Music Lesson Plan

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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Template

Name: Lauren Joines Lesson Title: Music Movers

Date: 11 March 2020 Grade Level: Infants Circle one: ECE PKSN
Standard(s)/Guideline(s): Approached Toward Learning: Creativity: Demonstrate preferences, pleasure or displeasure when interacting with various media
Approaches Toward Learning: Engagement and Persistence: Attempt to reproduce interesting and pleasurable effects and events.
Pre-assessment of current knowledge:
What kind of movement is the child already doing? How have they expressed emotions just based on their faces?

Instructional Objectives (2-3) Assessment of Student Learning Learning Experience

Two- Three Assessed Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data Academic Language:
Instructional Objective(s): The to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and
student will be able to... skill?) Emotions, sounds, movement

The student will be able to make The teacher will collect pictures and running records of the Procedural steps:
noises with their hands or their children 1. The teacher will begin by playing 3 songs/ sounds to
voices based upon the sounds the children (birds chirping/nature, a nursery rhyme,
they hear The teacher will chart what each child was doing, and and a popular song on the radio)
when, and document it with a picture (if one was taken at 2. After students have listened once, the teacher will
The student will be able to copy that time) pass out handheld shakers to each student.
sounds and noises made by peers 3. The teacher will play the 3 sounds one again and
and teachers create a running record of the children’s reactions
with the shakers, while taking pictures if possible.
Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile 4. The teacher will compile a chart of everything
One Assessed Developmental your evidence into a class or group view?) discovered, including pictures.

Repeat actions that elicit social Pictures and records will be posted on a wall, visible to
responses from others everyone with captions explaining what data was
React to emotional expressions of
others Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real life, hands-on
Safety Considerations:
Since the students are infants, Shakers, radio/speakers, sounds (either CD or online)
they could knock each other with
hands or shakers. Adult Roles:

Play music, take running record, take pictures

Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template

Resources & References:

To adapt this lesson plan, I would use more contemporary music that students could sing along too. I would also use the 3 rd grade music standard of 4PR play a
variety of classroom instruments with proper technique. With this standard students would find classroom instruments that sound like parts of the song to play
along with it. Playing a short clip, like 30 seconds, and pausing when a new instrument is heard, is key. Students learn that more than one instrument is going into
the production of a song. Using the 3rd grade English language arts standard of W.3.2 write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and
information clearly, I could have students write about the emotions behind songs and if they would add any instruments to change the emotions heard in the song.
In this adapted lesson, students will be able to identify sounds in a song and recreate it and students will be able to write a paragraph describing the song and its

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