equipment from one place to another etc., which in the opinion of the Engg Incharge are to the
interest of the project execution. These items and services shall not be limited to proprietory goods
provided for the project.
Such supplies and services shall be reimbursed against supply and service invoices for
the materials or services actually supplied from the manufacturer or supplier of these items. The bidder
shall quote on cost for these items for the earmarked funds in appropriate schedules which shall be
considered in bid prices. How ever these costs shall be payable to the Contractor on pro rata basis for
the actual amount spent for procurement and availing of the services.

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For such items of supply the Contractor shall follow the fair principle of contracting
procedure to the satisfaction of Engg Incharge.


System description
The following are the general particulars governing the design and working of the complete system of
which the Contract Works will eventually form a part:
Electrical energy is generated at a number of thermal and hydro power plants generally located in the
North, Central and Southern areas of Orissa State. The system is three phase, 50Hz and power is
transmitted at 400kV, 220kV and 132kV to the distribution system, via grid substations, which operate
at 33kV, 11kV and 400V. The 400kV and 220kV networks tie into the OPTCL's 400kV and 220kV grid
systems operated by OPTCL. The proposed works will increase the interconnection of, and will thus
reinforce the 400kV and 220kV networks within Orissa State. The detailed technical parameters of the
system are given in the schedules.

Substation description:
OPTCL has adopted the philosophy of installing open terminal air insulated substations. The busbars for
400 KV rigid type and for 220 KV flexible strain type depending upon the choice of the designer
considering the overall suitability and economy of the substation to be installed.

Layout arrangement
The Contractor shall study the details of layout arrangements already indicated in the schedules details
for the existing substations. The bay width and height of the conductors for these substations shall be
achieved by the Contractor in case of extension substations. However the Contractor shall finalise the
layout arrangements in case of new substations in line with this Specification with the approval of the
Engg Incharge ,which shall be meeting at least the basic minimum electrical clearances as specified in the
Location and site description
Details of the sub-substation locations, their approach , geography and topography has been provided to
the extent possible. The Bidder shall make necessary visit to the substation sites and fully appraise
himself before bidding. Deviations on account of inadequate data for substation works shall not be
acceptable and the Bid shall not be considered for evaluation in such cases.

Meteorological data
Appropriate meteorological data is given in the schedules.

Soil data
Detailed soil investigations in respect of various substations have not been made. However the general
characteristics of the soil are given in the schedules. The Contractor shall investigate the properties of the
substations and measure the soil resistivity as part of the scope of work.

Completeness and accuracy of information

The Contractor shall note that the information provided above and in the relevant schedules may not be
complete or fully accurate at the time of bidding. For his own interest the Contractor is advised to make
site visits and fully satisfy himself regarding site conditions in all respects, and shall be fully responsible
for the complete design and engineering of the substations.

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The various drawings and schedules provided are a part of the specification and for information purposes
only. These are not necessarily binding on the part of the Contractor. Bids shall be prepared by the
Bidder based on information provided in the drawings and schedules and that gathered by the Bidder


The Contract Works shall comply with the guaranteed technical particulars specified or quoted in the bid.
All plant and apparatus supplied under this Contract shall be to the approval of the Engg Incharge .
All plant and equipment supplied under this contract must have been type tested, have been in
manufacture and satisfactory service at identical ratings for at least two years. The bidder shall furnish in
his bid the necessary supporting data in specified formats for consideration during bid evaluation. If
during evaluation non compliance is identified the successful Contractor shall be bound to supply the
equipment from manufacturers complying with the stipulated requirements / OPTCL approval renders.
The Contractor shall be responsible for any discrepancies, errors or omissions in the particulars and
The Bidder for his own interest, shall establish the technical responsiveness of his bid, shall provide all
data in appropriate technical data sheets, general/ technical information, literature, and pamphlets etc.
along with the bid.


All apparatus should comply with this Specification. Any departures from the requirements of this
Specification shall be stated in the relevant Bid Proposal Schedules and will be considered during Bid
evaluation. Unless brought out clearly in the technical schedules, it will be presumed that the equipment
is deemed to comply with the technical specification.
In the event of there being any inconsistency between the provisions of the conditions of contract and the
provisions of this Specification in respect of commercial requirements, the provisions of the conditions of
contract shall take precedence for commercial matters and the provisions of this Specification shall take
precedence in respect of technical matters.
In case of inconsistency between technical specification & bid proposal sheet, quantities of various items
as specified in the bid proposal sheet shall be considered for quoting however the work shall be executed
as specified in the technical specification. Only brief description is given in the BPS & the work shall be
executed in line with the requirement given in the TS.
The manufacturer and places of manufacture, testing and inspection of the various portions of the
Contract Works shall be stated in the relevant Bid Proposal Schedules.


The Contractor shall supply the type and quantity of test and maintenance equipment specified in the
Schedules as part of the contract works.


7.1 General
The Contractor shall provide the mandatory spares detailed in the Schedules. Provide a list of
recommended spare parts (optional spares) together with their individual prices, but that will not be
considered for evaluation. The Employer may order all or any of the Optional spare parts listed at the
time of contract award . Mandatory spares shall be supplied as part of the Works under this

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specification. Additional spares(Mandatory) may be ordered at any time during the contract at the rates
stated in the Price Schedule.

7.2 Mandatory spares

The Employer has indicated the requirement of mandatory spares as a percentage of the population of
main equipment together with proposed storage locations. The quantities shall be determined by the
Contractor and indicated in the relevant Bid Price Schedules. These quantities shall be considered for
evaluation of the bids.

7.3 Optional spares ( shall not be considered for evaluation purpose).

The Contractor may recommend a list of optional spare parts together with the quantity and usage rates
for their equipment in the relevant Bid Proposal Schedule. The Engg Incharge shall assess their
requirement and place orders.
The spares shall include consumable items sufficient for a plant operational period of five years after
commissioning, as well as essential replacement parts to cover the event of a break-down which would
affect the availability or safety of the plant. Spares shall be available during the life of the equipment and
the Contractor shall give 12 months notice of his, or any sub-contractor’s, intention to cease manufacture
of any component used in the equipment.
The Contractor shall ensure that sufficient spare parts and consumable items are available for his own
use during commissioning of the plant. Spares ordered by the Employer shall not be used by the
Contractor without the written consent of the Engg Incharge and any spares so used by the Contractor
during the commissioning of the plant shall be replaced by the Contractor at the Contractor’s expense.
Any spare apparatus, parts and tools shall be subject to the same specification, tests and conditions as
similar material supplied under the Scope of Works of the Contract. They shall be strictly
interchangeable and suitable for use in place of the corresponding parts supplied with the plant and must
be suitably marked and numbered for identification and prepared for storage by greasing or painting to
prevent deterioration.
All spare apparatus or materials containing electrical insulation shall be packed and delivered in cases
suitable for storing such parts or material over a period of years without deterioration. Such cases shall
have affixed to both the underside and topside of the lid a list detailing its contents. The case will remain
the property of the Employer.

The Contractor will be required to provide suitable training for selected staff both on site and at the
Contractor's place of work. Details of the training considered appropriate shall be stated clearly, at the
bidding stage, based on the number of trainees specified. The cost of training including all course fees
shall be included.
The areas in which it is considered training should be provided, and duration of the training courses, are
given in this section. Alternative arrangements, where considered appropriate, should be suggested.
Four categories of training are considered appropriate namely :
I. Hardware maintenance.
II. Operator familiarisation.
III. Software management.
IV. Installation and commissioning techniques.

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8.1 Hardware maintenance
Courses for hardware maintenance shall identify techniques for preventative physical maintenance and
for identification, isolation and replacement of faulty components. This course shall take place before
equipment is delivered to site.
An essential part of the hardware maintenance course shall include highlighting the philosophy of
computer based preventive maintenance and identification of the various diagnostic/interrogation
facilities available. The Contractor shall supply adequate documented instructions to enable a detailed
interrogation and analysis process to be carried out using the diagnostic software facilities. All items of
hardware to be supplied shall be covered by the course.

8.2 Operator familiarisation

This course is intended to familiarise the operators with the system and its use in operating and
controlling the PLCC network. The course shall ensure that the control room staff are completely
familiar with all operational aspects of the equipment. The means of obtaining special data, report logs
and all other facilities which would enable the operators to be fully conversant with the system, shall also
be incorporated.
It is envisaged that it will be necessary for the Contractor to run operator familiarisation courses each of
approximately one week in duration at site for the training of the Employer's staff.

8.3 Software management

This course shall comprise two main areas and shall take place at the Contractor's works before
equipment is delivered to site .
It is envisaged that the software management courses shall extend for a period of approximately six

II.A) Installation and commissioning techniques

The Employer's staff will be present during the installation and commissioning period and it is essential
that they be fully involved in any on-site corrections or modifications to hardware and software
It is envisaged that it will be necessary for the Contractor to run installation and commissioning
techniques courses each of approximately one week in duration at site for the training of the Employer's

II.B) Proposals for training and manning

For each course recommended the following information shall be provided:
I. Course name and identification.
II. Short description of the curriculum.
III. Level of competency required for each course.
IV. Date and duration.
V. Maximum number of staff that can attend.

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VI. Location.
VII. Other important information.
The times at which the various training courses will take place shall be stated, and fully documented
notes shall be available to the Employer not later than two months before the commencement of the
All training course notes and documentation shall be in the English language.
An estimate of the total number of the Employer's staff required to run, operate and service the works
covered by this Specification shall be given if this is different to the numbers specified.
The prices of the training courses shall be detailed in full such that additions or deletions to personnel or
courses can be calculated by the Employer without necessarily having to contact the Contractor. This is
particularly important for the 'Software management' courses where prices for formal course days and
practical course days shall be individually detailed.


The Contractor shall provide, at his own cost and expense, all labour, plant and material necessary for
unloading and erection at the Site and shall be entirely responsible for its efficient and correct operation.
The Contractor shall be responsible for arranging and providing all living accommodation services and
amenities required by his employees. He shall also provide suitable office accommodation at each
substation site for the sole use by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) for new substations only.


The Contractor shall provide at his own cost and expense, any site supplies of electrical energy which he
may require for supplying power for heavy erection plant, welding plant or other tools and lighting and
testing purposes.
All wiring for such tackle and for lighting from the point of supply shall be provided by the Contractor
and all such installations shall comply with all appropriate statutory regulations to which the Employer is
Wiring shall be of the best quality double insulated flexible cable, suitably fixed, protected and
maintained. All necessary precautions shall be taken to ensure the safety of every person employed or
working on the Site and this shall include routine inspection of all temporary installations and portable
The Engg Incharge or his authorised representative may require the disconnection or alteration of any
parts which he may consider dangerous.
As soon as any part or the whole of the Contractor’s installation is no longer required for the carrying out
of the works, the Contractor shall disconnect and remove the same to the satisfaction of the Engg
Incharge or his authorised representative.
The contractor shall be responsible for arranging construction water at his own cost.
How ever in case water is available at any substation site, Contractor may request Engg Incharge for
availing water at one point, which shall be charged to the contractor at prevailing rates for supply of
water by Govt. Dept. / Municipal Authorities.
In no case the work shall suffer on account of the Employer not making available the supply of water
and electricity for construction purposes.

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All work on site included in the Contract scope of works shall be supervised by a sufficient number of
qualified representatives of the Contractor.
Before putting any plant or apparatus into operation the Contractor shall satisfy himself as to the
correctness of all connections between the plant and apparatus supplied under this and other contracts.
The Contractor shall advise the Engg Incharge in writing, giving the period of notice as specified in the
General Conditions of Contract, when the plant or apparatus is ready for inspection or energisation.


Until each Section of the Contract Works has been taken over or deemed to have been taken over under
the Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall be entirely responsible for the Contract Works, whether
under construction, during tests, or in use for the Employer’s service.
The Contractor shall instruct the Employer’s operating staff in the recommended method of
operation of the plant supplied. Such instruction shall commence prior to the commissioning of the plant
and shall be followed by practical instruction for a period of up to one month after the plant is taken over
by the Employer. During this one month period the Contractor shall provide an engineer, on each site that
is taken over, to assist with operation of the plant and to provide on-site training of the Employer’s
operating staff. The training schedule and programme for each substation shall be submitted to the Engg
Incharge for approval, three months prior to the substation’s planned completion date.
If the Employer shall so require, the Contractor shall provide the services of a skilled engineer acquainted
with the running of the plant for any period required by the Employer between commencing of use of any
portion of the plant (whether taken over or not) and the expiry of the period of maintenance, the wages
for such services being paid by the Employer to the Contractor, except in respect of the carrying out of
any work already covered by the Contractor’s obligations under this Contract.
When the Contractor ceases to be obliged to maintain a supervising engineer on the Site under the
foregoing provisions of this clause, the Contractor shall, until the expiration of the period of
maintenance, make such arrangements as to ensure the attendance on site within 24 hours of being called
upon by the Engg Incharge of a competent supervising engineer for the purpose of carrying out any work
of maintenance or repair for which the Contractor shall be liable. During such part or parts of the said
period as the Engg Incharge shall deem it necessary the said representative shall be continuously
available on the Site.
Any work which may be necessary for the Contractor to carry out in pursuance of his obligations under
the Conditions of Contract shall be carried out with the minimum of interference to the normal operation
of the substation. Work on the Site shall be carried out at such time and during such hours as the Engg
Incharge may require.


All apparatus and material supplied, and all work carried out shall comply in all respects with such of the
requirements of all Regulations and Acts in force in the country of the Employer as are applicable to the
Contract Works and with any other applicable regulations to which the Employer is subject.
The Contractor shall fully inform himself of the requirements of the local Laws, Regulations and rules in-
force in the State of Orissa, especially with respect to local employment laws, licensing requirements,
electrical safety rules and regulations, building regulations and planning procedures.
The Contractor shall be responsible for applying for all necessary licenses; including Electrical
Contractors License, Workman’s Permits and Certificates of Competency for Supervisors, and local
government approvals required for the contract works and for the payment of all necessary fees
associated with such licenses and approvals.

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Correspondence with the Electrical Inspector shall be conducted through the Engg Incharge (Divisional
Engr.), but the Contractor shall provide all necessary information, regarding the contract works, as may
be required by the Electrical Inspector.
Additionally the Contractor shall also follow the minimum regulations on safety, employees welfare,
industry etc. as stipulated under the relevant Clause of this section.


The placing of materials and plant near the erection site prior to their being erected and installed shall be
done in a neat, tidy and safe manner. The Contractor shall at his own expense keep the site area allocated
to him and also the erection area of the Contract Works reasonably clean and shall remove all waste
material as it accumulates and as directed by the Engg Incharge from time to time.


15.1 General
In addition to the conditions covered under the Clause titled insurance in the Special Conditions of
Contract, the following provisions will also apply to the portion of works to be done beyond the
Suppliers own or his sub-Contractors manufacturing Works.

15.2 Workmen's Compensation Insurance

This insurance shall protect the Contractor against all claims applicable under the Workmen’s
Compensation Act, 1948 (Government of India). This policy shall also cover the Contractor against the
claims for injury, disability, disease or death of his or his sub-contractor's employees, which for any
reason are not covered under the Workman’s Compensation Act, 1948. The liabilities shall not be less
I. Workmen’s’ Compensation As per statutory provisions
II. Employee's liability As per statutory provisions
* According to the Govt. rules.

15.3 Comprehensive auto mobile insurance

This insurance shall be in a such a form to protect the Contractor against all claims for injuries,
disability, disease and death to members of public including the Employer's men and damage to the
property of others arising from the use of motor vehicles during on or off the Site operations, irrespective
of the ownership of such vehicles. The minimum liability covered shall be as herein indicated:
I. Fatal Injury : Rs. 100,000/- each person
II. Property : Rs. 200,000/- each occurrence
III. Damage : Rs. 100,000/- each occurrence
* As per latest prevailing Govt. rules.

15.4 Comprehensive General Liability Insurance

This insurance shall protect the Contractor against all claims arising from injuries, disabilities, disease or
death of members or public or damage to property of others, due to any act or omission on the part of the
Contractor, its agents, its employees, its representatives and sub-contractors or from riots, strikes and
civil commotion.
The hazards to be covered will pertain to all works and areas where the Contractor, its sub-contractors,
agents and employees have to perform work pursuant to the Contracts.

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The above are only an illustrative list of insurance covers normally required and it will be the
responsibility of the Contractor to maintain all necessary insurance coverage to the extent both in time
and amount to take care of all its liabilities either direct or indirect, in pursuance of the Contract.


The Contractor shall ensure that any finds such as relics, antiques, coins, fossils, etc. which he may come
across during the course of performance of his works either during excavation or elsewhere, are properly
protected and handed over to the Employer. Similarly, the Contractor shall ensure that the bench marks,
reference points, etc. which are marked either with the help of Employer or by the Employer shall not be
disturbed in any way during the performance of his works. If any work is to be performed which disturbs
such reference points, the same shall be done only after these are transferred to other suitable locations
under the direction of the Employer. The Contractor shall provide all necessary materials and assistance
for such relocation of reference points etc.
17.0 Work and Safety Regulations
The Contractor shall ensure safety of all the workmen, plant and equipment belonging to him or to
others, working at the Site. The Contractor shall also provide for all safety notices and safety equipment
required by the relevant legislation and deemed necessary by the Engg Incharge .
The Contractor will notify, well in advance to the Engg Incharge, his intention to bring to the
Site any container filled with liquid or gaseous fuel, explosive or petroleum substance or such chemicals
which may involve hazards. The Engg Incharge shall have the right to prescribe the conditions under
which such a container is to be stored, handled and used during the performance of the works and the
Contractor shall strictly adhere to and comply with such instructions. The Engg Incharge shall also have
the right, at his sole discretion, to inspect any such container or such construction plant and equipment
for which materials in the container is required to be used and if in his opinion, its use are not safe, he
may forbid their use.
No claim due to such prohibition or towards additional safety provisions called for by him shall
be entertained by the Employer.
Further, any such decision of the Engg Incharge shall not, in any way, absolve the Contractor of his
responsibilities and in case use of such a container or entry thereof into the Site areas is forbidden by the
Engg Incharge the Contractor shall use alternative methods with the approval of the Engg Incharge
without any cost implication to the Employer or extension of work schedule.
Where it is necessary to provide and/or store petroleum products or petroleum mixtures and
explosives, the Contractor shall be responsible for carrying out such provision and/or storage in
accordance with the rules and regulations laid down in Petroleum Act 1934, Explosives Act 1948 and
amendments thereof, and Petroleum and Carbide of Calcium Manual published by the Chief Inspector of
Explosives of India. All such storage shall have prior approval of the Engg Incharge. In case, any
approval is necessary from the Chief Inspector (Explosives) or any statutory authorities, the Contractor
shall be responsible for obtaining the same.
All equipment used in construction and erection by Contractor shall meet Indian or International
Standards and where such standards do not exist, the Contractor shall ensure these to be absolutely safe.
All equipment shall be strictly operated and maintained by the Contractor in accordance with
manufacturers operation manual and safety instructions and as per any existing Guidelines/Rules in this
Periodical examinations and all tests for all lifting and hoisting equipment and tackle shall be carried out
in accordance with the relevant provisions of Factories Act 1948, Indian Electricity (Supply) Act and
associated Laws/Rules in force, from time to time. A register of such examinations and tests shall be
properly maintained by the Contractor and will be promptly produced as and when desired by Engg

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The Contractor shall provide suitable safety equipment of prescribed standard to all employees and
workmen according to the need, as may be directed by the Engg Incharge who will also have the right to
examine such safety equipment to determine it’s suitability, reliability, acceptability and adaptability.
Where explosives are to be used, the same shall be used under the direct control and supervision of an
expert, experienced and qualified competent person, strictly in accordance with the Code of
Practices/Rules framed under Indian Explosives Act pertaining to handling, storage and use of explosive.
Contractors employing more than 250 workmen whether temporary, casual, probationer, regular or
permanent or on contract, shall employ at least one full time officer exclusively as Safety Officer to
supervise safety aspects of the equipment and workmen. Such an officer will co-ordinate with the Project
Safety officer of the Employer.
The name and address of the Safety Officer of the Contractor will be promptly informed in writing to the
Engg Incharge with a copy to the Safety Officer-in-charge before he starts work or immediately after
any change of the incumbent is made during currency of the Contract.
In case any accident occurs during the construction, erection or other associated activities undertaken by
the Contractor, thereby causing any minor or major or fatal injury to his employees due to any reason
whatsoever, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to promptly inform the same to the Engg
Incharge and also to all the authorities envisaged under the applicable laws.
The Engg Incharge shall have the right at his sole discretion to stop the work, if in his opinion the work is
being carried out in such a way as may cause accidents or endanger the safety of the persons and/or
equipment. In such cases, the Contractor shall be informed in writing about the nature of hazards and
possible injury/accident and he shall remove shortcomings immediately. The Contractor, after stopping
the specific work, can if felt necessary appeal against the order of stoppage of work to the Engg Incharge
within three days of such stoppage of work and the decision of the Engg Incharge in this respect shall be
The Contractor shall not be entitled for any damages or compensation for stoppage of work due to safety
reasons and the period of such stoppage of work will not be taken as an extension of time for completion
of work, nor will it be the grounds for waiver of any part of suppliers liability for timely completion of
the works.
The Contractor shall follow and comply with all Safety Rules, relevant provisions of applicable laws
pertaining to the safety of workmen, employees, plant and equipment as may be prescribed from time to
time without any demur, protest or contest or reservation. In case of any conflict between statutory
requirement and Safety Rules referred above, the most stringent clause shall be applicable.
If the Contractor fails in providing safe working environment as per Safety Rules or continues the works
even after being instructed to stop work by the Engg. Incharge, the Contractor shall promptly pay to the
Employer on demand, compensation at the rate of Rs. 5,000/- per day or part thereof till the instructions
are complied with and so certified by the Employer. However, in case of accident taking place causing
injury to any individual, the provision contained in subsequent paragraph as here below shall also apply
in addition to the compensation mentioned in this paragraph.
If the Contractor does not take all safety precautions and comply with Safety Rules as prescribed by the
Engg. Incharge or as prescribed under the applicable law, to safeguard equipment, plant and personnel
the Contractor shall be responsible for payment of compensation to the Employer as per the schedule
given below.
If the Contractor does not prevent hazardous conditions which may cause injury to his own employees,
employees of other Contractors, or the Employer or any other person at Site or adjacent thereto, the
Contractor shall be responsible for payment of compensation to the Employer as per the following
Fatal injury or accident causing death. Rs. 100,000/- per Applicable for injury or death to
person any person whomsoever.

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Major injuries or accident causing 25% or Rs. 20,000/- per Applicable for injury or death to
more permanent disability. person any person whomsoever.
* As per prevailing Govt. rules.
Permanent disability shall have the same meaning as indicated in Workmen's Compensation Act. The
compensation mentioned above shall be in addition to the compensation payable to the
workmen/employees under the relevant provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Act and rules framed
thereunder or any other applicable law as applicable from time to time. In case the Employer is made to
pay such compensation, the Contractor will reimburse the Employer such amount(s) in addition to the
compensation indicated above.


If necessary for the execution of the works, the Contractor shall bring foreign supervisors for the
execution of the Contract at his own cost. The Contractor shall submit to the Employer data on all
personnel he proposes to bring into India for the performance of the works under the Contract, at least
Sixty (60) days prior to their arrival in India. Such data shall include the name of each person, his
present address, his assignment and responsibility in connection with the works, and a short resume of his
qualifications and experience etc. in relation to the work to be performed by him.
Any person unsuitable and unacceptable to the Employer, shall not be brought to India. Any person
brought to India, and found unsuitable or unacceptable to the Employer shall be immediately removed
from Site and repatriated. If found necessary, he may be replaced by other personnel acceptable to the
No person brought to India by the Contractor for the works shall be repatriated without the consent of
the Employer in writing, based on a written request from the Supplier for such repatriation giving
reasons for such an action to the Employer. The Employer may give permission for such repatriation
provided the Employer is satisfied that the progress of work will not suffer due to such repatriation.
The cost of passports, visas and all other travel expenses to and from India, shall be to the Contractor's
account. The Employer will not provide any residential accommodation and/or furniture for any of the
Contractors personnel including foreign personnel. Contractor shall make his own arrangements for such
The Contractor and his expatriate personnel shall respect all Indian Acts, Laws, Rules and Regulations
and shall not in any way, interfere with Indian political and religious affairs and shall conform to any
other rules and regulations which the Government of India, and the Employer may establish on them. The
Contractor’s expatriate personnel shall work and live in close co-operation and co-ordination with their
co-workers and the community and shall not engage themselves in any other employment either part-time
or full-time nor shall they take part in any local politics.
The Employer shall assist the Contractor, to the extent possible, in obtaining necessary certificates and
other information needed by the Government agencies.

VOL-II (TS) - -General-E1 Page 14/14











............................................................................................................................. 1


1.0 GENERAL .............................................................................................................. 6

2.0 DESIGN AND STANDARDISATION ..................................................................... 6

3.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE ........................................................................................ 7

3.1. General .................................................................................................................................................. 7

3.2. Quality assurance programme .............................................................................................................. 7

3.3. Quality plans .......................................................................................................................................... 8

3.4. Inspection and testing ............................................................................................................................ 8

3.5. Non-conforming product ....................................................................................................................... 9

3.6. Monitoring of quality arrangements ..................................................................................................... 9

3.7. Sub-contractors ..................................................................................................................................... 9

3.8. Method statement .................................................................................................................................. 9

4.0 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT (HSE) PLAN ........................................ 9

4.1. General .................................................................................................................................................. 9

4.2. Content of HSE Plan.............................................................................................................................. 9

4.3. General structure of HSE Plan............................................................................................................ 10

4.4. Section 6 of HSE Plan .......................................................................................................................... 11

4.5. Standards, Procedures and Guidelines ............................................................................................... 11

4.6. Supervision strategy ............................................................................................................................ 11

5.0 PROGRESS REPORTING .................................................................................... 11

6.0 STANDARDS ........................................................................................................ 12

7.0 LANGUAGE AND SYSTEM OF UNITS................................................................ 13



8.1. Correspondence ................................................................................................................................... 13

8.2. Drawings and samples ......................................................................................................................... 13

8.3. Approval procedure............................................................................................................................. 14

8.4. Final as-built drawings ........................................................................................................................ 15

8.5. Operation and Maintenance Manuals ................................................................................................. 16

9.0 MASS AND SIZE OF PARTS AND QUANTITIES OF OIL ................................. 16

10.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................. 16

10.1. Bolts and nuts .................................................................................................................................... 16

10.2. Galvanising. ....................................................................................................................................... 17

10.2.1. General ........................................................................................................................ 17
10.2.2. Galvanising .................................................................................................................. 17

10.3. Cleaning, painting and tropicalisation ............................................................................................. 18

10.3.1. General ........................................................................................................................ 18
10.3.2. Works painting processes ............................................................................................. 18
10.3.3. Site painting ................................................................................................................. 19

10.4. Provision for exposure to hot and humid climate ............................................................................. 21

10.4.1. Anti-condensation Provisions: ...................................................................................... 21
10.4.2. Fungistatic treatment .................................................................................................... 21
10.4.3. Ventilating specifications ............................................................................................. 21

10.5. Labels and plates ............................................................................................................................... 21

10.6. Padlocks ............................................................................................................................................. 22

10.7. Earthing ............................................................................................................................................ 23

10.8. Lubrication ........................................................................................................................................ 23

11. PRODUCTION PROCESS REQUIREMENTS ..................................................... 23

11.1. Castings .............................................................................................................................................. 23
11.1.1. General ........................................................................................................................ 23
11.1.2. Iron castings ................................................................................................................. 23
11.1.3. Steel castings ............................................................................................................... 24

11.2. Forgings ............................................................................................................................................. 24

11.3. Fabricated components ...................................................................................................................... 24

11.4. Welding and welders qualifications ................................................................................................... 24


11.4.1. General ........................................................................................................................ 24
11.4.2. Welding ....................................................................................................................... 25
11.4.3. Welding of pipes .......................................................................................................... 26

12. WIRING, CABLING AND CABLE INSTALLATION ............................................ 27

12.1. Cubicle wiring .................................................................................................................................... 27

12.2. LV power cabling............................................................................................................................... 29

12.3. Multi-core cables and conduit wiring ................................................................................................ 29

12.4. Laying and installing of cables .......................................................................................................... 30

12.4.1. General ........................................................................................................................ 30
12.4.2. Laying of cable ............................................................................................................ 30
12.4.3. Cable tags and markers................................................................................................. 31
12.4.4. Cable supports and cable tray mounting arrangements in control room ......................... 31
12.4.5. Cable support structure in switchyard cable trenches .................................................... 31

12.5. Termination of cables and wires ................................................................................................. 32

13.0 DEGREES OF PROTECTION ........................................................................... 32

14.0 SUPPLY VOLTAGE ........................................................................................... 32

15.0 MAINTENANCE TELEPHONE POSITIONS...................................................... 33

16.0 ERECTION CONDITIONS ................................................................................. 33

16.1. General............................................................................................................................................... 33

16.2. Regulation of local authorities and statutes....................................................................................... 33

16.3. Inspection, testing and inspection certificates ................................................................................... 33

16.4. Contractor's field operation .............................................................................................................. 34

16.4.1. General ........................................................................................................................ 34
16.4.2. Progress Report ............................................................................................................ 34

16.5. Facilities to be provided by the contractor ........................................................................................ 34

16.5.1. Unloading .................................................................................................................... 34
16.5.2. Tools, tackle and scaffoldings ...................................................................................... 34

16.6. First-Aid and general hygiene ........................................................................................................... 34

16.7. Security .............................................................................................................................................. 35

16.8. Materials handling and storage ......................................................................................................... 35


17.0 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ................................................................... 35
17.1. General............................................................................................................................................... 35

17.2. Field office records ............................................................................................................................ 35

17.3. Protection of property and Contractor's liability ............................................................................. 36

18.0 CODE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................... 36

19.0 EMPLOYER'S SUPERVISION........................................................................... 36

20.0 TESTING AND INSPECTION ............................................................................. 36

21.0 FIRE PRECAUTIONS ........................................................................................ 37

22.0 PACKING, SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT ........................................................ 38

23.0 ERECTION MARKS ........................................................................................... 39

24.0 SPANNERS AND SPECIAL TOOLS ................................................................. 39

25.0 RUNWAY BEAMS, EYE BOLTS AND LIFTING TACKLE ................................ 39

The following provisions shall supplement all the detailed technical specifications and requirements
brought out in accompanying Technical Specifications. The Contractor’s proposal shall be based upon
the use of equipment and materials complying fully with the requirements specified herein. It is
recognised that the Contractor may have standardised on the use of certain components, materials,
processes or procedures different to those specified herein. Alternate proposals offering similar
equipment based on the manufacturers standard practice will also be considered, provided such
proposals meet the specified design standard and performance requirement and are acceptable to the
Engg. Incharge.


The Works covered by the specification shall be designed, manufactured, built, tested and
commissioned in accordance with the Act, Rules, Laws and Regulations of India. The Equipment(s)
shall also conform to the requirements detailed in the referred standards, which shall form an integral
part of the Specification, in addition to meeting the specific requirements called for elsewhere in the
The Contract works shall be designed to facilitate inspection, cleaning and repairs, and for operation
where continuity of supply is the first consideration. Apparatus shall be designed to ensure satisfactory
operation in all atmospheric conditions prevailing at the Site(s) and during such sudden variation of
load and voltage as may be met with under working conditions on the system, including those due to
faulty synchronising and short circuit.
The design shall incorporate all reasonable precautions and provisions for the safety of those concerned
in the operation and maintenance of the Contract Works and of associated works supplied under other


Where the Specification does not contain characteristics with reference to workmanship, equipment,
materials and components of the covered equipment, it is understood that the same must be new, of
highest grade of the best quality of their kind, conforming to best engineering practice and suitable for
the purpose for which they are intended.
In case where the equipment, materials or components are indicated in the specification as 'similar' to
any special standard, the Engg. Incharge shall decide upon the question of similarity. When required by
the Specification; or when required by Engg. Incharge the Contractor shall submit, for approval, all the
information concerning materials or components to be used in manufacture. Machinery, equipment,
materials and components supplied, installed or used without such approval shall run the risk of
subsequent rejection, it being understood that the cost as well as the time delay associated with the
rejection shall be borne by the Contractor.
The design of the Works shall be such that installation, future expansions, replacements and general
maintenance may be undertaken with a minimum of time and expense. Each component shall be
designed to be consistent with its duty and suitable factors of safety, subject to mutual agreements and
shall be used throughout the design. All joints and fastenings shall be so devised, constructed and
documented that the component parts shall be accurately positioned and restrained to fulfil their
required function.
All outdoor apparatus and fittings shall be designed so that water cannot collect at any point.
Grease lubricators shall be fitted with nipples and where necessary for accessibility, the nipples shall be
placed at the end of extension piping.
All water and oil pipe flanges shall be to IS 6392/BS 4504 or other equivalent standard, as regards both
dimensions and drilling, unless otherwise approved.
Cast iron shall not be used for chambers of oil filled apparatus or for any part of the equipment which is
in tension or subject to impact stresses.
Kiosks, cubicles and similar enclosed compartments shall be adequately ventilated to restrict
condensation. All contractor or relay coils and other parts shall be suitably protected against corrosion.
All apparatus shall be designed to obviate the risk of accidental short circuit due to animals, birds,
insects, mites, rodents or micro-organisms.
Corresponding parts shall be interchangeable. Where required by the Engg. Incharge the Contractor
shall demonstrate this quality.


3.1 General
To ensure that the supply and services under the scope of this Contract, whether manufactured or
performed within the Contractor’s works or at his Sub-Contractor’s premises or at Site or at any other
place of work are in accordance with the Specification, with the Regulations and with relevant Indian
or otherwise Authorised Standards the Contractor shall adopt suitable Quality Assurance Programmes
and Procedures to ensure that all activities are being controlled as necessary.
The quality assurance arrangements shall conform to the relevant requirements of ISO 9001 or ISO
9002 as appropriate.
The systems and procedures which the Contractor will use to ensure that the Works comply with the
Contract requirements shall be defined in the Contractor’s Quality Plan for the Works.
The Contractor shall operate systems which implement the following:
Hold Point “A stage in the material procurement or workmanship process beyond which work shall
not proceed without the documented approval of designated individuals or organisations.”
The Engg. Incharge written approval is required to authorise work to progress beyond the Hold Points
indicated in approved Quality Plans.


Notification Point “A stage in material procurement or workmanship process for which advance
notice of the activity is required to facilitate witness.”
If the Engg. Incharge does not attend after receiving documented notification in accordance with the
agreed procedures and with the correct period of notice then work may proceed.

3.2 Quality assurance programme

Unless the Contractor’s Quality Assurance System has been audited and approved by the Engg.
Incharge, a Quality Assurance Program for the Works shall be submitted to the Engg. Incharge for
approval a minimum of one month prior to commencement of the works, or such other period as shall
be agreed with the Engg. Incharge. The Quality Assurance Program shall give a description of the
Quality System for the Works and shall, unless advised otherwise, include details of the following:
· The structure of the Contractor’s organisation
· The duties and responsibilities assigned to staff ensuring quality of work
· The system for purchasing, taking delivery and verification of materials
· The system for ensuring quality of workmanship
· The system for the control of documentation
· The system for the retention of records
· The arrangements for the Contractor’s internal auditing
· A list of the administration and work procedures required to achieve and verify the Contract’s
Quality requirements. These procedures shall be made readily available to the Engg. Incharge for
inspection on request.

3.3 Quality plans

The Contractor shall draw up for each section of the work Quality Plans which shall be submitted to
the Engg. Incharge for approval at least two weeks prior to commencement of the particular section.
Each Quality Plan shall set out the activities in a logical sequence and, unless advised otherwise, shall
include the following:
· An outline of the proposed work and program sequence
· The structure of the Contractor’s organisation for the Contract
· The duties and responsibilities assigned to staff ensuring quality of work for Contract
· Hold and Notification points
· Submission of engineering documents required by the Specification
· The inspection of materials and components on receipt
· Reference to the Contractor’s work procedures appropriate to each activity
· Inspection during fabrication/construction
· Final inspection and test

3.4 Inspection and testing

The prime responsibility for inspection and testing rests with the Contractor. The inspection or its
waiver by the Engg. Incharge does not relieve the Contractor of any obligations or responsibilities to
carry out the work in accordance with the Contract.


The inspection and testing shall be documented such that it is possible to verify that it was performed.
Records of inspection shall include as a minimum the contract identity, operation/inspection, technique
used, acceptance standard, acceptability, identity of inspector/tester and date of inspection/test.

3.5 Non-conforming product

The Contractor shall retain responsibility for the disposition of non-conforming items.

3.6 Monitoring of quality arrangements

During the course of the Contract the Engg. Incharge may monitor the implementation of the Quality
Assurance arrangements. Monitoring will be by surveillance of the activities at work locations and/or
by formal audits of the adherence of the Contractor to the systems and procedures which constitute his
Quality Assurance arrangements. Corrective actions shall be agreed and implemented in respect of any
The Contractor shall provide any facilities, including access, which may be required by the Engg.
Incharge for monitoring activities.
The Engg. Incharge may participate on an agreed basis in the Contractor’s monitoring of a sub-
contractor’s Quality Assurance arrangements.

3.7 Sub-contractors
The Contractor shall ensure that the Quality Assurance requirements of this Specification are followed
by any sub-contractor appointed by him under the Contract.
The Contractor shall assess the sub-contractor’s Quality Assurance arrangements prior to his
appointment to ensure its compliance with the appropriate ISO 9000 standard and the Specification.
Auditing of the sub-contractor’s Quality Assurance arrangements shall be carried out by the Contractor
and recorded in such a manner that demonstrates to the Engg. Incharge the extent of the audits and
their effectiveness.

3.8 Method statement

Prior to commencing work, the Contractor shall submit a method statement setting out full details of
his method of working. This is a Hold Point.
Details of the Contractor’s method of working shall also be submitted at the time of Bidding.


4.1 General
Within one month of award of contract the Contractor shall produce a HSE Plan for the contract and
submit for the approval of the Engg. Incharge . The HSE Plan is described in the following sections.
The primary objective of the HSE Plan is for the contractor to demonstrate that he has the capability to
carry out the contract work in a cost effective manner, giving due consideration to the Health, Safety
and Environmental management of both his own employees, those of the Employer and anyone who
may be affected by his activities.

4.2 Content of HSE Plan

The general structure of the HSE Plan is outlined in The HSE Plan will comprise two parts i.e.:
Part : I : Sections 1 to 5, covering general HSE management and controls.
The following would be attached as appendices, where appropriate:
· Organisation chart showing the proposed Contractors HSE organisational structure


· The CV’s, duties and responsibilities of the following personnel:
(i) Contract Manager
(ii) Contractors Site Representatives
(iii) Safety Officer
(iv) Site Safety Officers
Part : II : Section 6, providing a summary of hazards and controls.

4.3 General structure of HSE Plan

The HSE Plan shall conform to the following general structure:
1. Contractors Policy Statement
2. Health
2.1 First Aid
2.2 Primary health care
2.3 Occupational health
3. Safety
3.1 Objectives and targets
3.2 Organisation and responsibilities
3.3 HSE meetings
3.4 Motivation and communication
3.5 HSE training
3.6 Audits and inspections
3.7 Emergency response
3.8 Safety function
3.9 Accident investigating and reporting
3.10 Standards
3.11 Personal protective equipment
4. Environment
4.1 Waste management
4.2 Chemicals management
4.3 Environmental impact
5. Critical areas
5.1 Subcontractors
6. Summary of hazards and controls

4.4 Section 6 of HSE Plan

In addition to general hazards and their controls, the following hazards have been identified as specific
to this contract and therefore the contractor should demonstrate that he is capable of providing the
necessary controls for the work:
· Working within a Permit to Work system


· Working adjacent to live high voltage equipment
· Working adjacent to, and in the vicinity of, live high voltage overhead lines
· Working at elevation
· Lifting operations
· Use of explosives
· Use of heavy machinery including cranage, pile rigs and concrete mixers
· Excavation works
· Work in confined spaces
· Working with insulating oil
· Working with compressed gas
· Rotating machinery
The Contractor should demonstrate his understanding of these hazards by either proposing specific
controls for each of them or by giving supporting documentation which demonstrates that such controls
already exist.

4.5 Standards, Procedures and Guidelines

The HSE Plan shall identify the Standards, Procedures and Guidelines that will be applicable to the
project. These will include the Indian Electricity Rules and The OPTCL Operations Safety Manual -
1997 (Draft), and will be subject to the approval of the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.).

4.6 Supervision strategy

The Contractor will provide supervisors with a minimum of five years experience of this type of work
such that they are able to supervise the quality and standards of the work without intervention by the
Employer. The role of the Employer will be to monitor and audit the quality of the work to ensure that
it is of adequate standard and that it is being safely and successfully managed.

The Contractor shall submit for approval, within four weeks of the issue of letter of award, an outline
of the design, engineering, material procurement, production, site mobilisation, man and machine
deployment, delivery, erection, testing, commissioning, and handing over programme. Within a further
period of 4 weeks the Contractor shall provide a detailed programme of all these activities in a form to
be agreed by the Engg. Incharge . The Contractor shall submit monthly progress reports to the Engg.
Incharge office not later than the fifth day of the following month. The reports shall show clearly and
accurately the position of all activities associated with design, material procurement, manufacture,
works tests, shipping, site erection, testing and commissioning with regard to the agreed contract
In addition to the routine monthly progress report the Contractor shall also submit to the Engg.
Incharge by the 25th day of every month, a man hour schedule for the following month, detailing the
man hours scheduled for that month, skill-wise and area-wise.
The preferred format for presentation of programmes is MS Project version 4.0 or any latest. The
programmes and monthly updates shall be submitted on CD.
The design aspect of the progress report shall include a comprehensive statement on drawing and
calculations submitted for approval.


The position on material procurement shall give the date and details of orders placed and indicate the
delivery date quoted by the manufacturer. If any delivery date has an adverse affect on the contract
programme the Contractor shall state the remedial action taken to ensure that delays do not occur.
The position on manufacture shall indicate the arrival of material, the progress of manufacture and date
at which the equipment will be ready for transport. Any events that may adversely affect completion in
the manufacturers works shall also be reported.
All works tests executed shall be listed and the test-results shall be remarked upon. Any test failures
shall be highlighted and the Contractor shall detail the necessary steps taken in order to avoid any
adverse affect on the contract completion dates.
The despatch of each order shall be monitored on the progress report giving the date by which the
equipment will be available for transport, the estimated time of arrival on site and the dates actually
The site works shall be segregated into civil, mechanical and electrical works for reporting purposes
and each section of the site works shall be monitored giving the percentage completion and the
estimated completion date in accordance with the contract programme. The number of men working on
site, both labour and supervisory staff, shall be reported together with any incidents or events that may
affect the progress of site works.
Any delays which may affect any milestone or final completion dates shall be detailed by the
Contractor who shall state the action taken to effect contract completion in accordance with the
contract programme.
The contractor shall provide two copies of the progress report to the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)

Except where otherwise specified or implied, the Contract Works shall comply with the latest edition of
the relevant Indian Standards, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards and any other
standards mentioned in this Specification. The Contractor may submit for approval, equipment or
materials conforming to technically equivalent National Standards. In such cases copies of the relevant
Standards or part thereof, in the English language shall be submitted with the Tender. In case of conflict
the order of precedence shall be (1) IEC, (2) IS and (3) other alternative standard.
Reference to a particular standard or recommendation in this Specification does not relieve the
Contractor of the necessity of providing the Contract Works complying with other relevant standards or
The list of standards provided in the schedules of this Specification is not to be considered exhaustive
and the Contractor shall ensure that equipment supplied under this contract meets the requirements of
the relevant standard whether or not it is mentioned therein.


The English language shall be used in all written communications between the Employer, the Engg.
Incharge (Divisional Engr.) and the Contractor with respect to the services to be rendered and with
respect to all documents and drawings procured or prepared by the Contractor pertaining to the work,
unless otherwise agreed by the Employer.
It is required that danger plates, equipment designation labels or plates, instruction notices on plant and
general substation notices be written in English, Hindi and Oriya. Control switch and lamp labels,
indicator lamp and annunciator inscriptions shall be in English only.
The Contractor must furnish a schedule giving the English, Hindi and Oriya version of all labels,
notices, etc., for approval.
The design features of all equipment shall be based on the SI system of units.



8.1 Correspondence
All correspondence shall be addressed to the Sr. G.M, TP, OPTCL / Sr. G.M, C.P.C, OPTCL

8.2 Drawings and samples

A list of the drawings to be submitted by the Contractor with his Bid and a list of drawings and samples
to be submitted after the Commencement Date, are to be given in the Schedules. The Contractor shall
also provide free of charge any additional drawings and/or copies of any drawing required by the Engg.
Incharge. All design drawings and calculations shall be submitted for approval not later than 180 days
after commencement of the contract.
Within 30 days of contract commencement the Contractor shall submit, for approval by the Engg.
Incharge a schedule of the drawings to be produced detailing which are to be submitted for
“Approval” and which are to be submitted “For Information Only”. The schedule shall also provide a
programme of drawing submission, for approval by the Engg. Incharge that ensures that all drawings
and calculations are submitted within the period specified above.
Details of the loads and fixing arrangements of the circuit breakers and transformers, supplied under a
separate contract, shall be provided by the Engg. Incharge in order to enable the Contractor to design
the foundations for these items of plant.
All drawings submitted by the Contractor including those submitted at the time of bid shall be in
sufficient detail to indicate the type, size, arrangement, material description, Bill of Materials, weight
of each component, break-up for packing and shipment, the external connections, fixing arrangement,
and the dimensions, required for installation and interconnections with other equipment and materials,
clearances and spaces required for installation and interconnections between various portions of
equipment and any other information specifically requested in the specification.
The Contractor shall submit samples of materials for approval as required from time to time by the
Engg. Incharge .
All dimensions marked on drawings shall be considered correct although measurement by scale may
differ from general arrangement drawings. Detailed drawings shall be worked to where they differ
from general arrangement drawings.
All detail drawings submitted for approval shall be to scale not less than 1 : 20. All important
dimensions shall be given and the material of which each part is to be constructed shall be indicated on
the drawings.
All documents, drawings and samples shall be submitted in accordance with the provisions of this
Specification and shall become the property of the Employer.
All drawings and calculations, submitted to the Engg. Incharge shall be on international standard size
paper, either A0, A1, A2, A3 or A4. All such drawings and calculations shall be provided with a
contract title block and shall be assigned a unique project drawing number; the contact title block and
project numbering system shall be agreed with the Engg. Incharge .
All drawings for approval shall have the OPTCL-LOGO and the name of the Employer.
Technical drawings must be shown, in such a form that the information necessary to construct an
installation or part of an installation must be understandable by the technicians/skilled workmen
responsible for construction and supervision. The drawings must therefore conform to following
For presentation of design drawings and circuit documents IEC Publication 617 or equivalent standards
for graphical symbols are to be followed.
Script sizes and thickness of scripts and lines be selected so that if reduced by two stages the
alphanumeric characters and lines are still perfectly legible so as to microfilm them .


8.3 Approval procedure
The Contractor shall submit all drawings and samples for approval in sufficient time to permit
modifications to be made if such are deemed necessary, and the drawings and samples to be re-
submitted without delaying the initial deliveries or completion of the Contract Works. The following
schedule shall be adhered for submission, approval, re-submission and final distribution drawings/

· Initial submission: All drawings, designs and documents requiring

approval of Engg. Incharge - not later than 100
days from award of contract.
· Approval/comments of 1st Within 30 days of receipt.
· Re-submission where required: Within 21 days of receipt including postal time
both ways.
· Approval/comments of re- Within 15 days of receipt.
· Submission of distribution copies: Within 15 days of approval.

Three copies of all drawings shall be submitted for approval and three copies for any
subsequent revision. The Engg. Incharge reserves the right to request any additional information that
may be considered necessary in order to fully review the drawings. Drawings for approval shall be
submitted as paper prints and shall bear the approved contract references. Submittal should where
possible be staggered to facilitate maintenance of the above schedule.
If the Engg. Incharge is satisfied with the drawing, one copy will be returned to the Contractor marked
with “Approved” stamp. If the Engg. Incharge is not totally satisfied with the drawing, then “Approved
subject to comment” status will be given to it and a comment sheet will be sent to the Contractor. If the
drawing does not comply with the requirements of the specification then it will be given “Not
Approved” status and a comment sheet will be sent to the Contractor. In both the latter cases the
Contractor will have to modify the drawing, update the revision column and resubmit for final
Following approval copies of final drawings will be required as given below.
· Reproducible on Tracing Films or Papers : 3 copies
· Hard Copies on paper (Blue print or Xerox) : 20 copies
· Computer CD ROM : 1 copy
Any drawing or document submitted for information only should be indicated as such by the
Contractor. Drawings submitted for information only will not be returned to the Contractor unless the
Engg. Incharge considers that such drawings do need to be approved, in which case they will be
returned suitably stamped with comments.
Drawings, samples and models submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engg. Incharge shall
not be departed from without the instruction in writing of the Engg. Incharge .
The Contractor shall be responsible for any discrepancies or errors in or omissions from the drawings,
whether such drawings have been approved or not by the Engg. Incharge . Approval given by the Engg.
Incharge (Divisional Engr.)to any drawing or sample shall neither relieve the Contractor from his
liability to complete the Contract Works in accordance with this Specification and the conditions of
contract nor exonerate him from any of his guarantees.


If the Contractor needs approval of any drawing within a period of less than four weeks in order to
avoid delay in the completion of the Contract Works, he shall advise the Engg. Incharge when
submitting the drawings and provide an explanation of the document’s late submission. The Engg.
Incharge will endeavour to comply with the Contractors time scale, but this cannot be guaranteed.

8.4 Final as-built drawings

After completion of work on site all drawings shall be revised where necessary to show the equipment
as installed and three copies submitted duly signed by site-in-charge. Following approval, two
reproducible transparencies and twenty prints shall then be provided as required by the Engg. Incharge
and shall be of sufficient detail to enable all parts to be identified. The contractor shall also submit,
where possible, digitally stored copies of all as-built drawings on disc or CD-ROM in a format
compatible with the Employer’s drawing system.

8.5 Operation and Maintenance Manuals

Six months prior to the contractual completion date for each substation site the Contractor shall
forward to the Engg. Incharge, two copies of the Operation and Maintenance Manual unique to the
substation site being handed over.
After approval by the Engg. Incharge the Contractor shall deliver ten (10) copies of the complete
manual .
The Taking Over Certificate will not be issued until the required number of approved copies of the
manuals have been provided by the Contractor.
The manuals shall be as complete and as specific as possible and shall incorporate documentation that
is specific to the materials and equipment used on the contract. Because the nature of the work varies
from site to site the manuals will have to be tailored to the specific needs of each site.
All precautions and warnings relative to the safety of life and equipment shall be included in the
The manuals should also show exploded views wherever required.


The mass and dimensions of any item of equipment shall not exceed the figures stated in the Schedules.
Each item shall be labelled to indicate its mass, quantity of oil (if any) and any special handling


10.1 Bolts and nuts

All bolts, studs, screw threads, pipe threads, bolt heads and nuts shall comply with the appropriate
national standards for metric threads, or the technical equivalent.
Except for small wiring, current carrying terminal bolts or studs, for mechanical reasons, shall not be
less than 6 mm in diameter.
All nuts and pins shall be adequately locked.
Wherever possible bolts shall be fitted in such a manner that in the event of failure of locking resulting
in the nuts working loose and falling off, the bolt will remain in position.
All bolts, nuts and washers placed in outdoor positions shall be treated to prevent corrosion, by hot dip
galvanising or electro galvanising to service condition 4. Appropriate precautions shall be taken to
prevent electrolytic action between dissimilar metals.


Where bolts are used on external horizontal surfaces where water can collect, methods of preventing
the ingress of moisture to the threads shall be provided.
Each bolt or stud shall project at least one thread but not more than three threads through its nut, except
when otherwise approved for terminal board studs or relay stems. If bolts and nuts are placed so that
they are inaccessible by means of ordinary spanners, special spanners shall be provided.
The length of the screwed portion of the bolts shall be such that no screw thread may form part of a
shear plane between members.
Taper washers shall be provided where necessary.
Protective washers of suitable material shall be provided front and back on the securing screws.

10.2 Galvanising.
10.2.1 General
All machining, drilling, welding, engraving, scribing or other manufacturing activities which would
damage the final surface treatment shall be completed before the specified surface treatment is carried
10.2.2 Galvanising
All metal surfaces shall be subjected to treatment for anti-corrosion protection. All ferrous surfaces for
external use shall be hot dip galvanised. High tensile steel nuts, bolts and spring washers shall be
electro galvanised to service condition 4. All steel conductors including those used for earthing and
grounding (above ground level) shall also be galvanised according to IS 2629.
All galvanising shall be applied by the hot dip process and shall comply with IS 2629, IS 2633, IS
4759, IS 1367 or IS 6745.
All welds shall be de-scaled, all machining carried out and all parts shall be adequately cleaned prior to
galvanising. The preparation for galvanising and the galvanising itself shall not adversely affect the
mechanical properties of the coated material.
The threads of all galvanised bolts and screwed rods shall be cleared of spelter by spinning or brushing.
A die shall not be used for cleaning the threads unless specially approved by the Engg. Incharge
(Divisional Engr.). All nuts shall be galvanised with the exception of the threads which shall be oiled.
Surfaces which are in contact with oil shall not be galvanised or cadmium plated.
Partial immersion of the work will not be permitted and the galvanising tank must therefore be
sufficiently large to permit galvanising to be carried out by one immersion.
Galvanising of wires shall be applied by the hot dip process and shall meet the requirements of
IS 2141.
The minimum weight of the zinc coating shall be 610 gm/sq.m and minimum thickness of coating shall
be 86 microns for all items thicker than 5 mm. For items of less than 5 mm thickness requirement of
coating thickness shall be as per BS 729. For surface which shall be embedded in concrete, the zinc
coating shall be a minimum of 800 gm/sq.m.
The galvanised surfaces shall consist of a continuous and uniform thick coating of zinc, firmly
adhering to the surface of steel. The finished surface shall be clean and smooth and shall be free from
defects such as discoloured patches, bare spots, unevenness of coating, spelter which is loosely
attached to the steel globules, spiky deposits, blistered surface, flaking or peeling off, etc. The presence
of any of these defects noticed on visual or microscopic inspection shall render the material liable to
After galvanising no drilling or welding shall be performed on the galvanised parts of the equipment
excepting that nuts may be threaded after galvanising. Sodium dichromate treatment shall be provided
to avoid formation of white rust after hot dip galvanisation.


The galvanised steel shall be subjected to six one minute dips in copper sulphate solution as per IS
Sharp edges with radii less than 2.5 mm shall be able to withstand four immersions of the Standard
Preece test. All other coatings shall withstand six immersions. The following galvanising tests should
essentially be performed as per relevant Indian Standards.
· Coating thickness
· Uniformity of zinc
· Adhesion test
· Mass of zinc coating
Galvanised material must be transported properly to ensure that galvanised surfaces are not damaged
during transit. Application of zinc rich paint at site shall not be allowed.

10.3 Cleaning, painting and tropicalisation

10.3.1 General
All paints shall be applied in strict accordance with the paint manufacturer’s instructions.
All painting shall be carried out on dry and clean surfaces and under suitable atmospheric and other
conditions in accordance with the paint manufacturer’s recommendations.
An alternative method of coating equipment such as with epoxy resin-based coating powders will be
permitted, subject to the approval of the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.), and such powders shall
comply with the requirements of IEC 455. The Contractor shall provide full details of the coating
process to the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)for approval.
It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that the quality of paints used shall withstand the
tropical heat and extremes of weather conditions specified in the schedules. The paint shall not peel off,
wrinkle, be removed by wind, storm and handling on site and the surface finish shall neither rust nor
fade during the service life of the equipment.
The colours of paints for external and internal surfaces shall be in accordance with the approved colour
schemes .
10.3.2 Works painting processes
All steelworks, plant supporting steelworks and metalwork, except galvanised surfaces or where
otherwise specified, shall be shot blasted to BS 7079 or the equivalent ISO standard. All sheet steel
work shall be degreased, pickled, phosphated in accordance with the IS 6005 “Code of Practice for
phosphating iron and sheet steel”. All surfaces shall then be painted with one coat of epoxy zinc rich
primer, two pack type, to a film thickness of 50 microns. This primer shall be applied preferably by
airless spray and within twenty minutes but not exceeding one hour of shot blasting.
All rough surfaces of coatings shall be filled with an approved two pack filler and rubbed down to a
smooth surface.
The interior surfaces of all steel tanks and oil filled chambers shall be shot blasted in accordance with
BS 7079 or the equivalent ISO, and painted within a period of preferably twenty minutes, but not
exceeding one hour with an oil resisting coating of a type and make to the approval of the Engg.
Incharge (Divisional Engr.).
The interior surfaces of mechanism chambers, boxes and kiosks, after preparation, cleaning and
priming as required above, shall be painted with one coat zinc chromate primer, one coat phenolic
based undercoating, followed by one coat phenolic based finishing paint to a light or white colour. For
equipment for outdoor use this shall be followed by a final coat of anti-condensation paint of a type and
make to the approval of the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.), to a light or white colour. A minimum
overall paint film thickness of 150 microns shall be maintained throughout.


All steelworks and metalwork, except where otherwise specified, after preparation and priming as
required above shall be painted with one coat metallic zinc primer and two coats of micaceous iron
oxide paint followed by two coats of either phenolic based or enamel hard gloss finished coloured paint
to the approval to an overall minimum paint film thickness of 150 microns.
Galvanised surfaces shall not be painted in the works.
All nuts, bolts, washers etc., which may be fitted after fabrication of the plant shall be painted as
described above after fabrication.
The painted metal works shall be subjected to paint qualification test as per draft ANSI/IEEE-Std 37.21
-1985 clause 5.2.5.
10.3.3 Site painting
After erection at site, the interior surfaces of mechanism chambers and kiosks shall be thoroughly
examined, and any deteriorated or mechanically damaged surfaces of such shall be made good to the
full Specification described above.
After installation/erection at site all surfaces of steelworks and metalwork shall be thoroughly washed
down. Any deteriorated or otherwise faulty paint-work removed down to bare metal and made good to
the full Specification described above, then painted one further coat of phenolic based undercoating
and one coat phenolic based hard gloss finishing paint to provide an overall minimum paint film
thickness of 200 microns.
Any nuts, bolts, washers, etc., which have been removed during site erection, or which may be required
to be removed for maintenance purposes shall be restored to their original condition.
All paint work shall be left clean and perfect on completion of the works.
10.3.4 Colour Schemes The Contractor shall propose a colour scheme for the sub-station for the
approval of Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.). The decision of Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)shall
be final. The scheme shall include:
· Finishing colour of indoor equipment
· Finishing colour of outdoor equipment
· Finish colour of all cubicles
· Finishing colour of various auxiliary system equipment including piping.
· Finishing colour of various building items.
All steel structures, plates etc. shall be painted with non-corrosive paint on a suitable primer. It may be
noted that normally all Employer’s electrical equipment in Employer’s switchyard are painted with
shade 631 of IS:5 and Employer will prefer to follow the same for this project also. All indoor cubicles
shall be of same colour scheme and for other miscellaneous items colour scheme will be subject to the
approval of the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.).

Sl. Equipment Application Environment

Indoor Outdoor
Colour Code Colour Code
IS:5 IS:5
400kV/220kV/132kV Class Equipment
1 Transformers — — Light grey 631
2 Marshalling boxes, CTs, PT’s, CVT’s, surge Light Admiralty 697 Light 697
counter casings, junction boxes etc. grey. Admiralty
3 Control and relay panels, PLCC cabinets etc. Smoke grey 692 — —
4 Porcelain parts i.e. insulators Dark brown 412 Dark brown 412
5 All structures/ metallic parts exposed to Hot dip galvanised


33kV Class equipment
6 Switchgear cubicles Smoke grey 692 Light grey 631
7 Control and relay panels Smoke grey 692 — —
LT switchgear
8 LT switchgear exterior Smoke grey 692 Light grey 631
9 ACDB/ MCC Smoke grey 692 Light grey 631
10 DCDB Smoke grey 692 — —
11 LT bus duct in side enclosure Matt Paint — —
12 LT bus duct outside enclosure Smoke grey 692 — —
13 Motors Smoke grey 692 Light grey 631
14 Diesel generator engine Smoke grey 692 — —
15 Diesel generator Smoke grey 692 — —
16 LT transformers Smoke grey 692 Light grey 631
17 Battery charger Smoke grey 692 — —
18 Mimic diagram
400kV Dark violet 796 — —
220kV Golden yellow 356 — —
Sky blue
132kV Signal red 101 — —
33kV Canary yellow 537 — —
11kV Middle brown 309 — —

415V 411 — —
19 Control modules and console inserts Smoke grey 692 Light grey 631
20 Lighting package equipment outside Light grey 631 Light grey 631
21 Lighting package equipment inside Glossy white Glossy white
22 Water pipes sea green 217 sea green 217
23 Air pipes Sky blue 101 Sky blue 101
24 Transformer oil pipes Light brown 410 Light brown 410
25 Fire Installations Fire red 536 Fire red 536
26 Insulating oil/ gas treatment plant Gulf red 473 Gulf red 473

Table 10.3.4. Recommended colour schemes

10.4 Provision for exposure to hot and humid climate

Outdoor equipment supplied under the Specification shall be suitable for service and storage under
tropical conditions of high temperature, high humidity, heavy rainfall and environment favourable to
the growth of fungi and mildew. The indoor equipments located in non air-conditioned areas shall also
be of same type.
10.4.1 Anti-condensation Provisions:
Space heaters where provided shall be suitable for continuous operation at 240V supply voltage. On-off
switch and fuse shall be provided.
One or more adequately rated permanently or thermostatically connected heaters shall be supplied to
prevent condensation in any compartment. The heaters shall be installed in the lower portion of the
compartment and electrical connections shall be made from below the heaters to minimise deterioration
of supply wire insulation. The heaters shall be suitable to maintain the compartment temperature at
approximately 10C, above the outside air temperature to prevent condensation. This shall be
demonstrated by tests.
10.4.2 Fungistatic treatment
Besides the space heaters, special moisture and fungus resistant varnish shall be applied to parts which
may be subjected or predisposed to the formation of fungi due to the presence or deposit of nutrient
substances. The varnish shall not be applied to any surface or part where the treatment will interfere
with the operation or performance of the equipment. Such surfaces or parts shall be protected against
the application of the varnish.


10.4.3 Ventilating specifications
In order to ensure adequate ventilation, compartments shall have ventilation openings provided with
fine wire mesh of brass or galvanised steel to prevent the entry of insects and to reduce to a minimum
the entry of dirt and dust. Outdoor compartment openings shall be provided with shutter type blinds.

10.5 Labels and plates

All apparatus shall be clearly labelled indicating, where necessary, its purpose and service positions.
Each phase of alternating current and each pole of direct current equipment and connections shall be
coloured in an approved manner to distinguish phase or polarity.
The material of all labels and the dimensions, legend, and method of printing shall be to approval. The
surface of indoor labels shall have a matt or satin finish to avoid dazzle from reflected light.
Colours shall be permanent and free from fading. Labels mounted on black surfaces shall have white
lettering. ‘Danger’ plates shall have red lettering on a white background.
All labels and plates for outdoor use shall be of non corroding material. Where the use of enamelled
iron plates is approved, the whole surface including the back and edges, shall be properly covered and
resistant to corrosion. Protective washers of suitable material shall be provided front and back on the
securing screws.
Labels shall be engraved in Hindi, English and Oriya. Name plates shall be white with black engraved
lettering and shall carry all the applicable information specified in the applicable items of the
Any other relevant information which may be required for groups of smaller items for which this is not
possible e.g. switch bays etc. a common name plate in Oriya with the title and special instructions on it
shall be provided.
No scratching, corrections or changes will be allowed on name plates.
All equipment mounted on front and rear sides as well as equipment mounted inside the panels shall be
provided with individual name plates with equipment designation engraved.
On the top of each panel on front as well as rear sides large name plates with bold size lettering shall be
provided for circuit/ feeder/ cubicle box designation.
All front mounted equipment shall be also provided, at the rear, with individual name plates engraved
with tag numbers corresponding to the one shown in the panel internal wiring to facilitate tracing of the
wiring. The name plates shall be mounted directly by the side of the respective equipment wiring.
Name plates of cubicles and panels may be made of non rusting metal or 3 ply lamicoid. These name
plates may be black with white engraved lettering.
The name plate inscription and size of name plates and letters shall be submitted to the Engg. Incharge
(Divisional Engr.)/Engineer for approval.
The nameplates of the apparatus shall include, at least, the information listed below, together with any
other relevant information specified in the applicable standards :
· Concise descriptive title of the equipment
· Rating and circuit diagrams
· Manufacturer's name, trade-mark, model type, serial number
· Instruction book number
· Year of manufacture
· Total weight (for capacitor racks indicate weight, for capacitors indicate quantity of liquid)
· Special instructions, if any, about storage, transportation, handling etc.


Each measuring instrument and meter shall be prominently marked with the quantity measured e.g. kV,
A, MW etc. All relays and other devices shall be clearly marked with manufacturers name,
manufacturers type, serial number and electrical rating data.
Danger plates and plates for phase colours shall be provided as per requirement. The Contractor shall
devise a system to designate equipment and sub-systems. The nameplates/labels displaying these
designations shall be installed at appropriate locations. Whenever motion or flow of fluids is involved,
plates showing direction of motion or flow shall also be provided.

10.6 Padlocks
For each item of plant the Contractor shall provide a padlockable handle and a non-ferrous padlock with
different key changes in order to prevent access to control cabinets, cubicles and relay panels. The
Contractor shall provide two keys for each lock and a master key for each substation.
Cabinets for the accommodation of padlocks and keys, whilst not in use, shall be provided and shall be
suitably labelled so that keys will be readily identifiable.

10.7 Earthing
Metal parts of all equipment other than those forming part of an electrical circuit shall be connected
directly to the main earth system via two separate conductors of adequate capacity at two different
All main members of structural steelworks shall be earthed by galvanised iron flat connections bonded
by welding or bolting to the steelworks.
Connections to apparatus and structures shall be made clear of ground level, preferably to a vertical
face and protected as appropriate against electrolytic corrosion. They shall be made between clean
surfaces and of sufficient size and pressure to carry the rated short circuit current without damage.
Earth bars installed directly into the ground should normally be laid bare and the trench back-filled
with a fine top soil. Where the soil is of a hostile nature, special precautions must be taken to protect
the earth bar, the method used being subject to the agreement of the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.).
Joints in earth bars shall be welded and then coated with a suitable anti-corrosion protection treatment.
Facilities shall be provided on the earth bar run between equipment and the base of structures,
comprising a looped strip, so as to permit the attachment of portable earth connections for maintenance
The cross sectional area of the earth bar and connections shall be such that the current density is not
greater than 100 A/mm2 for a 3 second fault duration.

10.8 Lubrication
Bearings which require lubrication either with oil or grease shall be fitted with nipples.


11.1 Castings
11.1.1 General
All castings shall be true to pattern, free from defects and of uniform quality and condition. The
surfaces of castings which do not undergo machining, shall be free from foundry irregularities. The
castings shall be subject to NDT, chemical, mechanical and metallographic tests. Details of the same
shall be furnished to Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)for review/approval. Magnetic particle
inspection (MPI) test, wherever applicable, shall be carried out in longitudinal and transverse direction
to detect radial and axial cracks.


11.1.2 Iron castings
Iron casting material shall be in accordance with ASTM A 126 Class B. A copy of the ladle analysis
shall be sent to the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.). Each casting shall have a test bar from which
tension test specimens may be taken. Test specimen shall be in accordance with ASTM A 370 and
tested in accordance with ASTM E8. The Contractor shall submit his procedures for testing and
acceptance for iron castings for approval by the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.).
11.1.3 Steel castings
Steel castings shall be manufactured in accordance with ASTM A 27 and shall be subjected to
appropriate tests and inspection as detailed herein.
Copies of mandatory documentation, such as ladle analyses and mechanical test results, shall be sent to
the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.). (Non-ferrous casting material and castings shall be manufactured
in accordance with the appropriate ASTM standards for the material concerned).

11.2 Forgings
When requested by the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.), forgings will be subjected to inspection in
the regions of fillets and changes of section by suitable method. Magnetic particle, dye-penetration,
radiographic or ultrasonic, or any combination of these methods may be used to suit material type and
forging design.
The testing is to be carried out after the rough machining operation and is to be conducted according to
the appropriate ASTM standards.
MPI test on forging shall be carried out to detect both radial and axial cracks. Ferrous forgings shall be
demagnetised after such tests.
Any indentations which prove to penetrate deeper than 2.5% of the finished thickness of the forging
shall be reported to the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)giving location, length, width and depth. Any
indentations which will not machine out during final machining shall be gouged out and repaired using
an approved repair procedure.
Repair of rotating elements by welding will only be accepted subject to detailed examination of the
proposal by the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)prior to the repair being carried out.
The forging shall be tested for mechanical and metallographic tests as per ASTM. The details shall be
mutually discussed/agreed upon.

11.3 Fabricated components

All components machined or fabricated from plate, sheet or bar stock shall meet the material
requirements of ASTM or material specification approved by the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.).
Structural steel, rolled shapes, bars, etc. shall comply with the latest ASTM for A36.
Plate steel shall be of a designation and quality suitable for the function it is intended to perform.
Insofar as it is compatible with its function, it shall comply with ASTM A283 structural quality.
All, or a representative number of such components, shall be subjected to one or more of the following
tests: visual, dye penetration, magnetic particle (transverse and longitudinal), ultrasonic or radiographic.
These tests shall be in accordance with the recommended practices of the ASTM. The terms of
reference for acceptance shall be the applicable ASTM Specifications.

11.4 Welding and welders qualifications

11.4.1 General
All welding shall be carried out by qualified welders only.
All welding shall be in accordance with the corresponding standards of the American Welding Society
or the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


Other standards to determine the quality of welding process and qualifications of welders may be
considered, provided that sufficient information is first submitted for the approval of the Engg.
Incharge (Divisional Engr.).
Prior to the start of fabrication, the Contractor shall submit to the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)for
approval, a description of each of the welding procedures which he proposes to adopt, together with
certified copies of reports of the results from tests made in accordance with these procedures.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the quality of the work performed by his welding organisation.
All welding operators, to be assigned work, including repair of casting, shall pass the required tests for
qualification of welding procedures and operators. The Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)reserves the
right to witness the qualification tests for welding procedures and operators and the mechanical tests at
the samples.
The Contractor shall bear all his own expenses in connection with the qualification tests. If the work of
any operator at any time appears questionable, such operator will be required to pass appropriate pre-
qualification tests as specified by the Inspector and at the expense of the Contractor.
11.4.2 Welding
All welding shall be performed in accordance with the appropriate standards. The design and
construction of welded joints subject to hydraulic pressure shall conform to the applicable requirement
of ASME “Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code” shall be qualified in accordance with Section IX of this
Code. The design and construction of welded joints not subjected to hydraulic pressure shall, as a
minimum, conform to the requirements of AWS “Specification for Welded Highway and Railway
Bridge” D2.0. Except for minor parts and items specifically exempted from stress relieving, all shop-
welded joints shall be stress relieved in accordance with the requirements of the ASME “Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code” Section VIII.
In addition to satisfying the procedural and quality requirements set forth in the applicable code and/or
these Specifications, all welding shall meet the following requirements for workmanship and visual
· Butt welds shall be slightly convex, of uniform height and shall have full penetration.
· Fillet welds shall be of the specified size, with full throat and legs of equal length.
· Repairing, chipping and grinding of welds shall be done in a manner which will not gouge,
groove or reduce the thickness of the base metal.
· The edges of the member to be joined shall expose sound metal, free from laminations, surface
defects caused by shearing or flame-cutting operations or other injurious defects.
Welded joints subject to critical working stress shall be tested by approved methods of non-destructive
testing, such as radiographic and ultrasonic examination, magnetic particle and liquid penetration
inspection. All expenses in connection with these tests shall be borne by the Contractor. The extent of
testing shall be as stipulated by the ASME ‘Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code”, Section VIII, but
without prejudice to the rights of the Inspector or the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)to ask for
additional tests,
The arc-welding process to be used and the welding qualifications of the welders employed on the
work shall be used in accordance with AWS requirements and Section VIII and IX of the ASME
(American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Code, latest edition, as they may apply. All welding rods
shall conform to the requirements of the latest issue of Section It, part C of the ASME Code.
Gas shielded welding (TIG or MIG) used as appropriate for aluminium, stainless steel or other material
shall be carried out in accordance with the best commercial practice and the following standard
· Specifications for copper and copper-alloy welding rods (AWS A5.7, ASTM B259)


· Specification for corrosion-resisting chromium and chromium-nickel steel welding rods and
bare electrodes (AWS A5.9, ASTM A371)
· Specifications for aluminium and aluminium alloy rods and bare electrodes (AWS A5.10,
ASTM B285).
· Specifications for nickel and nickel-base alloy bare welding filler metal (AWS A5.14, ASTM
Gas welding will not normally be used in the equipment. When a particular equipment manufacture
requires the use of gas welding, the proposed process and the welder’s qualification shall be in
accordance with AWS B3.0.
Welding of galvanised components will not be allowed in the equipment.
Strict measures of quality control shall be exercised throughout the Equipment/ Works. The Engg.
Incharge (Divisional Engr.)may call for an adequate NDT test of the work of any operator, who in his
opinion is not maintaining the standard of workmanship. Should this NDT test prove defective, all
work done by that operator, since his last test shall be tested at the Contractor’s expense. If three or
more of these tests prove defective, the operator shall be removed from the project.
A procedure for the repair of defects shall be submitted to the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)for his
approval prior to any repairs being made.
11.4.3 Welding of pipes
Before welding, the ends shall be cleaned by wire brushing, filing or machine grinding. Each weld-run
shall be cleaned of slag before the next run is deposited.
Welding at any joint shall be completed uninterrupted. If this cannot be followed for some reason, the
weld shall be insulated for slow and uniform cooling.
Welding shall be done by manual oxy-acetylene or manual shielded metal are process. Automatic or
semi-automatic welding processes may be done only with the specific approval of Engg. Incharge
(Divisional Engr.).
As far as possible welding shall be carried out in flat position. If not possible, welding shall be done in
a position as close to flat position as possible.
Downward technique is not allowed while welding pipes in horizontal position, unless permitted by the
Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.).
Combination of welding processes or usage of electrodes of different classes or makes in a particular
joint shall be allowed only after the welding procedure has been duly qualified and approved by the
Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.).
No backing ring shall be used for circumferential butt welds.
Welding carried out in ambient temperature of 5C or below shall be heat treated.
A spacer wire of proper diameter may be used for weld root opening but must be removed after tack
welding and before applying root run.
Tack welding for the alignment of pipe joints shall be done only by qualified welders. Since tack welds
form part of final welding, they shall be executed carefully and shall be free from defects. Defective
welds shall be removed prior to the welding of joints.
Electrodes size for tack welding shall be selected depending upon the root opening.
Tack welds should be equally spaced.
Root run shall be made with respective electrodes/filler wires. The size of the electrodes shall not be
greater than 3.25 mm (10 SWG) and should preferably be 2.3 mm (12 SWG). Welding shall be done
with direct current values recommended by the electrode manufacturers.


Upward technique shall be adopted for welding pipes in horizontally fixed position. For pipes with wall
thickness less than 3 mm, oxyacetylene welding is recommended.
The root run of butt joints shall be such as to achieve full penetration with the complete fusion of root
edges. The weld projection shall not exceed 3 mm inside the pipe.
On completion of each run craters, weld irregularities, slag etc. shall be removed by grinding or
During the process of welding, all movements, shocks, vibration or stresses shall be carefully avoided
in order to prevent weld cracks.
Fillet welds shall be made by shielded metal arc process regardless of thickness and class of piping.
Electrode size shall not exceed 10 SWG. (3.25 mm). At least two runs shall be made on socket weld


12.1 Cubicle wiring

Panels shall be complete with interconnecting wiring between all electrical devices in the panels.
External connections shall be achieved through terminal blocks. Where panels are required to be
located adjacent to each other all inter panel wiring and connections between the panels shall be carried
out internally. The Contractor shall furnish a detailed drawing of such inter panel wiring. The
Contractor shall ensure the completeness and correctness of the internal wiring and the proper
functioning of the connected equipment.
All wiring shall be carried out with 1.1 kV grade, PVC insulated, single core, stranded copper
wires. The PVC shall have oxygen index not less than ‘29’ and Temperature index not less than 250C.
The wires shall have annealed copper conductors of adequate size comprise not less than three strands
The minimum cross sectional area of the stranded copper conductor used for internal wiring shall be as
follows :
· All circuits excepting CT circuits and energy metering circuit of VT 2.5
· All CT circuits and metering circuit of VT 2.5
sq. mm
All internal wiring shall be supported, neatly arranged, readily accessible and connected to equipment
terminals and terminal blocks. Wiring gutters and troughs shall be used for this purpose.
Cubicle connections shall be insulated with PVC to IEC 227. Wires shall not be jointed or teed
between terminal points.
Bus wires shall be fully insulated and run separately from one another. Auxiliary bus wiring for AC
and DC supplies, voltage transformer circuits, annunciation circuits and other common services shall
be provided near the top of the panels running throughout the entire length of the panel suite.
Longitudinal troughs extending throughout the full length of panel shall be preferred for inter panel
All inter connecting wires between adjacent panels shall be brought to a separate set of terminal blocks
located near the slots of holes meant for the passage of the inter connecting wires. Interconnection of
adjacent panels on site shall be straightforward and simple. The buswires for this purposes shall be
bunched properly inside each panel.
Wire termination shall be made with solderless crimping type and tinned copper lugs which firmly grip
the conductor. Insulated sleeves shall be provided at all the wire terminations. Engraved core
identification plastic ferrules marked to correspond with panel wiring diagram shall be fitted at both
ends of each wire. Ferrules shall fit tightly on the wire and shall not fall off when the wire is


disconnected from terminal blocks. Numbers 6 and 9 shall not be included for ferrules purposes unless
the ferrules have numbers underscored to enable differentiation. (i.e. 6 and 9 ).
Fuses and links shall be provided to enable all circuits in a cubicle, except a lighting circuit, to be
isolated from the bus wires.
The DC trip and AC voltage supplies and wiring to main protective gear shall be segregated from those
for back-up protection and also from protective apparatus for special purposes. Each such group shall
be fed through separate fuses from the bus wires. There shall not be more than one set of supplies to
the apparatus comprising each group. All wires associated with the tripping circuits shall be provided
with red ferrules marked “Trip”.
It shall be possible to work on small wiring for maintenance or test purposes without making a
switchboard dead.
The insulation material shall be suitably coloured in order to distinguish between the relevant phases of
the circuit.
When connections rated at 380 volt and above are taken through junction boxes they shall be
adequately screened and “DANGER” notices shall be affixed to the outsides of junction boxes or
marshalling kiosk.
Where connections to other equipment and supervisory equipment are required the connections shall be
grouped together.

12.2 LV power cabling

LVAC cable terminals shall be provided with adequately sized, hot pressed, cast or crimp type lugs.
Where sweating sockets are provided they shall be without additional clamping or pinch bolts. Where
crimp type lugs are provided they shall be applied with the correct tool and the crimping tool shall be
checked regularly for correct calibration. Bi-metallic joints between the terminals and lugs shall be
provided where necessary.
Terminals shall be marked with the phase colour in a clear and permanent manner.
A removable gland plate shall be provided by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for
drilling the cable gland plate.
Armoured cables shall be provided with suitable glands for terminating the cable armour and shall be
provided with an earthing ring and lug to facilitate connection of the gland to the earth bar.

12.3 Multi-core cables and conduit wiring

External multi-core cabling between items of main and ancillary equipment shall form part of the
Contract Works and shall consist of un-armoured multi-core cable with stranded copper conductors
PVC insulated and PVC over sheathed complying with the requirements of IEC 227 and 228 as
Multi-core cable for instrumentation and control purposes shall be supplied with 2.5 mm2 stranded
copper cores. Multi-core cables for CT and VT circuits shall be supplied with two by 2.5 mm2 stranded
copper cores and the cores shall be identified by the phase colour.
Where conduit is used the runs shall be laid with suitable falls and the lowest parts of the run shall be
external to the equipment. All conduit runs shall be adequately drained and ventilated. Conduits shall
not be run at or below ground level.
Multi-core cable tails shall be so bound that each wire may be traced to its cable without difficulty. All
multi-core cables shall be provided with 20 % spare cores and the spare cores shall be numbered and
terminated at a terminal block in the cubicle. Where cables are terminated in a junction box and the
connections to a relay or control cubicle are continued in conduit, the spare cores shall be taken
through the conduit and terminated in the cubicle. The dc trip and ac voltage circuits shall be


segregated from each other as shall the circuits to main protective gear be segregated from those for
back-up protection.
The screens of screened pairs of multi-core cables shall be earthed at one end of the cable only. The
position of the earthing connections shall be shown clearly on the diagram.
All wires on panels and all multi-core cable cores shall be crimped with the correct size of crimp and
crimping tool and will have ferrules which bear the same number at both ends. At those points of
interconnection between the wiring carried out by separate contractors where a change of number
cannot be avoided double ferrules shall be provided on each wire. The change of numbering shall be
shown on the appropriate diagram of the equipment. The same ferrule number shall not be used on
wires in different circuits on the same panels.
The Contractor shall provide a two (2) metre loop of spare cable at both ends of all multi-core cable
runs and shall leave sufficient lengths of tails at each end of the multi-core cables to connect up to the
terminal boards. The Contractor shall also strip, insulate, ring through and tag the tails and shall also
seal the cable boxes. The Contractor shall be responsible for re-checking the individual cores and for
the final connecting up and fitting of numbered ferrules within all equipment provided on this contract.
The drilling of gland plates, supply and fitting of compression glands and connecting up of power
cables included in the Contract scope of work shall be carried out under this contract.

12.4 Laying and installing of cables

12.4.1 General
For cable laying the following shall apply:
· Switchyard area In concrete cable troughs (cable trench having cable racks with cable `
· Control Room On cable racks consisting of slotted type and ladder type cable trays
· Buildings Conduits
Directly buried cables shall be used wherever necessary with the approval of Engg. Incharge
(Divisional Engr.).
12.4.2 Laying of cable
Cables shall be laid in concrete troughs provided under this contract or drawn into pipes or ducts or on
cable racks or directly buried as may be required by the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.). Concrete
troughs shall be designed so that the cables are supported on cable support systems and the supports
shall be arranged so as to allow the segregation of power, control (including CT and VT circuits) and
communications cables onto different layers of cable supports. All cable supports shall be earthed in
accordance with IS 3043. The minimum vertical separation between layers of cable tray shall be not
less than 300 mm.
The cable support system shall be designed and constructed to carry the required cables without undue
crowding of the supports and without overloading the supports. The maximum number of layers of
cable that shall be permitted on a single cable support shall be three. The width of the cable supports
shall be selected to ensure that the supports are not crowded, the cable supports are not overloaded and
that sufficient space is provided in the cable trough to allow for personnel access during and after cable
installation. The width of cable supports should not exceed 750 mm.
Cables shall be laid direct in the ground only at the discretion of the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.).
All cables laid direct in the ground outside buildings shall be laid in a trench and protected by
reinforced concrete slabs or cable tiles.
For auxiliary cables the top of the slab or tile shall be at a depth not less than 300 mm below the
surface of the ground and there shall be a layer of fine well packed riddled earth 75 mm thick in


between the cable and the bottom of the trench and between the top of the cable and the underside of
the slab.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper laying of all cables in the ground. Where cables in
the same trench are laid over each other, they shall be separated by not less than 75 mm of riddled
earth. The riddled earth used for this purpose shall have been passed through a screen having a 12 mm
square mesh.
Where cables pass under roadways they shall be laid in pipes at a depth not less than 800 mm below
the surface.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the excavation of trenches which shall include all pumping and
baling required and the provision of all necessary labour, plant, tools, water, additional soil, fuel or
motor power for such purposes.
Cables in trenches will be inspected by the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)before the trenches are
The running of communications and power cables along the same route shall be avoided as far as
possible. Where this is not possible they shall be segregated, the one group from the other. Power and
communication cables shall be laid in separate tiers. For other than directly buried cables the order of
laying of various cables shall be as follows:
· Power cables on top tiers.
· Control/ instrumentation and other service cables in bottom tiers.

12.4.3 Cable tags and markers

Each cable and conduit run shall be tagged with numbers that appear in the cable and conduit schedule.
The tag shall be of aluminium with the number punched on it and securely attached to the cable conduit
by not less than two turns of 20 SWG GI wire conforming to IS 280. Cable tags shall be of rectangular
shape for power cables and of circular shape for control cables.
Location of cables laid directly in the ground shall be clearly indicated with cable marker made of
galvanised iron plate.
Location of buried cable joints shall be indicated with a cable marker having an additional inscription
"Cable joint".
Cable markers shall project 150 mm above ground and shall be spaced at an interval of 30 meters and at
every change in direction. They shall be located on both sides of road and drain crossings.
Cable tags shall be provided on all cables at each end (just before entering the equipment enclosure), on
both sides of a wall or floor crossing, on each duct, conduit entry and at every twenty meters (20 m) in
cable tray/trench runs. Cable tags shall be provided inside switchgear, motor control centres, control
and relay panels etc.. and wherever required for cable identification when a number of cables enter
together through a gland plate.
The price of cable tags and markers shall be included in the installation rates for cables/conduits quoted
by the Bidder.
12.4.4 Cable supports and cable tray mounting arrangements in control room
The control room will normally be provided with embedded steel inserts on concrete floors/walls for the
purpose of cabling in the control room. The supports shall be secured by welding to these inserts or
available building steel structures. However, in cases where no such embedded steel inserts are
available, the same shall have to secured to the supports on walls or floors by suitable anchoring .


12.4.5 Cable support structure in switchyard cable trenches
The contractor shall fabricate and install cable support structures in cable trenches. These supports shall
be provided at 750 mm spacing along the run of cable trenches.
Cable supports and cable racks shall be fabricated from standard structural steel members, channels,
angles and flats of required size. The fabrication. welding and erection of these structures shall conform
to the relevant clauses of this Specification, in addition to the specification given herein.

12.5 Termination of cables and wires

Where cables leave the apparatus in an upward direction the cable boxes shall be provided with a
barrier joint to prevent leakage of cable oil or compound into the apparatus. Where cable cores are
liable to contact with oil or oil vapour the insulation shall be unaffected by oil.
PVC sheathed cables shall be terminated by compression glands complying with BS 6121 (or
Auxiliary PVC insulated cables shall be terminated with compression type glands, clamps or armour
clamps complete with all the necessary fittings.
Colours shall be marked on the cable box, cable tail ends and single core cables at all connecting points
and/or any positions the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)may determine. Cable boxes shall be
provided with suitable labels indicating the purpose of the supply where such supply is not obvious or
where the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)may determine.
All cables shall be identified and shall have phase colours marked at their termination.
All incoming and outgoing connections shall be terminated at a terminal block. Direct termination into
auxiliary switches will not be accepted.

Degrees of protection shall be provided in accordance with IEC 144 and IEC 529 and be as follows:
· For outdoor applications, IP 55.
· For indoor applications where purpose built accommodation is provided, e.g. switch and control
and relay rooms in auxiliary plant buildings, IP 41.
· Where dust can adversely affect equipment within the enclosure, this equipment should be
separately housed with a degree of protection of IP 51.
· For indoor applications where the equipment is housed in the same building as that enclosing
water and steam operated equipment, the degrees of protection stated in the previous paragraph shall be
up-rated to IP 44 and IP 54 respectively.
Where more severe environments exist, e.g. steam and oil vapour or other deleterious chemical
environments, special measures will be necessary and the degree of protection required will be specified
The Contractor shall submit a schedule for providing the degree protection to various control boxes,
junction boxes etc. for the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)s approval.

All incoming supplies of greater than 125 V to earth shall have their termination shrouded by a suitable
insulating material.

The auxiliary supply voltages on site shall be as follows:


Nominal Variation Frequency Phase Wires Neutral
Voltage V Hz or DC Connection

430 ±10% 50±5% 3 4 Solidly earthed

240 ±10% 50±5% 1 2 Solidly earthed

220 187V - DC DC 2 Isolated 2 wires


50 45V - 55V DC DC 2 +ve earthed


Telephone jack plug points shall be provided at each circuit breaker, at each power transformer
marshalling kiosk and on each control and relay panel. At each substation these plug points are to be
connected in parallel to form a site telephone circuit for use during maintenance and testing operations.


16.1 General
The following shall supplement the conditions already contained in the other parts of these
specifications and documents and shall govern that portion of the work on this Contract to be performed
at Site.

16.2 Regulation of local authorities and statutes

The Contractor shall comply with all the rules and regulations of local authorities during the
performance of his field activities. He shall also comply with the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and the
payment of Wages Act (both of the Government of India and Govt of Orissa ) and the rules made
thereunder in respect of any employee or workman employed or engaged by him or his Sub-Contractor.
All registration and statutory inspection fees, if any, in respect of his work pursuant to this Contract
shall be to the account of the Contractor. However, any registration, statutory inspection fees lawfully
payable under the provisions of the statutory laws and its amendments from time to time during
erection in respect of the substation ultimately to be owned by the Employer, shall be to the account of
the Employer. Should any such inspection or registration need to be re-arranged due to the fault of the
Contractor or his Sub-Contractor, the additional fees to such inspection and/or registration shall be
borne by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall ensure that he obtains, from the Government of Orissa, an Electrical Contractor’s
Licence and a supervisory certificate of the appropriate grade to allow him to execute the electrical
works included in the Contract. The Contractor shall ensure that all workmen possess Workman
Permits, issued by the Government of Orissa, for engagement in the Contract Works.

16.3 Inspection, testing and inspection certificates

The provisions of the General Conditions of Contract shall also be applicable to the erection portion of
the Works. The Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)shall have the right to re-inspect any equipment
though previously inspected approved by him at the Contractor's works, before and after the same are
erected at Site.


16.4 Contractor's field operation
16.4.1 General
The Contractor shall inform the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)in advance of field activity plans and
schedules for carrying-out each part of the works. Any review of such plans or schedules or methods of
work by the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his
responsibilities towards the field activities. Such reviews shall not be considered as an assumption of
any risk or liability by the Employer or any of his representatives, and no claim of the Contractor will
be entertained because of the failure or inefficiency of any such plan or schedule or method of work
reviewed. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the safety, adequacy and efficiency of plant
and equipment and his erection methods.
16.4.2 Progress Report
Progress reports shall be provided by the Contractor to the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)in
accordance with the relevant parts of this specification. Appropriate photographs shall accompany the
monthly progress reports.

16.5 Facilities to be provided by the contractor

16.5.1 Unloading
Contractor shall make his own arrangement for unloading the equipment at site.
16.5.2 Tools, tackle and scaffoldings
The Contractor shall provide all the construction equipment tools, tackle and scaffoldings required for
offloading, storage, pre-assembly, erection, testing and commissioning of the equipment covered under
the Contract. He shall submit a list of all such materials to the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)before
the commencement of pre-assembly at Site. These tools and tackles shall not be removed from the Site
without the written permission of the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.).

16.6 First-Aid and general hygiene

The Contractor shall provide necessary first-aid facilities for all his employees, representatives and
workmen working at the site. At all times at least ten percent of all Contractors personnel assigned to
the worksite shall be shall be trained in administering first-aid.
The labour colony, offices and residential areas of the Contractor’s employees and workmen shall be
kept clean and neat to the entire satisfaction of the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.). Proper sanitary
arrangements shall be provided by the Contractor in work-areas, offices and residential areas of the
Waste oil shall be disposed of in a manner acceptable to the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.). Under
no circumstances shall waste oil be dumped into uncontrolled drains.

16.7 Security
The Contractor shall have total responsibility for all equipment and material in his custody, stored,
loose, semi-assembled and/or erected by him at Site. The Contractor shall make suitable security
arrangements including employment of security personnel to ensure the protection of all materials,
equipment and works from theft, fire, pilferage and any other damages and loss.

16.8 Materials handling and storage

All the equipment furnished under the Contract and arriving at Site shall be promptly received,
unloaded and transported and stored in the stores by the Contractor.
Contractor shall be responsible for examining the complete shipment and notifying the Engg. Incharge
(Divisional Engr.)immediately of any damage, shortage, discrepancy etc. for the purpose of Engg.
Incharge (Divisional Engr.)'s information only. The Contractor shall submit to the Engg. Incharge


(Divisional Engr.)every week a report detailing all the receipts during the weeks. However, the
Contractor shall be solely responsible for any shortages or damages during transit, handling, storage and
erection of the equipment at Site. Any demurrage, wharfage and other such charges claimed by the
transporters, railways etc. shall be to the account of the Contractor.
The Contractor shall maintain an accurate and exhaustive record detailing all equipment received by
him for the purpose of erection and keep such record open for the inspection of the Engg. Incharge
(Divisional Engr.).
All equipment shall be handled carefully to prevent any damage or loss. All equipment stored shall be
properly protected to prevent damage. Equipment from the store shall be moved to the actual location
at an appropriate time so as to avoid damage of such equipment at Site.
All the materials stored in the open or dusty location shall be covered with suitable weather-proof and
flameproof covering material.
The Contractor shall be responsible for making suitable indoor facilities for the storage of all
equipment which requires to be kept indoors.


17.1 General
Time is the essence of the Contract and the Contractor shall be responsible for performance of his
Works in accordance with the specified construction schedule. If at any time the Contractor is falling
behind the schedule, he shall take necessary action to make good for such delays by increasing his work
force or by working overtime to accelerate the progress of the work and to comply with schedule and
shall communicate such actions in writing to the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.), providing evidence
that his action will compensate for the delay. The Contractor shall not be allowed any extra
compensation for such action.

17.2 Field office records

The Contractor shall maintain at his Site office up-to-date copies of all drawings, specifications and
other supplementary data complete with all the latest revisions thereto. The Contractor shall also
maintain in addition the continuous record of all changes to the above contract documents, drawings,
specifications, supplementary data, etc. effected at the field. On completion of his total assignment
under the Contract, such drawings and engineering data shall be submitted to the Engg. Incharge
(Divisional Engr.)in the required number of copies.

17.3 Protection of property and Contractor's liability

The Contractor will ensure provision of necessary safety equipment such as barriers, sign-boards,
warning light and alarms, personal protective equipment etc. to provide adequate protection to persons
and property. The Contractor shall be responsible for giving reasonable notice to the Engg. Incharge
(Divisional Engr.)and the owners of public or private property and utilities when such property and
utilities are likely to be damaged or injured during the performance of his works, and shall make all
necessary arrangements with such owners, related to removal and/or replacement or protection of such
property and utilities.


The erection requirements and procedures to be followed during the installation of the equipment shall
be in accordance with the relevant Indian/International Standards/Regulations, ASME codes, accepted
good engineering practice, drawings and other applicable Indian codes and laws and regulations..


To eliminate delays and avoid disputes and litigation, it is agreed between the Parties to the Contracts
that all matters and questions shall be referred to the Employer and without prejudice the Contractor
shall proceed to comply with the Employer's decision.
The work shall be performed under the direction and supervision of the Engg. Incharge (Divisional
Engr.). The scope of the duties of the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.), pursuant to the contract, will
include but not be limited to the following:
· Interpretation of all the terms and conditions of these documents and specifications.
· Review and interpretation of all the Contractors drawing, engineering data etc.
· Witness or authorise his representative to witness tests and trials either at the manufacturer's
works or at site, or at any place where work is performed under the Contract.
· Inspect, accept or reject any equipment, material and work under Contract.
· Issue certificate of acceptance and/or progressive payment and final payment certificates.
· Review and suggest modification and improvements in completion schedules from time to time.
· Supervise the Quality Assurance program implementation at all stages of the Works.


The Contractor shall carry out the tests stated in accordance with the conditions of this Specification,
without extra charge for such additional tests as in the opinion of the Engg. Incharge (Divisional
Engr.)are necessary to determine that the Contract Works comply with this Specification. The tests
shall be carried out generally in accordance with the relevant IEC’s or IS or equivalent standards. The
specific details of testing and inspection are given in the appropriate section of this Specification.
The Contractor shall submit Type Test Reports for all equipment being supplied by him for the Engg.
Incharge (Divisional Engr.)’s approval. The Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)may also give
instruction to carry out Type Tests, routine tests or acceptance tests. Type Test Charges shall be paid as
per the rates indicated in the Price Schedules.
All materials used shall be subjected to such routine tests as are customary in the manufacture of the
types of plant included in the Contract Works. These materials shall withstand satisfactorily all such
All tests shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.), in his
presence, at such reasonable times as he may require, unless agreed otherwise. Not less than three
weeks notice of all tests shall be given to the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)in order that he may be
represented if he so desires. As many tests as possible shall be arranged together. Six copies of the
Contractor’s test reports and test sheets shall be supplied to the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)for
Measuring apparatus shall be approved by the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)and if required shall be
calibrated at the expense of the Contractor at an approved laboratory.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper testing of the work completed or plant or materials
supplied by a sub-contractor to the same extent as if the work, plant or materials were completed or
supplied by the Contractor himself.
All apparatus, instruments and connections required for the above tests shall be provided by the
Contractor, but the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)may permit the use for the tests on site, any
instruments and apparatus which may be provided permanently on site as part of the contract works
conditional upon the Contractor accepting liability for any damage which may be sustained by such
equipment during the test.


The contractor shall supply suitable test pieces of all materials as required by the Engg. Incharge
(Divisional Engr.). If required by the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.), test specimens shall be
prepared for check testing and forwarded at the expense of the Contractor to an independent testing
authority selected by the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.).
Any costs incurred by the Employer in connection with inspection and re-testing as a result of a failure
of the subject under test, or damage during transport, or erection on site before take-over by the
Employer, shall be to the account of the Contractor.
No inspection or lack of inspection or passing by the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)of work, plant
or materials, whether carried out or supplied by the Contractor or sub-contractor, shall relieve the
Contractor from his liability to complete the Contract Works in accordance with the Contract or
exonerate him from any of his guarantees.


All apparatus, connections and cabling shall be designed and arranged to minimise the risk of fire and
any damage which might be caused in the event of fire. When cabling is carried out as part of this
Contract the Contractor shall be responsible for sealing all holes in floors, walls, roofs etc. through
which the cabling may pass.
The work procedures that are to be used during the erection shall be those which minimise fire hazards
to the maximum extent practicable. Combustible materials, combustible waste and rubbish shall be
collected and removed from the site at least once each day. Fuels, oils and volatile or flammable
materials shall be stored away from the construction site and equipment and material stores in
appropriate safe containers.
All Contractor’s supervisory personnel and at least ten percent all of workers shall be trained for fire-
fighting and shall be assigned specific fire protection duties. At least ten percent of all personnel
assigned to site at any one time shall be trained for fire fighting.
The contractor shall provide sufficient fire protection equipment of the types and sizes for the ware-
houses, office temporary structures, labour colony area etc.. Access to such fire protection equipment
shall be easy and kept open at all time.


The Contractor shall be responsible for the packing, loading and transport of the plant and equipment
from the place of manufacture, whether this is at his own works or those of any Contractor, to Site, and
for off-loading at site.
All apparatus and equipment shall be carefully packed for transport by air, sea, rail and road as
necessary and in such a manner that it is protected against tropical climate conditions and transport in
rough terrain and cross country road conditions. The method of packing shall provide complete
protection to all apparatus and equipment during transport and storage at site in heavy rain. The method
of packing shall provide adequate protection to main items of plant and those parts contained within
and attached without, for transportation.
Precautions shall be taken to protect parts containing electrical insulation against the ingress of
All bright parts liable to rust shall receive a coat of anti-rusting composition and shall be suitably
protected. The machined face of all flanges shall be protected by means of a blank disc bolted to each
Where appropriate all parts shall be boxed in substantial crates or containers to facilitate handling in a
safe and secure manner. Each crate or container shall be marked clearly on the outside of the case to
show “TOP” and “BOTTOM” positions with appropriate signs, and where the mass is bearing and the
correct position for slings. Each crate or container shall also be marked with the notation of the part or


parts contained therein, contract number and port of destination. It shall be the Contractor’s
responsibility to dispose of all such packing.
Any damage due to defective or insufficient packing shall be made good by the Contractor at his own
expense and within reasonable time when called upon by the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)to do
so. Four (4) copies of complete packing lists showing the number, size, marks, mass and contents of
each package shall be delivered to the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)immediately the material is
The Contractor shall inform himself fully as to all relevant transport facilities and requirements and
loading gauges and ensure that the equipment as packed for transport shall conform to these
limitations. The Contractor shall also be responsible for verifying the access facilities specified.
The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs of repair or replacement of the equipment, including
those incurred by the Employer, arising from damage during transport, off-loading or erection on site,
until take-over by the Employer.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the transportation of all loads associated with the contract
works and shall take all reasonable steps to prevent any highways or bridges from being damaged by
his traffic and shall select routes, choose and use vehicles and restrict and distribute loads so that the
risk of damage shall be avoided. The Contractor shall immediately report to the Engg. Incharge
(Divisional Engr.)any claims made against the Contractor arising out of alleged damage to a highway
or bridge.


Before leaving the Contractor’s Works all apparatus and fittings shall be painted or stamped in two
places with a distinguishing number and/or letter corresponding to the distinguishing number and/or
letter on an approved drawing and material list. All markings shall be legible; weatherproof tags, where
used, shall be durable, securely attached and duplicated
The erection marks on galvanised material shall be stamped before galvanising and shall be clearly
legible after galvanising.


A complete set of spanners shall be supplied for each station to fit every nut and bolt head on the
apparatus supplied under this Contract, together with all special tools required for the adjustment and
maintenance of the equipment. These tools shall be mounted in a lockable cabinet at each substation,
also to be provided under this Contract. Eye bolts which have to be removed after use shall be
accommodated in the cabinets.
Spanners and other maintenance equipment provided under the Contract shall not be used for the
purpose of erection of the contract Works.
Any special devices, slings or tackle necessary for the complete overhaul of the plant shall be handed
over to the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)in working order on completion of the Contract.
On delivering any or all of these tools to the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.), a signature shall be
obtained from the Engg. Incharge (Divisional Engr.)’s representative. Any tools not signed for shall be
deemed not to have been delivered.


Runway beams shall comply with the requirements of BS 2853, or its equivalent, and shall be tested
after erection in accordance with this standard and this Specification. The Contractor shall be
responsible for the provision of the appropriate test certificates which must be in accordance with
Appendix C of BS 2853.


All slings, eye bolts and other lifting tackle provided shall be proof tested to twice the safe working
load and suitably marked with embossed labels to show clearly the safe working loads.







VOL-II (TS) E3-SYSTEM DATA- Page 1 of3

Sl.No Description of Technical Unit System
1 Nominal system voltage kVrms 400kV 220kV 132kV 33kV
2 Maximum system voltage kVrms 420kV 245kV 145kV 36.kV
3 Power frequency with stand kVrms 630kV 460kV 275kV 70kV
voltage 520kV
4 Switching surge withstand kVp
voltage (for 250/2500ms
1. Line to earth 1050kVp Not Not Not
2. Across isolating gap 900kVp+345 applicable applicable applicable
5 Lightning impulse withstand kVp
voltage (for 1.2
/50ms) 1425kVp 1050kVp 650kVp 170kVp
1. Line to earth 1425kVp+ 1200kVp 750kVp 195kVp
2. Across isolating gap 240kVrms
6 One minute power frequency
withstand value
Dry kVrms 630 460 275 70
Wet kVrms 610 530 315 80
7 System frequency Hz 50
8 Variation in frequency % ±2.5
7 Corona extinction voltage 320kV 156kV 105kV
8 Radio interference voltage 500mV at 500mV 1000mV
266KV at 167KV at 93KV
9 System neutral rating Solidly earthed
10 Continuous current rating 2000A 2000A 1250A 800A
11 Symmetrical short circuit kA 63/40 40 31.5 25
12 Duration of short circuit fault Second 1 1 1 3
12 Dynamic short circuit current kAp 157.5/100 100 79 62.5kA
13 Air clearances meters
Phase to ground 3.5 2.1 1.3 480
Phase to phase meters 4.2 2.4 1.3 530
System to system within a - -
14 Conductor spacing for AIS meters
layouts 6.5 4.5 3 1.5
Phase to ground 7.0 4.5 3 1.5
Phase to phase
15 Design ambient temperatures C
o 50
16 Pollution level as per IEC-815 III
and 71
17 Creepage distance mm 10500 6125 3625 900
18 Maximum fault clearing time ms £100 not exceeding not exceeding
£100ms £150ms

NIT NO. 07/2012-13 (Package-07/2012-13 VOL-II (TS) E3-SYSTEM DATA- Page 2 of3
19 Safety clearances
1. Section clearance metres 6.5 5 4 4
2. Ground clearances( 8 5.5 5 4
between ground and bottom
most part of energised object) metres
3. Horizontal clearance As per I.E. As per As per As per I.E.
between the fence and metres Rules I.E. I.E. Rules Rules
energised object As per I.E. Rules As per
4. Horizontal clearance Rules As per I.E. Rules As per I.E.
between the road centre line I.E. Rules
and energised part of the Rules
nearby equipment
20 Bay width metres 27 18 11-13.1 5.5
21 Height of bus equipment metres 8 5.5 5 4
interconnection from ground
22 Height of strung busbar metres >15 10.5 8.5 5.5

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Description Data
Annual mean of maximum monthly 50
average temperature.
Annual mean of minimum monthly 5
temperature in oC
Average rain fall in mm 1500

Average thunder storms days per year 77days

Design ambient temperature in oC 50
Maximum wind velocity in meter/sec. 50
Maximum relative humidity in % 100
Average relative humidity in % 85
Seismic co-efficient 0.06g Hori
0.01g Vert









1.0 GENERAL ............................................................................................................. 3

2.0 DESIGN PARAMETERS - OPEN TERMINAL ..................................................... 3

3.0 BUSBAR CONSTRUCTION. ................................................................................ 4

4.0 PROVISION OF EARTH SWITCHES ................................................................... 5

5.0 INTERLOCKING ................................................................................................... 5

4.1 General ..................................................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Philosophy ................................................................................................................................ 5
4.3 Principles .................................................................................................................................. 6


SYSTEM ................................................................................................................ 6
6.1 Protection Philosophy. .............................................................................................................. 6
6.2 Control Philosophy. ................................................................................................................. 7

7.0 EARTHING SYSTEM ........................................................................................... 7


The substation shall adopt switching scheme as shown on the attached single line diagrams. The
Contractor shall propose the most economical substation layout that meets the desired degree of
operational flexibility, reliability, service continuity and expandability. The contractor shall submit
design considerations establishing the above and proposals for the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.)
approval. The attached drawings are intended to show the basic requirements to be satisfied, i.e.
switching arrangement, number of busbars, site location, available area, line termination etc. It is the
responsibility of the Contractor to prepare a detailed layout showing the manner in which the various
items of equipment offered can be accommodated to best advantage within the available area.
The arrangement shown on the attached drawings may be modified as necessary to accommodate the
various items, e.g. different types of disconnector, provided the basic principles are maintained.
The Bidder is at liberty to offer substation arrangements based on significantly different principles
where it is considered that these offer economies or technical advantages. It is emphasised, however,
that the Bidder's main offer should comply with the principles shown in the attached drawings, other
arrangements being submitted solely as alternatives to the main offer.


The substation design should be such as to minimise the number of levels of conductors and to ensure
that the consequences of a failure of one set of high level conductors are limited to the loss of that
circuit and a single bus bar section. This principle shall also be applied with regard to earth wire
conductors. All materials and equipment for use in the substation shall be suitably rated to meet the site
conditions specified in the schedules.
All gantry type structures supporting conductors shall include facilities for ready access to all insulator
sets. There shall be permanently attached climbing devices with guard-rails and access to high level
beams shall not be possible without proper authorisation. Safety screens shall be provided between
adjacent circuits to maintain the specified safety clearances and to prevent accidental access to live
Vehicle access to permit the transport of major switchgear equipment shall be provided. This shall be
achieved without the need to de-energise circuits. Access for vehicles which require the de-
energisation of circuits shall be kept to a minimum and avoided wherever possible.
Each substation shall be adequately protected against direct lightning strikes, either by the use of spikes
or earth wires located on the substation structures, the use of spikes is preferred. The height, location,
and number of spikes or earth wires shall be such as to protect all equipment installed within the
substation to a failure rate of shielding from direct lightning strikes of not greater than 0.1 per cent per
Where the connection to the substation is by overhead line, overhead line conductors will be terminated
either at the substation gantry structures or to anchor blocks adjacent to the overhead line terminal
towers. The overhead line conductors complete with tension insulators, line tee off clamps, and
compression fittings (bi-metallic where necessary) shall be supplied and erected under a separate
contract. The Contractor shall provide facilities on the gantry structure for the fixing of the tension
insulators and arrange branching of conductors in to the sub-station from the transmission line
The overhead line earth wire will be extended into the substation and the substation gantry structure
shall be arranged to receive this.
Where line traps are to be located within the substation, these should preferably be mounted integrally
with the coupling capacitor. Should this be impracticable, then the use of post type insulators is
preferred to suspension mounting.


Where disconnectors are of the pantograph type, the contact arrangements shall cater for conditions of
maximum wind loading coincident with either the maximum or minimum ambient temperature and
shall conform to the requirements of IEC 129. The Contractor shall also establish, through calculations,
the length of arm of each pantograph isolator so that the contact is proper and robust. The Contractor
shall also provide the required size and number of sag compensating springs where necessary.
Sub-station equipment, structures, roads, concrete cable troughs, drains etc.. shall be laid out in a neat
and organised manner to meet the employers requirement, facilitate movement of vehicles and ensure
safety of personnel and equipment.
Each substation shall be provided with safety grounding mat as per clause relevant clauses of this
section. While designing the ampacity of the buried conductor suitable corrosion allowance shall be
considered for thirty five (35) years. The conductors shall be buried at a depth of 700 mm from
finished formation level. The conductors shall be welded suitably for maintaining a high degree of
mechanical rigidity and electrical connectivity.
The substation earth mat shall be designed to provide a ground potential rise within safe limits of
tolerable touch and step potential. The margins of limits shall confirm the international practices. The
design of earthmat shall be in accordance with IEEE-80/1986 and shall be submitted for Engg Incharge
(Divisional Engr.) approval.


Busbars shall be made of aluminium tubes in 400 KV side and connection from equipment to
equipment & the top bus shall be twin ACSR Moose conductor. Bus bars of aluminium tube in 220 KV
side (wherever specifically asked for)or ACSR conductor ( Main Buses shall be Twin Moose ACSR
conductor and Reserve /Transfer Bus shall be single Moose ACSR conductor) and aluminium tube
for connection from equipment to equipment . The bus bar capacity shall be designed for maximum
ambient temperature conditions and symmetrical short circuit condition of 63 KA for 400 KV side
40kA for 220 KV & 132 KV side. The continuous current rating shall be so designed that no portion
of the bus bar is unduly loaded, or over heated. For EHV sub-stations, the bus bar and bus bar fittings
shall be made corona free by the provision of corona rings or corona bells. There shall not be any
harmful RIV from the constructed bus bars .
Tubular bus bars shall be mounted on support insulators of adequate strength, mounted on support
structures above the ground in upright position, or hang from the structures depending upon the chosen
lay out.
Strain bus bars shall be made bundled wherever necessary to carry the rated maximum continuous
current. The bundle size shall be determined by the Contractor to make such that it is corona free, and
fitted with spacers to limit the snatch forces such that no dangerous tensions are passed on to the
Interconnections to equipment shall be made from aluminium tubes or suitable flexible ACSR
conductors, through clamps and connectors only. Jumpers shall be made from flexible ACSR
conductors only.
There shall be no conductor joints in a span of strung strain busbars. Tubular busbars shall have a
maximum of one welded joint and shall be designed for thermal stresses and linear expansion, due to
temperature, so as to relieve the support structure and busbar fittings from stress.
The Contractor shall submit design calculations in support of the various dimensions of the busbar for
Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) approval.
The busbar deflection in respect of tubular busbars shall not exceed 50% of diameter. The stranded
conductor sag shall not exceed 1/80th of conductor span.


The earth switches shall be provided liberally in compliance to Indian Electricity Rules and as per latest
recommendations of CBIP Manual on EHV substations.
However the Employer’s practice is to provide earth switches with disconnector on busbar side and
feeder side of the circuit bay for all voltage class substations. For 400kV class substations earth
switches shall also be provided with disconnectors on circuit breaker side. In case the Electrical
Inspectorate requires provision of any further earth switches the same shall also be provided by the
Additional cost payable on account of providing such earth switches shall be mutually agreed between
the Contractor and the Employer on the basis of rates quoted by him for spare parts.
Each substation shall be provided with sufficient number of portable earth switches so as to carry out
maintenance works for at least two circuit bays.


5.1 General
The applicable recommended interlocking facilities of IEC 517 shall be provided. Padlocking to the
requirements of this specification shall be provided for operational and maintenance security.
Earth switches on line circuits shall be capable of interrupting the current induced in the line at the
voltage specified in the schedules. This current may arise by induction from a fully loaded line in
parallel with the earthed line. If earth switches without the rated breaking capacity are provided, the
interlocking arrangements shall ensure the interruption of this induced current by the circuit breaker
before the earth switch is opened. Interlocking facilities shall be provided to release the circuit breaker
for maintenance whilst maintaining the earthing of the incoming line.

5.2 Philosophy
All disconnecting and earthing devices within the substation shall be interlocked in a manner that
ensures that they always operate safely. The system employed shall satisfy two distinct categories:
· Operational interlocking: Interlocking associated with normal system operation and switching and
intended to ensure that a predetermined switching sequence is satisfied. Such interlocking shall be
achieved by electrical means in a manner that permits the equipment to perform any safe operation.
· Maintenance Interlocking: Interlocking associated with a series of switching operations to render
the equipment or sections of the substation safe for access and maintenance by personnel. Such
interlocking shall be achieved by mechanical interference type interlocks.

5.3 Principles
The design of the interlocking scheme shall be based upon the following principles:
a) Dis connectors are capable of switching the capacitive currents of associated connections.
b) Circuit breakers shall not be used as a point of safety isolation, this is the function of a
c) Dis connectors have neither load making nor breaking capacity.
d) Dis connectors are not capable of making or breaking transformer magnetising current.
e) Dis connectors are capable of the duty imposed when operated under parallel switching
f) It shall not be possible to close or open any earth switch unless the point of application is
disconnected from all possible sources of supply, and the power operating devices of such dis
connectors are selected to the local control position.


g) It shall not be possible to operate any disconnecter unless its associated circuit breaker is open.
h) It shall not be possible to operate any disconnecter if an associated earth switch is already
i) Dis connectors concerned with supplies from a remote point cannot be fully interlocked and
shall carry a warning notice to this effect. Similar notices shall be applied to earth switches.


6.1 Protection Philosophy.

The control and protection system shall be closely inter related in the sub-station.
The protection system shall be designed for the fault clearing time, so that it prevents or limits damage
to primary equipment of the transmission system, and stability of the power system shall be protected.
The main protective system shall be capable of tripping (excluding circuit breaker operating time )
within 10 - 50ms. However, in any case the fault clearing time from the instant of inception of fault to
completion of the circuit breaker operation shall not exceed 100ms for 400kV and 220kV systems,
120ms for 132kV system and 150ms for 33kV system. Operating time of breakers to be provided by the
Employer are 40ms for 400kV, 50ms for 220kV, 50 ms for 132kV and 60 to 85ms for 33kV.
The protection system shall generally be a dedicated system organised at bay level for lines,
transformers etc., and at sub-station level for bus bar and breaker failure protection .
In the highest range of protection functions the protection unit and function shall be segregated as much
as possible. The protection shall not be compromised in any way by the requirements of the other
functions. The protection shall be permanently on line and shall be capable of tolerating faults in both
the hardware and software at bay level and sub-station level. The system shall be so designed that in the
event of loss of communication between the bay level and sub-station level, the continuity of
protection function shall be ensured.
The protection sub-system (relays ) should communicate with control and monitoring system to
provide information regarding operation, faulted phase, settings etc.. Information should also be
available at station computer level and for transmission to LDC via SCADA.
The protection system may also include new designs of protective relays incorporated with features
such as auto reclosing, fault recording , fault locating and synchronising check.
The recommended protection arrangement for different bays shall be in accordance with the protection
single line diagrams attached to this Specification.
Busbar protection systems shall be designed to initiate immediate tripping of all circuit breakers
connected to the faulted section of the busbar. In the event of non operation of a circuit breaker of a bay
all the circuit beakers connected to the associated busbar shall trip under breaker failure protection.

6.2 Control Philosophy.

The control function of the sub-station shall be the following:
· Control — Operation ( switching on or off or position change)
· Control — Monitoring ( alarms, annunciation, indication etc.)
The system shall efficiently perform the operation of circuit breakers, isolators, tap changers etc.. It
shall also perform the interlocking at bay level as well as substation level. The control system shall be
suitable for operating manually, electrically (remote) and via SCADA system from a remote control
Control shall be achieved at bay level, substation level and remote control centre level through
conventional MMI or computer based automated system, as specified in this Specification.


The system shall be designed, along with the communication system so that there shall be high
availability of bay protection associated with automatic functions such as auto reclosing. The systems
shall function autonomously and independently of adjacent bays, substation functions and units etc.


Electrical measurements of the subsoil at various depths up to 20 metres shall be made at the site of
each substation in order to determine the layered effects of the ground from which the effective ground
resistivity and hence the expected resistance of the proposed earth grid system may be predicted.
Wagner’s 4 - Electrode method as per IEEE-Std 81 may be followed for measurement of earth
The earthing system shall comprise a mesh grid formed by hot dip galvanised iron flat bar (GI flat) of
75 X 10 mm(for 220/132 KV & 132/33 KV) and 40 mm MS rod (for 400 KV) buried directly in the
ground and arranged so as to utilise fully the available site area. A continuous conductor shall be laid
outside the periphery of the substation site at a distance of two metres from the switchyard fence and
at a depth of at least 0.7 metres (the earth mat top shall be at 700 mm below the finished ground level)
below the surface. A mesh system shall be formed by interconnection at various points to the perimeter
conductor. The distance between two buried earth mat (flat/rod) shall be maximum 5 meters both way.
The mesh system shall be designed such that the grid potential rise limits the touch voltage to a value
not greater than the maximum tolerable touch potential; the fault clearance time to be used in the
earthing calculations shall be taken as one second.
The earthing system shall be designed to meet the requirements of this specification and shall be in
accordance with IEEE 80 and IS 3043. The Contractor shall present calculations to show the earthing
system meets these requirements and can be shown to be safe in terms of touch, step and transferred
potentials. The calculations shall be carried out considering a layer of crushed metals of thickness
100mm and without the same; and if applicable recommend suitable site surfacing . The resistance of
the earth mat shall not exceed 0.5W.
In the event of the substation resistance obtained with the foregoing installation being of a magnitude
unacceptable to the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.), then where practicable, the ground area enclosed
by the earth system should be increased by installing directly in the ground a GI flat /MS rod conductor
in the form of a ring around the site at a significant distance from the boundary fence. Alternatively,
earth conductors can be directly buried radially outside the substation perimeter fence. The use of earth
plates as current carrying electrodes is not acceptable.
The earthing system shall be designed so as to include all overhead line terminal towers, which shall be
earthed by extending the system so as to envelope all towers within the earth system. Each tower shall
be bonded directly to the earth system from at least two locations. Structures and masts for lighting and
security surveillance equipment shall also be within the perimeter of the earth grid. No fixed low
voltage equipment, with the exception of a warning or alarm button and intruder alarms which shall be
of the double insulation type, shall be erected outside the perimeter of the earth grid.
Where a metal substation fence is provided, this shall be bonded electrically to the earthing grid on each
side at spacing not exceeding 0.25r (where r is the equivalent circular plate radius), at points adjacent to
each corner and immediately below any overhead line entering or leaving the Site. The location of the
mesh conductors shall be such as to enable all items of equipment to be connected to the earth system
via the shortest possible route.
Gate posts forming part of the substation fence shall be bonded together with below ground connections
and the gates themselves shall be electrically bonded to the posts at two points through flexible braids.
The current density of the earth conductor shall be not greater than 100A/mm2. Single connections
between equipment and the earth system shall carry the total short circuit current, but the cross sectional
area of branch connections may be reduced to take account of current distribution in two or more
conductors. A distribution of 60 per cent shall be assumed for this purpose, i.e. the cross sectional area
of branch connections may be reduced to 60 per cent of the corresponding single conductor.


The earth conductor may be sized as per IEEE 80 and sufficient allowance for corrosion may be taken
in to account.
The grid voltage rise under fault conditions shall not exceed 15 kV. If the calculated grid voltage rise
exceeds 430V, the local Telephone Authority shall be advised, by the Contractor, of the grid voltage
rise and the distance of the 650V contour from the substation grid periphery.
The alternative approach of independently earthing the fence and placing it outside the earth grid area
shall only be adopted if the above mentioned procedures prove insufficient or impracticable. The
Contractor shall provide calculations to show that this approach produces safe touch voltages at the
fence and shall ensure that the fence is isolated from all other buried metalwork.
Metal parts of all equipment, other than those forming part of an electrical circuit, shall be connected
directly to the main earth system at two points. For the same the size of the G.I flats shall also be
75X10mm.This is the raiser of the earth to the structures of column, beam and all equipment structures.
The arrangement of the mesh earth system shall be such as to minimise the length of these connections.
A separate set of earth electrodes (at least two), GI pipe, perforated, 50mm dia, heavy duty having
3000mm long in a treated earth pit, shall be provided for the earthing for high frequency coupling
equipment (CVT etc), surge arresters, IVT, each neutral of the transformers and reactors at a position
immediately adjacent to the equipment being earthed in addition to the normal earth connection.
All main members of structural steelworks shall be earthed by GI flat(size 75X10mm) earthing
connections being bonded to the steelworks. The Contractor shall be responsible for earthing of the
transformers and circuit breakers installed on the substation site as per recommended.
Connections to apparatus and structures shall be made clear of ground level, preferably to a vertical
face and protected against corrosion.
Earth bars installed directly into the ground should normally be laid bare and the trench back-filled with
a fine top soil. Where the soil is of a hostile nature, precautions must be taken to protect the earth bar.
All exposed joints shall be at a minimum height of 150 mm above floor or ground level.
A facility shall be provided on the earth bar run between the equipment and the base of the structure,
comprising a looped copper strip(test link), so as to permit the attachment of portable earth connections
for maintenance purposes.
After installation of the earth system the Contractor shall measure the resistance of the substation. The
method used shall preferably be the "fall of potential" method, requiring the availability of a local low
voltage supply, but other methods using an earth resistance meter will be acceptable in the event of a
local supply being unavailable.
The fencing of the switch yard also to be earthed by using G.I flats of size 75X10mm to each post and a
continuous earth strip of size 50X6mm shall run all through the fence. The periphery of the switch yard
shall be provided with non-treated earth pit at a distance of 5 mtrs all along the periphery. The size of
the non-treated pit conductor shall be 40 mm dia MS rod of length 3000mm. The said earth MS Rod to
be placed in earth pit as per standard practice and the pit shall be filled with Bentonite powder mixed
with lomy soil at a ratio 1:10. There shall be provision of watering into the earth pits. A pipe of
adequate size should run all along the periphery and outlets shall be provided to each pit. The pipe shall
be connected to the overhead tank provided on the control room building and proper water control
valve should be provided. Contractor shall prepare a detail earthing provision considering as per
specification and shall obtain approval from OPTCL and the top of the MS rod shall be welded to the
buried earth mats.








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16. FENCING 39












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1.1 Scope of work

The scope of Civil works includes the following items.
The scope shall generally cover switch yard structures, including gantries and equipment support
structures and their foundations, cable trenches along with covers, cable trench crossings of road
and rails, sump pits, marshalling box/control cubicle foundations, switch yard levelling, site
clearance, soil investigation, roads, drains, fencing, gravel filling, transformer / reactor
foundations, firewalls, control room building, other auxiliary buildings. Any other items, not
specifically mentioned here but required for the commissioning of switch yard/substation shall be
deemed to be included in the scope of this Specification. The scope shall further cover design,
engineering, erection, testing and commissioning of all civil works at each substation. All civil
works shall also satisfy the General Technical Clauses specified in other sections of this
specification and as detailed below.
Excavation, de watering, carriage of excavated earth, plain cement concrete (PCC), casting of
reinforced cement concrete (RCC) foundations, super-structures for switch yard structures,
equipment supports, their control cubicles, bus post supports, lighting poles and panels, brick and
stone masonry, cable trenches, pipe trenches with necessary pre cast RCC removable covers,
with lifting facility and sump pits, cable supports and their embodiment in cable trenches and
cable trench crossings road or rail track with backfilling complete as per drawings approved by
the OPTCL, shall be carried out by the contractor. The cable trenches inside the control room
shall be provided with MS chequered plate with angle stiffeners at the bottom for mechanical
strength and painting there of as per the standard practice.
The Contractor shall furnish all designs, (unless otherwise specified) drawings, labour, tools,
equipment, materials, temporary works, constructional plant and machinery, fuel supply,
transportation and all other incidental items not shown or specified but as may be required for
complete performance of the Works in accordance with approved drawings, specifications and as
per direction of the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).
The work shall be carried out according to the design/drawings to be developed by the
Contractor, and approved by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) or supplied to the bidder by
the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). For all buildings, structures, foundations etc. necessary
layout, levels and details shall be developed by the Contractor keeping in view the functional
requirement of the plant and facilities and providing enough space and access for operation, use
and maintenance based on the input provided by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). Certain
minimum requirements are indicated in this specification for guidance purposes only. However,
the Bidder shall quote according to the complete requirements.


2.1 Clearing and Grubbing

The work shall consist of numbering of trees, removing and disposing of all materials such as
trees, bushes, woods, shrubs, grass, stumps, rubbish, rank vegetation, roots, foreign materials,
etc., which in the opinion of the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) are unsuitable for incorporation
in the works, from within the limits and such other areas as may be specified on the drawings or
directed by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). Clearing and grubbing shall be performed in

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advance of earthwork operations and in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications.
During clearing and grubbing, the contractor shall take all adequate precautions against soil
erosion, water pollution etc., and where required undertake additional works to that effect.
2.1.1 Provision of plantation and developing a garden inside the sub-station.
At least, 100 nos. of fruit & 100 nos. flowers bearing plants as per the advice of OPTCL to be
planted along the road side and in and around the control room and DG room building after
making surface treatment. Also, provision of developing a garden in front of the control room
building, the land to be developed shall be of size 30mtrs X 20 mtrs. Garden grass with variety of
flowering plants and show plants with croutons are to be provided after making proper surface
treatment. Provision of water taps facilities at different locations for watering the plants.

2.2 Setting out and making profiles

After the site has been cleared as per Clause 2.1 above, the limits of excavation shall be set out
true to lines, curves, slopes, grades and sections as shown on the drawings or as directed by the
Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). The Contractor shall provide all labour, survey instruments and
materials such as strings, pegs, nails, bamboos, stones, lime, mortar, concrete, etc., required in
connection with the setting out of works and the establishment of bench marks. A grid system of
co-ordinates shall be established by the Contractor at the site.
Masonry or concrete pillars shall be erected suitably at minimum of four places in the area to
serve as bench marks for the execution of the work. Each bench mark shall be protected from
damage or disturbance. These bench marks shall be connected with G.T.S. of any other
permanent bench mark approved by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). Necessary profiles
with pegs, bamboos and strings or “Burjis” shall be made to show the correct formation levels
before the work is started and the same shall be approved by the Engg Incharge (Divisional

2.3 Programme
The Contractor shall construct the works in compliance with the outline programme appended to
the Bidding Document, and shall submit for the approval of the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.)
a detailed programme in accordance with the requirements of this Specification.

2.4 Inclement weather

As per relevant Code, during hot weather, precautions shall be taken to avoid premature stiffening
of the fresh mix and to reduce water absorption and evaporation losses. During hot weather (
atmospheric temperature above 40 degree C ) or cold weather ( atmospheric temperature at or
below 5deg.C ) concreting shall be done as per the procedure set out in IS 7861.

All Civil works shall be carried out as per applicable Indian Laws, latest revision of International
Standards and Codes. All materials shall be of best quality confirming to relevant Indian
Standards and Codes.
Civil works shall be designed to the required service conditions and /or loads as specified
elsewhere in this Specification or implied as per National and International Standards.
A list of code of practice and standards used for civil works in general is enclosed for reference.
In case of any conflict between I.S. Code and the Procedures specified herein, the later shall

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4.1 General
The Contractor shall perform a detailed soil investigation to arrive at sufficiently accurate general
as well as specific information about the soil profile/strata and the necessary soil parameters of
the site in order that the foundations of the various structures can be designed and constructed
safely and rationally. Foundation systems adopted by the contractor shall ensure that relative
settlement shall be as per provision in IS 1904 and any latest IS and other Indian Standards.
This Specification covers all the work required for detailed soil investigation and preparation of a
detailed report. The work shall include mobilisation of necessary equipment, provision of
necessary engineering supervision and technical personnel, skilled and unskilled labour etc., as
required to carry out field investigation and tests, laboratory tests, analysis and interpretation of
data and results, preparation of detailed soil report including specific recommendations for the
type of foundations and the safe bearing capacity for different sizes of foundations at different
founding strata for the various structures of the substation. The Contractor shall make his own
arrangements for locating the coordinates and various test positions in field and also for
determining the reduced level of these locations with respect to the bench mark .All the test are to
be carried out before the OPTCL officials or before any agency engaged by OPTCL. Prior
intimation in this effect has to be given to OPTCL.
A report to the effect will be submitted by the Contractor for the Engg Incharge (Divisional
Engr.) specific approval giving details regarding his assumed data for Civil structures design.
Any variation in soil data shall not constitute a valid reason for any additional cost and shall not
affect the terms and condition of the Contract. Nothing extra what so ever shall be paid to the
Contractor on account of any variation in subsoil properties /or conditions. Tests must be
conducted under all the critical locations i.e. Control room building, autotransformer, lightning
mast, 400 kV/220 kV/132 kV column location etc. However, some of the soil parameters given
below for substations have to be determined and submitted to Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).
· Dry density
· Bulk density
· Angle of internal friction/cohesion
* Specific gravity
· Natural moisture content.

4.2 Bore holes

Drilling of a specified number of bore holes of 150 mm dia. in accordance with the provisions of
IS 1892 at approved locations to specified depths or to refusal which ever occurs earlier. (By
refusal it shall mean that a standard penetration blow count (N) of 100 is recorded for 30 cm
penetration). However, at least 3 boreholes shall be drilled to the required depth (15 mts.
Performing Standard Penetration Tests at approximately 2.0 m intervals in the bore hole starting
from 0.5 m below ground onwards and at every change of stratum. The disturbed samples from
the standard penetrometer shall also be collected for necessary tests.
Collecting undisturbed samples of 100/75 mm diameter 450 mm long from the bore holes at
intervals of 2.5 m and every change of stratum starting from 1.0 m below ground level onwards.

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The depth of Water Table shall be recorded in each bore hole.
All samples, both disturbed and undisturbed, shall be identified properly with the bore hole
number and depth from which they have been taken. The sample shall be sealed at both ends of
the sampling tubes with wax immediately after the sampling and shall be packed properly and
transported to the Contractor`s laboratory without any damage or loss.
The logging of the bore holes shall be compiled immediately after the boring is completed and a
copy of the borelog shall be handed over to the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).

4.3 Dynamic cone penetration test

Two Dynamic cone penetration tests under the locations of auto transformers shall be carried out
with the circulation of bentonic slurry at specified location and a continuous record of penetration
resistance (NG) upto 15 metre from natural ground level or refusal, shall be maintained by the
Dynamic cone penetration tests are conducted to correlate engineering properties such as
stratification density, bearing capacity, settlement, etc., of soils which are primarily cohesive in
nature. The tests shall be conducted by driving a standard size cone attached loosely or screwed
to a string of drill rods. The specification for the equipment and accessories required for
performing this test, test procedure, field observations and reporting of results shall confirm to IS
4968 part 11 latest revision. The driving system shall comprise of 65 kg weight having a free fall
of 75 cm. The cone size shall be 65 mm diameter, and provided with vents for continuous flow
of bentonite slurry through the cone and rods in order to avoid friction between the rods and soil.
The location for tests shall be as directed by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). On completion
of the test, the results shall be presented as a continuous record as the number of blows required
for every 300 mm penetration of the cone into the soil.

4.4 Trial pits

Trial pits shall be made at two locations as approved by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).
The trial pits shall two metres squar in size extending to (four) metres depth or as specified by the
Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). Undisturbed samples shall be taken from the trial pits as per
the direction of the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).

4.5 Field California Bearing Ratio test

This test shall be carried out to obtain the properties of soil required for the construction of roads.
The equipment and accessories required for carrying out the test, test procedure, recording of
observations and presentation of results shall confirm to IS 2770 part XXXI. The test locations of
CBR test shall be on the road locations as per GA drawing. These tests shall be performed on
remoulded and undisturbed, soaked and un soaked samples.

4.6 Electrical resistivity test.

This test shall be conducted to determine the electrical resistivity of soil required for designing
safety grounding system for the entire station area. The specifications for the equipment and other
accessories required for performing electrical resistivity test, the test procedure, and reporting of
field observations shall confirm to IS 3043. The test shall be conducted using Wagner’s four
electrode method as specified in IS 1892, Appendix-B2. Unless otherwise specified at each test
location, the test shall be conducted along two perpendicular lines parallel to the coordinate axis.

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4.7 Plate load test
Plate load test shall be conducted to determine the bearing capacity and load/ settlement
characteristics of soil at shallow depths by loading a plane and level steel plate kept at the desired
depth and measuring the settlement under different loads, until a desired settlement takes place or
failure occurs. The specification for the equipment and accessories required for conducting the
test, the test procedure, field observations and reporting of results shall conform to IS 1888. The
location and depth of the test shall be given by the Contractor and approved by the Engg Incharge
(Divisional Engr.). Undisturbed tube samples shall be collected at 1.0 m and 2.5 m depths from
the natural ground level for carrying out laboratory tests.
The size of the pit shall not be less than five times the plate size and shall be taken upto
the specified depth. All provisions regarding excavation and visual examination of pit shall apply
If the ground water table is at a depth higher than the specified test depth, the ground water table
shall be lowered and maintained at the test depth for the entire duration of the test. Dewatering
shall be at Contractor`s cost.
Unless othewise specified the reaction method of loading shall be adopted. Settlement shall be
recorded from dial guages placed at four diametrically opposite ends of the test plate. The test
plate shall be 600 x 600 mm size and at least 25mm thick. The bottom of the pit shall be levelled
before placing the plate in position for conducting the test.
A seating load of 70 gm/ shall be applied and after the dial gauge readings are stabilised,
the load shall be released and the intital readings of the dial gauges recorded after they indicate
constant reading. The load shall be increased in stages. These stages shall be 20, 40, 70, 100,
150, 200, 250, 300, 400. 500, 600 and 800 KN per sq.m. or as directed by the Engg Incharge
(Divisional Engr.). Under each loading stage, record of time versus settlement shall be kept as
specified in IS 1888.
The load shall be maintained for a minimum duration of one hour or till the settlement rate
reduces to 0.02 mm/m. whichever is latter. No extrapolation of settlement rate from periods less
than one hour shall be permitted.
Loading shall be carried out in stages as specified above till one of the following conditions
· Failure of the soil under the plate i.e. the settlement of the plate at constant load becomes
progressive and reaches a value of 40 mm or more.
· Total settlement of the plate is more than 4Omm.
· Load intensity of 800 kN/sq.m is reached without failure of the soil.
Backfilling of the pit shall be carried out as per the directions of the Engg Incharge (Divisional
Engr.). Unless otherwise specified the excavated soil shall be used for this purpose. The quoted
rates shall include backfilling.
Dial gauge readings for settlement shall generally be taken at 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 16, 25, 60, 90 and 120
minutes from the commencement of each stage of loading. Thereafter the readings shall be taken
at hourly intervals upto a further four hours and at two hours intervals thereafter for another six

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4.8 Water sample
Representative samples of ground water shall be taken when ground water is first encountered
before the addition of water to aid drilling of boreholes. The samples shall be of sufficient
quantity for chemical analysis to be carried out and shall be stored in air-tight containers.

4.9 Laboratory Test

The laboratory tests shall be carried out progressively during the field work after a sufficient
number of samples have reached the laboratory, in order that the test results of the initial bore
holes can be made use of in planning the later stages of the field investigation and quantum of
laboratory tests.
All samples brought from field, whether disturbed or undisturbed shall be extracted/prepared
and examined by competent technical personnel, and the tests shall be carried out as per the
procedures laid out in the latest edition of the relevant IS Codes and Standards.
The following laboratory tests shall be carried out:
· Visual and engineering classification.
· Liquid limit, plastic limit and and shrinkage limit.
· Natural moisture content, bulk density, dry density and specific gravity.
· Grain size distribution.
· Unconfined compression test.
· Unconsolidated undrained test.
· Swell pressure and free swell index determination.
· California bearing ratio.
· Consolidated undrained test.
· Consolidated drained test.
· Chemical tests on soil and water to determine the carbonates, sulphates, nitrates,
chlorides, Ph value, and organic matter and any other chemicals harmful to the concrete

4.10 Test results and reports

The Contractor shall submit the detailed report in four (4) copies wherein information regarding
the geological detail of the site, summarised observations and test data, bore logs, and
conclusions and recommendations on the type of foundations with supporting calculations for the
recommendations. Initially the report shall be submitted by the Contractor in draft form and after
the draft report is approved, the final report in eight (8) copies shall be submitted.
The report shall include, but not be limited to the following :
· A plan showing the locations of an exploration work i.e. bore holes, dynamic cone
penetration tests, trial pits, plate load test, etc.
· Bore logs: Bore logs of each bore holes clearly identifying the stratification and type of
soil stratum with depth upto the refusal. The values of Standard Penetration Test (SPT) at
the depths where the tests were conducted on the samples collected shall be clearly shown
against that particular stratum.

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· Test results of field and laboratory shall be summarised strata wise as well in combined
tabular form. All relavant graphs, charts tables, diagrams and photographs, if any, shall
be submitted along with report.
· Recommendation The report should contain specific recommendations for the type of
foundation for the various structures envisaged at site. The Contractor shall acquaint
himself about the type of structures and their functions from the Engg Incharge
(Divisional Engr.). The observations and recommendations shall include but not be
limited to the following :
· Geological formation of the area, past observations or historical data, if available, for the
area and for the structures in the nearby area, fluctuations of water table, etc..
· Recommended type of foundations for various structures. If piles are recommended the
type, size and capacity of pile shall be given.
· Allowable bearing pressure on the soil at various depths for different sizes of the
foundations based on shear strength and settlement characteristics of soil with supporting
calculations for the recommendations.
· Recommendations regarding slope of excavations and dewatering schemes, if required.
· Comments on the chemical nature of soil and ground water with due regard to protective
· If expansive soil is met with, recommendation on removal or retainment of the same
under the structure/road etc. shall be given. In the latter case detailed specification of any
special treatment required including specification for materials to be used, construction
method and equipment to be deployed etc. shall be furnished.
· Recommendations for additional investigation beyond the scope of the present work, if
Contractor considers such investigation necessary.


5.1 General
All materials used in the works shall be new and of the best quality of their respective kinds.
They shall comply with the requirements of the latest edition of any relevant Indian Standard or
Code of Practice where such exist, and current at the date of tendering.
All workmanship shall be of the highest standard, and shall be executed by competent men skilled
in their respective trades.

5.2 Samples
In addition to the special provisions made in this specification for sampling and testing of
materials by particular methods, samples of any materials and workmanship proposed to be used
in the Works may be called for at any time during the Contract by the Engg Incharge (Divisional
Engr.) and shall be furnished by the Contractor without delay and at the expense of the
Contractor. Samples when approved, shall be regarded as the acceptable standard, and any
material or workmanship subsequently not complying with that standard shall be rejected and
replaced by those of acceptable standard at the expense of the Contractor. Sample storage boxes
shall be provided by the Contractor free of cost if requested by the Engg Incharge (Divisional

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5.3 Tests
Whenever considered desirable by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.), Inspectors may be sent
to manufacturer’s or subcontractors’ premises to test materials or supervise their manufacture.
Where specified or requested the Contractor shall obtain from the manufacturer and send to the
Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) certificates of test, proof sheets, mill sheets, etc., showing that
materials have been tested in accordance with this Specification or the relevant Indian Standard.
Notwithstanding any tests which may be directed to be carried out at a manufacturer’s and/or
subcontractor’s works, the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) may carry out any tests or further
tests he considers necessary or desirable after delivery of materials to the Site.
The Contractor shall provide all labour, equipment and facilities necessary for carrying out the
tests both in works and on site.
The cost of routine tests required by IS and this Specification shall be borne by the Contractor.
The cost of other tests shall be borne in accordance with the Conditions of Contract.

5.4 Names of suppliers and copies of orders

If so required, and before ordering material of any description, the Contractor shall submit for
approval the names of makers or suppliers proposed. Copies of orders shall also be submitted if
so required. The Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) may at any time withdraw his previously
given approval to obtaining materials from any maker or supplier should such maker or supplier
fail to supply materials of the specified quality or quantity in the requisite time.

5.5 Rejection of materials and workmanship

The Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) shall at any time have power to reject materials and
workmanship not complying with this Specification or with the approved Drawings. Materials so
rejected shall be immediately removed from site and replaced by materials of an approved
standard at the expense of the Contractor. Rejected workmanship shall be broken out and
replaced by work of an acceptable standard including the supply of new materials by the
Contractor, at the expense of the Contractor, and without delay.

5.6 Explosives and Blasting

All rules under the Explosive Act or other local rules in force shall be fully observed. All blasting
works shall be done in accordance with the stipulation contained in IS 4081. Written approval
shall be obtained from the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) before explosives are used for
excavating foundations in rock and the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) may impose conditions
for their use. The Contractor shall be responsible for complying with local regulations
concerning the use of explosives and for the safe-keeping and handling of explosives. Proper
warning shall be given of all blasting operations. During operations involving the handling or use
of explosives, the Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of personnel, Site Works and
people or properties in the vicinity of the site. The Contractor shall make good at his own expense
any damage caused by the use or mishandling of explosives.


Excavation and backfill for foundations shall be in accordance with the relevant Code. The back
fill around the foundations shall be compacted according to Clause 6.7 for Compaction.

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Whenever water table is met during the excavation, it shall be dewatered and water table shall be
maintained below the bottom of the excavation level during excavation, concreting and
When embankments are to be constructed on slopes of 15% or greater, benches or steps with
horizontal and vertical faces shall be cut in the original slope prior to placement of embankment
material. Vertical faces shall measure not more than one metre in height.
Embankments adjacent to abutments, culverts, retaining walls and similar structures shall be
constructed by compacting the material in successive uniform horizontal layers not exceeding 15
cm in thickness, (of loose material before compaction). Each layer shall be compacted as
required by means of mechanical tampers approved by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).
Rocks larger than ten centimetres shall not be placed in embankment adjacent to structures.
Earth embankments of roadways and site areas adjacent to buildings shall be placed in successive
uniform horizontal layers not exceeding 20 cm in thickness in loose stage measurement and
compacted to the full width specified. The upper surface of the embankment shall be shaped so as
to provide complete drainage of surface water at all times.

6.1 Rock excavation

The rock to be excavated shall be classified under the following categories :
6.1.1 Ordinary rock
Rock which does not require blasting, wedging or similar means for excavation is considered as
ordinary rock.. This may be quarried or split with crowbars or pickaxes and includes lime stone,
sand stone, hard laterite, hard conglomerate and reinforced cement concrete below ground level.
It will also include rock which is normally hard requiring blasting when dry but can be excavated
without blasting, wedging or similar means when wet. It may require light blasting for loosening
materials, but this will not any way entitle the material to be classified as hard rock.
6.1.2 Hard Rock
Any rock or boulder for the excavation of which blasting is required, for example quartzite stone,
granite, basalt, reinforced concrete (reinforcement to cut through but not seperated from concrete)
below ground level.
6.1.3 Hard Rock (Blasting prohibited)
This shall cover any hard rock requiring blasting as described in above but where blasting is
prohibited for any reason and excavation has to be carried out by chieselling, wedging or any
other approved method.
6.1.4 Authority for classification
The classification of excavation shall be decided by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) and his
decision shall be final and binding on the Contractor. Merely the use of explosives in excavation
will not be considered as a reason for higher classification unless blasting is clearly necessary in
the opinion of the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).

6.2 Excavations for foundations and other purposes

Excavations shall be of the minimum sizes necessary for the proper construction of the works,
and excavations shall not be kept open for periods longer than that reasonably required to
construct the works. The Contractor shall take all precautions necessary to ensure that the
bottoms of excavations are protected from deterioration and that the excavations are carried out in
such a manner that adjacent foundations, pipes or such like are not undermined, damaged or

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weakened in any way. Any excavation taken out below the proper level without approval shall be
made good at the expense of the Contractor using concrete or other material as directed.
All excavated materials obtained from excavation shall remain OPTCL`s property. The useful
portion shall be seperated from the useless one and deposited in regular stacks at places indicated
and as directed by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).

6.3 Support of excavations

The Contractor shall be responsible for the stability of the sides of the excavations. Excavations
shall be close timbered or sheeted, planked and strutted as and when necessary during the course
of the work and shall ensure the safety of personnel working within them. If any slips occur, they
shall, as soon as practicable, be made good in an approved manner at the expense of the
Contractor. Shoring shall not be removed until the possibility of damaging the works by earth
pressure has passed. No payment for shoring or timber left in shall be made, unless agreed in
writing by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).

6.4 Works to be in dry

All excavations shall be kept free from water and the Contractor shall take whatever action is
necessary to achieve this. Pumping, well pointing and other means necessary to maintain the
excavations free from water shall be at the expense of the Contractor, and carried out in an
approved manner.

6.5 Backfill
As soon as possible after the permanent works are sufficiently hard and have been inspected and
approved, backfill shall be placed where necessary and thoroughly consolidated in layers not
exceeding two hundred (200) millimetres in depth.
On completion of structures, the earth surrounding them shall be accurately finished to the line
and grade as shown on the drawings. Finished surfaces shall be free of irregularities and
The soil to be used for back filling purposes shall be from the excavated earth or from borrow
pits, as directed by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).

6.6 Disposal of surplus

Surplus excavated material not required or not approved for fill or backfill shall be loaded and
deposited either on or off site as directed. The Contractor shall not delay disposal of surplus
material after receipt of instructions from the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). The contractor
shall arrange to transport the excavated earth by mechanical transport, not necessarily on Pucca
roads. The soil so transported shall be stacked and levelled neatly and dressed. The location
where the soil is to be stacked / disposed shall be as directed by the Engg Incharge (Divisional

6.7 Compaction
The method and equipment used to compact the fill material to a density that will give the
allowable soil bearing pressure required for the foundations, roads, etc. in each layer of fill
material. Each layer of earth embankment when compacted shall be as close to optimum
moisture content (OMC) as practicable. Embankment material which does not contain sufficient
moisture to obtain proper compaction shall be wetted. If the material contains an excess of
moisture, then it shall be allowed to dry before rolling. The rolling shall begin at the edges

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overlaping half the width of the roller each time and progress to the center of the road or towards
the building as applicable. Rolling will also be required on rockfills. No compaction shall be
carried out in rainy weather.
At all times unfinished construction shall have adequate drainage. Upon completion of the road's
surface course, adjacent shoulders shall be given a final shaping, true alignment and grade.
The density to which fill material shall be compacted shall be as per relevant IS and as per
direction of Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). All compacted sand filling shall be confined as far
as practicable. Backfilled earth shall be compacted to minimum 95% of the Standard Proctor's
density at OMC. The subgrade for the roads and embankment filling shall be compacted to
minimum 95% of the Standard Proctor's density at OMC

6.8 Requirement for fill material under foundations

The thickness of fill material under the foundations shall be such that the maximum pressure from
the footing, transferred through the fill material and distributed onto the original undisturbed soil
will not exceed the allowable soil bearing pressure of the original undisturbed soil.

Where compacted fill is required it shall consist of suitable sand, or other selective inorganic
material, subject to approval by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). The filling shall be done
with locally available sand. The filled in sand shall be kept immersed in water for sufficient time
to ensure compaction, if so desired by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).


7.1 Scope of Work

The contractor shall furnish all labour, equipment and materials required for complete
performance of the work in accordance with the drawings, specification and direction of the Engg
Incharge (Divisional Engr.).

7.2 General Requirement

The material required for site surfacing/gravel filling shall be free from all types of organic
materials and shall be of standard approved quality, and as directed by the Engg Incharge
(Divisional Engr.).
The Contractor shall furnish and install the site surfacing to the lines and grades as shown in the
drawing and in accordance with the requirements and direction of the Engg Incharge (Divisional
Engr.). The soil of the entire switchyard area shall be levelled before placing the site
surfacing/gravel fill material. After all the structures and equipment have been erected and
accepted the site shall be maintained to the lines and grades indicated in the drawing and rolled or
compacted by using three ton roller with suitable water sprinkling to form a smooth and compact
surface condition, which shall be matching with finished ground level of the switchyard area.
After due compaction of the surface of the entire switchyard area shall be provided with plain
cement concrete of 75 mm thickness after proper compaction, and antiweed treatment having
cement concrete ratio 1:4:8. Care shall be taken for proper gradient for easy discharge of storm
After the PCC is applied and surface prepared to the required slope and grade a base layer of
uncrushed/crushed broken gravel of 20 mm nominal size shall be spread, rolled and compacted

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by using 1/2 ton roller (30² width and 24² dia) with 4 to 5 passes and water sprinkling to form a
minimum 50 mm layer on the designed finished formation level of the entire switchyard area.
As a final surface course minimum 50 mm. uniform layers of un crushed /crushed broken metals
(gravel) of 20 mm. nominal size shall be spread over the base layer/course. This final surface
course shall be applied in all areas exclusive of roadways and shall extend beyond the fenced area
as indicated in the drawing. This surface course shall then be compacted by light roller using 1/2
ton steel roller (width 30² x dia 24²) and 4 to 5 passes or any other means with water sprinkling
as directed by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). Water shall be sprinkled in such a manner
that bulking does not take place. The 20 mm. nominal size (for both layers) shall pass 100%
through IS sieve designation 37.5 mm and nothing through 16.0 mm. IS sieve.
In areas that are considered by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) to be too congested with
foundations and structures for proper rolling of the site base course material by normal rolling
equipments, the material shall be compacted by hand, if necessary. Due care shall be exercised
so as not to damage any foundation structure or equipment during rolling or compaction.
Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) by no means shall relieve the contractor of their contractual
obligations as stipulated in General and Special Conditions of Contract.

7.3 Measurements
7.3.1 Payment of gravel filling
The measurement shall be based on square metre of finished area of minimum specified
compacted thickness of 100 mm above finished ground level. Nothing shall be paid extra for any
additional material labour etc. used for achieving the specified compacted thickness of 100 mm.
above finished ground level.


8.1 General
Adequate site drainage system shall be provided by the Contractor. The Contractor shall obtain
rainfall data and design the storm water drainage system, (culverts, ditches, drains etc.) to
accommodate the most intense rainfall that is likely to occur over the catchment area in one hour
period on an average of once per ten years. The surfaces of the site shall be sloped to prevent the
ponding of water.
The maximum velocity for pipe drains and open drains shall be limited to 2.4m/sec and 1.8m/sec
respectively. However, minimum non silting velocity of 0.6m/sec shall be ensured. Longitudinal
bed slope not milder than 1:1000 shall be provided.
For design of RCC pipes for drains and culverts, IS 456 and IS 783 shall be followed.
The Contractor shall ensure that water drains are away from the site area and shall prevent
damage to adjacent property by this water. Adequate protection shall be given to site surfaces,
roads, ditches, culverts, etc., to prevent erosion of material by water.
The drainage system shall be adequate without the use of cable or pipe trenches.
For pipe drains, concrete pipes of class NP2 shall be used. However, for road crossings higher
strength pipe of class NP3 shall be provided. For rail crossings, pipes conforming to railway
loading standards or at least NP4 class shall be provided. Manholes shall be provided at 30 m
intervals, at connection points and at every change of alignment. All manholes deeper than 1.2 m
shall be provided with galvanised M.S. foot rests. Foot rests shall be of 20 mm M.S. square bars.

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Open surface drains shall comprise walls with bricks of class designation 75 in cement mortar 1:4
and100 mm thick bed concrete of grade 1:3:6, and surface with 12 mm thick cement plaster 1:4
with a floating coat of neat cement on the drain bed and exposed sides. Design and drawings shall
have the approval of the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). For expansive soils, the guide lines of
IS 9451 shall be followed.
In general, all plant effluent drainage shall be through buried concrete pipes and all storm water
drainage shall be through open drains/pipe drains. Open storm water drains shall be provided on
both sides of the roads and shall be designed to drain the road surface as well as all the free and
covered areas.
Pipe drains shall be connected through manholes at an interval of maximum 30 m. Plant effluents
shall be suitably treated by the Contractor to meet all the prevalent statutory requirements and
local pollution control norms and treated effluents shall be conveyed to the storm water drainage
system at a suitable location for their final disposal.
Invert of the drainage system shall be decided in such a way that the water can easily be
discharged above the High Flood Level (HFL) outside substation boundary at suitable location
and approved by Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). Pumping of drainage water, if required, shall
be provided by Contractor.
All internal site drainage systems, including the final connection and disposal to Engg Incharge
(Divisional Engr.) acceptance points shall be part of Contractor`s scope including all required
civil work, mechanical and electrical systems. The Contractor shall connect his drain(s) at one or
more points.
Precast manholes shall be preferred against cast-in-situ type. The drainage scheme may either
employ open drain system or underground pipe system or a combination of both. A man hole
shall be provided at every turn or corner in case of underground type in addition to the normal
Suitable pumping arrangement shall be provided by the Contractor to pump out the water from
sump to the open channel; automatic float valve type pump shall be provided and installed by
The Contractor shall locate the outfall point outside the substation vicinity and the substation
storm drainage must be connected to this point.
The drainage scheme and associated drawings shall be subject to approval of the Engg Incharge
(Divisional Engr.).

8.2 Excavation and backfill

Trench excavations for drains shall be carried out with the minimum disturbance to adjacent
ground and in such a way that existing or new work shall not be undermined. No backfill shall be
placed until pipes, etc. have been inspected, tested and approved. Backfill shall be carefully
placed by hand tools round pipes, etc. and rammed in layers not exceeding one hundred
(100) millimetres thick in a manner which will not cause damage. When a minimum thickness of
three hundred (300) millimetres above the pipes has been so placed, normal methods of
backfilling and ramming may be adopted.

8.3 Laying Of Pipes

Pipes and fittings shall be of the types, qualities and sizes specified and shown on the approved
drawings. They shall be laid to the lines and levels shown, and the barrel of each pipe shall bear
firmly and uniformly on the trench bottom or prepared foundation bed, any projections in the

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trench bottom which could cause damage to pipes being first removed. Pipes shall be kept clean
during and after laying, and open ends shall be provided with the temporary plugs to prevent
entry of foreign matter. Each pipe shall be accurately bonded to gradient between sight rails and
drain. Laying shall commence at the lowest end and proceed uphill. Pipes shall be laid with the
sockets leading uphill.

8.4 Testing of drains

All drains, other than open channels, stone filled drains and porous drains, shall be of watertight
construction, and all soil drains shall be subjected to a water test before backfilling of trenches is
commenced. Drains may be tested in sections, and manholes may be tested separately. The
Contractor shall submit to the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) for approval his proposals for
testing. The drains shall withstand, without leakage, a water pressure of not less than one and one
half (1.5) metres at any point for a period of 20 minutes or such other time as the Engg Incharge
(Divisional Engr.) may direct. All necessary plugs, temporary connections and other equipment
and all labour required for the tests shall be provided by the Contractor and at the expense of the
Contractor. For testing of pipes in areas where an adequate supply of water is not readily
available, the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) will accept an air (smoke) pressure test, provided
that the method of testing is approved by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). Further testing
may be called for after backfilling of trenches to ensure that pipes have not been damaged during
that operation.

8.5 Regulations
The regulations and recommendations of any relevant drainage or sanitary authority shall be fully
observed, and the Contractor shall be responsible for acquainting himself with any such


A sewage system shall be provided for all utility buildings including the Control room building
and other auxiliary buildings.
The Contractor shall construct suitable septic tank and soak pit for the discharge of effluents.
Sewers shall be designed for a minimum self cleansing velocity of 0.6m/sec and the maximum
velocity shall not exceed 2.4m/sec.
The sewage system shall consist of all necessary piping, pumps, if required, fittings, manholes,
clean - outs, piping connections and all other materials required for safe and efficient sewage
collection. Sewer pipes and fittings shall conform to the relevant Indian Standards.
Cast iron pipes shall be used below ground level for sewage disposal.
Manholes shall be provided at every 20 metres along the length, at connection points, and at
every change of alignment, gradient or diameter of a sewer pipe line.


The Contractor shall be responsible for constructing approach roads, sub-station roads and service
roads etc. within the substation area. Layout of the roads shall be based on general details and
arrangement drawings for the substation. Parking areas shall be provided for Site personnel and a
minimum of twenty numbers of visitors at convenient locations. Adequate turning space for
vehicles shall be provided and bend radii shall be set accordingly. Roads to the transformer bays
shall be as short and straight as possible. Where the substation layout warrants headroom safety

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barriers shall be installed to prevent vehicles coming into contact with overlying conductors. Such
barriers shall be included as part of the scope of the work.
All substation roads shall be constructed so as to permit transportation of all heavy equipment. A
minimum seven metres black topping with 1.6 m wide shoulders on either side of the road shall
be constructed for double lane roads. The other service roads shall be with 3.75 m black topping
and 1.3 m wide shoulders on either side of the road.
Finished top (crest) of roads shall be a minimum of 300 mm above the surrounding grade level
(Formation level).
Road construction shall be as per Indian Road Congress (I RC) standards.
Adequate provision shall be made for road drainage.
All culverts and allied structures required for road/rail, drain, trench crossings etc. shall be
designed for class AA loading as per IRC standard.
All roads shall be designed for class 'E' of traffic i.e. traffic intensity of 450-1500 vehicles per day
(heavy vehicles exceeding 3 tonnes laden weight) as per IRC-37-1984, Guide-lines for the design
of flexible pavements.'
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) method shall be followed for the design of roads. A detailed
CBR test which is an adhoc penetration test shall be carried out as per the procedure outlined in
IS 2720 (Part XVI).
The surface of the hardstanding shall be laid with falls to the drainage system. Care shall be
taken during the construction that no materials enter the drainage system.
At the junction of the hard standing and roads due to different thickness of foundations,
precautions shall be taken to ensure that sub-surface drainage from the hard standing does not
have a detrimental affect upon the road foundations.
All the roads except the main, approach and periphery roads shall be of concrete road. The side
shoulder of all the roads shall be with kerb stone at two sides. The kerb stones shall be painted
yellow and black alternatively. In case of switch yard road (concrete road) the shoulder would be
compacted earth 600 mm wide on the sides of the road. The concrete road shall have 100 mm
thick PCC (1:2:4 nominal ratio).Below it 100 mm thick PCC (1:4:8) shall be provided.300 mm
thick water bound macadam (WBM) in three equal layers of 100 mm each at the bottom.
PCC and WBM shall extend upto the shoulder width on both sides of the road out side switch
yard area as per drawing. In case of road within the switch yard area the PCC and WBM shall
placed only up to the width of the road. Polythene sheet of 125 microns shall be placed between
the RCC and PCC slab. Expansion joints (12mm thick) shall be provided at every 8 mtrs. In
addition, in case of 7 mtrs wide roads 100 mm Dia hume pipe (NP-3) shall be provided at every
100 mtrs interval across the length of the road for cable crossing.
The approach road, main road, periphery road and colony road shall be bituminous type. The
following procedure shall be followed for the construction of bituminous roads.
1. Compacted WBM at the bottom end of the road up to a thickness of 300 mm in three equal
layers 100 mm each. The compaction shall be done by laying stone aggregates of size 100mm.
each lair shall be laid and compacted with water spreading and using rollers as per the standard
practice adopted in the CPWD guide line.

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2. Above, the compacted WBM 1st filing as stated under (!), 200 mm thick consolidated WBM
in two layers with stone aggregates of size 90 – 45mm shall be laid. Each layers shall be laid and
compacted with water spreading and using rollers as per recommended.
3. Above the compacted 2nd layer of WBM, 75 mm thick consolidated WBM in two layers with
stone aggregates of size 63mm-45mm shall be laid. Each layers shall be compacted with water
spreading and using rollers as per recommended.
4. Above the compacted 3rd layer of WBM, 75 mm thick consolidated WBM in two layers with
stone aggregates of size 53mm-22.4mm shall be laid. Each layers shall be compacted with water
spreading and using rollers as per recommended.
5. Above the 4th layer of compacted WBM, 25mm thick pre mix carpet surfacing has to be
done. The carpet surfacing shall be done with 2.25 cum and 1.12 cum of stone chippings of 13.2
mm size and 11.2 mm size respectively per 100 sq mtrs and 52 Kgs of hot bitumen per cum of
stone chippings. Complete with paving ASPHALT 80/100 heated and thin mixed with solvent
@70g/Kg of ASPHALT. Hot bitumen of grade 80/100 shall be spread on road surface @750g/Kg
per sqmtr. There shall be shoulder on both side of the roads as per given data. The curvature of
the road shall be R=7M and additional metalling for turning has to be maintained. The shoulder
shall also be made compacted morrum filling and other as specified.

1.1 Periphery roads out side the fencing:

Periphery roads to be constructed out side the fencing. The width of the road is 3.5 mtrs having
borm of 1 mtr each at both sides of the roads. The roads shall be bitumen grading and as per
Indian Road congress standards.

1.2 The width and type of other roads are:

a) Bituminous road:-Approach and main roads shall be 7 mtr wide with both side shoulder
of 1.75 mtrs. The roads shall be of bitumen grade type.
b) Other roads shall be (peripheral and colony) 3.75 mtrs width having shoulder of 1.3 mtr
at both the side. The roads shall be of bituminous type.



11.1 General
The Contractor shall provide a permanent transfer track system integrated with the auto
transformer foundation to enable installation and the replacement of any failed unit with a spare
unit. The transfer track system shall be suitable to permit the movement of any failed unit fully
assembled (including OLTC, bushings) with integral radiators and oil, without the de-
energization of any other equipment in the station. The system shall enable the removal of any
failed unit from its foundation to a repair area and the installation of a spare unit. The system
shall not interfere with the normal internal road and trench system. If trench or drain crossings are
required then suitable R.C.C culverts shall be provided in accordance with IRC Code and /or
relevant IS.
Rail tracks shall be of RCC, M20(1:1.5:3 mix) grade. The space between the tracks shall be
suitably filled with local sand and 75 mm thick PCC of grade 1:3:6 placed over sand filling. The
top of PCC shall be up to the formation level. In case of road cum rail track, 75mm thick PCC of

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grade 1:1.5:3 shall be placed up to the road level. Suitable drainage system between the tracks
shall be provided.
The rails shall be first quality 52 kg/m medium manganese steel as per Indian Railway
specification T-12-64 and its subsequent revision, joined together by fish plates as per Indian
Railway specification T-1/57, and 27 mm diameter fish bolts.
A pylon support system shall be provided for supporting the fire fighting system by the
For design of foundation for transformer refer the weightage of the transformer indicated in the
BPS (civil works)

11.2 Oil Recovery System

11.2.1 General
An oil recovery system shall be provided for all transformers (containing insulating oil or any
flammable or polluting liquid) in order to avoid spread of fire by the oil, and for environmental
11.2.2 Description
Each auto transformer/transformer including oil conservator tank and cooler banks etc. shall be
placed in a transformer pit surrounded by retaining walls (pit walls). The clear distance of the
retaining wall from the transformer shall be 20% of the transformer height or 0.8 m whichever is
greater. The transformer pit thus formed shall have a capacity equal to volume of oil, usually
125%, in the transformers. The MS grating placed at the formation level shall be covered with
100mm thick gravel of 40 mm nominal size which acts as an extinguisher for flaming oil. The
bottom of the pit shall have an uniform slope towards the sump pit.
Each transformer pit shall be drained towards a common sump pit whose role is to recover the
infiltrating water and the drained oil from of the pit. The sump pit shall have sufficient capacity
to receive, without overflowing, the oil content of large transformers plus the water content of
any fixed fire fighting system and a certain quantity of rain water collected from the pit connected
to it. The system shall be provided with air vents large enough to avoid over-pressure during
operation. The whole internal surface of the sump pit should be impermeable.
11.2.3 Materials
The retaining walls which make up the transformer pit shall be made of fire resistant material
such as reinforced cement concrete, fire brick etc., and shall be impervious to oil.
The minimum height of the retaining walls shall be 15 cm above the finished level of the ground
to avoid ingress of water from outside.
The floor of the transformer pit shall be of plain cement concrete of concrete grade 1:2:4
11.2.4 Drainage
A device showing level of sump pit shall be fitted along with an automatic pumping system
which shall have sufficient capacity to evacuate the fire fighting and rain water from the sump pit.
The water/oil separation and drainage scheme shall be provided as described in the paper (23-
07/1972 Cigre Session) presented by working group 23.04 regarding oil pollution. The Contractor
may propose an alternative better scheme, which will be subject to the approval of the Engg
Incharge (Divisional Engr.).

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11.2.5 Particular Specification
If the height of the retaining walls which form the transformer pit exceed 60 cm, steps shall be
provided to facilitate access to the transformer or auto transformer and reactor
When designing the transformer pit, the movement of the auto transformer must be taken into
It must be assured that the coefficient of crushed stone (granular material) penetration which fills
the transformer pit will be retained regardless of the climatic conditions.


12.1 General
Fire protection walls shall be provided in accordance with Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC)

12.2 Application criteria

A fire wall shall be erected between the transformers and or the reactors if the free distance
between the various pieces of equipment is less than 10 m, to protect each one from the effects of
fire on another.
Fire walls shall also be erected between the transformers, reactors, and auxiliary services
transformers if the free distance is less than ten metres.

12.3 Fire resistance

The fire wall shall have a minimum fire resistance of three hours. Partitions which are made to
reduce the noise level of the transformers shall have the same fire resistance where they are also
used as fire walls. The walls of buildings which are used as fire walls, shall also have a minimum
fire resistance of three hours.
Fire walls shall be designed in order to protect against the effect of radiant heat and flying debris
from an adjacent fire. The column of the fire walls shall be type be RCC, M20 (1:1.5:3 mix).

12.4 Mechanical resistance

Fire walls shall have the mechanical resistance to withstand local atmospheric conditions. If the
wall is intended to serve as a support for equipment such as insulators etc., its mechanical rigidity
must be increased accordingly.
Connecting the walls by steel or other structures, which may produce a reversing torque if
overheated, shall be avoided.

12.5 Dimensions
Fire walls shall extend at least two metres on each side of the power transformers or reactors and
at least one metre above the conservator tank or safety vent.
These dimensions might be reduced in special cases, and if TAC permits so, where there is lack
of space. A minimum of two metres clearance shall be provided between the equipments e.g.
reactors, transformers and fire walls.
Building walls which act as fire walls shall extend at least one metre above the roof in order to
protect it.

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12.6 Materials
Fire walls may be made of reinforced concrete (M20 grade), fire brick, concrete blocks or
corrugated iron on a steel structure as per the system requirements. Materials used must conform
to the standards of the National Fire Prevention Association and TAC norms.


The scope includes the design, engineering and construction of the boundary wall all along the
property line of the OPTCL on each sub-station.
The one and half brick wide boundary shall be constructed to a height of 2 mtrs above finished
ground level of the substation area and below virgin soil a minimum of 900 mm depth.
Galvanised barbed wire fencing shall be provided on top of the boundary wall to a height of 0.5
mtr. G.I Barbed wires(12 SWG) of 3-rows each limb of Y shaped frame (Total 6 nos) shall be
provided . A minimum length of 300 mm (bottom portion of the Y shaped frame) shall be grouted
and a clear height of 500 mm from the finished portion of the top of the wall shall be maintained
for the Y shaped frame with GI barbed wires. A 50mm height of finished concrete (ratio 1:2:4)
shall be provided on the top of the boundary wall. "Y" Post on the boundary wall shall be
provided at every 2mtrs interval.
A) The below mentioned brick works is for construction of pillar where the Y shaped frame shall
be grouted.
Inside the Virgin soil:-
The masonry work in foundation and plinth shall be done in 1:5 cement mortar above a
layer ( height of 75mm and width of 900 mm as per requirement) of cement concrete 1:3:6.The
Brick work shall be as per below.
1) First layer above the PCC of 75 mm: Height: 300mm & Width: 750 mm (as per
2) Second layer above first layer brick: Height: 300mm & Width: 625 mm (as per
3) Third layer above second layer brick: Height: 300mm & Width:500 mm (as per
Above ground level:
1) DPC of 50 mm above the third layer of Brick work.
2) Brick work of thickness of 375 mm having height of 2 mtrs.
B) The below mentioned brick works is for the walls.
Inside the Virgin soil:-
The masonry work in foundation and plinth shall be done in 1:5 cement mortar above a
layer ( height of 75mm and width of 775 mm as per requirement) of cement concrete 1:3:6.The
Brick work shall be as per below.
1) First layer above the PCC of 75 mm: Height: 300mm & Width: 625 mm (as per
2) Second layer above first layer brick: Height: 300mm & Width: 500 mm (as per

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3) Third layer above second layer brick: Height: 300mm & Width: 375 mm (as per
Above ground level:
1) DPC of 50 mm above the third layer of Brick work.
2) Brick work of thickness of 250 mm having height of 2 mtrs.
The masonry work in super structure shall be done with 1:6 cement sand mortar, above 50 mm
thick layer of DPC at plinth level. Expansion joint shall be provided at 30 mtr interval of the
boundary wall.
The even face of the brick work shall be plastered with 12mm thick in 1:6 cement sand and
uneven face shall be plastered with 18mm thick in 1:6 cement sand (in two layers) above the
ground level.
Both faces of the walls shall be provided with two coats of cement painting (weather proof) using
approved quality of cement paint.
The “Y” post shall be galvanised one. The Y shape GI frame shall be grouted on the top of wall
inside a pocket of size 100 Sq mm X 300 mm deep with 1:2:4 Cement concrete. The size of the
GI angle shall be 50X50X6 mm. The height of the Y shaped frame shall be clear height of 500
mm from the finished portion of the top.
Boundary shall have one main gate as per stipulation elsewhere in the spec. The gate shall be
supported by gate pillars of RCC (1:1.5:3).A separate wicket gate shall be provided adjacent to
the main gate.
In case the stability of the boundary wall as mentioned is not suitable for the soil, the bidder has
to consider for putting RCC(1:1.5:3) tie beam to be rested on the RCC pillars. The size of the
beam and pillar has to be carried out as per the soil condition for proper stability of the boundary


12.8.1 General
Cable trenches and pre-cast removable RCC covers (with lifting arrangement) shall be
constructed using RCC of M20 grade.
The cable trenches shall be designed for the following loads.
· Dead load of 155 kg/ m length of cable support plus 75 kg on one tier at the end.
· Triangular earth pressure plus uniform surcharge pressure of 2 tonnes per sq.metre.
· Cable trench covers shall be designed for (i) self weight of top slab plus concentrated
load of 200 kg at centre of span on each panel and a surcharge load of 2 tonnes per sq.
Cable trench crossings of road and rails shall be designed for class AA, class A and class 7OR
loading of IRC or relevant IS Code and should be checked for transformer loading.
Trenches shall be drained. Necessary sumps be constructed and sump pumps shall be supplied.
Cable trenches shall not be used as storm water drains.
The top of trenches shall be kept at least 250 mm above the finished ground level. The top of
cable trench shall be such that the surface rain water does not enter the trench.

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All metal parts inside the trench shall be connected to the earthing system.
Cables from trench to equipments shall run in hard conduit pipes(GI pipe and necessary G.I bends
and sockets)
A suitable clear gap shall be maintained between trench walls and foundations.
A clear ( vertical ) space of at least 300 mm shall be available for each tier in cable trench. From
trench bed to lowest tier, a minimum clearance of 200 mm shall be available for one tier trench
and 300 mm for trenches having more than one tier. The spacing between stands shall be 400mm.
The trench bed shall have a slope of 1/500 along the run and 1/250 perpendicular to the run.
All construction joints of cable trenches i.e. between base slab to base slab and the junction of
vertical wall to base slab, as well as from vertical wall to wall, and all expansion joints shall be
provided with approved quality PVC water stops of approximately 230 x 5 mm size for those
sections where the ground water table is expected to rise above the junction of base slab and
vertical wall of cable trenches.
Cable trenches shall be blocked at the ends if required with brick masonry in cement sand mortar
1:6 and plaster with 12mm thick 1:6 cement sand mortar.
Cable tray supports( all galvanised structures) shall be designed and constructed to be a single
complete fabrication or assembly such that every layer of the horizontal cable tray supports are
fixed, either bolted or welded, to a vertical steel support that is embedded in the concrete wall of
the cable trough. It shall not be permitted to embed a horizontal support beam directly into the
wall of the trough in order to use the concrete wall as a means of load bearing.
Concrete troughs shall be provided with concrete covers of suitable load bearing strength. Where
the cable troughs are run across or within 3 m of substation roads, the trough covers shall be
capable of bearing an accidental wheel load of 20 kN.


All the cable trenches shall be RCC type with mixing ratio 1:1.5:3.The size of MS rod to
be used for the same are of 8mm tor and 6mm.All the vertical rod shall be 8 mm
continuous and the wall and raft shall contain 2 nos 8 mm rods at two layers and spacing
shall be 150mm. The horizontal binders shall be of 6mm rod two nos in two layers and to
be placed at 200mm centre to centre for both on the wall and raft portion of the trench.
The mentioned rod placements are for section 1-1,2-2,and 3-3. For section 4-4 instead of
two 8mm and 6mm rods single rods can be used.
A frame of hot dip galvanized angles of size 50X50X6 mm having provision of
MS chairs on the grouting side on to the walls of the trench preferably at two locations(at
top and bottom) of the frame (these chairs have to be welded with the rods of the wall for
better rigidity). For section 1-1 there shall be of 4 tier mechanism for fixing of cable tray
having width of the angle 450mm (3 nos) and the top angle shall be of 300 mm, and the
quantity of such type of frame shall be 2 (for both way). For section 2-2 only one frame
of the above mentioned one shall be used. For section 3-3 there shall be one frame but
with three tier mechanism for fixing the cable trays. For section 4-4 two tier system of
angle width shall be 200 mm width at the bottom and 100 mm width at the top. Fixing of
the cable tray support stand (Frame) is to be fixed at a distance of 1 mtrs from one frame
to the other.
The thickness of the RCC wall of the trench shall be 100mm and thickness of the
raft shall be 75mm. All the frames for fixing of cable trays shall be of hot dip galvanized.

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A running earth strip has to run all through the cable trench for proper earthing of the
cable trays and stand (frame).The size of the earth strip is of 50X6mm G.I flats. Welding
the GI flats to the frame to be carried out. Earthing strips to be welded with the running
earth mat at 10mtrs interval
The bidder also to supply and fix G.I perforated cable trays (of thickness 2mm) of
appropriate size before laying of cables on the cable tray stand.

The other dimensions of the cable trench are as below.

Sl Sectio No of Gap Inside Outside Concrete
No n tiers in between clearance in clearance in mm thickness in mm
each the two mm
frame/ angles
and no in mm
of such
Top Wall Top to Raft Wall Raft
to to bottom width
Botto wall of wall
1 1-1 Four 200 1275 1400 1350 1750 100 75

2 2-2 Four 200 1275 900 1350 1450 100 75

3 3-3 Three/si 200 1075 900 1150 1450 100 75
4 4-4 Two/sin 200 545 250 620 350 100 75

The covers of the slab are also of RCC with ratio mixing 1:1.5:3.The thickness of
the slab shall be 75mm for section 1-1(MS Rods to be used 10mm&8mm), section 2-2, 3-
3 shall be 60mm (MS Rod to be used 8mm) and section 4-4 shall be 50mm(MS Rods to
be used 8mm&6mm). The MS rods to be used shall be placed at 100 mm centre to centre
both way and properly binded .The cover slab shall have provision of lifting hooks at two
points for easy lifting of the slabs. Slabs having lifting hooks shall be placed at every 10th
slabs. The lengths of the cable trench cover slabs are as below.
Section Length of the slab Thickness of the slab
1-1 1600mm 75mm
2-2 1100mm 60mm
3-3 1100mm 60mm
4-4 400mm 50mm

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The covers for the cable trench inside the control room shall be provided with MS chequered
plate with MS angle stiffeners at the bottom for proper mechanical strength.

12.9 Excavation
Excavation for cable ducts shall generally be carried out in accordance with Clause no. 6.2 of this

12.10 Back fill

Except where ducts are to be encased in concrete, sand is to be packed and well tamped round the
duct until it is covered to a depth of 75 mm above the upper surface of the duct. Filling above
this level is to be with suitable excavated material free from large stones. In multiple duct runs the
interstices between the ducts are to be filled with sand and compacted. A cover of 75 mm above
the uppermost ducts shall be maintained. The sand used shall be the same quality as approved for
use in making concrete.

12.11 Laying of ducts

Telephone and electrical cable ducts shall be laid and jointed in accordance with the
Manufacturer’s instructions.

12.12 Multiple runs to ducts

Electrical cable ducts in multiple runs whether encased in concrete or not, shall be laid at
approved centres vertically and/or horizontally. The minimum concrete encasement where
required is to be 150 mm. The final jointing of ducts in multiple runs shall be done in the trench,
i.e. the duct shall be lowered and jointed singly not in groups, and duct joints shall be staggered
by approximately half the duct length in alternate lines.

12.13 Cutting of ducts

The Contractor shall carry out any necessary cutting of pipe ducts according to the requirements
of the work. Except where ducts enter the cable trench at an angle, they shall be cut at right
angles to the length of the duct. The inside edges of cut ducts shall be thoroughly rounded off or
so dressed before being placed in position so that there can be no possibility of damage to cables
from the edges of the ducts. All electrical ducts entering draw pits shall be provided with suitable

12.14 Cleaning and testing of ducts

On completion of all electrical cable ducting, two mops of appropriate size connected one to each
end of an iron mandrel shall be passed twice through each way to clean the conduit and to remove
any foreign matter which may have entered. If any obstruction or other defect be discovered it
shall be removed or rectified forthwith.

12.15 Sealing of electrical ducts

As soon as every duct or set of ducts has been proved and its draw wire material installed, the
ends of the cut or its bellmouth where provided, shall be sealed to a depth of 5 mm with an
appropriate sealer, and a single coat of bitumastic paint shall then be applied over the end of the
ducts and the seal. The length of draw wire installed shall be such that at least one metre of draw
wire extends from each end of each duct. After the ends of ducts have been sealed the free ends of
draw wires shall be neatly coiled.

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12.16 Concrete cable and pipe trenches
In-situ concrete trenches are to be provided inside and outside the Substation. The trenches are to
have falls in the floor and must be drained at regular intervals.
All trenches must have trench covers suitable for their location and loading. Any beams or
supporting covers must be as shallow as possible to avoid interfering with the pipes and cables in
the trench.
Once the trench covers have been made they are to be stored and not laid until all trench cabling,
piping, etc. is finished. Any covers laid before this time which become damaged shall be
replaced at the Contractor’s expense.
Trench covers and bridging beams for covers, except where heavy duty, shall be light enough for
two men to lift.

12.17 Buried cables

Cables are to be laid in neat lines and at suitable levels. Their depth below ground level will
depend upon the voltage associated with the cables but in all cases the excavation must provide a
clear trench. Sand filling below, around and above the cables will always be required and
protection covers or tiles will be placed in position over the sand filling before final backfilling to
the ground level. The line of the cable trenches shall be marked with suitable posts as required by
relevant section of this Specification.


13.1 General
All foundations/RCC Design shall be of reinforced cement concrete. The design and construction
of RCC structures shall be carried out as per IS 456 and minimum grade of concrete shall be M20
corresponding to 1:1.5:3 (M20)nominal mix ratio with 12-20 mm coarse aggregate. Higher grades
of concrete than specified above may be used at the discretion of the Bidder without any financial
implication to the owner. Work covered under this clause of the specification comprises the
construction of foundations and other RCC constructions for switchyard structures,equipment
support,trenches,drains,jacking pad,pulling block,control cubicles,bus supports,Auto
transformer/power transformer/reactors, marshalling kiosks,auxiliary equipments and system
buildings, tank or for any other equipment or service and any other foundation required to
complete the work. Also applicable to other RCC constructions.
If the site is sloping, the foundation height will be adjusted to maintain the exact level of the top
of structures to compensate such slopes.
The switcyard foundations plinths and building plinths shall be minimum 300mm above finished
ground level respectively. Minimum 75 mm thick lean concrete shall be provided below
underground structures,foundations,trenches etc to provide a base for construction.
The design and detailing of foundations shall be done based on the approved soil data and sub-soil
conditions as well as for all possible critical loads and the combinations thereof. The special
footing or pile foundations as may be required based on soil/sub-soil conditions and superimposed
loads shall be provided.
Admixtures in concrete shall confirm to IS:9103. The water proofing cement additives shall
confirm to IS:2645. Concrete Admixtures/Additives shall be approved by the owner.
Limit state method of design shall be adopted unless stated otherwise in the Specification.

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For design and construction of steel-concrete composite beams IS 11384 shall be followed.
For detailing of reinforcement IS 2502 and SP:34 shall be followed. Cold twisted deformed bars
(Fe= 415 N/sq mm) conforming to IS 1786 shall be used as reinforcement. However, in specific
areas, mild steel (Grade1) conforming to IS 432 can also be used. Two layers of reinforcement
(on inner and outer face) shall be provided for wall and slab sections having thickness of 150 mm
and above. Clear cover to reinforcement towards the earth face shall be minimum 40 mm.
RCC water retaining structures such as storage tanks, cooling water basin etc. shall be designed as
uncracked sections in accordance with IS 3370 (Part 1 to IV) by working stress method and shall
also be tested for water tightness at full water level. However, water channels shall be designed as
cracked sections with limited steel stresses as per IS 3370 (Part 1 to IV) by working stress
The procedure used for the design of the foundations shall be the most critical loading
combination of the steel structure and /or equipment and /or superstructure, and other conditions
which produce the maximum stresses in the foundation or the foundation component,and as per
the relevant IS Codes of foundation design. The design calculations shall be submitted by the
bidder showing complete details of piles/pile groups proposed to be used.
All foundations shall rest below virgin ground level and the minimum depth of foundation below
the virgin ground level shall be maintained.
Design shall consider any sub-soil water pressure that may be encountered.
Necessary protection to the foundation work, if required, shall be provided to take care of any
special requirements for aggressive alkaline soil, black cotton soil or any other type of soil which
is detrimental or harmful to the concrete foundations.
RCC columns shall be provided with rigid connection at the base.
All building sub-structures shall be checked for sliding and overturning stability during
both construction and operating conditions for various combinations of loads. Factors of safety
for these cases shall be as stated in relevant IS Codes or as stipulated elsewhere in the
Earth pressure for all underground structures shall be calculated using coefficient of earth pressure
at rest, coefficient of active or passive earth pressure (whichever is applicable). However, for the
design of substructures of any underground enclosures, earth pressure at rest shall be considered.
In addition to earth pressure and ground water pressure etc., a surcharge load of 2T/sq.m shall also
be considered for the design of all underground structures including channels, sumps, tanks,
trenches, and substructures of any underground hollow enclosure etc., to allow for vehicular
traffic in the vicinity of the structure.
The following conditions shall be considered for the design of water tanks, pump houses,
channels, sumps, trenches and other underground concrete structures such as basements etc.
· Full water pressure from inside and no earth pressure, ground water pressure and surcharge
pressure from outside (applicable only to structures which are liable to be filled with water or
any other liquid).
· Full earth pressure, surcharge pressure and ground water pressure from outside and no water
pressure from inside.
Design shall also be checked against buoyancy due to the ground water during construction and
maintenance stages. Minimum factor of safety of 1.5 against buoyancy shall be ensured ignoring
the superimposed loadings.

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Base slabs of any underground enclosures shall be designed for empty condition during
construction and maintenance stages with maximum ground water table (GWT). Minimum factor
of safety of 1.5 against buoyancy shall be ensured ignoring the super-imposed loadings.
Base slab of underground enclosures such as water storage tank shall also be designed for the
condition of different combination of pump sumps being empty during maintenance stages with
maximum GWT. Intermediate dividing piers of such enclosures shall be designed considering
water in one pump sump only and the other pump sump being empty for maintenance.
The foundations shall be proportioned so that the estimated total and differential movements of
the foundations are not greater than the movements that the structure or equipment is designed to
The foundation of the transformer and circuit breaker shall be of block type foundation. Minimum
reinforcement shall be governed by IS:2974 and IS:456.
The tower and equipment foundations shall be checked for a factor of safety of 2.2 for normal
condition and 1.65 for short circuit condition against sliding,overturning and pullout. The same
factor shall be used as partial safety factor over loads in limit state design also.
All underground concrete structures such as basements, pump houses, water retaining structures
etc. shall have plasticizer cum water proofing cement additive conforming to IS 9103. In addition,
the limit on permeability as given in IS 2645 shall also be met. The concrete surface of these
structures in contact with earth shall also be provided with two coats of bituminous painting for
water /damp proofing.
In case of water leakage in the above structures, leakage repair shall be achieved by the injection

13.2 Machine Foundations

All machine foundations shall be designed in accordance the provisions of the relevant parts of the
latest revisions of IS 2974, IS 456 and IS 2911.The provisions of DIN 4O24 (latest) shall also be
All block foundations resting on soil or piles shall be designed using the elastic half space theory.
The mass of the RCC block shall not be less than three times the mass of the machine. Dynamic
analysis shall be carried out to calculate natural frequencies in all the modes including coupled
modes, and to calculate vibration amplitudes. Frequency and amplitude criteria as laid down by
the relevant IS codes and/or machine manufacturers, shall be satisfied. Minimum reinforcement
shall be governed by IS 2974 and IS 456.
For the foundations supporting minor equipments weighing less than one tonne, or if the mass of
the rotating parts is less than one-hundredth of the mass of the foundation, no dynamic analysis is
necessary. However, if such minor equipment is to be supported on building structures, floors etc.
suitable vibration isolation shall be provided by means of springs, neoprene pads etc. and such
vibration isolation system shall be designed suitably.

13.3 Other Foundations

All foundations shall be designed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant parts of latest
revisions of IS 2911 and IS 456.
Type of foundation system i.e. isolated footing, raft or piling shall be decided based on the load
intensity and soil strata.
A minimum three piles shall be provided in any pile group.

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Gantry and tower foundations shall be designed for an additional factor of safety of 1.1 for
normal/ broken wire conditions and for short circuit condition.
Circuit breaker foundations shall be designed for impact loading and shall be strictly in
accordance with the Manufacturer`s recommendations.


14.1 General
Work covered under this Clause of this Specification comprises the design, supply and
installation of foundations and other RCC constructions for switchyard structures, equipment
supports, trenches, rains, jacking pads, pulling blocks, fencing, control cubicles, bus supports,
transformers, marshalling kiosks, auxiliary equipments and systems, buildings and tanks, or for
any other equipment or service and any other foundation required to complete the work. This
clause is as well applicable to the other RCC constructions.
Concrete shall conform to the requirements of IS 456 and all the tests shall be conducted as per
relevant Indian Standard Codes.
If the site is sloping, the foundation height will be adjusted to maintain the exact level of the top
of structures to compensate for such slopes.
Switchyard foundation plinths and building plinths shall be minimum 300 mm and 500 mm
above finished ground level respectively.
A minimum of 75 mm thick lean mix concrete (1:3:6) shall be provided below all underground
structures, foundations, trenches etc. to provide a base for construction.
Concrete made with portland cement(OPC-43 grade) shall be carefully cured and special
consideration shall be given during the placing of concrete and removal of shuttering.
The design and detailing of foundations shall be done based on the approved soil data and sub-
soil conditions as well as for all possible critical loads and combinations thereof. Spread footing
foundations or pile foundations as may be required based on soil and subsoil conditions and
superimposed loads shall be provided.
If pile foundations are adopted, the same shall be cast-in-situ, driven, bored, precast or
underreamed type as per relevant IS. Only RCC piles shall be provided. Suitability of the
adopted pile foundations shall be justified by way of full design calculations. Detailed design
calculations shall be submitted by the contractor showing complete details of piles and pile
groups proposed to be used. Necessary initial load tests shall also be carried out by the contractor
at their entire cost to establish the pile design capacity. Only after the design capacity of piles has
been established, shall the Contractor commence of piling. All the design and testing work shall
be planned in such a way that these shall not cause any delay in project completion.

14.2 Cement
The cement to be used shall be the best quality of its type.
All cement shall be sampled and tested in accordance with Indian Standards.
The Portland cement(OPC-43 grade) used in concrete shall confirm to IS 269.
Requirement of sulphate resistant cement (SRC) for substructural works shall be decided in
accordance with the Indian Standards based on the findings of the detailed soil investigation to be
carried out by the contractor.

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High Alumina cement shall NOT be used.

14.3 Delivery and storage of cement

Cement shall be delivered to the site in bulk or in sound and properly sealed bags and while being
loaded or unloaded whether conveyed in vehicles or by mechanical means, and during transit to
the concrete mixers, must be protected from the weather by effective coverings. Efficient screens
are to be supplied and erected to prevent wastage of cement during strong winds.
If the cement is delivered in bulk, the Contractor shall provide at his own cost approved silos of
adequate size and number to store sufficient cement to ensure continuity of work. The cement
shall be placed in these silos immediately it has been delivered on the site. Suitable precautions
shall be taken during unloading to ensure that the resulting dust does not constitute a nuisance.
If the cement is delivered in bags, the Contractor shall provide at his own cost perfectly
waterproof and well-ventilated sheds having a floor of wood or concrete raised at least 150 mm
above the ground. The sheds shall be large enough to store sufficient cement to ensure continuity
of work. Each consignment of each type of cement shall be stacked separately therein. On
delivery at site the cement shall at once be placed in these sheds and shall be used in the order in
which it has been delivered.
All cement shall be used within 3 months of the date of manufacture.

14.4 Aggregate
Coarse and fine aggregate shall conform to the requirements of IS 383-1970.
Sampling and testing of aggregates shall be in accordance with the relevant Indian Standard.
Fine and coarse aggregates shall be obtained from the same source and the Contractor shall
ensure that material from the source is known to have a good service record over a long period of
Aggregate shall be hard and dense and free from earth, clay, loam and soft, clayey, shaley or
decomposed stone, organic matter and other impurities.

14.5 Storage of aggregates

Coarse and fine aggregates shall be stored on site in bins or on clean, dry, hard surfaces, and be
kept free from all sources of contamination. Aggregates of different gradings shall be stored
separately, and no new aggregate shall be mixed with existing stocks until tested, and approved
by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).

14.6 Approval of Supplies

As soon as possible after the Contract has been placed the Contractor shall submit a list giving
details of the sources from which he proposes to obtain concrete and mortar materials. Only
materials from approved sources shall be brought to site, but the Engg Incharge (Divisional
Engr.) will be prepared to extend his approval to other satisfactory sources of supply which may
be proposed by the Contractor. Approval of a source of supply shall not imply acceptance of
material found not to conform to this Specification

14.7 Water
Water used for mixing concrete and mortar shall be clean, fresh water obtained from an approved
source and free from harmful chemicals, oils, organic matter and other impurities. Normally
potable water may be considered satisfactorily for mixing and curing concrete and masonry work.

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14.8 Steel bar reinforcement
Reinforcement shall comply with the appropriate Indian Standards.
All bar reinforcement shall be hot rolled steel except where the use of cold worked steel is
specified on the drawings or otherwise approved.
The bars shall be round and free from corrosion, cracks, surface flaws, laminations, rough, jagged
and imperfect edges and other defects.
The bar reinforcement shall be new, clean and of the lengths and diameters described on the
Drawings and Schedules. Bars shall be transported and stored so that they remain clean, straight,
undamaged and free from corrosion, rust or scale. Bars of different diameters shall be separately

14.9 Bending of reinforcement

All steel bars are to be accurately bent cold to the shapes and sizes indicated on the Drawings and
Schedules unless otherwise approved. Re-bending of bars and bending in position in the works
shall not generally be allowed.

14.10 Welding of reinforcement

Spot or tack welding for positioning bars in heavily reinforced areas will only be allowed with the
express permission of the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). Extension of lengths of
reinforcement by welding will not be permitted.
Welding will be approved only in low stress members, and lap welding will not be approved in
any circumstances.

14.11 Fixing of reinforcement

Before fixing in the works bars shall be seen to be free from pitting, mud, oil, paint, loose rust or
scale or other adherents harmful to the bond or strength of the reinforcement. Bars shall be fixed
rigidly and accurately in position in accordance with the working drawings, unless otherwise
approved by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). Reinforcement at all intersections shall be
securely tied together with 1.5 mm soft annealed tying wire the ends of which shall be cut and
bent inwards. Cover to the reinforcement shall be in accordance with Clause 15.12 of this
specification and sufficient spacers and chairs of precast concrete of approved design shall be
provided to maintain the specified cover and position. No insertion of bars in previously placed
concrete shall be permitted. Projecting bars shall be adequately protected from displacement.
The fixing of reinforcement in the works shall be approved by the Engg Incharge (Divisional
Engr.) before concrete is placed. Measurement will be based on the calculated weights of steel
actually used in tonnes corrected to second place of decimal.

14.12 Concrete cover to reinforcement

For durability the minimum concrete cover to any reinforcing bar shall be as follows:
Concrete above ground.
· Internal faces of slabs 25 mm
· Internal faces of beams and walls 30 mm
· Exposed faces of slabs, beams and walls 50 mm
· All faces of columns 50 mm

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Concrete below ground (including piles).
· Faces in contact with soil including blinding concrete 75 mm
· All other faces (i.e. internal
faces of basement wall) 50 mm

Only concrete or steel spacers shall be used to achieve the required minimum thickness of
concrete cover to reinforcement. Concrete spacers shall have non metallic ties. Timber blocks
for wedging the steel off the formwork will not be allowed.

14.13 Formwork
Form work shall be constructed from timber, metal, lined as necessary for special finishes and
designed with the quality and strength required to ensure rigidity throughout placing, ramming,
vibration and setting of the concrete, without detrimental effect.
Form work shall be erected true to line, level and shapes required using a minimum of approved
internal ties. Faces in contact with the concrete shall be true and free from defect, jointed to
prevent loss of water or fines, in panels or units which permit easy handling, and designed to
permit side forms to be struck independently of soffit shuttering. Ties or spaces remaining
embedded shall have the minimum cover specified for reinforcement. Forms for exposed
concrete beams, girder casings and columns shall provide for a twenty five millimetre chamfer on
external corners.
Wedges and clamps shall be kept tight during vibration operations. Before commencement or
resumption of concreting, the interior of forms shall be cleaned and free of sawdust, shavings,
dust, mud or other debris and openings shall be formed to facilitate this cleaning and inspection.
The inside of the forms shall be treated with a coating of an approved substance to prevent
adhesion. Care shall be taken to prevent this substance being in contact with the reinforcement.

14.14 Grades of concrete

Concrete shall be either ordinary or controlled and in grades designated M10, M15, M20 and
M25 as specified in IS 456 (latest edition ). In addition, nominal mixes of 1:3: 6 and 1: 4: 8 of
nominal size 40 mm maximum, or as indicated on drawings, or any other mix without any
strength requirements as per mix design shall be used where specified.

14.15 Ordinary concrete

Ordinary concrete shall be used for all plain cement concrete work and where shown on drawings
or allowed by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). Ordinary concrete shall not require
preparation of trial mixes.
In proportioning concrete, the minimum quantity of cement shall be as specified in Table 15.15.1
of this clause and the amount to be used shall be determined by actual weight. The quantities of
fine and coarse aggregate may be determined by volume, but preferably by weight.
The water cement ratio shall not be more than those specified in IS 456.

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Grade of Minimum cement content
Concrete per c.m. of finished concrete
M 10 236 kg
M 15 323 kg
M 20 410 kg
M 25 530 kg
Table - 15.15 Minimum Cement content.

14.16 Controlled concrete

14.16.1 Mix proportions
The mix proportions for all grades of concrete shall be designed to obtain strength corresponding
to the values specified in IS 456 for respective grade of concrete. Preliminary tests as specified in
the IS Code or as required by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.), shall be carried out,
sufficiently ahead of the actual commencement of the work, with different grades of concrete
made from representative samples of aggregate and cement expected to be used on the job. The
purpose of this test is to ascertain the water cement ratio required to produce a concrete having
specified strength, and to demonstrate sufficient workability to enable it to be well consolidated
and to be worked into corners of shuttering and around the reinforcement.
14.16.2 Mix design
As a guide to perform the mix design properly, the relationship between water cement ratio,
aggregate to cement ratio, workability and strength of concrete will be as per relevant IS.
The cement /total aggregate ratio is not to be increased beyond 1: 9.0 without specific permission
of the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). It should be noted that such high aggregate/cement ratios
will be required for concretes of very low slump and high water cement ratios which may be
required to be used in mass concrete work only.
The actual cement aggregate ratios are to be worked out from the specific gravities of coarse
aggregates and sand being used, and from trial mixes.

14.17 Strength requirements

The mix proportions for all grades of concrete shall be designed to produce the grade of concrete
having the required workability and a characteristic strength not less than the value given table

Grade Designation Characteristic Compressive

Strength at 28 days
M 10 10 N / sq. mm
M 15 15 N / sq. mm
M 20 20 N / sq. mm
M 25 25 N / sq. mm
Table - 15.17 Strength Characteristic

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The strength of concrete given above is the 28 days characteristic compressive strength of 15 cm

14.18 Workability
The workability of concrete shall be checked at frequent intervals by slump test, where facilities
exist and if required by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.), alternatively the compaction factor
test in accordance with IS 1199 shall be carried out.

14.19 Mixing of Concrete

Unless otherwise approved, concrete for foundations will be M 20 grade, corresponding
to nominal mix of 1:1.5:3 as per IS 456. The proportions of fine and coarse aggregate, cement
and water shall be as determined by the mix design or according to fixed proportions in case of
nominal mix concrete and shall always be approved by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). The
quantities of the cement, fine and coarse aggregates shall be determined by weight, the water
shall be measured accurately after giving proper allowance for surface water present in the
aggregate. Water shall be added to make a workable mix and it is important to maintain the
water-cement ratio at its correct value of 0.55 in accordance with the requirements of IS 456.
Water shall not be added to the mix until all the cement and aggregates constituting the batch are
already in the drum and dry mix for at least one minute. Mixing of each batch shall be continued
until there is uniform distribution of materials and the mass done for less than 2 minutes and at
least 40 revolutions after all the materials and water are in the drum.
When hand mixing is permitted by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) for concrete to be used
in unimportant locations it shall be carried out on a water tight platform and care shall be taken to
ensure that mixing is continued until the mass is uniform in colour and consistency. In case of
hand mixing, an extra 10% of cement shall be added to each batch and additional cost due to
extra cement will be borne by the Contractor.

14.20 Conveying Concrete

Concrete shall be handled and conveyed from the place of mixing to the place of final laying as
rapidly as practicable by approved means before the initial setting cement starts. Concrete should
be conveyed in such a way which will prevent segregation or loss of any of the ingredients. If
segregation does occur during the transport of concrete same shall be re-mixed. The
requirements to be fulfilled during trasportation are :
· No segregation or seperation of materials in the concrete, and
· Concrete delivered at the point of placing should be uniform and of proper

14.21 Placing Concrete

Form work and reinforcement shall be approved in writing by the Engg Incharge (Divisional
Engr.) before concrete is placed. The forms shall be well wetted and all shavings, dirt and water
that may have collected at the bottom shall be removed before concrete is placed. Concrete shall
be deposited in its final position without segregation, re-handling or flowing. As far as possible
concrete shall be placed in the formwork by means approved by the Engg Incharge (Divisional
Engr.) and shall not be dropped from a height or handled in a manner which may cause
segregation. Any drop over 180 cm. shall have to be approved by the Engg Incharge (Divisional

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Engr.). Once the concrete is deposited in its final position, it shall not be disturbed. Care should
be taken to avoid displacement of reinforcement or movement of formwork.
The placing of concrete shall be a continuous operation with no interruption in excess of
30 minutes between the placing of continuous portions of concrete. When fresh concrete is
required to be placed on previously placed and hardened concrete, special care should be taken to
clean the surface of all foreign matter. For securing a good bond and water tight joint, the
receiving surface should be made rough and a rich mortar placed on it unless it has been poured
just before. The mortar layer should be about 15 mm thick with cement and sand proportion as
that of the mix in use, and have the same water-cement ratio as the concrete to be placed.
After the concrete has been placed it shall be thoroughly compacted by approved mechanical
vibration to a maximum subsidence without segregation and thoroughly worked around
reinforcement or other embedded fixtures into the correct form and shape. Vibrators must be
operated by experienced men and over vibration shall not be permitted. Care should be taken to
ensure that the inserts, fixtures, reinforcement and formwork are not displaced or disturbed during
placing of concrete. No concrete shall be placed in open while it rains. If there is any sign of
washing of cement and sand, the concrete shall be entirely removed immediately. Slabs, beams
and similar structure shall be poured in one operation normally. In special circumstances with
the approval of Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) these can be poured in horizontal layers not
exceeding 50 cm. in depth. When poured in layers, it must be ensured that the under layer is not
hardened. Bleeding of under layer if any shall be effectively removed.

14.22 Compaction of Concrete

Compaction is necessary for production of good concrete. After the concrete has been placed it
shall be thoroughly compacted by approved mechanical vibrator to a maximum subsidence
without segregation and thoroughly worked around reinforcement or other embedded fixtures into
the correct form and shape. Vibrators must be operated by experienced men. Care should be taken
to ensure that the inserts, fixtures, reinforcement and formwork are not displaced or disturbed
during the vibration of the concrete. The Contractors shall provide standby vibrators. Vibration is
commonly used method of compaction of concrete, the use of mechanical vibrators complying
with IS 2505, IS 2506, IS 2514 and IS 4656 for compacting concrete is recommended
For all practical purposes, the vibration can be considered to be sufficient when the air bubbles
cease to appear and sufficient mortar appears to close the surface and facilitate easy finishing
operations. The period of vibration required for a mix depends upon the workability of the mix.

14.23 Curing of Concrete

In order to achieve proper and complete strength of the concrete, the loss of water from
evaporation should be prevented. Eighty to eighty five per cent of the strength is attained in the
first 28 days and hence this 28-day strength is considered to be the criterion for the design and is
called characteristic strength. The concrete after setting for 24 hours shall be cured by keeping the
concrete wet continuously for a period of 10 days after laying.
The curing increases compressive strength, improves durability, impermeability and abrasion
resistance. Failure to carry out satisfactory curing can lead to cracking in the concrete. This in
turn can lead to salt attack of the reinforcement and consequential failure of the structure. If
cracks occur in a structure which are severe enough to affect the structure, the Contractor shall
cut out and replace the defective concrete at his own cost. The Contractor’s attention is, therefore,
drawn to this particular aspect of proper and adequate curing

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14.24 Construction joints
Construction joints are a potential source of weakness and should be located and formed with
care and their number is kept to a minimum.
When the work is to be interrupted, the concrete shall be rebated at the joint to such shape and
size as may be required by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) or as shown on the drawings. All
vertical construction joints shall be made with water bars which are rigidly fixed and shall
provide a positive barrier against movement of water through the joint. Great care shall be taken
when placing concrete around water bars because the space is often congested. Concreting shall
be carried out continuously up to construction joints. Construction joints, if not described on the
drawings, shall be in accordance with the following:
· In a column, the joint shall be formed about 75 mm below the lowest sofit of the beams
framing into it, at the meeting points of the columns and the raft, and at the point of contraflexure
in the columns.
· Concrete in a beam shall be placed throughout without a joint. However if the provision
of a joint is unavoidable, the joint shall be vertical and at the middle of the span.
· A joint in a suspended floor slab shall be vertical at one of the quarter points of the span
and at right angle to the principal reinforcement.
· Additional reinforcements and shear keys shall be provided at the construction joints.
In forming a joint, concrete shall not be allowed to slope away to thin edge. The locations of
construction joints shall be planned by the contractor well in advance of pouring and be approved
by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).
Construction joints in foundation of equipment shall not be provided without the approval of
Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).

14.25 Expansion and separation joints

Expansion joints shall be as shown on the drawings or as specified in the schedules. Expansion
joint filler boards conforming to IS 1838 and sealing strips shall have minimum transverse joints.
Joints shall be vertical and straight except where otherwise approved and concrete surfaces and
faces shall be flush on bothsides of the joint.
Separation joints shall be with standard water proof paper or with as alkathene sheets about 1 mm
in thickness. Lap length and sealing of laps shall be to the satisfaction of the Engg Incharge
(Divisional Engr.).

14.26 Removal of form work

Form work shall be kept in position fully supported, until the concrete has hardened and gained
sufficient strength to carry itself and any loads likely to be imposed upon it. Stripping must be
effected in such a manner and at such a time that no shock or other injury is caused to the
concrete. The responsibility for safe removal rests with the Contractor but the Engg Incharge
(Divisional Engr.) may delay the time of striking if he deems it necessary.
Minimum periods, in the absence of agreement to the contrary, between completion of concreting
and removal of forms are given below but due regard must be paid to the method of curing and
prevailing conditions during this period.
· Removal of shuttering to sides of rafts, walls, beams and columns
2 days

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· Removal of shuttering to slabs, beams and arches (props left under)
6 days
· Removal of props to slabs, beams and arches 16 days
· Lifting of pre cast members 16 days

14.27 Pre cast concrete members

Pre cast concrete members shall be used in the works only where specified on the Drawings or
approved by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).
The technical specifications for cement concrete, formwork and reinforcement covered under
earlier clauses shall form a part of these specifications and shall be followed for carrying out pre
cast concrete work.
Pre cast members shall not be disturbed or lifted until the minimum periods specified for
formwork removal have elapsed.

14.28 Load Test on Parts of Structures

The load test on concrete , if desired by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) shall be carried as
soon as possible after the expiry of 28 days from the time of placing of concrete as per the clause
16.5 to 16.6 of IS : 456.The structure shall be subjected to a load equal to full dead load of the
structure plus 1.25 times the imposed load for a period of 24 hours and then the imposed load
shall be removed. The entire cost of load testing shall be borne by the contractor and if any
portion of the structure found unacceptable under the relevant clause of IS : 456, the same shall
be dismantled and replaced by a new structure as per specification at no extra cost to the
Employer. If during dismantling any of the adjacent structure is damaged, the same shall be made
good free of charge by the contractor to the satisfaction of the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).

14.29 Finish of concrete surface

14.29.1 Concrete cast against formwork.
The following finishes to concrete surfaces, unless otherwise specified or shown on the drawings,
shall be as follows—
· Class A1: All permanently exposed surfaces, including exposed sides of
· Class A2: Surfaces to be covered by backfill, plasters or the like.
Class A1 surfaces shall be dense, fair, smooth, even, free from honeycombing, water and air holes
and other blemishes, true to line and surface and free from board or panel marking. They shall be
of uniform colour. Rendering of defective surfaces shall not be permitted, and, if ordered by the
Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.), the Contractor shall at his own expense cut out to expose
reinforcement and make good any unsatisfactory work. All areas so treated shall be rubbed down
and kept moist for several days.
Class A2 surfaces shall be dense, even, free from honeycombing and true to line and surface.
Any special finishes will be to details or instructions given by the Engg Incharge (Divisional
14.29.2 Concrete not cast against form work.
The following finishes shall be provided unless otherwise specified or shown on the drawings—

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· Class B1: All permanently exposed surfaces, including tops of equipment
foundations, wall copings, window sills, precast items (except
paving flags ).
· Class B2: Paving flags and paths. Floors and slabs to be surfaced with blocks, tiles
or waterproofing materials.
· Class B3: Roads, buried concrete and floors or slabs to be covered by screed.
Class B1 surfaces shall first be levelled and screened to produce a true surface. After the
moisture film has disappeared, and the concrete has hardened sufficiently, the surface shall be
finished with a steel trowel under firm pressure to give a smooth, dense, even and hard surface
free from all marks and defects.
Class B2 surfaces shall be levelled and screened to produce a true surface, and be finished with
wooden or steel float to give a level surface free from screed marks. Excessive floating shall be
Class B3 surfaces shall be levelled and screened to produce a true and uniform surface.

14.30 Holes, pockets, threaded inserts, etc.

The threaded inserts for casting into concrete shall be electro-galvanized and of malleable iron or
mild steel. Holes, cavities and fixings shall be provided in the works only at the positions
indicated on the drawings or as directed and they shall be incorporated as necessary during the
work of concreting. Unless otherwise agreed a tolerance in position of plus or minus five
millimetres shall be allowed. Inserts and bolts shall be fixed square in the works by means of
temporary bolts or nuts, and then concrete cast around them. The projecting portions of such
fixings, and concrete within fifty millimetres of them, shall be bitumastic painted and all threads
well greased on completion of the work. Holes and pockets shall be stripped down clean on

14.31 Blinding
Blinding concrete shall be made with nominal aggregate sizes of both 20mm and 40mm diameter.
They shall be referred to respectively as grade M 10/20 and M 10/40.
Under all foundations and elsewhere as indicated on the drawings a layer of concrete grade M10
(1:3:6) shall be laid immediately the excavation is carried down to foundation level. The blinding
surface shall be thoroughly cleaned before foundation concrete is deposited thereon. Sumps shall
be provided where necessary to facilitate the control of drained water. The grade shall be applied
as shown in Table 15.31.1

Location Grade Thickness of layer

Foundations and bases M 10 / 1:3:6 75 mm
Floors of ducts, trough and reinforced M 10 / 1:3:6 50 mm
slabs not exceeding 100 mm
Table 15.31.1. Blinding layer thickness values

14.32 Admixtures and Additives

Only approved admixtures shall be used in the concrete for the Works. When more than one
admixture is to be used, each admixture shall be batched in its own batch and added to the mixing

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water separately before discharging into the mixer. Admixtures shall be delivered in suitably
labelled containers to enable identification.
Admixtures in concrete shall conform to IS:9103. The water proofing cement additives shall
conform to IS:2645. Concrete admixtures and additives shall be approved by the Engg Incharge
(Divisional Engr.).
The Contractor shall use an approved neutralized vinsol resin air-entraining agent in all concrete.
The Air entraining agent shall be supplied and batched as a solution with a solids content not
exceeding 15 percent by weight with suitable, stable and consistent pH.
The Contractor may propose and the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) may approve the use of a
water-reducing set-retarding admixture in some of the concrete. The use of such an admixture
will not be approved to overcome problems associated with inadequate concrete plant capacity or
improperly planned placing operations and shall only be approved as an aid overcoming unusual
circumstances and placing conditions.
Water-reducing set-retarding admixture shall be an approved brand of lgno-sulphonate type
Water proofing cement additives shall be used as required or advised by the Engg Incharge
(Divisional Engr.).

15.0 0 FENCING

15.1 General
Fencing shall be designed for the most critical loading combination taking into account wind
forces, stability, tension on wires, minimum requirements as per this clause and relevant IS
The un climbable or security, or anti-intruder fencing shall consist of chain link mesh, all as soon
on the drawings and as specified below, supported on approved sections of structural steel. The
posts shall be erected truly vertical, and all posts and struts shall be set in concrete block
Concrete kerbing shall be provided between the fence posts as shown on the drawings.

15.2 Areas requiring fencing

Fencing shall be provided for the following areas:
· Site fencing for the complete station, complete with barbed wires on top. Separate gates
shall be provided for men and equipment.
· Internal fence surrounding the various equipments (if) mounted on ground or a height
lower than 2.5 m, without barbed wires on top. Necessary gates shall be provided for each
area so surrounded.
· Wherever necessary anti-reptile fixture/arrangement shall be provided along with fencing.

15.3 Product materials

15.3.1 General
Chain Link fence fabric in accordance to IS :2721, and shall also meet the following

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· Size of mesh 75 mm
· Size of coated wire 3.15 mm diameter
· Width of chain link 2000 mm
· Class of zinc coating medium
· Zinc coated after weaving

Posts shall be as shown in Table.

The posts shall be of medium M.S tube of 50 mm diameter confirming toYst-22
(Kg / sq. mm ).The tubes shall be also confirm to IS:1161/IS 806.The length of the tubular
post shall be 3200mm.
An M.S base plate of size 160X160X6mm thick shall be welded with the tubular post.
The post shall be provided on the top with M.S plate.
The tubular post shall be welded with 8 numbers of M.S flat of size 50X6mm – 75 mm
long. Two numbers of 13.5 mm dia holes on each cleats shall be provided to bolt the fence
fabric panel. The cleats shall be welded at equal spacing in such a way that 4 nos of cleats
are on the opposite side and remaining 4 nos cleats are on the opposite side of the post.
The cleats on the corner posts shall be welded in such a way that it suits the site
The whole assembly of tubular post shall be hot dip galvanised. The zinc coating shall be
minimum 615 gram per sq mm. The purity of the zinc shall be 99.95% as per IS:209.
Fence fabric panel:
Chain link fencing shall be fabricated in the form of panel 2000X2928 mm. An
MS flat of at least 50X6 mm size shall be welded all round fence fabric to form a panel.
Four pairs of 13.5 mm diameter holes on the vertical MS flat matching the spacing of
holes in cleats fixed with pipe shall be provided to fix the fence panel with tubular posts.
A washer shall also be provided below each nut. 12 mm diameter bolts and nuts including
washers shall also be supplied. All bolts, nuts and washer shall be hot dip
galvanised. The fence panel shall be provided with two GI flats of size 50X6 mm placed
cross wise for rigidity of chain link.
Fence shall be installed along switch yard line as per the approved GA drawing.
Post holes shall be excavated by approved method. All posts shall be 3 mtrs apart
measured parallel to ground surface.
Posts shall be set in 1:2:4 plain cement concrete block of minimum
0.4X0.4X1.2mtr depth. 75 mm thick PCC 1:4:8 shall be provided below concrete
Fence posts shall be erected in vertical and kept for minimum 7 days curing before
fence fabri erection.
Fence fabric panel shall be fixed to the post at 4 nos. M.S flat each of 50X6
mm,75mm long through 2 nos of 12 mm dia bolts on each flat.

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Paintings as per decision of the Engineer in charge have to be carried out.
Continuous running earth by using 50 X 6 mm GI flats to be provided for safety purpose.
A 345/380 mm thick (one and a half brick size) toe wall of Brick/Rubble masonry, or concrete
with notches shall be provided below all fencing and shall be minimum 200 mm above and 500
mm below finished ground level. All exposed surfaces for brick toe wall shall be provided with
15 mm 1:6 cement sand plaster and coated with two coats of water proofing snowcem cement
paint. In case if rubble masonry is provided suitable pointing shall be done.
Gates shall be installed in locations shown on drawings. Next to the main gate, a men gate (1.25
m wide, single leaf) shall also be provided.
Bottom of gates shall be set approximately 40 mm above ground surface and necessary guiding
mechanism (with roller on the bottom of the gate and fixed guider in the road)shall be fitted to
avoid hanging of the main gate.
15.3.2 Gates
Gate frames shall be of galvanized steel of 40 mm dia main pipe and vertical pipes of 15mm dia
@ 125 mm spacing (pipe to relevant IS) welded to the main pipe for frames or Black steel pipe
to relevant IS for frames with welded joints and shall be painted with one coat of steel primer and
two coats of synthetic enamel paints.
Gates shall be fabricated with welded joints or other approved methods to achieve rigid
connections. The gate frames shall be hot dip galvanized after welding.
Gates shall be fitted with galvanized malleable iron hinges, latch and latch catch. Latch and latch
catch shall be suitable for attachment and operation of padlock from either side of gates. Hinges
shall permit gates to swing through 180 degree back against fence.
Gates shall be fitted with galvanized chain hook or gate hold back to hold gates open. Double
gates shall be fitted with centre rest and drop bolt to secure gates in closed position.
15.3.3 Patching
Damaged galvanized surfaces shall be repaired. Damaged surfaces shall be cleaned with wire
brush removing loose and cracked spelter coating. Two coats of approved zinc pigmented paint
shall be applied to damaged areas in accordance with manufacturers instructions.
There shall be one gate located on boundary wall as main gate having wicket gate and one gate as
switchyard gate, located on the fencing.


16.1 General
The scope includes the design, engineering and construction of control room and colony quarters
building. For control room and colony quarter building the tentative layout showing the facilities
to be provided is indicated some where and also to be proposed by the bidders for better utility
and aesthetic view. However, the size and layout of the building may be modified as per
requirements of Single Line Diagram (SLD) with the approval of the Engg Incharge (Divisional

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16.2 Dimensions
An open space of one metre minimum shall be provided on the periphery of the rows of panels,
and equipment generally, in order to allow easy operator movement and access as well as
The building design shall also take into consideration the layout of the panels, switchboards,
switchgear and other equipment in order to allow enough area for the future extension of
switchyard depending upon the availability of substation area.

16.3 Design
The buildings shall be designed:
· to the requirements of the National Building Code of India. and the standards quoted
· for the specified climatic and loading conditions
· to adequately suit the requirements of the equipment and apparatus contained in the
buildings and in all respects to be compatible with the intended use and occupancy
· with a functional and economical space arrangement
· for a life expectancy of structure, systems and components not less than that of the
equipment which is contained in the buildings, provided regular maintenance is carried
· to be aesthetically pleasing. Different buildings shall show a uniformity and consistency
in architectural design
· to allow for easy access to equipment and maintenance of the equipment
· with, wherever required, fire retarding materials for walls, ceilings and doors, which
would prevent supporting or spreading of fire
· with material preventing dust accumulation
Suitable expansion joints shall be provided in the longitudinal direction wherever necessary with
provision of twin columns.
Individual members of the building frame shall be designed for the worst combination of forces
such as bending moment, axial force, shear force, torsion etc.
Permissible stresses for different load combinations shall be taken as per relevant IS Codes.
All cable vaults shall be located above ground level i.e. cable vaults shall not be provided as
basements in the buildings.
The building lighting shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of relevant section.
The building auxiliary services such as air conditioning and ventilation systems, fire protection
and detection systems and all other miscellaneous services shall be designed in accordance with
the requirements specified in relevant sections of this Specifications.
The doors and windows of the building shall be of aluminium extruded channels, angles etc. The
windows shall be provided with sliding shuttering facilities and also to be provided with
aluminium make grills.

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16.4 Design Loads
Building structures shall be designed for the most critical combinations of dead loads, super-
imposed loads, equipment loads, crane loads, wind loads, seismic loads, and temperature loads. In
addition, loads and forces developed due to differential settlement shall also be considered.
Dead loads shall include the weight of structures, complete finishes, fixtures and partitions and
should be taken as per IS:1911 (latest revision).
Super-imposed loads in different areas shall include live loads, minor equipment loads, cable
trays, small pipe racks/hangers, and erection, operation and maintenance loads. Equipment loads
shall constitute, if applicable, all load of equipments to be supported on the building frame.
For crane loads an impact factor of 30% and lateral crane surge of 10% of (lifted weight plus
trolley weight) shall be considered in the analysis of frame according to provisions of IS:875
(latest revision). The horizontal surge shall be 5% of the static wheel load.
For temperature loading, the total temperature variation shall be considered as two thirds of the
average maximum annual variation in temperature. The average maximum annual variation in
temperature for the purpose shall be taken as the difference between the mean of the daily
minimum temperature during the coldest month of the year and mean of daily maximum
temperature during the hottest month of the year. The structure shall be designed to withstand
stresses due to 50% of the total temperature variation.
Wind loads shall be computed as per IS:875. Seismic coefficient method shall be used for the
seismic analysis as per IS 1893 (latest revision), wind and seismic forces shall not be considered
to act simultaneously.
Floors/slabs shall be designed to carry loads imposed by equipment, cables, piping travel of
maintenance trucks and equipment and other loads associated with the building. In general,
floors shall be designed for live loads as per relevant IS and cable and piping loads not less than 5
kN/ sq.m hanging from the underside. In addition, beams shall be designed for incidental point
loads of 20 kN to be applied at any point along the beams. The floor loads shall be subject to the
approval of the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).
For consideration of loads on structures, IS 875, “Code of practice for structural safety of
buildings” shall be followed. The minimum superimposed live loads shown in Table 17.4.1. shall
be considered for the design.
Roof 150 kg / sq m. for accessible roofs.
75 kg / sq m. for non - accessible roof.
R C C Floors. 500 kg / sq m. for offices and minimum 1000 kg / sq m. for equipment
floors or actual requirement, if higher than 1000 kg / sq m.,
based on equipment component weight and layout plans.
Stairs and 500 kg / m.
Toilet Rooms. 200 kg / m.
Chequered 400 kg /sq.
plate floor. m
Walkways. 300 kg /sq. m.

Table 17.4.1. Superimposed live loads

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16.5 Submission of data for approval
The following information shall be submitted for review and approval to the Engg Incharge
(Divisional Engr.):
· Design criteria for structural steel and reinforced concrete design. The criteria shall
comprise the codes and standards used, applicable climatic data including wind loads, earthquake
factors and maximum and minimum temperatures applicable to the building locations,
assumptions of dead and live loads, including equipment loads, impact factors, safety factors and
other relevant information.
· Structural design calculations and drawings including those for construction and
fabrication for all reinforced concrete and structural steel structures.
· Fully dimensioned floor plans, cross sections, longitudinal sections and elevations of
each building. These drawings shall be drawn at a scale not less than 1:50 and shall identify the
major building components.
· Fully dimensioned drawings showing details and sections, drawn to scales of sufficient
size to clearly show sizes and configuration of the building components and the relationship
between them.
· Product information of building components and materials, including walls, partitions,
flooring, ceilings, roofing, doors and windows and building finishes.
· A detailed schedule of building finishes including colour schemes.
· A door and window schedule showing door types and locations, door lock sets and latch
sets and other door hardware.
Approval of the above information shall be obtained before ordering materials or starting
fabrication or construction as applicable.

16.6 Electrostatic radio interference shielding

The building inside the energized area of the stations shall be electrostatically shielded to limit
the exposure of the equipment and personnel to specified electric field strengths. The shielding
system shall be grounded properly.

16.7 Control Room Building/Colony quarters

Design and construction, including anti termite treatment of control room building and colony
quarters for each sub- station or switchyard shall be in the scope of the contract. The control room
buildings and colony quarters shall be of RCC framed structure of concrete M20 grade. The
control room and some other rooms of the control room building shall be fully air conditioned.

16.8 Finish Schedule

The preliminary indicative finishing schedule is given in subsequent clauses. However, at the
time of detailed engineering, the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) reserves the right to alter the
finishing schedule and specifications and such changes shall have no additional financial
implication whatsoever to the Employer.

16.9 Flooring (52 mm Thick)

5Omm thick cement concrete 1:2:4. & finishing with vitrified tiles in the main control room area,
conference room and MCCDB (AC & DC ) room. The other area flooring shall be with vitrified

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tiles of reputed make. There shall be dado of 9 inches by the same. The toilets and bath rooms
shall be provided with antiskid ceramic tiles and the walls are also to be provided with ceramic
tiles of adequate height as per standard practice. The battery room floorings and walls (up to
3mtrs height) shall be provided with acid proof industrial based tiles. The left over portion of the
walls shall be painted with acid proof paints.

16.10 Walls
Control room buildings shall have framed superstructure. All walls shall be non-load bearing
walls. Minimum thickness of external walls shall be 230 mm with 1:6 cement sand mortar. A 50
mm thick DPC shall be provided at plinth level before starting masonary work.

16.11 Plastering
All internal walls shall have minimum 12mm thick 1:6 cement sand plaster. The ceiling shall
have 6mm thick 1:4 cement sand plaster.

16.12 External Finish

All external surfaces shall have painted with weather proof synthetic paints over 18mm thick
cement sand plaster in two layers. Under layer 12mm thick cement plaster 1:5 (1 cement:5 coarse
sand) and a top layer 6mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement:3 coarse sand) finished rough with
All ceilings shall be white based plastic emulsion paints and the internal walls are also to be
provided with plastic emulsion synthetic paints. The outer of the building shall be provided with
weather seal coats of synthetic paints.

16.13 Roof
Roof of the building shall consist of cast in situ R.C.C. slabs. Extra heavy water proofing
treatment shall be done after grading underbed with 1:4 cement sand plaster of 25mm thickness.
The under bed shall be laid to provide an ultimate run off gradient of 1:120. The extra heavy
treatment shall be concrete based with water proof treatment as per the standard to protect the
roof from damage due to water logging. Proper slope and adequate no of water drains outlets
shall be provided for easy discharge of water from the roof. These drains shall be connected to the
main drain.

16.14 Glazing (glass)

Minimum thickness of glazing shall be 6 mm. The glazing for the control room area ,which will
be air-conditioned shall be provided with double toughned glass each of 6mm thickness.

16.15 False Ceiling

The control room and all other air conditioned areas shall have closed aluminium ceiling system
comprising 84mm wide, 12.5mm deep panels of approved colour with a recessed flange of
23.9mm roll formed out of 0.5mm thick aluminium alloy 5050/5052/3003 or equivalent, coated
with chromatised and stone enamelled on both sides, panels to be fixed on roll formed carriers 32
mm wide 39 mm deep out of minimum 0.9 mm thick aluminium alloy strip with cut outs to hold
panels in a module of 100mm minimum at maximum 1.6 mc/c carrier suspended from roof by
4mm diameter galvanised steel wire rod hangers with special height adjustment springs/clips
made out of spring steel at maximum spacing of 1.5 m c/c hangers fixed to roof, J'hooks and
nylon insert including providing laying and fixing 25mm thick resin bonded mineral wool of
approved quality, encased in 100 G black polythene and laid over top of places panels, all

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complete. The system is subject to approval by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) before

16.16 Doors and Windows

The doors and windows of the control room building shall be of aluminium with aluminium grill
and all the frames of doors and windows also of aluminium sections in accordance with the
relevant IS Codes. Size and shapes shall be adequate for entering in to the room. In the Air
conditioned area shall be double glass (toughened) and doors suitably made to have efficient air
conditioning. The windows shall be of sliding type. Anodised alumnium work for doors and
windows,ventilators and partitions shall be provided and fixed in the building with extruded built
up standard tubular and other sections approved make confirming to IS:733 and IS:1285,anodised
transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS:1868 (minimum anodic coating of grade AC
15) fixed with rawl plugs and screws with fixing clips, or with expansion hold fastners including
necessary filling up of gaps at junctions at top, bottom and sides with required PVC/neoprene felt
etc and joined mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading
for glazing/panelling,C.P brass/stainless steel screws including glazing and fittings as specified.

16.17 Plumbing And Sanitation

All plumbing and sanitation work shall be executed to comply with the requirements of the
appropriate bye laws, rules and regulations of the Local Authority having juridiction over such
matters. The Contractor shall arrange for all necessary formalities to be met in regard to
inspection, testing, obtaining approval and giving notices etc.
An overhead water tank of adequate capacity depending on the number of users for 24 hours
storage shall be provided.
Galvanised MS pipe of medium class conforming to IS : 1239 shall be used for internal piping
works for portable water supply.
Sand C I pipes with lead joints conforming to IS:1729 shall be used for sanitary works above
ground level.
A list of toilet fittings will be approved by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.), before
procurement by the contractor and same will be inspected by the Engg Incharge (Divisional
Engr.) before installation. Sufficient nos of toilets and bath rooms including separate urinal
provision shall be provided at both ground and first floors. Required nos of wash basins (stand
type) with good quality mirrors and other accessories as required are also to be provided at both
ground and first floor of control room building. Same procedure for colony quarters also.

16.18 Building storm water drainage

The building design shall provide for the collection of storm water from the roofs. This water
shall be collected in junction boxes and these boxes shall drain to the main drainage system of the
Cast iron rain water downcomers conforming to IS:1230 with water tight lead joints or medium
class galvanised mild steel pipes conforming to IS:1239/ IS:3589, shall be provided to drain off
the rain water from the roof. These shall be suitably concealed with masonry work of cement
concrete or cladding material. The number and size of downcomers shall be governed by IS:1742
and IS:2527.
All drains inside the buildings shall have minimum 40 mm thick grating covers and in areas
subject to movement heavy equipment loads, precast RCC covers shall be provided in place of
steel grating.

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For all buildings, suitable arrangement for draining water collected from equipment blowdowns,
leakages, floor washings, fire fighting etc. shall be provided for each floor.

1.3 Flooring
Entire area around the control room building (out side)shall be provided with PCC paving starting
from the building upto 2 mtrs clear distance for the full length of the building.
The above specified PCC paving shall be with M15 mix grade concrete over suitable under bed
arrangement as specified for other ground floor slab.
Above the PCC paving suitable Cement pavers chequered plate of size as per the standard to be
provided. The colour of the chequered plate shall be fixed over the PCC paving by using cement
mortar and the colour of such plate shall be red.
The cable vault below the main control room shall have 50 mm thick smooth floor finish units of
cement concrete.

1.4 Provision of rooms in the control room building.

a) 220/132/33 KV S/S Building:

>The plinth area for the control room building shall be as below:-
Ground floor: 50mtrX25mtr
Ground floor portico: 5mtrX5mtr (at two locations)
First floor: 25 mtr X 25 mtr
i)Ground floor shall have cable vault, Battery room, Office rooms(3 nos),MCCB room,
Library, Conference room, Testing lab, Pantry room, Toilets and bath room(two nos
and one attached), Corridor with lounge, Portico at front and side, Ramp etc.
ii) First floor shall have control room, PLCC room, office room, toilets and bath room
* All internal walls shall 125 mm thick. (Excluding cement plastering)
* All external walls shall 250 mm thick. (Excluding cement plastering)
* For RCC works refer the relevant specification.
* The quarter shall be of framed RCC structure based.
* Concrete grade shall be 1:1.5:3 for all RCC works
* Reinforcement shall be Fe 415 Grade, confirming to IS:1786. All hooks,bands,laps shall
be as per IS:456-2000.All laps shall be staggered and minimum lap length shall be
50XDia of Bar.
* Clear cover to main reinforcement for footing = 50mm,column=50mm,beam=25mm &
* Rain water pipes 100 sq mm to be provided at suitable location.
* The stair case width=1100mm, Tread=300mm, riser=148/150mm and suitable platform at
different level.

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* The height of the ground floor of the building from the finished plinth level (minimum
1.0 mtr from the finished ground level) shall be 3.9 mtrs and the height of the parapet
wall shall be 750mm. The height of the first floor from the top of the roof of the first
floor shall be 3.4 mtrs and the height of the parapet wall shall be 750mm.The stair case
top shall be at a height of 2.75 mtrs from the top of the parapet top.
* The stair case shall be RCC having Kotta stone fixing.

b) 132/33 KV & 220/33 KV S/S Building:

>The plinth area for the control room building shall be as below:-
Ground floor: 42mtrX13 mtr =546 Sqm
Ground floor portico: 5mtrX5mtr
First floor: 21 mtr X 13 mtr=273 Sqm
i)Ground floor shall have Control room( also can be kept on the first floor for better
visibility of switch yard area),PLCC room, Battery room, MCCDB room, ,Toilets and
bath room, Verandah & Portico etc..
ii) First floor shall have office rooms (3 Nos), a Library, a Conference room, a Rest room,
,Pantry room ,toilets(2 No.) and toilet cum bath room (1 no.) etc.
* All internal walls shall 125 mm thick. (Excluding cement plastering)
* All external walls shall 250 mm thick. (Excluding cement plastering)
* For RCC works refer the relevant specification.
* The quarter shall be of framed RCC structure based.
* Concrete grade shall be 1:1.5:3 for all RCC works
* Reinforcement shall be Fe 415 Grade, confirming to IS:1786. All hooks,bands,laps shall
be as per IS:456-2000.All laps shall be staggered and minimum lap length shall be
50XDia of Bar.
* Clear cover to main reinforcement for footing = 50mm,column=50mm,beam=25mm &
* Rain water pipes 100 sq mm to be provided at suitable location.
* The stair case width=1100mm,Tread=300mm, riser=148/150mm and suitable platform at
different level.
* The stair case shall be RCC having Kotta stone fixing.
* The height of the ground floor of the building from the finished plinth level (minimum
1.0 mtr from the finished ground level) shall be 3.9 mtrs and the height of the parapet
wall shall be 750mm. The height of the first floor from the top of the roof of the first
floor shall be 3.4 mtrs and the height of the parapet wall shall be 750mm.The stair case
top shall be at a height of 2.75 mtrs from the top of the parapet top.

1.5 Provision of rooms in the colony quarter (building).

a) “D” Type quarter: Tentative plinth area shall be 120 sq mtrs (excluding the area of
the portico). D type quarter shall have two bed rooms of size 3.6 mtrX3.6 mtr having

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porticos; one bed rooms of size 3.9 mtrX3.3 mtr having portico; one living room of size
4.2 mtrX3.6 mtr; one dining cum lobby of size 4.2 mtrX4.7 mtr; one kitchen of size
2.75mtrX3.3 mtr; Two nos attached toilet cum bath room of size 2.15 mtr X 1.5mtr, one
no common toilet cum bath room of size 1.5mtr X 2.2 mtr, Portico and space for vehicle
parking. The kitchen shall have provision of Kitchen platform (granite one) two sides of
the wall with stainless steel sink having water tap provision as per standard practice.
Kitchen room shall have provision of cupboard for storing the kitchen utensils and other
items including locking arrangement of the cup board. Provision of cup-boards in all
other rooms as per standard practice shall be provided. Shall have stair case to go to the
top of the roof and have stair case head room. A portico of adequate size in front of the
quarter/flat to be provided to park the four & two wheeler vehicle.
b) “E” Type quarter: Tentative plinth area shall be 73 sq mtrs (excluding the area of the
portico) E type quarter shall have two bed rooms of size 3.3 mtrX3.3 mtr having
porticos; one no attached toilet cum bath room of size 2.15 mtr X 1.5mtr, one no common
toilet cum bath room of size 1.5mtr X 2.2 mtr, one living room of size 4.5 mtrX3.3 mtr
Portico and space for vehicle parking. The kitchen shall have provision of Kitchen
platform (granite one) two sides of the wall with stainless steel sink having water tap
provision as per standard practice. Kitchen room shall have provision of cupboard for
storing the kitchen utensils and other items including locking arrangement of the cup
board. Provision of cup-boards in all other rooms as per standard practice shall be
provided. Shall have stair case to go to the top of the roof and have stair case head room.
A portico of adequate size in front of the quarter/flat to be provided to park the four &
two wheeler vehicle.
* All internal walls shall 125 mm thick. (Excluding cement plastering)
* All external walls shall 250 mm thick. (Excluding cement plastering)
* For RCC works refer the relevant specification.
* The quarter shall be of framed RCC structure based.
* Concrete grade shall be 1:1.5:3 for all RCC works
* Reinforcement shall be Fe 500 Grade, confirming to IS:1786. All hooks,bands,laps shall
be as per IS:456-2000.All laps shall be staggered and minimum lap length shall be
50XDia of Bar.
* Clear cover to main reinforcement for footing = 50mm,column=50mm,beam=25mm &
* Rain water pipes 100 sq mm to be provided at suitable location.
* The stair case width=1100mm,Tread=300mm, riser=148/150mm and suitable platform at
different level.
* The stair case shall be RCC having Kotta stone fixing.
* The height of the building from the finished plinth level (0.5 mtr from the finished
ground level) shall be 3.15 mtrs i.e. up to the terrace level. A clear 1.15 mtrs shall be
above the terrace and up to the top of the parapet. The stair case top shall be at a height of
2.75 mtrs from the top of the parapet top.
* Details of doors & windows to be provided in the colony quarters are as indicated below.
All the frame of doors & windows shall be of M.S as per below.

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The doors and windows of the colony quarters shall be of M.S with M.S grill and all the
frames of doors and windows also of M.S sections in accordance with the relevant latest
IS Codes for construction of building. Size and shapes shall be adequate for entering in to
the room. The windows shall be centre open & twin panel type, rigidly hinged on the
frame with minimum three hinges on one side for windows & minimum four hinges for
doors. All the panel of the external doors and windows shall also be of M.S sheet having
minimum thickness of 03 mm, with proper support on the frame of the door for rigidity
& the support shall also be of M.S flat having minimum size of 25X5 mm. The Door
frames & Chaukat shall be of 45X45X6 mm M.S (G.I ) sections. The window frame &
Chaukat shall be of 25X25X6 mm M.S (G.I ) sections. Proper locking arrangement with
stoppers to be provided on the door and windows. Surface cleaning, application of red
oxide primer paint and two coats of synthetic enamel paint (Asian paints/Berger/Nerolac)
of the doors , windows & grill are to be provided. All the windows shall be provided with
M.S grill and care should be taken while designing the grill frame that the entering of cat
should be restricted.
The inside doors of the quarters shall be one side open & the panels shall be of flush type
, water ,termite & weather proof resistant hard board of minimum 32 mm thickness
(reputed make of ISI brand hard board flush type door) & the door shall be hinged with
the door frame with suitable support for rigidity. The Door frames / Chaukat shall be of
extruded aluminium sections suitably anodised. Surface cleaning, application of red
oxide primer paint and two coats of synthetic enamel paint (Asian paints/Berger/Nerolac)
of the inside doors are to be provided. Proper locking arrangement with stoppers to be
provided on the door. The size of the door frame/chaukat shall be as indicated in the
specification. Size of the door frame/ chaukat shall be 39 inchX78 inch ( inside to
inside). The flush door panel shall be of size 39 inchX78 inch. The door for the kitchen
and toiletcum bath room shall be of standard adequate size PVC door shall be provided.
Anodised aluminum work for inside doors and ventilators shall be provided
and fixed in the quarters with extruded built up standard sections of approved make
conforming to IS: 7333 and IS:1285, anodized transparent or dyed to required shade
according to IS:1868 (Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15) fixed with raw plugs and
screws or with fixing clips, or with expansion hold fasteners including necessary filling up
of gaps at junctions at top, bottom and sides with required PVC/neoprene felt etc and
joined mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading
for glazing/paneling, C.P. brass/stainless steel screws including glazing and fittings as
Ventilators shall be provided and fixed with hinges/pivots fittings wherever required
including PVC/neoprene gasket.
The building design shall provide for the collection of storm water from the roofs. This water
shall be collected in junction boxes and these boxes shall drain to the main drainage system of the
Cast iron rain water downcomers conforming to IS:1230 with water tight lead joints or medium
class galvanised mild steel pipes conforming to IS:1239/ IS:3589, shall be provided to drain off
the rain water from the roof. These shall be suitably concealed with masonry work of cement
concrete or cladding material. The number and size of downcomers shall be governed by IS:1742
and IS:2527.
All drains inside the buildings shall have minimum 40 mm thick grating covers and in areas
subject to movement heavy equipment loads, precast RCC covers shall be provided in place of
steel grating.

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For all buildings, suitable arrangement for draining water collected from equipment
blowdowns, leakages, floor washings, fire fighting etc. shall be provided for each floor.


Dense concrete with controlled water cement ratio, preferably 0.45, shall be used for all
underground concrete structures such as pump-house, tanks, water retaining structures, cable and
pipe trenches etc. for achieving water-tightness.
All joints including construction and expansion joints for the water retaining structures shall be
made water tight by using PVC ribbed water stops with general bulb. However, kicker type
(externally placed) PVC water stops shall be used for the base slab and in other areas where it is
required to facilitate concreting. The minimum thickness of PVC water stops shall be 5 mm and
minimum width shall be 230 mm.
All steel sections and fabricated structures which are required to be transported by sea shall be
provided with anti-corrosives paint.
All mild steel parts used in the water retaining structure shall be hot-dip galvanised. The
minimum coating of the zinc shall be 750 gm/sq.m. for galvanised structures and shall comply
with IS:2629 and IS:2633. Galvanizing shall be checked and tested in accordance with IS:2629.
The galvanizing shall be followed by the application of an etching primer and dipping in black
A screed concrete layer not less than 100 mm thick and of grade not weaker than M10
conforming to IS:456- 1978, shall be provided below all water retaining structures. A sliding
layer of bitumen paper or craft paper shall be provided over the screed layer to destroy the bond
between the screed and the base slab concrete of the water retaining structures.
Bricks having minimum 75kg/ compressive strength can only be used for masonry work.
Bidder shall ascertain himself at site regarding the availability of bricks of minimum 75kg/
compressive strength before submitting his offer.
Monorails, monorail girders and fixtures shall be provided, wherever required.
Doors and windows on external walls of buildings other than areas provided with insulated metal
claddings shall be provided with a RCC sun-shade over the openings with 300 mm projection on
either side of the openings. Projection of sunshade from the wall shall be minimum 450 mm over
window openings and 750 mm over door openings.
All stairs shall have maximum riser height of 180 mm and a minimum tread width of 250 mm.
Minimum width of stairs shall be 1200 mm. There shall be provision of of stair case to the roof of
the building.
Angles of 50x50x6 mm minimum with lugs shall be provided for edge protection all round cut
out and openings in floor slab, edges of drains with grating covers, edges of RCC cable/pipe
trenches with covers, edges of manholes with covers, edges of precast covers and any other place
where breakage of corners of concrete is expected.
Anti-termite chemical treatment shall be given to column pits, wall trenches, foundations of
buildings, filling below the floors etc. as per IS:6313 and other relevant Indian Standards.
Hand railing of a minimum height of 900 mm shall be provided around all floor or roof openings,
projections and balconies walk ways, platforms, steel stairs etc. All handrails and ladder pipes
shall be The railing of the staia-rcase shall be made of proper aluminium sections. All rungs for
ladders shall also be of aluminium as per IS:.

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For RCC stairs, also hand railing with aluminium sections are to be provided.

Proper coordination and execution of all interfacing civil works activities such as fixing of
conduits in roofs/walls/floors, fixing of foundation bolts, fixing of lighting fixtures, fixing of
supports/embodiments, provision of cut-outs etc. shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor.
He shall plan all such activities in advance and execute in such a manner that interfacing activities
do not become bottlenecks and such that dismantling, breakage etc. is reduced to minimum.


The Contractor shall be overall responsible for supply of water within switch yard for fire
fighting, drinking purposes and other miscellaneous purposes. Water shall be made available at a
single point by the Employer. The scope is also inclusive of supply and erection of all tanks,
pipes, fittings etc. required for the water supply to be taken from the terminal point to the
respective buildings. A scheme shall be prepared by the contractor indicating the layout and
details of water supply which shall subject to the approval of the Engg Incharge (Divisional
Engr.) before actual start of work. Any extra bore holes required shall be within the scope of the
There shall be separate bore wells for the control room building and colony quarters. There shall
be pump houses for the bore wells and approach road to the pump houses shall be provided.
The Contractor shall have overall responsibility to provide a suitable arrangement for
permanent supply for and retention of water within switch yard building and to the yard
for watering to the earth pits, drinking purposes as well as for township and other
miscellaneous purposes. The scope is inclusive 0f supply and erection of all tanks, pipes,
fittings etc. required for the water supply to be taken from the terminal point/points to the
respective buildings. A scheme shall be prepared by the contractor indicating layout and
details of water supply which shall subject to the approval of the Engg Incharge
(Divisional Engr.) before commencement of work. Any extra bore holes required shall be
within the scope of this contract. The capacity of each submersible pump shall be 5 HP
and all control as per standard has to be provided. The no of bore holes shall be two nos ,
one for colony township and the other one for the switch yard building. Two nos pump
house as per standard are also within the scope of this contract. The height of the pump
house (LXW=3mtrsX3mtrs) shall be 3 mtrs and shall have RCC roof and brick walls
having MS doors. The capacity of RCC overhead tank for control room building shall be
2000 liters each .Two nos of overhead water tank for control room building and for
colony quarters each quarter shall have 1000 liters capacity.
There shall be interconnection between tow pump sections in order to meet any


The Contractor shall comply with all the applicable statutory rules pertaining to Factories Act (as
applicable for ORISSA State), Fire Safety Rules of Tariff Advisory Committee, Water Act for
pollution control etc.

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Provisions for fire proof doors, numbers of staircases, fire separation wall, plastering on structural
members (in fire prone areas) etc. shall be made according to the recommendations of Tariff
Advisory Committee.
Statutory clearance and norms of State Pollution Control Board shall be followed as per Water
Act for effluent quality from plant.


There shall be provision of security watch tower at the corners of the switch yard. These
watch towers shall be of RCC type. Standard practice in this effect shall be followed. The
maximum numbers of such towers shall be 4.The size of the tower platform shall be
2.5mtrsX2.5mtrs and height as per standard practice.


There shall be one RCC type security shed near the main gate to be provided. The shed
shall have also provision of sitting arrangement for the guests. The shed shall be provided
with telephone internal, electrical lighting and ceiling fan facilities. There shall be
provision of gate lights. The size of the security cum guest shed shall be
5mtrsX3.5mtrsX3.5mtr(LengthXwidthXHeight).A portion of the shed shall be used for
the guest who comes for visit the sub-station. Adequate no of MS doors and windows are
also to be provided. Necessary paintings as per standard are also to be done.

23.1 One no store shed of size 15X15 mtr having brick walls and plastering with RCC
roof of 15X15 meters. The flooring shall be of 75 mm thickness PCC (mix ratio1:2:4)
over RR masonry works (as per standard practice of flooring). Provision of adequate nos
of MS racks (proper paintings also to be done as per the direction of site in charge) for
keeping the spare materials. The height of the shed shall be 4mtrs above the plinth.
23.2 One no platform outside the store shed RR masonry (compacted) with PCC at the
top for storing the transformer bushings, Instrument transformers, transformer oil drums
etc. The size of the platform shall be 20mtrX15 mtr. Details of flooring as mentioned
under 24.1. The platform shall have top covers by using TATA GC sheets.
23.3 Provision of a RCC based ramp of adequate size for loading and unloading of the
materials from the lorry near the store shed.
23.4 A winch is to be provided near the ramp for lifting and lowering of materials up
to 5 tons capacity. The two side vertical pillars shall be by MS Rail/joist and the top
horizontal also of same type. A chain pulley of 5 ton capacity is to be provided at the
centre of the frame on the horizontal bar.
23.5 Erection of Isolator Mechanism Box.
Separate RCC foundation to be provided for the Isolator Mechanism boxes.
23.6 There shall be one no vehicle parking shed inside the sub-station area. The size of
the parking area shall be 15mtrs X 15 mtrs, out of the entire area there shall be provision
of shed for 5 mtrs X 15 mtrs and rest of the area shall be without shed. The flooring of
the entire area of the vehicle parking shall be as mentioned under 23.1.

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The contractor shall furnish all labour, equipment and materials required for complete
performance of the work in accordance with the drawings, specification and direction of
the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).

General Requirement
The material required for site surfacing/gravel filling shall be free from all types of
organic materials and shall be of standard approved quality, and as directed by the Engg
Incharge (Divisional Engr.).
The Contractor shall furnish and install the site surfacing to the lines and grades as shown
in the drawing and in accordance with the requirements and direction of the Engg Incharge
(Divisional Engr.). The soil of the periphery area of the switchyard area shall be subjected
to sterilisation or anti-weed treatment before placing the site surfacing/gravel fill material
or strictly as per instruction or requirement of the manufacturer of the chemical required
for soil sterilisation or anti-weed treatment. After all the structures and equipment have
been erected and accepted, and soil sterilisation of the peripheral area (except the switch
yard area) as specified is complete, the site shall be maintained to the lines and grades
indicated in the drawing and rolled or compacted by using three ton roller with suitable
water sprinkling to form a smooth and compact surface condition which shall be
matching with finished ground level of the switchyard area.
Chemical to be used for soil sterilisation /anti-weed treatment:
The details of quantities and method of application of chemicals used for soil sterilisation
/and anti-weed treatment shall be as per manufacturer`s recommendations. Bidders are
required to submit the details of chemicals proposed to be used and recommendations of
manufacturer with required guarantee alongwith their bids for necessary approval of the
Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). Approval of the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) by no
means shall relieve the contractor of their contractual obligations as stipulated in General
and Special Conditions of Contract.


A garden in front of the control room building is to be developed. It includes treatment of
the land of size (30mtrsX10mtrs), manuring, and plantations of sufficient flower based,
show based, crotons and entire portion shall be provided with garden grass. Proper land
slope also to be maintained for better and aesthetic looking. Provision of water taps and
garden lights at different locations are to be provided for watering the plants and lighting
of the garden.
100 nos fruit bearing plants and 100 nos other show plants along the road side, near
colony quarters and near control room building are required to be planted. Treatment of
the soil and manuring are to be done before plantation of these plants. Water taps at
different locations are to be provided for watering the plants.

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In addition to drainage of rainwater, the contractor shall make arrangement for rainwater
harvesting also.

Rainwater harvesting shall be done by providing two numbers recharge structures with
bore wells. The recharge structures shall be suitably located with in the S/S. Branch
drains from the main drain carrying rainwater from entire switchyard shall be connected
to the recharge structures.

The internal diameter of recharge shafts shall be 4.5 meter with 230mm thick lining of
brick work upto a depth of 2.0 meter from ground level and 345mm thick brickwork
below 2.0 meter depth. The brickwork shall be constructed with cement mortar 1:6 (1
cement : 6 coarse sand ). The overall depth of shaft shall be 5.0 meter below invert level
of drain. The shaft shall be covered with RCC slab for a live load of 300Kg. per Sq.m.
two openings of sizes 0.7X0.7 meter shall be provided in the RCC cover slab as shown in
the drawing. An iron cover made of 5mm thick chequered plate with hinges shall be
provided in the openings. Galvanized M.S. rungs of 20mm diameter at spacing of 300mm
shall be provided in the wall of the shaft below the opening of the RCC slab to facilitate
cleaning of shaft.

A 300mm diameter bore well shall be drilled in the centre of the shaft. The depth of bore
well shall be 5.0 meter more than the depth of the sub soil water.

A 100mm diameter medium duty MS pipe confirming to IS 1161 shall be lowered in the
bore well keeping bail plug towards bottom of bore well. The pipe shall have 1.58mm
holes for 4.0 meter length starting from 1.0 meter from bottom of bore well. Holes of
3.0mm dia. Shall be provided for a length of 2.0 meter starting from the bottom level of
coarse sand and downwards. The overall length of the pipe shall be equal to the total
depth of the bore well plus depth of shaft.

Gravel of size 3mm to 6mm shall be filled around 100 dia MS pipe in the bore well. The
shaft shall be filled with 500mm thick layers each from the bottom of shaft with boulders
of size 50mm to 150mm, gravel of size 5mm to 10mm, coarse sand having particle size
1.5mm to 2.0mm and boulders of size not less than 200mm respectively.

27.0 Fire water Tank: This is a lump-sum item. The contractor shall be required to
complete the work in all respect as per requirement.All the items including excavation,
compaction, brick work, roof truss, corrugated A.C.Sheet roofing, all types of
miscellaneous steel internal and external plastering, painting, etc shall be deemed to be
included in this lump-sum water tank. However the concrete (all types), reinforcement
and the steel embedments(except roof truss & purlins) shall be measured and paid on
lumpsum basis.

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(i) Water shall be made available by Owner (unless stated otherwise elsewhere) at
any feasible point near scope boundary at single point to the contractor.
Contractor shall state the total water requirement both in terms of quantity and
head to the Owner.

(ii) The contractor shall carry out all the external plumbing/erection woks required for
supply of water to the control room building beyond the single point as at (i).

(iii) The contractor shall carry out all the plumbing/erection woks required for supply
of water to fire water tank beyond the single point as at (i).

(iv) A scheme shall be prepared by the contractor indicating the layout and details of
water supply which shall be got approved from the Owner before actual start of
work including all other incidental items not shown or specified but as may be
required for complete performance of the works.

(v) Bore wells and pumps for water supply is not in the scope of contractor.


1. 12mm cement plaster of mix 1:6 (1 cement: 6 fine sand) shall be provided on the
smooth side of internal walls.

2. 6mm cement plaster of mix 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine sand) to all ceiling.

3. 15mm cement plaster of mix 1:6 (1 cement: 6 fine sand) on rough side of single or
half brick wall.

4.12mm thick per-laminated three layer medium density (exterior grade) particle board
Grdel, Type II conforming to IS: 12823 bonded with phenol formaldehyde synthetic
resin, of approved brand and manufacture shall be provided in paneling fixed in
aluminium doors, windows shutters and partition frames with C.P. brass/stainless
steel screws etc. complete as per architectural drawings and directions of engineer-in

5. Dis tempering on all internal walls and ceilings with oil bound washable
distemper of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade (two or more
coats) over and including priming coat with cement primer.

6. Enamel Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and

manufacturer of required colour to give an even shade shall be provided on the steel
glazed doors, windows, ventilators and rolling shutters in various buildings as
specified in drawings. Two or more coats over an under coat of suitable shade with
primer paint of approved brand and manufacture.

7. Two or more coats of French spirit polishing with a coat of wood filler shall be
provided on the wooden doors of Control Room building.

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8. ACDB and DCDB room in Conrtrol Room building and FPH building shall be
provided 52mm thick cement concrete flooring with “Hardcrete” concrete hardener
topping under layer 40mm thick cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement :2 coarse sand : 4
graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) and top layer 12mm thick metallic
concrete hardener consisting of mix 1:2 (1 cement hardener mix:2 stone aggregate
6mm nominal size) by volume with which “Hardcrete” hardening compound of
“Snowcem India Ltd” or equivalent is mixed @ litre “hardcrete” per 50kg of cement
including cement slurry, complete. (In ACDB/DCDB Room and FFPH building only).

9. Cement plaster skirting (up to 15 cm height) with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement:3
coarse sand) mixed with metallic concrete hardener in same ratio as for floor finished
with a floating coat of heat cement. 21 mm thick in ACDB/DCDB room.

10. Floor tiles of Polished porcelain (vitrified) in different sizes with water absorption
less than 1% and flexural strength not less than 30 N/mm2 in all colours and shades,
laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) including grouting
the joints with white cemen5t and matching pigments shall be provided as mentioned
in drawings. Size of Tile shall be 50X50 cm.

11. 1st Quality Ceramic glazed floor tiles (anti-skid) 300 x 300mm (thickness to be
specified by the manufacturer) of 1st quality conforming to IS:13755 of NITCO,
ORIENT, SOMANY, KAJARIA or equivalent shall be provided in toilet/pantry area in
all colour shades as approved by Engg-incharge laid on 20mm thick cement mortar
1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse and) including pointing the joints with white cement and
matching pigment etc complete.

12. 1st quality ceramic glazed tiles confirming to IS:13753 of minimum thickness 5mm
of approved make like NITCO, ORIENT, SOMANY, KAJARIA or equivalent make
shall be provided in toilet/pantry area in all colours shades of any size as approved by
Engg-incharge in dados (height as specified in drawings) over 12mm thick bed of
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement:3 coarse sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry
@3.3kg per sqm including pointing in white cement mixed with pigment of matching
shade complete.

13. 13mm polished granite in cement mortar 1:4, 20mm thick made to a level cut to
size shall be provided and laid as specified in drawings. The joints are filled with
jointing compound matching to the tiles. Wherever granite tiles are specified for the
floor, 100mm granite skirting shall be provided with the walls. The granite outer
surface shall be flushed to the plaster finish of the wall.

14. Granite counter shall be provided and fixed in the pantry with 18mm granite slab
mounted on 75mm RCC slab supported by 115mm brick wall plastered on all sides as
per the drawing. The shelves are made of 18mm thick well cut and polished white
marble slabs. The outer side of the brick wall and the RCC slab visible in the front is
finished with 18mm granite with edges molded on the exposed end. The shutters shall
be finished with 19mm particle finished laminate edge lapping. The shutters are to be
provided with 100mm handless and shutter locks. The inside of the shutter shall be
painted with synthetic enamel paint.

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15. All Brick work shall be with cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement :6 coarse sand). Half
brick work masonry shall be with cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement: 4 coarse sand).
Bricks used shall be of class-75.

16. Anti termite treatment shall be carried out for all buildings.

17. M.S. Rolling shutters as per drawing shall be provided and fixed interlocked
together through their entire length and jointed together at the end by end locks
mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brackets along with ball bearing for
rolling shutter, side guides and arrangements for inside and outside locking with push
& pull operation including the cost of providing and fixing necessary 15.5 cm long wire
springs grade No.2 and M.S. top cover of required thickness for rolling shutters. 80 x
1.25mm M.S. laths with 1.25mm thick top cover.

18. Circular/hexagonal M.S. sheet ceiling fan box shall be provided in the ceiling with
clam p of internal dia. 140mm, 73mm height, 3mm thick rim, top and bottom lid of
1.5mm M.S. sheet. Lids shall be screwed in to M.S. box by means of 3mm round
headed screws, clamps shall be made of 12mm dia M.S bar bent to shape s peer
standard drawing with over all length as 80 cm.

19. Anodised aluminum work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions shall be
provided and fixed in control room building with extruded built up standard tubular and
other sections of approved make conforming to IS: 7333 and IS:1285, anodized
transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS:1868 (Minimum anodic coating
of grade AC 15) fixed with raw plugs and screws or with fixing clips, or with expansion
hold fasteners including necessary filling up of gaps at junctions at top, bottom and
sides with required PVC/neoprene felt etc and joined mechanically wherever required
including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing/paneling, C.P.
brass/stainless steel screws including glazing and fittings as specified.

Shutters of doors, windows and ventilators shall be provided and fixed with
hinges/pivots fittings wherever required including PVC/neoprene gasket.


Shutters bottom section-61.85x37x45.5 WS 1027, 1.058 Kg/mt, side and top

section 61.85X31.75, WS 1029, 0.650 Kg/mt, shutter sections, one side and both side
open 40X18X10 WS 1023, 0.433 Kg/mt, Interlock sections 40X18X26.5X10, WS
1022, 0.530 Kg/mt, with 4 mm plain float glasses, PVC gaskets, Nylon wheels,
Aluminium handles cum locks. Indal/Indal/Hinalco make as per drawing.


Anodised aluminum work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions shall be
provided and fixed in control room building with extruded built up standard tubular and
other sections of approved make conforming to IS: 7333 and IS:1285, anodized
transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS:1868 (Minimum anodic coating
of grade AC 15) fixed with raw plugs and screws or with fixing clips, or with expansion
hold fasteners including necessary filling up of gaps at junctions at top, bottom and
sides with required PVC/neoprene felt etc and joined mechanically wherever required

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including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing/paneling, C.P.
brass/stainless steel screws including glazing and fittings as specified.

Shutters of doors, windows and ventilators shall be provided and fixed with
hinges/pivots fittings wherever required including PVC/neoprene gasket.Anodised
aluminum work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions shall be provided and
fixed in control room building with extruded built up standard tubular and other
sections of approved make conforming to IS: 7333 and IS:1285, anodized transparent
or dyed to required shade according to IS:1868 (Minimum anodic coating of grade AC
15) fixed with raw plugs and screws or with fixing clips, or with expansion hold
fasteners including necessary filling up of gaps at junctions at top, bottom and sides
with required PVC/neoprene felt etc and joined mechanically wherever required
including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing/paneling, C.P.
brass/stainless steel screws including glazing and fittings as specified.

Shutters of doors, windows and ventilators shall be provided and fixed with
hinges/pivots fittings wherever required including PVC/neoprene gasket. with 5.5 mm
plain float glasses and rubber gasket with bottom three feet pre-laminated sheet of
12mm thick of colour grey,ivory Jindal/Indal/Hindalco make as per drawing.


Outer frames 2-1/2 x 1-1/2, 63.5 x 38.10 X 1.5mm, DP 1212, 0.700 Kg/mt, to
work as fixed partition & door with door verticals 44.45 x 47.62 x 1.5mm, DP 2022,
0,.850 Kg/mt, top and center pieces as per drawing.

20. Cement based water proofing treatment of roofs, balconies, terraces etc. shall be
provided with average thickness of 120 mm and minimum thickness at Khurra as 65
mm and laid consisting of following operations:

(a) A slurry coat of neat cement using 2.75 kg/m2 of cement admixed with
proprietary water proofing compounds conforming to IS: 2645 shall be applied and
grouted over the RCC slab including cleaning the surface before treatment.

(b) Plain Cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 Cement : 5 fine sand : 10 burnt brick aggregate
of 40 mm nominal size) admixed with proprietary water proofing compound conforming
to IS:2645 over 20 mm thick layer of cement mortar of min :5 (Cement :5 coarse sand)
admixed with proprietary water proofing compound conforming to IS: 2645 to required
slope an treating similarly the adjoining walls upto 300 mm height including rounding of
junctions of walls and slabs.

(c) After two day of proper curing, a second coat of cement slurry admixed with
proprietary water proofing compound conforming to IS:2645 shall be applied.

(d) The surface shall be finished with 20 mm thick joint less cement mortar of mix 1:4
(1 cement :4 course sand) admixed with proprietary water proofing compound
conforming to IS : 2645 and finally the surface shall be finished with trowel with neat
cement slurry and making of 300 x 300 mm square.

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(e) The whole terrace so finished shall be flooded with water for a minimum period of
two weeks for curing and for final test. All above operations shall be done in order an as
directed and specified by the Engineer-in charge.

21. Unplasticised rigid PVC rain water pipes 110 mm dia shall be provided and fixed
on the wall face conforming to IS : 13592 type A as per drawing including jointing with
seat ring conforming to IS:5382 leaving 10 mm gap for themal expansion single
socketed pipes.

22. Unplasticised PVC Moulded fittings / accessories including 110 mm bend and
110 mm shoes shall be provided and fixed for uplasticised rigid PVC rain water pipes
conforming to IS : 13592 type A including jointing with seat ring conforming to IS : 5382
leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion.

· Unplasticised PVC pipe clips of approved design shallbe provided and fixed to
uplasticised 110 mm PVC rain water pipes by means of 50x50x50 mm hard
wood plugs, screwed with MS screws of required length including cutting brick
work and fixing in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) and making
good the wall etc.

· Double action hydraulic floor spring of approved brand and manufacture IS: 6315
marked “hardwyn” make (model 3000) or equivalent for doors shall be provided
and fixed at the following door including cost of cutting floors as required,
embedding in floors and cover plates with brass pivot and single piece MS sheet
outer box with slide plate etc. as per the direction of Engineer- in charge. With
stainless steel cover plate:

(a) Main Entrance to Control Room Building.

(b) Sub-Station In charge room
(c) Conference Room
(d) Control Room.

· Plinth protection 50 mm thick of cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement :2 coarse sand

: 4 graded stone) aggregate 20 mm nominal size) shall be laid over 75 mm bed
of dry brick ballast 40 mm nominal size well rammed and consolidated and shall
be grouted with fine sand including finishing the top smooth.

· Coloured vitreous china pedestal type water closet (European type) with seat
and lid, 40 mm flush bend, overflow arrangement with specials of standard make
and mosquito proof coupling of approved municipal design including painting of
fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls and floors shall be
provided for all toilets.

· Coloured vitreous china wash basin of size 630 x 450 mm with C.I / M.S brackets
alongwith single 15 mm C.P brass pillar taps, Kingston / Gem / Techno / Parko.
32 mm C.P brass waste of standard pattern, shall be provided and fixed in the
toilets including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the
walls wherever required alongwith C.P brass trap and C.P brass union.

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· All urinals shall be coloured vitreous china flat back half stall urinal of 580
x380x350 mm with 10 litre PVC automatic flushing cistern, Parryware / Hindware
/ Seabird / Orient (Coral) with fittings, standard size C.P. brass flush pipe,
speaders with unions and clamps (all in C.P. brass) with waste fitting as per IS :
2556 C.I. trap with outlet grating and other couplings in C.P brass including
painting of fittings and cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever

· Following fittings shall be provided in all the toilets :

(a) Toilet paper roll holder.

(b) Double type coat & hat hooks with flanges, fixed to wall / shutter, etc. with
necessary screws, washers & plugs.

(c) CP / PP liquid soap holder of approved make fixed with each wash basin to the wall
with necessary CP / PP brackets, CP screws, washers, plugs etc.

(d) 100 mm dia vitreous chinaware half round channel of approved make fixed to
correct grade, level, opening for floor trap below urinals set in CM 1:3 & pointed using
white cement etc.

(e) CP brass bid cock 15 mm nominal bore of approved quality conforming to IS :


(f) CP brass angle valve of 15 mm nominal bore provided and fixed in position for
basin and cistern points of approved quality conforming IS : 8931.

(g) Best quality marble partition slab provided and fixed in position for urinals, of size
610 x 1150 mm, 20 mm thick, polished on both sides & machine cut, exposed corners
rounded etc.

(h) Towel rail of approved make of 600 mm length, 25 mm dia with a pair of brackets
or flanges provided and fixed to wall beside each wash basin / set of wash basin with
necessary screws, plugs, etc.

(i) 6 mm thick beveled edge mirror 1000 x 600 mm shall be provided and fixed
mounted on 12 mm thick water proof plywood backing and hardwood beading all-
round and mirror fixed to the backing with 4 Nos. of CP cap screws & washers,
including fixing the mirror to the wall with necessary screws, plugs & washers etc, with
each wash basin.

(j) Salem Stainless steel A ISI 304 (18/8) Kitchen sink of 510 x 1040 mm Bowl depth
178 mm with drain board shall be provided and fixed as per IS: 13983 with C.I.
Brackets and stainless steel plug 40 mm including painting of fittings and brackets,
cutting and making good the wall.

23) GI Pipe work for Internal and External works:

i) All concealed GI pipe shall be painted with anticorrosive bitumastic paint

including cutting of chases and making good the wall.

VOL-II (TS) E6-CIVIL WORKS- Page 62 of 84

ii) All exposed GI pipes and fittings shall be painted with synthetic enamel paint of
desired shade over a ready mixed priming coat, both of approved quality for new

iii) Wherever GI pipe are buried the same shall be provided and laid in position
including trenching sand cushion and refilling, painted with anticorrosive bitumastic
paint etc.

iv) Gun metal ball valve with operating levers, non-return valves conforming to IS
specification shall be provided and fixed in position as per drawing or direction of

24) Masonry chamber for sluice valve shall be 600x600mm size in plan and depth
750mm, or matching with the site condition inside with 50 class designation brick
work in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement :5 fine sand) with CI surface box 100mm.
Top diameter, 160mm bottom dia and 180mm deep (inside) with chained lid and
RCC top slab 1:2 :4 mix (1 cement :2 coarse sand: 4 graded stone aggregate 20
mm nominal size) necessary excavation foundation concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement:5
fine sand :10 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) and inside plastering
with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick finished with a
floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard design with FPS bricks of
class 75.

25) Polyethylene water storage tanks (2 nos. of 2000 litres capacity each) shall be
provided and placed on roof of control room building of approved brand and
manufacturer with cover and suitable locking arrangement, float value and making
necessary holes for inlet, outlet and overflow pipes.

26) PVC floor traps of self cleansing design shall be provided & fixed in position with
outlet size of 75mm diameter of approved make, including making connection with
PVC soil/waste pipes using rubber gaskets, embedding the trap in 150mm thick
PCC 1:2:4, providing & fixing of top tile & strainer of CP or PVC on top of the trap

27) Square-mouth SW gully trap grade “A” 100x100mm size P type with FPS Bricks
class designation 75 shall be provided and fixed complete with CI grating brick
masonry chamber with water tight C.I. cover with frame of 300x300mm size
(inside) the weight of cover to be not less than 4.5 Kg and frame to be not less
than 2.70 Kg as per standard design.

28) Glazed stoneware pipes of 150mm diameter grade ‘A’ shall be provided, laid and
jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:1 (1 cement: 1 fine
sand) including testing of joints etc. complete.

29) Cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement:3 coarse sand:6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm
nominal size) shall be provided and laid around S.W. pipes including bed concrete.

30) Brick masonry manhole shall be constructed in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement:4
coarse sand) RCC top slab with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement:2 coarse sand: 4 graded
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) foundation concrete 1:4:8 mix (1 cement:4
coarse sand:8 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) inside plastering

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12mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement:3 coarse sand) finished with floating
cot of neat cement and making channels in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement:2
coarse sand:4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) finished with a floating
coat of neat cement complete3 as per standard design.

a) Inside size shall be 90 x 80 cm and 60 cm deep including CI cover with frame (light
duty) 455 x 610 mm internal dimensions total weight of cover and frame shall not
be less than 38 kg (weight of cover 23 kg and weight of frame 15 kg) and shall be
constructed with F.P.S. bricks with class designation 75.

b) Inside size shall be 120 x 90 cm and 90 cm or more deep including CI cover

with frame (medium duty) 500 mm internal diameter total weight of cover and
frame to be not less than 116 kg (weight of cover 58 Kg and weight of frame 58
kg0 with FPS Bricks class designation 75.

31) MS foot of 20 x 20 mm square rests shall be provided and fixed in manholes with
20 x20 x10 cm cement concrete blocks 1:3:6 ( cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded
stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) as per standard design.

32) Steel glazed doors, windows and ventilators of standard rolled steel section shall
be provided and fixed in FFPH building, joints mitred and welded with 15 x 3 mm
lugs, 10cm long, embedded in cement concrete blocks 10 x 10 x 10 cm of 1:3:6
(1 cement 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size0 or
with wooden plugs and screws or rawls plus and screws or with fixing clips or
with bolts and nuts as required, including providing and fixing of glass panes with
glazing clips and special metal sash putty of approved make complete including
applying a priming coat of approved steel primer, necessary hinges or pivots as
33) Pressed steel door frames manufactured from commercial mild steel sheet fo
1.25 mm thickness shall be provided and fixed in FFPH building including hinges
jamb, lock jamb, bead and if required angle threshold of mild steel angle of
section 50x 25 mm or base ties of 1.25 mm pressed mild steel welded or rigidly
mixed together by mechanical means, adjustable lugs with split end tail to each
jamb including steel butt hinges 2.5 mm thick with mortar guards, lock strike-plate
and shock absorbers as specified and applying a coat of approved steel primer
after pre-treatment of the surface as directed by Engineer-in-charge.

34) Asbestos cement 6 mm thick corrugated sheets roofing shall be provided and
fixed with G, I, J or L hooks, blots and nuts 8 mm diameter G, I plain and bitumen
washers complete excluding the cost of purlins, rafters and trusses for water


(a) Earthwork
This shall include excavation in all kinds of soil including rock, all leads and lifts
including back filling, compacting, de-watering (if required) and disposal of surplus earth
to a suitable location. The quantity of excavation for foundations of towers, equipment
structures, all transformers, rail-cum-road, firewall, cable trenches, water tank, reactors
and buildings shall only be measured. The quantity of excavation for roads, drains,
rainwater harvesting, septic tank, soak pit, external water supply system, site surfacing

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(graveling), chain link fencing (including gate0 shall not be measured separately and
shall be deemed to be included in the composite rates quoted by the bidder for the
respective works. All other excavation required for the completion of the work including
fixing of lamp posts, plinth protection, flooring sewerage system, manholes, popes,
earthmat etc. shall also not be paid for. The measurement of excavation of all concrete
works shall be made considering dimension of the pit leaving 150 mm gap around the
base pad (lean concrete) or actually excavated pit, whichever is less. The quantity shall
be measured in cubic meters.

(b) PCC
Providing and laying Plain Cement Concrete of all types and at all locations
including all leads and lifts. The quantity shall be measured in cubic meters as per lines
and levels indicated in the drawings.
(i) PCC 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 sand : 4 coarse aggregate 20 mm nominal size) shall be
measured in flooring of buildings, plinth protection, fencing, transformer foundation,
reactor foundation , rail track, drain, culverts, septic tank, chain link fencing, gate
etc. as indicated in the drawings.
(ii) PCC 1:4:8 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 stone aggregate, 40 mm nominal size)
shall be measured below all foundations of buildings, cable trench, roads, under
flooring, rail-cum-road, transformer foundation, reactor foundation, drain, water
tank, culverts, gate etc. as indicated in the drawings.
(iii) All other PCC required for the completion of the work including hold fasts of
doors / windows / rolling shutters, fixing of plumbing pipes, bedding concrete for
sewer lines, embedment of electrical conduits etc. shall not be measured and
deemed included in the composite rates quoted by the bidder for respective
works. Water proofing compound wherever specified shall be added without any
extra cost.

(c) RCC
Measurement of reinforced cement concrete at all locations shall be made and
shall include all leads, lifts, formwork, grouting of pockets and underpinning, (but shall
exclude reinforcement) of mix 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3 stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size). This shall also include pre-cast RCC work and addition of water
proofing compound wherever required for which no additional payment shall be made.
The quantity shall be measured in cubic meters as per lines and levels indicated in the
drawings. No deduction shall be made for volume occupied by reinforcement / inserts
sleeves and for openings having cross-sectional area up to 0.1 sq.m.

(d) Steel Reinforcement

Reinforcement shall be measured in length (actual of theoretical as per drawing
whichever is less) including hooks, if any, separately for different diameters as actually
used in work, excluding overlaps. From the length so measured, the weight of
reinforcement shall be calculated in tones on the basis of sectional weights as adopted
by Indian Standards. Wastage, overlaps, couplings, welded joints, spacer bars, chairs,
stays, hangers and annealed steel wire or other methods for binding and placing shall
not be measured and cost of these items shall be deemed to be included in the rates for

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(e) Stone filling
Measurement of stone (40mm nominal size) for transformer foundations shall be
made as per theoretical volume of the space to be filled in the transformer foundation as
per drawings. This shall be measured in cu.m.

1.1 Miscellaneous structural steel.

Measurement for Supply, fabrication, transportation and erection of all
miscellaneous structural steel work for mono rails (RS joists), rails for transformers/
reactors, trusses, frame work, purlins, gratings, steel tubes, built up sections along with
all other steel fittings and fixtures, inserts and embedment in concrete shall be made as
per drawings. The unit rate for this item shall be inclusive of cutting, grinding, drilling,
bolting, welding, pre-heating of the welded joints, applying a priming coat of steel primer
and anti corrosive bitumastic paint/ synthetic enamel paint etc. (wherever specified),
setting of all types of embedment in concrete, etc. steel required for foundation bolts,
nuts and bolt, doors, windows, ventilators, louvers, rolling shutters, chain link fencing,
gratings in drains, soil pipes, plumbing pipes, floor traps, embedments required for
rainwater harvesting, septic tank, soak pit, roof truss and purloins required for fire water
tank, etc. shall not be considered for payment and measurement.

Quantity shall be measured in Kg.

1.2 Roads
The measurement for the concrete roads shall be measured on LOT basis along
with the entire line of the road and shall include all items such as excavation,
compaction, rolling, watering, WBM, Kerb stone, grating, inter locking tiles etc. complete
as per drawing but excluding concrete and reinforcement.

The measurement of bituminous road shall be measured on LOT basis along the
center line of the road and shall include all items such as excavation, compaction,
rolling, watering, sub case course, WBM, Bitumen, pre mix carpet complete as per

1.3 Drain
The measurement of drains shall be measured on LOT basis along the center
line of the drain and shall include excavation, compaction, brickwork, plastering, grating,
weep holes etc. complete as per drawing but excluding concrete.

(f) Antiweed Treatment and Stone Spreading

The measurement shall be done on LOT basis for the actual area in square
meters of stone spreading provided in the switchyard and shall include anti weed
treatment including material and providing and spreading of 100mm thickness of
uncrushed/crushed/broken stone of 40mm nominal size as per the specification for the
specified area.

(g) Chain Link Fencing and gate.

The measurement shall be made in running meters of the fence provided as per
drawing. The rate shall be including the post, fencing, MS Flat etc. complete but
excluding the concrete. The gate shall be measured in numbers.

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(h) Fire Fighting Pump House
This is lump sum item, Contractor has to assess the quantity as per drawings of
control room cum administrative building, Fire Fighting Pump House and quote for the
same for each building separately. This shall include following items.

1) External plastering: 18 mm cement plaster of mix: 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand)

including all grooves as specified.
2) Providing and applying two or more coats of Novakote exterior flat paint over an
under coat of suitable pliolite based primer nova prime on new cement plaster
surfaces of the buildings inclusive of required tools, scaffolding, materials and other
painting accessories etc. as per recommendations of manufacturer.
(i) Hume Pipe

Hume pipe shall be measured diameter-wise and laid as per the drawings and shall be
measured in running metres. The item shall be inclusive of excavation, laying, back
filling, jointing etc. excluding concrete and reinforcement (if any).
(j) Building.
This is a lump sum item for each building. However, the quantity of excavation,
concrete, reinforcement below the plinth level shall be measured as per described
above. Quantity of concrete and reinforcement above the plinth level of the buildings
shall be measured and paid under item mentioned above respectively. External finishing
shall be measured and paid as mentioned in the BPS. The rest of the entire work
required to complete the building in all respect as per the drawings furnished by the
Owner shall be deemed to be included in this lump sum rate.

(k) Rain Water Harvesting:

This is a lump sum item. The contractor shall be required to complete the work in
all respect as per drawings furnished by the Owner. All the items including excavation,
miscellaneous steel, bricks work, fillings of boulders, gravel, sand, pipe etc. shall be
deemed to be included in this lump sum rate. However, the concrete (all types) and the
reinforcement shall be measured and paid under the item mentioned above.
(l) Septic Tank and Soak Pit.
This is a lump sum item. The contractor shall be required to complete the work in
all respect as per drawings furnished by the Owner. All the items including excavation,
masonary work, all types of fillings all types of pipes including plumbing and vent pipes,
all type of fittings etc. shall be deemed to be included in this lump sum rate. However,
the concrete (all types) and the reinforcement shall be measured and paid under the
item mentioned above.
(m) Fire Water Tank.
This is a lump sum item. The contractor shall be required to complete the work in
all respect as per drawings furnished by the Owner. All the items including excavation,
compaction, brick work, roof truss, corrugated AC Sheet roofing, all types of
miscellaneous steel, internal and external plastering, painting etc. shall be deemed to be
included in this lump sum cost. However, the concrete (all types), reinforcement and the
steel embodiments (except roof truss and puirlins) shall be measured and paid under the
item mentioned above.
(n) External water supply from Bore-well to Fire water tank.
The external water supply from Bore-well shall be on LOT basis. It shall include
all the items such as excavation, piping, fittings, painting, brick work, sand filling,
concrete, valves, chambers cutting chases in walls, openings in RCC and repairs etc.
required to complete the job.

VOL-II (TS) E6-CIVIL WORKS- Page 67 of 84

(a) Dense concrete with controlled water cement ratio as per IS-code shall be used for
all underground concrete structures such as pump-house, tanks, water retaining
structures, cable and pipe trenches etc. for achieving water-tightness.
(b) All joints including construction and expansion joints for the water retaining structures
shall be made water tight by using PVC ribbed water stops with central bulb. However,
kicker type (externally placed) PVC water stops shall be used for the base slab and in
other areas where it is required to facilitate concreting. The minimum thickness of PVC
water stops shall be 5 mm and minimum width shall be 1230 mm.
(c) All mild steel parts used in the water retaining structures shall be hot-double dip
galvanized. The minimum coating of the zinc shall be 750 gm/sq.m. for galvanized
structures and shall comply with IS:2629 and IS:2633. Galvanizing shall be checked and
tested in accordance with IS:2633. The galvanizing shall be followed by the application
of an etching primer and dipping in black bitumen in accordance with BS:3416.
(d) Bricks having minimum 75 kg/cm2 compressive strength can only be used for
masonry work. Contractor shall ascertain himself at site regarding the availability of
bricks of minimum 75 kg/cm2 compressive strength before submitting his offer.
(e) Angles 50x50x5 mm (minimum) with lugs shall be provided for edge protection all
round cut outs/openings in floor slab, edges of drains supporting grating covers, edges
of RCC cable/pipe trenches supporting covers, edges of manholes supporting covers,
supporting edges of manhole precast cover and any other place where breakage of
comers of concrete is expected.
(f) Anti termite chemical treatment shall be given to column pits, wall trenches,
foundations of buildings, filling below the floors etc. as per IS:6313 and other relevant
Indian Standards.
(g) For all civil works overed under this specification, nominal mix byu volume batching
as per CPWD specification is intended. The relationship of grade of concrete and ratio of
ingredients shall be below:

Nom Cement Sand Coarse aggregate of 20mm

Mix. down grade as per IS: 383
1. M 10 1 3 6
2. M 15 1 2 4
3. M 20 1 1.5 3

(h) The material specification, workmanship and acceptance criteria shall be as per
relevant clauses of CPWD specification and approved standard Field Quality Plan,.
Items/components of buildings not explicitly covered in the specification but required for
completion of the project shall be deemed to be included in the scope.

The proper coordination & execution of all interfacing civil works activities like
fixing of conduits in roofs/walls/floors, fixing of foundation bolts, fixing of lighting fixtures,
fixing of supports/embedment, provision of cut cuts etc. shall be the sole responsibility of
the Contractor. He shall plan all such activities in advance and execute in such a manner
that interfacing activities do not become bottlenecks and dismantling, breakage etc is
reduced to minimum.

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* Contractor shall comply with all the applicable statutory rules pertaining to factories act
(as applicable for the State). Fire safety Rules of Tariff Advisory Committee. Water Act
for pollution control etc.

* Statutory clearance and norms of State Pollution Control Board shall be followed as
per Water Act for effluent quality from plant.
* Requirement of sulphate resistant cement (SRC) for sub structural works shall be
decided in accordance with the Indian Standards based on the findings of the detailed
soil investigation.
* All building/construction materials shall conform to the best quality specified in CPWD
specifications if not otherwise mentioned in this specification.
* All tests as required in the standard field quality plans have to be carried out.





Sl. Component/Operation Sampling Ref. Testing Remarks Check

No. & Description of Test Plan with Document & Agency.
basis acceptance
I) Fineness One sample IS:456, Manufact Review of
ii) Compressive Strength per lot of 100 IS:269,IS:81l urer/ As manufacturers
iii) Initial & final setting time MTR or part 2IS:12269, per test certificates
iv) Soundness thereof from IS:1489 & OPTCL (MTCs) and
v) Heat of Hydration for low each source OPTCL approved laboratory test
heat cement (Not for MTCs and specification. lab. results by
applicable for OPC & one sample OPTCL
PPC) per lot of 200
MT or part
thereof from
each source
for site

vi) Chemical Composition of One sample IS:456, Review of

Cement. per lot of 100 IS:269,IS:81 manufacturers
MT or part 12 IS:1489 & Manufact test certificates
thereof from OPTCL urer by OPTCL
each for specification.
MTCs ,

VOL-II (TS) E6-CIVIL WORKS- Page 69 of 84

I) Determination of Particle One sample IS:383, OPTCL Each source to
size (Sieve Analysis) per lot of 100 IS:2386 and approved be approved
ii) Flakiness Index cubic meter or OPTCL lab. by OPTCL
iii) Crushing Value part thereof specification However, Review and
iv) Specific Gravity* from each Moisture acceptance of
v) Bulk Density* source for content test result by
vi) Absorption Value* each size. test for OPTCL.
vii) Moisture Content* design
viii) Soundness of mix
ix) Aggregate** concrete
Presence of deleterious shall be
materials. done on
all day of
* Applicable Design ** Applicable concretin
concretes only to concrete g at site.
work subject
to frost action.
I) Gradation/Determination One sample IS:383,IS:23 OPTCL Each source to
of particle size (Sieve per lot of 100 86, IS:456 approved be approved
ii) Analysis) cubic meter or and OPTCL lab. by OPTCL
iii) Specific Gravity and part thereof specification However, Review and
iv) density from each Moisture acceptance of
v) Moisture content source content test result by
vi) Absorption Value test for OPTCL.
vii) Bulking design
Silt Content Test mix
Presence of deleterious concrete
materials. shall be
done on
all days of
g at site.
i) Dimension tolerance OPTCL OPTCL Approved by
ii) Compressible Strength Specification. approved OPTCL
iii) Water Absorption Lab.
iv) Efflorescence
i) Cleanliness Random IS:456, Contracto Each source to
(Visual Check) IS:3025 and r. be approved
The water
used for
shall be
fresh, clean
and free from
oil, acids and
materials, or

VOL-II (TS) E6-CIVIL WORKS- Page 70 of 84

Chemical & Physical One sample deleterious Approved by
properties of water for per source materials. Contracto OPTCL
checking its suitability for r/ OPTCL
construction purposes IS:456, Approved
* Applicable to design IS:3025 &
mix concrete only. OPTCL


(Quality Assurance & Inspection Deptt.)
Sl. Component/Operation & Sampling Plan Ref. Testing Remarks Check
No. Description of Test with basis Document & Agency
acceptance .
I) Identification & size Random IS:432, Contract Approved
IS:1139, or by
IS:1786 & OPTCL
ii) Chemical Analysis test One sample per Specification.
heat. IS:432, Manufac Review of
IS:1139, turer manufact
IS:1786 urers test
OPTCL certificate
iii) Tensile Test One sample per Specification. by
lot of 40MT or part IS:432, OPTCL
iv) Yield stress/proof stress thereof for each IS:1139,
size of steel IS:1786 Manufac Review of
v) Percentage Elongation conforming to OPTCL turers/ manufact
IS:1139 and 5 MT Specification. OPTCL urers test
or part thereof for approve certificate
HDS wire for each d Lab. s as well
size of steel as per as lab.
IS:432. For steel Test
as per IS:1786 results by
under 10mm 1 OPTCL
sample for each
25 MT or part
thereof. 20 mm-16
mm I sample for
each 35 MT or
part thereof. Over
16mm 1 sample
for each 45 MT or
part thereof.

VOL-II (TS) E6-CIVIL WORKS- Page 71 of 84

One sample per
lot of 20MT or part
thereof for each
size of steel as per
IS:432, IS:1139.
For steel as per
vi) Bent/re-bend Test IS:1786 under IS:432,
10mm-16mm 1 IS:1139, Manufac Review of
sample for each IS:1786 turers/ manufact
25MT or part OPTCL OPTCL urers test
thereof 10mm- Specification. certificate
16mm 1 sample s as well
for each 45 Mt or as lab.
part thereof. Test
results by
One sample per OPTCL
lot of 5MT or part
vii) Reverse Bend Test for thereof for each IS:432, Manufac Review of
HDS wire. size. IS:1139, turers/ manufact
IS:1786 OPTCL urers test
OPTCL approve certificate
Specification. d Lab. s as well
as lab.
results by

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........................................................................................................................... 1


GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 3
0.1 Design of structures .................................................................................................................. 3
0.2 Conductor spacing and clearances ............................................................................................. 3
0.3 Applied loads ............................................................................................................................ 3
0.3.1 Wind loads........................................................................................................................ 3
0.3.2 Vertical loads .................................................................................................................... 3
0.4 Electro mechanical loads .......................................................................................................... 4
0.5 Construction ............................................................................................................................. 4
0.6 Material .................................................................................................................................... 4

1. 0 SUPPORT STRUCTURES OF SWITCHYARD .................................................... 5

1.1 General ..................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Design requirements ................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Design drawings, bill of materials and documents. .................................................................... 6
1.4 Fabrication of steel ................................................................................................................... 7
1.5 Assembly ................................................................................................................................. 7
1.5.1 General ............................................................................................................................. 7
1.5.2 Bolting ............................................................................................................................. 7
1.5.3 Welding ............................................................................................................................ 7
1.6 Foundation bolts ................................................................................................................... 8
1.7 Stub setting .............................................................................................................................. 8
1.8 Stability of structure ............................................................................................................... 8
1.9 Grouting ................................................................................................................................. 8
1.10 Galvanising............................................................................................................................ 8
1.11 Painting ................................................................................................................................. 9

2. 0 INSPECTION BEFORE DESPATCH .................................................................. 9

2.1 Testing and inspection............................................................................................................ 9
2.2 Despatch, handling and storage. ............................................................................................. 9
2.3 Test certificate. .................................................................................................................... 9

3. 0 ERECTION. .......................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Safety precautions. ................................................................................................................ 10
3.2 Fire protection to steelwork. .................................................................................................. 10


4. 0 WIDTH AND HEIGHT OF THE BUS AT SUB-STATION ................................... 10


1.1 Design of structures

Substation structures shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of IS 802. The wind
pressures for the substation sites shall be as per data in schedules and wind pressure map of the State of
Structures shall be designed to carry the equipment and associated connections, insulator sets, earth
conductors and all fittings under all specified conditions of service of operation and loading.
The substation gantry structures shall be designed to carry the down lead spans and the Contractor shall
be provided with the details and location of the terminal tower and the type of conductor used on the
overhead line in order to do so. All structures intended to carry equipment or materials on more than
one side of the structure shall be designed to cater for all possible stages of equipment erection,
installation and maintenance. The substation gantry structures shall be designed to terminate the
overhead line down lead spans which may enter ±30 degrees horizontally and ±15 degrees vertically.

1.2 Conductor spacing and clearances

Structures shall be dimensioned to maintain the specified minimum phase to earth, phase to phase and
insulation height clearances under conditions of maximum conductor swing and sag. The spacing
between individual phase conductors, and the clearance between clamps, arcing horns, jumper loops or
other live metal and the structure steelwork and other obstacles, under all specified conditions of
temperature and loading shall not be less than the specified values.

1.3 Applied loads

The assumed maximum simultaneous loadings on the substation structures shall be as follows—
1.3.1 Wind loads
The normal wind load shall be given by the wind pressure, as stated in the Schedules, acting on the
whole projected area of the phase and earth conductors and, where applicable, the horizontal resultant
of the maximum line and earth conductor tensions, together with the wind pressure, as stated in the
Schedules, on 1.5 times the projected area of the members of one face of the structure plus the projected
area of the plant being supported.
1.3.2 Vertical loads
The normal vertical load shall be the mass of the line and earth conductors, insulators, the plant item,
insulator fittings, earth conductor fittings, spacers, line traps and ancillary apparatus where applicable.
For the overhead line terminating span it shall be assumed that the mass of the conductors and earth
wires shall include the actual total mass of the down lead span.

1.4 Electro mechanical loads

Electro dynamic forces due to short circuit conditions, snatch forces, aeolin vibration and other similar
loads shall be computed and applied for design of structures. The different mechanical effects due to
short circuit current etc. shall be estimated as per IEC 865 and CIGRE guide line No. 7

1.5 Construction
The structures shall be of an approved design and construction. All stressed members (tension and
compression) of steel structures shall consist of rolled steel sections unless otherwise approved.
The material used for the members shall not be less than 6 mm thick except for unstressed members
where the thickness may be reduced to 4 mm.
No bolt hole shall be more than 1.5 mm larger than the corresponding bolt diameter. As far as possible,
bolt heads, rather than nuts, shall be on the outer or upper faces of structure connections.


To facilitate inspection and maintenance, all tall structures shall be provided with step bolts and ladders
complete with hoops. Handrails, screens, guards and other appropriate facilities shall also be provided.
Where the structure is to terminate overhead transmission lines supplied under another contract,
suitable provisions shall be made to accept the transmission line insulator fittings and earth conductor
Means shall be provided for fixing and bonding GI flat strip to the steelwork at a minimum of two
points. Earth connections shall be made to a vertical face, clear of the ground. Foundation bolts shall
not be used for their attachment. GI flats for earth connections, bolts, nuts washers etc.. shall be
included in the structures.
Gantry type structures which support more than one three phase circuit shall have suitable interbay
screens installed to prevent access along the beam from a dead to an energised circuit. The location of
the screens shall be agreed with the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).

1.6 Material
All rolled steel sections, flats, plates and bolt and nut bars used shall consist of steel manufactured by
an approved process and shall be to the requirements of ISO 630 (minimum yield strength 255 N/mm2).
The steel shall be free from blisters, scales, laminations and other defects. Steel sections shall
preferably be British Standard or metric standard sections chosen with a view to avoiding delays in
obtaining material.
All members shall be cut to jig and all holes shall be drilled or punched to jig. All parts shall be
carefully cut and holes accurately located so that when the members are in position the holes will be
truly opposite to each other before being bolted up. Drifting or reaming of holes will not be allowed.
Built members shall, when finished, be true and free from all kinks, twists and open joints, and the
material shall not be defective or strained in any way.
If the structures are fabricated or galvanised by subcontractors, the Contractor shall, if required by the
Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.), provide a resident inspector at the works of each subcontractor
during the time that the steelwork is being fabricated or galvanised.
All bolts and screwed rods shall be galvanised, including the threaded portions; all nuts shall be
galvanised with the exception of the threads, which shall be oiled.
Except where specified to the contrary, all iron and steel used in the construction of the Contract works
shall be galvanised after all sawing, shearing, drilling, punching, filing, bending and machining are
Galvanising of all material shall be in accordance with the requirements of this Specification. The
preparation for galvanising and the galvanising itself shall not adversely affect the mechanical
properties of the coated material.
Sheradizing or other similar process shall not be used.


2.1 General
The scope of works covers design, fabrication, proto -assembly, supply and erection of galvanised steel
structure for portals (columns, girders), lightning masts and equipment support structures.
Portals (columns, girders), lightning masts, and equipment support structures shall be lattice type
structures fabricated from structural steel conforming to IS 226/2062. The design of all support
structures for 220kV, 132kV and 33kV equipment. The column and beam and lightning cum lighting
mast of 400 KV side shall be of lattice type. The equipment support structure for 400 KV shall be GI
Tubular pipe of adequate height and strength confirming to the latest IS. All the structural materials are
within the scope of the Contractor. The use of GI pipes conforming to IS 806 to support certain
equipment will also be considered. However approval of the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) should
be obtained for the same before commencement of detailed design.


It is the intent of the Employer to provide structures which allow interchangeability of equipment at a
later stage. Keeping this in view, the height of all the structures must be maintained as per approved
drawings. It is stressed that the Contractor has to provide minimum steel sections as per the standard
drawings. However, if a higher section is required from design point of view the same shall be
acceptable. Additional structures called stools shall be connected to the equipment and the bottom of
the stool shall be connected to the support structure where required.
The scope shall include the supply of all types of bolts, nuts, hangers, shackles, clamps, anticlimbing
devices, bird guards, climbing systems, inserts in concrete, gusset plates, equipment mounting bolts,
structure earthing bolts, foundation bolts, spring washers, fixing plates, angles and bolts for structure
mounted or ground mounted marshalling boxes (ACDC marshalling box and equipment control
cabinets), and any other items as required to complete the works.
The connection of all structures to their foundations shall be by base plates and embedded anchor and
foundation bolts. All steel structures and anchor or foundation bolts shall be fully galvanised. The
weight of the zinc coating shall in accordance with this Specification. One additional nut shall be
provided below the base plate which may be used for the purpose of levelling.

2.2 Design requirements

The minimum bolt diameter shall be 16 mm.
In order to facilitate inspection and maintenance, the structures shall be provided with climbing devices.
Each substation gantry structure shall be provided with step bolts not less than 16mm diameter and
175mm long spaced not more than 450mm apart, staggered on faces of one leg extending from about
2.5 metres above ground level to the top of the tower. The step bolts shall conform to IS 10238.
Ladders on lighting masts and other tall structures shall be provided with safety guards.
All structures shall be designed for the worst combination of dead loads, live loads, wind loads as per
code IS 802, seismic forces as per code IS 1893, loads due to deviation of conductor, load due to
unbalanced tension in conductor, torsional load due to unbalanced vertical and horizontal forces,
erection loads, short circuit forces including 'snatch' in the case of bundled conductors etc. Short circuit
forces shall be calculated considering a fault level of 40kA. IEC 865 and CIGRE Guide No. 7 may be
followed to estimate the various forces of conductor for structural design.
Substation gantry structures shall be designed in accordance with IS 802 for the three conditions i.e.
normal conditions, three conductors on one side broken, and broken wire condition and short circuit
force. The design of all structures shall be based on the condition where stringing is done only on one
side i.e. all the three (phase) conductors broken on the other side.
A factor of safety of 2.0 under normal and broken wire conditions and 1.5 under combined short circuit
and broken wire conditions shall be considered for the design of switch yard structures. For purpose of
design 110% of static tension pull and transverse reaction on the gantries as calculated for each span
shall be considered.
Vertical load of half the span of conductors/string and the earth wires on either side of the beam shall be
taken into account for the purpose of design. The weight of a man with tools shall be considered as 150
kg for the design of structures.
Torsional effect on towers and beams due to unbalanced forces may be taken care of as per American
Code DS-10.
Terminal line take off gantries shall be designed for a minimum conductor tension of four metric
tonnes per phase for 400kV and two metric tonnes per phase for 220kV & 132 kV. The distance
between terminal gantry and dead end tower shall be taken as 200 metres. The design of these terminal
gantries shall also be checked considering ± 30 degree horizontal and ± 15 degree vertical deviation of
conductor. The transmission line conductors would be either single ACSR conductor per phase on AC
side for all lines except for 400kV. For 400kV the line side conductor shall be twin ACSR.
The girders shall be connected with lattice columns by bolted joints.
All pipe supports used for supporting equipment shall be designed for the worst combination of dead
loads, erection load, wind load, seismic forces, short circuit forces and operating forces acting on the
equipment and associated busbars as per IS 806 and IS 1161. Minimum sections for 400kV, 220kV


and 132kV & 33kV structures shall be as per standard drawings approved by the Engg Incharge
(Divisional Engr.). However, the Contractor can increase the sections if required. The height of the
structures shall be as per standard drawings.
If lighting fittings are proposed to be fixed on gantries or towers, the proper loading for these shall be
considered in the design. Holes for fixing the brackets for lighting fittings should be provided wherever
Foundation bolts and stubs shall be designed for the loads for which the structures are designed.
Lightning masts shall be designed as per IS 802 for diagonal wind condition for a height of 47.5 m for
lattice structures and 2.5m for MS pipe with conical head at top.
Lightning masts shall be provided with a structural steel ladder within its base up to a height of 25
metres. The ladder shall be provided with protection rings. Two platforms shall be provided one each
at 12.5m and 25m height for mounting of lighting fittings. The platforms shall also have protection

2.3 Design drawings, bill of materials and documents.

The fabrication drawings to be prepared and furnished by the Contractor shall be based on the design
approved by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). These fabrications drawings shall indicate complete
details of fabrication and erection including all erection splicing details and typical fabrication splicing
details, lacing details, weld sizes and lengths, bill of materials in the proforma approved by the Engg
Incharge (Divisional Engr.), bolt details and all customary details in accordance with standard structural
engineering practice whether or not given by the Contractor.
Fabrication work shall start only after the final approval of the design and fabrication drawings is
accorded by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).
Such approval shall, however, not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the safety of the
structure and good connections. Any loss or damage occurring due to defective fabrication, design, or
workmanship shall be borne by the Contractor.

2.4 Fabrication of steel

The Contractor shall bear all the expenditure at all stages on account of loading and unloading,
transportation and other miscellaneous expenses and losses and damages for all materials up to the
fabrication yard/shop and thereafter to the erection site including all other expenses till the erection of
work has been completed and accepted. His unit rates shall be deemed to be inclusive of all such
incidental expenses and no extra shall be payable on any account in this regard.
The fabrication and erection works shall be carried out generally in accordance with IS 802. A
reference however may be made to IS 800, in case of non stipulation of some particular provision in IS
802. All materials shall be completely shop fabricated and finished with proper connection material
and erection marks for ready assembly in the field.

2.5 Assembly
2.5.1 General
The component parts shall be assembled in such a manner that they are neither twisted nor otherwise
damaged and shall be so prepared that the specified camber, if any, is provided. In order to minimise
distortion in members the component parts shall be positioned by using clamps, clips, dogs, jigs and
other suitable means. Fasteners (bolts and welds) shall be placed in a balanced pattern if the individual
components are to be bolted, paralleled and tapered.
Sample towers, beams and lightning mast shall be trial assembled keeping in view the actual site
conditions, before erection in the fabrication shop and shall be inspected and approved by Engg
Incharge (Divisional Engr.) before mass fabrication. Necessary erection marks shall be made on these
components in the shop before disassembly and despatching.


2.5.2 Bolting
Every bolt shall be provided with a washer under the nut so that no part of the threaded portion of the
bolt is within the thickness of the parts bolted together.
· All steel items, bolts, nuts and washers shall be hot dip galvanised.
· 2.0% extra nuts and bolts shall be supplied for erection.
2.5.3 Welding
The works shall be done in accordance with the General Technical Clauses (TS-GTC) and as per
approved fabrication drawing which shall clearly indicate various details such as joints to be welded,
type of weld, length and size of weld, and whether shop or site welded. Symbols for welding on
erection and shop drawings shall be according to IS 813. Efforts shall be made to reduce site welding
so as to avoid improper welding due to constructional difficulties.
Those welds which are considered to be critical to the design and the integrity of the construction of the
structure shall be subject to radiographic inspection.
The Contractor shall carry out non- destructive testing of all butt welds subject to tensile stresses.
Testing shall be carried out in the fabrication shop or on site as the case may be.
Unless otherwise approved, non- destructive testing shall be by radiographic examination.

2.6 Foundation bolts

Foundation bolts for the towers and equipment supporting structures and elsewhere shall be embedded
in first stage concrete while the foundation is cast. The Contractor shall ensure the proper alignment of
these bolts to match the holes in the base plate.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the correct alignment and levelling of all steel work on site to
ensure that the towers and structures are plumb.
All foundation bolts for all structures and supports are to be supplied by the Contractor.
All foundation bolts shall be fully galvanised in accordance with the General Technical Clauses of this
The contractor shall provide templates for all stanchion bolt spacing. Holding down bolts, assemblies,
templates, tubes and washers shall be delivered to the site in sufficient time to position and build them
into the foundations. Boxing out for bolts shall not be permitted. The projection of threaded portions of
bolts above the foundation level shall be adequate to properly secure the nuts.

2.7 Stub setting

Stub for towers and lightning mast shall be set in such a manner that the distance between the stubs and
their alignment and slope shall be exactly as shown in the fabrication drawings.

2.8 Stability of structure

The Contractor shall be responsible for the stability of the structure at all stages of its erection at site
and shall take all necessary measures by the additions of temporary bracing’s and guying to ensure
adequate resistance to wind and also to loads due to erection equipment and their operations.

2.9 Grouting
The method of grouting the column bases shall be subject to approval of Engg Incharge (Divisional
Engr.) and shall be such as to ensure a complete uniformity of contact over the whole area of the steel
base. The Contractor will be fully responsible for the grouting operations. The mix for the grouting
shall contain one part of cement and two parts of coarse sand. Non shrinkage admixtures of approved
quality and of standard make shall also be added in adequate proportion as specified by the
manufacturers of the admixtures.


2.10 Galvanising
All structural steel works and single pipe supports shall be galvanised after fabrication in accordance
with this Specification. The galvanising of structures having length not exceeding 6m for lattice type,
and 5m along with base plate size of 750x 750mm for other type, shall be made in one dip only.
The Contractor shall be required to make arrangements for frequent inspection by the Engg Incharge
(Divisional Engr.) as well as continuous inspection by a resident representative of the Engg Incharge
(Divisional Engr.), if so desired for this fabrication work.

2.11 Painting
Where members of steel structures are required to be painted it shall meet the requirements as specified
in relevant sections of this Specification.
The preparation, protection and painting systems selected for ferrous surfaces provided inside the
switchyard shall provide a life to first maintenance of 20 years and for doors, windows, louvres etc., it
shall provide life to first maintenance of 10 years. Finish colour will be selected as per relevant
sections of this Specification.


Each part of the fabricated steel work shall be inspected for correctness of physical parameters,
welding, joints, erection marks etc.. before it is despatched to the erection site. In any case the
Contractor shall be fully responsible for correctness, quality, adequacy and completeness of structures
being erected under the scope of this contract.

3.1 Testing and inspection

The Contractor shall give full access to the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.) at all times to the place of
fabrication and storage for the purpose of inspection and testing. Mill test certificates relating to the
material procured by the Contractor for works shall be forwarded to the Engg Incharge (Divisional
When so instructed by the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.), the Contractor shall provide samples of
the steel to be used in the works for tests to be carried out at an independent laboratory approved by the
Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.). The cost of these independent tests shall be paid for by the
Should the works or any part thereof fail to pass any test or in the opinion of the Engg Incharge
(Divisional Engr.) fail to comply with the specification, the Contractor shall immediately take such
action as is necessary to ensure that the works comply with the specification at no extra cost to the
All defective material and workmanship will be rejected and shall be replaced and reconstructed at the
Contractor`s expense.
No splice welding of members between connections shall be permitted without the prior approval of the
Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).

3.2 Despatch, handling and storage.

All bolts, nuts, washers, plates etc. shall be transported to site in properly marked and sealed containers,
suitably protected to prevent damage during transportation.

3.3 Test certificate.

Copies of all test certificate relating to material procured by the Contractor for the works shall be
forwarded to the Engg Incharge (Divisional Engr.).

The Contractor should arrange his own erection plant and equipment, welding sets, tools and tackles,
scaffolding, trestles equipment etc. and any other accessories and ancillaries required for the work.


Finished structures shall be plumb, level and true to dimensions, within the tolerances specified.

4.1 Safety precautions.

The Contractor shall strictly follow at all stages of fabrication, transportation and erection of steel
structures, raw materials and other tools and tackles, the stipulations contained in Indian Standard Code
for erection for structural steel work, IS 7205.

4.2 Fire protection to steelwork.

The fire protection to steelwork shall be an approved luminescent paint, spray or board system to give
two hours fire protection when tested. Fire protection shall only be required in the immediate vicinity of
potential fire sources.
If applicable, fire protection coatings shall be sprayed or painted onto previously primed steelwork.
Application to be made in strict accordance with product loading rates for base coat and top sealer
specified for two hours fire resistance in manufacturers product application notes. Suitable mesh
reinforcement shall be incorporated to prevent loss of insulation when subject to mechanical damage.
The coatings shall be applied by a specialist applicator strictly in accordance with the product
manufacturers recommendations. The whole of the fire protection proposals and application shall be in
accordance with the current Building Regulations and to the satisfaction of the Local Authority and the
Fire Authority.
Surfaces which are to receive a fire protective coating shall be delivered to site with travel coatings
applied and shall be suitably protected until immediately prior to the fire protective coatings or casings
being applied. The latter shall be applied as late as possible in the construction programme subject to
other trades and operations. Primer and travel coat shall be compatible with the fire protection coating.


132 KV 11MTRS / 8.5 MTRS 13.5 MTRS
13.1 MTRS

220KV 18MTRS 10.5 MTRS 16.0 MTRS

33KV 5.5MTRS 5.5 MTRS 9.5 MTRS

400KV 27 MTRS >15 >23 MTRS

Remarks: The structure height shall be maintained as per data provided for getting mnimum
clearance and sectional clearance and as OPTCL standard. Contractors to furnish the drawings
of all the structural items to the owner for according approval.













Separate drawings shall be prepared and submitted for equipment/installation pertaining

to each substation/site.

All drawings to be furnished by the Bidder shall be in standard size of sheets with
maximum size being A0. Drawings shall contain the following particulars in the title
block at lower right hand corner in addition to the Bidder’s name, date, scale, drawing
number title, etc.

a) Client : OPTCL

b) Project Title:- PROJECT for System improvement for (*AS PER PACKAGE

A blank space of size 100 mm x 100 mm shall preferably be provided for the Employer’s
approval stamp and provision shall also be made by way of a block for details of
revisions to be recorded. The drawing number shall be marked with a subsequent revision
number every time the drawing is revised. The drawing title shall also identify name of
the substation/site.

The equipment/systems which are to be bought our from the sub vendors are also
required to be approved by the Employer prior to placement of order. The relevant
technical literature/drawings pertaining to such equipment/systems shall be submitted for

Six copies of each of the drawings are to be submitted for approval of Employer. Bidder
shall ensure that the contents of copies of drawings are legible and are complete with all
details. Drawings that are not legible or are incomplete will not be reviewed.

Two copies of approved drawings will be furnished to the Bidder. Drawings returned
“not approved”/ “approved with comments” shall be resubmitted with Revision No. for
approved till the final approval is obtained.

Delays caused by submission of incomplete/ incorrect drawings shall be to Bidder



Drawings submitted by sub-vendor/sub-contractor shall carry Bidder’s approval stamp
and the Bidder shall be responsible for their contents, accuracy and completeness. These
drawings shall also carry details indicated in this Clause in addition to the Bidder’s name.


The bidder shall submit to the Employer all working drawings, equipment data and
detailed drawings. These shall include general arrangement, details of equipment,
foundations, cable routing, openings in walls and floors, wiring diagrams, cable
schedules, interconnection diagrams etc. necessary for the erection of plant. These
drawings/data having been corrected or amended as necessary based on the Employer’s
comments shall become the approved drawings/data to be used for manufacture and
erection of plant.

Minimum details required on drawings of different categories are given below:

Type of Minimum details required.


List of Drawing : A detailed list of drawings which

The bidder proposes to prepare for
The substation in indicating therein
Drawing nos. and titles.

Programme: 1) All activities from the start

Date up to commissioning shall
Be included. Separate
Programme shall be furnished
for each of the activities.
2) Earliest and latest occurrence
of each activity.
3) Constraints, if any.

The activities for each of the items shall essentially cover time-table for activities
such as placement of order with sub-vendors, Empowering, submission of drawing,
review and approval by the Employer, manufacture, inspection, delivery, erection and
commissioning. All events shall be represented in a proper in proper sequence of
occurrence with due consideration for inter-dependent activities and all period shall be
counted from the start date.

Type of Drawing Minimum details required

Single line diagrams. 1. All equipment connection with

ratings, polarities, protection
and metering details, etc.
2. Cable details for all circuits.
3. Details of relays, meters and
Major components associated
with each circuit.


4. Busbar details, makes of equipment/
Components etc.
5. Reference Drawings.
General Arrangement 1) Dimensional layout drawings
(All equipment, covering complete layout of
cabling earthing, these items/systems.
lightning protection, 2) Plans and sections as required
lighting etc.) to show details, access space/
Clearances etc.
3) Details of foundations, cutouts.
Openings, supporting/mounting
Details etc. indicating weight
on foundation.
4). Bill of material and identification
of components/rooms/ areas etc.
5). Reference drawings.
Installation Drawings

Details of installation for equipment, accessories, cabling, lighting, earthing and

lightning protection systems. These shall cover cross sectional details, cable trays/cable
layouts for cables directly buried/along cable trays/ in conduits/along structures etc.
details of marshalling boxes, embedment of conduits at building entry points/between
cable trenches and structures, mounting arrangements and wiring for lighting fixtures,
installation of earthing conductors directly buried/along structures, jointing/terminations
(between conductors and at equipment ends), earth electrodes and pits, lightning shield
wire, earth pads to be provided at specific places etc.


Within 6 (six) weeks of successful commissioning tests, the Bidder shall furnish the
‘Record’ (As Built) drawings. Submission to and approval by the Employer of the
‘Record’ drawing shall be pre-requisite for the ‘Taking Over Certificate.’ The drawing
shall show the whole sub-station as installed and shall include electrical/mechanical and
civil components with schematic and wiring diagrams for all items of electrical
equipment included in the works. Six sets of recur drawings shall be furnished in neatly
bound volumes. Reduced copies of the relevant drawings shall be included in the
operating and maintenance manual.


Following drawings shall be enclosed with the bid :

a) The programme shall be in the form of a network based on the principles of

PERT/CPM. Detailed to cover entire scope of the project showing all activities
(separately for each sub-station/site). Their durations start and finish dates and their
b) Dimensioned general arrangement drawings showing plan, elevation and sections
together with identification of parts/accessories, etc. for the major plant items, viz.
132 KV/33 KV. Outdoor transformer and equipment, 415 V A.C. and 220 V A.C.


system equipment, control, relay and metering panels, communication equipment,
lighting equipment along with manufacturer’s catalogues/literature, etc.

Following information/drawings shall be submitted after the award of contract

for approval of the Employer.
(a) Updated programme along with the list of drawings.
(b) Detailed design calculations for electrical, mechanical and civil equipment and
systems etc. including design calculation of earthing grid and illumination system.
(c) 33 KV/433 V transformer.
(d) General arrangement drawing, showing plan, front and side elevations and all
accessories and fittings. Detailed dimensions, net and shipping weights, crane lift for
un tanking, size of lifting lugs and eyes, clearances between HV terminals, LV
terminals and to ground and between adjacent bushing identification for fittings and
accessories, enter lines in both the directions, details of anti-earthquake clamping
device, details of HV/LV bushings. LV box foundation details, detailed
manufacturer’s catalogues/literature of accessories actually being supplied.
(e) Rating and terminal marking plate, showing polarity vector group and other details.
(f) GA drawing of OLTC and Marshaling Box.
(g) Control and wiring diagram for OLTC marshalling box and cooler system.

(1) 400KV,220KV,132KV AND 33KV outdoor type sub-station equipment:

(i) Detailed dimensional plan and sections for each equipment and for the sub-station
indicating therein salient features of equipment, detailed bill of material for
equipment, identification of clamps and connectors, etc. including weight of
different equipment.
(ii) Cable trench, lighting, earthing and lightning protection drawings for outdoor areas,
control room drawings for equipment layout, cabling, lighting and earthing
(iii) Detailed drawings for the sub-station structures, equipment and clamps/
(iv) Foundation layout drawings.
(v) Control and protection schematic diagrams.
(vi) Detailed one-line diagrams.
(vii) Block logic diagrams.
(viii) Cable schedules and inter-connection wiring diagrams in detail including all
interlocking schematics.
(ix) Typical installation detailed drawings.
(x) Architectural and other civil drawings including that of state quantum.
(xi) Manufacturer’s catalogues/literature etc. of equipment being supplied.

(2) 400KV/220KV/132 KV/33 KV SF6 Circuit Breaker.

(I) Complete assembly drawing of the Circuit Breaker showing plan, elevation and
control cable terminal blocks.
(ii) Foundation plan showing the location of channel sills, foundation bolts.
(iii) Schematic diagram (AC and DC) for control protection, indication, alarm and
trip circuits, relays, instruments space heaters, etc.
(iv) Complete wiring diagrams of Marshalling Kiosk including terminal wiring
(v) Cable terminal details with dimensions.


(vi) Manufacturer’s catalogues/literature etc.
(3) Control, relay and metering panels, 415/V AC and 220 V DC distribution
boards, lighting panels, etc.
(4) Fully dimensioned general arrangement drawings for each of the above
complete with plan, elevation and sectional views and complete bill of
material, foundation drawing and cable entry details.
(I) Schematic diagrams for all power, control, protection and indication circuits.
(ii) Alarm annunciation scheme drawings.
(iii) Wiring diagrams.
(iv) Manufacturer’s catalogues/literature etc. for all items.
(5) 220 V DC Battery and Battery Chargers.
(i) Dimensioned general arrangement drawings of battery and battery charges
comprising plan, elevation and sectional views, foundation details, etc.
(ii) Complete schematic and wiring diagrams for battery chargers.
(iii) Detailed bill of material together with rating makes etc.
(iv) Manufacturer’s catalogues/literature.


Lighting layout drawings for indoor and outdoor areas showing layout of lighting
fixtures, conduit/cables, lighting circuit distribution scheme, complete bill of materials,
locations of control switches, receptacles etc. and mounting details for fixtures, switches
and receptacles as well as manufacturer’s catalogues/literature.


Layout drawings for earthing and lightning protection system showing earthing grid,
locations of earth electrode3s, routes of conductor, interconnections, earth leads to
various equipments, bill of materials, etc.


Detailed general arrangement, schematic and other drawings, bill of material and
manufacturer’s catalogues/literatures.


Cabling, lighting, earthing and lightning protection as well as miscellaneous system

drawings showing all, necessary details.


The list of drawings and the programme shall be submitted within 30 days from the start

All other drawings shall be submitted progressively thereafter within a maximum

period of 180 days as per approved sequence of drawings to be submitted with the above
period. But in no case the work progress should be hampered due to wrong/unscheduled
sequence of drawings submission.



Type test certificates for the following items shall be furnished.

a) 400KV,220 KV, 132 KV and 33KV equipment like circuit Breaker, isolators,
CTs. VTs and CVTs. Line traps, insulators, bushings, LAs, etc.
b) Cables
c) Clamps, connectors and hardwires.
d) Transformers, OLTC etc.
Type test certificates shall be furnished for tests carried out on similar type/design
of equipment. Type test to be carried out in presence of employer’s representative for


Routine test certificates for all the plant items and accessories shall be furnished.

Routine test certificates shall be furnished in addition to test reports which will be
collected at the time of inspection.

Routine test certificates shall be furnished for review by the Employer within seven (7)
days after completion of inspection of relevant item or as instructed by the Employer in
case of items for which witnessing of tests is waived.

Test certificates should be approved by the Employer for obtaining dispatch clearance of
any material.

Six (6) copies of approved test certificates should be submitted for record.


Technical catalogues, descriptive literature, characteristic curves, write-up on schemes
where required in support of relevant control/annunciation drawings etc. shall be
furnished for all the items of plant and accessories/components.

Documents pertaining to cables shall, in addition, include current ratings, de rating

factors, physical and electrical data, recommended bending radii etc.

Documents in respect of lighting systems equipment shall include data in respect of each
type of lighting fixture/switch, receptacles/miniature circuit breaker and wires to be used
in circuit wiring. Data on lighting fixtures shall include dimensional drawings, cable
facility, mounting details and weight, light distribution diagrams, light absorption and
utilization factors, lamp data etc.

Bidder shall note that the documents mentioned above shall be made available along with
relevant drawings (listed in Clause 11.4 above items/ accessories components etc. as
supporting documents to facilitate expeditious review of such drawings.



The Contractor shall provide five bound sets of approved manuals written in English
language. All descriptive leaflets, instruction sheets, charts, lists, pamphlets and other
documents that are used in compiling each manual shall be contained in one or more
bundle designed to prevent loss of contents. Each binding shall be titled with a name of
the Employer, the name of the project the Contract Number, the name of the Bidder and
with information to identify the subject matter and shall include a detailed index to all the
literature contained therein.

The manuals shall be initially approved in draft form by the Employer and shall cover all
items of the works. For this purpose, three (3) draft copies shall be submitted to the
Employer. Final submission of manuals shall be done after satisfactory completion of
commissioning tests. A mere collection of manufacturer’s descriptive leaflets, will not be
acceptable in satisfaction of this clause. The manuals shall comprise both operating
instructions and maintenance instructions. The operating manual should also highlight
operation of the Plant in conjunction with the system. Thus, a general tie-up between
system and equipment shall be available in the manuals.

A separate section of a manual shall be devoted to each size and type of equipment. It
shall contain a detailed description of its construction and operation and shall include all
relevant pamphlets and a list of parts with procedure for ordering spares. Operation of
electrical equipment shall be described step by step giving the complete sequence of
operation. The detailed sections of the manual if necessary, shall contain further
maintenance instructions and fault location charts.

The manuals shall be printed on A4 size sheets and shall be bound. Reduced copies of
record drawings shall also be included in the manuals.
Step to step of the plant to work, listing all adjustment necessary for the correct
functioning of the plant alarms giving possible causes for alarm initiation and sequence
of remedial actions to be taken.
Instructions on monitoring of plant performance and sample log sheet for each plant item,
to be filled by operators on a routine basis.

“Do’s and Don’ts” in plant operations. Operations attention shall be drawn to all
operations considered to be dangerous to operators or likely to cause damage to the plant.

The maintenance instructions shall include the following.

Checking, testing and replacement procedures to be carried out on all plant items on a
daily, weekly and monthly basis or at longer intervals to ensure trouble free operation.

Fault locations and remedy charts to facilitate tracing the cause of malfunctions or
breakdown and correcting faults.

A spares schedule which shall consist of a complete list of itemized spares for all plant
items with ordering references and part numbers.


Full instructions to cover the complete dismantling and reassembly of all items of plant.

Part list and drawings or exploded diagrams for such items of plant showing
manufacturing tolerances, matching clearances between machined components at the
time of supply, maximum wear and clearances permitted to facilitate replacement.

Complete list of recommended lubricants and lubricating charts insulating oil and
insulation checking/replacement chart.






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1.1 SCOPE 3

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This chapter describes board guidelines for installations, testing and
commissioning of electrical equipment. The work shall, however, be carried out
strictly as per the instruction of the MANUFACTURER / EMPLPOYER.


The electrical installation work shall comply with the latest applicable standards,
regulations, electricity rules and safety codes of the locality where the installation
is carried out. Nothing in this specification shall be construed to relieve the
The CONTRACTOR shall transport the equipments where required in actual
position. Erect, assemble all parts of the equipments and test and commission the

The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all tools, welding equipment, rigging materials,
testing equipment, test connections and kits, etc. required for complete installation,
testing and commissioning of the items included in the contract work.

The EMPLOYER may engage specialist Employer to supervise the installation,

testing and commissioning of their equipment. The CONTRACTOR shall extend full co-
operation to these Employers and carry out the works as per their instructions. The
CONTRACTOR’S work shall include minor rewiring modifications as may be
necessitated during commissioning. Providing such assistance shall be deemed to be
included in the CONTRACTOR’S basic scope.

The CONTRACTOR shall co-operate through the EMPLOYER with other

contractors at site, in all matters of common interest, so as not to abstract operation of
others and to ensure the safety of all personnel and works covered under this

It will be the CONTRACTORS responsibility to assist the OWNER to obtain

approval/ clearance from local statutory authorities including electrical inspector,
wherever applicable, for conducting any work or for installation carried out which comes
under the purview of such authorities.
The work shall be carried out strictly as per the instructions and layout drawings
of the EMPLOYER/ manufacturer. In case of any doubt/ misunderstanding as to correct
interpretation of the drawings or instructions, necessary clarifications shall be obtained
from the EMPLOYER. The CONTRACTOR shall be held responsible for any damage to
the equipment consequent to not following the MANUFACTURER’S instructions
correctly. All necessary drawings. MANUFACTURER’S instructions correctly. All
necessary drawings. MANUFACTURER’S equipment manuals will have to be arranged
by the contractor as this is a Turn-key contract.

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All thefts of equipment/component parts till the including executed portion
handed over to the EMPLOYER shall be made good by the CONTRACTOR.

The CONTRACTOR shall have a separate cleaning gang to clean all equipment
during erection and as well as the work area and the project site at regular intervals to the
satisfaction of the EMPLOYER. In case the cleaning is not to the Employer’s
satisfaction, he will have the right to carry out the cleaning operations and any
expenditure incurred by the OWNER in this regard will be the CONTRACTOR’S

In order to avoid hazards to personnel moving around the equipment such as

switcher etc. which is kept charged after installation before commissioning, such
equipment shall be suitably cordoned off to prevent any one accidentally going near it.

Safety of the Contractor’s personnel engaged in erection and commissioning job

will be Contractor’s responsibility.
The CONTRACTOR shall carry out touch-up painting on any equipment
indicated by the EXMPLOYER if the finish paint on the equipment is soiled for marred
during installation handling.
The CONTRACTOR shall ensure workmanship of good quality and shall assign
qualified supervisors/Employers and competent labour who are skilled, careful and
experienced in their several trades in similar works. The EMPLOYER shall reserve the
right to reject non-competent persons employed by the CONTRACTOR, if the
workmanship is not of good order.

It shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to obtain necessary Licence/

Authorisation, Permit for work from the Licensing Board of the Locality/ state where the
work is to be carried out. The persons deputed by the CONTRACTOR’S firm should also
hold valid permits issued or recognized by the Licensing Board of the locality/State
where the work is to be carried out. A list of the personnel engaged in erection and
commissioning work should be submitted to the Employer before commencement of the


Equipment shall be installed in neat, workmanlike manners so that it is

level, plump, square and properly aligned and oriented. Tolerances shall be
established in the Manufacturer’s drawings or as stipulated by the EMPLOYER.
No equipment shall be permanently bolted down to foundation or structure until
the alignment has been checked and found acceptable by the EMPLOYER.

Care shall be exercised in handling to avoid distortion to stationary structures, the

marring of finish, or damaging of delicate instruments or other electrical parts.
Adjustment shall be made as necessary to the stationary structures for plumb and
level, for the sake of appearance or to avoid twisting of frames, binding of hanged
members, etc.

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The CONTRACTOR shall move all equipment into the respective building
through the regular doors or floor opening provided specially for lifting the

All external cabling including end connections and earthling shall also be carried
Physical inspection on receipt, storage, installation, testing and commissioning of
transformers shall be in accordance with the specified code of practice and
Manufacturer’s instructions.
Transformer may be delivered without oil filled with inert gas and without
bushings and external mounted accessories. As applicable, the CONTRACTOR
a) Assemble the transformers with all fittings such as bushings, cooler banks,
radiator, conservators, valves, piping, cables boxes, marshalling boxes OLTC,
cooling fans/pumps, etc.
b) Arrange for vacuum and oil filtration of the transformers. Oil filtration shall be
done as per the standard practice. Oil tanker in this effect are to be used and
filtration to be done while the oil is inside the tanker. On getting the standard
value of the oils the same shall be pushed into the main tank and other portion of
the transformer. Final filtration to be done after entire oil is filled in the
transformer. Prior to that vacuum treatment of the tank of the transformer with the
windings are to be taken up.
c) Provide wedges/clamps to rigidly station all transformers on rails.
d) Connect up the transformer’s terminals.
e) Lay and terminate cables/ conduits between all the accessories mounted on the
transformer tank/cooler and the transformer-marshalling kiosk and RTCC panels
f) Pre commissioning checks shall be carried out as per relevant standards and
Employer’s instructions.
The CONTRACTOR shall arrange the oil filtration equipment.

Care shall be taken during handling of insulating oil to prevent ingress of

moisture or foreign matter. In the testing, circulating, filtering or otherwise
handling of oil, rubber hoses shall not be used, circulation and filtering of oil, the
heating of oil by regulated short-circuit current during drying runs and sampling
and testing of oil shall be in accordance with the MANUFACTURER’S
instructions and specified Code of Practice.


Switchgears and control relay panels/desks shall be installed in accordance
with specified Code of Practice and the Manufacturer’s instructions. The
switchgear panels shall be installed on finished surfaces or concrete or steel sills.
The CONTRACTOR shall be required to install and align and channel sills
which form part of the foundations. In joining shipping sections of the
switchgear/panels /control centers together with adjacent housing or panes
sections provided shall be bolted together after alignment has been completed.
Power bus, enclosures, ground and control splices of conventional nature shall be
cleaned and bolted together, being drawn up with torque wrench of proper size or

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by other approved means. Tape or compound shall be applied where called for by
the MANUFACTURER’S drawings.
The CONTRACTOR shall take utmost care in handling instruments.
Relays and other delicate mechanisms. Wherever the instruments and relays are
supplied separately, they shall be mounted only after the associated control
panel/desks have been erected and aligned. The blocking materials/mechanism
employed for the safe transit of the instruments and relays shall be removed after
ensuring that the panels/desks have been completely installed and no further
movement of the same would be necessary. Any damage to relays and
instruments shall be immediately reported to the EMPLOYER.
Pre-commissioning checks on relays have to be carried out on all relays in
accordance with manufacturers instruction and in presence of Employer.


Installation and testing of battery and battery chargers shall be done in strict
compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Each cell shall be inspected for
break ate and condition of cover seals as soon as received at site. Each cell shall
be filled with electrolyte in accordance with the MANUFACTURER’S
instructions. Battery shall be set up on racks as soon as possible after receipt,
utilizing lifting devices supplied by the MANUFACTURER. The cells shall not
be lifted by the terminals. Contact surfaces of battery terminals and inter-cell
connectors shall be cleaned, coated with protective grease and assembled. Each
connection shall be properly tightened. Each cell shall be tested with hydrometer
and results logged. Freshening charge, if required, shall be added. When turned
over to the EXPLOYER, the battery shall be fully charged and electrolyte shall be
at full level and of specified specific gravity.
Battery shall be put in commercial use only after carrying out charge/discharge
cycle as per Manufacturer’s instruction.

The CONTRACTOR shall carry out switchyard installation as required as per
approved plan and elevation drawings of switchyard showing bus bar
configurations, sizes, tensions, insulator details, etc. All equipment including
connectors (unless otherwise specified) will be supplied by the VENDOR. The bus
bar arrangement shall be two Bus system, main Bus-1 and main Bus-2 for 220 KV
side and Main bus and transfer bus arrangement for 132 KV side.
The CONTRACTOR shall install complete set of bus bars and all bays’ conductors,
complete with tension with tension suspension insulator strings, bus-post insulators,
equipment connections, bus bar connections to equipment, lightning shield wires
including down comers up to a height of 1000 mm. From ground level where they
shall be connected to the Employer’s test links.
Installation work of breakers and isolators shall include adjustment/ alignments
necessary for proper operation of circuit breakers, isolators and their operating
mechanisms. All insulators and bushings shall be protected against damage during
installation. Insulators and bushings damaged due to negligence or carelessness of
the CONTRACTOR shall not be in any way accepted and shall be replaced by him
at his expense.

General requirements of Installation of Cabling:

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i) The supplier shall install, test and commission the cables. Cables shall be laid on
cable trays and supports, in conduits and doctor or bare on walls, ceiling, etc. as
required. The supplier’s scope of work includes laying, fixing, jointing, bending
and terminating cables. The supplier shall also supply necessary materials and
equipment required for jointing and terminating of cables. The supplier shall
prepare detailed layout drawing for cable trenches, cable tray layouts for approval
by Employer and construct cable routes strictly according to these drawings.

ii) Sharp bending, twisting and kinking of cables shall be avoided. The bending radius
for various types of cables shall not be less than those specified by cable

iii) In each cable run, some extra length shall be kept at a suitable point to enable one
or two straight through joints to be made. Should the cable develop fault at a later

iv) Cable joints in the middle of the run for control cables will not be a accepted.

v) All cable terminations shall be made in a neat. Workmanlike manner. Terminations

shall be made for each type of wire or cable in accordance with instructions issued
by cable manufacturers and the Employer.

vi) Metal sheath and Armour of the cable shall be bounded to the earthing system of
the sub-station.


i) The supplier shall supply and install conduits pipes(PVC thick but flexible
suitable for taking inside the roof and walls) and ducts as necessary for the
lighting system. All accessories/fittings required for making installation complete.
Including but not limited to ordinary and inspection tees and elbows, check nuts,
make and female reducers and enlargers, wooden plugs, caps, squat headed male
plugs, nipples, gland sealing fittings, motion boxes, pull boxes, conduit outlets,
outlet boxes, splice boxes, terminal boxes, glands, gaskets and box covers, saddles
and all steel supporting work shall be supplied. Conduit fittings shall be of the
galvanized one. Flexible metallic conduits shall be used for termination of
connections to equipment such as motors or other apparatus to be disconnected at
periodic intervals.

ii) Conduits(thick and flexible PVC) and accessories shall be adequately protected
against mechanical damage as well as corrosion.


i) The supplier shall install steel conductors(GI flats) and braids, as required for
system and individual equipment earthing. All work such as cutting, bending,
supporting, painting coating drilling, brazing/soldering/welding, clamping, bolting
and connection on to structures, equipment frames, terminals, rails or other

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devices shall be in the scope of work. All incidental hardware and consumables
such as fixing cleats/clamps. Anchor fasteners, lugs, bolts, nuts, washers,
bituminous compound, anticorrosive paints as required for the complete work
shall be deemed to to be included as part of the installation work.

ii) The quantities, sizes and material of earthing conductors and electrodes to be
installed and routes of the conductors and location of the electrodes shall be as per
specification mentioned elsewhere and approved drawings for the optimal
capacity of the Sub-station taking the future requirement in to account..

iii) The scope of installation of earth conductors in outdoor areas, buried in ground
shall include excavation in earth at least upto 700 mm. Deep and 450 mm, wide
(unless otherwise stated), brazing/welding as required of main grid conductor
joints as well as risers of 500 mm. Length above ground at required locations and
back filling. Back filling material to be placed over buried conductor shall be free
from stones and other harmful mixtures. Backfill shall be placed in layers of 150
mm, uniformly spread along the ditch and tempered utilizing pneumatic tempers
or other approved means.

vii) The scope of installation of earth connection leads to equipment and risers on steel
structures/walls shall include laying the conductors, welding/ cleating, at specified
intervals, welding/brazing to the main earth grids risers, bolting at equipment
terminals and coating welded/brazed joints by bituminous paint. Galvanized
conductors shall be touched up with zinc rich paint, where holes are drilled at site
for holding to equipment/ structure.

viii) The electrodes shall be installed either directly in earth or in constructed earth pits
as shown in approved drawings.

ix) The scope of installation of lightning conductors on the roof of buildings shall
include laying, anchoring, fastening and cleating of horizontal conductors, grouting
of vertical rods where necessary, laying, fastening/cleating/welding of the down
comers on the walls/columns of the building and connection to the test links above
the ground level.

x) The scope of installation of the test links shall include mounting of the same at
specified height on wall/column by suitable brackets and connections of the test
link to the earth electrodes.
4.1 Earthing connections:
i) All connections in the main earth conductors buried in earth/concrete shall be
welded/brazed type,. Connection between main earthing conductor and earth leads
shall also be of welded/brazed type.

ii) Welding and brazing operations and fluzes/alloys shall be of approved standards.
iii) All connections shall be of low resistance. Contact resistances shall also be
iv) All bi-metallic connections shall be treated with suitable compound to prevent
moisture ingress.

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4.2 Earth Electrodes:
i) Electrodes shall as far as practicable, be embedded below permanent moisture
ii) Some electrodes shall be housed in test pits with concrete covers for periodic
testing of earthing resistively. Installation of rod/pipe plate electrodes in test pits
shall be convenient for inspection, testing and watering.

iii) Earth pits shall be treated with salt and charcoal.

iv) Soil, salt and charcoal placed around the electrode shall be finely graded free from
stones and other harmful mixtures. Backfill shall be placed in the layers of 250 mm.
Thick uniformly spread and compacted. If excavated soils are found unsuitable for
backfilling, the contractor shall arrange for a suitable soil from outside.


The Supplier shall ensure the continuity of all conductors and joints. The Purchaser
may ask for earth continuity tests, earth resistance measurements and other tests,
which in his opinion are necessary to prove that the system is in accordance with
the design, specifications and code of practices. The supplier shall have to bear the
cost of all such tests.

i) The supplier shall supply, install, test and commission complete lighting system
and power receptacles in accordance with relevant Standards. Concealed conduit
wiring (thick flexible PVC pipes suitable for taking inside the roof and walls) shall
be adopted for the control building.
ii) Wiring shall be colour-coded so as to enable easy identification of phase and
neutral conductors, and DC wire (colour-coded as follows – white – phase wire,
black – neutral wire, grey / DC wires.)
iii) There shall be switch on each live conductor of supply mains at the point of entry.
The wiring throughout the installation shall be such that there is no break in neutral
wire in the form of switch or fuse unit.

iv) Fixtures shall be ground by 1.5sq mm .flexible PVC copper wires(green colour)
and taken to earth strips.
v) All fixtures, associated accessories, conduits, wires, junction boxes, cables,
switches, switch boxes, etc. required for complete wiring of the lighting system as
per approved drawings shall be supplied.


All checks and tests as per the Manufacturer’s drawings/manuals, relevant code of
installation/erection practices and commissioning checks for various types of
equipment e.g. transformers, breakers, isolators, CTs, PTs, motors, relays, meters,
etc. shall be carried out by the CONTRACTOR as part of the installation work.
The owner may ask for such additional tests on site as in his opinion are necessary
to determine that the works comply with the specification, Manufacturer’s
guarantee/instructions or the applicable code of installation. The CONTRACTOR
shall carry out such additional tests also.

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The CONTRACTOR shall perform operating tests on all switchgear and panels to verify
operation of switchgear/panels and correctness of the inter-connections between various
items of the equipment. This shall be done by applying normal AC or DC voltage to the
circuits and operating the equipment for functional checking of all control circuits e.g.
closing, tripping, control interlock supervision and alarm circuits. All connections in the
switchgear shall be tested from point for possible ground or short circuit.

Insulation resistance tests shall be carried out by following rating megger :

a) Control circuits up to 220 V : By 500 V Megger
b) Power circuits, busbars : By 5000 Motor
connections for 132 KV. Operated Megger.
c) Power circuits, busbars : By 5000 V Motor
connections above 220 KV. Operated Megger.

The Employer’s authorized representative shall be present during every test as

called for by the EMPLOYER. The CONTRACTOR shall record all test values and
furnish the required copies of the test data to the EMPLOYER. Electrical circuits and
equipments shall be energized or used at nominal operating voltage only after such
reports have been accepted as satisfactory by the EMPLOYER.


a) Name plate details according to approved drawings/ specifications.
b) Any physical damage or defect and cleanliness.
c) Tightness of all bolts, clamps and connections
d) Oil leakages and oil level.
e) Condition of accessories and their completeness.
f) Clearances.
g) Earthing connections.
h) Correctness of installation with respect to approved drawings/ specifications.
i) Lubrication Moving parts.
j) Alignment.
k) Correctness and condition of connections.


a) Insulation resistance measurement of equipment, accessories, cabling/ wiring. etc.

b) Dielectric tests on equipment, accessories, cabling/wires. etc.
c) Phase sequence and polarity.
d) Voltage and current ratios.
e) Vector group.
f) Resistance measurement of winding. Contacts, etc.
g) Continuity tests.
h) Calibration of indicators, meters, relays. etc.
i) Control and interlock checks.
j) Settings of equipment accessories.
k) Checking of accuracy/error.
l) Checking of operating characteristics, pick/up voltages and currents. Etc.
m) Operational and functional tests on equipment, accessories, control schemes,
alarm/trip/indication circuits, etc.

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n) Measurement of guaranteed/approved design values including lighting levels,
earth resistance measurements, etc.
o) Complete system commissioning checks.

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